Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 24, 1891, Image 2

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w. c. nsiiT, . - - rm'r
strut ■■■ a* ■»««>-Mel—' —"**
in<Td?»oroe boOms*each.execmoW aad ad
KiuUoo noUcea tt each. Beading noO°*_l°
items i» ee«le a toe tor each to"* 1 ®"-
•HM cards of resolutions of respecu
the rmteoC icmta atoe. away. »a«»nipaaT
nf the Ciraxx some extra copies
nrtntedwMch are seat to dUxens of the
ar» ■obeertben and their aub
.crlpSwto ssOdted.
county paper.
All i iMwimlrillir— intended for pabUoatioo
in this pspsr mosths aeeaaapantsrt by the real
name cTSs writer. Ml lor publication MU as
a guarantee of good taith,
JBfa«riagoaoddM^DStkas mat bo aooois-
Subject to tho Republican primary, May 23
J. W. RICK, of Bntler twp.
H. J. PONTIUS, of Millerstown.
W. P. BROWN, of Butler.
JOHN LARIMORE, of Oakland Twp.
Meeting of the County Committee.
About a doses membon of the Repub
lican County Committee met in Htuelton
Hall, Monday morning.
Chairman Hnselton called the meeting to
order and stated ita object, and on motion
Saturday May 23, between the hours of 2 and
7 p. m., was selscted as the day and time
for holding the Republican Primary elec
On motion a committee on resolutions
was appointed by the Chair aa follows:
A. G. Campbell, J. B. Orbison and R. 8-
Henry, and these gentlemen retired for a
few minutes and then reported the follow
ing which were adopted.
Betohed, That we endorse the stand
onr Representatives in the House hare
taken on House BQI No. 210, known as the
Tax Equalisation bill, and that we ask our
Senator to vote and use his influenoe to
have the same bill pass ths Senate.
Resolved, That we tender i rote of
thanks to our Chairman for the com
mendable manner in which he has con
ducted the Republican party.
These were adopted, and the popular
vote system of making all nominations
was discussed.
The following resolution, written by a
young attorney of the town, was pre
sented for consideration.
He sol red, That the re-election of J. D.
Cameron, by the present Legislature of
Pennsylvania, was subversive of the will
of the Republican majority in the State
and antagonistic to the will of the masses
of the voters in this county.
Mr. Henry thought that this was more
of a slap at our Representatives than at
Cameron, and that the matter should go
over till the County Convention, so a
motion to lay it on the table carried by a
vote of 8 to 2,aad the committee adjourned.
President Harrison and hiß party arrived
at Los Angeles, in Bouth«rn California.
Wednesday afternoon.
His train passed through Virginia,eastern
Tennessee, northern Georgia, Alabama
and Mississippi; Arkansas, Texas, New
Mexico, Arisona and southern California;
and will pass through northern California,
Oregon, Washington,ldaho, Utah, Colorado,
Nebraska, lowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The
party was enthusiastically received every
where, some of the orations, particularly
that at Galveston, Texas, being grand, and
the short speeches that the President has
been making were admired by all.
Harriabusg Notes.
In the Senate, Thursday, the Constitu
tional Convention bill passed second read
ing, and it looked as though the Ballot
Reform bill would be shelved.
In the House the World's Fair bill, ap
propriating 1800,000, passed third reading;
and several hospital, penitentiary and
charitable institution bills passed finally—
the Mercer Hospital is to get 912,000,
WestPenn Deal and Dumb Institution
960,000; Western Penitentiary $71,000:
Morgansa School 179,387; Soldiers' Or
phans Schools #123,000; Pittsburg Homeo.
Hospital #15,631 and Indigent Insane In
stitutions 1860,000. The Soldiers' Orphan
School Commission has decided to remove
tho State orphans at the Butler School to
the Union town and Harford schools, and
to close the Northern Home at Philadel
The Senatorial apportionment bill, made
public by the chairman of the House Ap
portionment Committee, contains Butler
and Armstrong oounties as a district, the
On Tuesday the House bad its liveliest
debate of the session, on the new Brooks
wholesale lioenss bill, and the measure
was recalled from the Senate. The bill de
prives the Judges of all discretion and was
passed at the instanoe of Mr. Brooks, who
was considered a temperance man.
The Senate Finance Committee heard
arguments on the Tax bill, Tuesday. It
was attacked by some manufacturers and
defended by Mr. Taggart and others.
The House Judicial Apportionment bill
leaves Lawrence Co. tacked on to Butler.
In the House, Wednesdsy, the high
license bill, which bad been recalled from
tho Senate, waa so amended as to be a
high-license viotory; the discussion of
Taggart's Tax bill was continued before the
Senate Committee; Bishop McGovern, of
Harrisburg, and Father McTighe, of Pitts
burgh, appeared before the Senate Com
mittee on education and made arguments
in favor of Senator Hall's resolution for
the appointment of a commission to in
vestigate the parochial school question and
oonfer with the managers of the schools
with a view to so changing their ad
ministration as to bring them into the pub
lic school system of the State.
| (TUB young Emperor Wilhelm wants an
astute and unprincipled politician to help
him to defeat Bismarck for their Congress
or Reihstag, and is said to have sent to
Philadelphia for one. He would have done
better in Butler.
More Disorder in the Coke Region.
Forty-eight hours after the troops were
withdrawn from the coke region, the
strikers again began making trouble.
There was rioting at Leisenring, Kyle
and Leith last Saturday, and the Sheriff of
Fayette county telegraphed GOT. Patiison
that he and his deputies had been assault
ed and driven away, and asked for militia,
and the company at Union town was pot
under arms and ordered to report to the
While the Sheriff was evicting Andy
Dunsko at Leith, Monday, he was set
upon by women and driven off, so he
hastily sent for the company of troops at
Uniontown, but the women got scared at
the prospect and hastily moved the goods
out the house themselves.
At the Adelaide ooke works in Fayette
county Wednesday, the strikers resisted
the removal of their goods from the com
pany's houses; both sides began firing and
two wnniet! who r*ri b»»wpe(i thom were
16 225,G70 or 23 j -t of our outire
lobulation live in large towns and oities. j
Meeting of the Young People'* Societies of
the U. P. Presbytery.
