Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 20, 1891, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1891.
Schaul Bros. & Co
One Price
We may be a lilt'c «srlj; but the
esrlr bird gc ■ he worm.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
Bctlkb baa a population or about IS.OOO.
It Is the County aeat of Butter County, with
Four railways, natural pis. and unequalled
facilities for manufacture*.
Progie— everywhere; new building*, new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous. town.
Vat Pkxm B. R.—Trains leave Butler for
Allegheny at **». »35 and U:2o a. m. and 2as
and 5:00 p. m.; arrive at fcS6 and l#*> a. in. and
I:SS. 510 and ISO p. m. Malls dose at Itt a. m.
and 246 p. m. and arrive at BSO. locflo a. m. and
630 p. m.
P. 8. ft L. E. 8. R.—Trains leave for Oreen
vllle at tots and loao a. m end 4M p. m. Trains
arrive from Oieenvllle at 930 a. m. and 235 and
(30 p. m. Malls elose at sas and »S0 a. m.
Cl>wed pouch for Braochton. Including mall for
Milliard/ Bo vers snd Bovsrd at 435 p. m. Mails
autre at tas and at2o p. m.
P. ft W. B. R.—Trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at 530, ft« and 10c 20 a. m. and 2:40. 3:35
ShdfcJOp. m. Theß3*a. m. train and the 2:40
p. m. connect with trains gator west sr. Gallery
Junction. Malls dose for sooth and west at
(too a m. For Pittsburg at 10 a. m. For Pitts
burg snd points between Butler and Callery at
Jtio p. m. For Pittsburg and points between
Callery and Allegheny at (too p. m. For local
points north of Butler at »36 a. m. For Barn
hut's Mills. FoKborg sad Oil CUT at 436 p. m.
Mails sntv* cm this mad from local points be
tween Butler and Callery at *36 a. m.; from
Piltaburg and local points between Oalk-ry and
ANecbeay at lk» a. m; from Bam hurt's Mills.
Foxburg and Oil City at *37 a. m. Local mall
from the north at £si p. m; from Pittsburg
and the west at #ao p. m.
STAB Boms-Dally mall from Mt. Chestnut
arrlvea at 8:30 a. m. and leaves at IOSO a. in.
North Hope, Hooker and other points, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, leave at 130 p. m.
New Advertisements.
Sheriff's Sales for April 6th.
Auditors' Report of Clinton twp.
Grieb ft Vogeley's bargains.
Schneideman's clothing.
Bitter A Balaton's Egg Cases.
Jury List for April Term.
NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify ns of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday mornfnr;.
"Ten Years in Atoka."
Bev. Hall Young will deliver his lecture,
entitled as above, In the M. E. chnroh this
evening, for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A.
of Butler.
Boms weeks ago he delivered the same
lecture in Beaver Falls and the Journal
of that place made the following note of it:
"The Leo tore, "Ten Years in Alaska,"
delivered in the Presbyterian church last
evening by Rev. 8. Hall Young, was well
worth listening to. The lecturer speaks
from experience, and being a close ob
server he has at his command a rich fund
of knowledge about this strange land that
is wonderfully interesting. The attend
ance was quite good and every one was
apparently well pleased.
Will Discuss Spiritual Subjects.
Mre. Helen Stuart Riehings will deliver a
lecture in tbe Opera House on Monday
evening under the auspices of the Twen
tieth Century Club. The lecture will be
free and all are invited. Mr*. Riehings
•peak* from subjects given by the audience
and those who are interested in the reli
gion, philosophy or phenomena of Spirit
ualism will do well to attend. Although
not a test medinm she can give through
her inspirational powers some astonishing
evidence of spirit life and the ability of a
soul to return and oommnnicate with its
former fallow mortals.
A College Glee Club.
Have you ever beard college boys sing
college son git Have yon ever heard col
lage boys with violin, guitar, banjo and
mandolin? Tbe Franklin and Marshall
College Glee Club U one of tbe best of the
Eastern College clnbs. It will be here
Saturday, March 28th, to give a concert in
the Opera House. There are sixteen stu
dents in the glee club and ten in the man
dolin club. Their performances are highly
spoken of by the press and musical critics,
and their audiences are delighted every
where. Eveiy number in their program has
been encored again and again, and every
response seems more captivating than the
last. Their ooncert here will not only be the
rarest, but also one of the greatest treats
of tbe season, and one of the great social
events of the year. Tickets, 50 cents at
Heineman's. Get your seats early.
gimon Duffy had bis hand crushed be
tween the bumpers of two P. 8. AL. E.
ears Saturday.
"Chuck" Ranscher bad his thumb cnt by
a (harp chisel, and is off work.
John Royal, an aged farmer who lived
near Six Points, was found dead in a water
tank last Monday. He bad been in bad
health for some time. After breakfast he
started out for a walk, and staying longer
than usual, the family made a search Tor
him with the above result.
—"Once upon a miduight dreary," while
suffering from an abominable influenia, I
took it into my bead to try Old Saul's
Catarrh Cure, and in twenty minutes time
I was relieved.
Tbe right thing in the right place is
without doubt Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, tbe
best remedy for babies while teething.
Only 25 cents.
Must hare been the feelings of hens
heretofore when thinking of the way
their eggs were bandied. They are
happy since the advent of the Farm
ers Egg Case.
—Choice lots on Broad, North aiul Ali;-
tlin Sts. for sale l»y
11. J. KLISiiLhR <t Co.
—Tuesday was St. Patrick's day.
Xeit Sunday, week, is Easter San
—Housekeepers begin to talk of cleaning
—The ground-hog's Fix weeks were up
—A school girl says a Woman's Fear
(sphere) is a mouse.
—The Shenango K. R. Co. is having
some new cars built at Dayton, O.
—The new police foroe went in on Mon
day. Gardner is Chief.
—"They say," "they say," "they say,"
—and then follows sonic of the scandal of
the day.
