THEOITIZEN^ w. C. IUUT. - - Pr *' r " scßScmirno* mar**— POSTAGE PREPAID One nil. tam* Cooaty •'J* One Ycar. <*»**• * fiytMi In Advance. at Writa t «« FEPPAT. MARCH 6. 1891. Of ey* g jy.rss not now ukfng . Intended for publication in Lhta — 1 atalta accompanied by the real not foe publication but M a,nnnt— of good friM l ! Karriac* and Smth notices mart be aeoom pudglbymqpoMttton—. The Auditor's Report. The County Commissioners did not pub lish the Caanty Auditors' Report, this year, at the instance of Jndge Hasen, who told them Uut there is no law authorising them to do ao,bnt as the lew requires them to pnbliah "a fall end accurate statement of all reocipU and expenditures of the pre ceeding yea*" for four weeks, and specifies that "such statement shall enumerate the respective rami paid by each ward and township within the county, and also des ignate all »um» expended for the support of prisons, the pay of each commissioner and of their clerk, the repairs of old or the erection of new bridges, and the sums paid to indirfdaals for lands over which roads may have been laid out, together with sooh other items as may have a ten dency to ocovey general information of the transactions of the proceeding year," and as the old board of Commissioners had not kept book* from which they oould make such a report, the new board took the Auditors' Report and made the condensed statement which appears in our oolumns Whether or BO to condensed A statement is satisfactory to the tax payers is for them to say. Attention has been directed to the item in the expenditures called "County Account," which is several times larger than the item of name name in the Audi tors' Report for the proceeding year, and we are informed that the items that go to make up the aggregate of that account were from the bunch of cancelled warrants that the County Treasurer had so labeled. "We have looked over the items at* they appear in the Auditors' Report and find that about one-half of the aggregate is composed of the Sheriff's bills for boarding prisoners and bills for transcribing. The aggregate of all the warrants issued by the County Commissioners for 1880 wa» $42,108 87, while for 1889 it was 548.67rt.81, a difference of six and a half thousand, and during the year 1890, $6,259.04 was paid to the State, while during 1869 but $3,778.20 remitted to the State Treasury. After considering the matter we arc of opinion that a ftaller report than the one published this yew should be given, and that the boat report that can be given to the people of the county, is the Auditors' Report with the unnecessary details, such as the items of tho Commonwealth account, eliminated. The Auditors are sworn to audit, settle | and adjust the aoconnts of the Commission- j ers, Treasurer and Sheriff; the business of each'and eyerj office in the Court House is connected with that of the others; the du ties of the Auditors are specific and are separate and apart from that of 'all the other officers, and it is their report that the people should see. The law provides that their report be filed with the Prothonotary, and that has been done, and how many of the taxpayers of the ooonty are going there to see it. It is also made a judgment against a delin quentoffloer and to pigeon hole it without publication, or to publish a report made out by any other- of the county officers seems to us to be an absurdity, and we do not believe suoh to be either the spirit or the letter of the law. WHY does not some member of the House or Senato at Harrisburg prepare and offer a resolution looking to an amendment of the Constitution of the United State as to the eleotion of United States Senators? All they have to do is to look at Article 5 of the Constitntion oi the United States and make the application there provided for to Congress. Let Pennsylvania lead off in this important reform, and two-thirds of the other Btates will soon follow her. "Everybody says United States Senators should be elected by the people of the States. But no State Legislature moves in the matter, as is necessary. Start the ball rolling, and let Pennsylvania have the honor of starting it at this session of the Legislature. Washington Motes. On Friday the Shipping bill which provided for subsidies to steamship lines was defeated in the House by a close vote i 147 to 145. On Tuesday it was estimated that the money appropriated by the present Con gress exceeded the prospective revenues. The President nominated W. R. Leeds of Philadelphia for Marshal of the Extern Pa. district. 8. C. McCandless, who has been Clerk of the U. 8. district court for Western Penn sylvania, for many years, resigned his office a few days ago, and Congressman PalzoH secured the place for his friend Frank P. Chaso. It is said to be worth four-thousand a year, and is practically for life or good behavior. The Central Pacific R. R. got a scoring in Congress one day last week, while the amendment to the Deficiency bill, striking out certain items authorizing payment to it for services was under consideration. Mr. Dalzell made a speech in which be claimed that the R. R. Co. was hopelessly and fraudulently insolvent, and that it now owes the National Government some seventy millions. The amendment was agreed to and the Co. will not get the three millions, it olaimed. The people of Pennsylvaina are becoming very proud of John Dalzell; he has brains and he see ma to be honest. Congress adjourned Wednesday noon. The last few hours were spent in hearing the reports of chairmen of the committees, and in the efforts of members to have the rule* suspended and private bills passed. As the hoar of noon approached Speaker Reed made his terewell speech, and ht> received a vote of thanks by a strict party vote. When the gavel foil and the House was declared adjourned sine die, the Re publican members sang "Marching Through Georgia," followed by the long metre doxology. The Senate adjourned quietly, Vio« President Morton made his farewell speech and declared the Senate adjourned. THE town of Defiance, O. has a strange affair on bands. The janitor and assistant janitor of the School-building accused Supcrtendant Butler of being too intimate with three of the lady teachers, and the testimony was so strong against him that be narrowly escaped violence. But a close investigation proved the falsity of the charges, and the indignant citizens warned the janitor to leave the town. lie did not do so, a mob visited bia house at night, and next morning his body was found on the railroad track, witn bia throat cut from ear to ear. trii)cuUi«ui«svi iuui«, auu tuaue nig teen hundred people bomolees. Two Hangings in Pennsylvania. Two men were hung in 