Big Overcoat Sale. The; Racket Store. OVERCOATS OF AI L GRADES. ■ STYLES AKD COLORS AT BOCK BOTTOM PBICES FOR CAtH. FEMEXBEB THAT NO FIRM DOING A CREDIT BC6SINESS CAN QUOTE THE LOW CASH I PRICES YOU WILL FIND AT THE ONE PRICE ifr RACKET STORE, | - 48 B. Alain St., Butler, Pa. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer 'of Stair [Bails, Balusters and Newsl-posts. i.. ,V. c omer t;oek». Panels and all kinds oi fa:, y uootl-wofk lor Inside deroratlon ~0l boum. - CALL AND HF.E SAMPIJES. So-4elhiDfuewJCd attractive. Also. FURNITURE at iGwest'cssh jiriewi, Store at Ko. M, S. Main streft Factory at So. so, N. 'WashinKtou street. : YOU will find the best Soda Water in Butler at FEDItn. Try his grape tonic —a most delieioua and refreshing drink. Try his milk-fchake, made of m iik of guaranteed Ireahnero. ry any of hia flavors and . u will find them the best in the town. Willard Hotel W. U. REllilNii, Prap'r BUTLJBR, - I*A.. KTABine I* CMWCTIOX. tiXl'liK BOOK for COSMKUCIAL TBATILEBs tiffBBOtUB BOTH, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER. - - PA. N.,,. >;«w Court House - lioimldsou Hubte--good accommodatlooa lor traveler?. fi /uii sital: 'iun coftnected. FrrTVICUI I.EE k LKTOOM). l'rop'ta. OAMT'LB BOO*, trvoni IN OONNKCTTOM Hotel Yogeley (Strictly Fir»t Clans.) HENRY L. BECK. PROF'B. J. 11. FAv BEL, Manager. Butler, Pa. NIXON'S HOME, IS a. MCKEAN ST.. BUTLKJi. PA. Mfi.i 1 iVuil lioiixn. Opfn:all night, (•reaktait xn centa," Dinner 25 cents. ttfpper & cents, fIIitEONtNrXON - - - PBOI-B. EIAMONi HOTSL, J AM Eg SELLERS, Trop'r. New fnrniture, new Uitlrgs and first ela« accoroumdatiou*. Livery. Hot lU tide of Diamond, Huticr, I'a. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of cnrri&gee between the bote Id and depot* ot tbe town. Churls reasonable. Telepbono No. 17, or leave ordern at Hotel Yogeley. 6«(H! Livery 'ID Connection New Lively Stable. New Stock, New Rig**. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horscn fed and boarded. PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 89, W. JeOinrgon St., Botler, Pa. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, Prop'r. One square west of Muin St., on Miftlin St All good, pafe horsefl; nea liat'giec and carriaguw Landaue for *• and looerula. Opot duj utid aigbt. Telephone No. 24. Wanted, At Once, A to aell choice Nureery Stock iu add around Butler during the TaM and winter. We solicit the corres pondent" of anyone wiebing a nitua ti'»n Special induceuitrtH to tbe t party Porroantut cipploymeDt wfc«u dcaired. No experience ncce«- nary: 'iood pay. Addrenn Muting age COLUMBIA NUBHEUY CO., RochfHter, N. Y. Y'Hl CAN FIND,i" L; ms Wi** will cvru-i act for aUrvrvUiag ai lowcei x^c*. The 31out 6«ccr«sfßl Remedy ever disco* end. as H If certain lu its effect i ani *Xoe» not blkt.