DECEMBER 1890, We made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, of which we have the largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were all bought at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the historj of the trade since the beginning of 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 22 1-2 cents per •yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this count}. New Cottage Carpets . - - 20 cents. New Ingrain - - - - " 2 5 cents. Better Ingrain - 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - - 5° cents. New Brussels ... - 50 cents. Rag Carpets - - 30, 35. 4© and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Portieres, tix_ tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House. RITTER & RALSTON. WHEN IN NEED OF H Htteßt •' H CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, "PX'TT «*CTR. - - T 3ST'A WKuni jmi c»n h»y« jonr choice ont of the largest assortment of cooking and heating stoves in Bufler county; also dealer in Hardware. Lanninp Wa pons, Wheee & Wilson and Standard Sewing Machine*, Hanging and Stand Lamps. Msnnfactne of Tinware; Tin Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN Do You Want to Make Money? OF COURSE YOU DO! That's Human Nature. THEN BUY YOUR BOOTS & SHOES AT B ICKEL ' S . By ao doing you will get the prettiest styles— the and best wearing good* for the least money. We would like to reduce oar stock as we wish to make some improve ments on oar rtore room and at present our stock is too large aw we have not the room and in order to accomplish our purpose we have marked our gooda ao remarkably low that it will be an inducement for every person vis iting oar store to make a purchase. Well aare you money for you know by experience that our prices for reliable gooda were never beaten and seldom equaled. We will offer yoa an unlimited assortment of ladies and misses fine aboea, price $1 to $5. A fall and complete stock of ladies front lace shoes with scollop fronts and patent leather trimmings all sizes and all widths. Ladies button aboea, flue dongola, with clotb tops, dongola tops, bright finished tops, with patent leather quarters, plain toe or patent leather tips—all styles—all ma terials and all prices. MISSES SHOES heel or spring heel— and kind of Btock desired and the latest patterns from Rochester's largeat shoe factories. MENS SHOKS We can abow yoa a large assortment of Men's fine dress shoes, fine French calf, kangaroo, cordovan, bard or machine sewed, at a big bargain. 500 pairs of Men's fine calf shoes, Congress or English lialmorals at $2 former price $2.75 and many other bargains which space will not permit me to speak about. A larger and more complete stock of men's kip plow shoes, Brogana, Creedmoors, Kurekaa, box toe shoes of all kinds at prices lower than ever. The abo?e are not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled ont for apecial mention because of their extremely good valueß, but fair spec imens of the entire stock. They are leaders in another sense. They lead numbers of people to come to ua for their shoes and we please and suit them all. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods At all tlmea a foil stock of oilmens box-toed boots and shoes. At all timea a fall Btock of Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kiods. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather Kip and ealf atock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith apronx. When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Ordera by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person Yours truly, JOHN BIOKEL, New Number* S. Main Street. BUTLER, - -- -- - - - _ PEN N'A SCHI'TTE i O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DEALKRSJH Sewer Pipe, (ias Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. 1 owrj' House BUTLER, FA» New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horsea fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, 39. W. Jefferaon St., Butler, Pa. I MifHin Strsst Livsry. W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r. L One square west of Main St., on j Mifflin Bt. All good, safe horses; ■ neve buggies and carriages. Landaus ; for weddings and funerals. Open 1 day and night. Telephone No. 24. Hotels itnd Depots, I W. S. &!