The Young People's Societies of the
Butler Presbytery of the United Presby
terian church heltl their second annual
convention in Butler on Monday and Tues
day. There were 32 delegate* represent
ing 17 societies, and a number of visitors.
The first session was opened with a ser
mon by Rev. C. H. Marshall, of Turtle
Creek. His text was the answer which the
prophet gave to King Ahab in response to
the question, "By whom will the lx>rd do
liver the great multitude of the Syrianst"
and the answer was, "By the young men
of the princes of the provinces.
The sermon was followed by sn address
of welcome by Mr. John McMarlin, and a
response by Mr. T. V. Dugan. of West
Unity congregation.
On Tuesday morning an excellent paper
was read by Mr. Allen Kelly, of West Sun
bury, on "How to secure a deep interest in
the church work," followed by a general
discussion of the subject. In the absence
of Miss Mary Kingan, of Grove City, who
was to read a paper on "The origin,growth
and object of our Young People's Societies, "
the subject was opened by Rev. Marshall,
and participated in by Revs. Dickey, Mc-
Campbell and MoClester, and Mr. T. V.
Mr. Ed Oesterling read a very practical
and interesting paper on "Mission work in
Butler Presbytery." The paper evoked a
spirited discussion, in which a number of
the delegates took part.
On Tuesday afternoon Miss Laura Shoop
read a paper on the question, "Should we
organise as Christian Endeavor Societies!
This paper was of a very high order of
merit and provoked a discussion which
elicited some difference of opinion.
Miss Nutt, of the Scotch Hill Society,
gave a select reading, which was followed
by a paper by Mr. W. E. Mcßride, on
"Need of consecration and spiritual power
In working for Christ."
Mr. E. E. Hollingworth read a very ex
cellent paper on "Systematic giving as an
act of worahip," followed by a general dis
cussion of the subject.
Reports were received from all the soci
eties, which were very encoaraging.
The question box was opened by Mr. J.
D. Gibson.
The new constitution was adopted by a
unanimous vote.
The following officers were elected for
the ensning ysar: President, T. V. Dugan;
Ist Vice President, John G. McMarlin; 2d
Vice President, Miss EUa Sloan; Record
ing Secretary, Miss Lixxie M. Hamilton;
Treasurer, Hallie Hawk; Corresponding
Secretary, Rev. Shcrrard.
On Tuesdsy evening Miss Belle Hous
ton gave a recitation, subject, "Queen
This was followed by an address by Kev.
J. T. MoCrory, of .Pittsburg. His subject
was, "Used of God." The points brought
out in forcible and thrilling manner by the
speaker, Ist, There is a transformation
work going on in the world; 2d, God can
use weak things. He used a stick in the
hand of Moses. He used a little maid. He
can use unfaithful persons. He used Jo
nab. He used Peter. 3d, God uses young
people. They have the time. They have
' the energy. They have the opportunity.
4th, To do his work we must be prepared
of God. We must have the truth in the
heart as well as in the head. At the close
of the address some items of business were
Two hundred and fifty dollars was
pledged by the several societies for the
support of a missionary among the freed
men. Miss Liisie Hamilton and T. .
Dugan were elected as delegates to the
general convention, to bo held in Xenia, in
The convention adjourned to meet in
Fairview on tho first Monday of May,
THKKB was a "big panic in wheat" in
the Chicago grain market last Saturday,
and "May wheat" shot up to $1.14. The
European crop is said to be a failure.
West Sunberry.
MB. CITKBIT. —ihav a gal Merinda thats
purty smart in book larnen an so me an
the old woman thot we hed better send
hur tu skool. So we commensed looken
round fur a good skool an setteled on Sun
So we thot we would muve up there an
rent a house til we would git one bilt, an
edecate Merinda.
So we muved to Sunberry an sent
Merinda tu skool an it beats all how that
gal takes on larnen in that skool. Its a
number one skool an hes the best kind ov
teechers, but whot beats me the worst is
the citizens dont pear tu hev no bisuess
in them sum how. They aint onterpriseii
enuff fur me The store keepers dont
keep whot you wont, they always say its
ont tu the station. I beleave the station
would be a good place tu live, you could
git everything you wonted.
An another thing they dont fix up the
streats nise. Sum ov the streata hev good
walks, but there is lots ov rubbish layen
round that ot tu be piled up an burnt. An
lots ov old bord fences round the lots that
ot tn be burnt tu, an the yards fixed up
One day i thot i would walk round
through the town an see how it looked an
see if l could find a nise place tn bild. I
walked down mane streat an come tu a
emty lot but there was a blacksmith shop
i along sid it an i djdnt like that, i think
sich shops ot tu be back on the allies an
not on the mane streat. Then i como tn
two more lots hut tboy was used fur a
dumpen ground, fur logs an brush an old
tin cans an sich stuff an i didnt spose they
oould spare them. So i went over tu bever
streat an i found one nise house, tbe only
nise one in town an tbe man was fixen up
bis yard nise an maken it look like a yard
ot tu look. An i axed him if he wornt
afrade ov the cows an hogs destroyen it,
but he sed that Mr. Council hed pased a
law that cows an hogs hed tn be kept up.
An i sed i hoped the rest would tear down
sum or these old rotten fences an fix up
these yards an make them look like some
body lived there. Then i went on tu
where they was bilden a big house an i
axed tbe men what they was bilden an
they sed it was a gospel mill an i sed i thot
it looked as mutch like a mill as anything
else but i thot it looked funny tu put an
elevator on tbe corner. But they sed that
was modern arkitecter. An i thot it was
kind ov funny to bild a house with one
corner modern arkiteoter and the rest old
Wei i oouldnt fine no emty lot on bevor
streat unles they open the streat out
through Mr. Andy's farm tu the Euclid
rode, an lay off sum more lots. Thats
what i want Mr. Andy tu da but he dont
want the town tu git any bigger. An i
tole them if they opened that streat up i
would bild a good house an fix up a nise
yard an edecate Merinda but i dont no
wheather tbey will do it or not.
Middlesex Items.
Two tanks on the Martin Monks farm,
were bumed last Saturday afternoon, from
being struck by lightning, also the derrick
end all the small buildings belonging to
the rig. The loss is estimated at $2,000.
John Harbison had a run off; he was
driving a pony and in some way it got
frightened and npset the buggy and John
made a narrow escape from getting hurt.
John Mabaffey aud family, hare moved
back to tbe old farm, in Clinton township.