—There is a probability of the Xormal
Musical Institute locating in Butler,during
the coming summer.
—The Presbyterian Church will on the
first of April change to the envelope sys
tem of raising funds for support of church.
—A charter has been granted to the
Armory Building Co. and work will soon
be started on the Armory.
—Some of the citiiens of North Main St.
intend paving with flag-stone, about C feet
wide and leaving a grass plot between it
and the fence.
—The "Annual" of the Washington, Pa.
Observer, is one of the neatest printed
books we have ever examined, and it is
filled with valuable local information.
—The Markham Hook and Ladder Co.
cleared a handsome sum at their festival
last week, in spite of the very unfavorable
—On Saturday last I. J. McCandless
sold bis building on Main St., near the
Court House to Henry Miller, the grocer,
for $9,500.
—Chief Engineer Douglass of the B. <fc 0.
R. R. is examining the P. if. to see
what changes will be necessary, if the deal
between the two companies is made.
—The auction sale of jewelry, musical in
struments, etc. at Grieb <fc Lamb's store
room continues every evening and is well
—On Sunday last the members of the U.
P. church of Butler decided to build a new
church, if the subscriptions to it amount to
120.000 or thereabouts.
—The new Masonic Hall at Petrolia will
be opened next Wednesday evening. Some
of the principal officer* of the order are ex
pected to be present.
—According to the Mercantile Apprais
ers list there are now 404 mercantile es
tablishments, including hotels and billiard
balls, in tbe county, 115 of which are in
the borough of Butler.
—On Wednesday last Mr. Wm. Rapo of
Forward twp. found it necessary to k'll,
what was perhaps the oldest mare in the
county. She was at least 28 years old, and
np to within in a few days of her death,
was always sound and healthy.
—Since the arrest of Jesse Johns and
Bert Graham of the P. A W. R. R., the Co.
has continued its work of ferreting out the
thieves along its line, on Thursday last
conductor Fickerson was arrested and
placed in jail here.
—The subject of horse-racing on the
paved streets was discussed at the late
meeting of tbe town oouncil and a com
mittee was appointed to draft an ordinance
prohibiting it. The hitching of teams
along the paved streets will also be prohib
—The wind storm of last Friday night
blew down a great many derricks in West
ern Pa., and Urge signs in town*. In
Pittsburg the damaged south wall of the
Germania building was blown over and it
fell on the adjoining Insurance building
and crushed it as it would have crushed an
egg shell.
—The Baptist Church room of this town
baa been newly frescoed, new and very
comfortable seats havo been placed, elec
tric lights have been hung, and the room
i« now a very handaotne one. The exter
ior of the bnilding also has been painted
and presents a very creditable appear
ance. The church will be dedicated next
—A committee of the Legislature con
sisting of Messrs lialdwin of Lancaster,
Patterson of Philadelphia, and Holtz of
Centre, accompanied by several citizens of
Butler, and our two Representatives visit
ed Slippery rock Academy Monday, and
made a thorough examination of the
buildings. The ooinmitee is said to have
b(en favorably impressed with the Institu
tion in every respect, and will recommond
the appropriati on asked for.
The Foot-front Plan Amended.
Almost every Tuesday evening the
gentlemen composing the Town Council of
Butler have a meeting, and in a session
lasting for two hours or more consider the
business of the town.
At the session of Tuesday evening of this
week, J. 11. Galbreath Esq. led of! with an
argument in tavor of the Council recon
sidering their late action as to the assess
ments for sewerage and adopting a more
eqnitable plan. Jle was followed by Jos.
L. Purvis in the same strain and who gave
instances where injustice would be done.
Then the borough solicitor T, C. Campbell,
Esq. presented a plan of assessing, the gist
of which is as follows—All lots benefitted
by the sewers are to be assessed by the
foot front; all corner lots with sewers on
both streets are to be assessed by the
foot front for the frontage on the principal
street, plas 1 of tbe frontage on the side
st. but if there be a building on the rear
end of tbe lot, sixty feet of said side-street
frontage is to be assessed in full and
balance one-half, and no side street front
age is to be considered as extending more
than 180 ft.
This was consideied a fair plan, by all
tbe members present, and tbe solicitor was
directed to complete tbe ordinance under
it, and have it ready by next Tuesday ove
ning. This plot and plan includes the
northern part of tbe tjwn.
Some bills were approved or referred; A.
L. Keiber was elected chief, and W. T.
Mecbling and Geo. Sbaffner assistant Fire
Marshall*, aud the fallowing rules govern
ing tbe order of business for tbe council,
suggested by Mr. Perrine, were adopted
Ist roll call, 2d Reading of minutes of last
meeting. 3d Receiving petitions etc., 4th
Reports of boro. officers, sth Reports of
standing committees; 6th, Reports of
special committees; 7tb, Bills and ac
counts, Bth Miscell anooßS business 9th
Found Dead.
Fred Weir, a shoemaker of Stonertown,
was fonnd lying in a dying condition near
Portersville, last Wednesday evening. He
was carried into the house of Cbas Ahner
and soon after expired. Be was a drink
ing man, bad purchased a bottle of Hostet
ter's bitters at a Portersville drug store
and it is supposed that be took an overdose
of tbe stuff.
He leaves a wife and seven children.
Kills tbe effect of advertising. The
successful advertisement gives tbe
eggsact facts of tbe case. For eggs
ample we give you better goods sod
lower prices than you can get else
where. It would be an eggsreligious
mistake to say it if were not so.
Eggsamination would undeceive
you. We have an eggstra large
stock, eggstensive styles, eggstraor
dinary facilities for buying, eggs
tremely low prices and the celebra
ted Farmers Egg case.
Mrs. L. G. Wick entertained her lady
friends, Thursday evening.
Po-t Master Eastman has the grippe.
Mr. las. H. Jack ha> resigned the editor
ship of the Tarentnni Sun.
Geo. B. Cumtnings, of Denver is visiting
his folks here.
