Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 02, 1891, Image 3

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Xow is the time
to buy your Over
coat, ratii' r than to
waif until 1 fter the
Ist of January.
We have reduc
ed the price of all
Overcoats, which
consists of Meltons,
Fur Beavers, Wors
teds, Kerseys and
other fabrics.
Mens' Youth's,
]>< m s and Childrens.
Call in and price
these goods, whether
vou wish to buy or
% *
not, no trouble
We have just re
ceived a full line of
Cape and Storm
Schaul Bros. & Co.
ha* a population of about le.vje.
It ;j» the Croat/s*at of Batter county, with
four railway*, natural -gar., an/1 unequalled
fa< Mil"* f'.r uianataetan-s.
frnKt>-M new building*. new
maottfaclun a, a growlmc ai«l prospermia town.
Wt-i I-r>* U. Jl.—Trains leave {Sutler for
Alicgh'-t y at r.l'l ami U:W a. m. #.<l ita
anil :,M> |J. in ; arrive at KX> a«MI IMt a. to. and
I M - j// anil t:si> {< in. Wall* close at **ir, a. m
end 2*» f. rn. and arrive at »ao, lfc-Vi a. in. and
1:10 p. m.
p.* A. I K. f<. K.—Train* leave for Orcen
%il|>- at . JT, r.<l lOi-ta. in and 4:9# p. rn. Traln'i
arnve from Or .-uvHle at tr.ari rn. and '£» and
*S» p. m. Mill* <l/*e at aM and aao a. in.
fl'»<-d t'ritf' r Ur:>n' Uton, Indodlnx roall for
HUliarO, Bo j era and novard at 43S p. in. Mail*
arrive at 1: ais4 fr/th p. in.
Kft V>. c. H.—Train* l<-are Butier for Alle
gheny at i.m.f.r, and Krisi a l and 2VI. * 'S>
at.<l «■'»< p. ii. I ti'i''■-> a. rn. train and the z*i
n rn ninw'-i v I'b train* irolnf? west a', Callery
Jaariluo. Mall* '.-!w «<ir and w<-*t at
►.('l a in. For llUntrarK at 10 a. TO, For l'itt»-
t.uri,' ai.4 Jioint* betv.w n Isutler and Taller) at
aso p. wi. For IHUbnrK and between i
t ai|<-ry ,■ t:il AHearbeti.v at «stf» p. w. For local
polnut north CI Butler at icas a. rn. For Barn- i
hurt * M ll'„ Cos Mug and OH CUv at lit", p. m.
Mall* am*.- on this road from l<xal is/int* be
tween h'-' I'T and Callery at #:V, a. in,; fiom
int't/unt «nd incai poiiiM between call rjr and '
AIU-t'i "' at la, in.; from Btnlurt'i Mill*.
FoJlhura ai.d <JI! OBy ill V.3 7 a. in. Local mali
It tn ti,.: iit P- to.; from Plttaburu <
and ttie W-'t atM» t». m. (
1-7au r. i ;i«—liaUy mail from Mt. rrheMaat
ARTIVI-II A- 'i, -I. CU. ami l-ave* at 10J#I a. rn. I
jforth 11-.; • Hooki r anil other point*. Monday,
V.. ati' -da; and FrWar. tuave at 130 p. in.
- i
~ —' —————————— (
N<sw Advertisements. «
N'atit.i Hi I'ank ElcctioD and Vcport. .
('amjilielt & TempJct«ti'» Kurnitnre.
Itrf*'* Furniture.
Ji.ttcr .i i:»)i-?on'* Carpet*, etc. ,
'.'olhert i lta!e'* Clean-np Hole.
Bak-.it'eit wanted, K. J. Potter. 1
XOTK—AIi advcrtwer* inUsntlinif UJ make
chance* in their ad*, nhoald notify a* of '
their to do no, not later than '
Monday uionmin.
Mr. E. 1). RobioiM/n wa* apjiointed one
of the tructini" of th« new *tal» ho.pitul at
Mr. Jeaitn Riehard* nUtrt* hi* cla** in
phonography U»-day. 1
PolicetMn Hertlttiati i* now the agent of '
the Went l'enn., iltimane Society, for
Mr. T. W. Phillip* renudUte* the alleged
Sew York interview published on.theHth
and 9th of December. What a nni*arice ,
the Interviewer i«!
Will Barley i* home from hi* Reboot at
Columbus, O. from which lm will graduate
next Boring, ami he be* already accepted
a (-all from a congregation of that city.
Mr* l- ilhian, of rtharp»burg, in the gucnt
of her mother, Mr*. Muntz.
ilisn lxittie MorriM, of Wert I'carl rtreet,
i* spending i» week at llobokM.
Mr*. J. M. (ireer la recovering after a
M.riooi illnc*
Km. Kate Kim ton ,Smith Injured bornelf
quite oeverely in falling on a clippery Hide
walk laxt week.
Mr*. I) O»bome la recovering Irom a
Mivere cold which threatened to terminate
in congentfot) of the Inng*.
Howard Kelly and Charlie Matthew*,
both of l*itt«hurg, I'.t., are the guert* of
Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Kelly,
Mm Jennie. Hippie, ol Itullur, mother
of U. H, Benator Mitchell, of Oregon, re
ceived on Friday Irom Auditor J, C. Kwing
Iter portion of toe citato of John Mitchell,
(lec''»r«ed, in tbU county. The estate wan
distributed by Auditor* order that a clear
titli! could be gi*«n.—Waahington I'a.
(Ili-r rr/ r.
Htella I'DJIC, Lottie Kink, ami
Ji-iini« lit-mlriuk»<>ii, ami Mr*. W. (;. Mi'
Cand!<•<», are the conte»tanU for the Fire
BIKB'X piano,
Mr. John (Shaffer, the barber, moved hi*
shop into hi* now building Ia«l week. John
now 1.41 a aplendid room, now cbaira a
boauliful cabinet, and everything a harhor
could wi*h for, excepting a luxuriant growth
of hir-ut<; on the top of hi* head, ttui place
wh ire iraeb hirsute xhould grow. We will
add that be know* how to keep an edg« on
a razor and u*e It properly.
