HOLIDAY SLIPPERS! When yon are looking around and wondering what to buy for Chriatmaa why not buy something useful such as a fine pair of slippers. We show an exceedingly line line in great variety of styles, in Velvets, Plushes, Tan and Maroon Goat, Russia Leather and Alligator, at aOc, Ear-rings, «J CW(3 JI y | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butter dishes and everything that can be found in a first class store, ItBGER HUM I '*~ E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER *o. 10, North Main St., BUTLER, PA.. Have You Bought Your Cloak or Wrap for the winter yet. If you haven't don't put too long or all the beet thing* will be picked out. It is a Fact That we have never shown as nice a line of Dry Goods and Carpets as we are now showing in our new room. Why are Troutmans so busy? There must be a reason for it or people wouldn't do their shop ping there. The Real Truth is They have the correct styles, the largest and beat stock to se lect from and the lowest prices. Visit oar store from now until Christmas and see lor yourself. TiROUTMAN'S Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House. BUTLER, - - - PA. 8.1 £ B. BETTER VALUES ud mora for your money io every eiw on every item is what we claim. Write onr Mail Order Department for SAMPLES of Dry Goods of any kind that you may be io want of; compare qoalities and prices with any other you may find, and see if we do not prove our ' claim every time. Only on this prin ciple ot giving the most and best ob tainable for every dollar we hope for yonr patronage. No sentiment in this. We offer among many other specials this week— -88-inch imported Tailor Boltings, checks and stripe*, 45 cents. 40-itch Cloth Baitings, mixed and solid colors, 45 cents. 8640eb All Wool "camel's Hair, all colors, 45 cents. 48-inch Cheviotte Baitings, 75 cents; in all altra-fasbiooable shades. 60-incb Scotch Check Mixtures, mediom dark colors, 75 cents (sold universally at >I.OO elsewhere.) For the Holidays, special lacge and elegant stocks of Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Gloves, Umbrellas, Genu* Furnishings, and very extensive lines sf FANCY GOOUS t of aU kinds at onr osoal low and at tractive prices. We will fill yoar orders by mail to yoor satisfaction aod profit. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. Willard Hotel W. H. REIIIJNG, Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. KTABLINU IX tOIKKCTIOS. HAIPLIt BOOM for COSIKBCIAL TBAYKI.EKS EITERMUIIER HOIEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near ti*l h-- v co euro it. I iwoDimetided Kendall's Spavin Cure. He cured tbo Spavin in fust tiiree weeb. _ .. Tours respectfully, W»icorr VTrrrzs. CoLUMJBL-s. Ohio, April i, "90. Da. B. J JCXTOAI-L Co.: . IV ar Sir. I have h«yn s» th'Joxttf. Bespeetfuily, *. H. lItTCHIM. KENDALL'S SPAVIK GIiRE. Mosbor. La., May 3, *9O. Dr. R J. KDTD ILL Co.. Gents I thin* It ray doty to rentier jon my tban/.-H for roar far famed ten j.ill's Spavin Cure. I had a four year old filly which I prized very high ishe had a very severe swollen leg. I tried about efebt different Jtlnda of medicines which did no good. I purchased a bottle of your Kendall I Bpavm Cute which cured her In four days. I remain your*, lUbiox Dowses. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $3. All drag gbu have it or can (jet it for you. or it will be sent to a wtf address on receipt of price by the prnprto ton. DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosborgh Falls, Vermont Bobbr rhr * ui' ** "worn oncomffii tatdy tight, gtncrul-y <-».!. hi, i cct. THE COLOIESTE 7MJ3BEB CO. ma If - all UKM t> ' of Iln*»l vri'b rnhlxT. TltU rVnijn to UiO fciioe i l . .ata U*e rubber tnjtu off. Call t r V* "C bet/***** "AOTFE* ITERS." H. Child* & Co, Wlkoletale Agents, Pittsliurg. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOJIE, IXDESTKICTIBL E. Cheaper than Wood. JjlHMt J I " ■' KLSeh ;nft "I!-: i liii The al/ovoewlaOawfl Picket with gat". (JtnUnot •,) eu b« uv>i on Iron or Wood P- »u. Wr-b wrltlLf U>r trior* jflf Qiantltjr, Kniabsr of 0««. tu. l Hm*!- TftotM. We»l*o Maoar»cUire Ue«-. jr Iron P< i. lnr. f>UD.« rtttlßM, fire Hhutten *«d riii* BSC A Collar D fu rm. a:. IKa ittf* i'.rwt a»d I.' o Cri,ia. WI"R J ttmL A.XI) WIMDQW BCRi i tB. ar JL ail kiwU or Wi RK WOBa. TAYLOR yck. Tbe Doctor ha» | bad 20 yoart' exp«ri«*iiC4> in tbo practice of j bU specialty, and number* among bin pa tieatu our moot prominent famJifoo. If >oa ore with any of theabov*blemish**, | avoid patent medlclo*a and con*ult Dr. Van Dyck at once. Special t"rm«toall who make •n#air' > merit*!thih mouth. Hook free. Kn/ai(a --| rn*-nt-. can b»* mad* by mail. Call on ur Addruio l>r .1. Van Dyrfc, 40 N. 11th »ir~*t, Pblladel . phis, or YU f«aa a*«no«, I'itt-Larjfb, Fa. I Hoars 'J to I a to 7, Hondayo, Ito 5 Nothing On Earth Will r*AK$ LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It I* ab*oh:Urly par*. Hitrhlr con'*rntrnt'd. In n'larttty it cck>» * !#■.% Mian t tenth of a rr tit a day. fitrirtly a medicine. Pn?«iitaan(ict>mail di'«eaiwo. U*»»l tor yoonif cbicki. Wr.rtb mor- »ban fiAd *»hi-ri li«n* Moult. *M»ne larv* ran Huvtd m«- flO, o«*nd *lx for $T> to firivnt roup," nay* a ea :i- »<< r. If you cart t irot It ttf •*< (iU f<»r two (nu-kis flTofl. AlHl- 'ind fan Si t expreoopaid. **TI!K !IR«TPcj'TLTR Y I*Alwrn j>!e copy fin*. Poultry Itaialn* . Manufactured by J. J. COJ3 emicnton. Pa. L C. WICK DKALKB^IW Rough and Worked Lumber OF ALL Kl.fliH Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shlnisies and Laih Always in Slock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Olll'.'o oppofsito P. & W. Depot, BUTLBB, - - TA. "C. 'J£ l*-' •ar*' A t-.Uk>"- .i % "•"•ia* h'u. i- lUAOTEtf s CORE | (■elr Headi. h<»ar:! n •• -.lit- >tr 'ibles'iicl dent t.i 1 •».,. is -• •• < < 1.. - -•■ !•>. such as Xaii'-e. Ie- ! a/r- r ratine. I «in in tl V ;...* Iheirinost remarkable suecc lias I n shown ia curing SICK yet C.'jir r's T.ittle Liver Piti-« ill"'* equa'iv vn' 1.1 •in <" fiwtijiation, curing and |Te». Wmzt complaint, white they also «■■ . : 11i t tiers of the stomach, ttimtilate the livrr nd regulate the bowels. Even if they f>aJv cured *ehe thrr w -jl.l alr.i- *t priceless to thoae ju> suffer this distressing complaint: nt fortunately th .r c >odnes» does not end her-- nr i ti. ■ •.. :».% try them will find tbesc I'iTle pills •• .. •in so many ways that hey "ill U't be Billing to do witnout them. L'ui otter aill =ick htad AOff H! In the hHTie of so mir. v livec that hen* is where we mt' our trr.-.t boast. Our pills cure it while • ,-rs.lot. • CAS - I.rrn.'T I.IVER TILLS are very small arl »-t* to '.k -. One or pilte make u(1 ri>ey a ■ ' i!y vegetable end do not CT'il'** or pur„*» . but by Their pent!