VOL. XXVIII PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOSEPH W. M/LLEK, M. D. Physician ;• d Surgeon, office Hiid residcnci V* S. Main St. Botler, PH. Dr. N. M i.JOVER, IST E. WayneJSt.. office hours, 10 to 12 M. anil 1 to 3 P. M. L. M. REINSEL, M. D , PHVSICTAN AND SCRGEOS. Office anil residence at 127 £. Cunningham SI, L. BLACK, FHVaiCIAN AKD BUBfIXON, New Troutuian Bnllding, Butler. Pa. K. S. LKAKE. M. D. J. E. MANN. *. O. Specialties: Specialties: Uyn aeeology and Sur- Eye. Ear. Ndse and gery. Throat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. G .Vi. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AMD OI'HUAOM. OHILE JU-.NO. 45. S. Main street, over Frank £ Co's I>l Ujt store, liutler. Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUSi Physician and Surgeon. rlo. 22,E**T Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8. W. Corner Main and North Sta., Butler. Pa. V. McALPINE, Dentist, Is now permanently located at ISO South Main Street 1 BuUer, Pa., in rooms formerly decoupled by Dr. Waldron. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. I Aitilitlal Teeth Inserted cn the 'latest im- PIOF ed plan, i K>LD KIHIIIR A specially. Office— over Kruaul's nothing Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Gold Killing*, and Painless Ex traction ol Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. OBee oa Jtlenti Street, out door East ofLowry lloau, l'| Stairs. Office open daily, except "Wednesdays an J ' Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attention. H. H.— The only Dentist In Butler using the bent makes of teeth. C. F. L. McQUISTiON, KXGIXKER IF* SURVEYOR, Orrici KEAK DIAHOKD, BCTLM. PA. H. Q. WALKER, Attor ney-at- Law- < tEce in ILLl.n.ond Block Butler, Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. Offiff— L!etw ten Pistcffice and Diamond. But ler, Pa. A. T. SCOTT, * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office at No. 8, South Llan-ond, Butler. Fa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATI ORNEY AT LAW. Office second floor. Anderson BL k. Main St., near Couit House, Butler, Pa. J. w. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on second floor ot the Hoselton block. Diamond. Butler, Pa., Room No. 1. JAMES N. MOORE, ATTOBKIT-AT-LAW AMD NOTABT PCSLIC. Office in Room No. 1, second floor of Huselton Block, entrance on Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. XT, East Jeffer son St.. Butler. Pa.; % W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Keal Estate Agent. Of flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side of Diamond. Butler, P*. H. H, GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second Door of Anderson building, near Court Ilouse, liutler, Pa. J. V. BRITTAIN. A try at Law-Offlce at; S. £. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Aft'y at Law—Offlceon South side of; Diamond Butler. Pa. • L. 8. McJUNKIN, insurance and Real Estate Ag't 17 EAST JEFFERSONIST. BUTLER, - PA. tf-JiVifia COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham ftts. 'o to • o HABERNIGG 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, - - liutler, Pa. Clothing uncalled for in Bradford o sells for half price, mostly winter goods. STOCK ENTIRELY NEW! Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles At lowest cash prices at J. R. O R I K 13 ' No. 125 X. Main St., - Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. EVERY WATERPROOF —■—————— THAT CAN BE RELIED ON IXfot; to Spilt; THE MARK "fcQ JDiSCOlOl?! ————J BEARS THIS MARK. # TRADE ELLULQID MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. COMMENCEMENT ESSAYS. I heard the e-.~ays. That on? on " Th« Magna Charta anil Ki: John." The head girl wrote. She w::h the wreath Described I.ear's wanderings on the heath Quito prettily. Another one Explained "The Spots up< n the Sun." "The Influence of Browning." and '• The Early Writing* ol George Sand;" •The Transcendental Movement: How It Touches German Letters Now"— All these I sadly listened to. ••What earthly good can these things do?" I asked myself: "Doc* old John Teach bow to sow a patch upon A coat?