'Western Penn sylvania, last Thursday. At Washington, Pa. West, the colored man who murdered the Crouch family last May made a terrible scene. He attempted suicide a short lime before the hour for execution arrived by opening a vein in his neck with a sharpened nail, and that being discovered and frustrated, he fought the Sheriffs party when they entered his cell, and had to be chloroformed, strapped to a plank and carried to the gallows. Then the rope broke. West fell to the ground and had to be carried up again. Alto gether it was one of the most horrible affairs that has ever happened in this state. At Ebensburg.Pa. Harry Marsh, a young English miner, who killed his sweetheart. Clara Jones, last July, was hanged. lie slept soundly the night before, ate his last meal with a relish, and appeared willing to die. His neck was broken by the fall. Hi* crime was a remarkable one. He was en gaged to be married to the young woman, and spent the evening before the murder in her company at the home of her sister.near G&lliUin, Cambria county, and arranged to go with her Sunday morning to the home of her mother, in a village a few miles distant. On the way, at a loneh spot, Marsh knocked the girl down and then cut her throat with a razor. H<* stood beside his victim until a man named John Xagle came along. Marsh calmly told Nagle what he had done and asked him to take him to a constable. At the trial it was shown that Marsh was jealous of the girl and had evidently premeditated the killing. Not a single extenuating circumstance was shown. He made no de fence, save an endeavor to prove that the crime was the result or a sudden quarrel, and was, therefore, not of the first grade. SIHCB noon of Wednesday John B. Robinson of Chester this state, has been both a state senator and Congressman; and Gov. Hill ol New York is both Governor and U. S. Senator. Clearfield. Mr. Perry Doughorty is very ill with the measles. Mrs. J as. Flick is confined to her bed with a severe attack of rehumatism. Messrs Geo. Morrow and Jas. Martin are nearly over the measles. Mrs. Thos. Morrow is quite sick with something which resembles the grip. Mr. Wm. Dougherty is still growing weaker, but it is hoped that with the open ing of the spring he may recover. Mr. All. Turner is quite a gool bit better this week. Mrs. Jacob Fennell Sr. was taken very sick on last Satnrdav morning just after her breakfast The friends were called in, and a dispatch seat for the doctor. It proved however to be nothing serious, and at this writing she is able to go about. The weTl oil the Daniel McMillin farm reached the sand last week and came in dry. It is reported that the company * ill drill another well before they abaauon the farm. Quite a number of our young iolks attend the Literary Society at Kattigan. On last Saturday night while Messrs Wm. and Hugh Burke were coming home from the Literary, their horse became un manageable and threw them oat. 'I |"\ v Cowcver were not hurt bat bad quite a long search for their horse, and the buggy was oadly damaged. There is a rumor abroad that the recently surveyed R. R. is to bo built at once. II the K.R. and oil both come, Fenelton will boom. Rev. McKoe is engaged in revival work at Craigsville. Messrs Samuel Milligan, John, and Thos Dipncr have been for some lime engaged is building a barn in W estmorcland Co They are expected home in the near luturc. Messrs. John and Wm. Sipc are busily engaged trapping. The Directors and Citizens of our twp, are very backward in visitiug the schools. They should visit the schools more fre quently than they do. The farmers of onr twp, did not make a very good showing at the Farmer's Insti tute, lately held at Renfrew. We are not aware of their being one delegate from Clearfield. A Birthday Party. Some time ago two or three near friends and well-wishers of John M.' Brown aud wife, of Clay Twp., took it in their heads to surprise them on John's birthday, and as John is quite a jolly, good-hearted fel low, great fun was anticipated if it could only be kept from his knowledge. After due consideration and the possibility of a rainy day, it was thought best to only in form their near relatives. But on the morning of Feb. 23, the sun shone bright and all nature seemed gay, as did the faces of those who might bo seen wending their way towards the handsome country residence of John M. aud his wile. John, like all good farmers, was out in the woods cutting timber, and his good wife was busy with her morning work, churning, when a crowd of twenty-tive burst in upon them, and, oh. the j dly meeting, the hand-shak ing, the greeting, was one never to be for gotten. John and Margaret were glad to see their friends come and made merry for them all. The friends continued to come until about seventy arrived, and then we began to think about dinner. Two large tables wore set in the dining-room and tilled with such stuff as delights the eye and much more the appetite. And as to the committee, the two gentlemen that arranged the tables did their duty nobly as did also the two that took charge of the heavy-ladened baskots. Those that were to take charge of the horses of tho invited guests were a little backward at lirst. but 1 think afterwards made up for lost time. As for the ladies they did their work splendidly, and everything went «n like the workings of a clock. When dinner was announced John was seated at one end of the tablo and bis wife nt the other end, aud the spaces at the sides were tilled with their brothers and sister - , who, 1 am sorry to say, were not all Lhere. Some were detained on anoouut of sickness anil bad roads, others bad trifling excuses, but everything went merry as the marriage bell. After dinner tho brothers and sisters of John and his wife presented each ol them with a handsome rocking chair; and many other presents both useful and orna mental were given by his nieces, the Misses Setloff, Ada, Lizzie, Etta, Mary anil Charles Brown, Mrs. J. E. Bortinas, Misses Maggie A. and Tillie C. Brown. John Rei hart, Amos Young and Jacob B. Hutch ison, and as John is amply able to supply nimsolf with everything to make home comfortable, this goes to show the love and esteem their lriends have for them. When this was done the young men enjoy ed ball playing and other sport, the older ones discussed the road law, the ladies took their general chat and the more pru dent returned home early, and some guests continued to eat (especially pickle) until we thought going home was an absolute necessity, and altogether it a day ol joy never to be forgotten, and hope it may come again. OSK WHO KNOWS. Mt. Chestnut Items. Daniel Double is erecting a house ou his lather's farm. B. F. Shannon has purchased some property at Callery where he intends to engage iu the store business. Isaiah Brown has sold the Shannon prop ertytoWin. McCaudless of Butler, who intends to move out in a few weeks. The Balpb, Dickenson aud Co's well on the Bell is farm is supposed to be as good as the rest of the wefts in the vicinity. Tho Telephone Co. will probably pur chase the Barnhart aud Shustrr wells next spring when they begin to set the poles for the line. The saw mill on the Craumcr larm will be in operation again as soon as the roads get better. Al. Y««uker intends to move into his new house on the Albert property in a short time. Chas. Balph the prominent and well known contractor of Pittsburgh, spent 1 ist Sabbath in town. HETRIG. THE revolutionary war in Chili contin ues. After one town was captured eighteen C.