Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 19, 1890, Image 1

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C. & D.
Have "the largest stock of
hats and 01 I • itings for men,
boys and t Mren in the
Are especially strong in un
derwear for Fall and Win
ter. Besides many stand
ard makes in all grades; we
are exclusive sellers in this
ccunty of the celebrated
Stoneman handmade under
Deal directly with the man
ufactures and our goods are
frcfh, strictly reliable aud
prices the loweht as we save
the consumer the middle
, Mark all goods in plain fig
ures and have one price for
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
Dry Goods
We are new comers, but have come
to stay. We boy our goods at lowest
cub prices and as we sell for cash
only. We are enabled to sell goods
at the smallest possible margins. We
eoold quote prices on clean, new
goods, vo trath, from all parts of onr
•tore, especially on tbe following
Rods. Drew Goods, Wbite Goods,
ints. Ginghams, Shirtings, Mns
lins, Lace. Curtains sod Curtain
Poles, Corfets and Corset Waists,
Ladiea', Children's and Gents' Under
wear, Hosiery, Glores and Mits, Kid
Gloves, Ribbons, Silk and Velvet,
Black and Colored Silks, Cloth Capes,
Bead Wraps, Jerseys and Jersey
Jackets, Table Linens, Napkins,
Towels, Ac., Ac , bnt as new goods
are'arriving all tbe time, we would
not likely have the goods now
quoted, but possibly have tbem at
atiH lower prices as tbe season ad
vances. We are proud to say that
in this city and county our goods
and prices have met with approval
and commendation, although subject
ed to close scrutiny and comparison
with the goods offered by others.
We solicit your patronage, and will
do all in onr powdr to make our busi
ness transactions pleasant and profit
D. E JACKSON, Butler, Pa.
Next door to Ueineman's.
Full Again.
We mean our wall paper de
partment, full and overflowing
with our immense and choice
stock of paper hangings. You
must help us out, we haven't
room for half our goods, until
you relieve us of some of them.
We have the choieest selec
tion of patterns in every grade
from Brown Blanks at 10 cts
to Gilts at from 20 cts to $1
per double bolt.
Examine our Stock.
J H. Douglass,
ft ear Poatotfice, Butler, Pa.
Robes and Blankets
As cold weather approaches
horse owners will snve money
by buying their horse blank
ents, knee robes, etc.. now.
A gcod warm blanket on a
horse in cold weather saves
more for the owner than any
thing else.'
The largest and most com
plete line of robes,blankets,har
ness, whips, trunks, valises, etc..
in the and at. the lowest
prices, will always be found at
124 N. Main St.,
Butler, Pa
Rare Bargains,
Extraordinary Bargains are offer,
•d here in
Everjlhirg in furnishings for ladies,
ebildren and men.
Compare our prices with what jou
have beta pajing aDd see if joa
ean't save money by dealing with
John M. Arthurs.
Fire and Life
■ Insurance Co. of North America, incor
porated 17iM, capital *3,000,000 and oihar
etroßf companies represented. New Y<rk
Life lnmranee Co..asset* $90,000,000. Often
HewfHaaelton bnildin* new Conn Hows." |
la now permanently located at ISO South Main
Street. Butler. Pa.. In rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. W&ldron.
OBlce-.W> South Main Street. In Bocs build
New Troutman Bonding, Butler. Pa.
Dr. A. A. Kelty,
Office at Rose Point, Lawrence county. Pa.
K. N. LHAKK. M. D. J. E. MANN. M. I).
Specialties Specialties:
Gynecology and Sur- Eye. Ear. Nose and
gery. Throat.
Butler, Pa.
Office at No. *5, 8. Main street, over Frank t
Co's Diug Store. Butler. Pa,
Physician and Surgeon.
No. 22 East Jefienon St., Butler, Pa.
& W. Corner Main and North Sts.. Butler, Pa.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth Inserted en the latest Im
proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. Office
over Se.haul's nothing Store.
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed in the neatest manner.
Specialties Gold Fillings, and Paiuless Ex
traction of Teetb, Vitalized Atr administered.
Ofin Jeffenon Street, sae door East of Lowrj
Hoase, tp Stain.
Office open daily, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mall receive
prompt attention,
K. B.—The only Dentist in Butler tusingfthe
beat makes of teeth.
Architect, C. E. and Surveyor.
Contractor, Carpenter and Builder.
Maps, plan*, specifications and esti
mates; all kinds of architectural and en
f'neering work. No charge for drawing if
contract the work. Consult your best m
terests; plan before you build. Informa
tion cheerfully given. A share of public
patronage is solicited.
P. 0. Box 100". Office S. W. of Court
House, Butler, Pa.
Office second floor, Anderson Block. Malu St.,
near Court House. Butler, Pa.
Office on second Door of tbe Huseiton block.
Diamond, Butler, Pa., Koom No. 1.
Collections a specialty. Office at No. 8, South
Diamond, Butler. Pa.
Office ID Room No. 1, second floor of Hnaelton
Block, entrance on Diamond.
Office on second floor of New Anderson Block
Main 81..—near Diamond.