Mr. 1). X. Russell, of Cheiry twp., is the
guest of his brother Alex. Russell.
Miss Bovard, ot Branch ton, is the guest
of Miss Etta h'oonce.
Capt. Flanegan in now occupying his
new home in Butler.
A party of Butler boys rode to Pittsburg
on their bicycles Wednesday.
Ham Barnes, a Slipperyrock township
resident, was tsken to Dixmont on Friday,
he having becomes insane. Barnes is the
man who shot himself some time ago.—
Sew Castle Xeicx.
An Italian at New Castle says there are
lots of Italians in America who <ra;rbt to
have been hung in Italy.
Miss Bessie Stevenson of W. Xewton, is
the guest of Mrs. Dr. Headland.
Mr. W. B. Dodds walked from his home
in Muddycreek twp. to Butler and back
again, last Monday.
Miss Jennie Reeder entertained a
number of her friends on Friday evening
at her home on Mifllin St. Candy making
and taffy pulling were the principal amuse
ments, and a feature was an impromptu
recitation by Miss Jessie Hovis.
The X. J. G. Club were entertained by
Mrs. Mary Gray on Tncsday evening, and
a very pleasant time wa- spent by those
Jos. L. Pnrvis started the subscription
for the new U. P. church with $1,500.
Mrs. Pape has her show window fuU of
Easter flowers, and all the boys are shoot
ing with Charley'B new toy pistols.
We are under obligations to Hon. C. C.
Townsend for a ton or two of Congress
ional Record, neatly printed, and well
Messrs Thompson and Williams came
home, Saturday, and on Monday accom
panied the Legislative party to Slippery
rock Academy.
D. Q. Miller, of Pittsburg, formerly of
Centre twp. was in town, Tuesday. He is
now in the employ of the Standard Oil Co.
Johnny Graham is enjoying an Easter
D. S. McCollougb, of Butler, has been
granted a pension.
A girl who gave her name as Annette
Lee, her age a« 13 and her home as Butler,
was in Pittsburg last Thursday, where she
lost her pocket Look, and told Detective
Coulson the following story, her parents
died when she was a babe, since which
time she has been living with her Aunt
Sadie Lee, a maiden lady of GO, who died
last week and was buried ih the Hemyfield
Cemetery. After the burial of the aunt
she was put out of the house by some man
whose name the girl cannot remember, who
told her that the house and its contents
were takon for payment of some debts the
deceased had left. She came to Pittsburg
on Wednesday evening, having only $lO
which she said her aunt bad given her be
fore she died, and put up at Boley's Hotel
in Diamond Square. Yesterday morning
she went to Allegheny and had her bangs
trimmed, and on her return on the street
car she lost her pocketbook. Sbe could
not give the names of any Butler people
and was held at Central station. Next day
her father and brother from Butler called
and got her. She had been chastised for
playing truant from school, and had simply
ran' away from home to escape another
whipping lor same offense.
Oil Notes.
Patterson <& Co. finished a good well,
about a mile north of the Zclienuple field
last week.
Hazlett <t Co. and MeClung Jt Co. finish
ed good wells on the B. M. Duncan.during
the past few days, and the Forect Oil Co.
well on same farm was cased. A good
well is reported on the half-acre lot ol the
McKiuny farm near Petersville.
In the Bakerstown field last week, a dry
hole was completed on the J. A. Reed
farm. It was drilled through the 4th sand.
A good gas well was struck onjthe Casper
Freeling farm in Winfield twp. last week,
by the Ford Co.
The rig of Reed & Wight on the Flinner
farm near Petersville was blown down last
T. W. Philips is going to lay a gas line
from near Denny's Mill to Great lielt.
It is rumored that Campbell it Murphy
intend to errect a refinery at St. Joe.
Mr. P. H. Buff, who was conspicuous in
oil circles, died on Monday night last week
at the Vonee Je Leon Hotel, St. Au
gustine, Florida, Mr. Duff was the owner
of more than one hundred wells, which
are located in the upper oil country. Ho
was known to many Butler county oil
Sick People.
M rs. Martin I'leegcr, of M illerstown was
stricken with paralysis last week.
Al. Foster, of Tetrolia, took ill suddenly
last Friday night, and is not expected to
Mrs. I'. W. Lowry, only daughter of
Judge llazen, is desperately ill and is not
expected to live.
NOTE. She died to-day, (Thursday) at
noon. |
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 18 for eggs, 25
for butter, $1 for potatoes, 30 to 35 for tur
nips, 2c. a pound for cabbage, 50 to CO for
parsnips and carrots. +
Country hay $lO to sl2, mixed hay $8 50,
wheat $1 to $1.06. rye 97c. to sl, oats 55 to
59, shelled corn 66 to 69, ear corn 65 to 71;
timothy seed $1.50; buckwheat flour 2};
dressed hogs 4 to 5.
Country roll butter 18 to 28, beans $2.35,
potatoes on track $1.05 to sl.lO, jobbing
$1.15 to $1.25; fresh eggs in cases 17 and
18, rags 1± and 11, maple syrup 85c. to $1
per gallon, cabbage 6 and 7, yellow onions
$1.60. turnips 25 to 30 a bu., parsnips $2.25
a bbl.
Dressed chicken )3 and 14, duck 14 and
15, turkey 16 uud 17; honey 16 to 20, shell
barks $1.50, tallow 4c.
At Ilerr's Island, Monday, beeves sold
at 5 and 6, bulls and dry cows 2} to 3},
bologna cows $8 to sl2. Veal calves sold
•t 5} to 6}, heavy calves 3 and 4.
Chicago sheep sold at 5} to 6J, and lambs
at 6 to 6.60, bnt 14 l'enn'a sheep were on
sale and they were from Lawrence Co.
Good corn-fed hogs sold at 4.15 to 4J.
Closed on Monday at 74, Tuesday at 73},
Wednesday at 73.