-J » • "O uou«uuuai6Ui> AUQi uOftUUCblUu Oi auUuvf . I town. 1 Harrisburg Notes. The Burdick Oil bill was permanently killed in the Senate Thursday by being refused a place in the calendar. The enemies of the Tax bill recommend ed by the ltevenne commission, and which makes corporate property taxable for local purposes, are try ing to kill it by proposing that the state gives four millions to the public schools, instead of two millions. The memUtrs from Allegheny are en deavoring to secure another Judge for that county, and allege that the legal business of the county is at present clogged, and present Judges over worked. On Tuesday several bills were introduc ed. and there was considerable talk as to what would bo done with the $1,000,000 to be received from the National Treasu rv: and a school book publisher testified before the book committee that they sold their books at from 16 to 20 per cent below their li.-t prices. Mr. Burdick made an effort to have his pipe line bill placed on the calendar of the House, last Monday night, but the motion was defeated by a vote of 97 to 84. Our members, Messrs Thompson and Williams spoke for and voted lor the motion. Farmers' Meeting at Renfrew. This gatheing of farmers and laborers was an index to the public puise to a lim ited extent. Farmers are not a class that protest so long as grievances can possibly be borne. They had their essays and talks oj ensilage, under draining, speed at the Fair v i economy on the farm; and amr. eil i.. •:i Ives for a couple of hours by good t„ "1 the pleasing perform ances of their o . . .ttlo ones in compet ing for a literary prize. We noticed that every countenance bore a more serious aspect, a more thoughtful, wistful and ue termmed cast than it did a few years ago. Wonder, surprise, suspicion, lear, love, doubt, anger and thoughts of the future lent to every countenance mora anxiety than I ever saw -efore. The farmers aud poor men of all classes feel that a great and unjust burden rests upon them aud they fear the combination is so strong that it cannot be remedied through the ballot box. The corrupting influence of capk nl and the fact that it now holds the fort,casts a shadow of despair on the facj of the hon est man. But the teeth that are hid by lips that can no longer smile r.t crime are set, aud the bea'ts that suffer beat iu unison, ana the cause ot humanity can and will rally l'or the final conflict when the comes. Miss Bulah Tiaiblin received the prize for recitation, with a fi-w dissenting voices in favor of her brother. This was a well earned prize, the contest v< as clo.-e aud the performances seldom it' ever excelled on any stage. The interest taken and amuse ment furnished far exceeded the anticipa tion of any one. As the rain increased the crowd increas ed. and the Opera House in the afternoon and evening was crowded. The tax ques licn appeared to be the natural centre of the five hnndred minds present. The unanimous opinion was that corpo rations should pay their equal share of local tax, r\ud if the people rule this will soon be onr law. The good . itizcu and the poor citizen look forward through the evolving human ity of this progressive government, to the day when there will be a little home free froui tuxatiou for every man; and the un earned millions that fortune.fate and crime have placed in the hands of the few, shall pay the buiuen of taxation in this coun try. All healthy, just and humane laws are opposed by capital; and that capital seeks to control legislation and the administra tion of justice, as well as the ballot box itself by n.any corrupt means: Ist. Direct bribery. 2d. Controlling the press. 3d. Controlling the pUlpit. 4th. Free passes to Legislators. f>th. Free passes to Judges of our Courts. 6th. Reduced fare to ministers. 7th., Whisky and beer. Sih. Promises of position and power. This is the belief of the people. SIMEON NIXON. Prospect Notches. t .Joseph White is sick with lung trouble, and James Caler is also sick with typhoid fever. Both are reported as improving slowly. Miss Xannie Staples, of Callery, wa- the guest of Mrs. Lepley last week. Tho play entitled, "The Commercial Drummer." given at the close of the term of the Academy, was very good, and was listened to by a large audience. The by-word aoout town now is •'shoo! chicky, shoo!" On whom is the greater joke—on the boys that lirst. fooled the old hen or on tho boj's tha ? got fooled out of the soup? The following are the Borough officers for the coming year: W. T. Bensbaw, burgess; W. R. Kiddle, T. H. Boehm, J. A. McGowan. John Weigle, and Abs. Shanor, council; J. C. Roxberry. const; J. A. McGowan, high eons'; John Albert, aud W. It. Riddle, overseers: of poor; J. David Albert, collector; J. H. Shaffer, Samuel Riddle, and W. R. Riddle, assessors; Eli Kineaid; T. U. Boehm, aud S. H. McLure, auditors: A. Bowers, L. M. Roth, X. S Grossman, 0. X. Stonghton, F. I'. Critch low.and C. M. Edmnndsi-a,school directors; T. J. Critehlow, judge of election; S. T. Graham and G. P. Weigle, inspectors. It is openly asserted that t be above are ail good men and will inak>i efficient officers. Profs. Magceaud Wilson were instructors at the institute, recently, held at Porters yille. A good, profitable time is reported. Frank Mann, Charley Kelly, and Frank IJeyl made a great scheme a few days since, but il didn't work. We won't tell on the boys, if you want the particulars, ask them. Furl Kennedy a sevo i year old boy recently broke ois arm above the elbow, by falling off the fence. Earl is a plucky little fellow and went on to school after the accident. Wo hope ho may soon be about again. Detmer Albert and family intend to move to Butler this spring. Sorry to see you cave, Det. Jamos Y. English aud Jacob Millison were at the G. A. R. Encampment lately held at Altoona. No doubt they hail a pleasant time. Jo C'OSITV. West Sunbury. The "Republican convention" held in the Academy ball on Friday eve, Feb l!". was a decided success and became quite exciting towards the latter part of th.