THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. Scliaul Bros. & Co. ONE-PBICE CLOTHIERS. OPPOSITE THE HOTEL VOGELET, BUTLER, PA. Wc are looking or trade and we are doing all v, i can to de* nerve it. Our be;, .i Las been to the Clothing Market and bought these goods for Spot Cash, and we are Bell tbem at 25 per cent, less than these Bame goods were sold in the early part of the season. Below we quote prices on a few of these goods: Children's Kilt Suits, sl, $1.25, $2, $2.50 and $3. Boys' Jersey Suits, all wool, $3, $3.50, $4 and $5. Boys' Suits (knee pants) sl, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $4. Boys' Suits (long pants) $2.50, $3, $4, $5 and $6. Men's Working Suits, $4 and $5. Men's Business Suits, $6, $7.50 and $10.50. Men's fine Dress Suits, sl2, sl4, sl6 and $lB. Boys Knee Ms at (Its. a pair, Ms Outing Cloth Sits, 25 rats. BcTtKK haa a population of about to.€oo. It, is the county seat or Butler County, with 00.000. Four railways, natural gas. and unequalled facilities (or manufactures. Progress everywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. THAILAND MAILS. WkotPknh K. B —Trains leave Butter for Allegheny at «.10.8.40 and ll.uo a. m. and at 2.45 and 5.00 p. m. and Arrive at 8.3S and 10JW a m and i..**». s.W> and T. 50 p. m. Mails close at 5.30 ami a. m. and 2.15 p. m. Mails arrive at *.9oand 10..W a. m. and 5.20 p. m. P. 8. & L. E. H. K.—Trains leave for Erie at S2S and 1030 a. m and for Greenville 4:55 p. m. 1 Trains arrive from Greenville at 10:05 a. m. and 2:20 and si-.10 p. rn. Malls close at 6:is and 930 a. m. Clowd pouch for Brancbton, Including mall for HUliard, Boyereand Bovard at 435 p. m. Mails arrive at 435 and 6:20 p. m. W. K. it—Trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at c.20, 5.25 and 10 20 a. m. and 2.10, 2.40 and 6.30 p.m. Trains leaving Butler at 8.55 a. m-and 2.10 p. m. make connection with trains going west, at Callery Junction. Trains arrive at 9.15 and a. m. and 4.46 . 7.45 and 8.30 p. m. Mails close for the South and west at BXO a. in. for Pittsburg at 9.50 a. m. for points we« of caliery at 1.40 p. m, for Pittsburg and ail points between Butler and Allegheny at c.OO p. m. Malls arrive at 10.00 and 11.00 a. in. 12.20 and 5.10 p. m. Trains leave going north at 10.06 a. m. and 8.65 and 8.38 p. m arnve at and 10.0S a. ro. and 5.20 p. m. Malls close for local points be tween Butler #nd Kane at 9.50 a. m. for Bani barts Mills, Oil ( Ky and Koxburgh at 4.W p. m. Mails arrive irom Barnharts Mills. Oil City and Fmgurgh atlo.:» a. m. from local points be tween Kane and Butler at 6.8S p. m. sr A a Jtocrw- Daily mail from lit. Chestnut arrives at 9:30 a. m. and leaves at 10nu a. m. North Hope. Hooker and other points, Monday, Wednesday and Kridav, leave at 130 p. m. New Advertisements. Notice in Divorce—Conn vs Conn. Administrators' notice, estate of John M. Truner. Scbneideman's Summer Goods. Notice of Liberal Lectures. Railroad Excursions. Commencement Exercises. The National Tribune. NOTK—AII advertisers intendingto make changes in their ads. should notify ns of their intending to do so, not later than , Monday morning, —Who is W. M. Nickle? —Part of the Orphans Home property iB to be sold off in lots. —A couple of slander suits are brewing in Buffalo twp. —The four tramps arrested near New Castle were brought to Butler, Tuesday, anil will Ite tried here for robbing llelm bold's store. —Pennsylvania girls marry young. Dur ing the past year there were 23 girls mar ried at age of 14; 105 at 15; 353 at 16; 316 at 17; and 1,338 at 18. —L. P. Walker has been appointed a Notary Pnblic and has an office at his dwelling house on Centre Ave., 8. 8. and at Postal Telegraph office near the Post office, where he will do acknowledging and qualifying to all papers as usual, and will make out and execute Pension Papers. —The members of St. Mary's Catholic Cbnrcb at Herman will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its organization, next Mon day. The only one of the original mem bers living is Nicholas Bleichner of Clear field twp. There will be services at the church in the morning, and a jubilee that afternoon aud ovening, with a free exhibi tion at the college by the students. All are invited. Prospect Academy Commencement. Programme lor commencement week at Prospect Academy. Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday evening, June 21, at 8 o'clock, by Rev. J. Reed Morris of California, Pa. Literary and Musical Entertainment un der auspices of Junior Class, Wednesday evening, June 24. Class day exercises Thursday, June 25, at 1:30 p.m. Lecture Thursday evening, June 25, by Hon. Ilepry Hall, subject "The Gospel of Get There." Grove City Commencement. The final examinations take place at Grove City College on Friday and Satur day of this week and Monday of next, the commencement exercises, banquet and re union Thursday; and the College term will close on Friday. Six graduates from this county —T. V. Dugan, Laura Haxlett, 0. C. McClung, Margaret Orr, Geo. M. Stude bakcr and John H. Wilson—will take part in the Commencement exeroises. There are 32 in the graduating class and 689 stu dents attended the college during the past year. New Connection for Bedford Springs via Pennsylvania Railroad The Pennsylvania Railroad Company an nounces that for better accommodation of passengers to Bedford Springs, Atlantic ex press No. 20, leaving Pittsburg at 3.20 A. M., will stop at Huntington to let off pass engers bidding tickets from Pittsburg or points west thereof for Bedford Springs. This stop will enable passengers from Western points to reach Bedford at 10.50 A. M. Do not Forget to Celebrate. Take your family and visit some of your friends on the line of the P. 8. rapc, Treasurer; H. C. Heine-man, Secretary; W. J. Cassidy, Manager; and Meesrs J. M. Lambing, New ton Black, A. P. Kirkland, Drape,Cassidy, Heineman and Troutman, Directors. —Jesse Richards, the young man who taught a short-hand class in this town last winter committed suicide at e hotel in Wheeling last Saturday, by shooting him self through the head and then cutting his throat with a razor. He came to liutler from Phillipsburg, Clearfield Co. —Wm.* Newell, a miner of Coaltown was instantly killed last Thursday, by the slate of the roof of the mine in which be was working falling upon him. It was featber-edged stone i.nd slipped d;>wn apon him. He was about sixty yearn of age, leaves a widow at Gomersol, and is said to hare some grown up children east of the mountains. —Long OF THE SrXBCRr CASK. j The evidence for the prosecution was j completed Thursday noon, and that aftcr | noon some of the witnesses for the defense | were beard, but on Friday morning there i were rumors of a settlement, and a half hour after court convened, a paper signed by all the parties in interest, and in which the prosecutors agreed to discontinue the cases, aud the defendants agreed to pay all costs and give peaceable possession of the church building to the new trustees, was handed to the court for its approval, and when that was secured the costs were tax ed, and payment arranged for and the parties went home. This was a surprise to everybody not acquainted with the rules and discipline of the if. E. Church, which required all regular church buildings to be deeded to the church and puts autocratic power in the hands of the Bishops as # to properties and pastors. In this case we understand that Rev. Pollard asked the Presiding Elder to excuse him from preach-, ing at West Snnbury, that the P. E. refer ed the matter to Bishop Mallalieu and re ceived orders to vindicate the church rules. TLat has been done and now it remains to be seen what will come of it. SESTERCES. Frank IJeiber, who plead guilty to six indictments for horse stealing, and also to the indictment for breaking jail was 011 Friday last taken with Court and sentenced by Judge McMicbael to five years in the penitentary on first indictment, with one year added for each of the other indict ments,thus making eleven years in all that Frank will have to desist from his favorite amusement, less time deducted for good behavior, if any. Frank Jackson who plead guilty to an | indictment for larceny was sent to the penitentiary for one year from Jane 12, '9l. The sentence of John Shaffer who was found guilty of larceny was deferred until July Ist, and his recog. renewed for his appearance