VOL. XXVIII Full Again. We mean our wall paper de partment, full t :id overflowing with our imm > w and choice stock of paper • gings. You must help us o .i, we haven't room for half our goods, until you relieve us of some of them. We have the choicest selec tion of patterns in every grade from Brown Blanks at 10 cts to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1 per double bolt. Examine our Stock. J. H. Douglass, Near Postotißce, Butler Pa CLEARANCE SALE OF Robes and Blankets AT Fr. KEMPER'S, [124 N. MainlSt, Butler, Pa The largest and most complete line of* robes, blankets, harness, whips, trunks, and valises, and at lowest prices in Butler, is al ways be found at KEMPER'S. GRAND OPENING. Saturday, April 4, Al No. 120, S. Main 8t NEW AND COMPLETE SPRING STOCK OP CLOTHING, HATB, FURNISHING GOODS,TRUNKB, BAGS AND EVERYTHING to be found in a first class clothing ■ton. , Give os a call on Satordry, April 4th whether yon wish to boy or not, we will take pleasure in showing yon OUR NEW STORE, NEW STOCK, and PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. THE RACKET STORE 120 H. Main St. Butler, Pa. Havit\g Secured the ser vices of Mr. WM. COOPER, a gentle man of taste and unquestionable abil ity as a Cutter and Designer, WE are now prepared, with OUR Elegant Line of OVERCOAT INGS, SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS and FANCY VESTINGS, une qualled in this, or excelled in larger cities, to give our patrons special ad vantages. Wm. Aland Merchant Tailor GO TO REDICK'S FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. L S. McJUNKIN, lisarancc and Heal Estate Ag't 17 E&BT JEFFEESON ST. BUTLER, - PA. Jlfc HH A A A YKA V ( I niMlertak# to krt»n» BJ 11J J| | | !«rH any fairly +1 rlib't OuUU fearlnihrirowa U» »iWy Ik* *.l mirhly Iwnwd. I but u.ie Ww<-.n • ** I. «il.»Hei ur,onni*. 1 hftve alrfta.ly tattffet «>i4 |*ur»u<-.. icti a Jnw r onmUer, »*ho are making «v*r *IM a •« pi ca«b. It's JVfvV tmi MO V.I p. Knit pr.,cul.r, r *»;»:. Arftfrn...zm, JE. 45. ALt£.\. Sox «a#. Au |w u, TBTAN.' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. V. McALPINE, Dentist, to now permanently located at l» South Main Street* Butler. Pa., in rooms formerly .ccoupled by Dr. Waldron. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 B. Wayne St., office hours, 10 to 12 M. and 1 to 3 P. M. L. M. REINSEL, M. D , Physician and Scrokox. Bresldence at 2M Graham Street. Office Frank's drugstore. Main St. L. BLACK, rHTBICIAN AND BURG BON, New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. Dr. A. A. Kelty, Office at Rose Point, Lawrence county. Pa. E. W. LEAKE, M. D. J. E. MANN. M. D. Specialties; Specialties: Gynaecology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose and gery. Throat DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. G. to. ZIMMERMAN. rarsiciAN and sceoion. Office at No. 46, 8. Main street, over Prank A Go's l)i ug store. Butler. Pa, SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. *Jo. 22.Eaat Jcfieraon SL, Butler, Pa. W. R. TITZEL. PHYSICIAN SURGEON. a W. Comer Main and North SU., Butler, Pa. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted cn the latest "im proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. Office— over Senaul's Clothing store. DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties :-Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. Mm m JHTinti Street, door East of Lewrj Uhm, l> Stall*. Offloe open dally, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attention, S. BL—The only Dentist is Butler ■«*■»><**« beat makes of teeth. J. W. MILLER, Architect, C. E. and Surveyor. Contractor, Carpenter and Builder. Jfapa, plans, specilications and esti mates; all kinds of architectural and en gineering work. No charge for drawing it I contract the work. Consult your best in terests; plan before yon build. Informa tion cheerfully given. A share of public patronage is solicited. P. 0. Box 1007. Office 8. W. of Court House, Butler, Pa. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Omci nkab Diamond, Bcnjtn, Pa. J. M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office— Between Postofllce and Diamond, But ler. Pa. A. T. SCOTT, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW. Office at No. 8, South Diamond. Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATIORNKY AT LAW. Office second floor, Anderson B1 k, Malu SL, near Court House, Butler, IV J. W. HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office oil second floor of the Huselton block. Diamond. Butler, Pa., Room No. 1. JAMES N. MOORE, Airoanr-AT-LAw and N'otabt Public. Office In Boom No. 1, second floor of Huselton Block, entrance on Diamond. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, East Jeffer son Bt., Butler, Pa.; W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent, of flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side of Diamond. Butler, Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor of Andeiaon building, near Court House. Butler, Pa. J. V. BRITTAIN. Ati'y at LAW—office at it. E. Cor. Halo St, and Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—Offlc* on Sooth side or Diamond Butter. Pa. A. £. GABLE) V" eterinary Surgeon. Graduate of tbe Ontario Veterinary College. Toronto. Canada. Dr. Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and m«kes riddling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all otUer surgical operations performed in the most scientific manner. Calls to any par: of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary in Crawford's Lirerr, 132 West Jefferson Street, Butler, Pa BUTLER COT NT V Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. 3. C. ROEBSING, PUEBIDXNT. H. C UKINEMAN, SKCRZTABT. DIRECTORS: G.C. RocmlDK, Henderson Oliver, J. 1- Purvis, .lanifft Stephennon, A. Trout mihh, H. O, Heinenuui, Alfred Wick. N. Weltxel. Or. W. Irrio, Dr Rlckenbacli, J. W. Burkliart, U. T. Norrtn. lOYAL MM IT EI 7 J3XJTJL J "EC"R , PA. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. WE ARE READY To show you the largest and lowest priced stock of F U R NIT U R E in the country. Don't forget to call and J O see our Parlor Suits, 0 pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for SSO. We also have a Parlor Suit for #25, as follows: 6 chairs, upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in plush; allfor the low price of #25. Our oak ijeil-room suit for $lB can be bought only at our store for the price. We have China Closets for any price you want them from S2O up. Parlor Cabinets from up. Si;lc boards from S2O up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you w ant. Campbell & Templeton, 136 NORTH MAIN STKEE L\ BUTLER, PA. "GET THERE ELI f Follow Dan McGintv, Annie Roonev and the rest of the crowd to . E:. B. •J3 R K W ' s FURNITURE ROOMS, And secure the new pieces vou will need after bouse cleaoiug. Pick them out, make a deposit on them, and we will pet them aside un il you are ready for them. No trouble to show i>*oods whether vou buy or not. 128 I£. Jefferson , - Rutler* fa. Regarding Fine Clothes. As a new comer requesting a share of the pat ronage of this town and vicinity in my line, it befits me to make a few statements. I make a specialty of the higher grades of work; 1 keep in stock the finest quality of goods; I recognize the fact that a good fitting suit from my house is it's best advertisement, while a misfit con demns the cutter and tailor. 1 shall endeavor to send out the best fitting clothes to be found. I do all my own cutting. o—o The prices will be as low as can be made com patible with the quality of goods I shall adhere to. A full line of the latest and most stylish goods in stock. Call and see me before placing any orders. GEO, HABERNIGG, BR, MERCHANT TAILOR, 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, 1 . -L EMIR WATERPROOF COLLAR OR CUFF —————J THAT CAN EE RELIED OH BE UP Not tO fitollt ! TO THE MARK to DlSCOlOg! ——— THIS MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERINC. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. (THERE ARE MANY GPFE USES FOR * To clean tombstones. To renew oil-cloth. To renovate paint. To brighten metals. To polish knives. To scrub floors. To wash out sinks. To sconr hath-tubs. To clean dishes. To whiten marble. To remove rust. To scour kettles. EVERYBODY USES IT. Dntli'j to elean falno teeth. Engineers to clean par! aof machine*. Housemaids to scrub marble floors. Burgeons to polish their Instruments. Ministers to renovato 4, IH9I. THE LITTLE FOOT-PAGE. The little page, Ralph, lay under a tree. Gazing up Into tlic sky. A very blithe llttlo foot-page was he; Bis ha'r was ye'.low a< It coald be. And blue was bis «parkllng eye. Hi* litt! rnnnd c"ip was red a- a rose; His doublet was b?tt!» jteeo. Silken and solt were his i rimson hose; His queer little shoes turned up at the toes: gjat. hands with all his mi ;ht; And there 1 shall find the ring. "Then the herald will lead m" tvvay by the hand. And cry in his loudest voice; "Hero is tho brightest foot-page in the land! His the treasure and palace grand: In him doth the king rejoice.' "My life will be Joyous and free from care, For of course I shall And the stone; And far away in the future fair, Perhaps I shall wed the Princess Claire— And even come to the throne." So musing and planning the rage lay there, Oozing up Into the sky; Building such wonderful eastles in air, They far exceeded the palace fair— And the midday hour drew nigh. Then gayly the little foot page uprose. And took his way to the town; Skipping along ou his queer little toes And saying: "Perhaps before night—who knows?— In my palace I'll lay me down." But alas! and alas! for th - day dreams bright I Alasfor the palace fair. As be entered the town, with a footstep light, He beheld a most bewildering sight: The beautiful Princess Claire Was leading a little foot page by the hand; While the herald, with loudest voice. Cried: ••Hero is the brightest foot-page in tha land! His arc the treasure and palace grand! In him doth the king rwjaice. "And the king, my master, doth bid me say £To each and everyone: •Go clothe yourself in your best array. For the finest feast will be given to-day. That ever was under the sun.' " Then tho other foot-page went home alone- Sadder and. wiser he— And donned his holiday dress with a groan. For Rod:.» had sought, and found the stone. While Ralph lay under the tree. —Kathcrine 3. Alcorn, in St. Nicholas, A TALE OF TWO TRUNKS. Romantic Outcome of a Most Em barrassing Situation. "What a very peculiar trunk!" said Mr. Marrowbone, looking through his eye-glasses at a large and handsome one which tho civil salesman had just dragged from its retreat in the corner to the center of the room. "Peculiar? Yes, sir," said the young man, lifting the lid and exhibiting the interior. "This trunk, sir, was made to order for a very wealthy gentleman. In fact we made him two just alike. He never wanted them, and we arc dispos» ing of them at a sacrifice." "Why didn't he want Jihem?" asked Mr. Marrowbone, who had a streak of curiosity—doubtless inherited from his mother—in his composition. "Curious, not to want what j-ou have ordered." "Yes, sir," replied the salesman. "Very curious. But in this case, there was a complication that rendered the gentleman quite excusable. He com mitted suicide." "Ah! Very wrong!" said Mr. Marrow bone. "Very wrong of him!" "Quite so, sir," replied the salesman. "You observe the elegant receptacle for neckties; this place for your collar-box; here lies the shirts, if you please. On the whole, I doubt if you can find any thing like it in the city." "I doubt if I can." said Mr. Marrow bone. "Just my initials on it, 'M. M.,* Milton Marrowbone; and send it at once." "Very well, sir; and I think you will never regret the purchase," said the salesman. Hardly had he bowc-d his customer out of the door, when a lady tripped up the steps and entered. She was rather good-looking, her age might have been thirty, and her appearance was that which may be described by the expres sion, "Just turned out of a bandbox." "I want a trunk," she bfcgan; "and— there —that is exactly what I like." And she pointed to Mr. Marrowbone's recent purchase. "Sorry, ma'am, but wc have just sold that," said tho polite salesman, conjuring up an expression of regret which was quite touching. "But," — here he allowed a gleam of hope to sparkle in his eye —"but, madam, we have another, outwardly similar, dif fering only in the interior; one, in fact, more suitable for a lady." "Let ine see it," said tho customer. Another trunk was trundled from the shadows in the far corner of the shop and whisked open. The lady peeped into it. "I'll take it," sbo said, after hearing the price. "I'll take it. I'm in a des perate hurry, l'ut my initials