Attorney at IJIW, office at No. IT, East Jeffer
son St., Butler, Pa.
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. Of
flee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office ou north side
of Diamond. Butler, I'*.
Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor of
Andenon building, near Court Bouse, Butler,
Att'y at Law—Office at 3. E. Cor. Main Bt, and
Diamond, Ituiur, Pa.
Att'y at Law-office on South side of Diamond
Butfer. Pa.
CAPITAL Paid rp, - - - *100,000.00.
Jos. Hartman, l'res't. D. Osborne, cashier,
J. V. Rltts.Vice ITes't, C. A. Bailey,Ass't Canh'r
Jos. Hartman, ('. P. Collins. (). If. Russell.
H. McSweency. < . 1). Greenlee, J. V. Kitts,
K. K. Ahrains. Leslie Hazlett I. (J. Smith,
W. S. Waldron. D. Osborne.
A general banking business transacted. In
tereat paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
lunranee and Real Estate Ag'l
Mutual 1 Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
G. C. Roesslnv, Henderson Oliver,
J. I. Purvis, .lames Stephenson.
A. Troutman, H. r. Heinemiui,
Alfred Wick, v Welttei. 8888
Or. W. Irvtii. Dr Rirkenbacii.
J. W. Burkhart. D. T. Norris.
/Holiday Goods. /
[ Santa Claus Headquarters. /
And you will find his head
quarters at the store of J. F, T.
STEHLE, No. 136, S. Main St.,
where he will show you a full
line of Rocking Horses, Shoofly
Rockers, Galloping Horses,
Sleds, Clippers, Doll Carriages,
Wheelbarrows, Childrens Chairs
Daisy Rockers, Tables Desks,
Blackboards, Folding Wire
Beds, Baby-jumpers and Swings,
Iron Banks. Toys of all kinds.
Has a chance to play Santa Glaus this
year. Prices within the reach ot all,
and now is the time to buy Holiday
Goods while they 'are new, fresh and
novel, at
We are Leaders in our Line.
We are now prt pared to show you the finest line of
Ever t-hcvn in Butler county.
Do you want CHEAP GOCDS? Ccme sind see us^
Do you want MEDIUM PRICED GOODS? Come in.
Do you want FINE GOODS? "We iire in it/'
A new line of RATTAN GCODS for Gents, Ladies and the
Little Ones just received.
Whether you want to buy or not come and see us.
K. S. 1) R EC W,
128 E. Jefferson tet., - - - Butler* Pa
B tq P 3NTO* to Split!
THE MARK JNTot; to Ijiscoior?
are many
fite&USES FOR ®
To clean tombstones. To renew oil-cloth. To renovate paint. To brighten metals.
To polish knives. To scrub floors. To washout sinks. To scour bath-tubs.
To clean dishes. To whiten marble. To remove rust. To scour ketUes.
Dentists to clean ftlM teeth. Engineer* to clean parti of machine*. IlniiMinaldi to acrub marble floor*.
Surgeons to puli«h their internments. Ministers to renovate old chapel*. Chemista to remove some stain*.
Confectioner* to *cour their pan*. Seztmjs to clt an the t. inbstoms. Carver* to sharpen their knlvee.
Mechanic* to brighten their tool*. Hostler* cm brasses and white borm. Shrewd one* to *c»or old straw bat*
Cook* te clean tlie kitchen sink. Artist* to clean the!r palattes. SoUlkr* to brighten their arms.
Painters to clean off surfaces. Wheelman to clean Llcjeles. Renovator* to clean carpet*.
Mi-- Liddy sti .>d in the door of her cot
tage shading her eyn wi.h har hand and
gazing intently down the road. It was a
crisp morning in September, bit the <nn,
shining from a clear blue sky, had already
turned the frost into drops of dew. The
woodbine which covered the porch over
the cottage floor was a tun - of (laming
red, and in the yard yellow and white
chrysanthemums to-aed their heads side by
side with the pink ai.d purple tufts of late
China aster-*. Curled on the door mat at
Miss Liddy's a Lirg - Maltese cat
ba-king in»tbe sun. In a field at one side
of the cottage a sleek red cow was nipping
the and a (lock of turkeys w.is
scurrying about on a brisk morning hunt
for grasshoppers. So absorbed was Mis>
Liddy that sbe did not notice the approach
of a : eig'.ibor until tte woman, leaning
ovf r the gate, said:
"Good mom in', Liddy. lie you expe<-t
in' compauyf"
"Good mornin", Mis' Ditson. Walk right
in," sai l Miss Liddy, starting, and drop
ping her hand from her eyes. "Xo, I ain't
expectiu' company," ishe added, as she
ushered her gnest iuto -the trim little sit
ting-room, where a neut » ork-table, snowy
muslin curtains, and various bits of deco
rative needle work proclaimed that a New
England old maid was the raling spirit ol
the cottage.
"I see you gnzin' road as if
somebody was comin', r said ; Mrs. Ditson.
"I was watchin' for my trunk. Dick
Bowles said he'd bring it along from tbe
depot." replied Miss Liddy.