that day. The sentences of John C. Adams, Pat. McVey, and others were noted last week SOTKB. Samnel Shonp has applied for a divorce j from a divorce from Rebecca Shoup. j John W. Wimer adopted the sou of ' Abigail Winter. Chas. S. Davison was committed to Dix mont. The "de lunatico inquirendo" issued in the case of Simon Lei bold was suspended until further order of Court. On Monday of this week, the Solicitor of the Borough of Butler entered municipal liens on account of unpaid assessments for sewerage again-t W. H. 11. Kiddle (3 cases), W. S. Montgomery and wife, (2 cases), Alex. Mitchell and wife, (4 cases), J. A. Leideeker, (3 cases);Geo. W. Fleeger, Rob't Storey, A. C. Wilson, J. W. Starr, Fred Rauscher and wife, John Reiber, L. M. Brackney, A. Barrickman, John M Armstrong, Sarah P. Dieffenbacber, and Walter Evans and wife. The four tramps who are accused of rob bing Ilelmbold's store were brought to Butler from New Castle, Tuesday, and are now in jail. They gave their names as John Wilson, Jas. McComo, Wm. Haw kins and Wm. Mallery. The will of Sarah Biggins, of Marion Twp., was probated and letters granted to John B. Gormley; also will of Win. Black, dee'd, and letters to W. E. Black. Will Almshouse was committed to jail for furnishing intoxicating liquors, and J. I*. Daubenspeck is yet in jail on order of Court in the desertion case. On Wednesday municipal liens were entered by the borough of Butler against W. L. Graham (3 cases), Bob't Burkhalter, Win. O'Brien, Rosanna Martin, W. I'. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, James Tracy, Julius Baker, John Stoddard, John R. Grieb. Jno. Purviance aud Annalena Ferrero, Henry Wagner, and P. H. Burcblield and wife. The collectors of State and county taxes have been notified to settle on or before August Ist, and it will be well for their bondsmen to see that tbey do so. It cost this county about $2,500 to assess and register itself last year, and the new law, which requires a double registration, will about double this expense. The will of Irene I'urvis, of Adams Tp., was probated and letters granted to Olive Matthews; also will of Win. Wick, of Con cord Twp., and letters to S. J. Aggas and J. T. Wick; also will ol Nancy llurtley, of liutler. and letters to Jas. Wilson. Letters of administration were granted to Mrs. Louisa Knmmer on estate of Adam Kuminer; also to Nancy A. and W. R. Turner on estate of John M. Turner, of Parker Twp. The petitions presented to Court last week for the sales of the Jas. Storey prop erties in liutler, and the Higham properties in the north-western part of the county, brought up the question as to whether the bonds should be filed in the counties iu which the wards reside or in the county in which the property is located. The cases were similar, but the attorneys interested had proceeded differently, and Judge Mc- Michael took the papers, and will decide the matter. Ira Marlatt secured a change of venue to Youngstown 0. and is being tried there this week. The murder resulted from a quarrel regarding a laud contract. Marlatt claimed to have been damaged fffiOO in the deal he had had with Ashton and Lewis Hell. Finding them in Bell's office, he insisted they should sign notes to the amount in bis favor, which they re fused to do. A quarrel followed. Marlalt went to the door, drew a revolver and commenced shooting. Hell was shot sev eral times bnt recovered. Asbton received a bullet in bis breast and died iu a short. The murderer mounted a horse and escaped to his home, which he barricaded. The Sheriff was shot in effecting his arrest, but recovered. LATK PBOI'KttTV TBANHKKBS. E E A brains to B Kodgers, lot in Karns City for $250. C Stchle to W L Graham, trustee, lot in liutler for S2OO. Elizabeth Gilkey et al to Frank C ltal ston, 108 acres in Slipperyrock for $2850. M M Kirkpatrick et al to Emile Hruny, lot in liutler for SI,OOO Maggie Nolf to Sarah Huston, 7 acres in Buffalo for S3OO. Harvey Colbert to L E Brackney, lot in Butler for $1,200. J M Boyle to Murg Sutton,lot in Millers town for ifctOO. J M lioyle to I) Garrett, lot in same for SSOO. A G Williams to Sophia Burchfield, lot in Butler for S4OO. I) Dale to W E Keed, lot in Butler for $221.50. Marriage Licenses. Edward Fennell Uenlrew Elsio Brown " John Stewart Petrolia Maggie ltedick " Clinton 1!. Wright liutler Jennie Shaffer " Ifob't N. Black Baldwin I*. 