Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 12, 1890, Image 3

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Now is the time
to buv your Over
•/ %}
coat, rather than to
wait until after the
Ist of January.
We have reduc
ed the price of all
Overcoats, which
consists of Meltons,
Fur Beavers, Wors
teds, Kerseys and
otlior fabrics.
Mens' Youth's,
B«> s andChildrens.
Call in and price
tl iese goods, whether
you wish to buy or
not, no trouble
We have just re
ceived'a full line ol
Cape and Storm
Schaul Bros. & Co.
Rrn*« lias a population of about 10,000.
It Is the County seat of Butler County, with
Four railways, ntfturat ffaa. and unequalled
facilities for. manufactures.
Progress everywhere; new buildings, new
manufacture?, a growing and prosperous town.
WHTPEXKB. R.— Trains leave Butler for
Allegheny at t,9X>. »K5 aud 11:20 a. m. and 236
and <£<*> p. 10 : arrive at fc3s and l(fc» a. ro. and
ljo, 5M and 7p. rn. Malls close at 8:06 a. m.
and ilti p. m. Una arrive at 630.10:50 a. m. and
6.10 p. m.
y. 8. & L. K. It. r.-Trains leave for Green
ville at c,:tr, anil 10:20 a. 111 and tss p. m. Trains
arrive from Ci-cnvllle at 9:30 a. m. and 2:33 and
<3O p. m. Malls close at 8:15 and 930 a. m.
Closed poucli lor ltrancbton. Including mall for
Billiard, Hovers and Bovard at 435 p. m. Mails
Hi rive at *36 and 6:20 p. m.
P. £ W. It. it.—Trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at «iO, *:«.*> and 10:20 a m. and 2:40. 3:35
and 0:30 p. m. The xrzi a. m. train and the 2:40
J. m. connect with trains going west at, Callery
unction. Mails close for south and wect at
KOO a. ni. K«.r l'ltteburg at 10 a. m. For Pitts
burg and polntn between lsutler and Callery at
Xlop. tfl. For Pittsburg aud points between
Callery and Allegheny at 6:00 p. m. For local
£olnts nortfc of Butler at #3! ia. m. For Barn
art's Mills, l oitjurg and OU Cllv at 435 p. m.
Malls arrive on this road from local points be
tween Butler und Callery at >35 a. m.; from
Pittsburg and local points between Calitry and
Alleyhe'.iy at 11:V> a. m.; from liarubarts Mills,
Fozburg anil OU City at 9:37 a. m. Local mall
from the north at 233 p. in.; from Pittsburg
and the West ut djOO p. m.
STAR UOCTKS— DaIIy mail from Mt. Chestnut
arrive* at, km a. in. and leaves a*. 10:00 a. m.
North Hope, Hooker and other points. Monday.
Wednesday and Frldav, leave at 130 p. m.
New Advertisements.
Douglass' _\mas Presents.
J. K. Grieb's Holiday Goods.
Hedick's Christmas Presents.
E. Grieb's Holiday Goods.
Marks' Millinery.
Ralph's Opening Notice.
Uoyd's Holiday Goods,
l'ape's Holiday Goods.
Hnselton's Holiday .Slippers.
Butler Mutual Fire Ins. Co. election no
tice. ' -
Williams' Pianos and Organs.
Jury List for Jan. 5, 1801.
Auditors Notice, estate of Benj Swain.
MM. Beecber'g Storey.
NOTK— AII advertisers intending to make
change* in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Boy Wanted.
A good, energetic boy or young man,
with a fair education, who wishes to learn
the printing trad 4, will please address this,
D. L. Byret, of Dußois, was visiting his
friends in Butler last week.
David T. Maxwell, late of Saxonburg,
has moved to Butler.
Miss Mand Lowry, of this tow n, who has
lately been visiting friends in Parker, was
thrown from a horse, a few days ago, and
seriously injured.
Mrs. David Barto of Evans City and Mrs.
Bessie lieiber ol Glade Mills were the guests
of Mrs. J. J. Iteiber this week.
Mr. J. D. Kamerer is now canvassing
Butler for Talmage's new and great work
entitled "Prom manger to throne" which
includes a description of bis Journey to and
through tho Holy Land.
The X. .1. G. Club met at Mary Gray's
on Tuesday evening. The club is composed
of some of the leading young ladies of the
town, and is just too secret for anything.
The name of the club ie supposed to repre
sent the acme of mystery, and the true
meaning of tho letter* is to be divulged
only alter the last of the members has died
in defense of its secrecy. Long life to the
Ten Jolly Girls Club.
Sick People.
Eaq. Robt McKee is in poor health from
a combination of dyspepsia and heart
Miss Maud McClymonds, one of the
sctsool t'-aehers of Butler, is seriously ill at
ber home iu Centerville.
Mrs. Brell, of Forward Twp. the victim
of the late tragedy is recovering, but the
ball has not yet been removed from her
it was reported in Butler last week, that
Barney's body, which had been buried iu a
field near the house, had been stolen, but
the report was incorrect.
Mr. John Pisor, of Montana, is visiting
frieuds in this county after an absence of
twenty years. He is a brother of James
Pisor. oi Worth Twp., and Mrs. Gallagher
and two Mrs. Stickles, of Muddycreek aud
Frank! in Twp.