New Vcsr'* Reception.
Tim Y. M. C. A. w ill keep open house on
New Vear'* day from 2 o'clock to 10
o'clock pm. All the men of Hotter,
young and old, are cordially Invited to bo
pri "iit at some time duriug these hours.
The I .ad iis Assisting Committee, with
characteristic willingness have prepared a
program of good thing*, such as they only
Snow how to devise. A literary and not
sii al entertainment will bo given each
hour, while refreshments of a more sub
stantial Sitnl w ill attest alike the hospital
Ity and efficiency of tbl* committee. The
teccp >u will open with a concert at 2
o'clock, and another special will be given
at 7 o'clock. Don't fail to come and bring
with yoa every man—especially every
young man—who can be induced to accept
our welcome.
By order of Reception Com.
Increase—'ico W. Palmer of BarnhartVs
-Home-made bread at the City
Bills! Bills! Bills!
During this month we will send bill« to
everybody who owes for one or more
year's subscription to the paper. It will
take as some time to go over the list, and
in the meantime, tbore who know them
selves indebted to us and who will call
and settle will have our thanks for saving
us that much trouble and expense, as well
as for the money. We have now had the
paper for two and one-tbird years and sub
j scribers living in the county, who have not
yet paid u* anything and who were not
J paid ahead when we purchased the paper,
owe us $3.50 each, and subscribers living
outside the county, under similar condi
tions, owe us ?4.67 each, for which sum we
will be pleased to give or send you a re
ceipt. Please remit by P. 0. order.
-1»-11-1-1-1 1-1.
—Days lengthen—blizzards strengthen.
—What particular leaf did you turn
—The clerks of Butler earned their sala
ries last week.
—There are GOO Granges in Pennsylva
—We are on the Jrst sheet of the new
—Eight of the orphans at the llome in
Zelienople are down with diptheria.
—Conwell lectures in the Court-room to
night, Friday.
—The evening train to Allegheny on the
West l'enn now leaves Butler at 5.00 p. m.
—Judge lieed of Philadelphia has decid
ed that the oleomargarine law of this State
is unconstitutional and therefore invalid.
—Rev. C. A. Litiiberg will preach in
Bethany Reformed Church, North St., on
Sunday, Jan. 4th, morning and evening.
—Charley Duffy has sold the building
now occupied by J. R. Grieb, and Grieb &
Lamb, to the .Smith brothers of the Racket
store for $7,000.
—The entertainment given by the chil
dren of the Episcopal church in the Opera
House, Tuesday evening, was a great suc
cess, and wa* witnessed by a large audi
—Henry Biebl now ha* an immense
store-room filled with house-furnishing
goods, and a large workshop underneath
it, where his tinners are now working on
an'order for ten thousand ash-pans from a
city foundry.
—This is what made or should have
made your back tired, the other morning.
Its a solemn duty we owe to our fellow
ntec and women:
—The "oldest inhabitant" dug hi* way '
out to the road la#t Thursday morning, and
"The old man gazed upon the snow,
And shook hi* silv'ry bead,
Then spoke deliberate but low,
And this i* what he said:
This 1* a reg'lar old time storm ,
Bail as I ever saw; ,
Now if the weather shift* to warm,
1 think we'll have a thaw.'"
Oil Notes. ,
MeMarlin & Co.'* No. 2 on the Covert 1
farm near Mars station, has been doing 50 '
barrels a day since the day before Christ- '
ma*. '
The Hovis No. 2on the Blakeley Is iu j
doing 150 barrels.
A good well win struck on the Wm.
Cashdollur, near Callery, Monday night, (
by Forst A Co. It started off at 15 barrels t
an hour. <
At Callery Junction a house wa* torn <
down a few days ago to make room for a
derrick. The Goehring well is yet making
over 200 barrel* a day. 1
The well on the Dambaugli farm west of
the Junction is reported dry. i
The Ziegler well below Harmony Is ye '
doing 'JO barrels a day. and a dozen new '
wells are going down on an area of five or
six acre*. }
M< Michael A Co. reached the sand on '
Jas. Lo«an, Saxonburg field, last Thurs
day, and she began (lowing.
The old Kornrumpf gu*her was "shot" (
on Wednesday <1 last week, and waked up ,
to the tune of 1400 barrels a day.
Titley A Bros.' No. 2 on the Meyers, (
Millerstown district. U showing for a fair i
well. i
The producer* held a meeting at Pitt* -
burg, Tuesday night, and will hold an
other Ui-night.
A Mysterious Case.
Mis* Nannie Balfour, a daughter of
Samuel Balfour of Adams Twp., and who <
is now living with her brother In A lie- 1
ghony, has told him and others of a
mysterious assault made upon her, one
night soirte weeks ago, in her lathers house i
near Mars Htation. She was found iu bed '
In a semiconscious condition with her ,
bands bound behind her back and a gag :
securely fastened in hei mouth: When
rescued from her * Kinds and the gag she ]
related, that her room bad been invaded j
the preceding riigbt by a man, who bail .'
left her in the helpless condition In which '
she was discovered.
The light in her room was burlng low ,
and she thinks she recognized the man, t
and her brother is having the case worked
up with a view to prosecution. '
New Officer*.
The newly elected County Officials will
I e sworn into office next Monday, and on
and sfter that day William M. Brown will
be Sheriff of Butler <U>., David K. Uale will <
be Register and Recorder, Jas. S. Wilson '
will be County Treasurer, John W. Brown .
will continue to be Protbonotary, Samuel t
T Marshall, Ja/. C. Kisltaddon and John
Humphrey will be County Commissioner* 1
and John Kennedy will be Coroner.
Messrs. lirown and Humphrey am the only
two that succeed themselves, and we bear 1
nothing but good word* spoken of the re 1
tiring officer*, and they will hold a recep
tion in the lobby of the Court Hon so that j
Messrs. Doulhctt, Albert and llcnningcr,
will begin their work of a iditing the ue
counts of the county that day.