- n- t:< n (•lease all who u- ■■ f ' -'. i In v i&ls at *,*' cents; Gve fur ?1 Sol i vorywhf-re, or sent by miuL CA27T2 '."Z \:Z~Z CO., Si* T~k. Ss&ll ML Esil §«& Sxall fries. j A x M* Of Pure God j j {% Liver OH and j j i ;f/ HWOPKQSPHiTES j fr itt £ of Lime art-1 \ Socia ) U er. Vrw :a; ( -sic-Ibsd by » ■ ' • f TJrer Oil « 1 l-.'l iiitiij. . tn' % aro t?:0 reogiiUcl j ) ' ' of Consumption. It la » J ;io -'3 mi ill. ) ' i. 6' i c {i ft • • "f/wf 5 \ Seen $ tmuision JKmulpioit. It | j : tl ti ir,,ttrfr; ■' i'-.rni\tc T. TltSlh* j . >t.,i i. '- 1 i COIVSV9TPTSOK, j i Scr :fclr.. Proncb.ti*, \V~:A:cg Di«- | • cases, Ciirosiie Coiigai and Colds. < a if r: lUku: nan* take no BLACKING \ \ DID ONCE AWE r K!\ Jk Cthei them \ ciean wit N. S!»OKCE tiX O "MTER. \ EVERY Hous. fo EVfH v Counting Hoorrj EVEHY Owqer EVERY Thr '-y Moceanic EVERY Body ablo to hold a brush BHOTJLD caa jE$ \ K-X3 O Nfi \ rr <- r ,r - WlLt «T*lfl OLB A 4tW roHKITUPK OW( J . V/ILU Otaiw CLASB«KDCHIHAW«r( l rVh V/1 1l STAIN TINWMC J» a WILL STAIW YOUR OLTJ BASHCTS same WILL STAIN Baby-» C«ACH Mm*. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Phii&dci&hi*. I GIVE AWAY To cv- ry reader f tliis paper who suffers from Indirection, Dyspcpkia, Iti;iousnes», Liver Com plaint. bick licao -i.e. Nervous Debility or Con tump'.i' n, a free b itie of that most wonderful meditinc, Florai'li-xlon, which is the only ab solute aud i«:rrn.i r.t cure for the above r.imed diseases. I can aff id to do this because I know that nine out of every ten perv.nswho try it will 1* so w 11 satisfied with the results they will take pleasure in »•,>■ ■ kiri( ■ !"'UI its marvelous curative vi'lut.* to all tiieir liietuls and a( quamtancts. Ihe value of tins u rt >A a.!vernvin({ to mc i > worth many tn • . ihecost of the mc.. :cine Riven away, so I am '>■ ell c.'»mpcn»ai*-d i ,r the seeming larfte expense. I have over 70,00 letters on file from people who have be<-n cured of one or more of the complaint* ab-ive i rr,< Wile to day stating y<.ur disease and recti.-e a free bottle by return mail, or aak your druggist f"i' it and get wull. Address, PROF. HART. 80 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. r\ DOCTORS LAlvli ...-. "1 iu:v miii.-m u:v. ', PF .fi A atiu F-ij ;nrK ST.. PITT&IiURGH, PA. All'' ■ -of Deliealc.i , ! Com- V'-'-. ' I'll' i" -| i !>• re<|i:ii-liiK<'"N --'lßar HIPKN-lUbaudM IKNTUH siei - - i.. ii a » i eeFS i arely attniii'd. ». . ri. \ . member of the Roi ;.l < ollutof I'hy . ,i;- 1 i ;md 1 the nii'l nuwt . ,|f d Si'lv I ALt ST 111 the eitv. h|u-eiltl M • >e| :;IVI nto Si rvct.A I»el.l!l! .. .|1- w. te ih il exertioii,indi .ertitiim of yoi!lh,eto.,r.ane .. , v ical r.n«l ■ i"i.tal '!«■•• •,l«ek of ei. i -y, i ;.;i;id"l|ev, etc.; ':lsl>C/Hi ■ 1 1* Its, • rlu-.ii'iiat' .iii, »iid ail di-< -u'«oi the Skin. • i t ilr.nry Organs,cte. Con nltali'M ■ , . -•. i'-t!y confidential. Ofliee hotu" ,to I i i.l V to St.; Sundays, 2 to < r. 'f. «.nly. i t,' 1 ; ln-s* Of! •. I.AIiK, ' : •: 'lit AT ~•:./ . veßt--irof7KK l,r [. e ■- 1. " ;.v»:2 HZ • 1 r. t, *?!-, < / rtn A rixi. FRAUDS. Wfcfw I fi7 CrrrE I do not mean merely to •top them for ntime, and then hare them it>. turn again. [ M 1:1'' A lIAtiICAL CLiIL. 1 have mado Utu r a irealise and a h I'KK IHjTTLM Of my iMM.t' ■ - KMIKUr. Give Kxpresa and i'o t o:ilee. ft c<»«t« yon nothing tor a trial, and It will • uro you. Addreaß H-O. ROOT, K C-, IS3 Pt*9i ST.. Krw Yr;it ass^s?: F*B KEN ONLY! IWrManWiP LOST or FATI.ER 0 KAIiHOpI cml NEKVOUS DfciJXl IT*. ffl.U |M|l'[w.a luetic (Body and Mind, Fffiotl K«c «acsin Oldor Younjf. .w.l* lUMIOOII hit/llMUr*rll* t»i*«u OrarHbMv* It', riiili- .t'«.na.