THE CITIZEN. W. C. XMLKT, - - m»'r. KaterH at rssteflM ai Udw «a»Ur FRIDAY. MAY K, 1891. Imtbc wmoi-iMlfc the county *IJ» per •ear In advance; outside the county. «2 per year in advance. . ADVwnwrwo—One Inch, one time, »J. each subsequent Insertion so cents each. Auditors and divorce notices $5 each, executors' and ad ministrators' uottoes (3 each, est ray and dis solution notices >2 each. Beading notices 10 cents a line for Brat and 5 cents for each subse quent insertion. Notices among local news Items 15 cents a line foe each insertion. Obitu aries. cards of ,K -- V ■ resolutions of respect, notices of festivals and fate* etc.. Inserted at the rate of 5 cents a line, money to accompany the order. Seven words of prose make a line. Kates for starting cards and Job work on ippliC&UOD. Of each isaae of the Cmxa* some extra copies ate printed which are sent to alliens of the county wbo are not subscribers and their sub scription Is respectfully solicited. Subscribers will do tis a favor by sending us tne names of their neighbor*. not now taxing a county paper. In this paper most be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication bat as • guarantee of good fauti, Marriage and death notices must be accom panied by a responsible name. Announcements. Subject to the Republican primary, May 23 r OB BKLE6ATB TO STATE COJTTKSTIOS. JAMES N. MOORE, Esq. of Butler. W. 8. DIXON, Esq. of Penn twp. FOB JCBT COBBHSIOXEB. J. W. RICE, of Butler twp. H. J. PONTIUS, of Millers town. W. P. BROW, of Butler. WILLIAM R. PATTERSON*, of Penn twp. JOHN LARIMORE, of Oakland Twp. ALFRED MAURHOFF, of Jefferson twp. Republican Primary Election. The Republican voters ot Butler coonty will meet at their respective polling places on Saturday, May 23, 1891, between 1 and 7 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of nominat ing one candidate for the office of Jury Commissioner, and to elect two delegates to the State Convention and one person for Return Judge. The Return Judges so elected will meet in Bntler on Monday, May 25, at 1 o'clock p.m.,to cast the vote and declare the result Said election to be held under the rules and regulations governing the Republican pri maries. S. H. Hcsbltox, Chairman Co. Com. E. E. Geaham, ) s „»_* T. M. Bakbb, 1 Bcc yg - Harrisburg Notes. After a long and bitter wrangle, last Thursday afternoon and evening, the House agreed to adjourn, neit Thursday, the 28th inst. The object of the House in fixing so early a date is to force the Senate to take final action on the Revenue, Appor tionment and other bills, and judging from the action of the Senate on the resolution regarding the election of U. S. Senators, it needs to be forced—forced out of existence. In the House, that day, several bills were parsed finally, and among them one giving Slipperyrock Academy $25,000. In the Senate the Constitutional Con vention biH passed finally, and among the appropriation bills that were passed was one of $400,000 to provide a site for an asylum for the chronic insane, and it must be the intention to buy an extensive site in heart of either Pittaburg or Philadelphia, lor the sum mentioned is enough money to buy a site in theoountry as large as Capitol Hill in Harrisburg, and cover it with better buildings than there is on that hill. A place for the chronic insane, may be need ed, but that bill looks like a steal, on a largo scale. A letter from Mayor Goorley of Pitts burg to Gov. Pattison regarding some of the proposed legislation for that city was the sensation of the day. On Monday the Republican Senators held a caucus and resolved to agree to the • House resolution providing for adjourn ment in the 28th—next Thursday, and in the meantime will hold three sessions a day. In the House another road bill was introduced, and the Congressional Appro tionment bill passed 2d reading. Gov. Pattison signed the Pittsburg street and curative bills. The afternoon and evening of Tuesday were spent by the Senate in discussing the Tax bill, and ended by the Senate setting a»ide the Taggart bill and adopting the iioyer bill. Senator Showalter voted agaiDst tha Boyer bill. The Republican senatora caucused that evening and decided to confirm Gov. Pattison's nominations; and the Democrats caucused jn the ballot reform bill. The Senate Judicial apportionment committee amended the House Judicial apportionment bill, so as to make Butler and Lawrence counties separate Judicial districts, and making other changes. In the House several bills were passed, finally and among them a bill providing for the recovery of damages to trees along the public highways by telegraph and other companies, and for the examination of miners. The Congressional and Senational apportionment bills passed second reading. Gov. Pattison issued the warrant for the execution of Alex Killian, for the murder of Mrs. Rudert and he will be hanged on Thursday July 23d. On Wednesday, the Lytle insurance bill, which had failed in the House the day be fore was reconsidered, and daring the debate upon it Mr. Lytle said he could have had money for dropping the bill, and that the man who offered him money was on the floor of the House. There were cries for names and demands for an investi gation, and one member repeated a bar room story, told him by. a Lancaster In surance agent,who was in the city working against the bill. Lytle and Hitter made dramatic denials and the House langhed, and passed the bill. At Ihe evening session of the House the big appropriation for the Chronic insane was defeated. The Senate Elections Com. reported the Ballot Reform bill with some amendents, and the Senate-considered the Compulsory Education and other bills. " MAST of the Republican papers of the State are not only demanding that a change be made in the chairmanship ot the State Committee, but insist that it be provided that the new chairman take hold of the organization immediately upon the elec tion. The State Convention which will elect the chairman has an undoubted right to fix his term as it may please. It is only recently that the term of the chairman was extended from the first of January for a year. Previous to the election of Mr. Andrews the tenure was from one State Convention to another, and the chairman was chosen with reference to the cam paign immediately on hand. The State Convention is the highest authority of the party and can do as it may desire in the matter.—Philadelphia Press. PRESIDENT HARRISON and bis party arrived at Indianapolis, last Thursday, and were accorded a magnificent reception by his fellow townsmen. That was the last stop of any length made by the train, which, Htnco the 14th of April, has rolled over ten thousand miles of track. It pass ed through Pittsburg, early Thursday m >rning, and reached Washington that fVUUiOg. The Suabury Trouble. The tf. E. congregation of West Sun bury is not a large one. but at present it hai serious trouble; the circumstances of which, we understand, are about as fol lows: At the late conference, Rev. Canfield was appointed to supply that congregation and the one at Anandale. He was in poor health, and receiving a call from Dakota, he resigned his charges here and went there, in the hope of bettering his health. That left the two churches without a pastor, and Presiding Elder Smith, whose home is in Venanago Co., appointed a "local minister" named Pollard, who resides in Petrolia, to fill the vacancy. The trustees of the church at West Sun bury protested against this appointment, for the reasons, as we are informed, that Mr. Pollard is not a regularly ordained minister, and also that his record is not what it should be. The Presiding Elder, however, was determined in the matter, the trustees were equally determined, and when Mr. Pollard put in an appearance in West Sunbury a few Sundays ago, he was refused admittance to the church and preached from the church steps. The matter was reported to the Presid ing Elder, who came on last week and dis missed the old trustees and appointed Samnel Smith, D. J. Washabaugh, Wm. Clupper, R. M. Donaldson, John McDowell and Joseph Sloane to take their places, but the old trustees refused to give up pos session of the church. Matters came to a head last Sunday morning. It became known that the new trustees would attempt to take forcible possession that day, so two men, Howard Pryor and Roes Mecbling. remained in the church all Saturday night, and when the new trustees attempted to gain entrance early next morning, they resisted, and rang the church bell. A crowd collected, and a conflict ensued, during which according to the information lor riot, Mr. Sloane was "beaten, kicked, ill treated and abused"—but be that as it may, the old trustees held the church, and Preacher Pollard, jumped into his buggy and drove off. Next day, Monday, Samuel Smith, D. J. Washabaugh