50X180, The largest repository ia the county, filled with the beet assortment of Buggiss, Burries, Phwtons, Cwtt, Express, Delivery. Drillers a»d Bolstor Wa«oss, Machinery, Ac. W« hart fan control of tbo Youngstowoi Buggies, Surries, Wofoao, &, ia Botkr coonty Their work stand.> second to We roereatee It ia fagard to Materiel end workmanship. They make the best ri* for the AMMY that ie made in the United States. If TOO need e rig of aav kind it will pay yoo to cell ead examine our stock. B«*r in mind we hoy nothing bat guaranteed work ead the porcbaeer fete the benefit of tin gusraatse. FARM MACHINERY. Adrieace Platform Binder*, the oaly sucoeeeful two-horee Platform Binder — a. We roaraatee this biader to do the Mae wort of aay elevator binder and do it with oae-third less power. Besides this it caa be worked on nay hill that a team of horase can be worked on. Yon eaaaot upset it. It weighs from 400 to #OO poands lees thaa the eleretor Waders. This is aa impor tant fsatare oa soft groand as well aa hilly ground. There are oae-third lev parts to be rna than on eleretor binders, consequently the expense of fata re wear and tsar is oae-third less. Call aad ess sample binder. BINDER TWINE. We lead all competition on Binder Twine ia quality and prices. If'you want a Plow stealer wood frame, Spring Tooth Harrow,Mowiag Machine, Hay Bake Hay Londoner, Hay Tedder, Hay Eleretor, Grain DrilljThresb ing Outfits, Saw Mill Engines or Machinery of any kiad. or Fertilizers,Blat and wire Fearing, giro as a call. If ws do not hare It in stock we can get it for yon. Ia addition to our wareroom we hare a Carriage Paint Shop, where ia promptly done ia quality to suit yoo aad moderate prices. As we are lovers of low prioee yoo will always get the worth of your moa ey at the Rink Building, No. 320,322 ui 324 & McKean Stmt, Botkr, Fern's W. F. HARTZELL & CO. GRIEB & VOGELEY, Are Now Ready With all the Latest Styles in Spring and Summer Footwear. \ We invite yoo to inspect our new and immense stock which should not ho Overlooked by any Buyer. We ena confidently my tbnt no stock offers greater facilities than onrs for the pleasing of purchasers in EVERY PARTICULAR. YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN OUR STORE. WORK I NG &HOE& For fhrmenv mirhsaln aad all calliags where a stroag, eerviceable shoe is needed is one of the assortments in oar stock. We offer greet variety ia both ladies and gents EXTRA FINE shoes in all grades, made from the latest approved models of style and finish. OIL MENS BOOTS and BHOEB n Specialty. and Tennia shoee of all kinde. Yon will be pteeaed with our prices. Grieb & Vogeley, 3*7 8. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. Orroosite Willard House. Full Again. We mean oar wall paper de partment, fall and overflowing with oar immense and choice stock of paper hangings. You must help as oat, we haven't room for naif oar goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choisest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per doable holt. Examine our Stock. J. E Douglass, Near Pontoffice, Butler Pa. SCHUTTK * O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas ' Fitters. Duuun Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliance*. Jefiernonbt.,opp. Lowiy House BUTLER* PA- New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rig*. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Herses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39. W Jefferson St. Butler, Pa. FARM FOR SALE. The uuderHgned will sell Ma tsrm.contalnlng sixty acre*, raorr or lew. Mid located In Adams Twp.. on the Kransburg Mid road, Mt Marshall and MnwiUtMH on tie P. * w H K. and near the CaUery oil Held. It conuins a good bouse, rood bank bun fiexM, good outbuildings. Rood orchard. lerel and good ground, two aprlMS near house, pump In bam. Mid all in good order. inquM of or add? fa James Davidson, Myoma P. O , Butler Co., Pa. ~4 K KMljjUXua ,wwo. vm will cmuiNt JW MTSiUsisg si bns > -% MY NEW STORE