Mercantile Appraisers List, For Year of 1891. Adams ttrp. Anderson J A 4 V T, Valencia. 12 t 13 25 BogpJE, Maw 11 BUT JC,M D, Mara 1* tj> Dunbar B▼, Callery 14 775 Irvine CB.Mjoma 14 7 Marshall TM A Co, Man 12 13 X Marshall LM, Mars 14 ' 75 McCalla A Boyd Broe, Mars. —lO 20 .j Murray P H, Callery, 3 pool tables ol 00 McCombs AM. Myoma 14 7to Shannon J F, Calleiy 12 25 Bterrett 80.M D, Valencia.... H- >_ 75 Smith J J, My0ma...... ' l\ Thompson SW, AlUahfrt'Ucv. Schell J D Point.. 14 775 Thoniav''w " " -.13 10 75 -r Brady ttcp. Bryson IN, Pump P 0 14 775 Cliitton EO, Vest Liberty 14 7 Host A A Son, Elora 14 7<5 Robinson WW, West Liberty .14 7t 5 Wigton TV, Pump -14 < Ketterer George 13 10 jo Koch A Son 10 -- Kemper Frank 14 ' it' Kepple D 14 'i? Kirkpstrick A Reed 11 lj? it' Koonce W C 10 20 •_<> KlinglerH J 7 40 } Kamerer W A 14 ' » Krepps A W, 4 pool tables 01 Li m berg F W 13 10 Limbere Otto 14 7 McCutcnen A Haben 14 ' Metzger A Volkwein 13 10 '_•] Miller G Wilson W 25 Morrison M L 14 i"? Marshall A A 14 ''% Mangold PR 12 13 r. J McCleeryGH 14 » ilcKeever Miss M A 14 • 'j? Murrav Peter. 4 pool tables "1 „ Martiiicourt SB ACo 8 "0 McClymonds S S 14 i? McClain M 14 ' Vi .Vickie WM 14 < 1 Niggle J A Bros 13 10 - Nicholls ACo 10 20 < o Oil Well Supply Co 8 30 <_■> Osborne W A 14 « '_2 Phillips OM 14 7 L > Pape I) T 14 < Patterson J N 10 'J> Purvis SG ACo 8 30 >0 Phillips WW 14 7to Rosenberg 1 13 10 t_o Bichey J 14 • '_■> Ruff Al 13 10 -o RedickJC 12 13 25 Reiber AA H 10 20 Reiber AlfM 9 ?o to Reihing W H, hotel l-'p '' Reiber Jacob A Bro, liquor store 203 00 Reiber George A Sons 11 15 'Ji RitterA Ralston 8 30 to Root AW, Opera House > r, l 00 Stock C 14 I Schaul Bros A Co 14 7 75 Stein L A Son 10 20 to Traxler JA L 10 20 75 Troutman A A Son 7 40 10 Thorn B F 12 13 2o Turner James, 4 pool tables 61 CN) Thompson A Brown, hotel 153 00 White R A 14 7 75 Williams Alex 14 < 75 frullerDH 13 10 75 JPuller J L 14 7 75 IHck L C 10 20 75 IFeitiel A 13 10 <•> Centrerille boro. Bard A Son 12 13 25 Bingham A Son 14 775 Ciutton Bros 13 10 7o Clutton Bros No 2 14 7 75 Christie A Campbell..... 11 15 75 Grine B'H 14 >_ 75 Harris L, Drug Co 14 775 Ramsey W T 14 775 Übcr A Bestler 14 7 75 Evans City boro. Barkey Bros 14 7 7." Birchard H C 14 775 Barto David 14 7 75 Burry L N 14 775 BoggsAKline 12 13 Damliach J E 12 13 2-_i Donaldson T A 14 7 7" Dunbar A Dombart 2 pool tables 41 00 EicholtzA Helmbold 10 21 <•> Forqubar George, hotel Ij3 00 Hudson Robert 14 7 '■> Ifft A Son 11 15 75 " " Opera House.. 51 "0 Miller J N, Hotel 153 00 Ripper R A 14 775 Robinson If A 14 J Smatbers A J 14 7 7 > Shoup A Bro !• 2"> 7._> | (fab 1 A Bishop 12 12 ' I Teber A Goll witzer,2 pool tables 41 00 ' Young II 11 10 75 ! I Young W H 14 775 | Zenian D 14 775 j Fairview boro. Ilawn A Black 10 2<> i-< 1 Bcott C 13 10 75 Harmony boro. Beam S A, hotel .... 153 00 Blackmore C S 14 ~ 75 Bentle HMA Co 13 10 75 Caruthers A Peters 11 15 75 Eppinger A SaLii 14 7 7._> Foehringer August 14 775 Goehring IF AA Co 11 15 7.j Janes K E 14 < F R 14 775 ( inilimau A Bros 11 15 75 Porter D, 2 pool tables 41 00 Stiver F B 14 7 75 Swain G D 10 " 20 75 Uarriscillc boro. Bingham SB 13 10 <;> Black 11 C 13 10 7.» Brown RL 14 7 to Beatty ES 14 775 Bldck Robert 14 7 7._< Curry J E 14 1 j_ ; _> Cubbison JN, dee'd 13 10 75 Elrick J N 14 775 Morrison W L 14 1 <5 Kama City boro. Allen Mr3E A 14 7 75 Birchard H C 14 7 75 Duprey Mrs Jennie, 2 pool tables 41 00 Earh&rt Joseph 14 775 Mctiaffic W U 10 20 75 Wersh John 14 7 .5 Millerslown boro. Amey C P 14 775 Bowen J B 14 7 7:j Bowen WIV 14 7 7.j Butler F E 14 7 75 De irolfe IV L :' 7 75 Dolan John, hotel 153 00 Frazier R F 14 < 7.) Frank le S 12 13 25 Frederick ACo 13 10 7o Glass George 14 7<5 Hays E F 13 10 <5 lioch Bros 12 13 2.» Hoch Bros, hotel 153 00 Johnston C H 13 10 75 Jenkins EM. 14 775 Litzinger II C 13 10 7S Logan M E 14 7/5 McKee JL 14 7 75 Murtland J C 13 10 to Price C F 13 10 75 Perry, Bell ACo 14 <_ 75 Scharbach C 14 I i'J Seibert, Hoch A Co 14 < /._> Schioerger F 14 10 <.'