Geo. Walter, the miller, met with a
severe accident last Saturday evening. His
boiler bad not been in use for some days
ami had been coated npon tho inside with
B. 8. that evening a slight fire bad
bin- \ili in the fire-box to keep the grease
tneited. The fire became stronger than
watt intended and when Geo opened a
manhole or door to look ic, tho gas which
bad been geuerated from the grease by the
heat, exploded and burned one side of his
face severely.
J#*. A. McKee of the Herald is carrying
his arm in a sling, the result of a fall upon
a slippery sidewalk.
Every purchaser will be present
ed with one oi our "carda" until Jan.
Ist. M. F. Si M. MASK*.
—Only two weeks till Christmas.
The Fairview gas Co. intend chatting
off the supply jjar that town ' J st in«t.
—The safe of Carruthers and Teters of
j Zelenople was ransacked one night lately.
The next reception oi the U. V. L. of
Butler will he held on Thursday evening
Dec. 18th, at 7.30 p. m.
Hattigan P. 0. has a literary society
with TV". T. Fennell as Present and Mis.
Jack, Secy.
—Do not forget tho sale of stock, hay,
grain and farming implements at the faim
of W. M. Brown *near Brownsdale, next
—Two men, strangers, were in Butler
last Monday soliciting money for the
"strikers'" of the Plate, Glass Works at
Dnquc-sce. How is thirt
—Four of Benson Shrader's sheep were
killed by dogs a few nights ago, and some
others were wounded and worried. Mr.
Shrader traced one of the dogs to Butler.
—The Franklin Pa. Xctc* has been en
larged The success of the Xeteg has been
fairly won. It is the brightest evening paper
printed in Western Pa., outside of the large
—Saturday last was a day of sensations.
The Delamater failure came first, then the
Dunlap, then reports of a run on one of
our citizens, and these with the sale at the
Campbell hardware store, and a fire in the
afternoon kept people busy.
—Rabbits are plenty tbisyear.so plenty
that in some parts of the county foot
passengers have to kick them out of their
road. One young man living South ot
town killed four with a stick last Saturday.
—The Mercer county Court heard a
novel caae lately—that of a student expell
ed from Grove City College against the
faculty to compel them to re admit him
and re-instate him in his classes.
—W. U. ilorris «fc Co. have opened a
factory on Jefferson St., where they intend
to employ 12 or 15 cigar makers. Their
specialties are Best Wishes, Golden Horns,
Boquets, Rfd Eagles and Operas.
—Services will be held in the Bethany
It»lormed Church Wednesday and Thurs
day evenings at 7.30, by Kev. Limberg.
Friday evening and Saturday at 2 p. m. by
Rev. Garner of Fairview. The Lord's
Supper will be administered Sunday at 11
a. m. Services Sunday at 7p. m.
—For some years it has been the prac
tice of Supd't Hutchinson of Dixmont
Hospital to have a Christinas tree for the
inmates of that institution, and he requests
all persons haying friends there to send
him something for tbe tree.
—Considerable of oar space is taken up
this week with Holiday advertisements
and reading notices. Our merchants are
making a splendid effort for the holiday
trade this year, and persons who have been
in the babit of going to tbe city for their
Christmas gifts, should first look around at
—All the members of the family of
George 0. Kaufman of near Callery, who
were poisoned by Itough on ltats getting
mixed with their corn-meal are recovering.
Mr. K. had some of tbe poison in a tin pan
or cop, one of the female members of tbe
family thought it was corn-meal, and
dipped more meal from the sack, to make
corn bread with.
—At the meeting of Council Tuesday
night, Mr. J. 11. Harper, of the Ist Ward
was elected to fill tho vacancy in tbe
Conncil caused by the resignation of Mr.
W. G. Hays; and Ferd IteiberEsq. was elect
ed to fill the vacancy caused by there sigua
tion of A. P. Stewart Esq. Schuttn <£
O'Brien aud C. F. McCarthy were gtanted
Plumbers Licenses, and some small bills
were paid.
—A young couple of Butler told their
tolks a day or two beforo Thanksgiving,
that they were going "up the country" to
spend the day, and then they slipped over
to Indiana Pa. and were married. They
came home and resumed their usual avoca
tions, and the first their folks knew of the
matter was through the marriage license
published in the Indiana papers.
—On Friday morning of last week, while
engaged in our usual job of mailing the
BCTLKR CITIZEK, "we," the foreman of the
paper.received a shock the effects of which
we were unable to shake off for several
hours. Wo will be frank and tell you fill
about it: While engaged in attending to
nobody's business but our own, an agent
for a type foundry came in and asked if he
could get an order for some type. The
editor immediately asked n.q if any type
was needed—a thing that has not occurred
before to the recollection of the oldest in
habitant—, and we meekly responded we
would like some small pica, " 'Tis order
ed," said His Royal Highness, and in the
same breath he asked "what elseT" We,
getting a little bolder said we would ap
preciate a now font of head letter, be said
" 'tis done," wo stood this all right, but
when he asked "what next?" It took
our breath away but when we came to we
were more bold than before, and asked for
five lonts of fine job type (expecting to get
killed for asking though), but, the same
old reply "So be it," caused us to reflect
and see if we had noticed a screw loose in
tbe editors "make up" that morning, but
he appeared as solid as "pi," and he con
tinued "anything elset" and we ordered
type and labor-saving material enough to
make the CITIZEN office the beat equipped
job office in Butler county (bring on your
jobs). When we recovered, three hours
later, we learned—not through the editor
—that the cause of all this unheard of ex
travagance was the arrival at the editor's
house of what will (by and by) be as
sistant editor. In other word*: its a boy.