and W. M. Clupper came to Butler and entered a formal charge of riot against H. D. Hockenberry and twelve others, and charges of forcible detainer, disturbing a religious meeting and surety of the peace vs John Mechlirg and twelve others, and warrants were placed in the hands of the County Detective who went to West Sun bury and arrested them and tock them before Justice Mechling who en tered bail for them in SIOO each for their appearance at next Quarter Sessiens, three citizens of the town becoming their surety. We have made inquiry regarding Mr. Pollard, and can hear of no specific charges though there seems to be a prejudice against him regarding bis divorce from bis first wife and his marriage to his second, who is said to have colored blood in her veins. A LATH dispatch says that State Chair man Andrews has decided not to accept another term, but perhaps his friends will force the honor upon him. He is too brilliant a leader to be allowed to hide bis light under a bushel or anything else. A man who could hoodoo Robert Lincoln into writing a letter to the Republicans of Pennsylvania, urging them in the name of his father, Abraham Lincoln, to vote for George Wallace Delamater for Governor, has a graat future before him. The Cincinnati Convention. The National Union Conference, com. posed of delegates of the Farmers Alliance And Labor Unions from all over the country met in Mnsic Hall, Cincinnati, Tuesday. Some fifteen hundred delegates were present, Mr. Cunningham of Arkansas was made temporary Chairman, A Committee on resolutions was appointed, And Senator Peffer of Kansas was elected Permanent Chairman. The convention opened with with prayer, and almost immediately After the dispute as to whether or no a new party should be organized began. Gen. Wearer and Congressman Livingston of Georgia opposed it, and IgnAtius Donnelly WAS the leAder of the western men who flavored it. That evening Peffer And Powderly addressed a mass meeting and the Kansas Glee Club sang A new song, the refrain of which is "Goodbye, Old Party, Goodbye." On WednesdAy the advocAtea of a third party triumphed and "Tbe People's Party of the United States of America" was born. The morning session was consumed in debates, bat when the afternoon session convened, Donnelly'# platform favoring the formation of a new party with the name given above, the abolition of the National banks, free and unlimited silver coinage, prohibiting alien ownership of land, and favoring equal taxation, gradu ated income tax, government supervision ot telegraphs and railroads, election oi Prdsident and U. S. Senators by direct vote, universal suffrage, an eight-hour work-day, etc., was adopted amid wild enthnsiasm; but a motion to add a Pro hibition plank was snowed under and its author denounced as a "fire brand." A National Committee was selected, and a National ticket is to be put in the field next year. Tng names of the members of the Sen ate Committee who voted to negative the House resolution regarding the election of U. S. Senators, should be given to the pub lic, and if that resolution is not called out of committee and voted upon by the Sen ate, the political career of each and every member of it should expire with bis present commission. Prospect New*. Mr. James Cable, of Bepver Palls, was the guest of J. D. Bowers, last week. Clad to see you, Jim. Mr. A. M. Riddle, of this place, has gone to Butler to work at his, the painter's trade. H. W. Uenshaw, representative of Rustic Lodge, No. 882, I. O. O. P., has gone to Lancaster where the Grand Lodge meets this year. Uncle John Heyl and Doe. Koth have been improving their properties in various ways of late. The world do move. Henry Langherst and Oliver Stoughton have fixed up a nice ice-cream parlor for Mrs. Boebm. Mrs. 8., if the weather con tinues cold, we would prefer ours hot. Our P. M. is not bothered much with documents and papers from Uarrisburg, this session of the legislature. Just as well, it saves bother all around. The memorial sermon will be preached in the Lutheran Church, next Sunday, at 4p.m. by Rev. Young. All are invited. Kdmundson A Son, dealers in all kinds of furniture, are doing a land-office trade this spring, if the goods they bring to town are a criterion of their sales. Hon, John M. Leighner, of Butler, was in town a few days ago. Doc. likes to come back to Prospect once in awhile. Mr. Charles Weigle, north of town, is building a new house. Stickle, Milleman it Co. are doing the work. Charlie Kelly and Davy Roth cacbinate themselves almost into hysteria when they think of Jesse Bowers' almanac's making Sunday come on Saturday. Ask the boys for an explanation. Miss Annie Grove, who has been sick all winter in Allegheny, is home again. Miss Grove was affected with paralysis, but iB improving slowly. Jo COHITT. THE Presbyterian General Assembly meets in Detroit today (Thurslay) and the committee to revise the|Westminster com fession of Faith will make an elaborate report. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES A Steuben county fanner, who keeps a good many i-heep, was feeding his flock one day recently when he noticed a black spot on the back of one of his sheep which dis appeared while he was looking at it. He looked closer and was imiueil to see three mice come from somewhere down the >heeps thick wool, jump to the ground and scamp er away. The farmer put his hand down into the wool and found three snug and cozy mice nests, each with a new born litter of young ones in it. The mouse colonies were broken up. Similar ones were found in the warm-fleeces of three other sheep in the flock. The sheep didn't seem to mind it. A Beaver Falls colored man, 114 years old, was making garden last week. He says he expects to live 200 years. The Beaver Co. Bar Ass n. made formal charges against W. H. Martin, formerly of this county, last Thursday. Four cases are cited against Martin. is alleged he collected money and failed to pay it to his client. Secondly, he is charged with acting dishonestly with Mrs. Rebecca Shepler, of Beaver Kails, in accepting a retainer in divorce preceedings and then notifying her that she was to come to Beaver on a certain day and receive her divorce. In this instance he is charged with taking testimony without authority from the court, and als.» with pocketing fees for taking depositions which he never took. The third charge is that Martin represented himself to be the District Attorney, in order to effect a compromise of a case in which he was interested. The fourth cla.-pe is collecting fees which should Ljtc info the clerk's office, but wbicL :xvcr KP:.I there. At Mercer, Thursday, a jury rendered a verdict of $1,350 aganst a saloon keeper of Sharon, for furnishing liquor to an intoxi cated man, aad thereby causing his death. The Tobin mystery of Franklin and Staten Island, is to undergo another legal examination. The housekeeper of Dr. Bryan has stated positively that Mary visited the doctor, remained late in his office, and was improperly intimate with him. A six-foot vein of coal is reported to hav© been discovered near Ellwood,Lawrence Co. Quite a number of the people of Sharps burg, Etna and O'llara were poisoned last Friday by eating smoked sturgeon supplied from the wagon of a Pittsbnrg fish dealer. A Hungarian in jail at Franklin, for larceny, committed suicide by hanging last Saturday. Sixteen murders have been committed in Allegheny Co. within four months. At St. Petersburg, Clarion Co. a lew days ago, some children went to a l.arn to play; a boy threw a lighted match into the hsy and one little girl was bnraed to death. |Twn Indiana county farmers quarreled over a division fence, and one of them be came insane. Near Enon, Beaver Co., last week a boy named Miller who was playing with a Flobert rifle was shot through the heart, and instantly killed. Wallace <£ Co.