EOLIDAT SLIPPERS! When you are looking'around and wondering what to buy for Christmas why not buy something useful such as a fine pair of slippers. We show an exceedingly fine line in ,reat variety of styles, in Velvets, Plushes, lan and Maroon Goat, Russia Leather and Alligator, at 50c, 70, sl, 1 Jo, 1 50. 2, 2 50 and 2 75. ] sent- fid ChiJden's fine Plush and \ elvet Slippers in beautiful colors and very low prices. Ladies' and Gents' fine Shoes At $1 25, 1 50, 1 75, 2. 2 50, 3 and 4, we can show you all the rewest patterns —We have an immense stock in all grades. Cur Boys', Youths' and MISSQS Shoes At sl, 1 25,1 50 and 2 are for style and good wear.' More of "Huselton's" shoes are worn in and about Butler than any other made and why: Huselton's shoes are the best, Huselton's styles are the latest, Huselton's prices are the lowest, Huselton has one price only. If you don't want Blippers buy shoos. Look through our boot department,you can find anything you want in this stock. "Huselton's" shoes are perfect fitting, neat and tastily constructed, always flexible and comfortable, Come in and see us, B. O. HUSELTON. 102 N. Main Street , RINGS, Diamonds IICAKF'PINS, <-STUDS, , GENTS GOLD, Watches { GENTS* SILVER I LADIES CHATLAIN, J Gold Pin8 ' Far - rin g s > cl GWc3JI V | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc > ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes dilvnrwQfO \ and everything that can be Oil V t/1 W d 1" found in a first class store, RODGER BROS. 1847 I tJ OTks> Spoons - E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main St., BTJTLER, PA., Have You Bought Your Cloak or Wrap for the winter yet. II you haven't don't put it off too long or all the best things picked out. It is a Fact That we have never shown as nice a line of Dry Goods and Carpetß as we are now showing in our new room. Why are Troutraans so busy? There must be a reason for it or people wouldn't do their shop ping there. The Real Truth is They have the correct styles, the largest and best stock to se lect from and the lowest prices. -o—o Visit our store from now until Christmas and see lor yourself. TROUTMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTLER, - - - PA. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard J. L. PD RVIB. L. O. PURVIS. S.O.Purvis&Co. MANUFACTUFJCKB ANI) DKALKRB IN Rough and Planed Lumber or KV«Kir DKSCKIPTIOH, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer 'of Stair Rails, Balustersi and Newel«posts. A I K' l is of wood turning doue to order, also IVcm. :u>cki, I'anelsami nil kinds of auev wood-work lor Inside decoration of OU-"S. CAl.t, ANOSEE SAMPLES. S jmoihlna new and attractive. Also FURNITURE a .AeM'eash t/rlee«. Sl«>re at No. ■■■ ' .i.'vayt; pnivi • - s . , . y: -,o |.'i:.-inrr»r.y e' r-s '" • *rA'Uvei:iwr.s wmtfl . i. VHOMAS, l f <*nMUßicnn^ MmtiCNIMOOk Willard Hotel SW. H. REIHING,IProp'r f BUTLER, ; RA.. STABLING 15 CONNECTION. SAMPLE KOOM for COMMEBCIAL TBAVELEBS EITENMILLEB HOTEL. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER* - - JP^Y. Near New Court House—formerly l>onaldsou House—good accommodations (or travelers. Good stabling connected. EITENMUILER & LEIBOLD. Prop'rs SAMPLE KOOM. LIVERY IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley (Strictly First Class.) HENRY L. BECK. PBOP'B. J. H. FAUBEL, Manager. liutlor, Pa. NIXON'S HOIWf, ;35 N. MCKEAN ST.. BUTI.kh. PA. Meals at.all hours. Open.all night. Breakfast 25 cent*, - ; Dinner 25 cents, Hopper 25 cents, 1 Lodging 25 cents, SIMEON NIXON - PROPR. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line ol carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogelejr. Good Livery in Connection ft 1 A IW*\M e e n *** fsm«d at our SEW Una of work, BUI llml L W r *l l '"y a*» 4 bouurably, by tlioaa of WIU Nt T S."l" He l'im!ih »»»r>thln*. itttt vou. No r «k You can () «oi>.l rf.il w , 1... U«jinMnar.wrnlii X m.r., t u *lu ~crw..k.n.l •»d more aft" a littlo *xt>rrtcne«. Wo rait furuiah you tha en>- / if KENDALCSI% (SRAVIN CUREf jjjl Tfce Moat Sumiifal Benrdr ever disco* cred, as It Is certain In Its effects and does not blister. Bead proof below: Buooelts, Conn, Slay 5, "90. Da. B. J. Kevcitx Co.: Sirs Last Summer I cur-Mi n Curb upon my norso with yourri'leiiratt'.t Kett'lftirs spavin Curt? and It was the bent Job I ever saw done. I have a dozen empty Ixitile*. having u-*.i It withjierf.