Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 16, 1891, Image 2

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w. C. SKGLtT, - -
• Tear, in*" l * Ounty •»•*>
Y est, OutalJ® County * 2 - 00
Payable In Advance.
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are sent to citizens ot toe
?£jnty w»o are not subscribers and their sub
-28580n is respectfully elicited.
subscribers win do us a favor by sending us
the names of their neighbors, not now taking a
county paper.
All communications intended for publication
in this paper mnstbe accompanied by the real
name of the writer, not for publication but aa
a guarantee of good faith,
Marriage and death notices must be aooom
panied by a responsible name.
"A High Old Time."
Confusion prevailed at the meetings of
several of the State Legislatures last week,
but the doings of the Legislature and
State officials of Nebraska were the most
notable, and they were aptly described by
one correspondent as having "a high old
Tbe genesis of the affair is about as fol
lows. The election returns of last Fall,
showed the election of Boyd, Democrat,
for Governor by a majority of 1440, and the
election of the balance of Republican State
ticket by minorities of about 4000 and the
election of the majority of the Alliance
Legislative tickets.
The Alliance men havo a majority ol
eight in the House and three in the Senate;
they claim that the election of Boyd was
fraudulent, and as the Legislature in joint
session is the constitutional judge of elec
tions for State officers, they resolved
among themselves to remedy matters.
To do this, they took possession of the
Capitol building at Lincoln, at 5 o'clock of
the morning of the day of meeting, Thurs
day last; placed guards at the doors and
allowed none but members-elect to enter;
then # they elected a Speaker and put a
gnard around him, then they started in to
upset the whole State election but the
Democrats and Republicans objected to
their methods and some little point was
left to the Supreme Court, which seems to
have been in session. A committee was
sent to the Court for instructions, and the
Court responded by sending the Sheriff
with a mandamus on the Speaker to can
vass the returns. The Sheriff and his posse
were refused admittance to the building
and they had to break in and fight their
way through the crowd to the Speaker's
The Speaker refused to obey the order,
and tho Lient. Gov. who had gained en
trance by a back window, declared the ses
sion adjourned; the Democrats and Repub
licans attempted to leave the room, found
the doors locked and guarded; and
came to blows the people outside
tbe building also began fighting
and Gov. Thayer ordered out the militia
ane cleared the capitol grounds; the Lt.
Gov. was escorted back to the Speaker's
desk, and the members re-assembled, the
returns were canvassed and Boyd was de
clared elected Governor; then the Alliance
men met and declared his election void;
then Boyd went to the Executive mansion
and demanded possession and was refused
by Gov. Thayer on the grounds that he
(Boyd) is not a citizen of the United
States; then Gov. Thayer put a guard of
militia aronnd the building, and the day
closed with the whole city in a tu
Next day Boyd started another govern
ment in another place and began issuing
orders that were not obeyed; the Alliance
men met and declared that Mr. Power,
their candidate, was the only legally elect*
ed Governor and that he was the only
Governor they would recogniie; the Board
of Public Lands and Buildings met and
notified Gov. Thayer to vacate the building
and had the steam and gas tnrned off, the
Supreme Court notified Thayer that he
was no longer Governor and that the new
Lt. Gov. would succeed him until Boyd's
eligibility was proved, but hcrefusod to re
tire; the State Board provided Gov. Boyd
with a suite of roomi and bo began business
and Mr. Powers took the oath of office and
was recognized by the Alliance members
of the Legislature as the only Governor.
By Saturday things had quieted down,
the militia deserted Thayer and went to
Boyd, and he was recognised by the
officials as the legal Governor.
THE Republican members of the Oregon
legislature, renominated Senator John. H.
Mitchell, Tuesday.
A CORPORATION tax case argued before
the Supreme Court, Tuesday, involves the
legality of the three mill tax on bonds and
ONE of the Harrisburg correspondents
says that tho Butler Co. members of the
Legislature were informed that if they
voted against Cameron they Would
jeopardize the appropriation for the
Slippcryrock Normal School.
THR joint Legislative Committee appoint
ed to mako arrangements for Pattison'B
inauguration, met in Philadelphia last
week, and selected Col. Awl, of Harris
burg for Chief Marshall of the parade.
Gov.-elect Pattison will be the guest ot
Gov. Beaver over night, and will be sworn
in at the Capital next day, .Tuesday, by
Justice Clarke of the Supreme Court
Quick Denial.
Chris. Magee is quick at denying Phila
delphia and Washington dispatches, that a
deal had been made,to the effect that Don.
Cameron is to be re-elected U. 8. Senator
in a week or two, and that two years hence,
Chris, is to step into Senator Quay's shoes,
as his colleague. It is all well enough for
Chris, to deny tho "soft impeachment''
thus early; for nobody knows better than
he, tl at a two year's fight ahead, leads to
inevitable defeat. And yet, six years ago,
when Senator Don. was driving leisurely
through the wilds of Sootland, during the
entire summer, whilst his fellow Senators
were earning their salaries at the National
Capitol, he made Chris, his substitute in
the Kepublicau National Committee and
dispatched him to Chicago to lead the fight
against Pennsylvania's overwhelming
choice for President, it was ajnotoriously
open secret, that at the proper time, he
was to be the Don's junior colleague in the
U. S. Senate. But, that scheme suddenly
collapsed, when the "lone fisherman" of
the Beaver, tiring of fighting the battles
of Dan. and Chiris., and they reaping all
tli -' honors and emoluments, concluded
to vote himself the State Treasurship; and
then, to step from there into the U. S.
Senate was easy as rolling down a hill.
If, therefore, Don. is re-elected on the
20th instant, and Chris, once more lifted
into the saddle, and begins business again
at tlie old stand, at Harrisburg, as of yore,
we are inclined to think he will throw no
U. d. Senatorship over his shoulder, pro
vided it comes anywhere within reach.
If tho Senatorial "bee" is not '-buzzing in
his bonnet," why are such salwart hench
men as Billy Flinn and John N. Neeb
members of the State Senate at this par
ticular timet
If anybody, then, is interested in bead
ing off Christopher, the only way to do it
is to do as you do when you want to cut
the tail off a dog, by cutting close up to
the ears. In other words, by serving
notice on his patron Raint, the senator,
that 13 year* oJ service *ueh as Le has
given the people of this Commonwealth is
quantum avfficit.— Beaver Times.
Some of the older of the independent
Republican* of Butler took exception to
our statement of last week, that as our
representatives at Harrisbnrg had voted
for Cameron in caucus, they were now in
honor bound to vote for him at the election.
