HOUDir SLIPPERS! When you are looking around and wondering what to. . 1V for Christmas why not buy something useful such as a finJ pair of slippers. We show an exceedingly fine line m creat variety of styles, in Velvets, Plushos, Tan and Maroon Goat, Kussia Leather and Alligator, at 50c, <O, sl, 1 2D, 1 50. 2, 2 50 and 2 75. I i cl;<t-" MO (1 iltitn's fine Plutb and Velvet Slippers in beautiful colors and very low prices. Ladies' and Gents' fine Shoes At $1 25, 1 50, 1 75, 2, 2 50, 3 and 4, we can show you all the newest patterns—We have an immense stock in all grades. Our Boys', Youths' and Misses Shoes At sl, 1 25,1 50 and 2 are celebrated, for style and good wear. Moie of "HuseltonV are worn in and about Butler than any other made and why: Huseltoii's shoes are the best, Huselton's sty les are the latest, Huselton's prices are the lowest, Huselton has one price only. jf rWt want slippers buy shoes. Look through our boot department,you can find anything you want in this stock. "Huselton's" shoes are perfect fitting, neat and tastily constructed, always flexible and comfortable, Come in and see us, JB. O. HUSELTON. 102 N. Main Street ; , RINGS" Ttfmirl * J EAR-RINGS, JLJldlllOllUb S SCARF PINS, t STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, Watr-liPft i LADIES GOLD VV ctlClie& 1 GENTS SILVER TDWDITIT J Gold Pinß » Ear-rings, tl t? W tJIJ y | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, r Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Qi"l >»/'\ *\ and everything that fan be £^llV f" ( found in a first class store, HOSED INS.IID E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Jfo. 19, North Main St.. BUTLEB, PA., Have You Bought Your Cloak or Wrap for the winter yet. It you haven't don't put it off too long or all the bestfthings will be picked out. It is a Fact That we have never shown as nice a line of Dry Goods and Carpets as we are now showing in our new room. Why are Troutmans so busy? There must be a reason for it or people wouldn't do their shop ping there. The Real Truth is They htve the correct styles, the largest and best stock to se lect from and the lowest prices. o—o Visit our store from now until Christmas and see lor yourself. TROUTMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTTER, - - - PA. B. B. BETTER VALUES and more for your money in every case—on every item is what we claim. Write our Mail Order Department for SAMPLES of Dry Goods of any kind that you may be in want of; compare qualities and prices with any other you rnay find, and see if we do not prove onr claim every time. Only on this prin ciple ot giving the most and best ob tainable for every dollar we hope for your patronage. Xo seutiraeut in this. We offer among maoy other specials this week— -38-inch Imported Tailor Suitings, checks and stripes, 45 cents. 40-inch Cloth Suitiugs, mixed and solid colors, 45 cents. 86-inch All Wool Camel's Hair, all colors, 45 cents. 48-inch Cheviotte Suitiugs, 75 cent*; in all ultra-fashionable shades. 50-inch Scotch Cheek Mixtures, medium dark colors, 75 cents (sold universally at SI.OO elsewhere.) For the Holidays, special large and elegant stock* of Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves, Umbrellas, Gents 1 Furnishings, and very extensive lines sf FANCY GOOBS | of all kinds at oar urual low and at tractive prices. We will fill ycur orders by mail to your satisfaction and profit. Boggs & Bulil, ALLEGHENY, PA. Willard Hotel W. H. REIHING.IProp'r BUTLER, - FA.. STABLIKU IS CONNECTION. SAMPLE KOOJI r..r COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS (ITFI MlllEß HI!!, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLKR, - - PA. Near NHW Court House—formerly Donaldson House—flood accommodations lor travelers. Good stabling connected. KTTKNMUM.ER & LEIBOLD. Prop'is SAMPLE ROOM. LIVER'S TN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley . (Strictly First Class.) HENRY L. BKCK. PROP'R. J. H. FAUBEL, Manager. Butler, Pa. NIXON'S HOMF, 36 N. McKEAN ST., MTLETi, PA. | at all hours. OponlaM 'night, iireaktast 25 rents. ' l>inner as cents, Supper.