Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 17, 1891, Image 4
DB IMBER IS9O, We made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, of which we have the largest and best line ever shown in Hutler. These goods were all bought at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the history * of the trade since the beginning of 1891. Carpets have advanced in price from 2 1-2 to 22 1-2 cents per yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we have control of several of the leading makes, for this county. New Cottage Carpets . - - 20 cents. New Ingrain - - - - -5 cents. Better Ingram - - - - 35 cents. Union Extra Super - - - - 5° cents. New Brussels ... - 50 cents. Rag Carpets - - 30, 35, 40 and 50 cents. Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material. A splendid line of Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Portieres, IMX_ tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House. RITTER & RALSTON, WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, -R TTTT .TT.-R, - - - ' - - iFIEJM IST'A Where yon can haye your choice out of the largest assortment of cooking and heating «U>vea in Buil«r county: alto dealer in Hardware. Lansing Wagon, Wheee & Wilson snd Standard Sewing Machine*, Banging and Stand Lamps. Mfinfactoe of Tinware; Tin RoofiDg and Spouting a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN Regarding Fine Clothes. As a new comer requesting a share of the pat ronage of this town and vicinity in my line, it befits me to make a few statements. I make a specialty of the higher grades of work; I keep in stock the finest quality of goods; I recogni7.e the fact that a good fitting suit from my house is it's best advertisement, while a misfit con demns the cutter and tailor. I shall endeavor to send out the best fitting clothes to be found. I do all my own cutting. o—o The prices will be as low as can be made com patible with the quality of goods I shall adhere to. A full line of the latest and most stylish goods in stock. Call and see me before placing any orders. GEO, HABERNIGG, Sr. MERCHANT TAILOR, 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. "GET THERE ELI f Follow Dan McGinty, Annie Roonev and the rest of the crow d to EC. P DREW'S FURNITURE ROOMS, And secure tbe new pieces you will cced after house cleaning. Pick them oat, make a deposit on thetn, and we will set them aside an il yon are ready for them. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. I'2B Jbv. Jefferson fet., - Bntler» Pa. MY NEW STORE lis now completed and I respectfully invite the Public to call and mc rr,e. lam prepared to top ply ivny. thing in the liue of Drugs atid Medi cines at all hours. Prescriptions at night a specialty. Electric Bell snd ppeaking tubu ot frcnt door. Calte answered prompt ly- A bright, -cheerful rcorc aud every new. Yours, J. F. BALPH. A. J. FRAlfa * CO. DBAUKX !M PECOS, MEDICINES, and CHEMH'Ati-' •\SCY AND TOILKT ART't'Kr. BRUSHES, PERFUMERY. Ac r , . "Mclajis' Prefc.:rtptliioM rar ,ul!j- coj pCUL' t .. S Main Street, Butler, Pa. Su'jeciiLe for the CITIZEN. GRAND OPENING. Saturday,- April 4, Ai No. 120, 3. Main St. NEW AND COMPLETE SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHING. HATS. FURNISHING GOODh.TRUNKS. BAGS AND EVERYTHING to be found in a first class clothine storo. Give us a call on Saturdry, April 4lh whether you wi?h to buy or not, we will take pleasure in showing vou OUR NEW STORE, NEW "STOCK, and PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. TfclE RACKET STORE 120 S. Main St. Butler, I 'a. •'** r> »'• " >•** I* T%*dr r»y .T.»l.n H v*orfc for ua. iCead«r, r jro-j n- f a* much, but w# can > . V SQ'cerh y.'.u ki> !:«•%% to •■•m fr..in #6 to *ri!S ' -i'= rr ui uirnti ouly la El, Jj/ '•' nrthtnir'.' V A sin ATkIITiLY kin.Vlf /KjHflVk I'A itril-1 !.AIIH I hKK. A,idT«-fc» *t ou«-r, JL. ttl.MJis* * ID.. IbttlUU, »Al.