WHEN N NEED OF - M ' - c zs? - :.- ,^"" , K _. „,». .>• ; ■ 1 * ; " -" r- .-• •*"_' •■" • -rj J- " CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NCPTII MUN '' : 1 f "- T > *► • ,7-, .. •>■ ott ' t" :..fg-.-t t iriDient 'f cook.re sw jfvl,.X .. i' :', I ".* ,'" • : II idv•«•<•. 1.-Ui-it a WnK" :s - Wbwle •,' , V M -. : • lIS aitd 6ub4 Lamp*. Wi»o«fcc*nrer j, L >. Ac CHEAP Afc A MAN RINGS, 1 ' i-AI -KINGS. JLH cU ilOilU: 'j CPA UF PINS. <■ STUDS, , * KN IS GOLD, T - 1 f« AT)IKS GOLD, V ! . hiCi'lo:' -) a :? * n Knive-. Forks, Spoons — I ' I L*i iple Plate. E. GRIEB, fHE JEWELER Np r f ' i , PA, liifyo i oi< Bought Your Cioak or Wrap fo? tli« wilier yet. II you haven't don't put ii off ten i Let! thine - will ue picked cut. It is a Fact That we havo aev own a nice a line of Dry Goods and Cnipt t; -is' • o ' t'iowiug in. oar new room. Vv . rrn r "\t f n li 0 (.; .1. iti iV JN m Lead nig l)i . ood: and Carpet House. J IT:nri :S, - - - PA. 1 I ] Jt, - . ~ Afj6. 1. ii i' -€? ■: ,K. :l L. i i !;V . J } L ... 8i! T XGLES, LATHj y- ■ •:.> 1JO]? | Tin rirrj.- , Butfer, I'a. i \ Of fyaaJ.» .. . - .M.tii if-"urer j if" Sbi: ~ IUJ W 4 --i • j ' , . > c t J t i ?. ; >±\ V r ... , I Si. 4j V, f r J ■<• T M ,- ,„ t . « J BelaJT»Wt muls -.r-l e<:. • R. ( C • A - • " "'T' [■ b ' - i"- ' 0 ■ , " ■ -i 1 . .' .; .... ri:'3im. Willard Hotel ■.W.!i. KEIHING. Prop'r ,11 LKH, - PA. oTAr.LJN«; IN COSSECriOS. for COHMKUCIitI. TBAVKMCKS i :v :y mm HOTEL, ft . • "id 90, S. Main S'., ' ;■ i.h lin - - PA, (»urt formerly Donaldson • . . 4 co.iunudaUuiut lor trav-iei*. j Ou- >KI ••(»««• . • : •»> I I.- ;t & I El HOLD. I rop'rs |si ■ : cm. mvkuy nscosnrnrnoN Hotel Vogeley {fitrictly I'irst Clan.) JIEN RV i-. BKCK. Paoi-'R. I j .1. !!. FaC2£t, AJtwafter. Hutler, Pa. " KOMf, .•UKF.W.-T., HI.TI.Ett, PA. '• o; uJaM ii fhl. 'T.unf-r a 'rents. s "ri""r a r, nt?. Ixijlll.' .f> CCi. . s - PKOKH. ; mi O'BRIEN rk.iiiary Plumbers A.j Gat Fitters. DKALK*>I!f Scvor Pipe, I'ixtaf .f, # (jloi'er and (i.:a i.ppl' , J«- . iioarr.,l pp. Lov ry House | BITLEH. PA ! •.ißp;?.,; • .. r > " I | . mmm I ... ,• . «..l;) if J.'l >. - **.£ nauuJ Nothing On Earth Will NIENS I' II #•% w L!"' E Sheridan's Condition Fcvider! »&*? M a r:;—i.'-tr I 1 W •• . , j O-vl for ct ,*• wben Kna -M >ur:. --Me larye - -el » • i ! -. . - * -* : r - • • If »" •' - • - ' ' %r> ' X 'ii'S. -N Cx u. ±.Ja J •v. - / W K£HDAU:S •'. [SPAViN CUREfT m • Ft /»f * Tbo Md#: Sflcccn Xal Remedy c rc: 007 cred, as It is ceruilii la Irs «ff-' t« &L.. COS b'.Lster. Bead pre of below: Bkooclts* Ya7 .03. B. /. ScnuLL C •.: s>:w:-La>tS«i r 1 TTC : xr.; v/'th «- I !*••:■ .i a v - " was ti. • *-t i . - . I - -a lowa ••: . •-• p«r|IBC%MBMMh cnrli e*<*ry ti.- rl iri• --1 ir oa. Mv n»- -ijt>/rhawi.a La iii; ivic : u.taa• a lame. F»* r- tu ; - I r -'l- *i i.'