"Your trunk? For the land sakes, what
be you goin' to do with a trunk?'' aslied
Mrs. Ditson.
"I'm goin' away," said Miss Liddy.
"The stage-driver sent to Concord to get
me a trunk—one of them kind with a box
in the top for a bonnet,and he expects it 'll
come on the train this mornin'."
"Where be you goin', Liddy?" asked
Mrs. Ditson, after a pause, during which
she had lifted her hands iu astonishment.
"I'm goin' first to Boston to see sister
Lisbeth's children The poor things are
all alone there with his folks. I believe
it's right for a woman to stick fast to her
husband; but when he happens to be a sea
cap'n. I can't say it's right for her to leaye
her children to the care of strangers for
the -uke of gallivantin' round the world
with him. Father didn't approve of Lis
beth marrytn' Hiram, anyway; and as
things has turned rut, I believe he was
right. I guess ■nhen I get there those
children will be glad to see some of their
own flesh aud blood."
"I should say their father's folks was
their own llcsh and blood as well as you,"
said Mrs. Ditson.
"I s'pose they are; but mother's folks al
ways seem nearer to me," replied Miss
Liddy. "I think they've got the most
right, anyway," she added, firmly.
"Ifyou'd married, Liddy. and had chil
dren of your own, as I have, you'd know
that the husband's folks think they've got
the most right," said Mrs. Ditson, with an
air of superiority. "Why, I never eat
Tbanksgivin' dinner with my own folks
once since I was married. Until there were
so many children that we began to have
dinner at home, I bad to go to his folks
year after year."
"Well, I didn't marry, thank the Lord!"
snapped Miss Liddy. "If I had, maybe I
wouldn't have the chance I've got now.
I've always been wantin' :o travel; but
there's always been somethiu' a'gin it, and
J haven't slep' away from under this roof
but once s.ince I was born, and that was
when Mis' Putnam died, and I staid up
there one night to look after the children
until their nun could come for 'em. Father
he always sai'! that when lolks had a hon.»
they ought to stay in it. That was why he
so set agin Hiram, 'cause he wanted Lis
beth to go to sea with him; m there was
no use for me to .talk of goin' anywhere
while he was alive. Then after hej died I
couldn't go and leave mother* all alone,
and when we laid her away at father's
side, what with all the doctor's bills and
one thing sn'other I hadn't money cnongh
left to do anything but live along here and
be thankful that I had a roof over nj
bead. Now, that legacy.Un;le Silas left
me just gives inc the chance I've been
longin' for s : nco I was a girl, and I'm
goin'. I'm sick of the sight of these ever
lastin' bills, shuttin' me in here as if they
were prison walls. After I've seen Lis
beth's children I'm goin' out West to visit
Cousin Hen's folks. I ain't comin' home
for a year. "
"Maybeyou're right about the hills bein'
prison walls, though I never looked upon
'em that way," said Mrs. Ditson, as Mi.-s
Liddy stopped for breath. "Hut, land
sakes, when a woman has got as many
children as I have she don't think about
prison walls nor notbin' except to start the
young ones off in time for school, and have
dinner ready for 'em when they come
home. Hut, Liddy, what'are you goin' to
do with the cow and all them turkeys? I
was say in' only yesterday that you'd have
fine catin' for the holidays. The Queen of
England couldn't have no better."
"They are the fattest turkeys I ever see,
and I've taken a heap of trouble raisin'
'cm," said Mis- Liddy.(with an air of satis
fied pride; "but 1 can sell 'cm, and tl e
cow too. The butcher down to the Cor
ners said only the other day that she'd bo
a fine cow to fat for beef. He'd take her
any minute. And 1 guess there's roast
turkey to be had at Christmas time any
"What you goin' to do with Prince?"
asked Mrs. Ditson.
The Maltese cat, who bad tollowed his
mistress in-doors, and was now curled tip
in her lap, raised his head and purred on
hearing his name.
"That's the only trouble," said Miss Lid
dy, her thin old face flushing as she gently
stroked her pet. "lie must have his saucer
of warm milk and his basket to sleep in,
and he'd grieve himself to death if he
wasn't petted and talked to. He's just
like a child to me. and sometimes I feel as
if I'd ought to stay and take care of- him;
but it would be flying in the face of Prov
idence to give up such a chance of seein"
the world as I've got now."
"I never hankered to go traveliu'," said
Mrs. Ditson. "I was may a week once,
the time sister Husan was married, and 1
went to the wedding, and 1 was never o
thankful in my lite as wl mi I pot home.
The noise ari l joggle of the ears gave me
an awful headache, and I was most choked
to death with the cinders, and clean beat
out sitlin' boll upright hours and hours,
with nothin' decent to eat or drink."
"Yon can sit in aa easy-cha!r now, and
have some !<ot tea aud some dinner brought
and put on a little table right in front of
you while the ears are goin'. I read a piece
j in the paper where it told all about it,"
said Miss Liddy. "And they have beds,
j too, made up with sheets and blankets.just
: as if you wn- home. When you wake up
in the tnornin' you're liti es a way from the
place you went to sleep in. X. w that's
just wlitt I'm longic' : ■>. I've gone to
sleep and waked up years with that same
j old elm tree atandin' right before the win
| dor, aud I'm sick ol' it.''