Christmas Presents.
Youog man,U-t us help you to Bolve
the all important question, What
shall I boy her for a Christmas gift?
There is nothing that makes a more
appropriate gift than the thousand
and one things that will be found in
our store and if you call wo will glad
ly show them to you.
E. Guieb, the Jeweler,
139 N. Main St.
—Celluloid and oxidized silver
toilet sets, with or without cases, at
—Do yon want a genuine diamond
ring, with finest gold mountings?
I)o you want a soft glowing Ruby?
A mild Moonstone? a brilliant
Emerald? a beautiful but ill-fated
opal? an exquisite pearl? a stylish
rosaline? a popular tiger eye? a
topaz? garnet? amethyst or black
pearl? If you do, there is but one
proper place in Butler to go for it,
and that is C. F. T. Pupe & Bro's,
122 S. Main St.
Ribbons for fancy work,
Ribbouß for art work,
Ribbons for dress trimming,
Ribbons all shades.
Ribbons all grades,
at I). T. RAPE'S.
122 S. Main St.
—Our many customers will be
pleased to kuow we have a larger,
better and cheaper stock of Silks and
Linen Handkerchiefs than ever be
fore. M F. M. MARKS.
—\ full line' of fascinators and
mittens at PATE'S.
Court met Monday afternoon with Judge
McMiehael pre-iditig, and in yet in session.
The only serious case fried during the
week was that of the <_Vi:..ihwiwealtli v-
John (or Sony) Me Bride, who was indict
ed for rape under the new law. for having
to do with a girl under 10 years'of age. on
oath of imo- Beighly. a furaier who lives
near Evans City and is the father of the
girl; and though Xosey was convicted of
tie offense which entitles him to 15 year
in the penitentiary there i». at till - writing
some doubts as to whether or not he will
serve his sentence.
It happened this way. llis trial ended
and the jury went out in lis ease about
half-past-five o'clock, Wednesday after
noon; and Xosey was taken back to jail.
The jury was out but a lew minutes when
they sent word that they bad agreed, and.
as the law requires. Nosey was sent for to
hear the verdict. CoL Kedic- went to the
jail and took out both Xosey and a little
Irishman named Nee. who had been ae
united and who was uelighted at liis re
lease. It was dark and he started for the
Court House with one hand on Xosey, but
just at the Court House steps, Xee pushed
between them and bid the Sheriff good-bye,
who was tfcu-- put off his fguard and Xosey
broke for Liberty, and »tarted t iwards
Main St. The Col. took of after him and
the race across the Diamond was at a speed
which, if it had been continued wou'.d have
took them around the world in 30 days, but
Xosey has feet as well as nose»and he
distanced the Sheriff, who saw him last go
ing around the corner of the rink, and
Xosey ran across the creek and jumped
upon a passing train, and the last seen of
! him he was going up a hill some distance
southwest ol town. The Court waited for
an hour, and then took the verdict without
Xosey being present.
Xosey is an oil-well driller, who has
been following the oil developments for
years. lie not a native of this county,
but his mother is said to be living near
Greece City.
Commonwealth vs—
C. C. Miller, indicted for larceny o:i oath
of O. M. Phillips. In this case the Court
allowed the defendaut to be released on
bail. He told on himself and the prosecu
tor did not push the case.
John Mcßride, indicted for enticing a fe
male child, under 10 years of to the
city for immoral purposes, on oath of
Amos Beighlcy, wa- convicted.
John Me Bride, indicted for rape, on oath
of Amos Beighly, was <'. evicted. the pris
oner not being present for reasons stated
above, the verdict was ,taken in his ab
Samuel Ka.nsey. indicted for assault and
battery on' ■ ,;h of Clarence List was ac
quited but made pay the costs.
Miebael Beatty indicted for ag2 A±B on
oath of Jacob Keck, was found guilty.
Patrick Xee, indicted for agg Aiß on
oath of Jacob Feck was acquitted and costs
put on the county.
Josaphene McCall indicted for maining
and disfiguring a horse on oafh of Solomon
Albert was at-jutied and costs put on pros
T. M. Baker, Esq. was appointed Court
Auditor for next year.
The license of F. Laube, Jr. of Saxon
burg was transferred to C. l.aabe.
At Xew Castle,last Friday afternoon. Att'y
Wintcrnitz. motioned the Court to quash
the indictments against Wallace, Tate,
Shaffer and Downing, in the bribery eases
for alleged errors. The motions were ar
gued Tuesday and held under advisement.
B. D. Stevenson, Jas Deer, Horace
Pierce, M. Eythe and Thos Lindsey were
appointed viewers in the cases of Win.
Baumgarten and John Sheets vs the Homo
Gas Co.
Xellie Finnell petitioned for divorce
from Michael Finnell.
Emma T. Steel and Owen Brady had
summons in partition issued.
C Barker to John T Martin 10 acres In
Buffalo twp. for >SOO.
S Stackhouse to W S Bingham 2 lots in
Centreville for S6OO.