Slippery rock Normal.
Attend the .State Normal School at
Sli|i|>eryrock. KxpermeH only $3!)
for 12 weekn, beginning Jan. 2, 1891.
Principal. ,
—5-A IJoriM) Blanket* cheap at
21G W. Cunning hern St.
FaHcinatora at 2f>, 40, f»0, 76 ct«-
and $1 at
L. BT*IN A. Hok'H.
—You never n*w a #ootJ annort
tnent of blanket*, robe*, harncHH,
baggies, carta and everything iu their
line in your life unleaH you have been
to Mariincourt <t Co., nor never will 1
nee them till you go there.
Genuine Hand-made UnriicHH lor
2HI W. Cunningham St. ;
—Hoarding House Card*, with Act !
of A HMeuibly, 25 ce.it* for half-a-dozen, j
for *ale at CITIZEN office.
Christmas Services.
The ftstiral serrices at all the churches
in Butler, Christina.- Eve and Christinas
> evening, were well attended and brought
■ snnshine to the heart* of all the children.
1 ; The following note- hare b< -n handed to
1 I as for publication.
The Christmas treat at the Presbyterian
i chnreh wa# held on Chri.-tmas evening at
r half pai-t rix. In addition to the usual ex
| ercii-e-. distribution of candy, etc., a
• Christmaa cantata was given, the principal
parts being taken by Mr?. B. P. Scott.
Mary Wick, Lon Ru.-sell. Car! I-eighner.
Joe Heinemin. Annie Kedic, and Gardner
Lowry. It was a complete success, and
theimmen-e crowd fully appreciated it.
At the German Catholic church the pro
gram given in the CITIZEN - last week was
fully carried through and was enjoyed by
large crowds that assembled to hear it.
The U. P. Church held their entertain
ment on Christmas eve. A full program
wait carried out. and candy and nuts dis
tributed to those present. The mite boxes
were opened and found to contain about
SOO, which fsum is intended for the West
Lnd Mission Chapel. The affair was a
complete success.
The elaborate decorations of the German
Lutheran Church have come to be a mat
ter of no sui prise to the attendants there,
but this year they lairly outdid themselves.
A very complete program was gone
through, and a ple&sant time bad by all.
The M. E. congregation held their treat
on Thursday evening, and The program
was well selected and performed. The
usual candy and nuts, etc , were dis
tributed, and everybody n.ir as happy as
everybody should have been.
The .Sunday School oi the First English
Lutheran Church held its festival of the
Nativity on Christmas eve, btc. -4th. j
Always tastily decorated on holiday occa- j
sions.the church this year presented a very j
pretty appearance. A corps of busy work i
ertt, assisted by Mr. G. A. Miller a - deco
rator artist spent several days previous in
in beautifying the building. The w ills
were adorned with mottoes taken from
Isaiah's prophecies of the Christ; festoon
ing* of laurel starting from the keystone
of the arch above the chancel were urrang
ed gracefully through the cherch to the
gallery in the rear, and as fine a tree as
wa* ever net up in Butler, ornamented
with a profusion of Christmas emblems oc
cupied the chancel and gave completeness
to the scene. Beginning at seven o'clock
with the singing, by the choir, of Kirrie
White's "When Marshalled on Their
Nightly Plain," the exercises, consisting
of a service of song, responsive scripture
reading*, recitations by varies members of
the school and an address by the pastor,
continued until a few minutes before eight
when the tree was lighted and the gifts
were di stributed. Each member of the
school and all the children of the congre
gation received a box of candy and an or
ange, Candies were also passed around
on tray* to ail present. Teachers and
scholars exchanged gifts, and numerous
other [ireeerjt* of a more private nature
were distributed. Jhiring this part of the
exercise* Mr. Harry Klingler Kprung a
most agreeable (.nrprire on the pastor of
church, liev. Titzel, by presenting him in
the name of the congregation with an en
velope containing a subscription for a set
of the Encyclopu-dia ISrittanica. About a
month ago Rev. Titzel had entered hi*
name with 11. C. Heine man &, Son, as a
subscriber and learning of this the congre
gation took up the subscription anil pre
sented it a* their Christmas greeting—a
gift highly appreciated and prized by the
recipient not only on account of its value
but also because of the gr»od will which
prompted it* bestowal.
The collection lilted at the exercise- as a
Christma* thank offering was devoted to
the Orphans' Home at JCelienople.
Throughout the services were orderly, de
Tout, and very enjoyable.
The Christma* Service in Bethany Re
formed Church was interesting throughout.
The church was tastily decorated with
evergreen* and the tree with its ornaments
was beaotful when lighted; but the most
attractive feature was a mina'.ure church.
The children sang and recited remarkably
well. The most interesting part of their
program was a service entitled Itnmantiel,
"God With Us" by nine children and
"Bringing Gift* to Christ" by thirteen. A
very appropriate address was made to the
children by Rev. Limberg. Each chili] re
ceived a treat and after uniting in the
Lord's Prayer and singing "Praise God,"
all went houie rejoicing that .Merry Christ
mas hail come again. The offering was
unusually large.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 22 cts. for batter,
2."i for eggs, <1 for potatoes and onions, IV)
for parsnips, M for turnips, I] for drc*«sl
chicken, 13 for dressed turkey, $1.50 for
riTTSBLso raonccK.
Timothy bay from country wagons #lO
to »12, mill feed *2l to *24 Oats 4«l to 40,
rye 70 to 70, wheat !*i to *1.0), ear corn -A)
to fV4, shelled corn 52 to 55. Clover seed
*4, timothy seed *1.50. Buckwheat Hour
2J anil 3.
Country roll butter ;15 to 22, eggs in
cases 27 to 2H, cold storage egjr* 20 and 21,
beat s *2 30, potatoes on track *1.05 to
*1 15, jobbing *1 15 lo *1,25; cabbage 4 and
5, onions <1.40, purple turnips 25 to 30;
tallow 4c
Dressed chickens, drawn, old 10 to 12,
spring 12 and 13, dressed duck 14 and 15.
dres ed turkey 10 and 17, dressed goose II
and 12.
