B. £ B. See Samples OF THESE Specialßlack Goods Values before jou buy » Wack dreae. Sample cost yoo nothing and will gave you dollars. 4f,-inch (note the width) All-Wool Block Caahmeres, 60 cents—regular ralae, 75c. 42-inch All-Wool Black Cheriottes, 50c.—worth 75c. 46-inch All-Wool Black Serge. 50 cents, very remarkable ralue. 50-inch Black French Berge, 75e. 46-inch Black Silk Wrap Cash meres, at *l-00, sllO, $1 85—the present market price on theee qualities is $1 25, $l5O, $1.75, respectirely. Iliirher prices are talked of on all sides We will be a little peculiar, and adhere to old prices. «'B. & B." prices,— always the lowest, in these atore. Catalogues and Samples free. Superior mail order facilities. Satisfaction guaranteed.alio lowest prices. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. WmjTMffler Manufacturer "of Stair Bails, Balusters and Newel-posts. and anlktaJ. L ol fancy wood-wortc for iMtde decoration or houses. - ii i CALL AND SKK SAHPLM gomethiDK new and attractive. Also , FURNITURE at loweetfcasb price*. Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Factory at No. W, N. Washington street.ffl| BUTI.ER YOU will find the beet Soda Water in Butler at R REDICK. Try his'grape tonic—a most delicious and refreshing drink. Try his'milk-shake, made of milk of guaranteed freshness. Try any of his flavors and you will find them the best in the town. Willard Hotel |W. H. REIHING. .Prop'r BUTLER, - PA. mnn« » COSKECTIO*. SAMPLE BOO* for COMMERCIAL TBATELEBH iiniiiiui im. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near New Oourt House-formerly Donaldson House—Rood accommodations for travelers. Goodstabling connected. EITENXULLKB * LEIBOLD. Prop'rs. SAMPLE BOOH. LIVERY IN CONNECTION Hotel Yogeley {Strictly First Clans.) HENET L. BECK. Paop'a. J. H. FACBHL, Manager. Bntler, Pa. NlXoil's HOME' 35 N. McEEAN ST., HITLER, PA. Healrilat;all hour*. Open:all nigh'. Breakfast as cents. Dinner as cent*. Supper a cent*. (Lodging an cents, BIMEON'NJXON - - - I'BOPB. DIAHOHD HOTEL, JAMES SELLERS, Prop'r. New funutnre, new fittings and first oliun accommodations. Livery. Iforth side of Diamond, Butler, rK< p*p«:,»f oWn' ■»' •* en wS/*i!ir.># - «*<•< i» l>cir», will find (t on ffr, t '^v;:^LOM4THOIUB. 7 1% PRWIW CUREyja Tke 9fo«t S«cce«*fWl Kcm. ily ever ii» Curb upon ray hocie with yoor oeWbr*t«m the Joint. Bftipcctfullj', f. EL HuiCtiixa. KENDALL'S SPAVIN GUP.E. KonoE, La., B&y 3, *9O. Da. R 3. KCSSAIX 00, 0.-nta :-I think H my duty to ren.lcrjron try thank, for TOUT far fame.od. 1 purchancd a bottlo of your Kendall's Spavin Ctn which cured her In four days. " I remain j ours. JUSIOM DOVTOES. Prlee»l per bottle, or six bottle* for«. Alldrutt rlats have It or can get It for you, or It will tent to any addnn on receipt of price bvthe propria lon. DR. U. JT. KKMDAI.Ii CO., lasitarrt Falls. Vermont "ir i/zy Rcbbcr 8ho«i nnlem worn uocomfcrtaMy gpnarallj allp off the f**t. THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. make all thr-lr ahoce wl*h of heel I1n«*»i vrifL rubber. This cllnrw to the uiioe