Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 10, 1891, Image 4

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    6RIEB &
Arc Xow*Roacly
With all the Latest Styles
in Spring and Summer
We invite you to inspect oar new and iuimenee stock which should
not b©
Overlooked by any Buyer.
We can confidently eay that no stock offer? greater facilities than
oars for the pleatinpr of purchasers in
For'farmers, mechanics anu'all callings where a strong, serviceable shoe is
needed is one of the assortments in our s»ock.
We offer great variety in both ladies and gents EXTRA FINE shoes
in all grades, made from the latest approved models of style and finish.
OIL MENS BOOTS and SHOES a Sp- ei&ltv.
Baseball and Tennin dhoes of ail kinds.
Yon will be pleased with our prices,
Grieb & Vogeley,
o"D"oosite "NVillarJ. -House.
Hardware and House Furnishing Hoods.
reaper und steel framo binder, Warren ready mixed paint,
warren ted; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn
No better place in the city to trade.
Come and see my large utore room full of goods, 136 J ieet
DO YOU NEED—Are yon going to buv a new dress this spring.'
DO YOU WANT a new Jacket in all the new colors and styles?
DO YOU WANT anjtbing in the Notion line?
DO YOU NEED—Are you going to buv any carpet this spring?
DO YOU WANT Fresh, Clean Goods, the latest and choicest styles?
DO YOU WANT any kind of Brussels, Velvets, Moquett, in the
choicest designs, made up with beautiful match borders in first-class style?
DO YOU WANT an Ingrain, 3-ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kind.'
DO YOU WANT any Lace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win
dow Shades?
Do you want to pay less than you have been paying elsewhere for inferior
Tta Come and See Us, We Can Save lon Money,
Leading Dry Goods and Carpet llouse.
- - PA.
This space is reserved for
Grieb & Lamb's Music
Store, removed to No. 125
North Main Street.
"See wha* we ofler this month
and judge for yourself.
Fa*t Color Ohallies only 5 cents a
| Fine Zepher Dress Ginghams only
it) c. per yard.
I 36 inch Henrietta Cashmeres, all the
new shade*,only 25 c. a yard,
i Ladies Black Silk Mitts only 15 c a
1 pair.
j Gloria Silk Sun Umbrellas with fancy
silver bandies $1.50. worth $2.50.
CLildreuo .sailor Ilatsoniy lOe,worth
25 c
Ladies Trimmed Hats and iiounets,
[ j from *1 to $5
; 40 inch Luce Scrims only 5c a yai'l,
j worth 10c.
! Men*? DuiLet SLirt= 25 c, others sell
them at 50 c.
I Ladle's -Ribbed Yests on'y 10 c.
| Su«_h ba.-gair.s can only be
louna at the
1 The Liveliest and Busiest Store io
in Butler.
j 223 und 232 i>. Main St.
Opp Post< Rice.
b. <y B.
) i
I Larger demand and more r-.eliing
! every any of these . ory "polar fab
Recent fortunate purcha.- s iron;
overloaded iui; rters er<.. ,r j us to
offer best qualities at Lower Prices
tbaa ever before known.
I 31-inch All Wool French Chal-
I lies.
Cream grounds Card a ; A dark
grounds j neat printing? u oc. (The
; 50c quality
All-wool Fren l 'i Chal'ies 10c 50e
aud the very !.«->1 qua.iuer, black
grounds," with colored printings, 55c.
Very stylish and desirable.
American Print Cbailies.
4c to 25c and all intermediate
J prices with stair-like regularity,
i All best end special values.
Buyers of Dress Goods.
SO ad, all-woe ' Plaid Suiting- 25c,
(45c the price.)
60-inch Ci.jtb Suiting-,mixture 35c
.vi inch ul'-wool Cloth • uitinprs,
Gray, Br< wn and Tan mixtures 50c,
i 75c
Handsome line of
Engiish Suiting Styles.
! Light color.-, 30 iuches u> mci.sur
|, 30c thfit would conin r ;1 ther -elvet*
1 | if price "A as even d> high r 50c.
Write for Samples,
'j \ Je for Catalogue.
Bog'i>"s Sc Buhl,
!!5 to 121 Federal Street,
fl FLLLERTON, Prop'r,
Blankets. Uauueis nn;: Yaru
' ai:ahicturcil ofPnre
lei C oaitl.v Woo!.