Chestnut* *4, walnuts 50 to 75, shell
barks *2.
Gray s<juirre'« *1 a dozen, rabbits 15 to
20 a pair.
At 11 err'* Island, Monday, beeves sold
at 3J to 5g as to condition, bulls and dry
cows 1$ to 3, fresh cows *25 to *SO, bologna
cows *5 to Veal calves, common,
sold at m to li.
Volbrecht sold common to fair sheep at
4 and 5, and Flintier aid bis lambs would
average SJ.
Corn fed hogs ranged from 3.70 to 4 If,
and countries from 3.40 to 3.00.
TitV. Oil, MAttKKT.
On Monday National Transit certificate!
closed ut 711, Tuesday at 70|, Wednesday
at 71.
White aprons at all prices.tidies,
fancy towels, fine linen table seta,
stamped linens, etc., at
—Largest line ofailka, velvets and
drcsH goods iu the county at ICHH
than former prices, at
—J. J. Keiber, the drover, wants
ull farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should addresK him - LOOK Box
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Iteibcr, Jefferson St.
Buy the Lansing Wagon—lt in
the best. For'sule by
IlKNIty 111 Kill,,
122 N Main St., Butler, Pa.
Fine table linens, fancy towels,
tidies and stamped linens in gn at
variety at
L. STEIN A. Son's.
—Our Ladies' Wool Ho«e at 26
centß can't be I eat. All other grades
at I argain prices.
-r—lce cream at lai't summer's
prices at Morrlson'a City Bakery.
* ; SOTES.
At New Lisbon, Ohio, on Christinas Day
' the jury in the ca.-e of the Com. vs. Ira
Marlatt, formerly of this county, indicted
, for the innrder of Barak Ashton. an old
. Quaker of that connty. brought in a yer
-1 diet of murder in the first degree. New
1 | Lisbon is the county seat of Columbiana
county. Ohio, which adjoins Beaver coun
. j ty. this state.
i j The attorney for Messrs. Tate, Shaffer,
i and Downing, who were in jail at New
| Castle on a sentence for contempt of court.
! in refu-inp to obey an order to testify, ap
i pealed to Judge Clark oi the State Supreme
! Court and resident at Indiana, Pa., for a
; writ of habeas corpus, who granted the
I writ and ordered the men released in bail
for their appearance before the Supreme
Court at Philadelphia. The men were re
leased on Christmas, but if the Supreme
Court decides aeainst them they will go
back to jail.
On Tuesday last the County Commission
er- aj.pointi-d Mr. W. J. Whites-ides of Mid
dlesex twp to be Mercantile Appraiser for
next year
Letter, of idministration were granted
to Martha Wright on estate of W. A.
Geo Kumtncr has brot suit vs August
i.'lri-k lor >la:ider. Geo says that August
1-aid he -t le a pig.
But fourteen cases are on the Trial List
for r.ext v. eek as follows: Perdue vs Taylor,
Mar-hall vs A:,.U-r- .. Heeder vs Steele.
Jaiecki Co \ - 8ia.1;,. ..'.irecki vs Fornuer,
Cochran vs C> .'ir.tr., t.illeland vs Leaby,
Biedenbach vs Murphey and Barkhouse,
McMicbael vs Sutton, .-.ty vs Ford, Car
,in's Son- vs Butler Salt Co, Palm vs Hut
ler Salt Co and Oil Well Supply Co vs Salt
The will of Steven Mortland of Marion
twp. was probst«'l—no letters.
! J. N. Bolui i'. .s I,rot suit ia ejectment
!vs La:-;.. Cubb: i.. .idmr'x, for some oil
i leases in C'onnr- - • ing twp.
. ii II Goucher to J M Greer lot in Butler
for S3OO.
W W Kelly to W D Renick lot in Clay
j twp for fM'XMi.
I) (j Miller to L S McJunkin and same to
Mary Miller 110 acres in Centre twp.
V W Dunlap to '/. W Tinker lots in West
Banbury for *OOO, SBOO, SIOOO and SIOOO.
Emma Taggert to C A Abrams lot in
Butler lor S2OO.
C A Abrams to Cath Duncan lot in But
ler for SWO.
D G Courtney to J S Fallett 100 acres in
Parker for SIOOO.
S O Sterritt to Wm T and Jas Cox lots
in Adams twp for SIOO each.
C E Cubbison to Jas Kerr lot in Harris
ville for 1200.
At Franklin—C W Gilfillan to John
Locke 100 acres in Butler aud Venango
Wm Floyd to T C McNeil lot in Adams
for ¥>M.
Marriage Licenses.
Orin M. Covert Prospect
Anna Barnhart Mt. Chestnut
Gustavu* S. Dennisou .. .Slipperyrock twp
Anna Stonghton Elora
Albert M Gold Evans City
Maggie M. Sutton Clay twp
C. H. Sehocnfeld Parker twp
Annie Campbell "
John F. l'ettigrew Butler, Pa
Lizzie Green "
Clement C. Taylor Worth twp
Ida Cora Dunn Brady twp
Geo. F. Billingsiy Parker twp
Susan C]over Parker, Pa
Wm D l'runkard Fairview twp
Frances Hopper "
Wm. M "Wortbington Bruin, Pa
Millie M. Gould Millerstown
Eugene E. liavi't Belleview, Pa
Mary K. Kimmel Butler, Pa
Alex Cummings Renfrew, Pa
Lena Stevenson "
Maurice N. Itunlap Harrisville, Pa
Martha A. Eakin McKeau Co
Joseph J. Flemming Harrisville, Pa
Sarali J. Graham "
II amp son Hoeken berry Worth twp
Mary E. McDeavitt Brady twp
Wm. Stepp Armstrong Co
E. Caroline Gibson Butler, I'a
Henry H. Beighlea Harmony,Pa
Sadie J. Harvey Prospect,Pa
John W. Hutchison Butler, Pa
Anna Kennedy "
Frank Early Bellaire, <>
Alice Swartout Bruin, I'u
L. E. Held Clinton twp
Florence Walter* "
At Pittsburg, Dec. 24, T. E. Bartow of
Pittsburg ami Sarah E. Gravatty of Butler
Co., Dee. 2!t. Jos E. <>. Brashear of Taren
turn and Effle J. Elliott of Butler Co.
