Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 10, 1891, Image 2

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W.C.SUUI, - ~ - - W
wn>iT. Ann, to. iw
~a— - *"* f*
the cmtr, «• per
— one time. ». each
.übwoMßtUMartlM as asata each. Aattton
SSssßftrapssy xs A
U ceais a Ist each toetUon OMtu -
artes. cartas* teaaH, rsaMetwos *'"g"*
the order. Botan worta or prsee m£»
p.»«. (or tl-i-—*f carta and job won on
s^&^ssr2SSd. en4tiw,r
Uie uSsssCtMir iMtchhora, not now taking a
county P«*«r.
All eommanfaallMM Intended tor Mhlaatfaa
Intern owes mnsMa imwmM WUm reel
nameotUie wittse, not tec pnbtteatton bat aa
a ill if—ln itlilllMH,
Meeting of tha lUpabUcan Co. Commhfa
There wQI be a meeting of tha Republi
can County Committee in the Huaelton
building, in Butler, on Monday, April SO,
1891, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
fixing a date (or tha holding of the Repub
lican primary election. and for the transac
tion of such other business as may oome
before the oommittee. A fuU attendance
is requested.
S. H. Hcseltob,
T. M. Bun, Chairman.
E. K. Gkasam,
roi nut cMDWom.
J. W. RICK, of Bntlar twp.
H. J. POUTIUB, of Millerstown.
W. P. BROWX, ef Bmtler.
JOHX LARIMQRB, of Oakland Twp.
No question has harraased the members
of tbe ConaoQ of this town mora than that
of tha method to bo adopted in assessing
for the sowers. Tbe matter baa bean
brought np at every mooting of the Coun
cil for the past three months; as good legal
and basineas talent aa there is in the town
have taken part in tha diseuseion, and after
the matter bad boon (tally considered tbe
Council adopted tha foot front plan, with
the allowances for side street frontage, as
published last week.
The law itself under which tbe Council
' contracted for tha sewerage suggests the
foot-front plan; and the allowances made
for tha aids streets an the aame aa thoee
made at tbe suggestion of Bx-Bonator
Wallace for his town.
If tbe asaeasments were made according
to the valuation of the properties sewered
a manifest injnatice would be dona tha
owners of tbe improved property, and aa
attempt to combine tha valuation and
frontage plana would reeult in intermina
ble trMble.
A sewer benefit* a residence just a* much
a* it doe* a bosines* block, it i* almoet a*
much benefit to a small house a* a large
one, and it inersases tbe value of a vacant
lot immediately. Several of our citizen*
are iiiimi for vacant lota and tbeir first
argument in trying to sell those lots will
be that they are sewered.
When people signed for sewerage they
knew they wonld have to pay for it; it is
needed and now that the plan of aaeees
ments is known, petitions for sewerage
continue to poar into tbe Council chamber
from ail parte of tbe town.
If tbe geatlemen who is now objecting
to tbe plan of aaseesment* adopted by the
Council, and who writes over the signatnre
of "More Anon" has a better plan to sug
gest, or any plan whatever,he should make
it publlo.
A man with so many adjective* in bis
month ought to have some ideas in bis
bead, and be should have given tbe {Coun
cil tbe benefit of them long ago.
TUB Howe ef tbe Michigan Legislature
has peeeed en act which provide* for the
election of PreaUential electors by the
the popular rote in each Coogreesional
district leaving only two to be' elected by
the state at large.
P. T. BAJUUM, tbe great showman, died
at bis reeidenoe in Bridgeport,Oonn., Tues
day evening.
Gsomoa P. MravHoe, tbe veteran Sena
tor of Vermont, bee tendered hie resign a
tion to the governor of that state.
THI recent evente in Vow Orleans, and
in the coke region of tbis state, make it
obvious to aU A—rican citiieus, whether
native or aatnraliaed,.tbat tbe tide of im
migration from the stome of Europe mast
be stopped. The Italians who are fiocking
to tbis oonntry.oome from Naples,Measina,
Palermo, and other eitie* of southern It
aly. all of whiek, outside of the epot* that
are kept clean for ynblie occasions and the
entertainment of stringers, are worse than
pig pens. Tbe people are dirty and lasy,
eruel and Immoral, and void of everything
that goee to make np an American eitisen.
Tbe Huns are probably no better, and like
tbe low clees Italians they mistake tbe lib
erty of tbi* ooontry for license to do wtaat
they pleaee. Our immigration and natur
alisation laws need revising, and all aliens
in tbis country should be sent oat of it ae
soon as they ere detected making trouble.
Til s reply of Bodlnl, the Italian minis
ter to Secretary Blaine's last note, is more
reaaonable than hie other effort*, and Italy
will be satisfied if tbe lynchers are prose
Sine* Wedneeday of I act week sugars
hive invn from 1+ to 2 cents a pound
cheaper, aeoordtng to grade, and tbe Na
tional government will part with a revenue
tbst fas averaged fifty millions a year dur
ing the pest ten years.
A tariff was placed on raw sugar many
year* ago for the purpo*e of encouraging
it* production in thi* country, but the in
dustry ba* not grown and cannot grow.
Tbe only place* in thi* country where
sugar-cane can be grown are •bout the
mouth* of tbe Mississippi river, and some
of the Texas rivers, and even there an
early front destroys the. whole crop, and
the land owners prefer tbe safer and surer
crop of cotton.
No more sugar is produced In tbi* coun
try now than was produced thirty or forty
year* ago, aod it was but right to tike off
ibe duty, though it and tbe duty on rice,
were tbe once that the southerner* always
favored, while they oppo*ed tbe duties on
iron and other thing* that have built up
iuimenie Industrie* io tbe northern states.
The Ml. Pleaaant Riot.
I. dother mob of atrikera descended upon
tbe Moorewood works near Mt. Pleaaant.
Westmoreland Co., shortly after 2 o'clock
of laat Thursday night. Tbe building*
were defended by tbe Sheriff and thirty
deputies, and the eaptain and fifteen men
of the local military company, all armed
wi*'i rifle*.
' hen tbe mob neared the buildl.igs
tb< y were warned to halt, and not doiug
so wore fired apon—seven Wei tig killed
outright and thirty wounded. The mob
then broke and ran.
Gov. I'atUson ordered out tbe Tenth
Regiment and pat the Eighteenth under
waiting order*.
T'>» funeral of the victim* at Sootldale,
Satot.' V, we* attended by'tenthou<and per
■on'. I.ut no demoa»tratlon was made.
Two more of tke weuuJed men died cor
ing the latter part of tbe week.
tt »—«- m.* _
ntrniDUT| noxei.
The Legislature re . sembled Tuesdsv,
and tk* Hooaa had the conspiracy law*
under consideration. Mr. Jones, of
tll<yh«By wants all the old law* repealed
and a naw one paaaed.
In the Sonata that day, the State Asy
lum bill passed finally, and the Pittsburg
street bills were coosdered.
The granger members of the two houses
met that evening and unanimously agreed
to oppoae the Road bill, and to alter the
Tax bill so aa to exempt from taxation all
borae* and cattle under 3 years and all
•beep and swine under 1 year, also house
hold furniture, tool* and unsold products.
On Wedneeday everybody was talking
apportionment. Senator Meek introduced
a Senatorial apportionment bill putting
Butler and Lawrence counties together a*
the 39th Senatorial district, and making
27 Republican, 13 Democratic and ten
doubtful districts; and Senator Williamson
introduced a judicial apportionment bill
which makes Butler county the Fiftieth
district, with one Judge. Lawrence coun
ty is given the old number and one Judge,
and Phil'a county gets 15 judges and Alle
gheny Co. 11-
Dasth of a Journalist.