Orieb & Lamb, No. 120, South
Main ST, will have a public auction
sale of their entire Btock of pianos,
organs, violins, guitars, etc., com
mencing on Monday, March 9th, and
will continue till everything is sold.
Sale will begin each day at 2 and 1
p. m. All goods are now on view
and can be examined from 8 o'clock
a. m.
Easter Eggs
Bring a premium when marketed in
the Farmers Egg Case.
Kramer Wagons, Kramer Wagons,
Kramer Wagons, for sale by S. B
Martincourt & Co.
21G West Cunningham St. Butler
—Home-made bread at tbe City
—lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—New kid gloves, cloth gloves,
mitteuß, hosiery and underwear at
lower prices than ever, at
—Our Ladies' Wool Ilose at 25
cents can't be beat. AlTotber grades
at bargain prices.
—Qennine Hand made Harness for
$9 at MABTINCOUBT Si Co.'s,
216 W. Cunningham St.
After reading norac opinions Wednesday
morning Judge Hazcn ordered the Court
Crier to adjourn Court till :» a. m. of W ed
nesday. March 25th. Ho gave no reason
for so "doing, but the cause was probably
1 the desperate illne.-- of his daughter. The
applicants for license and their friends
were present The only remonstrance
filed against any ol the applications is
the one against that of 11. B. Hunt at Cai
On Wednesday morning last Judge
Hazen read several opinions on the bench,
and among them decisions in the following
In the matter of the petition of C'. Nick
las et al for removal of the School Directors
of Connoquenessing twp.. the Court after
reciting the evidence and law in the ease
made the following order. The Court be
ing clearly of opinion from the evidence,
that the Hoard of School Directors of
Connoquenessing twp. school district have
neglected and refused to establish a
sulticient number of schools for the edu
cation of every individual between the ages
of .six and twenty one years, as the law
requires, this Rule male absolute, aud the
Court does declare the present board of
school directors vacant, and do appoint
W. W. Brandon. David McConnell, Greer
McCandless, J. 1,. Christy. Samuel Wright;
aud B. W. Uouthett. Exceptions were
filed to this decison and the case will be
In the ease of W. H. Martin vs Wm.
Kesselman, tried before A. P. Stewart
Esq , the Court after severely criticising
both the plaintii! .tud the Justice reverses
the judKuient at the omt of the plaintiff.
The petition of Tillie J Steen for a di
vorce Irom Hamilton Steen was refused,
for the reason that hiis!,aud and wife were
living in same house from the fall of ISB7
till February 1 B*B. and boarding at same
In the case of Mary E. Wuller vs. D. 11.
Wuller a jury trial was awarded.
The preliminary injunction in the case
of \V. K. TUomp on vs. J. M. Gnffy & Co.
et al. was dissolved.
The rule in the case of Watson «£ Sons
vs. ifcVigh d Ali-Colluagh was discharged.
The judgment in the of Stepp vs.
Noel was opened a*"' issue awarded on
questions raised.
The partnership known as Miller Bros.
& Co. was dissolved and Newton Black,
Esq., was appointed to slate account.
Judgment was entered in the case of
Com. lor use of E. S. Cochran vs. W. L.
Cochran et al.
In the matter of the final account of Geo.
11. Graham, guardian of Ella 11. Leonard;
the several exceptions tiled before the
Auditor and reviewed to Court, except No.
12, which is overruled and dismissed, are
sustained, the auditor's report is set aside
and the final account of the guardian is
confirmed absolutely".: the costs to be paid
by Ella Leonard, the exceptant.
The following sentences were not noted
last week. Jesse Johns, convicted of lar
ceny, was sentenced to pay costs and sent
to the penitentiary for one year; Bert Gra
ham, larceny, was sent to the lieform
school; Charles liewings, entering a store
room with intent to commit a felony and
larceny, was sent to the pen. for seven
years; Chas Mcßride, larceny, was sei.t to
the pen. for four yearsj.Samuel Reges for
selling liqnor on Sunday was lined SSO and
sent to the workhouse for 90 days; J. E.
Bowser, for furnishing liquor on Sunday,
fined SSO and sent to the workhouse for 90
days; John Gill for furnishing liquor to a
man of intemperate habits wis fined SSO
and sent to the workhouse for 90 days;
Harry Williams for assault and battery
was tiued $5 and costs and sent to the
workhouse for six months; ilenry Lighner
for FAB, was sentenced tojiay coats and
to pay to Louisa Mochel s3.>,and $1 a week
until child is five years old; James P. Can
non FAB was sentenced to pay costs and
SIOO to mother of child; David Kupert, lar
ceny, was sentenced to pay costs and was
sent to the Reform school.
The bail of Jacob Leger, FAB, was for
Tba sale of the Uamiltou property,
advertised for last Saturday, was post
poned on account of legal complications,
and the property will be put up again as
soon as these are settled.
The State Supreme Court has annulled
all the vital parts of the Pittsburg street
bills of 87 and 89 the city must look to the
Legislature for relief.
The overseers of Bonegal twq. sent Mrs.
Kane to the Mercer Co. l'oor llouse, where
she will be kept at $3.00 per week.
The will of Rev. Ephraiin Ogden, of
Middlesex Twp., was probated and letters
granted to Win. J. Marks and Win. R.
Thompson; also will of Mary McCrea, of
ilillerstown, and letters to Owen Brady;
also will of Einily Conaby, Butler, and
letters testamentary to Zachary T. Wise;
also w ill of Henry Sefton, of Clinton Twp.,
and letters to Emily Montgomery and Jos.
L. Purvis.
Letters of adm'n have been granted to
Henry M. Wise on estate of barah Weck
beeker, dee'd, of Harmony; and to J. C.
Catharine Eiugelhart and Ernest Eingel
hart on estate of Nicholas Eingelhart. of
JefTerson Twp.
The Co. Comm'rs liave the school dupli
cates ready for the school boards.