and prevtuta tfc. rubber fruin allj'piti? off. Call for the "Colohef-'cr* K K MiOl A.XD WUfPO\r OC&SE3B, ftud all klsda of WIRiS Wt>Sa. 1 TAYLOR & DE.n, Ml, !W3 ft aoa Harket St., Pltt.burßh, Pa. , SUPERFCtIOUS HAIR ! I On the focale face, hair on tbo fore b«ad t neck, no«e y «ara, arm• v br^ist, cheeks above the beard llae and be- /£i tweentheeyebrows / , doatro/ed forerer by tbo Klectrie Jj/F Noedle 602 Penn avenne' Pitubnrgb. Birth /g *■'' ! marks, lfolea. /[ j Had ' Veini of the Jio*«, j Pimples, Black- M5S} heads. Liver Spots and al! dUaases and blcznlihes of the *kln, complexion, hair and scalp eticressfnlly ; treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Uoctor ha» had 20 years' experience in the practice of bin specialty, aud numbers amoa? his pa tients onr most prominent famllien. If yoa are afflicted with any of the abovo Me;r»i»hc s, arold patent medicines and consult Dr. Van j Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make' month, book free. ments can be made by mall. Call on or ad dress l)r. J. Van l>yck t 40 S. Iltb street, Pbiladel- j phla, or 002 Perxn arsnno, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Honrs 9 to 1 and 2 J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Koofor. Ornamental and Plain Slating Ol all kinds done on short notice. Office with W. H. Morris. No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Elm street. Butler, Pa. Big Overcoat Sale AT The Racket Store. OVERCOATS OF ALL GRADES, STYLES AND COLORS AT KOCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. REMEMBER THAT .NO FIRM DOING A CREDIT BUSINESS CAN QUOTE THE LOW CASH PRICES YOU WILL FIX!) AT THE OXE PRICE RACKET STORE, 48 W. Mam fet., Kutler, fa. A. J. FRANK k CO, DKAUOM IK DSUOS, MEDICINES, AICD i lIEMIt AL S FANCY ASi* TOILKT AKTIt'FS, SPONOKJ, BBOBHEB, PERFUMKK\. Ac nr-I'Uyiilclaiu Pw>crlptloL* cir<-:ui;; pounded. 5 S. Main Street, Duller, Pa. GEO. D. MITCHELL, Aitonu'V-at-Law .iuJ Solicitor ot l'enHloi.s and I'ateni*: Box -w. WanhinijtuU. U. Clerk s«-n --»ir Peonic ll (.'ommltteo for last 7 yean, if )<>u !kf PHoMPi'NBSS wnt« m". Glad to «lvu dvice. Adtbftiee in *.Ln CIXTZEM «s Z. j» y ; ' CURE me* He.-.d- r all l!..- trouble incl ii_.t t . a bt'>: . ••?♦••• s.stem. «uc» as fMif-in.-v-, .in • . !»• all- r t.i-.A-. fain In t;i» Si « ... • th-ir m< t remarkable . ■; o W Le-n«L.'*n in curing flefttiacli k yet C.-.i.TEic't l.rr i r Lin* I'n.i.s nr.* #»'juaMv luai>le in Constipation, curirsc •11 .In.-' ..-lit:' _'t;i:sri'! 'Vil.s"nini.lamt. while v .'r • ull >r n-m "f tne b! :n Ktuhiitn'o tl;. IT and ri*?iilal»; tLe bo» Is. -u if ti. • ciirod mm V-: .. V, -il.l K' ilm<*t rrlcolw* to those i . ..'. „ r r :..-iin ' complaint: , i,. ii i ''"f"" rtops *>t ei.il h;II! i • try them will fed •de- li;;''-'l'i: ' > •• meomanj-w«T*that }., ' not Ii- v to da uitiiout them. iin:, all :3icU Lead AOH^ lithe' IN-' < 'IIHWBV ! t!in liPrel« whera V. _rc«: : -hit. Oilr p.ire It ' ft* Ji > not. f„ . J.ITLB I.IVFR PIM." aroverrrnii.ill an.i v. :•> t.' f> lake < m«- or twr pilb m*k» u J'T: "7 ar--> strfctlr vet-vtabfc' ai.il lio not -'peor Virgo. bi ;ntK* a« ion Sl«-.». • a'l v.