Caf Load After Caf Load OF FURNITURE Arriving daily. You will all want some nice new Furniture this Spring. Before you buy look at our new stock; it will pay you. We call special attention to our PARLOR CABINETS, MAN TEL CABINETS, CHINA CLOS ETS, BUFFETS, SIDE BOARDS HALL RACKS, PARLOR SUITS, BED-ROOM SUITS, <fcc. We can show you any kind of furniture you want and at any price. Campbell & Templeton, 136 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA WHEN IN NEED- OF Hr ' '' ' W^G* CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, - PEJM 3ST'A Where yon can haye your choice out of the largest anKortment of cooking and hestiog itOTM fa Butler county; alco dealer in Hardware. Lanoing "Wa potf, Wheee A *Wilfoa tod Standard Bewing 15aibiuo, Hanging and Stand Lanip«. Mi nufac'.ue of Tinware; Tin Roofing and Spoating a Specialty. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN Regarding Fine Clothes. As a new comer requesting a share of the pat ronage of this town and vicinity in my line, it i befits mc to make a few statements. I make a specialty of the higher grades of work; I keep in stock the finest quality of goods; I recognize the fact that a good fitting suit from my house is it's best advertisement, while a misfit con demns the cutter and tailor. I shall endeavor to send out the best fitting clothes to be found. I do all my own cutting. ——o —o The prices will be as low as can be made com patible with the quality of goods I shall adhere to. A full line of the latest and most stylish goods in stock. Call and see me before placing any orders. GEO, HABERNIGG, SR. MERCHANT TAILOR, 202 S. Main St., New Troutman Building, Butler, Pa. "GET THERE ELI!" Follow Dan McGinty, Annie Roone* and */ 7 the rest of the crowd to .EC. S. X> R K W ' S FURNITURE ROOMS, And aeenre the new pieces you will med nftt r hous; cleaning. Pick tbemout, make a deposit on tl.e:n, arid we will i-et tht-m tiride un til yoo are ready for tbein. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. 128 JE. Jefterson " irintlei-» l*a. A VALUABLE AMD DOUBLY UMFUL LITTLE INSTRUMENT FOR LADIES. "DUPLEX" ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURLER AND CRiMPER,; Tlii* lithe m S*^f* r f' et - rouve»it*l.nitJ*i sod iftrtirt llttlo tollrt »rt,< !»"<«r inwiwl. :t<v.i I > .ur«»Oomb-qßlfcrrf»«i|*riorntii=!|i with »n imprnTo.l Tun* Crlmp«t, unit 1 tl. p r< • . t E>T- ' tiaCMtle, it «iiij'klr produce*'irfullj ple»„ U g » DIJ |.,|,|otiSK '•> ith in aid Uk I. .i "r ! bs ni«d In »n» dMirad atrlr, und when to flivd with thia liitin it minim Hi' -!•. >et i-... h Imgn, ltd U Dot »tc« »fctt. dby the <<» sip air. Otut I rttd, alumv u*U. OFjILL rjEALLR.I. t- ' «• not brMkoffor roln th* h«lr Ilk" nioat CnrWj jn.l n«rrr fall« InaMntinn. »nd i .r»nteed to |iw »»ti«faf tion. MONEY BKrVSttM) If Nor A* IIKI SrtKMTit. . . f(ir«»l» by tho k»din«dr'i«. dry »nd fancy good* tra.lo i-rn.-r.illv, 1.111 If n..t ..I 'alnnl.lo in yuur vJ. : •»• wttf null it to \et -v'-i-i! -trxraot'Tliii: •• i -'iv. r- 'i t r > {d.Ni E«Ditby;d;.".tt. or i.rrtw, or uurrMiiy i -i»i .... iut . h< to till A. IWM|CU4» « o.,jnl:i.>w»w*y. N, \ . >Vniicn iln» ;..>r r a ~l» mii -I f. r )U'idftt«a aCocMtl.Briuu.'u.Cult*. Be»«ti(al*odpupuikrKovd*. j!u.tllb«riti lux.. : SCHUTTE fc O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DKALERS IK Sewer l'ipe,j Gas Fixtures,; Globes and atural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St., opp. Lowry House BUTLEH» PA. Save Money B\ getting your Fall and \\ in ter millinery, underwear and hosiery from M. F. & M. Marks'. They will show you the lar gest and best selected stock in Butler at the lowest prices. We have a larger stock of ttimnied goods than evei 1*:- fora. Mi ;i rni i:i-T goods a Specialty. New » ivery Stable. New Rigs. —OP£N DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r* 39. W. JeffernoD St., Butler, Pa. Mifflin Street Livsry. W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r. Oue square west of Main St., OD Mifflin St All good, safe Lorsee; new buggies »ud carriages. Landaus for and funerals. Open day and uijrlit. Telephone No *24. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now ruuniug a line of carriages between the boteiß and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. It, or leave orders at Hotel Yogeley. Good Livery in Connection The Blue Front Livery, CRAWFORD &. KENNEDY, The well known lireryman,Win.Ken nedy, has bought an interest in the above barn and will be pleased to have bis friei ds call at "r.i* new place ofbucintss. The Best Horses, Buggies anc Car riage^ in at tlie reasoni»li»e mie« Tl e pluce is e.i-ilv r.-rm n b »<). The firM stable west 11 lie L wiy H' ii'f. SAMPI.K I:( OV. INCONNUIION Hotel Yogeley (Slncihj I'll*! Ci'ixs.) lIKNRY L. DECK. Paoi- jt. J. JI. Facdel, Manager. Butler, Pa. Willard Hotel. ;\V. H. REIHING, Prop'r BUTLER, - STtn.lMi IN eOSSKCTIO*. SAMl'l K liOO.M IV. r COHMKat'IAI. TRAVELKIiS nixon's mm, 36 N. McKF.AN ST.. UUTI.EK. ]»A. Me ils ;U>II hours. Opeu all night, breakfast a cents, Dinner 25 rents. Supper 25 cent*. Lodging 25 cents. RIMKON NIXON - - - FKOKB mmim aom, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - BA. Near New Court—formerly Donaldson House—good aeconißiodatlous for travelers. Uootl stiiblltiK connected. KIT KNM L'ILKR A LEI HOLD. I'rop'rs. DIAMOND HOTEL, JAMES SELLERS. Prop':. New furniture, new fitting* and lirst clh--' accommodations. Livery. JNVrt/» xkli vj rtiuwtond, Jiiiller, Pa 111!!! SfSOlfR ill. nvi l.i r, IM. ff FIJLLKRTOA, I'mp'r. lil:inU«-i«. FlannelH and Varii .UHiiiiitti'direil of Pure llhi lei County Wool. We guaiaiilee our voods to be strictly all wool nd iii»urs«*i»lc or any other poisonous material H(?J in riyptufr. \\V srII Wholesale or ittitll. aninl- .mo luriiisht-l free to 1e»!«rs pph- :*'!on l)\ lIMII. A pamphlet of Information an<! Wi "II nof the iJiws.fihoivinjr How jjlTTrfo; ( Hit.'tin I'utents, Caveat», jrr^t h MYQURHTB By Using Allen B. Wesley's GOOD CHEER SOAP latest and Best Invention—Little or Kgßubbinoqf Clothes Required-Ask your Grocer for it Follqw Directions Gldsfi* *'jV i"'" t •' * PERSIST***? v ' 1 • haa always prove* ' fni'vrvs' ii. Iktforo i>la<::nr'p.ny ' N«*wM|)i4iwr Advertising consul 'Lm*? i-c ID & THOMAS, 2 Jhfr'SW 1 ••vsttl 181SM AtiLMrt, a u V«W»b &4 net* CUIOA( i JOHNSON'S LINIMENT v ke-v O7 . \J v fr !K-Z2i:AL lil EXniXil. rf AFTER GENERATION HAVE USED AND BLESSED IT. . on Sut/nr 9 Children Ts>rc Tt. Every Travel*r should Have a bottle of it In his mtcheL Every Sufferer itica, KeuraUfia, Ser- I TOUS neau&rhe. Diphtheria, Coughs, ' "atarrh. Pronchitis, Asthma, Cholera Morbus, Plarrixra, lann Serene** in Body or Limbs, Stiff Joints or Strains, will find in this old Anodyne relief and ro**edy cure Jamphlet i Stop tliat ; ;CHRONIC COUGH NOW:; i For If you do not it may become con- J » sumptlve. For Consumption, Scrofula, j I iicncral Debility and Wasting IHtwiia***, j j thero is nothing like I SCOTT'S! I FMULSIOH 1 ! Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and | HYPO PHOSPHITES | Of Xj iano Riicl Soila. | i It Is almost as palatable as milk. Far J t bettor than oihor so-called Emulsions. ) j A wonderful floah producer, | Scott's Emulsion j lThere are poor imitations, del the genuine.] YES. MY DEAR. JRA'Q rajr. MD lET OK C"l uflT ToftiOcifc? !7. An fjyerlnadof Wi;! m> not in'uro yon i it will innke yo-j vi; j uncomfoiWfcla; so w£i OTcrlcstLnc cf Wolff'sfiO^Eßlacking not injaro yoar shoes, bat make them 1-ok nnsigbtly until cieaiH'd. To pievect abuse follow directions. A* U DTVJ, /•«( R \ J '"""S" Pik-Ron, trhick WILL BTJUN O'.o a NIW FOBMITU«C VtimisTl CUSS «RO CHINAWARC at th* WILL STAIN TINWARC ftatnc WILL CT4IM VOUn