B. & B. See Samples OF THESE Special Black Goods Values before you buy a black drae Samples cost you nothing and will save yoa dollars. 4ti inch (note the width) All-Wool Block Cashmeres, 60 cents—regular value, 75c. 42-inch All-Wool Black Cheviotte?, 50c.—worth 15c. 46-inch All-Wool Black Serge, 50 cents, very remarkable value. 50-inch Black French Serge, 15c. 46-inch Black Silk Wrap Cash meres, at SI.OO, sllO, $1 25—the present market price on these qualities ie $1 25, $1.50, $1 75, respectively. Higher prices are talked of on all sides. We will be a little peculiar, and adhere to old prices. "B. & B." prices,—always the lowe&t, in these store. Catalogues and Samples free. Superior mall order facilities. Try us. Satisfaction guaranteed,also lowest prices. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. Wm. F. Miller. Manufacturer "of Stair Rails, Balusters and Newel~posts. All kinds of done to order, also Decorated and Oanred wood-work, well ™ Ca«dnir Corner blocks. Panels and all kinds of fancy wood-work for inside decoration i t of lIOUSeS. CALL AND SEE BAMPLBS. Sowcthins new and attractive. Also ; FURNITURE at iov eet'easb prices, Store at No. 40, N. Main street. Kactory at No. 89, N, Wasbmßton itreei.lhi BITI.EK A. J. FfiANK CO. —DIALXM T" DRUGS, . MEDICINES, X AND CHEMICALS FANCY AKD TOILET ABTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES. PERFUMERY, *e Brriiyalctana' Prebcnptlons carefully com pounded: 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. YOU will find the beßt Soda Water in Butler at REDICK'S. Try his"grape tonic—a most delicious and refreshing drink Try his milk-shake, made of milk of guaranteed freshness. Try any of his flavors and you will find them the best in the town. Big Overcoat Sale AT The Racket Store. OVERCOATS OF ALL GRADES, STYLES AND COLORS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. REMEMBER THAT > T O FIRM DOING A CREDIT BUSINESS CAN QUOTE THE LOW CASH PRICEB YOU WILL FIND AT THE ONE PRICE RACKET STORE, 4 8 S. Main St., Butler, Pa. SCHUTTE & O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And*Cras Fitters. DKALKRB Iff Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, VA- Wanted, At Once, A man to sell choice Nursery Stock iu and around Butler during the fall and winter. We Bolicit the corres pondence of anyone wishing a situa tion. Special Inducements to the right party. Permanent employment w ben desired. No experience neces sary: Good pay. Address stating age COLUMBIA N C&SCBY CO , Rochester, N. Y. 7 ijt 4 i The HI Oft Samtmfal ttcuiedy ewr discos : ore.: I Sirs: -Last Bumrr or I ctirM n Curb npon x- _ i t»x your celebrated Kendall's Spavin Ctune and it | x*r. the beat Job I ever HAW u->ne. I hav,. a dozen ' e.ui.iy U>ttle«, havin* used it witu perfect success, j cuAiigevery thing I tried It 011. my neighbor had r. horse with a very bad spavin t nat made hi m lar.ie. Br asked me how to euro it. I recormended Kendall's Spavin Care. He cured the Spavin in Jti&C tnroe week*. Tours respectfully. WoLCOTT WiTTTVL. COLUMBUS, April 4, •»). fn. B. J. ELxvr> IT.n Co.: l>.ar Sirs •-1 have sr-Ulntr more of Kendall's Spr.vln Cure and Flint's < Vnditlnn PnwJerßthnn ever before. Ouo mau jp.aid to me, it vrus the bo6t Po.wUcT I evei kept and the bent he ever Respectfully, OTTO L. H OFTMA*. N. Y., May 19, **X DR. 3. J. KKVCALL CO., Dear Sirs:—l have n«M several bottles of yorr Kendall's Spavin Cure with per*ect PUCC-**. cn a valuable and budded mnre (Lai w .5 laiae with a Bone spavin. Thr mare 1« nf>*vcmlre!y fwe from !amonU?lTfc^S." H. CbiMs & Co., Wholesale Agents, Pittsburg. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HAXDSO3IK, IM>ESTITT CTIIJLB. - than Wood. TkeialmeitttMl l*iek«t g»tt. (I UiliMtt B«tt{n;,)cAD o»ul na Iron or Wood Poitf. V 'icu for pri gi.e Quantity, Numlxrr of Qaica. Double and Biii#ie, wanted. We also Vaunfaciure I7«avy Iroa Fcncfn*. Crest»ur 8U !• FlttlDM. Hre Shut Mr* and FIR" KPt'aPFP. Cellar Doors, and Ralllnga, Bra»# and Iron tfrllls. WIRB DO JK AND WINDOW SCRKFBB, a ad all kin is or WIRE WOBi. TAILOR 6c DEAN, 201, 203 St 203 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ' On th'j female face, " %> -v I hair on the fore- { I h«»ad, neck, note, ! hands, I breast, en men's j cheeks above tho VfiS *®iSlrr 3fe line and be- /-•fiS tsF&Q& zS' tweontheeyebrows / rA i , destroyed " forever wSW I ! by the El ec trio Jp needle Operation \sjj? A by Dr. Vau Pyck, N* Electro burgeon, \ yA. i ! 60- Peun avenne, i j Pittsburgh. Birth /g marks, Sloles, ' Warts, Men*a Red -A j • N- se, Enlarged . Veins of th« Nose, XiJ^Rx-r Pimples, Hlack- / r\fvO | heaJs, Liter Spots j and all diseases and blemlnhos of the rkin, ! { complexion, Lair auJ scalp treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor lia* • Lud 20 years' experience in the practice of j his specialty, and nambers among his pa- J tients our inost prominent families. If yoa | are afflicted with any of the above blemishes, ; I avoid patent medicines and consult i)r. Van IPyck at once. Special terms to all who make engage men tsjtli is month. Book free. ments can he made by mail. Call on j Dr. J. Van Dyck, 4»» U. 11th street, Philadel , phia, or 502 l*eaa avenne, Pittsburgh, Pa [_Hottri a to 1 and 2 to 7; Sundays, 10 to 5. - r.,. nrf(! tola t3 3h->" ' •est til* •. *•' ft" **•'»• ' .- fr. rd- . f»«! .u.l'S.« V . % »nv»!u I. • tr'cf.rrt !.i, i,h„; !■ f-r • .•»»• ' it • . *.-«ST»r».a» Id. ' ... #... ' ; yHI V KWW all. If • \ • IO T;> • rfc i wHrjssctiton jgK. res ®tS!5 u FJT Tel-fc *C Si Ha MILLS ewopci i n B • 1 the «vorl«l. Oar f.rilitiM «.-• I unequal«l. and to infrcdurc our I au peri or pood »we will i.U t%". M< kj MHp-l to OK K PKRsox in each locality, yS ••above. Oulyl! w v.howrite nJLL^ th * ch * n ' A »K yOU k * v tC to E * ihc.it •> • -.4 «• x i.... bt^ of Utia adver' iwUstw -T" ibom the small of the tela ttepe. T*. fwl.'. .v..if -J* ?;.«• ihr •; > ' ' «b»t U>- «f«H» >*" ofitobolkjt to.rwn "#I".VT r .i»y u Vf ouit»;r .kI U«tter write at once. We Myall e*i>r.». a 4dreta. 11. IIALLETT a CO., Bua FOBTLANU, MAI»* CATARRH IU ELY S CREAM BAI M is not a liquid, tv.uff or povrlr-. A,,) d into nostrils ts quickly absorber/. It detunes the heed Allaf* infiawmaticm. lhtil t/m sores: Restores the sens -s of taste end smell. SOcentsat Dragtr»sts; byinail, iegl.Mi: i. &>'-'s Ely Brothers Bn,H^ ,Vurn: ' Nl ' qalesmev WA. ISTT Hi). iN LOCAL OR TRAVELING. T<> sell 081 Niirbcr • slock. n«lary. expi-usrs .T.J stct.': cmployme i mnnimi. BKOillfc : < HI'ANY. Hi( . '•• r, N. Y. —Adyertise in tbc CtiizsN. ] &Mm\ ;g WU.3 | 'CURE I SJctr ITmidacTieandn'Urvft nil th.- trooWca mcl I 3"nt tx it I iii :s 5:.' -.it. • s" .<, Nan.-t-a. Ur >... .ties .« afwr i ntinc. 