"I'm afraid you'll get sicker of always
. wakin' up in a new spot." -aid conserva- i
five Mrs. I>it-on. "You remember Ann |
Morrison, she that married that young city J
chap? lie was wi at they call a drummer. |
aud he did uothiu" from one year's end U> t
the other hut travel up and down. Sh<; j
was always grumblin', just as you be> j
'cause she had to stick home and couldn't
see the world as he did: so once he got out j
of pat'ence, aud took her along—said she >
-honld have all the travelin' -he wanted* I
and I gii— .-he got it. When he brought j
: her home .-he con e up here to ,-t ly with j
her folks and rc.-t while ne kep'on. and she j
was the most, worn-out-lookin' critter I |
over sec. She owned np that she didn't j
have notbin' fit to eat the whole time, ller
new g'iw'l she had made to go in was clean '
wore out. and the bonnet .-.ie\l paid five j
dollars for was whisked right off her head '
by the wind the very fir l day as s! e was ■
goin' from one car to another."
"They have entries between the cars j
now, so you don't havo to go out do<H-s. I |
read all about it," said Miss Liddy. grimly, j
determined to hold her ground in spite of
neighborly opposition.
• When be you intendin' to start, Liddy?"
a-ked Mrs. I»it.-on, as she arose to take her
•I've laid out to go in two weeks; that is
to say. if I can get everything arranged to
suit," replied Miss l.iddy, casting a quick,
-idelotg glance irt Prince, who was rub
biug against her sk-rts as -he stood saying
the la-t words to her guest.
Mrs. I)it-on Burried home, not so fast,
however, that she did not impart the news
of Miss Liddy's journey at every kitchen
door until sbe reached her own, when she
sank exhausted upon a chair, with scarcely
breath enough left to gasp out, "Miss Lid
dy's goin' away—goin' to be gone a year,"
lor the edification Martha Butters, the
dre -mak. r, who happened at that time to
be giv ing Mrs. Ditson her yearly "week"'
of cutting and hasting and making over.
Before night tbe entire village knew
that Mi.-s Liddy was going on a journey.
The farmers shook their heads, and con
demned the move a piece of old maid's
lolly. Tbey used much stronger language
concerning the matter than it called for.
probably to nip ia the bud any inclination <
for roaming in their wives and daughters,
as the women, one and all, with the ex
ception of' Mrs. Ditson, were in sympathy
with Miss Liddy, and declared that sbe
would be raving crazy to lose such a chance
of seeing something of life outside of her
native town.
Miss Liddy herself was"passing through
an experience which she had not foreseen.
The trnuk had arrived, aud the first sight
of it filled her with joy. It was a huge
affair, covered with niarbleized tin. and
fastened with two locks, to which were
queer flat little keys, which Dick Howies
explained must be put in the slot which
served as a key-hole, pushed in a little way
turned halfway round, and pushed again.
This intricate proceeding terrified Miss
Liddy's unmechanieal mind; but the key
was nothing as compared to the bonnet
box. of which she had boasted to her
neighbor. Her best bonnet—sbe "laid
out" her old one would be good enough to
wear in the ears—would by no twisting
and turning be made to fit in the small
compartment which was intended to hold
the tiny bit of ribbon and luce represent
ing tbe head gear <;f modern fashion.
"1 shall hp.ve to wear my l est bonnet
after all, and tie it up in a veil to keep the
du?t off. That 'II be better than jainmin'
it all out of shape," said Miss Liddy; but
she was dis.-atisfied. The idea that the
trtiiik was a swindle rankled in her breast,
and when Mrs. Ditson, who come express
ly to look at the purchase, declared that
the trunk "warn't notbin'to the ,-windlin"'
she would meet with along the road, poor
Miss Liddy's heart beat with trepidation,
although she kept up a bold front in the
face of her neighbor's discouraging remarks.
The preparations for departure were
much more gigantic than she had anticipat
ed. The thought of possible dust and
moths which might invade her home
during her absence filled her with dismay.
With many sighs she set to work to pro*
tect her little parlor. Old bedlineu was
brought ont of tb great chest in the attic
and the hair-cloth sofa and chairs put in
winding-sheets to prevent dust and damp
ness, and little muslin bags of camphor
were placed around the edges of the carpet
to scare any adventurous moth that might
attempt to enter the sacred apartment.
The butcher at tie Corners, hearing of
Mis. Liddy's proposed journey, stopped at
the gate to say that he would take the cow
and turkeys at any time.
"Don't you dure come for 'cm till I send
you word," snapped Miss Liddy, as she
harried into the cottage and slammed the
door, an action which puzzled the worthy
hatcher greatly.
That night as she drove Clover, the cow,
into llie barn, the patient beast seemed to
turn her big blue watery eyes reproachfully
upon her mistress, whose own eyes grew
watery in return.
"But that's settled. Cows is only cows
anyhow," said Mis- Liddy to herself.
