Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 26, 1890, Image 3

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Now is the time
to buy your Over
coat, rather than to
wait until after the
Ist of January.
We have reduc
ed the price of all
Overcoats, which
' consists of Meltons,
Fur Beavers, Wors
teds, Kerseys and
other fabrics.
Mens Youth's,
Bo\ s and Childrens.
Villi in and price
these goods, whether
you wish to buy or
not, no trouble
We have just re
ceived a full line of
Cape and Storm
Schaul Bros. & Co.
BCTLKR has a population of about 10,000.
It is the County seat of Butler County, with
Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled
facilities for* manufactures. ..
Progress everywhere; new buildings, new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous town.
WIST I'KNN It. R.-Trains leave Butler for
Allegheny at 8:00. 835 and 11:20 a. m. and MB
and (£O6 p. m.; arrive at 8:36 and 10J0 a. m. and
1:80,5U> and Tao p. m. Malls close at Si* a. m.
snd 2*6 p. m. and arrive at 830.10:80 a. m. and
5:10 p. in.
P. 8. & h. K. K. R.—Trains leave for Green
ville at 6*5 and 1020 a. m and p. m. Trains
arrive from (iieenvllle at 9:30 a. m. and 2:30 and
83C p. m. Malls close at 6:18 and 9XO a. m.
Closed pouch for Branchton, including mall for
Hllliara, Boyers and Bovard at 438 p. m. Mails
arrive at 235 and 6:20 p. m.
P. & W. R. R.—Trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at 620, and I<*2Q a. m. and 2:40. 8:35
and 6:30 p, m. The 836 a. m, train and the Z4O
5. m. connect with trains going west at, Callery
unction. Malls close for south and west at
8:00 a. in. For Pittsburg at 10 a. m. Far Pitts
burg and point, between Butler and Callery at
3:10 p. m. Kor Pittsburg and points between
Callery and Allegheny at 6:00 p. m. For local
poln la nort hof Butler at 93S a. m. For Barn
hart's Mills, roxourg and OU CUT at 435 p. m.
Malls arrive on this road from local points be
tween Butler and Callery at 938 a. m.; from
Pittsburg and local points between Callery and
Allegheny at »I:S6 a. m.; from Barn hart's Mills,
FoxUurjj and Oil City at 9:3T a. m. Local mall
from the north at 253 p. m.; from Pittsburg
and the West at #»o p. m.
ST A K KotTTFS— Dally mall from Mt. Chestnut
arrives at ir.3o a. m. and leaves at 10:00 a. m.
North Hope, Hooker and otber points, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, leave at 130 p. m,
New Advertisements.
BickoVs Shoes.
Election Nctice —Glade Mill Fixe Ins.
"Wide Awake.
'Williams It Rogers' Business College.
NOTB—AII advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Misses Edwards and Hafole, of Foxburg,
are the guests of Miss Julia Smith, of the
South Side.
Miss Maud Bingham is the guest of Mrs.
J. W. Brown.
J. A. Glenn of the Millerstown Herald
was in town this week.
Mr. Isaiah Thompson, of Colorado, is
back to Butler County with his family. He
owns a good farm of 300 acres there, bnt
the Indians have lately shown signs of
making trouble. He is a brother of Elijah
Thompson, of Centre Twp., and of Archie
Thompson, of Mercer Co.
Paul Murrin and Charley McNamee,
pupils in Hal. Burns' school in Venango
Twp., spelled 1,086 test words without
misspelling a Bingle one.
Miss Mary Gilliland, and Messrs. F. E.
Mitchell and Wm. Stevenson, of this
county, were visiting friends at Ulearview,
Lawrence Co., last week.
Rev. W. S. McNees is now pastor of the
Middlesex and Summit Presbyterian
Miss Jessie Carver is visiting in Bandy
Mr. 11. C. Heineman has resigned the
agency uf the Adams Express.
A 1 Heck callod ns in and showed ns
something fine in the Amaryllis line the
other day. It is a now plant raised by the
great grower, Hamilton, from his celebrat
ed "Empress of India" and is called "XX
XH." The plant has three very beautiful
and extremely large blooms on it, and is a
sight. AI'H greenhouses are unusually
crowded with plants this fall.
The piano which Mr. Leidecker present
ed to the fire company will be contested
for by several of the young ladies of this
place. The voting begins to-day. Miss
Stella Pape is one of the contestants and
there are three or lour others whose names
we have not learned.
A young mac, evidently from the coun
try, caused some amusement while giving
the aspiration of his fondest dreams a
sleigh-ride on Friday of last week. The
deep snow made turning with a cutter
rather difficult, so the gentleman, desiring
to retrace bis steps, suddenly bundled the
lady out, handed handed her the ensbion,
robes, whip, etc., and getting out himself
turned the outfit, to tbe great edification
of the onlookers, aud soon was homeward
The teachers stopping at the Wick
House, numbering about forty had a gay
time on Tuesday evening oi last week.