J B McCurdy to 0 Black lot in 'Butler
for SBOO.
K S Johnston to Jos H Livingston 240
acres In Washington lor 1500.
M Wahl to W W Waters lot in Jackson
for f250.
Jo* Living-ton to Billiard Coal and
Coke Co 245 acres in Washington twp for
W and M White to R*Pollock lot in But
ler twp. for $225.
II Vogle to David Mcllvain lot in Evans
burg for 42500.
1) Mcllvain to Henry
Jackson for t4400.
1! SBto L M Hewitt lot in Butler for
A mortgagee of the Bntler Salt Mfg Co
to James D Glover for #23,000 was tiled
Marriage Licenses.
John H. Double Donegal twp
Verda Myers "
Henry Mitchell Natrona, Pa
Elizabeth Harvey "
James W. Fleming Buffalo twp
Zelma Fry "
L. A. Garfield Forward twp
Alice McMaster Forest Co
James Miller Middlesex twp
Tillie Boyd Clinton twp
Harry L. Richie Butler, Pa
Cora Patterson "
At Xew Castle—James W. Kuby of Mid
dle Lancaster and Annie McCrackeii of
East Brook, Lawrence Co.
At Indiana—W. 11. Scheiring and Eliza
Armstrong of Butler.
At Pittsburg—John Kline and Annie
Harbison of Butler Co.
What do you want for Christmas
Only two weeks and yon haven't
thought about it jet. Can we help
you out?
flow would you like a nice toilet
or manicure case for some of your
lady friend.-? Wo Lave them in
plush, wood, leather und metal case*,
and trujs with celluloid, anibr-r,
zyloniteaud metal fittings from $1.25
to sls. See our nice ten piece com
ttinaiion sot in plush cane for $4 75.
In tho line of plush good* wo have
in uddition.jowel cases with lock aud
key, pin cushion jewel cases, 11 styles
of work boxes, odor cases. We haye
something new this year in these,
canes fitted with powder and ♦wo
bottles of finest perfume. Nothing
nicer for a jrentleman to give a ladv
friend. We have some fine plush
papeteries in collar, cull and handker
chief cases; plush nut pick sets, game
But you're tired of plush goods and
want something else Well, then,
we've u nice line of decorated china
cups and saucers, after dinner coffee
sets, toast sets, Bonn, Royal Wor
cester, Japanese, etc ; vases, Jarden
ieres, etc ; bronze pitchers, figures,
mirrors and inkstands. Porcelain
panels, photo art pictures, umbrella
lamp bhadcf, baskets and so fi.auy
things we have not space to mention.
We want to call you special atten
tion to our display of photo albums,
which you will see in our windows
this week. We are noted for keeping
the best selection. Can't fuil to suit
you in style aud price as w<i have
over 100 patterns in every varioty of
colors, all the new shapes aud orna
ments, from 50c. to $lO. Remember
you can g;'t a plush album for 50c.
We have a new sty 1«; of Longfellow
album, three cabinets to a page, holds
9G to 120 pictures.
Stop in and see our stock when
you are passing by.
• 211 S. Main St.
Old No., 01.
(To be continued )
—lf I state that 1 have the largest,
Gotst, most tasty and best selected
stock in Butler I mean it. Anything
in the line of diamonds, watches,both
gold and silver; jewelry, silverware,
spectacles, clocks Ac., can be had at
the lowest possible prices. If you
will give me a call I'm sure I can
please you. Respectfully,J. B. Gripb,
120 S. Main St. Sign of Hlectric
A Terrible Accident.
One of the most distressing accidents
j that has ever happened in Hurler eonnty
; was that on the McEltree farm, near
Millerstown. la>t Sunday night.
A young man named IJan.-i 11 was on
; tour at an oil well, and had laid down and
fallen a.-leep alongside the boiler. Towards
morning the rope holding the weight <
the safety valve broke, the valve flew np,
and young Bar.sell was awakened by his
clothing being saturated with escaping
steam and scalding water. He was thrown
into such confusion by the sudden fright
and pain that he could not readily find the
door of the small room for escape, and be
fore he could manage to opeu the door, the
room had filled with steam aud he was
completely scalded. Then he started to
run to his boarding ho;;<e. bat fell by the
way, and was found and carried in "by the
man he boarded with and who jhail heard
the noise.
AYhen his clothing was removed nearly
his entire skin, some flesh, finger ai d toe
nails, aud hair came off, and he lingered in
jrreat agony till Tuesday afternoon when
death relieved him.
He was a young man had lately
been married to Miss Ilildebrand. of
Donegal Twp.
The Markets.
Onr grocers are paying 22 for butter, "■'>
for eggs, 90 for potatoes. 30 for turnips. 5
for cabbage, #1 -o for onions, $l5O for
bean*. 12i for dressed poultry.
piTTsnraa PRODUCE.
Hay from country wagons sl2 to sl4.niill
feed sl9 to #2O. w l e.it fee. to sl.Ol. outs
49 to .12, rye 7(1 to 78, ear com (57 to 72.
shelled com 02 to 65; clover seed ?4. Tim
othy seed $1.50; buckwheat Hour 24 and
Country roll butter 15 to 22. beans $2.2">.
potatoes on track $1 to sl.lO, jobbing sl.lO
to $1 20; cab!i:tge 3 and 4. onion.- r1.25,
turnips 35 to 40, tallow 4. Kggs in cast -
28 to 30, cold storage 2o and 24.
