Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 12, 1891, Image 1
VOL. XXVIII FOR Slate and Hard Wood' Mantels, Tile Ilea. lil.S And Grates. GO TO J. W. KASTOR, 131 E. Jefferson St. Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofing a Specialty GO TO BEDICK'S FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IX Light Harness, O 7 Dusters and Flynets. Theilargest and most complete line of" robes, blankets, harness, whips. trunks, and valises, and at lowest prices in Butler, is al ways to bo found at KEMPEE'B. IT PAYS YOU TO KEEP POSTED ON OUR PRICES! See wbat we offer this month and judge for yourself. Fast Color Challies ouly 5 cents a yard. Fine Zepber Dress Ginghams only 10 c. per yard. 36 iucb Henrietta Cashmeres, all the new shades, only 25 c. a j ard. Ladies Lflnck Siik Mitts only 15 c. a pair. Gloria Silk .Sua I mbrellaa with faDcy silver handles $1 50, worth $2.50. ChildreDS Sailer Hats only 10c,worth 25 c. Ladies Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, from $1 to $5. 40 inch Lace Scrims only sc. a yard, v,orih 10c Men's Hornet Shirts 25 c, others sell them at 50 c. Ladie's Ribl ed Vests only 10 c. Such bargains can only be found at tha NEW YORK BAZAAR The Liveliest and Busiest Store in in Butler. 228 ai,d 232 S. Main St. Opp Postcffice. The Racket Store Is more than ever HEADQUARTERS for PANTS. We have good, stout, well made pants, warranted not to rip, just the thing for warm weather, at 50 cents, 75 cents. 89 ceuts, etp. We have also the heat jean pants in the county at sl. OJ'.I dress pout J in great variety. Come in and look them over. THE RACKET STORE 120 H. Mam St. Butler, Pa. im V6BUI mi, IV'-. II KUIJLKRTON, Prop'r, Jtlaukeix, ( luiiix'lh and Yarn slaiin!ac(isreilorriirc Bnt lei f'OllUljr Wool. Y,> guarantee our (roods to be strictly all wool nil ii rile or any ot her poisonous material »e lin dye ing. We st-ll Wltolesalo or retail, amu.'-s jiii'J price* fprnlnhrxl tree to dealers od pplurilon by wall. Advertise in the Ciiizln. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOSEPH W. MILLER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office and residence at .'£» S. Main St. B'ltier, Fa. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, IST E. WayneJSt . offlse hours. 10 to 12 M. and 1 to 3 P. SI. L. M. REINSEL, M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SrmiEO.v. Office and residence at 127 K. Cunningham St. L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND BUBUEOS. New Troutman Bonding. Butler, l*a. E. S. LEAKK, M. I>. J. E. MANN. M. D. Specialties: Specialties: : Gynaecology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose and gvry. Throat. DRS. LEAKE& MANN, Butler, Pa. G. &L ZIMMERMAN. PiiVcICIAN ANI» SCJUiEON. Office at No. 45, 8. Main street, over Frank & Co's Di uj? Store. Butler, Pa, • SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. Ao. 22 East Jt ileison fat., Dutler, J'a. j W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN AKD SURGEON. S. W.Corner Jiair. and North £t£., Butler, I'a. V. McALPINE, Dentist, is now peimaceiitlj located at ISO South Main Street' Butler. I'a., in rooms fotmerly .ccoupled by Ur. Waldron. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. C Artificial Teeth inserted cn the latest Im proved plan, Gold tilling a specialty. Office— oser grlißtirg Clothing store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession, execut ed mthe neatest manner. Specialties :—Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Offlre on Jefferson Street, onr door East of Lowr) Manse, L'p Stair*. Office open dally, except Wednesdays and ' Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, K. B.—The only Dentist In Butler using the best makes of teeth. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENUI.NEER AND SURVEYOR, Omen NF.AR DIAMOKD, BCTLKR, Pi. J. M. PAINTER, Atloiney-at-Law. Office— I'et ween 1 tMtflice an! Diamond, But ler, Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office at No. R, fcotill. Dipjcond, Butler, Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIORNEY AT LAW. Office second floor, Anderson IJI k, Main St., near ("ouit House, i'.utler. Pa. J. w. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OO'ce 011 second floor of tlie Huselton block. Diamond, Butler, Pa.. Koom No. 1. JAMES N. MOORE, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office In Koom No. 1. second floor of Iluseltou Block, entrance on Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorni-y at Law, Office at No. IT. Ea«t .teller son St., Butler, Pa., W. C. FINDLEY, f Attorney at Lew and l.'eal Estate Apcut. OI flee rear ot L. Z. Mltcli"U's office on north shle ol Diamond, Butler, I\». H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second lloor ot Anderson bul' lti.if, near Court IIOUSP, Butler, Pa. J. K. BKITTAIN. Att'y at Law—Office at, S. E. Cor. Main St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—Office.oli Sou'll side of Dlair-oud Butler. I'a. L 8. McJ UNKIA, Insurance nod Real Estate Ag't I 7 EAST JKFFERSOKJ-ST, I BUTIJER, - I* A. HJ: L!vi COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Wain & Cunninghaio Sts. •3. 