-ct eurinic every thin.: I tried It on. My neiKhb-trhad a borne with a very bad Spavin that made Illu> lama. He asked me how to cure it. I recommended KenJair-i Sj>avtn Core. He cured the Spavin In lust llino week*. Yours respectfully, WuLCOTT WITTEB. Colckbts, Ohio, April I, Db. B. J. Kevdat-l Co.: Dt-ar Sirs I have Ix-ea «elllnff more of Kendall*# Spavin Cure and Flint's Condition Powders than ever before. One man said to me. It was the best Powder X ever kept and the l»-st he ever u»ed- Respectfully. OTTO I. Eoffhas. Cnnratisoo, N. Y., Kay 19, "9a Dr. B. J. Ezxdiu. Co.. Dear Sirs:—l have used serera! bottles of your Kendall's Spavin Cure with perfect success, on a valuable and blooded mare that was quite lame with a Bono Spavin. The mare Is now entirely free from lameness and shows no bunch ttn theJ Hnt. Respectfully, i". H. HCTCfZUft. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE. Mohboi, La., May S, *9O. DR. R J. Kevdall Co.. Gents:—l think It my duty to render you my thanks for your far famed Kenle copy free. Poultry liaising Guide free with 91 Carders or more. L S. JOHNSON & Co., Boston. Moctd. / jfay] r%\ WELL ! WSLL! WELL I Did you ever ? No, I never did use anything quite so nice for the face after shaving as GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE, and my wife says it is the finest preparation for chapped hands or any roughness of the skin. Sold by druggists. 25 «!•.. a b »ttlc. Manufactured by J. J. COSSaB, Emlenton, Pa. UNION WOOLEN Hill, BITLErf, PA. H FOLLERTOK, Prop'r, lllaukfl*, FlamiHw au p our goods to bcstrtcil} li wool and uoarseiHc wr toy other poison*;•!•* ma-ml lifted !'i drotnsr. We sell Win • or ;• :all. cm . in ;foifree to <1« ».ra ou ipp'*. ' on L> n»a Yurk'UVf BARTERS; JpSTfLt. gIVEF! HI I H PILLS PPrk relieve all the trouble* inef •jpyt to u bilious staM of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eat in?. Pain in the Side, While their most cvuiarkable success has l>een shown iu curing SICK fleadaoh J. ret CARTER'S I.TTTLK LIVER PIUJB are equally valuable iu Constipation, curing and preventing tM: n-\vingcomplaint. while they also correct nil tii> hter* of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only ctir si HEAD \ohe> th. v would ho almost priceless to those ;ho sulTir from this distressing complaint: jut fortunately tl. .r goudnea does not end Acre. and those " lio nee try them will find these little pills val' . Me in so manv ways that hey will not I.- willing to do witiiout them, rfut after all sick h ..J ACHE is the bane of so many lives that herp fs where we timke our preat boast. Our pills cure it while ot'Ts do not. CAHTTVS LITTLE LIVER FILLS are very snia 11 an \ very easv to take. One or two pills make a d*we. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or but by their gentle action please all who them. In vials at cents; five for Si Sold e\ ryu here, or sent by mail. CAST-?. CC. t Krv Snal fii Sois. Small Pries, 1 scon's i j t | □OES CURE j COHSUMPTMN j 1 In its First Stages. j > ■ Do sure you {jet the genuine. L I "S3© \l T" CHfLDRUI LF.AF.H ECONOMY. Teiic*t*r —lf t'J t'l6 n-* of W oih sitfilfjE 31 SCkh * 0 ■ 4 21 'J to you ct cc o:.n of Shoes a ysar. &r. 1 a bottle at 15 cents lants three months, for ho .r u.any yoara blacking will one year' 3 t?L.ving in ehoe Leather pay t A'k in Dmu !\f ' Hun** furnishing Stores for Pik-lion, uhich W:LL STAIN OLD A NEW FUWNITUHC Tarnish WILL STAIN CLASS AND CHINAWARC a t the WILL STAIN TINWAAC . natnC wiu CTAIN TOUR CLO BASRCTS time. tf>iLL STAIN BABV COACH AND ■f.»