® cents, JLcdg'nff '.'s cents, j SIMEON NIXON - - - I'HOP K. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotel? and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No, 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. 1 Good Livery in Connection ■ a Ift * J »■ * jfr.f I- .ar,..d .t our *l* lln. of work. HH 1 I AS I__ h'-n-TBhly, by tho»e of llffl I I Iwl I™ ■ r • f *» *<>*»»* " r sod h» lb«if Il] 4 3 * I own locallii-e.wbwver they ll** Any ■■■ ** "• ■ <*!>• c«b <io ibe work. kaay to Irun. Wa furoUh «*rr.« .hlng W, .tart vou. No ma. Tu« .an derute jrour m 'mcait, r. r «n T our Hm* to tfca ncrk. Thl% »• an I #nllr«lyn#w '#• traiug* wonderful tu'rnuoenrv wcik~r. | Beginners ar«t earning from #24 to ffrO perwe#* and uima»«li, i and a lltfl# iii<ri»aee. W« can Airtil*b you the m | ploynnit an-l itefc y.>« t'RKI. No rp#cc tooxplala her* Full | iofvraiativa »KKk. Tfil'£ & CO.; it«CbTi, lilkl. 7 BBWINCUREM The Most Saccfirfal Remedy erer ditto* ored, aa It la certain in its effects and does not blister. Bead proof below: BUOOKXTW, May 5, *9O. DR. B. J. Encc ax Co.; Sirs :-lAst Summer I cared a Cnrbupon my norM with your celeb rated Kendall's .Spavin Cure and It was the be«t lob I ever saw done. 1 have a do*en empty bottles, having a«ed It with perfect naoeess. eunng every thin* I tried it on. My neighbor had a bora* vrith a very bad Spavin that made him lame. He asked mo how to cure it. I recommended Kendall's Spavin Core. He cured the Spavin In ]QSt Liiree weeks. Tours respectfully. WoLCOrr WITTOL COLUVBUS, Ohio, April 1, *9O. Dm. B. J. KJKXOALL Co.: Dear Sirs I have been more of Kendall's Spavin Cure and Flint's Condition Powder* than ever bef«»re. One man said to mo. It was the best Powder 1 ever kept and the h*-*i he ever used. Respectfully. OTTO L. HOFFMAK. CHrmrtaKOO, N. T., May 19, *9OL DA. B. J. KEXDAIX CO.. Dear Kirs: -I have usrd several bottles of your ■ Kendall's Spavin Cure with perfect success, on a valuable and blooded mare that was quite lame with a Bone Spavin. The mare is now entirely free from laments* an«l shows no bunch on the joint. Respectfully, F. H. HLTCHIXS. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Horaoi, La., May 8, "80. DR. B. J. EmiUL Co, Gent.l think it mv dntj- to render yon my thanks for your far famed Ken-laii's .Spavin Cure. I bad a four year old lilly which I prized very hteWr. She b.id a very severe swollen lets. 1 trii-a about eight different kinds of medicine, which did no good. I purchased a bottle or your Kendall's Spavin Care which cared her In four days. I remain yours, JUJUOS Do WD EX. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for (5. All drug gists have It or can get It for you, or it will be seat to any address on receipt of price by the propria ton. DB. B. J. KENDALL. CO., Knoabcrsh Falls. Vermont Rubber Shoes unless worn uncomfortably TIGHT generally slip oft the feet. THE " COLCHESTER n RUBBER CO. make all their shoe* wl'Tj Insle.t of heel lined with rubber. This clings to tJio ahou and pruveata Uie rubber from clipping off. Call for the "CoK-icster" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." H. Childs & Co., Wholesale Agents,s Pittsburg, PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, LVDRSTIH CTUJLK. Cheaper than Wood. The a*>o*e cutahowa Picket Fanc* with gate. (Thialanot a naulag.) can b« used on Iron or Wood Poata. When writing for prices fira Quantity, Nam bar of Gate*. Double SU'l Biug> wan tad. Wealao MannTactcre Heavy iron Fencing, Creating Biable Fittings, Pire Hhuttera and FIKB BSCAI'KS. Ce'lax Doors. and Railing*. Bra..