.er l. a b, . .Care. lie corrxi i . t»yovinia j"-•' liiTC6 Wt< I'" • Vaura re»poctfal!.T, \ ;._LCCTT TTirr-3. COIXXT-J, O'ji", A!. 0 . R .T. Ke-.MT.T. Co.: Dear Kini>— F r : f yl!u» *> -• il T' ' 1 Oner tn MSd to »n». It was tu i be> 5 1 jwCcr i ctc; Itep; u:''t -ul.y, _ t/TTO L. C. I 7105. CTtTTTESASOO, K. T.. Kajr 1-, 'i l . E B. J. Kett 'it. fa. Dri.r S -*--r "i irp 1 scroril »X)'.li '«of your P'-ndaH's CM . Ith j i-rf-. l suof- -• »D a vatanble aa.l Worxloil Tvnr« th it nnti ' lima v ... r;.*u : . i- T . mar.* "I'.v. »- * r.-U Tn-o £• a Zauir:..-■ ftn ' 'rvrt nobun' h tr\ tkeje nt. j; - r. E- iiui—i»i BHILISWR OIL 3C051-*jE, La., Hay S, *9O. KEii xLL Co„ { G--.it® :—X li m/ dn yto rri ?er 70a my J tfca; ** r yo"~ far tomed 'ii.l'urf; iti Cur-. I ha'l a four r car oM wbtca I urUed rery hlgblv. Sii had a very severe Bwoilea J I tric*.l i a ' f.. •h .. '.!rh 01 t i no jEs. Price $! per LottUj, or ?I* bottler for < All ffcfa j... : • ,;ia get : for yoa. or it will be &at to rjij c. ; rice byt propria tors. DR. B. J* K2SPAL; 0., Er.o*»bn-L'h 1 Vermont \: 'y M:s,^w4 \Vv <■#: / f \ ■ ■ • %\C Is 1 , . - ' ' gciLa tXj >■£ THE "CCLCHESTEU w BUEBUE CO. i. ; r 1 ' - ' J." • H. Child# Co , \\ : -• :il - Apei.ts, Pitts')-. . I PATENT STEEL PICKET FE: CE. B/iSD3O3iK, ixD:: -rro. CXEJLU. _ I Cheaper t o-.-d. ' |tt»- L i'. ' ■'i 's J '-'- •' I Ii V .ca.V,r- in. »i m»t P' i'e »!'li g»: (" li!smt ; r.-'- .)• •.•',! nOIW to ! it 1 » j jj;k« glv# Qm . •j t btte.tM «f . *• m 4 it.a. ' wanted. VetlKiksitirieturTßtinr 'roa F < I Ffttfrjrt, M.- -Kb at- aid * (j*'* f> : • I , uaAti .i i'ntt ud inn Cr'lti. W t. »• 'uS Ji -> ' . WINDOW 2SCi.KLi* ; { • .♦. h;t ji, u 'I-'- ■' v* - -I • •*' '' i. . » I I *hr«lc» above tLe \-^- tmar i ku-i U - •-r \ %■' Wp ;! j b» II . -«tt .3 > , 'Tj • lij. t. .a y \ . ;r. \.i Dyck, W-—» \ r ' _...ui'> J) ! l -a, ir, i. Vl yf ' | S i mar:. .. :«• . El.••••.(» "'I. -fli. . -e, VZ,£-_> I . tiiaek' /< V < : i ! , hi*«r ."•;iii]»4«xloa, h«.r arid ncalp »ucce»»f'illr I ,- i:«»roßD«u«iit fanuill'v. If*, oa ;• atLicte l wub any of IheahofebiemUhna, j ) »yo j nMfrinea auJ ccnualt Van j l»yt ■r l • . •' .. ! : rmnt .ail ui <»u.aiio I er? ..t >moui !>o£kfr#«;. Lj..ag<- I «»•••'. I . Call on on i J | J Zrr ' V; ■ :j X. Hth i»tr —I. I'btted'-I- I l p' • , :!>- e ' lei ('«:! y Wool. \* . ?«!;•• •• o w:* towTfcti i o'soijfiw m*H - ! 11 turn * ir-. to «••..'• i• on ; p- ■ in ' man. Su' 8,-iibt; f ,r iho Clil/.r«. "—I " r'■ '' ■+ 5 • . jhv! v a v Ju fnv.. iL v I ~ tUPESS _ Cv StE •actc lTrr.(! v.* a'lf ■•:- WT' to 1J .: ». t 'h rirziP'" . Na - I •' s?r» a?