Ed. Knough says that he won't take tho
law in bands to make teamsters that haul on
the lease shut tbe gates, but ho will put
on his flfhting clothes and surprise some
of them.
Our old supervisor, Wm. Peaco, got the
harness on last Saturday.
Henrv Flick i* rtcnverinir from the
. ,v
.Bi. .il.—. o ...: j. '...t g-
Washburne, Rep., a majority for Mayor.
Within a few days 130 Indians have been
shipped from the Carlisle Training School
to private homes in various parts of the
J. D. Daugberty of Kittanning has pat
ented a new and improved type writer.
A few years ago a mare then belonging
to Editor Bell, of the Cochranton Time*,
accomplished the unexpected and remark
able feat of biting oil a piece of her own
er's cheek. Thinking he had use for all
the cheek he lia>l in stock. Broth.-r Bell
sold the mare to a widow who lives near
the village. The latter probably thought
the animal had ralntJ her teeth on Mr.
Bell's cheek, but the other day the mare
took a biting spell and nipped otf the lady's
The late baby-show in Pittsburg made
trouble between two neighboring families,
the baby of one of which took a prize wbi.e
that of the other did not.
Near locust Ridge, in the northeastern
part of the State a few days ago, a man
was driving along with a bee hive in the
hind end of his wagon. A bear celled
the honey and tried lo steal the hive, the
man lashed the bc;ir, the horse started,
tho bear got bis feet tangled in the spokes
of the wheel, the wheel was broken, the
hive fell out and was broken over the bear,
the bees began stingiug the bear, the horse
and the man, aud they ail ran in different
—At Warren, Pa., the independent re
finers and producers are fighting the I
Standard, .is i crude oil is up to $1.50 a
barn I, while retH":! is being delivered at
the housts ..I': liens it 2 cents a gal
lon or 90 cen; ai a. .-el.
At Washington, Pa. Tuesday, Judge
McElvane granted a retail license to a
Charleroi man, the first retail license
granted in that county for fifty years He
also granted some wholesale licenses.
Clearfield Township.
MB. EDITOH: —Knowing that the columns
of your most excellent paper are always
open for educational news, I feel it to be
my duty to say a lew words in behalf
of the pupils, and also tho patrons, of
Brady School No. 2. We closed our win
ter session on Tuesday, April 14th. The
highest number enrolled during the term
was 39. Our attendance was very good,
with the exception of the last month, at
which time the measles did much to pre
vent regular attendance. The pupils
made rapid progress in all the branches,
and particularly was this the case iu
physiology, the much neglected branch.
Two of our pupils graduated and will re
ceive diplomas from the County Superin
tendent. Throughout the entire term we
had tho sympathy and co-operation of all
the patrons, which lact did much to aid us
our work. Taking tho term as a whole. I
believe that it has been a grand success.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to my
pjpils for their untiring industry in their
work aud for the kindness which they have
at all times shown lo me. -U»o the
patrons for their hearty co-operation, and
good will toward the work done. Wishing
both a long aud prosperous life.
I am very truly,
W. P. S., Teacher.
A TERRIBLE railroad accident, one that
caused the death of six postal clerks, occur
red on the Lake Shore K. K. at Kipton sta
tion, 0., last Saturday evening. The fast
mail train bound east collided with the
Toledo express, before the latter could get
into its siding, on account of being a few
minutes late. Two mail cars were tele
scoped and tho mail clerks were crushed
to a jelly. Both engineers and one fire
man was also killed. They all lived in
AT Eufaula, Indian Territory, eight
murderers were to have been hanged last
Monday, but three were pardoned and the
rest escaped, so the crowd that assembled
to see the execution were disappointed.
Love School No. I, Clinton Township.
An exhibition was given by tho Love
school in such a manner as to show that
an honor was due our esteemed teacher,
Miss Alice J. Caldwell, of Butler. The
dialogues were of a humorous character
and were very creditable to the teacher
and pupils. The songs aud declamations
were excellent. Music was furnished by
Messrs. W. H. Love, George Hue/ and
Obediah Love. It was greatly enjoyed by
the audience. School closed April 14,
1891, with a grand basket picnic. W.
AT the annual Convention of the Na
tional League of Republican clubs at Cin
cinnati, Tuesday. Foraker made an en
thusiastic BUiue speech, and MeKinley
made a Harrison speech. It is said that
yuay and Cameron, and other members of
the Committee who are antagonistic to
Harrison, propose using the Blaine senti
ment to defeat Harrison's ronomination.
THK Western and Southern Commercial
Congress, lately held in Kansas City, end
ed in a squabble last Friday. The South
erners forced the adoption of a free trade
and free-silver platform aud the other
members left the ball.
A Fair Trial
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla will convince any reason
able person that It doe* possess great medicinal
merit. We do not claim that every bottle will
accomplish a miracle, but we do know that nearly
■very bottle, taken according to directions, does
produce positive benefit. Its peculiar curative
power is shown by many remarkable cures. It
purifies the blood, eurea scrofula, salt rheum, all
humors, dyspepsia, catarrh, and rheumatism.
•• Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me of blood poison,
gave me a noble appetite, overcame headache and
diazlnoss." L. NABOB, Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggist*. ffl;slxforJS. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, MHSS.
100 Doses One Dollar
Secured the ser
vices of Mr. WM.
COOPER, a gentle
man of taste and
unquestionable abil
ity as a Cutter and
Designer, jjWE are
now prepared, with
OUR Elegant Line
qualled in this, or
excelled in larger
cities, to give our
patrons special ad
Wm. Aland
SUAFFS ICR— April 19. MM. child of Geo.
Sbatfaer. of llutler, aged two years.
Ct" Kit AN—April 20. 1891. at her home in
iii ler.-towu. ili<s Lizziu Curran, aged—
Mi kl.AS—April 18.1891, of the jfrippe.
danzbter of Conrad Xiekla*. of Peters
Fl llS— At Mt. Che»tnut, April 18. 1891.
Khinebart Fuh.s
MetiKE<iOt: —OnThursday, April lti. IS9I.
r.t her home in Cherry Twp., of grippe.
Mr~ Anna McGregor, wife of Matthew
McGregor, aged about 60 year.*.
Mi AXALLKX —At bis home in Butler.
