Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 10, 1891, Image 2

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W. C. INUT, ... -
latf* at rt—Msr-U tlaes —Mr
FRIDAY. JULY 10.1891
IHWniinn» TnaHle U* county CJO per
j ear. In advance; (niMKIf the county* 93 per
rear tn advance.
Asmnma— Oh Inek. one time. »i. each
subsequent It—***— » caata each. Auditors
minis tratoie' nooeea wtrmy aodjUls
soiocloa IB «•<* Beading noacaa to
cents a Lire lor Bnt «i • cents (or each subse
quent Insertion. Notice* among local news
Uems 15 centa a Use tor eaeb Insertion. Obitu
aries. cards of iftanka. resolutions of respect,
notice* of test!i»ls and fata. etc.. inserted at
the rate of 5 eenta a Use. money to accompany
the order. Seven worda of prose make a One.
gates tor standing cards and Job work on
•ffiSSrtlatag Is doe after flrst insertion, and I
all transient advertising must be paid for In ad
Of each tane ot the Cmnx some extra copies
an printed which are mm to ettixena of the
counU who are not snbacrlbers and their Sub
scription la respectfully aaOclted.
Subscribers will do us a favor by sending us
the naneaottheir neighbors, not now taking a
county P*per.
All /wwwnnirMiinfii for publication
in this paper mnatbe accompanied by the real
name of taa writer, not for publication bat as
• guarantee of good faith.
Marriage and death notices must be accom
panied by a ranooaftJc name.
Republican County Ticket
Ver Jsrjr Ceudsslostr.
The Constitutional Convention.
One of the strangest things done by the
last SUte Legislature was the passage of
an act providing for a Constitutional Con
vention, provided the people vote in favor
of it, and Gov. Pattison's approval of the
bill is just as inexplicable as the action of
the legislature.
Qnr fundamental State law is, by gen
eral consent, a good one. It is not perfect,
and no law aver mad* by man has been,
and therefore, its framers provided, in its
eighteenth article, for its amendment from
time to time, and til the trivial mistakes
found in it ean be remedied by amend
ments, that can be folly discussed and
voted upon separately.
But the proposition is to create a con
vention for the porpoee of framing an en
tirely new constitution, and for this, there
was no mora call or demand throughout
the State than than waa or is for a law
changing the State lines or the location of
the Allegheny mountains.
The bill originated in the Senate, the
body that unanimously sat down upon a
resolution favoring an amendment to the
National Constitution providing for the
election of United States Senators by the
popular vote, or in other words for remedy
ing the defoot in oar National Constitution
that creates the "machine " or confiden
tial system of politics that has been such a
corse to this State.
However,we take it for granted, that the
same mysterious power that pushed the bill
throngh both branches of the Legislature,
and eatued Gov. Petttaon to sign it, will see
to it that there are enough votes to carry it
throngb, and therefore it behooves us to
select the beet men who offer themselves
as delegates to the convention, so that in
the event of there being one, our present
and excellent fundamental law may not be
entirely sacrificed.
Whim the Nation, in general, rejoiced
and made merry on Saturday last, there
were some very end hearts in the land—
hearts made sad unexpectedly. Two rail
road aocideats had caused the sudden
death of two docaa persons, and the horri
ble deaUi b/ banting of several others. So
' long as human beings continue to move
heavy mssses rapidly, so long will there
be accidents, fatal to life. Railroad acci
dents may be said to be unavoidable, and
some of ns most die that the others be
moved comfortably and quickly; but we
think the day will oome when the publio
will refer with astonishment to the risks of
travel by rail today. Compared with the
momentum of a fast moving train the
superstructure of a passenger car is but as
an egg shell to the power of a trip hammer,
and we see no good reaeon why this should
continue to be the case, or why suoh
tremendous freight trains as the one that
ran into the rear end of the passenger
train at Ravenna should be allowed to be
hauled by one engine.
Cars built with iron or steel frames, and
trains of such siae aa to be always under
the control of their locom otirea should, we
think, be the role on all roads.
Habhibai Hamub, the last of our living
ex-Vice President#, died at Bangor, Maine,
last Saturday. He was brought np in the
Democratic foith, and served that party in
the Legislature of his state, in Congress,
and as United States Senator, bnt startled
his party and the Country on the 12th of
June of 1856, by riaing in his seat in the
Senate and declaring kis purpose of sup.
porting Fremont for President. The Re
publican convention of Maine, which met
soon after, nominated him tor Governor,
and in 1860 he waa put on the Republican
national ticket with Linooln.
Reeolotkme of Respect.
Resolutions passed by the Epworth
League of the M. I. church on the death
of Howard Bediek.
Whereas. It baa pleased the angels to
beckon from the shores of eternity to onr
beloved Howard Bediek, and while in the
midst of youth he has gone down to
Jordan's wave and crossed the resistless
tide to answer in the roll call of Heaven,
so when this corruptible shall have pnt on
ivcorruption and this mortal shall have pnt
on immortality, then shall be brought to
pass the saying that is written "Death is
swallowed up In victory."
Therefore, be it resolved that we express
onr appreciation ofbl* r.ssit, :f hi-fnead
, ship, of b<i as a member of the
Epworth League and a worker in the vine
yard of the Master, that we extend onr
sympathy to the bereaved family and drape
onr charter in mourning and that we for
th ermore take the thought that, "Life is
real, life is earnest." That "It is not all of
life to live nor all of death to die;" that
in his early and sudden death we are ad
monished to be also ready for the Son of
Man oometh at an hour when ye think not.
"The perils of the sea,
The recks, the waves, the winds,
Are small whatever they may be
To those we leave behind.
run Cutlsi,
Jambs McDowbl,
THK cyclones are going South, one struck
Baton Range, the capital of Lousiana, last
Monday, and destroyed the state peniten
tary, killing ten convicts and wounding
EM. CiTlzßß-Not having noticed any
local correspondence in your paper for some
time we will chronicle a few local briefs.
Oui glorious Forth is past and Branchton
has again assumed its regular routine of
business! Drilling is rapidly going on at the
Donble oil well and developments are an
ticipated by tbe last of the week.
Miss Edith Moore of J acksville Pa was
the guest of Miss Era Hall of Branchton
last week.
Mr. Joaeph Cooper of Slippery Rock Pa.
was visiting friends at Branchton last
. week.
Geo. Shannon of near Branchton died on
Wednesday of last week of dropsy of the
heart. Tbe funeral ceremonies oocured on
Tbe gas well drilled by McDonald A Co.,
on the Double form, has the greatest pres
sure yet obtained, ganging the same at
Branohton as at warren, more rigs are in
conrse of construction and other develop
ments will be made, and Branchton is
looking forward to brighter and moropros
perous days.
Blaihb seems to be a very
sick man.
Seeing the Big Circus.
What a handy thing it is to .hare a boy \
who want* to go the circus when yon feel
like taking a look at it yourself.
For over a year our boy Jim had been
coaxing for a look at the biggest circus iu J
the country, on account of the stories he j
had been told about it by some of his play
mates who were raised in or near it: and
so it came about that on last Saturday
morning a week, we were awakened by
the colored porter of a certain car of a cer
tain train and told that wo were nearing i
New York.
We dressed and got up. and found that j
the train was speeding through the swam I
py portion of New Jersey this side of Jer- .
sey City. Everybody got out, the porter
changed the berths back to seats and we j
looked around, at the country and at our
company in the sleeper.
The old rooster who had corralled the
whist party shortly after the train tad left
Pittsburg the previous eyening and who
had helped to keep up the racket half way
down the Juniata was quiet and contem
plative; the Pittsburg newspaper man,who
went one eye on things was inclined to be
talkative, and dilated on the section of
track we were running over and which had
taken the prize for years; the western coup
le on their wedding trip looked contented
and tried to look unconcerned; Dr. G. said
he hadn't slept a bit and didn't feel good;
Jim was bracing himself for a first look at
the elephant, and the others —well we
hadn't time to notice everybody.