Prince was the only thing left to he
cured for. The hig Maltese seemed to feel
that u change was approaching which
might interfere with his comfort, and set
himself to work to make the most of present
opportunities. 11 his mi.-tress sat down for
a moment to rest from the labor of pre
paration, he immediately ensconced him
self in her lap; and at night, absolutely
refusing to sleep in his basket, he stretched
himself, a purring heap of warm fur, on
the foot of her bed. Miss Liddy weot over
in her mind the condition of every iamily
in the neighborhood in her efforts to decide
on a home for Prince. One neighbor had
kindly offered to take him, but she bad
small boys, and Miss Liddy knew they
would pull his tail and otherwise torment
"Prince hates the sight of boys," she said
to herself, "and I've got no right to put
him among cm."
Another woman, who i»td no boys, was
willing to feed the big cat and give him a
home,only be must sleep in the wood-shed.
Prince sK'ep in the wood-shed, indeed! To
Miss Liddy's mind a queen's boudoir was
none too good for the bedroom of his royal
The two weeks were long past, November
was drawing near, and Clover still chewed
her cud peacefully in her warm stall, Prince
was still lord of the cottage, and Miss
Liddy opened her eyes every morning up
on the same old elm tree.
"It's my opinion she's throwin' up what
she calls the chance of her life just for the
sake of that old Malty," said Mrs. Ditson,
whose contempt for cuts was second only
to her contempt for "travellin'."
This was in a large measure true. Miss
Liddy could not bring herself to desert
Prince. The more she thought of it, tin*
more impossible it seemed. If she were
away, he might I e shut out-of-doors on a
snowy night; he even might have no turkey
for Christmas. It ma 4* Mis* Liddy shud
der to think of it. There were other things,
too, that troubled her. Visions of the
faithful Clover witt\ the butcher's knife at
her throat haunted her dreams, and it
suddenly occurred to her that tramp -
worse than all the moths and du-t in the
world—might break into the burn, perhaps
into thu cottage itself, and bold riot among
her cherished household lares and pe- ates;
the} - might even set fire to the buildings,
and she would return to a heap of bUcken
j ed rubbish.
One morning Mrs. l)it.-on, coining for
aer daily ■ Lut. found Mis.- Liddy hard at
; work undoing the wrappings from the
j parlor furniture, ami humming an old tune
j as she stepped briskly about the room.
■ Prince, perched upon the rentr" table, WAS
watching her with evident satisfaction.
' Why. Kiddy! what's the mattert Ain't
you goin'?" exclaimed Mrs liitson.
j "I «Va't know as 1 be. and 1 don't know
liut I be. l.islieth's comiu' home," replied
Mi--- Liddy, giving a vigorous whisk to her
I feather-duster.
•Well, I never! When's she comin"?
Anythin' the matter with her?" asked Mrs.
Ditson. eager for a new bit of gossip.
"Xo. she's well enough, 1 guess," said
Mi.-s l.iddy, without stopping her work.
! "It seems -he and Hirain came to port last
week, aiul he's goin' off this time without
her. She write* -he's tir»-d out sailin' up
and down, and she wants to eonie here
with the children and rest a spell. She
calkerlates to get here day before Christ
mas: says she hasn't cat a Xew England
Christmas dinner for years, poor thing!"
• Them turkeys 'll come in handy after
al ! , C'iddy," said Mrs. Ditson, with a grin.
"Yes. they'll taste appetizin' to Lisbeth.
And I've got apples and vegetables in the
cellar, lots of 'em. It seems kinder like
the work of Providence that I didn't sell
'em off.afore now, don't it?" replied Miss
l.iddy, too happy at the turn of affairs to
pay attention to the mischievous amuse
ment of her neighbor.
"I should think you might go away easy
now Lisbeth 's comin'," said Mrs. Ditson.
"If she's goin'to stay here she cau take
care of every thin', aud keep it just as 'tis.
After Christmas you can start and go right
out West as you was intendin'."
">~ow. Mis' Ditson, when I haven't seen
Lisbeth for years do yoa s'pose I'd go right
off and leave her like that?" said Miss Lid
dy, her eyes snapping as she stopped her
work and faced her guest. "And then
Lisbeth never was good at managin'. This
house would be a pretty-lookin' place after
she'd had it awhile. And then there's the
children. They're all girls, thank the Lord,
but for all that they might worry Prince,
which they'll not do if I'm round."
Miss Liddy gave an emphatic twist to
her head, which settled the fact that Prince
was safe from the touch of teasing hands.
C'hrii-tuiaa morning Mrs. Ditson stole a
moment from the preparation of her dinner
to run over to Miss Liddy's and welcome
the new arrivals. She found Linbeth and
Liddy renewing the ways of their youth l>y
setting the table together. Their loud,
eager voices and laughter could lie heard
before she reached the cottage. Lisbeth's
three little girls were jumping abont the
room, examining every nook and corner
with the inquisitive eyes of childboiid,stop
ping from time to time to look with an
ticipation at the row of delicately bi owned
pies and dishes of nuts and raisins which
adorned the dresser. The air was redolent
with the fragrance of turkey and plum
pudding. and in ihe broad ray of sunshine
which streamed in upon the floor sat
I'riuce, licking his paws and preparing
himself for the coming feast.