1Y« :i. .lay, April 13, IH9I, son of
Jaiiit McAnalfcn. aged 8 years.
HKNDRICKSOX —At her home in Butler,
April 16, 1891, Mrs. J. H. llendrickson,
aged alloc t 60 years.
'DRAPERT—At her home in Bntler, April
17, 1891. Mrs. Annie Drapert, aged 68
I.KMMOX—ApriI 12, 1891, two children of
Win. Lemnion, of Connoqueuessing Twp.
FISHER—At Glade Run, April 16, 1891,
Richard Fisher, ol Millerstown.
DCFFORD—At his bomo in Connoque
nes.-ing Twp., April 16, 1891, John Buf
ford, aged 60 years.
TEMPLE—At his home in Coshocton, 0.,
April 22, 1891, Rev. John Temple, for
merly of this county, sged 75 years,
lie wa-; the father of Mrs. Simeon Xixon.
OLIPHAXT —At his home in Butler, April
21. 1891, of grippe, Vere Oliphant, son of
the widow Oiipbant of the Sonth Side.
LOW—April 21. IS9I, infant child of Jas.
F. Low of Bntler, formerly of Concord
HOGUE —At the home of Eli Hogue ia
Cherry Twp., April 17, 1891, wife of
Amos llogue, of Butler.
GREEXLEY—In PitUbnrg. April 16. 1891,
Aggie Greenley. of near Mt. Chestnut.
LIVIXGSTONE—At Billiards, April 16,
1891, J. 11. Livingstone.
RCGXEY—At his home in Bntler, April
15, 1891, lieury Rngney, aged 17 years.
SHAFFER—ApriI 17,1891, child of Albert
Shaffer, of Prospect, aged 6 months.
HAZLETT —At her home in Tarentnm-
April 21, 1891, Mrs. Fannie Haiiett,
widow of Capt. James Hazlett, aged 67
HUTCHISOX —At bis borne in Oakland
Twp., April 20, 1891, James M. Hutch
ison, aged 43 years.
Mr. Hutchison was hurt in a coal bank
in January of 1889 and has lain helpless
since. He was a member of the 55th
Penn'a Vols.
HARTMAX —At her home in Donegal
Twp., Friday, April 17, 1891, Mrs.
Hartiuan, wife of Hon. Joseph Hartman,
aged abont 50 years.
Her maiden name was McFadden, and
she was a sister of Esq. H'lgh McFadden.
ol Donegal Twp. She was taken with the
grippe some time ago and it went to her
heart. She was buried in Sugar Creek
Catholic cemetery*last Sunday.
HARPER —At his home in Kansas City.
Monday, \pril 13, 1891, of spinal menin
giti-. Curt M. Harper, formerly of Xorth
\\ ashi 'ton, aged 21 years.
His rci . lii.s were brought home and in
terred at Xorth Washington.
We made a note of Mr Harper's illness
last week. His half-brother J. W. Hutch
ison, Esq., cf Bntler, started for Kansas
City, but wns stopped at Greenville by a
telegran: aniiounciug bis death.
BECK—At Iho Hotel Vogeley, April 18,
1891, Henry Ij. I'eck, aged 48 years.
Air. lie.'i.'s dcatii '-as caused by nailer's
cou.-umpi ion aggravate.' by the grippe. He
was born in I'erry Co., this State, v.'as a
n;t Irr M fovie, owned an interest in the
nail work- at Bella ire, 0., and has boon
one ot tbe proprietors of the Hotel Vogeley
for SOIII.' years. His body was taken to
Philadelphia, for interment, Sunday.
MIX.-TEU—At his home in Oakland Tp.,
Friday, April 17, 1891, Joseph Minster,
aged 7u jvars
His death was a sudden one. When
called to supper, he said he did not want
any, and remained in the sittiDg room, and
when the family returned to that room
the}* found him dead.
FALCOXER—At his home in Butler,
Thursday night, April 16, 1891, William
Falconer, aged 47 years.
Mr I nlconer was atricken with apoplexy
on Wednesday, and continned sinking
until his death occurred, lie was born in
Clydesdale Seottland,catnc to thiu country
about ten yearsago.and for several years was
engaged ia the manufacture oflamp-black.
He was a son-in-law of Hubert Cadcnhead,
Es j !,is wife is dead, and by his death
two children arc uiade orphans.
Administrators and Executors of est at en
can secure their receipt books at tho CITI
ZKN office.
Trip undersigned, executors of the Kit will
and testament of Robert Gilkey, dee'd, late
of Slipperyrock Twp. Butler Co., Ps., by
virtue ol an order of the Orphans' Court of
sai l e>c)ittv will e.xpixe to |>ublic «*l», on
tht- premises i:i Slippery rock Twp., butler
Co., I'a., at 2 o'clock p. m. of
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1891,
the lollou, ing descri!)ed pro|i«rty ofoui hun
dred h it*l <-ight 1 10tf) acres, more or less, ami
buutid»<i ;i- follows: On the north by lauds '
of 11. P. Kiskadden and heirs of John T.
Hard, east l.y lands of C. McCandess and
Ariaui St i-i •» seuth by lands of Ah*.
(Stuck and heirs ..1 Win. iliues, and west by
iau'ls ut Win. < Tirk. A good frame house
there 'll er. eted; a good orchard, and gn.)d
standing spring water on the lartu all the
1 I.K.Mr- OF .SALE.- One-third of pur
chase money on confirmation of sale by the
Court, and the baianee in two equal annual
payments with interest, and secured by boud
Ex'rs of Kob't Gilkey, dee'd.
Lev. MeQuistion, att'y.
Application for Charter.
Notice Is hereby eiveu that an upplleatlon
will l e n.,ele to the Governor ol I'enusjlvanla
on the 14UI day ol May, lsyl, by Martin Wahl.
Andrew Wahl, William Bishop, A. It. Wahl and
Edward DiimUaeh under the act of assembly
entitled An Act to 1 rovtde for the Incorpora
tion ami Jfegulation of ctrtaln Corporations.'
appfO'.ecl April .tan, it>7l. and the supplements
thereto, for the charter ot an Intended corpors
tlon to be called 'lie 'Kvans City Water toui
puu;.the character and oeject of wlilcu Is to .
suppi} water to the public In the borough of
Kvuusbttrg, Butler county, I'enn'a, and vicinity,
and tor this purpose to have, possess and enjoy
all U;e rtyliu*. i- neflts and privileges ol said act
ot iissemtiiy and supplements thereto.