The train rolled OTer the elevated tracks
into the new depot that the Pennsylvania
Company is building at Jersey City, and
we left it and went down the steps and
got on the Conrtland St. boat, and the boat
started across the Hudson, and Jim was
getting his first ride on salt water, and
looking down the finest harbor in the
At the station on the other side we left
Dr. G. talking to a man who wanted the
job of taking his baggage across to the Ha
vanna steamer which was lying at an Ea»t
river pier and was to sail at and we
went on up the street. The first thing that
one who has not been in the citv for some
years will notice is the elevated railroad-',
which on narrow streets occupy the entire
street on the level of the second stories of
the houses and so darken the first stories
that gas and electric lights are used all
day. They make the ground floor of amt
row street look like a
again a t
and the streets crowded,
coming "in great gangs from all
directions" like Teeters'hounds,and we were
sure something had happened somewhere,
and mentioned the matter to the first Bine
coat we came to, but he didn't seem to
think so, so we went on to the hotel we
had selected and got our breakfast.
Thon we thought we would Btart out by
locating ourselves, and went across the
way and up Park Kow to the World or Pu- j
! litser building and got in the little round
' and dark elevator, and were yanked up to
the top of it—and what a view one has
from there—New York, Brooklyn, Jersey
and hvf » dozen smaller cities; the homes
and workshops of four million people; the
Hudson, East river and the bay, the ship
ping and the steamers, the wonderful
bridge and the surrounding country mako
a panorama unequalled on this Earth.
When we were a boy we climbed up the
iron ladder to the gilded ball on the top i>f
St. Paul's and got some glimpses of Lon
don through the fog, and we havo seen
Washington, Paris and other inland and
seaport cities from a heighth, but from no
heightb can one See so great a variety of
the workg of Nature and of man as from
the top of the World building in New
York. The building itself is but little hieh
er than some of the adjacent ones, though
it is thirteen stories hifth, bnt the i r '-«.
dome, 150 feet higher, puts the sightseer
above all surrounding objects and those
who ride up -should walk down, and see the
printing offices, the restaurants and the
handsomely furnished offices.
Our next sight was the Brooklyn briJge j
—you go up stairs, pay three cents, and
ride over. The cars are propelled by cables ,
and there are two trains going all the time. |
We walked back over the footway which
rises above the cages through which the
cars pass, while the driveways are on
either side. This bridge is one of the
wonders of the world—that is one of the
wonders made by man—and as its chief
engineer was a Butler county Dutchman,
a citizen of this county can take a local
pride in it. .
A visit to Dr. G. on his steamer, a ride
up Broadway, dinner at an up town restau
rant, and a walk up sth ave. to the park
and back finished the first day for us, and
two tired fellows one of whom had not
slept iu the cars, were glad to get to bed.
All the big hotels of the city, with a few
exceptions, are now run on what is called
the European plan—that is you pay at the
desk for your room, and in the restaurant
or dining room for what yon order, the
price of each dish being printed on the bill
of fare, and you eat when and where you
A noticeable feature of all the restau
rants, both down town and up town, is that
they bring you hot, boiled milk for your
coffee, and if you try it you will find that
the hot milk makes a better combination
with the coffee, than either cold milk or
A Pittsburger will also notice that the
barbers use no sponges, and if you mention
the matter, the barber will guess where you
are from.
The down town offices and the whole
sale stores close at 6 o'clock, and then that
part of the town becomes comparatively
quiet, and the life and movement is trans
ferred to the vicinity of Madison Square,
two miles up Broadway from the P. 0.
where mort of the big hotels and places of
amusement are. If you are there in warm
weather take your dinner at up town res
taurant—the prices are nearly the same
everywhere—and resd your evening paper
in Madison Square. It's nice.
Lower New York, with its immense office
buildings on Broadway from Battery Park
up to the vicinity of the P. 0. and on Wall
street; the elevated railroads which are
constantly carrying vast throngs of people,
particularly in the morning when they
come in and in the evening when tbey go
out is a mechanical wonder; and upper
Broadway and sth ave. with their numer
ous large and elegant hotels, the palatial
club houses and residences of the million
airs, is an exhibition of wealth and gran
deur beyond the imagination of one who
bae aoi- «®eo it. The piost magnificent
hotei we looked into was the •• riaza near
the sth ave. entrance of the Park, and you
cannot see how they could stuff more
more in one building, the Vanderbilt resi
dences are grand and some of them rather
gloomy looking; St. Patrick's cathedral—a
marble structure built in the shape of a
cross—is beautiful, inside and out: and the
Grand Central depot, from the bridge over
the street back of it, from where one can
see them making up and starting out trains
for all the northern parts of the country is
an interesting sight for a boy.
Sunday is a great day in New York.
There are lots or churches there and part,
at least, of tbe immense population goes
to church in the morning, but a far greater
part, we judge, go out of town that after
noon. Transportation is the only cheap
thing about the place; the fare on the ele
vated, or " L." roads, as they call them,
for one block or the length of the line,
eight or ten miles, is a nickle; you can go
to Coney Island and back for 40 to 50 cts.
according to the Toute you take, and there
are a dozen of tkem; vou can go to Long
Branch by Bteamer and back same day for
75 cts.; you can go a hundred miles up tho
Hudson and back, or as far up Long Island
Sonnd and back for 75 cts. or a dollar, and
besides this there are excursions to country
places, and everybody seems to go some
where, Sunday afternoon. We wont to
Coney Island. After a late breakfast and
a look over the morning paper, we went
down to Pier No. 1, of the North or Hud
son river, which is just above the Battery
Park or Castle Garden; one crowded
stesmer started out just as we got there
and we bad to wait half an huur iu the
second-story of the pier for tbe next one;
and the pier was soon full of people, some
of whom amused themselves at the drop-a
nickle-in-the-slot, catch-penny, devices that
are being spread all over the country; then
tbe steamer came and we had a delightful
ride down the bay, through the narrows,
and to one of the great piers built out into
the sea from the beach of the island.
The sun was hot, and we walked along
the beach with our coats off to the fashionable
East End " Oriental" hotel, whero the
prices are put high enough to keep the
common herd away, theu we rode back by
tbe elevated railway to tbe Manhattan
hotel and beach, where hundreds of people
were dining and a few bathing, and then
back by a public railway, to tho West Oi
Brighton beacb, where all the circuses,
restaurants, concert balls and all the catch
penny devices you havo ever heard of were
in operation. Hundreds of people were
bathing there, and Jim and a Kentucky
gentleman who had made our acquaintance ;
took a dip together. The bathing house
is quite a distance from the beach; on the
lower fli or yon secure your bathing suit
and deposit your valuables, then you g" to '
your room on the 'Jd floor and change your
clothe*, putting the rubber bands holding
vour key and check, over yonr head and
around yoar neck, then you run down the
"runway''and hop into the water. The
water and wind were both cold and Jim
didn't stay in long, and then we took a
look around the place. There were two or
three kinds of mem'-go-rounds in opera
tion;. several kinds of swings; two in
clined circular railroads, on which people
were hoisted in small cars and then let
flicker down and around, and flicker they
did; an elephant restaurant and dozens of
others, some of them with concert hall at
tachments, and everything you could think
of to got the money out of the crowd. A
hundred Barnum circuses wouldn't equal it.