—or cau the »i»tted sua Say when a roast Is rarely done? Do Browning's tangled poems tell The way to mend a stocking well?" While I was pondering sadly there, A sweet girl rose. and. I do declare. She talKCd about the homely things From washtobs down to muffin rings! She had ten pages a'.l on pie: She knew the choicest way to fry An oyster, and how best to bake A good old f:i-hloned johnny cake. Next (lay tha- "1 vas asked to share The fortune ..f u millionaire; She now reads Browning's wondrous books. And leaves the cojkin ; to her cooks. The girl who wrote on Browning's work Is married to a gentle clerk Whose income's small. No girl have they; She scrubs aid cooks the livelong day. And sighs, while t> ndinj o'er the range. When she reflects upon the change— The fall from chool sublimities To tattered 1» . >ks of recipes. —Jury. MONEY COLLI) NOT BUY. But Love TriumDhed, and an Old Man Was Made Happy. ATA watering place in Virgin ia there arrived one evening' a . I middle age, and Sjl his daughter, a I rather attract- - i f J though there | f ) was a self-con t- ; scions air about i | her —an air of [7 wi# » suddenly-ac } \ qui red wealth. 1 \ller father'sob- jeetionable air ?Wy was not merely <• f§6 self-conscious- I # ness; it was a vulgar inclina- j ( / J tion to brag, j His introduc- j tion into society at the hotel was not sought by society; it was a clear break on his own part. A number of gentlemen and ladies were seated near the end of a shaded veranda, discuss ing a book thai had achieved an almost instant popularity, when the puffy newcomer brusquely shoved his way forward and in a loud voice blurted out his opinion: "I ain't read the book," said he, "but j I'll bet that it don't amount to much, j There is more hr.mbuggery in this here book business than in most any other I know of. Hooks' ll do putty well for , women, but in my opinion a man is throwing away his time with 'em. I i had a twin brother tbat took to books 1 along back when he was a boy, and, j although he was a bright feller —as \ bright as I was—he never amounted to j much. 1 had to take up a mortgage on his place for him not morc'n six j months ago. That's about what I think of books." lie leaned bacU against the railing of the "banisters" and surveyed the party with the satis faction of a man who has carried his point and who is thoroughly prepared for any subsequent attack. The ladies, especially the better-natured ones, smiled; *he men, with one exception, laughed. The exception was a young lawyer from Nashville. lie looked with the inquiry of disapproval at the intruder, and then quietly remarked: "I had thought of writing a book, a charming romance, but through fear I tint I might possibly compel you to take up another mortgage, I will fore go the pleasure of self-enjoyable com position." The interloper, no wise abashed, re plied: "It's a good step you're takin', I reckon, as the vmtin' of the book I might be more interestin" to you than the readin' of it would be to anybody else." "Doubtless," retorted the young law yer, "you are right. Some dull trade plodder might attempt to spill it out and bruise his alleged mind on un looked-for, sharp corners." "Young feller, what is your name?" the intruder asked; and the young fel low, never afraid to make himself known, answered; "I am George Miles, sir." "Ah, hah! George Miles. Where do j you live?" "Nashville, sir." "Ah, hah! 1 know that town putty well. 1 went along with the army some little durin' the war, and bought up the hides of the cattle that were killed for the soldiers, and made a pretty good thing out of it iu the Nash ville market. I used to know an old soap boiler there named Josh Miles. Any kin to him?" The ladies tittered, and the old fellow looked at them in astonishment, not knowing that ho had uttered a witti cism. ■ "I never heard of your friend Miles," said the lawyer, "although he might have made a fair article of soap." "Pity for you then, I reckon, as all men were cleaner for bavin' knowed old Josh." The -non laughed, the ladies tittered again, a'ld the old fel low, conscious tlii, time that he must hare said something to the point, bowed his acknowledgment. .lust then his daughter appeared, standing in a door. "Father," she called, "I am ready." "I am ready, too," he answered, and withdrew with clumsy haste. That evening, while Miles and sev eral other men s;ift> under a tree, smok ing, the old fellow came out with aa enormous cigar in his mouth and "squashed" himself down on a bench. "Boys," said he, breaking into the conversation, "I'm gittin' so I ruther like this here one-boss place. I did think that it would be a little too much for mo to stay out here, and I wa'n't keen to come nnther, but Minnie set he r heart on it and away we come. My name is lieck."' No one said anything, and Mr. Beck continued: "I reckon I've done about as much hus'lin' in my time as the most of men. I was a pore boy, but instead of foolin' away my time with books I went to work and ain't sorry for it. I have noticed, in my knockin' round, that money is pretty nigh the boss. It may not be happiness in itself, but without it there ain't very much enjoy ment. Larnin' may command the re spect of the few, but money employs the services of the many, and to chal lenge the complete respect of men you must make 'em serve you." "I don't know but you are riyht," said one of the men. "Of course I'm right, ami what is the use of peop'.e sHuttin' their eyes against the fact, or ruther pretendin' that they do? I know that there's a sort of re spectability, or I mout say aristocracy, that money sometime! ain't got, but just wait awhile and money'U (Ht it all ! right. " "What business are you in?" some ! one asked. "Well. I ain't in any business now— j have retired, you might say. I made my money in different sorts of specula tion and hav trot it well invested, draw in' a fust-rate interest. I live in Georgia and am putty much at home when I'm there, I can tell you. My u.-lfa ha* lw»»n d«a>l a trood while, and ' lU'TLKR, PA.. FRIDAY, .IVLY 1< >. 1 Si»l. W/Pl f|s Pi?- V I |Ug ($1 „H /9Scp / ,*»! vSA—,/js. f**7 - , "I WOCLDX'T MARRY IIFTR FOR THREK HUXSBED THOCSAXI)!" j about all I've got to look after is the enjoyment of my daughter. Her will ; is law with me and 1 am straightfor ward enough to say right here, or right anywhere, for that matter, that the man who wins hr lore will be fortu- j nate. There's about two hundred thou sand dollars waitin" for him." George Miles looked up quickly and, | with a sneer, said: "I wouldn't marry her for three hundred thousand." The old man seized his cane, which ! • he had leaned a ain--t the bench, aud, springing to his feet, glared at Miles, , who, without changing his position, sat i placidly smoking. '■Do you mean to Insult me, sir?" j Beck roared. "Not in the least," Miles answered. "When I want to insult a man I hit j him und then insult him afterward, j You had. without interruption, ex pressed your opinion and I merely ex pressed mine. You introduced your | daughter's name in a way not only un necessary to the force of your former ; I statement concerning the power of I money, but with a narrow-minded | vulgarity that was disgusting. If you want to strike me. do so. I have said ; nothing in belittfcment of the young i lady—l said that 1 wouldn't marry her for three hundred thousand, and I ' wouldn't: not that she is not worthy of . me morally, hut because our tastes are, : doubtle wholly dissimilar. Now, if you want to hit me with that stick, all j right." "I won't hit you." Deck replied, j "What you say ;nay be right from your j standpoint, but no matter what .you ; i thought about ray daughter you ought to have kept it to yourself. It looks to me like I would have thought a long j ! time before I would have made any j such remark and I would have : thought that any true gentleman would j have done the same. I am a rough and-rcady sort of a man, and admit < ; that 1 don't always do the proper I thing, and if my room is worth more to you than my company, why, I wish you good evenin'." "Oh, no," several of the men cried, j but he brusquely hastened away. "George, you ought not to have said j that," a friend remarked. "You can't I blame him for thinking so much of his ! | daughter, nor for his determination to : give her future husband two hundred J thousand dollars." "My dear fellow;" Miles answered, ' "I don't blame him for thinking so much of her, and I commend his deter | mination to reward her future hus band, bnt I do despise his vulgar show, lie is an old bear, and I want none of him." "I wouldn't mind marrying the gir*," said a young fellow named flicks; "I could put with the girl's possible bad taste and with the- old7nan 3 s vulgarity. Yonder go the old man and the girl, lie is looking this way, and I warrant he is telling her about you, George." "I don't care if he is," Miles replied. "His ill-will and her prejudice can't hurt me." Several days later Miles, whose friends had left the place, was stroll ing along the mountain's side, when suddenly, upon turning a sharp point of rock that jutted out over the path, he met Miss Deck. The path was too narrow to admit of his passing the girl, and - he was about to turji back, when she pleasantly remarked: "Oh, don't turn back on my account. I will climb down. lam used to climb ing." "I will climb down," said he, bow ing. "Oh, no," she interposed. "I am afraid you might hurt yourself, and then —" "And then what?" he asked. "Nothing, only you might be disfig ured if you shoflld chance to fall, and you might afterward consent to marry a girl for less tb?.n three hundred thou sand dollars." "Ah! your father