0. ROESSING, PMSIDBN*. H. €. IIKINKMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: 3. C. itoesslnif, Henderson Oliver, J. I, Purvis, lames Stephenson, A. Trontman, H. C. Ilelueman, Alfred Wick. N. Wettzel. Dr. W. Irvin, l)r ltlckenbacU, J. W. Burkliart. I>. T. Norrls. LOYAL S, MMUSKIN, Agent. PA. A. E. GABLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Yeterinaiy College. Toronto, Canada. Dr. Gable treats all DISEASES of the domesticated animals, and tn N kes ridgling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed wi'bont clams, and all other surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Livery, 132 Weet Jcffer6on Street, Butler, Pa. , . . j i-tUSISTEST ii'wiys prove* : ■: o p!nMn:rany FI TTTFKMAS,'- 4&JSFSKii/ AiiUhl*, S* IITOIC JU-WI, CUIOAOQB main street. E Grocery ' Troutman Bailding N S _ _Jx L w " ~ l| r _ J* 1 WASHINGTON STREET. 1 K MARTIN COURT j & co J |_ Ilere we are down on Cunningham il. Almost every body knows where we are, but if ) OU do not, j>itase IOOK at the above map. Walk down Cunningham St on the light hand side till vou com >to 210 and } ou will find us. Here we have lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our sales last year and expect to increase them as much this year. All who came last year to gee if we had as Urge a stock and sold as cheap as we advertised s?id we were too modest in our declarations and said they did not expect to find half as much, even after reading our advertisements. Vou know us now and of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we have twice as laige a stocK LOW as when you were here before ai d stiil cutting prices lower. To those who have never been here, we went to ceme too. We don't advertise to blow, li }tu den't find n trestcik here at lower prices than you ever expected after reading our advertisement we will pay you for your time that it takes to walk down here from Main St. Remember, we keep every thing in cur line. Horse col lars 50c, team work biidles sl, work harness $lB, buggy har ness SO, wagon single-trees, ironed, 2oc, double-trees, shalts, wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs, brushes, paint, springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets, whips, carts, buggies, spring wagous and everything, and Kramer wagons,— tbe best wagons made. Come and see us. Look over our stock. We want to get acquainted with you, Hemember, it was us who first brought down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit, relying on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the public has stood by tis in a way that makes us like everybody. Yours, etc., S. 1. HURT & CO. S. B. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieglmer. SOXIBO, The largest repository in the county, liiled with the best assortment of Buggieß, Surries, Phie'.ocs, Carts, Express, Delivery. Drillers and Bolstor Wagons, Machinery, kc. We have fu'l control of the Yoangstown Baggies, "Carries, Wagons, &c., in Butler couiity. Their work stands second to none. We guarantee it in regard to material find workmanship. They make the best rig for the money that is made in the United States. If von need a rig of any kind it will pay you to call and examine our stock. Bear in mind we buy nothing but guaranteed work Bnd the purchaser gels the benefit of the guarantee FARM MACHINERY. Adriance Platform Binders, the oulv successful two-horse Platform Binder made. We guarantee this binder to do the same work of any elevator binder and do it with one third less power Besides this it can be worked on any hill that a team of horses can be worked on. You cannot upset it. It weighs from 400 to 600 pounds less than the elevator binders. This is an impor tant feature on soft ground as well as hilly ground. There are one-third less parts to be run than on elevator binders, consequently the expense of uture wear and tear is one-third less. Call and see sample biuder. BINDER TWINE. We lead all competition on Bind»r Twine in quality and prices If you want a Plow, steel or wood frnrne, Spring Tooth Harrow, Mowing Machine, Hay Hake. Hay Loadcner, Hay Tedder, Hay Elevator, Urain Drill, Thres hing Outfits, Saw Mill Engines or Machinery of any kind, or Fertilizers, Slat and wire Fencing, give us a call. 1! we do not have it in stock we can get it for you. Iu addition to our wareroom we have a Carriage Paint Shop, where painting is promptly done in quality to suit you and moderate prices. As wo are lovers of low prices you will always the worth cf your mon ey at the Ilink Building, Nc. 320, 322 and 324 S. McKean Street, Butler, Penn'a W. F. HARTZELL & CO. STOCK ENTIRELY NEW! Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, J 7 Silverware and Spectacles At lowest cash prices at •J. R. O R I K H ' No. 125 IS. Main St., - Duffy Block. Siyn of Electric Bell and Clock. eyßm WATERPROOF COLLAR m CUFF B£ Not tO Sl3llt 2 TO ***" THE MARK Not tO DlaCQlor? —— ,J BEARS THIS MARK. # TRADE ELLULOID MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THEJmiY I INf-N-U, NED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MAHKfcI. HUTLKR, PA.. KIM 1 )AY, JIN K I\>. 