\K. Advertise in the CITIZEN. SCHUTTE ic O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. f»KA LKHR IK Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and atural Gas Appliances. .Jefiei - on h't.,opp. ' owrv II ■ use BUTLER, P V- New Livery Stable. New Stock, New Ria s —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT — Horses ted aud hoarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r} 39. W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r. One square v. est of .\laiu St., OD Mifflin St All good, safe horses; new buggies «o<l carriages Landaus for we'ddiMr- and funerals. Open day and r.'};! '. Telephone No. 24. Hot : :i <i(l Depots, W. S. (?. •" « runiiire a line Of c: jr : '-f. -ic- <• the fco : .t S and depo's (.! the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone N". 17, or 1« H\e orders at. Hotel Vog^l«v. Good Liven in founmion Th< Flue f rem! Livery, CRAWFORD & KLNfcEDY,' T* w» ■! kr <«. ;t liverv m*i,'Vrn.Kfn* b»«:» h: - 1 on ijitTri-t in the r.hi \: i is - : !i 1<! I'ipt efl to bav. I - i i r. ' '.i h'« fit w c ofbusiDisf. riages in 13u;!«r ui ili« moat r< i. ■ n.i .e raw p TLc j !a;e is eai-iiy rei.it m- Im-ti (t. Th»- fiitt stable wtat of tLe Lowry Ilourt. sample net.M. avm i>- connkction Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Clas*.) HENRY L. BECK. Paop'tt. J. H. Facbkl, Managed. Liutler, Pa. WiflardHotel. Vv. IJ. REIUINti. Prop'r BUTLKR, - PA. STAB: IM; IN »<i>XKt:TH»N. SABl'l.i. ItltOJi !«.r COM 51EJICIAL TUATEI.KUH wr^n^' : Mfisgr nuatf,- >. ST. 'ilTi.El'. PA. V - r.;.n t;.ris. «!:-». «i: ».ight J P.rcjVtswt. JSifaß. l.i!n:.'t-r i'. wufs. Supper cents. !.oJ?li!g <*lltS. SIHr.ONMJ'. >. PIiOPB EiTEHiOLLEB No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near Now Court. lluum formerly lmualdstu House —j;ood accommodations for iraveleis. (Juoil stabling connected. EITEXMI'I I ER <S LEIBOIJ). l'rop'rs DIAMOND HOTEL, SELLEBS, Prop'r. New furniture, new fittings and first class accommodations. Livery. Scrtli fide of Diamond, Butler. Pa fta vyui mi, lirn.r, B,',l'A. H. FULLERTOft, Prop'r. Biaukcis, FlannWs ami Y»iu Hiannliii'tiiredot'Purc I»m --lei < «Mt><3 r We guarantee our poods to be strictly all «00l nil noai-senlc or iiny other poisonous material se.l in dying. We *e!l Wholesale i retail, ample* and prices fuiulsbtct >i-f.e t<. ••••s.iers ou pph.:stton b.v iii.il! A pamphlet of Information andab-/f of the laws, showing How to/gT Obtain Patents, Careata, Vv-Aa Copyrights, Merit Ircc./Mmaf Addro« MUNN A CO.iLrv fIKYDKSnDEn By Using Alien B. Wrisley's SMCKOtSW latest and Beet Invention —Little or Ho iIINSOr OIOTHES Required-Ask your Grocer for it Follow Directions Glgsf'** GoodlUooiT, Goodiiv-alta. Ot The BliwiJ S-arvlinr i» tho tuttn Trj'fn .v.- llurtTonic. I'urm Boih. Pi.. VJ. , r,. lUnok H'-ais. ms.t cU WJttT A* 7 Tis Kiiidsc Ca?, gl'.isUtg-. F A:^uwkan^o |"5 . •:; t,./ofr;3;ncral iad NEXVOU3 H£BU ,\Xi, fjT-'i 4 I?" s W*iiaee»ot Sody antlXird, Kd'ecta Pi.J .. -Trro. *or £nx*aie? m Old To::.. * P.».'iu . "»:»*•: !A.Mi>lbb(q|lj ItfttblvJ. llow to *ctar.-- .-< <2 Slr«»it<.:ruV.kAK,i;NPlCT» : OPKIM>HI<A>'BAUIiTBOi I.WJ. Ab*«l-.t ( .fr u ifa'Mnc HOIK TKiUTSKST—Hi>tkJia In a «Uf* «Vt»n 60 SUtM and Kwrriga Writ# (litis. #.• ,<-r! .;r e fi. k, mi urcllmii imu prveTa taalled (afaio<J >fn % Aicmt ERsS HirOICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. V; .. '7; ii? r -xJ yUI r..»TI UciiVn '' feariii th.-iro»vu :• - .hi.'* > .• ••. »>»•■> » .! \%»il nU >f i:.iM> KM rfti a . .i '■ • ' 1 I*arn«r'l- I <1 B I ••■it < ' y lua.e «lr«a«1y tt4i.irlit ai»U j.i « xti: « - rnrii! a I :»■ »• I tintn' «!i" are maklii* » . « •' an.l I>. ! .1! i i • I K I.E. .:s I t. C, ALLLA, Uox iiSO, AUKUKIU, Hume. JOHNSON'S LINIMENT , U KEanv o7 -. arcßrAL aai SITSZ:TAL -GENERATION AFTcR GENERATION UA have USED A>"D BIXSSTD rr. fy/NC-He> V J>rr.