WHEN IN NEED: OF CALL ON henry biehl 122 north;main STREET, ETJTX I~FIR - PEJN UST'A "Where you can haye your choice out of the largest assortment of cooking and beating otoTea in Buller county; abo deal Pa , RINGS, | Vitimnnrlu J ear-rings, XJlcllllUllUh < SCARF TINS, '•STUDS, GENTS GOLD, J LADIKS G0Ll) - VV aiClieb -j GIiNTS SILVER I LADIES CHATLAIN, f Gold Pins, Bar-rings, t? VV t/11 | Rings, Chains, Bracelets. Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes ftllw»T*W«irP 1 and everything that can be Oil VWW dl t? ( found in a first class store, mm ims. mo issajr* S| E.. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St., BUTLEB, PA., Building a Home I'laus of city and country real 'tß'A <'encen, cottages, /"l J. « < REjCK BEL »no will contract for aavcrtijittg ui lowc.it tJim. j I « MMtl '* 1 / tn * .J • * FTt l!n« of «rr>rk. hiUHL : - . ludiltk fX'fV'biiiir Wen r.-* 1 «.u • »»« • *•«»»• *-iirapNr-iu ►. *:| < r . 10 »»•• «« rk. Il.i- «- an ' .. . m »rfctr. j. i | | A ' wor^ . 7 Y • "• ».ic m»o.y for wo«k -- * rt ; fruilur* unknown among ib>-iu. I__ m _ TT - M-W a<>'l wnn4«rftil. Particulars fr«*. i ll. ilullett A Co., 11 ox BOOl»urHand,Maixio Nothing Oil Earth Will |4 AK^ HENS, LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It I* abw>!ntely pen*. lUffhly concentrated- In quantity it costs U-?w than a tenth of & cent a day. Strnn v a medicine Prevents und cam* all diseaat-a G<>od for yoonjr chick*. Worth more than gold when hens "One larjre <*«n Raved m" *4O. prrvd six for to prevent roup." savs a custonier. If yoa can't iret it wnd w Sfl ct-nta for two packs; five fL A 2 1-4 ponnd can $1.9 poet-nanl« cans $-\ MP pa id. ~IHE BEST POCITIW PAPER. Mro . 1* copy Poultry K*i?ins; Guide free tl fcnlera or more. 1. S. JOHSSOS A Co., Burton. Muc 7 fsmVIN CURE*j« The 3lost Hacrrnxful Ecmriy ever d!soo» cred, as It U certain in !u effects anJ doea not blister. Read proof below: BUOOCLTS, Cona, Slay 5. "901 £>! T. B. J. KEXBIIX. CO.: Slrs:—Last Summer I eti r<»d a Cnrb npon my nor*© with > our celebrated Kendall s Spavin euro and It was tin? I#»*t Job 1 ever saw done. I have n dozen empty bottles, havln«u<*ed It with perf<*rt success, curing every tfciusr I tried It on. My neighbor had a horse with a verjliai Spavin tfcat made nlrn lAme. He aiked me b>w to cure It. I recommended Kendall's Spavin Cure, lie cured the Spavin In just three week*. Yours respectfully, Woloott Wrrrc*. Columbus, Ohio, April 4, *9O. Dft. B. J. R*vi>ATA Co.: Dear Sirs I have been selllns? mom of Kendall's Spavin Cure and Flint's Condition Powders than ever before. Oi.e man said to me, it was the beat Powder 1 ever kept and the beat be ever used. Respectfully, OTTO L. HOFFMAIL CrmrciAJioo, N. Y., May 19, *9O. DR. B. J. Kem>AlJ. CO.. D<*ar Sirs I have used several bottles of your Kendall 'a Spavin Cure with perfect success, on a valuable and blooded mare that was quite lame with a Bone Spavin. The mare is now entirely free from lameness and shows no bunch nn th* Joint. Respectfully, V. H. HUTCHUM. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. MoraoE, La., Hay 3, *9O. DR. B. J. Kotdall Co., Gents l think it my duty to render too my thanks for your far funaed Kendall's Spavin Cure. I had a four year old fllly which I prised very falchl r. She had a very severe swollen le*:. I tried about eight different kinds of medicines which did no good. I purchased a bottle of your Kendall's Spavin Cure which cured her In four days. 1 remain yours. MARIOS DOWDZN. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for All drug gists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any addres? on receipt of price by the propria tors. DR. H. J. KENDALL CO., Enosbarifh Falls* Vermont mere this j- Rubber Shoes tmlrxs worn uncomfortaoly tight, generally slip off the feet. TIIE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all their shors with Inside of heel lined with rubber. This clings to tlio sboe end prevents the rubber from flipping off. Call for tho M Colchester" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." H. Chi Ids & Co., Wholesal. Agents,s Pittsburg, PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. ILIXDSO3IH, LVDESTRUCTIBLE. Cheaper than Wood. The above cut shows Ptrket Frofe with fstr. n his it sot S Betting,) c*n L'« U«*«i on Iron or Wood P.MIU. When urltlu* for Crle«s give Quantity, Number of Uste«. Double ai. l BlogW> ranted. We alao Mnnuf«.nare Heavy Iron Cre<«t:rii Stable Flttinx*. Fire hbotters and FIKE EMCAPfS, Ce.lar Doorg, and Raiiinsi. Rraae and Iron ®rtll«. WIKK POOR J.SD WINDOW SCREENS, and all kinds or WIRE VuKk. TAVI.OH Ac DEAN, 201, 303 Si XO& .Market St., Pittßbur B h. Fa. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Ou the fcDialw face, Has and bo by the Electric jS'cedle Operation ri mVi h« ,' a 1 jj 1 c k*l heads, l.iy«r Spots Av and ali di«r;i-. h and blemishes of the skin, complexion, hair and Mcaip snccessfully treati d by I)r. Van l»yck. The Doctor ha«* 1 had .'0 yearn' experien< <- in the practice of , Lis specialty, and numbers amoug his pa tients <»ur most prominent families. If yon . •• bl—lsass, avoid patent mediciu-s and consult I>r. Van Dyck at once, special t<>rms to all who make I menu ran be made by mall. Call on or address l»r J. Van Dyek, 40 N. 11th Phlladel i phia, or AOJ IVnn aveune, Pittsharich, Pa. j Hours '• to l and 21<» 7; Bundays ( 10 to .*>. '> 1 jQ (k ft z - K-m /•'■ft Vr % a /f -A WELL! 773LL1 WELL! Did vou ever ? N . ( P vcr did use anything quite so nice for the f.ttc uftcr (having as GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE, and my wife :• it i. tlie finest preparation for chapfx;d hands or >. y i of the &kin. Sold by dniKgi&ts. ct .. a bottle. Manufactured by J. J. COSSIff, Emlenton, Pa. A pamphlet - Information an .I'.- S& s: r»'-t of the lawe.fiUuwinff llovr luflV gfflS ot»t«in i'Htenia, Caveat a, M at;, CopyrlßhU, tent NIUNN * CO <|M niir»CO » IU C: "" I'Hilu.irlM.t® : !S Ki4t Cn*> lUe A.lv.r t— I r" xi? tiHlnn A«.-... y of MtBHtH. «J. V" AVER A SON, our aothurlMd atctnU. BARTER'S CURE Sfck FTeadacheand relieve all the troubles inc! Sent to a bill.hi* state of the system, such as Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Pain in the Side. Ac. While their most reuiarkteblc success lias been shown in curing SICK Heartache yet Carter's Littlk Livir Piua are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and prevent in;? this annoying complaint, while they also corn-**? all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver axul regulate the bowel*. • Even If they only curod HEAD \clie thry would be almost priceless to those ;ho suffer from this distressing complaint: /ut fortunately their goodiieas does »ot end aere and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that hey will nc* be willing to do witaout them, rfut after all sick head ACHE is tbe bane of so many lives that hen* is where w>* mike our great boast. Our pills cure it while other* do not. Cartkr's Lrm.C Lrvxß Piijjs are very small and very easy to take. One *>r two Dills make # a d« »se. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1 Sold everywhere, or sent by maiL CASTES KiriCXSX CO., He* Tsrk. UPi Saul M Price, i stop tliat | CHRONIC COUGH NOW:; » j < For If you do not It may become con- j | Sumptlve. F<*r Cr»i*untptioti, Srroful*>*• <*?