1 Hi> 1. A NEW ENGINEER'S STORY. An "Engineer's St ry" la form regulation, I ain't g. !ng ter leU— I am not cruel hearted) This story, in kind. Is the first since creation Upon its long Journey o" mysteries started. I loved Sallle Jenkins—aname that's not takin, With people what hiu>k« > for poetry names— Twas the gal not 'er name, sir the! first dij a Waldo Affection in me, an' enkindled lore's Games. We met, an" jes' as soon as her pirty eyes hit mo I felt my heart Jump, like a feller in doze. I sez: "Thar's a gal what'll ]<■*' 'zaetly fit ir.c, I'll hev 'er no matter what troubles oppose." I found she wuz wiilln' but th n herole iladdy He took down hiz gun from the garret an' sed: "If ever I 'tempted ter take her, he had me, Ile'd draw back tho hammer, 'so I would go dead." X knowed he would do it, yes, 'cause the ole party He'd won much ren«wn fer sich innocent capers— His appetite allers fer flsfctin' wuz hearty, 'N much he hed done I hed read in the paperi But fortune htt allers smiles out on two lovers, I rested fer things ter develop themselves; Good luck In the clood that ailrights us oft hovers, Stfccess in calamity's house often dwells. One evenin' at dusk, when the moon wuz up creeplc'. My train near her home wuz a-chargin'with might; Ahead, near the track, there wuz sumthin' a leapln. Then a form uv a woman grew quick on my sight 1 She seemed all unconscious uv what she wut doin'; She heeded no whittle—stepped right on the track; Her form on the rails soon the wheels would be gluin' Unless by a miracle ihe wuz jerked back. One chance In a thousand' Reversing the lever, An", makin' a leap art a grab at one time, I landed her over the b»nk in a quiver Of terror and gladness—that sweet g3l o' mine! Next day all the paper! wuz full uv the story; ''The brave engineer" wuz the Idol uv all: Her old dad was on me—his eyes no more gory— He hugged m<\ whlletears from hiz whiskers did fall! An' now for pure fact in this awful narration— Fer since we are married tho public may scoff- That Job wuz put up at the sharp gal's dicta tion— When I leaped ter save, she wuz twenty steps off! Vjncehurg, liy. —James Noel Johnson, In N. Y. Herald. THE VETERAN'S STORY. As I Ovoiv.eard It oa a Railroad Car. (Written for This Paper. 1 HAI) been so • If absorbed in my I newspaper, after ® leaving the city acaa In J? on a west-bound | train, that I had ~ / •'\- not noticed the gathering shades £?. 1 of night, nor had .■ i observed my V \\ immediate neigh / fj/Y\ I'ocs in the swift- -vVI ly-speeding rall- S way car. A con sciousness of the one condition—the advent of night—soon brought me to a partial realization, at least, of those near by. Occupying the seat in front of me were two war veterans—and G. A. R. boys, as I soon discerned—who, I found, were returning from an encamp ment where they had lived again tho scenes of the past. Passing from the chronicle of day's events given me by the newspaper, I became at once interested in the earnest conversation of my telfow trav elers. 1 trust that my course of eavesdrop ping will not be considered particular ly reprehensible, inasmuch as I only relapsed into a condition of ease, and drank in, as a creature of circumstance might, the flow of words which came to me over the back of that car seat. I early learned that tho two men were old playmates, as well as army comrades, and were held closely by these ties, notwithstanding that for tune had been more lavish in the one case than in the other. One of the men—Frank—was a prom inent attorney in a western city; while the other—Bill, as his friend called him —had become a stnrdv tiller of the soil. Presently Bill, the older one of the two, spoke up: "I say, Frank, you remember 'Pen ny' Pickerson, don't you?" " 'Penny' Pickerson? I guess I do remember him, and 1 would go a good ways to sec old 'Fenny.' " "But you wouldn't find him, Frank. He's gone. Yes, ..'Penny's' gone. I'll jest tell you about it" And tho old man turned himself a little more to wards his companion, placed his hat upon his knees, and was then ready to enter upon his story. Apropos, however, to the old soldier's tale let mo briefly gather together a few fragments of interest which were dropped, some before and some during the narrative. It appears that during childhood's clays ami afterwards, running through the period of early school times, Frank, the lawyer, Tom Ilazzard, 'Penny' l'ieki rr.on ami old 15ill were all playfellows and close friends. What ever one was engaged in, the others were quite certain to share. Joys and sorrows were mutually divided. Their common stream of life, however, sep arated some little time before the war beg'an, but that prreat strife, strange as it may seem, brought them to gether, and in the same regiment. Shoulder to shoulder, it may almost be said, they passed through many cam paigns, experiencing many and varied dangers and privations. This second common experience only clinched if (flinching were necessary— those bonds of a lasting friendship; but a cold world—or the hand of a blinded fate—had decreed another separation— one which promised to have no end. It seems that Bill, when a boy and when sUatinff with Penny one day upon the old village millpond, had, through coolness