At New Castle, Isaiah Suair of Bruin
and Catharine Cable <>f Rochester. Pa ; J.
Walker Boozel and Mary C. Dickson of
Batter Co.
At Clarion, Thos B. Grant of Foxburg
and Mary Thomas of Titnsvllle.
To the Farmers.
If you want choice buckwheat flour
and u fuir turn out, have your buck
wheat ground at (leo. Walter mill,
which is running day and night and
uiaken the best flour in the market.
Ofi. WAI.TEIC, Butler, Pa.
—Don't fail to f-ee tho great reduc
tion in priceß of ueaponable good* at
—We cnnJ*aveyou money on plufch
coats, cloth jacket*, stockinet jacket*
and children's garments, at
lce cream furnished in auy
tpiantity, for parties, by the City
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. AfiderMon building.
—(Jenuine Hand-made Harness for
t'.l at MARTIKCOUBT ti CO.'H,
216 W. Cunningham St.
—Cloak*, Jackets and Furs at [J
Wheeler Wilson aud Stan
dard Sewing .Machines at
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa
Bargains in stockinet jackets at
$2..00, s.l, $4, $5 and all worth
from $1 to s.'! more, at
—The A nti-Rusting Tinware—
guaranteed again*t ru*t for three
years, at HKNKY BIKIII.'H,
NO. 122 N. Main St., Butler, PB,
— f> A llorsit Blankets cheap at
M AitTINCoiiKT Ai CU.'H,
21fi W. Cunningham St.
—Go to Martiucourt A Co.'s and
buy two torso blankets for what one
costs elsewhere.
—Tie up your horse with a 7- r ic.
band-made leather halter Martin
court Co.. 2l<; W. Cunningham
St., have them,
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is if ENBV BIKIII.'H,
No. 122 N. Main Ht., Butler, Pa.
White and bluck silk handker
chiefs at
—Cloaks, cloaks, cloaks,- best
values in plush, cloth and stockinet
garments, at
For Sale Cheap.
A good brick dwelling house, sit
uated in Buller, for particulars in
i|uir« of ,1 onn II BKIIIKH,
CITI/.KN Orriox.
Don't buy a wrap until you have
inspected our immense stock of plinth
c iats arid jackets, cloth and stockinet
jtck'-tM. We CBII surely save you
b g u.onej.
Miss I>illy Whit mire, died from the ef
fects of her self-inflicted wound (.n Tue-
day uijibt of lai-t week and was] buried on
1 i Christmas Bay. It appears that the ball
1 passed through her head.and did not glance
off as we were informed next day.
j Sometime ago W. E. Black, a son of
Esq. Black of Marion township, and who
has been braking in the P. <!' L. E. R. R.
was caught between the .bumpers of the
cars and had his jaws broken. He is lying
at the West Pc-nn hospital| ;n Pittsburg.
A daughter of Rev. McKee ol Pittsburg.
' who was the guest of John Reed on Christ
ina's. 'fell against a stove and was seriously
Thomas Spencer, an employee of the
| Plate tilass Works had an arm badly cu-t
by broken glass, Monday.
A son of Mrs. George Mcßride had a leg
broken Christmas, while coasting on the
jail bill; Leo Uazlett ha- his face cut and
tooth broken while coasting on East Jeffer
son street, and Carl Cross was bruised on
the jail hill.
Mr. Bayid McCollongh of Fainiew Twp.
was thrown from his sleigh and against a
telegraph pole near Millerstown, on Friday
of last week, and was badly cut about the
face. He wa* picked up unconscious and
carried into the Widow Byer's house,
where he came to, but could give no ac
count of the accident.
Encampment Xo. 43 l". V. L. will hold
a public installation of officers in the U.
V. L. Hall, Butler, ;on Monday evening,
Jan. 1891. All soldiers, sailo* and the
widows and orphans of deceased aoldicr*
and sailor* are especially invited to be
The Beethoven Orchestra.
Last Friday evening aB orchestra was
organized by the namo ofThe Beethoven
Orchestra, with Prof. E. O, Darin as Mu
sical Director, F. M. Whippo as President,
and F. L. McCallough as Secretary. The
orchestra will number about thirteen mem
bers and its object will be to study higher
classical music and symphonies of the
great masters of both ancient and modern
Sick People.
This Isn't a Joke, It can be Ex
$1.50 plus ?2.40 « «aoo.
Teacher, to Visitor: "Sow, there's an
industrious boy in the corner seat. James,
you may put your example on the black
James chalks the above figures on the
board, and explains the peculiar result as
"The folks over to the CITIZEX office
said if I'd give 'cm $3.00 they'd send me
the value of $1.50 plus $2.40, an' dad an' I
decided to do it."
James was a wise boy, He learned that
$3.00 was the clubbing jiricc at which he
could get the CITIZKB for the family and
' Wide A wake" for himself and the girls;
both for a whole your. Our readers tthould
know that "Wide Awake" is the famous
Boston magazine for voung people (100
pages every month; and costs $2.40 alone.
But with our usual enterprise we have
arranged to offer that magazine and the
CITIZKN for a while, for $3.00. The CITIZKB
will take care of all orders, and show any
one the magazine.
Farmers aud farmera' sonM who
have a horse and rig at their dis
posal, and who are '.ookin# for profit
able employment may secure posi
tions worth from thirty to sixty
dollars a week by addressing A J.
