B. B. See Samples OF THESE Specialßlaek Goods Values be! >ra rou buy » black dress. ScmpWcost you notbiug and will £3 - 3 you dollars. 4« inch (note the width) All-Wool Block Cashmeres, €0 cents—regular TU! le, 75c. 4a-inch All-Wool B'eck CbeTiottes, 60c worth 15c. IS-icch AU-WQPI Black Serge, 50 n,.:s. very remarkable raiae. 50-inch Black French Serge, 75c. 4,'arh Black Silk Wrap Cash meres, at SI.OO, sl.lO, $1 25—the pr- -tnt market price un these qualities is *1 25, $1.50, $1.75, respectively. Hvher prices are talked of on all sides. We will be a little peculiar, and adhere to old prices. 'B. & B.'' prices,—always the lowest, in these store. Catalogues and Samples free. .Superior mail order facilities. Try us. Satisfaction guaranteed,also lowest prices. Boggs & Buhl, ALLEGHENY, PA. V/m. F Miller. "" Manufacturer of Stair Bails, Balusters] and Newel-posts. t A kinds of wOod-turnlnK done to order, also Ij. - i.e/[ and Carved wood-work, such as Casi. <ortier blocks, Panel* and ail kinds of fa; wood-work for Inside decoration S:Of CALLANPSHE SAMPLER* Benin'; ing new jrd attractive. Also PURNITURB at IcwesQcaab prices. ■if ore at No. W, N. Main s»eet. Factory at No. 59, N, Waahlnrton rtreewii BUTJ.EK PENNA A. J. FRANK * €O. DEAUMA IK—- J>E*YS, MEDICINES, AHD CHEMICALS FANCY 15D TOILET ABTICEB, SPoNOKS, BRUSHES. PERFUMEItY, Ac ttf I'ByalofaiW Prescriptions carefully coic pouiitted. 5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. YOU wi 1! Soda Water in Butler at REDICK'S. Try his* grape tonic—a most delicious and refreshing drink Try his milk-shake, made of m ilk of guaranteed ireshnesp. Try any of bin flavors and you will find them the best in the town. Big Overcoat Sale AT The Racket Store. OVERCOATS OF ALL GRADES, STYLES AND COLORS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. REMEMBER THAT NO FIRM DOING A CREDIT BUSINESS CAN QUOTE THE LOW CABH PRICEB YOU WILL FIND AT THE ONE PRICE RACKET STORE, 148 B. Mam St., Butler, Pa. SCIIUTTE k O'BRIEN Sanitary Plumbers And' Gas Fitters. DSALEHH.IX Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes aud Natural (iaH Appliances, JetfemmSt„opp. Lowry House "BUTLER* PA. Wanted, At Once, A i;iun to sell choice Nur.nery Stock in a;.d around Butler daring the fall and winter. We solicit the corres pondence of anyone wishing u aitua tioi Special iodoceiuenta to the ri„'L' jrnrty. Permauent employment wb« u desired. No experience neces sary; Gcod pay. Address stating age COLUMBIA NUEHKRY CO , Rochester, N. Y. '• *« " : •*. f i'hihdrlpliu i \ tt.. -i'uptr Advw t « S illiK A/ •»« >' of MfeWU*. h. ■ AVER * SON* vw * 'Cfaeibed i*saU. 7 yKENDALUS|% PjAVIKCUREIa The M«l Hicceufal Beaed; era discov ered, as U If certain is Its eSetu and does not bile tor. Bead proof below: F_ BSCOCLT*, OMUL, May 5, W. bo. D. J. Enron r. Co.: Ciri:-I*cta<m i lerlcnred a Ctiri) upon ray horse Willi your celebrate*! Kendall s SpartaUnreaadlt was lb* best Job 1 ever saw done. 1 here a dozen •empty bottle*, twed It wltlinerfect success, cwrnfaveiy tain* I tried It on. Mr neighbor had a burst'wltb a rerrbad Bpa«in tnat made aim lame. Ha a. ked m. bow to care It. I rotoiumendod Keedail's Spavia Cnra. He cured the Spavin la Jos* three weeks. TOUTS respectfully. WOLCOTT WIrKH. Cornon, Ohio, April (, "90. XML B. J. Co.: Dear Sin I hero been selling more of Kendall's Spavin Cure ar.tt Flint s Condition Powders than ever before. One BU said to me, It was the beet Powder I ever kept and the best be ever mx-d- BeepectfaTly, OTTO L. U lFTllA!!. CHTTTESiSOO, X. T-, Slay 19, 'JO. Da. B. J. Kivßiix Co.. Dear Sua .