[showmen, took out their state license at Kittanning. It cost them slooo,—two-thirds of which went to the State Treasury. At Pittsburg last Saturday, J. P. lia.ll, an attoney at law, was sentenced to the pen. for two years for forging the names of parties to a bond and morgage. When a Bucks Co. farmer heard that a railroad would run over his farm he began laughing, and cannot stop himself, anil is shaking all the flesh off his bones. West Sunbury. The riot is over of peace reigns once more. "Gentlemen Joe'' is recovering from the bruises received at the "love feast" on Sunday. Chas. Henry was home over Sunday. Miss Mary Sablin and L. Xetta Parks are taking quite an interest in senior dresses at present and report the Miss Hilliards to be number oue fitters. Mr. Hayseed still holds the fort and seeing to think there sould bo much im provement made in the intellectual and moral features of our little village. Preperations are being made to pipe the gas from the Christy farm to town. ELRKKA. WITH so little done and so much to do, there is no good reason why the Legisla ture should adjourn finally next week. The precedent against continuing the session into June is void of reason. AUDRIAN Co, Missouri was visited by a cyclone, Monday and a dozen persons were killed and hundreds injured. Middlesex Items. S. C. Trimble savs he killed sixty-five rats on the day that he took down his father's old barn. Messrs. Cutings and Baker will soon have their new houses completed. Miss Ella Shrader is on the sick list. Win. l'eaco and Geo. W. Hays, Jr., were visiting friends in Pittsburg last week. Yelow Hammer would like if Hay Seed could come down to Middlesex and take a look at our little towns. Win. Scfton is doing away with the rail fence and putting wire in place, aud it is a good improvement. Ykllow Hammkr. E n (j la ni> is •hipping troop?, arms and provisions to Cape Town, to prevent the Boers from occupying territory that she claims. Tiir Queen of England presented a crack Welsh regiment with a goat, which .intro duced himself to the rcgimont by butting over the Colonel while on drill. Rheumatism According to want Inseitlgatlon* !• caused by excess «f lactic acid In the blood. This acid at tacks tha fibrous tissues, particularly In the Joint*, and causes tha local manifestations of the disease, pains and aches In the back and shoul ders. and In the Joint* at tha knees, ankles, hips and wrists. Thousands of people hare found la Hood's Rarsaparllla a posltlee and permanent ear* for rheumatism. This medicine bjr Its purifying and Tltallilng action, neutralises the acidity of the blood, and al*o build* up and strengthen* tha whole body. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoUl by all druggists, fl. tlx forg.V prepared only by C. L HOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Ma**. 100 Doses One Dollar Haentze's Nervaline. At Purely Viuktauli Mkkkisk fobthic NERVEH an effectual i urc for lnllsmiUlori and Irritation of tbe Bladder. Kidney* and Liver, stone In the bladder, calculus. gravel and brick-dust depos its, weaknesses In males or female*. As a Be ■ toratlre Tonic an d a Blood I'orlller It lias no equ«l, creating a bealtny appetite and pure blood. PRICE MJCKNTS. If your druggist has not got It. ask lilm to get it for you. Take no otlier.||Made only by The Haentze Medical]! Co. PHILADELPHIA. PA. For Sale Bj D. 11. WULLER, Druggist, Butler, Pa. WANTKD— Agents to solicit orders for ou cbolce and hardy Nursery Stock. Kteady Wark For Kaergetle Temperate Mea. Saiary and expenses or commUnion If prefer- M. Write at once. State Age. Address. R. 6, Chase 4 i DEATHS BEXSOX—May 16. 1891, at his houie in Oakland Twp.. Gus. Benson, aged 20 years. RICE—May S, l?91,al the home of her son John, in Michigan. Mrs. Rachel Rice, aged 84 years. She was buried at Harmony." GAKWIG —May 8, 1891, Sarah, wife of Wm. Garwig of Jackson twp., need 20 years. OTTO—May 9, 1891. Mrs. A. E. Otto of llarir.ony aged 70 years. MONXIE In Oakland Twp. this Co. May 16, 1891. Mrs. Matilda A. Monnie.wife of P. H. Monnie. aged 60 years 1 month. Mrs. M. left a family of 9 children. 6 boj s and 3 girls, and a husband to mourn her loss. WICK—At the home of her son-in-law S. L. Rhodes in W. Sunbury, Wedne-dav uiorning. May 20, 1891, Mr-. Mary Wick widow of Elisha Wick, aged about 75 years. SUARI* —At his home in Buffalo twp.. Fridav May 15; 1891, John G. Sharp, aged 78 years. GRIEM—At McKeesport, May 17. 1891, of brain fever. August Griem, son of Frederick Griem of Buffalo twp. aged 19 years. His body was brought home and buried in the German Luthern cemetery ot Wiiifield twp. REED—At the residence of Jesse Glenn,of this place. May 20, 1891, John L. Reed, in the 93d year of his age. Mr. Reed is said to have been the oldest person in this place. He formerly was Postmaster at Xorth Washington this county. MAGEE—May 14, 1891, at her home in Muddycreek twp.. Mrs. George Magee. RYALL—In Slipperyrock Twp., May 18, 1891, Mrs. Ryall, wife of William Ryall, aged about 67 years. OTTO—At his homo in this place, May 20, • IS9I, Mr. Christian Otto in the 87th year of his age. Mr. Otto had been confined to his house for some months and his death, therefore was not unexpected. He was one of our oldest citizens, coming here about 1830. The funeral will take place this. Friday, afternoon at 2 o'clock. JOIIS M. TrBSER. Ex-Commissioner John M. Turner, departed this life, Tuesday May 12th 1891. Aged 69 years 2 months and 11 days. He leaves a "wife and eleven children, —four sons and seven daughters to mourn his departure. On Friday the 15th, the deceased was followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends to the Parker City Church, when an impressive service was held, con ducted by Rev. J. W. Miller, asssisted by Revs. Creed, J. R. Coulter, and W. J. Hazlett. John M. Turner was a member of the Presbyterian Church for 47 years aud dur* ing the past 31 years was a Ruling Elder. He was an earnest and most faithful work er in the cause of Christ, at home, in the Church and comunity. He always manifested great regard and kindness toward his wife, and a strong parental nuxiety in behalf of the present and future «i U-beiug of his Children. Sorrowful thought yet h»w hopeful As your tenrls growed wean - and worn But gladi i » d ul the face of the departed that M.nled In hope of his Heavenly home. JONS THOMAS. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The lieglster hereby gives notice that the following accounts of' Executors, Administra tors and linardlans hnve been Bled In his office according to law, and will be presented to Court for eonnrmatlon anl allowance on Wednesday, the ard day of June. A. I)., 1891. at 3 o'clock p m. of scid day. 1. First and final account of Wm. MeKlnney. guardian of Maggie 1 lemming, minor child of Andrew Hemming, dee d, late of Adams Twp 2. Final account of Mailman,guardian of Marv A Sahlc, nee Hartman. minor child of Ueo J llarlman. dee'd, late of Forward Twp. 3. First and flnal account of A J Hutchison, guardian of I.uella M Christie, (now llerrold), minor child or Mary A C'nrlstle. dee d, late of Butler county. 4. Final account ol John A Brandon, adm'r C T A of Jacob Clepper, dee'd, late of Forward Twp. 5. Final account of George Weigand, juar dlan of Maria F: Boltz. minor child of Adam and Charlotte Boltz, now of age. C. F'lnal account of A L Stull. guardian of Edwin Klstler, minor child of A J Klstler, dee'd, late ot Karns City. 7. F'lnal account of JI) McJunkln, guardian of Eliza J Neynian. minor child of Emellrie Key man, dee'd, late of Hutier borough. H. Filial and distribution account of Francis C'u;ne. executor of Amelia t;»i'iie. dee'd. late of I,ancaster Twp. 9. Final account of It II Graham, adm'r of Ktiward H Graham, deed, late of C'onnoqiie nesslng Twp. 10. Final account of .las Gillespie, guardian of Jos Hlldcbrand, minor child of Geo Hll«i< brand, dee d, late of Donegal Twp. 11. Final account of John H Mcjunkin,adm'r of Amanda McJuukin, dee d, lute of ('lay Twp. la. Final account or It J »;rant, executor or Daniel Jones, dee d, late ol Allegheny Twp. 13. First and flnal account or John (: Hliiptls, adm'r ef Miuy E douse, dee'd, late of Oakland 'lwp. 14. First, final and distribution account of Harali II Porter, adm'r'x of Win Porter, dee'd, late of Muddycree* Twp. 15. First and final account of (.' M Ludwlck. executor of Sara ii Burk, dee'd, late of BUD,.IJ Twp. it;. First and final account of J(' Snyder, ex ecutor of Jiancy Double, dee'd, late ot Worth Twp. 17. Final account of JnoC Sweeney, e.v ufor of .las Gallagher, dee'd. late of Allegheny i ,-. j, is. Final account of II W Nicholas, adm'r (■! Peter lielbold. dee'd. late of Forward Twp. 19. Final account of Wm M Shlra, guiirdho of Ella S Burton, minor child of Thus A liurton dee'd, late of Butler borough. ■jo. Final account or Jos Zlegler, executor ol Jonas Zlegler. dee'd. late of Jackson Twp. 21. Final account or Jas Bryan, adm'r of An drew Thompson, dec d, late of Concord '1 wp. 22. Final account or Ceo P Christy, executor of John J Dunn, dee'd. late of Marion Twp. 23. Final account of Herman U Muder adm'r C 'l' A of E F Atli(ltr. dee'd. late of Saxonburg 21. First and liual account of John T Martin, adm'r C T A of Philip PeUlnger, dee'd. late of Buffalo 1 wp. 25. First and partial account of Jos W Todd executor of Wm frulkshanks, dee'd, late oi Wlnfield Twp. 26. Final account of Christina Burr, admix of Isaac Burr, dee d, late of Counoqueaesslng Twp. 27. Partial account wf Win liowan and Hannah J Bowan, executors or John Bowat dee'd, late ol l'enn Twp. 2s. l inal and distribution account of Nicholas I'ontius. adm'r of M Dieter. Jr. dee'd. late ot Fairview Twp. Notice Is hereby given .Nicholas Pontius, adm'r above mentlonnd will make application for discharge as udm r at orphans' court on Saturday. June i:i, ltsoi. 