Dressed spring chicken 11 and 12. dress
ed duck 13 and 14. dressed turkey 12 '0 14.
Chestnuts $4 a bu., 'walnuts 50,shillbarks
$2 25
Pbeasaut.s s■"> a dosen, gray squirrel
sl.2s, rabbits 30 cts. a pair.
At Herr'n Island, llonday.prime to extra
corn-fed steers sold at to i>\, lair to good
sold at 4j to 5, and common at 31 to 4.
bulls and dry cows lj to 3, aud veal calves
at 5J to (ty.
Baies ot prime sheep were made at 4} to
st, common to fair at 3i to 4. Lambs sold
at 4i to as to condition.
Country hogs sold at 3j to 3s, aud corn
fed at
Closed Monday at G2, Tuesday at G4i
Wednesday at 64£
—lt will pay traders attending
the lD6titute to cu!i at Alex Wil
liams' Music Store to we bis i:«rge
line of Pianos and Orgaa3 and email
musical instruments.
Special drive in Beaver Hats at
M F. .t M MARKS'.
—You are invited to see my Sue
selection of watches, diamonds, jewel
ry, silverware, clocks, Ac. My
prices will surprise ycu. J. R. Grieh,
No. 120, S. Main St., IJutler, Fa.
Sign of Electric Bell.
Handkerchiefs, mufflers, etc., at
—Largest line of Holiday Goods
in Butler at. the 5-ceot Store, opposite
Savings Bank.
—What would be a more appro
priate gift for an old lady or gent
than a fine pair of gold spectacles. I
can promise you a fiue selection and
at bargains. J. R. Grieb, 120 S.
Main St.
All kinds of Ribbons
at D T PAI'E'S,
122 S. Main St.
—See those elegant cuff and collar
boxes, work baskets und odor cases
at Hedick's.
Handkerchiefs for children,
Handkerchiefs lor ladies,
Handkerchiefs for men,
Hemstiched Handkerchiefs,
Bt 1> T. RAPE'S,
122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Have you seen the most elegant
stock of watches, clocks, jewelry,
silverware, spectacles, etc., in Butler?
You must call at >'o. 120 S. Main
St., if you want something tine for u
holiday present. Respectfully,
.J. R. Grieb.
Alex. Williams has still a few
premium pianos left, which he is sell
ing at reduced rates for the Holidays.
—Don't miss seeing our Zephyr
Bonnets for children.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
Self winding office clocks a
specialty at C. F. T. Rape <fc Bro's,
VVill put them up, guarantee them,
and keep them iu repair for two
years. A simple electrical device
takes the place of the monotonous
daily or weekly winding
—J. R. Grieb is offering special
bargains during the holiday season In
watches, clocks, jewelry, diamonds,
silverware, spectacles, iVc. No. 120
S. Main St., Butler, Pa Sign of
Electric Bell.
—C. F. T. Rape & Bro. have the
finest assortment of rings in Butler.
Call and examine them at 122 South
Main St.
Pianos and Organs for Christmas
Gilts,slo cash, and sls per month till
paid for, at Alex. Williams' Popular
Music Store.
Liuen Handkerchiefs,
Mourning Handkerchiefs,
Handkerchiefs of all kinds,
Handkerchiefs for everybody,
at I). T RAPE'S,
122 S. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Holiday Goods.
A fine line of fine silverware, just
the thing for a Christmas gift at
139 X. Main Sr.
—Call anil get prices on watches,
clocks, etc., for holiday gifts at 0. F.
T. Papo it Bro.'s, 122 S. Main St.
—The Anti-Busting Tinware
guaranteed against rust for three
years, at IIKNUV BIKIJL'H,
No. 122 X. Main St., liutler, l'a.
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Bakery.
One hundred pieces all Silk Uib
boo, from 5c to 15c per yard.
M. F. k M. .MARKS.
—Don't buy a wrap until you have
inspected our immense stock of plush
ciatri and jackets, cloth and stockinet
jackets. We can surely saye you
big money.
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CITI/KN oflice.
Fine cakes at the City Bakery.
—Zuver's Pictures leuve nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Anything to be found in a first
class jewelry store at .1. II Grieb, 120
S. Main St. Sign of hlectric Bell.
Burglars Caught.
On Tti' Mar night <'f w k thieve
entereil Aland'- merchant tailiw-insr e>tal
lishment by way oJ a back window, and
stole nine made* to-order coat*,eleven pair
of pants and some vests.
Next day Co. Detective Allen nr< iv.-.i
information from a woman hv which he
was able to locate t!ie goods, which wer
hid under the tank-shop ;n rear of the
Opera House and covered with shaving-:
and then he seen red the services ol Sheriff
Kramer to aid him in arre-tir.tr the thieves.
After sapper Sheriff Kramer crawled up
under the tu:ik->hon and hid himself near
the poods, and Allen kept wat.ii in the
Charley Hew ins pauasd, carrying a large
satchel, and I.id it in a water-closet near
the tank sb.«p: an 1 soon after Charles Me
JJride, a man who has been working about
the livery stables of i!nt;er, came along
with a railroad man.to wh<"i, ,ie was . ndeav
oring to sell a suit Meßride crawled up
under the tank-shop f«»r the clothes, and
Kramer grabbed hin\ and he was taken
before the Ju.-tiee and committed.