We j,'u.itaaUtf oui to 1 Kt; ■Uj .. u-jol
nl no#: n!c or any other ;■ ■.(rial
a■i i- ! v \ «• sell sale • retail.
| siupit ? ,i*d furuisbed f;'•• I.: t. rt on
pplicatio.i by mail.
uie siau mtirn
Kmii:, PA.
All s'nn i\ gii.ifantfej to be in good eon
1 dition when delivered.
We replace all trees fiat liiil to grow
J. F. Lowry. VT. T. -Mechlin, . I. 'tine
Shan . Jr J. K. For-yti.i (»<••< S; il'uer
\£. V aiker, E.-q., Ferd FC:I»T i.-, and 1)
L. Cipelaiid.
tut) Butler <'i .zk.n combined for j>er
year, in advance
The 3lost Reracdy ever dlicov*
civ \ t as it is certain In Itc effects id docs not
blister, 2 lead proof boljw:
HrwO klys, Conn., May J,
DIL T! t KenxiLL Co.:
sir: : La : o. ;ni.»erl cured aCur v npon myhorse
wit a yourccleOratfil Ke-rwlull s SPI\ iCnrecn.llt
>voa tin-l»e«t job I ever saw «j.»i 1 liavoa dozen
empty ».ot;I . havluKUx- i ttwiai perfct r .MCO HR,
rurii*,: "V ■ tbluK 1 tried it on. My m , :hborhM
a borne wltn a very bad spavin - jtinlamM.
Ho •»i *m» how to euro it. I r« cornm» M«l«"l
Kvnum. sS| i i Cure. Ho cured to tipuvlu in
jUat tllTf'O weok"*.
Y »urs rcßpectfully,
_ CoLmua, Ohio, April i, *9»).
DP. 11. J. KCXBILL Co.:
D- irSlrn; i havo ri g< Him? moro of Kendall';*
Sj Cure »»id Flint's Coi< Mtl<»n Powd*«rs than
I everltefore. One i tan sal«! to , It WHS t»
t Powder I ever kept and the ix-st ho ever used,
OTTO L. HonmASi.
CBHRVAWK), N. Y., 'FA/ io, *AU
DR. K J. KEHD it L CO.,
D«urSir»:— I havi iise<l several bottles of your
K«-ndail's Spavin Cure with perfect s i JCCSS, <>n a
a : lablo and hlo-xled mare th.it w.s quite lanio
with a lJ«»rio Spavin. Tho mare is u< -v entirely freo
frum iamer> s aud Khows tut buwU a ih* joint.
ilc>pec«fully, i*. ii. HUTCULSS.
MONKOB, La., May S, "JO.
DR. B. J. IvEirnAJX Co.,
Gents:—l thluK it my duty to render yon my
thank* for your far famed k n.iaM's Sp.ivfn Cure.
I h.t<i a » »ur y« ar old filly whk'M I rrized very
hiK'iiy. Sfc*. h » a very severe e v. itan leg- I trlnd
about olgb* <l. .er»*nt uads < f rnedlclncH which did
no I purcha- d a bottio of your Kendall's
Spavin CUre which cured her in four days.
I rennuii yours.
Price $1 per bottle, or Kir bottles for \ll drup
fdst i have !t or can get». ior you, or i t wtl Ibebe r> t
to auy address on receipt of price by the proprio
tors. DB. It. J. KLSDALL CO.,
afCHTO JlAta vr r. Uyancil rrlUh»efl.«. «re«prf>fit.4.
It!? ! 5 Win iC •» li. v. s .!■ ;; MM.r tSCL AI u-
Uu>. A. Mcott, ? W >. V.
o G£(iERAT:Oi-, AFTeR
. » ■■ ,>■■'' / , . - /. »hi r 'fl J »rr Jt.
