DECEMBER 1890, We for all iur sJLaJ Carpijs'. of we have the largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were all bought at the very lowest have touched in the history f»<\b*gi|n*ig§>f 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 22 1-2 cents per yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling theth*~it our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this county. New Cottage Carpets 20 c cnts - New Ingrain - - - " 2 5 cents - Better Ingrain - 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - - 5° certs. New Brussels 5° cents. Rag Carpets - - 3°> 35' 40 and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Portieres, Fix_ tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House. RITTER & RALSTON. WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTIjE"B - JPE-CsIJST'A "Where you can hay* your choice out of the largest a».«ortment of conking and heating store* in littler county; also dealer in Bardware. Lansing Wagon*, vVheee & Wilson and Standard Sewing Machines. Hanging and Stand Lamp*. Manufactue of Tinware; Tin Hoofing and Sponting a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN Do You Want to Make Money? OF COURSE YOU DO! That's Human Nature. THEN BUY YOUR BOOTS & SHOES AT B ICKEL ' S . By ao doing you will get the prettießt sty lee—the latest and beet wearing goods for the least money. We would like to reduce our stock as we wish to make some improve ments OD our store room and at present our stock is too large as we have not the room tod in order to accomplish our purpose we have marked our goods so remarkably low that it will be an inducement for every person vis iting our store to make a purchase. Well save you money for you know by experience that our prices for reliable goods were never beaten and seldom equaled. We will offer you an unlimited assortment of ladies and misseß fine shoes, price $1 to $5. A full and complete stock of ladies front lace shoes with scollop fronts and patent leather trimmings all sizes and all widths. Ladies button pboes, fine dongola, with cloth tops, dongola tops, bright finished tops, with patent leather quarters, plain tee or patent leather tips—all stylet—all ma teriala and all prices. MISSEB SHOES heel or spring heel— aDd kind of stock desired and the latest, pattern'' from Rochester's largest shoe factories. MKNS SHOES We can show you a large assortment of Men's fl'.e dress shoes, fine French caif, kangaroo, cordovan, Lard or machine sw shoe-" Brogana, Creedmcora, Eurekaa, box toe shoes of at! kinds at prices lower than ever. The above ere not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled out for special mention because of their extremely good values, but fair spec imens of tbe entire stock. They are leaders in another sense. They lead numbers of people to come to u? for their shoes and we please and suit them all. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rnbber goods At all times a fall stok of oilmen* b- x-tocd boots end shoes. At all times a fall stock of Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather Kip and calf stock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith aprons. When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, -ISJ- l c? Tvr.,,v BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PtNN'A SCHUTTE k O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Cias Fitters. DKALKBS.IK Sewer Pipe. (las Fixtures, Globes and ntural (ias Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLEH, New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NlGHT— ilorses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, 39, W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. Miff/in Strest Livery. W. G. BIEEIL, Prop'r. One square west of Main St., on Mifflin St All good, safe horses; new buggies and carriages. Landaus for weddings and funeral?. Open day and nigbt. Telephone No. 24. Hotels and Depots, W, 3. o<-, . now running a line of carriages '.-j! .w a the LoteiS and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, cr leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection The Blue Front Livery, CRAWFORD & KENNEDY, The well known livcrjman.Wni.Ken nedy, has bought an interest in the above barn and will be pleased to have his friends call at bis new place ofbu&iness. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage-. iD Butler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remem bered. The first stable west of the Lowry House. S&MKJ.K UC RY 1.. HECK. Pkop'R. J. Jl. ir'AtrßKi, Manager. Cutler, Pa. W ill ard Hotel. W. U. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - t^. STAULINU IS CONNECTION. SAMPLE BOOM for COXMEItt'IAL TKAVEI.EKS NIXON'S mm, 33 N. McKEAN ST., liLTI.EH, PA. Meals aCall hour*. Open all mght Breakfast 35 cents, Ijltiner 2.1 cents, Supper 25 cents. . Lodging 25' cents. SIME.ON NIXON - - - PKOI'K DTUIILLEI INTI, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson Houfe—good accommodations lor travelers. Good stabling connected. RITKNMCI T.Elt \U. Co.; i Gents-1 Wo lid lik«- to make known to those who ' aro almost tiOrsuaded u» use K"ru«air.