/ ,/y- , j, Arw ÜbcVJog. uA \ v ! i.i Mi M«k< % vttk // >i» Ml Vl M": T E .''ill ' ■ H CSfVsi-.HT- t. 1 I j•. I \ J ~f' t ""'n W L. V jAs j "Ovm Til ffobor,».> ! try iliifl *vd ?r+ ill can't mako tb»t Tii'»ue? udl M Atl: for Pik-lUin, vhich WILL Stain Old a mw Fumhu« i'mnlsh will Stain Glass «nd Chinawamc 4i f the will Stain Tinw*« e> me will Stain voun Old Bakkctt. lime* 'BTK-'OON # tv >T-. WOLFF RANDOLPH, Pta»c: olttUß. I GIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver Com plaint. Sick Headache, Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of that most wonderful medicine, Floraplt-xlon, which is the only ab solute and permanent cure for the above named diseases. I can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will t* so well satisfied with the results they will take pleasure in spiking about its marvelous curative virtues to all their friends and acquaintances. The value of this sort of advertising to rae is worth many times thecost of the medicine given away, so I am well compensated forthe seeming large expense. I have over 7<>,000 letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to-day stating your disease and reccr e a free 1 Kittle by return mail, or ask your druggurt for it and get well. Address, PROF. HART. 83 WARREN STREET. NEW YORK. 8 DOCTORS LAKE I'IUVATE DISPENSARY. Cor. Penn Ave. ano fourth St.. PITTSBURGH, PA. All formsof Delicato and Com plicated Diseased requirInnCoN FIHKSTIAL andSCIINTIFIC Med ication are treated at this I>is .pv with a piir.cesa rarely attained. Dr. S. Lake is a member of the Itoyal College of Phy •na and Surgeons, and 1B the oldest and most v|~-nenred Specialist in the city. Special at ntioo to Nervous Debility from excessive .on'al e\ertion.indiscretion of yotit h,etc.,cans- ibvsical and mental decay,lack of energy, • j.i.iidi-ncy, etc.; ulso Cancers, Old Sores F"«. ili--, rheumatism, and all diseases of the Skin, inutl. l.unics, C'rinarv Organs,etc. Consultation . -e and strictly confidential. Olßce hours, 9to <1 I to U v. M.; Sundays, » to 4 p. M. only, i I at oflico or ad. 1 less DRS. LAKE, CO ft. I: S N AV E. AN D ITII ST.. fITTB Uf ItOII, I'A. I ..i.i.. <.■* ■■ . p -Tmanei.tiy cured hy SiSBaiISnSEJMHI »*!! 11. \ I »!• t.l* Hi A. I*A. Ka>r at one*, no operation ue from bu mm . < MMMtmonticcd In nr.. it*. ».»y otUer« tva:ii ;• .i, r y |. Jt y : np charge*on l>OK when JH r *ivr '. -i, I imri'-v i'. o anJ ti;mt »«Mreu nl SB ■:t '• I I- KLlNli.ytt Arc h St.PhiUi!rlpM*.F». zr . rt v / typlMl TA TING FRA UDS. ICURE FITS! Wh»m I raj CffM I do not mean mertly to Stop them fur a time, aad then have them r«< torn again. I mix A RADICAJU CliBS. I have made the diaeaae of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llfe-loßjr study. I warhast my remedy to Cttee the worst cases. Because others hare failed is no reason for not now receiving a euro. Send at once for a treatise and m Fass BOTTLB Of my INFALLIBLE itKMKDT. Give Express and Post Office. It costa yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure yon. Address H.0.R00T.M.C.. IMPiaii.St.. NtwTew FOR MEN ONLY? pflmJTtl I' I Weakness of Body aad Kiad,Tfsst* Ma:Hil'llllof Error sor Exoessu is Old or Toonx, .'•but, Ji«i'il*>4HMooD ftellj ItwUril Hew t« nlwn m t VDIftU)rKI>OW«iAS«ArAIT»OF MOT. ->•« uafalilflg HOIK TKKiTlKHT—Beaefllt Is m 4af. t* ttlly from 60 (Mates aad Ferslfa CovatHea. Wrlta tks*. Mrok. eiplaaaUaa aa« praofs aelled (saaM) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. TO WEAK WEN Buffering from the effect* of youthful error*, •wljf decay, wraknrs*. lo*t manhood, eto., I wlu ■end a vaiu»bio treatise Uealod) containing fall particulaia £««r home ourc, FREE O ' charge. A splendid medical work ; should oe read by every fnm.n yrho la