2*J. Final account or Michael MclJarvey,guar dian ot Jane damns, minor child or Michael Gatlins, dee'd. late ol Clearfield Twp. 30, Final account of Michael McOarvey.guar dian ot F:ilen (lailinn, minor child or Michael Gatlins, dee'd. late or Clearfield Twp. :sl. Final account ol Michael Mi Harvey .guar dian of Mary F'liatllns. minor child of Michael (latltns. dee'd. late of Clearfield Twp. 32. Final account of Michael Mcuarvey. guar dian of Esther Gaillns. minor child of Michael (iatlius, dee'd. late of Clearlield Twp. S3. Final account ol Michael Mcuarvey .guar dian of Sophia Gat litis, tumor Child of Michael Oatllhs, dee'd, lute of Clearfield Twp. Notli e Is hereby given that tlie above guar dian, Michael MeGaivcy, will make application for discharge of himself and bondsmen when these several accounts are presented for con firmation. 31. First apd final account of Kllcn McShane, executrix of John Mc(J||iley, dee'd. late of But ler borough. DAVID E. DA LB, Register. Road Report. The following road report has l>een confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented to Court on Wednesday afternoon of June Sessions, be ing the ,'trd day of said mpntb, at which time, If no exceptions be riled, the tame will be confirm ed absolutely. It. 1). No. 2. Dec. Sessions, l.siio. In re the petition of citi/.ens of ConncMiuenesglrig rwp. lor viewers to change, alter ami supply a part ot road leading Irom White Oak Springs Church to Butler and New Castle road The part asked In petition to be changed beginning at a point on elbow on said cross roads on farm or A. (1. Stewart and Intersecting same road at or near the line between It. Kauunan and Mrs. Stein. Intimated cost ol change one hundrml and twenty-live dollars, said cost lo be home by the township. No damages claimed ur assessed. Blf Pit Cor.VTY. as. Certliicd rrom ilie record this Sth day or May, is<d. JoWPH ('lttswKt.l., Clerk l{. S, Widows' Appraisements. The following widows' appraisements of per sonal property and real estate set apait for the benefit of the widows of decedents have been filed in the oflli e ol the Clerk ot Orphans' Court oi Butler county, viz: Widow of John Charles, dee'd t-wo oo " '• Win. P. Crops, dee'd 300 "0 " " Nicholas I'.tiglehart, dep'd 300 00 " " Bernard Brill, dee'd 15" st •• " Joseph Sehultla, dee d Wo w " •' J. C. Bedd, dee'd (realty).,... 300 CO All persons interested in Uie above appraise ment* will take notice that, they will be pre vented for continuation to the orphans' Com or Butler county, J'a,. on Wednesday, the M-I day of June. 1S»1, and If no exceptions be filed they will be connrme.l absolutely. JOSF.I'H CBISWKI.I , Clit'fU Q. ('. FOR SALE. LOTS. I will offer for sale a number or . situated on the high ground adjacent t<> 11. K tioucher. Ksi|., and the Orphans' Hornc. The land :s laid out In squares or something less tlion one acre, each square being surrounded by a 50-foot street, and containing five lots 40 feet front by lso feet back. lots are offer ed at very reasonable prices and on terms to suit purchasers. Those who wish an entire vouare can be accommodated. ALSO I will sell rny farm in Summit town ship, situated within one-half mllr ot the Butler l orough line, adjoining lauds of .lames Kearns Hid others, on the Mllleratown road, and con kistlng of 112 acres. It will be sold either as a whole or divided to suit purchasers. For tuft her Informatton |n rcg«rd to either or the above properties, call 6n J. l>. Sullivan. Kast North Street, Butler, I'a. MIIS. VALEKIA SCLLIVA^. ▲dviniw to Cmzijf, &AKIN C POWDER Absolutely Pure. A creani of tartar baking powder. High est of ail in leavening strength.— Lattst V. S. Government Food Report. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Administrators and Executors of estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office." Estate of John G. Sharp, dee'd. LATE OF BrFKAI.O TW p. BITLEK CO. FA. Letters testamentary on the above named estate being lieen granted to the undesigned, all persons knowing themselves iudebted to to same will plea.'e make immediate payment, and any having claims against it will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL MOCHEL, Ex'r, Sarversville I*. 0. K Butler Co., I'a. Estate of Jacob Brown, dee'd, LATE OF CLAY TWP., BI TLEK CO., I'A. Letters testamentary on the above-named estate having h»en granted to the undersign* ed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to taid estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to TII.LIE C. BKOWS, Executrix, G. \V". Fleeger, ( McC'andless P. 0., att'y. ( Butler Co., Pa. Administrator's Notice. In re. estate of J. 1". Kalstou, dee d, late ot Butler. Pa. Whereas. Letters oi administration havebceu granted to me. tlie undersigned, in the satd • state, notice is hereby given In all parties in debted to the estate ot said decedent to call and settle, and all parties having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated Tor payment. Mas. B. E RALBTOS", Adm'x. Slay 7, 1891. Hutier, Pa. Estate of D. H. McQuistion, dee'd, late of Butler, Pa. Letters oI administration on ihe above named estate having been grantod to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to same will please make Immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. J AS. li. Mr.ItNKiN Adm'r. Hutier. Pa. Assignee's Notice. ■ Notice is heteby given that Win. A. Itobinson, merchant. oi Evans City. I'a , has made an its signnient to the undersigned lur the benefit of his creditor*, and all persons Indebted to said esiute ar- notllied to pay the same to said as signee at once, and all persons liav Ing claims against said estate are requested to present them dulj authenticated for settlement.. HOIIEKT IUDSOK. Assignee, Kvans City, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Jane Brown, dee'd. LATE IF MAUION l ur., Bni.m Co., PA. Letters of administration on the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. ANDREW MCMIKBAV, Adm'r, Bovard P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Trustee's Sale. The undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Hutier county Trustee to make sale of the real estate of Joseph Kennedy, dee'd, late of Muddycreek Twp., Hutier Co.. Pa., will offer at public outcry, on the premises, on TUESDAY, MAY 26th, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described real estate: Fifty-six acres ot land, more or less, bounded and described as follows: on the north by lands of Win. J. Kennedy, on the east by lands of J. C McClymonds.on the south by lands Motlieral heirs, and on the west by lands of heirs of Catharine McDonald. A dwelling house ul five rooms erected there on, with good spring convenient thereto. About 4* acres i leared, and balance In good timber, and all underlaid wiiti coal, and well watered. TEItMS One-third of purchase money lu hand on continuation of sale by the court, balance In two equal annual installments, de ferred payments to be secured by bond and mortgage. A. K. KKNSKKV, Trustee. A. M Cornelius, att'y. Jury Lists for June Term. List of Craml Jurors drawu this lcth day of March ifwl to serve at a regular term or court commencing on the Ist Monday or June A. 1). I*Bl, the same being tlie l.»t day or said month. Armstrong W J. llutler Ist ward, carpenter. Belghley Matthew, llutler ad ward, laborer. Beatty T S. Brady twp. farmer. Crawmrd E 11, Allegheny twp. farmer. ( roll Walter. Marlon twp, farmer. Cupps David, llutler Ist ward, gent. Ensmlnger W 11. Butler 3d ward, painter. Fleegar Ell, Clay twp, Parmer. Forlsler Ford. Franklin twp, farmer. Fleming J J . Mercer twp. miner, tilbson K L. Butler sth ward, producer. Herald Frank, ( 'enter twp. farmer. Jacktnnn August, Summit twp, farmer. Livery Benjamin, l'enn twp. lariner. Mor tland t A, Marlon twp, farmer. Murus 11 H, Donegal two. farmer. McDonald Knos franklin twp, larmer. Mc.Qul&tion K 11, Butler twp, farmer. Oliver John. Donegal iwp. producer. * Seaman W V, l'enn twp. farmer. Shakley K W, Parker twp, fanner. Sutton Jeremiah I'arker twp, constable. Starr J M, Butler 4th ward, liveryman. Wetener Philip. Butler 2d ward, black smith. List of Pcttlt Jurors drawn ihis lutli day of March A D. isul to serve as Pettit Jurors at a i i-gular term ot court commencing on the M Monday of June A. 1) lxyl, the same being the sth day of said month. Alexander J C. Concord twp, carpenter. Ash Joseph, Evans City Bor, larmer. Bowers I- red. Summit twp. farmer. Bergbelgler Alex. Summit twp, tanner. Behm \\ ilhain, Adams twp, fanner Conway Henry, Oakland twp, farmer. Cooper J W. Middlesex twp, farmer. Conn William, Clay twp, larmer. Campbell Jas K, Concord twp. farmer. Craig K E, Millers town Bor, clerk. Oav la Charles, ArtMiis twp. farmer. Frederick lle_ry I. Donegal twp. farmer. Fleming West Cm ■■ berry twp. farmer. Fleming Thomas, farker twp. larmer. Oearlng lilllcani Jackson twp. fanner. Gibson II 8, Butl' i tth ward, producer. Illndman J L, i l:< ir; tup, farmer. Milliard 1' I', Wa h!i "inn twp, farmer. Harbison WU, Jeffei 'ii twp. tinner, ilart/.ell (ieorge, .laci v»n twp. farmer. Imun Daniel, l'enn u p. producer, haylor Peter. Don.