The steamers and trains continued to come
in crowded and by 4 o'clock that aiternoon
we judged there were half a million people
there, and they told us the season had not
yet opened. The ride back was also de
lightful; Bartholdi's statue of Liberty is a
Sretty ornament for the bay, but the
Dutchman's bridge, rising over the roofs of
the houses and masts of the ships is the
boss attraction.
Monday was our big day there, as far as
getting over grrund was concerned. e
took the elevated cars at the Battery and
rode the entire length of the line, up to
150 th street, looked at the High and Wash
ington bridges or aqueducts over which the
water supply of the town s lrom the
Croton reservoirs ten miles up the country,
walked up the hill to the high street-; run
ning parallel with the Hudson, .ind louml
that we were a mile or so above what
we were looking for t. e. —Grant s tojnb -
took the cable cars down to near it. an<;
had another hill to climb to get to it. It
is a plain brick tomb, but the monument is
now being built. The location is a splen-
Jid on' hnd commands a ten-mile view up
the ilu.lt is at the north end ol
River.-: . ■ !\» . ft'uich is, as yet, a new and
incomplete all Then we took a horse
car to Central l'u.k and walked through it.
part of it. paiticularly the " Ramble"' can
only be seen aloot, and the principal at
tractions are the cave, the lake, the reser
voirs,the obelisk,the museums,etc., and last
but not least to a boy, the menagerie. The
baby hippopotamus was a gieat attraction
for Jim.
That evening we walked through tbe
Bowery, and the Five Point's district of the
city—Mott and Baxter, and other streets —
where the Chinese and Italian? live or
rather herJ; crowded, warm, dirty streets,
full of ill vUaged people and dirty chil
dren, in strong contrast with the magmti
cent wholesale
heXavy Yardin Brook-
one of our new men of
war, which is a very different affair from
our old wooden ships. The third or
navigator took us to his room and showed
us his chronometers and a government
watch that kept perfect time, and Jim
it proved it by bis Waterbury.
Then we did Wall street and the Stock
Exchange, from the gallery ol" which you
look down upon the "bear-garden" so
called from tbe noise and fuss the fellows
make who are selling stocks upon tbe floor.
The Stock Exchange, Custom House and
Sub-Treasury, are all near each other. On
the steps of Sub-T.is a monument of Wash
ington, commemorating the fact that he
took his first oath as President of the
United States there. The Custom House
is a pillared, gloomy building, full of ofli
ces, and if you are expecting dutiable
goods on a steamer, yon roust go there and
swear to the manifest, and pay
the duties, get a release ticket and go
to the wharf and take the
goods away within a certain
time, or els© the officials will chuck them
into a store house and charge storage.Then
wo called upon some friends at their offices
and went to a steamship office, and got a
ticket of admission to one of the big. trans
Atlantic steamers and found our way to her
pier, on North or Hudson river, " taking
iu" Washington market,where the sea tur
ties and shell fish interested Jim on thejway
undwc-e luwlrtTfiTftver tbe steamer when he
I hadto get him back to the
hotel and doctor him up- I had been rush
ing him too hard. A twtdve-year-old gets
tired all over, physically and mentally,see
ing sights. -n
Next day we intended going up the Hud
son, but Jim said he had seen enough, and
didn't to see or hear any more; so we took
the 9 a. in. train and at midnight after a
pleasant ride through the State wo were iu
Pittsburg; and Pittsburg looked dirty and
shabby after New York. If Chris Magee'f
government is doing its duty by the town,
it can't prove it by the appearance of that
part of it the stranger sees on his way
from Union depot to his hotel.
Next morning we were back in Butler,
and the town looked bright and cbeerlul to
us. When our principal streets are paved,
the Bidewalks completed, Diamond
Square improved, and one or two
of the more conspicuous corners
built up, we will have as pretty
a small town as you will find an}*where.
Onr Council is spending some money for us
at present, and putting us in debt, but we
believe the money is being well spent, and
that no scandal will follow the reccrd of
their proceeding.
Prospect Items.
The Fourth is over, and everybody is
down to "biz" again.
Our B. B. club are pretty good fellows,
but need lots of practice before they can
expect to play much Tbey were well
pleased with their trip to Centerville.
Bruce Kerr showed the boys around the
Normal, but they seemed to think that
Prof. Kicketts was the happiest man they
saw. They didnt think of asking why.
Dr. L. M Roth and family spent their
Fourth with Doc's father-in-law Mr. (Jris
well, near Princeton, Lawrence Co.
Mrs G. P. Weigle visited friends at
Beaver Falls, last week.
Mr. C. M. Edmundson thinks of writing
a romance entitled "Deserted in the wood,
if Phil Sechler will take the general agency.
John M. Weigle and wife of Bntler, vis
ited his old home last Sunday.
Mr. Andy Miller aud wife, of Butler, visit
ed his brother Conrad, of this place, last
Mr. Charlie White and family, of Kent,
Ohio, were the guests of Henry Shaffer and
wife, on the Fourth. Mrs. White is a daugh
ter of Mr. Shaffer.
Mr. Emery Beighley has rented the coal
bank on Milton- White's farm where he
will soon hare good coal out for sale.
W. F. Hensbaw and wife have returned
from a visit to friends at. Mars.
Sam Graham claims the first new pota
toes in town. Sam never gets left.
Prof. Shanor and (!. B. M;Lure, of
McKeesport. were homo "on a visit last
week. Tbey both look well, and the folks
were glad to see them.
AT Memphis, Tenn. la>t l'riday a jury
found Kiug, the lawyer who shot another
named Potson, guilty of murder iuthe first
degree. King became infatuated v, itb the
widow of the rebel general Pillow, left his
family and lived with her, and deeded her
his property, then they quarreled and >he
employed Pot son as her attorney, l'otson
published some unpleasant (acts regarding
King, and King shot him. The trial was
watched all over the South, and the verdict
is contrary to Southern sentmientalism.
FOCK convicted murderers were elec
trocuted fit Sing Sing peniter.tary early last
Tuesday morning, without the revolting
scenes attending theexecution of Krinin
Tuk State Worlds Fait Commission met
and organized at llarrisburg last Wednes
AT Philadelphia, Thursday, ' Ex-City
Treasurer Bradsley was sentenced to fif
teen years in the penitentiary.
ONE of the dc.-erts of southern California
has lately filled up with water and become
a lake.
A Fair Trial
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla will convince any reasr.n
able person that It does possets great medicinal
merit. We do not claim that every bottle will
accompUsb a miracle, but we do know that nearly
every bottle, taken according to directions, does
produce positive benefit. Its peculiar curative
power U shown by many remarkable cures. It
purifies the blood, cure* scrofula, salt rheum, all
humors, dyspepsia, catarrh, and rheumatism.
h Hood's garsaparllla cured me of blood poison,
gave me a noble appetite, overcame headache and
dizziness." L NASOW, LoweU, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists, ft, six for Preparedonlr
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm
100 Dose* One Dollar
A Railroad Horror.
Two preat trains, one a passenger and j
the other a heavy freicht rollitijr over the
track in the same directiou at night and I
hot a few minute- a part. A slight mishap j
that causes the leading train already be
hind lime to st»p for a few minutes, a
hrakeinan who did not walk hack far
enough with hi* warning lamp, and a
down-grade section of road formed a combi
nation of circumstances that caused a
wreck and holocaust at the station near
Kavenna. Ohio, !a.-t Thursday night, the
sadden death of a dozen men on their way
home to spend the holiday, and the
horrible death by homing of several men,
women and children.
It was on the Erie or X. Y. P. iO. R.
R. The front train was a pas.-enger ex
prejs, and at Findlay, 0. an extra car had
been attatched to it for the accommodation
of a party of glass blowers who were going
home to Coming, X. Y. The train was
already forty minutes late, when it stopped
at Ravenna, and something wrong about
the engine necessitated a further delay of
a few minute?.