- ,i~- I rials at 2ft cent*: ret'ir " -Mt :<-rrvh*r ..r«ontby matt. kdiE SaaS So*s, imill ?rics. r TSrSw n I f 1 j | Ajt« Of Pure Ood ! '. ftmp Liver Oil and | I W Ky?OPHOSFH!TE3 | |;| ji g of fecirr'e and j Sodri \ Is an l proacrlbwl by :<»adlPff j ) 1 hy- clauj becauiM? y>oth the Cod 1 i rr Oil j >a. I Hyi»f'i>ho»}>hites firo i - r«-1 j ) at nt 3ln the cure of Contain; tion. U 13 j i aa i-a'-iiuoic as mlllc. Sco.t'i Emulsion ' ir a icvnderfii: lU>U Fro ntm . It 'a thi- j j Ilcsl Remedy tot CONSUMPTION, ■ Scivfula, Bionchitii, Wasting E i«- ) , eases. Cl'.ouic Conjjh* and Cold*, j ) As* for St tt'B Emalsk n and t.iko rfo other.j SSE MV your Shooa V J j '" y ' WOLFF'S / hV . J ACME \ I ' DLACKING \ \ DID ONCE A WEEK !\ > v Other days «Mh them V clean v.\th V S?ONGE AMD WATER. \ ti Y->zms*~-^zz?xa*cw£xmm*MamßUiUßammma^mßm EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Roorri EVERY Carriage Owqer EVERY Thrifty Moclianic EVERY Bodj able to hold a brush CSOULO USB ;®ON 1 AF'xshzsssW TVI"' Uliui »T«h« Oio » FuntiiTgnr „ rind WILL Oram auHtugCKluaiMl ~1. WILL ST*IH TIMWAIII af tn * WILL STAIN TOUM OLD BASKETS matlte WiIISTAIN Mn'.CMCH WOX.FP ti RANDOLPH. PhUodslsllU. T« «u alxw»lute. punitive And n* cure for Sick l(rmt.i k hr. I'oiiHtlpalioii. >#*rvou» l»r! illf. IlriiihtM l)Ura*r. Diftbrfea »nd i'oii ■>ini|>ilon. Tr Koeii to Hit* v*rv root of all C4U.MHI by an im\ ire M.X!<» of the blood. FLOR \PLEXIO.\ i a hl«li1v -on- ■ ntrated and iiowenul extract of the rnont VMIUU) !e and expensive known to medical iicience, rre pa red from the pre c"i- ; tion of a n.'t 1 F.nprlihli phjralcinn. an«l rur«*e when all other r »me li«-s falL Thouaanda« !' the liitfnaat au«i atroneeatte 'luionlalafrom prat»*ful patl«*nta ran l»e KIIOVB. Thp 'lr*t (Sow !nni irfa you with confidence.—Oo to vour parchaae a bottle, aud IK? cured.—Vala ibw hi/ok >*ent free to all. Addron, FHA.\RU\ II UtT, Warren Kt.. New York. DOCTORS LAKE - i ffy trf rurvATK DisrassAßY. »t L> Fi Oor. Pi;- AVE. AND FOURTH BT., T.i . PI TTUBUnaK, PA. „ •4,*.'. v All formsof ndienle and C< m ;'iv-t i"'" 1 " 1 '" 1 ; i,n " "V VII'KSTIAHUIdSCIENTIfIC >!C!- > 91P iiMlio.l rc .1' :•>. I .at thi;. ">-■ • ii y with a mcceiki n»rely attained. l)i. S. I 'e' amcinlierof the KoyalColl'gcoil liy un.v. . :.a»lSurgeons, «n1«1 Son i, Jjits, ■ .e», Jfhnuniittisiin, and all «' theoKin. UoJI,L i'; .*»• Urinary Conaultatiou a.ul strictly CMiiflfiential. Office 2iour». Uto IX A 7 to 8 P. M.; huiul'tyvj2 to * Y. M. only, ul at office or aa.lrea* IJT:-. LAKh, t «mi. r.:;s AVE.AKDmiST.,FITTBBUUUII,rA. SEOSiIIQ3 y cm d by— rilll.AUK ITI.V.tV. : ' :»tnnee. no op. r»tlon ■ I . - • ; ; !i:.. iii : i. * ;ase«p;*-;r'Uin*»tl lu .•uial'.iy i *!:e. . w.-i .L .il. Sonil fir I'ircular. CURE LUARANItED. cffl^eUuun.Ttoa. • u - • .IdfeSTtipf - 0 FREE . t, . A" ttrrr, IM»|> . bi Ti •Ji- fc- • t'<«t»r»d :N • ITLIK." HOP.SAT . Ji ®4 •*?' Nf .i» : rxpre « * hen 'A i < > i 1 i f .t ! 