and foresight, saved his companion's life. It was the same old story of "daring" to cross a fragile bridge of ice between two air holca, when Penny found himself vainly struggling In the frigid waters, and with a swift current aiming to draw him beneath the surface. It was a situation demanding prompt action on the part of Bill, and at almost the last moment he succeeded, by greatly periling liis own safety, in saving Penny. This happening tended to bind them more closely in their youthful days, and also—in connection with other events—cemented a feeling of inter dependence throughout the course ol their army career. "I don't know as I ever told you about that happenin' when Penny had th' fever down in Carolina, did I?" queried Hill. "I think not," replied the lawyer. "Well, it was on that cold, raw night in November, '63, when th' command was passed along t' us, rather sudden, t' advance with all speed. You may remember what a nasty, drizzlin' rain was comin' down, wettin' everything we had on. Peniy had not been feelin' well that day, not for several days before that, an' 1 could see that he had anything but enthusiasm when we started out. I took my place near t' him an' I could see that he was strugsrlin' manfully t' throw off th' weakness which was a-eomin' over him more an" more with every step he took. I'urty soon when he see he couldn't stan' It no longer, he *aid t' me: " 'Bill, I can't go 'nother rod." " 'What's th' matter. Penny?' says I. " 'I don't know. Bill, but 1 feel awful strange. I must drop out,' an' he fell by th' muddy roadside, while I tried t' find out what th' matter was, t' get him same kind of relief. I was jest about movin' a few steps t" one side, lookin' for a bstt?r spot from th' rain, when Penny cried out loudly: " 'Bill, »ttiy with me. For (rod't t.ikt don't leare me. Hill. 1 1 e rit y ru.' "I never shall forget those words if 1 live t' be a thousan' years old. They were th' last intelligent words Penny spoke for long weeks—you well recol lect his sickness, an' how I stay'd by him." "By an' by he pulled out of th' fever, j an' it seemed he never could say ; enough about his gratitude f me. lie was always bringin' it up whenever lie had th' chance. "When th" war was over. an' th' troops disbanded, Penny, y' know, remained right in Washington, an' somehow it w*. n't long afore I lost track of him entirely. Yon an' Tom went out west; an' 't wasn't long till I found myself driftin' up in Michigan, where I took tip a farm. "Well, about a year or so baek I went down t' Washington on some business, an" afore I'd been thcr.' more'na day or two who should 1 run against but Tom Ilazzard, who also happen'd t' have some transactions at th' capiteL We had a >o 1 t ilk a >out ol' times, an' finally Tom said: " 'Say, Kill, do you ever think of Penny l'ickerson?" " 'Think of Penny Piekerson?—l jfuess I do think of him; an' he, for that matter, has a purty good cause to think of me,' said I t' Tom. " 'Well now, I'll telly* what we'll do,' said Tom. 'After our business at t' de partment is over. :tn' you have called on Col. 1) , we'll see if we can't find Penny. I don't think we'll have much trouble ai> >at it. fo.- I've heard that he is now a wealthy man. an' of some con siderable prominence in business circles. He'll probably not know us at first, but pet a m -etia' with hin 'll b-j a mutual pleasure, I've no doubt.' "'All right, Tom.' said 1. 'l'll foller.' "After we'd hunt id 'round quite a spell we finally wa:. directed t' a great big gTay stone structure, set way back from th' street, as boiii' owned an' oc cupied by Mr. P. l'ickerson. "Evenin' had cast her mantle o'er th' mighty city—as they say—an' I must own that th' electric lights made every thing looksnug an' n:cj 'bout that great mansion an' its surrcundin's. I know that I was party much befuddled, an' couldn't think # that this was th' place where now lived our simple comrade of, "pears like, but few year.; ago. I could n't imagine t uch a transformation in Penny's surroundin's. "We kinder stopped when we'd 'bout half covered th' distance t' th' house, an' I couldn't help iayin': " 'Tom, we're wrong. This ain't Penny's place. He don't lodge in no such palace as tTii ;. an' I know it' " 'This is certainly th' place we were directed t',' replied Tom, who had seen more of these changin's in man's condi tion. and consequently was not so kinder overcome as I was. " 'Well, 1 can't have it that way, an' I jest know we're cil th' track,' says I. 