Headed by Mr. Wallace Burk, they had
gathered a considerable sum of money to
support Miss Critchlow of Slippery roc* tp.
in the Times contest for a dressing case,
but on its appearing to tbe leaders that
several cases like that offered could be
bought with the money on hand,they made
assurance doubly sure by buying a beauti
ful one outright. This was presented to
Miss Critchlow at the parlors of the Wick
House on Thursday evening in the pres
ence of all those interested, in a speech by
Burk. Tho recipient was taken entirely
by surprise and could only murmer her
thanks but Sam Christley came to the res
cuo und made a fine response. The balance
of tho evening was spent in having a good
sociable time.
Balph'sNew Store.
Dr. Balph opened bis beautiful new store
room yesterday, and he has as handsome
counters, showcases and prescription-desk
as an enterprising druggist could wish for-
For the Holiday trade he has quite an -as
sortment of toilet articles in plush
leather which you should see before pur
Ii there's anything makes a woman mad,
And her dander rise like sin.
It's to scold a man, and have him stand
And grin, and grin, and grin.
—ln order to he able to celebrate Christ
mas, we go to press a day earlier than
onnal, this week, and we wish yon all a
"Merry Christmas."
—Dr. Bensel has moved his office to 224
Graham St.
—The livery men are sure of something
to put in their stocking now.
—lt would take a freight train of thirty
five cars to transport $1,000,000 in pen
—The man who worries about things
that cannot be helped is sawing timber for
his own coffin.
—The P. 0. on the Amberson farm call
ed Oildom has been ordered discontinu
—The Glade Mill Fire Ins. Co. will elect
officers on Tuesday, Jan. 13th. See no
—Rotten ice caused some of our young
people to get a ducking in the ponds last
—On Monday afternoon one of # Herman
Fagan's twins died, it was born on Tues
day of last week.
—Some of Governor-elect Pattison's
admirers of Millerstown sent him a fifty
pound turkey for his Christmas dinner.
—Serious charges have been made against
the managers of the Allegheny Work
house, and an investigation is demanded.
—At the meeting of the stockholders of
the Butler Saving's Bank last Saturday the
renewal of the charter was decided npon.
—Gov. Beaver on Monday attached his
signature to the certificate making Alle
gheny a city of the Second Class under the
act of May, 1889.
—The parent who never tells a child that
he loves it except when about to give it a
good licking makes a terrible mistake.
—An exchange thinks it is better for the
general health of a community to have one
good-natured man in a neighborhood than
four doctors.
—At tbe meeting of Council last Thurs
day evening tbe contract for the McKean
street sewer was awarded to the Ort broth
ers of Pittsburg at $2,468, the Chestnut St.
sewer to E. F. Hughes at $1,120.
—Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Shoat of Custer Co.
Nebraska, formerly of Butler, write home
of great distress in that vicinity caused by
the drouth, and ask for aid for the suffer
ers. Subscriptions can be sent to Dr.
Byers, or any of the book stores.
—A strange bird, late.'y shot in Buffalo
twp, is described as follows: "It was al
most white, legs feathered down to the
feet, was as large as a good siied hawk
and seemed to be a cross between a fish
hawk and owL
- -The alternate freezing and thawing of
tbe past few days, made the walking very
tedious and tiresome, and illustrated tbe
necessity of cleaning the snow off your
sidewalk toon alter it falls.
—The world is a looking-glass and gives
back to erery man the expression of his
own face. Frown at it and it will in turn
look sourly upon you, laugh at it and with
it and it is a jolly, kind companion; and so
let all young persons take choice.
—Some years ago, when the divorce case
of Crow vs. Crow was tried in Pittsburg,
George W. Quail, Esq., was commissioner,
and a man named Peacock was a witness,
and after the libellant got her divorce she
married a man named Hogg.
—lf you want a lovely odor in your
rooms, Bays the Scientific American, break
off branches of tbe Norway spruce and ar
range them in a jug well filled with water.
In a few days tender, pale green branches
feather oat, sod and cool to ibe touch and
giving off the delightful health-giving
—There is more rejoicing in a country
newspaper office over one letter that con
tains a little cash than over ninety and
nine letters which contain circulars and
complimentary tickets to various exhibi
tions the editor has no notion of attend
—That celebrated scholar and traveller'
Joseph Cook, lectured in Butler, Monday
night to as large an|andience at the Court
room would hold. His lecture was on
"Ultimate America," the future of our
Nation and the other Nations of the
Western Hemisphere,£and he thinks this
Nation holds tbe key of tbe civilisation of
the whole world, and that each individual
member of it should be true to his trust.
"Opportunity occupied is Greatness." He
is a large man both physically and mental
ly, and his lecture was such an array of
faots, figures and ideas as would suffice for
a dosen ordinary efforts. He sees danger
in the misgovernment of the large cities of
our day and in what will be the much
larger cities of tbe future, and as he at
tributes this misrule to the influence of the
liqnor interest, the ending of his lecture
was a plea tor its prohibition.