'rc . fil f 3 ■ . : ' ■■HBBOHHBBHBBHHBBi F%I .fl I £9 Li -M m. all / Cm?n Ido not n"an merely to flop *hnn»f„r a Umc. ao '■ CAI. CCitfc.. i ii?.vL dlaeaio ol FITS, KPaIOSPSY oi? SICXRJUOS, A life-lonjr etcd/. I VTA' tro T ray remer'-r ta Cait* tbo fi :«r»t C3SO3. ii«caaße oilier* n»T« falie. It <-ott» you nothing lor a trial, and it *"«U cur# 7 0n - Addrc»s H O TiOOT, M.r,, I Mr. m mm SsJTifil'^ F « LO-rar7.UX.IHO MANBOoX. *•;{»!' UMtlernet, I ar i K E.&VOUB BtEIT IT V , vTSaJL > -rr -»or Extra :'jnu Old or Your»» Aohlf a A tHi.. f«.i> K ■!. Itow ta «i!r.nr« m. Urer*iiiPaWK%K. ' I * !»Ot«iA»M4I'ARTLOI iiSLY. iSMhi'o'T unf.;.lhf MUSE .pVATMrvT " 2n • t>4 (inW)frf«» «««. ZR-i. IfIESIUAI. CO., BUFTAi OA. V. TO Wfe£i mu 'c offering from the c Jecf oi y> • utb Cul errors.' rlr gMrrm.X » '■ itiTlf T&"»'«iknctß» 1- 't IIIaOO00(1, ©tC.» I Wlli amid L -Wo>:o ti*«tl«« (aaalod) cocUlnlnß rull 1 for 1 oino care. n y nervosa and debilitated. Addrcu^l I Trot. V. C, FOWLI3, 51«- >aus, Couu, C?in IZE3ST. MI8(- ]j' ANEOLS "Natural History" ! A class in nr. iral lii>tory was called ui> j for recitation. ;■ teacher talked of friend ship between n n aud animals, and then a girl: "Do atismal> •■•illy possess the sentiment of affection?" "Yes, almo.x always,'* the little srirl. • And now." . :.l the teacher, turning to a littlo boy, "»• i me what animal has the greatest naturn. ndness for man." "Woman!" the boy. —The iiiditlV ce with which s>o many people regard cough or cold is truly unpardonable. I'hesu aSeetions ollen lea i to couxumption, ;'id .should be checked in time by use i.i i'r. Hulls C'ough Syrup, i'riee cent.> » 'ttle. No mii-rep:< - atious are needed to sell Salvation Oil. t is an honest article. Only cents. i)oe.s Auveitisiug Fay? | -s \ LUI U-tL I i\ t lll'SlNtSd MA.\ WIL uiljuui -j it does u you Uo u proi er. jlitl lllc liuistloli no; *„cu ib »ovtr u-. lor lUrti should i>e aiwait, Luiuuw. luok : o liave uiseovered the Ocst method u: LOUia' ;et the ri turns. >t-aili evcrj u.'.-iuess. has Its -dull season.' dur.ng wbK'ii :i ■ "OU .tdttrilseiiient will t!o liuUilui wurkci > .1.0 mtlit. lain or shim, in *'• .a.iiueii wltu Hit: nume, .oust.ou ai.a .. lies or utlvantafces ul Ihe uuverliaei. ixj tu ucu U»e lime lo uuy t_orues lit aa I>3 :i:e L. :.t .1 ol lit. seed-sOWlflg. Chronic cii ..:a quickly develop-, into consuuiption. »><>od'» barsapariila cures cata>rh. —liihoeng is l lung at $4 a pound in Brockwayviile. k'vT liMMlaci.es, biliousness, con.-tipa tion, the blues, ncroiula, the bi and all skin eruptiou.-> L>r. i cnncr's Be oil unti Liver Kenieuy and -Nerve Tome ui.cr lails. Warranted to c-aiii-iy or leiunded. —Seed dealt, iestioy their surplus stock every tall. UTS All 11.-- -topjM.d iree t-> l»r. Klluf - » (irtui .>(!)•- lidit r. > ' i»to alter lir»t da.* use. .\i.j\t-.oui> • . t*s. irratlse aud fi.O*' inai uoUle lrre lo tu -ses. bend Ui L»r. Kliuc. JJI Areii Sc.. I'hil'a. ) . —A campigu &e the past makes hard work lor po.-tal niployes. —lit. Fencci tough Uoney will relieve any cough in o : hour. Equally good lor horses. Gives i :rgy and strength. Alone,) iul'nnded it .c iion not given. —C'ougre.