Is now completed and I respectfully invite the Public to call and see me. lam prepared to supply every thing in the line of Drags and Medi cines at all hours. Prescriptions at night a specialty. Electric Bell and'speaking tube at frontdoor. Calls answered prompt ly- A bright, cheerful room and every new. Yours, J. F l . BALPH. Full 100 Cents' worth lo the Dollar on Ereij Purchase Made at our Store. We are offering values Un precedented in Furnishings for Ladies, Men and Children. Be advised and yon'll save money. Whatever yon may require in our line, come to na, we'll show you a jrreat variety and save yoc money. Our Spring rtock is now full and complete. We guarantee to meet every demand to your fullest satis faction. We have a big variety, with man j styles of Boy a' and Girls' Hats and Caps at low figures. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH MAIN 6TRSKT. 333 A Complete Stock Of MILLINERY*, NOTIONS, UNDERWEAR. Two departments well stocked with the most stylish and best productions in the market, sold at the very lowest prices. Department No. 1. —Hats, Bonnets, children's silk and mall bats, old ladies' caps, Dowers, ribbons, laces, ((imps, Swiss braids, jet edgings, ornaments, tips, plumes, crapes, nuns veiling.-, mourning silks, ruoning*, gloves, mitts, etc. No. 2.—Corsets, health waisU, dress forms, hoso supporters, hosiery, gauze and muslin underwear, aprons, ladies' shirts, waists, infants robes and knit sacques. A full line of trimmed good* always on hand. M. F. & M. Marks'. I'^E^LOM&THQIUS, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Notions, Etc, A GREAT PLENTY OF THE VERY BEST. MORE NEW STYLES and HANDSOME SELECTIONS THAN EVER BEFORE SUCH FINE GOODS YOU NEVER SAW SOLD so LOW WE WILL GRATIFY YOUR AMBITION to BUY CHEAP AND GIVE EXTRA GOOD QUALITIES IN TH BARGAIN. AN UNEQUALLED AS SORTMENT INCLUDING all the NEW FST STYLES. A BIG STOCK TO BE TURNED QUICK ON CLOSE MARGINS. You people who know what a bargain is come in and we will surprise you. D. E. JACKSON. 203 8. Main St. - - Butler, Pa. B. This weekly ANNOUNCEMENT in these coinmns we mean only to be a Plain Statement of facts with little or no embellishment. So that when we announce a special sale of dollar fabrics at 50 cents, the statement may be accepted in its en tirety without reservation, More on the subject of Spring Dress Goods. We never before bad so maoy to sell; in fact these stocks are so large and we're been such liberal buyers that we must of necessity, be Liberal Sellers. Choice line of 36 inch All Wool Plaid Suitings in grey and light brown colorings 25c (▼aloe 50c). 50 inch All Wool Suitings plain spring colors and mixtures, 35c. 34 inch Camels Hnir Suitings plain colors, 45c, and most extensive assortment of every kind of Spring Woolens at 50c, 65c, 75c and $1; goods that were mostly all bought late aod much below regular prices. An unusual opportunity for buyers of DRESS GOODS Write for Samples. Write for Catalogue. Boggs era*, M It to coruan to la afreet* aad doe* not blister. Bead proof below: _ _ . _ BBOOKLT*. COML, Kay 5, 10. Dn. B. J. IOMU Co.: Mr»Laat imDR I cured a Cnrbopaa my hone with yoor celebrated Kendall'* Spavin Core aod U waa tke beat Job I e.er *nw done. I hara a don* empty bottle*, having wed It with .perfect aoaciim, carina every thins lined It on. Myineighbor had a bone with a very bad Spavin that made Mia lama. He aaked me bow to cure It. I recommended Kendall'* Spavta Care. He cured the Spavin la Jwtthree week*. Toon reapectfolly. WOLCOTT WLTTUL _ OoUMBOf, Ohio, April 1, *. Oa. a J. Kanui Oo.: _ Daar Sir* :-I bave bean lelUaa more of Kendall'* Spavia Cure and Flint'* Condition Ponder* thaa •ear before. One maa aald to me. It w*e the be*t nam I aver kept aad tbe beet he ever n*c«L Respectfully, OTTO h. Eomuf. amamo, N. Y, Key 1«, 10. Da. a J, Knsiu Co., Dear Sin:—l have n*ed aeveral bottle*of your Kendall'* Spavin Care with perfect *uoce** t oa a valuable aad blooded man thai via quite lame with a Bone Spavin. The nun 1* now entirely free from lamenee* and *bow* no bunoh on the Joint. Respectfully, F. H. Horcaia*. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. _____ _ Moaaoa, La., Mar fc *. Dn. a J. Kaaaau. Co, Oante .—I think It my duty to render rot my thank* for your Car famed Kendall , Spavin Core. 1 had a fear year otd ally whlcb I prlaed vary Mir. Sba bad a very levere iwnllan lea- 1 tried atieai atakl different kind* of medicine* whleb did ,Cmr \uMtoa Oomvm. mea SI par bottle, or *Ut bottle* for $3. All drur ■tat* have Hoe can r*t It for yon, or It will be sent ft# dMy iddim on of priot bj um proprio Ma. 08. S. J. KIKDALL CO., Kanbanb Valla, Vermeat MOM F Wihrnlih t««r.vtlilti| Wi Mail ><• ri»h rar» »natn an aarwlaf from to 9k* \*r wk una upw arris, more alWa llffl- -t, «*i*nre. Wo ra* forvtleh yau Ike om . , .» • -a rt»n tIEXTS WAinD%nl^"ttteVSE7^ Oee. A. Seett, #Aa H. 1. JOHNSON'S 4*oDYfl£ LINIMENT ■ VAKE—OT. \) V I» numil aai tmu: —GENERATION AFTER GENERATION VA liiinDiniLDiisiT. , Dropp+ii on Sugar, Children £«r« Jl. ET«7 Tr»f«kr sbooM EAT* A boCll* of it la bn aatrhcL Every Sufferer ▼oo»H—mLrh«. I>.pbth«-ijk, Onrh*, • Jtta.rrb Br* nchttu. AUfcma, Ctwfatcm ■ortna.Diarrtaa, iAßtnco. Boren*a» im Body or Limbo, Stiff Joint* or Strains, will find in this old Anodyne relief and speedy core, Pamphlet free. Sold everywhere. I Vice S eta., by mail. I bottles, ■sprees paid, ft. L SjfOKNSOJf * Co.. Bono*, ILAJH. TMMND la the Best Household Remedy Extant It is a positive core for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA, And All Skin Diseases, An lar&laable remedy for Wounds, Burns, Swell lugs. Sores, Croup, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold by all druggists At 90 cent* per box. Send 8 two-oent stamps for free sample box and book. TAB-OED COMPANY, Ct UCJ43O, For Sale by D. H. Waller, B-tler. | Stop tliat | CHRONIC COUGH Now! J C For !f you do not It may become con- j | aumptlM). F<>r o»ti*ttmption, Hmtfula, j | j there la nothing like SCOTT'S! | F MIILSIOH | ( Of Pinr CoJ Liver Oil and | t • HYPO PHOSPHITES or T.lm . on.] Soda. j | It Is almost ;ir pclntahle as milk. Far ) | better than oilier &o- bin » «*aal tar carat PUtiacu, K ■ Hra4actia, C<»U>aaaaa, Malaria. UTar Can- H M twr law ralL Said by all aal V U saasur Man toayan. e>Saa« hr almlan. m I GIVEAWAY To every reader of thit paper who suffers from Indigestion, Dy»pep«a,Biliousoeafc Liver torn- Blaint, Sick Hradatlie, Nervous Debiluy or Con iumption, a free boule of that Boat wonderful medicine, Floraplexlon, whleh to the only ab •olute permanent cure for the above named disease*. 1 can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten per*on» who trri t will be to well satisfied with the results Uiry will take pleasure in gpr?kmg about its marvelous curative virtues to all tlieir friends and acquaintances. The value of this sort of advertising to me ia worth many times thecost of the medicine given away, so I am well compensated for the seeming large expense. I have over 70,000 letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to day stating your disease and receive a free bottle by return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get well. Address, HOF. HART. >8 WARREN STUEET, «W YORK. r\ DOCTORS LAKE Jb«| I mtIVATK DISPENSARY. 'iZTJh Cor. Pehn Ave. and fourth St.. PITTSBURGH. PA. ' Allformsof Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring! "ON riIIKNTIAL andSClgNTlKirMe'l ication nre treated at this Dis. r ennary with a success rnrely attalnad. Dr. S. K. !.nke Is a member of the Roval College Of I'li v wians and Surgeons, and la the oldest and nu>«t ex|>ericnced Si-kcialibt in the city. Special at •vntlou jjiven to Nervous Debility from excessive /ucii'.al exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., rattt mg physical ami mental decay, lai kof energy, lenjMindency, etc.; alsoCaneers, Old Sore*. Fits. I'iles, l.'hcumatlsm, and all diseases of the Pkin. ' liKxt.l.un/H,t'rlnarvOrgans, etc. Consult.it *on 'rce and strictly confidential. Office lioitra, !l I<> I and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 1 to 4 P. a. only. all at office or address DRS. LAKE, COft. "r.N'N AVE. AND4TU6T..PITTSIIL'itGIf.J'A. nnrjiii-ra rtiou&aad: 11.171 Lxxn jwrmainii tly curt*«l by Till I.A DELPHIA. PA. K*c»tonrr, DO operation orlroiiouuc«l In surable 'jy other* wanted. Srrnl for (ircular. CURE GUARANTEED. Office Hours 'J to X PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, INDKSTBtCTIJJLE. Cheaper than Wood. MUI>S.) b« #Hd «D If on at W«d Putt. Vhn wrlllac tor Trie— fi». <)a>oUlj, Hanbar «f G.i.., D»i,bl< ud Slofl. *»ul ». >lm Smtburi Iroa r»ollf, Cr«Ua|, ■t»l« ruusis. Tin Bksturs >M VIM BSCAFt*. C>ilu D~>r«. ud Balllniß, Brw sad Im •rllla, *!■< DOOI A»0 *WOOf BCBEIVS, aad all klaSaaf WIBK WOEK. TAYLOR * DEAR, Ml, 303 M SOS Market St.. Pittsburgh. Pa. svEnnatsnEKti By Using Allen B. WHsley't 1000 CHEER SW litest ud Bast InTeotlon —Ltttlior No ROBBING DF CLOTHES Requlred-Ask your Grocer forlt FALLOW DIRECTIONS Closed A pamphlet of Information aad K strsi-t of the la«s.(bowln( llow toZV P*teiiU. Caraais. Tra^^^^ Draathrar. FSti MEN ONLY! C •.Mf. RStolAMOOirally Mm uwlam aM kir«cIi>»WKa I IIDITBLOPIDOII(iAII*rABTierMDf. ih«ol«l*l7 •■falltav MOIB TME*TBKXT-B*»»tt» la • flap. ■ C#atlty fVnai to Ri»(m m 4 F«r»l|i Cmmt rim. WHi# Umhb. !»«•*, *i»lmiilmu4 pro N atlM (—alafl) Nl> MiZ ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. judicious P£rsiwu *nt h2*zZ- Arlv< rtiwjn- l>alware prwi ff&B&iCj ** I"*SBTIMVJ AUL'.T*, 4f t» W Va pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for #SO. We also have a Parlor Suit for $25, as follows: G chairs, upholstered in plush; I rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in plush; all for the low ju ice of $25. Our oak bed-room suit for $lB can be bought only at our store for the price. We have China Closets for any price you want them from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from $8 up. Side boards from S2O up. YVe have any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 136 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. If you want a perfect fitting suit g'o to H AB E RNIGG 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. Clothing uncalled for in [Bradford » sells for half price, mostly winter goods. - ——— , RINGS, Diamonds S, • '-STUDS, ' (-GENTS;GOLD,3 W-itr-liPQ \ LADIES GOLa VV cliciies ) GENTS SILVER LADIES CHA.TLA.IN, J Gold Pins > Ear-rings, JCWCII) \ Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware 1 SiSSSS JSIS 1 '* RODGER UK.no E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., SOMETHING ABOUT » GOODS & CARPETS. DO YOU NEED—Are you going to buy a r.cw dress this spring!' DO YOU WANT a Dew Jacket in all the new colors and styles? no YOU WANT anything in the Notion line? nO YOU NEED—Are you gointr to buy any carpet this spring? nO YOU WANT Fresh, Clean Hoods, the latest and choicest styles? DO YOU WANT any kind or Brussels, Yelvets, Moquett, in the choicest designs, made up with beautiful match borders in first-class style? DO YOU WANT au lugraiu, :i ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kind' DO YOU WANT any Lace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow Shades? AND ABOVE Do you want to pay less than you have »>een paying elsewhere for inferior goods? Then Come and See Us, We Can Save You Money. TROUTMAN'B Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, j BUTLKR. - - - PA. t\\£s tWKWvfc&XCV dg R* to* '1 *RRH prafd ft. % !%■*■* WmwßfojA * HAY- FEVER WAm COLD " HEAD IM Eljft Cream Balm it not a liquid, tnvff or powder. Applied into the n»»trils it ia _ quickly absorbed. It clearurs the ht. T. PAPE II vs The Laruvsi. Most Reliable and Leading V- O Millinery House in Butler County. . We are now prepared t" .