OLD BSSHCTS UttC. \-:CL. F v. :-12iD0LPH, I GIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver Com plaint. Sick Headache, Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of that most wonderful medicine. Floraplexlon. which is the only ab solute and permanent cure for the above named diseases. I can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well satisfied with the results they will take pleasure in sp-vking about its marvelous curative virtues to all their friends and acquaintances. Ihe value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times tbecost of the medicine given away, so 1 am well compensated for the seeming large expense. I have over 70,000 letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to-day stating vour disease and receive a free bottle by return mail, or a&k your druggist for it and get well* Address, PROF. KART, 88 WARREN STREET. NEW YORK. DOCTORS LAKE H PRIVATE IHSPKNSAKY. Jff COR. PENH AVE. AND FOURTH S r.. J&fe-jlr PITTSBURGH, PA. -jSMPk/'A -All forms of Delicate and Com - r*F. JFCFC.4 plicated Diseases requiring CON- Wv Mr FiDtsTiAL and SCIENTIFIC 3l"d ication are treated at tilia M-ns.try with a success raMy attained. I>r. 8. K. Lake I* a member of the Roval College erf J'iiy— 4ieiaiis and Surgeons, and i.s the olded and iiutit L*\|n*rieneed SPECIALIST in the city Special at tention rjiven to Nervous Debility from excessive mental exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lack o( * neiyy, 1 -pond»»ncy, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores Fits, riles, (rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin. filo >d. Lungs Urinary Organs, etc. Consultation T» e and strictly confidential. Office hours. to I and 7 to 8 r. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. M. only. ill at office or address I>RS. LAKE, Coft. 'hNN A V K. AND4TIIST.. IITTSBUUGH, I'A. Til ' been p6rmai>e»'Uy cured tar— i'Mll-AUKi riU A. r \. t-a eatonre.nooperation or f ilnirirum « «s-s pronounced In tin able *'y «'('*er:* w.» riyiM. »i c ircular. CURE GUARANTEED. oaMfei . The IWoHt SnccPfHafnl Remedy ever dlncov. ared, a< It is certain In It. effects and does not blister. Itcad proof below: KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. HKI.VIRJSOS, Pa., Nov. 27, W. Da. R. J. Kehdall Co. : Gents ~I would Ilk#* to makf* known to tboge who are almost pernim «»-d t«» use K<*ii<lairM Sfiavin Cure the fact that I think lr !*a mutt excellent Liniment. 1 have used i&on i UlutHl spavin. The horse went on three l(*fOt for lliree y« am when J commenced to une yoiir Kcmlaii's Cure. I umml ten bot ties on the hor»e and have worked him for three yearsbincc and ha. not been lame. Yours truly, WM. A. CUKL. OERMAXTOWK, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1»». Da. B. J. Kknda. LL CO.. Knofilmrgh Fall®. Vt. Qent«: In praise of Kendall's Spavin Cure I will •ay. thataycarauo I had « valnahlu vouiw horse IKV eome very lame, nock and swollen. The horsemen about here (v. e have no Veterinary Bur geon here) pronounced his lameness hU«*\ Spavin or ThorouKhpin, itiey all tolfl mo tliere wiu no cure for it* he becameat»out US«I«MIN. ami 2 con sidered him almoht worthless. A friend told me of the merits of your Kendall's M ,/uvln Cure, no I bought a bottle, and I could see very plainly great Improvements immediately from ltsu»c.and l»«*f re the bottle was used up I was doing him a sreat deal of good. I bought a second bottle and before It wan used up my horse was cured and has l>ecn in the team doing heavy work ail tho seavn since last April, showing no more slgmi of It. I consider your Kendall's Spavin Cure a valuable medicine, and It should be in every •tabic In the land. Respectfully your*. EUtif.NK 6EWITT. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it will 1m» Kent to any address on receipt of price by the proprle tors. DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enoaburgh Fulls* Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, INDKSTIU CTIItr.K. Cheaper than Wood. Picket Fenwith gmU:. (Ttiiili BM a Dotting.) can b« uoo Iron or Wood Posts. mic u *rllln< for price* give QuanUtj, Number of Gmiee. Doutilo nud Kin*!*. W*nt«d. U*« *l*o Manufacture fl**vjr Iron Fenctof. (-rcatiiif, itnbi* ritUog*. Pir« Shutter* nud FIRE E>CA»*fM. Cellar o«H»r*. and Kalilnc*. Hraaa and (r»n Orllls. WIHK bfiOft AND WINDOW HCHKKNS, and all kind* of WIRE H'OUk. TAYLOR A DEAN, 201, 203 Jt SOS Market St.. .PittHburich. I'a. ! l:Tfl! M J i THE CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS Hadn't Consulted Dim. ••You should learn some trade, urj ton," s»id Mr. Manhattan Beaoh to hi* young hopeful. "Bricklayers are get tins' three dollars and a hall a day, while lawyers can't afford to ride on the street cars." "Pa, why didn't you learn a trade when you were a boy?" "That's not only " silly, but also an Impertinent question. I didn't learn a trade when 1 was a l*>y out of regard for your fadings. I wanted to give you an opportunity to say that your father was a gentleman." "It can't be helped now," replied the bov, moodily, "but I wislvyou had con sulted mc, for If we had arranged for jrou to be a bricklayer, I could have been the gentleman myaeK."—Texa* Siftinirs. Would Sell Hl* Ufa Dearly Old Soldier (to publisher)— This man uscript, sir, is my auto-biography, con taining an account of my army life and the battles in which I have fought. Publisher—How much do you ask for it? Old Soldier—Ten thousand dollars. Publisher —The price is outrageous. Old Soldier—Hut, you must know, I have always been determined to sell my life as dearly as possible.—N. Y. Spirit. —Mothers should take warning and stop dosing their babies with laudanum while teething. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup answers the same purpose and it is known to be perfectly harmless. 25 cts. It is an actual crime to suffer from catarrh when you can buy Old Saul's Catarrh Cure for only 25 cents and get cured at once. —This is the refrain of a song sung by 250 Wellesley College girls, who nearly raised the roof the other day. Life is all a grind; Yes, all a grind "fis to iny mind; Though many joys some find, Yet life is ali a grind. —Hood's is absolutely un eiiualleii as a blood purilier »ud sirenglbeu ing medicine. —Craw ford county's decrease iu popu lation. as shown by the census of 18S0, reduces her representation iu the Legis lature from three members to two. —Kittaniiing borough has only eijji.t pauptrs at t;>e poor farm. When U is re membered Ibat beioru the pour Louse Was built the borough was gi\ ing aid to over one hundred persons this statement will certainly strike the average t&xpayer lavor ably.—Pre##. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? I)o you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, Lost Appetite, Uilliousness, Exhaustion or Tired Keeling, l'aiu* iu Chest or LuDgs, Dry Cough, .Nightsweats, Nervous Debility or any form of Cousump tiou,' 11 so, send to Prof, ilart, b8 Warren St., New York, who «ill send you free, by mail, a bottle of medicine which is a oure cure. Send to-day. "Uh! wintry da\ s Of rain and huze, Leave us—do leave us. We sigh for May's Bright tints. Your grays, Believe us, grieve us. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti-- i ure" for rheumatism and neuulgia, rudiu cally cures in Ito j days. Its action upon the Mem is temurkabie and ii.jf-tcrious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. 'l'ne lirst dose greatly benefits. <o cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, llutler. —The !a !> who has a l-.vo <d" a bonnet and the ui.»u who bun a perfect ntoinai ti may bu classed among those who thorough ly enjoyed E.wter. Special Aiinouacemeiit. We have made arrangements wi:h Dr. |{. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on tho Ilorse and his Diseases, which will enable all our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending iheir address (enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Ken dall Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases ol the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over lour million copies having been sold in the pust ten years, a aale never before reached t>y any publication in the same period ol t.iue. We feel confident that our patrons will appre cute the work, and be glad to avail them selves of this opportunity of obluiuiug a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This otter will remain open for only a short time. "Although the birds begin to sing, The frost still tingles ears and lingers, For winter in the lap of spring With all its old persistence lingers. —ltch on human and horses aim all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Texas has 235 counties. —Dr. Fenner's Golden Belief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pam in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wouuds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrhcea, dysentery and Hux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —Japan has electric light. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Kenner's Blood aud Liver Kemedy aud Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —Ohio ha.-: 3 women lawyers. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps aud blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, spliuts, sweeney, riug bone, stitles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save SOU by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kedick,.druggist, Butler. She'd a pretty little bonnet, With a flower garden on it, Had the Easter girl that looked at me. —Dr. Fenner's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for horses, (jives energy and strength. Alouey refunded if utislaction not given. —392,805 silver dollars were issued last week. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction iu every case or money retuined. —There are 200 women preachers. Wild geese are flying in great flocks. To Consumptives. The undriHgitetl*having lueu reit-ired to health by MIU|/1« LUEAUS, alter nuOtfiiiK lor several )ear* with a severe luug utJeetlou, dud lliat tlrtad ilioeuse CoH»uaiplioil, in anxious to muict* known to his lei love »ut!er ern the menu* ol cure. To ibow who dwire il, he will cheeflnlly M ini (irte ol charge) u copy ol the used, which they will liud a sure cure lor Consumption, Asih'ua, Catarrh, Hronchitia and ull throat an'l lung MUIMIICH. lie hopes all sutlerers will try iiiri Remedy, hs it is invaluable. Tbo»e dettiriu* the prescription, which will cof-i theui nothing, and may prove a bleat ing, will pleaae addresa RTFC.V. HOW AUD A. V\ iLMOIf, \\ illiambhurjf, County, New Yrok. —Several I'itUburg iron milU haw di."- pluctd nnitiia) ftun by Lima «»il Kpruy and as fuel. —As tlie weal her become warm l;ce will become abundant, bolli on aiiimaU and iu the poultry-houiMf. The poultry-house should be cleaned « lit frequently and the rooats kept saturated vtitli kerosene. Consumption Suro!y Curod. To Tnr ioimH:— I'laano inform your readers that 1 have a pomtivo remedy for tho ahove-oameil dis«aMo. By it« timely uno thou»iari.lfl of hope!**** ca*eu hmre lx«en perunneutiy cured. I nhall bo gUd J to »«nd two bottle* of my remedy i'ltEK to any of i your readers who havo consumption if thry vrul j send me their Lxprena au«i P. O. address. lu»pect- j fally, T. A. SLOCUM, M. 0.. 181 Pearl St. N. Y. j HUSELTON! Represents the largest best manufacturers of Fine Shoes in the United States. HUSKLTON buys for cash ami sells on small profits. HITS ELTON does the largest ret til footwear busi ness ever done in Butler. 