on It, and send it home at once." Tho polite clerk made a bow so pro found that it very nearly became an acrobatic performance, and the lady vanished. She had left her card — • MARIA MUTTON. i "Two 'M. M.'s' on these trunks, Joshua," said the clerk to the factotum who appeared at tho touch of the elec tric bell. "And quick about it" Shortly, these trunks were sent home, and very soon after, they were, curi ously enough, standing side by sido ia a large express-wagon bound for tho Grand Central depot, and, still more coincideutly, found themselves piled one on the other in the bairgage car on its way to New Ilavcn, while their re spective own. 1.., Miss Maria Mutton and Mr. Milton Marrov. sat side by side. A curiou ■; combi: i.ti'on of facts; b»it "fact" as we are told in every edi« tion of every daily paper, is "strange* than fiction."' Mr. Marrowbone had lived forty years without giving his heart entirely away to any woman. Miss Mutton, at thirty-five, was still a dear little lamb ! kin, as far as her tenderest affections ] went. Hut as they sat together in the i flying car, the same cinders trying to j get into their eyes, the same steam | whistle shrieking in their ears, the same boy continually offering them ; newspapers, peppermint candy and ; chewing-gum, the same lank and sad ' eyed youth begrudging them refreshing ; draughts of the water which it was his | duty to carry through the car, some thing happened. Bachelor and spinster alike felt a softness of heart quite un wonted. "What a nice man he looks like!" said Miss Mutton to herself. "What a charming woman!" thought I Mr. Marrowbone. When he shut the window for her. i she felt there were moments when— But no matter. However, on their ar rival at the New llaven depot, they separated, as travelers usually do, and i saw no more of each other, Miss Mut ; ton at once taking a conveyance for the hotel; Mr. Marrowbone having [ what lie spoke of as "a little bit of something" before he proceeded to the same hostelry. Again coincidence fol lowed them. Mr. Marrowbone was con signed to room No. 5 on the right corri- I dor; Miss Mutton to room No. 5 on tho leit _ _ ll.>th slumbereU peacefully. liotn were aroused by a f -crfu! n. ise—shouts, cries, shrieks of murder, yells of tire. Bewildered and terrified, Miss Mut ton, in white robe de nuit and one of the last remaining night-caps in the world, rushed out into the hall, and fomui her self in utU r darkness aSiid: i a crowd of ladies as much alarmed as herself; and in the right corridor Mr. Marrow bone appeared, or would have appeared had there been any light to see him by, in a night-robe, with a peaked cap, with a tassel on its top. upon hi ; head. "What? Where? IIow?" howled the guests, as they clustered together. Suddenly a glare of light flashed upon the scene. The forces of the hotel ap peared with lamps of all sorts. A voice was heard t.> explain that it was only "something the matter with the elec tric lights. Wire disconnected; young man knocked down; coming to, all right." The hardier spirits remained to get the news, regardless of costume; less experienced travelers retired to their rooms. Miss Maria Mutton, who had never slumbered in a hotel before, fled be fore the approach of the lights and found shelter under a stairway. Mr. Marrowbone, who felt that a nif*lit robe and cap did not compose a digni fied costume, turned suddenly into a little cross-hall near which he happened to be standing, and there awaited the retirement of the other guests to their rooms. Afterward he knew that when he emerged from his he must have turned to the left instead of the right. However, after much wander ing about, and as much chilliness of body as heat of temper, he came upon the magic number "5" shining upon a Bilver plate upon his door, entered and dosed it with a bang. "All right," he said, as he struck a match. "There is my trunk; there is is not another like it in the city. And there is 'M. M.' on the side." Then he blew out the match and popped into bed. Almost at the same moment, Maria Mutton with-a palpitating heart caught sight of the magic number "3," opened hor door, saw her i>eeuliu.r trunk, noted the initials of her name upon it by the light of the lump opposite her door, said: "Thank