Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 17, 1891, Image 1

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Physician and Surgeon,
Office and reeidencn 11 an S. Main St. Bntler,
137 E.
Office and residence at 127 E. Cunningham St,
ivraiciaii «r svbbbok.
New Troutxoan Building, Butler, l*a-
E. a. lkake, m. d. j. e. mann. m. d.
Specialties: Specialties:
Gynaecology and Bar- Kye, Ear. Nose and
gery. Throat
Butler, Pa.
raraiciAii AMO Icsusok.
Office at No. i&. S. Main street, over Frank £
Co** Diae Store. Butler. Pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
go. 23.£aat Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.'
8. W. Corner Main and North SO.. Butler, Pa.
ta now permanently located at 120 South Main
Street' BuUer. Pa., in rooms formerly ;ccoupied
by Dr. Waldron.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
ArtiOctal Teeth Insetted tn the latest im
proved plan. Gold Filling a specialty. Office
over Senaul's Clothing store.
All work pertaining to the profession, execut
ed in the neatest manner.
Specialties:—Gold Filling*, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth. VltallxedAU administered.
<MU» M Jthrw Street. deer East ef Lewry
Ihm, Wf Stairs.
Office open dally, except Wednesdays and
Thursday*. Communications by mall receive
prompt attention,
u.— The saly Deatlst la Butler asUc the
best makes *f teeth.
c. r. L. McQUISTION,
Attor ney-at-L*w—Cßk-e tn Dlcmond Block
Butler. P»-
omct—Between rc.stcff.ce and Diamond, But
ler. Pa.
Office at No. 8. Bcutli Diamond. Butler. Pa.
Office second floor. Anderson B1 k. Main BC,
near Court House, Butler, Pa.
Office on second floor of the Huselton block.
Diamond. Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1.
Attouby-at-Law axd N'otabt Public.
Office In Room No. l, second floor of Huselton
Block, entrance on Diamond.
Attorney at Law, Office at No. 11, East Jefler
aon St.. Butler, Pa.;
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. Of
flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on nortb side
of Diamond. Butler. P*.
Attorney-at-law. office on second floor of
Anderson building, near Court House. Butler.
Att'y at Law—Office it & K Cor. Main St, and
Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office.on South side oQ Diamond
Buffer. Pa.
L. 8. McJUiNKIN,
lisßrance aid Real £state Ag't
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main dc Cunningham fit*.
O. C. Bnesslnt. Henderson Oliver,
J. L Purvis, James Stephenson,
A. TriMitman, H. C. Helneman.
Alfred Wick, N. Weluel,
Dr. W. Inrln, Dr. Rlckenbach,
J. W. Burkluut, ID. T. Norm.
A. £. QABLE,
"V eterinary Surgeon..
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, Canada,
Dr. Gable treata all diaeaaes of the
domesticated animals, and m*kes
ridgling, castration and horse den
tistry a specialty. Castration per
formed without clams, and all otfter
surgical operations performed in the
most scientific manner.
Calls to aoy part of the country
promptly responded to.
Office and Infirmary in Crawford's
Livery, 133 West Jefferson Street,
Patter, Pa.
To show you the largest and lowest
priced stock of
in the country. Don't forget to call and
see our Parlor Suits, 0 pieces, upholster
ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two
beautifiil pictures and one handsome oak
Parlor Table for #SO. We also have a
Parlor Suit for #25, as follows: (5 chairs,
upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up
holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in
plush; all for the low price of #25.
Our oak bed-room suit for $lB can be bouylit only at our
store for the price. We have China Closets for any price you want
them from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $8 up. Side boards from
S2O up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want.
Campbell & Templeton,
WE have endeavored during our first
years business with the citizens of Butler
and surrounding country, to give them
first class goods at reasonable prices, and
by fair dealing to merit their patronage.
That our efforts have been appreciated
is evidenced by the amount of business
we have done.
Thanking our patrons for past favors,
we hope by straight-forward dealing to
merit a further share of the same.
E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St.
If you want a perfect fitting
suit gr> to
202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Rutler, Pa.
Clothing uncalled for in Bradford
sells for half price, mostly winter goods.
Fine Watches,
Silverware and
At lowest cash prices at
•J. R. Gr R I K B '
No. 125 X. Main St., - Duffy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
B jo P IttTot to Split!
THE MARK 3NT Q "t to DlSCOlor!
Baby Brighteyes:
"We are three babies, earnestly protesting
Against the things which torture us and kill.
We'll try to make our story interesting—"
A! 1 isweetly)—"We will."
Bai.y Uoldenhair:
I "When riding in our carriage clever,
Plestse keep the sun out of our eyes so blue;
It hurts ui and may spoil our sight forever —"
S All (pleadingly)—"Pleise, da"
Baby Sweetheart:
"In case we're being brought upon a l>ottle
(Arainst which fraud we kick with all our
Please watch it so ourselves we do not throt
All (thoughtfully)—" Please do."
B. B.—"And keep it clean; don't let tho milk
get soured
By being churned while riding in the sun.
If 'infant food' is not with zest devoured—"
j All (decidedly)—" Give none."