- ;.il twp. carpenter. Kennedy I W. Adams twp, farmer. Kramer Charles, lit. ler.'id ward, laborer, Kuouse Andrew summit twp. farmer. l.ayton James. Faitvieiv twp, tanner. Lelghner J S, Ccnlervllle Bor, butcher. Love Jtwnes II I'.utlcr MU ward boarding house. Mates w J, Butler i-t ward, laborer. Miller Franklin, Bui • r ;'d ward. (lent. Mlnteer J I', Oaklar. • twp. farmer. Mc.Murry (Jeorzn, I'. . »er twp, fanner. McNaughton sB, 1. rk( r. twp, farmer. * McUul-slloti W W. Ji ,i> r .;d ward, painter. Neltnercoat John Jr. Middlesex two. tarmcr. (Xlenweller Jolin, I'erkcr twp. producer. Itodgers Ulchard. Fiauklln twp, farmer. Kedick ulucy A, Washington twp. farmer. Kan kin B S, Palrwew twp, farmer. Sherman John, summit twp, farmer, shannon Conno incncssing twp, farrnur. Selg John. Lane.i„i , t wp. farmer. Seaton Foster. Mai .on twp. farmer. Hhaullrier John Butler twp, farmer. Walker Edwin, Oakland twp. farmer. Veagle William. Saxunburg Bor, contractor. YocSey chrUt. Poi.egal twp. carpenter. Young I.eroy, I' uu twp, producer. A. J. FIAKI;,* ca U 3**IJtHICI» DBUUS, MEDICINES,! amp CHEMICAL*" FANCY AND TOJLET AHTICES, BPi>N(JES, BRI SHES, PERFUMERY, Ac' Prescriptions carefully com pounded, 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. Teachers' Annual Examina tions. Renfrew June 1 Glade Mills " 1! HaxonLurg " 3 ( oylesville " I West Sunbury " h ilarrisville " 'J Farimngton " 10 Norlti Washington " 11 Fairview..,,, " 12 Portersville " 18 Prospect " It' Miliarstown " 20 Slippery rook " 23 Zelienople ..... " 25 Evans City_., " 2t> Butler July 2o Butler Aug. 29 Examinations will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. Applicants are expected to be pro vided with legal cap paper, pen and ink. Directors and friends of education are in vited to attenij. N, C. McCoLi-ot ou, Co. Sup't. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex., KL (v.. Ijrv. Fa.. A* . isnued out of ihei oiirt of Common l'lca« ill Ituil'-r <(• r.i., and 1,, m.' directed, then- will I.- expos-J to public sale al the Court House, la th-- lH>ro«Rl. >f Butler. on Monday, the Ist day of June, A. I)-. ll&l. At 1 o'cluck. f. u.. Jhe lu,. A ill. df- MTIIH property. Co-wit: K. 1> No. June l't-rm > Ti-ti>p!> ;.>n .i&a Brandon att'y AH the riiiht. title. Interest and claim <>r John Dully and J li Morrow, adin'rs , r \\ ni i, smith, dee'd. of. In and to ; ,u res ■ t land mere or leas, situate In Marion twp. Butler county. Pa. bounded and <ie: i riled »us follows. u>-wlt Beginning at a pisl at ihe m,rihn,.»t i.unei them e south ss esstt'V puriart >«• l ut tie real **>tate ol Alexander .NUMurrav. dee'd. as partitioned. 9--.MO perches to a post; thence south i west by lai i'.S of .1 J Maxwell T.I per. to a poet; thence north-s net b„> purpart N -. not -aid estate and by la; is i t .1:--, ~:i |; v 100 Pto a po-sl . thence N east h> la,i..s Of Balle) 7.1 perelit sto tie pho « ul l.eginulntf. Mostly cleared and under ,-UI'IVHI.■ n Al^O—Of. In and t.. 1 | ; !. mois- or less, situate in Marlon in p 1 ill, r•, ut.:; . I'a.. bounded as follows, 11•-w;i • Ht ginning at a post on the road at the southwest eoruer near the waste gate on dam thence north i , ea.-t -lo pert-nes to a I est; thenee north e east IT ;:-1d lurches to a post; thence north 42 east Ki per - to a post adjoining lands of —Thompson; theia e east 71 perches to a |xu,t by lands or Win Ida* K . thence south by lands of A Kirpstri k ill p* relies to a post ; tlience north "a . W t—t bv lands of Thompson 50 perches to a post: then, e north ",i west pcrehes to the place of beginning t'nder a good state of cultivation. ALSO—4if, ana t. i: acres of land, im re or less, situate In Marlon twp, Butler county. Pa, bounded and described as foi;ow> to-wit He ginnlng at a poyt 4 mis east from the .las Mc- Nallen and c.ideon tirubb corner, thenee by lands of Sltnon UP'ssman north east ■'> ,viu perches to a post; theiii C south ST td pen I•- to a pin oak by 1.-unls AM lm ,n ■ south I y lands of iii-ir> Of ,Vle\:m l. r M Black l»er lies to a pin oak thence north -" I, west by lands oi Jariies Ml'Anallen * perches to a post, the plats 1 of beginning, with a filMlMSk Mill IBfl i,*i , -tl orel ard UCTM and under a eood state of cultivation. ALSO— Of. in and to 05 acres of land, more or less, situate in Marlon twp. Hutier county. Pa, bounded and described as tollow.-., to-w it iie ginnlng tit the northeast comer a' lands of Alex Black's heirs, thenee south lie perches to a white oak. thence north < , west bv lands of Daniel Duffy Tu perches to a post; theuee by lands cf (lldeon (iiubb north . east If-., perches to a post . Iheuce by lands of Wm (i smith sou t u si l , east 5.1 jierches to ihe place of be ginning. ALSO—Of, in and to til acres of land, more or iess, situate In Marion twp. Hutier county. Pa. bounded and dtscriW-d as follows, to w ttT ise glunlngat centre of s. ,v A. K. K. at lands ot Da vid At well, thence b.\ lands ol liavid Atvvell north east 15 perches to a post ; thence north it west--perches to a post ; tl.euce by lands Of W U smith north - east 4 T-lu perches to j post; t hence north .5 west 14 Glo perches to a post ; thence corlhi en t int. ;o penle s to a post; thence by lands ol Wm Black south ss east 4 perehis to a post; thence south east 16 perches to a posl; th< uce north J4 east . - per. hes to a cherrj; thence by lands of Win B lack south -s east; T *-lc perches to a post; them eby lands of Wm smith south li west 10 per, hes to a po»t; thence south west lTa-Io perdu sto a post, tl.euce south li i-2 W vio i' to a post, thence south east -o (terches to a white oak stump ; Uience south 51*, east >i perches to a post; thence by htirs oi Kirk- I atrick south I west - perches to a i>Ost. tlience b) Jsi.d ol Jlllfotd south si west is perches to a JHJSI; thence north 24h west lit 5-10 perches to middle cf S. Ai A. It. K ; thence south SO w t r-.t along said n '.lrcid .; i-io peiches to the ph i eot I eg,lining. Ft; me dwelling house and oul I ulldlngs theieoii, AI so- Of, in and to l. r i: .icn sof land.more or lei-s. situate in Marion twp Butler county, I'a. t ( fl' sirlbed as- lollows. (. -wit: Be ginning at post lhei<ie north c»st I.j road J3 s-io pen lies to a post. thence north east l iy ianus or John Black 12 peri lies to a post; thence south i.i west by lands of .James black !i o-io perches to a r".*': 'hence norili B»'j west by lands of James Black 82 3-10 perches to the place ol beginning. . AI.SU Of, in and to a cenuiii I<-t j/ land, more or less, situate in Marion twp, I: iTf k r Co. I'a. bounded and described as follows, to-wit : uii the uoith by an alley, cast by an alley.south by a street and west by a Main .street. being lots No*. I. 2 and 3 In the plot ot the village ol Coryden together with a frame barn, log barn and blacksmith shop thereon. ALs< i - or. in and to jo acres ol land, more or less, .situate In Cherry tw p, Butler county, pa. bounded ami described as toilows, to-wlt : Be ginning at a post thence souih t west by part ot same lot KO perches to a post; thence Nt:» west by same lot isu perches to a pest; thence north l east by lands ot Allison Thompson Wi perches to a post, thence by ianus of John and Jas Black south east 130 perches to the plate ot beginning and being part of lot No. 372 in the second Donation District; mostly timber lands with no improvements thereon. seized and taken in execution as the property of John Duffy and J H Morrow. Adm'rs ol Win <; Smith, dee d, at the suit ol Mutual Lite Ins. Co. of New York. K. 1). No. C 2 June Term isai, Williams 4 Mitch ell, Att'y. S;A 11 the right title, interest and claim ot Wm (» Korcht or, in and to a certain lot of laud.more or less, situate In I'etrolia boro, Butler county I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit : C>n the north by Main street, east by r. iW.K. K.