Ileaven!" burst into tears, ans at the utmost. "Have I gone out of my senses!" cried Mr. Marrowbone. llow did these garments come to be in his room? Where were his own? He gazed about him and flew to his trunk "It's mine, certainly," he said. "Here arc my initials, but I never tied a bit of blue ribbon to the handle." He dashed back the lid. Within he beheld silk, lace, linen articles con trived for ladies' wear —nothing that had ever belonged to any masculine being. A horrible thought, engendered by certain works of fiction that he had recently perused, rushed to his mind. Was this a caso of transformation — double identity whatever It was called? he asked himself. He rushed to the mirror expecting to see a female face there, but his own florid countenance, garnished with red side whiskers and crowned by a bald forehead, welcomed him. He breathed a great sigh of relief and sat down to recover from the shock. Ai he stared at the dres6 upon chair a memory came to him. She—the lively who shared his 6eat in the car the day before —had worn one like it Yes, her traveling costume was made of that material. "Please, ma'am," said a voice, at the door, "the electric gentleman * wants to come in to fix the wires before any more boarders kill themselves." "Good Heaven!" cried Mr. Marrow bone; "I say, will you send a waiter to me—a man—a boy?" "There ain't only lady-waiters in this house, miss," replied the girl, from without. "Whyon't touch me," gasped Miss Mut ton; "I'm a lady. I put these on be cause I—l hadn't anything else —I must have got into another person's room. My trunk has the same initials, and it is a very peculiar trunk—oh, dear, dear!" "I, madam," replied tiie being at tired in her garments—"l am a gentle man. We have evidently exchanged rooms in the tumult occasioned by last night's alarm. I will shortly send you a parcel. Regrets." And he vanished. Our readers know that he was Mr. Marrowbone. Me had recognized Miss Mutton. In *■»" minutes mora thu ■lifcniciou* chambermaid delivered a parcel to the lady, "From Xo. 5, left corridor," and conveyed another to its destination; and Miss Mutton and Mr. Marrowbone be came themselves again. They met at the tablt iVhote. I le bowed. She blushed, but afterward acknowl edged the salutation. There are always people to be found to introduce those who wish to know each other, and the marriage notices of a popular society journal shortly con tacted an account of the wedding of "Mr. Milton Marrowbone and Miss Maria Mutton, daughter of Mortimer Mutton, of Sheepshead farm." Their peculiar trunks now travel to gether, and the keys jingle lovingly upon one ring.—M. Cady, in X. Y. Ledg er. a INDEPENDENCE OF MIND. Custom* of People Which Are Termed Eccentricities. It is easy to sneer at people's eccen tricities. We may smile at the man who persists in wearing a queer stylo of hat, or at the woman who clings tQ an old fashion in hair dressing. Itut in adhering to a custom both agreeable and comfortable do they not show some independence of mind, a decision that helps to leaven the lump of general flabbiness? Once a lady whose eyes were weak was obliged always to carry a sunshade to protect them from the glare of the sun. Even in winter, and when she wore furs, the sunshade was a neces sity. She declared, laughingly, that no one would believe, unless ahe tried it, how much attention such a simple matter evoked. Sometimes she was followed a block or two by boys com menting on her odd appearance. They wondered if she was crazy, and while they wondered seemed to think ahe was also deaf. Older people, whom one would think might know better, gazed at her curiously, and even questioned her as to the reason of her peculiar conduct. Most persons under such persecution would have given up the light, staid in the house, or decided to bear the pain and run the danjjer. Being a woman of resolute temper, 6he did nothing of the kind. She carried her muff and her parasol all winter. Indeed, after a while she seemed to take a wicked pleasure in flaunting these articles be fore the faces o'f bewildered passers, who would often turn and look back with an expectation of seeing strange developments from so great a phenom enon. Probably not many women would have stuck to the singularity as she did, or hare gotten so much amusement out of it. Yet if it is considered in another light, and we reflect how much interest she excited and bow many gazers she supplied with subject for conversation, we might cn.ll her a public benefactor. —Harper's Bazar. TO PREVENT SHRINKAGE Be Sure to Saturate tho Felloe* with Hot Liosood Oil. As long as the wheels of vehicles are made of wood there will be an . noyance from If II the loosening of the tires in dry vv // I weather. The -' ~r-% usual remedy is JL—p.