*" r rating, iia tj •• Vw .... !V:r:nosl rauafkhbie *•.:«•< „ . • -. : : L ia curiu.; ,> *r <4 ST' ' '■=»fs •> Sr: HEETUCHJ, YTT '• '■- I.! :LI rn PIT I : tne eqnaif? »n. ' , ■' and prrv»n! r.:'. taint I arv nii-o i -rri -r ? tiv- >* i Fttaautatt tii-' . r ialo : ■ -d ' u t-" ' Even if C. y oat? i '' : ~ 4 r ~\ shit- o BE-- v ti liu r" -r .. -1 i &■ '•■ f.r ' ■ jit r - • • ' , tmre. r.r-1 •• -.- try th-m will J ■joe. ' manyw»y»« ! ■ her <* : au. to do witnout t: ilai after a:! «Ut L a-. Is thehanf if «« ~ . B" ■tl ' ken- .= * '» cr r." .: < -ur jr.' " i C4L Our j.Bls cu.T- !t w!i i' t'l "•* Jo ! t ATjrfi - r • t r IBS rir.r- ar-' vt r7> aa! r-.-i.-v-. <-r- ->rt- <■• «Hb ? : . • - • • • K«torsT T 'W v - ; ' ■' : ■ ■wn 8 fl fl fl « !U «H 1«»5 ft-4 ta 6i«i.i k~- -ti ei* -■" j Ft i--k _ *m\dr u *us a-** « j , —r: i i I t.. y \ i i I *e My P-est, ! > AVII lA' V: IOCS KNOT ft T- MY iilj ! ■ : . i . a■: t > -i ■ 1 ' • •' | :i t.-JT".? '••■•: • .. -. LuS ( j I»AiI.V. '■'> ; | SSE MY Sj£ r Srtif!S£? v m w VJ C'.PF'S V \ / , ACME \ I ' BLACKING \ I DID dscfjw; ..*!\ Ctii-:- -"-/ c « "iem \ \ clcn~' '• J- . .. v . 81*0'VAT5R. \ *- • EVERY HOI;- ID t : 1 hY Coun "i Rooni EVERY C •; O" 'i-r EVERY Thr'f' i chTnic EVtftY Be- 'o to ho'-j a brush " L 13CLD USI ..-•I * O j ■■ - • Maws zm\\ rum'. WIU. ST*!» OTR> '.CIH FUNNITUSC T *iuaT«mo-..- «M»CHIJHWMS '!Y VdU. 6T*ll« TII « „ xiu iij. 3US B*»Ki.T» WILL STAIN 0«' iCMCH £t,;ie * v;ouf ii PhU»do:»b'.a. ■; J . , : r I :. , ) **"• r - •• ■ -t--.k Ir.r •, I .■■:. 11-.ft -n --.v;k j: . Mtrvus Debility or Con ' ... .: t.l that lu'-.-.t WCI criui , 1 \ . 11, - <>■■; a!> ti,a J- . cute U the above n.oned ... • ~ J , . ; .J to t'.o t is bee I fcv.w v .>t i :c ' ;t • Y ten pe' tswho • rr.it wm U- si i. Us It tiic tvt thisyvM.l t.-.ja plei'Kirc in »;• , t-.' •atiU n rv«! '.atat-ve virtues to ail Lliwir ; *; . aiwi Rt ;u: i i-e *al ic of ti.:-. sort < f aavcrtuiutf to n-.s to worth toanrtiacstlwcoct f t!icmei!icir,e(.-ivrnaway,sol am wellcun-.jK H irtbc sertr. ;nf{ Ui«e expense. It.. o. Zi ' Urs oil tiic .-.'j have K- n t trt-i ; • -c.rtn re'of the cont-.-b-i.ts ; to day st;iv-y< ir -ur «Ji ut rit i • :n: t. Pi.Or. i J, £ . EK STREET, KEW YOSX. t no r \ " f? 'a : mlUivb i.rv.ii ( - XT. DM'K? -A C A ". ' )F its 1.T.. PITT- . . A. aijPKgX /'.fonasof Duii■-:>i ; 'i < • ' i I»: .•■'••• >» • " i-'V i .viAr.mr It< i'• ni U i.- J are trct.i • t thi- ■ th : - l.- ' "I. J 1 - ."■• . : IU- I'- ■ '•■ ' '"f ' - ■i . ... M.i! .'•■ i ■ .■ ■ 't i- tin:' I' ' 11' 1 1.-" • ti 1.1- i-'-i u».- i) ■! ..:*v fr i. --on ..: v , ■;i a.- I t ii'. ■! ■ vy-' of • .-i •I—i •. -. ■ - • > Crtnc'- x. ''! ' ■■■ . . 1. ; . ! ♦. ■ . ,I- . v - 1 ■.< ■'- !'-i: .if • £ . ~i m. tly :.i. < t -.. i'i . < I > ir.'Uj , W' r • : V. ' tu •■■■"'» <- • i.>"■ COi:. i., - AU'-.Ai .nt,x..j*irr-in 'nt.ii,i-.i. 