1" iin in : i:f Si V. .Mi-. While th«ir moat jn _ ua ' «rn in cuxtaK fleadarh i, yt CARTER'S Lirn.B Liver. PILLB are equa'lv \..lnal>le in Constipation, curing nnd prer- ;itir- this i ir.t;coit.i'!ainr. » hilo tliej »lso«orr- -t all ilin-rdt-ntof the Mtoni-wh, I utiiniilat.. th** liver ivud resulalo the bowels, kvcu if tii y ouiy cured HEAD V-he t?i- y would N' almost priceless to those •1,„ suir&r fr-> n ' '!.■!ressiiiK complaint: Hi :elv lii- ir i>'< jMness decs Rot **nd Ihcse ifjc j.iiLs val""i;Ie in so many ways that h"y ..ill not 1.0 Milling to do without them iJtit alter all f-ick heaJ ACHE ;!,r ban? m son ".m" livea here is w!*ere we n ■'.r I ?ist. OtiT piil» cure it whi e i"® tak*>. One or two pills n.ake n t' ? ai*e strictly Teeretam»» and do i. EOf , ;r:re, but 1 • their gentle nation nl all who u*e them. Tsi vials at 25 c nts; five for SoM \v.h< • . or sent by nuUL j I tool - Cold, I iock Sick, | I OVv AJL 0 j KLiLLT: ' I take My Meals, j I take My Rest, j \ AND I AM VIGOROUS ENOUHH TO TAKE ( J AN\TH!NC. I CAN LAY MY HANDS OS ; j ) crltiHK I'at too, for Scott's \ I Fmuision of Pure Cod Liver Oi! < i and Hvp jpliosphitesofLimeand j ) Soda ONLY CURr.D MY lilffp- ( ! idt£ Consumption BUT BUII.T i S VK. UP, AM) IS NOW rUTTING ' j FLESH ON MY BONES j i AT THE RATE OF A POUND A DAY. 1 ( 1 :>.liEirjt ! AS iASILY AS IDO MILK." j j SUCH TESTIMONY IS HOTHIKB NEW. J [ SCOTi'S EMULSION IS DOING WONDERS j j DAILY. TAKE NO OTIIER. /> HABITUAL j j GROWLFP. JJfr <\ -' :a4 sssS^ People •*« ;H V— read dlrectfoM too tho l i t to comp.'tir. ;h*t WbKfsAOMEBIacUnB nc-* :i. 1.-' -v r.n tlis 3 hf>as Sbrll we fnj it ifl u.-4vi»h- t-i c!di them "11-'-itaa! Gr^wlref" Ark (■' J, /'« «' • «• f'tmithtng Stow for I*i'-.-Koa v.hich UFITL STftt.- C , R;:U FUHHITUBI Tarnish Wilt STAIN L. ft:ioCH.:MWA«I a f (), e STAtfl *• ? c rbUIO w VL CTA-.r. '-e '• OLO HASRCTS timS. :SON « ' ' . r/tr >r. 7u T !,' •: :?A2TDOLPH, Philadelphia. _ Vvi T • an absolute. positive and permanent euro for Pick Hen -Incite. BiliuiiMneM, to all. Address, FRAXfcMV HART, Warren St.. Xcw York. DOCTORS LAKE G ITUVATE DISPENSARY". '' 3$ COR. Penn Ave. mo FoumH ST.. .j:. rii v PITTSBURGH, PA. . All forms of Delicate and Com ' 1:': ! !>:.—'-1 ■* ill-: Is j. ®- V fiduvtial M\d:iciKNTlKic Med- S**- icalkvi arc treated at this Dia iy \v ith a success rarel} attained. Dr. S. i l.akc is a men.! er of the Royal College of i'liy •.n.ins and Surgeons, and in the oldest and most \;*rier.. i sprciamst in the i itv. Special at. • iition rjivfti to Nervous Debility from excessive nental exertion, indiscretion oi youth, etc., raus iik physical and mental decay,lack of energy, ' |K)iid.-ney, etc.; Cancers, Old Sores Fits, lies, Rheumatism, and nil diseases of the Skin, !oid. I.uims I"rinarvOrgans,ctr. Constitution c« tiinl strictly confidential; Office hoert. It to ■, . 7to S I'. M.; Sundays, 2to4P. M. only. 1 lit office or address DRS. I. VICE, CO ft. rJN.N AVE.A>D4THST..PIXTSBLItUH,l > A. ''•'a"" ■ • • i". .1 ■ ■ tri'll hy yEIIiiZBHBHHI i'HILAUf i'ii iA. V.\ . ha •<» at cuce.tto operation IPlutt«. tn:«« f!■<•!..:»«! . i :i- - .-noui.'ed in urabiu by < wit• u»;l. t?euci for (,'irrular. C-U ! t tUAFANTEED. cfflceiiourViTtoa. P.tOFREE !• ss'"i IV-Bcrforcd 4 *t'J O-.KUNE'S OREAT • ® s & i\-r>vER-:- -o«?eb VT* ' :■ i )•• ■ i • <:.:e -I. .' '• • o'ttr Uy'smtr TVotiiK :« At h S:..PMWlelphia.Pa. z . • rrr.tr/y-, i ■ a uds. When T eay Ctms I «ci mcoa Bierelr t® rtopthemiyr a time, aud (.hen i-r.ve them re tr.rr. ax*, i. 1 mkait A 2ADICATi 1 hive made the disease oi FITS, EFULEPSTT or rAU-JNG SIOK2TESS, Al!fe-'">f g Btn3y. I wsr.njjn my remedy to Co Hi" tue wcrat cnrcr. Bccauso others have failed it. no re i.sou for not now receiv.ug a euro. !