-?. Read proof below: B3OOZLI*, —B7 5. "SOL 08. a J. Ktrrmx, Co.: SirsL»»t Sommtr I cored a Ccbupc"-lK"rsa VlU> yourcele K -at« fh~ Jot*t. | Bt-tyectfoUy. F. Ji. IICTCanBL ( KENO&LL'S SPAVIH CURE. HOJTBOE, La., K37 8, *5% D?~ R J. KEBDALL Co„ <*ent«:—l thlnK it my duty to reader /on my tfianks for your far fumed Ker a l' c S.ivi Core. I iia»l a four year old Ally wbich i rrfzad very hlirtoly. Shehu4 a very severe sw« !. 3 1 ■/. I tried About eigfat different kiruis of medic - r <>ur ?IcadaiT* Spavin Cure which cure*i her in four DUJ J. I remain yours. JUmoTf Dcwvssr. Prfee $1 per bottle, or six bottles for f. All drnj gists nave It or can get it for you, or it will l «e >-aS to any address on receipt of pri»-e by t*ir proprie ion. Hit. 11. J. KE-SDALL C 0., Kaolburgli Fail«, Vermont Rubber 8hoe« rmliao worn nassomtort; My tight, generally dtp uS the f'-et. THE "COLCHESTER» RUBBER CO, miki all shocf w''h !i»Mi of he«l !tn«l witii rubt)«r. This cltnr:; to Ui« uiuj aa I i •-V..ui« the nUu frwii «!:p) « off. Cail for the "Cflkli'-.f r* "ADKES3VE COUNTERS." H. Childs & Co., Wholesale Agents, Pittsburg. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HAXDSOHB, UsDnSXK i rTXXI I. E. Cheaper than W aod. Tlniiimcvtttswt llekH 9tmc% f • v. - 1 •. • • •tUiM-) SM b« u««4 Ml irou or W -o4 rivu. H'h*>n »r\i u* tot vrir.oM dirt Qjuttu/, Numt;«r «f D- . I-s fti.l Mb|lt. Wanted. W« »l«o X«oof« -tor'! Be**7 Iron F«»t.• .»r. Or«-»t''.f m»bU Fltt!nf«, Fire tihuit«r« etui riliifi ' - C«'lw ml J'fcT:Jr,»* Br\*% *nd Ir»u W* «*ASU WIXPOT iSCttftLKS. andftil Minrtr cf WISH WOC&. TATI.OK * VEA^r, SOI, 203 ft 20S Market tit., J'ltUbur,.h > I'a. i SUPERFLUOUS HAiR | ! On the fera<f face, j hair on th« ior«- >- 4 *.-' A j tioa l, uecir, Do*e # f f.f*" ' tarn, baudit, nrmit, : j on iuen'9 ' rbaolc* *>> or« tbe : iieard lion mid l>e- ! twweu»r had '/0 y«ar#' *n» among hia pa ) liiuu our mont proinin#nt famUl> . If you | ar«» a?H!ft4'd with any of tbe above biemi«li«», ! patent fn*4icme« and I>r. Van , Dyck atones, special t« ri;. totll wh«ciak« engagemcuuJlM•> n rsth. bonkfni. Kngage. || tu^nUeaabe nialeiy mail. Calloe orar. J.Van i>yck, 40 K. litb street, Philadel ■ pfcla, or Penr. avenue, PIU» T srgh, Pa. , 1 i J *° \ ! ' l ' *' ' J. E. Kastor, I'rac'icul Slutu Boofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating j Ol all kinds doao on nbort notice. Office with W. 11. Morris. No. 7, N. Main St„ Kesiilence North Elm street. Pin tier, P;i. A. J. FRANK Ac CO. DKL OTJ, MEDICINES, aki> CIIKMK'AIjW FANCY Ann TOILET ARTk JOy. SPONGES, ii«( SHIrX, PEKEI'MKUV. 4j 1. i iij sirirtus' rr«acrtptloiifi carefully rui pouiid'xL 5 S Matr Street, Butter. Pa. GEO. D. MITCHELL, Attor»i<'v-".t-I.»w and f*o}!«-lt«r »r PenxVui* mid PatcatH. 'lot li. C. ClfrV W'li :it«> i'<-ii.':loti CoiiintUM l»»r Unt ~ v«ar*. 11 ynu ti'.t i BMMPTN'tMH write m-. t to el*« dvic. Planing Mill —AND— Laimber Ii ard \ L. ft iL» It 1. O PUKVI-. S.G.Purvis&Co. MANfFACTt/RKOh AXl> DRAIEIth 15 Rough and Planed Lumber SHINGLES, LATH 6 SEWER PIPE. Hut lei, Pu. WAMKI» A[;ciU« to >"'t t'r>i t Ur ou Choirl* an" Uhi'tly Nursery 8 at '>».