'i :J 7i -• ■ ■ t.i : V "*;i - • • s»- UIL AIM fiti i>< '- I'•. ' - - -ii i u • •. ■ .. cur;£ UUAF • \D. . . ■•-\:;he£ -ft . • . :• .. ; . GKSAT • • ■ - •" Wl.; -.SI O-'.'Lf? . R > ;»' •'*. . :i . <• -• cs; ■■ • a .!-■ •» oi St," , r: aIwL mumsszL e mi/ " r '-'-k KL-, : " I f v- ■ ' 1 P i S. bi rt v.l'>£J Vari t - T * : ('. ?'rt9 stop 1 'turn a,rr. r .* " » A i LL.- x » I iiavv. c ol PS2?3 F r • GATXT "Q SICKXFESSF ' A ] ?•»-?' . *•- XR." • : - ' ' CCHB tlic • • 0.-.' - ■ •. c <.:'.. tI. '*3 f«.uedJfl;'TL - -it.tn -'.v rf;- te. I f-mimtr" '-a-,-r.fta*' ret'.- - t3 I oi rrGt.-o ti' . ■ ■ - j . . - ■ v..) H. ■ < L. . " I Ff ' .0. ■ ': J -i.-' ■■ . - < i .. . ui . CX.'J i-iit*.£-cj.r.Cl' . :irr. It ■ * . .. ;we«t* In 6 «»«7* j r a» - . 'r. ««■'. . » .If'* -i-e CUM»ALO, ri. TO t: M ill Btiiuriii-rfroi - ■ t- . *1 .irrr.»rs,«»r l y fi< f panlmilare for • .-• c .f«, FRFS chtrg*. A in! .1 C... :—u V rk; Bhoiilj I rcadbycrcry yf> ..ri wto i 4 ii •• - » Utd dcbiHiatwd. Addrtsa, Fivf* *• C. l v Coun# Tl IE CITTZKX. \ IsTTT AM-Ol - A.Te-l of C; a;-.y Snrnlay- . teac r—And v.be- '!.« j wicVed < Bf .<1 UH.Lj : Ui*| E"od ' i* • o .uie «>•-' i the n.-. at * •; •»'<* a r . *. r j 't l - j vricked chih'ilfn. " KV l:U -r—!• j. . - a «•«» j n ay S » •-« • • r ' ■ . W*bir*fid MNM --honl-r tX**r* n - j mouibcr •- i ip--lit.t neßt t-evor &;t. : ' ' Ba; •• r.aov Sj-r.ip. Price | 0 iy 23 cit f. a.. :;<• • >:y * r ■ ailment, OKI i Catarh tTr '- Dealer will ere 1-ag '- ri iaku ir (fci vki-ijc r >:a «•-' -pri.l2 n-k. Sarp»|>aril ,ti - p.-. uliar medicine. S«.U j ..a - - t ! 1 ~,k "1 1 ?■: ia ti.- lifiiit oJ an j aujtii jtht-v were t-L sen to j-n-a.- ( Look trt. • ' "C. Are You Sick? Do you s-.fc-r froi: Dyspep«a, icui {■» r-tii r. Sen; S- inae-i, Liver Oodiplamt, \ , , - - 1} i \• i» te, -• I J S.rvoa*lMifyer =ny fi.rm of Cow n>.v? } care. Sen". . t^y. » . •" , , 11 ' —lt is the : *» i' pro.-; erity who t« ,:bh h l.t't.' ier>,ty brm K mg cut ear good poh ;-. | ,-un " f-r r;-eu!.<*ti--ni t: tl neafs'.gia. r* .: caJlv rurM in iTo o c»y<. It* action 1 ;. j It remove- t •Aeu th« t:au»* and the cast imii.i- "cL' _ T .- ; : : '• d«w prc ativ j«> cts. >.»au . • * •vci . -.: -1. ■ ' • —Th- axibi ntttrn .. out the mi... c.- | j i .. :< v.. lij. . 1 **:il v u.. . u;i o\ c-i the Jaaf. £ ■ X . We : iv«. :..uie wi.it if. i!. J. Ki c 4 Co., i»utji.-i.e.s 01 "A Tie-ii! ;.-e .. ii.-- Uor. at- hi 1>t.«... - I - aici. v-..i « Vie ... V ui i.uu .i '■ •: ti -.t viuu.. '• ■ - f - ■ ; . L-Qdiiij: 1!.* r ttdsiA « ( vi.t.» H iMo-^tiii it.;- to a..jr -.1 at-} tn lij. i>. J. Kei. *ti*ii C l '., i 1 t't-'. 1 t. 1.:.' - is uow j< . j sianuitrd auiifi.ty . ail u. . ■. - of tie Lor.-C, . - IU ■ -u> -.iti -'.s, over ioiu- . ni'' • vopii's tit-Virj; t ; - - • I'-'- -- ' r - t cur-, a .. -f v • " r a- , . ■ ■ ..ay puWieat:..., ... - , .