\ rvf v / 7*. "■OTJ-H. Philadelphia. I CIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver Com plaint, Sick Headache, Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free bottle of that most wonderful medicine, Floraplcxlon, which is the only ab solute aud permanent cure for the above named diseases. I can afford to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well satisfied with the results they will take pleasure in speaking about its marvelous curative virtues to a'l their friends and acquaintances. '1 he value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times the cost of the medicine given away, so I am well compensated for the seeming large expense. I have over TO,OOO letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to day stating your disease and receive a free bottle by return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get well. Address, PROF. HART, 88 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. Q DOCTORS LAKE I'KIVATK DISPKXSARY. COR. PENN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. v PITTSBURGH, PA. V Allformsof Dcl'.caUjimd Com ' 4 pli«-:itt:d Diseases reiiuiriiigCoN- Ji/ FID, STlAtandSl ISNTlHOMcd ication aro treated at this I>is ci'..ry with a success rarely attained. I>r. S. !v. I..iku isamcmlier of tlie Royal College of Phy iii-ians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most ■\|>t rienred SIECIALtST in the city. Special at •-ntion itiven to Nervous Debility from excessive nentai exertion, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus iiK physical and mental decay, lack of energy, lf -jioridency, etc.; iilsoCnncers. Old Sores, Fits, files, Rheumatism, ami all di-easesof the Skin, lood. I.unirs, Urinary < )rgans,et< - . Consultation reo and strictly confidential. Office hours, 9 to I and 7 to 8 r. M,; Sundays, 2 to i p. M. only. It at office or address DRS. LAKE, COR. r.N'N A\ k.. AN D 4TII ST.. PI TTS BU it GH, I*A. Tliuusaiids t.horn peruiant-::i:> ri.u-.l l>y BBEIE'333E!HB] i*illLAi>K!.l*HlA. IV. . ha eat once. nooperation •i IUM< 1 time from bu IQBH < ;t c»prouooncxtta» curable !qr others wanted. bend for (ircular. CURE GUARANTEED. FREE WR '' 'J VV He-sons Kc:tored WxKj Dr.ICLINE'S GREAT a -ijr NE .vr.RcsTO'fEK ■ r-l .. XFUVK Ijisr \.K ■ Onlyturt ,\ *- f . */'«■« ts Fits h it.efsy, etc. . lire t :. !■!: after Ha/,rit a • 1 realise and fa t i.l I rtle free to SB »r'V: i'l 'c*p"rcss address n*f BE-:. • «■'i l\'i .nu Ar. h St.l'hilvl-lphia.P.-i. IM TATtNG FRAUDS. When I My Crraa I do cot mean inertly t® stop them lur a time, and then have them re* turn again. I UEiM A RADICAXi CU&B. I have made the lUaease o 1 FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I WARRANT my remedy to CUKE tho worst cni.cs. Because others hava (ailed is no reason tor not now receiving acure. Send at once for a treatise and a FRLB lion LB of my INFALLIBLE UEUEDT. Give Kxpresa and Post Office. It eosta yot! nothing lor a trial, and it will cure you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.G., 183 PEARL ST.,N£WYJ?X FOR KN ONLY! rrnTTiTTVmFor LOST or FAILKJO KANHOGS H A I nyMfryjC'eccral andHERVOUS DEBILITY, KT'l3T ,, f I . of Body and Kind, Eifecti MHiUit'lillnf F rror» or Excesses in Old or Young. Bobyil, fcoMe MINHOOD fally Hrilnrrd. llow (o Mltntf *n4 Mr»,.;ih.-n\U:iK. (Ml LUPBI* ORGANS A PAKTBOF ftOD Y. Abcolu'.clT uafklila* HOHE TK&AT9K3T—Benefit* la a day. Hen tratlly fr .m 50 Rtilfi Fortiga CoutrlN. Writ* then. Book, fipliaitln and proof* ailM (aeal*«l; frra* AMrtM ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effect? of youthful error*, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will Bend a valuable treatise (sealed) containing fuu particulars for homo cure. F REE charge. A Jplendid medical work ; should be read by every pmn \\rho ifl nerve J and debilitated. Address,: Prof. F. C. VOYSLEU, JlC'jUua. Coag; r n-rr: CITJZKN. M IS(HI, T ANHorS Curious Words. [ —lt is said them art» only two words in the English language which contains all the vowels in their order. They ars "ab stemious" and "facetious." The following words each have them in irregular order: J Authoritative, disadvantageous, enconrag ing.eflicacious. :ustantau«'"us. mendacious, nefarious, precarious, pertinacious, sacri legious, simultaneous, tenacious, uninten tional. objectionable, unequivocal, undis covered. and vexatious. —The great Kiczua viaduct on the Erie road, near Bradford. iJ to be painted the coming smminer. It will take a lirge force of men