We copy the following from the Wil
liamsport, Pa., Gazette and Bulletin of
March 30:
Among the victims of la grippe in Pitts
burg is Nelson P. Reed, the widely known
bead of the firm owning and publishing the
Commercial-Gazette of that city. The
death of this genial and prominent journal
ist is a heavy loss not only to the city of
Pittsburg but to journalism throughout the
country. Mr. Reed was a man of such
strong individuality that he was sure to
bare been recognised in whatever place or
pursuit he may hare been found. He was
distinctively a self-made man, but while he_
rose to prominence and influejyi»---rtTfough
bis stability and energy -ef~character, he
had the ant age of having a
worthy lineage. His father, the venerable
Majot George W. Reed, of Butler, trans
mitted to his offspring qualities which
proved of great service to them in their
lines. Another of the eons gave promise
of a brilliant career, which career, however,
was abruptly ended when the brave young
life was given to the cause of the country
through mortal wounds received on the ill
fatedfield of Fredericksburg. The mother
of these sons was a lady of great beauty
and sweetness of spirits, as well as intelli
gence and refinement There is something
in heredity, whatever may be argued to
the contrary. While N. P. Reed did not
reoeive special educational training in bis
youth, be received a thorough mechanical
training, under the immediate eye of his
father, and the valuable discipline then ob
tained doubtless had something to do with
the self-reliance and methodical habits
which characterised the suocessful journal
ist throughout his whole life. Not only
1 did be afford another conspicuous example
of a young man going from a country vil
lage and achieving great material success
in a large city, but ne also demonstrated
the possibility of a young man, thoroughly
grounded in his moral nature by ennobling
home influences, remaining steadfast in
this respect through a busy public life.
Without original experience in printing
offices, Mr. Roed embarked in the news
paper publishing business, and became
thorough master not only of the business
and mechanical departments of a vast
newspaper enterprise, but was successfully
managing the editorial work upon his
Samel at the time of bia death. While, as
ifore stated, be had the qualities to at
tract attention in almost any line of effort,
he seemed to be entirely adapted to his
chosen field of journalism, as his signal
success attested.
Although be has been called/upon to
cross the line between "visibility and in
visibility" while yet in tbe prime of vigor
OUR manhood, be was permitted to prove
himself a man while in the world and to
make many other meu feel grateful that
they were permitted to call him friend
while he lived.
"Ten Nights in a Bar-room" at Jacks
A very successful entertainment *a*
given by the young people of Jack*vi!le
•ad vicinity, in the town-hall. Wednesday
and Thursday evenings, March 25 and 26.
The well-known drama, "Ten Nigliu in a
Bar-room," was rendered each evening.
The characters were well chosen, each
being well suited to hi* part. J. M.
Moore, who acted the part of 'Sample
Switch el,' though not a natural Intra Yan
kee, is not to be beat. His readiness at
"binding the bargain" showed him to be
no inexperienoed band and the apparent
plea*are with which he accomplished it
made a deep impression upon Mr. Komaine,
"the philanthropist," who seemed to look
upon the Taakee as a usurper.
J. D. Humphrey it not a pretty fellow at
beet, bat ae 'Simon Blade' his very appear
ance took down the house. S. S. Gard
ner deserve* great credit for the manner in
which he performed 'Joe Morgan;' W. 0.
Book ae 'Prank Blade* showed himself
worthy of bis aire; Harry Green' was im
personated by E. C. Miller who acted the
villain's part so well that the audience bad
no sympathy tor him when be received a
genuine bump on the bead; J. W. Hum
phrey impersonated 'Mr. Romaine,' and
'Willie Hammond' was very well repre
sented by W. E. More; Nellie Sinclair as
'Mary Morgan' is worthy of special men
tion: Venetta Moore represented 'Mrs.
Blade,' Mary Humphrey 'Mre. Morgan,'
•ad Florence Pisoi 'Mehitable Cartwright,'
and of these we have only to say that their
acting waa excellent. The worthy in
dividual who wanted a reserved seat for
fifteen cents is also deserving of ewpecial
mention. The entertainment was given
for the purpose of cultivating temperance
j sentiment, and repairing the town-hall, in
I which this man waa a principal stock
holder. The bouse waa crowded on both
evenings and the players have already
been requested to repeat the play next fall.
After each practical recommendations
further praiae on oar part would be snper
luoua. Suffice it to any that no entertain
ment at thia place for many years has been
•o entirely aaccesefal. Although the writer
was not personally interested in the play,
he feels that he would be neglectful or his
duty, did he remain silent concerning this
enjoyable ooeaeion. T. K. UTHKCL.
Middleeex Twp. Items.
The boiler house of the Foreat Oil Co.
was broken into a few days ago, and the
thief took a lot of clothing, a good looking
glass and a fine rasor belonging to a man
named Woods, the field boss. Suspicious
characters bad bben loafing around for
several days, bat after the robbery they
A few nigbts ago J. B. Flick had a pig
taken out of the ]*n, and up to the data; of
writing tbis he has no clue to the thief
Mis* Emma Montgomery visited friends
in Pittsburg last week.
Henry Flick is confined to bis bed with
the grippe.
Wm. Trimble was assisting Mr. Turner
last week at tbe Fulton pump station.
Robert Anderson, Jr., intends to go in
cooking-school this month, and we wish
him success.
Oar schools closed April 2d. Tbis was
the last term of school in the old school
C. Johnson must intend going to faruiiug
this coming summer. Wo noticed that he
bought some farming Implements the other
day at the l'orter sale.
The Bnd of the Nicely*.
Tim Nicely brothers—Joe and Dave
were hanged at Somerset, last Thursday
morning Neither made a confession, and
nothing remarkable happened at the exe
cation. Their bodies were taken to Ligt.-
nier that night, and tbeir mother is report
ed to have In-come a raving maniac.
AufeirTft of Armour A Co., of Chicago,
have lately visited Texas, and purchased
eighty thousand head of cattle at an outlay
of over two million of dollars.
True Economy
K Is true ton—y t» ha? Hood's au«|>illl*.
far " !«• Dales Oie Dollar ** la original with and
tree ealy of this papalar b*4Mm. If fan wieb
la prera this, bey a battle ef Head's Sarsapertlla
aa4 measure It* eeateats. Toe will Bnd It ta hold
IN leatfooafal*. How read lb* directions, sad
yea will ted that tke a»era«edo*e for parsons of
differ eat >(•• Is I*** than a tasjpoaafsl. Hood's
earsapartlla La tbe best and cheapest ssedlrlae.
I " I laak Head's BeraeparUle far leas ef appetite.
I dyspepsia.and geeerel languor. It did *»* vast
aaeuat ef food." J. W. WlLUPOap.Qwlaey.U.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
MdbyalldreaMe. gljsUfeegL Preperedoaly
by C. L HOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*.
100 Pom On* Dollar
Pleasant Hill School.
Ed. Citiibx:—A* there is always space
open in jour esteemed paper for common
school news, or, in fact, any other good
and wholesome news, 1 feel at liberty to
•end you a few facts concerning the above
iramed school, and especially of the last
month and last day of the term. The
school began very promisingly on Monday,
Sept. 22, I*9o. and closed very happily and
peacefully on Wednesday. March 18. 1391.
The ptr cant of attendance for the term is
90, which, owing to the inclement weather,
the distauce many have to go, and the
number of small scholars is very gratify
ing indeed. During the closing month,
Henrv Barkley. Eddie Millison, Charlie
Stewlrt. Budd Garvey, Curtis and John
White, Clara Gallaher, Mintio and Ada
White. Annie Barkley, Clare Stewart,
Marv. Eva and Maggie, and Sue Uaworlh
misled no days.