-vi l ; iv. e ieei coiiti'ict U :.t -i - - wl '. "i'i' - i-idtc the woi-f, i.tid hi )■ -itl to avail tacio selve < 11 . ; o ; j.ortuuiti of o'otaiui . r a valualiie IHK,& ~ , .« y • . .nt j" (ii I.Uifi- : t!'i'J "i . .ti.xJ. i - '•- r V ill ei:. t . <; eu 01 \\ a . rt 1 time. —Evrv '4"aer thinks that tl;c:.-'s i;<> iiby like i.-> uolty. and ail the other fati <. are (rla-J of it —F< r' ■ «!■ >■ ' : 1! >!,t coa 't'- 1 tioa, i.iii.iaet.--, aicvj-;... the blays, trolniii, the Llootl and ml Rl.iu ernptiona Ur. i t inc-i'.< Liirtn. and liver liemedy and .sen 1* Tonic aaver l»i>. Warranted to . a: - .1 or money refur.- ■ —"*, Vit ... .-ill t iiy decollete animal:, exclaimed i. .» Buudington, ai she looked , at tl.- gli lie. ; I: :*I -.'- •■; . lit r. :. r, 1 ail . ifii, w;or .!lo ed lun p and Weni shen irtmi hor . blood .cur.;.--, ,- t n:iA . gwevuey, ri. '5 bo36| f*j.rdlii«ui owolen ti.■ >. -. ecJgti., etf. 5 a.x- 4'.; Iby . by J C S«L i, 'imp?: t, i otler. idUatl , , < u 1 cUruilv ii , . S- h of March. Y it.-, -J: i. ■ ~ : NT- - y »•'. (iauit Strif lit- ttm: ' 'I ...It-; n-- Ot.. ?i...J a. —A ran. ti at att< rJa Strictly to hi. p*a b -a. ii - » 1 ■ ■ otat ■a, aa .01 aii he can manage. l;r. i\ - .infth 110 toy v.-iH|t litiw aiij a .. uoi-- . L<|tiully t" —A arc- <.f the rccout .1..-. ti thf rrvpEUc law. on a .d nit'-;- Jant-aty -co aic v ' ice .. 1 "... • of 2 Cfiits on ti I «. o 1-a *1 : li they ! .>e paid the .-xbtieg rata of tax. A propor iit • ;. ■-{ ]■• •• •' »■ ■tll'lV. . Con»omp''oti C.:;'o!y Jure I. To TKB xJ»t* ■ ■. -li-t-,--. V.j H t;i-:r.!y u-ic 1 's y. . ii tlajy • .. r Hit; til' -r I ■ ij, T. A. isj.tjv.Cil. ii. C., 1-Jl X'cirl. v. y. —(l'vrii >r Be :ver Ii . - i i ; - i• -' ! i\« ii.-r leat Iv/ irr n' Win. V. t-.t. \V inpton county, Thnriwlay. I ■ 1 y- '• Harry i'a.iah, liim Ua. <.'ain r.a 1 un ty, Wedue ,!t-y, March V.'m. f-Mna ey. Carbon c 'iity. —Dr. I'enne.'i Kidnoy and Bat! ache 1 "lire 1 ,vi.r -a! I to f»ive •■!.• a .. every ca.-e or aiotiey r -tunieiL —lt i- rehi!• 1 1 it a Mer- or (,'t.naty la in hi's mi'V -il 1 often lately tl-at -w! ' e !ft,e' I■' Ii ■ ho; .! ! • :.u f.t. i intolini', .-nil Hie i'-fia t-r< ' ca* legs to he ii' >l. To Consumptives. 1 > in' i..-fi I -*t . r ,by •••! 1 j. .• - -" u Xl'" ' - 1. 1 i 1," 1 . t-t ■■' ; -• ! ill .1 • rft. -. •: : 1 i It.. .■ Mil} i'iih. H' ho|a . M-:i. ti - - Ini ■■■■■. ng vl'jl"■ ' ! .- ■ ttcv.' l iiUA tr. v. e. ii-mok, '■ i.ui/, K> ' a , Ivi Y -a. —A ,'aj ■ !•.. r «..i.i-ii ... t •f- iuf iag bm 1 a-: A nan (Bnddhtst) at Si»- ■ui,; v. .. : ; • •. .• ■- *.