•••!. .-{at 1 A -ie. A'is r "in. neb as \. . i»v11. . Di-1r *st- nf • r .iting. pirin in ; . c. While the:rmost ftiixuur* tile K * >otrs • bevr shown lu c;-ring ■ * 'C4k flear-o v tpl fV:;rKT!'* !,rrrx l,nta Piiu ,v Va;«n:e II: ''■ ■r-.- ( «".••■ irjf ,im2 I ret litir. •ti -ai '-ti-.c • -iplairt. * hile thersUjc-r -. 'd 1 n \ <- •*.. y ' •' • <«t to those •ho fiY,fn ' corr.plaii.t: /•T f•: r't«. .Mr * ir -.".«odoesi J«VBS r«»t end r>"' nee t. v t M«m will f rwl ; t .in manr ways that ii«?v > ,4.r t w:.:ir»2 to do witcout thc*;u. tint after ;11 sick heed Mi "A p?rj la fv - ' -»i of -> many R»* ■; thr*t is .. h^ra v ■ j 1 »t T. t. Oar pills cure it < - ?.* rr. T : f.ivFTt PlLlJl ar?T>epysmall ft t;iU-. «>r:.' or two pill.i i.»nke a V y are -« * : • vceetnih- ai. 1 -!o ? :it or«f :r:> I", t » r«-nt»-* fev-rforin.vw •. h • b> ! .ail! ■-,,11 f,'l ft}'-' frlfi® MU nisa I Stoj? > ) ; Ut: : T v ) » Tor if you do not it may become oon- j • it"i /•• .' i I ■ f .i rr.f ._/ 5 I i ;*- itß > '' i- -,= ' ! U; d j • I . ; i- : -jfIOESStZbI I Oi Piae C'«;:! Liver Oil iu:d j HYPO PHOSPHITES • Of Xiijui c nit«l P9<»«.lr*. j It is a.'r t ni pa lata >loas ?ullk. Far J j better than f'Uicr t *-r.\ 1 Emulelt'iiS. ) j A wonderful £ producer. I Scott's Emulsion! » i {T)iri ■ r Imitations. i/itfFeutotM.j *rf I/i-tv.—Bare m r.—• Ila'..' m.? !i ; I I ,! I i -r? are tha old onsc b'juta «tt!i v*/*; " -iig Ik n_ak*e th . • i - ted my 'thorn eleo Lr--'.vd wUh *% p« ' .i I \MUit the rabber. cimali t;. . fn. Channea f.'.r " .1/i . Walnut. A Pop!w X r ■■ ."nfiqaaOak. A CU.m R: . -v .J ' . T"I/. Caowbatcaall : ;«;V- 2?Cc« of Pl.fejQN rr ' v T"ti v / WOLi-T T.&XIA J'.i. Phfl^delphJa. trt Dr&j, PalUt a«" /.V j T i Mnu Sturn I »n e 1 - :1m • and nermaceot cure for tflck liillonatirM, < oiiHllpeiloii, \« r*«ui t'rt.llin. Ilriaiita Niiiiipttoo, H - ' o» t:i'» v» rv root of u I di*<;ttee« cauxed uy ail impure Mate of the tlood, PI on WM.KKIOI 1*» »";M> "n-pntiftted and ri itu, and riiree win , ill oth r m •• ill. 1 ■ ■ ' Li rhet* and ktrowet t*'«t*!iieiiislafrom t?rau ftil patient* ''Aube ' 'iwn. Th«: Am d»we you tv th rotiftdenre i«* hook iwfiit free to »!L Add re* a, FIIA\KLI\ If ART, Warren Kt.. Xrw York. gr?«y.TMi DOCTORS LAKE h rr.rvATK UI:. *f , ■ i i.s !AU'/: ' irsnn Mel •s"»t ■, i 1 • i in tliftrity. Hi«*i lalnt . ivcntoNurvotn OebUlty fn»mexi;eiw>ivc , r«. • indiscretion of yotith, etc., cans ,u- t.i-v ;Sral * •y\ mental «!«eay,la< , k of i: »rgy, p M OCT, < • .; ..: oi um •>, <■'' I Ron Jnta, nmai in, and ill dlmtm of the Skin. ~ , n»*«.l rti i Organs,ete. Itai on l .Lie.: omMil'-iltlal. Offirelkid' ■ id . t-> n i-.'k.; aun'iujh, f to 4 i*. v. <»' iv. I Kt i <-r odRB. 1 \KK, CO ft. A.V L. ITH3T..riTTSI'.CItOII, I'A. • i .. - II iiiieuU> cured l>y w-i rT--nmm • j'liJ A.l'A. I i »* :»-t • nee, I . . ! iiuef .in tiu" i ••» «tnprououiu!ed In .iai '.