0. Mary Templeton " •' Hy B. Kinker liutler, l'a Amanda Gould W. Sunbury, l'a Alex. N. Foulis I'ittsburg, P.i Jennie Vandivcrt Butler Co At Pittsburg—Charles H. Love and Le noi aJ. Campbell of Butler; also John C. White of Evans City anil Alice Henry of Allegheny; also John S. Campbell, of Wellsville, Ohio, and Minnie V. Downey, of West Sunbury. Tastes vary-In a Methodist clasi meeting an eldery man gave his reasons for loving the Lord, and among other things he said: "I thank the Lord that all men are not alike. Why," said he, "if all men had been like me, they'd all wanted my wife." Another man who was sitting near the door, muttered, loud enough to be heard halfway across the church: "And I thank the Lord all men are not alike. If they'd all been like »n none of* em 'ld u wanted her." Gloves. Biaritz Kids, Mousquitaire Suede, buttoned and laced kid gloves at Al* M. HKiiiKit'fl. —Latest styles in gold and silver tinsel gimps and dress trimmings of all kinds at L. STEIN A SON'S. —Ladies and childrens bote, war ranted fast black, at 10, 12£, 15, 20 and 25 cents a pair, that are much better than are usually sold at these prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. Personal. Al. Heck and H. C. Heineman represent ed the Butler Equitable Ail at the Titus ville Convention, last week. Mr. Rodgers. the advance agent of the Frank Bobbins' shows, claims to be the inventor of an instrument similar to Edison'- "Kinetograpb," by which he proposes re producing images and motion, just as the phonograph reproduces sound. What a wonder it would be, to sit in your room, and with a kiuetograph on your table and a telephone at your ear, and see and hear, persons talking and acting,squares or miles away. Mr. Rodgers also claims to be the inventor of a boat, that is propelled by the heat of the Sun, and he is trying to secure space for its exhibition at the World's Fair. 11. (J. Walker, E,-q. Las opened his law office in the Diamond Block on Main St. at which piace he will be glad to have, bis friends call when in need of any thing in the legal hine. Fannie Scott, of St. Joe, has returned from a visit to friends in Franklin. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Crawford, of Kensington, attended the Frazier—Black wedding, in Franklin, last week. This week East Brady loses the family of Matt Yost, by their "removal to Bntler. where Mr. Yosthaa been engaged iu busi ness for the past year and a hall; while lintler will gain a" very estimable family. We are sorry for this change, as we would rather see good citizens moving into East Brady than moving from it: at time hope the change wi'l be to their ad vantage, it nr.'-! i;dd greatly to their comfort. Mrs. V >•: li-I't with her children on Tuesday, lakii.g with her the regrets of a wide circle of relatives, friend- and neighbors. The RKVIKW will follow them to their new home.—East Brady He viae. Mr. Chas. Howe, formerly a resident of this town daring the palmy days, but late of Oil City, has opened a brokers office in Butler, Pa. lie will meet many of the old time oil region boys in tho town of Butler. Mr. II- we has a good clean re cord &s a broker.—Parker Phoenix. Senator Sbowaiuir returned home last week. He and his family spent a few days with friends in Boston, after the legisla ture adjourned. Mr. J. O. Dodds is building a house on his lot on New Castle St. Rev. Pollard preached in the Sunbury M. E. Church last Sunday. Lon. Marshall has sold his fruit store on S. Main St. to Mr. Scott Thompson, and proposes making a visit to his sister in Oregon. Mrs. John Leisie, of Cranberry twp., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. J. Reiber this week. A Butler boy who learned the drug business with Dr. Redick and is now locat ed in Allegheny and is making a fortune filling Father Mollinger's prescriptions. Mr. 1.. M. Armor, formerly of Zelienople this county, but who for some years has been a resident of Allegheny, met with a singular and very painful accident last Monday evening, lie was on