neTTou* and debilitated. Addrete,! Prof. Fa c. FOWUEM. Mood**, com^ THE CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS Marks of a Good Hen. A good ben xhould have a small head, bright eyes, tapering neck, full breast, straight back, full, ovoidal-shaped body, medium length of gray colored legs, broad rump and red comb. Color of feathers is of but little matter, but yellow-legged fowls are said to have coarser flesh, though yellow legs and skin look richer and sell better than clay colored. A lat hen has plump breast and rump, and fat under the wings.— Ex. —"Oh, there's no danger." say most persons suferiug from catarrh. But we say there is, great danger, ami unless one uses Old Saul's Catarrh Cure in time, the dis ease may become chronic. "Baby is king" all the world over. As its rule should be. as quite as possible, fail not to provide it with Dr. Bull's Baby ijyrup for all the ailments incident to its condition. It is a sate remedy. A Problem in Potato Culture. Xoteg from the Rural Xetc Yorker's ex periment grounds give the results of the third season's expeiiment t > solve tl o prob lem whether the fertilizer should be placed under or over the seed pieces of potatoes, a problem that, it would seem, might well be woikcd upon" by the stations. Thus fur the question is not satisfactorily answered. The average in favor of placing the fertilizer over the seed as will be seen, is about ten bushels to the acre. The experiment will be continued. —Chronic catun-h quickly develops into consumption, llood's Sarsaparill cures catarrh. —St. Louis has a girl whose feet are IS inches long. Chicago will have to look to its laurels. —Dr. fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. —A woman will give up anything for love except the man she loves. Look here, Friend, Are You Sick? iio you M-fllio > i - gestion, Sour Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, Lost Appetite, BUliousuess, Exhaustion or Tired Feeling, Fains in Chest or Lungs, Dry Cough, Nightsweats, Nervous Debility or any torm ot Consump tion! It so, send to Prol'. Hart, 88 Warren St., New York, who will send yod free, by mad, a bottle of mediciue which is a &ure cure. Send to-day. —You can make a martyr of the meanest man on earth by kiiliug him. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"ilysti-- enre" tor rheumatism und neuralgia, radio tally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ouce the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first Uose greatly benefits. <5 cts. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. —The best friend a man has is the friend who makes him the least trouble.. Special Announcement. AVohave mudc arrangements with I)r. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," which will ei'ttbie all our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by •sending tlieir address (enclosing a two-cent stamp l'or mailing same) to Dr. B. J. Ken dall Co., Enosburgn Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, us its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same period of time. We teol confident that our patrons will appre ciate the work, and be glad to avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessar}' that you mention this paper in sending lor the "Treatise." This oiler will remain open for only a short time. —Deal iu flattery if you would learn how few people are not subject to vanity. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions L)r. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —After a man bus met bis disappoint, ment he is very apt to confound wit with sarcasm. English Spaviu Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save soo by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Kedick, druggist, Butler. FITS.