In the same months we were pleaded to
have visits from Sapt. McColloueh. l);reo
tor White, Mrs. tt'm. Garvey, Misses
Lizzie Barklev and Cora White. We were
very much pleased and encouraged by the
remarks and words of good cheer they gave
us, and especially by the fine, earnest and
sensible speech made by the superinten
dent, who promised to come back next
winter and bring his wife along with him.
(Bona fide.)
In honor of the man who was "first in
war, first in peace, and first in the hearts
of his countrvmen." the larger boys had
a flag-raising on Friday before the 22nd
of February. A fine symmetrical pole 40
feet long, with the "Stars and Stripes"
fastened to it, was raised over the school
house, and then aud there, the old mansion
was dedicated to the cause of education,
eqnaiity, conformity to law, and justice
f..r all. After three rousing cheers for
George Washington, annexation, pay-for
your-coinage, the elections bill, the cloture
rule, and reciprocity, the boys were so
enthused with patriotism that Jack White
and Hosea Gnllaber were willing to make
in which they would
hase+wTOcfluje Rri'ish lion's tail to the
Toyanii of the American eagle;
and Curt ami .J •tin White were ready to
sing a duet, a:.d (iub Melvin and Charlie
Stewart could hardly keep from Dancing
"Jim Crow" to the tune of Yankee boodle;
aud if the Brazilian President, Fonseca.
hadn't acceded to the Plnmed Knight's
reciprocity scheme, there would have been
a declaration of war at once, and the boys
would have marched on the tree-dwellers
of the Amazon without further notice.
On tbe last Friday evening of the term,
the school had an old-fashioned "spelling
bee" and literary. The evening was very
cold and stormy, yet there was a comfort
able audience present, and the "beaux aud
belles" were there in all their glory. After
spelling a half hour, with Orpba Stewart as
victor, a short intermission was given for
the folks to make arrangements for the
remainder of the night, and it is said that
a goodly number took advantage of tbe
After recess, recitations, dialogues, and
readings were in order. They were very
well performed, and after the announce
ment: "There will be a picnic on the last
day and everybody is invited," the andience
quietly went to "their own homes or to
some other body's home.
This last day finally came. The day w..s
warm and bright, tbe only nice day in
March, and it really seem as if l'rovi
dence had interposed His authority in our
behalf, and had changed Hick's calendar
for a day at lea# People with well filled
baskets came from all directors There
were citisens, patrons, strangers whom wo
had never seen or heard of before. The
recitations went on until dinner time
arrived. After the preliminaries had been
performed, Mattie Garvey, Minnie Myers,
Orpha Stewart, and Maggie Garvey took
poH*essicn of a lot of as fine cakes aud pies
as we ever saw, and it wasn't long till the
cravings of the inner person were fully
•"stifled. The only incident happening dur
ing tbe feast was not a fata) but a provok
ing one. C. F. White, who had been diet
ing himself for a day or so in fond .'uitici
pation of the least, was abuu: ready to be
gin Kurk when bo discovered that the
platter was bare, not even a crumb on it.
A little detective work soon located I -
"# iinied" in Jim Mcßurney's pocket. It
will always be a disputed question bow it
got there, at any rate Jim gave it back,
and Charlie is no worse of the disappoint
ment. Dinner being over, everybody
sauntered out to find .some amusement.
Tbe fathers and mothers g..t together and
talked over their school days; the girl*
formed in knots, aud discussed the good
qualities of their beaux and tic weather;
and the boy* hied to a field bard to a field
hard bv to have a game of base ball. Tbe
game was a good one, and the plays made
by Boyd Garvey, Pierce Flinner. Oscar
Sbanor and others will recommend them
to Detroit or Chicago next year.
Having tired of play, every one natural
ly concentrated at the scbool house, where
tne bell of authority soon brought quiet
ness. Speech-making and singing were
then in order. Several of the citizens
spoke very entbusiasticaly about the
social benefits derived from spendiug a day
together, now aud then, aud all were of
the opinion that the teacher and scholars
bad had a very profitable and pleasant
time during the term, and that it was not
necessary for a fow interested manipulators
to be calling the public's attention to the
fact on all possible occasions to make it
appear so, whether it'was so or not. By
request, Mrs. Robert Wallace was called
on a for a solo. It is not at all necessary
to say it was sung with the ability of a
Patti, for it recommended itself.
Tbe teacher, after thanking the patroqs
for their hearty co-operation and support,
which are absolutely essential at all times,
if the school is to be successful; the
scholars for their respect and obedience,
and the directors for their suggestions and
visits, declared the school adjourned with
out day. 0- P. W., Teacher.
The Centauk.
The celebrated Imported
English Shire Stallion, Tlie
Centaur, registered in England
as No. 4,089, and in America
as No. 040, will be kept as
heretofore for patronage, at the
residence of the subscriber, at
the reduced rate of Ten ($10)
and Twelve (sl2) Dollars dur
ing present season.
Grove City, Pa.
To counteract the effect of
spring wind* sod Htorait* oq luce
and bands; to renew, renovate
and purify the cuiicle after n
rigcrooH winter, ia tb« mission of
And rifcbt well doea it perform
tie ifi-k It in a bland, creamy
emulsion, with junt enough vege
table oil to Hoftfii the t-kin, com
bined with pure glycerine and
other MiilwtatjteH, forming one of
the fiufbt preparation* for chap
ped handa, lips or faee or any
roughne»H or irritation of the
akin. No lady or gentleman
•should b» without it.
Robots and Blankets
124 N. Main^St.,
liutler, Fa
T'lif! largest and most
complete line of robes,
blankets, 1» a dicns,
whips. trunks, and
valises, ami at low st
prices in Huljor, isa'-
ways bo found at
BCCHELE—At his home in Butler. April
9, W 11. Buchele. aged ST years.
PISOR —At her home in Clay Twp,
Kuclid Station. April 9th. 1891. Mrs.
I'isor, wife of Oliver Pisor.
STEIXMETZ—At his home Butler, April
7, '9l, of grippe and pneumonia, John
ROBERTSON" —At his home in Bradford,
April 5. '9l, »Vra. Robertson, formerly of
ANiiERT—As his home in Oakland twp.
ol grippe and pueumonia. John Angert,
aged about 50 years.
ADAMS —April 1. '9l, of grippe aud spin
al uieuingitii. Joseph, son ol V\*. J. Ad
au.s, of Middlesex twp. aged 6 years.
SPRINGER —At his home on the South
Side, April 7, "91. ol pneumonia follow
ing the grippe, Samuel Springer.
He was buried at M:llerstown.
LAI X—At his home at 140 Beaver ave
nue, Allegheny, April 4. '9l, Steven J.,
son of Jacob and Susan l>aux, aged 20
SEFTOX —At his in Cliuton twp, March
9,1891, Mr. Henry Sefton, in his 81st
birthday. He was the last of the old
stock of Seftons.
BLACK—In Bruin, March 27, 91, Eliza
beth Beulah Black, daughter of W. C.
and S. A. Black, aged 13 years, 3 mos.
and 2 days.
KLINE—On Friday, April 3, '9l, at his
residence in Harmony, Pa., George F.
Kline, aged 66 years" 4 months and 18
XESBITT —At his home in New Brighton,
Sunday, April sth, '9l, Rev. Dr. S. H.
Xesbitt, aged 70 years.
SUTTOX—At her home in Evan» City,
April 2, 1891, Nellie, adopted daughter
James Sutton, aged 15 years.