( o. .south by an alley and west by au alley together with a two story irame store building, frame stable and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution us the property of WmttForcbt at the suit or John Forcht. sr. K. D. No. 12 June Term IX9I, Thompson & Son att'y s. All the right, title. Interest and claim or An son Currle of. in and to 3 acres or land, more or less, situate in Mercer twp, Butier county, I'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the north b\ Jas McCoy, east by Public road, south by David .McCoy and west by James u MeCojr together with u one story frame house. board stable, out buildings and orchard thereon, Seized and taken m execution as the property of Anson cume at the suit of C M Brown. K. 11. No. 166 June Term, H".u i leeger and New ton Black att'y. All the right, lille, interest and claim of Mat tlicw J Brown of. in und to ion acres of land, more or less, situate in Concord twp, llutler county, I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit : On the north by Adam Brown, east by Wm lllaek and Hartley .south by Adam Curry and Kich. Camp bell and west by Aggas and Chas Duffy, un der a good state ot cultivation, with u two sloij frame house, log barn, orchard and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property ol .Matthew J. Brown at the suit ot Maria J Brown, ex'x of tJeorge Brown, dee d. E I). No 112, June T. 1881. Kohler, att'y. t*All the right, title interest and claim of Susan Troulman, ex'r'x of Jacob Trout man, dee d, and adin'r'x or Henry Lelbold, dee'd, of. in and to :«o acres of land, more or less, situated In Centre Twp. Butler Co. I'a, hounded as fol lows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Charles Ilewins, east by A I loon, south by Win Mates and H W < arnahin's heirs, west by A Welmei > heirs ; mostly cleared, under a good state ot cultivation, with a two-story frame house, frame barn and outbuildings thereon. ALSO—Or. in and lo 100 acres of lan<l, more or less, situated in Centre I'wp, Butler Co. I'a. bounded ah rollows. to-wlt: North b> J. Negley, Widow Birch and lieorge Shad, east by A lloon and Wm Jackson et al, south by Pulton lieirs. and west by Wm Jack et hI; mostly cleared, and with a two-story frame house, iog stable und orchard thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Susan Trout man, ex'r'x of Jacob Troutman. dec'o. and adm i x of Henry Letbold, deed, ut tlie suit of Claude (ierard. ED, Nos LI and 113, June T. IS'.il. Brandon, att y. All the right, title Interest and claim of John T Kelly, of. In and to (is) acres of land, more or less, situated In Marion Twp, Butler Co. I'a, bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning al a chestnut, thence south IJ4 west by lot No 1 112 7-lu perches to a post In centre or turnpike, thence north si;, west along middle of said road 2* perches to a post, them e north IV east by lands of John MeCllntock 102 perches to a white oak, thence south «i east by lands of James Nutt 27 I -10 perches to a chestnut the place of beginning. AIJBO Of. 111 and to l.Vi acres of land, more or less, situated In Marlon Twp, Butler Co. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a post, thence south s:i east by lands of James Nutt :1 rods to a while oak. thence south i',i west by lands or same 22 5-10 perches lo a post. thence south X'.i east by lands of same us perches to a pin oak. thence south IJi west by lands of Jacob stam,iten lul perches to a hick ory. tlicnce south sy west by lands of Samuel Lcakou and Jameu Kerr 12*J perches to a post, thence south lJt" west by lands ol James Kerr 10 perches to a post, theuce north »iv west by lands or WB Henderson and Mercer turnpike s2 perches to a post In centre of said road, tlicnce north l>i east by lot No 2. IS2 7-10 perches to place of beginning; together with a two-story frame house. Irame barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken In execution fls the property of John T Kelly at the suit of It I. Barnes. K. L>. No. fM; June Term, I*:H, Cummlngs, att'y. All the right,'ltle, Interest and claim of 1' s Mclvln of. In and to fio acres of land, more or less, situate In Mudd)creek twp. Butler county, l'a, bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by charlotte Locke's heirs, east by Herman 1' Melvln and Mrs. A .1 Hreeketirldge. south by Win Barkic) and west by 1 on rail Bark ley. Jr. and Jane Scott. Sel/cd and taken in execution , as the property of I" 8 Melvln at the suit of ( has Ueible. K. D. No. 107 June Term, 1891. (Ireer & llalston att'y a. • All tie- right, title, interest and claim or Da \lii McKlroy or. In and lo 20 acres ot land, more or less, situate In Fairview twp, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt : Beginning at, a stone thence by lands of Itobert McCracken north .1 east 14 s-io perches to a stone. Ihence by landu or I homas McKntglit south - east '. V 7-m perches to a stone; t hence by lands of John Oshorn's heirs tiortii, cast I,J perches lo a stone, thence by road north :»>i west 2.1 perches to the place of beglunlng. ALSO -Of, In and to 20 acres of land, mors or less, situated in Fairview Iwp, Butler Co. Pa. I oiinded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning a! a white oak stump the corner of land* or John OsDorne. dee'd. and Robert McCracken, thence by landsofsaid McCracken and along the south side of the public nad south 11 1 ;ust '.l perches to a |>ost. thence by oilier lands of said John Osborne, dee'd. norlh sr.'i west 71 perches to a post on line or land of James llitidmun. them e In said line north 1"-. east 411 I.VIOO perches to stone comer, thence by line of laud of L'obert McCracken south B},'* east \ per lies to the place of bagtiiniHg; together w ith a two-story frame house, Irauie stable and outbuildings thereon. Seized a ml taken in execution as the property of David McElroy at Hie suit of Thos Banks, adm'r or Margaret N Banks, dee'd. E I>, No 100. June T, 1-11. Newton Black, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim or But ler Salt Manufacturing Company and chemical Works, of. In and 10 (V"J acres of land, more or less, situated In Butler I wp. Butler Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Mlllersiown road,east by 1". S a L E It It. south by (ieorge Relber. west by Butler and Millers town road, together with two large furnaces and evaporating pans, with the settling tanks, gramers, buildings plfies, fittings, and con nections tin the manufacture ol salt; a building with furnace appliances, pipes, tanks, etc . t..r making chloride of calcium and bromine; a building, machinery, tanks, pipes and appll linces lor distilling pyrollgnoous acid from •, iw dust; a building, stills, tanks, and appliances for distilling wood alcohol and acetli add; a building.kilns and appliances for charring wood, making acetate of lime. etc. . a brick gas and storjge building . a building for cooperage and other purposes; a lime house . a blacksmith (and shop, with engine, machinery, etc ; a laboratory and otllce building, with fixtures therein; throe boiler houses with fourteen horse-power boilers therein, w ith it lugs. I CutiM ii -us, <i. . one |,.or of r,tir,<atl track ales, one p<ur of Urjf pUll,.riii scales and silt »t'B, wllttoui house. engine therein, and rods, tubing. cor.ii ■■ Hons ami appliances, uul t!»* gas line, about three-fourth milt of j%- tnch r ;r "' n ■ *1 right s *if *i.i e\t- nding fn m ihe Hotn.< Natural t» is co s main Hne to the vtit plat;. The rights ot way and !mile of t-inch ■ ;)>•' from the works to the «»lt well on the J*% Miti hell farm ill Sumiul! Twp. and the rights of way and atmnt five hundred te«t <>f 4-lncn pi 1 - • xt- • -din:: in>m the V t andlcs* Cum, to «neie ;i Ci lit;**, :s with line from Mitebeil well. ar„i the rU'lifs of way, and atmiit tulles of 3-incb pipe extending from TUe salt Well on the Walk • r farm to the salt Works; together with all the property. rl„-tits of property leases. trs:iciim*> and interests of e.enr kind to the defendant company thereon belonglog. AIM* Of, In and U» the salt water, oil and g-s in and under 160 a< res ot land, more or less, situated lu Hutier and summit i <v ;w. Butler to, Fa, bounded as follows to-wlt: On tie- north b> public road, east by Ferd he,beret al. south by Hoschentx rgcr. w*»t b) J «. a w t ampi*ll; U'getiier »,t ■ ■■•: . .1,4 -alt wells thereon with boiler, taginis. pumps nitlugs. tanks AC. thereto belon-Tin* and connect,U with the plant bj rights o| «<».> >.iid line In deliver ing salt water to the Salt *,,rk.s. Uwelber with ail tlie rurii's 111 privileges to pro%pt«l ler. .line or ois rat« r oi,. .ind the. • >n, alid all pqic Ha.-. i;-nsl la aellvcrlng salt Muter to wlti v»,t plant. AIM nr. !n and to a certain leasehold of lanu. in Hutier t»p. Hutl»r MMMJ, Pa.. Saul l»-:i>»-n*ild Is situated un the Key. Lltubetv larm. township, couuty and state ainrtsaid ai d Having theieoii erected one laio barrel In—ii water tank, connected with salt plant by | tpe liues and ct i ceeted With the pipe lines, tire hose,.'.,, ol the t:r.