THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1891 Schaul Bros., & Co.'s Pointers. Some points arc a trifle too pointed; other?, are well worth taking. You co give us points on your businer ... Jwe can give you some on ours. It may hap pen that your business may not appeal directly to us, but ours must appeal directly to you for everybody must wear clothes. Here are the points we want to give you:— We sell nothing that is not just what it is represented as being. We sell on a smaller margin of profit than the same articles can be purchased for elsewhere. We guarantee you absolute sat isfaction with what you buy. We'must close out our winter stock, andjfor that reason we can- on ceremony as to price. If you want any additional points call at our store and we can show them to you in black and white. All goods marked in plain fig ures. One Price Cloth iers. Schaul Bros. & Co. OPPOSITE THE HOTEL VOGELEY. BrTi.HK lias a population of about 10,000. It Is the County seat of Butler County, with 00,000. . Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for, manufactures. Progress everywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growing and prosperous town. TRAINS AND MAILS. WIST PKSN K. K.— Trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 6«0, 835 and 11:20 a. m. and 235 and 5:00 p. m.; arrive at 8:35 and 1030 a. m. and 1:S0, 530 and 730 p. m. Malls cloae at 806 a. m. and 2:05 p. m. and arrive at 830.10:50 a. m. and 5:10 p. ni. P. 8. & L. E. R. K.—Trains leave tor Green ville at 6:45 and 1020 a. m and 4:55 p. m. Trains arrive from GieenvUle at 9:30 a. m. and 2:35 and 6:20 p. m. Malls close at 6:15 and 930 a. m. Clieed pouch lor Branchton, Including mall for Hllliaro, Boycrs and Bovard at *35 p. m. Malls airlve ot 235 and 6:20 p. m. P. & W. B. R.—Trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 620, 8:25 and 10:20 a m. and 2:10, 3:35 and 6:30 p. m. The 823 a. m, train and the 2:40 S. m. oonuect with trains going west al. Gallery unction. Malls close for south and west at 8:00 a. in. For Pittsburg at 10 a. m. For Pitts burg and point" between Butler and Callery at 8:10 p. m. For Pittsburg and points between Callery and Allegheny at &oo p. m. For local golnis north ot Butler at 935 a. m. For Barn arts M'lls, Foiburg and OU Cltv at 435 p. m. Malls arrive on this road from local points be tween Butler and Callery at #35 a. m.; from Pittsburg and local points between Caliery and AlleKt'cuy at 11:55 a. m.; from Barnhart's Mills, Foxburg and Oil City at 9:37 a. in. Local mall from the north at 23* p. m.; from Pittsburg and the West at 930 p. m. STAK ROUTES— Dally mall from Mt. Chestnut arrives at 9:30 a. m. and leaves at 1030 a. m. North Hope, Hooker and other points, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, leave at 130 p. m. New Advertisements. Schaul Bros." & Co. Pointers. Boggs & Buhl 8 Clearance Sale. Kirkpatrick & Reed's Card. Schneideman's Clearance Sale. Templeton's Furniture. Jurv List f->r Feb. 9. Wrisley's Good Cheer Soap. Atlantic Washer. Agents Wanted. Winter TraveL Prospecti. NOTE —AII advertisers intending to make changes in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. Calendars. We are in receipt of a beautiful calendar from Lindner, Eddy 95.35. Oil Well Supply Co. Butler Salt Mfg Co. Jan. 6, verdict for the plaintiff for £M6t>.l4. KOTES. Ira Marlatt has been granted a new trial. A charter was granted to the Evans City Cemetery Association. Mr. E. L. Shuster oi Connoquenessing twp has adopted the child of Sophia Am buster of Centre twp. The will of Peter Leinenbach of Sum liiit twp. was probated and no letters: also will of John Benson of Donegal twp. and letters to W. F. Benson. Judge llazen has appointed K. I'. Scott. J. M. Gal breath, I*. W. Lowry, A. E Keiber and E 11. Kalston, Esq rs, to be the Board of Examiners ot law students for this year. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has handed down a decision that when an un successful prosecutor in a Quarter Sessions case is charged with the costs and refuses to pay he cannot be seut to jail. This de cision will probably increase the number of verdicts of "not guilty, but defendant to pay the costs." It will also make District Attorneys more careful in bringing suits, for the prospect of getting costs out of the defendant is generally less hopeful than the chances of getting them out of the prosecutor. — Ex. The recent decisions of the Supreme Court, allowing game killed in other States to be sold in this State, though out of season with us, is not pleasing to sports men, though it will bo received with favor by game dealers, as it will enable them to deal in game from other States when the seasoft of killing is closed in this. Wm. Wilkinson, a dealer in Pittsburg, was