Potter, .'i East 14th St, New York
Wo Pay Salary
and expenses to LI VE AGENTS, men or
women. No drones wanted. Work steady
year round and cash weekly. Good pay ,
for part time. Fine outfit free. Experi
ence not needed. Send references and
stamp at once. J. Kt OKXK WiIiTXKV, ]
Rochester, N. V. i
TV This firm is perfectly responsible.
Two Good Papers at a Bargain.
Wo have made arrangements by which
we can furnish The Ohm Farmer, the lead
ing agricultural, live stock, and family
journal of this country, aud the CITIZKX
both one year, postage paid,for only $2.40.
This is a bargain that every farmer should
Tho Pittsburg Weekly Com
mercial Gazette.
Brimful of news and interesting
reading matter.
It is a paper for the farm and fire
It is a clean, attractive, and a care
fully edited eight-page weekly news
paper for only $1 per year. Or we
will send the CITIZEN and the Wtel -
ly Commercial Gazelle for one year
rof $2..'50 a year, in advance.
—lce for sale at) the City Bakery
—Martincourt <fc Co., 216 W. Cun
ningham St., has more robes and
horse blankets than you ever seen in
your life.
—Now kid glovnn, cloth gloves,
mittens, hosiery and underwear at
lower prices than ever, at
The highest price paid for buck
wheat at Ueo. Walter mill, Butler, I'a.
Men's Holiday handkerchiefs
and milliters at
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CiTIZKN office.
Fine cakes at the City Bakery.
—/over's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Bakery.
A Lady's Perfect Companion.
Every expectant mother should read our
new book by l>r. I>ye, one of New York's
most celebrated physicians. A perfect
guide, it tells bow the fi-arful ordeal can be
made easy, free from danger, anil almost
entirely painless, thus Hiving months of
anxiety, dread and suffering. Full of valti
able information to ladles, answering bun
dreils of delicate questions. Send two cent
stamp for circulars, testimonials, and con
lidentlal letter. Address, PKANK THOMAS
it Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Mil.
Farmers, Here Is a Cliance.
The Commercial (Jazelle, of Pitls
burg, is the friend of the farmer. It
favors relieving farmers of taxation
to fhe extent that corporations can
bear; in fact, it is the farmers' friend
in everything that is just and reason
able. The coming session of the
Legislature and Congress will be of
great interest to the agricultural
class, and ull news of Importance to
them will be forind in the Wet.kly
Gommtrcial Gazelle "Its market
reports are the authorities for buying
and selling in Pittsburg, where it is
recognized as such by all dealers.
Don't be without it. It will save
you annually many times th« price of
its subscription. Send for it at once.
Send your subscription to this office
when it will be forwarded to Pitts
pi» v.
i- ■»*] •••it y-"i, C«w Wirti In imMlim*
V JMP • » all t <!»».» liltf yf. «
i «n»r« ti....,.
M. W •»'! w.t.'larfxl CirH'witiiffM.
ll.llnllcUifc €•..Mum S•# I'urllwMrf,Stalae
An Attractive Feature
At our store just now is the
beautiful line ol Holiday
i Goods, all selected with care
and in exquisite taste. We
show the latest designs. Our
prices are not more than asked
elsewhere for goods of inferior
quality. Come to our store,
whether you wish to purchase
or not. No trouble to show
goods, and polite attention
given to all. Our stock of fine
perfumes, both in bottle and
bulk, was£never 4 greater than
at present. We give you the
very best and t-ave you money
at our store.
Kespect fully,
C. N. .BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Cluist in as Presents.
Greater variety, prettier and cheap
er this year tb&n ever before. I have
the best line of Holiday Goods this
year that I ever had. I want every
body to see them, and I extend a cor
dial invitation to the public to call
and examine them.
No person is expected to buy cnless
they see what they want at prices to
suit them. I know I have nice
goods. I know they are cheap, and
will be pleened to ebow them to you
whether you buy or not. Call early
while the stock is full at
Drug Store, next door to Lowry
The Butler County National
The election of directors of this bank to
serve for the ensuing year, will be held at
the banking house on Tuesday, Jan. 13th,
between the hours of 11 o'clock a. in. and
1 o'clock p. in. I>. OSBOHMK, Cashier.
Keport of the condition of the Duller County
National Hank, iiiitler. I'a., at the close of busi
ness, December lath, lsao. (Condensed.)
Jos. Ilartman Pres. .1. V. Kltts, Vice Pres.
If. Osborne, Cashier. A. Halley, Ass't Cash'r.
Joseph llartmau, C. I'. Collins,
K. K. A brains, O. O. Oreealee,
J. V. ltltts. 11. McSweeney,
I-eslle I' Hazlett, I. .Smith,
W. H. Waldron, I). Osborne,
O. M. Kusncll.
Liaus and Discounts {nui.sro 35
Overdrafts lur, m
V H. Hoods 29,000 OO
Premiums ii.-IE-I 75
llauklnic House .furniture ami o*lures ia.OM in
Current expenses and tax's paid 61
«'asii on band t.'H.si.'i 47
Hue from batiks 30,"<1 *N
Due fruni Treasnri-r U. H, 1,120 00- 75.751 K
Total fa»2.37s »s
' apllal HUjck lioo.ooo ou
Undivided I'roflts n/Mi M
riri'Olailon Tlf**> oo
IH'lsjslts 1M.417 00
IJue Hanks 02
Total »2i«.37s an
Inviting the attention of the pulillc to the
foregoing statement, this Hank solicits your
patronage. Interest allowed on time deposits
Clean-up Sale
Now on Winter goodH at big
Hacrifice. Fine Camel Hair
underwear at S' worth $1.50.
Large sizes only.
Better grades at sl.2s,cheap
at $1.75. Pioneer Mills goods
in colors at $1 worth $1.50.
A few fine all wool scarlets
left which we oiler at 75c,
good value at $1 25 #
Nice Natural wool goods
worth $1 we will close out at
024 ctH.
Don't miss it.