The second train was an immense one of
twenty-four car-, loaded with dressed meat
for the eastern markets, the road into the
depot was down grade, the brakeman of
the first train went back but a short dis
tance. the engineer of the freight conld not
stop his train, and his engine plowed
through the rear car of the first train,
crushing and mangling nearly everybody
in i,t and then the car took fire and severa
of those who had not been killed out right
were burned to death. Men and boys
were caught in the wreck and burned to
death while crying for help. The next to
the rear coach, a sleeper, was also wrecked
and took lire and people were burned to
death in it. Two little girls were imprison
ed in a berth and were roasted there; a
woman who had a little baby in her amis
hung half way out of the car as it turned
and asked to be taken out. "Oh, God!"
she cried, ''will no body do anything for
me. Come and cut ofT my legs; only get
me out in some but no body could
do anything for her and the fire kept grad
ually creeping np to the seat where she
( was pinioned. When she saw she could
not be resi aed she wildly cried for some
one to tear h n r baby out of the wreck, but
they were b'irued together
There was no delay in ready assistance,
but all efforts were fruitless until the ar
rival of the city lire department. The
flames could not be stayed in their terrible
march of death until water had been pour
ed in tlu wreck for some time —it seemed
hoars to the agonized onlookers. All that
huma . peer conld was done.
At daylight a subdued aud fearful crowd
of sevei.il hundred stood at the station,
gazing v. trarf'il eyes npon a sickening
sight, wi u all about them was the smoth
ering si nin-r odor of burning human
fle*h u . aig fr-»m a in. ol blackened
heopet!-"i> wrec»ag'.-. No . and then one's
eyes chu.iced up. :i little shreds of clothing
or seared flesh au.l hones, each and a
blacken .' j and roasted to a horrible de
I'robaldy tiie nuot fearful sight, if any
one soald be worse than the other, was the
appearance of the front of the boiler of the
freight engine. In the first shock the
front end of the boiler was broken in, and
as the engine ploughed its way through the
mass of hu nanity, four poor fellows were
actuallj* scooped np in the cauldron,
wounded and helpless, and there they lay,
slowly roasting to death before the eyes of
the spectators who would but could not aid
them. These are afterwards fished out
piecemeal by ti c firemen's hooks andnar
cifully covered with sheeting.
NEAR Charleston W. Vs., on the -Ku
o( July, a trestle that had been injured i>y
down with au excursion tri'ia,
and fonrtSwi persous were killed outright,
and many Several pathetic inci
dents of the wreck-ore .noted, and among
them the case of an infant found alive in
the wrecknge between its two dead
parents, with its tinkers cut otr.
TUB Itata has been returned to San
Diego Harbor.
DUNLAP- June 30. 1891, daughter
of John W. Dunlap of West Sunbur
WOLFORD—JuIy 2d, 1891. dan tor
of George Wolford of W. Sunburv
HARPER—June 28, 1891, at her home iu
Butler, Grace, daughter of J. H. Harper,
aged 5 years.
McCLAIN—June 29, 1891. at her home in
Butler, Ellen J. McClain aged 20 yen ;s
DUMBACH —June 30, 1891, at her borne
i:i Butler Twp., Mrs. Adam Dumbacb.
PETSINGEII—At his home in Buffilu
Twp., July 1. 1891, Mr. John Petsing'T,
ageti about 83 } ears.
BAKSHAUT—At ber home in Put'cr
Twp., July 1. 1891, Mrs. A \V. Bar. Ivirl.
in her 49th year. She died sudde.i!;. of
heart disease.
BIXDEKIEM—On Friday, June 2fi ' ,
1891, Mrs. K. Bindericm, of near Mi.b;;«
Lancaster, aged W years, 5 months ai.d
28 days.
SESBITT—On Saturday evening, June
27, 1891, at his residence near Harmony,
l'a Mr. Peter Xesbitt, aged 08 years. 7
months and 26 days. He was born in Lu
zerne county, Pa., Nov. 1, 1822.
McGUEW —At his home in Franklin Twp.
this county, June 25, 1891, Mr. William
McGrew, aged 59 years, 0 months and 7
Mr. McGrew was one of the well known
and useful citizens of the western part of
our county. He leaves a large circle of
friends and relatives to mourn his loss.
Agents Wanted.
Several good nieu, experience not
necessary, to take orders for fine
112 K. .Jtfl'erson St., - - Butler, Pa.
Full Again.
We mean our wall paper de
partment, lull arid overflowing
with our immense and choice
stock of paper hangings. You
must help us out. we haven't
room for half our goods, until
you relieve us of some of them.
We have the choicest seloc
| 'ion of patterns in every grade
from Brown Blanks at 10 cts
to (tilts at from 20 cts to 81
per double bolt.
Examine our Stock.
J. H. Douglass,
Near Postotfice, Butler, Pa.
Hotels and Depots,
W S. Gregg is now running a line
of rarriupes between the hotel* Bnd
t'epot* of the towu.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders et Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
Advertise ir '.he G'ITIZBW
pt m
■ fcp i AL J
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all "in leavening'strengtb.
S. Gorfrnment Food Report.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the Citi
zks office.
Auditor's Notice.
XEWTOX BLACK, Trustee. \ intheCeurtofCom.
vs. , Pleas of Butler Co.
The Butler .salt Ma I'g aud K. I>. No. lou June
Chemical Work-. T. 's>i K. I>. No. ss»,
J March r. 91.
Motion ol I). SI. Ward to pay money into
Court and have an auditor appointed.
"Now July 1. lv.il. mutton granted, the MiertlT
directed to pay into Court the money in his
hands and 1!. P. M»tt. Ksq.. Is appointed .in
auditor to report distribution.
Hy the Court,"
And now July 6. 1891. notice is hereby gtven
that In pur.-uance of my appointment a.* auditor
In the above stated case. I will attend to the
duties of said appointment at my ofllee, No. to,
Diamond, In th« lioroughol Butler on Thursday,
Julv :so, lsyl, at 1" o'clock n in., at which ttuie
and place, all parties Interested may attend If
ttiev see r roper so to do.
R. P. Si Ott. Auditor.
Orphans' Csurt Sals.
By virtue of an order ol the orphans
of ltutler county. Pa .at o. t'. No. c.",, Sept. T.
18D1. and to me directed, the undersigned v.ill
offer at public sale, on the premises at liio'clock
A. M. Of
The following described real estate, to-»lt:
No. l. A lot of ground, situate in the village
ot Petersvllle, Butler county l'a., and bounded
as follows; on the north by lot of P. W
'1 homas, on the east by a public road or street,
on the south by lot ot Jacob Dam bach and on
the west by lot of J. 1.. C hristie. havlDg a front
ot « teet on said street and extending back
thence 120 feet, with a two storv trame house,
plank stable and other outbuildings thereon.
No. 2. A lot of ground of about one acre, sit
uated In Conuoquehesslng twp.. Butler county.
Pa., fronting on public rogd known as the
Powdermill road and adjoining lands of Zeno
Markle, H. K. Dambach and the heirs of C. A.
McKlnney, dee'd.
TKKMs ok sale— one-third of purchase
money on confirmation of sale bv the court,and
the balance in two equal, anual Installments,
secured by bond and mortgage.
CHKIsTINA 11l itlJ.
Adm'rx of Isaac Burr. dee d, late of Connoque
uesslng twp.
Orphans' Court Saio.