—AII flts stopped tree by Dr. Kllbe's Ureal >rrte liestorer. No tils alter first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and tK.uu trial bottle tree to Kit cases. Mend to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St.. Ptilt'a. l'a. —Give a man that which he particularly longs for, and in five minutes he longs for something else. Dr. Fenner's Cough Iloney will relieve any cough iu one hour. Equally good for horses. (Jives energy and strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given Consumption Surely Cured. To TB» EDITOR:— PI sue Inform your reader* th»t I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By Its timely use thousands of hopelusa case* hare been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottlea of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me thetr fjpress and P. O. address, llespert fally, T. A. BLOCI7M, M. C., 181 Pearl St. N. T. —The smaller the town you live in,' the more, people there are interested when you get your hair cut.J To Consumptives. The undersigned liavirg beeu reetoml to heal'h bv simj le niesns, after suffering for Heverai yeai- with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxiou* lo make known to his fellow suffer er* the mentis of cure. To those who desire it, htf will cheertnlly stud (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and iung Maladies, lie hope* all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will coat them nothing, and may prove a bless- NIL?, will please address REV. KDWAID A. W ILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New | York. JfItMSMIB By Using Allen B. Wrisley's GOOD CHEER SIMP Latest and Best Invention—Little or Ho RUBBING OF CLOTHES Required-Ask your Grocer for It FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CLOSE*-* iSjACsmeii W nnted WANTKb— Aaems to solicit orders for ou choice sndliari'y Nursery Stock. Steady Work tor Energetic Temperate Men. Salary and expenses or commission If prefer ed. Write at once. Slate Aife, Address. R. G. Chase & Co."';.sßft'T" ~AT J. FRANK At CO. PKAI.KK* IK DKUGS, MEDICINEH, ANTT CHEMICALS FANCY A-si. TOII.KT A RTICES, SPONGER, IHtill better at low prices and only one straight price to each and every customer has given entire satisfaction. With these facts before us our efiorts tins year will lie centered entirely to serve our customers still bet ter, besides to make lots of new customers by show ing you the daintiest styles in footwear your eyes ever beheld and at extremely low prices. Since taking account of stock we find broken lots of goods all through our stock which will ba closed out at cost,they are embraced in all our lines in cheap as well as fine goods. Shoes that sold at $- now $1,50. shoes that sold at $8.70 now !£>•>, Ladies' shoes lormer price $1 now 7oe, and so on all through in men's, boys', youths' itnd childrens. We don't do any loud advertising; don t advertise anything we can't or won't do; we pay strict atten tion to fitting all customers; It) have shoes comforta ble and neat fitting. It will be to jour interest to see what we are doing before yeu buy. IS. o. HUSELTON. 102 N. Main Street —> A VALUABLE AND DOUBLY USEFUL LITTLE INSTRUMENT TOB LADIEJ. j "DUPLEX" ELECTRO- MAGNETIC CURLEK AND CRIMPER.! Tiii« in th« m- rtrfcct. ronr' ' u'cful nn-1 fffirtirf lit t!M < J r*rtirlf rver Invnnh*!. I" <•' *« bidet rof superior finish with uo Tone i'r:» p r. uml l»»tli p ««t- i tro ftiitfu"!it <|iiick!)r produce y • 1 ~ 11 '• 1 '- '• • '' l ' 1 !•«» hxrd in any deftrati luUtf- r, ttii'l la not even eiccteU by tiie 4at»|> atr- (H>e4 trad, alicayt u*sd. PRICE, Itdeasaotbrsakoffornitn tholi •; ; .