—Men's Holiday handkerchiefs
and mufflers st
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for eale at CITIZEN office.
—Fine eskes st tbe City Bskerj.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or s correct
—Anything to be found in a first
class jewelry store at J. R. Grieb,l2o
S. Main Bt. Sign of Electric Bell.
—Confectionery and fruits at tbe
City Bakery.
—One hundred pieces all Silk Rib
bon, from 5c to 15c per yard.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
—Don't buy a wrap until you bare
inspected our immense stock of plush
coats and jackets, cloth and stockinet
jackets. We can surely save you
big money.
—A full line of fascinators and
mittens at PAPE'S.
—lt will pay teacherß attending
tbe Institute to call at Alex. Wil
liams' Music Store to see bis large
line of Pianos and Organs and small
musical instruments.
—Special drive in Bearer Hats at
M. F. & M. MARKS'.
—You are invited to see my fine
selection of watches, dismonds, jewel
ry, silverware, clocks, Ac. My
prices will surprise you. J. R. Qrieb,
No. 120, S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Sign of Electric Bell.
—Handkerchiefs, mufflers, etc., at
—There is no better time during
tbe year for beginning s course of
study in Willisms & Rogers' Roches
ter business university than on the
first Monday in January. So many
additional pupils are expected at that
time that new classes will be formed
in all departments.
—Largest line of Holiday Goods
in Butler st tbe 5-cent Store, opposite
Savings Bsnk.
Christmas in the Churches.
The children of the Presbyterian Church
will have a treat, recitations, etc.. in the
Sunday school room on the evening of
Christmas Day.
The M. E. Sunday School will have a
festival and literary entertainment on the
evening of Christmas Day.
The Reformed Sunday School w ill have
a tree and treat, and the usual exercises,
Wednesday evening.
The usual Christmas eve celebration will
be held in the English Lutheran Church
room, for which an elaborate program has
been prepared.
The entertainment at St. Mark's Luther"
an Church will begin at 6:30 W ednesday
evening. There will be a tree and treat
and the usual exercises. Services at 11 a.
m. Christmas Day.
The Episcopal Sunday School will hold
its festival, with tree and presents, Christ
mas eve.
Early and late masses will be held at St
Peter's and St Paul's Catholic Churches.
For St. Peter's Church an elaborate
program has been prepared as follows:
At 6:00 a. m. —Kyrie of Weber, Gloria of
L. Jeals, Credo of Weber, Adeste Fideles
of Xovello, Haydn's Sanctus Xo. 2, Rosen
wig's 0! Salutans, and the Agnus Dei of
At 10:30 a. m.—The Kyrie, Gloria and
Credo of Haydn's Imperial Third Mass. the
Marvellous Works of Haydn's Creation.
Haydn's Third Sanctus, Xoveilo's Adeste
Fideles, and Haydn's Third Agnus Dei.
The choir is organized as follows:
Sopranos—Misses Reisenman, Smith,
Knittel, Wagner aud S. Aland.
Contraltos—Misses Pape. M. Reisenman
and S. Pape.
Tenors —Messrs. Niggle, C. Papp and G.
A. Pape.
Bass—Messrs. Koch and T. Pape.
Organist—R. J. Lamb.
Sick People.
Mr. Isaac C. McXees of Brady Twp. is
recovering from a severe attack of typhoid
Mr. John Hanna of Glade Mills is down
with typhoid fever.
Allen McCall of Franklin Twp. fell from
a ladder in his barn a few days ago and
broko three of his rfbs.
Harold, an eight-year-old son of Austin
Fleeger, of Millerstown, was severely in
jured while coasting last Saturday.
While laboring under temporary mental
aberration last Monday, Miss Dilly Whit
mire of Oakland twp., put a loaded pistol
to her head and pulled the trigger. The
ball glanced off the skull, and though it
made a painful wound, the young lady is
expected to recover.
Holiday Excursion Tickets on the Penn
sylvania Railroad.
In pursuance of the usual custom the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces
that Christmas and Xew Year excursion
tickets will be sold between all principal
stations on its system at two cents per mile
except between Philadelphia and Xew
York and certain other stations on the
United Railroads of Xew Jersey Division,
where the regular excursion rate and limit
will prevail. The tickets will be sold
December 24th, 1890. to January Ist, 1891,
valid for return passage until January sth,
1891 inclusive.
If yoa did not find what you want
ed in our last week's list, read
We've made a specialty of fine
leather goods season; have ladies and
genta traveling cases from 75c to SB,
best of fittings. One and two piece
collar and coff sets, lap desks, and a
line of pocket books, purses, card
cases, letter books, cigar cases, music
rolls, chatelaine and shopping bags
that can't be equaled anywhere else
in town.
We have all the latest novelties in
the parse line.