When Airs. Ditson, after giving Lisbeth
a hearty welcome ami kissing and duly
adniring the children, started for home,
Miss Liddy followed her to the door.
'■Mis' Ditson, I 'ain't said nothin' to Lis
beth about my intendiu' to go on a journey
nor 1 ain't goin' to," she said. "I've been
thinkin' it all over in my mind, and I come
to the belief that the Lord gives some
folks a chance to roam up and down the
earth, and others He just plants down
where they belong, and gives 'em a chance
to stay there. I ain't sure but what that
last chance is the best; anyway, it's mine,
and I'm goin' to be thankful and make a
blessin' of it."
Where the Colors Come From.
A writer in the Amc'can Druggist gives
some information as to where many of the
colors come from, which may be of inter
est to many readers:
Bister is the soot of wood ashes.
India yellow conies from the camel.
Ivory chips produce the ivory black and
bone black.
I. Various lakes are derived from roots,
barks and gums.
Blue black corner from the charcoal of
the vine stalk.
Lamp black is soot from certain resinons
Turkey red is made from the madder
plant, which grows in Ilindoostan.
Mastic is made from the gum of the mas
tic tree, which grows in the Grecian Arch
Chinese white is zinc, scarlet is iodide of
mercury, and native Vermillion is from the
quicksilver ore called cinnabar.
The cuttlefish gives the sepia. It is the
inky fluid which the fish discharges in or
der to render the water opaque when at
Little real ultramarine is found in the
market. It is obtained from the precious
lapis lazuli and commands a most fabulous
India ink is made from burned camphor.
The Chinese are the only manufacturers of
this ink, and they will not reveal the se
cret of its manufacture.
The cochineal insects lurnish a great
many of the fine colors. Among them are
the gorgeous carmine, the crimson, scarlet
carmine and purple lakes.
The exquisite Prussian blue is made by
fusing horses' hoofs and other refuse ani
mal matter with impure potassium carbon
ate. This color was discoverel accident
The yellow sap of a tree of Siam pro
duces gamboge; the natives catch the sap
in cocoanut shells. Raw sienna, is the
natural earth from the neighborhood of
Sienna, Italy. Haw umber is also an
earth found near Umbria, and burned.
The Rickety Capitol.
Attention has been directed anew to tho
condition of the State Capitol and the
alleged necessity for new buildings by the
report ot Secretary Stone. This question
has been raised frequently before, but no
legislature has been willing to assume the
responsibility for erecting u new State
house worthy of the Commonwealth be
cause the demagogues of the opposition
would hi! raise a clamor about the expense.
But the time seems to bare come when
the legislature will have to take the bull
boldly by the bonis and do something, if
it be true, as we are assured by the Phil
adelphia Times, that the books and docu
ments of the State Department can find no
other resting place than a loft that must
be reached by a ladder when the docu
ments are wunted, and in which they are
entirely without protection from tire.— Ex.
l>r. Fenner's Golden Relief is warrant
ed to relieve toothache, headache, neural
gia, or any other pain in 2 to 8 niinnte*.
Also bruise*, wounds, wire cuts, swellings,
bites burns, summer complaints, colic,
(also in horses), diarrho-a. dysentery and
flux. If satisfaction not given money
—Raster comes in March next year.
The Woman and the Grocer.
"Say!" called out the »h.-»rp featured wo
man. "do you warrant thaw mu»h melons
to be ripe*"
"We do, madam,"' said the grocer.
"Well, I want to get one."
"In a moment, ma'am. Just as soon ax
I tie np this—''
"I'm in a hurry. If you eaii't wait ou
me just say so. and I'll go to some other
"Kxcuse me just a moment." the grocer
said to the customer he had been wailing
on. "Now, ma'am, I'll be happy to— **
"You say you warrant them?"
"llow much is this one?''
"Forty cents."
"My land! I can get 'em like that over
at Hamilton's for twenty live.
"I thiuk not. ma'am But we have them
at all prices, from forty cents down to
"Take twenty five for this onef"
"Couldn't do it, ma'am."
"How would yon sell thiee like this
"They would cost you half a dollar."
"Sure they're ripe?"
"If they are not they won't cost you
"Well, they oughtn't to. Yon make
profit enough on 'em, anyhow."
"I make about sixty cents on the "entire
lot, uiit'aui. Did you say you would take
those three?"
"Xo, I didn't. I don't believe they are
"I assure yon ma'im, they are all ripe."
(To the other customer.) "I'll be there in
jest a moment." (To the sharp featured
woman.) I'll let you have the three for 45
cents; that's exactly cost."
"H'm!" mused the woman, "You say
you warrant thero?"
"We do."
"Won't take forty-five cents for these
four, I reckont"
"Couldn't poMibly do it, ma'am. That's
less than cost."
"Wouldn't sell these five for ten cents
"Would be glad to oblige yon, but I
couldn't let them go at that.