B. G. —"In keep as cool and bathe us
I often.
i Or else we'll be real angels in the sky.
Then when you >ee us in our eoOn—"
j All (sorrowfully)—" You'll cry."
B. S.—"We don't want cruel nurses to neglect
I us>
And slap us little nuisances—no good—'
Our mammas ought to care for and protect us—"
All (lovingly^—"They should."
18. B.—"We do not want old ladies or young
With teeth decayed or foulsome stomach
• breath.
To smother our poor, helpless lips with kisses —"
All (angrily)—"it's death."
B G. "We don't want folks to trot, rock,
dance or Jounce us
Till we throw up from being sea sick made;
We don't like men to toss us high and bounce
All (shivrringly)—"We're 'fraid."
B. S.—"Strange women mustn't say. whene'er
they greet us:
I "We're too. too sweet to live,' and at us fly,
Like Robin Hood's big wolf and play they'll eat
| us—"
AII (fearfully)—"We cry I"
B. B —"When women, making faces, say to
charm ns:
"Oo 'ittle pittie tootsie wootsie oo,'
They seem so soft—or crazy, they alarm us—"
All (affrightedly)—"Boo-hoo!"
B. G.—"We don't want clothing tight enough to
i bind us
So we can't kick to make our bodies strong:
And we don't like small sisters forced to mind
All (sympathetically) —"That's wrong."
B. S. "When we grow big we'll pay you
more than double
For all the care your duty 'tis to show—
And we won't ever say yo>< are a trouble—"
All (tenderly)—"Oh, no:"
—H. C. Dodge, in Goodall's Sun.
Her Presence Had a Wonderful
Effect on Him.
n . E ' s a ver - v
AySL"~%y x nice woman, my
/Mr Y,f I dear Micklebcr
\v' - ry, a very nice
?• V., woman, in
\ • \ . deed!" said
*72' \^' r ' •** ar 1a n "
vjjyfjw \ bridge, sajrely;
•% V "but you allow
i !; '.too much! For
i n s 1 ance, m y
' 'should
' ' never tell me
W\N x C not to smoke in
the parlors on account of the curtains!"
"It docs turn em yellow," observed
Mr. Mickleberry, thoughtfully.
"(iranted—but what becomes of your
conjugal superiority? And then you
didn't buy that corner lot because she
advised you not to! What is a woman's
judgment worth in a matter of business
like thai, .Mickle berry?"
"Mary knows more than half the
men going," parenthetically asserted
Mr. Mickh-ljerry.
"Excuse me. Miekleberry, but you
don't keep her in her place! Don't the
Scriptures expressly say that woman is
the weaker
Mrs. Partanbridgc venturing to oppose
me! - '
Mr. Mit-klcberry looked admiringly
at hi> bijr friend.
"How do you manage it. Partan
bridge?" he questioned a little timidly.
"Tact, my dear fellow—tact, dig
nity, supremacy! I wouldn't have
mentioned it if circumstances hadn't
pointed directly to the fact, but you
are getting hen-pecked, Miekleberry.
Everybody notices it. You must
gather up the reins of domestic man
agement—you must assert yourself.'"
Mr. Miekleberry laughed.
"I'ut what is the use of asserting my
self'.'" he sisked. jocosely. "Every
thing goes on like clockwork at home
"so HE'S HIKE, IS HB?"
—Mary always meets me with a smile
—she spends the money sensibly, and
never usks ine for an unnecessary
"Does she tell you how she spends
"Not always, but—"
Mr. Part an bridge interrupted his
friend with a groan.
"Oh, thc->e women, theso women! I
should like to see my wife buying a
silk dress, as Mary did last week, with
out first consulting ine."
"Ilut she had saved the money out of
her housekeeping funds."
"Then, my dear fellow, it's a sign
that you (five her too much money for
housekeeping. Cut her down—draw
the purse-strings a little tighter."
Mr. Miekleberry looked uncomfort
"I—l should hardly like to do that,
Pantan bridge."
"You'll never be master of your own
house until you do."
Mr. Moses Miekleberry went home
and told his wife all about what Part
anbridgc had said. Mary laughed and
colored, but she was a little angry
"1 wish Mr. Partanbridge would mind
his own business," said she. "I'm
tired of hearing about 'my wife.' She
must be a poor, spiritless concern."
"Partanbridgc is a man of great abil
ity," said Moses, gravely.
"Fiddlesticks!" said Mrs. Miekleber
ry. "A regular hen-hussy—a thorough
going- Miss Nancy!"
"I'm sorry you feel so about him, my
dear," said Mosea; "for he doesn't like
the place where he is boarding now,
and I told him he might occupy our
spare room for a few days."
"Oh, I've no objections to that," said
Mrs. Miekleberry, composedly. "I'm
always glad to entertain your friends,
my dear, even if they are not the most
agreeable people in the world, and I
dare say I can get along with Mr. Par
tan bridge for a few days."
"You're a little jewel, my dear," said
Moses, and he forgot all Partanbridge's
Insinuations at once.