about four months to accom plish the work, costing about *20,000. It is a very difficult as well as dangerous piece of labor to perform, and but few men will trnst themselves to climb about the dizzy height of 300 feet from the ground. This will be the first time the bridge has received a coat of paint since it was built, about eight years rgo. —Every certificate we publish regarding Or. Bulls . Coujih Syrup is genuine, and we will pay a reward of SI,OOO to anyone proving the contrary in a single case —A. C. Meyer . —Those v. ho are good when they are young are prettiest when they arc old. —Dr. Tenner's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for horses. Gives energy and strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. Five Times and Out. Ike Smith, the Ohio murderer who w.is reprieved agaiu recently until March 20, has been ready for the scaffold five times, and on three occasions his grave has been dug. His friends have money to pay law yers for huntine out technicalities,but they have finally exhausted themselves and Ike has no further hope. One 'i nousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount if I fail to prove that Flor.iplexion is the best med icine in existence for Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It'is a certain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cases of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility and Consumption. Foraplexion builds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. Ask your druggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank lin Hart. 88 Warren street. New York. Some Men's Way. In a divorce case in a New York town the wife exhibits 16f> love letters which her then love wrote her in three months, lie sometimes wrote lier six per day, and his shortest notes contain six pages. He had been married only six months when ho boxed her ears. Consumption Surely Cured. To THK KDlTOß:—Please inform your RENDERS that 1 littvo a poaitivo remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of lioness cases have been permanently cured. I shall Ix 3 to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of yotir readers who have consumption if they will send mo th ir tipre«» and I\ O. address. Respect fully, T. A. SLOCUAI. M. 0.. ISI Pearl St.. N. Y. —The Sandy Lake Xeicx relates the re cent experience of a farmer near that town. He had a wood chopping frolic, to close with a social hop in the evening. Only eight persons came to chop but seventy five put in an appearance at the dance. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Batkache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. To Consumptives. The. undersigned having been i•••.!.>r«*d to health by simple means, utter Mith-ri'iif for several years willi a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to tnat-H known to his fellow suffer er* the nieens of cure. To those who desire it, in will cheerful!; send tree or charge) a copy of the prisji') .ion us f, which they wili find a sure cure for Consumption, Asllrua, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hope, ail tuiferers will try his Utintdy, r- it is invaluable. Those desiring the inscription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address liKV. I ir.VAiiD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. S3OOO Y«arin tMr«w» IMIIMM,* hi r - rrth J VwJ will ni*.. t ..n -ti th® alluatlon or*nihl->vHir;it at wl <:i * mn «»rii tlmt aiix utif No momv fur n>-uul-*a »• , .Mfulaaal- '•'■ ha»lly an.i .julck ly learned. i clr*« liut one v .ik«r •»» » •'• «I!alri «•r r< I have already taught and p r . \i ai« ti ukinr i vrr f ji rt «a li It • I. VV •nd lull iinrtirulat * K IC l*I«. A.!•!»«•»• at one**, E. C . ALI,r: %. llox 4'jO, Auc«»*ta, Slulnr. GEO. D. MITCHELL, Attorney-at-taw and solicitor ■ f Pensions and Patents. Box ;!M. Washington, !>.<'. Clerk Si n ate Pension Committee for last 7 \ ears. If you ike I'KOMPTNKSS write mc. Uhul to give dvice. , 1 Do you see the Point? Well, if the man in our illustration •. - \ ) does not fee it. it is not because it ia C'j ' \ not near bis eye. Now we want to ft hv\ ) place a pointer before your eje The I ■ v / i ',*)■ ) hoi lay season is fast approaching; N - /_. Ifyf ' Chtisinias in coming, in fact it's &1- ■IJ- ■■Ys '- 1 most here. Alrcadj pleasant eur . K~/~r.