"M'm! I'll take this five cent one.
Here's a five dollar bill. It's the least I've
got. Give me the change as quick as you
Yet people wonder why grocers have a
bald spot on top of the head and contri
bute so little to the support ot foreign mis
How He Kissed Her.
The practical, mathematical style of
criticism is often too severe. A great deal
ot so-called poetry can't stand' it at all.
The process takes off too much of the hide
with the hair. A recent issue of the New
Cattle Ora-thie tells how James if. Euwer.
of that place, analyied the life out of one
of the prettiest couplets of our great
American emotional poetess. He was sit
ting in Danny Harlan's room, perusing one
of Ella Wheeler Wilcox's poems. It was
one of those spark-emitting, spasmodic,
passion dyed effusions that hove to be kept
in a refrigerator all winter, and when Jim
came to
"Her ruby lips were raised to his,
He kissed her then and there,"
he read the lines aloud and said: "Of
course he did, but what is the necessity of
being so precise about it. Did you fancy,
oh sweet poet, that yonr readers mighL
suspect that he kissed her somewhere else
three weeks from thenf Of course he kiss
ed her then and there. If the girl was in
Kalamazoo be couldn't kiss her in Youngs
town, and if she was there at 6 ( 'clock day
before yesterday he couldn't kiss her at 11
p. m. next June. Ifhe hadn't kissed her
then and there there, as any well constitu
ted man would do, she couldn't have
known anything about it, and no intelli
gent girl that has been properly reared
cares tor a kiss unless she's in it.
Magnetizing a Knife.
Take a pocket or table knife and lay its
blade flat upon the back of a fire shovel.
With a pair of tongs held firmly in the
hand rub the blade vigorously and always
in the same direction, from point to base.
Turn the Made over now and then, so that
the fiiciion may be applied to both. After
a rubbing of from forty to fifty seconds the
blade will be magnetized and be capable of
lifting a needle with which it is placed in
contact, point to point. The magnetism
will last a long time says La Natt'.e.
This experiment, which is not put down in
works on physics, is very interesting and
worthy of suidy. We have found that the
point of a knife magnetized in this way
constitutes the north pole.
—Almost every type writer, sooner or
later, has trouble with his or her eyes.
The type-writing machine is suppo:-ed to
save the eyes, but the effect is quite the
contrary. The eyes are all the time in
motion while writing, and the rapid jerk
ing of the eye from one point to another on
l he little keyboard soon tires the muscles
and makes the eyes and sometimes the
whole head ache.
—A remarkable case of longevity is
brought to notico near Somerset. Jona
thon, Andrew, Ludwig, Benjamin and
Aaron Shrock. all died with the past year,
ag.cd respectively 85, 83, 71 and 85 years.
The four former were brothers and the lat
ter their cousin. There are three members
of the former family yet living.all of whom
are over 75 years of age.
—A well-know New Yorker dining in an
uptown restaurant the other day suddenly
turned aside from the table, excused him
self to his companions, and, stooping over
gl*» of w atei - , seemed to cover it with
his mouth and to bend himself almost
double. "What on earth are you doing!"
he was asked. "Oh, merely drinking out
of the further said of my glass. No one
can explain why it is so, but that will stop
a hiccough instantly."
—No one can complain at'.he price of Old
Saul's Catarrh Cure, it is within the reach
of all. Sold everywhere at 25 cents.
Parents cannot always carry the baby on
a trip, for the recovery of its health. But
they can keep Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup in
the house, and it will compensate for the
trip by its prompt relief.
If Christmas day on Thursday be
A windy winter ye shall see;
Windy weather in each week
And bard tempests, strong and thick.
The summer shall be good and dryj^
Corn and beets shall multiply;
That year is good for laud to till;
Kings and princes shall die by skill.
If a child born that day shall be
It shall happen rich ami well for he;
Of deeds he shall be good and stablo,
Wise of speech and reasonable.
Whoso that day goes tbicvin* about,
He shall be punished without doubt:
And if sickness that day betide
It shall quickly from the eglide.
—There are nearly 50,000 colored people
in New York City. Some of them have
built up fortunes in real estate spec
ulation. One of them accumulated an es
tate worth <IOO,OOO in the catering busi
ness. A number are worth $200,000
NO 7.
Of late we have advised fTitumt reader*
to have better facilities for watering stock,
and here is an improvement which must
prove of decided benefit to these who keep
many cattle. Mr. Willis Brown, of Duchess
county X. Y., describes a new method of
supplying cows with water in the stables,
which is being tried in his locality. It is
an iron or a wooden bucket filled by a
constant stream. These buckets are fasten
ed to an upright part of the stanchion,
twenty-six inches above the feeding floor
and between the heads of every two cows,
so that both can reach it. All these buckets
are on the same level and connected by a
one and a quarter inch pipe, which rosts
on the sill of the stanchion and runs from
one to the other trough the whole length
of the stable. The water from the outside
comes first into a tub in the stable, which
is ou a level with the buckets, and from "
it they are supplied. The overflow is
carried aw ay at the farther end. The cost
varies with the kind of bnckets used. If
they are of iron the cost is about S6O, but
the expense is soon saved by the extra
comfort and health of the cattle. Every
farmer knows how much discomlort and
loss come by turniug the cattle out in the
wintor weather when they can drink but
twice a day, and the timid ones not that.