'Kut, then, if you think so, we'll go on up t' th' door, an' you can ask if Penny l'ickerson lives here. I feel sure you'll ha\-e your trouble for nothia'.' "So we proceeded np th' walk t' th' broiid stone steps leadi:i" I" th* imposin' entrance, an' Tom he pre■. vd a little ffilver knob t' one f,ide, while I stood in th' background. " 'T wasn't long afore a servant ap pUKMI, nil' ill cwismT t-' Toin'u he r,aid: " 'Yes, salt, di# am Mis tali Piekerson'a residence.' "RH.r,, STAY WITH ME! FOB (IOD'B SAKK, DON'T LEAVE ME!" " 'ls Mr. l'ickerson at home?' Tom then asked. " 'Yes, sah.' " 'Can we see th' gentleman?" Tom went on. " 'l's afeard not, sah. Mistah Picker son is very sick, sah, an' de doctah has lef ordalis not t' have him distu'bed. De doctah urn comin' now, sah. You can ask him, sah.' "At this moment a mighty dignified an' stout gentleman came up th* few steps an' seein' th* nigger, he said: " 'Good evenin', Ilenjamin. liow is Mr. l'ickerson this evenin'?' " 'Good evenin', doctah. I's afeared mastah's not ns well dis evenin', sah. Doctah, dose gentlemen have jest called t'see Mistah l'ickerson, an' I have re fer'd dem t' you.' '•Tom then introduced himself an' told th' physician that we were old playmates an' army chums of Penny's; had not seen hhn for many years, an' wished that privilege if possible, as another opportunity might not occur durin' our lives. "The physician listened t' Tom, an' then told Kenjamin t' usher us into th' house t* wait his return from tli' siek room, when he would see if 'would do for us t' KO up. "Well, Frank, I thought I had never dreamed of such grandeur as met my gaze upon enterin' th* gorgeously fur nished rooms we were shown into. I was really dizzy with all th' splendor that surrounded inc. Tom, though, didn't seem t' mind it much, for he soon took possession of th' softest an' easiest chair in th' room. "We had not long t' wait before th' physician returned \warin' a very anx ious expression. Approachin' Tom. he said: " 'You may step upstairs an' look upon your old friend, but inasmuch as he Li delirious, an', I fear, has but few hours t' live, you can do but little more than t' see him a moment. I would not deny you this privilege. Th' family have re tired for a brief spell; therefore if you will follow me 1 will take you t' Mr. I'ickerson's bedside.' "Up th' heavily-carved an' linsly carpeted stairs we went; th' physician first, then Tom, an' finally m'self. Goin* in t' a spacious room we approached a great mahogony bedstead, where, guarded by a couple of servants, wo saw th' restless forin of a thin, pale man. '"lt's l'enny, b' gosh!' says I—for I couldn't hold it back. 'Don't, y' know me. Penny?' " *S—h,' whisper'd Tom. 'He's out of 'is head. He's delirious. Th' doctor Rays we must not talk t' him.' "So we stood there n few minutes, watchin' th' pantin' chest an' restless frame, while a few wanderin' words were passin' th' fcver'd lips. Then wo turned, an' were carefully departin', when a shrill, deathlike cry sounded through th' room, strikin' alarm t" everyone. "Th' sick man had raised upon his el bow, an' with a dull> vacant staro was Lrokin' partly away from u.>, an' callln" loudli-: Viflnrirwi "THEM'S THE VEHT SAME ■WORDS!" "' Pi!!, xt iy rat. F>r God's ttike t'oh't bare me. HilL I want yon." " 'My God! said I, as I heard Penny's cry. "Them's the very same words that Penny said t' me way down there by that black Carolina roadside. Does he know w hat he is sayin'?' "Th' doctor shook his head, an* said: "Xo, he's not aware of what he ut ters. This is an old recollection, un doubtedly, that still abides with him. He's very weak, an' is not far from his end' ''Tom an' I were soon forced to with draw, though—particularly in my ease— it was with much reluctance; an' as we went along th' street I could still hear those sharp tones appealin' t' me t' stay. I could hear 'em th' day after, an' I can hear 'em even now. " 'Twas not many weeks after this happenin", I'rank, that I got a let ter one day which ran something like this: " 'By a provision contained in th' last will an' testament of P. Pickerson (deceased) there falls t' you.durin' your lifetime, th' interest of twenty thou san' dollars; together with various rel ics of the late war gather'd by yourself an' Mr. P.' "Then there was soinethin' about correspondence, an' so on, an' th' let ter was sign. -d by th' administrator of Penny's estate. "I hesitated quite a long time about answerin' tY letter, 'till finally, feelin' myself gettin' old, an' bein' purty well shatter'd from a long an' hard army service, I concluded t' look upon it as somewhat of a providential pen sion which would take good care of mo th' rest of my days." Such is the story I heard from the lips of the hardy old veteran in the seat before me. I was so influenced, not alone l>y the narration of events, but also by the old man's earnestness of tone, that I almost for, -- t my destina tion; and had 1 not quickly recovered myself, I would :aost surely have been carried beyond th» station I had set out for. DR. CEO. IIENRY CLEVELAND. —Johnny—"My father said it in sober earnest, ma'atr." Teacher—"Wouldn't 'My father said it in earnest' mean just as much, Johnny?" Johnny—"Xo, ma'am; not if you know my rather."