In the line of leather goods we
might mention leather bound books.
We never bad as fine an assort
ment of Teachers' pocket and family
Bibles: padded leather poets $1 to $3,
Speaking of books—"of making of
books there is no end," truly, and
this season there are some fine gift
books which yon don't want to miss.
Nice line of illustrated poems in
leatherette at 50 c., Red Line poets
75 c.
In illustrated poems in Ivorine
and Arabesque covers at $1 and
Fine line of photogravure and
booklets innumerable, and in child
rens we hare a wagon load—loo
kinds of 10c books, 100 kindß 15c
books, 200 kinds of 25c books and as
many more ranging in price from 30c
to $2.
In sets we have Dickens, 15 vol,
$6.50; Shakespeare, 13 vol, $5; Qui
sot's History of France, 8 vol, $5,
E. P. Roe's,Misß Alcott's, Pansy's
and Alger's books sold separately or
In conclusion we wish to mention
that we have a fine line of gold pens,
pencils, tooth picks, glove hooks,
sterling silver holders, match safes,
etc., and—well come and see the
Yours Respectfully,
241 S. Main St.
Old No., 61.
—White and black silk handker
chiefs at
—lf you want a nice cheap hat
get one of those 75c Felts.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
—A great variety of elegant fancy
goods for the holidays at Redick's.
Yon are invited to call and see them.
—Cloaks, cloaks, cloaks, best
valaes in plush, cloth and stockinet
garments, at
—Silverware in endless variety at
C. F. T. Pape & Bro.'s, 122 S. Main
Bt. The gentleman who wishes to
present his wife or sweetheart with
a Christmas token in the best taste
and style will call at C. F, T. Pape
& Bro.'s before the holidays.
For Sale Cheap.
A good brick dwelling house, sit
uated in Butler, for particulars in
quire of JOHN H. REIBER,
—Cloaks, Jacketß and Furs at
—Big line of Albums at the 5-cent
Store, opposite Savings Bank.
—Wheeler & Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa
—Clocks in onyx, marble, iron,
wood, nickel, gilt, and ornaments to
match, at J. R. Grieb's, 120 S. Main
St. Sign of Electric Bell.
—Our many customers will be
pleased to know we have a larger,
better and cheaper Btock of Silks and
Linen Handkerchiefs than ever bo
fore. M. F. & M. MARKS.
In the Criminal Court of Allegheny Co.
' last Friday, Judge Stnwe allowed a plea of
j simple assault and battery to be entered
j against Wesley Greer for assaulting Rob t
I Harbison and suspended sentence.
I The will of Susan J Mechling late of Jef
ferson twp. was probated and no letters.
Letters of administration were granted
I to Wm Watson on estate of John ICkas late
I of Bulfalo twp.
The County Commissioners are ready for
I the Auditors next week, and the expenses
lof the county for IS9O will aggregate be
tween #40.000 and $41,000, and the re
ceipts about eqnal.
Some of the Assessors have returned
their books.
Ira Marlatt, whose father formerly resid
ed in Cranberry twp. this county, is on
trial at New "Lisbon. 0., for murder,
and Jotn Rowan of Cranberry twp., testi
fied as to the insanity running in the fami
Leases are being taken and filed, cover
ing the territory between Byrom Centre
and the lloover farm.
The Jury Commissioners began filling
the wheel." this week, for next year: and
persons who have not been summoned on
the jury for years, and want to be should
send in their names immediately.
J. T. Donlv to Maria Donly lot in Butler
for 1200.
H. X. Cooper to J. ii. Greer 10 acres in
Jefferson for 171.
T. M. Rhodes to L. A. Rhodes lot in
Centerville for 1000.
Marriage Licenses.
Obediah Beighley Venango Co
Clara Harper Concord twp
Win. Campbell Millerstown
Cora KrotZ'-r Clarion Co
Plnmmer Cooper l'ortersville
Matilda McCVluup: Prospect
Edward Wallers Clinton twp
Sarah lioice
Clarence Conn Clay twp
Elizabeth McCantllese ■'
John M. Luton Connoq'g twp
Laura Cooper Harmony
James E. Perry Cherry Iwp
Leah Hindman "
James C. Abel Jeannette, Pa
Anna Davis Greenville. Pa
J. Walker Boozel I Worth twp
Mary Dickson "
Wm. K. Smith Butler
Lizzie A. Roche Cochranton, Pa
Albert 11. McCandless Butler twp
Martha E. Young "
At Clarion, Robert Irvell and Sarah Ser
geant of Butler county.
This Isn't a Joke, It can be Ex
$1.50 plus 12.40 = $3.00.
Teacher, to Visitor: "Xow, there's an
industrious boy in the corner seat. James,
you may put your example on the black
James chalks the above figures on the
board, and explains the peculiar result as
"The folks over to the CITIZEN - office
said if I'd give 'em $3.00 they'd send me
the value of $1.50 plus $2.40, an' dad an' I
decided to do it."