3 ! ".v« ry Tr »v. ~-r *ho. . 1 ave a I*-tile < f it inkisnu-hfl
! Every Sjff: -e;-
! vo BIT a.L.cho. Dinhtht-nJi.Con.rh*'.«'atarrh. Bronchitis,
I v. thin Cholera Mort- In.vrrL I am* in- *. s«>r< ness
' <n B<.!v or UmK s. <r Joia*.«t or will fb.«! in
! thin oM ABodyi n lief and mwH-dy cur- I'amphlet
J frr»\ S.-M Vriifllic?«.,by liwil, • U'tLrt,
£x| rv«» paid. £L i. OHNSOtf CO., KOVTOM, Maa
; Is ue Hoi. behold Remedy Extant-
It is a positive cure for
Ana All Skin Diseases,
\n invaluable rcr;. dy for Woucds, Barns, Sweli
iajfs, ve*, Croup, Bronchitis, etc.,
Sold by all u..; • at 50 cents per box. Send]
5 two-cent stamp "or free sample box :.ad book.
For Sale bv P. 11. Wulier, Butler.'
j Ito ok Cold, I !
r• 1 took Sick, I |
J & & &
■ • : K -- ,i - r: I
i take r'iy Meals, j |
J i " My J
I • •> EM ;u T > I'AKK I
I . ! M . I \V MV lIAM-S ON ; j
: - <i t t «», ■' Scolt's <
, i - ni ' • i•*'Pi ; c Cod Liver Oil i
i . op Limeand j
c > S'jila ■ ' md mv Inrlp <
! fi'lM .MU'iUmzWfOU WT BUILT I
MM: <
\ f :.v-M w r/iV somes «
IAT I rx HA. " or A POUND A DAT. I I
I . jr • .'.SII.Y AS I no MILK." (
: JOTT3 kM :-> DOUKS •tDBttSI
■; : iu . T.u < i iii.K. }
« " v *%
r&sjsinam* aiJ
<A\n . :U'.» ~r • y *■- -■ -,.>•**» -SB
t»»*fc t'.-y f " 1 ' f *ica! f- r oa- T>r I» mm
"&?. .4rar, 1.. :-gr* 0, » kit a
IVSleep.--sec • aud Stomach irooM i.n
» r»,y >«•>-!• I tivid by all »ri nl
tjf oouotry nr 'III e.-«. (T/"Sea» tor cirruixrs. til
% H. K- ' Co..
6 * asnraaE. «as a .nßctsxyi
; ; , . ' Ccs. PENN Ave. AMO FOURTHCt..
j i ' . % ■ 1 HiiHo! «nrt C i
.?- j j . .<! Dip* ios r« r.irin}?<
\ '>/ K N'T! AI.It i■ ■ «1! V Tl. i > ■I -
' r - ion arc ir*>atcd at this »•«- -
. * tilt . - . .irily attah:. I. V .8.
K ik j 1 amemtx rolthe Royal College of r . -
IBiu i -as i . r • Id ' anil i tust
'-ieiiced i list in thec:t*'. fcpe» ial at
. ».\.r ■•• Debllil ron
ilex rtl n - •—« • nol ' - • ■•• • I
, - (ihytjical ana ental «ii iM r ry,
■ii !°;:r-y f « to., alsoCajitv».>, <>!«l: ; ore.s 1
f'ii . iJhoiimatisn . and all disrasosof the SI in,
i i , | tryOrgans,etc. C nltat'on
" hours, U to
i;i i7to Hp. M., Sundays, 2to 4 M. c i !y.
at oili-'O or LAKK, C<»it.
IRI 'T^iirra
; k£. • :.'&z
j —Ti usa: inai.ej'ily cur«
j I*lllL A UKl.l'li Ir \. !'aM>at once, noflfh;rat k'n
or■ Urtut il'iio'r i u- Ca.A.s jinmoai.. *«l iu»
j < aiufile >y* ''- r . it«»u. r' U<l f>r .1.
CURE GbA;;A ■ EED. aamifam»•*
Cheaper than Wood.
, r*M:" ?.?•. ||
! | 1-^rrT^iH-'l;'-! 13 -'IP(ill 1! il IkT
I •••'"; i i|p4 |c i
Thp til'ove cuuhnvi 1 .cktt Vmee with gate. (Thiilanot a
(> L' . :.-nn or \\ 1 Ponti.
prh, » jjivr Q..*: -..ty, S' lrul.er of Oltci, D» ui 1 Si .