-J proofs u *l'»d i* al»d> fr*% AL-Um |R|£ MCD OAI. CO., BUFFALO. N. Y* H tfiAK MEW Butt-rlng from Uio «I" ct- of y .ulhful errors, early fl. Ir.wa.Urlr wen'.i is, lut ii.«ib'*"l. e»e., I»' ■and a val tin t s' ■ [«.» led, eontalnlng full tintlculsrs /or ti- .0 r ire, FREE I ■' rtiarfi®. A rpiclidl! lonUies! work ; should la- r«»d by "V«I7 who U lien-Joh and debilitated. At ident householder should keep it. The Higher Br ; d^e. The bridge on the Southern Pacific Rail road across the Pecos l'iver will, it is said be the highest in the United States, the cenual span to he 37S feet above the water. The ent're length of .lie bridge. i"rom cliff to clifT. will 1,200 feet. Special Announcement. We have made arrangements with I)r. B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on tiw Horn: and Li Diseases." which will ei able all our subscribers to ob tain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address (enclosing a two-cent stamp for nmilii •' same; to Dr. B. J. Keu • !all Co., Knosburgh Falls, \t. This book is now recognized as standard authority upon all diseases ol the horse, as its phenomenal sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years, a sale never before reached by any publication in the sane period of time. We feel confident that «or patrons will appre ciate the work, and be glad to avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining a valuable book. It is necessary that you mention this paper in sending for tbe "Treatise." This offer will remain open for only a short time. Qu'.e So. People of slow intelligence sometimes mi'de s.ieh ootioos inswers to questions thai their brevity aim unts to wit. This, for, from a character in Maine. On the occasion of an affliction in his funiily he was asked: "Wa m't j our father's death rather sud den?" "Wa'al, y-e- ," be drawled out, '"it was rather sudden—for him. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion. dizziness, sleeples-ness,- the blues, - r.-fnia, the blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Kemedy and Nerve Tonic never luils. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —The bottc.-t day of the year in Xew Zealand usually cumes at Christinas. The day is a great occasion for picnics in the coolest nooks of the woods. —No one should srfler with boils or humors when Hood's Sar aparilla cures so (juickly and well. —A woman at Bagerstown, Mil., has « goose which came into Ler possession when she was marred, twenty-one yeais ago. The fowl is in good health. —Knglish Spavin Liniment removes all hard, solt or calloused Innips and blemishes from horses, Mood spavins, euros, splints, sweeney, l'ng bone, stifles, sprains, all swolen throats, coughs, etc. Save t';S>o by use of one iiot.'e. Warranted the most wonder,ul blein'sh cure ever known. Sold by J C IJeoick, druggist, Butler. —President liobeits.of the Pennsylvania liailroad, started life as a track hand thirty years ago. Tne combined salaries he re ceives now amounts to SIOO,OOO. KITS.