• ■.•..•anntiwri t<> sive •»ti»f»ctiou. H«>: ,:v tt»:i » »5 *«I AN lIfcPHMfcJTWB. 1 1 i- for »al« \iy th« dm r, dry ami .un y g 1 tr. , ■ Jlv ..til If i«. 11 It • h \ r \j ir • i? v we «i.l mail it to any id t. • r- >*t . •»»•!. a.b-.ivry. on n . ift «•. •> »« . r •• - f..r Knmit by diuft. rxprcr■•. >-r y i>> -t • • r, ■>r « •!t - tn ■ ■ i ,yn'» fn The A. Krld*»».au T'r. a-. \ » • it • ■< . r. A fit-- * " j » Bfj PITTSBURGH NURSERIES, i tE*tabllahed 1810 > OUK ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED CAT ALOGUE for 1M1«» will lio mailed cm »|i|i!i cation. Every Farmer, Gardener, Amateur or owner of a lot should bavo one. Onh-rH for flowers and floral emblcin have immediato attention. Tc-lcjihone John R. A. Murdcch, 508 Smithfirhl St., I'fTTSUI'IW 11. I'.l- j iurau mimics.! ERIE, HA. All stuck guaranteed t<> '>e in good con dition when delivered. We replace nil tree» tlint i'uil to grow. REFERENCES IN HUTLKR: .J. F. Lowry, TV. T. Meeliling. .inmo Hhanor, Jr., J. E. Korxythe, Geo. Shaffner 6. Walker, Km)., Ferd Reilier, Ewj. and 1> I>. Clceland. G. F. KING, AGT. ICITKJCMILLHR lIIH'SK, ftCTLKR, Px. «* , .■ : - ~,t 1 • •i| . it.KCW ~„i MOI.II>. i r:.»'r. I k.. I. V 1.C.1 Itox * ;<■ Ufc.ltlu, MuiuC. j FAMOUS Reduction Sale D. X. P A P E S Leading* Millinery House. < J Alt surplus stock rednced. No fall or winter goods to bo car ried over. Splendid Bargains in hosiery, gloves, mittens, undei — wear and fancy goods of all kinds. Come and see them at No. 122. S. Main {St., 33UTJL,ER, i*A.. Mourning Goods a Specialty. Unquestioned Bargains IN Boots, Shoes, Slippers and Rubber Goods AT GRIEB & VOGELEY'S, The largest production of boots and shoes in the town, which must be sold at reduced prices. We want your trade, Quality the Best, Prices the Lowest. Give ns a trial. We shall offer bargains so extraordinary, so startling h at no one can resist. TIIE CASII SHOE STORE Will save you money. Boots and Shoes at for the next 30 days. Ab solute sacrifice Bale. An unusual opportunity. OUII SHOE SPECIALTIES in ladies and gents possess three dis tinct points of excellence: They are the most Durable, the most Complete and the most Stylish shoes in the town for the money. Adapted for all classes of trade. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! no© We have on hand that must be sold witbiu the next 30 days -500 pair mens' kip boots. 300 pair boy's kip boots. 200 pair child's and youth's boots. That will be sold to some one for less than cost. Embrace the opportunity and come and st-o for yourself Yours Respectfully, Grieb &Vogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLEK, FA. Opposite Willarcl House. GREAT REDUCTION AT J. R. GRIEB'B, No. 10 South. Main St., - Butler* 3r*a. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. J. R. GRIEB. * PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. ISO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST.. BUTLEK, PA. Sole Agents f< t Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties lor Jiehr Bros. & Cos Magnificent Pianos, Shotting?!*, and Newby & Evans Fianos, Pacnard, Crown, Carpenter and New England Organs. Dealers in Violins, Strings. Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds <>i Musical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY- Fianos and Organs sold on ii atallnit nts. Otd Instruments taken in exchange. I °*.ne and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all finds ol Musical Instruments Promptly Attended to. * HAY- FEYER COLD-HEAD ■ Kit/"* Cream Halm w tuit a liquid, muff or p»trdrr. Applied into the His quirkh/ absorbed. It rtean*e» the head, allay* iiijUimmation, heal* _ Cftrt r »