«i Spavin Cure ; tnefa£t that I thin'* If s<* S\ VU>HI .lien? Liniment. I have used Hon ■* Blood-pa.vln.Tbe norne went on thr*«- !• gs for tin •-« yrars when 1 commenced to ate your' KendallV. Spavin Cure. 1 us«xl ten Imt- J ties on the hor.*; and have worked him for three years* slue and ha-* not been lame. Yours truly, WIL A. CT7HL. GERMAXTOWX, N. Y., Nov. 2, ISO. Dr. B. J. Kendall (JO.. Enrnburgh Fall*. Vt. events: In praleeof Kendall's Bnavln Cure I will any. that a year ago I liad a t alt table young horse be come very lame hoek »"ilait»d and swollen. The 'horsemen about bere(».e have no Veterinary Sur geon here) pronounced his lameness Blood Spavin or Thoroughpm, they all told me tb r»- was no enro for it* he Isjcamealsmt useless,and I con sidered him almost worthless. A frlen I bought a bottle, and I could sf*e very plainly gr< at Improvements Immediately from Its use.and l;ef -re tlie bottle was u*ed up I was satisfied that it was doing him a great de.u of good. I bought akc O id bottle and before It was used up n»y horse was cured and has l>een in the team doing heavy work all toe season since last April,showing no more Signs of it. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure a valuable medicine, and It Miould lie in «' Ty itablo in the land. Respectfully yours, EUGENE I>EWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $"». All drug gists have It or can get it for you. or it will be sent to any address on receipt of prico by the proprie tors. DR. B. J. KENDALL ( 0., Enosburgh Falh, Vermont* SOLD BY ALL ItttCKHSfS. M MEN ONLY! niii>lll'in r " LOST or FAELIHO JtiNHOOI ■lf Ml MWr?'"" 1 * nd NIRVOOS BEffatTY, enriT* , jWr*kne»'of Body and Mn.d, lif.cts tlf IvSaiJLiiiof Error for Exeetttiin Oldor Yeunir, De^-f. inrfrn4\l!f>OT» foM? Itpatorrri. flow to »nlirr» htrrrr ' raUh'lii.t •»!>► > H.OI*H>OMaNS*I ARThOf BObf* At. t ur.u».!«* hour TKKATUKXT—iWa«stt in i .'jr. j Mc« .*-.»Uy trura Ml StttM »nrt *'#r»>l(rn < o«ntr|**. i)t*n. o"t'fl3ili* H"»l. *>*rL>aall«« an# piwfn vilM'imliH free, = Rl£ r.'l CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. pe -r- v— j .cAd.«lKiiuAe»~. ~iLUMiittinumAd« JOHNSON'S *No DYHfc LINIMENT ,KE...or„ \)»is KTX2XAL Jii CTCSAI -GENERATION AFTER GENERATION HAVE cstD 12CD M.rssrn IT. . ° r *iNc-we> v 7>rop/*+ft on Sugar, Children Ts>rr Tt, Er**ry Traveler nlwukl Lave a of it in hia watch Every Sufferer attaa, Mrarmliria, Str- TOU» Headache. Diphtheria, Ckxucli*. < •atarrh. Bronchitis Asthma, I-holer. Mart in, niarrhcra, I-anx nern. Soren.-wM In Body or Lint*. StiT Jolnta or Strains will anil in in. Old Anodyne rvl.ef luid »p»«ly cure. KunpiUat fr**. Hold everywhere. I'rlre A eta., by mall. « b«»ttln, a free bottle of moat wonderful tact!nine, Vlurnjilrxlon, which is the only ab solute and permanent cure for the above named di-.cases. I can afloid to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well satisfied with the results they will take pleasure in spe.'kintf about its marvelous curative virtues to all iheir friends and acquaintances. '1 he value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times the cost of the medicine given away, sol am well compensated for the seeming large expense. I have Ol or 70,C00 letter* on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to-day stating your disease and receive a free bottle by return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get well. Address, PROF. HART. C 8 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. (T\ DOCTORS LAKE 9 RILLVATK DISPENSARY. ■» '-*■ JFF COR. PENN AVE. AND FOURTH ST., JS,AR\ PITTSBURGH. PA. Jalpk All formsof Delicate and Com JjW FiiiKNTlAhandSciE.vrim'.Me'l "icatioi) are treated at tlus Dis eiisnry \\ illi a success rarely attained. l>r. S. K Lake i s member of the Boy a! College of Phy icuiiis and Surgeons, an t Is the oldest and most ■■ pet ienc ed SPECIALIST in the city. Special at 'riition "i vcn to Nervous Debility from excessive n!:il exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caos ng physipal and mental decay,lack <»f energy, let p. M.; Sundays, 2t04 P. ~t. only. ••'I at office or address DBS. LAKE, Ctift. t.SN V\ b. AND JTIIaT..PITTSIiLKOII, I'A. —Ttwusanu " T» lw n peraiariwtlj eared by— PHI t. A DKM'HI A. PA. la-i- at once, 110 "iteration <• < . line lri>iii Intslneei. i umhpronounced ln i nr:t,.le y . .v.. ,i,.1. r-oi.ilfor' iri-illar. CURE tUARANT LED. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HAMWOXE, I.YDKSTUICTIHLE. Cheaper than Wood. T" *'*• '* ■i, \ netting.)eau be uo by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C liedick, druggist, liutler. —Society young xneu hold their canes in the middle with the head down and about a foot and a half in front of theua. —Dr. rentier's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for horses. Hives energy and strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. —An excellent way of testing tea is to put a teaspoonful in a glass of wuter and shake it thoroughly. If the tea is pure the water will be a clear amber tint, but if adulterated, strongly colored. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable ull our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their addres* (enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) ti> Dr. It. J. Ken dall Co., Euosburgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases ol the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies hi.' "ig been sold in the past ten \ ears, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We leel confident that our patrons will appre ciate the w..rk, and lie glad to avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It s necessary that yoti mention this paper in sending lor the "Treatise." This oiler will remain open for only a short time. —"The fame to you and many of them,' rejoined the hippy father to his friend who had written congratulations on the birth of a son. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney aud Backache Cure is wa r ranted to give satisfaction in every ease or money returned. —lt you have any quince trees put some coal ashes about them; in fact, we think coal ashes are a good mulch for most any tree —a deal better to use the ashes about the trees than to have them make a mina ttire mountain in the linek yard the -eason through. Save Yourself Money. When you go to Pittsburgh, Pa., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty aud Fourth streets. It is a strictly first-class Hotel toonducfed 011 the European plan. Lodging.-., —3s, —or 50 cents. Consumption Suroiy Curod. To Tnr SOTlOß:— Pleaa* Infurm j-our rca
  • o iI thev . ul Mtid me thuir Lipnii. an 4 P. O. ailJreae. Itcepn t | fully. T. A. BLOCCM, M. C., 181 Pearl Bt. Y. Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Goods, etc., AT Grieb & Vogeley's. You will find them Iresh, new goods, from the leading manufactories, and all the latest approved styles, making c A Rare Collection of Choice Bargains, Not to be equalled elsewhere in Quality or Low Prices. See Us! Talk With Us! Try Us! A New Stock, A Choice Stock. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Yours Respectfully, Grieb & Vogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - - - BUTLEK, PA. O'o'oosite W iljard irlouse. , RINGS, Diamonds STUDS, " rGENTSIGOLD,' XAT J LADIES GOLD, W atcnes i gents silver L LA DIES CHATLAIN, T^T*rr»li. TT ( Gold Pins, Ear-rings, tJ ( \\ 011 \ | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, i Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Gill \ and everything that can be Oil V fcfl VV dl " [ found in a first claws store, RODGER INS. <147 iSSV,^ 1 - E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Mo. 19, Morth Main St., BUTLEK, PA., SOMETHING ABOUT DRY GOODS i UIHTS. DO YOU NEED Ar* you Roitiff to buy a cew dresa this spring? DO YOU WANT a DCW Jacket in all the new colors and styles? DO YOU WANT anything in the Notion line? DO YOU NEED—Are you going to buy any carpet this spring? DO YOU WANT Fresh, Clean Goods, the latest and choicest styles? DO YOU WANT any kind of Brussels, Velvets, Moquett, in the choicest designs, made up with beautiful match borders in first-class style. . DO YOU WANT an Ingraiu. 3 ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kind? DO YOU WANT any Lace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win dow Shades? AND ABOVE ALL, Do you want to pay less than you have been paying elsewhere for inferior goods? Then Come and See Us, We Can Save You Money. TROUTMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTL.KR. - - - PA. 1). E. JACKSON. 203 S. Main St. - - Butler, Pa. Everybody Delighted. Who are in need of Seasonable Goods. Having bought a large Stock of Fall and Winter Goods, and owing to bad weather and worse roads, th> y have not been going out as fast as they ouglt to We have CUT PRICES AWAY DOWN, as we must, on ncronnt of scarcity of room close them cut to make room for Spring Goods. If you want a Cloak, Jacket or Shawl NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. Or if vou want Blankets, Comforts Uu'erwear. Ladies'or Gents', Flan nels, Canton Flannel or uDything in that line COME NOW before the Stock is broken, but DON'T FORGET to examine our large stock of Press Goods, which are included In this CUT, Also Fancy snd Press Piu-hcs, Black Suiah and Gros G'aiu Silks, Mil Marked Down Subscribe for the CITIZEN. Haentze's Nervaline. A I'LHELY VrtIETAIII.E MrniCINK FOBTHE NERVES au effectual cure for lnffamatlon and Irritation of Ihe Hladder. Kldnryu and Liver, stone In the bladdi-r. calculus, gravel and brlck-dust depos Its, weaknesses In males or females. As a Be atorative Tonlr and a Wood Parlfler It has no equ. 0 ] * HAY-FEVER sVM \J COLD" HEAD mSsS Elg'» Cream Palm i» not a liquid, tnuff cr powder. Applied into the nontriU it it quickly abtorbed. It clean** the head, allays inflammation, heals _ rfl. the tore*. Bold bv druqgitt* or tent by mail on receipt of price. Llln DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UC