Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 03, 1891, Image 3

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FBI DAY, APRIL ?, 1891.
, Sale of half-woolen
K: :SE
500 pair at 25 cts.
a pair.
This is ail extra
ordinary sale.
Never in the his
tory of the clothing
business has a pair
ot half-woolen Boys'
Knee 4 Pants been
sold as low as
25 cents a Pair.
Call early as they
won't last long at
that price.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
ISptmer has a population of about I#,ooo.
It is the i uiirji' >at ot llutler county, with
Kourrhllw i" ?. n itural gas, an<t unequalled
(acuities for iti'tuuf-irtures.
Progress -rv whore; new buildings, new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous town.
Wert Pfnx K. k.- Trains leave Butler for
AUerlutn) ■ ISO and 11:20 a. m. and 235
and 5:00 p. nt.; arrive at and 10:80 a. in. and
1:80. s m and Ts» »>• Malls elo»e at mos a. m.
and 250& l>. i '■ and arr ::■ at S:SO, 10:50 a. m. and
8:10 p. m.
V. 8. &I- K. H. !.' -Trains leave for Green
ville at <x, i»! in and HSS p. m. Trains
arrive from (iiivi: ■> .;;> t a:;*) a. m. and 2:35 and
620 p. m. Malls I'll' • al fi:ls and 930 a. m.
Cloud puucii lor hrunchton. including mall ror
Milliard, If) > r*. »; Kovsrd at 435 p. m. Mails
aitlve at **•". ait ) . ■p. m.
P. &W. It. it. Trai.v li ave Butler for Alle
gheny at C~-o, s.-/;. lid Kr.JV a m. and sw, 3:36
and kSO p. n. The <<:_'.*> a. m, train and the Z4O
5. in. eonnect trains gotog we*t at; Callery
uncllon. Malls clos« tor south and west at
8:00 a. in. For RHUburg at 10 a. m. For Pitts
burg and points t eiween ISuIW and Callt-ry at
a:10p. U). l-'-r Pittsburg and points between
Callery and AU-'-'heuy at <::•» p. m. For local
points north of Butler at !>M a. m. For Barn
hart * M lis. Koxßutk and oil Cltv at 4 -' IS p. m.
Malls arrive on thta road from local points be
tween Butler and Callery at 935 a. m.; from
PlUsburx and 1<- 11 points between Cali>-ry and
AHei/t'eay at a. m.; from Hariiliart's Mill*.
Foxburg and Oil City at <r.3T a. ra. Local mall
from tlie north w j-.v-i p. m.; from Pittsburg
and the West at :i«o p. m.
Star Koctks— Daily mail from Mt. Chestnut
arrives at a. m. and leaves at 10M0 a. m.
• North Hope, Hooker and other points, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, leave at 130 p. m.
New Advertisements.
Bntler Boro Sewerage Assessments.
Butler Uoro Auditors' Keport.
Announcements for Jury Commissioner.
Asartincnurt .il Co's great bargains.
Scbaul Hro's lioy'* pants.
Racket Store Clothing.
Bntler Commercial School.
Evans City Normal School.
Harvey's Cements, etc.
Xotk —All advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
W. A, Dcnnison, a pn>in incnt oil opera
tor of Millet -.own, fell and seriously injur
ed himself last Friday at one of his wells
near Millerstown. At last accounts his
life was in danger.
Suicide In Worth Township.
Wm. A. Cro-n, a well to-do farmer, of
Worth township, bat who had been in poor
health for some ninths, committed suicide
last Monday morning by cutting bis throat
with a razor. Ho stood before his bed-room
mirror, and nearly severed his head from
hi* body.
The Lecture Course.
Tho lecture of lust Wednesday evening
closed the most - i.- cessful course of lec
tures ever held in liutler, and that it was
so complete a •:uoct s was greatly due to
tho effort .< f iru Mcjunkin, Esq. We bad
Con well, the heroic; Cook, the profound;
Burdettc, the funny; a novelty or two,
and Willi tt- -the favorite of Bntler audi
-j;ces and i! 11 I lecturer in America to
day. Any proj v r.iiiune for a course of lec
tures in Butler that omits Willetts will
presage failure.
The Si a wage Assessments.
The ordinance a -easing those persons
whose properties are benrfitted by tho sys
tem of sewers covering that part of the
town north of West Jefferson and East
North streets, is published iu another place,
this week. It provide* r or asfessmentsag
gregating $20,575.89, mid it will, u* doubt,
be scanned very el *e!y by those interested,
and they will also receive a special notice
from the Council of which a return will be
made by the High Constable. The asscss
in» nt> ;.re to 1 ■ i \il v ithin sixty days af
ter the I Uh iu '
—Salvai leu Oil quickly finds its way to
the seat ilt, e i •' allays tho inflam
mation, and, by removing tho Cause,
effects a permnm nt. cure. "f> eta.
Mr. Ku-kin thh : - then is a great future
for American art—but he hardly realizes
the enormous demand over here for Br.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
—The New Dictionary.—The answer of
the publisher: of Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary to the attempt of pirates to
steal their thunder by issuing cheap
phototyj «* reproduction* of the antiquated
edition of 1547, in the publication of a now
and completely re-edited nnd enlarged
edition of the authentic Cnabridged, which
as a diatinpuishiug title bears the name of
The publishers have expended in the last
ten years over §300,000 in the preparation
of this nt w book bcfoie issuing the first
copy, and the ittii rovements of the various
editions since that of 1547 have tout over
three-fourths of a million of dollars for
editing, illustrating, type-setting and elcc
trotyping alune
The new Dictionary is the best book of
itn kind in the English language. It un
locks mysteries, resolves doubts, and de
cides disputes. The possession of it and
the habit of consulting it will tend to pro
mote knowledge, litetary taste and social
refinement. For every family, the mem
bers of which have mastered the art of
reading, the purchase of Webster's In
ternational Dictionary will prove a profit
able invmtment,and the more they advanec
in knowledge and cultivation the more
they will appreciate its aid aud worth.
Fine cakes at the City Bakery
—The purest, the cheapest, the best, are
Klingler's floors. Ask your grocer lor
—"Little March'' was a fickle month
—The school children are having a v*ea
tioa this week.
—Gov. Patti.-;on has selected Friday,
May 1, tbe next Arbor day.
—Four more butler grocers were caught
up by the oleomargarine law, Monday, and
required to pay lints.
—Lack of space prevented our publish
ing two lengthy communications of a per
sonal nature, last week and this week.
—Kev. Ilicks predicts all kinds
weather for the first part of this month,
ami some snow storms for the latter part.
—Some of tbe citizens of Millerstown
are ' "kicking" against the proposed new
name for the town, and are getting up a
—A 28-inch silk umbrella with gold head
was lost on Springdal© hill, on the 31st of
last December. The finder will please
leave at this office.
—Eggs were scarce in Butler last week,
and yet some of the hens did their duty.
Mrs. Jane Hall has eighteen hens that laid
thirteen dozen eggs that week.
—The Messrs Smith of the liacket Store
have moved their stock to their new room,
120 S. Main St. lately occupied by Grieb &
Lamb, who have moved to 125 X. Main
—S. B. Martincourt <l* Co., the great
dealers in wheeled vehicles, harness, etc.
want you to know exactly where they are,
and this week publish a guide map, follow -
el by some pointers.
—The entertainment of the Glee and
Mandolin clubs id Franklin and Marshall
College in the Opera House last Saturday
evening, was oue of the most enjoyable
ever given in Butler.
—Notice to people who have not the
grippe—Don't expeet a man who has it to
stop on the street and talk to you, or listen
to you talking. He will do it, of course,
but he will regret it afterwards.
—The New Orleans University Singers,
will appear in the Opera House next Wed
nesday evening, under the auspices and
for the benefit of the Boyal Templars of
the South Side. Admission 50 and 35
—Physicians say there is more sickness
at present than ever before known. The
grippe is affecting almost everybody. Chi
cago in the most afflicted city on the con
tinent —a hundred thousand cases of grip
being reported there last week.
—Sawdust is now used for mixing with
mortar in lien of hair. A most effective
combination is two parts of sawdust, two
parts of lime, five of sand and one of
cement, which it is said will remain firm
and will not peel off.
—The Commercial School, soon to be
opened in Shaffer's Ball, offars" to the
young people of Butler superior advan
tages for obtaiuing a business education.
Young men, do not defer, bat take advan
tage of this opportunity at once. The
School opens next Tuesday, (April 7.)
—At a "Silver medal'" contest held in
the U. P. Church in Prospect last Thurs
day evening, the prize, a satin-lined case,
was awarded to Miss Ada M. Jones. There
were nine contestants, the selections were
•11 well rendered, and tho band furnished
excellent music.
—Special Easter services were held in
several of our churches last Sunday even
ing. The day signifies the resurrection and
that the grave is but the portal to a larger
and fuller life, and coming, with us, at the
time of the revival of earth-life we are aid
ed in realizing that mysterious feeling in
every human soul that after the winter ol
death comes the spring of another life.
—Some time ago two Germans named
Nuss and Kuttinger, in company with an
Englishman named Wright, who was a
brother-in-law of Kuttinger, came over to
this country in the steamship Chicago and
on the way over Bnttinger and Wright
made the acquaintance of a man who
agreed to sell them a farm in Ohio. Nuss
parted company with the other two in
New York, and he is now a stndent for the
priesthood at the Capuchin monastery at
Summit Station. Wright and Itnttinger
were murdered in New York and Nnss
thinks the man who wanted to sell them a
farm is the murderer.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 25 cents for but
ter, 18 for eggs, $1.15 for potatoes, 35 for
turnips, GO for parsnips, $1.25 for onions,
ssab nshel for onion sets. i
Timothy hay $lO to sl2, butter 18 to 28,
eggs in cases 19 and 20, duck eggs 30 to 35.
goose eggs 50 to 00; potatoes on track sl.lO
to $1.20, jobbing $1 :i0 to $1.35; cabbage 0
and 7, parsnips $1.50 a bbl.; dressed dock
and chicken 14 and 15, tallow 4}, honey 16
to 20, onion sets $4.50 to $5.50 a bu.
At Ucrr's Island, Monday, light weight
cattle sold at 4j to s|, bulls and dry cows
2| to 3s. All the cattle on sale excepting
13, were fiom Chicago. Veal calves sold
at 5 and (>.
All the sheep on sale were from Chicago;
spring lambs are expected to be on sale
next Monday.
Hogs sold at 5 ard si, an advance of a
cent a pound within a few weeks.
Workmen are engaged putting up a tem
porary bridgn between tho island and the
Allegheny side.
Closed on Monday at 7J J, Tuesday at 73
Wednesday at ?3.
Mr. John Ktcd, of the well-known
grocery firm, with characteristic
enterprise, in now making two trips
weekly to the city, in quest of early
vegetables, greens, fruit, etc. In ad
dition, he executes commissions, and
acts as mcsFcngi r for those wishing
a reliable and trustworthy runner to
Pittsburg. Orders should be left
Mondays nnd Thursdays at Kirk
patrick & Reed's, N. Main St.
—We can save yon money on plash
coats, clotb jackets, stockinet jackets
and children's garments, at
—Our Ladies' Wool Ho*e at 25
cents can't be beat. All*other grades
at bargain prices.
—Now is the time to do ap yonr
spring sewing and if you want to do
it well buy a new Domestic Sewing
Machine and get a ten year guaran
tee witb it at
135 N. Main St.
—Buy your Fewer pipe at M. C.
Rockenßtein's. be keeps the largest
stock, beft quality and lowest
—lce for sale at the City Bakery.
—Home-made bread at the City
—Take your children to Zurer's
Gallery for Pictures that will Bait
yon. Postofßee building.
. —Boarding Iloute Cards, with Act
| of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
1 for sale at CITIZEN office.
Harry Hone aud family are now re.-i
dents of Butler, and are living with Mr
Howe's father. L. V, Mitchell. Esq.
David Xealey, of this county, was roi>
bed of $250 in Pittsburgh, last Thur- lay.
Dr. J. P. Wicker-ham. former State Su-
Eerintendent of Public instruction, died at
is home in Lancaster. Pa., last We«lnes
day from the effects of au attack of tbe
J. L. McCain has moved bis faii.Ky from
Washington. Pa., to the Wildwoo I oil field,
where he is foreman for Forst & Greenlee.
Mrs. Smith, of McKeesport. i> ti:c guest
of Mrs. Arthurs.
D. H. Jack, Esq., and wife, ol Bradford,
are the guests of bis parents.
John Metz and family had h.ird lack in
Minnesota and walked*ali the way hack to
Mail Carrier Croup fell and dislocated a
shoulder a few days ago, and is consequent
ly off duty.
Sheriff Brown, P. Schenck, P. Christie.
J. B. Black. Prof. Bancroft, Lou. Grieb,
D. E. Dale, John Findley, W. C. -Vcjrley,
the Misses Wuller. Misses Balph. and al
most every other person you meet, are suf
fering more or less from the grippe.
James Kiefer has patented a new joint
for bits, and sold it to a Pittsburg firm for
X. L. Gardner of Jac-ksville, is .-eriously
ill, having sprained himself b\ lifting.
Mr. C'arr and family who have In on liv
ing in the Kichey house on W. Pearl St.
started back lor their old ho.ite op the
shores of Lake Huron, in Michigan, last
Tuesday morning, ar.d Mr E. 11. Sloan of
Venango county moved into tkat hoi:
Dr. Dennison, of Bruiu, is -eri< :-'y ill of
the grippe.
Mr. E. L. English has returned from .i
visit to the nurseries along the lak-s. for
the purpose of buying nursery st. !..
Hon. Josiah M. Thompson left to v. u i'or ■
Harrisburg Wednesday evening.
Robert Harsh, of Fredouia, I'a . a lain
ber dealer well-known in this county, died
of pneumonia Wednesday morning.
Chas. Pollock, the blind newsboy, pur
chased a lot on the South Side some time
ago, and now he has a comfortable house
upon it.
Mrs. J. G. Henry fell from her porch and
broke her leg last Tuesday.
W. P. Ifft has moved to 214 W. Cun
ningham St.
Will Stein and Will Kennedy are both
confined to their homes by the grippe.
A. M. Watson, Esq., one of Pittsburgh's
most noted attorneys died from the effects
ot an attack of the grippe, Wednesday.
J. C. Duffy, of Petrolia, lately fell head
foremost lrom a roof and was not seriously
Frank Shufflin is off duty with a broken
* John Bippus, of Oakland township, is
building a house in the East End.
Rev. Hartjug, of Beaver Falls, will
move back to Harmony.
Steel Antony, of Fairview township, died
suddenly last Sunday week.
John C. Clark, of North Hope, and James
Mitchell, of Butler, will serve on the U. S.
Grand Jury at Pittsburgh during May term.
The Borough Auditors' Report.
The borough collected 133,650.96 for the
year ending Monday, March 9tb, last; and
paid oot $33,387.53, leaving a balance in
the Treasury of $2,263.44. It was the
est account yet made by the borough, bnW
it will probably be exceeded by that of this
year. ,
The Keport, as published, is as satisfac
tory as it could possibly be as to detail—
every cent collected and from whom is
noted; and every cent paid out and to
whom, and even the numbers of the war
rants are noted." If there has been a single
bill paid which seems extravagant or un
necessary, the tax payers of the towu have
a chance to see it and enter their protest.
The largest account is that fur the main
sewers, which is $12,818.99; tho next is the
paving account, $5,500,00; the street ac
count is $4,235.58, the sewering $2,321.37,
the water and fire $1,268.28, the gas sl,-
206.44, the police $1,197.86, and the other
accounts are comparativtly small.
Oil Notes.
Guckert <fc Steele's well on the A. Dam
bach. reported dry last week, is now doing
125 barrels a day.
Hartmau £ Co. 's gusher at Jefferson
Centre is yet producing 25 barrels an hour.
Wahl <£ Bishop have purchased Forst's
third interest in his oil property for $28,000.
They have begun using glycerine ia the
Wild wood and McCnrdy fields.
It has been ascertained that that won
derful Russian oil well, reported at 400,-
000 barrels a da}-, started off at but 20,000
a day, and Roon dropped to 10,000, ami is
in old territory.
Public Sales.
There will be a sale of baggage at
at Nixon's Hotel, Saturday evening, begin
ning at 7 o'clock.
—Why do you pay as much for a
cheap factory wagon as you can buy
a good Kramer band made wagon for
at Mabtincouet & C'o.'h,
Evans City Normal School.
The Spring Term of Eight Weeks
will commence Monday, May 4th,
and close Friday June 20. Those
who have the teaching profession,
college or business, iu view, should
inquire for particulars.
Address J. C. Tinstman, A. M ,
Kvans City. l*a.
—Building blocks for foundation
wall under a frame bouse mude of
fire clay, vitrified and glazed, will
absorb no water aud is frost proof,
guaranteed to stand the weight of
any frame house and coßts 40 per
cent. less than a stone wall, leave
your order at onte at
13ft N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—New kid gloves, cloth gloves,
mittens, hosiery and underwear at
lower prices than ever, at
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office
A New Roller Mill in Butler.
I wish to inform my friends and
patrons in Butler county that I now
have my new wheat-flour mill in full
operation. It has just been completed
by tho Edward P. A His Co.. of Mil
waukee, Wis.,and the work was done
under the supervision of Mr. S. J.
Bollinger, one of their most able fore
The machinery was all shipped
from Milwaukee, and the old
machinery of the mill was entirely
taken oat and the new substituted,
I now have a complete mill, and I
can give the people of Butler and
vicinity a brand of flour, manufac
tured at home and of Butler county
wheat, that will stand any te&t, and
compare with any that is shipped to
our town.
I am able to do what I say and all
I atk of you is to give my flour a fair
I also manufacture the best of
coru meal, rye flour and buckwheat
flour, aud hoping to receive a share of
yonr trade, I am, Most Respectfully,
—Go to MeKee Scott's oyster arid
lunch room in the National Bank
building for oysters in all style*, or a
good lunch of any kind, at any hour
of the day and up to midnight.
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Baker v
All the evidence in the matter of the ap-
I plication? for license to sell liquors was in
I !>y Thursday noon and Judge Hazen an
; uouuce l'tb*t he would read his decisions.
; nest day at 2 p.m. Atr that time the
I Court-room was crowded with the interest
ed and curious, and, as usual, they were
j entertained for an hour listening to the
prc-entation of petitions and motions.
Then the Judge made a few remarks, say
ing that hi* position on this question ought
to be well understood by this time; that it
was not necessary for him to elaborate as
to his duties in the matter, which is to de
clare the law, his ruling had been uniform,
a failure to establish the necessity for a
license meant a failure to obtain it, he was
open to conviction and it is human to err:
complaints had lately been made in But
ler regarding parties standing around the
licensed hotels of the town and it is the
duty of the hotel keepers to have it stop
ped: holder- of retail licenses cannot carry
on a wholesale business, they must sell at
the bar r.ud not for use elsewhere, the
drinking of liquor in the alleys and partic
larly in the basement ot the Court House
by persons' who cannot obtain it for them
selves at a bar cannot be tolerated, hotel
keepers must not sell by the bottle except
ing to guests nnd they are responsible for
what their clerks do.
The application of Henry Doerr for a
license for the Diamond Hotel was refused,
on account of the papers being defective
and for other reasons.
The applications of Thompson <t Biown
oi the Lowry House, and Beck Faul.le
of the Vogeky House were granted.
The applications of Eitenmiller Jc Lie
boi.i of the Eitcumiller House, and W. H.
lieihing oi tbe Vi'iiliard House were held
over until the 2oth.
The applications of the Keiber brothers
ui.u Mrs. Gamble for wholesale licenses
were granted.
The applications of George W. Campbell
and John Smith for wholesale and
that of Wm. J. McCafferty for restaurant
license it- liutler were refused, as were al
so those of B. J. Forquer of Millerstown
and C. B. Hunt of Callery.
All the other applications were granted,
making 17 granted, 2 held over and 6 re
These licenses are to date from April Ist,
1891, and if not lifted within fifteen days,
will be revoked and shortly after they were
announced Treasurer Wilson was taking
in the money and Clerk Criswell was issu
ing the licenses.
The petitions presented that afternoon
included one by the Sheriff regarding the
sale of the Salt Works, one to strike the
name of W. H. Martin from the list of at
torneys, one to pay money made by a
Sheriff's Sale into Court, one dissolving
the charter of the Butler Opera House Co.,
one regarding a judgment obtained against
the Bui ler Lodge of K. of L. and others
that we could not hear.