* aod Iron drills. WIKK DOOR J.SU WINDOW BCKKK.N3, and ail kinda of WIRE Wulli. » TAYLOR Ac DEAN, 201, 203 & 205 3larket St., Pittsburgh, Pa. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR] 1 On the female face, lore- | ! breast, oa cheeks ab«>v»» tbe tween the eyebrows / ■ Needle Operation Wart«j Men's Kei i Nose, Enlarged Veins of the Nose, fer I Pimples, Black- /%cv§p hoads, Liver Spots ' aud all diseases and blemishes of the skin, 1 coinplexiou, hair and scalp successfully J treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor ha* ' had 20 years' experience in the practice of ' bin specialty, and numbers among his pa -1 tieuts our most prominent families. If yon ! are afflicted with any of the above blemishes, . avoid patent modicines and consult Dr. Van ; Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make enKaj?ementn|this month. Book free. Engage j Bents can be made by mail. Call on or address Dr J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th street, Pbiladei | phia, or 50'J Peun avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. I ! floors 9to 1 and 2to 7; Snn d ays, JO to 5. | Nothing Oil Earth Will Ml ABC^ HENS C LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It Is absolutely parr. Highly concentrated. In guantit y it conta less than a tenth of a cent a day. Btiictly a medicine. Prevents and cares ail diseases. Good for young chicks. Worth more than gold when hens M>ult. **Oue large ran saved mo S4O, send six for $5 to prevent roup,*' says a customer. If yon can't tret it send us 50 cents for two packs: five SI- A 2 1-4 pound can fl i 0 post-paid : S cans $5, express paid. 44 THE BEST TOULTRYPArEIt, n cam jple copy free. Poultry kaising Guide free with $t (orders or more. I. S. JOHNSON A Co., Boston Maas. Ai -<\ ml Jw i w WELL! WELL I WELL I Did yon ever * No. I ;v:. r did use anything quite so nice f >r the face after s .iving as GOSSER'3 CREAi I ,'. GLYCERINE, and r.iy wifv ray?, it is the finest preparation for chapped hands <"r . y mtiehness of the skin. Sold by dm joists. 25 «.ts. a b tt!e. Manufactured by J. J. CCSSCR, Etnlonton, Pa. Ju. c- WICK: IK Rough anil Worked lumber OF ALL KISDB Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shinies and Lath A'ways In Slock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. IW. Depot, BCTLBK, - - PA. WIBIEO--UDY&v;?.n?rS •nold rtrm. lUfer»-:» *-eituimd. i'oi m»» u ui t; . -it>x» M«ooit- uirx <»*«' a L : i&RTERS| jfivEr. | pius. j CURE Mek Headache ami relieve all the trouble* md dent to a biliou* mte of the system, irach m BfSzioem, Nantes. Drow*ines«. Distress afw eating, Pain in tho Side. Ac While their roo« remarkable succer. has !nt*n shown in curing SICK ffcadacba yet OatiteiTb I.jttl* Livxr Piij* are equally valuable :n Consttpadon. and preventing thi.-. annoying complaint, wnu* they alao •orrw.it disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver iind tho bowel*. Even if they only cured HEAD \che tbey would K» almost pricele« to thoge ;ho suffer from tl is rli stressing complaint: Alt fortunately th» ir does »ot end A»?re. and these little pills vaV-.tMe in so many ways lhat hev will u«t be wining to do witaout them, rtut sTter all sick head ACHE f6 the bane of so man y tires that heiv Is where w»- make our greet boast. Our pills cure it while other* do not. Carttr's Ln lb Uni Pills are very email and - y ea-.y to takrv One or two plHs make ado -- Tliey ai* strictly vegetable and do not grijie or purge, b t by their gentle action plea&*> all who ose 'hem. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1 Sol«j \~where, or sent by CAIIES JWSIKSI CO., Ktw Tcri. kali Pill 5&31 «::s. Emill Price. j Step tliat j | CHRONIC COUGH Nowii j For If you dr. not It may become con- j » samptfve. r-v Conßiitnption f Scrofula, j | Gnwrnl Debiti. r an I I Va*tin<j Diwtsea, j • then» la nothi:-' Ike ! SCOTT'S! | [MuLSION j Bgrzassesi mmmataammmM | 01" Pure < m 1 Liver Oil and | HYPO -HOSPHITES ! Of Xj£b .