In re petition of < ntharln - McN'amara for
writ of partition of the real estate late of Ann
McN'amara deceased. Orphans' Court of Butler
Co . Pa.. No June Term. 1-M.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
decree ai.d order ot sal t C3uxt bearing date
Mav 2.">, l-;d, a; pointing Mrs. Elizabeth Collins
trustee to sell the hereinafter described real
estate, as will fully appear by reference to said
decree, and order at the above number and
term. I. the said Elizabeth Collins, trustee, will
expose to sale at public vendue and outcry on
the premises, on
MONDAY. AUGUST id. 1891,
at one o'clock P. It. tne following described real
estate, to-wlt:
All that certain tract of land situate in Parker
township. Butler County,Pcnnsylvaman. bound
ed and described as tollows. to-wlt: On the
norili by lands of Thomas Fleming and A. Pau
bauspeek.' ii the east, by binds of John IC. Mc-
Namara, on the south by lands of John K. Mc-
Namara and ou the west by lands of Isaiah Col
lins and Hugh Collins, containing ntty-seven
acres, be the same more or less, mostly « leared
and under fence.
TERMS OK SALE.—One-third of purchase
money on confirmation of sale by the Court and
the remainder in two equal annual installments,
to be secured by bond and mortgage on the
premises, in doubl- the amount of sale, said
bond and mortgage to bear legal Interest irom
date payable annually and to embrace an at
torney's commission, of T> per cent. In case the
same shall have to tie collected by legal process,
Willi adjournment Irom day to day and to dif
ferent places, it necessary. In order to secure
sufficient bid or bids on sutil real estate.
BALDWIN, Butler County, Pa.
Citation in Partition.
in He petition of Abraham Wollcrd, sou and
heir at law of John Wolford late of Donegal
Twp. for a writ of Partition.
O. C No. lie Sept. Term 1881.
The above entitled petition was llled In the
Orphans Court, of Butler county, Pennsylvania,
setting forth that the said John Wolford died
in Donegal township, said county and state,
on the lith day of leb. A. I). 18*7 intestate
seized iu bis demense as or fee a certain tract
of land situate in sai l township, county and
state containing forty-six acres more or leas.
Bounded on the North by lands of Henry .1.
Wolford, fcnM. by rands ol John Frederick,
South by lands ol Jacob Frederick and West by
lands of Joseph Vermel and Solomon Pontlous.
And leaving to survive linn a widow to wit
Harriet Wolford since deeeased.tlve children to
i»t. Mary Intermarried with Johu l>. Wi k
residing at s. arcy postofllce, Putnam county
West Virginia.
2d. Abram the petitioner residing in Donegal
township, butler county. Pennsylvania.
3d. tieorge who has since died unmarried.
Intestate and without iv-ue.
4th. Rebecca Intermarried with Eugene
Quiiin residing in OH City, Venango county,
sth. Cathrine intermarried with llenry
< Jill mi, said Cathrine now being deceased and
leaving to survive her a husband to wit llenry
Qulnii residing at Sllverlyvllle, Venango county.
Pennsylvania, and nine children to wit. John,
Albert, William Kdward. Dry. Ml/a bet n. Lot tie,
Freddie and .tosle (sail Josie txuig [lnter
married with Joseph Winger,, all ot whom
reside at Silverlyvllle, Venango County, Penn
And grand children being children of nous
and daughters to wit.
Ist. t nlidren ot Andrew Wolford deceased
who died leaving to survive him a widow to wit.
Mary A. Wolford residing at Adams postolllce,
Armstrong county, Pennsylvania, and children
to wit.
John I>. Woliord residing at Edenburg,Clarion
county, I'eimsylvauia, (Knox postolllce.) peter
Woliord residing In He state of Washington C.
s. A. Eli Wolioiil residing at Downievllle, Slera
county. Calliornla. <i. W. Wolford residing In
Armstrong county. Pennsylvania, (liradys licud
ixistlllce.) Juila Ann intermarried with John
I ley I residing In Armstroag couuty, Penn
sylvania, (Brady* I'. nil postolllce.) Emily sluce
deceased Intestine unmarried and without
issue Mary A:,a litermairled with James
Morris residing .i Oil City. Venango county,
Pennsylvania .1 Ellen Woliord residing at
OilCltv. \ ciian,.o county, Pennsylvania.
»d. Children ol f ai.ne Wolford now deceased
who waa lntermurri' i with M. S. Zlllefrow and
who It'll to survive hi.r a htuiband lo wltM. b.
Zillefrow iiml live .liildren to wit. Haines,
l.uesla, Miles, Juab and Josephine all ol
whom reside «n li I Mir lather at t.nstord post
olllce. Armsfreiig o.utity. Pennsylvania.
;id. Children of l.litcnetli Wolford now de
ceased wli . v. i. li:i' tuinrrled with James Eecky
and who lelt surviving her a husband to wu
J units Eecky since deceased and children to
wit. John and William residing at Miller»-
toiv«i. liutler euuiiiy. Pennsylvania, Jacob
resiib ni e unknown, illtton, .Mireil aud Hosella
(said Hose 11a belli:, intenu n rled with Elmer
liiatiani risiding ai nailer, Pennsylvania. Ell/.a
Ann tuterinarrie.i ..till Kerry /llletrow since
deceased leaving to survive In r a husband lo
wit. Berry Zilleit ai uii.l six children to wit.
William. Charles, .viallcla. Harvey, Abraham
and Maggie all el whom reside at Adams post
olllce. Armstrong county, Pennsylvania.
lili. Children ol Jacob oltorddeceased who
left to survive htm a widow Mary Ann since
deceased and two sons. William c. Wolford
and John M. \\olford whosa postolllce address
Is liaruharls Mbls.Butlcr county, Pennsylvania.
William C. residing at MUlerstown and .lohu M.
lu Houegal towiisliip. liutler county. Penn
.'■III. chlldun oi William Woliord deceased
who left to survive HUu a widow io wit. Adeline
Woliord and one son to wit. H. J. Wolford
both ot whom reside in Donegal township,
liutler i ounty. Pennsylvania.
I hat no partition or valuation of said land has
been made to and among those entltb d I hereto.
\\ la re lore your petitioner prays said Court to
award an inquest to make pan it ion of said
de.-ei |bed laud lo aud among those entitled
thereto in such manner and In such proportions
as I.) Ihe Interstate laws of this commonwealth
Is directed li such partit ion thereol can be made
uithout predjudlce to or spoiling the whole.
Hut If such paitlliou cannot be made then to
value and appraise the same and make return
of their proceedings according to law. and your
petitioner as In duly bound will ever pray.
Verified, by altiuavll and signed bj Abraham
And now Juue loth 1891 within petition tiled
and citation awarded upon the heirs at law ot
John Woliord deceased to show cause why
partition should not be made as prayed. Parties
residing out ol the county to be cited by publi
cation 111 ihe Hut IT cm/.or, a weekly news
paper published in the Borough ol liutler tor
ihiee successive weeks to appear ami show
cause why partition should not be made as
pray ed iteiurnable to next term.
Clerk U. C
Certified from the record thlsJOthday of June
JOKKCH CitiswELt.. Clerk.
Hr.vi K oi PK.snsv I.vania (
8. S.
To William M. Brown High Sheriff of Butler
county, Pennsylvania, Ureeling.
S\e command you that >ou make know n to
the lietrs anil l.'ural lepresentatives of John
Woliord nau.ed In the loregolng petition the
contents thereof and rule and cite them to be
and appear at an Orphans Court to be held at
butler in and lor tne couniy ol Butler. Penn
sylvania, op .Monday the Tin day ot .September
lent,at one o clock j. M. then and there to show
cause it any they may have why the pnijer |t
the i-etitlouer should not be fcranled and (ho
writ ot pat til lon as prayed lor tie awarded
Witness the Honorable Aaron 1. Ilazen,
Pre:-ldeui Judge ol our said ' ourt at Butler,this
;n..11l da) Of JUI.f, 1 s;>l.