James was a wise boy, He learned that
$3.00 was the clubbing price at which he
could get the CITIZEN for the family and
"Wide Awake" for himself and the girls;
both for a whole year. Our readers should
know that "Wide Awake" is the famous
Boston magazine for young people (100
pages every month) and costs $2.40 alone.
But with our usual enterprise we have
arranged to offer that magazine and the
CITIZEN for a while, for $3.00. The CITIZEN
will take care of all orders, and show any
one the magazine.
—Mr. Jesse Richards, teacher of
phonograph j, is in Botler for the
purpose of organizing a phonographic
class. Those who wish instruction
in this admirable art cannot do better
than to enter this course, consisting
of twenty lessons, two one-hour night
lessons per week: Tuition, ten dollars
($10.) He guarantees entire satis
faction. Mr. Richards is conducting
classes at Kittanning, conies well
recommended and we take pleasure
in endorsing him. Call upon or ad
dress Sink's, 132 E. Jefferson St.
—Bargains in stockinet jackets at
$2.50, $3, $4, $5 and $4, all worth
from $1 to $3 more, at
AH kinds of Ribbons
at D. T. PAPE'S,
122 S. Main St.
—See those elegant cuff and collar
boxes, work baskets and odor cases
at Redick's.
—Handkerchiefs for children,
Handkerchiefs for ladies,
Handkerchiefs for men,
llem6tiched Handkerchiefs,
at D. T. PAPE'S,
122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Have you seen the most elegant
stock of watches, clocks, jewelry,
silverware, spectacles, etc., in Butler?
You must call at No. 120 S. Main
St., if you want something fine for a
holiday present. Respectfully,
J. R. Qrieb.
—Alex. Williams has still a few
premium pianos left, which he is sell
ing at reduced rates for the Holidays.
—Don't miss seeing our Zephyr
Bonnets for children.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
—Self winding office clocks a
specialty at C. F. T. Pape & Bro's,
Will put them up, guarantee them,
and keep them in repair for two
years. A simple electrical device
takes the place of the monotonous
daily or weekly winding
—J. R. Grieb is offering special
bargains during the holiday season in
watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds,
silverware, spectacles, <fec. No. 120
S. Main St., Butler, Pa. Sign of
Electric Bell.
—C. F. T. Pape <fe Bro. haye the
finest assortment of rings in Butler.
Call and examine them at 122 South
Main St.
—Pianos and Organs for Christmas
Giftß,slo cash, and sls per month till
paid for, at Alex. Williams' Popular
Music Store.
—Linen Handkerchiefs,
Mourning Handkerchiefs,
Handkerchiefs of all kinds,
Handkerchiefs for everybody,
at D. T. PAPE'S,
122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Holiday Goods.
A fine line of fine silverware, just
the thing for a Christmas gift at
139 N. Main St.
—Call and get prices on watches,
clocks, etc., for holiday gifts at C. F.
T. Pape & Bro.'s, 122 S. Main St.
—The Anti-Rusting Tinware—
guaranteed against rust for three
years, at HENRY BIEIIL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Buy the Eighme patent shirt at
— 5-A Horse Blankets cheap at
216 W. Cunningham St.
To the Farmers.
If you want choice buckwheat flour
and a fair turn out, have your buck
wheat ground at Geo. Walter mill,
which is running day und night and
makes the best flour in the market.
GEO, WALTER, Butler, Pa.
OH Notes.
The well on the Webber farm south of
Prospect was "shot" last week, and is
pronounced a duster. Two wells in that
vicicty, the Allen and English farm wells,
will be completed this week.
But little is doinjr in the Hundred foot |
field, and there are no new operations ex
cepting those at Harmony and Callery.
The well on the Irwin lot at Callery is
rated at 200.
MeJunkin Is. Co's new well on the
Brunemer is rated at bbls., Black 1 Co's 1
on the Hiram Graham at 'Campbell <i |
Co's on the Jas. Welch at 0", Miller
Vogeley on the H. liraham at '2b and I>ale
A Thompron on the McKinney at lt>U.
A good gas well was struck near Huon,
Beayer Co. last week.
Russell H. Con well.
Col. Conwell will lecture iu the Court
room ou Friday evening of next week Jan.
2d., on the ''Heroism of a Private Life."
Col. Conwell has already been heard and
appreciated by Butler audiences, and li 0
will be greeted by a large audience, next
Friday evening.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paving 22 cents for but
ter, 2 o for fre.sh eggs. ;ri tor potatoes. $1.25
for onions, f1.50 for beans, 30 for turnips,
60 for parsnips, and 10 to 12i for dressed
Timothy hay from country wagons 110
to sl2, mixed hay •F.S.I'O, white middlings
#24, brown middlings f-1, winter wheat
bran s2l. Rye 70 to 7S, wheat 96 to #1.03,
oats 4S to 50," shelled corn 53 to 50, ear corn
57 to 03. Country clover seed $4. timothy
$1.50; buckwheat flour 2} to 3.