Wfated. ;uUai,i wture Be»v, front r. iur C'r -
BtaJ-'0 Fit , fire fchut' • ujxA riilK K.SCAPKH. CC itr
: Do and Kaiilnir*. acl In-u Br'li, Wri.K !>'>t>R JJJD
I WINOOVF SCBIL: •.- da-ialaJn of W IEI. V. OU
I AYI 'IR & OL'Ajr,
i 201, 803 & :iO3 Market St.. i'lttsburuh, Pn. |
•- :ifl IIVIJLI|
•Vi! - > .1 aad 2YEE7OUB SfiSzLITT,
, '■* •-ti knos< o f Body and M;nd, E'Trc;c
? IgP r-rromor JE*ce&»«eiuoldorYonnfc
C«ib" > .*.«•• -'f-.- »• .♦ fly ii'ttsrrd.
i:r. ri'.ntv Wh i . \'L !V> lO.'k !M» 1; 4TS * rAKT jOh fe»T»T.
At- • ..ni.. -T f: Tu I AI *t> > tr> a day*
j 5>.M ' v .ui I• < cly» \ • >u»ir ■-. IfrttP then*
I ! !>• i I' -k, « im-AtU" '"itf prunfs Cqfiled "rf«»
- L CO., L Ji fALO, K. V.
-s^ r African
V. Str;;- '? •j, ibuwing 11 ow toAK*
rf- > " « exits, t ..vca •<. f l radC/^SBBIk.
Merita. • pyrtK'Uts* #c?tf
' \36 15 ron <2 tv ay, S-. \
Bv Using i U!en B. Wrisley's j
Latest aEd r-e .t Invontfon —Little or
HaRBBBmsBF Clothes
Required-As (your Grocer forit.
Eacntze's Nervaline.
! A I I'KKI V Vlf:l TA Et! K MKrinXR ri.Rl
-an offer:.?! il euro ?» r Inflamatlon and lr?:. , niion
01 111" UlaiMi r. liiil Bi*y» ami Liv« r. stoio
bia*lder. caleulUH ra\» ! bri k-Oust dtj
Its, weaknesses In males or fema s. Afift I • J
h' Toair . n i ;i Mmxl Parilh r if lias no
I eiju I. s« lenlttit apjetlto nod j.ure
i bio, 1.
PR I 'E SO • i.MS
i If yonr lias not »f it. :» U luin I
I iff. r you. Take no other. Made only by
The Haent::e Medical Co.
riiii.\DEi.niiA. r.v.
I For Sale By
I). 11. VV ULLEK,
Itutlur, i'u
WAN i EQ r :
*ll ->I.I I: • • , . . ■ ■ ,
.. . ,
Vbit the itveeut C<umu< Show* iu Il»-
t»rd to l'lorlcultarr.
tor the first time floriculture as an
industry was made a subject of special
investigation by the l">t census. In |
fa< t. it is only within recent years that
it has assumed proportions in this coun
try justifying such a systematic inquiry.
Xearly two-thirds of the 4,050 estal>-
lishments in existence, says the New
York Sun, when the census was taken
were started during' the last twenty j
| ycar% and more than one-third during - j
[ the last ten years. Four-fifths of the j
I whole business of the commercial flor
; ists has been developed within twenty- j
five years.
The census report shows that the
; whole number of acres covered with
glass was nearly 000. More than SSS,-
000,000 were invested in the fixtures and
heating apparatus. Xearly 17,000 men
and 2,000 women were employed in tho
j cultivation and its attendant industries,
and the total value of plants and shrubs
i produced was more than 512,000,000, and
I of cut flowers more than 514.000.000.
So far as the public taste is indicated
I bj- the purchases the rose is unquestion
j ably the favorite popular flower. Ono
| firm alone reported the sale of a million
of the plants in 1889. The plants are
! grown in very sEuall pots, which are
i sent by post throughout the union. Of
| cut flowers, next to the rose and closely
! following it, carnations are mostly in
: demand, the two together furnishing
! nearly two-thirds of the receipts from
1 sales. Then come violets, chrvsanthe-
I mums, lilies hyacinths, lioli'tr*pcs,
j pansies, tulips and a few others, mak-
I ing up one-quarter of the total value.
| Tho remainder, or about one-tenth, is
i furnished by the demand for orchids,
! tuberoses, mignonette, camellias and
! tho rest. The majority of the reports
: describe r <ses as the most profitable
product, with carnations second and
i violets third. Of the flowering plants
sold in the northern and eastern states
I geraniums are most in demand. In the j
; south they come after roses and chrys-
I anthemums and in California after
theso two and carnations also.