— Elmira Gazette. Matrimonial Item. There is some talk of divorce suits among' the colored aristocracy of Aus tin. A few weeks ago Deacon Snod grass said in a trembling voice to the bewitching Mrs. Snowball, who was boiling 1 soap: "Lubly woman! Jess lemme ta*te dose lubly lips. I only wants to find out if dey has as much flop as my wife's lips." "Ef dat's all yer wants tcr KTTOW JOSS ax my husband, lie's allers a-kissin" yer wife's mouf. I reckon he oughter "know," replied Mrs. Snowball. —Texas Sittings. Kuter|>rUlng. Dime Museum Visitor (to Bearded Lady)—l say, mum, wouldn't you like to turn a good penny by carrying a lit tle side line? Bearded Lady—Well, what is it? Dime Museum Visitor —It's just this: you'd be just as big- a curiosity in a mustache and burnsides. Shave your chin and take an agency to boom Lath er's shaving soap. I'm Lather, and I can fix you out good. —l'uck. Narrow Fscupr». "I was told to-day that a couple of burglars tried to rob Jay Gould's safe the other night, and that they actually got in among his railroad securities." "Were they discovered?" "No, they were glad to get away alive. The water was very deep, and It seems that neither of them could 6wim." —Jury. Good Form. "Chawley Is so well bwed that he wouldn't eat an owange unless he had an owange spoon." "Indeed! Well, I know one thing he would do. lie would imitate his em ployer's writing on a check." "Well, but that wouldn't be ill bwed, you know." —West Shore. Ill* Modest Lunch. Glanders (after a careful study of the bill of fare) I see you have green tur tle soup and haunch of venison to-day, waiter. Waiter —Yes, sir. Glanders—Just so. Then yon may bring me a cup «>f coffee and a tooth pick.—Judge. That Wa« It. "Mr. made a sneak for home about ten o'clock," said Miss Uleecker. "lie constructed a servile departure for his domicile at that hour, did he?" replied Miss South-Church, of Boston. —Judge. A Mi:UK MATTER OF FORM. Bertie (solil.)—Oh, now I know why ma said Mr. Courtney Swift was a good match for sister Amy.—Puck. Another Brute. Husband (in a voice of suppressed wrath)— Did that new girl make this cake? Wife—l made it myself. Husband—Er —at's excellent, my dear, excellent; but let's save it until your mother and sister arc here to holp enjoy it.- -Good News. I.lkrt! It Turned llown. "I'm going to turn out this gas," said the old man, coming into the room where sat his daughter and her young man. "Thanks," said the unabashed young man, "I was just going to do it myself." Boston Herald. Hacked Illtn. Victim (after being shaved) —How long have you been at this business? Barber —Only a short time. Just thought I'd take a hack at it. Victim (feeling his face) That's about what you've done. —Boston Hci"-, 4»ia ONE-TEXTBAVLNT.S HANKS A Rocont Financial and Philan thropic Suocoea. X«w Vork Instltalioau Which Are i'rut- Ing of lirvat i>uctlt to Chil* dren uuJ th* K'onrrr Cluto. • The penny provideot tund. orgaaueii by the charity organization about iu o year* !»,;•>, proving u [fiv»t success, says the Nov Yoris Sun. It nrnfM design of t!>e urbanisation to encourage the saving of sin v'l S'uniain >ng its pro te; es by proviiii v' a place of d -poslt for even so stnail ::n amount as t, S anil 5 cent*. ami stations v.-ere established p.t the t'-u different branch offices of the society for carrying out the plan. So pfpm. r did the work 1 eeomc th.it outside or-; :izations were allowe.i to come its fr :i tbcdinw'ies. the miv: i'ttis, the inde. t,i <1 school*-, and the workinj girls' clubs. until there are now IJS sta tions of deposit, HUJOy depositors, and sl(l,+M C"i ou deposit in the different n-s. There are no hired clerks in these st-.; i. Ms, the work all being doi;e by voluntary charity. The depositors are quite fairly divided between chil dren and grown people, and. though it is the desire of the society that all ac counts of $5 shall be transferred to tlwj savings banks, many poor people refuse to take out their money. The plan of the work resembles that so long practiced in England; I, 3, 5, 10, 2.">, and .">0 cent and SI stamps are sold to the depositors, pasted In the little book given to each pers»n, and remain the guarantee of the amount due until it is needed and drawn out u grain. When PS or $lO accumulates the depositors are helped to open an aocouflt in a savings bank, and the United States and West side savings banks have placed the stamps on sale at one of their windows,- where sums of 1 cent up will be received, and as soon as $1 Is accumulated the de positor will receive a regular passbook. This work necessitates the addition of only one clerk, and it la hoped that oth er banks will take it up. One poor woman succeeded in saving about §SO in this way, and when her husband deserted her a short time ago she was able to start lodgings with the fund. A little girl whose father is very in temperate meets him every pay-day be fore he reaches a saloon, and coaxes all the money She can from him. This she divides among her little brothers and sisters, and ail Is placed on deposit. Sot long ago the father, through inteinper anec, was discharged from liis work, and the money thus accumulated by the children paid the rent until a new sit uation could be found. Another little girl has managed to save enough in pennies and nickels to pay for having her father's grave put in order. The working girls' clubs are some of the largest contributors, one club alone having raised fJOO in the last year. Much of the money is drawn out at Christmas and during the summer vaca tions, but the purpose of the society is only to save for some such need and not simply to hoard up money in a miserly manner. CAT AND RAT. A Charitable Feline Adopts and Carea for a liumeleu llodent. A laborer employed In one of the mills at Sutter Creek has