« and Soclm. j It Is a!mo?r palatable as milk. Far ) | better than o tr bo called Emulsions, j j A wonderful f. jti producer. I Scoffs Emulsion i j There are poor i ilatlons. Get the genuine.] **lt Is f-tranje Ci 1 ray hnibend. who r-ri-'"" self on hiatidyepr ranee, ciinr/irryrciii! • ' i. dirt. And all the ..uninasa couiu he i»r ; would use on his shoes, and .T tha sars it is fao £r.: ' T.. ... ia tho world for h; Itarneca. Change a Pins Tabic to WrJr.. '. A Poplar Hi chen Press t ' Ar.tiq .. A Cane Roe!; or to Mahogany. See what can \ iane with 243'-. - \ ! G. £ , , r . 211 \ \ TV ' WOLFF & H ViTDOLPH, I zl I GIVE AWAY To every reader of this paper who suffers from Indigestion, JL)ysrHpsia, Biliousness, Liver Com plaint. Sick Heada he. Nervous Debility or Con sumption, a free ! >:t!e of that most wonderful medicine, Florapleilon, which is the only ab solute and permit -nt cure for the above named diseases. I can arf'.rd to do this because I know that nine out of every ten persons who try it will be so well satisfied with the results they w ill take pleasure in about its marvelous curative virtues to all their friends and acquaintances. 'I he value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times the cost of the medicine given away, so I am well I have over 70.0W letters on file from people who have been cured of one or more of tiie complaints above named. TV e to-day stating your disease and receive a free ttle by return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get well. Addiess, PROF. HART, CS WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. DOCTORS LAKE 'J I'KIVATE DISPENSARY. ! Ln.. ,£ Cc :. PtNN AVE. AND FOURTH ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. r\ A '.l forms of Delicate ami Com plicated Diseases requiiingCoN '\?Sv~ gST FIDKSTIAI. aniIScIEMIKIC Med "-2. ic on are treated at tills Dis . ii-.ii y with ft »' cess rarely attained. Dr. 3. v I..ike isameuib of the Royal College of I'l.v . .. ns Mid {Surge- :. and Is tne oiliest and most \i ■; ricn'-ed orKf i LIST in the city. Special at . nric.n :;ivento N> vous Debility frr.mexcessive ■it ■■ ilexertion, 1' scrotionofyouth,etc.,cana ry j'hv-lcal ami > -ntal decay, lack of energy. ! -..oiidencv, etc.; ;:?90 Cancers, Old Sores Kits, lie -, Khenmatler, and all disensesof the Skin, 10-d, I.unfrslTrii. try Organs,etc. Consultation re and strictly < undcntial. Office hours, 9 to . ..I • to Br. »r Sunday* Jto4r. M. only. •! at office or Idresa DU'. LAKE, CO ft. LXN AN £. AND L'HST..i > lITSBI:KUJI,I'A. Thousand 7*.i i^; J uanentiy cured by SEStL riIILAUHLIMIi . . Ka. i eat o;io#\ no operation •i ions t { time l : oha us.iitiKS. H pronounced in uraok- by other* A ;r*d. SHSiid for circular. CURE GUARAN LCD. CB*W #*STOPPIO FREE H cW Marvelous success. B l» Insane Persons Restored « H «4y#Dr.KLIKE'BQfiEAT « 55 NERVEpESTORER ?r all T*H A : Jt NIIRV K DISKA «»*s Only rure c "'~e /or A e Affection?. Fits Kfiiefsy, etc. i_ fr \T.i.iiiLß if iken as directed. S<* Fits after EH /Jr.: y's use . f.itisc tad $2 tr in! bottle free to [Sw |-.t »-.tirntH. ii -v .:.ytng express charges on box when KM received. '-•n . mes. P. U. and eapre;* address of \rch St..Philadelphia.Pa. Sou ;' r:- k/-: of imitating frauds. IcURE FITS! When I pay Cr BI do not mean morely to itop them for ati - e, and then have them ro* lorn again. I HEAX A RADICAL. CLiii-. I ti*v 6 niauj ti <- dueaso ol FITS, ET» XEPSY or FAXX3 ra SICKNESS, K life-ling et Ids. I V7AT!RA.yT my remedy to CCKE Uio won.: . se«. Because other* havo filled is no reiisoi: for not now receiving a care. Stud at on- u for a treatise aod a FaEE liOTTLB of my I?