> Tadder G P, 4 pool tables 61 00 K'esteruian It FA Co 12 13 25 H'esterman Bros 8 30 to I'ortersville boro. McDonald GB 14 7"j Humphrey W A Son 10 Marshall AS 14 I i'J Okeson ST 14 'JI Ramsey A Bros 14 ''O Prospect boro. Bowers A 14 ' i'* Ohritchlow A Bros 13 10 '_o Edmundson C M A Son 14 Forester S S 14 ' 1 McClureJ H 14 ' i- Riddle HRA Co 13 10 7o (fright Bros ACo 13 10 7 ) Pctrolia boro. Adams F, 4 pool tables 61 Ot Burnett CM, liotel Burns John ■ 14 ' ■ Chesebro E P 13 10 «.) Campbell C 14 7 7,> Dcnholm T 14 7 75 Foster Mrs R E 14 7 7-, Foot James A 14 7 7;, Gibson W A 14 7 75 Gibson Wm 14 7 7.-, Hawk J M 14 7 75 Housman F 14 7 7s • Jellisou II 11, hotel 153 0y I Klingensuiith 11 A 14 7 7,5 Kilchcnstein Annie 14 7 75 Kilroj'J B, Opera House 51 Oo Luce W F 14 7 75 Starr ML 14 7 75 Toronski Bros !» 25 75 Yeager 8 14 7 75 ll eitt Sunbttry Koro. Broaden A Conway 11 15 7i Breaden £ Allison 14 7 7 > Mechling John 14 7 7< Pryor James 14 7 75 Rhodes S L 14 7 75 Saxonburg boro. Ilembold Theo 10 2" 71 HelmlHild Tbco ACo 11 15 7 i 5 Krau-e TA Co " 71 5 , Krause T 13 - Mershon E B, M D 14 7 75 M aurhoff G n" 14 7 75 Muder John E 14 7 75 Raabe C J, hotel 153 00 Sachs. Bauman A Co 14 7 75 Seipel Herman A 14 7 75 ICeit/el Charles, hotel 153 00 Zelienople boro. Allen A Dumbaugh 12 13 25 Bast ian 1) e held at the Commissioners' office in Butler, on the tenth day of April. A. IV, 1M&1, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p. m. o'clock, when and where yon may at tend if yon think proper. W. J. WHITESIDE, Appraiser. March 3,*1891. SCHUTTE & O'BRIExN Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. i K W.KBS IS Sewer i'i tras F:\tn. -8, Globes and aturai (ias Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. I.owry House BUTLER, Save Money By getting your Fall and A\ in ter millinery, underwear and hosiery from M. F. it M. Marks'. They will show you the lar gest and best selected stock in Butler at the lowest prices. We have a larger stock of trimmed goods than ever be fore. Mourning goods a Specialty. New Lively Stable. New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horses fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, 39, W. Jefierson St., Butler, Pa. Mifflin Strsst Livery. W. G. BIEIIL, Prop'r. Ooe square west of Main St., on Mifflin St .411 good, safe horeeß; w hDE'ijifn and carriage?. Landaus for weddings and funerals. Open day and night. Telephone No. 24. Hotels and Depots, W. S. is nc-v running a line of between the hotCiS and depots 0; the town. Charged reasonable. Telephono Xo. IT, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. (jood Livery in Connection The Blue Front Livery, CRAVVFORD & KENNEDY The well known li very man,Wm.Ken nedy, has bought, an interest in the above barn and will be pleased to have his Iriends call at his new place ofbusiness. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage > in Butler at the most reasonable rafs. The place is easily remem bered. The first stable west of the Lowry House. SAMPLE ROOM. LIVEH\ IN CONNKCTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Clasa.) HENlty L. I'.ECK. PROP'R. J. H. FAEBEL, Manager. Butler, Fa. WillarclHotel. ,W. H. HKIIIIXIi. Prop'r KUTL-fcCli, * STAB MM; IS COJiSECTIOS. KAMPLE BOOS for COM UKKCIAI. TKAVELKUS NIXON'S HOME, 33 N. McKK.VN ST.. BUTLER. PA. Meals at'all liours. Opcn'.all mglit. liroaktxst in cents, DINNER 25 CENTS. SUPPER 2A CENTS. 1 Lodging as cents. SIMEON NIXON - - - PROKB HOTEi, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., I BUTLER, - - I ..r-ar New Couri House -formerly Donaldson j ! I<»UH€* —jjr- »D for travelers. II OHKl MtabJliig connected. EITKNMUI LEP '* LKIBOU>. Prop'iS. DIAMOND HCT2L, JAMES RELIJEPS, Prop'r. N'ew furniture, NEW fittirgs NNis accominodations. Livery. jnorth nide of Diamond, Butler, Pa OKSQN mil MILL, Bl'TLliirl,'PA. II FI)LLERTOi\, Prop'r, lllaiikcts, mill Yaru .MaiiiilHclured ol'Fiire Bul let Comily Wool. J E IFIIARAUTEC OUR I;OO<1H TO LIE STRLI ILY ALL WOOL ML NOARSENLC OR ANY OILIER POISONOUS RN.IT ERTAL | S*-T IN DYKING. W-' S«N WHO!, SALE OR RELML. I AIN PLEA ANBSOKIPTIO-J, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. K. S. NICHOI.LB. G. W. ZIF.GLER. NEW LUMBER YARD. R. S. NICHOLLS & CO , Dealers' in all kinds of Rough and Worked Lumber, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATII, ETC. We have a large stock of ail kinds of Lumber, Oil Well Rigs, Ktc. Call and pet our prices and see our stock. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. Office and yard on MOKROE ST., NEAR WEST PESX DEPOT, BUTLER, PA. CLEARANCE SALE OP Robes and Blankets AT KEMPER'S, 124 N. Main St., Butler, Pa Th(.: largest mid most c?ompl< ■ i (; line of robes, blankets,. harness, wliips. trunks, and valises, and at lowest prices in 15iitier, is al ways be found at KEMPEK'B. Haentze's Nervaline. A PIKKI.Y Vl CKTAKUE MKMCIKE FOBTHK NERVES an "fTectual (lire for Indentation and lriltalion of ilit- lilaililrr. klilneji and Liver, stone in the bladder. calculus. gra\el and brick-dust depos Its, weaknesses in males or females. Asa Ke storativr Tonic and a Hood Puriller It lias no equal, creating a bealtny apretite and pure blood. rnica so CENTS. II your druggist bus not got It. ask lilm to get It for you. Take no other. Made only by The Haentze Medical Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale By I). 11. V\ ULLER, Druggist, Butler, Pa. A. J. FRANK k CO, DKALKKS IK DBUCS, MEDICINES, AND ( HEMICALTT* FANCY AKI» TOII.KT ARTICES, SPONGES, BRL SUES, PERFUMERY, Ac nr-physlclans' Prescriptions carefully cou pounded. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. MY NEW STORE la now completed and I respectfully invite the Public to call aud see me. I om prepared to supply every thing in the line of Drugs and Medi cines at all hour?. Prescriptions at uight » specialty. Electric Bell arid speaking tube at front answered prompt ly- A bright, cheerful room and < very new. Yours, J. 1\ BALPH. an • • •• • y earning 'from W to . *1 AU •fr*. Wcibow yuvbow ■"rk rr«. Failure anknown »moa( lb*tn NKW and wond«rfUl. Pirtinltrf ft-en. i Jl.ltullcU«& Co., flux »OO I'ortluud, M *lu© THE CITIZTOT. .MISCELLANEOUS Inroißp»tilte. "Have you ever lost any tiling by be coming a Christian?" aslred the clergy ' man. "Yes," replied the new convert. "I used to get three hundred and fifty dol lars a year for singing In the choir, but I have had to give that up."—Judge. A little rsoUfon G»m*. "Oh! Mabel, tell me the truth, now; If you were in my place would you ac cept h a?" "Certainly. Why, if I had been in your place I would have accepted him myself, the other night, when he pro posed to me." —Life. Just His I.uck. Wife (who supports him) —Did you see that Williams has advertised for help? Now, there's a good chance for you. Eydle—Chance? Xo chance at all. Williams wants two men. Just my luck'—Judge. Our Jury System. "I don't see how you could ait on that jury as you did, and not find McCain guilty!" "Oh, he was insane." "Well, there's no doubt about his be ing tried by a jury of his peers!"— Puck. —"Don't jjnt on so much coal as to put out the tire," and don't try everything for catarrh or influenza, but buy and try Old Saul's Catarrh Cure, the quickest and saf est remedy known. The best is the cheapest. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is acknowledged to be the saf «st and most reliable medicine for babies. Price 25 cts. The poets oft have mentioned The great unequalcd snap— The lingering of winter In spring's delightful lap. But the way things now are going, It rather seems to me That winter's got the grntle spring Across his chilly knee. —Rheumatism is a disease of the blood and is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. —By a little planning,vines can be made useful as well as ornamental in hiding un sightly objects. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? Do you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint. Nervousness. Lost Appetite, Billiousne.-s, Exhaustion or Tired Feeling. Pains in Chest or Lungs, Dry Cough, Xightaweats, Nervous Debility or any t«irm of Consump tion? If so, send to Prof, Hart, 8S \\ arrt-n St.. New York, who will Send you free, by tnail, a bottle of medicine which is a sure cure. Send to-day. —Texas has a liogg for Governor, a Pig forjudge, a Lamb for Senator, a Durham for Representative and a Buffalo for Sheriff. It would seem as if the Loue Star State proposes to run her political machin ery on a regular "stock" combination. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti-- cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radie call}' cores in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits 75 cts. Sold by J C Kediek, druggist, Butler. —A top dressing of salt or ashes will often aid to prevent diseases or pests in tlw onion bed in the spring. Special Announcement. "We have made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will enable all our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (em losing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Ken dall Co., Enosbnrgh Falls, Vt. This book 10 now recognized a- standard authority upon all diseases ol the hor»e, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million c pies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never belore reached by any publication in the same period of time. Wo feel confident that our patrons will appre ciate the work, and be glad to avail them selves of this ojportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. —Hogs will do in a young orchard, but other stock should be kept oat. —ltch on human and horses ana all ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's .Sanitary Lotion. Thi.i never tails. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —Some judgment and experience is necessary to prune just right. —Dr. Fenner's Golden Belief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pain in 2 to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrhcea, dysentery and 11 ux. If satisfaction not given money returned. . The girl of the period may never be an angel, but if the present style of puffed shoulders keeps growing she ought to be soon able to (o) fly. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, tbe blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —Mares that are heavy in foal should be carefully led; weak, unthrifty colts are often the result of a, failure to properly feed the mare during gestation. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stiiles, sprains, all n widen "throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kediek, druggist, Butler. —A Philadelphia paper tells of *n ex hausted dude who ordered "a stiff sarsapa rilla" at a Broad street pharmacy the other night,saying iii explanation of his condition that he had been "umpiring a game of tid dly winks." —Dr. Tenner's Cough Honey will relieve an}' cough in one hour. Equally good for horses. Gives energy aud strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. —After working in the mud the horse's legs should be carefully cleaned off, a failure in this case often results in grease heel, and more time will be required to heal than to have kept clean. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health hy simple means, slier suffering for several years with a bevere lung atleetion, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to hia'fellow .offer ers the meaus of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfnlly send (Irce of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they win tind a sure cure tor Consumption, Aathiua, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung M. ladies, lie hopes all sufferers will try bis Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address REV. t DWARU A. VV iLhu.N, VY illiamsburg, Kings County, New Vrok. —A certain poet asks "llow sleep tbe brave?" That dependd largely upon the number of cats in the neighborhood. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. —Gen. Lew Wallace,the author of "Ben llur," says be can cure rheumatism in one night without fail by a poultice of mustard aud garlic applied to the feet. Consumption Suroly Cured. To Tni £Diroa:—Pleaso Inform your reader* that 1 bars a pos;Ur« remedy for tho above-named diauaso. By lta timely use thousands of hnpele»n eases have been ponjtneiitly rurud. I shall be glad to send two bottles ot my remedy FREE to any of your readers who havo consumption If they will send las tlielr Lxprraa and P. 0. addf-aa. Respect fully, T. A. SJLOCUM, M. C.. 181 Pearl at.. N. I. HUSELTON! Represents the largest and best manufacturers of Fine Shoes in the TniteJ States. HUSELTON buys for cash and sells on small profits. HUS ELTON does the largest retail footwear busi ness ever done in Butler. OUR bid for business this season is A COMBINATION OF BARGAINS From one end of the store to the other; it's everywhere the same throughout the store. The high grade and low prices go together. It is wonderful what a dollar will do in this wonder ful stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Etc, We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. We will guarantee the quality and make of these goods in all re spects. We will sell them one and all as low as any living man dare sell honest goods. Luck is looking for you in the shape of bargains at THE SAFE AND RELIABLE STORE OF It. O. HUSKLTON. 102 N. Main Street l UIMIN l'|«. I A^S Theee cases are made of tiD, handsomely Japanned and ornamented. They combine convenience, cleanliness and economy. Puts more effg ß in less space, with less dead weight, than in any other form and is a most per fect egg preserver. They are the most complete and practical thing ever in vented for Farmers use in carrying eggs to market. They hold 12 dozen eggs. The fillers are of new design made of cloth-paper and are tery dura ble. They are bo constructed that when the eggs are removed they fold neatly and being placed in the lid which is prepared specially to retain them leaves an entire empty case for returning home with your purchases. They are an ornament to any home and there is nothing for lunch baskets OD ®" half as nice or convenient, or that' will keep bread and cake so fresh as the Farmers' Egg Case. They can be seen at the store of AL RUFF, Retailer of Solid Leather Boots and Shoes at Rock Bottom Prices. Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Kubber Goods, etc., AT GriEß & VoGELEY'S. You will find them tresh, new goods, from the leading; manufactories, and all the latest approved styles, making A Rare Collection of Choice Bargains, Not to be equalled elsewhere in Quality or Low Prices. See Us! Talk With Us! Try Us! A New Stock, A Choice Stock. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Yours Respectfiilly, Grieb & Vogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLEK, PA. Opposite "Willard House. , RINGS, Ditimnnrk J EAR-RINGS, jLFirtmonas s SCARF PINS, <■ STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, + , J LADIES GOLD, atones i GENTS SILVER LA 1)1 ES CHATLAIN, Towolmr J Gold Pins, Ear-rings, •J ( Well \ j Rings, Chains, Bracelet*, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes siswajx? * RODSIB BBSS. Ilfl {SSV"* E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., FAMOUS Reduction Sale D. T. F A PES Leading Millinery House. All surplus slock rednced. No fall or winter goods to be car ried over. Splendid Bargains in hosiery, gloves, mittens, under wear and fancy goods of all kinds. Come and see them at No- 12*2. S. Main St., BUTLER, A . Mourning Goods a Specialty. 6RANO SAMPLETI | T1 FL 1 TITO BOOTS & SHOES SALE OF SPRING UA U I \I A V RELIABLE SHOES G S°T°Y D L!"S LATEST Mnb.ftlllO. AT PTC^ AR A Grand Opportunity. Put Your Money Where it AVil Make the Best Returns. We Will Giye to the Limit in Quantity, Quality and Value. NEW GOODS DAILY! Having just received another,lot of sample toot?, shoes and slippers I am prepared to offer some great bargains in boots and sLoep. Among this stoclj will be found a large stock of ledies fine dress shots. Every day shoes of all kinds and a large assortment of slippers. Mieses shoes of all kinds, heel and spring heel, plain toe or tipped. An extra large stock of childrens shoes of all kinds. MEN'S SHOES. The assortment of mens shoes is larger than ever be fore. All surplus stock, all winter goods and an extra large stock of sample goods which I have put out on the counter to be sold at once and in order to accomplish my purpose I have marked these goods away down. Yes, away down-, and gentlemen now is your time to buy, if ycu #ant a bargain call around to my store and I will convince you that 1 am selling footwear cheaper than anywhere else in Butler county. Cut this out and keep if for reference —Men's best Kangaroo shoes, band welt price $3 to $4.50. Mens fine Calf Bhoes, hand sewed, Calf or Dongola tops, price $2.75 to $4. Mens' fine Calf shoes, machine sewed, ranging in price from $1.25 to $2 50. Our line of mens' fine Calf and Kangaroo shoes at $2.75 are taking the le ad wherever they are sold and every person who has ever worn them will agere that they are equal to any $3 25 shoe erer offered. This line of mens shoes I have in all Btyles, Congress and lace, plain toe or tip on toe, London toe or wide French toe. Boys shoes of all kinds at a small margin. LADIES allow me a few minutes of your valuable time till I tell you of shoes I have just received. This line is of the latest styles and patterns from the Rochester shoe factories. Among this stock will be found a nice line of ladies laced shoes, patent leather quarters and dongola vamps with diamond patent leather tips, and many other pretty styles which space will not permit me to speak about. Our line of Oxfords was never so full and complete as it is now. We are offering reliable slippers at popular prices. Our lad'es $2.50 shoes are conceded by all who have looked at them to be equal to any $3 shoe ever offered. A golden opportunity, a pair of ladies fine dongola shoes with pateut leather tips, button at $1.50 to $4. Ladies fine dongola shoes opera or common sense lasts at §2 to $2.50 regular price * 3 The above are not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled ont for special mention because of their extremely good values, but fair spec imens of the entire stock. They are leaders in another sense. Tbey lead numbers jf people to come to us for their shoes aud we please and suit them all. At all times a full stock of Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kiDds. Best brand of Sheffield eclc leather. Kip and calf stock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith aprons. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. At all times a full stock of oilmeus bjxtoed bjots and shoes. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods All persons who live out of town and wish to secure some of the bargains I am offering can tend their order by mail and I will send them to yoa by mail or express and I will pay all expense of delivering them to you. Send me a trial order and be convinced of our extra low prices. All orders by mail will receive prompt and careful attention. When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, New !Nnmfoer» 12S S. JVLain Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A HAVE YOU SEEN THEM? We refer to the bargains that yoa can see daily on our shelves and counters. We would like to close out all our Winter Stock and therefore will sell our entire stock at a BIG REDUCTION to make room for Spring Goods. Don't, Don't, Don't, Don't, FORGET THAT WE IIAVE THE Largest Store in Buter Co. and show the best styles and lowest prices. To convince you come in our store anv time and look around, no matter if you waut to pur chase anything or not. No trouble to show goods. Special lace curtain sale. See window display. TROUTIAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTLER. - - - PA. TEVvJs -J THE