his way from Harmony to Allegheny at the time, was sitting with his head turned talking to a man in the seat behind his, and just as the train was leaving Evans City, a small ball entered his left eye, cutting the eye-ball and lodging iu the cavity. It was a pain ful wound, but he had to endure it till he reached the city, when a specialist sewed up the torn eye-ball but could not remove the shot,and he does not know yet whether or no he will lose the eye. Ue thinks the shot came from a Flobert rille. Mr. Reineman, the wholesale florist oi Allegheny sent us a basket of Gen. Jacqueminot roses on Tuesday anil con sequently has our everlasting gratitude. The flowers were greatly admired hy many who saw them. S. I>. Miller Jr. and lauiily spent Satur day and Sunday with his parents at Oil City. The most charming young lady in Butler is a bycicle fiend. Dr. J. S. Cawpliell, of WellsviUe 0., and Mary Downey ot"W. Sunbury were married in McKeesport, Tuesday. Joseph McLaughlin, an oil-driller of Murrinsville, Rutler county, is lying at the point ol death in the Allegheny gen eral hospital, having been hit by an engine of the Pittsburg & Western It. It. The ac cident occured some time on Sunday morn ing. McLaughlin was intoxicated and sat down on the track, when he fell asleep. He avroko some hours later and was una ble to move, having been hit and thrown to the side of the track. Some men from Wild wood lound him and had him sent to the hospital. An examination brought to light no wounds or bruises, but paralysis from the fifth rib down has affected the man's lower extremities and he is in a very serious condition. Kev. W. X. Uarlcy lias been installed an pasto; of St. Mark's congregation of Columbus, 0. Rev. C. 11. Sehuttc, A. M , President of Capitol University, of which Will was a student, assisted by Kev. Heck, conducted the installation services, and Will's mother was present, llis address is now 91 McMillen Ave., Columbus, 0. The Markets. BCILKK MARKETS. (»ur grocers are paying 12 cents for but t;»r, 15 for eggs, $1.25 for potatoes, and 30 cents a do/en buuehes for rhubarb and onions. Some splendid strawberries from the eastern part of this State sold at 2 boxes for 25 cents, and black raspberries are also in market. I'ine apples are selling at 15 cents each or $1.50 a dozen, and bananas at 25 cents a dozen or $1.75 to $3 a bunch. These fruits are raised on the islands south of Cuba, and their consumption in this country has become immense. PITTSItUKO I'RODCCK. Timothy hay from country wagons sl2 to sl4, mixed hay $8 and $9, mill leed sl7 to 20; wheat $1.02 to $1.07, rye 93 to 90, oats 47 to 50, corn 02 to 70. Country roll butter 10 to 13, fresh eggs in cases 10 and 17, old potatoes on track $1.40 to $1.50; jobbing $1.50 to $1.75; new potatoes $0 to $7 per barrel; strawberries ft to 12 a quart, gooseberries 7 to 9, cur rants 10 to 12; goose feathers4B to 00, mix ed feathers 25 to 35; honey 12 to Ift; dressed spring chicken 25 and 20. LI VK STOCK. At llerr's Island, Monday, common cattle sold at 4} to 5, dry cows and bulls 2 to 4. Veal calves retailed at 5J to 0. Sheep retailed at 4 to SJ, and spring lambs at 5 to 7{. Hogs sold at 4A to SJ. TUB OIL MAKKKT Closed on Monday at 09, Tuesday at OftJ, Wednesday at OH}. WestSunbury Normal. There will be held in the West Sunbury Academy a Normal Term, commencing July 0, 1891, aud con tinuing five weeks. A splended opportunity will be olTered to teachers and those wishing to fit themselves as teachers for common branches. It is desired to have the term close with an examination by the Co. Sup't. Prof. McCollough. All communications for further particulars,addressed to F. E. Moffat or S. J. Christley, West Sunbury, I'd., will be promptly answered. —Confectiouery and fruits at the City Baker v. —Ladies Jersey ribbed vests at 9 cents each, better vests at 15, 20 and 25 cents, Gne Lisle thread and Lisle and silk mixed vests at 50 cents, silk vests 75 cents to $1.25. L. Stein & Son's. —Extra quality all wool cashmere 40 inches wide at 50 cents a yard, extra fine henriettas in black and colors at 75 cents and $1 per yard at L. Stein Son's. Milts Good values, all prices at Alf M. Kkikeh's, Butler, Gloves. Biaritz