- appli;-L< es oi the saw salt plum. AI.SC HI, In and to a v . rtain leasehold oi land situate In Hutier twp, Hutier county, Pa.. said leasehold is situated on the Bev. Wultam White larm. township, county auil stale alore said. With the receiving salt watertaiiks Uieie on. together with all rights ot nay and pU»* lines connecting said tanks and leasehold to salt plaut. AI.SO of. It: and to aci rtain leasehold sltu alol uu James .Mitchell s farm. Summit twp., Hutier county. Pa., with right of way to and from the s.ime, with one producing salt-well thereon. Willi toller, engine, tubing, casing, tanks, liuiugs, etc., lor operating the same and the pipe lines and connections mid all rights of »a> lor the same, connecting Ihe same with salt plant. ALx.l Of. in ami to a leasehold of 10 acres ol land more cr less, situate In Summit twp, Hut ier coutily. I'a.. said leasehold is situated on ihe Mrs. W. McCandless larui, township, coun (i and stat.- ;iion said, with one producing salt well thereon, with boiler, engine, tubing eas ing, pumps, tank-, and appliances belonging thereto, aud all pi lie lines and connections used lor delivering salt walcr to salt plant aud all rights of waj lor said pipe line connecting said sail well and salt plant. Seized and taken In execution as the proper ty ol Butler salt Manilla, luring Com pan 1 and I ncUilcal Works ul the suit ol Niwion Black, Trustee, et al. E. D, No. t» June 'leim leal, Flteger, a'.t'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of K P I >oj le ut, in and to a certain lot of land, situate in I'etrolla boro, Butler county, Pa, bounded as tollows, to-wit: on Ihe north by Mrs. Urate Hariey, east by Church s»t„ south by Mrs. M M He ally arid west by Carl BuUer. u><elher a two story name house, board stable and out buildings thereon, tni/ed and taken In execu tion us the property 01 K 1' Dojle at the suit of Jacob Brown, et al. E I>, No 43. June T. ls»l. Brandon, att'y. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Jas M Gillespie, oi. In and to DO acres of lanu, more or less, situated lu Donegal Twp. Butler Co. I'a, boundeti as follows, 10-wit: un the north bj Frank Waltinan. east bj Margaret McLaughlin, south by James Mclx-vitt. west by Frank Kich ard; together wltn a two-story iraiue house, mime barn, orchard and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken lu excculiou us the property ol James M Gillespie at the suit of W illiain Kel leruianet al. ED, No 115, June T, lsyi. Christie, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Kob't Mcknight, ul, in and to to acres ot land, more or less, situated in slipper} ruck Twp, Butler Co, I'a, i ounded as follows, to-wlt: ou tne north bi W illiain Ah Knight, by Harvey Chnstley, south bj Marquis McGonlgle, west by public road ; together with a two-story irame house, irauic bam, orchard and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken lu execution as the propertj ol Kobert Mcknight at the suit of Win lilgliam. ED, No lit;, June T, 1891- Greer A Kalston, att'ys. All the right, title. Interest and claim of Eliz abeth I,ut,\ defendant, and J W Anderson and Margaret Anderson, terre tenants, of. in and to 40 acres of land, more or less, situated in Brady Twp. Butler Co. Fa. bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north bv Sarah Bell SchorfT, I C McNees. Daniel Lutz el al. east by 0 C Stewart, south by C C Stewart, and west by Fink. About as acres cleared, ami with a dwelling house, board stable, and small orchard thereon. Seized and taken In execution as tne property of Elizabeth Lutz, deft, and J W Anderson aud Margaret Anderson, terre tenants, at the suit ot S. J. Khotles. E. I). No. 75 June Term 1891, A E Itelbcr, att'y. All ihe right, title. Interest and claim of R P llovle, as a partner lu the firm of Doyle & Korcht, of. In and to a lot of laud, situated lu l'etrolia Boro.. Butler county. Pa., bounded as lollows, 10-wlt : On the nortu by Main street, east r-y p. & W. U.K., south b> an alley and west by an alley, together with a two story Irame store building, frame barn and uut build ings thereon, seized and taken In execution as the property of K P Doyle, as a partner in' the firm ol Doyle & Forcht at the suit of Mlller*- town Deposit Bank, et al. ED. No 117, June T, 1891. A E It el her, att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of U P Doyle, of. In and to a lot of land, situated In I'etrolla borough. Butler to, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Main street, east by P S W II it, south by an alley, west bv an alley ; together with a two-story frame store building, frame bam and outbuildings thereon. Si lzed and taken In execution as the property or It c Doyle at ths suit of the Mlllerstown De posit Bank et al. ED. Ho 121. June T, 1891. TC Campbell, att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Samuel Curran. of. In and to a certain lot of land, situated in < entrevllle borough. Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north bj Harrlsvllle street, east bv Methodist church lot. eouth by an allev west by an allev;together with a frame dwelling house, frame stable and outbuildings thereon. A I.SO—Of, in and to a certain lot of land, slu uated in Centreville borough. Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by an alley, east by lot of Independent Order of odd Fellows, south by Harrlsvllle street, west by an alley ; together with a frame house, frame stable and outbuildings tnereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Samuel Curran at the suit of Bard £ Sons. 1 Kit MS OF sa LE: The following must be strictly compiled with when property Is stricken down. 1. Wflcn the plaintiff or other lien creditor Incomes the purchaser the cost on the writ must be paid and a list or the Hens including mortgage searches on the property sold to gether with such Hen creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por tion thereof as he may claim must be furnlshod the Sheriff. 2. AM bids must be paid in full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued until l o'clock r. M. of next day. at which time all property not settled for will lie put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person lo whom tlrst sold. •See l'urdon'B Digest, 9th edition, page UK. and Smith's Forms, page :tsi. WILLIAM M. BROWN. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. May 14, ifffll. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that J. Harvey Miller, receiver or Miller Bros. .v Co., has filed his first and partial account as receiver In the office of the Prothonotary of the court of Common Pleas of Bu'h-r county at Equity No. 2, Sept. Term, Is;HI, and that the same will be presented t« said Court for conllnnatlon and allowance on Wednesday, June 3, IH9I. JOHN W. Knows, Prothonotary. Prothonotary s Office. May 5. IKOI. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that Levi Boyer, com mute.-or Isaac L. Boyer. has filed ids tourth partial account as committee, in the office ot the Prothonotary of the court of Common Pleas or Butler County at C. P.. No. ,100. Much Term. Is", I. and that theaume will be presented to said Court for confirmation and allowance on Wed nesday, June :t. ism. JOHN W. Iluoivx, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Office, May s, I8»i. Princeton University Entrance Examination. (Conducted by PKOF. WM. M. SLOANE ; con tinuing two days. For admission to all departments In the Fresh man. Sophomore and Junior Classes and for the School of Electrical Engineering. Will begin 11 o'clock, Thursday, June 11, 1891, at McClintock Bld'g, 5H Market St. Pittsburg. I ills w ill also Include preliminary examlna l lons for t hose Intending to enter the University a year later. I j:. as a prize is offered by the Princeton Alumni Association of Western Pennsylvania for the best examination passed here ior the Freshman Class. Applicants should send their names early to 11. L. lioehrlng, See'y. Alumni Ass'n, 100 Diamond St.. PITTSBURGH. PA Wm.T^Mler Manufacturer *of Stair Hails, Ealustersi and Newol~posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Dei-orated and Carved wood work, such as Casing, Corner blocks, I'aueLs and all kinds of ancy wood-work for Inside decoration ot ouses. CALL AND SER SAMPLES. Something new and attractive.!* Also.l FURNITURE at iowestjcasli prices. Store at No. *O, N. Malnlstreet. Factory at No. 53, N, Washington streeu BUTLER PENNA NIXON'S HOME, M N. MCKEAN ST.. BCTLEK. PA. M. nl at;allpiours. 