repeated my re mark," he said, slightly coloring. "Yes, or I shouldn't have knows of It, as I wasn't eavesdropping." He would have gladly ciimbed down, but she detained him with this ques tioning remark: "You place a pretty high estimate upon yourself, don't you?" "Yes, rather," lie answered, now de termined to be bold. "It is strange iliat I never heard of 3'ou," she said "1 was looking over a sort of'encyclopedia of great men just before I came here, and it is singular that your picture was not in it." "The compiler of the book called on me," he replied, "bnt 1 refused to be come the victim of a cheap print. He wanted my picture, and had intended that it should fill one page and run over on the second, but I refused." "And I suppose," said the girl, "that if lie had contemplate 1 putting in your self-importance, he would have counted on filling the entire book." • • "I don't know, but had he done so, his volume would have been more re spectable." "Oh! it must be delightful to be so respectable," she exclaimed, with well played enthusiasm. "By the way, who was your father?" "Ilis name is Andrew Miles." "What does he do?" "He is a lawyer." "Ah! A strange country this, whero the aristocracy is mainly composed of lawyers. What was your grandfather, or did yon ever hear of him?" Miles blushed, lie had heard in a more or less vague way of one of his grandfathers—had heard that he was a cobbler and that he had deserted from the army during the war of 1812. "Oh! don't tax your memory with trying to recall his name. I am so glad to have met you," she suddenly exclaimed. "I like to see gentleness and consideration joined with great ness. Now, sir, if you feel disposed to climb down you would oblige me by doing so." Miles climbed down and the young lady serenely passed on. The season was growing late, and there were but few visitors remaining. Miles continued to linger, partly be cause it made but little difference where he was, and partly because he didn't want that Miss Deck to think that she had driven him off. He met her every day, and spoke, in reply to her, his little piece of sarcasm. One day while the girl was playing on the piano he strode into the parlor. She eeased playing upon seeing him, and turning, said: "I don't object to mild punishment, but 1 will not torture you with my music." "You are becoming considerate as the daypass by." "Yes, and I am tired of playing, any way. Isn't it a great pity that father isn't worth four hundred thousand dol lar*?" "Why so?" "Because he might then be able to marry me off." "Possibly. Some men are not very particular." "And," said she,"l dm convinced that the majority of women are not particu lar at all." The old man appeared in the door His face was haggard and a wild look was in his eyes. "Minnie," he faltoringly called. "Minnie, come here." She ran to him and Miles heard him say: "I am ruined. That iron com pany is busted up and I am ruined." A newspaper which came that even ing gave an account of the sudden failure of a large iron concern at Uirs mingham; and old man Bock was men tioned as not only a heavy loser, but as totally bankrupted by the failure. it was rather late at night. The I'ecks were arranging their departure. Miles was sitting in the parlor when Beck entered- Seeing him. she i it AT* W i K i MI IP./< iii MM ML km] 1 iW/i • ''l LAS IIM HI r I " PLEABK DON'T GIHE ME NOW!" drew back and was about to withdraw, when he bade her sfy a moment "You must excuse me," she said. "1 do not earc to hear any sarcasm to night; I don't believe I could stand it- i | I am very wretched on my father's *e j count, lie has Iwen victimized and is ! now a pauper." "And are you not wretched on your j own account?" he asked "I'lease don't gibe me now." she j pleaded. „ He arose, and advancing toward her, said: "One of my grandfathers was shot for desertion and I am no better than he, but I love you—love you —" lie caught her in his arms and she, weeping on his shoulder, sobbed: "This ' will make that poor old man happy again, for he knows that I love you."