The greatest centers for the propaga- j
tion of roses are in Pennsylvania, Illi
nois and Ohio and of hardy plants in
| Illinois, New York and Kansas. Tho
j sale* of cut flowers are largest in total
-1 value in New York, Illinois and I'enn
! sylvania, the states where the greatest
j cities and the largest wealth are. IYo
' portionately to its size New Jersey does
1 the largest business in cut flowers, and
| for the obvious reason of its nearness to
New York, the greatest market. Its
sales of cut flowers amounted in value
to nearly 51.300,000.
Plants are the specialty of some flor
ists and cut flowers of others anil some
supply both, selling most of their
product by wholesale. Others, again,
devote theEUselves to carnations or vio
lets, their business also, where it is
large, briny almost entirely wholesale.
The increase in the demand is steady
and it extends all over tho union. It is
the result of the growth of house deco
ration, of the spreading taste and desire
for the beautifying of private grounds,
of greater and more general love for
flowers among rich and poor and the
decrease in prices because of tho In
crease in production.
Don't be imposed upon. Bay of re
liable dealers and he suro to get Hood's
—Ontario, Canada has an agricultural
text-book in their common schools.
—Truly blessed is the man who finds
life too short to cherish a grudge.
—Misery loves company, but even
misery would kick at a scrprist party.
—lt is a mistake to judge a man by his
clothes; hio best nit may be in hock.
—There are few kings whose divine right
would bold a candle to Sullivan's terrible
To Consumptives.
The undersigned having beu>i restored to
lealth by simple means, after suQeriug for
.several year-, wilb a severe lung ft fleet ion,
and that dread disease Consumption, is
anxious to make known to his fellow suffer
ers the means of cure. To those who desire
it, he will cheerfully send (tree of charge) a
copy of tiie prescription used, which Itey
will hud a sure cure lor l_'onsutni>tion,
Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis pud all throat
and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers
will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable.
Those desiring the prescription, which will
cost them nothing, and may prove a bless
ing, will please address Ri:v. EDWARD A.
WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New
—lt is fair to charge the cash customers
an extra price to cover bad debts?
—Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti--
eure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
cully cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon
the system is remarkable and mysterious.
It removes at once the cause ami the dis
ease immediately disappears. The first
dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J C
Redick, druggist, Liuiler.
—Sell to cash buyers at cash prices, and
let the creditor cover his own risk.
—ltch on human and horses ano all aui
nials cured in I! 0 inicutes by Woolford's
i Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
j by J C Redick, druggist, Butler.
—Pruae apple trees every month during
the summer whenever they need it.
—Dr. Fennel 's Golden Relief is warrant
ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural
gia, or any other pain in l! to 8 minutes.
Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings,
bites burns, summer complaints, colic,
(also in horses), diarrhoea, dysentery and
flux. If satisfaction not given money
—Thomas Jell'ersotj said: "Cultivators of
the earth are the mast valuable citizens."
—l or headacht biliousness, constipa
tion, dizzine -. leoph ssne--. the blues,
scrofula, the blood u,ui all skin eruptions
Dr. Fenner's Blood tnd Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to
satisfy or money i oftnded.
—An old Rom i i once said: "Happy J
the farmers, if they bat knew how well off
they are."
English spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes
from horses, blood spavin.-. (urbs, splints,
sweeney, ring bone, stilles, sprains, all
swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by
use of one bottle. Warranted the most
wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold
by J C Redick, druggist, Duller.
—lf smut spore do n>t come in contact
with tho seed in the hill, thoy do no harm.
—Dr. Fer.ner's Cough Honey will relieve,
any cough in one hour. Ivpially good for
horse. (Jives energy a:nl strength. Money
refunded if satisfaction not given.
Properly cut blackberry and raspberry
canes back and they wil not need staking.
—Dr. Fenner's Kidney »ud Dackaehe
Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in
everj' case or money returned.
—There is no one ration that is best for
I the milk cow. Many may bo compound
Save Yourself Money.
When you go to l'iitsbiirgh, I'a., stop at
the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and
Fourth streets. It is a strictly fir-t class
Hotel conducted on the European plan.
!."'gintf*. —3s, —or 50 cents.
Bell at fi fist one sheep in ten, to keep |
I off dogs and give warning if they don't
I keep off.
| —Alimony is the silver lining to tho
cloud of divorce.
Consumption Surely Curod.
! To THE SM*'R:— Pleaaa inform your roailt rn
j that 1 havo a positive remedy for theabovo-nai d
| dij*<»aAo. By its timely tiHO thousand* of ho|M*losH
c-lmck havo boon permanently cured. I nhall be g!a<l
j to send two bottle* of my remedy FREE to any of
your rea l- s who bavo c<niKumpti<>u It they will
•end me th. ir Exprtma audi P. O. a«l«!resii. Bwiwct
tuliy, T. A. bLuCt'H. M. C.. l&i l'uari tiL. N. Y.
E Grocery O Trootnian Building
N-J—s _ j'iL
1 - il - -
. _ |S I _
" ~
... . _i! l
rti r^ii r
&co ■ _i [_
Here we are down on Cunningham St. Almost every-i
body knows where we are, but if you do not. please IOOK at the
above map. Walk down Cunningham St. on the right hand ;
side till you come to 21G and you will find us. Here we have
i lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our sale.* '
j last year and expect to increase them as much this year. All j
who came last year to see it we had as large a stock and sold j
jas cheap as we advertised s.iid we were too modest in our;
i declarations and said they did not expect to find half as much,
even after reading our advertisements. You know us now and i
; of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we;
! have twice as lartrc stocic now as when you were here before j
• and still cutting prices lower. To those who have never been ;
here, we want \cu to come too. We don t advertise to blew.
If \cu dt n't find more stock' here at lower prices than you
ever expected alter reading our advertisement we will pay you
for your lime that it takes to walk down here from Main St.
Remember, we keep every thing in our line. Horse col
has "»oc, team work bridles $L work harness $lB, buggy har
ness SG, waj-on single trees, ironed, -oc, double-trees, shafts,
wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs,
brushes, paint, springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets,
whips, caits. buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and
Kramer wagons,— the Lest wagons made.
Come and see us. Look over our stock. We want to get
acquainted with you. Remember, it was us who first brought
down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit,
relying ou increased sales to make up for small profits, and the
public has stood by us in a way tbat makes us like everybody.
\ ours, etc.,
S. I>. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieglmer.
The largest repository iu the county, tilled with the best assortment of
Buggies, Surrit's, Phaetons, Carte, Express, Delivery. Drillers and Bolstor
Wagons', Machinery, Ac. We huve full control of the Youngstown Buggies,
Surries, Wagons, Ac., in Butler county. Their work stands second to none.
We guarantee it in regard to material and workmanship. They make the
best rig for the money that is made in the United States. If you need a rig
of r.ny kind it will pay you to call and examine our stuck. Bear in mind
we buy nothing but guaranteed work .r d the purclater gets the benefit of
the guarantee.
Adriance Platform Binders, the only successful two-horse riatform Binder
made. We gunrantee this binder to do the same work of any e'evator binder
and do it with one-third less power. Besides this it t-an be worked on any
hill that a team of horses can be worked on. You cannot upset it. It weighs
from 400 to 600 pounds less than the elevator binders. This is an impor
tant fenture on soft ground as well as hilly ground. There are one-third
less parts to be run than on elevator binders, consequently the expense of
uture wear and tear is one-third less. Call and see sample biDder.
We lead all-competition on Binder Twins in quality and prices If you
want a Plow, steel or wood frame. Spring Tooth Harrow, Mowing Machine,
Hay Rake. Hay Loadener, Hay Tedckr, Hay Elevator, Grain Drill, Thres
hing Outfits, Saw Mill Engines or Machinery of iuy kind, or Fertilizers, Slat
and wire Fencing, give us a call. If we do not hnve it in stock we can get
it for you. in addition to our wareioom we have r. Carriage Paint Shop,
where" painting is promptly done in quality to suit you and moderawS prices.
As we are lovers of low prices you will always get the worth of your mon
ey at the Rink Building,
N0.320, 322 and 324 S, McKean Street, Butler, Penn'a
Diamonds {scarf pin's,
\\T .x. l _ . I LADIES GOLD,
\\ <uojl6S ) gents silver
t ladies chatlain,
rowolvir j Gold Pins, Ear-rings,
©I(\\(I1\ i Rings Chains, Bracelets, Etc,
Ir 1
( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes
IC? * 1 and everything that can lie
ol I\( k l die ) bund in a first class store,
18KB BROS. IK! I Sift, *•
Jio 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.,
1 Cold head feli
Ely'» Cream Tialm U not a liquid, *nvf or Applied into the n»*tril* it « j ,
_ quickly absorbed. Jt clraiuus the hold, allay* inflammation, hrah* _
r thr mrre*. Sold by druaffint* or srnt by mnl on receipt of prff. L lip
DUC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3bl>
| AII Kinds of Moii Work donei
at the "Citizen" Office.
The Lar-osu Most KoliaMe and Leading
. *— o
Millinery 11 onse in J intler County.
We are now prepared to .-Low you a complete line o( the latest novel
tiea and ideas for CI .Id i n'n, .Misses', Voting and Old Indies' Trimmed
Hat.-and Bonnets Struw and Lace llats. (. ~ Silver en 4 Silk Ribbons.
Flowers in great variety.
And we would very specially mention that Mourning Hats and Bonnets
receive oar t <-st attention. Every order in this line will be executed with
neatness, skill and promptitude.
No charge lor trimming hats when materias *re bought here. In this
; line we defy competition.
A 'Th S e S - 0. T. PAPF I S*. Main
Cheapest | I • I j street.
nPiPF l inio Is Precious.
1 j i —Never miuu the picture. Go at
&]■'*/)& J f prf j — once and see liuseltuu'es
| new and attractive
\ st . v in Footwear.
i Wfp4. We know that u good article which
• "Z-~ gives the buyer a big dollar's worth
in value for every dollar invested is sure to brintr him back, and that s the
secret of our increasing business.
We're lots of good things for you this season in fine foot wear. Our
Spring Stock sparkles with advantages to yon
Ladies' Fine Shoes—fine and pretty styies at sl, $1.25; grand at $1.50
extra fine a; $2, $2.50 and up. These * hoes are worth what we ask for
them; but we don't say this or that shoe is worth $4 aud selling at $2.50;
this i: an o'd *. Our $2 a hoe is finer .* better in every way than
these so-called nicked down shoes at $2.50. It is a dishonest business and
an imposition on the public.
Ladies' Lace SUe*—Patent Tips, Cloth Tops; also Button Shoes with
Cloth Tops on opera .iid coniroon eose nsts a r e quite the stjle. Patett
Calf Dongola Top i.- a pretty new shoe we u r e showing. Some of these
have patent calf quarters.
Our lock Li l.'.riiis' Low-cut Shoes aud Slippers cuu'i be equalled. An
endless var'etv of stv es and prices from 25c., soc , sl, $1.25 and up.
Sprin - Heel Shoes for Ladies and Children in Buttou Boots and Low-
Cut Shoes from 50c., 75c., sl, and $1.25; iufents' at 25c , 50c., and 75c.
elegant stvles and l>est of goods.
M i: ,(i j».>vs' Slu < s In this Fnc :-s in all others we double discount
them ail. See our Men's Veal Congress, .-tyiisb at sl, sizes G 11; then take
a look at those line lints at {1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50. You never saw
their equal. They are made to my order by the best manufacturers in this
countrv. See our Men's English Cordovan Kangaroo Cusco Calf, mado on
all the improved ia»ls, plain and tip, all widths
Look at our immense stock of Brogans, Plow Shoes, Oreedmoor s Box-
Toe Shoes at sl, $1.25, and $1 50. They are dandies; no foolishness by tell
ing vou this shoe was sold Icr $2.75, but will sell it to jou for $2.
but will sell vou a better one at the small turn ot $1.50. 1 hese prices and
the fine stvles are leading the trade, end It-suing lots of customers to on
store everv dav. Don't fail to come iu and see us. Me will interest you.
B. C. lIUSELTON, 102 N. Ma n St., Butler
It takes in the Leather.