—AII Ills Stopped free by |)r. Kline's I-rest >erie lleslorer. No Ills after first da> s i! e. Marvelous cures. Treatise and I'i.wi 'rial •Kittle free to Kit ' ases. Send to Dr. Kline, Kit Arch St., I'bll'a, l'a. —ln the fotilhoin part of Veinon county, Mo., hundreds of hor-es. it is said, are dying with a disease similar to colic. No remedy has. been found to < heck tbo fatality. —Dr. Fenner's Cough Honey w ill relieve any cough in one hour. Kqually good for hoises fiives energy and stiengtb. Money refunded if saiislaclion not given. —TUeie are .wo kinks of women: Cue l.i'id In'.ig' in a tract when you are *'ek, and the other kind biings in a bowl of hot soup. One ! nnusand Doliars. if I f.»il to prove ilint l lorapleii >n is the best med ic faM in exl tem e for Dyipcpiii, li'diges. lion or BilioO'ness ft is i< certain cure rid rli'on, iniuii'diale le'iei, in eases ol Kidney H il Liver Complaint, Nervous De bilitv and Cons ption Foraplexion builds up the weak system and cores where ..flier remedies fail. j\f k Tour druggist li.r it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth K now ing," also, sample bottle enl r.-ee; all chuiges piepaid. Address Frank- I ii Hart. HH Wairen street. New York. Women are longer lived llian men; a . .>lllllO of twenty may expect forty-two year more of life, a man of tin- same age only thirl v t.irie years. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tita KMTOIC— l'lo.tno Inform your roadun) that I hsvft ajKMiitlvo remedy fir th« above-named dlm-iuto. By Its timely use thousands of hop«l.isn c*M*:u have been permaii'intly cured. I shall 1"* Kiad to send two bottles of my remedy FItEK to any of your read, rs who havo ounsiimptlou if they will send mo their hxpres. and P. O. addreas. ll' ..jf' t fuliy, T. A. HLOCL'SI. M. C., JBt Pearl St. N. Y. —A French scientist declares that the domestic cat - of the world carry at least .'JO per cent, of the common contagious diseases from bouse to house. Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache ' tire is warranted to give -ulisfaction in every case or money returned. —While it was summer here it was winter at Cape Horn. Tho British ship Gretna, just arrived at San Francisco from London, after a voyage of 215,076 miles, rounded the Horn in a fearful ice storm. High cross seas kept the ship under water many hours. The Gretna was freighted with 13,752 casks of cement. —An Irishman who got laughed at for making faces over persimmons, reported thusly: "Yo may grin, you muttonhcadcd idiots! but I can lather the "W I out of the man that spilt vinegar over them plums. To Consumptives. The undersigned having lieeu restored to health by aiinjde menus, after suflerinK for m vera I years with it severe lull/ affection, and Ibsi . rend dixii-e Coiisumptiou, is mi I 100- to tiiske known to Ins fellow sutler era the mean. ol'cure. To thee who desire it, lie will cheerfully end free of charge) a copy of the prescription u»ed, which tl.ey will find h sure enri lor Consumption, Asthma,.! atarrli, bronchitis and all ihront and IIIIIK Maladies, lie hopes all suflerers v.ill try bis Kemedy, as .1 is invaluable. ■ Those desiring the prescription, which will ' cost tli"m nothing, and may prove a bless ing, w ill i'li a e address fIKV. A, WIIMIX, Willittin.burg, Kiuii« Counly, New i York. I - -rrr: jSoUbtj' ; f a. .1..1 • ' S'VIHMIM r-miKNii % k t i HI I if.*... I.UI. - • • • •«»«: 1 !.••• tit.o-iy «*uki.l - ji • • li . Lin A • n.l HOl.ll>. I . ■ \ tC » I • A.M... Am»m»III, Malm-, I AGENTS • u I H maMtuaU/. (inc. A. » >• 1. Santa, Clans lias >— made j MOIIHISON's ETUiY his I leaclquai'tors sa lor l\ CHRISTMAS C A N 1) Y! and "f ' n and Fancy liox-noxs, A. Chocolates and \T Toys Everything to make sweet ones X EW I Happy. S. ZNlain St., YEAR. IHTLKR, \\i\. Do you see the Point? Well, if the man in our illustration 'r/\h ) f loes not see it. it is not because it is f not near his eye. Now we want to ft * place a pointer before your eve The Y