con victed in the Court of Quarter Sessions of selling quail out of season and lined #2OO, twenty of the birds being found in his pos session. The birds were proven to have been shot during the quail season in Missouri and brought here. Mr. V i'kin son appealed with the above result. Uni form game laws for all the States are need ed to correct the present destructive usages and save the game. THE BOODLER CASES. The arguments in the appeals of Messrs. Tate, Downing and Shalt'er from the judg ment of Judge llazen, in committing them to jail for contempt of Court in refusing to answer at the trial of Wallace at New Castle, were heard by the Supreme Court, sitting at Philadelphia, last Monday. The defendants' counsel aver that Sec tion 32 of Article 3 of the State Constitu tion refers to Legislative bribery alone and does not cover this case; while the counsel for the Commonwealth think it does, and that the Court below had proper jurisdiction over the persons and subject matter of the case. The language of that section of the Con stitution is general, though it is placed under the head of Legislation. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. C A Abrams to Sarah E Brown lot in Duller for S6OO. Mary Ilockenberry to L W Bigham 10 acres in Slippery rock for sl. L C Wick to C A Abrams lot in Butler for S9OO. M McClain to A H Slater lot in Butler for SOSO. Jos Gensbigler to Aug Ileim lot in Butler for $450. W E Reed to John C Graham lot in But ler for S2BOO. G W Vatter to A M lloch lot in Millers town for SIBOO. A M lloch to P G Frederick lot in Mil lerstown for S2IOO. P G Frederick to A Shnltz lot in Mil lerstown for $2300. Francis Shepard to J M Greer lot in But ler for $550. Mary Laube to W J Chesney lot in Sax burg for SIOOO. W E Reed to C G Christie lot in Butler for SIOOO. W F Metzger to W R Nesbit lot in But ler for S4OOO. E Shook to J C Barr 1 acre in Adams for S6OO. Marriage Licenses. Wm. F. Lowe Butler, Pa Sevelah M. Matson " James T. Meek Allegheny twp AlmiraJ. Royle Parker twp Thomas 11. Emrick. Jefferson twp Aunie Bickert Winlield twp James M. Early Parker twp Mary Worthington Ira Michael Harrisville Maggie McC'oj " Jacob Dietrick Natrona, Pa Mary Fulton Elk Co., Pa Jas. R. Dickesson Middlesex twp Maria Kennedy " Wm. Drushel Middle Lancaster Mary Eichholtz " ' At Pittsburg—Albert M. Hoch and Hen rietta Weigaud. At Kittannin"—Wm. M. Bowers, of Karns City, and Lydia O'Brien, of Butler Co. Winter Travel to Florida. That Florida is to be the haven of refuge and recreation this year is manfested by the travel already directing itself there. To meet the demand of many who cannot afford the time nor expense of several months' sojourn in the land of sunshine and soft breezes, the Pennsylvania R:iilJ road Company has announced a series of five tours to leave New York January 20tl\ February 3d and 17th. and March 3d and 17htatthe remaikable low rate of $50.00 from that city, and $48.00 from Philadel fivia, Baltimore, Washington. Tourists will travel in I'ulnian Palace Cars in charge of a Tourists Agent and Chaperon. A limit has been made allowing one hundred and fifty passengers only to each tour, so that applications for space and tickets should be made well in advance. The round-trip rate includes Puluiau accommodations and meals en route in dining car attached to the train, and tick ets will be sold from all principal stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad system to a connecting point with the special. For detailed information and descriptive itine rary application should be made to Penn sylvania Railroad ticket offices. —A Connecticut Yankee. —Want- ed, an agent in each town to sell the above named book. This is Mark Twain's latest. Nearly 50,000 copies already sold. 250 illustrations. Nearly 600 pages, A great many agents average forty orders per week. Almost anyone can sell twenty five weekly. This is very profitable busi ness. Write for terms. C. L. Web ster & Co., 3 E. 14th St., New York. —5-A Horse Blankets cheap at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s, 21G W. Cunningham St. —Fascinators at 25, 40, 50, 75 cts. and $1 at IJ. STBIN & SON'S. —You never saw a good assort ment of blankets, robes, harness, buggies, carts and everything iu their line in your life unless you have been to Martincourt & Co., nor never will see them till you go there. Genuine Eland-made Harness for $9 at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s, 216 W. Cunningham St. i —Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen, for SALE at CITIZEN office. Lots of Sleighs at Martincourt & Co's. —Five carload of sleighs at Martin court & Co's. We money on plush coats, cloth jackets, stockinet jackets and children's garments, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —lce cream furnished in any quantity, for parties, by the City Bakery. —Take your children to Zuver's i Gallery for Pictures that will suit you. Anderson building. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES Mr. Engene Rew, a well known torpedo man ot Oil City, was blown to pieces by an explosion of nitro-plycerine. last Thurs day. Mrs. Bent. Moore, of Scrubgrass Twp. Armstrong Co. fell from the loft of her barn, and alighting upon a hay-fork re ceived injuries that caused her death in a few hours. The tanners of Mercer Co. will hold an Institute at the Court House in Mercer, on the 19th and 20th of February. The former citizens of Butler Co. now living in Beaver Falls and vicinty, will hold their banquet next Thursday evening. In the suit of New Castle and Beaver Valley Railroad Company, at Youngs town, against the Pennsylvania Company, on leases and damages, judgment was given for the plaintiff for $119,202. Pittsburgh claims to have more milli onaires in proportion to her population than any other city in the world, A $3,000,000 mortgage was entered against the P., S. & L. E. railroad at Mercer last week. A Jefferson eauaty editor olected to the Legislature says hi-, constant prayer will bs to be preserved from the "big head." The remains of L'. Caiey, who was kill ed by the Indians in Dakota, passed through PitN'ja.-g, last Monday, oa their way to his homo. Beware of the traveling savings and in. vestment man. One of these,a smooth talker visited Xiles, 0.. and organized a branch of the St. Paul Savings and Investment Co., which ha clai u ; 1 f u a gilt-edged organ ization with a piid up capital of $2,000,000. He succeeded in getting $12,500 of stock taken, on which the members paid $250. Soon after his J-punre the members be catne suspicious and, making an jnves tigation, discovered that they had been victimized and that the $2,000,000 capita! consisted of 400 of acres unimprov ed land lying nine miles from St. Paul. Information has been received from St. Paul that the scheme is being worked suc cessfully in many cities and towns. Wm. Xeely, one of Pittsburg's 4Ders returned home a few days ago, after an absence of 42 years, lie was a brick maker, and quarreled with his wife, about the time tha crowd wont to Cali fornia in 1849. Ho went with the crowd, was not successful as a miner and turned to briekmakiug airaiu and got rich. His three boys, grew up in Pittsburg, and one of them located his father and wont West lately and induced him to come home. Miles Davenport,a well-known and prom inent resident of Luzerno County, Pa., started a few days ago. to drive over the mountains from his home to Plymouth. It was intensely cold, and about 2 p. in. his rig was seen on Welch Hill, one of the suburbs of Plymouth. He was seated in the vehicle, but was entirely unconscious, and frozen stiff. He was taken to the res idence of his brother-in-law, Hon. John J. Shonk. Everything possible was done for him, but he never regained conciousness, and died. Mr. Davenport was seventy-five years of age. Maggie Robeson, sorvant girl at the Dean House in Connellsville, and but nine teen years of age, gave birth to four boy babies, last Monday, and swore tho whole brood upon a young irou-worker named Kane, who left for parts unknown, who will probably flee to the uttermost ends of the Earth. Tho Pittsburg, Akron A Western R. R., which is now being constructed between Akron, 0., and Chicago Junction, is being rapidly pushed to completion. When fin ished this connecting link will prove a valuable assistance in the Pittsburgh & Western's heavy traffic between Pittsburg city and the West. At present trains for Chicago are running over the Pittsburgh & Western to Cuyahoga Falls 0., and from there over tho Cleveland, Akron & Colum bus road to Orrville where they are shifted to the tracks of tho Wheeling . Greenlee. J. V. RKts, K. E. Abrams. Leslie Hazlett. I. G. Smith. W. S. Waldron. D. Osborne. A general banking bnsinesa transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approved security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. LOOK OUT FOR \V. A. Osborne's AD. NEXT WEEK. By Using Allen B. Wrisley's 6000 CHEER SOAP latest and Best InYenflon —Little or NORUBBM CLOTHES Required-Ask your Grocer for it FFLUQWOLRECTIONS CTDSEURT GO TO REDICK'S FOR Pure Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Fine Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, And all other Articles Kept in a First Class Drug Store. MY NEW STORE Is now completed and I respectfully invite the Public to call and see me. I am prepared to supply every thing in the line of Drogt> and Medi cines at all hours. Prescriptions at night a specialty. Electric Bell and speaking tube at front door. Calls answered prompt ' - A bright, cheerful room and every new. Yours, J. F. BALPH. THIS TIB IS NO IIHG but a Bona fide Clearance Sale Of all our heavy Overcoats, Winter t lothing and I nderwear, which we now offer to the public regardless of former prices. I liese goods must be sold in order to make room for our new Spring Stock. Do not miss this Grand Clearance Sale as it is of importance to everv buyer- of Winter Clothing. Delays are dangerous, those who come c 7 first will have the best selection. H. Schneideman The Peoples Clothier. 