J. P. Lowry had summons in partition
issued vs. James Potts, Martha Berg et al.
for property in Butler Twp.
The will of James C. Redd was probated
and letters granted to Sarah J. Redd.
F. B. Fickcrson has been returned to
Court ou a churge of larceny, Ed. Porter
on a charge ot F. <fc li. preferred by
Sophia Ambuster and J. B. Porter on same
charge on oath of Margaret Nicholas.
Isabella Haslett to John A Watson,
property in Buffalo Twp for SI,OOO.
W H Hoffman et al to Ackerlv, Sammel
and Bartlet, 67 acres in Forward for $42, -
J F Lowry to John Young, lot iu Butler
for S3OO. ,
Catharine Bendrin to Caroline Goehriug,
130 acres in Lancaster for sl.
John Richardson to Samuel Steen, 37
acres in Conuoq'g for SI,OOO.
Levi Rose et al to Jas U Steen, 3 acres
in Forward for S3OO.
A P Starr to Isabel E. Hutchison, lot iu
Butler for $490.
North Side Cemetery Ass'n to Mary E
McElhaney et al, lot in Butler for $125.
C H Ford et al to L S McJunkin, lot in
Butler for SBSO.
Beuj Kichardson to AnuaS Richardson,
,24 acres in Adams for S2OO.
John W Kaufhold to I' J Heck, 57 acres
in Wiufield lor $2,100.
Frank Vogel to J G Bippas, Jr, lot in
Butler for SOOO.
Hannah il Woodside to Sara Osteruiau,
property in Buffalo for $1,500.
1 J McCandless to Henry Miller, lot iu
Butler for $9,500.
Chas A Skillmau to Mary A Skillman,
lot in Butler lor SI,OOO.
Wm J Boyd to Jas I Douglass, 15 acres
in Brady for S4OO.
Geo 1) ltolshouse to, Edward Trank, 50
acres in Wiufield for $3,000.
I A l'earce to H W Maine, lot in Har
mony for $2,000.
Gust Fogal to J II Stewart, lot in Coal
towir for SI,OOO.
Jas Dunlap to Chas Rebhun, lot in But
ler for $650.
Marriage Licenses.
Herman Maser Kansas
Martha J Garvin Cranberry twp
Jacob E Bruner Millerstown, Pa
Hattie I) Kimble "
Frank Cheers Evans City
Anuie Miller Forward twp
Chas U Shoup Butler, I'a
Mary A Myrne Penn twp
Is a skiu disease, The Farmers
Egg Case is an egg case and market
basket combined.
Mr. John Reed, of the well-known
grocery firm, with characteristic
enterprise, is now makiug two trips
weekly to the city, in quest of early
vegetables, greens, fruit, etc. In ad
dition, he executes commissions, and
acts as messenger for those wishing
a reliable and trustworthy runner to
Pittsburg. Orders should be left
Mondays and Thursdays at Kirk
patrick & Heed's, N. Main St.
An Ithaca organ, as good ra new.
Inquire of Miss BLANCHE LI EIIIF.IT,
22C N. McKeau St., Butler, I'd.
—lce for sale at the City Bnkcry
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office
—Fine cakes at the City Bakery
The loso by the late lire on Wood ,-t.
I'ittsliurg is estimated at tloo.iHMi. The
Germanic Bank building wa- wrecked
| worse than at first anticipated.
I The "Death watch" was set over the
Nicely brothers 1-ist Thursday.
Mrs. Ida Elder of Wampum was arrested
last Thursday and taken to the jail in New
I Castle, on the charge of murdering her step
mother. Mrs. Kc-pman in July ol' 18Sit, bt t
has been released.
The fruit tree agency at Wampum and
other places which agreed to charge noth
ng for the trees, but to take pay in fruit
at a high price. wa» a swindle, of course,
and Mime people who signed a new lorm
of judgment note, thinking they were -ign
ing an agreement arc just finding it out.
At the Witheron machine shops in Xew
Castle, last week, a man named Busker,
between a large revolving fly
wheel and some heavy castings, and his
hips were squeezed into a space 018 inches.
Tbe people of I'eaver Falls are in each
other's wool over the location of the post
office building.
Xear Appollo, I'a . lives a family named
Hill, of whom five generations ol the fe
males are now living. The great-gTcat
grandrtiother is 80i years old and the baby
is years old.
At Kittaiming last week. Judge Reyburn
granted retail licenses to Messrs Still, Xeu
liert. Reynolds, Stein, I.innon A Dixon,
all of Kittanning. and wholesale to Messrs
Montgomery A. Smith. The other appli
cations were refused, excepting those from
Parker, which were held over.
Xine of the thirty-six men who went to
California during the gold excitement in
1849 from Pittsburg and vicinity, and who
are now known as the 49ers, had a meet
ing at the home of Wm. Shafer iti I'itts
burg last Monday. Those present were F.
C. Xegley, W. j". Bender. Henry Dickson,
A. F. Gregg, George M. Dosch, W.J. Mar
tin, John (ilenn, Jacob Cupps and Wm.
At Cleveland, 0., last Monday, Rev. Mr
yueary, an Episcopal minister, was found
guilty of heresy for denying the immaculate
A Great Spring Tour to Florida.
By reason of the enormous popularity
accorded the Pennsylvania Railroad's per
sonally-conducted tours to Florida during
the winter and spring of 1891 the company
has decided to run the sixth and last on
March 31st. It well differ in many points
from the others. Going south tho" tourists
will travel in a special train of Pullman
Sleeping and Dinning Cars similar in every
respect to the trains used on previous ex
cursions. Tho excursion tickets, which
will be at a rate of $.")0 from Xew York and
S4B from Philadelphia, will include Pull
man accommodations aud meals en route
on the south-bound trip, and railroad
transportation only on the north-bound
trip. They will be valid for return trip on
regular trains up to May 30th, 1891. Fif
teen days from the date they leave Jack
sonville will be allowed tourists to reach
I'niladelpbia or Xew York, apd during
those fifteen days they can st >p off at
points designated on the tickets.