—I ba*e used several bottles of yonr Kendal! s Spavin Cure with perfect sueeesT, on a valuable and blooded mare that w-asqmte lame with a Bone Spavin. The mare is now entirely free fn .in ' ii.-u.-ns and .bows no bu itch on tit* Joint. Eespectfully, F. H. Hcrcinxs. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Uonoz, La., Baj S, *9O. Dc. R J. KESTJiIX Co, Oents t—l think 1t my duty to render ron my thanks for your far famed Ken iail'- Spavin Cure. 1 bad a four year old Ally which I prized very highly. She had a very severe swollen lee. I tri<-<l about eight different kinds of medicines which did ao good. I purchased a bottle of your Kendall's Spavin Core which enrol her in four days. I remain yours, HAKIOX DoWDEM. Prtoe (1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All drug gisu bare tt or can get it for you, or It will be sent to any address on reoelpc of price by the propria tors. DB. li. J. KENDALL CO., Enoebuntk VaJle, Vermont / » Knbber Shoes unless won vnoomtortablY tight feaaralljr rilp alt the feet THE "COLCHESTER W RUBBER CA mak« tn tfc' !r Aoes wfth tnffUto of hH witli rabbrr. This elioun to the shoe sad prevents the rubber from oiipping off. Can tcr the ••Colehr \f>?" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." H. Childs & Ca, Wholesale Agents, Pittsburg. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HANDSOME, IJfDESTHI CTTBI. E. Cheaper than Wood. Th.ats>e«Hsfeeee IM>»m rim »no crsu i, n .,i . artiin(,)cu b. BM4«ln>a or Wm* FmU. Wlim -.rlilnc fcr «lw (iv. Omuititj, >IHlm «f O.to. Dor.M. ud atutl. taut Ws SIM VtoarSMin Inn Iron at.bi. VHtlots, tin Bksaurs aad flag ISCSKK". C«iiu Do«r», h4 Btm .nil Ina «rli;., WIBK P'J'JB 4.SD WMTOOW Klltra. ao< au kiaSs st WISE woajL. • TAYLOR tc DEAN, SOI, SOS * 205 Market St., PltUbnrth, P«. i SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I On the fetnale f»c« f \ hair ob lb« fore j Lf&d t neck, none, JKmSUBgKSSsUm ■ ears, handle, arms, 1 breast, on 1 cbeeka above the beard line and be- /J2& two«nthe«»jrebrowe / i. | destroyed forever Su_ Jk rnjiF by tho £ lee trie Needle Operation 602 Penn avenne| i Birth Veloa of the ; Piuplee, Black- j beaas, Liver S{»ota ] and all disease* and bleuishe» of tho skin, coiupiexlon, hair and scalp successfully treated by Dr. Van Dyck. The Doctor ba« had 20 years' experience in the practice of his specialty, aud numbers among his pa lieets our most prominent families. If you are afflicted witb any of the above blemishes, avoid patent modiciues and consult I>r. Van Dyck at once. Special terms to all who make month. Book free. Engage ment* can be made by mail. Call on or address Dr. J. Van Dyck, 40 N. 11th street, Philadel phia, or 502 l'i'uit avenue, Pittsburgh, Fa. Hours a to 1 tui'i '1 to 7; Bunda ; |. -fill ut*A do i« T , alio'. <• '..tl •.»« *'• U'i J t •' t3i' tr vrbo rtli > Kl fr»-T»«l f p nI fi« i,-l.hi;r«aii4 tli 'M hik.ml joa-!Mt nitre* l *, f Hi vilittblc iridi <'i nt «r'.i '.h' M«foryftiri* n iiirestart-.1, jnd fl«it« af r IV. t,ir n. i •*!