Just. 1 II < 111-» Ki.l..
An Ordinance.
An ordinance to provide tor tin? pavlnjc and
curbing of Diamond street it. the Borough of
Butler and I" determine the manner of pay
ment of the iwt thereof.
Where,is a petition has been presented to the
Town council of the Boreugh of ltutler for the
paving ulul curbing of Dnunoitd street on lb"
east and west sides of M tln st»eet embracing
the streets both north ,ii.d - Hith of the square,
which [H-tltton hns t» en sigiast by two-thirds i.f
the owners of property representing not b'>s
than two-thiriLi in number of f.-et of properties
fronting or abutting on -s»ld street proposed
to be paved and curbed, as required by the
Act ot As>embly approved Vptil Zi. l-»e relat
ing to th** paving ct streets in boroughs, there
Section t. The l.urgi.so and Town Council
of the Bofuiign of Butter do "nlalu. Hut Dli
niond street both ea>: and west of M;itn street
and north and »• ut!i ol -.e Mjuare. which -treet
l> a public ."tree! ot ■.alt tairoagh now laid out
andopei"-! shall be )>aved with vitrttled brick
of the w 1.11 U"t twenty leet and .airbed v.tth
>tou *• ■■■:relug
x < tlon 2. 1" -tlm'is i.r the c -.i and exp< a nae
ot the pavli>K aud t urblng i f --..id street shall I
be collected from the owners of the real estate I
bounding or abutting tiiereou b> an equal as
sessment on the feet trout bounding or abutting i
thereon as provided ror by Act of Assembly ap
proved. April if. lssit.
(>rdatned and made in Council t his Ttli day of
Juli. A. D ls9l.
President of Town Council.
Approved this Sth day of July. A. P. 1981.
Attest; Chief Burgess.
LEVI M. WISE. Sec y.
Auditors' Report of Middlesex
W. A. Denny In account with MlJdlesex Town
ship as collector of school tax, for the jear end
ing June Ist. 1891.
Pr. To amount of Duplicate fj.ua s«
Cash to Treasurer #2.471 •.«
Fxoneratlons x> an
Filed tax «'• ST
Per cent, of collector s4 6.1
Rebate C 7 ok
Total 12,1 MS s«
.las. A. Croft, treasurer of school funds for the
year ending June Ist. mi.
To amount from 189<> t :<4 74
Received from collector 2.471 it*
(lain of dellnqueut tax 6 29
State appropriation 470 79
For Park's school house 15 oo
Total 13.05s 71
For teaching *l..'>2* .*0
F..r furnishing coal 77 3#
For purchasing ground ii4o oo
For massonry 127
For secretary's salary 25 oo
Water reut 2n no
Printing 7 4u
Treasurer's per ceni 40 y7
Auditing fee « oo
Wm. Penny percent »; 85
Sundries 37
Total *2,106 at
Balance aue Tw p 952 32
Tctal $3,058 71
.las. A. Croft In account with dog tax.
Dr. To amount of duplicate $ 144 oo
For sheep killed . i 73 50
Exonerations 11 oo
Wm. Denny's |ier cent 5 15
Croft's per cent 145
Rebate 2 47
Total I 93 07
By balauce no 9»
Total 8 141 oo
We the undersigned auditors of Middlesex
Township examined the above report and tlnd
It correct to the best of our knowledge and be
J, L. PARKS, [ Audi'ors.
Jas. M. Row AS. )
June 9. 1-91.
Estate of Nancy Barlley, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs
Nancy Bartley, dee'd. late of the borough of
Butler, Pa., having been granted to the under
signed. all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate will please make Immediate
payment, aud any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
Sonora P. (>., Butler Co., Pa.
Williams H Mitchell, Att'ys.
Estate of Prlscilla Kirkpatrick,
letters testamentary on the estate of Prlscll
la Kirkpatrick, (late Mover) dee d, of Butter,Pa,
having been granted to the undersigned, all
persons knowing themselves Indebted to said
estate will please make immediate payment
and any having claims against said estate will
present them duly authenticated ror settle
E. 11. RANDOLPH, Ex r.
S. F. Bowser. Esq. Parkers Landing, Pa.
Estate of W tv. McGrew, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the above named
esstate having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate will please make Immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said es
tate. will present them duly authenticated for
I Ex'rs.
Prospect, Pa.
Estate of Williamsor Bartley,
Letters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the aliove
named estate, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said est.te will please
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement
Butler Pa., Brownsdale Pa.,
J. I). McJunkin, Att'y.
Estate of John M. Turner,
Letters of administration having lieeu
granted to the undersigned on the above
named estate, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said e-tate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
NANCY A. TCRNEI:, or W. R. TI rnkr,
Parker's Lond'g, Pa , Butler, Pa.,
Estate of Elizabeth B. Kirk
patrick, dee'd,
Letters of administration on the above named
estate having tieen granted to the Undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate will please make Immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for settle,
ment. JOHN I". KIRKPATRICK. Adrn'r.
Saxonburg, Butler Co., Pa.
W P. Brandon. Att'y.
Estate of D. H. McQuistiorT,
dee'd, late of Butler, Pa.
Letters of admlnLstratton on the above named
estate having been granted to the undersigned,
nil persons knowing themselves to be Indebted
to same will please make Immediate payment,
and any having claims against said est at*' will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
.1 AH. B. Mc.II'NKIN, Adtn'r.
Butler. Pa.
Estate .of Jane Brown, dee'd.
Letters of administration on the above named
estate having been granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate ;will please make immediate pay
ment. and any having claims against said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
Bovard I'. O . Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of John G. Sharp, dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the above named
estate lieing been granted to the undesigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
to same will please make immediate payment,
ami any having elaims against it will present
them duly auttienticated lor settlement.
Sarversville P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of Jacob Brown, deed,
Letters testamentary on the above-named
estate having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
said estate will picseut them duly authenti
cated for settlement to
TLLI.LE C. BROWN, Executrix,
G. W. Fleeger, f MeCandless P. 0.,
att'y. ( Butler Co., Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
In re. estate of J. P. RaLston, dee'd, late of
ltutler. Pa.
Whereas. Utters of administration have been
grunted to me. Ihe undersigned. In the nald
i state, notice IS hereby given to all parties In
debted to the estate of said decedent to call and
settle, and all parties having claims against
the same will present them duly authenticated
tor payment.
Mks. B. E RALSTON, Adm'x,
May 7, ls9l. Butler, Pa.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that Wm. A. Robinson,
merchant, oi Evans City. Pa , ha# made an as
Mgnmetit to the undersigned for the benefit of
Ills rp'ciltors. and all persons Indebted to wild
estate are notified to pay the same to said as
signee at. once, aud all persons having claims
against said estate are requested to present
thein duly authenticated for settlement.
Robkkt H CDSON. Assignee.
Evan* City. BuUerco., Pa,
laTwHltMlr'"" * —v-
Orphans' Court Sale!
By ai»»i in pummfict of an ontor ftnd
U'tTW uf * our* uti<l tor tlw
couutv of tiutler I nr ni*dt* Lb#* wl
dsi> oi.lutii*. A iv :* l. ..nd to tut dltt-ctaf. ihf
UodenNpcd execot«>rs »»f the la>t will au<i j
t«-tJ.mrnt of Mm r\ » fletgtil**: of
COliliCHlUt*li« sSIDH tnJ Stdlf
moreiuikl. d*c*d, will ror mue at public
vendue on the In sau! township,
county ana Mate, on
Saturday, August 8, A. D., 1891,
at I o'clock P. M of said day. r r r the purpo* 1 of
raising Piuds to pay the dcbt> and expenses ~f
settling the e*Uie of -.aid deceasesl. twenty
aeres of land. t»- th>- Name mop- or lew. bound
ed on the north by lauds of Joeeptl Allen, on
'he • ast b) lain Wot .1 ames l»>ltoii. on the south ,
1 MhltCstownle id and oi. the west by land-<
>,f th« helntof i.e- W. Be'ghley, tlee'd *.ild
land Is fenced and . ultlvMed has a »mall mime
atanle and kmi . II iit I >:<! • fruit trees, but no
dwelling li. u.-e er otner builrtlujfs or Improve
tueuLs tnep on. I'.tie gei«t.