-; to have the - blacksmith "cut" CONTRIVANCE TOB I"RE- or shrink the VENTING snp.NFKAQK. tires. This pro cess is often unsatisfactory because the weather may continue dry, and ren der the tire as loose as ever in a few weeks when it will need the same treat ment again. By this time the circum ference of the tire is much less than it was at first, so that when the season Is past the felloe will swell to its normal size in winter. The effect is that either the tire is burst or the felloe is twisted and weakened. This difficulty may be prevented in most cases by saturating' the felloes with hot linseed oil. Have a deep oblong pan made of galvanized iron of the shape represented in the sketch. Heat the oil to the boiling' point and pour it Into the pan, having previously arranged the wheel and pan as shown. Turn the wheel around in the oil very slowly, so as to allow the end of each spoke to be in the oil at least five minutes. The oil should be kept hot, and this can be done better if a small oil stove is placed under the pan. After the felloe is saturated in this manner the wheel will be stiff and strong, and it will remain so. Thio treatment will prolong the durability of the wheel as well as prevent loosening of the tire.—American Agriculturist. Coop* for Silting liens. As a precaution against storms and severe cold, all the coops for sitting hens should be placed in the poultry house or under a shed. When the hens come off with their broods the coops should be carried into the barn during stormy weather, and they should be so constructed as to permit of carrying the hens and chicks in the coops. No mat ter how closely a hen may hover her chicks, she can not protect them in winter when they are exposed to se vere cold, and the cliicks will some times become chilled during the day when they are picking up bits outside of the coop. All coops for hens with broods should be well littered with cut hay, and every care used to have them as warm as can be When the hen is citting, her nest should be in a warm place and her food placed where she can reach it without being compelled to go very far from the nest.—Farm and Fireside. Is Full Feeding Exhaustive? There is a general belief among farm ers that cows fed by milkmen on brew ers' grains one or two years are not thereafter good for much. The reason for this seems to be that the action is a fattening one, and the cow is made too fat for breeding, or, indeed, any use, except for the shambles. To reduce the cow In flesh she must be in some way stinted in food, audit is this.rather than exhaustion from milk production, that makes such cows unprofitable to continue as milkers. The evil might be remedied by feeding enough beets or other roots to greatly increase the milk yield, and prevent the grain ration from making the cow fatten instead of continuing to give more milk.—Col man's Rural World. Sick-Bed Strategy. Mist Polly (prim, positive and vine gary)—' Miss I-ightfoot, I am going out for the day. When my brother awakes, tell him that if he insists upon being perverse, unreasonable and unmanage able he may l>e in your charge for weeks to come. The Pretty Trained Xurse (demurely) —Yes, ma'am. The Invalid (feebly but triumphantly) —Thank Heaven! My little plan is working-. I'll stay sick. —Pittsburgh Bulletin. Hetter All Around. F. F. V.—l don't know how it may be In your state, but in Virginia, sir, blood is thicker than water. Old Kaintuok —I have no doubt of it, sir, and a great sight more palatable, I reckon. —Munsey's Weekly. I)l tell Tha* t ■ us olu-: b'ue l t*e. Although he t»s dre»el In the caye«t tloth'-i Tie nol/bl:i»t kin ", of a ve*t aud eoat, , An-1 *us j;;a. .-li d t» rr i: >m bead to toes, AuJ* re a au<-!c-:lo*b uutUr bis throat— Th.' tears wuuid dni> fr ,:i Lis blinking tyes. An." ner< r or.ee would a.- crack a smlla. And I. ■> b;sita l.er.ved *:h t'.c awfulest 'T* * ; lain tfcat be cared net a fltf for stylo. A gra3slii>Di>er ckanc •(! t> *:o.) n bit. Oa a leaf close by to r>" this And be a7 mind to end my life, By Jumping hoadlong down the farmer's well And drowning myself when nobody knew it. With no one around my fate to tclL I feel I am Jnst the frog to do it." "I admire your scheme," tho grasshopper said, "You deserve a belt for a clear-beaded plotter. But when you are drowno-i, and dead, dead, dead. Don't you see you will totally ruin ths water." And winking his eye he walked away A grasshopper ball in the land to attend. And the bullfrog remember'd he'd heard them say,— That 'lib scarcely ever too late to mend. S. B. MCMAXCS. He Did Not Continue. He (nervously)— Miss Swectharte, 1 — I wish to speak with you. She (knowing' what Is coming) — Very well, brother Clarence, I am listening. He (rising to go) —I don't think 1 will say It now. It is nothing, anyway - Jury. Inefficient Support. Star—o, yes, he was good to me, but he couldn't act well, so I sued for a di vorce. Friend—On what grounds? Star—That he failed to support me properly.—Munscy's Weekly. Shorthand Notes Defective. "I see by the paper that at the per formance of your new play last night there wexv several calls for the author." "That's a mistake in the print. It should have read 'authorities.'" —Puck ••GETTING A BULGE ON HUt» Unsucoeasful. Cholly—What's—aw—the mattah aw—with Sissy Downy? He—aw— looks vewy much dejected, y' ltnow. Gufcsic—Ya-as; Sissy, don't y' know, applied for membership in Sorosia, deah boy, but they actually wouldn't have him, y' know. Said he was too effemi nate, bal Jove! —Judge. Not the AsuUtaneo He Wanted. "You look all broken up, Wilkins." "I am. I called on old liarkins laat night for a loan." "Wouldn't he help you out?" "Yea. He did help me out—with bis left foot, too. That's what haa broken mx baoli aad toy spirit*.Mm INTO. 25 DAIRY BY-PRODUCTS. A True Idea of the Tilu uf Mrim-Xllk and Bnlt*mUk. At the recent meeting of the Minne sota Dairymen's Association Mr J. H. Monrad delivered an address from which we take the following' extracts, which show that the value of the skim-milk acd buttermilk is often too much to have it used as pig feed. In other words, more butter should be' taken out of the milk before giving it i to the hogs. lie said: j "The rich soil and the unusual facil | Ities for production on a large scale has I trained the present generation of our Western citizens to a sovereign but wasteful contempt for the little details. "I am. therefore, quite prepared to bo criticized for venturing to take up such a question as 'Hon is your skim milk and buttermilk?' Talking about skim-milk I am always reminded of the story of how a farmer's wife, in the kind ness of her heart and in all innocence said to a city visitor: 'Why, drink all you can. The pijrs will get it anyhow.' "The pigs will get it. Yes, and a very good use that is to make of it, when properly fed, but have you ever put this question to yourself: 'How much butter do I give my pigs when I give them 100 pounds of skim-milk or buttermilk?' A year ago I should not have dared to propound the above question, as it would have been useless. The cost of having a chemical analysis made simply prevented us from getting a reply, and the oil tests then in use could not even give us an approximate reply. "But now, thanks to Dr. B&bcock, wo have a cheap, practical test which en ables us to get practically an approxi mate reply. "Let us take a dairy of ten oowa giv ing a yearly yield of 40,000 pounds of milk. The deep-setting system of creaming is used, ice is scarce (through lack of forethought) and the water is 55 degrees. Thus it will be quite easy to lose .3 per cent, extra in the skim milk, which in this case would be 120 pounds of butter fed to the hogs. "But this is not aIL If the cream is not properly and uniformly ripened It is not uncommon to find the butter milk contain .8 instead of .8 per cent, of fat, giving a loss of .5 per cent on 10 per cent, of milk, of 0,400 pound* buttermilk, and thus an additional loss of 82 pounds of batter. "A snAll daily loss, indeed, unworthy your