A Tourist Agent and Chaperon will ac
company the party south.
The unusual limit of the tickets and pri
vileges accorded will afford an excellent
opportunity of a lengthy visit in the South.
Miss Mattie Vickers will appear in her
new Comedy-Romance entitled Edelweiss
at the Opera House in Butler this, Friday,
evening. Of her the Chicago Times says.
Vivacious Mattie Vickers entertained an
audience at the Grand last night that filled
every chair and the balcony stairs. The bill
was Miss Vickers' new domestic drama,
"Edelweiss,'" and the approval of the audi
er.co was made manifest on numerous occa
sions. The greater part of the play is laid
amid the mountains of Switzerland, and
Miss Vickers takes tbe part of a peasant
girl, who rescues and nurses back to life
handsome Jack Duttou, whose life is at
tempted by his partner and supposed
friend, Emile Schwartz. The rich brogue
and many amusing incidents give her am
ple opportunity to display the vivacity
which bubbles so incessantly from her
sunny nature. And of course there is
singing aud dancing there always is
when Mattie Vickers is about.
Get your reserved seats at Heinemans'
Book Store.
The Last Lecture.
Miss Olof Krarer, the little Esquimaux
lady, will deliver her lecture on "Green
land or life in the frozen North" in the
Opera House next Wednesday evening.
Ol her Rev. Paddock of Philadelphia says.
Miss Olof Krarer's lecture in tho Chapel
of St. Andrew's Church, on the evening of
January Ifi, was a success in every way.
In an hour's time she gave her audianco a
better idea of the peculiar life, customs,
and belief of the Esquimaux than can be
gained by days of reading. Her fluency
and correctness of speech for a native
Greenlander was surprising, while her dim
inutive size, pleasant manners, concise, yet
clear descriptions, with an occasional (lash
of humor, render her narratiro as interest
ing as it was instructive.
AQ egg iu ;he Farmers Egg Case
can be carried uround just as safely
as if in the original package.
A New Roller Mill in Butler.
I wish to Inform my friends and
patrons in Butler county that I now
have my new wheat-Hour mill in full
operation. It has just been completed
by the Edward P. Allis Co., of Mil
waukee, Wis.,and the work was done
under tbe supervision of Mr. S J.
Bollinger, one of their most able fore
The machinery was ail shipped
from Milwaukee, aud the old
machinery of the mill was entirely
taken out and the new substituted,
I now have a complete mill, and I
can give the people of Butler aud
vicinity a braud of flour, manufac
tured at home and of Butler county
wheat, that will staDd any test, and
compare with any that is shipped to
our town.
I am able to do what I say and all
I at-k of you is to give ray flour a lair
I also manufacture the best of
corn meal, rye flour and buckwheat
flour, and hoping to receive a share of
your trade, I cm, Most Respectfully,
What the farmers wunt, the Farmers
Egg Case.
—We can saveycu money on plush
coats, cloth jackets, stockinet juckete
and children's garments, at
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Poetoffice building.
—Go to McKec Scott's oyster and
lunch room in the National Bank
building for ojsters in all styles, or a
good lunch of uny kind, at any hour
of the day aud up to midnight.
—lce cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
—Tie up your horse with a 75c.
hand made leather baiter. Martin
court & Co. 210 W, Cunningham
St., have them,
—White aprons at all jrices,tidies,
fancy towels, fine liuen table sets,
stamped Uncus, etc., at
The Farmers Alliance
And Farmers Egg Case are recog
nized powers in the land.
Buy tie Lansing Wagon—jt is
the best. For salo by
122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
And Eggd-Congressoieu are n u w ap
plying for ngeneics for the Celebrat
ed Farmets Egg Case.
Slippery rock Normal.
The Spring Term of the State
Normal School at Slipperyruck, will
begin March 31, 1891. Expenses
only S4B for 14 weeks. Send for a
ALBERT E. MALTBV, Principal.
Grove City College.
The spring term of Grove City
College will open March 31st. The
: outlook is unprecedented. The
trustees arc enlarging the facilities
j to meet the increased demands. New
: College and Normal courses of study
have been adopted. The Conserva
tory of Music is fulljf equipped.
Lieut, llowell of the U. S. A. is on
the ground orgaui/.ing the Military
department. Several new depart
ments have within the last year been
added, namely—the Commercial de
partment, departments in Steno
graphy and Typewriting, Telegraphy,
etc. Specialists in these departments
have been employed to give instruc
tion. Rates of tuition and boarding
are exceedingly low. Students can
board on the co-operative plan,every
thing found, for $2.10 to $2 25 per
week. For catalogue und circulars,
address the President
Prospect Academy.
Send (or catalogue of Prospect
Academy. Spring term begins April
7, 1891. Correspondence solicited.
F W. MAUEK, Principal,
Prospect, Pa.
To the Farmers of Butler and
1 now have my new roller flour
mill completed and in full operation,
and will say that I can make you a
good flour and one that will give you
entire satisfaction.
Ycu can get your grist home with
you, at once, and ail work warranted.
I also manufacture rye-flour, buck
wheat-flour, corn meal and chop.
Please give my new mill a trial
and oblige,
Yours, most respectfully,
—J. R. Grieb, No. 120, S. Main
St., offers a great auction sale of a
fine stock of watches, clocks, jewelry,
silverware, and everything to be
found in a first-class jewelry store.
Wishing to reduce stock, since I am
compelled to move April lßt, I am
willing to give my customers an
opportunity to secure bargains.
Don't forget that the sale begins on
Monday, March 9th, at 2 p. m. and 7
p. m , and to continue until entire
stock is sold. LOOK FOR THE
Have declared the Farmers Egg
Case the very best thing of the kind
ever invented.