01 R bid lor business this season is A COMBINATION OF BARGAINS From one end of the store to the other; it's everywhere the same throughout the store. The high grade and low prices go together. It is wonderful what a dollar will do in this wonder ful stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Etc. We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. We will guarantee the quality and make of these goods in all re spect?. We will sell them one and all as low as any living man dare sell honest goods. Luck is looking lor you in the shape of bargains at THE SAFE AND RELIABLE STORE OF 13. C. HUBJELTON. 102 N. Main Street FAEMEES' JjGG CASES These ca.-es are ».:»!«* ol ti 1, '«• They combine COD venienee, cleanliness and economy. Puts more eggs in less space with less dead weight, than in any other form and is a most per fect egg preserver. They arc the most complete and practical thinp ever in vented for Farmers use in carrying e>rgs to market. They hold 1- dozen eirps. The fillers are of new design made of cloth-paper and are very dura ble Thev are so constrocted that when the eggs are removed they fold neatly and being placed in the lid which is prepared specially to retain them leaves an entire empty case for returning home with your purchases. They are au ornament to any home and there is nothing for lunch baskets U[U " half as nice or convenient, or tbnt. will keep bread and cake so res a the Farmers' Egg Case. Thev can be seen at the store of AL RUFF, Retailer of Solid Leather ]3oots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices. Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Goods, etc., AT GRIEB & VOGELEY'S. You will find them tresh, new goods, from the leading manufactories, and all the latest approved styles, making O A Rare Collection of Choice Bargains, Not to be equalled elsewhere in Quality or Low Prices. See Us! Talk With Us! Try Us! A New Stock, A Choice Stock. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Yours Respectfully, Oriel) & Vogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. Op no si to "Willard House. , RINGS, 1 ™ IW K I KAR-RINGS. Diamonds SSCAUF PINS, ' STUDS, ( GKNTS GOLD, WJ I ) LADIbS GOLD, ntClieS j GKNTS SILVER 1 LADIES CIIATLA'JN, I 1 ( Gold Pins, Ear-rings, »l (iWeilV j Rings Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, cantors, Imtter dishes n• j t ' and « verything that tan le r>l 1 \ 01*\N ai( | found iii a first class store, intm mm la&vjr* E. GRIEB, THE J EWELER No. 19, Noith Main it., BUTI.ER, PA., j FAMOUS Reduction Sale JO. T. F A PES Leading Millinery House. o %/ AM surplus stock rednced. No fall or winter goods to be car ried over. Splendid Bargains In hosiery, gloves, mittens, under wear and fancy goods of all kinds. Gome and see them at ISTo- S. Maio. St.» UUIL'LKK? Mourning Goods a Specialty. GRAND SAMPLEri a nfl I TUTfI BOOTS & SHOES SALEOFSPRI GU/I U I II j I \ RELIABLE SHOES G S°T°Y D L!-S latest DAnuftllio. at s ar A Grand Opportunity. Put Your Money W here it Wil Make the Best Returns. We Will Give to the Limit in Quantity, (Quality and Value. NEW GOODS DAILY! Having jiii-t ntt vtd si other lot < > utrj !c i cot?, fl <<s- and timers I am prepareu in uflcf mhegit at Ie» h uii.b in t> <th 4.1.0 1 Lei e. A tin 1 g this stock will bo found a latfie stock of indict tie iluss shoes. E»«ty day shoes of all kinds and a large aescrtnunt of slipjtrs. Misses shoes of all kinds, heel cud spring heel, plain toe or tipped. An extra large stock of childrecs shoes of ali kinds. MEN'S SHOES. The as? on me nt of nets thcis is larger than ever be fore. All t-urplus stock, all winttr goods and bu extra large stock of sample (roods which 1 hav<' put cut on the counter to be sold at oi>ce and in order to accomplish my purpose 1 have minted