They think that a "snap caucus" like that
of the 7th inst should not be binding, if
the Representatives find that they have
misrepresented their constituents, and a
petition to that effect is now in circulation,
though it is not being generally signed on
account of the apparent hopelessness of the
That the sentiment of the Republicans
of the county and State is against the re
tention of Cameron in office, no one de
nies, but he and his agents looked a long
ways ahead. He managed that bis men
were nominated in Philadelphia, Alle
gheny, Lancaster, Dauphin and other pop
ulous counties last spring, and when they
were elected in the fall, he considered him
self re-elected, and now that he has secur
ed a caucus nomination his defeat can only
be encompassed by a very determined de
fection on the part of about thirty mem
bers of the two Houses.
That he should be retired, that he is an
utterly unfit representative of the Republi
can party and the people of the State in
the National Senate, that his political
methods are not in accord with the princi
ples of the party or of free government.and
that his retention in so powerful and im
portant an office is felt by thonsands of
men all over the State, who have never
voted anything but the Republican ticket,
to be a personal humiliation, goes without
No grander party than the Republican
party was ever organized on this Continent,
no nobler set of men than its first leaders
eyer lived, and no pages ol the history of
the Nation will record greater sacrifices than
those made during its first administrations.
With its record it should dominate the Na
tion for a Century, but as time has passed
we find that the commercial element in it
has obtained too gTeat a hold, and that
money and pationage have placed
and retained men in the National
Senate who are a weakness to
the party, and whose doings aided
in causing its defeat all over the Conti
nent last fall; and now to return a man
from this State, who after fourteen years
service has given us no good reason for so
doing, but who is continuously placing us
on the defensive, is undoubtedly a step
backward, and one that should be prevent
ed ii possible.
The excuse our Legislators give for vot
ing for him, is that there was no other
candidate before the caucus. That is true,
but every student cf the politics of the
State knows the repson thereol, and also
knows that with the Cameron grip releas
ed, good and able men from every section
of the State would aspire to the position.
A significant incident of Cameron's late
trip to Harrisburg was that he went to the
old Cameron house, Collector Cooper and
other plausable gentlemen helped him to
receive and Chairman Andrews and other
political roosters went out and induced the
members to call upon him; whereas a
statesman would have appeared be fore tbe
Legislators of his party and discussed the
questions of the day with them. But no
such idea entered Cameron's head. He
relies upon more subtle means for
accomplishing his ends, and a man
who has secured his place by such
means is not the representative and ser
vant of the'people. He has bought and
paid for his office, and he doos with it
what he pleases, with obligations to no
The only remedy we see for this state
of affairs within the party lines, is for Re
publicans to pledge their support to no as
pirant for a legislative office who will not
in turn, pledge himself to certain meas
ures and lines of conduct.
Next year, in 1892, wo will elect another
Honse of Representatives, and half of the
Senate,including a member for this district,
and that Legislature will elect a successor
to U. S. Senator M. S. Quay, and as men
all over the state are already informing their
pergonal friends of their intention of being
candidates, we think it would be good pol
itics for no Republican to plodge himself
to any man who will not in turn make a
pledge to use his best endeavors to redeem
the party from commercial rule, and also
to vote for no man for U. S. Senator who
will not pledge himselt to use his best en
deavors to secure an amendment to the
National Constitution n.aking the election
of United States Senators subject to the
direct vote of the people, and dividing the
power of confirming the President's ap
pointments • between the Senate and
No amendment to the National Constitu
tion, not even that forever prohibiting the
existence of slavery in this country would,
we believe, be hailed with greater delight
by the people. You have but to look at
the membership of the States Sen
ate to-day and consider the immense power
in their hands under the Constitution,to be
convinced that this is not a government of,
by and for the people, but rather one of,
by and for the Senators, and until the
whole Nation realizes that fact the thing
will remain as it is. Why should we not
know what we are voting fort Candidates
for Parliament in Great Britain publish
their views on the questions of the day,
and why should not the same custom pre
vail hereT Why should we go it blind and
so often be deceived? Let us look ahead
and endeavor to strangle the serpent that
has encircled us before it is too late.
AFTER a continuous session of thirteen
hours, "Wednesday, the U. S. Senate
adopted a free coinage measure, pure and
Charged With Embezzlement.
G. B. Delamater, G. W. Delamater and
T. A. Delamater, the members of the firm
of Delamater & Co., bankers, who assigned
recently, were summoned before Alderman
Dougan of Meadville last Friday, on a
charge ot embezzlement. The complaint
was made by the outgoing board of County
Commissioners, whose term of office ex
pired on Monday of last week, and stripped
of legal verbiage, states that If. P. Marley,
E. J. Bailey and W. J. Lindsay, the ex-
Commissioners charge Delamator <fc Co.
with the embezzlement of upward of SOO,-
000 of county funds, having received the
deposits of the County Treasurer while
knowing themselves to be insolvent, and
converting the same to their own use. Tho
complaint was made under the provisions
of the act approved May 9, 1889, No. 162,
relating to tho receiving of deposits by
insolvent bankers, a law in favor of which
Senator Delamater voted.
The complaint was read, a pica of not
guilty entered and a hearing 'waived.
Bonds were given by each of the defend
ants in the suui of SIO,OOO for their appear
ance at the February term of court, with
Edgar Huidekoper and D. G. Kichmoiul as
The suits against the Delamater are due
to the poor showing made by the state
ment of the appraisers appointed to
examine the assets and liabilities of the
firm. That statement was filed last week.
It shows that the liabilities are $1,040,000
and the assets in round numbers about
$300,000, so that creditors cannot hope to
receive much more than 25 per cent, on
their claims.
On Monday they made a proposition to
their creditors to compromise at 50 ots on
the dollar, iu two years time, and the
creditors appointed a committee to
examine the books of the bank.
The Caucus' Action.
The action of the Republican Senatorial
caucus at Harrisburg yecterday will be
hailed with satisfaction by most Demo
crate and a very few Republican". It will
cause profound regret and not a little re
sentment among tbe great mass of thiuk
ing Republicans to which the party owes
its majorities and to whose intenso dis
satisfaction with Mr. Cameron and his
methods The Press for several weeks past
ha* been giving expression and currency.
From every' quarter were coming pro
tests against his re-election, and a caucus
was forced by Mr. Cameron's managers two
weeks in advance of the usual time,in order
to commit Republican members before the
rising tide of opposition should lead them
to reconsider pledges given before the
strength of the discontent with Cameron
and Cameronisui was developed. Almost
the entiro Republican State press, outside
of Philadelphia, are either strongly op
posed to Cameron and frank in their
expression of it, or, if restrained from
motives of interest from taking such a
stand, they compromise with the situation
and say nothing. There have been no
indorsements of Cameron by auy organ
ization execpt the various Legi?lati\e
caucuses,but every Republican body which
hss expressed itself on tbe Senatorsbip has
been ontspokeu against Cameron. In the
Republican newspaper press he has re
ceived no support in any respectable or
influential quarter except to a limited ex
tent in this city.