\ y ' prises are being planned; mysterious | j whispered consultations arc being » •/ beld, and packages of suggestive ap- OA pearance are being carefully stowed iu out-of-the-way places where they w '" rotn P r J' n ff eyes. A Merry Christmas is an old.old theme, V J 1 yet always new. There is a gener ation of little toddlers who this year for the first time will listen at some loving mother's knee to wonderful tales of Santa Claus and other Christmas lore more wonderful than all the splendors evokedjby Aladdin's lamp will be just as potent as ever in convincing the Young America of to day that the holiday season is worth all the rest cf the yeur put together. Do we bear au impatient Yes, yes, but having become a man 1 have put away childish things? Wait a moment, reader. Does it not add dig nity to the occasion to think that on Christmas morning a future President will concentrate his thoughts on a tin rattlo with the same absorbed atten tion that he will one day devote to bis inaugural address; that a coming Secretary of our Treasury will grapple with his first financial problem and j get au idea of the difficulties of specie resumption by attempting the im possible feat of shaking that bright new copper out of his toy bauk, etc. Then leaving the children, :hiuk of the pleasure derived from the exchange of gifts among the youth, the mitldie uged and tho old; how it strengthens the ties of frienship and delights the lovictr hearts of dear ones to receive a proof of your fond remembrance and affectionate regard. Now we do not wish to worry or perplex TCU, but as a pointer we would just say, What ever else you may do between now and New Year be sure and see our novelties before buying any gifts for your friends or relatives. Mind you, we don't say buy of us, we merely say <_ our attractions before you buy, and we would ask as a favor of you to bring the children along. We hope every little child in this vicinity will be allow ed to visit our place during the next two weeks. In order to accommodate cur many friends throughout the county we will begin our great holiday distribution on Dec. 18tb, and continue until after the holidays. Come everybody and bring your friends and children along. Thanking you for your very liberal patronage during the past year I wish you one and all a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. I). 2rJ JEG C K, Cham-pion Clotliier, Hatter and Furnisher. 121 North Main St. - DufTy's Block, Butler, Pa. Unquestioned Bargains IN Boots, Slioes, Slippers and Rubber Goods AT GRIEB & VOGELEY'S, The largest production of boots and slioes in the town, which must he sold at reduced prices. We want your trade, Quality the Best, Pi •ices the Lowest. Give us a trial. We shall offer birgaias so extraordinary, so startling that no one can resist. THE CASH SHOE STORE Will eave you money. Boots aud Shoes at cost for the next 30 days. Ab solute sacrifice sale. A u unusual opportunity. OUll SHOE SPECIALTIES in ladies'and gents possess three dis tinct points of excellence: Tlu'v are the most Durable, tlle most Complete and the most Stylish shoes in the town for the money. Adapted for all classes of trade. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!! We have on hand that must be sold within the next 30 days -500 pair mens' kip boots. 300 pair boy's kip boots. 200 pair child's and youth's boots. That will be sold to soma one than cost. Embrace the opportunity and come and see for yourself Yours Respectfully, Grieb & Vogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. Opposite "Willard House. ( A VALUABLE AND DOUBLY USEFUL LITTLE INSTRUMENT FOR LADIES. i "DUPLEX" ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURLER AND CRIMPER. i" This is the most ?trfect % convenient, nsejvi and < fftetir* little toilet article ever invented. Itcom- U.Tie* a Comb-Curl«»r of finish with an improved Ton«r Crimper, aud hoth purts twirc Elsctro- it quickly producert wonderfully pleiuiint; and faf«i)ionat»le r»fultn With it* aid the hair »an befix-'.l in auy desired sty|e, and hen so fixed with this littlo inatrunicnt it retains the effect much longer, und is not eveo elTcctud by thu dump air. Una trial, used. PRJCE, noo „ ALL PEALERS ' I 7 ' .!t>os not break off or ruin the mnjt C:irl r-> an.l never f :*»!?