\\. 11. LUSH, Solicitor.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice ts heieby given that Win. A. Itobtnson,
merchant, of Kvans Clt>. fa , has made an as
signment to the undersigned for the benefit of
his creditors, and all persons Indebted to Bald
estate are notified to pay the some to said as
signee at once, and all persons having claims
against said estate are requested to present
them duly authenticated for settlement..
lioBKRT lleusoN, Assignee,
Kvans City. Butler Co., f.i,
of Jane Brown, dee'd.
j.vr E i V MARION TWP.. BITI.EK Co.. PA.
I-ett-cs admtnistratton on the above named
est having been granted to the undersigned,
all iH'rsoiis knowing themselves Indebted to
s i!d estate w ill phase make Immediate pay
in«n'. Hid aay hulac claim* against said
estate will present them duly authenticated for
settlement. . . , ,
liovard I'. 0., llutler Co., Pa.
Haentze's Nervaline.
an effectual cure for lnflnmatlon and Irritation
Of the Bladder. Kidney# and Liver, stone la the
Madder, calculus, gravel and brick-dust depoti
Its, weaknesses In males or females. As a lie- i
Mural i■.*• j'onic an 0 a Blood Pnrlfler It has no |
equ.. I. creating a healtny appetite and pure
If your dr'it'iiist lias not got It, ask him to get
It for you. Take 110 other. Made only by
The Haentze Medical Co.
For Sale By
I). 11. W ULLER, Druggist,
Butter, Pft.
lusnraDcc find Real £state Ag't
Contractor and builder In brick work, grate
ami mantel setting and all kinds of brtck-l*ytng
a siwlaltj AI-O dealer In barrel Um», Wam
pum IOOSI liiu'J. inn is. Nat tonal. Portland
an 411 "est " in the market. Calcined
-•' j.tcr . Kl-g'a cement, lira brick
_..e. wi„ nun.' i. .. river sand. Main offlee 318
K vlidn streer. and all orders If ft at ware bouse
will receive prompt delivery. Terms reasonable.
onee w»» »
I I / 111 ■ Ei»Q Who *»«
—l.t." , ~t» ■ rich an J ft**'-
fa' 1- >m I Who lived In a
| ' i »wJ Clt 7 of N«w York
lil ( iii J Ho had *lw«»
b««n very food of
• So he rt*rt«4 la
huslnew for hln*
HJ pQeared a re in a leading street.
And ho fitted It out with goods complete.
~ Ko'd ft very large stock of merohaadU*
Bat thoaghi he hadn't need to adrertiafc
Eo'd a doaen clerks in his dry goods store.
And his salesmen numbered twenty more,
Cash boys and floor walkers stood all around
To wait for the customers shopping bound.
Bo they pared their nail* and rubbed their
And they listened In awe to their chief*a com*
And as ha was .i man supremely wise
Of course he didn't need to advertise.
/he windows were ail decked out Tory
To catch people s eyes as they passed that way,
And the doorg so big were »wun« open wtd#
Multitudes ot buyer* to Invite inilda. I
Bat the crowd went past In a inrgtna throng
Though It looked In the store, It didn't look
And the merchant stared In blank enrprue
But he didn't think he noeded to advertlae.
From the dally press solicitors came
And offered to spread his dry roods tame.
And they argued long and they argued lata
But they couldn't Induce him to speculate
(aid he: "Some lunatics try that trick
But fools and their money are parted quick.
I am not so silly as you surmise
And I haven't any need to advertise!"
So the days went ou and the weeks as well
And the stock somehow didn't seem to sell.
Though flic salesmen stood by the counters
Each one with hla hands down by his side.
The dust settled over the piled up shelves,
Whlie the casli boys whistled to please them
And thji goods In the store were marked with
But the ovrn-.r didn't need to advertise.
Whea I passed that way just a week ago
A neighbor related a tale of woe.
The shutter- *vre up in the dry goods store
And the sv riff had put W» seat oh the IMb
The clerks and the salesmen had gone else
And the ca-h boys whistle In the country atf.
In a prcmatciv grave the merchant lies—
So ho hasn't any ne d to alvertisc!
—The Kings' Jester.
Great Author's Wife—What are yott
writing, Charles?
Great Author—An essay on the im
portance df thorough knowledge of
the English language.
Great Author's Wife—You don't seem
to be getting on very fast with it.
Great Author—No, I'm stuck. I can't
remember how to spell "embarrass."—
I.lfc In PI.-on Creek.
Book Ag^nt—Sir, I have here & book
which I fC' >-il.l like to show you.
J ridge i'ulltrigger—Don't want no
books. Git, or I'll shoot!
"The book is entitled: 'llow to Win
at Poker.'"
"My d •:ir young man, I'll take two
copies—OTl(< for myself and one for
Elder Isue!;skii!." —Texas Siftings.
Crawling Out.
Wife (in a new costume) —What do
yon think of this?
Husband (in disgust)— What a go will
Wife (angrily)— You brute! This is
the very latest style—the Watteau
Husband (scared) —That—that's what
I said, m' dear. Watteau gown.—N. Y.
Art Note.
Fair Lady (with large conversational
aperture)— Can't you make the mouth a
little smaller?
Photographer—Great Scott! do you
want a picture without any mouth at
all? I've pared it down three inches,
already.—Texas Siftings.
Xot a Composer.
Winkle—l understand that the lady
next to you is a fine musician.
Winkle—They say she composes.
Binkle—Great Ceesar, no! She dis
composes everybody in the flat.—Good
Queer Noises.
First Guest (at grand ball)— Hark,
isn't that the champagne popping in the
Second (tuest —No; I guess it's the
young conples in the conservatory.—N.
Y. Weekly.
Not a rainless Operation.
Victim—Arc you sure that y®u can
put my teeth into satisfactory condi
Dentist—Y< , sir; at any rate I will
spare no p ins to do so.—Saturday
Evening Herald.
The Correct I'se.
Clergyman Will you love, honor, and
cherish him, and forsaking all others,
cleave only unto him?
Boston liri-li—l shall.—Puck.
It r,o»!:ml That Way.
Mr. X ev<v);v> —Was your sister look
ing for me to-night?