This is not singular, (or there is no ade
quate del ense that can trutblully be made
for him. His incompetence as a legisla
tor is notorious and painfully manifest at
every session. His unreliability as a party
man is shown by his associations, and the
doubts that are always felt as to tho stand
he will take on critical party matters. His
inbecility when Pennsylvania tariff in
terests are assailed, his unsoundness on the
money questions, his avowed hostility to
such a crucial party measure as the
elections bill, his inability in a deliberative
body to utter three consecutive sentences
in extempore debate, his chronic absence
from his post and general are
each and all unanswerable reasons why he
should be left at homo. But, having
secured the Legislature by his own peculiar
methods,he receives the.caucus nomination
of his party.
We believe that this, in tbe language of
Mr. Cameron's colleague, is "bad politics'
as well as a misfortune for the Stale.
While it will keep the latter misrepresent
ed in the Senate for another six } ears, it
will aggravate and intensify the discontent
in the Republican party which caused Mr.
Delaniater's defeat at the last elections.
The expression of the State Republican
press, and the volume and spirit of letters
received by The Press since the agitation
began—whose n umber is far in excess ol
our ability to print—show that the dissatis
faction with the bosses and barnacles
which are weighing the parly down has
taken deep root everywhere. It is strong
est among those whose Republicanism is a
matter of faith scarcely less dear to them
than their religion. Such men are slow
to revolt, but still slower to forget. The
politicians and managers who so obtru
sively ignore them will find, too, that they
do not easily forgive.
A caucus nomination is, however, not
always an election. Republican meetings
have been called in several counties to
protest against Cameron's re-election.
Petitions are being circulated and signed
all over the State, and individual remon
strances are being poured iu upon mem
bers, some of whom yesterday had their
jjockets full of these while voting for Mr.
Cameron. Il' the Republicans of the State
who are opposed to Mr. Cameron will but
assert themselves in their strength iu the
next fortnight it is slill barely possible to
save the State from the misfortune and
ignominy of another six years of Cameron.
—Philadelphia Press.
LESS than two years from now, one of
the issues in the election of Assembly uiau
will be the return of M. S. Quay to the U.
S. Senate, and one of the strange features
of the campaign will probably be that
Cameron and his ugents all over the state
will be against Quay, and it will appear
that Cameron has already selected some
other political rooster, like Chris. Magee of
Pittsburg, for his colleague.
THAT was a funny scene in the Capitol
building at llarrisburg last Monday. The
Chief Clerks of the two houses had to
select 100 scrub-women out of 700 appli
cants. They did so, placed tho list in the
hands of the elevator-uiau; and the
elevator-man, fearing the wrath of the 600
disappointed ones, assembled in tho
rotunda, hoisted himself halt-way upstairs,
and then read the list of successful appli
SENATOR QUAY has introduced a sub
stitute for the Elections bill, in tho Senate,
embodying nearly all the features of the
Hoar bill, and also giving the President
the power to use the military forces of the
United States at elections, when ho thinks
necessary. The substitute was referred to
a committee.
Washington Township Items.
Washington township is to have four
more oil wells, one on the Henry Stoner
farm near North Washington; one on Er
viue Bell near tho Hoyer well, and one ou
Philip Stoops, adjoining the Hoover farm.
A company composed of J. H. Gibson,
T. P. Mifflin, Joe Seaton, William Thomp
son and others of North Washington, are
taking leases near tho Hoover well and
most of the territory is taken up the neigh
There has been thirty-four wells drilled
in tho township.
Henry Shira is about to buy the well on
his place.
Mr. R. 0. Rumbaugh and wife gave an
oyster supper and dance for the old people,
qui to a number were present from North
John Pisor, one of our enterprising far
mers, finished threshing a few days ago.
Jesse Everts and Mac Yard doing the job
with their chall'-piler machine. They are
thorough-going men and did a good job.
John Stoops is ieeling a little uneasy over
their success as he has been doing the
threshing in that neighborhood.
J. B. Campbell, our jovial farmer and
teamster, lost one of liis mules while en
gaged at teaming in the Wildwood oil field
from tho effects of a tramp on one of its
hind feet. Lack of space forbids mo giv
ing the eulogy ho pronounced over the
dead but let it suffice to say it was truthful
and to the point.
If there is anything in signs it seems to
mo one would be safe in predicting that
Norman llilliard is going to build a house.
That is-right Norman, get the cage ready
aud then get the bird.
John Hilliard is home from the Cbartiers
oil field. He will return iu a few days.
Dave Arner is homo from the Wildwood
field where he has been teaming.
Our new board of commissioners have
appointed Isaac N. Meals, of this township
clerk. They couldn't have appointed a
better man. Success, Isaac.
Samuel, Curtis and Clementine Christy
and a Mr. Dtifford of Buttercup P. O. vis
ited their friends in the big glades a few
days ago. GUESS WHO.
Brady Twp. Items.
What township can beat ours for wed
Our schools are again in progress, and
No. 5 has a good teacher, also a good look
ing one.
D. L. McNees has returned to Meadville.
Mrs. Curtis Snyder has returned from a
visit to her sister, Mrs. Greer, in Evans
What is the matter with our literary so
ciety this winter?
Mr. Hugh Grossman, tho oldest resident
of Brady township, is seriously ill.
X. T. T.
It is claimed by some business politicians
that Cameron deserves the Senatorship ;be
cause he contributed the above sum to
elect our Republican legislature. That is
a mistake. Mr. Cameron, no doubt, was
very liberal in order to'secure a Cameron
legislature, but not a Republican legisla
Hire. They are a contradiction of-terms.
Any principle or policy or act that would
place any man of wealth.like Mr. Cameron,
in power is anti Republican. The corres
pondent of the Pittsburg Gazette boasts of
the manly way in which this boodle was
distributed; that candidates were helped
through without exacting any pledge, and
circumstances now do not carry out but
actually contradict that assertion.
But suppose it all to be true. Please,
neighbor, take off those Cameron glasses
and look at the situation with the naked
eye. The whole sum of the boodle alleged
to be used iu the corruption of our Con
gressional nomination was only twenty
two hundred dollars. And these men are
justly hounded down to jail and ire now
before the Supreme Court. There is al
ways a legal and a moral side to the same
question, and they often differ. The moral
object, the result aimed at, the purpose, l 1
accomplished, was the same in both cases,
viz: Self-aggrandizement, at the expense
of the moral atmosphere of the country.