- ses sion. The candidates for President were James G. Blaine, who was named by W E. Caldwell and seconded by Everet .sproul; John WauamakT named by N. W. Campbell, seconded by Frank Thomp son; Robert T. Lincoln, nominated by Laurel Christlev. seconded by Ross Por ter; Cbauncey M. l)epew nominated by Charles Timblin, seconded by Will Stew art. The characters of the men were ably disoussed and much honor was _ g'ven to our n<>b!<- statesmen. All who were pres ent seemed to be much pleased with tho convention and think that they are much better prepared to vote for the next presidential candidate. The students also learned how our conventions are conduct ed and all honor should be given to tnnui for taking such an active part iu the wel fare of r>ur nation. May they still contin ue in the great interest they have tako had that of a meat market which was a great convenience to tho people of the town at that day. H« acted as a Justice of the Peace for some years and tilled other plaoos of trust. Bis'family although larfte became scattered aud no child 11"his is now living ir. or about Butler. Doctor J. Cooper MeKee, surgeon iu the Uuiled State.- Army, is probably his only chiid living. Be visits Butler occasionally and was last here two or three summers ago. Some grandchildren of Mr. McKee however are still here, being tho children ol his daughter, the lain Mrs. Alexander Mc Bride. • KEARXS—STKIN—CARNAUAN SQUARE. Cro.-ing Jefferson St. and continuing on West sido of Main, is the square to which we ve the almvo name. The late Mr. Palton Reams owned the first lot, on cor ner of which is now tho large dry goods, carpet and lornislrng storeoi Bitter«t Ral ston. and on the remaining parts the line shoe store of Mr. B. C. Huselton and tho dr»g store of Mr. Joseph L, Waller. Tne lirst recollection we havo of this cnner is a tin shop being on it. kept by the lato William B. Leininon, fifty years ago at least. The late George G. Koessing fcTsq. shortly after coming here was in part of this at one time with his cabinet maker shop, which part was moved away ananil Mr. Button lCearns followed, keeping a store Uioro until ho sold to Hit ter KaUton, 1871. The CITIZEN was pub lished in the nppor story of this Kearns store bouse from IJHH t<> spring of 1872, the three last years of which time by the writ er of this, "when it was removed to its pres ent place of publication on Diamond. Where Mr. liusei ton's shoe store stands was a small frame in which Mr. Kearns, who was a taiior by trade, kept bis tailor »bnp U>r uiauy > oara aud uutil the samo v.»s o> L in to Mr. Uiwuitou, who elected the urivfc now there. v\ LU-U lue ilr. J. L. Wullw 4r»« btaud was uiso u lrauao in which we litmh the late Mr. George W. Croiier had his, paint shop at one time. On the middle lot ot this square now stands the tine dry goods store of Mr Lewis Stem Soli] and the re-idence of Mr. George lieiber, (blacksmith.) Former ly the late Samuel C Stewart. Esq. had his cabinet making shop there Two I merchants named Parker .1 Donelly. who ! came from Ind ana. Pa ■ had a store there j about 50 years ago. We believe Messrs I Parker «fc Donelly when they left here re turned to Indiana. Mr. Stein and Mr. I lieiber we believe bought this lot from the I estate of the lat* Hugh McKee. hut before ' that it was part of the estate of I the late William Kearus, father of Patton and the present Mr James Kearns. Sr. Gen, Reed had his saddlery shop there for a time after leaving the Scott lot. Mr. Stein came to Butler about 50 year; aco and was lirst in bu-in< ss w;th tho late Mr. Bernard Roessing. The remaining part of this square was. 50 ycar> ago, and more, the property of the late Robert Caruahau. Esq. and hence the name we have given it. Squire Carna han was a cabinet maker and carried on his shop here previous to becoming a Jus tice of the Peace. The present extensive tin and hardware store ot Messrs Biehl and the present grocery store of Mrs Koch «fc Sons, now occupy this lot. Mr. Henry Wagner became owner of the corner aud built the brick there, now the Koch store. The late Thomas Burton £ Sons we believe purchased it trom Mr. Wagner, and kept store there for a number of years. It is now the property ot Mr. Charles Duify who obtained it from the Messrs Burtons. The Biebl part came through Squire Caniahan either in his life time or through his es tate. Both the Biehl and the Koch stores are now among the largest and best in the town of their kind. MCIJEI DE-LAS K-Ut'l'FV SyI'AKK. Across Main street is the square to which we give the above name. That of Mcßride will no doubt be as new to most of our present citizens as some of the names we have given to other squares. But fifty years ago, and more, the late Col. Francis Meltride owned the-lot-where now stands the Lowry House, and the first persons we recollect of living on this corner were bim aud family. The house that then stood there was a rather large log frame, used as a hotel and one of the oldest hotel stands of the town. Col. Mcßride we believe kept hotel there, between 1830. and 1340, and probably after he was Sheriff of the county. The next persons wo recollect living there were Messrs Marquis and Kelker, who kept hotel there about I*4o. They came from about Harmony. The present Mrs. Edward Melloiv of Zelienople is a daughter of Mr Marquis. Two of the Kelker girls married two ol the late Pearce men west of town. Silas and John. Be tween 1840 aud 1850 Mr Benjamin Niblock kept that house for a time, and probabh some others before or after him. About 1840 it became the property of the late Mr Saniul M. Lane.aud9oon after the property of the late Mr. Martin Reiber, who bought it ol Mr. Lane and in turn sold it. about 1850 to our present Mr. 11. Julius Klingler The late Mr. Jacob Reiber kept hotel then duriug ownership bis brother Martin and when he left there went to and kept the late Bcalty limisnC and alter keeping it a time went to New Castle. He is deceased for some years. Mr. Iftingler removed the old frame and i:l, 18S0 erected there the present thrca gti1 brick oil the corner, being rbe in the town, t Wffiiglbe old*, Court House was being hunt. the Courts were held in the basement'in i h«» then Presbyterian Church, and" rooms lop the juries to meet iu or retire to. w up of their ver dicts were obtained iu the new Klingler hotel. We recollect, as the then District Attorney, of cliniWn* up the stairs with a Grand Jury to oncof the rooms on the third story of Mr. Klingler's new hotel, not then entirely finished. Away up there the Jury