She died of spinal disease brought on by
the grippe.
FRAZIKR—At his home in Saxonburg,
March 28, 1891, of congestion of the
brain, Howard, son of Thomas A. Era
zier, aged about 11 years.
His remains were interred in the Saxon
burg cemetery.
THOMPSOX—At her home in Butler,Snn
dav, April sth, 1891, Bertha May,daugh
ter of Samuel W. Thompson, aged 21
She took sick suddenly Sunday morning
and died that night.
CUXXINGHAM—At his home in Jefferson
Twp, this county, Suuday, April 5, 1891,
Mr. Matthew Cunningham, in the 78th
year of bis age.
Mr. Matthew Cunningham was one of
the well known citizens of our county.
He was respected by all, for the goodness
of his heart. As a neighbor he was es
teemed for his kind and obliging disposi
tion. By nature he was retiring and un
assuming, and inay be said to have lived
and died without an enemy.
BOYD—At her home in BuUer, Wednes
day night. .April Ist, 1891, Mrs. Mary-
Boyd, widow ot William S. Boyd, in her
77th year.
She was born in Robinson township, Al
legheny county, December 23, 1813, was
one of six children of Isaac Marks, and
was the last i-nrvivor of that family. She
was married February 14, 1837, to Wm. S.
Boyd in Httsburg, and came to Butler the
same year. She leaves six children to
mourn her loss—Miss Eliza J., Win. J.,
Harvey U., Samuel M , of Allegheny city;
Rev. Robert Boyd, of West Elizabeth, and
Mary H. Boyd," of Butler; beside* from
thirty to forty otLers who at different
times called her home theirs, and are now
scattered in many of these United States
anc one in England and some "gene be
fore." All have and can testify to her
quiet, unas-uiuing. yet strong Christian
character, and that i-h>; was a remarkable
wotiiaa in so uno'itruMve and yet so
Ur-reaciiing i'i her influence, and eternity
alone will n-vea' tL« "worl.s which do fol
low her. - ' ller-i hildreii were around her
death-bed and :;eard her say: "Do not
mourn; I go to a 'better land.'" The
Presbyterijii OtiUTul), which she joined
with her IjU.-ituiid on coining to IJtiLier, ha. -
lost a consistent member, though absent
front the sanctuary many years through
infirmities, the poor a helplul friend, tti«
sick r. sympathizer and one who was a
"mother in Israel." Her life was spared
beyond the expectations of friends and un
til every prayer was answered as to her
length of days She wished the last rites
to be as ijuiet as her life had been. The
services were Saturday, 1 p. tu., at h»r
late residence and the interment private
au hour later.
B. b.
Jobbers and
Oi au extensive t-cal« and liberal
principles. We are miking
ruo;e » factor than ever before in «x
--tendini< thi<* already extensive buoi
Mail Order System
id of decided and acknowledged ben
efit to consumers, living in localities
where there are limited or indifferent
Dry Groocls
Of U8
and profit by
f Largest Assortments,
these -Latest Novelties.
( Lowest Prices.
moro cx ensive and betintiful than
fver in ffich department. It is to
your iritf-rt «t to
BoiiU's & Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
for tb« Family, (ho School, or the Llbreiy.
Kerlelon hat hewn Id |>romn for over 10 inrf.
More than 100 fdltorlelleborTe employed.
•800.000 expended before flr»t ropy wu printed
CrltWl elimination Invited. <iet tb« ll«et.
Sold by ell Bookeellora. Illustrated |>efnph let free.
O. A C. MKItItIAM * CO., PuhU*her«.
Bprlnjflrlil, Han., I!. H. A.
CMtlonl h»ro tvcciilly l-#cn iaauad
'"•'•I elinp rrtirlnla >,{ tho IMT edition of
W«bat«r'» Un»l;rlilx*-'l Illrtlonanr, nn edition long
ftooa aupcrvinuaud. Theao books are siren
v*rtou» bkm«,-" WebtUr'i l'n»l>rld«»<1," *TI.«
Or»»t W»Ut»r'a Mcttonarr," •• IV.Uur'i Hi*
Dictionary" "WeUUr'i Encyclopedic I/lotlona
fj." lie., aio.
Mmoy »aootinrementa concerning t)rtm are
T»nr mUleadln., an l/ie body of tmJ>, from A to
Z, U M yeara old, end printed from cheap rlalea
11mA* t>f pbctofrapliim*&• M 4 »(»«.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— iMtest
V. S. Government Food Report.
L.B3AL AOVfiianaatf esraa
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEK office.^
Estate of Jane Brown, dee'd.
Letters of administration on the above named
estate having been grunted to the undersigned,
all persous KnowiDg themselves indebted to
said estate will please make immediate pay
ment. and any having claim* against said
estate will present tuein duly authenticated lor
Bovard P. O . Butler Co.. Pa.
Pursuant to au order and decree of the
Orphans' Court of Butler County made
under the last will of Michael Jiamelton,
late of Cherry Twp., dee d, I will sell on
the premises in Cherry Twp., Uutler Co.,
Pa., on
Saturday, April 25, 1891,
at 10 o'clock a. m.. the following real
estate, to-wit:
One hundred acres or purpart >o. 1,
bounded on the north by Slipperyrock
creek, on the east by land of John Black,
on the south by the Richard Hamelton
hundred acres, and on the west by pnrpart
Xo. 2 of Hamelton land.
Also purpart No. 2, containing one hun
dred acres, bounded on the north by
Slipperyrock creek, on the east by purpart
Xo. 1 of Hamelton land, on the south by
the Richard Hamelton hundred acres, and
on the west by purpart So. 3 of Hamelton
Also purpart So. 3, containing one hun
dred and thirty-five acres and one half,
bounded on the north by Slipperyrock
creek, on the east by purpart No. 2 of
Hamelton land, on south by the Richard
Hamelton hundred acres, and on
by Tract Xo. 2ft __
These lots wiil be sold separate or all
together as may be deemed best.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the
purchase money <in confirmation of sale
when deed will be delivered and the residue
in two equal annual payment thereafter
with interest on such payments from date
of sale secured by bond with power of at
torney to enter judgment with 5 per cent
for collection ll .uade by execution.
1). B. N. ol il llamelK.n, dee'd.
; Jury List fcr Aj»ril Term.
I.lst of '»ra*e! s Juror - /awn this 19th day of
Feb. A i>. 1891 to - rvc u' a speiiul term of
co-irl coiiimenclug thecal Monday ol April A.
it. i«9i Hi.- .\ain being the 2 ill day of said
AlVn Kobe) 1, Ura-.lv twp, farmer.
B.irnh.it 1 li W. « ,:.noq twv. farmer.
Uurtner vv J. I'enn twp. i„rmer.
Mover A M. Jackson i»vp. larincr
lieihl Conrad, I'.uncr'M ward, teamster.
. ampbell A (.. Oakland twp. Mervhaiit,
1 . lapis I! li F ■ "i.c .M two. farmer.
Ciiinpi ell it f. Cherry twp, larmer.
1 aiuplaili 1 iio.-. 11. Yen UIKO twp. fanner.
Cranincr .'iiarlea, Cem r twp, fanner,
craniuer James. Clay twp. fanner.
Cooper Fhlllp. Jeßerson iwp. farmer,
cradle John. Butler twp, larmer.
iKMiitla s Ferr>. Worth twp. Tanner.
liauoenspeek 11 11, Washington twp, farmer.
I>eimy John. Wlnfleld twp. i.umer.
Dumbaugh Fred. Forward twp, farmer.
Fran a Aioert. liutler 2d ward, tailor.