-i -e u. i'ct her to 1 r.j -. . , . rac' - er* t-i ei'-:«r iv t • nio •! - 0! tho saafah.h . •JT > :*■' 1-V.il/ 1 ** 'JBr \ . ... :. V. (•Aln jc*wr;'' l ' , i-w Tm>± r ' ' ■ '"• 1 V'• * '• h " f T W ... H.XlullcU«fe Co.,Uux bb«>Tortlautl, 11 aloo 1-5 to-iii i v.. 3 tig#. I , y.t2* i(J U& - a* W%reß -f supgestiye ap / ■"* in-arancp JCt Iwinp carefully flowed :•t L. - .ay pine •» v. here tbey v, : i>-. L i fri'i pryiDp «yes. A -S* v P; y C 'moE i. aa old.vld theme, yet w i'.w. There a gener ati< r c ; tl t ' » ' r * f ae >v 1 listen at some 1. t - it - ' ps CI us and other Christmas a. ' ' A .a ii 's lamp will be -i. . ? • • i - . ?day that the • n a roan I have t mid dig are President .hed atten r ; t a coming v ...-.- .r: f; .a-.-.tal problem and get au idea of the diliicii'.ta * <)t apecie resamptlott by attempting the im possible feat of shakie : tbat b." _»bt Mir copper out of hia toy bank, etc. Ti u-ri fiom the-exchange ofgif:-- among tie youth, tl it d tbe old; how it etieigllwee iL* ;! • r! . I a *.- I ' 4 of dear ones to receive a pr '"* i i>r ! r 1 ad a. • a, regard. Now we do not wi - : • s ... tor we w ibid just say, What i w Year l>e sure and see our .id < r relatives Mind you, • •'.tracio: - before you buy, . . il.a cti . a.ti We hope - ... ill i . i ur place during the I next two weeks, I a order to accommodate r many friends throughout •h, i. ' l ' i on D-s. 18th, and j continue until aft«r the L..;idays. Cou. -y and bring your friends ; and e' at-.n d : . .... r . ir . 5' ■ t .at year I wi?h von one and all a merry Chi ':. - 2 happr and prosperous New Yesr.' D. A.. I I E C Iv, | Cham-pion Cloxliicr, Hatter and. Furnistier. 121 :-'c•- • t -• - Butler, Pa. Unquestioned Bargains in Boots, Shoes, Slippers and iiubbei boods A" GkiKL OGELEY'S, Tlie ]• v■■ '. 1; : duclion of boots and shoes C. ! 1 in tbe town, whicli must be sold at redi ced },rices. We want your trade, Quality tho Best, I ; V 5 the Lowest. " b r liuary, so startling I : hs• iut ct ■■ e-a re ' nx - r. - n' c: T C • / 5 j? j 1 { -J, \ ! "a. . J 0.1 UitTj ! Will rave you irccey. Boats and Shoe* at c»-t for the next 30 days. AIH "L 1 * O • d IDIVC ll iß* : They n-'i io t Durable, the most Com) -leir 4 t iiie iuosfc Stylish shoes iii the lov'n for the money. \ apt-.'d for all clan:. s of trade. Bargains!. Bargain- ! Bargains!! We brtvo on Iv-i t'-.at must be gjld witbin ibe next 30 days: -(, » o : 300 pair-boy'e kip boots. That Will be sold to BO® e for iese •- i>ao c-a Embrace the opportunity and c aic und S*< : 15 Ap-j f] j M y 1 (.'tit Is. L. L. clli \ , Gricb & Yogclcy, 24 7 s. AIN ET, - ' - - BUTLEK, PA Opposite Wi". I a vtl House. ■*z £&>&xsn far ' : A\vS)POWDER • t. :--;i ' 'r.ct' *0 i 11 mteed. EACH CAN OF THE HA:: !NQ FOV/DER IS GUARANTEED - a. . AKO 13 SOLO ON ITS i*TS Al CLE PRICE CONSISTENT Q A.. 11 / • COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT IOCTS. T2OCTO. Sold nd Can. . ... ; ~u\vgs || the|pDH BgSfflSh V; , . *' . - - Whft Ortam Pa'mU \r{".'o t'.e v/ntriU it i* ! " 5-' ; - ■ ■•«• ' , <■' . : ; '.4. ! AtEliTo T.fesiLii', I.iy« CWK A* uj t -•• *• ilotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a iine ! earri; i 8 between the hotels ui:d > ,i ot the town. :-r re 'iiinble. Telepbon# IT, or leave orders .it Hotel I Vogdey. I.ivcry •in Connection . , or. o ..I tbc CITIZBM. MILLINERY! Now ready and showing* the most com * o ! plete line of trimnied and nntrinimed J autumn Millinery. Hats,bonnets, toques, birds, ribbons, featliers, etc. We are the recognized leaders of Millinery in Butler, and liaye many imitators, but 110 equals, D. T, PAP E, ISTo- 18. S. Main St., BUTLEB,PA. The Keynote of On'' Success: WE UNDERBUY WE UNDERSELL. Solid yalues backed by merit will always win, and the masses will Hock to where they «vt the best yalue for their money. . o ,/ HESITATE NOT BUT GO TO Bickel's Grand Clearance Shoe Sale. SOME OF J IIS OFFERINGS. 128 pa'r of children's grain ami calf shoes, tipped, at 70-: to sl. 200 pair of mioses' spring heel shoes, Dongola or i'ebblo Goat, at 85c zo $1.25. 500 pair of ladies', Pebble Goat or Dougola, tboes at 85c to $1.50, 150 pair of ladies fine Pongola nhoes, plain tip or with patent leather tip, all sizes andjall widths at SI.OO, $2, $2.25, and $2.50. 300 pair of gentV shoes, Lace or Congress, plain toe or tip on toe, at $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. Thousands of pairs for a thousand different purpnnes, in a thousand different styles and shapes—fine, medium and heavy grades—for city aud out of town people. 1 have alt>o 29 cases mens' kip boots at cost. 15 cases boy's heavy kip boots, sizes 1-5, at $1 to $1.50. 2 cases (00 pairs each) woman's everytluy laced shoes at 75c. The balance of our Holiday Slippers at COST. .A. Large Stock of Rubber Groods. . Leather and Findings. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly dene either in leather or rubber goods " IVhen in need of anything in my line give me a call." * Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, l>Tew Number) 330 S. Main Street. BUTLER, - , - - -- PENN'A AT J. U. GEIEB'S, ISTo. 1G South Main St. s - !Butlei> J?a. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC IiFLL. J. R.GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. ;GUIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO- 16 SOUTH MAJN I T.. J UTJ EI , PA. Sole Au'enl ■ 1< i Sutler, Mercer and Clar ion counties ii>r J eln i run iV ( t>V Magnificent Pianos, Shoiiingcr, and New by & Evans Pianos, Pacxard, Crown, Carpenter and New England Organs. Dealers in Violins, Strings, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs hold on ii bailments. Old instruments take nin exchange. Come and see us, as we can save >'«>u money. Tuning and Repairing of all Kinds of Musical Instrument!' Promptly Attended to.