«• 'V ' ' .-4 w.i t. read for circular. v.o £ uIIAFANTLED. Cfllt:o Hour.. 'J to 3, t %ST'jPKO FREE ■ H C . Mj, urct.l. I ' '. IfiJai'O Vf.f'.i Hdftof^ A iV t V ; il)..K?.ni~ JOEtAT » i hCftViißetrro tsu • '»/•' V Ui-.. 1/iar.Atl. • «-«// lurt v /»- <• ,- ■'(< ; ■ /*/ //<•>/»v. r/r, 775 . ■. / . m/ttr ;,•,!•/ - f.o~ fit '.irtl 1 f ■ i 1-lohia.Fa. / ' '.v. / / W.'?r ' :» ? -rw Ido r.'.tr. <■£.:> mcrclrta ■tf-j U; 1.11 jr . lirno, ft;«l Uiert lia?u I u- ia« tnTu ir -jo. I ynxrf A RAi'itAXi 1 Jiavc undo Uu> dlt.'-*8« ol F!Tf3. jGTJI-SPSir or R,?LI;.:-ING SICKNESS, A llfc-t'-nur Ci.ii's/. I WXISK4I*T lay rtn.t 1/ t » L'uua tii v.trrt CBIKM. Xlvcauao oilieiH liavo failed i* jo rfiiu:on for i.ot bow ru.-.tlvinit a i are. bsiidatonce for«tre»tjj».»n | ' .a-i o f - t'• ■< I'i" .. ••-ta ICrrer ilnl ' j I- i' t «•', (a* (<> fk' r'* IM , ■ Ai. iOIiI. ; • . i» K*TSaM V wrtli* la ■* de*. . '.M i. tl , it, . MM< i u. .. r " ► . ,j.. . 3 e»»: ill's Cough Syrnp. Price j 2o cents. — A good r - nscience makes an ea-v couch. — Th.- ui t'ir nf Ifood's Sarsaparilla i one cf eou.-'iii'' " incteasing =ncce».-. Try th ; -j n.ediciue. —Lacb day i i little life; our life is but a day repeated. Does A vertising Piy? j-*\ KV itli.. LIVE BUSINESS MAX WILL H. i i, It do»-s If you do It proj .i. Tin lie have r coin the largest returns. N>:iily i-v. n iiiesß has it# "anil season." Sur;:-g win *t a'lvertkement will tlo i.i'liin! •• rk«: lit night, rain or shine, in j ini-rs vtiih the name. ir. i'ei iier' . -I aitr. Kilbh'* (ir'-at Serve Ur>.! er. >0 Uts alter llrnt Jay's me. Marvelous ires. Treatise and W.o 1 ) trial tf.'tle in-.- o i .-jea. Seiul to Dr. kliue, 93! Arcli St.. PhU a. •.. —Trno tio< • ,ce consists in saying all. tbut is retjuir- nd in saying only what is | rerjnired. Fenner" Cough Honey will relieve any cough in <• ; hour. Equally good for horsefi. Gives e -rgy and strength. Money refunded if sat. irtion not given. —N'o idle v:. Thou ppeakest but is n see.! ca.-t into t .e, and grows through all eternity. One T- ousand Dollars. 1 will forfeii '. e above amount if I tail to prove that t! raplexion is the best med icine in exislenc: for liyspepsia, Indiges tion or Hiliotisi. s. It is a certain cure, ana affords h: i. diate relief, in cases of Kidnev and I Complaint, Nervous De liility * and Co uinption. Foraplexion builds up the - ik system and cures where other remedies 1. Ask your druggist lor it and pet v.- !!. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowi: , " also, sample bottle sent free; ail cha r g.-s prepaid. Address Frank lin llart, 88 W. ren street, New York. —Scandals a. like dandelion seed; they are arrowhead' 1 " and stick when tbey fall, abd biing fort 1- jd multiply fourfold. —Life is a su- ed trust to all. He i» at fault who does ot take due care of his own; he is gui!'. 