« fn t loi» . I ...runteed to tdve satisfaction. BIOAKY ir NOT AH UI PKMI.MtD. ! »• ii fr»r sale t»y the driiiT, dry and fancy K<"'ds jjenerallv, but if not obt:i!nahle iu your I . : iit\" we will irii.il it to any address, post-puid, guaranteeing safe delivery, on receipt of SCN*.« or II • > i«»r £2.o<\ Kcmit by druft, express, or post-orace nioni y ort'er, or currency in reffisterea letter I mrnb eto Thf A. BrUlfriiiaa Co., 373 Broadway. N. V. this paper. Agents wautcd f«>r | Pr. iJridginuu'i Comts,Brushes.lk'lts, and Specialties, licautitul and goods. Most liberal terms. tWs CttmM'RV _ai HAr-FEVER f \J COLO-'HEAD Ely's Cream Halm it not a liquid, snvff or powder. Applied into the wntri's it is _ quickly absorbed. Iteleanset the head, allay» inflammation, healt Lflft the v re*. Sold by druqqitta or sent by mail on receipt of prire. DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3Ub SCIIITTTE k O'BRIEN ' Sanitary Plumbers , I And (Ja.s titters. DEALERS IS Sewer I'ipe, (*.-is Fixtures, Globes and Natural (ins Appliances, .lefierson St.,opp. T.owry House j BUTLER, HA &IEIITS j Hjiwtuait/. liw A. SccU, »I* V. ' Save Money By getting jour Fall and W in ter millinery, underwear and hosiery from M. F. & M. Marks'. They will show you the lar gest and l>est selected stock in Butler at the lowest price?. We have a larger stock of trimmed goods than evei 1H:- fore. Mourning goods a Specialty. Advertise in tbo CITIZEN. MILLINERY! I Now ready and allowing the most com plete line of trimmed and nntrimmed autumn Millinery. Hats, bonnets, toques, birds, ribbons, feathers, etc. AYe are the recognized leaders of Millinery in Butler, and have manv imitators, but no %/ equals, D. T. PAPS, I Mo- 18. S. Main St.- KUTLEH, PA . The Keynote of Our Sue ess: WE UNDERBUY WE UNDERSELL. Solid values backed by merit will always win, and the masses will flock to where they get the best value for tlieir money. HESITATE NOT BUT (iO TO Bickel's Grand Clearance Shoe Sale. SOME OF HIS OFFERINGS. 128 pair of children's grain nrd calf shoes. tipped, at 70c to sl. 200 pair of misses' spring heel shoes, Doogola or Pebble Goat, at 85c to $1.25. 500 peir of laiies', Pebble Goat or Dongola, shoes at SSO JO $1.50. 150 pair of ladies fine Dongola shoes, plain tip or with patent leather lip, all sizes and'all widths at SI.OO, $2, $2.25, and $2.50. 300 pair of gent's shccs, Lace or Congress, plain toe or tip on toe, at $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. Thousands of pairs for a thousand different purposes, in a thousand different styles and shapes—fine, medium and heavy grades—for city and out of town people. 1 have also 20 cases mens' kip boots at cost. 15 cases boy's heavy kip boots, sizes 15, at §1 to $1.50. 2 cases (60 pairs each) woman's everyday laced ies at 15r. The balance of our Holiday Slippers at COST. -A. Large Stock of Rubber GToods. Leather and Findings. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptlj- done either in leather cr rubber goods "When in need of anything in my line give me a call." Yours truly, JOHN BIOKEL, !N"e\v Number* 330 S. ]VTain Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PEN N'A GREAT BEDDCTM AT J. K. GRIEB'S, Nu. 16 South Main. St., - ISutler* Fa. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. J. R. GRIEB. PROF. K. J. LAMB. GUI Ell & LAMB'S MUSIC STOBE. NO- 16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. Sole Agents foi Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for Bebr Bros. & Co's Magnificent Pianos, Shouinger, and New by & Evans Fianos, PacKard, Crown, Carpenter and Now England Organs. Dealers in iolins, Strings, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. C ome and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all Kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly attended to.