{ \ This is the grist that goes to the mill,
"-.-1 This is the HI; chine you never ecu fill;
« e <r iT' l Let it devour a ■ much a.> you choose
f ;• And the re -alt is always a stoeH of fine shoes.
ot\. 1 : - ' , f J Coine to our -tore 'twill lie well worth your while
' * Ilyi "re <>: ie • lookout for cheapness and style.
aDfi W"' Du YOU WANT Good Honest Goods
r at the Lowest Poosible Prices,
f; Men's Genuine Kangaroo shoes - $3 00
$J if " Best Domestic Calf " - 2.00
•• Fi> est Buff " - 1.50
! •=>-, - 1.25
Sf " b ° t " - 100
" S° ,,( l Split Leather " - 90
Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes, new process, hand sewed, $2 00
" •' " McKay sewed - 1 75
» 1 50
.. 1.25
•' Pebble Goat Shoes - - 1-25
" *' Grain " - - - 1.00
K : d - 1 00
Boy's extra fine Dress Shoes - - $1.50
« 1.25
" Good " - - - -
Youth's High Cut, Extra Fine Shoes - - $1 50
<• 1.25
.... " LOO
Mitres Donk"la Kid shiKs - $1.50 Mi -es Good Dress shoes - SI.OO
- 1.25 - 85
Childreus fine and heavy shoes 50 j Infants 1-ine Shoes 25
Thor prices do not represent our cheapest nor yet our fiuest shoes, bat
are a few chosen from amongst the most popular grades. These goods
mast be t en to be appreciated at the prices named.
114 South Main Street. Butler, Pa.
Thomas' Phosphates
,;re m.vinfai'turcd ti> produce results. Tlie inauu|jicturer."> arc wise enough
to know there is no better or surer way of incrcasiug sales than by giving
their : ustonier.- .tislat'ti*>n. To this end havo they always worked. All
the experience ;! ..t twenty-three years can bring to bear 011 the subject,
i ,jh .1 1 ma; tm -r of fertilizers and as a practical farmer, are eniploy
,,l 1 t:-i? usaiuug if Thomas' Goods. Coupled with this are the extensive
u ,1,1: of the Com: my with every modern improvement. It is because of
these facilities and facts that the Thomas' Bone Fertilizers are so highly
no mv.eudcd ::tl come m» strongly guaranteed. See our agents through
out your County, or
1. P. Thomas & Son Co.,
Jsitf§nlo 15<>y.
(No. 3,882.)
liuff&lo B»)> is standard ti\ both sire and dam.
and Is i. nnd-r best rule*. W *e
lake color, »!/•• »iy!r.« x'r. i • s|»'ed linen ana
Individual n rit Into e.msit! rid lon. we seldom
ever llh.l in* • ■;>!. .. •1" hands hit(li. Wood
hay. uicl uei - 1-ijO :s. BolU lie and Ms collh
have V' nni l/* s wl»*re* r shown. II" won first
premium :<> U.e Butler I.nr last fall agatnaf a
111ru'- Held Of uood horx.'*.
lie carries the some per .'iii.-.s 'f Pocahontas
lilimhl thnt th.- luiirMy n. the rliajnpioii
II nil, stallion "l • « ii.l. - Ills she
il'ih] . ml • "id «»ed ■ :l - '
speed; ills Mvut produ ml *!•», speed and hU*
■rot hers •;:l!i' •
We' Oder l.uflnlo l!o>°* si r xlcs on III' most
liberal |i rn sof utn ' ''.tuns tali"* M.di.'.hreed
ti.i: ai..l i, ••'! <■ i>s:<>.< i ■■! lie will I'e found at
liln old I < ue miles norl ue.ist of l'roni"'et.
dunltiK the season of !•■!. w here we cordl .llv
unite »h Inspection of htm md liiajf' i-rimt.
V For |..'ill 'ree In till! ■ I l>»rti -i:l.i:s >.■ II at
I he farm nr ad<lr< -s.
.\l.«iV/.«> Mct'ANUl.k.*-- Isle. la.
m I». ■ >u •nx-'Oir j
SHiMv' -**",km . i r«rt»-* ur»f»r«. j
ll.liulU LI.V «.u.,Uu*. tsui-urlluud.Uuluo I
I lee s i >i-< >eity.
Tu counteract the effect of
sprint; w.vls r.ml storm? on face
and land.-; to renew, renovate
n:iti purify the cuticle lift or n
rigorous winter, is the ini-sion of
Au'l well does it perform
the ta.-k. It is a bland, crenmy
emulsion, with just enough vege
table uil to soften the skin, com
bined with puro glycerine and
other substance#, formiug one of
the Guest prestations for chap
ped hands, lips or fact) or any
roughness or irritation of the
skin. No lady or gentleman
should I* without it.
' 1 Ti f * t r- I"—' 1 "—' M-DTTJIi* VorkdU