• /g now running a line j of carriages beiwecii the bote.B and j depots of the town. Cbargea reasonable. Telephone No, 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in (Connection The Blue Front Livery, CRAWFORD & KENNEDY, The well known liveryman,Wm.Ken nedy, has bought an interest in the above barn and will be pleared to have his friends call at his new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage.* in Butler at the most reai-onable rates. The place is easily remem bered. The first stable west of the Lowry House. Wi Hard Hotel. |W. H. REIBINfi, Prop'r BUTLER, - P.A. STABLMV IX COSNKCTIOJf. SAMPLE UOOJI for COMJIKBCIAL IKA VKI.KUS NIXON'S HOMF, 35 N. McKEAN ST., UL'TI.KIi, PA. Mea!si;at;all?ioure. 1 Openlall night. Breakfast 25 cent*. Olnner jr, cents. Supper 2S cents. 5 Lodging Scents. SIMEONJNIXON - I'KOI'H mmim hoik, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near New Court 11 hum- formerly Donaldson House -jfood accommodation;* lor travelers. Good stabling connected. EITENMUI LEK £ LEIItOI.I). l'rop'rn DIAMOND HOTSL, JAMES SELLERS, Prop'r. Xew furniture, new fittings and first class accommodations. Livery. Xorth side of Diamond, Butler, I'a 3MTEMTSZ A pamphlet of information and |ft ana .•». of the lifcWfl.ibowiiiic How \*JMf ' >' tu< 11 i'ateuta, ( uveala. Mark*. Copyright ß, unl 1 Tbr Mont Hocrensfdl lli niedy e*erdl». Du. II J. Kdimi :. Co.: Clent* I wou'J :ti- io nu»i.«* k:r wn t/#t bote who arc ulrnoftf. iiernua.. 1 to umj tft-ndasl'4 Hnaviu Car© the fa< t that 11 hi?, * It 1- n «*«•• ll«-r»t Llnlrm-ut. 1 haw* u»4 il Hon a liloo«! Hp*vin. TJ»«* h urn*: sfent on titjree l»-/.n tor tUrv >• »»-* when I nrtiunttjcijd V> um your K'?ii'lair* hi»avin Cur*'. I Uju \>*>l lien year* aii'l ha* not lt* > a kun*-. Youra truly, WM. A. C'DltL Gkunaxtowh, N. Y., Sov. 2, IV*. I)n. 11. J. IC KM I'A 1.1. Co.. hn«* cumn very lainc. lio<*k «- >Uru»-*l anatwoikrL The horM?fitf» atxxiC h«*r#jjv»#i have no Veterinary hur geou hen?) proiiouiii'm hU lamentnai Is loot! fipavlti or 'I horouKhjiln, l Ury nil tol-1 m« thcr«- %vaa no r U r«* for it* he Im-cuijh- al**ut lU*:!««,ftli«M>t wrjrtiib-aa. A tri*-ud toltj n»«- «»f the fnerlta of your Kennvln i 'tire a valuable n»«-'ll»:liic, ami It should he In ry •tahlo iu the laud. Heaped fully your* KljlikHK 6F.WITT. Price $1 per bottle, or alx bottlea for A il dru.j flata haveitorcan get It for you, or It v,; : !n» wnt to any addreaa oa receipt of prl« e I# t.i U>r». lilt. If. J. KKNDAI-I, C4>., Kuotburifh KulUt Veniioni SOLD BY ALL VUUGGISTS. FOR HfIEN OKL¥! WMll'PV w I«08TorPAILIWO KAHEOO i l aad WEKVO'J6 Utfill 11 /, M'JIR 11 °f BcxlyawUMind, LXiklJjJliZli f Zrrirzur Er'rsira in Ol ior Tounf, rnlif lte«l..r»i. 110- enUiy* a.. l aireu«. awiu.i MJitrfchM KhomiiaaaiuaTaor iteuv. Ah~,:ul* r tinfai'i "f? ItUMK 1 PfcAl lt r-ll..»nii In to lay. m»m uilll; from (ui'lSlM trnflgm i isslriM. HrlU ih-nu |>*«rrt|iil** DM*k. sifilssillsn s«4 MtAft sislM rtmlsd fr*«. M*r<» CRIt MLOiSAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. ■" U.'r/ LC ulm -.uui. uuiu*c£> JOHNSON'S LINIMENT ,KE".° r , \) v ic btxssal iii zzi^ff —GENERATION AFTcR GENERATION— i Ort HAVE VSED AyO BI£SrIZO IT. °^/nc-H€.^ o« Su»/ar t Children TLorr Tt. ~«>uld havo a b- '* Every Sufferer *tica, Neuralgia, N*r ■VOOK Tuphtbe HA, ' 'Atarrh. BN»RWHII Asthma, Cholera Morton*, Inarrh'» a, I Am* nees. Soren. «• 4 in Body or IJm»*L Stiff Joints or Strains will lln1 J J>J#OHNSON Jc 00., BOSTO*. MASS. TJUMND Is the Best Household Eemedy Extant It is a positive cure for PILES SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA. And All Skin Diseases, An invaluable remedy for Wounds, Barns, Swell ings, SOres, Croop, Bronchitis, etc. NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT, Sold bj- all druggists at W cents per box. Send 3 two-cent stamps for free gamble box and book. TAR-OID COMPANY, CU ll'.iao, For Sale by D. H. Wuller, Butler. SEE MY Sro»SE?/gj|jj^ your Shoos V Y BLACKING \ ' D!D O?iGEAWEEK!