-sni Kilgore's boot is starring on a dime muse ni tour. One 11 Dollars. I wili forfeit e above amount if 1 '•'■' to prove that 1: .raplexion is the best med icine in existen o tor Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Bilioam H> It is a eertaiu cure, and aUords imii "diate relief, iu cases ol kl ine) and Li Complaint, Nervous lie uility ami C< nuiption. Forapleiion builds up the \ • k system and cures where otner remedies . til. Ask your druggist lor it and get v Valuable book "Things Worth K.no\vin also, sample bottle sent free; all charge -repaid. Address Frank lin ilart, W.t.ron street, Mew York. —A couple u - lied in the Scranton jail (•pent their lior-.t ■ moon in a cell. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tir* Edit'>h.—l leaso inform your rea«l»-ra that 1 have a poaitr. o remedy for tho above-c\iiied I diaraHe. By its t ely u»e thouaanda of hopoles . : CMCI havo been p*: aaueutly cured. I ahull b« glad to send two bottlof of my remedy FREE to nny of your reartMi-H who bav® connainption if they wiii send mo tht;ir Ext and P. O. addri-KC. HcMpcct fuily, T. A. SL- M. C. f 1811' earl fit., S. Y. —The only -ef way is to avoid a man's csample and tal !iis advice. Dr. Fennrr' Kidney and Backache Cure is warratitt- to give satisfaction in every ease or li t ey returned. —lied worn ii a hat or bonnet brighten the color of the t< e, lmt aronnd the neck it ueadens the ( .pler.ion. 'l told you yesterday," said the teacher to her class o! juv eniles, "about the dill'er encointhetwo ■ ords there,' pronounced alike, but spol!-d differently. Does any one remember 1' ;.i to day?" "Yes,ma'am, said Sadie Smri-'; " 'ah! there,' aud 'stay' there.' " The most ]. rli-i't and the most potent remedy for sic , "ssni'SH is to drink hot water. Oue wl > tries it will find himself going to sleep !'ke an infant, and getting, too, the most i • tful and peaceful sleep imaginable. —Jesse l'omi' y, the once notorious boy tiend, now a inn . serving out his life im prisonment, ii. the Massachusetts state prrson, at Chu- town, made a vain effort to escape l>v ing the bolts off his cell door bill was di- ovcred. To C: /nsumptives. The uudersitft i having been restored to heaith by sira(d> -ueanH, after sufferini? for sever.il years » a severe lung atlectioo, aud that dreai disease Consumption, is anxious lo nia l . rown to his fellow suffer ers the means •)' To those who desire it, he will cheer illy bend (lrre of ohargei a copy ' f the pre ription which they will tind a ■ cure for Consumption, .Vsthuia, C;>tarr' Bronchitis and all throat an l Inn.; Malao s. He hojtes all sufferers will iry his F> iedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring re prescription, whi< h will rost them nothi. . and may jtrove a bless ing, will pleas" ddress fIKV. KIiWAEP A. WILSON, VV i!li "burg, Kings County, New York. 1831 Tm c^; iVATOU 1891 Countn Gentleman THE KfiT OF THE AljliKlLiLlf L WEEKLIES. I'»:VOT*D TO Farm Crops and Processes, Horticu ure and Fruit-Growing, Live Stock and Dairying, Wtitle It also In -1 alt nitiior ileparlmenis of Hural interest, sir i as tile Poultry Varrt, Knto ■noloity. liec-liei |. j;, Ore.'iitiouse and drapery. Veterinary Hep! , I'arm (Questions and Aaswers. Flreabfe tdlng, Ducaettc and a sntntaarv ot .' News of the Week. Its Market much atts-ntion ;. 