104 9. Main St. - - - Butler. Pa Don't Read This Unless You Want To! "naOOOOOttioiii. We feel confident it will pay. vou. Now that the Holidays are over we are busy getting ready for Spring trade. We want all persons to know where to buy goods at right prices. This is the place. We sell goods as cheap as any person in the United States, if not cheap er. We RETAIL FURNITURE AT WHOLE SALE PRICES. We give you first-class goods; what more can we do. We also do just as we ad vertise. We will sell you a Good Oak Bed Room Suit for #l9 and a fine Pol ished Oak Bed Room Suit tor #25. You can't buy it elsewhere under #35. Any thing you want in the Furniture line you will find at our store atllorw r prices. Come and see us whether you want to buy or not. We want to show you our goods. Campbell & Templeton, OLD TROUTMAN STAND. BUTLER, PA. THE PITTSBURGH Weekly Chronicle Telegraph AT i ONE DOLLAR PER TEAR IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOME PAPER PUBLISHED. Special Premium List For IS9I. A Gentleman's Gold Watch and the Weekly Chronicle Telegraph ore year for - sls j A Ladie>' Gold Watch and the Weekly Chronic l* Telegraph one year for $14.75 The Chronicle Telegraph Improved High Arm Sew ing Machine and the Paper one year for - - $22 In addition to ibe above there are a variety ot oilier desirable premium*, in clmling i'ii Open Fare Gentleman's Gold Watch, whirl) i* offered to subscribers wilU the |>a|>er lor one vear lor *l3. The Geui leman's sl3 waicb, and tho Ladies' 14.75, have beautiful bnntiug ease* warranted to wear 15 years, aud are tilled with the reliable Hampden movement. Tbev cannot be %on?ht ai retail for less than from $25 to s3.">, but aie furnished to our subscribers at the manufacturers' ' prices. The Sewing Machine is our Premium , High-Arm Machine, and equals auy >SO one before the public. SPECIAL PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS, j Any of the above will be piven iree for] pe: sous securing us a club of yearly sub-, fci ribeis, teruis of which will be furnished upon application. The Weekly Chronicle Telegraph in addition lo its special features for the Ladies. Home, Farm and Garden, etc., contain* the LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD. Only One Dollar A Year. Sample Copies Free. Address WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH. ]ltt»bnnth, Fa. l~p We will send THE CITIZEN* and WEEKLY CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH to any address for $2.00 per year, iu advance. DIAMOND HOTEL, JAMES SELLERS, Prop'r. New furniture, new fittings and first class accommodations. Livery. Xorth side of Diamond, Butler, Pa A pamphlet of Information and (tract of lb* law®,showing Uuw to/V Obtain Pmtanta. Caraatt, Trade^^^ Brondwmy, iW VfiEv namnmtiMtiiTs B. $ B. A JANUARY Clearance Sale in every department of these storep. A sale thai meaus much in the way of bargains for eareful buyers. $200,000 wurib of Dry Goods to be sold before our Annual Inventory, February 1. WRITE FOR SAMPLES of these specials. SILK DEPARTMENT— -19-inch extra heavy whip-cord surahs, all colors and black, 60c , regularly sold at 75c. 24-iDch Black Faille Francaise, 90c. 22-inch Black Gros Grain Dress Silks, 95c. 23-inch Black Gros Grain Dress Silks, sl. WOOL DRESS FABRICS— -48-inch Plain colored Wool Chev iotts, 50c, just reduced from 65c. and 75c. 44-inch Plaids, 50c. 40-inch As trakau Plaids, 75c., were $1.25 and $1.50. Large variety of ALLWOOL DRESS FABRICS, in checks and stripes, at 50c, that sold freely all season at 65c, 75c, 85c. 50? inch ENGLISH SUITINGS, Plaid and stripe eflQgcts in large assortment, at 50c. to 75c., goods that have sold all season at $1 and $1.25 a yard. Now For Bargains. Write for samples, for prices or for a Catalogue. Mail orders a specialty. Boggs & Buhl, • ALLEGHENY, PA. HIE SHORE MIB. - ERIEi PA. All stock guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. We replace all trees that fail to grow. REFERENCES IX BUTLER: J. F. Lowrv, W. T. Mechling, Jamo Shanor, Jr.. J. E. Forsythe, Geo. Shaffner (£. Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, Esq. and D L. Cleoland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITKKUILLKB HOCTSK, Bunii, PA.