\ Jk Gtbar days *cah them \ ><7 \ clen-> vwult N. f WATER. \ EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Roorr t EVERY Carriage Owqer EVERY Thriftj EVERY Body t-b'o to hold a brush SHOULD USB JE)IK-^ON £ AC M :i, r ?t T .z::\ X r * r ' r - WILL Bra IN OLD A Mew FUWH.TUHC • JJ*J - WILL STAIN CT»«S *NO CH.N*W*M V "™* SN WILL STAIN TINWAM AC L/< ® WILL STAIN toon OLD BASKETS SAME WILL STAIN Brnmr-n Caacn ftme. WOLJT A RANDOLPH. Pfcll»delsb!a. ipj^LSil! £.Jp Of Pure Cod I Liver Oil and j £ C/ ; HYPOPHOBPHITES j tin g of Lime and ; Soda | j Is endorse! and prescribed by loading » I I-hyblcl.uiM bccuaw) both the Iknl Liccr Oil 5 J and llypopho*i»hitr* are tbo rccoguJzod j ) Hi' nt h In tli»> cm 16 . oT'l ■ r >-.t - - r » J V.'. i* 11. i.«-t'i.,i. • < ' • ItoiK I"»; j»|•!• AC JJS • V il•*•<*. uu'l an .'I A .. I : (ri J£»dl:ls» , r'.'.'.t:-.:;;, < ♦ -Li-mnna-K-m wxvmt z * I GIVEAWAY To tviry reader of this paper who luff era from Indention, Ky- !•' 1.1, 801 u»nr*», l.ivcr torn plaint. bilk ! Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of tlut m<«l wonderful 11,. .IK me, Florn|llril<>D, which la the only ab fc',:ui<- and J.cua. .' 11l tuic for ihe above named tliv.i ■ >. 1 can affoid to do this bcc.iune I know tliat nine out of every ten persons who try it will be v, w< 11 h-i' islird with the rc.ultn they will take pleasure in »|«-;.kini{ about its marvelous curative virtues to all their 111' 1. !and a' '|uaintancc*. 'I he value of tlu-i tx.rt ol advertising to me i* worth many time* the cost of the medicine Riven away, 101 am well i.»m|»ensatrd for the valuing lar|(c expend. 1 have lA< r 7'), 0(10 letters on file fiom people who have been cured of one or more of the complaint* above ruined. Write to day Matir.g your disease and I' eivc a free ly.ttlc by return mail, or ask your drunKibt for it and «< t w. 11. Address, PROF. HART, 8Q WARREN STREET. NEW YORK. r"\ DOCTORS LAKH g I'KI VATK DISI'IOSAIIV. ALJ JT Con. PfHH A.' . AND FOURTH ST.. W PITTBBURGH, I-A. JEBBBfcy/. v All foririnof I>eli< alenm\ Cow* A • ifefti J 'I I' • r«- •« i- 1 / with a mi':<•<•►>: rarely attained. Dr. 8. f . :1 * a »•»« niluT of the Ifoyal < - M arid Surgeon*, and 1 - tile old* • t and moi l i icn«««| hl'WI Al.iht In ttmclty. « lal at • t uti to Nervoim Ity froni !•*«•« iiv«« tlori, lndiacrotion of joutli, eu . eta •- I»!?I»!»3 i« tl anci*«#f tlieHkin, ./1, J/i: ,':» I rti»ar> Orjfaiti,( t . f'onuiiltmWin ♦ i ,«t i !ii« tly eoi»iltira*,!i to i ; 7 to >i l-. M.; hnndayj*, 2 to 1 r. m. onlv. 1 11 j. «,i?i» «j or ad.ln |»!{S. J.AKK, ('Olt. I. . N A\K. AMJ 11 HbT..I'J J*A. m mm I ]iMtj-,.ti.UOW ttthk.CSh.Au l Ul kiwis ot H iltfc WOttlL. TAYLOIt &c DEAST, SOI, 203 & 205 M .rki tHt.. fltta»,ur K l», Pit. SEWsram By Using Alien B. Wrisley's M SHEER SOAP Latest Best Invention- —kittle op HOtoiOFCI.OMS Required-ArA your Grocer for it. Follow DIRECTIONS GLOSW* THE CITIZEN, M ISC EL' A NEGUS- — . THKV COt LD NOT BEE BEHIND THEM. "Aw, Augustus,what can the deargirla be laughing at."—The King's Jester. Wouldn't Rqj on the Arenue. Young Xew Yorker (walking on Filth avenue with pretty country cousin) —I'm awfully warm, Mary! Let's take a bus. I Pretty Cousin (blushing sweetly)— Oh! George, some one would be sure to We us here on the avenue. Please b« ; patient till we get to the park.—West j Shore. A Courageous Younjjftte*. Teacher Johnny, why is Georgtj | Brown absent? Johnny—Wy, George Brown says his ei.ster'» got a cole; but dat ain't nothln*, one o' my sisters Is got got de smallpox and tother one de meanles, but I come all the same. —Life. What He Seeded. Miss Dill — I saw you got a favorable notice in the dramatic column of the Daily Forum this morning. Mr. Barrett—Yes; I sent a bottle of liver medicine to the dramatic critic when my manager sent him tickets for the performance.—Puck. To Consumptives. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by simple means, after Buffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow mffer ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge t a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis pnd all throat and lung Maladies. lie hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address REV. FIIWAED A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. —lf 3ou have a line eat that is sick and will not take medicine, do us the Irish girl did in Xew York a few (lays ago. Mix the medicine with lard and rub it on the cat's sides. "It will lick it off and eat it," says the Irish girl, "and bed ad everybody in Ireland knows how to give medciine to a sick cat." —Argument is often introduced to estab lish falsehood. It takes few words to make truth convincing. —Every heart knoweth its own bitter ness. Many a man who looks happy is wearing a shirt his wife made. —The marvelous success of Hood's Sar saparilla is based upon the corner stone of absolute merit. —A recent school examination elicited the following forms of comparison: 111, illor, illust; ill, wornc, better; ill, worm-, dead. Look here. Friend, Are You Sick? Do yon KtiffVr from Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complftint, NorvougneKH, Lout Appetite, l!illiounne«K, Kxbauction or Tired Feeling, Pains in f'hest or Lungx, Dry Cough, iN'ightsweats, Nervous Debility or any form of Consump tion? If so, send to Prof. Hart, 88 Warren St., N'ew York, who will send yoa free, by mail, a bottle of medicine which is a sure cure. Send to day. —Overland —The sky. —A receiving teller—A gossip. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic call}' cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and my.-.terfous. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J C ltedick, druggist, Hutler. —A grave danger—the resurrectionist. —The crawfish is an expert on side walks. —ltch on human and horses ana all aui mats cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never lails. Sold by J C l'cdick, druggist, Hutler. —Coming up to the scratch—The vac cina tor. —Dr. Fanner's fiolden Relief ia warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pain in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrhura, dysentery and flux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —A little woman's fidgets are four times as big as she is. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizzini'.'-s, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and nil kin eruptions Dr. Fenner's Plood and Diver Itemed}' and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —An hone»t man pays up. The other kind lias to pay down. English ripaviu Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes froiu horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, KWeeney, ring bone, stilles, sprains, all irwolen tbrouts, eoii/hs, etc. Save f.'S) liy use of one boitle. Warranted the most wonderful blemi li cure ever known. Sold by J C lititler. —"Oh, what a snap," ejaculated the tramp when the bit turn. —Dr. Fennel'a Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Fijually good for horses. (Jives energy and strength. Money refunded if hutisfaction not given. ell, I'll be Mowed!" as the tin horn iaid to the small boy. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. 11. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to oh lain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing » two eeut stump tor mailing same) to I»r. 1! .1. Kdi dull Co., Fuohhurgb Falls, Vt. This book is now recogonted as standard authority upon all duett;es of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication In the same period of time. We feel contident that our patrons will appre ciate ihe work, and be glad to avail Iheiu elvc. of this opportunity ol' obtaining a valt. tblc book. It s necessary that you mention this paper in .<( tiding for the "Treatise." This ofler will remain npeu for only a short time. —Some men are dog-malic and not a ew are inclined to be pug naeious. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney nut! Hack ache ( urn is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money rfturned. —lt is when in the scale* of justice that the weigh of the trangressor i hard. tiavc Yourself Money. Wiien yon go ti. Pittsburgh, IV, top at the Anchor llote', corner Liberty iud Fourth streets. It is a strictly first cluss Hotel conducted on the European plan. I.odgings, i;.l, —35, —or 50 cents. —Women are Wedded to fashion and they love, honor and obey it cheerfully. Consumption Surofy Curo.J. I To THE 3iiiroii:--Pli>m INFORM YOTIR M that I h*v« a j/* >aiti v, wajion singletrees, ironed, 2oc, double-trees, shafts, wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs, brushes, paint, springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets, whips, caits, buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and Kramer wagons,—the best wagons made. Come and-see us. Look over our stock. We want to get acquainted with you. Kemeniber, it was us who first brought down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit, relying on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the public has stood by us in a way that makes us like everybody. Yours, etc., S. B. IIUTINHBT & CO. S. Ji. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieghner. , KINGS, niuTTWlYirk J EAR-RINGS, J JlclIIK )11l lS < SCARF PINS, '-STUDS, r GENTS GOLD, Wnir-ho* J LADIES GOLD, atones ) c;ENTS SILVER LAUIKS CIIATLAIN, Towol i*\r i Gold Pin8 ' Ear-rings, •J ( WI 11 \ j Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Qiluufworo \ and everything that can be MM BIOS (Ml iSirtu?'"- K. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 39, Koith Main St., BDTLEB, PA., SOMETHING ABOUT DRY GOODS It CARPETS. no YOU NKKI)—Are you jcoing to buy a new droaa thi« Hprinfr? DO YOU WANT ft new Jacket in all the new colors and ntylea? DO VOU WANT anything in the Notion line? 1)0 VOU NKKn—Are you Koinjr to buy any carpet this spring? DO VOU WANT Fresh, Clean (Jooda, the lateat and choicest HtyleH? no VOU WANT any kind of Brussels, Velvets, Moquett, in the choicest designs, made up with beautiful mafch borders in Crst-class style/ DO VOU WANT an Ingrain. 3 ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kind? DO VOU WANT any I.ace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow Shades!' A.NI3 ABOVE ALL, Do you want to pay less than you have been paying elsewhere for inferior goods' Then Come and See Us, We Can Sane Kou Money> TROUT MAN'S Leading Dry floods and Carpet House. HUTLKR. - - PA. U\vs;s -j * HAY- FEVER f \J COLD'HEAD Ell?™ Kty'n Cream I tabu i* not a lit/tnil, unvjf Millinerv House in Butler County. • f We are now prepared to show you a complete line of the latest novel ties and ideas for Children's, Misses', Young and Old Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Bonnets Straw and Lace Hals Gilt, Silver uDd Silk Ribbons. Flowers in great variety. And we would very specially mention that Mourning and Bonnets receive our best utti ntion Every order in this line will be execated with neatness, skill and promptitude. No charge for trimming Lata when materials ure bought here. In this lint we defy competition. AI Th 0 s in T PAPE l N ™ Cheapest. | ■ • ■ ■ ™ ? I Street. Al*. RUFF, DEALER IN BOOTS AXI) SHOKS. 11-+ South UMain Street. Butler, Pa., 1891. T<> THK PKOPLK OK BTTLKR COCHTY: PATRONS AKII FRIENDS:— Another reason is upon us and you will be ranting neir shoes suitable to the season. If you icill spare us a fur moments of your time, it is in regard to Shoes ire Irish to talk to yon, believing it trill be to our mutual atl rantage. We hare this Spring a larger and better stock of Hoots and Shoes than erer before. We believe ire can supply you icith anything in our line that you may need or want, and as the prices of Shoes are largely gorerned by the expense under which they are sold, let me call your attention to the fact that our expenses arc lower than those of any Hoot and Shoe firm in lliitler. Consequently we can and do girt our patrons the best value for their money. Wed $2. s.l, sl, $5 up to $20.00. CORSETS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Our line of Corsets containn all reliable makes. Kit! and Suede gloves we nbow in every shade and color. Being direct importer-' we can afford to undersell other dealers. We aUo import most of our llosiKtiv ami are prepared, at nil times, to offer special Low Prices. g-£?**Cu«ioiuerM living out of town are cordially invited to call and in spect our stock for themselves We gu&rautce to cave money for all who favor us with their patronage. ROSENBAUMco. 510 518 Market Street,