Kids. Mosquitaire Suede, buttoned and laced kid gloves at Alf M. lleibeu's, Butler. —lnfants' cloaks and hoods. D. T. Pape. —The Anti-Ilusting Tinware— guaranteed ngninst rust for three, years, at Henry Bieiil's, No. 122 N. Mair St., Butler, Pa. Borough Business. I At the meeting of Conneil. Tuesday ; night, a motion to pay Mr. John Osborne »*>.ofe' on his contract for paving Main St. e*med. The contract is not completed, but be needed the money and got it. Mr. Hughes, the sewer contractor, also wanted some money, and the matter wa referred to the Sewer Committee, who are to feport at a special meeting being held this (Thursday) evening. The contractor for the Centre Ave. bridge reported that he would have to stop work unless the Gearing house was remov ed. and alter some discussion a motion to draw aa order in favor of Mr. Hearing for $175, —the Mini awarded him by the view ers—carried, though the matter is ye! in Court. Treasurer Schenek reported that two old ladies —Mr?. McCollough and Mrs. Trux all—were not able to pay their sewer as sessments, and their notes will be taken and entered in favor of the borough. James Ferry was granted a plumber's license, to make sewer connections. The ordinance regatding bicycles and trieiek-s was read, amended and passed. They £re prohibited on the sidewalk* of paved streets, and if used on the sidewalks of other streets the riders most observe certain rules and precautions or be subject to a penalty of *25. The gait on all streets i* not to exceed six miles an hour. The ordinance for paving Diamond St. was read and referred to the Paving Com mittee. The sidewalk on the north side is now lli feet, while that on the south side is Lu*. 10 feet. Permission was granted to Mr. Al. Reiber to put a Y iu the sewer in front of, the Patterson property. A representative of the First Ward Hose Co. reported that they needed some new hose. Sad Death of Howard Redic. Howard Kedic, aged 19 years, a son of Col. 0. C. Kedic, was drowned iu the Connoquenessing. just below the mouth ol lirinker's Run, last Monday evening. There is a washout in the centre creek there several rods long and from nine to eighteen feet deep. Howard and some other young men went in bathing there about dusk that evening, and Howard waded out and step ped off the ledge into deep water when none of the others were near him, and as he could not swim he became confused and made little or no outcry, and sank for the last time before tho others realized that he was drowning, and then they dived i for him but could not find him. Men and boys were in the water all night trying to find the body but it was not recovered till next morning, when it was brought to tlie surface by the aid of a hook. He was a line young man and his sudden death is greatly regretted by all who knew him. He was buiied in Allegheny Ceme tery, near Foxburg, Wednesday. Killed by Lightning. Robert Taylor, a son of Alexander Tay lor, of Allegheny twp., was struck by lightning and instantly killed in his father's yard, on Tuesday, June 16, 1891. His hat, pants and shoes were torn in shreads and almost all his clothing were torn from his person. He was about 19 years of age, and be and Howard Kedic had been friends and were btrricd in Allegheny cemetery on the same day. Liberal Lectures. A series of three lectures, commencing with Friday of this week, will be delivered in Cosmopolitan Hall by Hon. W. S. Bell, of Oakland, Cal. The subject for the lirst evening is "Liberty and Morality," and on Satur.lay and Sunday evenings he will speak on '-Evolution of Religious Ideas" and ''Popular Objections to Free Thought Stated end Answered." Mr. P.cll was formerly a Methodist min ister, lint through a process of mental evolution came to a disbelief in some of the doctrines of the Christian religion and left the pulpit for tho platform where he could express his views with greater free dom. As a lecturer and a thinker Mr. Bell has a National reputation and he is spoken of quite highly by the press. Of his recent lecture in Sandusky, Ohio, tho Erenin// Journal of that place has this to say: "Sunday night's lecture at Fisher's Hall, by Prof. W. S. Hell on "Liberty and Morality," was fairly attended by an ap preciative audience. The lecture was argu nientative and humorous, delivered in good taste, well illustrated with anecdotes, and adorned with allusions to the liible and Sbakespere as the two most marked and least understood works of this or any age. The professor is as sincere now as when he was preaching for the Methodist church, and affords a very interesting evening's sitting to his auditors.—Sandusky, 0., Evenimj .hntrnal. No admission will be charged to these lecture#. —Trimmed bon nets, toques, and arge hats. I). T. PAI-E, Eggs for Setting. Kggs from the following pure bred chickens: Wyandotts; white, black and brown Leghorns; Plymouth Rocks and Light Brahmas, for sale by W. 11. MORRIS, No. N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Have you seen the new goods at Nicklcs 5 and 10 cent store/ Milts Good valnes, all prices nt ALF M. REIUER'S. —lce for sale at| tho City Bukcry. Wanted for Cash. 25000 pounds of wool at A. TKOUT.MAN k SON'S, Butler, Pa. —Chamois skin gloves that can be washed, white and tan colors, at $1 a pair at L. STEIN E. —New kid gloves, new silk and fabric gloves and silk mitts at low est prices at. L.JSTEIN o competent, but if drugs un dispensed that have heroine in ert by i<>ng st Hiding or tut [>e iiiL properly cared (•>;• the re sult expected cannot he obtain ed. We have ever tried in supph our patrons with the very best and purest drugs the market affords. Our stock is new and iresh and everv arti cle is carefully inspected on reaching our store. Our rap idly growing trade is the u , Ins. to. of North Ameiifa, l(K)lli jcar. B>ASSKTS4#>.9SI.S!S S3.J | Home Ins. Co. Assets $9,091,192 58 Hartford Ins. Co. " $6,576,61(5 13 Continental Ins. Co. " $5,000,000 London Assurance Co. Incor'd. 1720 N. Y. Life Ins. Co. As'ts 115,000,000 Office in HUBELTON BUILDING, nex to the Court House. -pilK 11UTLEK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, BUTI.KU.|PA. CAPITA I- I'aiil Up, - - - $100,000.U0. lOFFICKitS " Jos. llartmaii. I'rcs't. I). Osborne. ('ashler, J. V. ltltts.Vice I'res't, c. A. ISalley.Ass't cash" DIKE*TOItS : •Tos. llartmaii, C. P. Colling, o. M. Uuxsell, H. McSweeney. C. I). Greenlee, J. V. Kltts, E. K. AbraniH. Leslie Ha/.lett. I. G. Smith, W. S. Waldron, I). Osborne. A general banking bnsiness transacted. In terest paid ou time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought undjiold. Full 100 Cents' worth to the Dollar on Every Purchase Made at our Store. We are offering values Un precedented in Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. Be advised and you'll save money. Whatever you may require in t>ur line, come to us, we'll show yoa a great variety and save yon money. Our Spring stock is now full and complete. We guarantee to meet every demend to yonr fullest satis faction. We have a big variety, with many styles of Boys' and Girls' Hats and Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. 333 SODTU MAIN STREET. 333 Havi I\£ Secured the ser vices oi Mr. VVM. COOI'ER, a gentle man of taste and unquestionable abil ity as a Cutter and Designer, WE are now prepared, with OUR Elegant Line of OVERCOAT INGS, SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS a n d FANCY VESTINGS, une qualled in this, or excelled in larger cities, to give our patrons special ad vantages. Wm. Aland Merchant Tailor CHRISTIAN WORK; BY Leading Churchmen. TIL k NATIONAI. Twht'N'k. Washington. 1). ('.• the Great National Weekly for the llarne and Fireside, will shortly begin the publication of a highly luteresUuc series of articles on tlio con dition, development and prospects of the great Churches In this country, by Uie leading men of the several Churches. The articles and their contributors are: Itoman Catholic Church, Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore. Methodist Episcopal Church, Bishop John P. Newman. Protestant Episcopal Church, ltighl Reverend U-lglitonColeman. 8. T. 1 >.. LL. I)., Bishop of Delaware. Presbyterian Church, ltev. Dr. 11. M. Mc Cracken. Chancellor of the University of the City of New Vork. Unitarian Church. Uev. Kdward Everett llale, the distinguished author. Kvangellcal Lutheran Church, Prof. E. J. Wolff, of the (lettysburg Seminary Congregational Chureh. ltev. .1. N. Whlton, of till! Trinity Church, New York City. Baptist Church. Itobert S. Mi-Arthur, D. !