Then Kramer, and Allen, and Policeman
ilcCandle-.- want t<» lltwins' house to
arrest him. liewins refused to open his
door and threatened to kill the first man
that entered. The officers broke open the
door and found liewins armed with a
hatchet, and they had to cover him with
their pistols before he would submit, lie
was then taken to jail, i:;d wi h Meßride,
will have a hearing to-day. M(-Bride is
said to be a Beaver Co. man.
Toys! Toys! Toys!
CHRISTMAS will soon be here
What are you going to do to make it
a bright spot in childhood's history '
Childhood is only once in onr lives.
Joys can be purchased now for
a penny, and there is trouble enough
in after years. Let ns paiat the com
ing Christmas a brigLt, big red-letter
day, always to be remembered
Do you say ycu can't afford it?
Do you know wL.it a quarter will
do at the :> cent Store Do you know
tb.'vt that quarter will give mote joy
to that little boy or cirl now tban
any amount in after years.
Our stock is larger tban ever be
fore Our prices are lower. We
have anything, and everything. Such
funny toys,pueb pretty presents. Tbe
largest and cheapest toy book j . Ilare
value in albums. Big line of cups—
children's, ladies', and mustache.
Dolls, dolls! Ob! see them.
Come and s<e us,whether you wish
to buy or not, acd il you buy of us
our great variety acd low prices will
help bring joy to some little life and
we will be contented. We wish you
all a merry Christmas.
Remember the place, the 5-cent
Store, opposite Bern's and Savings
Banks. W. M XICKLE.
—lf you want a nice cheap hat
get one of those 75c Felts.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
—\ great variety ol elegant fancy
goods for the holidays at Iledick's.
You are invited to call and see them.
—Cloaks, cloaks, cloaks,— best
values in plush, cloth and stockinet
garments, at
—Silverware in endless varietv at
C. F. T. Tape & Bro.'s, 122 S. Main
St. The gentleman who wishes to
present his wife or sweetheart wiih
a Chrirlmas token in the best taste
and style will call at C. F, T. I'ape
& Bro's before tbe holidays.
For Sale Cheap.
A good brick dwelling house, sit
noted in Butler, for particulars in
quire of JOHN H. BEIIJER,
—Big line of Albums at tbe 5 cent
Store, opposite Savings Bank.
—Wheeler Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, I'a
—Clocks in onyx, marble, iron,
wood, nickel, gilt, and ornaments to
match, at J. It. Grieb's, 12ft S Main
St. Sign of Electric Bell.
A full lino of fa-cinators ai.d
mittens at PAPE'B.
—Travellers' casts, smokers' sets>
whisks and holders, toilet mirn rs,
manicure sets, brush and comb cases
shaving sets—in plush, leather, cellu
loid and silver, at Iledick's.
—Diamonds at J R. Grieb's, 120
S. Main St. Sign of Electric Bell.
Our double heel and knee stock
ing is the cheapest and best for school
wear. M. F. <fe M. MARKS.
—We can save you money on plush
co.:t", cloth jackets, stockinet jackets
and children's garments, at
—Home-made bread at the City
—lce cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
—Take your children to Zuvet's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Anderson building.
—Qeuuine Hand made Harness for
$0 at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s,
21C \V. Cunningham St.
—Gold specs and eye glasses at J.
H. Grieb's, 120 S. Main St. Sign of
Electric Bell.
—Go to Martincourt <fc Co.'s and
buy two horse blankets for what one
costs elsewhere.
—Bargains in stockinet jackets at
$2 50, $:5, $4, |5 and $4, all worth
from $1 to more, at
— 5-A Horse Blankets cheap at
210 W. Cunningham St.
To the Farmers.
If you want choice buckwheat flour
and a fair turn out, have your buck
wheat ground at (Jeo. Walter mill,
which is running day and night and
makes tbe best flour in the market.
GEO. WALTER, Butler, I*a.
—Genuine Hand-made Harness for
$9 at MARTINCOLUT & Co.'s,
210 W. Cunningham St.
Holiday Excursions.
On December 21th, 2. r j;h and 31st,
18IiO, and January Ist, 1891, ticket
agents of t! < Pittsburg Ac Western
Ry. will sell excursion tickets to all
local stations, lit excursion rates. All
tickets good to return until January
sth, inclusive.
—Fine watches at J. 11. Urinb'a,l2o
S. Main St. Si#n of Electric lie!I.
—J. J. Iteiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and stockraisore to know
that he still deals in sto<k of all kinds.
Any persona having anv to well
should address Ll ni LOOK BOX 926,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Iteiber, Jefferson St.
Fascinators at 25, 40, . r »0, 75 cts.
and $ 1 at
—You never saw a good assort
ment of robes, harness,
buiryies, carl.- »ud everything in th« ir
line in your i • unites vou have been
to Mariiucouri »V. Co., nor never will
bto tiiem till you go there.