I TEK>l> iIK > VI.V. «.H.e th'.r 1 .it ttej urehase
money lo be paid on confirmation of sale and
I the residue hi <w. equal annual payments tle rc
I after with Interest fVom id cot. format ion acd
tn be secured by bond and mortgage.
McJunkin .T i.albreath, ALF.XASKKK STEWART.
Att'ys for Executors, llksbv M. Buohi.ky.
June 8.1891. Executors.
Notice in Divorce.
Joanna conn by her next) In the Court of
| friend John \\ . Moughton ( .minion Pleas of
vs Butler Countv. A.
■lames L. Conn 1). No. 17. lxv
Term isoo.
! June 3, I*9l. on motion of McJunkin &
i.albrvath. Attorneys for plaintiff—H. tj. Walker.
Ksq. Is appointed commissioner lo take the
testimony on part of llbellant and report the
same to Court.
BY THE Cot'Rr.
Notice Is hereby given that I win attend to
the duties ot my appointment as Commissioner
ui above stated case at tuy office In lHamond
Block on the Lith day of July lsyi at the hour
of to o'clock A. M.
11. Q. WAl.kkr, commissioner.
A rnrroß.s REPORT tip winkikld
township school board for the year ending
June l, isul.
Amount levied for school purposes 11.06T s2
Prom state appro, end g year lSal f 'H so
Bal. on hands from last year ITI s;
| l'nin Col Including raxes of all kind 1.057 22
p From other sources—rents, etc Bso
$1,742 W
Purchasing reading road leading to No.
I Schisil House t 14 35
ensealed lands ."B 13
Rebate 33 79
I nsuraace. two assessments mt»>
Teachers'wapes l.nsooo
Kuel and contingencies 101 44
Fees of Col. *I3M and Treas |2S.S7 8911!
salary ot Secretary. **«*>
Plve copies teachers' anatomical aids.. . 187 50
Attending Institute 43 7s
Auditors fees 3 00
»1.5«3 4s
Leaving bal. in hand of Treasurer June M.
erty $t1,400.
At'O. FREE UNO, President,
A. Kkai se, Secretary,
i \v infield twp. June _'d. is;d.
We hereby certify that we have examined the
, above and find It correct.
Aud ltors.
Auditors' Report of Summit Tp.
To amount of duplicate $1"">1 ">9
To •' " cash tax collected 14ti f>l
To •• " due to township from 1889 28 6S
$1920 75
By amount of tax worked out. $1737 .c
By exonerations on work tax 14 27
By •• " cash tax 1
By expenses for planks and nails 34 o.;
By 5 percent, for collecting cash tax 7 24
By paid F. scheerer on order 33 5s
By 21 davs service to II Baldauf - ; l
Bv 30 "" " "J. Reott 45 25
By miscellaneous expense " oo
11911 84
Due to tow nship $ 119'
Accaunts of Jacob Reott and A. Knause. over
seers of the Poor.
To amount due to Twp. from 1889: . $ 444 f.B
By expenses paid $ M «"
By 10 days services at $1.75 for J. Reott 17 50
By auditing and printing 12 75
Bv whole amount of expenses $ 114 91
"Balance due to township $ 329 76
Win. McMeUon account.
To balance due to Win. McMellon $ sTO 14
By expenses for " " 124 90
Bal. due to Wm. McMellon $ 745 24
A. Knause, treasurer, ree'd from Col slo>;.' 39
Rec'd bal. from 'B9. 187 sy
Rec'd State appropriation 428 73
Total receipts SIOTS» ol
Amount paid for teaching slus4 .u
•• attending Institute . 37 no
•• •• miscellaneous expenses 69 98
•' •• Secretary's salary 20 oo
•• •* for fuel "9 U5
•• repairing school house
No. t 91 sr.
Am't paid for treasurer's percentage— 33 56
Whole am'tof expense si4ii;
Balance due to tow nship $ i*S2 15
We, the undersigned Auditors of Summit
township, certify that the foregoing report is a
true and cortect statement to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
DAVID Ijuecii. } Auditors.
Good Farm for Sale
Containing 100 acres and 97 perches. 7n acres
cleared and under fence. Balance standing In
good white oak timber. Comfortable dwelling
house, good barn, wagon shed, sprlnghouse of
best kind, hog pen and sheep house. Never
failinK springs over whole place. Possession
given April 1, 1892. Title good. Situate In
Penn twp.. Butler county. Pa., about six miles
south of Butler
Enquire at ci i IZKN office. Butler. Pa., or the
Brownsdale. Butler Co., Pa
LOTS. I will offer for sale a number of lots
situated on the high ground adjacent to 11. 11.
Uoucher, Esq., and the orphans' Home. The
land Is laid out In squares of something less
than one acre, each square being surrounded
t>\ a 50-foot street, and eontainin>; five lotH 40
feet front by is© feet back. These lots are offer
ed at very reasonable prices and on terms ■jo
suit purchasers. Those who wish an entire
square can be accommodated,
ALSO I will sell my farm in Summit town
ship.situated within one half rntle of the Butler
horou gli line, adjoining lands of James Kearna
and others, ou the MUlerstown road, and con
sisting of 112 acres. It will be sold either as a
whole ordlvlded to suit purchasers.
For further Information In regard to either of
he above properties, call on J. Q. Sullivan. 228
East North Street. Butler, Pa.
Pure Drugs,
Paints, Oils, Glass,
Fine Toilet Articles,
Patent Medicines,
And all other
Kept in a
First Class
l)nii>' Store.
Contractor and builder in brick work, grate
and mantel setting and all kinds of brick-laying
a specialty. Also dealer In barrel Uine. Wam
pum loose Uine, cements. National, Porthind
and all Ix-st grades in the market. Calcined
plaster, plaster hair. King's cement, tire brick,
tile, white sand and river sand. Maui office .:l •
N Mam street , and all orders loft at ware house
will receive prompt delivery. Terms reasonable.
The umlerslKiieti will soil ms farm.containing
sixty acre*, more or less, and located in
Twp.. on the Kvansfourtf and Mars road, near
Marshall and Myoma Htations on the I*. & W
K It. and near the Callery oil field.
It contains a jjood house, good bank w.rn
r><;x;t4. good outbuildings, good orchard, level
and good ground, two springs near haute, pump
in barn, and all In good order.
Inquire of or a<idre»M
James Davidson,
Myoma P. O ,
Builer Co., Pa.
@HNi •" s aft ■•j , H
* I* AII 1.1 I A'Mr..'. .1 :
llinwi a to . I..WIL»M>, CUM- |
Advertise in the CITIZEN.
TjtyJt i£\f Hio Shoe Trade
I H r 8 eltons *
/ [\\ ir rt ( Why shouUn't it? The people
A/Vk quite a* natartfjy drift tr» the More
1 rvJyvT J t~A-! h '■N lb * l s^rve tbfir interests as
' \ wa,, ' r A Wfdowthill
\ll-IynL V T* Vl v, H-r» ui lbt> >?r»at retailing
\ I,jli'V l i\'* il MlitiV 1 ■ 'crs ■ f Bud r loir pr'cea -tnd
/J'l K\J 11 r4 " I JMr/ff'\ ,»i dependable towls ir«» !sr ; d ii jr ve.