1- lick John 11, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Fox Henry . Wlnlield twp farmer.
(ioldluger Daniel Donegal twp. producer.
1 iraham lllram. 1 onntsf twp, larmer.
lireerTlt. Buffalo twp. tanner
Hepler Joseph C, Uuffalo twp, rarmcr.
llesselgesscr DaViU, W lnlield twp. farmer.
Johnston J N, Baldrldge, contractor.
Kennedy Alonzo. Conuoq twp. farmer.
Kennedy tdward. Wlnlteld twp. farmer.
Kerr « s. ( herry twp, rarmer.
l.uce W F. Fetrolla. shoe maker,
Logan ''a \ln. Jeßerson twp, farmer.
Lui/ llenry. Jeßersiu twp, rarmer.
John, l-iueasb-r twp, black siultli.
Miller Samuel. Butler twp. (lent.
Marberger John, Forward twp, larmer.
MOCoUough S W, Falrvlew twp, faruit-r.
Mctiure Tttomas, Donegal iwp. fanner.
McKlhaney John Mlllersiowu, producer.
McDowell A T, Butler 2d w aril, I'lasterer.
Fettigrew R D. Washington twp. rarmer.
Kaynolds A W. Venango twp. tarmer.
Rhode* V C, Slipper) rock twp. larmer.
Seatou Lewis, \euaugo iwp, larmer.
stoughtou R C, Concord farmer.
Setton Edward. Clinton twp, rarmer.
Sheets John, JeHerson twp, rarmer..
Smith J C . Forward twp. farmer.
Stahi John /.elinople, painter.
St lit (ieorge >v , cherry twp, tarmer.
shannon (J J. Connoq twp, farmer.
Vehsel Joun. Donegal twp, farmer.
Welch Junes, Cherry twp. Miner.
Walker John. Baldrldge. Carpenter.
WeiUell Charles Saxon be rg. carpenter.
Wilson Alex. Allegheny twp. farmer.
Witter F W. Wlnlield twp, farmer.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
Rough and Planed Lumber
Uutler, Pa.
Dealers in all kinds of
Rough and Worked Lumber,
We luive a lurge slock of all kinds of
Lumber, Oil Well liigs, Ktc.
Call and pet our prices and see our stock.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended
Ofllce am! yard oil
HIT 1,1-,lt, I'A.
Rough anil Worked Lumber
Oy XLL KIN 1.8
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Slock.
Office opposite I'. A W. Depot,
a. I . *„•' ..... •iaS..(NI a
• *. .. ...a- I
ll'U'Uy All»f»*. youhuw
h<l y.%*. < •.! wwrk l« n«ft«
f all lit* •«•<»•. fir *»"*») »•* v»rk
r» I altur* unkNcwn •llK.hk (brtii
KW •»»».«I»fbl. »-• ru.ara i
U.lUlleUA t o.,llu» I
i Report of the Auditors of the
j borough of Butler for the year
ending March 9, 1891.
; The Auditors duly elected and qualified In
and for the Borough ot Butler. Builer Co., Fa
n-port the following financial statement for the
vear ending March 9th. 1891.
Tho*. Niggle. Collector ot Duplicate of 1884. Dr.
To am i as shown by last auditors' report 111 11
K.C. McAboy. Col. ot Duplicate ol iss«. Dr.
To amount ol dog tax duplicate of 1888. SWI 00
By amount paid Borough Treasurer so 45
BY " Exonerations 20>. oo
By " <'ollector's com. on fsc.Vi 412
Tot ll 296 57
Balance due borough S4 43
K. C. McAboy. Col of implicate ot lsst. Dr.
To Hal as show n by last auditor's report 19R4 52
To amount of dog tax duplicate of lstw oo
Total WW 55!
!!> amount paid Borough Treasurer . 1200 Oo
Bv col. com. at 5 per enl oa sljno 6>> Oo
"Total $1260 OO
Balance due borough $l<MO 52
It. C. M A boy. Col. of Duplicate of 1890. Dr.
To amount ol regular tax duplicate S99S 9*
To •' Ist Special duplicate 359y V.'
To •• " 2d •• •• 3K» S#
Total 16196 16
By amouut paid borough treasurer 10000 00
By rebate of a percent on SK4.').(»I 44:S 40
By Col. com. of 2 percent on »S424.ai—. 168 48
By " •• •• 5•• " »1575.40.... 7S 77
Total »l(Wf> t*
Balance SSOT 5«
To 5 percent added after six months 275 ;ss
Total balance due boro on tax of ls<».. 57»2 ss
Amount due boro on isss tax 4 43
•' •• •• •• isyo tax 6T82 »s
Total amouut due borough Mar. 9. IS9I. «527 83
J. Ji. Patterson, chief Burgess I»r.
To amount ree'd on annual licenses 191 75
To •' " ■' fakirs and peddlers 85 25
To " " " vehicles 1124 25
Total 1401 25
By amount paid borough treasurer 1289 41
By book and stationery 125
By license refunded 12 Mi
Bv amount paid for license plates « 5o
By •• " •' printing 5
By Burgess' com. of 5 percent on $1401.25 70 o.
Total I*o l 25
Peter Schenck, Borough Treasurer. Dr.
To amount ree'd lroin R. C. McAboy on
lsßs lax 86 45
To am't ree'd rrom B. C. McAboy on ISB9
tax lioo oo
To ain't ree'd from B. C. McAboy on lsuo
tax 10000 00
To am't ree'd from bonds Issued 21000 no
To • ' * Jos. Uockensteln.... 39
To • ' • I- P. Walker 827 00
To • • 1 A. seatou, Co. Treas. 312 oo
To • • • J.N. Patterson I*B9 44
To • • • assessment ot damages 444 6s
To • • • J. B. Mathers, 11 Con 25 00
To • • • rebate on bonds. 36 oo
Total 3M60 96
By warrants rod< emeu a fg a *
By bonds ' »
By Interest paid * ' w
By' Treas. com. ot I percent on {:t)o >«.yr> 330 5.
fotal . 33Js, S3
Bal In Treasurer'» bands .Mar 9, i*yi 228.*; 44
Bonded Indebtedness.
Series 'F 4 3-10 percent bonds. Nos. ( to
12 inclusive Samuel Koblnson. pay ee 10i<») M)
Series <!' 4 3-16 percent bonds. Nos 1 to
21 li cmsive. Wash Campbell, payee,
Sos I to o Inclusive. 00
Elizabeth tillkey, I>ayee, No. 7 IWO 00
.\iaiv White, payee, .No. 8. ... lulkl
Samuel ltoblnsou, payee. Nos. 9 to 21. in
Totui.: 3t«»o#
Outal;inding \V airants.March 9. IS9I.
No. Am't No. Ami
i«3 1«0 tMse so
lCf.y 500 1668 1»>
no?: 1» w «
lsio 650 1816 .40
iKi) ... 1 . r »0 \ 5
COO 2116 15 26
*l% 300 2130 32
Vl3l 168 00 2132 73 00
r M 5i 'J 00 2134 226
lieinUed swtemeiit of wnrrants rcdecmod b>
l'eter Schenck, Borough Treasurer, for the
year ending March ft. 1891. showing theexpen
dltures of the Borough for said year.
XO- Street Account,
lir.»7 Gt orge Schailner, Stoue * lo
I*l3 Wm Baxter, labor 22 r»
1866 Mat Lelbler ff l*-
|S6!) 11 lioamick 1 -y
I sos J Stanley ' "
1861 Isaac McCoy • J
1567 .1 Barnhart ' *
lsss II M Hart ' •' %
ISM; A Brown • '■? -
1851 John Sherman, stone '?
imi; F W Irtngman. labor « »'
Ist. W J Black • l
-1817 l.elll NSebbe ' .. fl
IBS<J Win Jones • 5 <?