*? a treatise and a Frkf BorrLa oi niv Ixfalublb Uemedv. Give Erpresa end ±*o-1 OfTiCe. It costa yo'i nothing for a aud it will c.re you. K.C. HOO'i\ r/i.C., IS3 Pear.. i. T KfwVCW ■mm ■•■"js^ia^gscni | J %■' *¥«'- :«ii and HERVOCB DEBIX-TTZ*, • t'i -TT'??:'*:citnetsof BoJy an-; Mind, Eifscti PlJlk?-''A' !.'i -f'v .'-icrEx-' -nCiuor Ylv.t.z, B»!iiUt« liohlr . Mt) ■ i Upftor.':!. H,.Ai, CO., e ; JFFAI.O. ti. *. TO WEAK HIN Buffering froLi I'jo ( Sect- of youthful en-ore. early duoav, ws-tirr' wcakneM, lc«tm.iiihood,ctc.. I will •cud'a Taluuulo treat), i il'd containing full varticuiara ft»r home cure, fPEEof chsrge. A JrlccJi \ medical work ; should be rtadliy-cvcry mJjo ia cjrvous auJ debilitated. AddreaaJ i Prof. Y. C, i'OWUEH, M' ,aparil!a. •Sold by drnggi Is. "'There is plemy of room at the top,' is said. By those wh« re wiseacres called, And it's certainly true for the matter of hail As applied ut::o such «ts are bald." —"And what i.» -haiuet" I asked a hoary sage. He grimly suii 'd nor paused to ponder long, But gruffly answered, "Shame, my son, is what We mortals feel when'er .our friends do wrong. —For headacl es, biliousness, constipa tion. dizziness, sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions Dr. Fenncr's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic Diver fails. Warranted to satisfy or mone; refunded. Time was I shrank from what was right, From fear oi' what was wrong; I would not have the'sacred fight Because the foe was strong. FITS. —All fHs stopped rree by l>r. Kline's («reat Nerve UeKto-*er. No fits after first days use. Marvelous cares. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle tree to Fit uses. Send to Dr. Kline, Ml Areli St., Phtl'a, 1*». —Every year .i layer of the entire sea, fourteen feet thi k, is taken up into the clouds. The w. ,ds bear their burden into the land and th>- water comes down in rain upon the fields, to flow back through rivers. —Dr. Fenncr's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for horses. Gives eticrgy and strength. Money refunded if action not given. Does Advertising Pay? , EVERY HEAL I IVE BUSINESS MAN WILL tell you thii It does If you do It properly and Judlclo'isly. The question Is uot when to adveriise tor that should he always, but how. Those who have discovered the best method ol course uet the largest returns. Nearly every business ha.* tts "dull season," during which a '-ood advertisement will do faithful work day and night, rain or shine. In familiarizing consumers with the name, location and spe. alties or advantages of the advertiser, so th:« when the time to buy comes he reaps (lie of his seed-sowing. —lf these Af: an explorers continue to vent their fury <>u each other wo may get the whole truth, but we shall be sorry that Emin wasn't left to take his chances in the wilderness. One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit i'ie above amount if I fail to prove that i' iraplexion is the best med icino in existen< e lor Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousn ss. It is a certain cure, and affords inn l ediate relief, in cases ol Kidney and Liv r Complaint, Nervous De bility and Co sumption. Foraplexion builds up the v. ak system and cures where other remedies ail. ~ Ask your druggist for it and get v 11. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowii' also, sample bottle sent free; all charge prepaid. Address Frank lin ilart, »■> \\ . ien street, New York. —The uev> M ••age system of the city of Worcester, Ma , is said to have been demonstrated t< be an unqualified success. The sewage i.< collected in large tanks, anil when the w rk of chemical preeipit ation has beeu ..ccomplished the effluent, "which is disehn.ged into the Blaekstonc Hiver, is so pur- that chemists say it might be drunk with ifety. The system is in use in EuropCti cities, and the general verdict there is bat its i lficieucy is un questioned and its administration econom ical. Consumption Surely Cured. To TUB EDITOH: Pleas© Inform your RODDERS that 1 have a posit ,'o remedy for the above-named disease. By iU ti-iely mo thousands of hopeless cases have been pc aanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottler of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who lave consumption if they will send mo their TLx\n 'ss and P. O. addrese. Respect fully, T. A. BLI :CM, M. C.. 181 Pearl St., X. Y. —Forty-seven years ago a man in Illinois went out one ev ning to milk his cows. He got back home 1 st week. That is a record calculated to exi ite the jealousy even of a telegraph messo< ger boy. —Dr. FeniiOi s Kidney and Itaikache 1 Cure is warranto 1 to give satisfaction iu every case or m< ney returned. —Kaisins for Thanksgiving Day minco meat can be rei .lily seeded by a gentle squeeze between the fingers if they have been allowed to tand in boiling water for a few minutes. To Consumptives. The undersign! I having beeu restored to health by simple means, after suffering .''or several years wit 1 a severe lung affection, and that dreed disease Consumption, is anxious to make nown to his fellow suffer eis the means of are. To those who desire it, he will cheer! lly send (tree of charge) a copy of the pres. 'iptiou used, which they will find a stir cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and all throat ami lueg Muladi< s. He hopes all sufferers will try his Ivei edy, as it iR invaluable. The-" desirit i» ih prescription, which will cost them nothiu and may prove a bless ing. will please i Idress REV. Kit WARD A. WILSON, Wiilian >burg, Kings County, New York. Save Money By getting \ our Fall and Win ter millinery, underwear and hosiery froi i M. F. k M. Marks'. They wil show you the lar gest and be t selected stock in Butler at tha lowest prices. We have a larger stock of trimmed guuds than evei he fore. Mourning troods a Specialty. SA W MILLS Tatonl Tirixb! Friction and Bctt Ferj. Steam Eng aes, Hay Pvesses, Shin? e Mills. &c Portab e Grist Mills, Send lor Illus. riireKhlnK )luer Yai'd J. L. PUKVIP. L. O. FUKVIB. S. 6. Purvis&Co. MANUFACTL TK*BS AKD DKALBUS IN Rough an d. Planed Lumber OK KVt 1Y OICaOKIPTIOM. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa. Hi. C- WICK I>i!A LKR~II» Rough aim Vilorked Lumber OF 4! IL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath I-IME, HAIR AND PLASTER. OtHeo opposite P. & Depot, BUTLER,. " " FA U r- : &VhSiftAS. WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BUTLE"R - iFIEJN UST'A Where you can buye your choice out o. the. largest assortment of cooking and heating sti.vrs in Fuller n imty; tl*o £tal<-r ;n Hardware. Lansing Wagons, Wheeler A- "Wilvon nr.tl Standard Sewing Mat-hires, J.angii:gand Stard Lamps. Miuiufae;; rer of Tinware: T!n Koofinsr arid Spooling a Sp> -ialtv. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN We Have the Best Line ot Fine Dress Goods, Domestic Dress Goods, Blankets and Flannels, House Furnish ing Goods of all kinds, Carpets and Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs, Druggets, Stair Rods and Fasteners, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles and all the latest styles in Fixtures and Ornaments —and all at less prices than the same goods can be iound elsewhere. u— —— A SPECIALTY. o WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Wraps, and also of Ladies',fGentlemen's and Chil dren's Underwear. We carry the largest stock in these lines in Butler county, and sell at the same low prices which rule in all our departments. All we ask of you is to call in and verify these statements. It true,make your purchases; if untrue, purchase elsewhere. Yours, (fee. Ritter & Ralston. UIIT Oil THE FLY. . } We were fishing on the sly / And caught on the fly, (Vli \ Just above the eye. V/vr U_jT fCatching a eutker is an easy thing jh— v *• tire not after that kind of game T l e fact is we're got no bait for sucker: in our store. We are after whales. On r 7 * I&eL b iit is bargains; genuine bargains, re ,'T - 11 mber; real bargains. We don t us. ,r ■ I jjf or ificial bait, got up just to catch cue M\ to u. About one man in ten doe? no t tr; 4e with u*. We're after that coc t 's® l About cne in ten does not know thai, th. other nine of bis fallow mortals him- come to tbe conclusion th" it i ° wTr, ~(e.t to trade »itb Heck. We nr. alter tUt mam Ab™t on. m.. rlenThC? class goods ever offered for sale in tnu PV ent of the ?ea low prices that ruakes our present bargain offer tb ™ We want smart buyers, sensible people to drop in on us and see us "o Xt^er'andTo!SSSSIBLE PFICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. . SOOKB QUARTER {.RETAIL AT 5 CTB. COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 CTS. COOKS Pouwoa, RETAIL AT 20 CTB. Sold by aM ? roccfs -- 'j sPiund Cih« MILLINERY! Now ready and six intr the most com • c? >lete line of trimmed and untrimmed mtumn jViilliiierv. I :iis, bonnets, toques, birds, ribbons, feathers, etc. We are he recognized leade. o ' Millinery in Butler, and have m; imitators, but no equals. D. T, .' At E, No-18. S. Main St., lU'I'LEK,PA. 1850 JECstabii -lied 1850 E, GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No. 18, North Main BT3TLEB, PA., DEAL I) K IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel 7, SilYcr-A'ara, Spectacles, &c M &c. 'T Society Emblems c ' .iil Descriptions. .Repairing in all branches sk' "!nlly done and warranted. 1850 ESTABSr ~ i 3 1850 GREAT Ilffli AT J. R. G I KB'S, Nc. 16 South Mai j i k - Butler, l*as In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Pronipl! Attended To. SIGN OF El RIO r.ELL. MOVED! WHO? WHERE TO? WHY. A. TROUTMAN & SON, Into their New Sto.-e, 200 and 202 South Mam Street, Where they have receivedjiud l,;:veu MIJ«S T:-H MaiuifaoJurttJol Pure 5J;n lei roiiuty It <»«»». W« miwnt'''! our fcxvis to b- tric'ly . •■' nil noSrsenlo or «ny otlicr "<*u» m. r j Srt'u-iySW- \siiOi.-aie or 'umpww .ina I>i|n>s li'«° to r v a lot .-dioald have one. • ■ st. r i " ers and emblems -it. ..Mention. Tt'lapbuiiu 239. I . o A. Murdoch, 503 '•■aithfield St., riTTSBUBGU, PJ. ■>t v>*i a> ' Citizen