1.1 10 t.li« I'rospeeis of the Crops, -ts throtvi.f iirtot upon one of the most imp rtai.t of all i .ttons—When to Buy. and Wh nto S 11. fl illierallv llli|-.trate.l, :n>cl In KECKNT I.N I 11, TMKNT, contains more it inatUr I 'i ever bciore. llif Suh scm : hi l*in .• i ner year, h'.tt w.- ofterl a Sl*ia:i A I. HI 1)1 I >N tu our CLUB » TKS FOII 1S91! T«oSu!.*rliiii.iii n on.-remittance. ... ft tm SIX hub. 'Tip! < f'S do. tlO 10 00 Twelvemii serl; ii ~do. do IS On VBr'fo nil Sew :>scrllters for lsul. rayli.if in tin.tu. o now, »t ' bend the paper WKKK I.V. rroiii our rerclpi'• He remittance to .tanuary Ist thill, WITIIOI lIARCK. {l/-: PK. iMKN « . -its Kiiek. Address Ll'TUElt TIT CI Kit £ SOX, I'liblisltcrs, At any, N. Y, Kit mi; nil Kll CK, JPA. All stock gua- nteod to be in good con dition when de!i -red. We replace a! reei that fail to grow. REFERK: :ES IN BUTLER: J. F. Lowry. -V. T. Mcchling, Jame •Shnnor, Jr., j. 1 Fomythe, Geo. ShaffioT fe). Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, Esq. and I) L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITENUILIiV. HOUSE, BUTLER, PA. YOU CA . ! IND, jiiOTOE iLi who will contrucl r adTeitlslng ul l«wc»t r^tcs. mnI;I»I .1 t i: Relief guarantee-! to sufferer from RHEUM AT) S M NEURALGIA JW.-IT2 .r>nc- ■BBBBHMHHHHIHHIHMHHi WASHBURN E'S SHTcyli C A, ft.oo A BOX. ALA. DRUGGISTS, OR BY MAIL. IKVINO DKi G CO. 12 V arren Street. New York. Nothing Oil Earth V* ill HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It in absolutely porr UijrhjT concentrated..to quantity It co«t« but tbnn a tenth of a r T, I -* ' Strictly a raodici ie. prerecta end cum all diseases Good for yotrnjr chiHt*. V orth when b«n« Moult. "One lair*e ran pend six for to prevent roup.** *a> a a cuatotoer. If run cant irtfc 1: wnd u» V) c«»nt» tor t w <* pack*: five tl A 21-4 i» ind «**n f 1.20 post-paid : n«l Yarn Mamtlac(ure<.. iork, Pa. N. AVER & 1-nw, oux +"*huri/aiJ WHEN IX NEED OF CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLE-R - 'FrEJNUST'A Where you chu hnye your choice out of tho largest assortment of cooking and heating stoves in Butler cori.ty: also dealu ;n Hardware, Lansing Wagons. Wheeler <£ Wilson a I'd Standard Sewing Machines, ii an gir. g and Stand Lamps. Manufacturer of Tinware; Tin lloofirg and Sponting a Spi ialtv. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN J.R.GRIEB. PROF. R. J. LAMB. (jRIEB & LAMB'S MUSIC STOEE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST.,BUTLJSB, PA. Sole Agent- foi Butler, Mercer and Clar ion counties for Bohr Bros. & Co's Magnificent Pianos, Shou tiger, and Newby & Evans fianos, PacKard, Crown, Carpenter and Now England Organs. Dealers in Violins, Strings, Bruno Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instruments.! SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY Pianos and Organs sold on ir. ft ailments. Old Instruments; taken in exchange. (cine and see us, as we can save you money. Tuning and Repairing of all Kinds of Musical Instruments Promptly Attended to. CAOIST UN THE FLY.! , We were Gshing on tho sir / And caught ou the fly, \ Just above the eye. Catching u. sucker ifl an eaay thing, j V— c are not afler tbat kin(l of g ■ ./yAJ j T'j'' fuct is we'vo got no bait (or suckers ''' ' in cur store. We are after whales. Onr /l,t~~ jjygja' b;it is bargain?; genuine bargains, re fif- nieuifcer; real bargains. We don't ase * v JT art.ticiul bait, xot np inet to catch cus . • t ODI . About one roan in ten does not J trade with u*. We're after tbat one. 1 About one in ten does not know tbat tho other nine of his fellow mortals have come to the conclude. that k is always safest to trade with Heck. We are after that man. About one man iu ten does not know tbat his neighbors are aaviog „ trade with Heck. We are after that man w.th a taj with low r-rices, with fair dealing, end we expect to get his tracks Are yoc the tenth man? We are alter you. We have got the strongest line of first clas.s rood* ever offered for sale iu this market. It is this fact audl our extra low prices that makes our present bargain offer tho great event of thetse». eon We want smart buvers. sensible people to drop in on us and see as, nod see the stock we oie handling, look at the goods aud get our P r See what we offer aud you will be convinced that our truth is stranger than fctfJn wS TZTJIM,, not tote ««!.« c»«om .»d 00. t ".r n.l« A- « « t »i.l before wo bovo no b.il fof .ncken. A bSbfZn, « obiM. bat J..0 w«kl n« tk'ok «' • »» a penny; the idea theu of offering a mm or woman a penny bribe to draw outturn. Yet tb.t iajnrt »b.t i, is marked at 99 cents or a SIO.OO article is marked 89-99, or btill worse, u reputable 15-cent article marked out on y 19 cents or a 25 cent article m»rk ed only 29 baits and so they are, but only sucli- r baits, and you will see sutlers jTp „/...llo» tb,» -hoi , W. Coo.id.r »a«b b„t ,0 so.. to B o fi.biog for cufttoai with, too »mall for a l.r<» Ora. and qaito too .mail for us. Our principle is SI.OO worth fir ?1.00, and we livo up to it. We i:ive a premium in the quality of our f;oods. That is worth more than a ™„,', worth ..fcWwint- (m It is » w H ,«r. iuw .bo ,-lothing urcu.. and ia that timo wo b.vo rapta'.d the aeld in? buyers far and near. Of course, once in a while a concern starteo 01 that was going to exterminate and obliterate us from the face of cbtbing deni Where are they now! They h ye gone to join pterodactyl, icthyol saurue, megasauraus and the rest of the family, and we are here now rat ing not like a hog. but like a tree that gives back iu the air what it take. !IT. -oil. Yes. b.r,. w ,ro wi.b k tb.t cs.H b. challenge uli competition ou the score ' i?oodsand prices. We re no tlo dioe h„t do do .11 le «, every ti.u., Ito. five to s cbsne. and when yon call ask for a card, and should ycu den e one sooner just drop us a p-sta card with your uame and address, and we will aend it J mHI • Very respectfully, r>. A. u JEC C K, | Champion Clotliier, Matter aiul Kurnislior.! 121 NorthMaln St. - - - Daily's Block, Butler, Pa.; TEE r\\vS)powder ! Satisfaetson iuararifeed. F.ACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAK iMG POWOER IS ANXEED | FULL STRENGTH, FULL AND „ r-f-R'TS AT THE LOWEST PC iSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT VV ITH QUALITY. , COOKS QUARTEBT .RETAIL AT 5 CT«. COOKS HALVES. RETAIL AT 10 CTO. j COOKS POUNDS, RETAIL AT2OCT3. ! Sold by alt r.,-»c<'ts. -'■•ntl Can. ! WEST END GROCERY. F. W. LIMB ERG, PROP. Fresh stock of teas, coffees, cam ed goods, country produce and every thing usually kept iu t cluss tobftccoand cigars; also dry go ds, notion. 1 -, etc. We make a specialty ot Hour and feed. A Full Line of Fall Dr; Goods Just Received- Gtoods XDolivorcd Free to aiij' part ol lo\vn», MILLINERY! Now ready and showing the most com * u plete line of trimme 1 and nntrimmed autumn JNlilliiiery. liats, bonnets, toques, birds, ribbons, etc. We are the recognized leaders of Millinery in Butler, and liaye many imitators, but no equals. D. T. PAP E, Mo. 18. H. Main St.. IS f TLEK, PA. 1850 E. GRSEB, THE JEWELER No. 19, North Main PA., DIC .A LJS R IN Diamonds,^ Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverv/ar3, Spectacles, &c., &c I Society Emblems c f rll Descriptions. j Repairing in nil branches skillfully done and warranted. : 1850 ESTABXaSKKB 1850 lIEiT MICTII | AT J. R. GblEB'S, •S'o. 16 South Main St , - Butler, !Pa. In batches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. I Repairing Promptly Attended To. . MOVED! WHO? . WHERE TO? WHY. A. TROUTMAN & SON, [lnto their New Store, 200 and 202 South Main Street, Where they have received B and ve now • n sale one of the most complete and largest stock- »t Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Fancy [Goods, Underwear 'leaks, Vv raps, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting*, Rugs, Curtain ', Lace and Porterre, Curtain Poles and Window Blinds that have ever been displayed in any store in Butler. ' Thanking the people for their liberal patronage at the old ! -land and asking them and alljotkv- ato call upon us at the I | new store, WE AltE pJCSI'ECTFULLT YOURB, A. TROUTMAN & SON. I Planing Mill -AND- Liunber Yai-d L. PURVIS. L. O. PCKVie. i G.Purvis&Co. MANLFACTCMKB ANl> DBALKBB IS lough and Planed Lumber Or KV«tY UJMCKIPTIOS. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. [ PiTTSiiSH NURSERIES. • E»UI>II*Im4 1840.) ' i. ISI.KOA NT ILLUBTIIATKD CAT VL ''i'DE for l'-- ' will bo mm la! on nppli ru. Kvcry I-'.inner, Owflener, Amutour i.i :i«r <•! u lot -htiulU h«ro one. O .iters for flowira t»nd florut emblems h;t ..linn .»to attention. Telephone 239. Jsi-.n B. h A. Murdoch, ."•'milkfield St., PITTSBVKGB, PA. i w « *Tkl>- A)<<•"' i "> solicit icloih lor ou " e|.oice i ucflr.i(J» Kur*rj Slo.k. xtrtil; Walk »' £>rr|mpiT»le Xeu. '-n-y unri or commission It prertr ».i. s.'rtw a'one -, state Age. Address. I J. Chase & Co/"^V',T