•mTL IJ4 -I / J SJIfJ One <">» always re-', i .-Biii« -l «,? ;/«-t
--• Y//y 7 tio#r full for T'>ur ra-jm-y Lere,
' * » metimtg more th m lull va'.oe.
Ladies our prices will open your eyes as well as your purges.
Below are a few prices:
Ladies kid button boots, handsome styles, only $1; ladies genuine don
gola button boots, handsome styles, only $1 .25; ladies genuine dongola but
ton boots, very fine, only $1 50; ladies genuine dongola button boots, the
finest you ever taw, only $2; ladies bright dongola, hand turned shoes, a
very fine and comfortable shoe that holds its own with any $3.50, here at
only $-2.75. We have ladies fine dongola tops, calf, leather, vamp
hand turns, only $3 75. Ladies lace Oxford Southern ties aud Opera slip
pers, for which we are justly celebrated for having the largest stock, best
styles and best of all the lowest prices, has and is selling large quantities of
these shoes
Our line in men's, boy's aud youth's shoes is grand— not equaled in
Butler. We have from a good plow shoe or brogan at $1 up to the finest
band sewed shoes in all widths and shapes.
Gentlemen step in and try on some of the shoes we offer in Con
gress at sl, $1.25 and $1.50; B calf dress shoes, no seams, full quarter, plain
or tippfd, solid leather insoles and counters. If yon want finer look at our
calf shoo iit $2; calf Kangaroo, soft as a glove at $2.50; a better rud finer
ones at $3 75; the finest English Cordovan, hand made at $5.75, all widths;
don't forget our $3 line, they are beauties. Men's fine patent leather sfcoes,
byeiele shoes, base ball shoes.
Infants shoes at 25c, 50c. and 75c. Misses fine shoes, heel or spring
at sl, extra fine at $1.25, $1 50, $1 75 and $2, Sizes 11 to 2; children's 5 to
8 at 50c to $1; youth's shoes, button or lace, strong and durable at $1,51.25
and $l5O, 11 to 2; boy's button, lace or Congress at sl, $1.25,51.50 and $2,
plain or tipped, solid to the core. Lawn Tennis shoes at 50c a pair.
Mail orders for above shoes filled promptly and carefullr.
B. C. IIUSELTOX, 102 X. Main St., Butler
L..c- wick;
Rough and Worked Lumber
of'all kisds
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Stock.
Office opposite P. it W. Depot,
L. M. & J. 'J. HEWIT,"
Dealers in all kinds of
Rough and Worked Lumber.
We have ft large stock of all kim's of Lum
ber, Oil Well Rigs, Etc.
Call autl get our prices and see our stock.
MailC.'dqrs Promptly Attended
Office and yard ou
Planing Mill
Lnml>ei" Yard
J. L. KV b L. O. PUKYIS.
Rough and Planed Lumber
Butler, Pa.
Trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 6:10,
8:40 and 11:00 a. in., anil 2:45 and 5:00 p. m.,
arriving there at 8:40 and 10:30 a. m. t and
1:21, 4:44 and t!:47 p. m.
The 6:10 a. m. connects at the Junction
with the mail east and at the intersection
with Day Express on the rnaiu line going
The 2:45 p. in. train connects at junction
with express east and ut Intersection with
Philadelphia Express.
Trains arrive at Butler from Allegheny at
s-35 and 10:35 a. in., and 1:30, 5:( *1 and 7:50
p. in. Coming westward on the main line
the Pacific Express is the only train which
connects at the Intersection and Junction foi
Butler, passengers arriving here at 1:30 p.m.
p. A w. p.. r..
Schedule of May 10, 1891, changed to
Butler time.
Trains for Allegheny, leave Butler at 6:20,
8:25, and 10:20, a. in. and 2:40, anil 6:30 p. m.
The train connecting with the Chicago
expres", at Gallery, leaves Butler at 2.10 p.
m. The 8:25 a. m. train also connects for the
West, and 6:30 P. in. for Zelienuple.
Trains going North leave Butler as follows:
10:05 a. in. to Kaue; 5:05 p. m. to Clarion;
and 8:35 p. m. to Eoxburg.
Trains arrive at Butler from the South and
West at 8:35, and 11:55 a. ra. and 4:45, 7:45,
B:3op. iu. From tiie North at 8:10, an 1 10:05
a. m. and 5:50 p. ni.
Buuday trains leave Cutler a< follows: For
Allegheny and New Castle at 8:25 a. m.; for
Allegheny at ' 1:30#. in.; for Chicago at 2:10
p. m.; for Allegheny at 6:30 p. in. Trains
arrive on buuday from Allegheny at 10:05
a. m.. the West at 12:45 p. ni.. Allegheny at
4:45 p. m. and West 7:45 p. m.
Bin.Kit TIME Trains leave the P. & W.
depot for Greenville and Erie at 5:25 and
10:20 a. in. and for Greenville at 4:55 p. m.
The local frieght leaves the P. W. Junction
at 7.00 p. in. and runs through to Wallace
Junction, near Erie.
Trains arrive from Greenville at 10:0 5 a.
ut. und from Erie at 2:30 and !':4O p. in.
Trains leave Milliard.- at 6:25 and 11:15 a.
m. (K. R. tune and arrive at 9.05 a. rn. and
5.45. p.m.
All through trains connect at Meadville
Junction with Meadville and Linesville
Branch, also at W. N. Y.& P. Junction with j
trains on that road.
Light Harness,
Dusters and
Flvnets. 1
«*in<l most j
complete line? oi robes,
blankets, harness,
whips. trunks, and
valises, :ind at lowest
prices in Hntler, is al
ways to be lbuml at
MiHlin Street Livery.
W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r.
One square weet of Main St., on
Mifllin St. All good, safe horses;
new buggies and carriages. Landans
for weddings and funerals. Open
day and night. Telephone No. 24.
The well-known liverjman, Wm.
Kennedy, has bought an interest ia
the above barn and will be pleased to
have his friends call at his new place
of business. The
Best Horses, Buggies and Car
iu Butler at the most reasonable
rates. The place in easily remember
ed. The first stuble west of the
Lowry House.
New Livery Stable.
New Stock,
New Rigs.
Horses fed and boarded.
39. W. Jefferson St. Butler, Pa.
Willard Hotel.
|W. H. REIIIIWi, Prop'r
35 n. MCKEAN ST.. hitlkk, PA.
Mealsjat'all.hours. Open all night.
Brcakra.it 25 cents.
Dinner 25 cents.
Supper 25 cents.
Lodging accents,
Is now completed and I respectfully
invite the Public to call and see me.
I am prepared to supply every
thing in the lino of Drugs and Medi
cines at all hours. Prescriptions
night a specialty.
Electric Bell auu speaking tu at
front door. Calls answered prompt
A bright, cheerful room and every
The Racket Store
Is more than ever
Wo have good, stout, well made
pants, warranted not to rip, just the
thing for warm weather, at 50 cents,
75 cents, 89 cents, etc.
We have also the best jean pants
in the county at sl.
Odd dress pants in great variety.
Come in and look them over.
120 H. JVtuin St.
Kutler, Pa.
Wise Merchant
Is never content to stand
still. Stagnation is death
—in Trade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There is only
one way to get them—use
the Advertising columns
Teachers' Annual Examina
Butler Ju'y 25
Butler Aug. 29
Inanimations will begin promptly at 9
o'c lock. Applicants are expected to be pro
vided with legal cap paper, pen and ink.
I Directors and friends of education are in
| vi ted to attend.
N. c. Mt CoLLoctiii. Co. Sup t.