In answer to a request for something to
prevent cracked hoofs the Dakota Farmer
An ointmeut composed of equal parts of
pine tar, fish oil and beef brine heated
gently together and well stirred until cold
will often prevent the hoofs of animals
from cracking if applied daily with smart
friction. You might have your oxen shod,
the loose hoof cut away and the interstices
stuffed with tar and tow, while a judicious
use ot leather with the shoe will be found
beneficial. Keep the parts clean, and
should lauch lameness be present poultice
with bran for a day or two before applying
the shoes.
Fresh cold water is a powerful absorb
eut of gases. A bowl of water placed
under the bed of the sick room and fre
quently' changed is among the valuable
aids in purifying the air. The room in
which the London aldermen meat is puri
fied by open vessels of.water in different
parts of the room. It can be easily in
ferred from this that water standing for
any length of time in a close room is nnfit
for drinking. It has frequeutly been
observed that restless and troubled sleep
has been corrected easily by placing an
open vessel of water near tho head of the
bed.— Herald of Health.
Farmers should realize much more than
they do the importance of small fruits for
home consumption. The reader can prob
ably call to mind in his own town farmers,
and successful ones too, who have not so
much as a strawberry patch hpon the place.
Most small fruits can be raised with but
little trouble and expense, except an
occasional pruning and hoeing to keep in
good shape and free from weeds. A small
patch of strawberries and blackberries can
be raised without much trouble. These,
together with currants give an abundance
of small fruits all through the summer
months. — Farm and Home.
If orchards were cultivated as ragnlar as
any other crop on the farm there woald be
fewer complaints of blight, yellows and
othet diseases; the trees wonld live longer
and yield more liberally. Some orchards
are put down to gTass, so to remain for
years, the result being that the crops are
left to fall and rot on the grounds for lack
of quality, while the insects get the larger
share of fruit, as well as destroying thte
vitalhy of the trees.
It iii not tbe cow whose milk gives the
most batter that is necessarily "the best
butter cow," but rather tbe cow whose
butter costs tbe least in proportion to the
yield. If you get a certain yield of butter
you must feed two or three times as much
in one case as in the other, the cost be.
couies an important matter. In comparing
Jerseys and Holsteins this matter is some
times overlooked.
Well Done, George.
George Greenouph now stands up to eat
his meals for a very singular reason, which
has just come to light.
One morning last week, when the gas was
was very short, Mr. Greenongh arose from
his bed at an early hour and lighted the
gas in the cook stove. The mornisg was
very cold, and stave was cold, George was
cold and sleepy, and the gas supply was
short. To get warmed up sooner he sat
down on the stove and fell fast asleep.
How long he slept he knows not, but he
awoke in great pain to find that the gas
had c.»mo on suddenly, the stove was
almost red hot and he was badly burned.
He changed his seat very suddenly, and
although the thing happened sometime ago
he has not sat down since. The doctor
thinks if all goes well he may sit down by
Christmas as a sort ot a Christmas gift.—
Beaver Falls Journal.
Lancaster's Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln yet lived. His home
is in Carnarvon township, Lancaster coun
ty. He belongs to tbe same stock from
whi"h descended the martyr president.
When the immediate ancestors of the lat
ter removed from Berks county to Virginia,
the progenitors of the former made their
home in the fertile valley of the Conestoga.
The A braham Lincoln of to-day has seen
more than four-score years oome and go,
and is about the age of ihe lamented eman
cipator. His form, too, is tall and gaunt,
and his general appearance is not unlike
that of President Lincoln. His home is on
a large and productive farm just north of
Churciitown. There,in the deepening twi
light of the evening of life, he serenely en
joys the love and respect ol his neighbors
and friends.—Philadelphia Inquirer.
A Lawrence county man has been
granted a pension, after waiting 42 years,
lie is Dr. Dr. W. K. Johnson, of Pulaska.
He iru a member of tbe 4th Ohio volun
teers in tbe Mexican war, volunteering in
the spring of 1847' He contracted disease
from exposure, and on his arrival home tbe
next year made application for a pension,
which remained on file until a few weeks
ago, when be was granted $1221.31 of back
pension, or about 12 a month for 42 years.
From October Bth he will get $25 a month*
—A man's ears are placed in such a way
he can catch the things that are said in
front of hiui; a merciful Proridence never
iutended that he should hear what is said
behind bis back.
—One of our exchanges thus puts it:
"With the the beginning of the New Tear
we desire to get tbe credit and debtor side
of our ledger to tome a little nearer bal
ancing. The bills of individuals singly
may not amount to much. but in the words
of the late Ben Franklin,' Small bills,how
over triflinjr when considered singly, in the
aggregate form a snin so large that tbe
withholding have often ruined nn other
wise prosperous business.'"
—Tbu'faMhionable puukin pie in an inch