in his house one of the strangest families of animals In ex istence. The head of the family, says the San Francisco Call, is an old cat, which is a mother of a thrifty family of nrr Kttnms; otrt," TO spite til cue vun or motherhood, she has taken It upon her self to provide for a rat that she has taken under her protection. During a storm about two months ago a half-grown rat, lame and nearly drowned, crawled into the house, evi dently in search of food and shelter, and by some chance made its way to the place where the old cat lay snugly on the heap of sacks with her family. Strangely, the mother seemed touched with pity over the condition of tho wan derer, and, instead of attacking him, she coolly made room for him and did everything to relieve his sufferings. The rat displayed every sign of gratitude, and the miner's family, when they dis covered tho intruder, were so struck with surprise that they forbade anyone to disturb them. The result was that the rat chose to remain with liia new-found friends, and has now become as docile as his footer mother. A warm attachment seems to have sprung up between the two, and the rat has grown fat and la*y, wan dering about aa it suits its faney, and evidently pleased with its new surround ings. A Cannlballatlo Cow. Fort Woiah, Te*., possesses a cow that is unique in being carnivorous and a cannibal, as well as an infanticide, ner peculiar propensity was discovered while she was yet a calf by the discov ery of the bones of a cat which was in the habit of frequenting the stall where she was cynflned, and the blood smeared upon the calf's mouth revealed the startling fact that puss had actually been eaten by her. Since then she has been seen to catch mice and rats ven turing near her and devour them alive, while she hits twice killed andeaten her day old calves. She exhibits no pe culiarity bcjoml her carnivorous appe tite, but appears gentle enough, and has never be»#i knutvn to behave ill humoredly, except when in sight of freshly killed meat or when shown blood. Kirch and Kanlilnn. The greatest craze among the women of the city to-day is to keep from get ting fat. A fashionable doctor told a reporter of the New York Sun that the illnesses resulting from their methods of keeping down their weight form the bulk of his practice. Few of them diet; on the contrary they dine elegantly, give dinner parties, and rely on medi cines, acids and tight lacing to offset the effect of their indulgence. A few who are of strong will take to gymnas tics and walking, as men do, but this doctor says those are too few to be worth counting. Mr KiabrHcnl thr Opportunity. "Well, good night. Miss A said a young man, the other evening, to a Dwightvillc girl whom he was visiting; "I feel it is better for me to go. I feel certain that if 1 stay two minutes longer I shall be indiscreet enough to kiss you." "Well, good night, Mr. F ," replied the girl; "oh, by the way," she added, "I want to show you my new sachet bag before you go. It will only take a couple of minutes." It is only necessary to state that the young man in question is the possessor of i bright intellect, and he quickly cm braced the situation, and wc can fur ther assert that the girl was in it.— Binghampton Republican. Honor to Whom Honor Is Due. Mrs. J inks— Our woman's rights so ciety is ffol ng to erect a monument tc Queen Isabella. We hold that America owes its discovery to a woman; for ha<) it not been for Isabella Columbus would not have been furnished with ships and Bailors. Mr. Winks—America owes more tc another woman than to Queen Isa bella. Mrs. Jinks —Indeed! What other woman? Mr. Winks —Old Mrs. Columbus. Had it not been for her there would have been no Christopher.—N. Y. Weekly. A Pitfall. She—Lore la blind, you know. He—No—it'a the lover—that's why h« tin* into it—Lifo. NTO 32 KEEPING COWS"-. N. A nouiMi'i Coat U»n to Agricultural 1-itrrnt Mucb of the trouble ia » cow» clean eonld V>-> obviated tff -ing up the manners on the back, or side farth est from the cow, KO she could not step forward ut all. This detracts greatly from the pleasure of looking: at the cattle (mine stand face to face, with a six-fijot alley between), and it is also impossible, then, to feed from tho alley. My present mode of tying I learned in the barn of CoL H. S. Rus sell. Milton, Mass. Bach cow has a separate stall, and the partition runs back to the gutter (as there is still am ple room for them to back out) and the front of manner is formed of a stout piece, with a big V «mt out in center, Fig. 1; >i a are two iron nxls about at thick as one's tinker, which runs paral lel with the r loping sides of the V. and are secured at each end by Email bolts. On each of thef e rods runs an iron ring, with about fifteen inches of chain at tached ( b bj, anil the other end of these chains meet in u ring, to which is at tached the broad leather strap (<*). I have seen nothing more comfortable for the cows, and nothing which gives a better view of them, in easy and natural positions. When the cows get up, the rings run up on the rods and spread out, so that the chain is stretched horizontally across the hip opening at the top of the V. When