Small lioy I guess so. Shu moved
the clock up an hour —Jury.
203 S. Main St. - Butler, Pa.
Everybody Delighted.
Who are in need of Seasonable
Having bought a large Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods, aud owing to
bad weather and worse ronds, they
have not been going out as fast as
they ought to
We have
as we must on account of scarcity of
room close them out to make room
for Spring Goods.
If you want a Cioak, Jacket or
Or if you want Blankets, Comforti
Underwear. Ladies' or Gents', Flan
ne!e, Canton Fia-inel or anything in
that line
before the Stock is broken, but
to examine our large stock of DreßS
Goods, which are included in this
Alao Fancy and Drees Plushes,
Black Suiah and Gros Grain Silks, \
all Marked Down. |
▲dvoitise ir ' be CITIZKN. 1
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking pov. der. High
est of all ia leavening strength.— Latest
I'. S. Government Food Report.
Now and Then.
Mr. Vanderclam, a New York gentle
tlcman, paid a visit to his son Thomas,
who is a student at Yale college.
"Do you ever pet tight, Thomas?"
asked his father.
"O, occasionally."
"I'm glad to see that you are candid
about it."
Mr. Vanderclam then made inquires
and discovered that his son became in
toxicated every evening, whereupon he
&aid to the gilded youth:
"You told mc yon only got tight oc
casionally, but I discover that you get
tight every day."
"That's what I told you. I said I got
tight occasionally, and I find occasion
every day."—Texas Siftings.
i'»r-K.'ai'liln; li.'n*-voirnrr.
Average World Reformer —We are
going to have another great meeting to
night to protest against English tyr
rany in Ireland, Russian tyrrany in Po
land, Turkish tyrrany in—some place
or other, I forget the name; and to pro
test in the name of the Christian world
against the cruel treatment of mission
aries in China. Can't you come?
Everyday Citizen—Very sorry, but I
promised to go around this evening and
help relieve the necessities of some
poor families in the street back of your
residence. —N. Y. Weekly.
Domestic iUiss.
Slowboy—Ah, Duffer, my boy, you
are a lucky dog. I didn't mean to spy
on you, but I couldn't help seeing your
charming wife with her arms around
your neck—;: perfect picture o f domestic
joy. I assure 3-011 it was affecting.
Duffer —You think so? Well, so does
my pocketbook. My wife, Slowboy,
hugged an Easter bonnet out of it. —
Chicago Times.
Good Advice.
Captain—My man. I wouldn't ship on
this voyage, if I were you.
Sailor —Why not? Ain't I all right?
, Captain—Yes. but you are too fat.
Sailor—What if I am? I can handle a
tope as well r.s a thin man.
' Captain—Yes, yes, but we are bound
(for the Cannibal islands. Yankee
A Great Business Center.
Tenderfoot —What a wonderful town
Empire City must be! Only two years
old, and a man from there assured me
yesterday that it contains twenty-two
Native—Yes. Twenty-one of them
are faro banks. Saturday Evening
—Fliegende Blaetter.
SatiaUcil AU Round.
She—Would .you die for me, Clarence?
He—To tell the truth, Clara, I would
She—l am so glad. I like consistency.
Tom Jones always wanted a chance to
die for me, and when lie got it he went
and married Sal Green. —Yankee Blade.
Picked l'p.
lie had no Intention of proposing to
iMiss Gitthar. lie merely remarked dur
ing the conversation:
"I presume your parents are still liv
"No, they are both dead. You will
have to speak with my guardian."—
Texas Siftings.
He Couldn't lie.
Sporting Editor (to assistant) —There
is one statement in your account of
your interview with Pete Jackson that
isn't at all consistent.
Assistant—What's that?
Sporting Editor —Why yon said that
he was in the pink of condition.—Bos
ton Herald.
Terh i|>« He Il.nl Another Kiifruicement.
She —I notice that you are always
glancing at the clock.
He—Good gracious! You don't sus
pect for a moment that I am weary of
your company?
She—No; but I suspect that you have
pawned your watch. —Humorist.
A Recommendation.
"Well, Rastus, I hear you have left
Mr. Sinithers."
"Did he give you a recommendation?"
"Yas-sir. lie dun write it, an' said I
wuz de mos' mendacious an' falliblo
niggali he knowed." —Harper's Weekly.
mm A Friend's Advice.
Jim Pegasus—Now I have read you
my poems, what do you say —shall I
publish them in book form, or burn
them up?
CoL Percy Yergcr Hem, second
thoughts are always best Burn 'cm
up, Jim.—Texas Siftings.
In Pharaoh's Hall, It. C. 500.
Pharaoh —Well, what do you think?
Tourist—Aw, all your decorations
seem to be, doneherknow, in the blasted
Egyptian style.—Jeweler's Circular.
lloth Watering riaces.
"Let's see. Do we get condensed
milk from Cowcs?" asked Smithers.
"Of course not," returned Withers.
"It comes chiefly from Cannes." —Jury.
( lasilfltMl.
"laMiss Passe one of this year's buds?"
"I am told that she is."
"Wall flower. I fnncy."—Judge.
Snuf Utile fortunr<hav*be«n
work for ua, by Anna l'«c«, Austin,
11 lit, ftn-1 Juo. lionn, TolH", Otilo.
cut. Ollirra arr dotn|r*a w«!l. "hy
T you? buinc earn over tiOO. 00 a
j Vc u can do the wi rk an<l
1 V Mb ;tue, M biM-rver you ire. K»en b*-
7 | ,nnfr1 arc rail!/ riming from IS to
f_ jT y » W»ibow jrou huw
and atari you. ( *n work In itiare tiaia
Y* or all !!••• tima. lilr ravn'y r«r w»rk
#rß' ItUurc uokniwn amooj tbmi.
S KW a>> I wondarful. Particular* frtm.
ll.llallett A Co.iltot ilaml.Maluc
cqnnn v '
o u v u 'j
Yaarm'l.'O n
th« aliuatl >u ur >!•(• v i.k i •*»»: »!»•• u»»t
Ko inoner for w uul< »» n. ■ i »»lul*i*l I - y >{>•■■ kl*
laamxl. ( 4*«ir« but <na v iU« ri> i • i. -!-*"«»*• t «-r • nniy. 1
have already taught |>ro»UJ- 1 «iUi • n.j ■•• • uta
whn are making ovtr f J'Wl ■ m»M«I li ll ■ !\
•qd 90V JT I®. I "11 r■. 1 Rl r. Ad.lrra» tin,,,,,
E. C. li v 4VM«
Sobscribe for the CITIZE N.