—Fascinators at 25, 40, 50, 75 cts.
and $1 at
—The Anti-Rusting Tinware
guaranteed against rust for three
years, at HENRY BIEIIL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—J. J. Reiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraieers to know
that he etill deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him LOCK BOX 926,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
Fine table linens, fancy towels,
tidies and stamped linens in great
variety at
—Confectionery at the
City Bakery.
—Largest line of silks, velvets and
dress goods ia the county at less
than former prices, at
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
We Pay Salary
and expenses lo LIVE AGENTS, men or
women. Xo drones wanted. Work steady
year round aud cash weekly. Good pay
for part time. Fine outfit free. Experi
ence not needed. Seud references and
stamp at once. J. EITGESK WHITNEY,
Rochester, N. Y.
I i,' "fhis firm is perfectly responsible.
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEIIL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, I'a.
—Burgains in stockiuet jackets at
$2 50, $3, $4, $5 and $4, all worth
from $1 to more, at
Don't buy a wrap until you have
inspected our immense stock of plnsb
coats and jackets, cloth and stockinet
jackets. We can surely save you
big money.
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 ceuts for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Kramer Wagons, Kramer Wagons,
Kramer Wagous, for sale by S. B.
Martincourt & Co.
21C West Cunningham St. Butler
—Wheeler Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa
—Clonks, cloaks, cloaks,— best
values in plush, cloth aud stockinet
garments, at
Dealers in all kinds of
Rough and Worked Lumber,
We have a large stock of all kinds of
Lumber, Oil Well Kigs, Etc.
Call aud get our prices and see our stock.
Mall Orders Promptly Attended
Office and yard on
§#•(»«>«». <MJ a v«r !• Win? made t>> John K
you may not nutk* a* murh, liut
11 tit all af«a. 11l »!«> pa It < f
nig all your tlnuv-r »j.ar» nuwcal* only lo
the work All U nfw Uirat j>ay MUK I> r
MF e%ery W'-rker. VVa alart ju-u, ftuniahliif
W •varrthinjc EASILY, Imtom
\ I'Altl'K I'LA IULL Ad'treM at one#,
JL bHWN * (U., JULNk.
; OICK PKOPLE want to get
|N» well und are anxi<>ua to
t?ecure the most reliable lem
ledies. This is important, for
the physician may be ever so
competent, but if drugs are
dispensed that have become in
ert by long st Hiding or not be
ing properly cared lor the re
sult expected cannot be obtain
ed. We have ever tried to
supply our patrons with the
very best and purest drugs the
market affords. Our stock is
new and fresh and every arti
cle is carefully inspected on
reaching our store. Our rap
idly growing trade is the best
evidence that our efforts are
being appreciated. We en
deavor to keep everything that
is likely to be c illed for, but
if we do not have what your
prescription calls for we will
frankly tell you so and not re
place it with something else,
and will try to secure it for
you in the shortest possible
time. Physicians prescriptions
and sick room requisites a
specialty. Our prices are as
low as consistent with pure
drugs. We do not care to
handle inferior goods at any
C. N. 150 YD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
____________ __
liis. Co. ol' Noiili Ameiiia, 100 th year.
ASSETS $8.951,518 83.
Home IDS. CO. Assets $9,091,192 58
Hartford I DP. CO. " $6,576,616 13
Continental IDS. CO. " $5,000,000
London Assurance Co. iDcor'd. 1720
N. Y. Life Ins. Co. As'ts 115,000,000
Office in riUSELTON BUILDING, nex
to the Court House.
CAPITAL I'aidllp, - 1 - $100,000.00.
JOB. Ilartioaii. I'res't. I>. Osborne. < ashler.
J. V. Hilts, Vice FIWX C. A. Bailey,Ass't Cash'r
Jos. Hartmnn. I*. Collins. O. M. Russell,
11. McSweeuey. C. D. Greenlee, J. V. RUts,
E. E. Abrains. Leslie Hazlett. I. IJ. Smith,
W. S. Waldron. D. Osborne.
A general banking bnsiness transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security.
1-orelgn exchange bought and sold.
Secured the ser
vices of Mr. WM.
COOPER, a gentle
man of taste and
unquestionable abil
ity as a Cutter and
Designer, WE are
now prepared, with
OUR Elegant Line
a n d FANCY
qualled in this, or
excelled in larger
cities, to give our
patrons special ad
Wm. Aland
Mealsjatlall hours. night.
Krcakfa.it 25 cents.
Dinner 25 cents.
Supper 25 cents,
| Lodging 25(centB.
tar~ Physicians' Prescriptions carefully co»D
5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Hotel Yogeley
( Strictly First Class.)
J. H. FACBHL, Manager. Butler, Pa.
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson
House—good accommodations I or travelers.
Uood stabling connected.
WillardHo te.
;W. H. REIHINfI, Prop'r
New fnrnituro, new fittings and iirut
cl/iaa accommodations. Livory.
Sorth side of Diamond, liutlcr, I'd
. !i!Z I A#*ucy ot ««k
.. - AVKR i (ON, our svUiorlatd tgmnf.
H. Schneideman
104 8. IMain St. - - Butler, Pa.
Tastelul, Good Fitting, Well Made Garments for MEN,
The largest SPRING and SUMMER STOCK in Butler Co.
Profuse with Novelties, GREAT in ASSORTMENT and
Good Treatment, Square Dealing and LOW PRICES have
won for us the large patronage we now enjov.
Full line of new styles in
Men's, Youths, . | •
In all grades, of all kinds and at prices to suit everybody.
P. S. The famous "Davy Crockett" gun given free with
every purchase of a boys suit.
Boots and Shoes,
Slippers, Kubber Goods, etc.,
\ ou will find them Iresh, new goods, from
the leading manufactories, and all
the latest approved styles,
A Rare Collection of Choice
Not to be equalled elsewhere in Quality
or Low Prices.
See Us! Talk With Us! Try
. Us!
A New Stock, A Choice Stock.
Repairing promptly and neatly done.
Yours Respectfully,
Grieb & Yogeley,
Opposite "Willard House.
Great Removal Sale
Now Going on at
INTo. 120 South Main St., - Butler* J?aw
All goods to be found in a first class Jewelry Store
I have pat off this sale as long as possible but having failed so far ia
getting a suitable store room and being compelled to move by April Ist, I
must adopt this plan of getting rid of an immense stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware
And Spectacles.
Jury List for April Term.
List of Travers Jurors drawn this 19th day of
Feb. A. D. isai to serve at a special term of
court commencing the Sd Monday of April A.
D. I*9l the same being the -jotn day of said
Alli-n Robert, Brady twp, farmer,
liarnhart It W, Connoq twp. farmer,
llurtner W J. Penn twp. farmer.
Itoyer A M. Jackson twp, tarmer
Belbl Conrad, Butler ad ward, teamster.
Campbell A U. Oakland twp, Merchant.
Campbell tl P. Concord twp, farmer.
Campbell O P. Cherry twp, farmer.
Campbell Tbos B. Venango twp, farmer.
Cranmer Charles, Center twp. farmer,
cranmer James. Clay twp. farmer.
Cooper Philip, Jeflersou iwp. farmer,
cradle John. Butler twp, farmer.
Douglass Perry. Worth twp. farmer.
Daubenspeek ri 11, Washington twp, farmer.
Denny Joliu. Wlntleld twp. farmer.
Uumbaugh Fred. Forward twp. farmer.
KranK Albert. Butler M ward, tailor.
Kllrk John H, Middle* ! twp, farmer.
Fox Henry. Wlnlleld twp. farmer.
Uoldlnger Daniel. Donegal twp. producer,
(iraham lllram. Connoq twp, farmer.
Ureer T It- Buffalo twp. farmer.
Ilepler Joseph C. Buffalo twp, fanner.
Hesselgeeser David, Wlnlleld twp, farmer.
Johnston J N. tteldrldge. contractor.
Kennedy Alonzo. Connoq twp, farmer.
Kennedy Kdward. Wlnlleld twp. farmer.
Kerr C B, Cherry twp, farmer.
Luce W F, Petrolla, shoe maker,
Logan Calvin. Jefferson twp. farmer.
Lutz Henry. Je Hereon twp. farmer.
I.ehman John, ljincaster twp, black smith.
Miller Samuel. Butler twp. (ient.
Marberger John, Forward twp. tanner.
McCollougb 8 W. Fail view twp. farmer.
Mctiure Tnomas, Donegal twp. faimer.
Mi'F.lhaney John Millerstown. producer.
McDowell A T. Butler ad ward. Plasterer.
Pettlgrew It D. Washington twp. farmer
lUynold* A W. Venango twp. farmer.
Khotli-s V C. Hllpperyrock twp. farmer.
Seatou Lewis, \enango twp, farmer.
Stougbton K c. Concord twp. farmer.
Sefton Kdward. Clinton twp, farmer.
Sheets John. Jefferson twu. farmer.
Smith J C . Forward twp. farmer
Stall 1 John. Zellnople. painter.
St ttl Oeorge W. Cherry twp. farmer,
siiauuon q J, Connoq twp, farmer
Vensel John. Donegal twp. farmer.
Welch Junes. Cherry twp, Miner.
Walker John. Italdrldge. Carpenter.
Weitzell Charles Saxonberg. carpenter.
Wilson Alex. Allegheny twp. farmer.
Wliter F W. Wlndeld twp. farmer.
I. &!•* 111 ilTTftßUft- II t'l ll»v A«i»t rt »ir»* lUur*u
«bo will contract fur aavciUalag at )uv«l ijn
By virtue or writ* of FL Fa. issued oat of the
Court o( Common PleM of Butler Co., Pa., and
to me directed, there will be exposed to public
sale, at the Court House, In tbe borough of But
ler, Pa., on
Monday, April 6th, A. D., 1891,
at l o'clock p. m., tbe following described prop
erty, to-Wit:
K. D. No. 8. June Term. 1801. C. Walker, att'y.
All tbe right, title. Interest and claim of Tbe
Butler Bait Manufacturing Company and Chem
ical Works, of, in and to tbe aait water, oil and
gas in and under 100 aeres of land, more or less,
situated In BuUer and Summit Twpa.. Butler
Co, Pa., bounded aa follows, to-wlb OB tb
uottli by West Penn RjUlway Co.. east by Bather
and lira. Cutnmings. south by JtoasebeabOlTsr
and Mct.lung, west by J. U. and W. Campbell,
together with two producing salt well* thereon
and all tbe rlgbu and privileges to drill and
operate for sidd oil. salt water and gas fhsrsoa,
AlA<> -Of. In and to * acres of toad, more or
less, situated In BuUer Twp.. Butter Oik. Fa.,
bounded as follows, to-wit On tbe north by
lands formerly of Mrs. 1. McClure, east by
Hbenango and Allegheny Railway, sooth by
George Relber, west by public road, together
wltb distilling building, black smith shop, odoa
building, saltbdg. lime house chloride of cal
cium building, and numerous other build
ings. two batteries of boilers, and other ma
chinery tbereon. Seized and taken In execu
tion art the property of Tbe BuUer Malt Maau
faciurlng Company and Chemleal Works at the
suit of Home Natural Gas Company et at.
K. I). No. a, June T.. 1801. McJunkln * Oal
breath, att'ys.
AH the right. UUe. Interest ajd claim of
Francis Lambert, of. In and to a lot of laad,
more or le>s. situated in Zellenople borough,
liu'ler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit; Ut
the north by Wlhlam Strut*. east hf public
square, south by Daniel Cable, wast by Clay
■Street. Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Francis Lambert at the suit of A. B.
WILLIAM M. Baoww, Short*.
Sheriff's omce. Buuer, Pa.. March ta, itsi.
New Livery Stable.
New Stock,
New Rige.
Horse* fed and boarded.
89, W. Jefferson St., Botler, Pi