*iftrrt on S:nfnr 9 Children 7x>vr Tt. Every Tiuvt • xiuKil.i have a bottle of it la his satchel. Every Sufferer SK TOQ« Headache. Diphtheria. Coucb-.' latarrh. llnjnehitla, AKthrna,<. h .iera Mi:rv:-, I o.'irrh.ea.!*im nerje Boivm in B.»lv or l imbs. S:;ir Joints or Strain*, will fln.l In Ihli oM An'-lvnt* relief ami pih l **,!}- cure. 1 nmplilet free. Soi l rr,rywh.Hrire:iSct*.. by mall.« Express paid. (i. 1. sjiOHN'SON i O UO»TUJ,, !lu«. [SCOTT'SI laiii DOES CURE i CONSUMPTION ] c i In its First Stages. j | Be sure r/ou g- i the tjenuin". I__ J M you, no othor dressing for me but woiffsACME ß|ackin s If you end your customers are dissatisfied with it, It ifl beca.UßO you did not knoio how to us* it. n Atk in Paint. Drug tnd Bouse Furnithing Storm for Pik-Ron, which WILL STAIN OLD & NEW FURNITUWK Tarnish WILL STAI N GLASS AND CHINAWAM at the WILL STAIN TiNWARt A-lHlfi WILL STAIN IOU« CLO BASA.TS time, W'LL STAIN BASVS.COACH AND JZD IKSON s\ r^nr. WOLFr 4s RANDOLPH. Pnll^delphla. I GIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Incline*.i n, iJysrcpsia, Biliousness, Liver Cora plaint, b.clc Heada. c. Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bi tile of that roost wonderful medicine, FI oraplexlon, which is the only ab solute and pcrma.-ient cure for the above named diseases. I can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well suiiificd v.ith the results they unl take pleasure in s; king ahout its marvelous curative virtues to all Iht :r friends and acquaintances. '1 he value of this sort of advertising to nic is worth many times thee st < f themedicinegiven away, so I am v. ell ce rnpensated for the seeming large expense. 1 have or 7 J.MK) letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints all. ve i. .'led. Write to-day stating your disease and reet ive a free bottle by leturn mail, or ask your druggist for it and get well. Address, PROR. HART, 83 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. DOCTORS LAKE • -'-.jrx fij PIUV VIE DISPKNSAKY. ■[ iN Co?.. PENS Av . A :O F-C -KRN ST., ..IPITTG6JKGH, PA. f :*■%:■> , AHformsof Delicate and Com vC?-- if- j plicated Diseases requit ing Cox. Vif ' gf FIPENTIAI. SIIIISCIENTIKK'Ai."d --: ic.atimi ore treated at this l>is ii' • w n success rarely attained. Pr. S. 1. thelioyal Cnllegcof l'hy «-i:i!.a Mul Surgeon*, and t< the oldest nu I nn«.-t BMK •j-iencc.l SPECIALIST in the city SpeciaLat t. iii ion :;ivcn to Nervous Debility from excessive men- I exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., cans ii:„-;.hy~l>-al anil mental decay,lark • r (nerpy, I ; ,cy. etc.; also Cancers. Old Sores Fit*. I •:--:!ii«ti<in. end all diseases of the Skin, Hid >3,' itil i iu.iry Organs,et -. Consultation !r • rti ietly confidential. Office hours,i) to t : , * s p. St.; Sundays, 2 to 1 r. ?.!. or.lv. 1 i.-o or address PR*. LAKE, Co ft. , ;x AN ... ANOttIIST-MTTSBUKUU, I*A. IF ■ OTIIP' TUVRI ' ...JIL'LALSI 'i':i tl cut -.i by r 111 L Ai> S. i **:*.! \ i .. I ,• ..t once, no operation "'• • • • « ; -unced in cm ; ! . •.> *v.: nil. r Circular. "I'cr Si'. *ll C fpi Ailvco Free. C-Ui;L V{j. /■.: I I Z.Z. xj. Cffi 1! 1.15 Uto 3. iiii The Most Successful Remedy everdiscov. ered, as it is certain in its effects ami does not blister. Read proof below : MIL'S mm CODE. Bn.VER.NON, Pa., Nov. 27, *9O. DR. P. J. KEND.'.U, CO. : Gents—l won' ' 1 to male o known to those who are almost pei v. * • useKendall's Simvln Cure thefnet that Ithh most e.xeellent Liniment. I have us» <1 r . ' spavin. Ti • horse went on three leg* . ! • . i»s when i commenced to two your I. i.-; ~ in Curt-. I used ten bot tic-: < nil.