Only Circus, Mer.agerie and
Hippodrome to l>e here this
•Prolog on its i wn spe-mi trslo
lktllcr, \ f.» xr 7*
Xeverdirides Xever change* name.
: Always good. Always at the head.
Walter IJ. Main's
A 1.1. X KYV
Monster R.R. shows
Hiding Acts, Firing Trapeie,
j Manage Acts, Bar Act#,
1 Aerial Return Acts, Jugglers.
| Wire Acts, Brother Acts.
And many more too numerous
to ment'en.
)\mm of rare k costlv noiiiuik
Performing Tiger#, Performing Lions,
Leopards. Hyenas,
Bears and Cougars, Zebras,
Panthers, Monkeys and Apes,
Ele pliants, Camels and hosts of others.
Chariot Kates. Hurdle Races,
Man against Horse, Jockey Kaces,
Standing Haces, Clown Kaces,
Obstacle Races, Flat Kaces,
20 different races 20.
Enormous Elevated Stage.
nil | V TO® Aerobat Pony who throws a
uILL I compleie bark somersault.
iii Ti mm PARADE
AT 10 A. M.
4 Separate Bands, 0 Tableaux Wagons,
Open Dens of Lions and Tigers, Roman
Chariots. <5 Horse Tandem Teams, Comic
Clown Wagons and Miniture Ponies.
Admission 25 cents.
Pursuant to an order a::d decree of
Orphans' Conn of Butler County made
under the last will of Michael Hamelton,
late of Cherry Twp., dee'd, I will sell on
the premise*in Cherry Twp., Butler Co.,
Pa., on
Saturday, April 25, 1891,1
at 10 o'clock a. m., tbe following real
estate, to-wit:
One hundred acres or purpart Xo. 1,
bounded on the north by Slipperyrock
creek, on the east by land of Johp Black,
on the south by the Kichard Ilaoielton
hundred acres, and on the west by purpart
No. 2 of Hamelton land.
Also purpart No. 2, containing one hun
dred acres, bounded on the north by
Slipperyrock creek, on the east by purpart
No. 1 of Hamelton land, on the south by
the Richard Hamelton hundred acres, and
on the west by purpart No. 3 of Hamelton
Also purpart Xo. 3, containing one hun
dred and thirty-live acres aud one half,
bounded ou the north by Slipperyrock
creek, on the ea*t by purpart No. 2 of
Hamelton land, on south by the Richard
Hamelton hundred acres, and on the west
by Tract No. 26
These lots will be sold separate or all
together as may be deemed best.
TERMS OF SALE. —One-third of the
purchase money on confirmation of sale
when deed will be delivered and the residue
in two equal annual payment thereafter
with interest on such payments from date
of sale secured by bond with power of at
torney to enter Judgment with 5 per cent
for collection if made by execution.
1). B. N. of Al. Hamelton, dee'd.
Robes and Blankets
124 N. MuinJSt.,
Butler, Pa
The largest and mo.st
complete line ol* robes,
blankets, li arne s s,
whips. trunks, and
valises, and at lowest
prices in Butler, is al
ways be loiind at
Saturday, April 4,
At No. 120, S. Main St.
found iu a first clasa clothing store.
Give us a call on Saturdry, April
Ith whether you wish to buy or not,
we will take" pleasure in showiog
120 S. Main St.
Rutler, Pa.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
(i.e. RoemltlK, Henderson Oliver,
J. I, Purvis, James Stephenson,
A. Troutman, H. ('. Helneniau,
Alfred Wick, N. VVe'Uel,
Dr. W. Irvto. Dr KK kenbach.
J. W Burkhart, l». T. Noma.
icsii Irani N
*^° vcr -"f," t ' u *
■*-", " We k:n <v that a good article wh'cb
?' jfives the buyrr a dollar's worth
in value ior every dollar iave3'.cd id sure to bring him beck, and tha'.'s- tho
?ecret of onr increasing business
We've lots of prood thiajs for you this eeason in fine foot-wear. Our
Spring Stock sparkles with advantages to you.
Ladies' Fine Shoes—fine and pretty styles at sl, $1.25; grand at $1 50;
extra fine at $2, $2.50 and up. These shoes are worth what we ask for,
them; but we don't say this or that stoe is worth $1 and selling at £2 50;
this is an old chestnut. Our $2 *hoe is finer and better in every way than
these sc-called marked down shoes at $2.50. It is a dishonest business and
; an imposition on the public.
Ladies' Lace Shoes—Patent Tips, Cloth Tops also Button Shoes with
! Cloth Tops on opera and common sense iasts are quite the s(y!e Patent
| Calf Doogola Top is a pretty new shoe we aro showing. Some o? these
I have patent calf quarters.
Our stock of Ladies' Low-cut Shoes and Slippers can't b- equalled. An
endless variety of styles and prices from 25c., otic , sl, $1.25 and up.
Spring Heel Shoes for Ladies and Children in Button IS.iots and Low-
Cut Shoes from 50c., 75c., sl, and $1.25: infants' at 25c, 50c., anc 75c.;
elegant styles and best of goods.
Men's and Boys'Shoes—ln this line as in all others we double discount
tfcem all. See our Men's Veal Congress, stylish at sl, siz.s 6 11; then take
a look at those fine lines at $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50. You never saw
their eqnal. They are made to my order by the best manufacturers in this
country. See our Men's English Cordovan Kangaroo Casco Calf, made oa
all the improved lasts, plain and tip, ail width?.
Look at our immense stock of Brogans, Plow Shoes, ("reedmoor's H.»x-
Toe Shoes at sl, $1 25, and $1 50. They ar® Jandies; no foolishness by tell
ing you this shoe was sold for $2.70, but will gel' it to you fir $2,
bat will sell you a better one at the small sum of $1.50. These prices and
the fine styles are leading the trade, and leading lots of customers to our
store everv day. Don't fail to come in aud see us. We will interest you.
B. C. HUSELTON, 102 N. .Main Sc., Butler.
This space is reserved for
Grieb & Lamb's Music
Store, removed to iSo. 125
North Main Street.