1 Opeulall night. \ l • eaktast J'> cents. Dinner 25 cents. Supper 25 Ci«ots. I odguig 25}ceuU. SIMKON NIXON ... PROPR HENRY BIEHL, 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER • 2SF A DEALER IN Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. Washing Machines; the jfc Standard Rotary Shuttle Machine, 2500 the No. (Ci, ~ American sewing machine, J Singer and Empress; Lansing wagons; New ■ Sunshine & Howard ranges, K rw; U Stoves, table and pocket J M cutlery, hanging lamps; K manufacturer of tinware, tin Jn roofing and spouting a spec ialty; the Johnston mowers, reaper and steel frame binder, Warren ready mixed paint, warrented; screen doors and windows, refrigerators and lawn mowers. No better place in the city to trade. Come and see my large store room full of goods, 13GJ feet long, WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN It takes in the Leather. t»- This is the grist that goes to the mill. *T This is the machine you never can fill: Let it devour ax much as you choose M And the result is always a stock of fine shoes. " Come to our store "twill be well worth your while If you're on the lookout for cheapness and style. DO YOU WANT Good Honest Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices, £ Men 'a Genuine Kangaroo shoes - $3 00 - 200 Finest Buff _ 1.50 " Solid Split Leather " - 90 Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes, new process, band sewed, $2.00 " •* " McKay eewed - 1.75 1 50 1.25 " Pebble Goat Shoes - - - 1.25 " " Grain " 1,00 Kid - 1.00 Boy's extra fine Dress Shoes - - - $1.50 - - - - 1.25 " Good IvCLO1 v CLO Youth's High Cot, Extra Fine Shoes - - SL , -3ti .... « 1.25 " " 1.00 85 Mieees Dongola Kid shoes - $1.50 Misses Good Dress shoes - SI.OO " i. « 1.25 " " " - 85 Childrens fine and heary shoes 50 | Infants Fine Shoes - 25 These prices do not represent our cheapest nor yet our finest shoes, but are a few chosen from amongst the most popnlar grades. These goods mast be seen to be appreciated at the prices named. AI, RUFF, "LI4 Soutli IMain Street. Ktitlor, TPa Jury List for May Term. List ol Travers Jurors drawn this £kl day of April A. 1». Ifc'.'i to serve as Travers Jurors at a spe. Ml term or court commencing the uh Mon day of May A. l>. being the 26Ui day of said moatb. Armitrong John M. IJutler "lh ward, driller. Bail Joseph Jr. Oakland twp, rarmer. Barkley A 11, MuiMyi reek twp. farmer. Black J B. Butler un ward, producer. Bamliart Cyrus. Jackson twp. farmer. Hliamc Lewis. Lane , : twp, farmer. Berry I'harlcfc. llmu.- in Hor. luUirer. Bice John M, t'ali vn ,» i. r. carpenter. Campbell A <i, Wmlra.-i in twp, farmer. ("rider Jacob, (TanU rrj tw p, farme"". CrttChlow Brown, Bor, laborer. Dua.t>augh 11 W. /.ellenople Bor. merchant. Duffy Hugh, suubury Boro. constable. Danffherty II W. Hafrvlew twp. producer. Dick John », franklin twp. farmer. Krvln John A. I'etrolla Bor, carpenter. Kberhart L D. Donegal twp, farmer. Ka-stun Ellas, Cranberry twp. farmer. Korsythe Allen, Adams twp, farmer. Fleming S «, Buffalo twp, farmer. Kcnnell Wlnfleld, Donegal twp, farmer. Grossman II 11. Worth twp, farmer, tireenwood William, Clearfield twp, driller. Oreer M N. Buffalo iwp. farmer. Helmbolt Lewis, Saxonburg Bor. clerk. Jackson James It. I'alrvlow twp. laborer. Kaltzcll l'hlllp. Zelienople Bor, laborer. Kelly J I). Mercer twp, farmer. Keek A 11, Hutler Ist ward, laborer. Kaylor Isaac. Falrvlew i»p, farmer. i>-wts K. Washington twp, farmer. Lindsey Thomas. Summit twp, fanner. Lutz William, Lancaster twp, farmer. Lefevre Isaac. Jefferson twp, farmer. Miller Jas ». Allegheny twp. jirodacer. Miller William, Middlesex twp, farmer. Martin X C, Parker twp, teamster. McDfcvltt J H. Worth twp, farmer. McUucken James, Cieartield twp, farmer. McOee K W. l'ros|>ect Bor. gent. Mcßrlde A E, Worth twp. farmer. Mclaughlin 11 ugh. Mercer twp. farmer. Northop Jos 'Butler 2d ward, clerk. ti'Donncll Felix, Summit twp. laborer. Kay JohnC. Falrvlew twp, larmer. Kumbaugh Henry, Washington twp. farmer. Kauktii I J. Butler jtd ward. laborer. Ken no K M. Butler 41 ll ward marble cutter. Koblsoli Thomas, Cranberry twp, farmer. Slpe W S, Clearfield twp. farmer. Spoiln Nicholas. Clearfield twp, farmer Wallet Daniel. Jeffersou twp. farmer. Work John 11. Falrvlew twp. pumper. Wolford A, Donegal tw p, farmer. Wastx.n J W. \S ashiugton twp. farmer. W'eigle K .S, Prospect Bor, black smith. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. L. PUKVIB. L. O. PUKVItt. 5.G. Purvis&Co. MAM'FACTIT.KKS AND DKALMM IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF KV«*Y UKBCKIPTIOH, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. LAKE SHORE NURSERIET ERIE, FIV. All stock guaranteed to bo ill good con dition when delivered. We replace all tree* that fail to grow. REFERENCES IN BUTLER: J. P. Lowry, VT. T. Mechling, Jame Shanor, Jr., J. E. Forsyth#, Geo. Shaffnor 6. Walker, Esq., Ferd Keibor, Esq. and D L. ('lceland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITKNMILLKK lIOUSE, liI'TLKR, Pa. the IJutler CITIZK.V combined for $2.75 per year, in advance. Hi. c- WICK: DBALKR Iff Rough and Worked Lumber OF'ALI, KISI>B Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lalh Always In Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. 1 W. Depot, BUTLER, „ I - - PA RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WKST PRNN R. K. MAKKI.T at 6:(lo A.M. transfers passengers at Junction to Apollo Aceom. which arrive* in Allegheny at 8:40, also connects for Blaira ville, arriving there at !l:30 and with trains east and west on main line. EXRRF.SK at 8:35, connect* at Junction with Day Express, arriving at Allegheny at 10:32 A.M. ACCOMOPAT'X at 11:20, arriving at Alle gheny at 1:35, and connects at Junction with Apollo Accom. going east. ACCOMODATE at 2:36 I'.M. runs through to Allegheny and arrives there at 4:40 P. M. connects with Eipreea east arriving at l'lairs ville at 0 P. M, and with trains east and west on main line. ESPKF>.S at 5:00 p. m., arriving at Alle gheny at 6:45 p. m. No stops between Tarentum and Allegheny. Trains leave Allegheny for Hutler Rt 6:20 6:55, 8:20 and U;00 A:.M, and at 2:25, 3:15, and 5:45 P.M. Trains arrive at Butler at 8:.'15 and 10:<"0 A.M.,and 1:30, 5:00 aud 7:50 P.M. No Sunday trains in Branch. p. A W. B. R. Schedule of May 10, IS9I, changed to Butler time. Trains for Allegheny, leave Butler at 6:20, and 10:20, a. m. aud 2:40, and 6:30 p. m. The train connecting with the Chicago l express, at Callery, leaves Butler at 2/10 p. i ra. The 8:25 a. ra. train also connects for tim 1 West, and 6:30 it. in. for Zelleaople. Trains going North leave Butler as follows: 10:05 n. in. to Kane; 5:05 p. m. to Clarion; and 8:"55 p. in. to Foxburg. Trains arrive at Butltr from the South and West at 8:35, aud 11:55 a. m. aud 4:45, 7:45, 8:30 p.m. From the North at 8:10, anil 10:05 a. m. aud 5:50 p. in. I'TTTSIICRG, HLLESASOO A LAKE KKIE R. R Corrected to fust time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 5:25 and 10:20 a. m. and 4:55 p. m. Trains leaving the P. <x W. depot in Al legheny at 7:50 ami S:3O a. ra. and 2:40 and 3:15 p. m. and the West Penn depot at 6:55 a. m. and 3:15 p. in. toniiect at Butltr with trains North on this road. Trams arrive at Butler Irotn Oreenville at 10:05 a.m. and 2:25 und 6:25 p.m.; all of which connect with the I*. & W. to Alleghe ny and the 2:35 with the West Penn. Trains leave Milliards at 7:25 a.m 12:15 p. m.; arrive at 10:05 a. m. aud 6:45 p. m. No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick ets will be earned on the local freight thai leave* the P. A W. June, at 1:15 p. m. but not on the other freight trains. The 5:25 a. m. train from IJutler connect* at Osgood with trains on the L. 8. it M. 8., arriving at Cleveland 10:40 s. in., Chicago 9:10 p. m., Erie 11:28 a. m.. Butlalo 2:35 p. m., and at Mercer with W. N. Y. & P., arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. in. The 10:20 a. in. train from Butler connect* at Mercer with trains on the W. N, Y. Jc P., arriving at Franklin at 2:00 p. m. and Oil City ai at 2:10 p. m., and at Sheuango with the N. Y. P. A O. for Meadville, Jamestown, Buffalo, Olean and New York; also at Osgood for Oil City. The 4:55 p. m. train connects at Mercer for New Castle, and at Shenango for Miudvilla and Sharon. S3ooti i Y»arin their <-*n l«« alltica,** h« r- »rr the} !!%«-.! w ill al»-< fun»i»ll lh« situation Of <m|*!nrmriit,at w hlrh u r*u mm that nm«ant. Ko nvH.ev f»r m-uiiknim . Mfu! «■ ah«tr. I naily mxt l'-«riietl I tlu«ir« but on* Horhrr f» in Mth dtoirit i orrowfy. 1 alrvadjr *«aght * 4 protldrd with rni|.h>;. n.rnlJjtff* punil>fr, who ar« makinff ov»i |3WH) » tf»rm h If# NEW aa<l HO 1.1 l». I ..II taartirular* Kl* EE. on r«, JK. C. ALLE.V hoi 480, Auguala. Maine. A. Wise Xlerchfiiit Is never content to stand still. Stagnation is death —in Trade as in other things. New Customers should be sought after all the time. There is only one way to get them —use the Advertising eolumns of the BUTLER CITIZEN. Hnnsr f >rtun*«har» !><•«■ n mad" al *«•» for ua, by Anna I'm, Austin, ••**•. «n«1 Jmo. lJoi.n, Tolrtlo. fihlo. rot. lt. r aaw« )l Wh f f ftUnk|Tßi''l yuf N.jina ram over (Ml % I TOM cando tb« work and lit# 4 C «h«r»rrr y. u ar*. I>en b«. / »ro earning froui ft to / f Y_j' IWidajr.AllifM. Wrihdw joahow «n4 itart ron. 2mm work in »i*rf rlm«* W* or all lk« tint. Iliff m w n#v f t , t «*orfc. »'• Fallur* anknovrn amr>u« tb«m. NEW and w>n<l«rfWl. I'artlcalara ■.SkOldi A €•.,!»•& V^rnrUaud,Maiao »
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers