Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 20, 1891, Image 4
R U PP JTIELLS liOLID SERVICEABLE IjHOES At sensible prices. If you wish to com bine in your shoes EASE, LEGANCE, XCELLEN CE & CONOMY Try a pair of these and we will have you for a permanent customer. A b RUFF, _ Unquestioned Bargains IN Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubber Goods AT GKIEB & VOGELEY'S, The largest prod net ion of boots and shoes in the town, which must be sol 1 a 1 reduced prices. We want your trade, Quality the Best, Prices the Lowest. Givs us a trial. We stall offer bargains so extraordinary, si v.&i b' i no one can resist. THE CASH SHOE STORE Will save yon money. Boots and Shoes at coat for tie next .->0 Javt. solute eaoriflWßale. An unnsuul opportunity. ! OUR BHOE SPECIALTIES in ladies and gents pofi-'*s three a- j tinct points of excellence: They are the most Durable, the nn>t Complete and tlie most Stylish si iocs in the town for the money. Adapted for all classes of trade. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! We bare on hand that mast be sold within the next 30 days -500 pair mens' kip boots. 300 pair boy's kip boots. 200 pair child's and youth's boots. That will 1)0 sold to some one for leas than cost. Embrace the opportunity and come and see for yourself Yours Respectfully, Grieb & Yogeley, 841 8. MAIN STREET, - BUTLKK, PA Opposite "WiUard House. X —-A TWIT Satisfaction Guaranteed, FACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWOE;( 13 G JARA' j t-"ULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS S T CM - M£«ITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE rr. i i£Ts!»'. I t WITH QUALITY. vjQOKS QuAaTEaa,ReTAiL "T & i, vs. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL, i 0 CTS. COOKB Poutioa, H 20 CTS. j Sold by of? Hrr- 1 Can. gj P HAT-FEVER .$• AM QCOLD-HEAD MM Ety*.Cream, Balm u not a liquid, muff or povxicr. Applied irrfo t " _ qvlekiy absorbed. It cltante* the hf-id, alloys h< c . , Ifc||« thetoree. Hold by drugoift* vr sent by mail on recti pi <>f/•' ' i>a '■ 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street NEW YORK, . ' Haentze's Ner valine. A I t'PFLY VrOKTABM: MKDICIKP. FOB TliK NERVES an eimral cvtr* for Innamstlon and Irritation or tbo Bladder. IMNJI and Llv*r, stone to the bladder, calculu*. gravel and brick-dust depos Its. weaknesses In male* or (rmiut. As a Re storative Toalc an d t Bl*o<l Parlller It tun no etjuul. creating a bealtny appetite and pure PBICK 50 CENTS. II your druggist has not got Ik ask liim to set It for yon. Take no atber. Made only by The Haentze Medical Co. PHILADELPHIA, PA. For Sale B j D. H. WTJLLER, Druggist, Butler, Pa. Aft 4*. A YEA R! I undertake to »»rie*% o ■! n II k,# * n4 *r ,t vr*** °J €||||||Ml, Kbonn r ** d >,m4 writa, and *bo, tlJal 1111 (|«ft*r luatrurUon.will work IpVvVVlwwto fvn Tkrrr Th<u*»«d Hollar* a Twlw lh*frowm lormlhk>a,H tha> .l*a.l will alio furnish th« shudtl'n <»r era ploy aim t.at v»hlHh rot ran earn tkaf anicMiitl No mono/ U*t maanlvaa aurrraeful at a»»»*«\ Ivaally ami quirk!* loomed. X deolra bat «m worker fr»n» rorli dielri. lor r. untjr I Imvo a'raadjr Uafkt a«4 ororldad with Rtrnt a larje bwi'it, who sr» mm t if o-ar flwtfl a *ra» ra«*h. It'i Hi KW Subscribe for the CITIZIW. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer ol Stair Hails, Balusters) and Newel-posts. All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decorated and Carved wood-work, such as Caning. Corner block.*. Panel* and all kinds of ancy wood-work for Inalde decoration or oases. CALL AND BKK SAMPLES. Something new wd attractive. Also FURNITURE at lowest cash prices. Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Factory at No. .19, N. Washington streer >•» •> • • Advertise in the CITIZEN. jjj^ ! Tfio Mo*t Saccewfvl Remedy everdlscov* srel, a* it 1* certain In it* effects nni »loe» not t blister. Read proof below: KEMGALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. Btxvsssos. Pa ..Srr.T., "M. DA. A J. ITE*-. IT. O : Bfnß-ItTO! '-> m .• Un-.V nto thosewbo an Jim* tper* :« . *• r s m>» Cure ««•'■». t>i • > »t IJnimrnt. 11, u nif'i. _>-;n.T.. ' rw.v.nt. a iL 1 f.».- !•.: • .. !>•"» I •-*»n::acttced to u« joui HeuJo- -i- Ciu •• * -.1 ten bo*. tie* on ibe L.icv an.; have wortnlUlm for tbre« ft jsiEcear." .1. i '• (- entente. \OU. 3 iruly, W3L A- CUli!^ C IVISTOWI N. Y.» Nov. 2,1: 3. DR. i!. J. KLSX>ALL Or. Enosbtirffb Falls. V U Gent S: IN prat- KER iall'S SPAVIN EURO I W.!! say.tbnte* . 4 -a-" • a! -F orm.o very :*» * k ' nlart 1 an^.s>- Jl.e ! OR=.*NK-N H. »IZ HEREF*.* iiav« no vri«-rliu.l > . ur- B'--E); Ol>fl ' D lib 1 LAENEA* I *>! T7 Sir -ia?!'pn y Ml • ?1 w f*\"*r cnrc Iwriii - • f if', . nl??f J^";eod3!! ' P-, so I i. :« i ».•« d .-Tear deal of r"od. I bougbta." '""I I J* jt, r~ \I, fore It «a- i:- I up ir; i redaa I baabeen In theteamiJoingheaT.- .. ,rr au the ■»**»•.» sir-e U-t April, showing nonors ilKTisoflt. I consider yoor KL-nilatt a Spavin i ur© a valuable mi'iiieine, ami lt.ehoultl be m every .table in the land. ■^•("NTUE^JT. Pr e«l per bottle.or fix bottles for fr". Alldrug g!»u- have It or ?-.n got It for yoo, or It -K-ill be sent to cny address on receiptor pri - by: proprie to . 1)11. ». J. REXDAtL CO., Enovbnmh Fnll!-. Venuout. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. II.IMJSOXE, IXD THIIE. Cheaper than "Wood. f r. tM>, >. ;■La." ft ' A !\ ft f? Sfciilpa The abore eat shows Pi ket w!th pat». (This is set • pri"' fir# Qoftxstitj, Number of Gate*. Dout.ie *r><l Bir.«" • wanted. 7c ai«c Mu.::aotot* Esavy Iron Feociai, Cmtici; SiAMe rittiuire. Fir-? Shatters and FIR* KSCAPCTi. Cciliu Do. rs. %' -1 K n*«. linns and Iron Grill'. WiRB I>00& AN"i> WINDOW SCHEKNS, ajd a!l txuli of WI BE Wo RE. TATI.OH A' DEAX, 20t, 203 i SO3 3l::rl*et St.. X'itUbuTcJl, Pa. - f.'"s r** „ .0 A. * A pamphlet of Information nndah- ®|r~ 5?. Strait of :!ie la«r»,Sljovwni{ lli.w t. «T Obtain Patents, Caveat.l, \f « Varka. CopjTigbts. Ki ' Jrce./j.*P? V t-"\ . 4. CO./JLr*" 'V i. '"'l tlrondway, . % T - IMSUM y Using Allen 8. Wrisley's TESSHITSOR ii ; ~t a d Dent luOTtlou —Little or ; fcfciNGSFCM Roquired-AskyourGrocerfcrit., Fwiow DIKEDTICNS Oldsfj^ mvrm & O'BRIKN S mitary Plumbers a 1 <l:;s Fitters. : ALBBB I* S»-v «i- Pipe, r j us Fixtures, Globes and 4 atrral (ias Appliances. Je' erson St.,opp. Lowry House BIJT LKH, 1' A • Save Money By getting your Fall and VV ii:- ier millinery, underwear ittid hosiery from M. F. k M. Marks'. Tbey will i-how you the !s;r iro<l and hot selected .-lock in Until'! t tiie lowest [iricef. We have :i larger >ioek of tni timd -JC than evei In t > *,■ \ T •> a '-'peeifllt -. i ( lean-up S<)LET S<>' <r, W iilti i t ■ - s H lice t ii' ( •■ ir i U ir rv,' ir at ; fl w« r:h £4 5 j z only. !'■ ratios ;!t Sl.2s,chei»p j 1 i i • er Miit- !*<»•• »<Jh j ' ft i A -v i.re ail uo'ol i !< ;'{ v ,i-.-h wtr fij<-r ut «■><■, COT BERT CV DALE, Pr«.. C \ ] j Eh M 0 WANTED. uOCAL OR TBAVE' ING. To > \ our Nurser>' stock, salary, cxpensses IIK! sic y euiplovtiH'iit Kimr.'i'itefd. ( IIAM: lIKOTIIKIiS COMPANY. lloc Foster, N. V j dat ! «n ' .".ly eart.inr fn mfR to a ffe tUlurs N F,W end troaderfiil. |'srti"uU«» frf«. 1 li.ilttUeUA Ctf.tUux 890rortittnd,lliiiiie | JOHNSON'S 4#C»DYfl£ LINIMENT \J) V F:- 2T7Z3SAL izi XX7E2XAL -GENERATION AFTER GENERATION tfrt BiixHDJ®>aiS£isrr. °fy»NC-Hfc* V on s,f'iar 9 Childrem T.ore Tt. Fvw7 Tr»%<~; r Kto;..a h*vt» a bottle of it in hi* wU'h" l !. Every Sufferer ££ togir*" . u ' ria.^oajrh".''atarrh. Br- \sthraa.« : ■ n M-- s Diarrh UAi»>wf-. v nn«.4 In B»»J v or lJmt**, t?» ' Joint* or Strain*, will lli-l in this old A tv dri.e I- fan ! s?>.-wiy « un-. Trirnf -t fm\ RoMewrwV- T*rw»e S&ct*.. hy mail, 6 b».tt m paid, fc-i. 1- ' J*OHNSoX a; (u, Ik»To3r, to feV* z i-a sSta j j Aj*?:;' Of Pure Cod j I M£~' % Liver Oil and | | ? !£> HYPGPHQSPHITES j \j 1 I of Lime and j j Soda ) 13 rr I >rsc l and prescribed by leading \ < phv-i'-laiis b. -. Tit both the Cod Lirer Od j . and lirifoj'hosi'ltitrs are the recognized > ) agents in the cure of Contumption. It Is < ; as i>a'atabl» r.s milk. ; Scoifs Emulsion ii a trottd.-rAU fir si- Pnxiucer. It «* the { ; Ji st H ,:u,hj f. r CONSUMPTION, J : Scrofula, Bronchitis. Wasi.ng Dis- i ! eases. Chrraic Co~?hs and Colds. ; | A;k tor Scott's Emulsion and take nootber.j SEE MY *""^W :0E A W£SK?\ iC ertiay&v \ Cic;C.n .vllil '•' SY hou:-vi?a (\Y Counting Roorri -RY Carr ie Owner • HV Thri' i Mechanic /£RY Bod j tblo to hold a brush "* US3 £ 6C A 'K* T ?tZSS: I W T/vrn". will Staim cm » %r» fuMiTum rfclilrfsJ WILL 6T*IN GUB"»ANOCHIN*W*« ffhl Will. Staiw TlNwaßt * Will Stajn vouh Cld Basrcts ja..i« WtaSruiM B*nr«C«*CM Wm WCLFP A RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. [ r " ' J yh* <r . V-, A 1 /. A i; •••' v^*p • tTEIji : 'WSLt! WELL I IJid you cvct : -N. . i nuer <!id list anything quite . nice for the ftcc r.ficr shaving as GOSSEK'S CREAM GLYCERINE, and my wife says it is the finest preparation for Chapped hind. . r .i~>' roughness of the skin. Sold by druggists. *5 cis. a buttle. Manufactured by j. J. COSSER, Emlenton, Pa. I GIVE AWAY To every rc-dcr of this paper who suffers from Indin. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver too plaint, Sick Headache, Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of that most wonderful medicine, Floruplcxlon, which is the only ab ,, ale aud perina: -nt cure for the above named >lisc;iscs. I can afTord to do this because I know that nine out of every ten pcivnswho try it will be so well satisfied with the results they will ta*e pleasure ir. sf. .->lcing alxiut its marvelous curative virtues to all their fricodsind lhe value cl tins s< rt of adverfsing to me is worth many times the cost of their given a way, so I am well compensated for the seeming large expense. I have over 70,000 letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints a vc Diim-d. V ite to-day stating your disease :ind rect-iv e a free bottle by return mail, or ask your drufcjgut lor it and get well. Address, PROF. HART, 88 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. DOCTORS LAKE " ''"ST M J'RIVATE DISPEXSAKY. ■it i~ *' COR. PENN AVE. *><O FOURTH ST.. CIR TR BUF.GH, PA. v *.*. t-- - ■ ' T fr>rmsof L>eli'*atc and C-'IRO PJJ II TT.-.T DicC-UE • '<•••«• > '••►'NTIAI. ptvlSciEvririu AL< • i. ..i are treated at tliir l)i-- H .. E - rarely attained. I)T.8. .! I ir :) .f til' UovsH'OIHGEOF I'HY •, and Is the oidc.-t I n ■ ' ■■■■••>. l . LIHT in tliecitv. BP' NL a* TO Nervous Debilitv from E\';e*biv" IH'!l,iadi **retion of youth,elc.,eau - . til and ai decay,lark of . oeri . vrv.otr.: ; otauc l ' A, Old Hof'S ni: .i. . 'id all di.-r.taeßof the Sl..n. --..'in rx' "rgnn-. ii*. Ci n !• ' ;i. •t|v . ,i.:idfntial> Office bourn, "U> • • . 8 R.":-I.; Sundaj •. 3 to 4 P. M. only. • , - or . ' I>R«. I.MvK, < "ft. \ ... LND 111 >T..l'l iTßlil-lM.il. I*A. LffiST. • sMHIfiJ I'll IT. A .1 .! -. n.".peratk« ••••'• In run I • I I • .«! !•«• < N ular. CURE CL IA ' ANILFCL), CINJC'III-UN.ST.J^ " FREE *- B *'4, " TvMtani .. • : «&£AT ? ;. > i It -i- frctt* as . i i {I N a \TOI»n I F»V CTTITB I do vot mean ui: -sly to *top tlu-M L„r a time, and then ba»E them r«. tu 1 igaiti. I MEAN A ITAOICAII CLL*K*» X tuvo UUIUE UIO ol rris, EPIUEFSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A HFE-K.NG BTUDR. I WABKAST N.Y remedy to PIMA the wor.'t RlN.es. Becaase other* hatra |»'lea is no reason LOI not now receiving a core, BEND M or.EE f'ir a treauae and A FREE Boms of my IKFAIXIBUS ILEMEUT. Give Express and I'ost Office, it CODTA yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure yoo. Addrec3 H.O. BOOT, M.Q.T 183 PUAT ST.. KIW Yes* FOR MEN ONLY? r r LOST or FAIUKQ KAISiIOO » I J -J-,.. net *l AND SER»OOS VTSNXTV-. TT.-FV- .}IMW • KATSAE? 2»dy «rJ3ir.L,JF.ACTI ; .K. IJL2I.IL ■' R.. ROR»--!RR*««»E»IAOIDORTX PJ, Tu,:r K'»ti»rrd. JLOW aoi f no va :»o u i *.H A PAKTS or br !»r. litr t» a 4. . . ...,j ir a*.. <,«# . -i»a Kwreijrß < oa.,«r«»e. BooV, ••tpiartlU.! and ftfiwfi witlw (nti«4i Uw+ Miitu ERIE. KltOlCAt CO.. BUFFALO. N. V, TTTK C MISCKI/ AN KOI'B A Mistake. First Detective—Whj, hello. Bill, I thought you were nt police headquar ters. Second Detective —Excuse me, but here is taf card; I don't think I have the honor of your acquaintance. First Detective —Oh, I see; I hope you'll excuse me, old fellow, for not noticing that yon were disguised.— Washington I'ost. lie I'raljeil Her. '♦Doesn't he praise your efforts at all?" asked her mother of the young wife, solicitously. "Oh, yes; he praises every thing I cook." "What do you complain of then?" "Because, when I make pudding he says he wishes I had baked pies, and when I bake pies he asks me why I didn't make a pudding." —Philadelphia Times. An Impressive Warning. Teacher—Thomas, I saw you laugh just now. What are you laughing at? Tommy—l was just thinking about something. Teacher—You have no business think ing during school hours. Don't let it occur again.—Boston Herald. —lf you are afflicted with rheumatism, neuralgia, gout or other bodily pain, or il you have a sprained wrii?t or ankle you ought at ouce to procure a bottle of Sal vation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain. It only costs 25 cents a bottle. "L<>! the poor Indian!" dying with cold, Won't some "good Samaritan" send him a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup? —The success of llood's Sarsapariila for scrofula is vouched for by thousands whom it has cured. —Paralyzing remark of a well-dressed but worldly man on getting bis bill at a hotel: "Well, I'm bloomed if you haven't socked it to me! I thought this ranch made a reduction to clergymen." Look here, Friend, Arc You Sick? Do you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, host Appetite. Billiousness. Exhaustion or Tirei! Feeling, Fains in Chest or Lung-. Dry Cough, Nightsweats, Xerv-ous Debilitv or any form of Consump tion? If so, -end to l'rof. Hart, 88 Warren St., New York, who will send you free, Is mail, a bottle of medicine which is a sure cure. Send to-day. —California farmers sell pumpkins at $1 a ton —A ion and a half of bread is eaten every day, in Girard College. —lt costs the Americans about if 1,000,000 a year to stop their teeth. —Over 100.000,000 cigars were imported into this country 1.-st } ears. —ln Lapland dress fashions bavo not changed for a thousand years. —According to Chinese reckoning, the preseut year is the year 7,010,341. —We look to the future and talk of the pant. Wouldn't it be better to invert the old saw *— Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mysti-- i-ure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radie tally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the st stem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes »t once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J C liediek, druggist, liutler. —lluw quick the world is to note a fail ure, but how slow often-times to discover a virtue. —Statistics s!:< w that nun of thought live on an average of three years and a half longer than men inordinary vocations. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with Dr. B. .1. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Uor -u und his Diseases,' which will enable all our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Ken dall Co., Knosburgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appre ciate the work, and be glad to avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. —The underground system of telegraphs of the German Empire, it is reported, has a total length of U.OOO miles. —ltch on human and horses ano all aui mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by J 0 Kedick, druggist, Bntler. —Tho Speaker oi the Japanese Parlia ment and the chairman of the committee of the whole are Christians. —Dr. Tenner's Golden Relief is warrant ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural gia, or any other pain in - to 8 minutes. Also bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings, bites burns, summer complaints, colic, (also in horses), diarrho-a, dysentery and flux. If satisfaction not given money returned. —Hyde Park, a largo town .recently in corporated with Chicago, lias uot a single saloon. For headaches, biliousness, conslipa ion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, erofula, the blood and all skin eruptions i>r Fenner's Mood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to ali.-fy or money refunded. —The best harbor in the world is that of Rio de Janeiro, with Sydney, Australia a close second. —English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, noli or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, -iweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Rediek, druggist, Butler. —A Savannah prolev-or has a complete collection of old almau;f s,| dating from 1835 to IMi i. —Dr. Fenner's Cough Honey will relieve any eough in one hour. Equally good for hor.-fi (iives energy and strength. MontM refunded if satisfaction not given. —The nun,her of sheep in Australia on March 1. I'M, was about 105,000,000. To Consumptives. The iiidersi::iied haviiu' been rei tori-d :o h" -liii 1 :• simple SliCar.s after sufiWii.ir for «ever«! vuar » ih a severe ludu a flection, sud that dread disease Const, 111 :>tlon, is annous to make known to bis fellow sutler* ers the menus ot'"Ui". I" l! who desire it, he will cheerfully sen-, liee ol charge; a copy of trie prescription u.»d. which t!.«-y will fire l a sure cure for Con»ufoption, A: thrua, Catarrh, Bronchitis end nil ihrost and lung Mi.bdies. He hope- all sufferers will try his Remedy, i.» it is invalu."''e. Th'se desiring the pre-criiuion, which will cost ilt«-ni uothiug. ui.d may prove a biers ing. will 11lease address REV. 1 UW'AKD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New Yrok. —lt is estimated that Indian wars have Cost the Governments7oo,ooo,Loo. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction iu every case or money returned. —Thoro are seven ex-Speakers of the House of Representatives living. Consumption Surely Curocl. To Tub I'leiwo Inform your renters that I h»vo a poeitivo remedy for tbo above-named diiteaao. By lta timely u«e thousand* of hore'cis cawat hart? b«rn poruanentJy cured. I üball bo glad to tend two bottles of my remedy FULL to any of your read rts who hive consumption If they will *end mo thoir Ljprra* aod P. O. adilrcaa. Beßpect f«Uy, T. A. BLOCUM. M. C.. l&l1'earl at.. N. Y. Car Load After 4 Car Load OF F URN ITU RE Arriving daily. You will all want ►some nice new Furniture this Spring. Before you buy look at our new stock: it will pay you. We call special attention to our PARLOR CABINETS, MAX TEL CABINETS, CHINA CLOS ETS, BUFFETS, SI