- h -v i ..o worked him for thrco years uud lia : »>i IH«CU laine. Yours truly, WM. A. CURL. G nnMiNTows, N. Y. t 2, 1599. DR. Ik J. KENDALL. CO., Eucwbnrgh Falls, Vt. Gents: In praise* of Kendall's Spavin Cr.ro I will say. that ayara,:o 1 had a valuable young horse l;e --oome very lame, h<x»c and swollen. Tho hornt'meo about lu«r»•(». e have no Veterinary Sur geon here) pronou:: red his lameness Blood Bpav tit or Thcroughpin. they all told me there was no cure for is. lie became alvout useless,and I con sidered him almost worthless. A friend told me of the merits of your Kendall's w*~ivin Curt*, so I bought c »>ott!e. and I conld see very plainK crt af Improvements immediately from its use.and t« f- -re the bottle was used up I was satisfied the* it v. as doing him a great deal of yutxl. I boughUi *e. - id bottle and before It was used up my h was cured and hns be< n In ti;e te.mi doing hej: \\ v >rk all the sca.- 'ii aim »» last April,showing nou .o sis'ns of ir. 1 consider your Kendall's Spavin c ure a valuable medicine, and it should lie In ©very stable in the land. Respectfully vours, EUtifeNE DEW ITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprie tors. DR. B. J. KENDALL CO.. £uo!*burgh Fulls* Yeruicnt SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. STENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HAXDSO3XX:, I.VDHSTIiCCTIHLE. Cheaper than Wood. A UL ||||||| ' J^P Picket Frr.cc wltb gate. (Ttialacct • actt:ug,)can be U«»*4 on I T on or Wood PO«U. When writing for ■RICE* give Q iant'.TY, Number of Gate*. D ".ME 1 Single, wanrod. A!.«O Mujufacture E.-AVJ Ir.»U nclng, Crcsttng, Sta' e Fit'iuga, Fire Shutters AND FIKK K"''AN»:S. Cellar AND RaiUngn, Bran and ITOB Grills. WL i: H P-K)C i-.ND WINDOW SCREKN3, AND a.L kindaof WIRL WOLL. TAYLOR A DE.IX, 201, 303 S 305 M.irkot St.. PltUburuh. Ta. " THIS PAPIBSIIILI M. V- AVER * SON. our MiUioriied TTIE CITTZEX. I MISC'KL ANKOI'S AJ> American Joke. "What a beautiful grirl that Mis» Bently is!" exclaimed Charlie Gillerft. "Whenever I see her she reminds me ot the American flag." "Why?" asked Billers. "Her lips are red, her brow is white —" "Yes; but her eyes are brown," inter rupted Billers. "Where do you find the blue?" "In the feelings of the man who pro posed to her and got rejected," an- , swered Gillers, with the air of one who spoke from personal knowledge.—Pitts, burgh Dispatch. A Case of Self-Defense. Indignant Guest —Waiter, the beef steak was so tough and badly cooked that I shall not pay for It. Waiter —But, boss, you ato it all de same. Guest—l did that in order to get rid of its disagreeable smell as soon as pos sible. —Texas Siftings. He Would Swear. Magistrate—You say you caught a glimpse of the man that shot your dog. Could you swear to him? Old Farmer—Judge, I've been a per fesser nigh on to forty year, but if you'll show me the man that killed my dog, I'll swear at him till I'm blue.— Slinro —House cleaning is in order. —This is the last month for oysters. —Have you got acquainted with your new neighbor yet? —Spring is in the air—and the mud un der the loose brisk a!>' > nets t! ere. Who iu thanler, is "Muro Anon" anyhow, and wh.-n did he come to town? —I an) one of the olili s f . horse-shoers iu the town, mid I have used your Salvation Oil for cracked heels, mange, and sand crack* with horses, it givrs perfect sails faction CAMS V." I.KK 414 W. Hull in;-.re St., Hallo . M.l. A Me'!in!i>t pri'Kcher hinted th.it t would be nic«- jni t» Knrope, as hi tbroat Ir-iuble v r- ling worse, bur good >lt • - -"-"it. l«>r ii bottle of I»r. Bull's Cough Syr l '.;!. »:.<t consequently now e; j y a go id s ; —A very c\ le:: ire lionis si c in. ustry in Uussia ti.il>;.!* of ike umnafi-ctore of wooden spoons, which me made to lie amount nl SO.OOO.Oi'H) aimnslly. They are in ar-y nil iii.tde ■ 1' uireb. —l'll vi-i'.i altui-ks of rheumatism by taking Uei.j's Sai'Miparilla. It purifies the blood. —Tlie pink eye is raging among hor es iu Titnsville. The disease i. contagions. One veteiinury surgeon has eighteen cases on his list. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? Bo yon sufler from Dyspepsia, lndi gestion. Sour Stomach, hm-r Conipluiul, Nervousness. Lost Appetite, lillliou.-uos*. Kxhaastion or i'ireii Feeliug. I'a; us in Chester I. 'j.-. Dry Cough, -S igblsweaL-, Nervous Deliiuiy or any form ol Cousump lionf If so, send to i'roi. ilart, fco Warren St., XcVt iii, who v.ill send yod free, by mail, a bottlu ol' medicine wuich is a sure cure. Send to-day. 'Spiiug cotnclh now with eager eyes, With smiles beguiling, bland; But strange it seems to see her come With snowballs in each hand !" —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti— cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic tally cures in Ito 3 days. Its aetiou upon the sy stem is remarkable and inytterious. li removes at onee the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 73 cts. Sold by J 0 Kedick, druggist, Butler. —An exchange says a lady cLred Ler til teen-year <dd son of cigarette smoking ly laying on iitr hands. She had a slipper iu one of them and had the boy with the other. Spscial Announcement. We have made arrangements v, itii Dr. B. .i. Kendall Co., publishers ol' "A Treatise on the llorse aud his Diseases,'' which will enable all our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two-cent stamp lor mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Ken dall Co., Enosbuigh Falls, Yt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases ot the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appre ciate the work, aud be glad to avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining a valtible book. It s necessary that you mention this paper iu sending for the "Treatise." This olier will remain open for only a short time. A grave-digger was digging a grave, And he whistled like a thrush or a linuet; The reason lie whistled while digging that grave, Was because he himself wasn't "in it.*' —ltch on human and horses anu all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woollord's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by J 0 ltediek, druggist, Butler. —A little salt sprinkled over the surface ol a mustard plaster will enable the patient to keep it on l'orhours without much suffer ing. —Dr. Fencer's Uoiden Belief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headacue, neural gia, or any otner pmn in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, hues burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrhtea, dysentery aud flux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —While every oi e is discussing the tai ijaestion, the several concerns engaged iu manufacturing laci.s in New IJugland have formed a "combine.'" —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, serolula, the ulood and ail skin eruptions Dr. Fennel's Blood and Liver Kcuieuy and Ncivo Tome never tails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. iiie citizens of Indiana are making a vigorous protest against a receut order of the Town Council levying a tax of twenty mills on the dollar. —Knglish Spuria Liniment removes all hard, soil or cu.louseu lumps and blemishes iroui horses, li.ooU curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stilles, strains, till swoleu tnrouis, coughs, etc. Save !M use ol one bottle. \\ arrauted tlie most wonderlul blemish cure ever kuown. .sold by J C ltt iii' k, druggist, Butler. —The sound of the tack-hammer is now he ird < ehciug fro.n the houses. —Foniier's Cough Honey will relieve aaj in one hour. Kijuully ji-iod for ho .>es. liives energy and Miengin. Money icluniljd ii .alisluetiou not given. —The tunnel Irotn Scotland to Ireland will cost —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. —United States railroads cost $9,u00,- ouo,ooo. Save Yourself Money. When you go to rutsburj;ii, l*a., stop at the Anchor Hotel, corner Liberty and Fourth streets. It is- a strictly first-class Hotel conducted on the European plan. LodgUiKß, 24, —35, —ei f»0 cents. —Metal shingles are here. —Electricity drives drills. —Kansas has f»0,C00 negroes. Consumption Suro!y Cured. To TUE EDlTOß:— Please Inform YOUR reau.-n that I have a positive remedy for the above-nan • 1 disease. By its timely use thousat-da of hope]- 3 eases have been permanently cnrcd. I shall l-o ei to send two bottles of my remedy TRUE to try your roadnrs -who have consumption if they « ul send ma their tiprots and P. O. address. Keapect fully, T. A SLOCtJM, M. 0.. 18t Pearl St., N. y. HUSELTON! Represents the lurjrest ai.d best manufacturers of Fine Shoes in the tinted States. III'SELTON buys for cash and sells on small profits. UTS ELTON does the largest retail footwear busi ness ever done in Butler. Ol'R bid tor business this season is A COMBINATION OF BARGAINS From one end of the store to the other; it's everywhere the same throughout the store. The high grade and low prices go together. It is wonderful what a dollar will do in this wonder lul stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, .Rubbers, Ete. We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. We will guarantee the quality and make of these goods in all re spects. We will sell them one and all as low as any living man dare sell honest goods. Luck is looking tor you in the shape of bargains at THE SAFE AND RELIABLE STORE OF «. o. in si j/F<)>. 102 N. Main Street FARMERS' EGG CASES f °mn These case? &Ie made of tin, hauds< inely Jopanntd ncd ornameotid. They combine convenience, cleanliness* and economy 1 nts more egf;s m less space, with less dead weight, than iu any other form aud is a moat per fect egg preserver. They arc the most complete and practical thing ever in vented for Farmers u.;" iu carrying eggs to market. I bey fco.d 12 i.o»i eggp. The fillers are of new design made ot cloth-paper and are very dtra ble. Tbev are to constructed lbat when the eggs are removed they fod neatlv and being placed in the lid which is prepared specially to retain them leaves an entire < n.j.ty case for returning home with your They are p.u ornament to any home snJ there is nothing fur ' ucc - 3 - ' half as nice or or that wi'l keep bread and tbe Farmers' Egg Case. Tbey can be seen at thu s'ore of Al. RUFF, Retailor of Solid Leather Boots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices. Hoots an(lShoes, Slippers, Rubl )er Goods, etc., AT Gl?IEB & VOGELEY'S. You will timl tliem li-eali, new goods, from tlie leading manufactories, and all the latest approved styles, making A Rare Collection of Choice Bargains, Not to be equalled elsewhere in Quality or Low Prices. See Us! Talk With Us! Try Us! A Now Stock, A Choice Stock. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Y ours 11 esj >ectftilly, Grieb & Yogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLEU. I'A. On-ocfesile Willard Honse. , RINGS, Diamonds J^»s, CST UDi, ( GENTS GOLD, W. ] ) LADIES GOLD, ntcneh 1 GENTS silver I.AUIES CIIATLAIN, "r I „ TT (Gold Pins, Ear-rings, t) C (li \ | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, j Tea sets, castors, butter dishes O* "1 J and everything that tan le Si 1 venva re \ «.-»? Cis« ,t» re , nnrvpffi lil/7 I Knives Forks, Spoons— RODGfH ml mi E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER; ACKNOWLEDGED THAT X>. x» Pape HAS The I Most Reliable and Leading Millinery House in Butler' County. We are now prepared to nbow you a complete line of the latest novel ti<s and ideas f r Children'.