-how you n e»u.plete line of tbe latest nof*l | ties aril ideas for ChildrenV, Minces', Younc and Old Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Bonnets S;r> w r.nd I,ace Hals. Gilt, Silver and Silk Ribbons. Flowers in jjrrat variety. And we would very specially n-puiion that Mourning IHts arid Bonnets receive our best attention. Every order iu ibis line will be executed with neatncn, skill and pro:i.j»iitode. Xo chnrg* ?« r Dimming hats when materials ure bought here. Io this line we defy comp. liiion. A,W S S IN T PAPE Cheapest. | • ■ # » ■ *■» j | Street. = DECEM BEIIIB9O, We made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, ot" which we have the largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were all bousjht at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the history of the trade since the beginning of 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 22 1-2 cents per yard for the different grades. We arc in position to, and are selling them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this county. New Cottage Carpets 20 cents. New Ingrain - - - - -2 5 cents. Better Ingrain - - - - 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - -50 cents. New Brussels ... 50 cents. Rag Carpets - - 30, 35. 40 and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains, Certain Poles, Portieres, Fix tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House. RITTER & RALSTON. It takes in the Leather. f \ w This is the fjrist that goes to tho mill, AST This is the machine yon never can fill; fLet it devour as w .ich as you choose And the result is always a stock of fine shoes. Come to our store 'twill t»e well worth your while If you're 011 the lookout for cheapness and style. DO YOU WANT Good Honest Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices, . Men's Genuine Kangaroo shoes - $3 00 Beet Domestic Calf ~ 2 00 Ladies' l ii.c I'>ngola Kid Shoes, new process, Land sewed, $2 00 '• " McKay eewed - 1-75 « _ 150 125 •' Pebble Goat Shoes - - - L 25 " " Grain " - - Kid " - - 1 00 Boy's extra fine Dress Shoes _ - - « Good " - " 1 : i: °° Youth's High Cut, Extra Fine Shoes - . - SI 50 i) i< 1.25 <■ 1.00 85 Mistes Dongola Kid shoes - $1 50 Misres Good Dress shoes -$1 00 _ 125 " " " - 85 Childrens line and heavy shoes 50 | Infants I-ine Shoes - 25 These prices do not represent our cheapest nor yet our finest shoes, but are a few chosen from amongst the most popular grades. These goods must be seeu to be appreciated at the prices named. AL. RUFF, 11 4. South Main Street. Butler, I^a j WHEN YOU GO TO PITTSBURGH, be sure to viwit ROSEN BAUM A CO 'S. 510 518 Market Street. The spacious stores are at present filled to overflowing with tbe largent and best selected stock of new goods in the city. The many departments contain hundreds of attractive bargains whidi this limited space will not admit of enumeration. Visitors wiil find iu our LARGE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT the best productions of America's most talented modistes. We always make it a point to serve customers with the latest conceits in fashionable head war nt lowest possible prices. This policy has made our Millinery Depart ment what it is to-day—the most popular of any west of New \ ork. We have just opened extensive lines of beautiful SPRING BLAZERS, JACKETS AND SUITS! Every popular style, ehade and color is represented. Our ladiew' suits are equal" in appearance to any tailor made suits, and rattle in price from 50 In Blazirs and Jackets, we can name any price from $2. $3, $4, $5 op to $20.00. CORSETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Our line of Corsets contains all reliable makes Kid and Suede gloves we show in every shade and color. Bein« direct importer* we can afford to undersell other dealers. We also import most of our HOSIEKY and are prepared, at nil times, to offer special Low Prices. . , . gjj??"Customerß living out of town are cordially invited to call ai.a in spect our stock for themselves We guarantee to save money for all who favor us with their patronage. ROSENBAUNIco. 510518 Market Street, All Kinds of Job Work done at the "Citizen" Office.