DE BOARDS HALL RACKS, PARLOR SUITS, BED-ROOM SUITS, etc. We can show you any kind of furniture you want and at any price. Campbell & Templeton, 136 NORTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. HUSELTON! Represents the largest ai.d best manufacturers of Fine Shoes in the United States. HUSELTON buys for cash and sells 011 small profits. HUS ELTON does the largest retail footwear busi ness ever done in Butler. OLR bid lor business this season is A COMBINATION OF BARGAINS From one end of the store to the other; its everywhere the same throughout the store. The high grade and low prices go together. It is wonderful what a dollar will do in this wonder ful stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Etc. We are showing in large variety choice new styles and late novelties. We will guarantee the quality and make of these goods in all re spect?. We will sell tin m one an.d all as low as any living man dare sell honest goods. Luck is looking for you in the shape of bargains ar THE SA FE AND RELIABLE STORE OF 13. O. HTJSELTON• 102 N. Main Street , RINGS, I \\. trnnl wl c J EAR-RINGS. UlamOllQS j SCARF PINS, t STUDS, GENTS GOLD, W Mtr .l lP e (LADIES GOLD, \\ dKIK > < GENTS SILVER (LADIES CHATLAIN, T I»T r j ins, Ear-rings, •' v »» til J j Kings Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes QilTmTiimi'O -J and everything that can be Oil V I 1 \1 ell I . found in a first class store, RODGFR BHIS. Ilfl {S;™h»"" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELEK No 19, Keith Main St., BUTLER, PA., WHEN IN NEED OF , •-. CALL ON HENRY 131 EH E 12'2 NORTH MAIN STREET, EUFLSR ZPIFJJM UST' A Where you eon haye jour choice out of ib«- beating Move* in I.'mlrr IOUUIJ 1 : .il>o il<nli-r in Hardware. l.iuv-ing Wagons, Wneele ,fc WiUon and Standard Sewing Mac-ltim- ilargirg and Miird p-. Manufacture (•I Tinwaro; Tin Hooting and Spouting a Specialty. \HILRE A CHILD CAN DL"i Ate CHEAP AS A MAN FAMOUS Reduction Sale D. T, PAP ES Leading Millinery House. J Al' surplus slock rednced. No fall or winter to be tar ' ried over. Splendid Bargains in hosiery, gloves, mittens, under i wear and fancy goods of all kinds. Come and see thorn at ISTo-122. S. Main St.* BUTLEK- Mourning Goods a Specialty. GRAND SAMPLE H 3 11 fl | TUTO BOOTS & SHOF.S SALE OF SPRING |J AU l| 1\ \ RELIABLE SHOES styl!S LATEST DAilu All! U. • A Grand Opportunity. Put Your Money Where.it Wil Make the Best Returns. We Will Give to the Limit in Quantity, Quality and Value. NEW GOODS DAILY! Having just received another v lot of sample Loot!-, »-l ics and slippers I am prepared to offer some great bargains in boots and shoes. Among this stock will be found a large stock of ladies fine dress shoes. Every day shoes of all kinds and a large assortment of slippers .Misses shoes of all kinds, heel and spring heel, plain toe or tipped. An extra large stock of childrens shoes of all kinds. MEN'S SHOES. The assortment of mens slot > i.- laigcr than ever be fore. All surplus stock, all winter goods aud an extra large stock of sample goods which 1 have pat out on the counter to be sold at onee and in order to accomplish my purpose I have marked these goods cuay dotcn. Yes, auay down-, and gentlemen now is your time to buv, if y< u *aut a bargain call around to my 6tore and I will convince you that I ara selling footwear cheaper than anywhere else in liutler county. Cut this out and keep if for reference—Men's best Kangaroo sloes, ba .