-, M Yotir.sr and 0! i Ladies' Trimmed Bttl and Bonnets, und Lace Hat*. <jllt, Silver and Silk Ribbons. Flowers in greui variety. And we won I \*t ry speeully mention tbit M uri Hats a:>d BoaneU receiv# our best att mion. Every order in this lir.e will be executed with neatness, aud promptitude. No charge tor trimming hats w Lea materials ur bought Lrra. Iu thitj litre we defy couipetition. A,w ,r in T PAPE I"-- Cheapest. | • ■ * * » ■" ? | Street. I To show \ the largest and lowest j priced stock of FURNI T U R E in the country. Don't forget to call and see our Parlor Suits, C> pieces, upholster ed in Crushed and Silk Plush. Two beautiful pictures and one handsome oak Parlor Table for #SO. We also have a Parlor Suit for *25, as follows: 6 chairs, | upholstered in plush; 1 rocking-chair, up holstered in plush; 1 sofa, upholstered in plush; all for the low price of #25. Our * • it : r i") S c.ia !>c h- uj;ht only at our stui- • for ih- rit •• W - !'• 'iiina ('i<<ioH : r :-.:iy price you want then i'n»m S2O up. I'arlor Cabinets from J S u»». Side boards from up. We have any kind of furniture at any price you want. Campbell & Templeton, 130 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, i'A. WH/.N YOU GO TO PITTSBURGH, be sure to visit ROSEXBAUM & CO'S, 510-518 Jla b t S ; reet. The spacious stores are t»t present filled to overflowing with tb. !argi-st and best selected stock of m w goods :n the city. Tin* many departments cop.tain hundreds of attractive bargain which this limited Bpr.ee will -i; I tduiit of enumeration. Visitors will fin iia our LARGE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT the best productions of America's most, talented ;u >di.-;es. We always make it a point to serve customers with the latest c.-aceits in t shi :iiab ! e Lead wear at lowest p. ssible prices. This policy has made our Millinery Depart ment what it is to-day—the most popu! »r of any wes • ■ New York. We have just opened extensive liaes of beautiful SPRING BLAZERS, JACKETS AND SUITS! Every popular stylt» shade aud color is represented. Our ladies' euila are equal in appearance to any tailor-mad.* ?u:ts, and rati.; • 'o pr:c. Irom SC.SO to 8:29 75. In Blaz> rs and ,1.. ;b. :<?,• we >■u-n . rid? fr :» s'2. $3, $4, $5 up to §20.00. CORSETS, GLOVES AtvD HOSIER'; . Our line of Corsets contains all reliable makes. Kid and Suede gloves we . L'ttv in every sL •••■e and color. B in# direct i-rter-» we can afford to uii 'ciseil other dealei <. We also import moat of oar Hosiery and are prepared, at ail tiroes, to offer special Low Prices. " |s£y Customers 1 iv;:• ir nut of tdVrn arc coroiu ;• inviu ito call a-»d in spect our stock for thuiustlvca. We guarantoe to s.ive taoaey for >i I who favor os with their patronage. •: A, We've got em, Yes we've got em bad! . fKt We d< "'t mean the rpp~, 'it the • . s- • !■' > vSp* ageratioi) w' •• m ct jfi i ■ 'jj ly #'bn' ;• • '. !•> t-o --t' J . ,*jj diun; v. . ». •im :i to «. its . _ / ■ Tt ~v : :.T— • - . .// .. ' ' i? - " v jres -3E v.-th . I ■■ ' ■ * wj r 1 .. •> -- -fur c£gß - suck of.eggs. client »ls, «nd th- ; it» - •<;: -"i-" I" ; ''■ t » wo ire giving away and hear ' eg --u- tort agg clam nio it ■ tbo#o who egga* amine the cgg.-igeu< vof cur egg«ptnse!e.-i; eg 1 Fur furtL' r eggsplanation call on i). A. 11 1: c iv , CHA M i'lON CLOTHIER, FURNISHER AND HATTER, No. 121 X. y*-« : 1 Bt. ----- 'Jailer, IV "£\\Js g ® HAY- FEVER ILvSP JF COLD-HEAD .fell Cream Balm w not a liquid, ttmiff or potrdtr. A-pplud into t/ ca- rils if " quirk!:/ abnorUd. It c'saru n the had, allay* inflammation, It tt* „ _ Cfli* i/i'im swr/d <>r sent bg m.iil on. re t <-fj>r' . fa :■; •» DUG ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren Street NEW YORK, <lh u