the cows lie down, the rings slide down, till they meet at the lower point of the V, and the cow then has all the slack there Is, and can turn her head and reach a >vay back In her stall, and sieep with her l»?od on her side. FIG. 1. Between the manner and the feeding allej- the partition is low enough to ad mit of readily feeding over It and see ing; the cattle, and it does not reach down to the floor by a foot. The square feeding hoxes have each a handle, bo that they arc easily pulled out Into the alley and cleaned and emptied, without any lifting; the mantror is swept out Into the alley, and the l»oxes refilled with food at the proper time, and pushed back again. I fine this a pood arrangement* If I could only do two things. One is, to board up the partition in front, and, I think, w hen I get time to study it out a little, I can invent something that will be movable, so it can be easily removed for feeding, or if a friend comes in to see the cattle. The other necessity is, to both widen and deepen the gutter behind the cattle, although this is not as much needed, as the entire stables are cleaned out twice a day, and at present gutters are 1 foot wide and 0 inches deep. One improvement I have made that was not in CoL Russell's stable, or if it wus, I did not observe It; It la neces sary to nail two upright cleats on each side partition of each cow's stall to slide the front piece or V down into. Instead of two cleats on each side, we have half a dozen, and we can thus suit the length of the stall to the length of the animal, which is a great conven ience, as it does not take a minute to lift out the V, as we call it, and set it further back, or forward, as the um Next, I found that the stall floor# were just as short as it was possible to have thexu. Next, that the gutter was a very great deal wider and deeper than our own. Hut now came the ri diculous part. Just above the gutter, and running the whole length of the iHiro, was a horizontal wire rope, of such a height that a man's head could not strike it. On this were a number of small rings, each of which had a long cord hanging to it, and at the end of the cord was a common -harness snap. The whole thing looked like fig. i. These snaps were about two feet from touching tfce floor. As each cow walked into her stanchion, rnnr FIG. 2. tho owner grasped her tail, by the plaited switch, and in an instant he had fastened the snap into it and let It go. I never saw anything so funny In all my life! Hut it did just exactly what the owner wanted. As the cows stood up, their tails hung in the nat ural position, or pretty much so; tho gutter was so deep and wide, and floor of stalls so short, and stanchions kept them fromstepping forward, so that tho floors where they stood and lay were spotlessly clean. Just then some of the cows lay down, and the owner pointed with pride to the 'fact that not one of their tails lay in the wet gutter to after wards befoul the cows. And it was all true. There lay the cows, contentedly shewing their cuds, und each with her tail gracefully festooned up, just out of Ihe dirt; not a particle of bedding, but » good clean floor, a warm stable, and plenty of good food, and each cow as ;lean as my own at home. —Eliza M. Jones, in Country Gentleman. A Word About lloriealioelnff. Some horses hold their shoes longer than others, but their hoofs grow nevertheless and in si* or eight weeks It is diflicult for them to travel. As the shoes protect their hoofs, they are not subject to the natural wear and tear and become too long. Have them set every .si* weeks at least; every four weeks is better. Don't send a boy to have the Iwrses shod, but go yourself, unless you know your smith and can trust him. While there don't sit and read, but watch the shoer and give directions. Much of your own and the animal's comfort depends on proper shoeing. Don't have the feet pared too much. Most horses used for light work may go barefoot all summer to their ultimate advantage.—Farm and Home. • Matrimonial Intelligence, ••Is it a fact," asked one Austin young la<ly of another Austin young lady, "that you have consented to marry young Spoony, and are going to be married right off'.'" "Yes, we are engaged." "Why, be has not got any monfeyj he is ugly, and he is dying of consumption. He won't live two months." "That's the very reason I marry him. Illack is so liecoming to me that I ought to have l>een a widow years and years ago."—Texas Sifting*. An investigation la Order- Customer—You made a mistake in my prescription the other day. It called for two grains of opinm and I got a small package containing magnesia. Druggist—Are you sure about it? Customer— Yes. Here is a duplicate prescription from the physician. Now the question Is, who got the opinm? Druggist—Dear me, that's so; (to tho prescription clerk) James, who's dead in the neighborhood? — Jury. Good Men 1«»t Me®d*d- Stranger —I should think such an en terprising, public-spirited citizen aa Mr. Goodman would be nominated for some Important office In this community. . Politician He'd ran well, hot wa don't need him. "Don't need him?" J "No. We're always sux>e of .Jority. anyhow."—N-X> WfiSktf-