— Opie P Read, in Arkansaw Traveler. A Pertinent Question. —They took the Fitchburg from Boston to Troy. At the Falls the brakeman thrnst his head ! in the door and seemed to interrogate: "Hoosiek? Hoosiek?" Alfred Uufus looked inquiringly around the car. and • discovering no object in need of a phy sician s care, appealed to his father: "Papa, who is sick?" Pharmaceutical Era. A WOMAN BEAR-SLAYER. The l'lucky I>c«*d of a New 2l;iin|>4liire Housewife. In the "History of Henniker," New Hampshire, it is related thr.it Mr. Moses Huso set off with u friend on a iK-ar hunt one autumn morning to be wimA for the day. A little before Mrs. llusc began her prep.'ir;s#tf>ns for supper afraiiist the tiiui; the hunt ers" return. In tlwwfT early days few j houses had cellars underneathr but a potato holo was dug near the dwelling | and covered over during the winter with sods or thatch. In this hole the season's vegetables were stored. Mrs. lluse handed a pan to her little girl and bade her go out to the cellar hole and get some vegetables. The j child obeyed, but soon ran in, saying that she had heard a noise in the leaves and was afraid. Iler mother assured her there was nothing to be afraid of, and i sent her back; but the little girl s<>on | returned with the same story, when the mother s; id, impatiently: "Wal, you stay here, an' I'll go myself." As Mrs. Huse neared the potato hole blie heard the noise which had alarmed the child. I'pon going nearer she es pied a bear digging in the leaves for sicorus. She immediately gave chase, picking up, as she ran, a huge pine knot, "with a train as long as yer arm,'' she said af terwards, and came up with bruin just as he had begun the ascent of a tree. Mrs. Huse was of Indian descent, of wiry, powerful muscle. She had often taken her end of tlic log in clearing the land, and now, equal to the emergency, she dealt the bear a heavy blow with the knot, which broke his back, and lie fell to the ground. She quickly dis patched him, dragged him to the house ' anil dressed him. When Mr. Huse and his companion returned, the woman was cooking bear ' steak for supper. They were much as- ! tonished, and asked where she obtained I the meat. She told them, and added, in her quaint dialect: "When he failed from the tree, I lammed on, 1 did; and I killed him, 1 did, I did!" The energetic woman had beaten the hunters, whose search for bears had been fruitless ami who had returned j without game of any sort. COLORED FIRES. Formulae by Which Effects Are j Produced. It may be taken for granted that : many readers will be interested to learn how the colored tires, with which the "birthday of our country" Is popularly celebrated are prepared. The process of combining the materials is simple. Striking differences in color produced by slight changes in composition. The "Western Druggists" gives some form ula' which elear up the mystery of these strange effects. For the production of red, green, yel low and blue fires, one-fifth part of the composition is shellac. As this is a constant quantity it is apparent at once that the shellac has nothing to do with determining the color. It serves tho purpose that charcoal does in the man ufacture of gunpowder. It holds tho other elements iii desired form, and regulates the rate of combustion. Another fifth part of these several compounds is the chlorate of potassium. This is used for the detonating effect; to startle the beholder with the crack ling sound, and with the scattering of the fire. Of itself it would give a white light, and would burn with intense en ergy. It imparts "go" to the rocket. The remaining three-fifths are what give color to the flame. They differ, of course", in the four compounds. For producing red lire nitrate of strontium is used; for green, nitrate of barium; for yellow, nitrate of sodium, and for blue, ammonia sulphate of copper. As we find nitrates used for the first three colors named, it is plain that the effect is determined wholly by the use respectively of strontium, barium and sodium. It is equally true that blue Is the result of the burning of copjx-r. Violet and purple flames art; com posite. To produce the violet, lime and copper and sulphnr arc lmrned to- j gether. For purple, strontium and cal- j omel are burned with iu .t a little coj>- I per. The fumes of calomel are pnrtlc- j ularlv harmful, and all the c substances yield gases that < c dan l«>Us to health. LONDON'S SOLIDITY. F, T. Rarnum'* of the World'i UrealMt City. One of the most durable and constant Impressions that I have got from Lon don, and fnun England, too, is the solid ity of everything there, wrote the late I*. T. Barnmn in the North American Review. The Kngiish jieonlc do not believe in shams or sham work. Their doeks and public monuments, and all j their public works, express a sense of permanence. They are built, appar ently, to hold the planet down, and to ( stay. If it is a seat in the park or a water ing trough you are noticintr, it is no less thoroughly made than the Thames j embankment. Indeed, the trough and j seat will be found hewed out of solid j stone. I said, many years ago, when 1 was ■ abroad, that Paris makes athing to 'ast ; for a day, America makes it to last a > week, but England make . it to last for- : ever. They have good roads —far better j than our but they do not take to light . wagons like ours The frames of some | of their vehicles are as heavy, if not heavier, than the balloon frames we put in our houses. And how ashamed it makes one ol New York to see. as one di -s in Lon don. the smooth and well-paved streets, and carriages going over them equipped with rubber tires to deaden the noise: : Asphait is now the common pavement, and the one most preferred, although certain streets are macadamized in a ; line and thorough way The asphalt | pavement becomes so smooth that the j horses, when they go down a hill ovei > which it lies, do not lift up their feet, I but slide—almost skate —down the in- j cline. Their intelligence has taught • them that this is the easiest and most practicable way. j On the other hand, horses that have or eX use of the breeeMffl^^H^^^^^HH^| go down hill, if they are i to a country of different topogTaphy, without attempting to hold bock, and | without knowing how. AIR AS FUEL. A VTomlorfisl AcroinpiUhmrnt in the Fiflut that was nothing to brag of. When the lady came to look at the picture she gave a cry of disappointment. " 'Why, that's not at all like me,' she saiiL 'I shall not take it!' "I assured her it was a perfect like ness and declared that even her little poodle would recognize it. "I am will ing to take that risk,' she said. 'l'll bring my dog this afternoon and if he rccogni7.cs me I'll take the picture.' Later in the day she brought in the :anine and the sagacious little animal, ifter surveying the portrait for a mo ment ran up and licked the painted hand. My lady took the picture with- Dut any further objections." "Dut the likeness must have been striking," I said, "to deceive the dog." "Not necessarily," replied the artist. "I took the precaution of rubbing a piece of bologna sausage over the hand before the dog arrived." A Coat's Costly l unch. A goat's digestion? was sadly checked before it had finished a lot of green backs on Levi Kalbach's farm in Hei delberg township the other day, says the Philadelphia Record. Heated with bis work in the field farmer Kalbach hung his vest upon a fence post. In one sf the vest pockets, inclosed in a wallet, were greenbacks to the amount of for ty-one dollars. In the field was Mr. Kalbach's pet goat. In the goat's stom ach, when Kalbacli returned, were the bank bills, most of tlio wallet and a large portion of the vest. Ivalbach at once slaughtered his pet goat. All but fifteen dollars of the greenbacks had been properly chewed in aid of his goatship's digestion. The twenty-six dollars thus chewed were past rsdemp iion. LINCOLN AS A LAWYER. How He ■•Skinned" a l'rnilon Agent fer a Poor Old Widow. As a lawyer Abraham Lincoln used to say that the best way to gain a just case was to free it from legal technical ities and get it "properly swung to the jury." In his "Life of Lincoln" Mr. Hern don tells a story to illustrate what his former law partner meant by that peculiar phrase. A certain pen-jion agent had recovered for the widow of a revolutionary soldier the sum of four hundred dollars due and unpaid to her husband at his death, aud had retained one-half 'if the amount for his fee. Tito claimant, a crippled old woman, hob bled into the office and told her story. It stirred Lincoln up, he brought suit against the agent, anil on the day of the trial he said: "I am going to skin Wright and get that money back." Hi- did so. When the case came up Lincoln put the white haired claimant on the stand and she told her story to the jury. When it was ended Lincoln drew a picture of the hardships of Valley Forge, describing the soldiers as creeping barefooted over the ice and marking their tracks with their bleeding feet. Then he contrasted 1 the hardships endraed for their country with the hardened action of the agent in fleecing the old woman of one-half . ; of her pension. He was merciless; the mcmltersof the jury were in tears, und the agent writhed in his seat under the ! castigation of Lincoln's denunciation. The jury returned a verdict in her favor ' for the full amount and Lincoln made no.chargc jfojr hia^scrvicca. CHEWING TOOTHPICKS. Thf Attendant I'pon That T <»« CotumiMi rriciicr. "The practice <>f chewing w.xvlen toothpick- is more datwrousthan mxst che wers thi-ro if imagine." suui a physi cian to a I.*>uisville Commercial re porter. "Nearly evi-ryb-xty- that uses a woodM toot&pick of t'.u kind that the ordinary lestauriinU supply kwp« it in hLs mouth after it has performed its only legitimat-" fu ljtkm. Oae may see people on the streets every day with toothpicks in their in mths an hoar ift cr meals have been eaten. \V!«on those toothpicks have been che-.v.-d they split into small, flue slivers, and, al though the chewer may not he aware ! of the fact, he swallows a greater or leas number of these ruitiute. needle like particles. When they get into the stomach they are very likely to do mis chief that will make 110 perhaps j for a long time, but the mischief is real just the same, and there are eases where the organs of the stomach have ! been injured by these little wooden barbs. The throat, too. suffers more or less, and you'll never (iml singers and theatrical folk, or people who have . ; much use of a fine nature to make of their throats, chewing wooden tooth picks. The (rums in many instances are punctured by the slivers, and seri ous injury to the teeth and tn< >uth often follows. Some restaurants supply toothpicks that are saturated in some j ! way with pungent material, like einna- , mon, and the temptation to chew the , | toothpick that has been doctored in ■ ' this way is very great. The quill is j 1 less dangerous, but even this kind of ; t»x>thpiek is inar-tieated to som« ex ! tent. Hut the particles don't separate | so readily, and they are less likely to be I swallowed." THE "LOW WEED." i A Source of Creat Trouble to C'olor»4o Horsrmrn. nuisances that St. Louis Globc^Mi^^^^^^^^ig. uiflcant weed ! It is not two inches high, j alon;,' the ground for several feet from j the roots. All animals eat it, for the most part with impunity, but if a horse eats any quantity of it his value is do- ! stroved. It does not seem to affect his j bodily health at all, as an animal that gets a heavy dose of the weed will live for years in excellent physical con dition, but its effects arc felt on thf brain. Within a week or two the horse's nature seems to change, he becomes foolish, and in a short time is hopelessly insane. The effect is very much like that which eating has on men. hut it Is permanent and an ani mal that has once been "lowed" never recovers. A horse thus afflicted is as strong and can run as fast as ever, but no one can tell what he will do. Lie may stampede at the sight of a load ol hay, may balk at any moment, and is likely to become frightened at the most I ordinary objects. The most marked ef- j feet is that in the carriage. A horse rendered insane by the low weed is afraid <>f pretty much everything. It seems impossible to eradicate this weed, and the losses to Colorado stockmen through-iVJ.oot up tens of thousands ol dollars annually; It Struck Him Later. '' An American went into a book estab lishment in England and asked foi Hare's "Walks in London." In the United States it is printed in one vol ume; in Kngland, In two. "Oh," said the Yankee, a-s he looked at them, "you pftrt your llare in the middle, do yon?" "1, sir?" said the clerk, with a bewil dered look. "Oh, no, sir!" "I saw he didn't see the joke," said the Yankee, "so 1 didn't explain, bnt bought the books ;:::d went away. A week later I entered the same shop. As soon as the clerk saw me he approached me, ex claiming: Mood! Capital! "Part your Hare in the middle;" that's capital, sir! Capital!'" rngagementa in Surinam. A Maine man lately returned from Surinam describes an engagement par ty: "Tables were spread in the open air, where liquors, beer aud cigars were freely dispensed. There was also danc ing in the open air under a lovely moon. The scene was a brilliant one and all seemed to be thoroughly enjoy ing themselves. The intended bride sat in the lap of her future lord and hugged and kissed him before the whole party, as a matter of course. No one seemed to notice this but we two Americans. This was a month before the wedding." Wanted lllui to Cot lIU Chin. "You shafe yourself?" asked the barber. "Yes." "I thought so. You cut your chin. I neffer cut my chtn." "So 1 see," returned the victim. "I wish you would, because it isn't par ticularly interesting."—Jury. IZucouraglng. The Hostess —Please sing, Mr. Tenor. The Tenor —Really, you know, I have no voice. I The Hostess —-Oh, that won't matter. They are all talking and they won't hear you.—Munsey's Weekly. A BIG ADVERTISER. 31 —The Kings' Jester. A I'recautlouary Meature. Fangle (to his w ife)—Oh, by the way. my dear, I invited the minister to take dinner with lis to-inorrow. Mrs. Fangle (who Is familiar with her husband's language when carving)— Very well, love. I'll have the cook carve the fowls before they are brought to the table.—Judge. I>lrt Cheap. Auctioneer (at sale of household goods)— Gentlemen, it's a sliamo to start a portable bathtub like this at half a dollar. It's just as good as new. Prospective Purchaser —Looks as if it had been in use a long time. Owner (righteously indignant)—l give you my word, sir, it has never been used at all! —Chicago Tribune. Kcfiiljr llUuppointod. 1 Jack (tenderly)— You are the only I woman I ever loved, Mabel. Mabel—lsthlit so? (scornfully) Pshaw! I thought you were a man of the world. We " ill consider the engagement brok en, Jack.—Jury. A Fatal Error. "I'm discouraged. I thought I could f carve my way to the front in humor, but somehow I don't succeed." "The trouble with you is your tools. 1 You use too many old saws." —Puck. XO. 35 INVOLUNTARY HOMAGE. Beauty the < now of Many a Man's DeMblL it is one of the penalties, or, a* soma would say. .ne of the rewards, of L-*nty, that everyone wishes to look at £. There are times, however, when even the love of the lieautiful must be held iu check. The New York Sun de scribes an occurrence in Nassau street, by which four prosperous citizens ot the metropolis le;irned this lesson, one* day last winter, in a sudden and strik ing manner. A group of tlirue uuusu&lly pretty young women were walking along the sidewalk. Such attractive visitors are not very numerous in this sordid quar ter of the town, and the girls found, themselves t'le objects of a good deal of attention f; >m the hurrying throng of bankers, brokers and clerks. In front of one block the stone flag ging had lieen worn very smooth, and the messenger Imys had made several highly slippery slides upon the thin cov ering of ice. Still the spots ctiuldjj®—- easily avoided if a man had hireyeti | open, and the walk was safe enough until the three pretty girls came along, j Hut during the minute aud a half of their passing. 110 less than four men went sprawling to the ground. Three of the victims were walking toward the young women, and in turn' went flat ill the path in-fore them. The fourth man had passed them, and rash }ly turni d his head to look back. He was greatly demoralized. He was an , old man, apparently a retired banker, very dignified in his appearance. His : tall hat went into the gutter, and an amazing shifting of his scalp-lock be trayed the fact that his thin iron-gray hair was not a natural growth. The girls seemed not to understand the significance of the accidents until the third man went down. When they realized that all this abject but unvol untary homage was lieing paidtothem,j they almost lost their own footing, and when the fourth gentleman went down they could no longer control themselves, but buried their noses in their muffs and hastened across the street. 1 THE KING OF SPAIN. I An Ancient Kp;iiii*h Custom StIU Obterred by the yuern. The little king of Spain is very frank ; and unrestrained in his expression of j opinions, and sometimes makes per sonal remarks about his subjects of a sort seldom indulged in by older and more diplomatic kings. lie is very mis chievous. but his attendants, in keeping ' him out of scrapes, hare to take great care not to "impair the dignity of his most Catholic majesty." Harper's Weekly, from which this sketch is taken, says that a footman who put out his arms and caught the king one day when the little fellow tripped, and was about to fall headlong downstairs, was dismissed from his post for having dared to touch, with his plebeian hands,' 1 the royal person. True, tjie queen re i warded the man with a large sum of I money, and gave him another situation, 1 but even she could not retain him in the' household. On Good Friday, according to a cus tom which has prevailed in Spain since the sixteenth century, seven criminals' received pardon. As soqp as vespers were, over in the chapel of the royal palace, the cardinal archbishop of To ledo stepped down ftom the high altar, and Each roll contained the full pardon of a prisoner lying under sentence of death, and had, a few hours previously, received tlio regent's signature. Placing his hiuid on these rolls, according to custom, the chaplain asked the queen: "Senora, does your majesty grant pardon to these criminals?" With a tender glance at the little boy, whose hand she held, she replied: "In the name of the king, my son, I| pardon these persons, as I look to God to grant His pardon and mercy to us. Amen." The rolls were then placed on the high altar, and, after a prayer and ben ediction, delivered to the minister of justice. AN AGREtAELE EMPRESS. Her Royal Hajeoty of Austria ArconiM