'vho does not respect the lives of others. For weal „v* ft wash of weak salt and water will pro* >f much benefit. Consume on Surely Cured. In Th« ijDiror Inform your readurs I htv, a p.. • i»' remndy for the »bove-uun.'d dlsctuis. Py iti r ly p.«'j thirasandu of hnpelnu cum havo be«n -uTitly cured. I shall bo Kind to Sfjrut 1 ■. > bott' of my reuiody FUKE to auy of your reader* who ivo coTmumpUnn if they will h'-ail liiu tj. ir Han 4 I'. O. addreaa. IU SJS i-t --fuliy, X. A. SI.. ,L"M. .M. C., 181 Pearl St., K. Y. new battle ship -hould receive the name of FHCJ-SIHI. —A g.M.d i»:- ntative for the inroads of ant iis a trip • carbolated petrolatum, about linlfan ! 'i in width, drawn ationt the places freou 111 y. T>r Fenio-. '< Kidney and ttiukaehe Curi' i ' "•iirraT to give satisfaction in every cat-e or t ev returned An lni ia ' f »lis scnJp'or lai finished a elnv model (or iiust of the Hoosicr poet James WMteoi: ' Reiley. The model will lie seilt to to bo cast in bronze. T<> < nsumptives. Tt;e ind( rsiw I tiavini? t»eeu re»torwl to health t.v dio»j !. mentis, atb-r sufferimf for rev ml year. « severe Itine alT'eetion, «n-l I' t i'r; . <'!«'a«e Connuratitlon, is anxif.' • I" in.' noun to hia fellow suffer ers it.e means < 'ire. To tliose who desire it he will eh<» lly send (tree of eharitei a eopv of lbs pr : ;;lion u«ed. which tl.ey will fit"! i> eure for AMhma. Cnlarr' flronchitil and all throat and lung Male.' He hopes all suflen-rB will trv hi" I edy, as it is invaluable Those liuy. and When In Sell ! ■< liberally Illustrated, and hy HKt'KNT K" 1 KUEMENT, contains more reuuuiK mstter in ever before. Hie Sub •s riptlim l-riee i • • « per year, but WH offerl a HI'U IAL IIKDi:< 'ON In our ClIj It ' VIES FOB. 1891! Two Snbscrlpti'i' u one remittance ... ft l 't.-nd the paiier W KKKI.V. froni our receipt i. he remittance, lo January Ist iwii.wnnoi it/iiviK. (Ms~Si'|.l IMKM *iwt FMKR. Address I,l'Ti: KK Ti ' it Jk SON, l'ubU»lit 111 ——— BY USING WASHBUHNE'S S A MC?L I C A. *I.OO A BOX. AI.L DEUGGI3TS, OR BV MAIL. IRVING DH' G CO -32 Warr«n Street, Nothing On Earth Will HENS, LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It la absolutely parr. Hiifhly concentrated. In miantirr It e«l« lew Ui»n * "-nth of a cent » day. Mncl.'Tainedii-ine. Pr-»ciJ»ndrumian dtarasja I;• . .<1 t r yo'iu;--chicks. Worth more than K'>ld Wh.-n hens Mviilt. -one tars'" «a™<| iw*n<".' one price and that's the lowest. We a r e confident we can please you in style, lit and price as no other house can do. We are showing the greatest variety in MenV, Boys' und Youths' Ileavy Boots specially adapted to the winter wear will resist the water. We hav tin-in in high and low instep; box and plain toe. We have them for boys, little boys, l\tt and lean boys. Shoes lor the girls iu call' and kip. oil grain Pebble fJoat Dongola Kid in heel and spring in great variety. In Ladies' Shoes the styles are endless we might t:ty. We show the latest in hand welts, hand