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
1831 1891
Country Gentleman
Farm rops and Processes,
Horticulture and Frult-Growlng,
Live Stock and Dairying,
While LL ULSO INCLINE'S all minor department* of
Itnral interest, such as the I'oultry Yard, Knto
mology. !»••'• Keeping, Oreenhouse and (irtt|H-ry,
\et<rlnary Keplles, I'' arm Ouestlons and
Answers. Klreslile Keadliitf. lkilnestlc ICeonomy,
and • summary of the New* of the Week, lis
Market Heisirts are unusually complete, aud
much attention Is paid to the f'roefiecta of TLIC
I RONS, AS IhrowlitK light upon one of TLM most
Untxirlanl of all questions When to Huy, and
When TO Hell. It Is ItUerally llHuitraU d. and
by ItKCKN'I KM.A lUiKMKNT. contains more
reanltiiK niiitU'r than ever before. Tho HUB
Birliitlon I'rlce Is »2. HI Ist year, huttwe offer a
Hl'l9 IA I. HL!L»t ( I ION In our
ChUtt lIATKM FOB 18'Jl 1
Two HutsK rlpllons, In One remittance M on
Hl* subscriptions. do. do 10 00
Twi-lvesubscriptions,do. do. ...... is on
B<r-Ti. all New Hubwrlbi-rs for Isul. oajlng In
aovanco now. we will si-nd the paper WKKKT.Y.
rrom our receipt of tho remittance. January
Ist. isiii, wniiotrr i;iurii>.
Conies Kkkh. Addrem
MrrilKlt TUCK Kit A. HON, I'ubUnheri,
Albany, N. Y.
ntAi-Mnm IH
»a^ Physicians' I'N • ■•rlptlons carefully com
5 S. Main SIR«««I, LLU• lor, I'a.
nr... in f.„ . ..... ■ i-,„, .
».««I i«J» <4* ;.« Mao*. <• —i.« ~,. k. .
To the Grand Christmas Opening at
My pictures are tho talk ol" the town,aud
thoiH* who miss seeing my line* of Etch
ings, Engravings, I'notojrrnvures Photo
graphs. Pastel and Water Color Paintings,
are unfortunate, indeed.
I have -00 Remark Proof, and Artist's
Etchings and Prints, selected with great
care and good ta»te from the lines of the
three leading publishers in this country, 40
of Tabor's and other photogravure*" and
300 Tabor's Artotypes, which with many
Oleographs, Chromos and Paintings, make
the best line of pictures to be had in East
ern markets.
I make a specialty of Artistic Framing
and can frame anything from a~ Marriage
License to a honse and lot. An old pic
ture with a new frame is often as good as
and will make a nice present.
llf I call particular attention to my lines
of Bamboo and Hard Wood Easels, and
my Frames for cabinet photographs.
Without doubt my line of Books excel
any ever displayed m Butler. I have a
complete line of the standard 12 mos at
22c and 3oc. Fill}- different Poets in gilt
edge at€sc each—all the most popular
books now extant. In gift books I have all
the gems of th" season and can simply ask
you to see them before going elsewhere.
with patent index, $lO. Webster's Una
bridged for $2.50.
Butlkk, PA.
CAPITAL raid I p, ... $100.(MM).00.
Jos. Hartman. Prest. I). Osborne, Caahler,
J. V. KltU.Vice I'ri H t. c. A. Balley.A'M't Cash'r
Jos. Hartman. C. P. Collins. O. M. Itussell,
11. MeMweeney, U. I). Ureenlee, J. V. Itltta,
E. E. Abrains. Leslie Ha/.lett. 1. (i. Smith.
W. 8. Waldron, I). Osborne.
A general banking hnsinehs transacted. In
terest paid on time deposit*. Money loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Fire and Life
Insurance Co. of North America, incor
porated 17'J4, capital $3,000,000 and other
strong companies represented. New York
Life Insurancef 'o., assets f'JO.OOO.OOO. Office
New Huselton building near Court House.
Weekly Chronicle Telegraph
Special Premium List For 1891.
A Gentleman's Gold Watch
and the Weekly Chronicle
Telegraph one year for - sls
A Ladles' Gold Watch and
the Weekly Chronicle
Telegraph one year for $14.75
The Chronicle Telegraph
Improved High-Arm Sew
ing Machine and the
Paper one year for - - $22
In addition to tho above there are a
variety ol other desirable premiums, in
cluding an Open Face Gentleman's Gold
Watch, whicn is offered to subscribers
with the paper lor one year for sl3.
The Gentleman's sl!> wateh, and the
Ladies' 14.75, have beautiful bunting cane*
warranted to wear 15 yoars, and ure fitted
with the reliable Hampden movement.
They cannot lie bought at retail for less
than from $25 to but are furnished to
our subscribers at the manufacturers'
The Hewing Machine is our Premium
High Arm Machine, and equals any 160
one before the public.
Any of the above will bo given free for
persons securing us a club of yearly sub
scribers, terms of which will be furnished
upon application.
The Weekly Chronicle Telegraph
in addition to ith special features for the
Ladies, Home, Farm and Garden, etc.,
contains tho
Only One Dollar A Year.
Sample Copies Free. Address
rittshsrvh. Fa.
!p"We will send TIIK CITIZEN and
to any address for $2.00 per year, in
Wm. F. MiUer.
Manufacturer "of
Stair Rails,
and Newel-posts.
Rah kinds of wood turning done to order, also
leorated and Carved wood work, sueh as
Cosing. Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of
fancy wood-work tor lnsldn decoration of
rtoi'iellilng new And attractive, Also
at lowest'easli prices.
More at No. «», N. Main street.
Factory at No. Mi, N. Washington street.
terras WWKA
and receive for on«i year
Both for $3.00.
At tho Head of Young People's
hularged, Inviting. 100 Pages Every
Month, lleautifully illustrated.
$2.40 a year. 'Jo cts a No.
11. Lirniitor Ci>., Publishers, Huston.
Babyland, Our LIUIeMrn & I The fanny.
. r ior a year ' Women *1 a year |tl a year. !
Specimen of any one, "• cents,of the four,
15 cents.