• iw. '• t- $3 t< s4.sf> Mens fine Calf shoes, hand sewed, Calf or Dor>go!a ?i ps, price ;'2.75 to ?i. Mens' fine Calf shoes, machine sewed, ranging in jr e from $1 25 to £2 50 Our line of mens'fine Calf and Kangaroo phots :it $2.75 are takinsj tbe lead wherever they are sold and every person who has ever wcru them will that they areequal to any $3 25 shoe ever (ffered. This line of mens shoes 1 have in all styles, Congress and lac£, plain toe or tip on toe, London toe or wide French toe. Boys shoes of all kinds at a fiuall margin. LADIES ullow me a few minutes of yonr v luable time till I tell you of shoes 1 have just received This iine is of the iatest styles and patterns from the Rochester shoe factories. Among tLis stock will be found a nice liue of ladies lsced shoes, patent leather quartere and dongola vamps with diamond patent leather tips, and many other pretty styles which space will not permit me to speak ahout. Our line of Oxtords was never so full and complete as it is now. We are offering reliable slippers at popular prices. Our lad'ps $2.50 shoes ore conceded by all who have looked at. them to be equal to any $3 shoe ever offered. A golden opportunity, a pair of ladies fine dongola shoes with paten* leather tips, button at $1.50 to $4. Ladies fine dongola hoes opera or common sense last- at o2 to $2.50 regular price $3. The above are not leaders in the sense of being a few articles singled out for special mention because of their extremely good values, out fair spec imens of the entire stock. They are leaders in another sense. i hey lead numbers ot people to come to us for their shoes aud we please aud suit them all. At nil times a fall stock of • Leather and Findings. Shoemakers supplies of all kinds. Best brand of Sheffield sole leather. Kip and calf stock. Shoe uppers of every description. Blacksmith a;>rons. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. At all times a full stock of oilmens bjx toed boots and shoes: Repairing ncatlv and promptly done either in leatfcir or rubber goods All persons who live out of town and wish to secure some of the bargaius I am offering can send their order by mail am! I will send them to you by mail Gr express and I will pay iiil expense of delivering them to yon. Send me a trial order and be convinced of our extra low prices. All orders bv mail will receive prompt and careful attention. When in need of anything in our line give me a call. Yours trulv, JOHN BICKEL, !N"ew Numbers I£B S. JVlairi Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PEN N'A HAVE« SEEK THEM? We refer to the bargains that you can see daily on our shelves and counters. We would like to close out all ou- Winter Stock and therefore will sell our entire stock at a BIG REDUCTION to make room for Spring Goods. Don't, Don't, Don't, Don t, FORGET THAT WE HAVE THE Largest Store in Enter Co. and show the best styles and lowest prices. To convince you come in our store any time and look around, no matter if you want to pur chase anything or not. So trouble to show goods. Special lace curtain sale. Sec window display. TE OIITMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. O . 1 isi: r i'Li<:if. - - - a . A*VALUABLE AND OOUOUY USEFUL LITTLE IH3TRUMEWT .«»• LAD!*-. ' "DUPLEX" ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURLER AND CR'MPEti, j Uult .-fir it aut> k|y rroducMi wonderfnlly pi«Huut»sr i*n«! f»«hion»bI« r. miltf J*' '•*«•» •» 1 " to lit.Ml in ai?y (Wired «t> »•-. »i»d «h<-'» ••• Axel vuu this liitle iimrument it i nama the i rnucii 1 louj er, nti«i is nol ovm effected t»7 tto damp *»r. o*<t trud, always **c4. \ | lit.- ('imlr bjr Iho li'.vtlUk' druc. dry »r<l tancr (onto tr»de err. Iv I,u j( nolo in >v.ur | !„ Initr »-»l Irniilltw ■!!» iJdtcM, pwt-k .r.'.i- • (o Joltwy. on ii < • Ipt "f 'I I* • r on. K«Bilt b» di»ft. fxpreM, "f P"-.:« «< v ' r.l. r. <-r rurr T.iy 1" -hi i -.11. i-r | ► - \ ..• f.i T»»r A. Hi itiiMon «*«., OTjl-r h. nit«r. tl.?: (u\; r A nth v •nte«i for | i = r.dgiumii'»Cvrfeid,Bru>ac«.lklU.»nd^peci«ilti.... ; .Wc.