LAn Attractive Feature
jAt our store just no'.v is the
| beautiful line of iioli a\
; Goods, all selected with care
land in exquisite taste. We
j show the latest doLnis. Our
! prices are not more than asked
elsewhere for goods of inferior
quality. Come t<; .ur stor>'.
whether you wish to |;;rchasei
or not. No trouble to show :
good.--. ;ind polite attention
given to all. Our stock of fine
perfumes, both in bottle and
bulk, was never greater than
at present. We give you the
very best and save you money
at our store.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Christmas Presents.
Greater variety, prettier and cheap
er this year tban ever before, i have
the best hue of Holiday Goods ibis
year that I ever bad I want every
body to pee them, and I extend a cor
dial invitation to the public to call
and examine them.
Xo pi-rsoa is expected to buy unless
Pee what tbey want at prices to
suit tbem. 1 know 1 bave nice
goods. I know they are cheap, and
will be pleased to show them to you
whether you buy or not. Call early
while the stock is full at
Drug Store, next door to Lowry
Mrs. Beecher's Story.
It is granted to but few women to be
part of such an eventful life as has been
that of the wife of Henry Ward Beecher.
Xo man of this century had snch a busy
life.filled with .so many honors and achieve
ments; and t<> vi.-w such a career through
the eve.s of hi- life-long companion is a
pleasure rarely given to a public. Mr.
Beecher was a lover of the domestic fire
side. "My home is my temple," he once
said, and in that home he gathered round
him wh&t his nature loved best: birds,
flowers, and dainty bits of china and costly
gems. If he was great in public life, Mr.
I teacher was greater in his home-life. In
the one capacity he gave himself to public;
in the other he reserved himself for his
family. In this latter light lie will be
viewed by his widow in a notable series of
reminiscent papers in Tin Lmliis' IIHIIK
Journal, of Philadelphia, during 1891. The
articles will cover the entire period of their
marriage from their first year of married
lite, when the couple lived ou S3OO for
twelvemonths, until the closing of Mr.
Botcher's great career. Airs. Beecher will
tell of "Mr. Beecher as I Knew Him," and
thousands will gladly listen to her interest
ing story.
We Pay Salary
and expenses to LI V K AdRXTS, men or
women. Xo drones wanted. Work steady
year round and cash weekly. Good pa}'
for part time, l ine outfit free. Experi
ence not needed. Send references and
stamp at once. J. I; i-«. I:.N- K WniTSEV,
Rochester, N. V.
I trThi.- tirni is perfectly responsible.
The Pittsburg Weekly Com
mercial Gazette.
Brimful of news and interesting
reading matter.
It is a paper for the farm and lire
It is a clean, attractive, and a care
fully-edited eight-page weekly news
papfr lor only $1 per year. Or wc
will send the CITIZEN' and the Week -
ly Commercial Qazzlle lor one year
for $2.30 a year, in advance.
—lce (Team at last Mimmer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY HIEIIL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, J'a.
—Buy tbe Lansing Wagon—it is
the best. For sale by
122 N. Main St., Butler, l'a.
Fine table lincus, fancy towels,
tidies und stamped linens in greut
variety at
—Our Ladies' Wool Hose at. 25
cents can't be beat. All other grades
at bargain prices.
—White aproDs at all prices,tidies,
fancy towels, fine lineu table sets,
stamped linens, etc., at
Largest line of silks, velvets end
dress goods in the county at less
than former prices, at
Two Good Papers at a Bargain.
We have made arrangements by which
we ein furnish Tin- Ohio Farmer, the lead
ing agricultural, live stock, and family
journal of this country, and the CITIZEN
both one year, pottage paid,for only #2 40.
Thi- is a bargain that every farmer should
Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN tifliee,
Buy the Kighme patent shirt at
J. 1\ HA I/I MI,
\V ill open bis new
Drug Si<>re
next week.
Sec liis I [olidav
CJoorls bo tore buying.
|~. ■; _ _ ; ;-fe <£*U- ,„*,&?* V
L .' iiLi- -, '•• *£« a
One of tlio most successful openings took .place at
our store Friday and Saturday, Nov. 28 and 29. Thou
sands of people came to see our New Stock of fine
Fl RXi rrUE, and everyone said to us, you have the
finest line of goods we have ever seen. So we have. It
will pay any person in Butler county to visit our store. We
have a cheap line of Furniture. Don't fail to see our Bed
Room Suit, in tine polished oak, for #25; Fine Polished
Rockers, upholstered in plush, #4.50; a Nice Wood Seat Rock
er for $ 1.
Don't fail to see our stock before selecting vour CHRIST
Campbell & Templeton,
A. Troutman <fc Son's old stand, - - Butler, Pa.
To the Grand Christmas Opening at
My pictures are the talk of the town.and
those who mi s seeing my lines of Etch
ings, Engravings, t'liotogravures Photo
graphs, Pastel and Water Color Paintings,
are unfortunate, indeed.
I have "00 Remark Proof, and Artist's
Etchings and Prints, selected with great
car<s and good taste from the lines of the
three leading publishers in this country, 40
of Taber's and other photogravures, and
300 Tabor's Artotype-. which with many
Oleographs, Chroiuos and Paintings, make
the best line of pictures to be had in East
ern markets.
1 make a specialty of Artistic Framing
and can frame anything from a Marriage
License to a house and lot. An old pie
tur.- v-ith a new frame i-> often as good as
new and will make a nice present.
\~rf 1 call particular attention to my lines
of Bamboo and Hard Wood Easels, and
my Frames for cabinet photographs.