>FAi.UH:>. J?EMEL>T. Give Express and Post Office It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will aro you. AddreM H.C.RO3T, t' i.e., 183PE*SLST..NEWY05;< m \M ONLVI inroiFimf LOCTorFAIUWS KAlfHOoi lllrTil I fTrl^ fr ''*l andKXKVOUB DEBttTTI; FiftT3 T lH||J|V' Lkii»Mof BodyaadKind, Effect, S»>■»*■ RavtoMhrnatl M r ItLOPVDOROANSA PASTSOtfotfT. AKbttl.ii«ir unfitllUv UOHB TIXATMBKT—BwefIta hi m day. r*.. IhIII; frixu CO t«tx'«a u4 Ktrtlfi Coutiln. Write O D.-udall<t J'MW*, e«| ' -ntieu cad pr® '• oi«lle4 (aeak<l> frM» A-S4r«*.a Cff.-i NIL OAU CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y„ T6 IIAK MEN Dalle ring from t'jt ffcct: of youthful «rror* jarly v>stiM aoiß, loet manhood. «tc.» I will •end a valuiblo l aatiso f sealed; containing fuU parti en lar« 2>o lacura, frke of chmzge. A folendi.l msdical ork ; «hould t>c read oy fWJ -who la narr ua and debilltatad. jftdrwaj I Prof. F. C. YVWL2M, |P9dH|Cog!|^ THE CITIZEaST. miscel: ankous "What matters it? There's not a shade Bat light is hid behind. There's not an ill l>nt that a cure Somewhere for it you'll find. There never, nevor was a cloud But that the light nhone through— Jnst keep yonr eyes upon that light, And Dont Get Bine. —Mothers, you can relieve yonr baby of its discomfort without administering opium, that deadly drug, by using only Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. The remedy needed for a severe case of nasal catarrh is Old Paul'l Catarrh Cure. What will the new year bring theef Crowned desires! Hope's unfulfillment? Griefs Kavening fires? ltiches or love or laurefa? What e'er to thy lot be sent, God grant the new yeirMl bring thee l'eace and a heart content! —Be sure to get Hoodß Sarsaparillar, the peculiar medicine. Do »t be induced to take any other. —A fashionable fad t» cultivate nerve control, practiced by the giddy girl of the social whirl, is to dan:e wound the room holding a glass of water. When this can be done without spilling my of the liquid ono has then acquired pfffeet nerve con trol. —"Gimme a two-ceut r«or," said John ny, as he placed the coir.son the counter. "That I will," remarked the store keeper, and he banded him a yo®t-eake. Special Announcement. We have made arrangenents with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., pdilishers _of "A Treatise on the Horse and bis Diseases, which will enable all our nbscribefs to ob tain a copy of that yalualie work free by sending their address (endosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) t» Dr. B. J. Ken dall Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognized as stedard authority upon all diseases of tin horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, wer four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the same p*iod of time. We feel confident that our pafons will appre ciate the work, and be gl»d to avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that jon mention this paper in sending for the "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. —What 'will it profit t young man if he work all week for a line five-dollar bill and then ►qtiamler it all ou one sleigh ride. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, sleepleKness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and ill skin eruptions Dr. Fenner's I?lood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —You hear a great deal about people h eing presented with gold-headed canes, but do you ever see anybody carrying a gold-headed cancT There do they get toT —English Spavin liniment removes all hard, soft or callomid lumps and blemishes from horse*, blood pparins. curbs, splints, swecney, ring bone, stifles, sprains, all »<woleii throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of ono bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J C Bntler. —Either as wife, sister, husdand or brother, if you woukl have a happy family life, remember two rules: In matters of principle stand like a rock. In matters of taste swim with the cur rent. FITS.