It was aud is in both cases a recognition of
the principle that in this Commonwealth
the poor man has no show, no opportunity
whatever, beside the millionaire. While
the principle aud the evil results are the
same j both cases, one is worshiped and
the other is imprisoned. There is no doubt
and no denial on the part of those who may
differ with me on this subject, but that the
Cameron dynasty has been perpetuated
from father to son, and from term to term (
at the expense of the many and the cor
ruption of the few. Without money or its
equivalent in patronage this brainless
family could not have occupied this throne
for a period that far exceeds mauy of the
royal families of the old world. In short,
but for the constant and clannish use of
influences and means prejudicial to the
best interests of society, and government
generally, this unholy alliance would not
exist. Good citizens shoold shun its con
taminating influence. It contains iu its
silent whispering breath the death of Re
publicanism and of libertj on earth. Elec
tions become a sham, the people are not
represented; from time to time they are de
ceived;they vote for their neighbors,believ
ing they are casting a vote for the poor
man, and for the poor man's friend. But
in the darkness of night the tares have
been sown. The "Hundred Thousand has
been received," and we soon learn that
monopoly and crime have bought another
lease of life, aud Maminom is again de
clared King. And in the rejoicing to
gether of the vassals of the Crown, no
name is mentioned except the name ol
Cameron. From every brutal trust and
every financial hell on earth there goes up
a 6hout of victory.
"One Hundred Thousand" did it all.
Money is again triumphant and the poor
man is forgotten. Such a course of the
Republican part,) augurs evil for the future
of America. Such misrule can not loug
exist without inciting riot and [bloodshed.
People will some day become tired of vot
ing, seeing that money betrays them so
often. They would be unworthy the name
of Americans if they did not. Down with
the King and let us have one election free
from the corrupting influence of the root
of all evil. SIMEON NIXON.
Recollections of Butler; or Fifty Years
Across Main street from the Mechliug is
the square of the late Hon. John Bredin,
which retains the same name as fifty years
ago, aud is, we believe, the only square in
the town that does so, or that remains in
tho possession of children or descendants
of the original owner. Two of its lots are
now owned by two of the daughters of the
late Judge Bredin, Mrs. Nancy Cummings
aud Mrs. Elvira Lyon, and the other one
by a grand-daughter, Mrs. Clarence
Walker. A squall part of Mrs. Lyon's lot',
being the front one, 011 Maiu St.. was,how
ever, owned until but recently by her
brother, Joseph Is. Bredin, Esq., who sold
same to Mr. H. W. Kaouce, of Mercer
county, who is about to erect ttere a lino
store bouse. She has also recently sold
some purts of the lot. Mrs. Cummings
and Mrs. Lyon live in the house on the
corner of this lot, erected by their father
aud lived in by him during his lifetime.
Parts id' it since his death, May 1851, havo
also been occupied for law and other
offices. The first bank of any kind in But
ler was located in the room now used as an
otlice by James F. Brittain, Esq., and per
haps others. This bank was established
about 1858. by Ex.-Judge James Bredin,
oldest son of the late Judge John Bredin,
aud with whom was connected, perhaps in
its origin, the lato Mr. James Campbell.
Mr. Isaac Cummings, deceased, was its
cashier. The house used as an office by
the late Judge Bredin was a frame one,
attached on south end of his dwelling, in
which he had his library and law books,
and in which the writer studied when read
ing law with him. This building has long
since disappeared. On the middle lot, ol
Mrs. Cummings, facing on Diamond Park,
now vacant, is where once stood one of the
very early public houses of the town,
known as the Funk Hotel, being kept by a
Mr. Adam Funk. In this hotel or house it
is said some of the early Courts of the
county were held. It was a large log
building and was torn away near fifty
ago. A low frame store house also stood
on this lot, on west side of Funk house,
which was also used as a dwelling, among
those living there, remembered by the
writer, was a widow Miller, mother of the
present Hon. George W. Miller, of Wash
ington, Pa., who but recently was United
States Marshal for the Western District of
Pennsylvania. On the reuiaiuing east lot
is the line residence aud office of Clarence
Walker, Esq., the main house o'f which
was built by Hon. E. MeJuukin in the fall
of 1851. He sold same shortly after to
Hon. James Bredin. who lived there until
he sold to Mr. William G. Stoughton, who
lived there until again purchased by Mr.
McJuukiu. and is now owned and resided
in by Mr. Walker.
The lato John Bredin became Judge of
our courts in .1831, appointed,as the Judges
then were, by the Governor of the State.
He remained Judge until his death, which
happened, as we state, iu May 1851, sud
denly, and during a week in which he was
holding a Court here. His district was
Beaver, Mercer and Butler counties. When
Lawrence county was erected out of Mer
cer aud Beaver counties, 1850, it was at
tached to or rather remained in his dis
trict. The writer accompanied him, in a
sleigh and with a deep snow on the ground,
to the first Court he held at New Castle.
All the ineideuts to the opening of that
first Court were very plain in style and are
remembered with much pleasure. Judgo
Bredin however, if not good sleighing,
always traveled bis circuit on hor e back.
This was his favorite mode of traveling.
The lawyers of that day also generally
went to the Courts of neighboring counties
in horse back. Buggies were but little in
u<e then. Judge Bredin used a largo pair
of saddle bags on his journeys, in which he
carried ail the legal papers, decisions, etc.,
necessary for hiin to take. He was an
able lawyer and laborious Judge, perform
ing an immense amount of work while act
ing as such. Although but felf educated
be was a man ol much literary tsste and
culture. His library contained books upon
imost all snbjeflts of science and literature, j
He was also viry fond of agricultural par
•aits, and when not holding courts he en
( gaged in various improvements on his
j lands. One of his many enterprises was
ithe successful turning of the channel ol the
creek below t#wn. cutting off and shorten
ing its course near half a mile, and forming
j now, as can be yet seen, what is called the
Vogeley island. He also was a prominent
member, with the late Mr. Henry Muni*.
of Zelienople, the late Mr. George Miller,
of this place, and others in the formation
cf a Bible society, for the spread of the
Bible among the then poor of this county.
In political affairs he was at all times
quite active, attending among other things
the National Conventions of his party, then
generally hekl at Baltimore, for the nomi
nation of its candidates for President. Per
sonally he was atlable, easy of access,
generous, a true friend aud a charitable
man. Take him all in all he had more of
the elements of a really great man than
any of the public men of Butler of his day.
The Judges had just been made elective
before his death and had he lived a month
or so longer bis friends expected to see him
nominated as one of the first Judges of the
Supreme Court of the State, for which he
was a eaudidate and for which they were
urging him. He was followed as Judge
here by Judge Agnew, yet living, and he
in turn by Judge McGuffin, deceased, and
he by Judges McJunkin and James Bredin,
and now by our present ones, Judges
Hazen and MtMichael.