deliberated, with the late Hon. Samuel Marshall acting as its Foreman. Mr. K'ing ler kept there until he sold to Col. Lowry. about 1804. and Col Lowry was there until he sold to Mr. G. J. Cross, when it was kept by Cross and MeOmber until again pur chased by Col. Lowry and kept by him aud sou Mr. John F. Lowry until recently sold to present owners. Mr. Howard Campbell aud Mr. John D. Brown. It has been known as the "Lowry House" since Col. Lowry lirst went there and still retains his name. Last summer it was enlarged by him and wins aud n».w covers the whole of this lot on Main street. To the middle lot of this square we give the name of Lane, the late Mr. Samuel M. Lane being the first person we recollect of owning it. He erected the house there, now the property of Mr. B. K. Roessing, in front of w liich he lias recently built his saddlery shop. Mr. Lane livqd about 50 year > ngo, and sold the property to the late Mr. James Campbell, who lived there until he sold to Doctor Stephen Bredin, who lived thereuntil he removed to Frauk lin Pa. The late Doctor J. S. Lusk then lived there until his recent death. Mr. Roasting* present owner, now lives there. The Doctor J. C. Redick drug store occupies the remainder of this old middle lot. The building on it was erected by Doctoi R. L. MeCurdy when living here. It is now the property of Doctor Redick and in which he continues his fine drug store, being one of the principal drug stores of the town for many years. The remaining lot of this square will readily be recognized by the name of Duffy. It has the same name now it had more thau 50-years ago, beitig one of the few original tots of the town of which this can be said. >» hile i! did not receive its name from its present nwt>er. Mr. Charles Duffy, yet the large brick block standing upon its whole front is d..e to, bis enterprise. In 1854 fie build part of it and l'n 180S enlarg ed it to what it n«»w ! is. His large dry goods and general Jtort- occupy two parts of it. and the Urge clothing and gentle man's furnishing store of Mr. D. A. Heck the other pact. 3 Where thUdargo I'lildiug. now staud*. 50 years g'iow, one story frame, in which a tore tfas kept by the late John and Peter Duffy. As has been stated here tofore. thev ficst-built and kept a store on one of the "Dougitr'corniks'when they cane ti> the town. On leaving 'here-the}- went down !•> present Djiffy lot, building and kerping a -tore 'there for many years. Tii*v w>'to recognia«iA by ail their fellow cit zeu.- as honest men in bu»ine>s and fair men in alt th< wafts of life. There are few men in this life who entirely escape enemies or censure, but we do not recollect of ever hearing tba name of either Johu and Peter Duffy spoken of in any other thnn that of respect. Mr. Peter Duffy was the farther of present Charles. He died as lato as 1883, at the age of 65 years, and is remembered a- a good man. He was Prothonotary of the eountyfor a term of that office, appoint ed 1833, and was previously the postmaster hi re for a term -of that office. He held other offices and posts of trust, always tilling them with fidelity to duty. Hon. John Duffy, older brother of Peter and uncle to present Charles, was an Associate Judge of the County for ten years, appointed ia 184' J. We recollect "seeing him on the Bench with the late James Borard, the dther then Associate. Jndge iJuflV was appointed to fill the vacancy created .by the death of Judge John Barker, (farther ot tne late lieorge Parker of Parker Tp. this county, and of Fullerton Parker, of Parker's Landing. Xo man over questioned the fainress or honesty of Judge Dnffy whilt on the Bench, lie uied in 1804. at the age ofßo years. March 25, 18'Jl. J. H. N. Middlesex Items. Robert Anderson has remodeled the office at the Fnlton putnp station. W. J. Porter is going to move to Glen shaw. Charles Crooks has his uew house com pleted and is about ready to move into it. Robert Trimble, Esq. is going build a now baru this coming summer. Miss Eliza Haslett is the guest of Mrs. Lillie Gillespie. John Turner and Wm. Trimbl e were at tacked the other uight by a little cur dog, aud it made things lively for them for a while. Jo ui says hj never diaodd heel and toe polka better ia his life. Y KLOWHAMJIKR. What is Catarrh Catarrh la pone rally understood to mean Inflam mation of the mucous membrane of the head. It originates In a cold, or sucrcssiou of colds, com bined with impure blood. Flow from the nose, tickling iu the throat,offensive breath, pain over and between the eyes, ringing and bursting noise* la the ears, aro the more common symptoms. Catarrh is cured by Hood's SarsaparilU, which strikes directly at its cause by removing all im purities from tbe blood, building up tho diseased tissues and giving healthy tone to the whole system. >'• B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla fold hy all dnipr.-.sta. 01; «UforfS. Prepared only by C.I. uooy & CO., Apothecarios, Lowell, Mum. 100 Doses One Dollar •-« JlVBy ." > x - * ' ot-v-fv-v: A-..-, to oiamin* » k ._ I Ivui'ti) tnu .otrSMin rjrlmai * id* ,n cnlcago, will find It on 0"* 11 LORD &THOMAS. i DEATHS FORyCER—At her home in W ishington twp. March Ist, I*9l. Mrs. Forquer. wife of Wm. Forquer. Sr. and mother of Win. and Joseph Forquer, Esq'ra. of Butler. REDD—At his home in ltutbr. Sunday, March 1, I*9l, James Redd, aged about 50 rears. LOGAX—In Middlesex township, Feb. 18. I*9l, Mrs. Levi Logan, aged so years. HARVET At the Allegheny General Hospital. Feb. SI, '9l. Howard G. Har vey. of Donegal, aged 23 years. BUBECK—At Harmony Feb. 25. I*9l, infant child of John Bubeck. BOYER—On Monday, Feb. 23. I*9l, near Harmony. Pa., Agnes M., daughter of John and Sophia Boyer, aged 20 years. DAM BACH—On Tuesday. Feb. 24. I*9l. j Joseph Benjamin, son of Wilhelui Dam bach, aged 7 years, 10 months and 0 ; days. CHEESM.vN—At his home near Porters ville, Muddycreek twp. this county, Feb. 20. 1891, Mr. John Cheesman, in the "3d year of his age. Mr. Cheesman was one of the oldest and most intelligent citizens of our connty and regarded by all who knew him as a strict ly honest man man. He raised a large family, and two of his sons we believe are ministers of the gospel. He was an active man in all good works. His funeral was one of the largest ever known in that part of the connty. LOVE—At his home in Clinton twp. Fri day. Feb. 27, 1891, William Love, in his 88th year. He was born in German town, Pa., in 1803. and was brought to this county by his parents who settled on what is now the Har\ey farm in I*os, and has lived in that vicinity all his life. He was married to Mary, daughter of Robert Thompson, both now dee'd. and was the father of fourteen children, twelve of whom are yet liviue. Their names are Jas. H., of Butler. Newton and George, ot Pittsburg. Thompson, ot'Tarentum. liob't, of Gibsonia. Wm. and Samuel who live on the old homestead. Martha Loeseh, of Ford City. Xancy Peacock, of Allegheny city, Anna Thompson, of Kansas, ami Miss Elizabeth who is living near Butler. They were all at the funeral excepting Mrs. Thompson of Kansas. Besides these at the time of his death he had 09 grand-chil dren and 25 great grand children living. He was a remarkable man physically, and was active and hearty up until a lew weeks of his death. He was an honest, upright, temperate man and was highly respected by his neighbors. Edward W. Hays. Edward W. Hays, Esq. of Penn twp., Butler county, Pa , died on Friday, Feb. 27. 1891. The other eventful period, his birth, is not exactly known to the writer but it "must have been about 1802, and this would make him about eighty-eight—a good round age for this country. He was an American by birth, and truly American in manner, style and enterprise. In the prime of life he was engaged in the stage coach business from Pittsburg to Erie, and was a partner of Arthur McGill. McGill was once Sheriff of Butler county. He was a Democrat aud Hays was once a candidate on the Republican ticket, but his age was made an argument against him and he was unsuccessful. Mr. Hays lived on a farm in Penn twp. with his family, but was oftener in the ho tel business. He was always considered a good landlord. He kept in Butler. Pitts burr, Bakerstown and Talacava. He kept a licensed house for over twenty years and .et he never tasted whisky or beer. He was a strict tetotaller all his life, and while accommodating thousands with what was then the necessary he was never known to take a drink, and he used tobacco "in no form. His life was one of business, all business. It was his boast that he never was iu an opera house, a circus or a menagerie- Ho was, during his public life, a servant to his customers. He once kept a farmers' hotel in Allegheny City, he not only boarded the farmers but he had such a tact in business that he always helped them t<> sell their produce or stock without extra charges. There was a time when "Xud" Hays, as he was called, knew more men, and was known by more men than other man in Butler county. Every business man from Erie to Pittsburg was acquainted with Edward Havs. while his name was a household word in the greater portion of Western Pennsylvania. Before there were any railroads he would go to Washington on horseback and in stage coach to bid on the carrying of the maii from Pittsburg to Erie and other points. He was well known at headquar ters aud noted for his promptness anil re liability. His word was the word of honor, aud his word was law on all matters con cerning staging, which was the only -mode of travel iu those days. He was a man of very limited education, and ".is knowledge of figures was not suf fieient for the large business he transacted, llis long anil laborious siege in the stage business proved unsatisfactory to both him and his partner. His liberality and kiuduess to all left a balance on the wrong side of bis book, and the latter years of his life were spent on the farm which be occupied but did not own. He was twice married. By his first wife he had a argc aud well-to-do family, four sons and three or more daughters. Ky hi< last wife he had one daughter, the pride ol his old a«re. now the wife of Win. Kennedy, of Butler. Howard Hays for his temperance was rewarded with long life, his contempora.ies all died before him. When iie thought of Washington, all the contractors aud men he knew there and men that ruled in that day were dead. When he thought of the past, and his memory all alone glided by the old stand tin Pino Creek hill, then Tallycavey, Hak erstown. Glade Mills, Butler. Stone House, Krauklin, Erie, Ac., the old houses were torn down aud new mansions in their stead. And the landlords and all the neighbors were dead at every ten-mile station, as he called to see the folks. The sound of the locomotive whistle had taken the place of the stage driver's whip. And the young men he hired to sit on the boot and ply the silk have lived and died since that day. The old man felt lonely in the last days of his journey— the roads were neglected, the driver was sleepy, the horses were weary, the coach lagged, and at every cross-roads a shrill whistle of monopoly cried "Old man get off tho track." Tho last passenger bad left the coach, the sun was hid behind tho Western bills, the twilight was long, the road was lonely, nature was exhausted, but with nerves of steel and will of iron the old man late in the evening reached home and reclined his weary head on Nature's loving bosom to rest, to rest, to sleep, to sleep. THE French people must have their fun. The lite visit of the German Empress to their Capital worked thciu into a spasm aud they barked at her like a lot of dogs barking at a cat on a fence. At Barrisburg Wednesday it looked as though the Brook's law would be amended, and the school-book committee reported in favor of free school books to be furnished by the districts. Estate of Edward H. Graham, dee'd, LATE OK CON.NOQUEXESSIN'U TWP. Letters of administration on the estate of Edward 11. Graham, dee'd, late of Connoque oessing Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned,all persons know ing themselves indebted lo said estate will please ruake immediate pavmeut, and any navim; claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. R. H. GRAHAM. Adin'r, W. D. Brandon,, I Connoqueneßsiug Tp , att'v. 1 Butler County, Pa. Annual Meeting. The auuual meeting of the stockholders of the Citizen's Buildiug and Loan Associ ation will be held at the office of the Asso ciation, So., 113 East Cunningham St., on Tuesday evening, March 10th, at 7 o'clock, for the "purpose of hearing the report of the auditors, the election of a board of nine di rectors to servo during the ensuing year, aud the transaction of whatever other bus iness may come before the meeting. C. M. B KIKEMAS. G. WILSON MILLER, Sec'y. Pres. Auditor's Notice. In the Court of Common Pleas ot Uutler co. 51.'s I). No. 1. Dec. T . l»s». books, pane 183. In re. assignment of Jaine* English, Sr.. to W B. Dodds' for beneUt of creditors. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuant ■ of the appointment as auditor in above c.ise. I will attend to the duties of said appointment at my office in Butler on Monday, the lfith day of March. 1891. at 1 o'clock p. m.. where ell parties Interested In the distribution of said assigned estatt, may attend If they wish. J. C. VANOKKUN, Auditor. Feb. 23. IS9I. I'rlr r ■ m — V—™- mi POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength.— U. S. G<#ernmcnt Report, Aug. 17, 1888. INNOII niltlTl OF Butler County, For ilit year ISIMI, ending Jan.s, '9l. Lhj and AuMSßießt far ISM, Valuatl'n Co Tax 3t- Tax Adams I 382 970.$ 1 148 91 I 157 86 Allegheny 254240 7C2 72 43 «o Buffalo 370 842 111*52 73 56 Brady 2*3 675 «7t 0< 71 19 Butter 292 660 877 99 , 86 48 cranberry 33C te<9 1 ooe 107 si Clinton 351 861 1 065 38 61 S3 day 316 n; 948 44 7i 19 centre -59 901 779 70 51 84 Concord 293 7«l 878 10 17 93 Cnerry so 046 879 13 65 73 connotjueiiessinß i»4»; sao 84 96 si < leartteld 531 421 6M '27 83 04 I'oneifal 366 041 '» 12 343 02 Franklin 293 382 880 14 7» 4« Falrvlew 319 153 987 45 150 93 Jefferson 341703 1 034 10 217 78 Jackson 315 l«fi »46 41 136 31 Lancaster 'M 3eS 804 90 111 47 Middlesex 372 211 1 116 63 154 84 St udoy creek 31* 153 967 55 150 93 Marlon 259o col 5 166 s»j 1 317 94 Total amount collected 65 874 73|$1 700 92 Receipt* ot Batter Countj for the yaar 1890. Amount received on unseated land 11,977 15 Aiu'l ree'd on account of lMxmont and Warren Hospitals. 2,091 0( Kee'd from Co. Commissioners 1,309 62 license* 446 31 " jury lees ®7 00 " Unes.. 13100 Bal. In Treasur. 6th Jan,, 18U«i 19.796 16 Total amount ree'd by Co. Treasurer 70,4C2 ob ExiM-nditares of Batler Coaatj far the Itar Eadlnf Jan. 5, IS9I. For assessing 11,1*3 00 For Allegheny Workhouse 339 9* For boiler house account 782 62 COMMISSIONERS' ACCOUNT. A .1 Hutchison $ 792 00 B M Duncan 777 50 John Humphrey 934 50 Total *2,504 00 Commissioners'clerk • 780 00 Commouwealth costs account 1,857 92 Court House account 65# 94 County account 3.806 74 Court Crier's account 261 00 Constable's return account 708 62 County- Infective's account 444 99 County Auditor's account 411 24 Uixmont account I.™ District Attorney's account 95 00 Elections 2.787 04 Jury account 6,406 il Jury Commissioners'account • 299 98 Inquest account 325 79 Indexing account 253 75 industrial Reformatory School 208 68 J ait account 224 32 Jaultor's account «9< oo Lunacy account I*l 00 Lfvery and nil road account ®» 96 Mllitarv roll account 186 « Printing account I,**3 09 Postage and stationery account 962 59 l'enn a Keiorm School account 899 70 Registering account 32* 74 Refunding account »2t4 St Hoad viewers' account tj® Koad damages 375 00 Scalp account ISC 00 soldiers' burial aceount 133 oo Stenographer's account 1,398 83 State docketing account _. 25 87 Tlpstave account .". 674 00 i ravel lug account 21 99 Warren ilnspltal account 1.099 W Western Penitentiary account 1.102 58 Water account djjo oo Gas account ® Prothonotary's account 47 w i ountjr Institute 200 oo Interest on Co. Dondß and tax on same. 6->5 oo State Tax AKvJat. Paid State tax for 18*8 • W0 OB II A Ayres, Uesrfste.' 48 70 •' J W Brown, Pro'honotary 96 (XI •• State tax for 1889 900 00 .. •• •• 58 33 wo: 4.91290 (6,214 04 Bridge Account for 1890. NEW BKIDIiKS. Upper Bonny brook bridge 9 516 00 Filling the same 112 00 ISulronl bridge, stonework 4<6 00 Woodwork 99 Filllug 00 Erans City bridge, ironwork 1.200 00 Stonework. ••• 230 4. Brighton road bridge. Cranberry Twp.. 155 00 Bridge in Brady Twp., a: Hallston t» 00 BuftaloCreek bridge,ClearfieldTwp.... 26b « Milliard bridge, Washington Twp 88 06 Kobb brldg . Oakland Twp 83 10 liammel bridge. Penn Twp 135 oo I'ald on Anandale bridge 125 90 Amount paid on new bridges $3,722 03 Repairing bridges in county for 1890.... MM » For painting bridges 619 K Total amount expended on bridges. ..15.399 23 UecapltalmtlOß. AMOS SKATON, TRIAST'KKR OF BCTX.IK COL'NTV. DR. To Co. Tax ree'd for 1*59 and previous $11.9*4 59 lo state ree'd for lss-i and previous.... 706 14 TO CO. •• " 1890 26,485 18 To suite " " " 5 - 166 ** To am't ree'd on unseated land 2.972 15 To amount ree'd from Dlxmont and Warren Hospitals 2,091 07 To amount rec d from Co. Conim r5.... 1,300 oi To '• " licenses 445 31 To " " Jury fees 297 00 jo " " Ones 131 00 Bal. In Treasury January 6. 1890 19.796 18 Total amount received fiojat o» CR. Amount of warrants redeemed W2 J® *1 By Interest on County bonds. 580 00 By unseated land aceount '''9s IS By County I nstitute a» M Bv Stale tax account - G.-»® IH Bv Treasurer's commission on $43,949.17 "at 3 per cent 1.291 48 Bv Treasurer's Com. on S2UOO at 1 per cent 20 00 Jiy Bal. in Treasury Jan. 5. 1891 18.234 55 $70,402 09 FlnanrUl Statement. Amount due from Collectors $16,563 03 Amount due from Ulxuiont and Warren Hospitals JJS 'ff Bal. In Treasury Jan. 5, 1891 18.234 55 Ree'd from State Treasurer, state tax refunded January. 1891 2.0»; 96 $37,442 79 We. tlie undersigned. Commissioners of But ler county, do hereby certifv that the foregoing statement is a true exhibit of the receipt* and expendi.ures ot said county lor the year isoo. Witness our hands and seHU this ISth day of Kehruarj. 1"«91. JOHN HUMPHREY. [S«AI.]I .1. c. KISKAOIXIN. rsKAi.] J-comm rs. s. T. MARSHA 1.1.. MifTim Street Livery. W. G. BIEUL, Prop'r. One square west of Mtio St., oo M ffli" St All >r<'cd, pafe hi TB»-B; 11 w » hnd L-itidaos fi r m-ddiuua and fu' "-rals, Opeo uuy and nigbt. Telephone No. 24, LEGAL ADVERT ISBMBNTB Administrator* and Executor* of MUlw can M*cure their receipt book* at the CITI IU office. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order and decree of the Orphans' Court of Hatler Countv made under tbc last will of Michael Uamehon. Late of Cherry Twp., dee d, 1 will tell on the premises in Cherry Twp.. Butler Co., Pa., on Baturday, March 14th, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m , the following real estate, to-wit; One hundred acre* or purpart No. 1, bounded on the north by Slippervrock creek, on the east by land of John Black, on the south by the Richard Hamelton hundred acres, and on the weft by pmr part No. 2 of Hamelton land. Also purpart No. 2, containing one hun dred acres, bounded on the north by Slippeiyrock creek, on the east by purpart So. 1 of Hamelton land, on the sooth by the Kichard Hamelton hundred acres, and on the west by purpart No. 3 of Hamelton land. Also purpart So. 3, containing one hun dred and thirty-five acres and one half, bounded on the north by Slipperyreck creek, on the east by purpart No. 2 of Hamelton land, on south by the Kichard Hamelton hundred acres, and on the west by Tract No. 26. These lots will be sold separate or all together as may be deemed beet. TEKMS OP SALE.—One-third of the purchase money on confirmation of sale when deed will be delivered and the residue in two equal annual payment thereafter with interest on such payments trom date ot sale secured by bond with power ot at torney to enter judgmont with 5 per cent for collection if made by execution. THOMAS F. CHBISTLKT, Adm'r D. B. N. of M. Hamelton, dee'd. Orphans' Court Sato. By virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court of Butler county, the undersigned will offer for sale on the premises on the 9th DAT or MARCH, next, at 1 o'clock p. m., a tract ol land in Counoquenessing twp., Butler county, bounded north by Leonard Wick, east by W. W. Graham's heirs, south by Geo H. Graham and west by Samuel Steen, con taining 31 acres, more or le*a. Being part of the Norman Graham tract. THUS:—One-third in hand, one-third in one year and one-third in two years with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. K. H. GRAHAM, Adm'r ot estate of Ed. H. Graham, dee'd. W. D. BRAXDOX, Att'y. Notice. This is to entity that I. Mrs. N. C. Owe, of Butler. Pa., am going to apply to the Secretary of the Interior for a warrant for forty acres of land, more or lees, situated In Forward Twp., Butler Co.. Pa., bounded and deecrtbed as fol lows: ». weakueHaes In males or femaiea. As a Be stnratlie Toalf an d a nio*S PsriSer It has no equal, creating a liesltny appeute aud pure blood. PRICE SO CENTS. If your druggist hss not got It, ask him to get It tor you. Take no o'ber. MsCe only by The Haentza Medical Co. PHILA Dg I, I'LIIA. PA gwscod lor S page hook, tree to all. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. RAR punr K. R. HABXBT at 6:06 A.M. transfer* passenger* at J a action to Apollo Accom. which arrives m Allegheny at 8:40, also connects for Blairs villa, arriving there at &30 and with trains •wt and wast on main line. Exmns at 8:35, connects at Junction with Day Express, arriving at Allegheny at 10:33 A. M. ACCOMODAT'.n at 11:20, arriving at Alle gheny at 1:35, and oonoects at Junction with Apollo Accom. going east. ACCOMODATE at 2:36 P.M. runs throurh to Allegheny and arrives there at 4:40 P. M. connects with Express east arriving at Blairs ville at 6P. M, and with trains east »nd west on main line. ExpßMats:oo p. m., arriving at Alle fheny at 6:45 p. m. No ktops between arentnm and Allegheny. Trnine leave Allegheny for Butler «t 6:JO 6:55, 8:30 and 11 ;00 A:M, and at 2:25, 3:15, and 6:45 P.M. Trains arrive at Bntler st 8:35 and 10:40 A.M.,and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 P.M. No Bnndny trains in Branch. p. * w. R. K. Corrected to fast time —One hour faster than schedule time. Trains for Allegheny leave Butler at 6:20, 8:36 and 10:20 a. m. and 2:40, 3:35 and 6:30 p.m. The 8:25 a.m. and 3:35 p. m. train* connect at Gallery with trains going \Ve*t. Trains going north leave Butler at 10:05 a. m. aad 6:05 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from Allegheny aad the West at 9:35, 10:10 and 11:55 a. m. i 4:45 aad 8:30 p. m.. and irom tbe north at 9:37 a. m. aad 2:53 p. m. The 8:35 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. trains going south ran on Sunday; also the train that laavee Allegheny at 8:30 a. m. and arrives hare at 10:10, and the 10:20 a. m. and 4:45 trains ran daily between Butler and Alle gheay. The 11:56. 8:30 and 3:35 trains run daily betwesa Bntler and Callery. PITTBBCRU, BHBNAXGO A LAKK ERIK R. R Corrected to fast time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 6:45 aad 10:30 a. m. aad 4:55 p. m, Trains leaving the P. AW. depot in Al lsgbesy at 7:50 and 830 a. m. and 2:40 and 3:15 p. m. and the West Penn depot at 6:55 a. as. aad 3:15 p. m. connect at Butler with trains North on this road. Trains arrive at Butler irom Greenville at 10:06 a.m. and 2:26 and 6:25 p.m.; all of which connect with the P. A W. to A lleghe ny and the 2:35 with the West Penn. Traina leave Hilliards at 7:25 a.m 12:15 p. m.; arrive at 10:35 a. m. and 6:45 p. m. No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick sts will be carried on the local freight that leave* the P. AW. Juno, at 1:15 p. m. but not ou the ether freight trains. The 8:45 a. m. train from Butler connects at Osgood with trains on the L. 8. A M. S., arriving at Cleveland 10:40 a. m., Chicago 9:10 p. m., Erie 11:38 a. in., Buffalo 2:35 p. m., aad at Mercer with W. N. Y, A P., arriving at New Castle at 9:05 a. m . The 10:20 a. as. train from Butler connects at Mercer with trains on the W. N, Y. A P.. arriving at Franklin at 2:00 p. m. and Oil City at at 2:10 p. m., and at Shenango with theN. Y. P. A O. for Meadville, Jame-town, Baffialo, Olean and New York; also at Osgood for Oil City. The 4i56 p. m. train connects st Mercer for New Castle, and at Shenango for Meadville aad Sharon. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer "of Stair Halls, Balusters and Newel~posts. ■All kinds of wood-turning done to order, also Decanted and Carved wood-work, such as Casing. Corner blocks, Panels and all kluds of aaey wood-work for inside decoration of CALL AND SEE SAMPLES, ■southing new And attractive. Also FURNITURE MtowMtoaak prices, Store at No. to, N. Main street. Factory at Mo. M, N, Washington street •OTI.BR PKNKA CLEARANCE SALE OF Robes and Blankets AT Fr. KEMPER'S, P124 N. Main St., Butler, Pa The largest and most complete line of* robes, blankets, harness, whips, trunks, and valises, and at lowest prices in Butler, is al ways be found at KEMPER'S. UU SHI! IIIIMS. ERIE, PA. All (took guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IN BUTLER: J. F. Lowry, W. T. Mechling, Jatne Shanor, Jr., J. E. Forsythe, Geo. Shaffner 6. Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, Esq. and D L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. EtTMMILLH HonSB, BUTLER. PA. From millions of customers, during the past years, comes the verdict that VICE'S SEEDS never disappoint. Wby waste time, money and patience on others, when yon can bny the BUST at same pricef Make no mistake this year; send cents for Vick's Floral Quid*, deduct the 10 oonts from first order, and it costs nothing. It is better than ever; 100 large pages, colored plates, grand novelties worthy of cultivation. Cash prises SI,OOO and S2OO. JAMES VICK, Seedsman, Rochester, X. T. Keep at it Some advertisers are too timid. They spend a few dollars and icait to tee biff returns be/ore spending any more. Trade w as nercr built up in that tray. It w the house that KEEPS AT IT all the time that attracts the purchaser*. "Oh, yes, that's a mighty good scheme for the ncicspaj>ers.'" says the nonprogressive merchant. So it is, of course, for they get paid for giring the merchant pub licity, and the more publicity tlicy give him the more they should be paid. But as good a scheme ax it is for ths newspapers, it is a better one for the merchant. If any one doubts it, let him make a list of the most success ful business men in Butler, and then examine the papers to sec if they are not the most liberal ad x+r titers.