—AII flts stopped free by Mr. Kline's ftrpat »rre Urstorer. No fits alter first day's u?e. Marvelous cures. Treatise ur.d 12.0 ii trial bottle tree to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline. 931 Arch St.. Fhll'a. l'a. The Arabs have no" hello !'' in their lan guage. The nearest they come to it is to throw a stone and hit a man in the back, and then ask him as he turns around: '•Does it please lieaven to give you good health this morning?'' —l)r. Fenner's Cough Honey will relieve any congh in ono hour. Equally good lor horses. Gives energy and strength. Money satisfaction not given. —The Bacillus of lockjaw lias been dis covered. Now, gentlemen' if you will hunt for the bacillus which keeps some jaws go ing until we aro talked to death you will till a long felt want. One l nousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amouut if I tail to prove that Floraplexion is the best med ic iuo in existence for Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It is a certain cure, and affords immediate relief, in eases of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility and Consumption. Foraplexiou builds up the weak systeui and cures where other remedies fail. Ask Tt'ur druggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank iin liart. 88 Warren street. New York. —Two young ladies who keep a store in a neighboring town havo created constern ation among the natives by hanging up a sign: "Step inside and examine our under wear." Consumption Surely Cured. To THE £DlTOß:— Pleaee inform yonr reader, th.it 1 have a poutiro remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely nae thousands of hopeleaa case, have been permanently cored. I shall be glad to send two bottlca of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption It they will aend mo thoir Fipren anil P. O. address. Br&pcct fcily, T. A. a LOCUM, M. C.. 181 Pearl St.. N. Y. —An exchange asks: "If a barrol of ap ples cost four"Oollnrs and twelve horses eat nine pecks of onts for breakfast, how many cabbage leaves would it take to shingle a meeting house at nineteen cents a yardt" —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or mouey returned. " lie resolved that he'd give up his smok inp. He resolved that he'd save up his casb. Ho resolved that he'd give up his flirting, lie resolved not to go on the mash, lie resolved that he'd give up hisjdrinking He resolved that big profits he'd reap He resolved to save what he'd been sink ing, But not a 'resolve'did he keep." To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung afleetion, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the means otieure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfnlly send (tree of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his llemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will plea.-e address REV. KDW'ARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. AAM A n A TEA 1* t I not«rt«k« v 9 fl (I 0 0 U U U r.r TMr !o tkeiroM n laealUUa,«rbrr. »" ch.r fur"'* ll tb. altualU.il No mon.T for in. «• »!-"• learned, t Je.ire but on. worker frcm f.ch dlatoUt or coiiMtjr. I have already t*ujrht and jifoviiit d with l''"> "'.ut a larea nao.h-r, whoarr n.aklu K ov,r«3«on» and srtl.ll>. Full particular* Fltfc®* Ad.lrrwat once, E. C. AILc.V. Itox 4-,'U, Auit*■»!», Muiuc. GEO. D. MITCHELL, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of Pensions and Patents. Box 253. WaaJiirgton. D. C. Clerk Sen ate l'euslon Committee for •ast T y«ars- « y°» ike PKOMPTNESS write me. Glad to give 1 dvice. Do you see the 1 Point? Well, i' the man in our illastr»tion 'VI h ) does not see it. it is