1852 «;uaries McCarthy, stone w ixi
1781 .lames Uuulap •
Is .i 11 M'•!••>}. labor »« ™
1553 John Mo'oy • *' "
1803 S M Dickey, team »
1794 W McCarney. labor '• ]■'
17so Frill.k Harold, stone -l «;
1864 flilllp Clouse. labor 21
179'. Mat Lelbier, team. *»
iso 7 J swnley ' ™ JJ!
lsoß A Brown, labor ®- J"
1800 11M Hart • J*'
179« cbarles Hooby, labor
1777 John Neyman, hauling r f
1801 John ilazelt.ne, labor '• i"
17su .1 L Ray '
17»7 Jas Ferry • » ~>
1821 llarrj McCoy ' •' J
1783 John Kennedy, teum » J»
1822 K W Klrl:, labor « *
I6«8 cv Hurrin ' ;; ™
1717 JOM Welgand • *
1741 • • ' •>
17.-i.-i John I'istorlous. labor 21 oo
1721 Mat Usibler. stone J ™
1629 W S McCrea, Hauling l ™
1754 J N Hunt/., stone '
1792 F E Spnnk. labor -
1809 W A I'ark ' 'l' ■*'
1790 II A uraham ' J J®
l7ss William Flaugh ' »
s Christy ■
1791 J Moore • "2,
17»3 Armstrong ' '* 7"
1784 Thompson ' ~
1802 John McCoy, team
isii M Dl.igman. labor -- <*>
1775 J AlshoiiHC ' '
1819 F.d lx wls • -; Vr
MM «i Mangold ' 59
1814 J Barnhart J? ;*•
isum; N smith, team
1770 J OH Welgand, labor 7,
1798 Webber • f*
1767 Schenck Bros ' - »
1813 H ijiughiin ' ■; ■*!
1817 W s llazeu. stone *'> JJJ
isis James sodoms * 1 '
1820 Klmer Mason labor 1
181 j Meliard Joyce • •
1746 James Barnes ' "
l7in II I) Thompson ' ' '-
1761 Mat Lelbler, team 2' no
1749 John Flstollous. labor I '■
1753 (ieorg'J lloberls. team
1756 Jos Welgsnd. labor ]' j*
1747 J E Christ j' • 'i J*
1719 It S Nichols • ;
1720 Schenck Bros, lumber : ' **
1983 E W Kirk, street Com.. •" i
i:r.<4 Jackson ai Mitchell, hardwan- W
1993 Willie<;hrlstle. lalxjr '»
19»i9 M Bighley ' ' *
1976 Tbomas Flannlgan • ■ '
1959 Alex Brewster, It R ties '
1901 James Borland, labor » •"
1988 1. 11 (ierard 1 ' •"
1922 Nelson Smith • ™
1932 John Kordel. stone " ■*
lur.l Ciotlelb Cradel • '»
1*55 Willie Chrlsiy, lalM>r * £
1935 Melson lloon ' 17
1918 Jos Welgand tZ
1921 l'hil Clouse '
1919 L J stone jJJ ,
1920 William Baxter f <*'
1923 Jonas Htdler ' !'l
I*j24 Jacob (ieible ' J ' o o
1960 Mat lelbler ' J "'
1917 ' ' ' J 2T
1952 llarry McCoy "
1926 Neal McCOOI ... ,
1>»47 A Barrickmen ' '*9"
l!*;i William Baxter ' *J"
(leorge ib)berUi * ! IT'
10SH Niggle Brim, hawlware >
• • • "" i"
1967 Martin Helms, stone.
1028 (ieorge HcbMltner. lalwr
1929 ICW Kirk '
2949 W A Kakln '»2?
1956 JAM Turner, stone f ' *»
1946 Fierce Bros • "
19T,3 A 11. ITu< r. labor
1927 Milt' rlssiiioni • "
19:14 Elmer Mason ' * *•'
1891 W S llazeu. stone *\' «
1882 Hugh Laughlln. lalMjr ;> JO
Isiift Charles Duncan, stoue - 8..
IS9S Jos Welgand. labor ; • »»
118)3 Will Baxter • : •'
170-2 I. J SllllO ' •"I''
190s K W Kirk * ** JJ'
isic John II < o>le. stone n o®
Is' 19 I'bll " louse. lal>. r » y
1910 Charles I looby " ''
1901 James Ferry ■»'
1905 Mat le lbler, team *"
1911 (ieorge Roberts, iabi.r ™
!v»i Adam Dambaugh '
19181 Charles Kliich ! ™
1.8)4 II A lirlcker
1573 c llenchberger -Ji?
ISIS Jos Welgand 'jf
1857 Charles llooby •' 0"
1844 K A Net .'atl , . '2;
1 lian Mcliee ' *•'
18.56 James Ferry " '-
is«; 2 I'll 11 Clouse ,
isii K<l U'Wis . -
lso ! Ma:hati Smith - J o
iB6O John liawltlne ■
1871 E W Kirk , ' *
1826 A A Irvine "
1 v-2 Krug Bros, stone.. ■ ' • -»
178'. Ham Kaln. team '
ISII J J McCoy, labor '• ■ '
1721 lien Mcl.ec ' •'
I'. .9 oeo Rolrerts *'
HII .lanob Kuininer. stone , "'
I; vi3 Jackson A Mitchell, hardware .. 142
Is.') J 1 Idler, labor •' •
1-1,0 I. MHe key • ... 20 o.'
206s James Borland, lals.r y
2081 J A Rlchey . ''
*077 A BarrU koian - '
2088 John llis-keiiwrry ' «
2<*H James M.timy
•20114 Jos W . igalMl , • '
2002 W K Heed "
VH-j Shenango li K • <>. clnden. I > 00
21)30 John 1 oj le. stone 1" 'w
!»I2 James raggerl, l»l*»r I t>
2oli II I' Kira ,
*Ol2 Charles lfisiby . ' •
20.10 J Barnhart
•18, , J M Ib-rduian, police '
2011 Mat i.iebler. ;• J*'
20i*. wm coulter, team • »
KB Jos w eigand. labor 1. o<)
2017 E ilrahaiu. labor 1 w
2t>l9 Itobt Stewart. law.r '■ ?'
20tow I. Morrbton, leam-....
•<(1.1.1 Niggle Bros, hardware. 2« .c,
2UV. It S "■ bolls, lumber ■■ M
is. », AI Kameier. stone l . s
:-Bil llenr: W »gn* r. labor OJ>
21'iis Jacob liell.lc
'ji>23 Ed Rib- •
2027 .vial I.iebler ''•
*n*s w C < MIIII.CSH '
*OIB lieo Ktewait ' .•• ' '
■ll -2 iiohert Stewart 1 • •
•i,|. 1 has wolgsi.il '
•jil ..10l n >!••( o>; si one • W) I
•jnl i ' ■' ' "
}£'. l,;::; .J «
I:!'." *M ttiie1 i ui«.r
1975 tico B< uiaur. labor bl "
'."CS Jacclt tleible. tcau 25 30
iSJi Harry McCoy, labor IJ
I»«7V wn Baxter, labor 23 55
1973 John Cojrto. stoor u oo
ijr-T 11 Si mi.-on, tabor S X>
la?l Nelton Mutlli. team u oo
2vte-Ji» welgand. labor T SO
2126 w m uleuu. labor l So
aj*i Jo* Beat, labur : so
210? J w Alexander. Labor SO
au» (i*o Scbaffner. stone *o so
20W> K K Hughe*. labor *4 «
l«> U w Heed, labor s Oo
i\»ii Jackson K Mlicbell. hardware 1 so
3>17« Henry Kalb. labor 1 Oo
5W74 Ueo stain ui, brick 25 » >
lye.'lliaa lluby, labor 7 w>
Total IUS «
Paving Account.
19»5 Jobn Osborne, paving 2000 00
2U35 • • • aouo 00
2006 • • • 1400 OO
Total. HMD oO
sewer Account.
1577 tieo E Waring, plans 557 S3
1982 K F Hughes. contract. 4000 oo
law : • • 400' 00
■MS: ' • ' 1000 oc
1916 • • • nooo 00
HHI Obio Pipe Co. Iron pipe.. 214 9>;
2009 Vulcan Iron Co, aewer box lu '.'J
1776 Walker Martin, hauling 13 oo
le?3 J no S Campbell, trelght paid 20 *6
Total 1281s 99
Fire Account.
2083 11 C Heine man. rent 28 70
I7M> ueo \s Miller, rent 50 so
1732 H C llememan. rent 20 oo
l7tio Butler Water Co. water 150 oo
1998 K H Anderson, rent so 00
iso 2 J u & w Campbell, supplies ss 25
1912 l irst Hose Co. appropriation 25 oo
li»U Sprlngaale Hose Co 26 On
1913 Seconu ward Hose Co ' 25 00
ion First ward Hose Co • SO 00
1915 J S Campbell Hose Co ' 25 0»
JUMT Butler water Co, water ISO 00
2065 curist wenh, tabor. 12 oo
2110 Joueph lialpli. hauling. 2 oo
2032 Butler water Co, water 240 77
2031 John Lelevre, labor. 3 Ou
2>J»7 ti w Miller. rent 74 s*
l»-» H C llelneman. rent 20 00
ls»l Butler water CO, water 150 Oo
jus# tieo SchatJner, rent 69 9»
20N KM & Kirkpatrlck, rent &s 25
Total 1268 2s
Civil Engineer's Accouut.
20SU C F L Modulation. surveytng 310 50
i»l2 " '• in«; o*
11H2 ' ' • 2»8 00
19-«'. ' ' 221 25
ItW ' ' ' ' 195 2ft
is-2 ' ' ' 167 0-J
2WM ' ' ' las 00
2075 si E MlUer. ass't engineer «■ (w
-"095 ' ' ' MOu
2029 ' ' ' ' so u<|
aag ' ' 100 on
-Viv ' ' ' ' ;t; oy
iTay Paul Kerrero. labor 13 7i
juji Geo lUlow, surveying 5 5u
i»i:i J A Heydrick ' & uo
i"a; ' ' ' tto ou
i73b F A Johnston. tabor 13 12
Touu 2321 37
I'r nttng Account.
I7ti'( Kgblnson & Carson. prtnUn? 70 00
iKtt ' ' ' ' 19 DO
-1"1 ' ' ' ' 4 7S
174» Times Pub Co ' 13 uo
l»«w ' ' ' ' 58 00
it*k> ' ' ' ' SO 75
ITOO Zlet;ler & Mclvef ' 4 50
' ' So no
2061 ' * ' 15 *5
>«i Kutlc-r Citizen ' l2»o
l«V*> rittaburK Dispatch, advertising .. 17 40
Total 255 55
foll.e Account.
18X1 Oscar Uollerfrlend. repairing IS 00
1703 w L Daubenspeck, poliot 10 w
1773 w T Jictanulrss, police CO 00
liHJ ' ' ' no 00
ItWO * * ' UO 00
' ' ' 00 00
*ll# ' ' ' 60 00
Wl4 ' ' 00 00
***> ' ' ' 00 00
ll»l ' ' ' 50 00
is** ' ' ' VJ 00
-°!* i ' ' ' 00 00
a»;o J j< llerdman ' u> 00
•W.' ' ' ' #1 65
!»*• ' ' ' »i sa
sow ' ' ' 6* 00
1835 ' ' ' 60 00
"•id ' ' ' 61 50
IM4 ' r ' 60 50
»«»• ' ' ' 58 00
»7i* • ' ' 60 00
i»#B James SVUlman ' 16 00
1756 K I, Jones, repairing 6 »0
Total 11DT 86
lllK'i Constable.
*)73 J 11 Mathers, services 4 40
1835 ' ' 13 4J
1745 ' ' ' 1* 60
1742 ' ' ' 11 60
l'J7o ' ' ' 1* 00
IST* ' ' ' 5 10
l-*6 ' ' ' 12 9*
.718 ' ' ' IS 20
' ' ' 5 20
•MOO ' ' ' *1 60
*135 ' ' ' 17 00
M 6 ' ' ' 1 60
Total iva 67
Board-walk Account.
. 1771 (i w Ziegler, walks 88 00
1734 ' ' ' 6 62
3060 ' ' ' VO Kt
-ufi it r> .Nichulls a Co, lumber 5 5a
iOOI ' ' 1 ' 38 03
ifM ' ' ' ' ' 15 68
-•owv Alex Brewster, crossings 31 *0
2i'>s ' ' ' 5 00
2108 Juo F ALderson, plan* 1» 25
i»>* ' ' ' 18 Ul
-"5-> w 8 McCrea, hauling 5o
Jas tsunami, walks Is Os
lirjo JwUn llusellon, lumber 5 Ka
1U77 Newton Pollock, hauling 50
Total 354 U3
Clerical Account.
1834 Levi >1 wise, clerk 40 I»I
ltwu ' ' postage 1 08
1762 ' ' clerk 2S ou
lll«0 ' ' ' M 75
206.1 ' ' ' 25 00
*OO2 ' ' ' 25 00
2103 ' ' ' 12 50
2123 » ' ' 12 50
1712 J D Marshall ' 25 00
1532 ' ' professional services 10 00
14:t5 J F Moore, M D, Medical services . 1 00
'total '. 807 81
Gas Account.
1764 Home Mutual OasCo. gas 71 G5
1755 ' ' ' ' 56 K8
1730 ' ' ' 5 50
1714 ' 1 2 50
1U63 ' ' ' ' 95 75
2115 ' ' ' ' . 144 00
2007 * ' ' ' 83 IX)
2011 ' ' ' MOS
1830 ' ' ' ' 67 50
188.': ' ' ' ' 82 23
IWO ' ' ' ' 7!» 12
2iot John Ilazeltlnc.ilgbtlntf 25 uo
2020 ' ' ' 40 00
2055 ' ' ' 23 33
aOH2 Schutte & O'Brien, plumbing 3 »7
17« ci ' ' ' 1 00
1718 nm I'olhemuM. lighting s 75
1W» > ' ' ' Hi 00
2071 ' ' ' 800
3113 8 00
2057 ' ' ' 8 00
a»bi ■ ' ' v 00
1880 ' ' ' 84 00
I.WI Independent (las Co, gas 100
' • 1 00
1078 Independent (<aa Co, gnn 1 00
1672 • ' ' 1 00
16!H ' ' ' I 00
1713 ' ' ' I 00
1758 John 1: Reno, lighting 20 00
1715 ' ' ' 15 00
1705 ' " ' 22 76
1731 ' ' 15 00
1«» ' ' u 00
1837 • • • *1 50
18M5 ' ' ' 2# .VI
IWRI ' ' 25 75
1774 F J llult. pllimblßg.. 4 42
1708 • ' ' 461
1980 ' ' ' 15 25
19H5 1 ' ' 521
ISWI ' ' ' l» 1"
|9*!l ' • ' 450
2' Bii Campbell Burner Co, gas burners... 24 00
2122 ' ' ' ' ... 24 00
2072 Martln Uelseman.freight :i5
1750 Lou Ralston, lighting « 00
11.206 44
Miscellaneous Account.