Country roll butter 15 to 22, fresh eggs
in cases 27, cold-storage eggs 20, beans
$2.30, potatoes on track ft.os, jobbing
$1.15; rags cabbage 4 and 5, onions
$1.25, turnips 25 to 30; feathers 35 to 60.
Dressed spring chicken 10, old 9; dressed
duck 13, and turkey 14.
Chestnuts $4, walnuts 50 to 75, shell
barks $2.
Pheasants $4.50 a doien, gray scjnirrels
$1.25, rabbits 15 a pair.
At Ilerr's Island, Monday, Christmas
cattle sold at 5£ to sjf, and others from 3
to 5.35, bulls and dry cows 2 and 3,
bologna cows $5 to sl2, fresh cows $25 to
SSO. J. Reiber it Son had the best fresh
cow in the market and got a. fancy price
for her. She was bought from a Air. Shep
herd, of Middlesex Twp. Veal calves sold
at 5 to 6£.
Sheep sold at 3J to SA, and lambs at 4 to
Corn-fed hogs retailed at 3.80 to 3.85,
and countries at 3 to 3s. Pisor whole
saled a lot of Butler Co. hogs at 3.
Closed Monday at 09J, Tuesday at 683.
—Don't fail to gee the great reduc
tion in prices of seasonable goods at
Toys! Toys! Toys 1
CHRISTMAS will soon be here.
What are you going to do to make it
a bright spot in childhood's history?
Childhood is only once in onr lives.
Joys can be purchased now for
a penny, and there is trouble enough
in after years Let us paint the com
ing Christmas a bright, big red-letter
day, always to be remembered.
Do you say yon can't afford it?
Do yon know what a quarter will
do at the 5 cent Store. Do you know
that that quarter will give more joy
to that little boy or girl now than
any amount in after years.
Our stock is larger thsn ever be
fore. Our prices are lower. We
have anything, and everything. Such
funny toys,such pretty presentH. The
largest and cheapest toy books. Rare
value in albums. Big line of cups—
children's, ladies', and mustache.
Dolls, dolls! Ob! see them.
Come and see us, whether you wish
to buy or not, and if you buy of us
our great variety and low prices will
help bring joy to some little life and
we will be contented. We wish you
all a merry Christmas.
Remember the place, the 5-cent
Store, opposite Berg's and Savings
Banks. W. M. NICKLE.
—A full line of fascinators and
mittens at P APE'S.
—Travellers' cases, smokers' sets,
whisks and holders, toilet mirrors,
manicure sets, brush and comb cases,
shaving sets—in plush, leather, cellu
loid and silver, at Redick's.
—Diamonds at J. R. Grieb's, 120
S. Main St. Sign of Electric Bell.
—Onr doublu heel and knee stock
ing is the cheapest and best for school
wear. M. F. & M. MARKS.
—We can save you money on plush
coats, cloth jackets, stockinet jackets
and children's garments, at
L. STEIN & Sox's.
—lce cream furnished in auy
quantity, for parties, by the City
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will euit
yon. Anderson building.
—Genuine Hand-made Harness for
$9 at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s,
216 W. Cunningham St.
—Gold specs and eye glasses at J.
R. Grieb's, 120 S. Main St. Sign of
Electric Bell.
—Go to Martincourt & Co.'s and
buy two horse blankets for what one
costs elsewhere.
—What would be a more appro
priate gift for an old lady or gent
than a fine pair of gold spectacles. I
can promise you a fin« selection and
at bargains. J. R. Grieb, 120 S.
Main St.
—Ribbons for faucy work,
Ribbous for art work,
Ribbons for dress trimming,
Ribbons all shades.
Ribbons all grades,
at D. T. PArE's.
122 S. Main St.
Christmas Presents.
Young man,let us help you to solve
the all important question, What
shall I buy her for a Christmas gift?
There is nothing thai makes a more
appropriate gift than the thousand
and one things that will be fouud in
our store and if you call we will glad
ly show them to you.
E. GRIEB, the Jeweler,
139 N. Main St.
—Celluloid and oxidized silver
toilet sets, with or without cases, at
—Do you want a genuine diamond
ring, with finest gold mountings?
Do you want a soft glowing Ruby?
A mild Moonstone? a brilliant
Emerald? a beautiful but ill-fated
opal? an exquisite pearl? a stylish
rosaline? a popular tiger eye? a
topaz? garnet? amethyst or black
pearl? If you do, there is but one
proper place in Butler to go for it,
and that is C. F. T. Pape & liro's,
122 S. Main St.
—Tie up your horse with a 75c.
hand-made leather halter. Martin
court & Co.. 21G W. Cunningham
St., have them.
jAn Attractive Feature
'At our stoie just now is the
i beautiful line ol Holiday
i Goods, all selected with care
| and in exquisite taste. We
show the latest designs. Our
I .
prices are not more than asked
elsewhere for goods of inferior
quality. C oine to our store,
whether you wish to purchase ;
or not. No trouble to show
goods, and polite attention
•riven to all. Our stock of line ■
c !
perfumes, both in bottle and '
bulk, greater than
at present. We give you the
very best and save you money
at our store.