turns; McKay sewed in all widths and shapes front $1 and up. < >lll- line of Myn's, Women's and Children's line Slippers are now coming in. Never in the history of our trade have we shown so many and beautilul patterns as this season; prices iu (rents', 50 cents and up. We have not forgotten the old ladies; we 11 ;i ve elegant llannel-lined shoes, soft and easy to the foot; we have holt, knit shoes for invalids. Rubber goods, the best at bottom prices. Don't spend your dollar until you visit our store und nee the goods; recol lect all goods selling at old pi ices at Huselton's. See our Men's Cork-sole Shoes and our Men's Kip Boots, liaed with gutta-percha. We warrant them waterproof or give a new pair, free of charge. B. C. HUSELTON, 102, N. Main St., Butler, Pa. l. c. WICK: bKALKR^I* Rough and Worked lumber OK ALL KIHUM Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Slock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. OfllcM opposite I'. «t W. Depot, HUTLKK, - ~ !'-*• mu w'eotEi iili, *;*■?, PA. 0. FULLKRTON, Prop'r, illHiiheis, I'LHNNOLN HIMI Ynrii Mautilßclured «»f i'ure Ilut lt*i Connly Wool. We ru:oan»eo our foods to Is- sirlcily all wisil ,in'l .-ill. or liny other poisonous material ised in dyeing. Wc sell Wholesale or null, -.amnios and prices rjrnlshed free lo dealers on irplu.jt.loii by malt. SAW MILLS ri»i«*nt Variable Frlrtl«» •»»«! Brit Frr l. Steam Engines, Hay Presses, Shingle Mills- &c Portable G. r iit Mills, ienil l»r Dins Tlirwl.' Marhlaes. Ac. r.i'.il....'i" A II »AU<(i.IUK ««».. f«rS. Pa. WHEN IN NEED OF 0 SSUmk|6«SMUS^^ CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTII M \IN STHKET, JB Q'TLEB - IF.ELNHSI'A j W here you can Laye your choice out t> the largest assortment of cooking anil heating stoves in Butler county; aho deale in Hardware. Lansing Wagons, Wl.eele. :s 2.V to 8. Buy width 'tesired at $1.25. This is a bargain ot a lifetime. Call early and be anon< the first to r?ceivo a special bar- P a * n - L Chidreiiß shoes ranging in price frv. ui 50 cto $2. A full stock of ladies line shoes, band welts, with exteusiou sole, machine buttoned shoes, cloth top shoes, , A *R, DI SLFITINT • MERITS AT THE LOWEST PO: SIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. ____—— ———— COOKB QUAIITEWB RETAIL AT 6 CTB. COOKS HALVEB, RETAIL AT 10 CTB. COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT 20 CTB. Sold by all Crocera« -1 * Caw. WEST END GROCERY. F. W. LIMB IRG, PROP. Krc-fli utock 111' tviii", cofleec, - ani il good», country produce i nd evervthing usually kept in a iret class grocery, tobacco and cigars; also dry goods, notione etc. We make a specialty ol flour and leed. A Full Line of Fall Dr Goods Just Received Ooods Delivoretl Free .o any part ot'Tow"- I JL'!/F CURE. SHHHBHII'T micrrUEKA. M v>*rrm t u,rJ pee us, as we cun «au V ll money. I'uning and Bepairing of all of Musical Instruments Promptly Attended to.