not because it is nyCiiJ ft h)j\ -~A \ place a pointer before yoar eje The f \ J holiday season is fast approaching; N _- • —' Christmas is coming, in fact it's »1- g\ trust here. Already pleasant sur jri>prints are being planned; mvsterioaa viiispered consultations are being -itx^ "* held, and packages of saggestire ftp pearance are being carefully stowed «. in out-of-the-way places where they j"'IB will be bid from prving eyes. A It*? Merry Christmas is an old,old theme, yet always new. There is a gener ation of liltle toddlers wLo this year for the first time will listen at some loving mother's ktiee to wonderful tales of Santa Claus and other Christmas lore more wonderful than all the splendors evokedjby Aladdin's lamp will be jost as potent as «ver in convincing the Young America of to day that the holiday season is worth ail the rest of the your put together. Do we hear an impatient Yes, yes, but having become a man I have put away childish things? Wait a moment, reader. Does it not add dig nity to the occasion to tt ik that on Christmas morning a future President will concentrate his thoughts on a tiu rattle with the same absorbed atten tion that he will one day devote to his inaugural address; that a coming Secretary of our Treasury will grapple with his first financial problem and get au idea of the difficulties of specie resumption by attempting the im possible feat of shaking that bright new copper out of his toy bank, etc. Then leaving the children, think of the pleasure derived from the exchange of gifts among the youth, the middle aged and the old; how it strengthens the ties of irienehip and delights the lovine hearts of dear ones to receive a proof of your fond remembrance and affectionate regard. Now we do not wish to worry or perplex you, but as a pointer we would just say, What ever else you may do between now and New Year be Bore and see our novelties before buying any gifts for your friends or relatives. Mind you, we don't say buy of us, we merely say sec our attractions before you buy, and we would ask as a favor of you to bring the children along. We hope every little child in this vicinity will be allowed to visit our place during the next two weeks. In order to accommodate our many friends throughout the county we will begin our great holiday distribution on Dec. 18th, and continue until after the holidays. Come everybody and bring your friends and children alone- Thanking you for your very liberal patronage during the past year I wish you one and all a merry Christina. and a happy and prosperous New Year. 13. JL. HECK, Chamraon Clotliier, Hatter and Furnislier. 121 North Main St. - Duffy's Block, Butler, Pa. WHEN IN NEED OF Jt\ j^R. CALL ON HENRY BIEHL, 1:VI NORTH MAIN STREET, r. TJ XX--iC"Bo - - - - - IPEJM IsT'A "Where you can haye j cur choice out of the largest assortment of cooking and heating stoves iu Butler county; also dealer in Hardware, Lansing "Wagons, Wheeler i WiUon and Standard Sewing Machines, Hanging and Stand .Lamps. Manufacturer of Tinware: Tin Hoofing and Spouting a Special tr. WHERE A CIJILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN r\\\o)PQWDER ! Satisfaction Guaranteed. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAKING POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEIGHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS MERITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. COOKS QUARTERS, RETAIL AT FL CTS. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 CTB. COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT 20 CTB. Sold by aH Grocers., sy : -pound Can. MMirnm ms i MfirrT "T-umn— iIRRH Kg HAY- FEVER . f V/ Cold-head MSB Ely' a Cream Halm U not a liquid, snriff or powder. Applied into, the nostrils it is _ quickly absorbed. It cUansts the head, allay* inflammation, heals _ tfl #* the sores. Hold by druoffists or sent by nuul on receipt of price. CII fy 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UC Wm. F. Miller. Manulict nrt'i ]of £ta *- " a 'g WbK" i i a i < o, Balusters and Newsl-posls ( U» '- • ■ ! '» v ' ChMllK « «•» » 1 H«..W • ■- " of llO'lj*-*. (\\ II,A M' v 1 '• * 1 ' ws - So.uMull ii »«*Vi • : a . . ' FURWiTt T iiJS hi lowest »iii i-rif'-. stor-al N". »" V Mil.: street. Kitctorv at N". .S!: N. W *iii:tntl'iu t-trrci. BCTI Kit • • " »>- N >A \l7lNTKD—Azents to solicit onlfis tor ou " choice and hardy Nursery Stock. Steady Work For KmrKetic Ti>mi.«r»tr M.:n. Salary untl expeuses or commission II v refer eel. Write at once, state Age. Addreex. R. G. Chase & Co^-g^ MirjJTICCBC e'Othsr-.a/TOwoh to«<imin« J Ci l I IwtltV Xr.it pas« ,cr ctuir %-.• rr.t ■ on ei». »Son irn.hic.igo, will find ■( on Veil Planing Mill —AND— Yard J. h. FO KVie. h. O. FUKVIB. SJj. Purvis&Co. MANUFACTURERS AND PKA LEES IN Rough and Planed Ltimber OR HV«KY DESCRIPTION. I SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. PALESM EH >, WANTED. ! R I UMI I OCPI. TOM':' our rlif. ee nursery I t.i..: I ...i s«.|.it--» i-i-m'.tlr* IN imnlv fruit*. • r *> «. ;fll ' »*e rDH>ln v nieni 1 -siiH'itfiM Ur:'*» fur terms. I.hKMAMA N'l KSfcKY CO.. Kociiester, V. | Ad*toftiae ic «HE CXTIZM MILLINERY! Now ready and showing the most com plete line of trimmed and untrimmed autumn Millinery. Hats, bonnets, toques, bird*, ribbons, feathers, etc. We are the recognized leaders of Millinery in Butler, and have many imitators, but no equals, D. T. FAF E, No- 18. 8. Main St., HUTJLER, The Keynote of Our Success: WE UNDERBUY WE UNDERSELL. Solid values backed by merit will always win, and the masses will flock to where they get the best value for their money. HESITATE NOT BUT GO TO Bickel's Grand Clearance Shoe Sale. SOME OF HIS OFFERINGS. 128 pair of children's grain and calf shoes, tipped, at 70c to sl. 2£o pair of misses' spring heel shoes, Dongola or Pebble Goat, at 85c to $1.25. 500 pair of ladies', Pebble Goat or Dongola, shoes at 85c to $1.50, 150 pair of ladies fine Dongola shoes, plain tip or with patent leather tip, all sizes andj|ail widths at SI.OO, $2, $2.25, and $2.50. 300 pair of gent's shoes, Lace or Congress, plain toe or tip on toe, at $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. Thousands of pairs for a thousand different purposes, in a thousand different styles and shapes—fine, mediam and heavy grades—for city and oat of town people. 1 have also 20 cases mens' kip boots at cost. 15 cases boy's heavy kip boots, sizes 1-5, at $1 to $1.50. 2 cases (60 pairs each) woman's everyday laced shoes at 75c. The balance of our Holiday Slippers at COST. A Large Stock of Rubber Goods. Leather and Findings. Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods "When in need of anything in my line give me a call." Yours truly, JOHN BICKEL, New Number* 330 S. Main Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PEN N'A GREAT REDUCTION AT J. R. GRIEB'si N"o. 16 South. Main. St., - Butler» 3?a. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. J. R. GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. GRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STOKE. HO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLEB, PA. Sole Agents foi Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for Behr Bros. & Co's Magnif sent Pianos, Sliouinger, and Newby & Ivans Fianos, Packard, Crown, Carpenter and New England Organs. Dealers in Violins, Strings, Bruao Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on installments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. C ome and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all kinds of Musical Instrument? Promptly Attended to.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers