Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 12, 1890, Image 2

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ftttCftlTTlOJl wxrm-TOWTAQM pufud :
yrw. rMT. MM® COOBty .11^0
EE County -two
Parable to Adrane*.
Catoirf al ?«««■«• st Batter as M elaaa aalter
~Of ««cb twae of Use cmoof some eitracoplea
M printed vklcti art sent » citizens Of the
SinW WHO are not subscriber* and taetr eub
■crtptW" la r ep*df*Jy solicited.
will do »• » f * Tor W sending us
the ot tuetr neighbors, ik* now UJttag a
eouuty r*per.
All oommtmicstiin* intended for publication
in this p*per mart be accompanied by the real
ot the wnter, not for publication bnt ac
a guarantee of rood faith,
M*niage and death notice* must be aeootu
paxued by a responsible came.
Kiiit**2 Senator Cameron nor Senator
Quay attended the caucus of Republican
Senators at Washington, Wednesday night,
and Cameron has declared against the
Federal Election Bill.
It is said that in the organisation of the
nest State Senate, Mr. E. W. Smiley of
Franklin ■will be promoted from Journal to
Chief Clerk, and the late Reading Clerk to
Journal Clerk. Thi« will make the position
of R«ad»ng Clerk vacant and Mr. James M
Carson of this town is an applicant for it.
Mr. Carson is in every way qualified for
for tfcc position, he is probably as mer
itorious and as deserving as any other ap
plicant. and we wish him success.
A Surprising Failure.
Early, Friday morning of last week, the
firm of Delamater Jk Co. bankers of Mead
ville, Pa., which was composed of G B.
Delamater and his two sons, Thomas A.
and Geo. Wallace, late candidate for Gov
ernor, entered judgments against them
selves and in favor of family creditors to
the amount of over one-bandred thousand
dollars, and then filed an assignment to
two citiserj - of the town.
The total liabilities of the bank, which
include $160,000 of the State's money, on
deposit there; $50,000 of the money of
Crawford county; *7,000 of the connty Sher
iff's money and the general deposits are
estimated all the way from half a million
to eight-hundred thousand, and the assets
at about half that amount, and subject to
tho "customary great shrinkage."
An attorney of the.town who has a num
ber of claims against the bank for collec
tion is quoted as follows:
"Taking into consideration the fact that
the bank owes #IOO,OOO to the State and
over <50,000 to the connty, knowing the
amonnt of certificates of deposit in my
h Mids for collection and claims in the
hands of other attorneys, also the fact that
$40,000 to $45,000 of discounted notes in
tho bank have been turned over to the
M ercbaata' Kational Bank to secure mon
ey borrowed, I think the liabilities can
not be less tbsn $500,000. Also, knowing
the tact thst money was borrowed by the
bank on Thursday, to pay checks present
ed that day, and knowing that 430,000 to
960,000 was borrowed in Philadelphia on
Thursday last, 1 feel justified in saying the
assets of the bank are little or nothing."
The immediate cause of the failure, is
snppoeed to bare l»een heavy campaign ex
penses, among which is a reported loan ol
120,000 to Qoay; and.to G. W's unfortunate
business connection with a man named
McParlane of Philadelphia, President of a
fraudulent insurance company, by whom
s reported to hare been compelled to
pay tOO,OOO. during the campaign to pre
vent a scandal.
Notwithstanding the reported causes of
the failure and tbe fact that the filing of
the preferred claims was an imposition upon
the general run of depositors, nothing but
sympathy was at first expressed for Mr.
Delamater's misfortune, but when it be
esme known that be spent a day or two
jreceedlng the failure in Philadelphia, and
while there borrowed large sums of money
aggregating from thirty to fifty thousand
dollars, from his personal friends, and
reached home Friday morning, Jnst in time
to sign.tbe assignment papers, and did not
return the borrowed money, sympathy
turned to contempt; and unless he does re
torn this borrowed money, he must be
condemned M* common and most un
grateful scoundrel.
What a "vindication" this whole busi
ness—Delamater's nomination, defeat and
feilore bas been to the man who forced bis
nomination upon the Republican party of
the State—M. S. Quay—from tbe aseanlte
made upon his private and public life; and
what a lesson it is to,as as to the evils of
personal or machine politics. Let as take
the lesson to heart*and profit by it.
Statu Treasurer, Boyer is entering
Delamater <fe Co's l-ond in every connty
in the state in which tbe firm was known
to hare any Interests, in the hope of saving
part of that 9100,000, but tbe general
opinion seems to be that he will lose
it all.
Of Monday nlgbt of this week there
were rumors of the failure of John Wan
aroakcr of Philadelphia, Postmaster Gen
eral, but there was nothing of it, and the
stories are supposed to bare been started
for iitoek-Jobbing purposes.
Ccxi'BKsnmav Frank's proposed appor
tionment law makes the whole number of
members of Congress, 350, and gives Penn
sylvania, thirty of them.
Dwt'TV Sec 'y of the Commonwealth,
Longeneckcr was appointed to fill out
Sec.y Stone's unexpired tirm.
Thk New York Conrt of appeals, or
Supremo Court, decided the Campbell-
Arbuckle breach of promise case in faror
of "Baby-Bunting" and "Bunny" will bare
to pay oyer that $49,000.
Teachers' Institute,
Co. Supd't McCollough was in town, this
week, arranging with Prof. Mackey, for the
Institute of next week.
The Butler teachers have aiso arranged
for a reception to be given tbe county
teachers, and they can expect to pass a
pleasant and profitable time while in
The instructors agreed upon are Profs. Z.
X. Huydcr of Indiana, Pa., 0. E. I.es)in of
Chicago, A. E. Malt by of Slippery rock, A.
B. Wiuship of Boston, Geo. J Lackey of
Pltt»hurg,and R. D. Crawford® of Tidioute,
Tho officers of the Institute are Sup'ts
McCollough and Mackey; Rec. Sec'y, Ada
Findley; Enrolling Sec'y, J. P. Hutsler;
Car. Sec'y, W. M. Campbell; Ex. Com., G.
V. Kennedy, G. P, Weigle and G. D. Gib
•on; Com. on Resolutions, L. L. Fleeger,
F. E. Knicb and Clara Bteffy.
The evening entertainments will be as
Monday evening, Hon. Henry Hall, of
Mercer Co., will speak of "Tbe Coming
On; Tuesday evening Hon. George A.
"Wendllng will discuss tbe subject, "Ig
Death the End!" .
On Wednesday evening there will be a
concert, and on TLarsday erenlng Dr.
Hansen will speak on "Gunnery."
Tbe Institute will meet and organize
Monday morning and that afternoon at
1:30 Lev. McQuis'.ioo, Esq., will make the
s4dress of welcome, k H. Young, of
Washington Twp., the response, and then
tbe regular program will be taken up.
Tbe Directors' Meeting will In) bold lo
the Arbitration room, Thursday afternoon,
beginning at 1;30.
A Change Needed.
(Continuedfrom last tecek.)
Having then considered the defect in the
National Constitution, that made the evil
possible, and given a brief account et the
poetical career of the man who originated
and perfected this system of politics for
Pennsylvania, let us inquire into its
What are the elements of the power of
the "machine" over menf
Money, position and promise of position.
Simon Cameron accumulated wealth by
speculation, and was at least suspected,
particularly in the Senatorial election ol
1857, when the three Democrats voted for
him, of using some of it to advance his
political interests, and on the other hand,
when Congress passed a vote of censure
• upon him, it most have had reasons for be
lieving that he himself was making money
out of the Army contracts.
I And coming down to recent events; a
few weeks before tho late election it was
heralded all over this State that Senator
Don Cameron had become dissatisfied with
the Quay and Andrews management of the
campaign, so far as the Legislature wae
concerned, and that he had placed SIOO,OOO
in Ex-Chairman Cooper's hands for special
use in doubtful legislative districts; and
taking it for granted that this statement
was true; What did it mean?
Bribery >nd nothing but bribery; the
very thing that met with our determined
opposition in this Congressional district
this Fall, and cost as a Congressman.
That action or alleged action on the part
of Senator Cameron was an insult to every
honest Republican in the State, and was or
ought to have been particularly offensive
to every Republican candidate for the
Legislature; for it meaut that he was buy
ing bis re-election by buying their elec
Senator Cameron has yet to deny this
statement publicly and until he does so no
honorable man can veto for his re-election.
The second and by far tbe greater ele
ment of power in "machine" politics is
patronage, and let us see what the Federal
patronage in this State amounts to.
First, there are one hundred and ninety
three Presidential postoffices in this State,
that is, offices whose incumbents are ap
pointed by tbe President and confirmed by
the Senate, and each of these offices has
employees, ranging from ten in a town of
the size of Butler to about two thousand
in Philadelphia, the largest town; and then
there are some four thousand smaller post
Second, the several districts of the In
ternal Revenue service in the State, and
the appointments under it; and tbe
Marshals and District Attorneys, and other
officers connected with the Federal
Judiciary in tbe State.
And besides the Federal patronage,there
are the numerous positions to be filled
about the State Capitol building and De
partment buildings, and if you add them
all up you will find that there is quite an
army of them, and they all, for years, bare
been controlled by the "machine" in this
We do not wish to be understood; as in
sinuating that a single Republican office
holder in this State would violate his con
science for the purpose of retaining his
office, but there is not an appointment in
tbe gift of tbose in power in tbe State but
bas its influence, and this influence
bas, in this State, since tbe days of Simon
Cameron, been used to dictate State
nominations and control, as far as ponsible,
tbose of tbe counties and districts, par
ticularly as to Representative offices, and
it has also been used to defeat parly nomi
nees in county and district who would not
submit to the dictation of tbe bosses, when
such dictation was contrary to their idea*
of right and wrong, and contrary to the
best interests of the public.
Your manhood or your head bas always
been tbe rule of tbe "machine" in this
Another great evil of "machine" rule in
the Republican party of this State has
been tbe keeping out of high office of tbe
best men who offered their services.
We have referred lo tbe defeat of Thad
deus Bterens, in caucus, by Simon Cam
eron, and there are other instances.
William D. Kelly, "the father of tbe
House" at Washington, and one of tbe best
advocates of Protection in tbe country,
wished a seat In the Senate but the Cam
erons said No.
Galusha A. Grow, ex-speaker of the
House at Washington, and one of tbe best
financiers in the country, triod to gain a
seat in the Senate time and again, and
always met the opposition of tbe Camerons
and ibelr "machine."
A man like Don Cameron would not
want a statesman from this State sitting
alongside him in tbe Senate, for in that
case be (Cameron) would be a still more
insignificant member of that body than he
is now.
The last time Mr. Grow triod for tbe
Senate, Don. had selected Harry Oliver, a
Pittsburg millionaire, tor the place, some
of the members of tbe Legislature, iuclud
ing one from tbis county, objected to both
the man and tbe dictation, and defeated
him, and a compromise was made on an
other man.
Our member came home, bis course was
approved of by the majority Ot his con
stituents aud he was renominated, but
when election day came around he was de
feated by tbe secret society within the
party, and a Democrat, an old tool of the
Camerons, was elected in his stood.
In regard to Presidential nomination*,
also, tho Republicans of this State have
beer imposed upon.
James G. Blaine, a native of tbis State,
and the foremost statesman of the country,
has been onr choice for years, and yet Don
Cameron, at the head of the Pennsylvania
delegation, and with the aid of the unit
ruin, straw candidates and premature
State conventions, not only prevented us
from aiding in bis nomination, but used the
delegation against him in two National
W hen our people were given a chance to
vote for Blaine they gave hi>n eighty thou
sand majority,but yet the State iu con Ten
linn was arrayed agaiust him, and
if be had remained in tbis State and
had lived in a conferee district his political
head would have been in tbe machine's
waste basket long ago. He never could
have become a National character. It was
well for him that he emigrated.
If Don Cameron and James G. Blaine
were running before tbo Republicans o'
Pennsylvania to-day for tbe office of U. S"
Senator, who wo-ild secure Itf Tbo ques
tion almost answers itself. But the people
do not elect Senators direct, and Don
with the aid of tls secret society, expects
to pull through.
Cameron's term expires next March, and
his successor Is to be elected by the legis
lature that meets next month. He has
held tbe office for fourteen years, and if ho
has any qualifications for the office what
ever, he has yet to make the fact apparent.
On tbe contrary he seems to value the
position more lor tbe social prestigo it
gives himself and family in tbe society of
tbo National capital than for any other
consideration. We bear more of bis aristo
cratic life, and of bis hobnobbing with an
ex Rebel general, than of any other of his
He even seems to be too lazy or incom
petent to run tbe machine bo inherited
himself; Quay and Mackey ran It tot him
for a while; then Mackey died and Quay
ran it himself, and ran himself into tbe
Senate aud into the Chairmanship of the
National Committee, and finally Into tbe
ground. At least It bioks that way Just
Cameron is one of the many millionaires
now in the Senate of the United States
and though some of these millionaires may
be good business men so far as their own
affairs are concerned, in the Senate Cham
ber they are nonentities. "and on all great
measure* they forced to follow
the leaders like- a flock of sheep.
These men have brought the Senate into
disrepute with the Nation, and they have
injured the party. Take the McKinley bill,
for instance, of the merits of which there
was a difference of opinion among the
leaders. In that case these millionaires
sat dumb and witless in their seats, and
the bill was haggled over for months, and
finally passed on the eve of the election
which gave its enemies an opportunity to
misrepresent it, and it was misrepresented,
and the party lest several States at the
late election by this misrepresentation.
With the right kind of men in the Senate
that bill would have been disposed of
within a reasonable time, and the party
would have been saved part ot its late hu
| If there is any good reason why the peo
ple ol Pennsylvania, through their Repre
sentatives at Uarrisburg, shoull continue
J. Donald Cameron in the United States
Senate, it should be made known; if it is
to continue to be a mere matter of money
and patronage, the office should go to the
Philadelphia millionaire, who is reported
to be willing to give a round million for it,
but if the Republican party is to deserve
and hold the continued support of the
people o! the State we think it high time
that we were sending a man to the U. S.
Senate who has shown some indication of
having the capacity and knowledge neces
sary for the position, a man in touch with
the people, and one who will really and
truly represent or endeavor to represent us
I It is impossible fur a man of little or no
acquaintance over the State to suggest a
| nauie, xnd in fact men of ability and in
tegrity have betn so kept down in this
State by the "machine" that there are no
men of pre eminent ability and stamina
now known to the public, but a change can
be made and ehoold be made, and when
it becomes known that the two prettiefj,
roses in the gift of the people of the State
can be fairly and honorably be won by
merit, there are those who will qualify
themselves lor wearing them.
With the present membership of the
Legislature, twenty-six Republicans will
have to stand together in Ibeir determina
tion to bring about this imperatively neces
sary change. We hope that a majority of
the Republican members will see the best
interests of the party, the State and the
Nation and do no, and that they will refuse
to vote for the re-election of J. Donald
Cameron, or any other millionaire, under
any consideration; and will vote only for
a man of merit and integrity, a man of the
people, and one who will pledge himself
to use his best endeavors to secure an
Amendment to the National Constitution,
placing the election of United States Sena
tors and ail other important Federal officers
where they belong—in the hands of the
people and subject to their direct vote.
The Caucu ..
ME. EMTOH: —WE notice much is being
said at present as to the election by the
coming Legislature of the United States
Senator to represent Pennsylvania in place
of Don Cameron. Wo notice also that
caucus is sometimes spoken of as the
meant by which to determine the Repub
lican choice. This caucus idea is so much
at variance with the spirit and letter of the
law on the subject of choosing United
States Senators that we beg leave to call
attention to the-law.
By the Act ol Assembly of January 11,
lho7, it in directed that, "On the 3d Tues
day of January, if the Legislature shall
have been organized, each House shall
openly, by a rira rod vote of each mem
her present, name one person for Senator
in Congress from this State"—
Then, "at 12 o'clock of the day following
the members of the two Houses shall con
vene In joint assembly, and if the same
person shall have received a majority in
•-acb House, sueb person shall be declared
duly elected Sanutor; but if tho same per
son shall not have received a majority in
each ll'ium, the joint assembly shall then
prweed to choose, by a rira r ocr vote of
each member present, and the person hav
ing a majority of all the votos shall be de
clared dulj elected; and in case no person
shall receive such majority on the first day
tho said joint assembly shall meet each
succeeding day until a Senator shall be
liy the above it w ill be seen that it is a
legislative duty and should be done openly
in the legislature. No member can go into
a caucus and thus forego, or smother or
barter away the choice of his constituents
for a Senator, or bis own choice. Caucus
may do in some minor tilings, but not in
this high and important duty of electing u
United State* Senator. Ex.
OH Field Notes.
The low price of oil has put producers in
the notion of selling out to the Standard,
and there are sale* and rumors of sales.
(iuckert i Steele are reported to hmc
Hold their interest in the Amber-on, .Mc-
Lean'and Durr and other producing farms
lor <11.10,000, and Mc'-'ttinfless, itussull <1
Co. were offered $75,000 l«>r their interests
in the Humphrey.
The cohl weather and low price of oil
has also caused a decided let up in opera
tions. One operator said that "the under
ground storage rates at the present price ol
oil suit them better than iron tanks."
McCniidles- ,fe <,Vs No. 3 on the Humph
rey was "shot" last Friday and then start
ed gushing at the rata of .00 per hour or
over 1,000 a day.
Opeiaiious about Harmony and /.elienp'e
are lively and several new locations have
been mane. Capt. Marsh's well, two miles
smith of the town is reported to be good/
A dry hole was lately completed on the
Hunting, a few hundred feet south of th«
Kornrumpf gusher, and two or three weeks
ago a dry hole was drilled a lew hundred
feet north of it. The big well is yet gush
ing, but there Is danger all around it.
A dry ln>le wan lately completed on the
John McK i-an farm, "J miles south west of
M iirrinsville.
Knox A Grace have completed u well on
the Anderson, between Martinsburg atrl
Anuis, of which favorable reports are
Arters A Co. are drilling on the Henry
Daubenspeek near Annisville.
TllE Democrats will contest three ol the
late Congressional elections in this state.
Thos. 11. Greevy of Altona has served
notice on Edward Scull of Somerset, that
he will contest hit, seat, and the other
contest* are those of Klliott vs Hopkinn in
the Itfth district, and Craig vs Stewart in
th'j 24th.
West Sunbury Hems.
The town in taking on a new aspect.
Perry Titnbltu'n bouse is completed, and
the new U. P. Church is progessiog slowly.
School has again i oinmeticnd with a very
large attendance of industrious ntudontu,
every tiling Is moving along smoothly, and
the proiipeclii for u profitable term's work
is bright.
Clubbing seems to be the prevalent
manner of getting the "where with all"
that connects the mind and body. Three
clubs are In active operation at tne present
time, and three Industrious house keepers
can testify to tbe eating propensities of
each one.
A social was held In Academy Hall on
last Friday evening, and was enjoyed by
fjUlte a number <>f the students. Interest
nig declamations were given by I'rofs.
Moffat and Christley, and Mis* Coulter.
FOBTr thousand applications for "The
Birds ol' Pennsylvania" have already been
A block « ' -building <>n Liberty St.
Pittsburg, ci] :te the Tth Ave. Ilotcl,
and including Mapinn's cracker factory,
was burned I st Thnrsday night. and a
fireman uain< Figley was killed by a fall
ing trail.
The Xew C. tie Con rant says that the
big trestle of« i.e P. <t W. R. R. near Rock
Point will be ;<placed next Summer by a
substantial str :cture, and that the main
line of the P. <,'. W. if to be double tracked,
and made part if a great transcontinental
At Pittsbnr.' Monday, John Baer wa
found guilty manslaughter for the kill
ing ofThama »aly, last Sepember.
A ' onth baa been arrested lor
stealing a pia irom his mother.
A Scrantuii ouian, aged 70 years.work
out her road t. ~ every year.
Levi Braxeu'., of Chambersburg, owns a
hog that weighs 935 pounds and is still
fattening at ti»- rate ol three pounds ptr
While Mrs. f -arles Snyder, of Cartnel,
near Bridgetou. was preparing breakfast
on Saturday r ming she stirred rat poison
by miotake in \ie buckwheat cakes. The
error was discovered in time to prevent
The lish bo* at Erie have made big
hauls of blue >ike and herring this season.
A (store k< ej rat Sheakleyville, Mercer
county, bought 197 rabbits from hunters
lat>t week.
The Fair Fit cheese factory, at Spring
boro, Craw for county, turned out 131,015
Its. of cheese curing the season of 1890.
The cost of nih. nfactaring was $1,521, and
the net amonr.i paid to patrons was Sit,lso.
Citizens of -• * Castle have organized for
the purpose I erecting a hospital. A
committee wi - appointed to secure a
charter. The committee on site and build
ing estimate tfc probable cost at figure
ranging Irom *l<").000 to WO,OOO, according
to location.
Benj. P. Wh ler, an aged resident of
Stcambnrg. C *ford county, died a few
days ago from injuries received in a singu
lar manner. .le was foddering young
cattle in the !. 1, and carrying hay on a
fork in front oi him, when the cattle in
trying to gel i the hay knocked him down
and trampled i hi. ile died after sulTering
for eleven da;. Mr. Wheeler was 87 years
of age.
Charles Co. an, of Edinboro, died last
week as the r. .It of a wager made a few
weeks ago. I! lifted a heavy box on abet
and the over ertion brought on spina!
meningitis. 1 was about 30| j'ears old
and leaves a > three children, and an
aged mother.
A queer i. ident is reported, from
llubl,ard, O. \ few days ago William
Kimir.el, a bl; Mnith, was using a pair of
pinchers to p' . the shoe oft' a pony, when
the animal *1 ked, driving one of the
handles of the nehers into Kimmel'sbead
over the right < a.
Corry is in a ad way. The last issue ol
the improver.• t bonds of that city were
entrusted to t: banking firm of B. K.
Jamison and 1 <»,, of Philadelphia. The
firm failed an I « the bonds, worth sllO,
O'JO, were u cured, Corry people are
naturally agita'.jd.
M< CUMAN'K A t the home of his daughlei,
Mrs. Steveii i, in Salem Twp. Mercer
Co. N'ov. 27, I 00, Mr Samuel McClimans,
in the 77th > rof his age.
Mr. MoCliiu. is, was born in North
Washington, I» .ler Co. Feb. 5, 1814.
DUMAB8 —At her home in Greenville,
Nov. 27, 180 Mrs. Thomas S. l>umars,
in her 75it. ears. Mrs. I), was the
mother of Mi D. I). Back of Butler.
KKKK—At tf.• homo in East End, Pitts
burg. Saturd; , infant daughter of Sam'l
and Maggie 1 wall Kerr, aged 5 months.
Mi MI LI,EN—' Middlesex township, on
Wednesday, oveniUer 2fi, 1800, Eliza,
widow ol Joi. than McMillen.aged about
07 years.
ENKIOUT l:. . «, 1800, Butler, inlant
son of Daniel ;nright, aged 11 months.
FHISHKORN- »n the 27th of November,
1800, at Zcli- >ple, l'a,, Charles Edgar,
son of Fredci k A and Eucinda Frish
korti, ag«-d 'A . ;ars,2 months and 10 days.
WHKIIIT —At. i* homo in Butler, Satur
day Dec. <(, 1-. 0, Alexander Wright,aged
52 year*.
Mr. Wright ad been i>crioanly ill of
pneumonia h rheamatium fur notne
week*. and hi* '-ftth wan not unexpected
lie wan bore in Hutler in October of
Wife; eulintert the array in Augtwt of
IS»>2, and «n number of Co. A. lGlut
Keg Mi.ii;. ' d lufrantry until he wan
wounded in tlx. o-H thigh at the engage
meat at fsbepa. town, Va, in January of
IWS4, when he va» discharged. lie wa
elected Clerk « Court* ol Butler, and
nerved froin J« 1, 1871# to Jan. 1, 1882,
and since fhtt' .i-t been engaged in the
lnmrani " bu * '• lie ntoou well with bin
fellow nun am. ! bin death win reelected
by all.
Mi.i wife wl > maiden name wasMcKee
of near Kreepo and four children aurvie
Out of Sorts
Is a feeling pecul rto persona of dyspeptic ten
dency, or It may cau»ed hJ change of climate,
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pricious, the ncj \• i seem overworked, the mind
Is confused and ft i able. This condition finds an
ixeeUfntcorrHi in Hood's HarsaparUla, which,
by Its regulating 1 toning powers, soon restores
harmony to the tern, and gives that strength
of mind, nerves, ui <1 body, which make* one feel
perfectly well. N. B. Ik) sure to got
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggie . fl; alx forjui. Prepared only
by C. I lIOOH A < > . Apothecaries, I«ow«ill, Mass.
100 Dot oa One Dollar
List of Jui for Jan. 5, JB9l.
Mi-.! til "raver irora draw thin tilth day or
Novcnil'-r, A, I) <■!, to wrve aa Juror* at, a
term of court to mmence January fl, IMM:
Andre. miili l, I', view townutilp. firmer.
lir"v»ii W. I. . i rd towfiahtp, farmer
Mrowti ,l.n.,\S li MiWMlnp. iariu»r.
liarrliktuan. Ah .Vaahinsfton twp., farmer.
Conned, J. tt i ler, 3d Wml, birlx r.
Crail. W. f'.. I; '1 Ward, carriage »rim
'l"ri.. Wlillarn. rer fowimbln, miner.
Cummin*, I..): rcec towMbfp, miner.
< ir.vco. K. M„ h' rtrock township. farmer.
Coyle W. K„ li' i al township. farmer.
Campled. \V. 'itler. M Ward. gent.
1 xjwjody. .1. 11., rlon township, farmer.
Donahue. ,1. II i 'ly fotvnahlp. farmer.
iX.vioti, William <,rtb iGWtuililp farmer.
IKj'il.l»tt, IJ. 1',.. ' ovarii township. merchant.
ICakiu,h. I'., liilli' '.lll Ward. teamuler.
Klert, M llllum, Ai .:lieny town*; ip. producer,
Klalier, Jeitersor: oa fownshln, farmer
Kreilley, John, 1 l|e«nx titwuidilp. farmer,
uiulali'-r Mielift'. lay township, firmer.
Call ilier, Neal. < I nvrntthlp. fanner.
(iUl'feflifi, .1. r . nield toiviiMiip, fanner.
<;!i»--.iier. Joed!'. rni( liy tmtefier.
Ilfpler. John, I'.u io fuwnaulp farmer.
Kllllaril. I'. I' 'llat'on,. driller.
Ilnliiiiiil. J oil n I'. A oxliinifton ummililp, far
fill., John, Zollen tiore, luerctiant.
I mil ii Jnnetih.il t;al t iHuililp. fai mcr. •
Johfwtim, Wllllafi I'uirvlew fowutliip, futmer.
Jone*, K A.M. Creek towunhlp. farmer,
Klrklatiil, N. M. 'Melil tnwiiHlilp. JiintU-e.
I'.lme. I liilip h"i ill UiwiiHlilp, former.
IsiHiut. Joseph, J' mm tnwiiKlilp, farmer.
la-iUU r. Nat IS'." '.il Waril. leaunter.;
Uliiner. ueoinfe. ildy < reek twp;, farmer.
Miirilaml. J- *. < ""r'l lowualiip. farmer.
Mll'er. II 51.. K» iril lo.vimMi'. farmer.
McKinaey. Sew' ltutler. nl Waril, <-lerk.
Miit'-vitt, j„ A . i .'ly towfMhip, fiirmer.
MCUuhtofi. Iteut liraily tnwniihlu, farmer.
M"l)iinii.ilh. h I SHitler. tat Ward, clerk.
Ki litef, Bbalfer. - 'peryr«K U. townahip. farmer.
Mxon tiuuric''. J ' »">• tuwualilp, farmer.
mui. William. IS" r. M Wart, laborer.
Paluier. M J. W tela townahlp. farmer,
ifluxlex. H. I. . H'H 'ry born, mercliaot.
I tat I*. I Waah. lim tow itabip. farmer.
' i ipeel bora. DUU her.
hmxlgram. 11,, IS', r. Mb Ward, clerk.
Mutton. Hiniiuel ' y lowimiiip, farmer,
clie.-.rer. K 1... hu »lt towntihlp. farmer,
faylor, <>. If . W" i towuahip, farmer,
i hoinpton, w vi.. iiiibury boro, gebt,*
Te*ler, rein. .In on tmviiahlp. (armor.
It H/I.ei. J. w„ I -lev. towunhlp. farmer.
Wattner, lieorK". I tier, .">th Ward, teamxler.
EICH ' .on Notice
The Annual J ntion for 12 Ifirectora of
the iiutler C" ty Mutual fire Ina. (>i.
will be held al offleo of the 8e«. in Hut
ler, I'.*., Tut" 1 ..Jan. 13, 181H, between
the lu»ur» «f 1 i 2 u in.
i order of the l're«.
11. C. Uuiueinui., .-jec.
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— C. S.
Government Ileport, Ah<j. 17, ISBB.
1 i ( 1 1 a\ll TISfcEMNTS
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZK.N office.
Auditor's Notice.
O. C.. No. IS, March Term, 1&<1.
la re., I'.rs; ;ui'i Qua', account of C. 1). Swain,
executor of tbe last w ill and testamcr.t ol Ben
jamin Swain dec J, (Seed, late of Zellenople
UaiinK been apiiomud auditor in the above
stated cus*; to make Jiatflbutum of the funds oi
the estate In the hands <■: the executor, aa
shown by hi* final areouni to and among those
legally entitled there'.J and If anj exceptians
be filed to Hold account to pa-ss Upon the same ;
aoltce Is hereby en tlia! 1 win mtend to the
duties ol ine wo>> appointment at tin- cilice ol
t'cnitei ■£ Baker. HULU .. Pa., oh iuursJ.iy. Dec.
16th. lietv. at 10 O'clock a ux.
X. M.' UAKEIT, Auditor.
Estate of Edward H. Graham,
dee'd, •
Letter- ci admiuistrstiou ou the estate of
LdwarJ 11. Oraharn, dte'd, late of Connoque
teasing Twp., but! r Co., Pu., having been
granted to the undersigned,all persons know
ing themselves iudtbted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claim* against said estate will pre
sent them duly authenticated lor Settlement.
ii. 11. GRAHAM, Adm'r,
W. D. Hrandcu, I ConD<x,uene»siug Tp.,
att'y. J Butler County, Pa.
Election Notice.
The stockholders of the Worth Mutual
Fire Insurance Co. will meet iu the U. I'.
church at \yest Liberty on Tuesday, Jan.
13, 1801, for the purpote of electing officer
for the ensuing j ear, and for attending to
such other busmen* a-- may come before
them. W. E TATLOE, Sec'y.
To rill uhoat iI tuny concern:
' Take notice that tins partnership hereto
fore existing betw< en Owen Hrady, Joseph
Uartman, A. 11. Simpson and 11. J. Hoyt.
doing a banking business under the firm
name and style of the Hutler County Himk,
11. J. Iloyt <fc Co., at Milleistown, liutlci
county, I'a., is hereby dissolved, to tak<
effect on the first day of January, IhOl;
that the said Owen lirady, Joseph Hart
man and A. 11. Simpson have sold all their
right, title, interest and claim in said part
j'Tship to II J. Iloyt, who will carry on
the business himself under the name of the
Hutler County Lank; that the -aid 11. J.
Hoyt has assumed all tbe debts and liabili
ties ol the said partnership, the Hutler
County Hank, of which all interested will
take notice. Owns BBAUY,
A, 11. Si arson,
11. J. HOYT.
MILLEKSTOWX, PA., Oct. 20, 1890.
The undersigned, this day having dis
posed of their interest in the Hutler County
Hank, of Mllleistown, I'a., to take effect
the lirst day ol January, HOI, as per above
notice, to 11. J. Iloyt, who has so lonir, so
successfully and KO satisfactorily managed
the affairs of said lunik, and who will con
tinue to conduct iu business and serve its
customers a >d friends a* heretofore, take
pleasure in bespeaking for him the same
generous patronage by the people of this
place and vicinity as he ha* merited and
received at their hands in the past.
A. 11. SIMI'SON.
MILLKIiNTOWS, PA., Oct. 21). IH*M>.
, The undersigned will, on the fir.-t day of
January next, a-Mime the solo ownership
and full proprietorship of tbe. Hutler Coun
ty Hank, as sliowtn is the foregoing notices,
and be takes this opportunity to eipress
his thanks am! gratitude for the large share
of patronage Which has been extended him
these mi ny years past, and owing to the
increased facilities he will have lor serving
hi* friends and patrons, lie promises to do
anything in his power that is consistent
with sate banking to meet their require
ments, aud solicits a continuance of their
Yours Very Respectfully,
11. J. HOYT.
MIf.LERSTOWN, I'A., Oct. 29, I*oo.
Executors 1 Notice.
(haTATK or JOHN Wi.BD, ozti'u.)
WiII'UTAH, letters te- lanientary to the
estate of.li.hu Webb, late ol' Clay Twp , Hut
ler Co., Pa., dte'd, have been granted to the
subscriber*, all person* indebted to saiil
e»tate are requested tomal in,mediate pay.
rnent ami any having claim- or demand*
against the < • lale of aid de, i 1.-m will make
I known the name without delay to
Kuclid. I'a. llraiiclitoD, i'a.
i August 30, lsiio.
Dis olulion Notica. .
i The partnership heretofore existing be
j LWeeri IC. Nicliotl* and 1.. M Hewitt
i under the linn name of It. S. Nieholls Jt
! Co. has tin . day been dissolved by mutual
| consent. Xr. L 11. Hewitt retiring from
the firm. The businc will lie continued
jby It. H. Nicliolls, wfio i authorized to
settle claims and collect accounts due the
I int. i ; i Burnous.
[ Nov. 10, 1800. L. M. IIKWITT.
In retiring from the firm of It. 8.
Nicliolls A Co. I take pleasure iu recom
mending my late partner Mr. Nicliolls and
bespeak for him a continuance of the pat
ronage id our old cu miners.
L. M. 11 KW ri"r, Hutler, Pa.
Nov. 10, IhJK).
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby yiven that the partner
ship heretoloie exioti'i ; between W. W.
Black more and I<»ui» >l. Orieb, under the
firm name ol l!!»r union: & <«rieb, was dis
solved by mutual coiihi-nl i>u Monday, Sept.
!2, I>>!<o. Tbe Itusiiiewill bi continued at
the same place by L. M. Ori'b <fc Co., who
will settle tbe bu no ol 'be old firm.
Exocntoi's Notice.
KhTATK Ol' Si saf* Ifll.l I.Mtl>, DKC'U.I LATK
I*tt«r» te«tanieutary on I lie estate of Susan
llilliard, dee'd. late ot Washington Two.,
liutler Co., I'a., having been ({rtinUid to the
undersigned,all persons kDowmg theiuselve*
indebted to the »aul e-tatu will plea** make
immediate payment., and any having claim*
against said eatate will present them duly
authenticated fur settlement.
I'M I'M I'. 1111.1.l A ltl». Kx'r,
llilliard, I'a.
O. W. FI.KEOKU, Att'y.
Executor's Notice,
iKKTATK or John W, HBAKUOK, I)K<,'t>.>
filler* lestnuieiilsry ou tbe estate of John
W. Mramlon, dee'd. lata of <'<irinoquene*»iu(r
Twp., Hutler Co.. I'a., havintt l<eeo Krantwl
to the undersigned. *ll person* kuowlug
lhem*elve« indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, aud any
having claim* against said entate will present
them duly authenticate*! for settlement.
J. KMKKY fli'.AMios. Lx'r,
W. 1). Brandon, I ( onnoquenrsslng I'.
att'y. j Butler County, I'a.
To our Nwrwi»ry Mt4K*k. »lary rxpi tmirn urul
'IU-iwiy < n»pl'»yni<»nt iitr?».
Ad*t>riiae ir 'Li« CITIZEN.
, RtSGS,
W-ltfllP* I r-ADIES GOLD.
» cl K 11th j GKNTS SILVKK
T «t ,\1 "l*"* t iGt'ltillUS. r.-:M -1 i■. >.
1 Hingis Chains, UrateY:-. Lt>
| Tea, casiors, biatt 1 he
Qi'lvotwota -I nnd everything that n it
II > v. 1 »> til v found in a first class st :e,
No. 19, North Ma ; n St., BUTLEB, PA.,
When yon are looking around and wondering ivhui. ti*
buy for Christinas why not something useful sin ii >j. _
fine pair of elippers. We show-an exceedingly fitii line i»
izreat variety of styles, in Velvets, Plushes, Tan ir:d Maroon
Goat, Russia Leather and Alligator, at oUc, 75, sl. I
1 50. 2, 2 50 and 2 75.
Ladies' and Children's fine Plush and Velvet ii;;,;ers in
beautiful colors and very low prices.
Ladies' and Gents' fine Shoes
At $1 25, 1 50, 1 75, 2, 2 50, 3 and 4, wo can show you all
the newest patterns—We have an immense stock in al
Our Boys', Youths 1 and Misses Shoos
At sl, 1 25, 1 50 and 2 are celebrated for -t.yle and o<'
wear. More of "Huselton's" shoes ore worn in and a!>ou
Butler than any other made aiul why:
Ilusolton's shoes are the best,
Huselton's styles are the latest.,
Huselton's prices are the lowest,
Huselton lias one price only.
if you don't buy shoes. Look thrcu Ji ou>
lx)ot department,you can lind anything you want in this stock
"Huselton's" shoes are|peiiect fitting, neat an.! ta-ti!\
constructed, always flexible ami comfortable,
Come in and see us,
102 N. Main Street
Administrator's Notice,
Notice ia hereby given that letters of «.<!
ministration on tbe ectate of .Faiuex Me
l.lhauty, late of lJnller Borough, Butler Co.,
e«cea»e<i, have been granted to A. T. Black,
realdect of (aid borough,to whoin all |iernonii
indebted to »aid entate are rei|Ue»ted to make
payment, and those baring claims or de
inandß will make known the same without
Ue l ay. A. T. BLACK, Adm'r,
Butler, Pa.
Notice ia hereby given that the stock
holders of the Butler ria\ iiig-t Bank will meet
iu the rooiiiH of Kaid Hank, S. Main St.,
Butler, Pa., on Saturday, Dee. i! 0, IhUO, at
10 o'clock a. m., to vote for or again. j t the
jirnpoKition to renew and exteud the char
ter corporate righta aud ftranchihea of naid
Butler Ka\ ingn Bank. By order of tbe
Bonrd. J. !<• I'cuvia, I'rea.
AV. A. STEIN, Sec.
\V. I). Brandon, atl'y.
B. $ Si.
and more for your money in every
cane—on every item is what we
Writo our Mail Order Department
of I »ry (loodw of any ki id thut you
may IHJ in want, of; c< in pare qualities
iinil pricea with any other you may
find, and M<- if we do not prove our
claim every tint' . Only on thin prin
ciple ol Hiving the rn"->t and bent, ob
tainable for every dollar we hope lor
you r patronage. No H'rilinwot in
Wo offer amoa« many other |»« cials
thlH week—
-88-ineb Imported Tailor SiiitiHtfH,
checks and Htrip«n, 45 cents
10-inch Cloth Suiting, mixed and
solid colors, 15 couts.
3f>-ineh All Wool Camel's Hair, all
colors, 45 cents.
iH-inch Cheviotte Huitings, 75 cents;
in all ultra fashionable shades.
50-inch .Scotch Check Mixtures,
medium dark colors, 75 cents (sold
universally at SI.OO elsewhere.)
For the Holidays, special Urge »ud
elegant stocks of
Mti filers,
Gents' Furnishings,
and very < xtcunive lines sf
if all kindH at our usual low and at
tractlve prices
Wo will 111 l your orders by mail to
vour Hatlffaction and profit.
Boggs Bulil,
\ Lady's Perfect Companion.
Kvery expectaut mother hould read our 1
ipw Ijook liy l>r. i'ye, one of New York's
,nost ue I el, rated iibyaieUns. \ l">rfect ;
mide, It tells how the fearful ordeal < an bo |
nude easy. I'rea from danger, and aluiotil
litirely piimle- , tbiii ;<itviiig months of
n*intv.'trend and stiflV riiig. Full of vain
ilile information to Udl««, answering hun
rodnof delii Hte ipiestioni). Send two cent
Lain|i for circular -, te-limnnials, and cou
; I deiitial letter. Addre-s, KHAMI THOMAS
.» Co., I'ublishcrs, Baltimore, Md.
TIE piTTseuas m.
The most complete one t< ■> t dallj
newspaper published anywhere
It is cleau, bright and onterpri'iiHg
, It prints all the Qewn of the day; i -
market reports are full and reliable;
its editorials able aud fetrlc.-w nud itn
special features such as to ajr\k" it r.
welcome visitor to every homo,
j Many improvements have been
• made daring the past year in even,
department of TidK TIMES, and )'
will coutiauo to iotrodii.e ne?,
'■atures find spare uo expense to I oil'
i the place it bun w«u at tic l«"i c.
'cheap newspaper:*, In every essentia!
.it comparer favorably v, itb the
' Ugheat priced new spapeit. M Pin..
t urg aud the country,
i Terms of subscription, invariably
!ij advance, ate u* folio*!: Ore
year, $3.00; fix inoiii. *, sl.s'; *!.rv<
months, 75 cents; -it .. i\
cents. It can be i nlc ; i I. iti '«•<
I'ostmnster, or from tbi» 1 Hi ■ direct.
Address all commoni to
Pittsburg, Pa
Sanitary Plumbers
And "Una FitterH.
Sewer Pipe,
(ias Fixtures,
G lobes nnd
Natural (JJUH Appliances.
JelFerHon St.,opp. Lowry House
Save Money
Hy getting your Fall and Win
tor millinery, and mear and
ionic ry from
M. F. JtM. Marks'.
They willfhow } on ihu tr
uest and l>eht selected stock in
tin tier at the lowest price*.
We hav« a larger etock of
rimmed goods than evu >s:-
Mourning goods a Sp< < : ;il< y.
(»:»ÜblUh«d 1H40.)
ALOUI'K for IH'JO will In' mailed on »;«JJII
. aU»n. livery Kanuer, liurdener, tinstiMir
<r uviitr of a lot »!mu!d havo our.
Order* for Homers and floral enibi.-»nr>
avc immediate attention. 'l') I. yiione ZJi>.
John R. kA. MuMich,
HQH Shiltitfli'lrt St.,
'ji /'//7> m Lou, i J.
Wanted, At Once,
\ man to noil choice Nurvry S'tck
.a aud aronnd Uutier durlrr ' i" 1 all
ad winter We M»lic.it tb< <*o ( <■
oudenc® of anyocA w■ Hn i
ihi S|Kiciul Iridtii' iiK : lit
Ight part?. IN inoun '• i< <>'
NIT rt—frtri No wperWnee IMNSW*
arv: (iood pay. Adtlr< 'n'lm'
|'e~ ( Nil.l MIMA N lit f 111 '>
It », h.-t. N V
y.vmmtoAGEiiTi,, r ;
ii kvikciu
We were fi.sliin<» on the sly
o •/
And caught 011 the fly,
Just above the eye.
Watch this space next
week and you will be caught
011 the ear by
Ritter & Ralston's.
- 111.11 .. 1 H
Have You Bought Your
Clonk or Wrap lor the winter yet. II you haven't don't put
it oil too long or all the best things will bo picked out.
It is a Pact
That we have never shown n.- nit • a line of Dry Goods and
Caipetu as we are now showing in our new room.
Why sire Trout nans so busy?
There must be a reason tor it <>• ;• >ple wouldn't do their shop
ping there.
The Real Truth is
They have the correet style*, the large t and best stock to se
lect from nud the lowest price. l -.
Visit our store from now until Mi; istmas and see lor yourself.
Leading Dry Goods ; ad Carpet House.
- - PA.
iough and Worked Lumber
or ALL KlNlifl
)oors, Sash, lilint.it>, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always in Slock.
('ill •» >«itu l\ A TV. Depot,
SL'TLKR, - - I'A.
I'ktrnl VLrlililr I rlrlUn and iMt Fwl
ileum Engines, Hay Prcrtica.
ShiugJc Mills- &c
Poitubl© Grist Xfiilla,
'nd lor Ili'lH. Thii«h'ii» Xirhlin. *<•.
i nuiuiiuo X H. t lUIJI IIAU <0 , turk, Pt.
«'.iLORb &YHONitS.
]>ig Overcoat Sale.
Tlio Racket Store.
48 H. Main St.,
_ . _ Sutler, Ir'a.