Continuing tround the Diamond from the
Bredin square brings us to one of the oH
time Gilmore squares, so called from the
late Hon. Johi Giluiore, who, fifty years
ago. owned both of the squares on east end
of the Diamond. The brick house now
owned by Mr*. Catharine Graham and now
resided in bj her and her sister, Mrs.
Elizabeth Poiterfield, was erected by Mr.
Gilmore near 50 years ago. Mrs. Graham
is the widow of the late John Graham.
Esq., a good man and a very distinguished
member of the Butler Bar. whose early
death was a canse of great sorrow and re
gret to all our then citizens, as well as a
great loss to o«r Bar. He had purchased
and lived in this house and died in same in
IS6O. Mrs. Por'.erfield's first husband was
Mr. Cornelius Coll. a man highly respected
and esteemed ly all who knew his many
noble traits of character. Few men of the
town were more accurate scholars than
was Neal Coll, as he was familiarly called,
and his good judgment of men and things
wus often sought for. He was a most ex
cellent printer, aud was a clerk in the
Protbouotary'6 office for several years. He
died Nov. 13,18o3,uiuch lamented t>y many
persona! friends.
Where the above Mrs. Graham house
stands formerly stood a popular black
smith's shop, carried on by the late Col.
Manisse-.ts GiUespie and the lato Mr. Ham'l
Pauihemas, of Centre Twp. Mr. Paui
hemas becam* known us "Vulcan," from a
notable political event that occurred in the
town in IS3S, It was during the election
for a Governtr that year. One party, the
Whigs, had run up a Hag at the Mechling.
now Bank corner, on the street, in honor
of their cauae and candidate, Joseph liit
ner, for Governor. This displeased the
Democrats, whose candidate was David R.
Porter, to such an extent that they deter
mined to tear down the flag. In this move
ment Mr. Pauihemas, who was a very
ardent Democrat, took a leading part, ap
pearing upon the ground, hammer in hand
and apron on, to assist in the great work
of bringing down the Whig flag. There
was much party spirit and excitement
existing in town at, the time, and the late
Parker C. l'urviance, Ksq., a noted humor
ist of those days, wrote and published a
comedy on the subject, entitled "The
Flag; A Comedy in 5 Acts." In this
comedy he represented Mr. Pauihemas in
the character of "Vulcan," which name ad
hered to him for a long time. Other
characters in the comedy was au Ex.-
Sherilf of the county, Mr. Joht. Welsh,
who was described as "Johnny Trot."
The late James G. Campbell, Esq., was
called "Trip," anu a Mr. David Wilson,
who was a rather talkative man, was
characterized as "Davy Blatherskite."
Other of the leading citizens oi the town
were characters in this comedy of Mr. l'ur
viance and it had a gruat sale and was in
great deuiaud at the time. Col. Gillespie
removed to Donegal Twp., where he died
some years ago.
Across the street, on Diamond, east end,
was the otuer John Gilmore square, upon
which now is the Kiddle offices, owned by
W. H. H. Riddle, Esq. This building was
erected by the late lion. Samuel A. Gil
more, son of John, who lived there, and
with his brother, late Hon. Alfred Gilmore,
occupied the old ofiice there as their law
otlicc. The old gentleman himself lived,
before ho removed to the Mrs. Graham
house, in a log-framed house that stood
where the present house of the late Capt.
Jacob Ziegler now stands. Capt. Ziegler,
"Uncle Jake,'' bought and built there,
tearing away the old one. Hon. John Gil
more for many years was one of the prom
inent wen of Butler. lie was a member
of the State Legislature, a State Treasurer
and a member of Congress, abont 1830. He
was a large, very lino looking man, and
much respected as a gentleman in every
way. He died between the fifties and six
ties. His son Alfred also became a mem
ber of Congress, elected in 1848 and again
in 1850. Samuel A. Gilmore was a leading
member of the Bar, with a large practice
for many years. In 184G he was appointed
President Judge for the district of Fayette,
Washington and Greene counties and re
moved to Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa.,
where he lived until his decease, about ten
years ago. Alfred died in Scranton, Pa.,
last summer. J. H. X.
(To be continued.)
THE United States has been sued in its
own Supreme .Court by the British Govern
ment, —a novel proceeding. Ou Monday
last Sir. John Thompson, Atty. General of
Canada with associate Counsel, applied to
the Court at Washington f;ir a writ of
prohibition commanding the U. S. I>i.-trict
Court at Sitka to annul its proceedings by
which the British schooner Say ward was
libeled for taking seals. The Court allow
ed the U. S. Atty. General two weeks time
to prepare a defense.
SEVERAL Indian chiefs snrrendered to
Gen. Miles, Wednesday, and the war is
supposed to be ended.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dande
lion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipslssewa, Juniper Ber
ries, and other well-knowu and valuable vegeta
ble remedies, by a peculiar combination, propor
tion and process, giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla
curative power not possessed by other medicines.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula,
Salt Rhenra, Bolls, Pimples, all Humors, Dyspep
sia, Biliousness, slck Meadache, Indigestion,
General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism. Kidney
and Liver complaints, overcomes that tired feel
ing, creates an appetite, strengthens the nerves.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
St vcrr worfctr W r »t»ri you.CurnUblnjc
VI ad/ertU: g Sffc whan in ">d it r>n f* t :
Prospect Institute.
Program of the I-ocal Institute to l>e
held in Prospect, Pa.. Saturday, Januarv
24, isyi
Devotional exorcises. Kev. N. Seheffer.
Address of welcome. Rev. J. A. Clark.
Response, W. E. Carrie.
History, Prof. M. A. Sutton.
Recitation, Miss Dottie Richardson.
Address, Prof. J. C. Tlustman.
Address. Sup't McColl"'.:gh.
Solo, Miss Aggie Kennedy.
Penmanship. Mi.-- Emma Mi/Lure.
Addre.-s. Dr. Maltby.
Recitation, J. D. Bowers.
Geography. I. N. Dyke.
School Discipline. G. 1 Wil.-on.
Essay, Miss Ella lieighiey.
Musical Director. ifr> Lida Lepler.
Organist, Miss Mary Martin.
All teachers aud I : lends of education are
cordially invited. The exercises will be
interspersed with good music. An inter
esting time is anticipated for all of the
above instructors have promi-i d their at
tendance. F. V. MAOEE. R
G. P. WEIGLK. l - otn "
GILDERSLEEYE —Tuesday, Jan.'l 3. 91.
at her home at 3339 Ridge St. Pittsburg.
Mrs. Samilda C. Gildersleeve, wile of A.