Jacob Keott and Andrew Knanse have
appealed from the settlement by the
auditors of Summit Twp. of their accounts
as overseers.
Frank Birch, by his mother, has sued
the P. «fc W. K. K. Co. for trespass.
Letters of adm'u were granted to Wm.
K. Partridge on estate of Ketta McKee.
The will ol He v. Wm. A. Nolan was pro
bated and letters granted to Charles Duffy.
He gives the dividends of 25 shares of the
Natrona Salt Works stock to his sister in
Ireland, the dividends of 20 shares of
Westlnghouso Electric stock to his brother,
also in Ireland; $5,000 to the Catholic
University in Washington, D. C.; 40 shares
of Insurance Co. stock are put in trust for
the payment of the salaries of the teachers
of the school here provided a mass requiem
is said monthly for his soul forever. Some
small bequests are made and the balance
is given to church charity.
The wile of Dan Eudres is applying for a
divorce in Beaver County.
gjw m. A. Kobinson, of Evans City, has
made ail assignment to Kobert Hudson for
the benefit of creditors and H. C. Boggs
and A. J. Long were appointed appraisers.
W C Thompson, Ex'r, to I J McCan
dless, 160 acres in Centre Twp for $4,000.
Walter .1 Craig to Eliz Reed, lot in But
ler for $1,600.
Alfred Wick to J M Keed ct al, lot in
Butler for $4,50(1.
II V Green to Jas Graham, lot in Bntler
for S6OO.
C A Abrasns to Geo McFadden, lot in
Butler for #I,OOO.
C W Morrison to T A Bartley, 8 acres in
Clinton for $447.50.
M Wah! to N Kline, lot in Evans City
for $212.50.
Frank Biedenbach to Mary Shirley, lot
in liutler for $2,500.
Cath Critchlow to K Critchlow, 11 acres
in I'enn for SSOO.
W C Koonce to L Hammond, lot in But
ler for SKOO.
Marv McCall to J C McCollongh, lot in
Millerstown for $1,300.
C A Abrams to Jas N Moore, lot in But
ler for $3,000.
C Hinchborger to S I) Hunt, lot in But
ler for $2,175.
J C Glenn to Minnie Allison, lot in Sun
bury for $450,
David McKee to M W Humphrey, 143
acn-s in Slipperyrock for $7,866.20.
J E Kinscr to Jos W Graham, lot in But
ler for $1,300.
il it Blair to Jacob Wbitmire, 69 acres
in Concord for $2,000.
11 G Heiner et al to J A Bonner, lot in
Butler for S6OO.
Mary G Heiner to same, lot in Butler for
W T McCandless to Hy Fox, lot in But
ler for sl,£oo.
I Brown to W T McCandless, lot in Mt
Chestnut for $1,200.
Marriage Licenses.
Matthew Crawford Kansas
Kliza Sumniony Millerstown
Andrew Knittel Butler, Pa
Mary Morgan "
John M Burke Allegheny Co
Maggie Kodgers Donegal twp
Dallas J Davis Newcastle, I'a
Fronie Kaler Donegal twp
Martin A Walter Allegheny Co
Margaret E. Birx Winiield twp
At Pittsburg, Thursday, Uaac N Croft
and Maggie Wallace, ol Butler Co.
At New Castle—llarrv Ileberling, of
Porterevilla, and Miss Catharine Pringle, ol
Mercer Co.
To the Farmers of Butler and
I now have my new roller flour
mill coruplctvd and in full operation,
and will pay that I can make you a
jjood flour and one that will give you
entire satisfaction.
You can get your grist home with
you, at once, and all work warranted.
I aI wo manufacture rye-flour, buck
wheat-Hour, corn-meal and chop.
Please give my new mill a trial
and oblige,
Yours, most respectfully,
—The Anti-Rusting Tinware
guaranteed against rust for three
year?, at HENKY BIEIIL'H,
No. 12*2 N. Main St., Butler, I'a.
Prospect Academy.
Send for catalogue of Prospect
Academy. Spring term begins April
7, 1891. Correspondence solicited.
F VV. MAOEE, Principal,
Prospect, Pa.
Fine table linens, fancy towels,
tidies and stamped linens in great
vuriety at
—Largest line of silks, velvets and
ilrens goods in the couuty at less
than former prices, at
Bargains in stockinet jackets at
$2.50, $3, $4, $5 and $4, all worth
I from $1 to $3 more, at
For Sewerage.
ORDINANCE wMsing the cost
of public sewers upon West Jeffer
tor i, E«Clay. West I'lay, Kist
N'orth. West North, North Chestnut,
North Washington. East Pearl, West
Pearl, North Main, South Main. Pulton, j
North McKean ami Mifflin streets in the
Borough of Butler, as a sewage tax
upon the adjoining or adjacent proper
ties. determining the amounts and pro
viding for the collection thereof.
SUCTION 1. Be it enacted and ordained
bj- the Burgess and Town Council of the
Borough 01 lir.tier and it is herebr enacted
and ordained by authority of the *amc.that
the streets of West Jefferson. Hast Clay,
West Clay. East North. West North,
North Chestnut, North Washington. East
Pearl, West Pearl, North Main, Pulton,
North McKean. Mifflin and South Main
[so far as the same lies north of the Court
House sqnare], taken together form a dis
trict for sewerage purposes, within the
boundaries of which the sewage tax should
be equally, justly and equitably assessed
upon and paid by the properties benefitted.
The toftl number of lineal feet of sewer
pipe laid, or ordained to be laid, upon said
streets within the boundaries of said dis
trict is :i2,918 40-100. The total number
of feet of lots fronting thereon or adjacent
thereto and benefitted thereby, less the
allowance hereinafter provided for, is 32,-
217.75 and the total cost of said system of
sewerage, including ditching, pipe, man
holes, flush tanks, inspection chambers,
connections and incidental expenses is
SEC. 2. The cost of said sewers is and
shall be assessed upon the properties ad
joining or adjacent and benefitted thereby
equally by the loot front: Provided. That
in all corner lots, which have no buildings
erected or in process of erection for pur
poses of dwelling or trade, on and facing
the side street, an allowance shall be made
of one-half the length thereof on the side
street, and where such building so fronting
is erected or is in process of erection the
allowance shall be one-half of the number
of feet abutting on said side street after de
ducting sixty feet for front of such build
ing, upon which there shall be no allow
ance, Provided also, That in no case shall
an allowance be made for any portion of a
lot abutting on any of said streets more than
one hundred and eighty feet from the front
corner. Any question arising as to what is
front and what is side of corner l.its is and
shall be determined by the individual as
sessments recited in Section 3 of this Ordi
SKC. 3. In accordance with the plan
of assessments provided for by Section 2 of
this Ordinance, the cost of said improve
ments is hereby assessed as a sewage tax
upon the following persons and properties
and in the following amounts, being at the
rate of 91.8 cents per foot front:
Owners Property Located FtJTront Am't
AbramsCA. Fulton St. 72 $ «6 o»
Abrains KE, K I'earl. si.s 74 B.'
Adams Eleiz, K I'earl, " 5 JO »5
Aland Mrs Anna. S Main, 21 19 28
Anderson MrsC L N McKean, 51 46 82
Anderson Klzte 11, W Clay, 50 45 9u
Anderson Juo F, W Clay. 48 44 06
Andre Michael. W < lay. 215 1973s
Armbuster Mary E. W North, 50 45 90
Armtmster Mary h. Mifflin. 50 45 no
Armour Frank fc, N Washington, 40 36 72
Artustriug .las M. W North, 50 45 90
Avres Mrs Lizzie K, N McKean, uo 55 os
Total *7« To
linker Julius. W Pearl 100 s:< 1 80
liarrlckmaii A, \V North, 50 45 90
Hartley Wmsoti. E < lay. so 98
Bauer Win or Ed. \V North. 00 55 oh
•• •• •• Mifflin. 73 67 01
Catherine, W Jefferson. 70 04 20
H, Mifflin, ■» 37 64
Bauidawf F P. S Mam. 2X5 - 21 57
Baxter Mrs Emm it. W North, 45 41 31
BerL r John A Co, W Jefferson. 41 37 64
8 Main 20 18 37
Bernard Carl. E Clay 40 36 72
Bern Mrs, W Jefferson 59 54 16
Iltichele M, s Main 18 16 52
Blckel Jni», * Main 23 21 11
N McKean 51 46 82
Bfedenbach Mrs Mary, N McKean UK) yi so
Biehl Henry, N Main 18 16 53
W G, 18 16 53
Bishop Lewis, B North 40 36 72
Black .1 B. N McKean 50 45 SO
•• " Fulton 86 78 94
Boggs Andrew, N Chestnut 101 W72
Borland Jas, W N'orth 7o 04 2«
50 45 90
W Clay 150 137 51
•• Mlffllll 170 156 06
Bowser AL. E I'earl 47.5 43 60
" N McKean 16s 154 22
•• SF. N Mam 56.5 80 90
Brackney I. M. W Pearl 100 91 so
Brandon Mrs W 1), N Main 163 149 66
Bredln Uon Jas, W Pearl 37 33 97
llrymer Andrew. •• 02)4 67 15
BurchUeld Mrs P 11. N McKean 50 45 90
Burkhnlter Kob't, W North 50 45 90
Burtner l'hlllp. S Main 20 18 37
Butler .Savings Bank, 8 Main 20 18 37
Baptist Church. MlDlln 00 55 OS
lllckcl Philip, W N'orth <5 -II 32
Bailey Charles. N Washington 80 *3 45
Burtner l'nillp, W Pearl 61 M> 83
Total *2594 03
Campbell bean, W Jefferson 40.5 42 «»
•• TC. h North «0 MO9
•• JG& W. S Main 50.5 48 38
- Js. N Mam 82 75 27
Christie Cu. so 73 44
• • H W, •• 402.5 3ti> 50
('lceland 1» L, S Main 30 2" 54
Cocliran Lewis,N McKean 43.5 3a us
.. K Clay 'JO 82 «2
Colbert Win I£, N Washington 55 5 50 !»
•• Harvey, N Main 55.5 50 95
" A Main 15 13 78
Cole.stock Jos, N Main M 67
Court House. S Main 100 01 *0
cralg Minerva S, W Clav 50 45 ;K)
Crawlonl John, W Pearl 40 M 72
•• MrsCK " ® 50 67
Cromm Wm.K MrKetn 45 41 :!1
Christie Mrs l.lile. MIMlu «• 45 no
Colbert Harvey, N Main 55.5 50 M
Total sl3*o 21
Dale Mrs sA, Fulton '» 55 OH
Dickey . N Chestnut 40 3ti .2
IHefTenbacher Mrs S I', Kulton 82 T6 27
Dixon B, W North 50 48 !io
Donaghy Thos, N Main 8. 7H 94
Duffy Charles, W Jefferson 151 141 3»
" N Main 21 22 <>.' l
20 it oe
82 75 27
.■ 90 82 112
Davis M. MilMu 50 '■*>
Total *'32 50
Kaslinan F M.N Main <7 .0 68
Eitenmiller H. 15®. » 143 89
Kkls Ailam. W JelTersoii 24 22 03
•• John. W Pearl 4. 4.1 M
Eitenmiller H. N McKean 19" 174 42
Eugllsh Lutheran Church, N Main 90.5 S3 OK
•' EClay 90 H2 62
Eyth Martin. N McKean 102 03 83
Evans Mrs Walter, K Peurl 50 45 90
Elsler Conrad, N McKean 55.5 so 95
Total *'ol2 82
Fair JM. W North 50 45 DO
Fuller Jacob, E North 12" 11017
Kelirlc F. W Norlh 40 36 72
Fisher Mrs Barbara, N McKean 36 33 05
•' Heirs ol Frank, •• 29 26 62
Fleecer Geo W. Fulton i°" 98 22
•• E Pearl 107 tm 22
Kortylhc* Mra Klttv W, W Jefferson 20 la 36
.r .. •• 20 18 36
Fowser It IS. N Washington 40 36 72
•• W Clay 50 45 SO
•• W North 50 45 W)
•• Chas. •' 45 41 31
Frozler Jas and John, W Jefferson 100 91 N)
Kox , Mimin 50 45 90
Fry Mrs. " 55 80 4»
Forquer Mrs 1C A, K I'earl 42 3s 55
Total ♦8" '■* 10
(Jantcr Lewis. N Washington 79 72 52
Gelble Chas, S Main 1< IB «0
N McKean 50 40 <lO
German Reformed ciiurcl', W North 63 87 83
Glikey M 11. W Pearl «2 50 91
GUI Scott. E any 4" M 72
Oral)am W L. E clay »5 32 13
.• •• 1»> S2 62
•• E North, on a ley, :*> 82 01
•• N McKean 45 41 31
•• N Main :w 27 54
•• John < N Washington no *2 62
•• A, N McKean 50 45 90
Greer John M. Kulton «0 55 o«
uregg Ella, W Clay 48 44 OB
" John, N Washington 50 45 00
tlrleb Mrs K, E North 45 41 ;n
• John K. N Main 50 45 90
•' Mrs K. " 20 is 36
Greenlee Mrs Clara. N Chrstatt 173 15H
Grohman Henry VV North 80 45 #u
GumpiM'r Mrs G 11, Fulton 72 60 ow
Grohman Henry, Mifflin 4".5 41 77
50 45 90
Graham Nancy E. E I'e.irl 44.5 40 85
Total *1330 16
llelner Mri. M, N McKean 252.5 231 7*
Kulton 188 172 5H
•• N Washington 127 ILU 5H
•• N Main 120 llu 16
lluselton F.N McKean 40 M 72
I? C, N Main 1» 17 44
" Theodore, N Main 111 loi 90
John, N Main 50 45 90
llaffncr Adam. N McKoan l«o 91 hu
llerr Mri Emma IS. N McKean 4- r , 41 31
Heck Jacob. N McKean 45 41:11
Hall Mrs Jane, N Washington 40 36 12
Haiiii Conrad. •• 60 55 OH
llaltner Lewis, VV Pearl 62 5# 91
lla/.lett Win (heirs). N Main 8t 22 20 19
llardman VV V, N Main 55.5 50 95
lla/.lettClias. N Naln so 5 73 90
Harvey 11 I>. ■ 5,'. 50 4»
Ha/.cn Hon AL. N Main 120 110 10
Hoffman Conrad. N McKean 55.5 50 a"
llammcl John, VV Jefferson 50 45 80
11 über ('has G, W Jefferson 41 37 in
'• " " 50 45 90
Hays Mrs Lydla F. W Jeffenton 5» 54 16
llobatiuh lieo VV, W North 50 45 90
Heck DA, W' North M 49 57
tlUllard Mrs Hamantlia, W North .10 27 54
Hartzeil Wm, VV North •« 50 li!
llazlett Chas, N W-whlnglfln "• 8i 62
Huselton S 11, Mimih *5 7s 03
Henry Margaret J. N McKean 45 41 31
Total $2370 24
1 O o F Lodge, W J'-fferson 30 37 54
Irwin l>r Wm, N McKean 50 4". »o
Total »7;t 44
Jones K 1.. N Cbeatuut 101 fi 7a
June O H, Fulton 80 55 OS
Johnston S A, N McKean 41 41 31
Total $lB9 11
; King Mrs Tobla M, W Jefferson «tt uo*
| I. J j £
" .. « •" •* •*
.. Miflttu Ui4 a:
• " 3tU 284 5o
J Kearns Sally, W Jefferson is
I Kramer Peter. ' ■ 0 i> jt,
i Hipp Silas, r. Clay 5 1»
Kocli MrsC.E North >" v, <*•
Kemper Bernard K North >•"
Karnes ,1 J. N v\ ashington •- »• »
! i\eclt Jacob, N Main ■' . J
; Klikpairlck A Hi-eU. N Main 45 41 ,u
! Kemper ,1 X B. S Main st » l:>
\ Keck Lewis. Mifflin 45 s 41 TT
Total Sim «
Laurail Mrs A K. W .leflerson is.", l.i
Ki i.)
Mifflin an im .1
Llinberg Km F. "<V Jellerson .'sj *1
Lefi vre John. •• is Tu
Lust Matilda O. W Clay :> o ,
Laugbein liottlleb, W North ;<o .rj
Low man Mrs. W N'orth St .14
Lo.vry John F, N Chestnut ia> 110 it;
•• W Pearl t>> >_tt
" ST.S 52 7s
•• Alex. " af.,5 si 67
l-eake l)r EX, •' SO 4% 9U
Llizlnger M F. N McKean (i'> i; 7
LeldeckerJ A. " >i :t: 04
SO 73 14
Laul>e Francis, W Pearl 1-'. 113 SKI
Leopold Henry, N McKean w ir>
Lieghncr l)r .1 M. W Jefferaoo w i 5 90
Total tl.'-sl 21
Montgomery Mrs Grace.W Jefferson 30 is
Miller Addison, W Jefferson f.:» 5 m< j
" uA, \V Clay 4s 41 n;
" Mrs Andrew', W" clay y> sy '*>
" Win, W Clay ;ij s7 21
" Henry. E Clay sw s2 ts
MorralJno. co ,v> os
Moore Mr- B. \\ C'lav sc 51 40
May Ell. W North SO 4. So
Moser Mrs Gabriel, W North 4."> 41 a:
Mitchell Annie E, Fulton "134 12.101
Martin Mrs liosanna. K Pearl 15 41 31
Mitchell Annie e. ;i.57 125 To
Mitchell Alex. E Pearl 1W 112 :U
Mann Or J K, N McKean 4S 44 '*>
Mitchell Alex, •• au 45 »>
L Z. < »n alley ot S Main 00 53 08
May F-11, \V North ju 4o 'M
iiorral Anna. W North -15 it 31
Miller W F. N Chestnut 3S .;4 i 7
Morgan N chestnut 56.5 #1 > 1
MUler Mrs Andrew, N Washington tio 5.'.
Marshall Jas, N Washington 4u 3B 72
Miller Wm F. " -JM .'II 14
•• Emellne, W Pearl 1"> 41 si
■' s I>, •• 50.5 7:: r*j
Meihln it Col W T, W Pearl ,\5 fio 1:1
Morgan li ugh, W Pearl 57 5* .T2
Miller \V F. N Main is 16
" Heirs ot Wm. Ji Main » :u n;
- .Mrs \\ 111. N Main 55 .vi 4:1
•• Henrj, . 43.5 3;i 93
Mackt-y Mrsß J. •• i.'> n .11
Miller u Wilson. N Main u> x, o«
•' Andrew, S Main <-1 55 irj
Muntz George, Miffiln 76 6V .1,
Miller Ilenry, " i 4 ;il 21
Meinodisi parsonage, K Pearl so >2 i,j
Mates J B, K I'ean 4."> 11 ;n
Montgomery W M. E Pearl :»1 «5 J-J
W J. " 30 4.'j so
Mitchell Annie K. N McKean i 45 224 ;il
Totiu »_■
McKee Jas. W North (*) 55 08
McKnigm .virs Tho«. W North 50 45 w
Mc.lunkln J D, K North iw 35 ts
Met ullough Barbara,N Washington 53 4s 6.".
tlleu, N Washington 56.5 50 »5
McJunkln L s, W I'earl so 45 ;«)
McShane Ellen, " (« 55 os
Mc Bride Mrs K, N Main 4.i.3 .51
.Mct'aiidlcss Mrs Catherine. N Main ler, w; :a
McCool Mrs N. W Jf ITerson 50 4,". t«i
McKee l)r J C, '• 1«W 172 5s
McJunkln Ls. W" clay 111 132 1;<
McKiuley John. E Clay 52.5 is iv»
Mccaudu ss J L, W clay V 51 4u
" Anna, W North 53 50 4:>
McKee Kev J s. Fulton to 45
E Pearl 60 45 MO
MeCalmoiit Mrs. N McKean 55.5 50 y5
McClung J F, N Main 4>"> 41 31
Total 1177 77
Niggle Jos, E N'orth 40 30 72
" Mrs Julia, N Mala 20 is 3<;
N egley WC. W I'earl s.: 3 76 til
Neyiuan Dr AM, N Main (Aj 55 us
Nixon Simeon, N McKean 50 45 s»
Nlcklns I bollard, " «" 65 0s
Total #2s7 7»
Oesterllng Ed and Geo, W Jefferson 50 45 no
•• KL, W N'orih 5o 45 ao
O'Brien Wm. E Clay S5 3213
Ohl C A, VV North 50 45 so
OrrAK. •' 45 41 31
O'Uonnel. N Chestnut S2 7S Yi
Oiler Kev W E, N Main 75 km
uui Mrs, Mifflin 100 #1 so
Oesterllng EL, Mifflin 50 45 \n>
Total si'M I*s
Pillow L>r K H. W Jefferson 44 40 39
•• Mrs, " ■-") is 3#
Purvis Mrs Mary. E clay '•*> 82 02
N McKean 15 os
•' BD, E North 100 91 so
" SG& CO 2tio 23s 69
•• J L. N Main 95 87 21
" LO, Fulton 119 109 24
•< K Pearl 11« l(*l 4s
•• JL. N McKean 12» UO 16
rape Mrs DT. N Main 3" 27 54
Purviance Fh. " W Jt> 72
" Jno, and Mrs Ferrero.N Main 55 5o 49
Pape Mrs UT. S Main 21 5 2i 49
Patterson J N, S Main a) 18 36
Preston Eliza. Fulton "2 66 69
Painter Jos, N McKean 50 *5 90
Purviance Geo, On Peun off N Main 38.5 35 33
Purviance FS. On Penn off N Main 38.5 35 33
Keiber George. S Main tS2 5C 91
liockeusteln Misses. S Main 2D l->
Uelber A & 11. S Main IW 55 os
Kiddle W H 11, Fulton US 108 33
•• " E Pearl 138 126 us
Rodgers Capt I> 11. N McKean 45 41 31
ltun Al. N McKean *3-5 39 93
Kousslng WP. N McKean ■>'■> 45 :io
Kiddle W H 11. " 4:1-5 M 'J.I
Koss ileo, " 50 *' ,Ji}
Rlchey AB, '• 50 «9 j
Km) Al. S Malu ?> I s 30
Kedick Mrs Eliza J. N Main 75 si
Koessing BE, N Main *2 38 55
Kedick J C, " '8 10 52
Reed WE, " 130 119 34
Keiber Martin's heirs. N Main I*l s2 GJ
Itauscher Kred. N Washington 120 110 16
Russell Mary, W I'earl 100 '<l 80
Koessing Mrs 1., W I'earl 43 14
Itauscher Fred. " 127 lllifts
Kilter A- ltalston, N Main 22 a) 19
Keiber George. " 30 2 . 54
Koctenstein Jos, " 21 i'- 1 2s
Keed StaJ U VV, '• 33 Ui 4:»
Kelhlag Wm, W Jefferson «* 55 08
Kussell Maria. '■>' 80 01
Hitler & Kalstou. " 5o *5 ao
Kussell UM. " 50 54 lt>
KuffAl. K Clay '2u U>. 1U
H.-.-.i John M, rt* Clay M.5 50 !»5
Kruno (Jeorge, " 55.5 50 yf.
KalsWli Prestly, VV Nortll 80 43 '.W
Iteilier Jacob, " 78 71 bo
John. " M 32
Itookensteln Jos. E North
Kenno KM, " ■*" 3,5 72
Koessing A. N Washington lt*> »1 (TO
•• Heirs of Jno, •• 60 56 08
Klcliunts, N Washington 40 72
Kelber Heirs of Martin,/' 56.5 50 !).->
•• Jacob, K North W 55 OH
Total 4-4
Hchenck Leonard. VV Jefferson 02 47 TO
61! 47 7o
Feter, " 74 «' 92
» 13 31
.< '• 71.5 ti» (U
Snyder Jas A. " <*{
tkiienck U#o- " "2 4; 70
Schneldeinan H. " 1,0 "" ***
St Mark's Church, " " »'■' go
Schenck Adam. •'
Stoddard J no, K (.'lay 35 ■** l*
Stoke Mrs i;eeella. Bt'lay 2. 64
SuanK Mary M. VV Clay !*»
SneUi John, W <'lay HI 10
Snod«ra»s *'ol, W North 4i 4131
Smith l'nillp. " *5 41 :il
Sutton .1 11, N Washington M M u
Starr WM, K McKean 50 4.1 in)
SU'ln Lewis, N Main '■*> *>*
Shlever Ueo. W I'earl g» 0»
Scott It I', N Main
Kclirelber Adam, N' Main Wl <> K;
Scott K I'. " ,if ' l "
storey Heirs of J l>. "
Schneldeinan 11. S Main AJ J»
Smith Jos and llertK;rt W, 8 Main 20 is .«»
Stehle J K T. S Main If
Sullivan Jno M. " 55 08
Storey Itobt, Kulton 1W 108.12
«. " i'earl
Shepherd Krank, E I'earl 120 110 it
Starr J W. N McKean 43.5 M
Slianer Mrs Kli.i M. N McKea'i 4.', 6 41..
Htelu l*wis. Miniln 188 1.2
Stein W A. - f*> !'l 80
Shaffer M J, K I'earl »o 82 «2
Total •'«■
Thompson WS, W Jeffenioji «1.5 .".I st
Taylor K 11. W Jefferson 5y r>4 la
rruxul Mrs Susannah. VV North 45 41 ill
Turner Jas, W North 50 45 »i
Tracey Jas. N VVashlnifton tW 55 os
Trontuian Win, " ' 55 5 50 ;*r»
Thompson Jos. W I'earl 57 52 :tJ
Troutman Adam, N Main '22 '2O la
Thompson Mrs A 1.. " so 73 41
Thompson K Drown, " w» 55 Un
Troutman Adam, S Main 40 ,1.1 a
MlDlln 1» Us 41
Thompson Mrs, Mlftlln 50 4.", no
Total *7'U 35
Vogeley Heirs, W Jefferson 2l» iw 78
50 45 110
•• •• " 474 4.n; Oti
S Main W5 »7 Jl
V anderlm Jos C. N Main »"> 87 21
Total 1«
Waldron Wm, W Jefferson 4a 72
Wuller Mrs Joanna. " 27 2t 7u
Wagner Henry. VV Clay 2«i ih;i CM
385 335 07
WIrkVVH, " *8 410.;
•• Ait, •• ia« no in
wo no m
Walker Wm. VV Clay Its 82#.;
welifand K.l, K("lay 102 5 ui o.i
Warner Henry, nr. W Noith <lO sft lis
Waller(i. VV North so 45 ;io
VV'atfner Henry, N chestnut
!JB2 25s S7
" lieo. " 82 75 27
Wilson AC, N McKean 115 105 50
Weser Mrs Anna. " 4s 44 oti
Williams Kmma It, N McKean 110 100 »K
Wright Martha K. " 0U K> on
VVeigensteln Mrs Sarah. N Waah'n V. ll :ii
Wagner llenry, Jr. N Washington (V 55 os
Walker Mrs Caroline, W I'earl H8 si s7
Wick J S, W I'earl 45 41 .11
Wuller Jos, X Main 19 17 44
Wick All. S Main 35 32 la
" " » eisa 54
" •' 45 41 31
Wuller I) 11. N Main 120 110 in
Walker Sainuel. N Main 50 45 80
Wuller I) 11, S Main 2D 18
Wilson A C, Kulton !<s 8u uil
Waldron (i, MIRUu 50 4;. »o
Total »2"IV. v>
Young Jarnes, K clay 40 72
Yerly J A. VV North 50 45 !«
Young, N Washington 40 31; 72
Younklns John, N McKean 55.5 60 !«',
Voung Mrs Nannie P, " 4-'> 8 41 71
Yerly J, Mifflin 50 45 «o
Yotinkcru .1 W. K Pearl 44.5 40 s»
Total s'*>s s*»
Zlegler Mrs Susannah. W Clay 125 114 74
•• " N Witshlngton ua si 4n
" (ieo W. N Main 45 41 ;n
Zimmerman l»rO M. N Main 5o 45 ui
Zl"gler Walter. K Pearl 4<i (.• 23
Total (328 44
Total amount J2U.575 8»
SBC. 4. In addition to the puhlication
hereof an provided by law, it nhall he the
duty cfthe Secretary of the Council ainl
be ix hereby directed to make out notice in
writing, or partly priuted and partly writ
ten, to tha owners or reputed owners of tbo
properties so and of the High
Constable to serve such notices by detiwr
:ng them to the person- so astetsed or by
leaving them at their places of residence if
they reside within the limit- of the
Borough of Butler, but if they reside else
where notice shall be given "to thein by
mail if their postoffice a can be as
SKI . 5. All ordinances.resolutions or by
laws or parts thereof inconsistent with thin
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Sw. 0. This ordinance shall 'alee effect
on April 14. IS9I.
Ordained and enacted in Council the 24th
day of March. 1*:»1.
.1. B. BLACK,
President of the Town Council.
Approved the 26th day of March. 1891.
Secretary. Chief Burgess.
K PEOPLE want to <_TL't
well and are anxious lo
secure the most reliable rom
eilies. This is important, for
the physician may be ever so
competent, but if drugs are
dispensed that have become in
ert by long st aiding or not be
ing properly eared lor the re
sult expected cannot be obtain
ed. We have ever tried to
supply our patrons with the
very best and purest drugs the
market affords. Our stock is
new and fresh ;md every arti
cle is carefully inspected on
reaching our store. Our rap
idly growing trade is the best
evidence that our efforts are
being appreciated. We en
deavor to keep everything that
is likely to be called for, but
if we do not have what your
prescription calls for we will
frankly tell you so and not re
place it with something else,
and will try to secure it lor
you in the shortest possible
time. Physicians prescriptions
and sick room requisites a
specialty. Our prices are as
low as consistent with pure
drugs. We do not care to
handle inferior goods at any
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
We Pay Salary
and expenses to LIVE AGENTS, men or
women. No drones wanted. Work steady
year round and cash weekly. Good pay
for part time. Fine outfit free. Experi
ence not needed. Send references and
stamp at once. J. Uroi-NR WHITKKY,
Rochester, N Y.
lirm is perfectly responsible.
—The cheapest pluce in Butler to
buy stoves is IIENEY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St. f ]Batler, Pa.
—lce cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
—White aprons at all prices, tidies,
lancy towels, fiue linen table sets,
stamped linens, etc., at
—Buy the Lansing Wagon—it is
the best. For sale by
122 N. Main St., Bntler, Pa.
—Fascinators at 25, 40, 50, 75 cts.
and $1 at
—Wheeler & Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Cloaks, cloaks, cloaks, best
values in plush, cloth and stockinet
garments, at
—Don't buy a wrap until jou have
inspected our iuinienne stock of plush
coats and jackets, cloth and stockinet
jackets. We can surely saye you
big money.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
Secured the ser
vices of Mr. WM.
("OOPKR, a gentle
man of taste and
unquestionable abil
ity as a Cutter and
Designer, WE are
now prepared, with
OUR Elegant Line
andF A N C Y
qualled in this, or
excelled in larger
cities, to give our
patrons special ad
Wm. A.lanci
r FaLi lor
►Saturday, April 4,
At No. 120, S. Main St.
found in a first class clothing store.
Give us a call on Saturdry, April
4th whether you wish to buy or not,
we will take pleasure in showing
I'2o S. Main St.
Butler, 3?a.
p- - -•
E Grocery O Troutmao Building
N s _ _ L. _
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Here we are dorn on Cunningham St. Almost every,
body knows where we are, but if .you do not, please loo* at the
above map. Walk down Cunningham St. on (he right hand
side till you come to 216 and you will find us. Here we have
lots of room and pay no rent and more than doubled our sales
last 3 ear and expect to increase them as much this year. Ail
who came last year to see if we had as large a stock and sold
as cheap as we advertised said we were too modest in our
declarations and said they did not expect to find half as much,
even after reading our advertisements. You know us now and
of course will continue to deal here, but we must tell you we
have twice as large a stoci: now as when you were here before
and still cutting prices lower. To those who have never been
here, we want you to come too. We don't advertise to blow.
If you don't find more stock here at lower prices than you
ever expected after reading our advertisement we will pay you
for your time that it takes to walk down here from Main St.
Kemember, we keep every thing in our line. Horse col*
lars 50c, team work bridles sl, work harness $lB, buggy liar*
ness $6, wagon single trees, ironed, 25c, double-trees, ehaits,
wheels, poles, shafts, cushions, tops, harness oil, curry combs,
brushes, paint,-springs, dashes, lap dusters, robes, blankets,
whips, carts, buggies, spring-wagons and everything, and
Kramer wagons,—the best wagons made.
Come and f-ee us. Look over our stock. We want to get
acquainted with you, Kemember, it was us who first brought
down the prices of buggies in Butler county for your benefit,
relying on increased sales to make up for small profits, and the
public has stood by us in a way that makes us like everybody.
Yours, etc.,
S. B. Martincourt, - J. M. Lieghner.
This space is reserved for
The Jeweler, who is in the
East buying new stock for
his new Store Room, No.
125 N, Main St.
Follow Dan McGinty, Annie Roonev and
the rest of the crowd to
And sec or© the new pieces you will need after bouse cleaning.
Pick them oat, make a deposit on tbem, and we will set tbem aside on*
til yon are ready for tbem.
No trouble to show goods whether you
buy or not.
128 E. Jefferson tet.. - Sutler# Pa.
Kggs are the source of all life in this world. Were it not for eggs
there would be no life. Now this being the case, would it not be
wisdom to use the utmost endeavors to keep eggs in the very best
possible condition. And to that end take advantage of any appliance
which will assist in the furtherance of that purpose. To enable the
farmers of Butler county to look after their interests in the matter of
cg gs, we have made arrangements with the Farmer's Kgg ( ase Com
pany, by which we will be enabled to present to each customer one of
their Celebrated Kgg Vases, on the following: terms each customer
will receive a ticket upon which will be figures in all amounting to
$20.00. When coming in to buy bring this card with you, and what
ever the amount of your purchase may be it will be punched out o
the ticket, and when the amount of $20.00 is purchased, you will re
ceive one of those justly Celebrated Kgg Cases, the handiest thing
ever manufactured, and will also have the advantage of Ritter & Ra!-
ston's low prices on Dry Goods, Carpets, Wraps and Trimmings. Do
not fail to come in and examine these wonderful Cases.