MAUKKT at 6:05 A.M. transfers passengers
at Junction to A|x>llo Aooom. which arrives
in Allegheny at 8:40, also connects for Blairs
ville, arriving there at !):30 and with trains
east and west on main line.
Exi'KKSS at 8:35, connects at Junction
with Pay Express, arriving at Allegheny at
10:32 A. M.
ACCOMODATES at 11:20, arriving at Alle
gheny at 1:35, and connects at Junction with
Apollo Accom. going east.
ACCOMODAT'N at 2:35 P.M. runs through
to Allegheny and arrives there at 4:40 P. M.
connects wuhlLxprtss east arriving at Blairs
ville at 0 P.M. and with trains east and
west on main line.
EXPRESS at 5:00 p. m., arriving at Alle
gheny at 6:45 p. m. No stops between
Tarenturu and Allegheny.
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 6:2 0
6:55, 8:20 and 11 ;00 A:M, and at 2:25, 3:15,
and 5:45 P.M.
Trains arrive at Butler at 8:35 and 10:40
A.M., and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 P.M.
No Sunday trains in Branch.
.r. A w. R. R.
Corrected to f*«t time —One hour faster
than schedule ti•
Trains for Allegheny leave Butler at 6:20,
8:25 and 10:20 a. in. and 2:40, 3:35 and 6:30
p. ra. The 8:25 a. m. and 3:35 p. m. trains
conuect at t'allery with trains going West.
Trains going north leave Butler at 10:05 a.
m. and 5:05 p. in.
Traius arrive at Butler from Allegheny
and the West at 9:35, 10:10 and 11:55 a. m. 4
4:45 and 8:30 p. m., and from the north at
9:37 a. ni. and 2:53 p. ni.
The 8:25 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. trains going
south run on Sunday; also the train that
leaves Allegheny at 8:30 a. m. and arrives
here at 10:10, ami the 10:20 a. w. and 4:45
trains run daily between Butler and Alle
gheny. , ~
The 11:55. 8:30 and 3:35 trains run daily
between Butler and Callery.
Corrected to last time.
Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 6:45
and 10:20 a. m. and 4:55 p. m,
Traius leaving the P. AW. depot in Al
legheny at 7:50 and *3O ». m. and 2:40 and
3:15 p. m. and the West Peun depot at 6:55
a. m. and 3:15 p. m. connect at Butler with
trains North on this road.
Trains arrive at Butler trora Greenville at
10:05 a.m. and 2:25 and 6:25 p.m.; all of
which connect with the P. A W. to A lleghe
ny and the 2:35 with the West Penn.
Trains leave Billiards at 7:25 a.rn 12:15 p.
m.; arrive at 10:35 a. m. and 6:45 p. ni.
No Sunday trains. Passengers vritli tick
ets will be carried on the local, freight that
leaves the P. A W. Juno, at 1:15 p. m. hut
not ou t6e other freight trains.
The 6:45 a. m. train from Butler connects
at Osgood with trains on the L. S. A M. S.,
arriviug at Cleveland 10:40 a. in., Chicago
9:10 p. m., Erie 11:28 a. m„ Buffalo 2:35 p.
in., and at Mercer with W. N. Y. A P..
arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. m .
The 10:20 a. in. train from Butler connect?
at Mercer with traius oo the W. N. Y. & P.,
arriviug at Franklin at 2:00 p. in. aud Oil
City at at 2:10 p. iu., and at Slienango with
the N. Y. P. A O. for Meadvirie, Jamestown,
Buffalo, Olcati and Sew York; also at
Osgood for Oil City.
The 4:55 p. in. train connects at Mercer for
New Castle, and at SUanango for Meadville
and Sharon.
Wm. F, Miller
Manufacturer of
Stair Rails,
and Newol-posts.
All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also
Decorated anil Carved wood-work, such ax
Casing, Corner Mocks, Panel* and all kinds ol
ancy wood-work lor Inside decoration of
Something new aud attractive.' Also .
at iowe9t;cash prices.
Store at No. 4", N. Main street.
Factory at No. 50, N, Washington street.
Wi»e Merchant
Is never content to stanU
still. Stagnation is death
—in Trade as in other
things. New Customers
should be sought after all
the time. There Is only
one way to get them—use
the Advertising columns
jr. wnov.'.h tot>OT»*
ftl) Jtn » ldC.nO tM. Hp< or oi-» . .-n.t 4
t!% 1 4 -c;I ii 'g tfli v.rcr. In ch*cofo, will f i: It*r 11
| Planing Mill
Lumber Yai a d
J. I PC KVIP. L. O. hi H vie.
Rough and Planed Lumber
I»r KVCiY I)KJi:iU»*TI<>N,
Butler, Pa.
To counteract the effect of
spring winds and storms on lace
and bands; to renew, renovate
and purify the cuticle after a
rigorous winter, is the mission of
And right well does it perform
; the task It is a bland, creamy
emulsion, with just enough vego-
oil to soften the skin, com
bined with pure glycerine and
other substances, forming one of
the finest preparations for chap
ped hands, lips or face or any
roughness or irritation of the
skin. No lady or gentleman
should be without it.
Is now completed and I respectfully
invite the Public to call and Fee me.
lam prepared to supply. every
thing in the lice of Drugs nnd Medi
cines at all hours. Prescriptions at
night a specialty.
Electric Bell and specking tube at
front door. Calls answered prompt
A bright, cheerful room and'every
J. F l . E."
A. J. FRANK k 00,
lan'iiyslclans' liefcon pilous carefully coin
SS. Mair. Street, Butler. Pa.
All stock guaranteed to lie iu good con
dition when delivered.
Wo replace all trees that fail to grow.
J. F. Lt>wiT, W. T. Mechlin?. J&mo
Shanor, Jr., j. li. Fordytho, Geo. Shaflnor
fe'. Walker, K*q., Ferd lieiliar, Esq. cad ±)
L. Cleeland.
the Butler CiTirES combined for f'J.75 per
year, in iidvane.}.
Pstrat Vsrlsblf I'rictlon anil Brit Feed.
Steam Engines, Hay Presses,
Shingle Mills. &c
Portable Grist Mills,
b«ii4 tor lllus. ThrMhlnc Mtrhlnw, Ac.
Catalogue. A. B. CO.. York, Pa.