C. N. liOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Christmas Presents.
Greater variety, prettier and cheap
er this year than ever before. I have
the best line of Holiday Goods this
year that 1 ever had I want every
bodv to see them, and I exteud a cor
dial invitation to the public to call
and examine them.
No person is expected to buy cnless
they see what they want at prices to
suit them. I know I have nice
goods. I know they are cheap, and
will be pleased to show them to you
whether you buy or not. Call early
while the stock is full at
Drug Store, next door to Lowry
We Pay Salary
and expenses to LIVE AGENTS, men or
women. Xo drones wanted. Work steady
year round and cash weekly. Good pay
for part time. Pine outfit free. Experi
ence not needed. Send references and
stamp at once. J. EUGENE WHITNEY,
Rochester, X. T.
IlTThis firm is perfectly responsible.
—lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S,
Xo. 122 N. Main St , Butler, Pa.
—Buy the 'Lansing Wagon—it is
the best. For*sale by
122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Fine table linens, fancy towels,
tidies and stamped linens in great
variety at
—Our Ladies' Wool Hose at 25
cents can't be beat. All other grades
at bargain prices.
—White aprons'at all prices, tidies,
fancy towels, fine linen table sets,
stamped linens, etc., at
—Largest line of silks, velvets and
dress goods in the county at less
than former prices, at
Two Good Papers at a Bargain.
We have made arrangements by which
we can furnish The Ohio Farmer, the lead
ing agricultural, live stock, and family
journal of this country, and the CITIZEN
both one year, postage paid,for only $2.40.
This is a bargain that every farmer should
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
Holiday Excursions.
On December 24tb, 25th and 31st,
1890, and January Ist, 1891, ticket
agents of the Pittsburg <& Western
Ity. will sell excursion tickets to all
local stations, at excursion rates. All
tickets good to return until January
sth, inclusive.
—Fine watches at J. R. Grieb's, 120
S. Main St. Sign of Electric Bell.
—J. J. Reiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him LOCK BOX 926,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
—Fascinators at 25, 40, 50, 75 cts.
and $1 at
You never saw a good assort
ment of blankets, robes, harness,
buggies, carts and everything in their
line in your life unless you have been
to Martincourt & Co., nor never will
see them till you go there.
Qenuine Hand made Harness for
$9 at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s,
216 W. Cunningham St.
—Home-made bread at the City
—Silverware in great quantities.
Tea sets, shaving sets, toilet sets,
jewel cases, card receivers, pickle cas
tors, knives, forks and spoons, and, in
fact, hundreds of things too numer
ous to mention. I promise you the
beet selection in town, at J. R.
Grieb's, 120 S. Main St.
Slipperyrock Normal.
Attend the State Normal School at
Slipperyrock. Expenses only $39
for 12 weeks, beginning Jan. 2,1891.
Every purchaser will be present
ed with one of our "cards" until Jan.
Ist. M. F. & M. MARKS.
—lf 1 Btate that I have the largest,
Guest, most tasty and best selected
stock in Butler I mean it. Anything
in the line of diamouds, watches,both
gold and silver; jewelry, silverware,
spectacles, docks «tc , can be had at
the lowest possible prices. If you
will give me a call I'm sure I can
please you. Respectfully,.!. II Orieb,
120 S. Main St. Sign of Electric
tiVfl M*
> | P V- 1 !'
One of the most successful openings took place at
our store Friday and Saturday, Nov. 28 and 29. Thou
sands of people came to see our New Stock of Fine
FURNITURE, and everyone said to us, you have the
finest line of goods we have ever seen. So wc have. It
will pay any person in Butler county to visit our store. We
have a cheap line of Furniture. Don't fail to see our Bed
Room Suit, in fine polished oak, for $25; Fine Polished
Rockers, upholstered in plush,"#4.so; a Xice Wood Seat Rock
er for sl.
Don't fail to see our stock before selecting vour CHRIST
Campbell & Templeton,
A. Troutman <fc Son's old stand, - - Butler, Pa.
To the Grand Christmas Opening at
My pictures are the talk of the town.and
those who miss seeing my lines of Etch
ings, Engravings, Photogravures, Photo
graphs, l'astel and Water Color Paintings,
are unfortunate, indeed.
I have 200 Remark Proof, and Artist's
Etchings and Prints, seleeted with great
care and good taste from the lines of the
three leading publishers in this country, 40
of Taber's and other photogravures, and
300 Taber's Artotypes, which with many
Oleographs, Chroinos and Paintings, make
the best line of pictures to be had iu East
ern markets.