1820 J McQ smith, election 1« 00
ls.lo liouls 1* IHakcly 1 1« 00
1821 H F White 10 00
In2B Harry (irleb ' 1« no
|s27 Charles <>hl ' 16 00
IBM John Berg, water trough ' s 00
1735 C H Johnston, auditing. 20 00
172H11 N Man hall ' *0 00
1127 H K Coulter • 2000
1823 Henry Wagner, damages 300 00
175 V Harvey Thompson I 50
1736 Jos Rockeiisteln, sWte tax 36 00
1025 l, I' Walker, administering oaths. I 75
1938 H J Klltigler. rent 10 00
11*45 William Rickey, bill ren d 3 00
lulft H A Ayres Recording 1 00
187» standard M'l'g Co, signs 135 *0
1574 llarry HtautTer 7 50
ls3s It M<•llvatnt•. nilng pajwr*. 12 96
205!) s I) |*urvls, UiOticy advanced 81 00
2033 Vincent & Co, warrant l>ook 7 25
2117 l'eter Hchenck, expense 15 45
2111 W A For<|uer ' *5 72
2118 W T Meclillng ' 8 00
2l lit Adam HolTner ' H 00
2113 Thomas Alexander ' 15 00
2112 J B Black ' 15 00
iloo William slebert. blacksmith 10 45
I: <• McAboy,Crond Wagner warrant... fl 00
I 7l*t 77
Interest Aroount.
Interest coupons paid 7uo 00
ToWl receipts MftV) !m;
Total expenditures .J33H7 53
Balance In Treasurer's hands |221V1 44
We, the undersigned, certify Ibo above
to lio it true and correct statement of the
receipts and expenditures of the borough
of llutler for theyear ending March 'J, IH!>1.
Kb. K. ItllibLk, I
11. N. MAKSUALL, / Auditors.
11. K. CotTLTBR )
Wm. F. Miller
Maiiutacturer of
Stair Rails,
and Nswel-posts.
All kinds of wood tnniliiK done u> ortlcr, also
liminitml and Carved w.Msl-work, such as
('asiiiK- t'onier blocks. I'anels and all kinds of
atiey wood work tor Inside doeoratlou or
Oil (~8.
HoiQethliiK now And attractive. Also
st lowest cash prices.
.Mtore at Nu. to, N. Mailt street.
I'actorv at No. 59, N, Washiniftoii street.
11. 11. IIAUVKT
( "lllraclor aid l ullder in brick work, urate
an i in line 1 seltlna and .ill kliulsnf brick lavinif
a • i»-iialty \l»n ib-iilnr in barrel lime. W»m
pn ,1 10-. e lbii". cements N itlonal, rortluinl
and .ill Is-ii k-i el'-s In the market, ( alclnrd
piaster. p:.is|.-r hair Klna s eeinent. lire brl.-k.
ii. wlilt« sand and river aand Main office MS
S Main street, and all orders leltat ware house
will receive prompt delivery. Terms reasunablc.
DO YOU NEED—Are you going to buy a new dress this spring?
DO OU WANT a Dew Jacket in all the new colors aDd styles?
DO YOU WANT anything in the Notion line?
DO YOU NEED—Are you going to boy any carpet this spring?
DO YOU WANT Fresh, Clean Goods, the latest and choicest styles?
DO Y'OU WANT any kind of Brussels, Velvets, Moquett, in the
choicest designs, made up with beautiful match borders in first-class style?
DO YOU WANT an Ingrain. 3 ply, or Cotton Carpet of any kind?
DO YOU WANT any Lace Curtains, Portieres, Curtain Poles or Win
dow Shades?
Do you want to pay less than you have been paying elsewhere for inferior
Then Come and See Us, We Can Save You Money.
Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House.
BUTLEK, - - - I»yV.
We made contracts for all our Spring Carpets, of which we have the
largest and best line ever shown in Butler. These goods were al!
bought at the very lowest prices carpets have touched in the history
of the trade since the beginning of 1891.
Carpets have advanced in prite from 2 1-2 to 22 \-2 cents per
yard for the different grades. We are in position to, and are selling
them at our former low prices. Please remember this, and also that we
have control of several of the leading makes, for this county.-
New Cottage Carpets - - - -20 cents.
New Ingrain - - - - 25 cents.
Better Ingrain - - - - 35 cents.
Union Extra Super - -50 cents.
New Brussels • - - - - 50 cents.
Rag Carpets - - 30, 35, 40 and 50 cents.
Cheaper than you can make them, and of new material.
A splendid fine of Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Portieres, Fix
tures and everything kept in a first-class Carpet House.
be sure to visit ROSENBAUM & CO'S, 510-518 Market Street. The
spacious stores are at present filled to overflowing with the largest and best
selected stock of new goods in the city. The many departments contain
hundreds of attractive bargains which this limited space will not edmit of
enumeration. Visitors will fiud in our
the best productions of America's most talented modistes. We always make
it a point to serve customers with the latest conceits in fashiouab'e bead
wear at lowest possible prices. This policy has made our Millinery Depart
ment what it is to-day—the most popular of any west of New York. We
have just open 1 extensive lines of beautiful
Every popular Btyle, shade and color is represented. Our ladies' suits are
equal in appearance to any tailor-made suits, aud rauge in price from $6.50
to $29.75.
In Blazers and Jackets,-we can name any price from $2, $3, $4, s;> up
to $20.00.
Our line of Corsets contains all reliable makes. Kid and Suede gloves
we show in every shade and color. Beiug direct importers we can alfjru to
undersell other dealers.
We also import most of our HOSIEBV and are prepared, at all times, to
offer special Low Prices.
iftfi liviDg out of town are cordially invited to call and in
spect oor stock for themselves. Wo guarantee to save money for all who
favor us with their patronage.
510 518 Market Street
This space is reserved for
Grieb & Lamb's Music
Store, removed to No. 125
North Main Street.
The underpinned win kimi iiin i»mi.containing
h|\ty acre*. more or leim. ami lockM In Ailiunn
Twu.. on the Kvannburjc and Mar* road, near
Marshall a®d Myoma aiation* on the I', it W
II It iinil near tin- Oallery oil neld.
II conlalna a K(«*1 bonne, K'KHI bank bum
(KixM. outbuilding*. goxl orvliurd, level
mill gixnl ground. iwonptliiKM near boiuie, pump
tn bam. and all In ««>•«) order.
Inquire of or aodreM
James Davidson,
Myoma P. 0.,
Uuller Co., Pa.
nri'b) Nlcl»u» I'rewrlpitona carefully coin
SS. Main Street, Butler, Fa.
mi ;amsERS
in ih«cafo, w»ll fi*d it *>-»' ■ t
All Mtock (fuaranteod t« be in k«mkl con
dition when delivered.
We replace all tree* that fail to prow.
J. F. Lowry, W. T. Mochlinfr, Jame
Klnwior, .Ir , J. E. Fornylhe, Geo. ijhntlner
<£, Walker, E*q., Ferd I'eiber, E*q. and I)
L. Clceland.
KITKN M 11.1 kt liot'HK, lICTLkK. Pa.
the llutler CITIZKN combined for $2.75 per
year, in advance.
To tell our NnrM-n Ktork. salary. exp-nse* and
MOB'!/ cu plov tlleiit Kiixmiilee 1 .
Hot heater, N. Y