Withont doubt my line of Hooks excel
any ever displayed in llutler. 1 have a
complete line ol the standard 12 mos at
l"Je and 35c. Fifty different I'oets in gilt
edge at (>sc each—all the most popular
books now extant. In gilt books 1 haveail
the gems of th- season and can simply ask
you to see them before going elsewhere.
with patent index, $lO. Webster's I'na
bridged for >*2.50.
lce for pale at the City Bakery.
—Martincourt & Co., 210 W. Cun
ningham St., has more robes and
horse blankets than you seen in
your life.
Farmers, Here is a Chance.
The Commercial Gazette, of Pitta
burg, is the friend of the farmer. It
favors relieving farmer* of taxation
to the extent that corporations can
bear; in fact, it is the farmers' friend
in everything that is just and reason
able. The coming session of the
Legislature and Congress will be of
preat interest to the agricultural
class, and all news of importance to
them will be fonnd in the Weekly
Commercial Oazilte. Its market
reports are the authorities for buying
and uell'ng in Pittsburg, where it is
recognized as such by ail daalers.
Don't be without it. It will save
you annually many times the price of
its subscription. Send for it at once.
Send your subscription to this oßice
when it will be forwarded to Pitts
—New kid gloves, cloth gloves,
mittens, hosiery and underwear at
lower prices than ever, at
The highest, prire paid for buck
wheat at Geo. Walter mill, Hutler, I'a.
Silver ware of all kinds at
J. It Git IE it's,
I2'J S. Main St
—We will have a full line of trim
med Hats and Bonnets until .lan. Ist.
—Tie up your horse with a 75c. j
hand made leather halter. Martin
court & Co.. 216 W. Cunningham
St., have them.
—5-A Horse Blankets cheap at
216 W. Cunningham St.
ato W tttirfe CtlifctAUt* j
Would miss it? See Southeast
Corner c f this "ad."
Have Presents for All !
Fine Pict tires. Frames, Easels,
Gold Pens. Books, Books and Books
Bocks in Sets, Gift Books, ,Juv.
uile Books anil Poems.
1 P'u.-b, Metal and Leather Toilet
Cases. Odor Cases, Mauicure and
I Shaving Sets, Cuff and Collar Boxes,
i Glovi; aiid Handkerchief Doses, Cl
ear Boxes, Smoker's Sets, Albums,
H.md Mirrors, Triplicate .Mirrors, Ac
t'iluTO, JB IN AtL
| A I'TO. ■% fl # 1 LINES
SCKAFO. \\ %# M tow.
Is what we are sroing to talk about now, and we are poing to tell yon abont
LOW PRICE you can obtaiu a suit of it for.
| Our stock of men's, youths', boys' and
children*' clothing is larger
than ever.
We have
galore,and what is l>ettet,at a price that CANNOT be duplicated elsewhere.
CHILDREN'S WEAR is something that most people are interested
in and we have got
The nicest lint in town: also a large assortment of JERSEY SUITS In
addition to the above we have an immense stock of Hats, Neckwear, Under
wear, Glovts and Gents' Furnishings.
Come and see us, we will treat you well. Yours, Anxious to please,
11. Schneideman
The Peoples Clothier.
104 S. Main St. - Hutler, -Pa.
The unfl» i sl/nrd will &ell t»l* fnrm,r<»ntulnlnjf
si .1 > arre*> I* «>r«* «>r !• -n. ami locate! in Adam*
Iw |».. on f lit* I v;*!»•*»•urff uml Mirs road, near
,n«»ii liiill ami Myoma i ihons on the P. & \v.
li I: ami >««*ar Uf « all'Tv oil llelil.
It contain a liou**. jror>d bank
• ntMIIHUMs tfOfMl onimnl. I<*nH
ao«l irtH <1 <ri«♦ui»tl. two *>f»i 11»i; - near hoiiw* pump
miMfi, <mi .in i»» k'«*i order.
Inquire of or
M yoma R <j ,
butler Co., Pa.
Th(> Beautiful French Doll, the fine express
wagon and the pretty picture and story
books arc some of the special attractions
and ar« worth coming miles to nee, ospeci
j ally since it costs you nothing,
1 Head the county paper* eack week, for
they will suggest lots of new ideas about
Christmas presents.
IIC Bft!
IV hile you look lor the locals in another
place. They will tell you many things
about Mile. Sarah,the Juvenile Books,and
last but not least
From any Railroad Station within ten
miles of Butler I will refund amount ofcar
fare both ways with purchases amounting
to Six Dollars.
From any Kail road Station in Butler Co.
1 will refund lull amount of car fare both
ways with purchase* amounting to Ten
C\>me to Butler. It will cost you noth
ing, arfd jou will find my prices the low
i est.
N. B. —This offer does not only include
Holiday Goods, but Wall Paper, Window
Blinds and Stationery.
From now until Xnias Bay.
,J WANTED. j||
Travellßß nuil »-K-ftl. «» * r " out choice aurw-ry
k. •ulllnsr opeclalUtw in bartly (run*.
«ii- miU'iiUM out fit rrei». Htchdy rmnlojmesit
inarunt..•«!, V»ur p»y wwkljr. Writ* forUrni!-.
< '•! *t« r, S. T.
r lltc> Oj . I ■
.. ««* N * •Urn.*,