I make a specialty of Artistic Framing
and can frame anything from a .Marriage
License to a house and lot. An old pic
ture with a new frame is often as good as
new and will make a nice present.
EF-I call particular attention to my lines
of Bamboo and Hard Wood Easels, and
my Frames for cabinet photographs.
Without donbt my line of Books excel
anj* ever displayed in Butler. I have a
complete line of the standard 12 inos at
22c and 35c. Fifty different Poets in gilt
edge atosc each—all the most popular
books now extant. In gift books I haveall
the gems of the season and can simply ask
yon to see them before going elsewhere.
with patent index. .$lO. Webster's I'na
bridged for $2.50.
HOLIDAY GOODS,flonnnnT P ' Jefferson St
STATIONERY, \ ' 'V * Nsxtto Lowry House,
—lce for sale at) the City Bakery.
—Martincourt & Co.,- 216 W. Cun
ningham St., has more robes and
horse blankets than you ever seen in
your life.
—New kid gloves, cloth gloves?,
mittens, hosiery and underwear at
lower prices than ever, at
The highest price paid for buck
wheat at Geo. Walter mill, Butler, Pa.
—Silverware of all kinds at
120 S. Main St.
—We will have a full line of trim
med Hats and Bonnets until Jan. Ist.
— 5-A Horse Blankets cheap at
216 W. Cunningham St.
Robes and Blankets
As cold weather approaches
horse owners will snve money
by buying their horse blank
en ts, knee robes, etc.. now.
A g< od warm blanket on a
horse in cold weather saves
more for the owner than any
thing else.
The largest and most com
plete line of robes,blankets,har
ness,whips,trunks, valises, etc.,
in the county,and at. the lowest
prices, will always be lound at
124 N. Alain St.,
Butler, Pa
TUIO nSUCu 'n t. ,-.v. fhiladrlMite
! __ ' " Y'IVMC.-VRII
i' 4. yj* AVER A SOW, our #f'Lorilld zgrnlm.
Would miss it? See Southeast
Corner c f this "ad."
Have Presents for All !
Fine Pictures, Frames, Easels,
Gold Pens. Books, Books and Books.
Books in Sets, Gift Books, Juve
nile Books and Poems.
Plush, Meta 1 and Leather Toilet
Cases, Odor Cases, Manicure and
Shaving Sets, Cuff and Collar Boxes,
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Ci
trar Boxes, Smoker's Sets, Albums,
Hand Mirrors, Triplicate Mirrors, Ac
AL'TO. ■% *1 #1 LINES
Is what we are going to talk about now, and we are going to tell yon about
LOW PRICE you can obtain a suit of it for.
Our stock of men's, youths', boys' and
cliildrens clothing is larger
than ever.
We have
galore,and what is bcttet.at a price that CANNOT be duplicated elsewhere
CHILDREN'S WEAR is something that most people are intere«ted
in and wc have got
The nicest line in town: also a large assortment of JERSEY SUITS. In
addition to the above we have an immense stock of Hats, Neckwear, Under
wear, Gloves and Gents' Furnishings.
Come and see us, we will treat you well. Yours, Anxious to please,
H. Schneideman
The Peoples Clothier.
104 S. Main St. - - " Butler, -Pa.
The Pittsburg Weekly Com
mercial Gazette.
Brimful of news and interesting
reading matter.
It is a paper for the farm and fire
It is a clean , attractive, aud a care
fully edited eight-page weekly news
paper lor culy $1 per year. Or we
will send the CITIZEN - and the Week
ly Commercial Qazdte for one year
I rof $2.30 a year, in advance.
The Beautiful French Doll,the fine cxpreis
wagon and the pretty pictura and story
books are some of the special attractions
and are worth comiug miles to see, especi
ally since it costs you nothing.
Read the county papers eack week, for
they will suggest lots of new ideas about
Christmas presents.
While you look for the locals in another
place. They will tell yon many things
about Mile. Sarah,the Juvenile Books,and
last but not least
From any Railroad Station within ten
miles of Butler I will refund amount ofcar
fare both ways with purchases amounting
to Six Dollars.
Front any Railroad Station in Butler Co.
I will refund full amount of car fare both
wavs with purchases amounting to Ten
Come to Butler. It will cost you noth
ing, and you will find my prices the low
X. B.—This offer does not only include
Holiday Goods, but Wall Paper, Window
Blinds and Stationery.
From now until Xmas Day.
Traveling au.l local, to sellour choice nuraery
stock. F»M-«'lllnK specialties In harder frultx,
ete snleiidid outnt free. Steady employment
sruaraiiteod. Your pay weekly. Write for terms.
Rochester. N. Y.
Ivv r °* *«»?>
Ml# * C-M i ■ Wfceii W lht» pap« , of obUu eitimat t
on »dvt' t pt wh#n in Chicago, will find it on IPc 1 1