>.. Pastor Calvary Baptist Church. New York rity. .Subscription price of paper It a year; three months containing these articles, cents. Addrexs Til K NATIONAL TItIBCNK, Washington. I>. C. \\T A NTKD—Agents to solicit orders for OU " choice and hardy Nursery Slock. KIMIIJ Work For Knergrllr Trmprrate l«A. Salary and e*tx n»cs or commission If prertr ed. Write at once. Statu Age, Address. R. G. Chase & JUPIJ:' . ?£RSIB7«Iir ' Advert» I-; has alw H>H prove* " ■'JMBU&L' hik'cch#»iuJ. Ik'foro plndnirany air:3m, Newipupor Advertiiioir cwunuil LORD & THOMAS, JlWajßj 1 tmXUTIMVi AUUTS, Ub V MM CHICAOOb The above is a cut illustrating the Newburgh Never Rip Over-gar nsems, fruitshie for Farmers, Workiigmen and Mechanics. This line has a! wayb betn a fa*orite one with the Farmer. The sack coat above meets exactly the requirements of his wjrk—-fitting nicalv and excluding dust. These goods are WARRANTED NOT TO RII», and should any do to thej will be replaced by new oneß Do You Want Something to Keep You Ccol? If so, you should come to our summer goods departmeut, where you can be fitted with • sum mer coat from 25 cents up or a coat and vest from 75 cents to SB. Don't delay, but come at once and secure choice of stock. Also a full line of clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children, and at prices which defv competition. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, 104 8. Main St. - - Butler. Pa> This space is reserved*for Grieb & Lamb's Music Store, removed to No. 125 North Main Street. Do You Want to Make Money? OF COURSE YOU DO! That's Human Nature. THEN BUY YOUR BOOTS & SHOES AT B ICKEL 'S . By so doing you will get the prettiestistjleß—the latest styles and best wearing goods for the least money. We would like to reduce our stock as we wish to make some improve ments on our store room and at present our stock is too large as we have not the room nnd in order to accomplish our purpose we have marked our goods so remarkably low that it will be an inducement for every person vis iting our store to mako a purchase. We'll save you money for you know by experience that our price* for reliable goods were never beaten and seldom equaled. We will offer you an unlimited assortment of ladies and misses fine shoes, price $1 to $5. A full and complete stock of ladies front lace shoes with scollop fronts and patent leather trimmings all Bizes and all widths. Ladies button shoes, fine dongola, with cloth tops, dongola tops, bright finished tops, with patent leather quarters, plain toe or patent leather tips— all styles— *ll ma terials and all prices. MJSSES SHOKB heel or spring heel— and kind of stock detired and the latest patterns from Rochester's largest Bhoe facteries. IMEEIVS SHOES We can show you a large assortment of Men's fine dress shoes, fine French calf, kangaroo, cordovan, band or machine sewed, at a big bargain. 500 pairs of Men's fine calf nhoeß, Congress or English BalmorMs at $S former price $2 75 and many other bargains which space will not permit me to speak about. A larger and more complete Btock of men'" kip plow shoes, Brogans, Creedmoors, Eurekas, box toe shoes of all kinds at prices lower than ever. The above are not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled out for special mention because of their extremely good values, but fair spec imens of the entire Btock. They are leaders in another sense. They lead numbers of people to come to us for their shoes and we please and salt them all. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods At all times a full stock of oilmens box-toed boots and shoes. At all times a full stock of Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather Kip and calf stock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith aprons When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Orders by mail will receive same attenti on as if brought in person. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL. New Number* IkJBl k JB H. Main Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- WMN'A