Mr. Partan bridge came, bagand bag
gage, and ! .<ik possession of the "spare
room" in the Miekleberry mansion as
importantly as if In had been the
Grand Turk. Anil thenceforward "my
wife" began, figuratively speaking', to
trample Mary Miekleberry into dust.
"My wife" spent no money; "my
wife" went now here: "my wife" would
sooner cut off her hand thau to go to a
woman's rights conver* Tfi "U»y wife"
was 11 t literary, but spent Tier Hays do
ing housework, and her evenings mend
ing stockings. She hel'l her husband
in salutary awe, never spoke when she
wasn't spoken to—in short, knew her
"And how did you manage it, Parian
bridge?" asked Mr. Mickle'ocrry once
again, in the admiration of his soul.
Mr. l'artanhridge waved his hand
"Miekleberry!" said he, "there are
some things that can't be expressed in
"Fortunately!" put in Mrs. Miekle
berry. who wa> sewing away as vigor
ously as if every stitch were an unut
tered protest.
"And," went on Mr. Partanbridge,
]as if he had not heard the inter-
I ruption, "it is woman's duty to listen —
! to submit —to keep silent!"
j "There goes the doorbell," observed
Mrs. Miekleberry; "will you go, Moses?
it is Bridget's evenir.r out."
"My wife," commenced Mr. l'artan
: bridge, "would never have asked me to
perform so menial an office as—"
He stopped short as a loud, mascu
line voice was heard in the entry be
low stairs.
• • I>, 1 Job l\ir_.ini r. ._v lure?
Yes? Oh. all right—tell "cn{ to bring
the trunks, and yon. hackman, a dol
lar's enough fare. You'll get no more
out of me. Clear out, and let's hear no
more of your grumbling* So he's here,
is he? A pretty chase I've had after
Mrs. Mieklelv rry looked up at the
blanching countenance of Mr. Job
Partanbridge in surprise and bewilder
"Who can that loud-voiced woman
possibly be?" she asked. "Surely there
is some mistake."
"N-no!" quoth Mr. Partanbridge,
with chattering teeth, "it is—my wife."
"Mrs. Partanbridge? Can it be possi
ble?" and hospital'le little Mary Mickle
berry dropped her work and hastened
to greet and welcome her new guest,
the paragon among women, the meek
and lowly and well-trained wife of the
doughty Job.
Mrs. Partanbrid, re came into the
room with the tread of a giantess and
the aspect of an Amazon. She was a
tail, large woman, red-iaced and reso
lute, with the faint shade of a mustache
on her upper lip. and a deep voice like
that of a grenadier, and she wore her
cloak as if it hail been a man's over
coat, the two sleeves tied round her
neck, while her sailor hat would have
been a snug fit for her husband.
She sat down, at Mrs. Mickleberry's
invitation, with a force that made the
chair crack and tremble in its every
joint and thrust out her feet.
"Pull off those rubbers," said she to
Job, and the husband promptly went
down on his knees to perform the be
hest "Not so rough—you're as clumsy
as ever, 1 see; and now tell me why
you didn't send the money for me to
join you before?"
"I—l couldn't spare it from my busi
ness Drusilla, my dear." stammered
Job, growing scarlet.
"Hang up my cloak to dry—and get
me a footstool for my feet!" command
ed Mrs. Partanbridge. "Look sharp
about it, too! Well, I borrowed fifty
dollars from Deacon Fndcrhill, and I've
come on on my own hook. I'm tired
of being poked away in the backwoods
while you're playing the fine city gent
and I'll not stand it any longer; be
sides, I wanted to attend tha U'mnan'R
Suffrage association, and I'm a member
of the Sedleyvillo Branch of Female
Rights Advocates. You've got a nice
house here, ma'am." turning to Mrs.
Miekleberry. "I might have had a
house of my own if Job Partanbridge
had used common sense in his busi
ness affairs, and listened te my advice a
"Drusilla, my dear —" interposed
Mr. l'artanbridge, but his wife darted
a leonine glance at him.
"Job Partanbridge, will you hold
your tongue, and speak when you're
spoken to'?" she demanded, tarfly.
"Certainly, my dear, certainly! - '
"Then let's have a specimen of it.
As I was saying, Mrs. Micklebcrry—
Job, go downstairs, and look in the
big-liandlcd basket on top of the trunk
in the hall, and get me my handker
chief and the camphor bottle with the
little wicker-ease round it—as I was
saying, that sort of thing is just about
played out, so far as I am concerned.
Job hasn't no more wit than a yellow
dog when he's left to himself —you
know you haven't, Job, so you may
just as well leave off opening and
shutting your mouth like a newly
landed fish—and 1 mean to be boss my
self, Job."
"Yes, dear."
"Bring me the roc'-.ing-chair—now
move the screen so the fire won't shine
in my eyes. And get a hack early to
morrow morning, and see that I ain
furnished money; I want to do a little
"Yes, my dear." said Job Partan
"And be ready to go with inc at
eleven to the suffrage rooms. I must
render the report of Sedleyville
"Yes, dear," assented the husband.