consideration, but, after all, a loss of 153 pounds of butter, making, at an average price of twenty cents, 830.00. "Let tis take another instance. A farm with twenty-five cows with a yearly milk yield of 100,000 pounds of milk, using shallow pans or even deep setting. This will leave on an average , 0.75 percent, fat in the skim milk. By using a hand separator run by power (I do not believe in hand work), the per cent, may be reduced to an average of 0.25, a gain of 0.5, or 500 pounds of bat ter a year, and on this farm careless ripening of the cream may cause a year ly loss of eighty pounds of butter in the buttermilk. "But, supposing we do not run the separator right, we may easily lose from 200 to SOO pounds of batter per year. "It may, of course, be objected that if this batter is left in the skim or but termilk it is not lost; and, so far as we use it for human food, this objection is valid. But when used for hogs, calves or fowls, I leave it for you to decide whether you can afford to feed them with butter." POTATO STALK WEEVIL. What the Insect Looks Like aad How It Does Its Work. The accompanying engraving (after Riley) shows this insect somewhat en larged. Tie real length of the full grown insett in the different stages is represented in each case by a straight black line. The larva, or grub, and pupa arc white or yellowish white in color, and the beetle Is of a beautiful ash-gray color. This color of the beetle Is due to a covering of gray scales. If the scales arc re&oved the color ia black. The beetle has a short snout or beak, and for this reason is called a weeviL* The female beetle deposits one egg in a place in a slit made in the IS $ V c THE POTATO STALK WIKVIL. a, larva; b, paps; e, beetle. stalk of the potato, a little awre the surface of the ground. The grub soon hatches and tunnels its way down deep into the root. It then works its way back again, and when fully grown changes to the pupa state and then to the mature beetle in the stalk (see illustration) just below the surface of the ground. This tunneling of the root and stalk weakens the vines very se riously, the leaves begin to turn brown as if sunburnt, and soon, especially if the weather bo warm and dry, the whole top dies down; the potatoes are small in size and few in number. — Orange Judd Farmer. Pollen for Crossing Apples. When the first blossoms of the va riety we wish to use for fertilizing have expanded, we pluck out with forefinger and thumb the stamens and pistils and drop them Into a cap. In an hour a smart boy can gather In this way enough of the anthers—in the "hard pellet" state—to fertilize a thousand or more blossoms. After gathering wo dry in the cup, in a warm, close room. In the process of drying the anthers ripen and burst, und when needed for use a camel's hair pencil, moistened, will come out of the dish laden with the golden dust To show the durability cf pollen gathered in this rough way, I will state that three years ago we laid aside a cup of pollen not used for four weeks. At the end of that time Dr. Halsted germinated it on moistened slides quite as perfectly as that freshly gathered.—Prof. J. L. Budd. A New Version. Teacher —What was the fate of Lot's wife? Scholar—She was turned into salt. Teacher—What for? Scholar—For looking back to see if the woman who had just passed her had on a sealskin or plush sacque.—Judge. Missed the Opportunity. Wool—Modern flying machine men seem to be smart people; but old Darius Green was considered a fool. Van Pelt —Must have been, not to have put his Idea into a stock company. —Munsey's Weekly. A Hull Issue. Mr. Suburb (hastily swallowing his breakfast, near train time) —Any news In the paper this morning? Mrs. Suburb—No; not a single mark down sale of any kind.—Good News. Kathleen's Little Gaff. Mr. Nolan (examining his birthday present)—lt's a foine shavln' set, Katie; but phere Is th' mug? Mrs. Nolan— Sure. Rory, I t'ought it's yersilf could furnish the mug.—Pack. The Dear CHrls. Ethel lam going to marry for love. Maud^-Certainly, dear, but what do ycm expect your prospective husband to tnnn-t- for? You are not rich.—Munsey's Weekly. Expiation. Bunting—l see your wife wears a new bonnet. Larkin—Yes, I had a little oelebraUon the other evening.—Munsey's Weekly.