The ClTi/KN and " llabyland," ♦I. 75
The Citizks and "The Pansy,'' 00. •
The Citi/km and "Our Little Men and
Women," PJ.OO.
i Would miss It? See Southeast
Corner c f this "ad."
Have Presents for All I
Fine Pictures. Frames, Eaeels,
Gold Pens. Bookn, Books and Books.
; Books in Sets, Gift Books, Juve
- nile Books and Poems.
Plush, Metal and Leather Toilet j
i Cases, Odor Cases, Manicure and j
' Shaving Sets, Cuff and Collar Boxes,
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Ci
srar Boxes, Smoker's Sets, Albums,
t Hand Mirrors, Triplicate Mirrors, 4c
ani V\H// v,Rti
A Plain Statement.
Now that the Holiday rush is over we
are ready tor the buyer who has a house
or l oom to furnish and wants a large and
new stock, experienced salesmen and low
prices to select from. If the buyer mere
ly wants a chair, a desk, or any of the
countless bits of furniture to be found in
our stores, the principle remains the same
and the wise buyer acts accordingly.
We haven't a piece of furniture in the
store that's been in stock over two months,
and we haven't a piece that we would be
ashamed to offer at our prices in any city
iu the land, Our more expensive articles
are rich, stylish and offered at low prices.
Our cheaper goods are well selected, and
the very best for the money that can be
gotten anywhere. ' Mark this.
There are many who have not yet been through our
stores. We want you all to look in. It does not matter one
bit whether you are buying or not, a look through our store
is an advertisement of it, and we pay big money to the news
papers every year for worse ones. Why there's no advertise
ment like an inspection ot our stock. Your eye is the best
salesman we want.
Campbell & Templeton,
In wbat we are going to Ulk about now, and wo are going«to tell too about
LOW PRICE joo can obtain a suit of it for.
Our stock of men's, youths', boys' and
childrens' clothing is larger
than ever.
We bare
galore,and what Ih bcttet.at a price that CANNOT be duplicated elaewbere
ciIILDRKN'S WEAR ia something that moat people are interested
in and we bare got
The niceat line in town: alao a large aaeortment of JKRBEY SUITB. In
addition to the above we bare an immenne atock of Ilata, Neckwear, Under
wear, Glove* and Genta' Kurnibhinga.
Come and aee ua, we will treat you woll. Youra, Anxioua to pleaae,
H. Schneideman
The Peoples Clothier.
,104 S. Main St. - - - Butler, JP
TM.latb.inp.l raa.wiaai ,•"/•>( aad <#«'«*• lltll. tnlUt «rllHa»w la».aUd. It com
tun*. » I urlar uI .ap*rlor fin tali wflh .a lmprnf.il Ton* L'riaipar M'> »»ri» t>»h « Ct.rtro-
M..11.1W, II y til< .If produce. *niiil.ifull> ylw.li.. .ml fa.l>|..ii.bie r.aulta will' "« aid th. bureau
Ik I. i.. 1 In aur ilnlrwl altl., aad .Ma «o Iliad with I hi. Iltll. la.lruniaiil It raialua lb. MMI UMh
luas«r. .lid 1. Eot .»■ ||( ih. dun. .Ir <Mw. I rud, .<..*« a«ad.
It d.«* not l>r..k off or rata lb. balrllka mo.l Curler. and OHl»6«». mwr full. In operation, .ad
I. an.raiil.~d lo«l..aall.fa<li«B NOMKV KI PI KIX I) Ir Wf AN HKI'ttUKNTED.
11 I. for Ml. I>» 111. laadlu* drii., dry and l.n. ) trade " u»t ol.laltial.la In roar
« liili)f w. »11l mall II lo any ail.lr-aa, m<.l- t 4>id. (ii.raateela* aafa l"ll»ory, on rin-lpt of Mh, or
In.. f..r M INI. ll'llll l br dr.fi. aaproaa. or poat oTH. « ao.aar MM, or mrmnu; In ti.fialarad lattw
i*.|r,liE. lo Th. A. Mrl.fi... llroailw.r. ». • Mention tin. paper. Ay. nt. wauled for
t>r. Uild(ai.a'aCon.t..Bru>bM IWIU. .Bddiioti.llli.. llM.ullful.ad popular *ood«. tltwtllLi.ralt.raui.
ll|!TL»:rf, PA.
1-'lhiiln »nd Yarn
MniinlM<'liir«'«l of Pur* Ittii-
Iri < onuly Wool.
W« guar*ul't« our good* In atrlcUy all wool
•ml noarwtnk) ur any Otliar potMnnnu* maturUl
IIM<4 ill ilyving. W» »«ll Wlioloaain or retail,
numjilin mi.t |, Hi. * (uriilNlind froc to dnalora Ml
The I it ill French Doll,the fine express
wagon and the pretty picture and story
| books are some of the special attraction#
and are worth coming miles to fee, especi-
I all.v fincc it costs you nothing.
Head the county papers eack week, for
they will suggest lots of new ideas about
Christmas presents.
While you look for the locale in another
place. They will tell you many things
about Allie. Sarah.the Juvenile Books,and
last but not least
From auy Railroad Station within ten
miles of lltitler 1 will refund amount of car
i fare both ways with purchases umonntine
I to Six Dollars.
From any Railroad Station in Butler Co.
I will refund full amount of car fare both
with purchases amouuting to Ten
C'jme to Butler. It will cost you noth
ing. and you will find my prices the low
N". B.—This oiler does not only include
Holiday Goods, but Wall Paper, Window
Blinds and Stationery.
From now until Xmas Day.
j Traveling ami Ixral, to aoll our ebol#» nurtwry
MUM'k. Paul Wiling aiH-claltlwi In UIU frulla,
etc. Hpii-nrtiii oiiini Iriw. Hteady «mßU>ri»K!nt
Ifimrajiti'ril. \ our nay weekly. writ# for l«rm*.
idx'hntfr. N. *.
N«w fnrtiiUim, iuiv (ItHnK* and llrit
i litKH aroomiuodalloii*. Livery.
North nute of Ihamond, liutler, Pa,