At this stage Mrs Micklebcrry inter
rupted the orders of the commanding
general of the Partanbridge division by
a tray containing tea, toast, and other
feminine refreshment. Mrs. Partan
bridge received them with a contemp
tuous sniff.
"My good lady," said she, "I dare
say you mean well, but 1 don't feed oil
such slops! Job!"
"Yes, Drusilla!"
"Go round to the nearest restaurant
and get me a bottle of Dublin stout
and a dish of stewed tripe. You'll ex
cuse me, ma'am," to Mrs. Micklebcrry,
"but we all have our little ways, and
this is mine."
Away went Job Partanbridge, like
an arrow fleeing from the bow, and
Boon returned with the required dain
ties, off which "my wife" supped sump
"Take my things upstairs, Job!"
said Mrs. Partanbridge, when she had
satisfied the cravings of nature: "I've
hail a long day of travel, and I guess
I'll go to bed early."
If ever mortal man looked cowed,
wretched and dismal. Job Partanbridge
did the next morning, when he made
his appearance at the breakfast table.
Mrs. Micklebcrry could not resist one
little mischievous hit.
"I congratulate you. Mr. Partan
bridgtf," she said, "upon the excellent
manner in which you have developed
your theories as to conjugal discipline." |
Mr. Partanbridge choked eonvulv
ively over his coffee.
"ilushl" he cried. "Hush! she is |
"Who is coming"?"
"My wife!"
Hut. ah! how differently he pro
nounced the low, magic words from
the way in which he had spoken them
twenty-four hours ago!
Mr. and Mrs. Job Partanbridge left
the Miekleberry roof that very day for
a hotel handier to the "woman's suf
frage bureau." and that was the last
Mary and her husband ever 'ward of
"my wife" or In r humble slave, the de
voted Job. Helen F. Graves, in N. Y.
Sere Disappointment of a Hunter Who
MU«ed an Ibn.
The ibex is of a light-brown color,
the males being rather darker than the
females; but the oldest males undergo
a complete change in appearance, be
coming light gray, with a clearly-de
fined black shoulder stripe, which
gives them a very smart appearance.
It is a sight to stir the heart of a hunter
to see such a one sunning himself on
some tower of rock, and, by way of
morning exercise, bending his head to
the ground and driving his sw#d-like
black horns into some bush, of which
he "makes hay" in about two minutes.
I only once got a chance at one of
these grand old "billies," and that I
muddled. We had taken r.' f ;i ' ■ from a
sharp shower i:i a cave, or rather shelf
on the cliff. protected by a long over
hanging rock. The rain drifted in, and
Celestin carried my rifle to one end
where it was m ire sheltered. We
made a fire at the other etui, and were
sitting over it, w :-n. with a fixed stare,
Omar pointed with his linger over my
shoulder. There, about a hundred
yards off, was a splendid malt ibex
such as I have described, with black
horns which curved back nearly t<< his
tail. There are not more than two or
three like that on the mountain, lie
was quite unsuspicious, and calmly
moving down the mountain, on account
of the bad weather, I suppose.
Risking discovery, I crept to the
place where mv rifle lay. Two trees
grew across that end of the opening,
and I could not si. ot from there. Back
I crawled and sat down for the shot.
He was slowly stalking down the rocks,
but still within easy range. I leveled
my piece, but at toat moment a gust of
wind blew the flame and smoke across
my line of r,ight, and I could see noth
ing. The next instant he was round a
rock and gone. I nearly turned sick
with desperation. Of course, we fol
lowed and tried t lind him again- an
all but hopeless task in the complica
tions of this hill. In the course of the
search we got wet through, and in try
ing to dry my -out over the lire Celes
tin burned the back of it, my best
"go-to-meeting" one, as it happened;
but I would give twenty coats, to have
got that beast. —Nineteenth Century.
—ln Court.—"Now collect yourself,
my man, and tell us the whole truth
about the affair." " I assure you, your
honor, I could not say anything differ
ent from what I have said, not if you
were to make mincemeat of me."—
From Fliegonde lilatter.
Tho Hugo Joko Played J'pon a Qnarry
man of Carrara.
Not many travelers visit Carrara,
where the finest <>f marble is constant
ly l>eing quarried, as it has been for so
many centuries, but, once there, much
may be found in the way of legend and
6cenery to occupy the curious mind. In
numerable stories float about the place,
says a writer in Cornhill, concerning
the existence of hidden treasures.
Gold has often been found in the
neighborhood of the town, and not very
long ago a crock of gold coins was un
earthed beneath one of the streets.
A most curious experience, however,
was that of a quarry man who, in one of
his rambles, stumbled upon an old de
serted quarry, within which, half
buried in grass and brambles, lay an
enormous block of heavy marble. On
examining it, ho found a number of
letters rudely cut, and half-hidden un
der :L crust of dirt. With some diffi
culty he managed to spell out the
words: "Blessed is he who shall turn
me over."
The man at once jumped at the con
clusion that he had stumbled up>u
hidden treasure, and that his fortune
was made. He rushed homo and col
lected some of his friends to aid him in
the recovery of the concealed gold,
After some very hard labor they suc
ceeded in 'turning the hoary giant
over. Another rude inscription met
their eager eyes: '"Thanks, my friends.
I was weary of reposing so long in one
Th« Cost «r Intrrruptlni; :i I .urge liixlj
of Workwomen'
A party of ladies and gentlemen were
shown through a large carpet establish
ment in Broadway a few days ago, says
the New York Times. They were per
mitted to look into every nook and cor
ner of the building except one. At the
bottom of the stairway leading to the
top floor they came upon a closed door
upon which were the words: "Positive
ly Xo Admittance." The curiosity of
the ladies was* awakened at once.
"What is up there?" inquired one
eagerly. "That is our workshop," ex
plained the representative of the firm.
"We have one hundred and fifty women
on that floor sewing carpets." "O, I
should so like to see them at work,"
said the fair questioner with a playfully
beseeching look.
"I am sorry that I cannot take yon
up there," replied the firm's representa
tive, "but the rules are very strict.
Really, there is nothing worth looking
at, and there are no trade secrets there.
The reason why the firm interdicts
visitors is because the presence of
strangers in the room causes every sew
ing-woman to look up and it takes her
attention off her work from one to five
minutes. Suppose each woman loses
an average of two minutes. With one
hundred and fifty women that means
a loss to the firm of three hundred min
ntes, or five hours of time. That is too
much timo to lose when we are work
ing under a full head of steam, as we
are now."
U« S:4Vrn His \Voul«l-llo Koscucr from a
Watery Grav«.
An exciting story of the rescue from
drowning of a Japanese, by an English
man whose life the Japanese himself
had set out to save, is told in a Japanese
paper, the Kobe Shimbun. The Eng
lishman was a resident of Tokio. Be
ing <m his way to Yokohama, and find
ing no ferryboat, owing to the swollen
state of the river, he determined to
swim across with his clothing in a bun
dle tied on his head.
The daring attempt attracted a crowd
of sightseers, one of whom, observing
that the stranger was apparently in dif
ficulty, plunged in and swam to his res
cue. Tho Japanese was a good sw bu
rner, but the waters ran swiftly, his
strength gave out, and he was carried
down-stream. Then arose aery from
the spectators, for they saw that tho
Japanese was going to sink.
Uy this time the Englishman had al
most reached the opposite bank, lint
when he heacJ tho cries of the crowd
he turned about, and peeing the drown
ing Japanese, he again faced the cur
rent, and coming up with the. drowning
man caught him with one arm, and
swimming with tV- band he
brought him ashore amid the cheers of
the erow J.
"Llow chivalrous was his action!" ex
claims tho Japanese journalist in con
clusion. "His name We know not. but
he has our highest admiration."
Two Rldder« for One Man at an Auction
A- lowa man, who is 4 great lover of
horses, ar l who keeps a grocery store
and a livery-stable, was desirous of ob
taining a certain hor-o which was to be
disposed of at a public sale of h gentle
man's estate He knew that it would
never do for him to bid in person, as the
auctioneer, aware of his weakness for
fine animals, would manage by one
means or another to run up the price.
The story is told in the Chicago llerald.
The grocer and livery-keeper ar
ranged to have another man bid off the
horse for him, but when the hour of the
sale arrived he felt that he must be
present and see to it that his instruc
tions were carried out.
lie arrived a little late, and just ua
the horse was being sold Yes. there
was his man .(ones, true to his trust, tn
the midst of the crowd that surroi.mied
the fine animal. Just at that mc ment
Jones bid one hundred and thirty-five
Some 'me must have immediately
nodded five better, for in another mo
ment Jones bid one hundred and fifteen.
From itne unseen bidder the ai etion
eer received another advance cf five
t dollars.
That was as much aj the horse was
worth, but Jones had orders to buy it
at almost any price, and lie preoiptly
raised his offer to one hundred and
twenty. So matters went on till Jones'
bid v. as one hundred and thirty-five dob
• lars.
At that point the livery-keeper
I mounted a box to see what fool wanted
the horse so badly On the further
edge of the crowd stood Smith, and just
: as he nodded another five, it flashed
' upon the livery-keeper that he had told
Smith to do exactly w hat, iu his forget
fulnesss, he hr. l afterward instructed
Jones to do.
He lost no time in stopping the fun.
which had already cost him about forty
I dollars.
: Coat an<l Extent of th«* Snhmarin* T«le
graph Sfittcm of the World.
According to the latest report of the
international bureau of telegraph ad
ministrations, the submarine telegraph
system of the world consists of 120.070
nautical miles of cable Government
administrations, says Scribncr, own 12.-
324 miles, while 107.5Ki are the proper
ty of private companies. The total cost
of these cables is in the vicinity of
6-00,000.000 The largest owner of sub
marine cables is the f!:;stern Telegraph
Company, whose system covers the
ground from England to India, and
comprises 21,800 miles of cable The
eastern extension, which exploits the
far east, has li.'j.'S miles more Early
in that year the system of West African
cables, which started from Cadiz only
six years a™o. was completed to Cape
Town, so that the dark continent is now
completely encircled by submarine tel
cgraph, touching at numerous points
along the coast. More than 17,000 miles
of cables have been required to do this,
and several companies, with more or
less aid from the British. French, Span
ish and Portugecse governments, have
participated iu carrying out the work.
The north Atlantic is spanued by no
less than eleven cables, all laid since
1579, though not all are working at the
present time; five companies are en
gaged in forwarding telegrams between
North America and Europe, and the to
tal length of the cablesowned by them,
including coast connections, is over 30.-
000 nautical miles.
The Legend of the Kevulvfng Rocb of
Superstitions about rocks, which were
once popular among the peasant classes
of Europe, are (lying out The familiar
legend is of a rock wliicli, moved at a
certain time by some strange witch
craft, revolves or rolls aside and dis
closes treasure hidden beneath, the
time usually being specially inconven
ient for witnesses, as for Instance, "on
the stroke of twelve 011 Christmas eve."
A peculiar story of this kind is still told
in Normandy. M. Julien Tiersot writes
of it in the Ilevue des Traditions Popu
In the neighborhood of Caudbec-en-
Caux there is a stone which, the coun
try people say, revolves while the bells
ring the Angelus at noon on Good Fri
day. A walk In tlio country in the
spring at the hour of noon is an agreea
ble diversion, and the sceptical stranger
readily consents to go and see the al
leged magical stone.
The stranger and his escort reach the
stone and wait Time passes It ia af
"But the stone has not moved," he
"Wait, you have not heard the An
gelus rung yet" is the smiling reply,
and one might wait forever, for on Good
Friday the Angelus is never rung
The Green Cloth In Church.
The church uaturally took more or
less of the local color in early times,
says the IJutte City Miner, and the
anomaly of a professional gambler as a
leading church member might easily
occur. A story goes that there were
several of these men who were pretty
regular attendants at church in Last
Chance gulch. As United States
money was scarce and gold dust was
the ordinary medium of exchange. It
sometimes happened that the knights
of the green baize had no money with
them when the plate went around. On
such occasions they would toss a faro
or poker chip into the dish, and the
deacon would go the next day and have
the dust weighed out in payment It
was not uncommon for amounts to
range from ten dollars to twenty
dollars. It is said the knights are not
so reckless In these days, and that they
are rarely seen at church. Their tribe
is not extinct, bu'Jbusincss T'tfc them is
far from brisk.
A Outer Collision.
A collision between a ship and aa
omnibus is something rare; but ono is
just reported from Hamburg. The baa
was crossing a bridge and the vessel
poked her jibbooin Into It. but nobody
was hurt.
An Antl-Paiilo Chair.
A new form of chair for use in
theaters, music halls, etc., is now being
introduced into England. This chair is
already in use in several theaters in
Germany and is intended not only to
prevent panic in case of fire, etc., by
enabling the audience to gain the exit
doors more easily than hitherto, but
also to allow ollicials of the theaters
and members of the audience to move
with freedom from one place to an
other. For this purpose the seat fcnd
back of the chair lire free to move, and
are connected suitably together, so that
by means <«f a counterbalance weight a
mere touch of the hand will cause the
seat and the 1 >ack to uu >ve simultaneous
ly on hinges to a vertical position, the
seat by raising and the back by lowering,
thereby allowing free passage along or
through the tiers. The very idea of
KUeh a device, when tin; absurd amount
of inconvenience and annoyance
suffered in comparative patience by the
ordinary theater-goer is considered,
raises up visions of comfort and plgMs
ure which it seems hard to lielieve will
ever be realized.
California In 1813.
In an old geography printed in 1812
appears the following; "California is a
wild and almost unknown land.
Throughout the year it is covered with
dense f w-s, u.-> damp asunhcalthfuL In
the interior are volcanoes and vast
plains of shifting snow, which some
times shoot columns to great heights.
This would seem nearly incredible
were it not for the well-authenticated
accounts of travelers."
We r''y a man whet la debt;
No -'.: re In life tloea be gebt;
His Lead It wtu ache
t r. ni lying awacbe
At at r -hl* to worry and frebt.
Ho fxjfTows from every friend
until they refuse Ida to lieu J;
In time he become*
To even bis cbnmes
A nuisance desptse.l to •*.' lend.
He locks no one straight la the cy«;
Without ready cash he must bye
On tick and take tough.
Unsalable stough.
And pay for it awfully bye.
He Isn't a free man at all;
To those whom he owes he must crsll
An.: cringe and obey
And bide from their wey
Disguised In s bonnet and shall.
Without auy sys -m of guard
His money melts quicker than luard.
And when It Is goqe
His watch he must pone;
For others he has to work huard.
When old not a comfort he knows;
"Dead broke" to the poorhouse he gowi
And suffers, of course.
The keenest romourse
Till "Potter's Field" endeth his wow*.
Dunn hill it is easy to roll
But once you get Into the boll
Of debt you may climb.
Yet never In tlmb
Ot out to save body or soli.
—H. C. Dodge, In Goodall's Sua.
Crocodile* and Birds.
I have watched upon many occasions
the stealthy advance of a crocodile to
j capture small birds, when in flights of
many thousands they liaye settled upon
yielding branches of dwarf willows,
writes Sir Samuel Baker, in "Wild
Beasts and Their Ways." The elastic
boughs bent down ljeneath the weight
of the innumerable flock, and the croc
odile's head appearwl above the surface
at a distance, bank l>elo\v, and quickly
reappeared (the eyes and crown alone
above water) within ten yards of the
unsuspecting birds, all of whom were
busily engaged in twittering excite
ment, quarreling for places, and occa
sionally dipping their beaks in the wa
ter when tlie bending twigs permitted
them to drink. In a few moments after
the disappearance of the wary eyes a
tremendous splash was accompanied by
a pair of open jaws which swept the
occupants of the lower branches into the
greedy throat.
An Ingenious Device.
The principle of the expansion and
contraction of a metallic loop made of
German silver and steel when exposed
to varying temperatures lias been util
ized for automatically shutting off gas
when it has l>een blown out instead of
being turned off in the usual way. One
end of the loop, which is adjusted clo6c
to the gas flame, is free, while the other
is secured to tlie fl»:tnre. A valve con
trolling the gas is attached to the free
end, and when the gas is burning the
valve is open and the gas freely escapes.
If, howevpr, the gas is blown out the
loop will quickly cool and contract and
the valve will shut off the gas. The
device is exceedingly simple and it re
sponds quickly to the change in tem
The Champion Jumper.
They had been speaking of big jump#.
"There's a friend of mine in the circus
business," said Aliround, "who thinks
nothing of jumping over Ave men in
"Pshaw!" said Fishlets, "1 know a
man who once jumped about a hundred
"Oh! say, now! \|*hat do you take me
"It's Just as 1 said. The people he
jumped were creditors."
And then they smiled all round.—
A Lucky Lawyer.
An Austin lawyer caught a tramp In
his office stealing some law books,
which tlie latter intended to pawn.
Seizing the intruder by the collar, the
lawyer exclaimed:
"You scoundrel, I'll have you tried
and sent to the penitentiary."
"Let go my neck, colonel. If you are
going to have me tried, I reckon I'd
better engage you as my lawyer, as you
have the luck to be on hand," replied
the tramp. —Texas Sittings.
" ' r
Mrs. Lippie (to grocer)— Tell Mr. All
spice I'm going to leave him if he
doesn't give me better measure.
Boy—Why, what's been wrong?
Mrs. Lippie—The last butter he sent
mc was half a pound short.
Boy—Oh, yer mustn't mind dat. It's
only his weigh.—Munsey's Weekly.
A Terennlal Mystery.
Average Man —These papers
just make me sick. Nothing in them
but commonplace personal items about
a lot of nol>«lics no one ever heard of.
Friend—l saw a little mention of you
in the Sunday Gammon.
Average Man (half an hour later, to
messenger boy)— Here, rush around to
the Gammon office and get me forty
copies of the Sunday edition.—N. Y.
Too Much of a ClAd Thing.
"Did you see the notice I gave you?"
said the editor to the grocer.
"Yes; and I don't want another. The
man who says I've got plenty of sand,
that the milk I sell is of the first water,
that there are no flics on my sugar, and
that my butter is the strongest in the
market, may mean well, but he is not
the man I want to flatter me a second
time." —Harper's Bazar.
Proper I>i»clpIloe.
Meek little llcnnpcct lay at the point
of death. With streaming eyes tne
family had assembled about the bedside
to hedr his last sad words.
"John! John!" cried the weeping wife,
"you mustn't leave me!" Slowly Henn
pect's dimmed eyes sought her face and
in an apologetical little voice ho mur
mured meekly: "Just as you say,
Maria, just as you say."—Life.
He Wasn't Equipped.
"I cannot marry you, Reginald,'' said
Maud, "but you mustn't mind. There
arc as fine fish in the sea as were ever
caught, you know."
"I know," replied Reginald, "but
they won't take anything but the most
expensive kind of artificial bait, and 1
aui going toquit fishing. Detroit Free
Very Remarkable.
Miss De Pink—Did you hear about
Miss Bullion's engagement to a foreign
Mr. Goodfello—Yes, everybody it
talking of it.
"Isn't it remarkable?"
"Yes, indeed. They say she is marry
ing him for love." —N. Y. Weekly.
An Heroic Kemedy.
Clara—Why in the world are you go
ingto marry Mr. Slimptirse? lie hasn't
a [K'tiny to bless himself with.
Dora—The doctor said nothing would
cure these horrid little plmplea but •
long continued low diet, and I'm deter
mined to save my complexion. —N. Y.
ISTO. 36
> I .
Mistaken Fw—
There is such a thin# as mistaken
economy. Some thiugs Ui cad Mm 1
done more cheaply than we em do
them ourselves. It would not be MO
riomical for our young doctor to saw
bis own wood and take care of his
horse If these interfered with his duty
to his patients, any more than it would
be for the wood sawy«y to prescribe his
own medicines to save the doctor's feet
"l>o yon know," aid a prosperous law-}
yer to his follow ! raVeler on the suburb-'
an train. "1 beliuvo I'll reshingle nay'
barn during the court vacation. I might
Just as well a. not save the money."*
"H'm!" said his friend, dubiously. "I
hope you will save money, but I doubt
if that is an economical way to do it"
The lawyer did not see the force of this
remark until he slid oft the roof sad
broke hi . arm. Then he counted up bin
pain, the djctjr's bill and the expense
of shingling, which had to be done any
how. and .sent word to his friend thst if
he "saved much more money thst wsy,
he would bo ruined."— Youth's Coca
pan ion.
—Weary Watkina— "What's become
o' Miserable Johnson? He oughter been
albug here a week ago." Hungry Hig
gins— "He's in jail. He was tryin' to
follow the new sowveneer spoooj
fashion an' the boss of the beaneiy
ketchcd him in the set."—lndianapolis
It Would n« t'Mfnl to Kw-
Innocent Girl from Mountainous Re
gion— What are you reading. Cousin
Cousin Henry—A book on pathology.
Girl—Oh, I understand! Pathology is
the science of finding paths. You must
really lend me that book. Cousin Henry,
for at home I'm always losing my way.
-■l'harmaceutic&l Era.
Money Enoaffc.
The ri<Jh woman who was shocked
hear her daughter say: "A penny for
your thoughts," when she ought to have
offered a dollar, has a relative in Cali
fornia, of whom the San Francisco Ex
aminer relates a "true anecdote."
She is not unknown in fashionable so
ciety, her wealth drawing about her a
set of admiring followers. Lately she
had some affection of the throat, and
called a physician. After an examine
tion, he said:
"Madam, 1 shall have to touch two or
three of the affected spots with nitrate
of silver."
"Oh, doctor, please don't do thatl" an
swered the patient. "Csc nitrate of
gold. The expense is quite immaterial."
A Strong Reason.
She was having a confidential talk
with her aunt.
"I can never marry Harry Westlock,"
she said, in a tone wbich Implied that
it was useless to talk about it. "I never
"And why can't you?" asked her
aunt. "I'm sure I should think any,
gilr would esteem it an honor to be
Harry Westlock's He is very]
wealthy, too. Why cant yon many
"Because he hasn't asked me tO|j
and I know he never will."—Boatoal
Herald. _________
New Ufht oa Raleigh.
The earl of Leicester, alone of all
Elizabeth's court, declined to enthuse
over the gallantry of Sir Walter Ra r
leigh in throwing his cloak into the
mud so that her majesty's feet would
not be wet.
"Why are you so glum over it, Leiee*
ter?" asked Ben Jonson. "Not jealous}
I hope?"
"Not at all," returned the earl; "but it
was my cloak." —Puck.
Making a Sure Thing of It.
Rowne de Bout— Have you met Mies
Chilton yet?
Upson Downes — No, I called there
last Friday afternoon, and she was out.
Rowne de Bout — That's strange. I
called there the same afternoon, and
she was in.
Upson Downes (dryly) The neat
time I call on her, I shall go with you.
Those IU-Natured People.
Clara (haughtily)— l went to the the
ater every night last week and had a
different escort each time.
Rival Belle (vindictively)— You should
be more cautious, my dear.
"Yes my dear. 111-natured people
all over town are saying you can't Jet
the same man to go with you twice."—
N. V. Weekly.
"So yez has an order iv arrest for
Mrs. Moguire, an' yez proposes to take
me wfd yez. Young man, allow me to
ax how yez intind goin* along wid
roc; is it an ambulance or in rimnantst"
No Kind of a Fellow.
Kate —I'm not going to have Clarence
Bashley call on me any more. He's
too bashful for anything.
Delia—How is he?
Kate—Why, 1 asked how long his arm
we.-*, and he said 33 inches. I then told
him that was just the sire of my waist,
and he never did anything.—Boston
Out of tlie Proceeds.
Ole Mars —Where did you get that
new suit, uncle?
Uncle Jasper—Woof I I done strike er
mighty big streak cr luck, suah enough,
Olc Mars—How do you mean?
Uncle Jasper—Well, sah, my wife
she done got er job takin' in washin',
sah! —Puck.
The Blase Girl—Don't ask me for an
other dance. Van Ilensy. Go and dance
with Kitty. There she Is ready to fell
down and worship you.
Van llentsarelow — Aw, yesl But
don't you know she lets everyone know
that she worships me while you conceal
it. It's safer to be with you.—Munsey's
Clerk (to patent medicine man) —
Here is a curious credential from one of
our customers.
Medicine Man —Read it.
Clerk--"Before 1 took your elixir my
face was a sight. \ou ought to see it
now. Send mo another bottle for my
mothcr-indaw." —Jury.
And Willie Went to Bed.
Little Willie—Say, Mr. Jiggs, won't
you Ist me see your collection of china
and things some time?
Mr. Jiggs—Why, we haven't any such
collection, Willie.
"No? I thought you did, as mamma
said you and Mrs. Jiggs had such a lot
of family jars." —Light.
A Point In Natural History.
Sanso—lt is easy to prove that a man
is but a worm.
Rodd—Prove it.
San-so— When he goes fishing for •
wife he uses himself for bait.—Mua-