VOL. XXVI I I IT PAYS YOU. TO KEEP 'POSTED ON OUR PRICES! See what we ofTer this month and judge / yourself. Ftst Cokr Cbi 1 ! .ij 5 cents a yard Fitje Zej'hcr I)n.sw Gingham* only 10 c. j:t r yard. 3*> inch Henrietta nil the new ebfcdefe.ooiy 25 c. a vard. Lnditfl Black Silk Mitts ouly 15 c. a pair. Gloria SiikSua Umbrellas with fancy silver handles $1.50, worth $2.50. Childrcus Sailor Hats only 10c, worth 25 c Lt.dk a Trio;tntd HiU and Bonnets, frcci $1 to $5 40 iceh Lace Scrim* only sc. a yard worth 10c Men's ." nut Shirts 25 e, others rt!i then -t 50 >■. Leiiii 's Ribbed Vests <>n!y 10 c. Such bargains can only he found at the JEW YORK BAZAAR The Liveliest r,d Store in in Butler. 22S and 232 S. Main St. Ojip I'ofltoffic-e. Dry Goods, . Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Xotions, Etc. A GREAT PLENTY OF THE VERY BEST. M()HE NEW STVLES and TIANDSOM K SELECTIONS THAN EVER BEFORE. SUCH FINE GOODS YOU j NEVER SAW SOLD so LOW WE WILL GRATIFY YOUR AMBITION to BUY; CHEAP AND GIVE FXTRA GOOD QUALITIES IN Til BARGAIN. AN UNEQUALLED AS SORTMENT INCLUDING all the NEW iST STYLES. A BIG STOCK TO BE j TURNED QUICK ON CLCSE MARGINS. Y'ou people who know what a bargain is come in and wc will surprise }Ou, D. E. JACKSON. 203 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment, lull and overflowing with our immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help us out, we haven't room fcr half our goods, until relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to 81 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near PostolHce, Butler, Pa. liMM noun MILL, rutih: i, I'i. a FULLERTOiN, Prop'r. Blankets, I latiiM'ls and Yarn JIHI»U1;UI t:re«l of Pure iiu(- Ici (ountj Wool. We (ftiflMntee our grxxlH to bestrictly all wwJ n'£tu>n liy mall. FRANK KEMPER, DKAI.EK IV Harness, v Dusters and Flynets. r riic l larbos, ' 'blankets, harness, whips. trunks, and [ valises, and at lowest prices in Htitlcr, is al ways to l>e found at K KM PEirK. Agents Wanted. Several good men, experience not UtteHHary, to tiike orders for fine picture?. W. A. OSBORNE WALL P.W'KR, STATIONKRV AND ART DK.VLER. 112 Iv .Ii iTerw nSt , • - Butler, Pa G. D. HARVEY, t'outrai tor uii'l lnilWer ID brick work, i;r,ile and liiatltel -• llii / and all k'tuUol tirle!< l.iylli',' II >I e* l.ilty. Mrto de;iicr In barrel llm». VVam up in i •• lii ". ti" Niil'iiiai I••-r i land in.it •. i t»■ ■ - ti,. i ~irkll. Cali'iiii il 1,1 . • i |.l ■ -!■ ri. i liii- lirli k tii •. Al.lH tin! :.>.il rlvi-i .iu I. tialn Otl|i <- 315 N 'I nn trei-r. and ulloriPTM lelt at. wale Imiine will receive proiupl Uullvery. Terrna reai-.otialjle. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSION A L CARDS. JOSEPH W. MILLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, i ami r at '■> i. M n St. B'ltler, Dr. N. M. HOOVER, i 137 K. WajtcSl., nOi.e h'.uri. 10 to I.'M. aiid ! 1 to 3 P. M. L. M. REINSEL, M. D , I'm -idin «vii SCUUJDON. • Ofliee auU re-:clenee at 12" E. Cunnlti£tuun St, L. BLACK, ' PHTHCIAJC AM) SUKOEO.N, ! New Trout man Building; B'ltler, l*a. K. X. LCAKK. M. U. J. E. MANX, M. D. BpeclHlllcH: Specialties: •iynsH-«i'.'.;;v Sur- KjL-. Ear. Note and C«ry. Throat. DRS. LEA K E & M ANN, Butler, PH. C.. .... MERMAN. ruvici.* IN.) »; KI.KOS, oftke a'. -No. I.V, S. Main .-arect, «jver Fiaui: A Co's l)i'._- stor-. Butler, i'a, SAMUEL M. BiPPUS. Physician and burgeon. SO. XJ Eatl Jellerbon St., Butler, Pa. | . W. R. TITZEL. PiiVSICIAJN A:iD SURGEON. S. \V. Cotter Jlaiti aLd Noitli Sts.. Butler, Pa. V. McALPINE, Dentist, lb cow | ' irnanLtly located at 120 South Main Street' Butler, Pa., In rooms formerly decoupled L> Ur. Waldron. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. f Artificial -J..til in:-ruveal puCl(,iliiua Store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, FA. All work pertaining to the profession execnt ed 111 the neatest manlier. SpecialtiesOold Killings, and I'ainlcss Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Ottlr* on Jttferson Street, fln<' door Last ufLonr) Home, tp Stair*. Office open dally, except Wednesdays an.l Thursitass. Communications by j rial I receive prompt al lenOon. K. B.—The only Dentist In liutler uaiog.the best makes of teeth. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ESGINEEK AMI 81'KYEYOIt, Omi'E h KAn DUSUNP, 1 LTIJtU, Pa. H. Q. WALKER, Attorney -tt-l;v t Hit In D',. lmi.d Block liutler. Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attci ney-at-Law. Office- fcctvueti !•« »t< dire ULII Diamond, Cut ler. I'a. A. T. SCOTT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. Office at >'o. (•. South tiiumond, l;utler. I'a. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATI OEM: Y AT LAW. omcc serf,i,.l lloor. Anrtei>on 11! k, Main St., near C'otill Hotifce, {Sutler, I'a, J. W HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Ofl'tec (n second floor of tli>- Huselton block. Diamond, liutler, I'a.. IJootn No. 1. JAMES N. MOORE, • ATTOHNBT-AT-LAW AMD NOTARY PUBLIC. Office In Boom No. 1, second lloor of HußeiUm I'.loek. entrance on Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law. Ofllee at No. IT, East .letter son Ht , Butler, I'a.. W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at 1 m and Iteal Estate A|(i:ut. Of nee rear of L. Z. Mil- hull's office on north side of Diamond, Butler, I'a. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor ot Andervin'ljulldlnt;, near Court House, liutler, I'a. J. t. BR ITT AIM. Att/y at Lavv Oilier at 8. K. Cor. Main and Diamond, JJutler, I'a. NEWTON BLACK. Alt'y at Uw-Ofll'-e <>ti South slts. ». C. ROESSINtt, President. II C. lIKIN EM AN, SKUHKTA rt. DIRECTORS: 0.0. Koessiu.;, Henderson Oliver, .1.1, l'urvis, .lames htepheiisop. A. Trout man, ii. r. lieiueman, Alfred Wick, N. \Vell/.,'1. Dr. W. Irvin." I»r Itl' kenbach. .1. W llurkliart, l». T. Norru. LOYAL S. Id'JUNKIN, Agent. BITTLi KS A. E. GABLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Cable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and m-kes riddling, castration and horse den tistry h specialty. Castration per formed wi'.bout claws, and all other surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part, of tho country promptly responded to. Office aud Infirmary in Crawford's I Livery, 132 West Jefferson Street, I Butler, l'u. WEAREREADY To show \"ou the largest and lowest priced stock of FURNi T U R E in tlie country. Don t forget to call and see our Parlor Suits, f> pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for #SO. We also have a Parlor Suit for *2."), as follows: G chairs, upholstered in plush: 1 rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; I sofa, upholstered in plush; all for the low price of #25. Our oak bed-room suit for $i.S can be bought only at our store for the price. We have China Closets for any price you want tlicm from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $8 up. Side boards from S2O" up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 130 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA WE have endeavored during our first year's business with the citizens of l>utlcr and surrounding country, to give them first class goods at reasonable prices, and bv fair dealing to merit their patronage. That our efforts have been appreciated is evidenced by the amount of business we have done. Thanking our patrons for past favors, we hope by straight-forward dealing to merit a further share of the same. E. S. DREW, - 128 E. Jefferson, St. ! KXT It TsT I r r UR K t If} 01 1 want a perfect fitting suit <><) to H AB E RNIGG 202 S. Main St., Clothing uncalled for in Bradford sells for half price, mostly winter goods. STOCK ENTIRELY NEW! Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles At lowest cash prices at •J. R.