B. Gildersleeve, in her 45th year.
KLINE—At the home of Mr-. Stall in
Petersville, Wednesday. Jan. 7, 91. Mr.
George Kline Jr. aged about 18 year-.
FISHER—At the home of her son-in-law.
Frank Kemper, in Butler. Jan. 13, ISS>I
Mrs. Joseph Fisher, aged 58 years.
KENNEDY—At)her home in Lancville
Jan. 3, 1891, Kate Kennedy aged 18
GIBSON —Jan. 1. I*9l, Chas. Levi, infant
son of Jas. A. and Ida Gibson of Petrolia.
~~ Lkqal advbrtiseemnts
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEN office.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship existing between H. M. Clark and D.
A. Kamerer. under the firm name of H.
M. Clark it Co., was dissolved by mutual
consent on Oct. 124, 1890. The books of
the firm are in the hands of H. M Clark,
who will collect all accounts and settle all
bills. 11. M. CLARK,
Administrator's Notice.
N< tice is hereby given that Utters of td
miuistration on the estate of James Mc-
Elhaney, latent Butler Borough, Butler Co.,
ceceasid, have beeu granted to A. T. Black,
resident of said borough,to whom all penons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payroeut, and those having claims or de
mands will make known the same without
delay. fA. T. BLACK, Adm'r,
Butler, Pa.
Estate of Edward H. Graham,
Letters of administration on the estate of
Edward 11. Graham, ilec'd, late of Conm que
cessing Twp., Butler Co., Pa., havii'sc been
granted to the undersigned,all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate l avment, and any
Uaving claims against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
R. H. GRAHAM. Adm'r,
W. D. Brandon,', 1 Connor,m flensing Tp.,
att'v. 1 Butler County,. Pa.
Election Notice.
The stockholders of the Worth Mutual
Fire Insurance Co. will meet in the I . P.
church at West Liberty on Tuesday, Jan.
13, 1891, for the purpose of electing officers
for the ensuing year, and for attending to
such other business as may come before
them. W. E. TAYLOR, Scc'y.
To all whom il may concert::
Take notice that the partnership hereto
fore existing between Owen I»rady, Joseph
Hartman, A. 11. Simpson and 11. J. Hoyt.
doing a banking business under the firm
name and style of the Butler County Bank,
H. J. Hoyt A' Co., at Millerstown, Butler
county, l'a.. is- hereby dissolved, to take
effect on the lirst day of January, 1891:
that the said Owen Brady, Joseph llart
inan and A. 11. Simpson have sold all their
right, title, interest and claim in said part
nership to 11. J. Hoyt, who will carry on
the business himself under the name of the
liatler County Bank; that the .-aid 11. J.
Uoyt has assumed all the debts and liabili
ties ot the said partnership, tho Butler
County Bank, of which all interested will
take notice. -• OWEN BRADY,
A. 11. SIMPSON-,
MILLERSTOWN, PA.. Oct. 29. 1890.
* Tho undesigned, this dat" having dis
posed of their interest in the Butler County
Bank, of Millerstown, Pa., to take effect
the lirst day ol January. 1891, as per above
notice, to 11. J. Hoyt, who has so long, so
successfully and so satisfactorily managed
tho affairs of said bank, and who will con
tinue to conduct its business and- serve its
customers and friends as heretofore, take
pleasure in bespeaking for him the same
generous patronage by the people of this
place and vicinity as he has merited and
received at their hands in the past.
MILLERSTOWN, PA., Oct. 29. 1890.
TLe undersigned will, on the first day of
January next, assume the sole ownership
and full proprietorship of the Butler Coun
ty Bank, as shown is the foregoing notices,
and he takes this opportunity to express
his thanks and gratitude for the large share
of patronage which has been extended him
these rntny years past, and owing to the
increased facilities he will have tor serving
his friends and patrons, he promises to do
anything in his power that is consistent
with safe banking to meet their require
ments, and solicits a continuance of their
Yours Verv Respectfully,
Executors' Notice.
WIIKREAS, letters testamentary to the
estate of John Webb, late of Clay Twp., But
ler Co., Pa., dec'd, have been granted to the
subscribers, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment and any having claims or demands
against the estate of said decedent will make
known the same without delay to
Euclid. Pa. Brauehton, Pa.
August 30. 1890.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween It. S. Nicholls and L. "M. Hewitt
under the lirm name of It. S. Nicholls
Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent, Mr. L M. Hewitt retiring from
the firm. The business will be continued
by IJ. S. Nicholls, who is authorized to
settle claims and collect accounts due the
firm. K. S. NICHOLLS.
Nov. 10, 1890. B. M. HEWITT.
In retiring from the firm of It. S.
Nicholls & Co. I take pleasuro in recom
mending my late partner Mr. Nicholls and
bespeak tor him a continuance of the pat
ronage ol our eld customers.
L. M. HEWITT, Butler, Pa.
Nov. 10, 1890.
Ily virtu 1 ; of a writ of Veil. Ex., Issued out ol
tlie Court ot Common I'leas of Ilutler Co.. l'a.,
aud to me directed, there will be exposed to
public sale, nt tlie premises, on
Saturday, Jan. 24, A. D., 1801,
at 1 o'clock p. in., the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
Thompson & Son, atl'vs. E. l>. No. 2, Manli T.
All the right, title, interest and clalmof M. H
Kair>n\ der, of. In and to 100 acres ot land, more
or lets" situated tn Concord and Oakland Twps..
Ilutler t 0., l'a.. bounded as follows,to-wit: Ad
joining lauds of K. 1". '"bristle's heirs. W. it.
Clvmer. dec'd. John Whltmtre and others.
A fx) ut 00 acres cleared Hid cultivated, with a
frame tottage dwelling-house, board stable and
outbuildings tht-reun. Seized and taken la exe
cution a* t lie property of M. 11. lJallsnyder at
tlie suit ol Tliompeon A son.
Sheriff's Office, Butler, l'a., Jan. S, 1891.
•1 (11. i:I I'ITTSDCU H Nt tlii- ADRERTMOG 1 iireau OF
«Lo nil! contract for adfertiaiiig at luwuit r-lca.
■ fcOfVAL M4MI
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in li .iw: :: g strength. — I". S.
(ion riinni.t E'i'ort. A ;7. IT, 1888.
Executor's Notice.
letters testamentary ou the estate of Susan
iiilliard, dec'd, late of Washington Twp.,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to t*»e
undersigned,ali persons knowing themselves
indebted to the said estate will please make
immediate payment, ard any having claims
against spid e-tate will present them duly
authenticated fur settlement.
liilliard, Pa.