these pocds away down. Yes, away down; andgentlemen now is j our time to buy, if you want a bargain call around to my store and I will convince you that 1 am selling footwear cheaper than anywhere else in Butler county. Cut this out and keep it for reference—Men's best Kangaroo shoes, hand welt price $3 to $4.50. Mens tine Calf shoes, hand sewed, Cnlf or Dorgola t(}>s, price $2.75 to $4. Mens' fine Calf shoes, machine sewed, rangiDg in price from $1.25 to $2 50. Our line of meus' fine Culf anil Kangaroo shoes at $-.75 are taking the lead wherever the) are sold and every person who has ever worn them will agere that tliev are equal to any $3 25 shoe eyer offend. This line of mens shoes I have in all styles, Congress and lace, plain toe or tip on toe, London toe or wide French toe. Boys shoes of all kinds at a small margin. LADIES allow me a few minutes of your valuable time till I tell you of sbces I have just received This lino is of the latest s'.vles aud patterns from the Rochester shoe factories. Among this stock will be fouud a nice line of ladies It-ced shoes, patent leather quarters sr.d dongola vamps with diamond patent leather tips, and many other pretty fetyles which space will not permit me to speak about. Our line of Oxfords *va< never so full and complete as it is now. We ure offeriug reliable flippers at popular prices. Our lad'es $2 50 sluts are conceded by all who have looked at tbera to b« <quo! to any $3 s-hie ever offered A golden opportunity, a pair of ladies fin* shoes with patent leather tips, button et $l5O to $4. Ladies tine dv ngola s h es opera or common sense la.-is at $2 to $2.50 regular price $3 . The above are not lenders iu '.be sense of being a few articles singled out for special mention because of their extremely good values, but fair spec imens of the entire stock. They are leadtr.-« in another sense. They lead numbers it pi ople to come to us It r their shoes and we please aud suit them all At all times a full stock of Le. iilier and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather. Kip and calf stock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith aprons. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. At all times a full stock of oilmeas b>x to«d boots aad shoos. Repairing neatly and promp ly done either in leather or rubber goods AH persons who live out of town and wish to secure some of the bargains i am offering can tend their order by mail and I will send them to you by mail or express and I will pay all expense of delivering them to you. Seud me a trial order and be convinced of our extra low prices. All orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention. When in need of anything in cur line give me a call. Yours trulv, JOHN BIOKEL, New Numbers l k 2B S. Main Street. BUTLER, ----- - - - - PENN'A HAVE Ki SEES Till? We refer to the bargains that you can see daily on our shelves end counters. We would like to close out all our Winter Stcck and therefore will sell our entire stock at a BIG REDUCTION to make room for Spring (joois. Don't, Don't, Don't, Don't, FORGET THAT WE HAVE THE Largest Store 111 13titer Co. and sho.v the last styles and lowest prices. To convince v< u come in oar s'ore any time and look around, uo mutter if yon want to pur chafe anything or not. No tronSh t • show goods. Special lace curtair, sale. See wirdew display. TR OUTMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. © j - - - PA. THF Sk OPM ■£gi.D,NHE* 0 ] HAY- FEVER f_ A< r U U Cold head 1 E'y'i Cream Halm i* n>t a liquid, *nvf or jxXtJsr. Applied into the nostrils it it _ quickly abMtrlxd. It cI. antes the head, allays inflammation, heals _ . C(l n th, '*>r ts. »>M Ay druggists or sent by mail on rcreipt of price. L||n 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UG
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