G. W. FLBEGEK, Att'y.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of John
W. Brandon, dec'd, late of ConncMjaenessing
Twp., Butler Co., Pa., having beeu granted
to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
W. D. Brandon, ( Connoquenessmg P. 0.,
att'y. I Butler County, Pa.
Jury L ist for Feb. 9, 1891.
l.tst of Traverse Jurors drawn this nth day
of December A. I> , i v ». to serve as Traverse
Jurors at a special term of court commencing
on l'eb. 9th. Is:*).
Aldtnger. C F. Millerstuwnboro, Justi :e.
Brown. W I". Bntler «1 ward, laborer.
Plaltic, John, Center township, tarmer.
Bolton, Lewis, Connoqu'g township, farmer.
lilelcbner. Jacob, Summit township, tarmer.
mack. Koberf, Mer< < r township, merchant,
i ampbcli W u . MllVrstowu boro. teamster.
Campbell <• \V, Cherry town-hip, tarmer.
Cochrane Charles. c< r.cord t< usliip. tarmer.
crawrord.s W, BuUer tth ward, producer.
Colbert 1.1). Butler sth ward, clerk.
Forcbt Henry, Summit towi.ship, tarmer.
Gardner \V 14 I'arker township, farmer,
tlarwt k Ileniy. Connoqu'g township, farmer.
Humes'lb mas, Clearfield township, tanner.
Hutchison s V. cherry tow nship, farmer.
Milliard K M. Washington township, larmer.
limes TA. Bratl\ township, larmer.
UlKKins.l <V. Butler 3d ward, agent.
Johnston s H, l>lt •• carpenter
Jackson A C. Parker tow nship, laborer.
Keck Henry. Summit township. larmer.
Kline Jacob, Adams township, farmer.
I.iebler Martin. Summit tovn.-ddp. farmer.
Moore Jaiues (', Muddycreek township, farmer.
Miller Joseph. Jackson township, farmer.
Martin Al. Parker township, farmer.
Mayberrj K M. CeMrevflle in>ro. laborer.
Miller \\ E. Lam a-t r to\vnsliip, farmer.
Mc< E S, Falxvlew township, farmer.
Metiee Aiex, Muddvrreek township, farmer.
McKadden lianlcl. Jetlerson twp, firmer,
McCaJTer'.y W J, Butler tth ward, liveryman.
Nelson A, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Otto B P. Jackson twp, merchant.
Patrick James, Baldrldge. producer.
Peffer \\ 11. Lancaster twp, tarmer.
Reed C T. l'.iuier Ist ward, driller.
Kelsmau Martin, Butler ?d ward, teamster,
Herman, Washington twp, farmer.
Shealds John. Jefferson iwp, farmer,
shannon W 11. Connoqu'g twp, farmer.
Sassee John. Winlleld twp. farmer,
sioup David. Adams twp. farmer.
Sloan W 11. Allegheny twp. larmer.
siiatfcr Michael. Jack-mi twp. farmer.
Suwasli Peter, Centreville boi •. shoemaker.
Sheiver John, Lancaster twp farmer.
Stein LB. Butler3d ward, clerk.
Turner Arthur. Jefferson twp. farmer.
Vandyke Hugo A Marlon twp. farmer.
Vlnroe w J. Penn twp, farmer.
Wiles J s. Center twp. fanner.
Welgle F. Jackson twp, blacksmith.
Young Edwin, Connoqu'g twp. tarmer.
Young Simon, Center twp, farmer.
The Philadelphia Press
Has won the foremost place among Penn
sylvania newspapers !>y the liberality,
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ducts its business, reports great events,
and the completeness with which it records,
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Its Held is world-wide, and its stuff, its
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than any other newspaper ever published
in Pennsylvania.
"THE PRESS," said one of tho man
agers of the Western I'nion Telegraph
Company, "now receives more telegraphic
news than all the vtlicr Philadelphia news
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But it is not only by its news enterprise
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resenting every age arid every condition of
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THE PRESS as a general family journal,
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which have made for it so many friends at
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The printing of news is always its first
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by contributions from the most gifted
special writers, the most famous novelists,
and some of the most eminent public men
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THE i'RESS made it not only a daily
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Its stea lily growing profits and its stead
fast constituency not only demand, but
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In politics THE PRESS is Republican,
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people whose rights, aspirations, and
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great body of readers and voters, whom it
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Drafts, checks and other remittance*?
should be made parable to the order of
The Press Company, Limited.
Rough and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Slock.
Office opposite P. «t W. Depot,
JOWC .i »«• WMttTttr
«N'O : «K
IP b.foci« CHICACUr i
Are You Looking; For
E. 8. D R E W,
l k 2B E. Jefferson fc?t., - Kutler? lr*a
WEST run K. H.
MAKKET at 6:05 A.M. transfers passengers
at Junction to Apollo Acoom. which arrives
in Allegheny at M4o,also connects for Blairs
yille, arriving thete at F':3o and with trains
east anil west on tnain line.
EXPRESS at 5:35, connects at Junction
with l>av Express, arriving at Allegheny at
10:32 A. M.
AcCOMODAT'N at 11:20, arriving at Alle
gheny at 1:35, and connects at Junction with
Apollo Accom. going east.
ArcOJfODAT'X at 2:36 P.M. runs through
to Allegheny ami arrives there at 4:10 P. M.
connects with Eiprc -s east arriving at lllairs
ville at 6 P.M. anil with trains east and
west on main line.
Express at 6:00 I>. m., arriving at Alle
gheny at 6:45 p. w. No stops l>etween
Tarentum and Allegheny.
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 6:2 0
6:55, 8:20 and 11;00 A:M, and at ?:25, 3:15,
and 5:4." P.M.
Train* arrive at Rntler at 8:35 and 10:40
A.M.. and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:50 P.M.
No Sunday trains in Branch.
p. & w, p. R.
Corrected to fast time—One hour faster
than schedule time.
1 rains for Allegheny Itave Butler at 6:20,
8:25 and 10:20 a. m. and 2:40, 3:35 and S:3O
p. m. The 5:25 a. m. and 3:35 p. m. trains
connect at Callery with trains going West.
Trains going uorlh leave Butler at 10:05 a.
ni. and 5:05 p. m.
Irains arrive at Butler from Allegheny
and tbe West at 9:35, 10:10 and 11:55 a. m. &
4:45 and S:3O p. m., and irotn the north at
9:37 a. m. and 2:53 p. tn.
The 8:25 a. m. and 6:30 p. in. trains going
south run on Sunday; also the train that
leaves Allegheny at 8:30 a. in. and arrives
here at 10:10, and the 10:20 a. m. and 4:45
train* run daily betweeu Butler and Alle
The 11:55. 8:30 and 3:35 traius run daily
betwetu Butler an 1 Caliery.
Corrected to fast time.
Traius leave Butler for Greenville at 6:45
and 10:20 a. m and 4:55 p. m,
Traius leaviug the P. i W. depot in Al
legheny at 7:60 and 8:30 •• in. and 2:40 and
6:15 p. m. and the West Penn depot at 6:55
a. m. and 3:15 p. in. connect r.t Butler with
trains North on this road. '
Trams arrive at Uutler Irom Greenville at
10:03 a.m. and 2:25 and 6:25 p.m.; all ol
which connect with the I*. Jt \V. to Alleghe
ny and the 2:35 with the West Penn.
Trains leave Billiards at 7:25 a.m 12:15 p.
in.; arrive at 10:35 a. in. and ti:4s p. in.
No Sunday trains. Passengers with tick
ets will be carried on the local freight that
leaves the P. W. .tunc, at 1:15 p. in. but
not ou tue other freight traius.
The tf:4s a. m. train from Butler connects
at Osgood with trains ou the L. S. i M. S.,
arriving at Cleveland 10:40 a. m., Chicago
y:10 p. m., Krie 11:28 a. in., Iluli'aio 2:35 p.
m„ and at Mercer with \V. N. 1. «St P.,
arriving at New Ca»tle at L»:05 a. m.
The 10:20 a. m. train from Hutler conaect'
at Mercer with traiu-j,on the \V. X, & P.,
airiving at Franklin at 2:<JO p. m. ami Oil
City at at 2:10 p. ID., and at Sheuango with
the N. V. P. Jc (>. for Meadviile, Jamestown,
Butialo, Clean and New York; also at
Osgood for Oil City.
The 4:55 p. m. train connects at Mercer tor
New Castle, and at Shen ingo for Meadviile
and Sharon.
Keep at it i
Some advertisers are 100 timid.
They spend a few dollars and trail
to sec big returns before spending
any more. Trade vras never built
tip in that teay. Jl is the house
that KEEPS AT IT all the time
that attracts the purchasers.
"Oh, yes, that's a mighty good
scheme for the newspapers!" nays
the non-progressire merchant.
So it is, of course, for they get
paid for giving the mtrchant pub.
I icily, and the more publicity I hey
give him the more they should be
jiaiil. Hut as good a scheme as it
is for the newspapers, it is a better
one for the merchant.
If any one doubts it, let him
make a list of the most success
fid business men in Butter, and
then examine the papers to see if
they are not the most liberal ad
and receive for ono year
Both Tor 53.00.
At tlie Head of Young People's
Maga/. ne•.
Kularjted. luvs 100 Page. Every
Mil.nil. lleana.ul'y !:!u-'ated.
J2.40 a year. L'O ci< a No.
I). LOTHI:OPCO., Publishers, r.oston.
Babyland, Our Little Men & The Pansy,
50c. a year Women a year |*l a vear.
Specimen t. anv one, 5 ccut-:of -.be four,
15 ecu;-.
Tbe Or anil -Babylaud," $1.75.
Tbe (' ' - tind "The Pansy," s2 00.
Tne C '• aad * Uur I.ittlo Men aud
Women," .T-'.i'i'.
Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor .if Pensions and
I'atentH. l.ox -Vt, W.tahHigiou l>. t'lerk Sen
ate Pension t'o.umitiee lui last T y. uis. If you
like HtOMITN LSS write me. olad to t;lve
.1. E. Kastor,
Practical Slate Roofer.
j Ornamental and Plain Staling
Oi'all kinds done on short rctiee.'
Office with W. 11. Morris, Ko.
7, N. M;iin St,, Residence
North Elm street,
Butlor. Pa.
j w
New Livery Stable.
New Slock,
New Rigs.
Horses fed aud boarded.
39, W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
(Established ISIO )
ALOGUE for 1 *9O will be mailed on appli
cation. Every Farmer, Gardener. Amateur
or owner of a lot should have one.
Orders for flowers and floral etnbletna
have immediate attention. Telephone 239.
John R. & A. Murdoch,
50S Smithficld St.,
I'ITT SB 111 L,FA.
Wanted, At Once,
A niau to sell choice Nursery Stock
in end around Butler during tLe fall
j and winter. We solicit the corres
pondence of cojone wishing u situa
lion. Special inducements to tbe
right party. Permanent employment
when desired. No experience Luces
sary: Good pay. Address stating
Rochester, N. Y.
The undersigned v.m sen ins tnrm.ccntalning
sixty acres, more or less, and located In Adams
Twp.. on the Evansburg and Mars road, near
Marshall and Myoiea stations on the P. & W
It B. aud near the I'all'ry oil Held.
11 contains a good house, good hank l>i.rn
good outbuildings. «»HHI orchard, level
anil K'ood ground, two springs near house, pump
in barn, aud all In good order.
Inquire ot or address
James Davidson,
Myoma P. O ,
Buller Co., Pa.
Tit rnram
The most complete one cent daily
newspaper published anywhere.
It is clean, bright and enterprising.
It printß ail the news of the day; its *
market reports are fuii and reliable;
its editorials able and fearless and its
special features such as to mako it a
' welcome visitor to every home.
Many improvements haxo been
made during the past year in every
department of THE TIMES, and it
will continue to introduce new
features and spare no expense to hold
tbe place it has won at tbe head of
cheap newspapers. In every essential
it compares favorably 'with the
highest priced newspapers of Pitts
burg and the country.
Terms of subscription, invariably
in advance, are as follows: One
year, $3.00; six months, $1.50; three
months, 7f> cents; one month, 30
cents. It can be ordered from any
Postmaster, or from this office direct.
Address all communications to
Pittsburg, Pa.
v Jiitlc fcrtiinMharr J»e«n rrudeat
; o.Jth. Yon can do ihe work anil live
• *>
' » /, Allam. Wethow j-tmhow
y "tart rou. t «n work in time
Hl* money for work
' .< / „ *3r" er *- Failure unknown among them.
* NKW a t w»n4arftil. Particulars ft-re.
ll.llnllrtt A Co.. fiox Ps*orort!aiid,Maiuo
Does Advertising Pay?
tell von that It does u you do it properly
miii Judiciously. The questloif is not
when to advertise, for that sluuld ne always,
but h">vv. Those wlio have discovered the best
method ot course get tilt- largest returns.
Nearly e\erj business lias lis "dull season, - '
during which a good advertisement will do
ial'i lul work day and night, r:dn or sbine. In
fumiliarl/lug consumers with tbe nainc.
Imatioii and specialties or advantages of tbe
advert (si r. so that v. lien the time to buy comes
he reaps I l.e bcoelit of ills seed-sowing.
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now mnniDg a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Te!ephoLß
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection!
H tioe. A. Scott, uWUriiaw*/. *•