••« «. fr« srbt, *t. /• t; j rtm ■ t, if *■' i . . . A" «•* } u c*n j m*nfr**d *s£4? ' ---.o - v «up • - r »li n.azxS. . .** •*. .. .... | I NpmorfO'Al* will mdrkii |U/ > kl HIF" I UOTI •» MCh r n *t E iroaal y HI. TB. ka. of tbi. «4v.lll>MM>.t SLoai tk. SfH«ta t—rt of M. bulk. lis. r** l * 4 . S«ibL»*.Ul.- !«. t»c«Tr w.will.isaaho-r«uI.»W... M rtomibr.«.r«.wfi*. SErttnwril.atoa... W.a.y«ll..»«»»c».rfw A^TlMULuJrtacb" ». uti*.r».xuA>u, *.«« Fall Opemng Of Ladies, Children and Genta furnishing goods, Saturday, Oct. 4. Fine line of light weight, all wool underwear, hosiery, gloves, boys and girls bata and caps. everything kept in a first class Furnishing Store at the lowest figures. A School Bay Qiven Away With Every Purchase. John M. Arthurs. | 333 SOUTH MAIS STREET. 333 Save Money By getting your Fall and Win ter millinery, underwear and hosiery from M. P. & M. Marks'. They will show you the lar gest and best selected stock in Butler at the lowest prices. We have a larger frtock of trimmed goods than evei be | fore. j Mourning goods a Specialty. feMsfs" te^a CURE ffk*k Heacaeheand n*Ucve ali the troubles* incl dipt to a bilious state r»f the such as U&ziness?, Nausea. pistrwa; Paio IB tte Side, ftc While their rooel reniariuabie success has t et*u bhowa in curing SICK \ J<< CART# r. a T.rrn b Pi:a* i ure tHjually valuable in Con? rnaiion. curing ! ani pr^rer'Tng 1 tliis omniaiiit. v hih tbey also <.orr»vi al 1 of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regu)ate the bovreU. tbey orJy cured HEAD \clte would *>e almost priceless to tho?c iho s iffer from this iistressing compl#nt: ji»t fart una rely the ir p' *H!m\ss drn»s not en«l nere. u» i 'i thu.se v. no once try tiiein vt ill iin«l these lit(:e pills va!uai>!' in so mauy ways that tory \. f!l n«»t be wiHlng to do uitnout them. bu: aTter ail sick head fs theha?io of so many lives that is whore mar - our great boast. Our pills cure it while finer? not. CARTER'S LITTIJS LIVER PILLS are very small an ' \ery •i>v to take. One or two pills make a close." They are stric ily veeetaote and do not gr» jif* or purpre. hut l»y their pen tie 'in please all who use thera. In viais at S c nts: five for $1 Sold even-rrhf-re, sent by muiL Wi HL Small i'%: S2l: r ' "1 ; I t • Vt- -CO i£. sdSSBBS \ : - 1 1 5 j 1 ( DOES CURE i CONSUMPTION j In its First Stages. | I Be sure you jet the genuine. I I > j, j "Thank yoa, no ctlwr <*re e'vz for van bvt Woiff'sfl^|£3lacking Kyoo and jocrra*tci-jrs st 1..u u, |K A becauz- .' a did net fcn. vj* ' Atk *n Paint, Isrx ' '' >u • ' rait) ~ t'U-lh.'O. WiU.BraiNCi.-vt r:cvi FvrMiii' I:f I».S wtu.SrAii <2u««a av? CHJJsa'r of 'si WIUBVAIN Tl..*'» , >£ ft • " %»'LL 6T«IN BASV £ COSC't » *• & W. R t; Mmr ./• t I 'L • m c A AZ A/ ?J. r ?~'< \ V r ' • wolf? f HA:. ' • fU>J rf-- (* I- an ahwilnte. rositlre and ffrmnnent cur f for Sick Headnche, HllioiiNiM'NN, 4'ort-ti|>nt{<m, Nervous lletHit \, llUettse, llinbelex end i 'on- KUtiiption. It. croes n» tie* very r< <»t of xill caused by an itnj-ure state of the blood. FLO ft \ I'LKX lO.X isabi-.i I, ronrentrated snd w»werl'ul extract of tJ»** most valu.'tMe and pxjK-n.vive herbs knovrn to me<llcal science. iTeimird from the pre flcripuon »»f a noted Enullsb physician, - n-i cures when all other remedies fall. Tl»onsand«i «»f the l itrbest and Mronsrest testimonials from ernt*'fnl patieiits can l>e siiown. Tl»e do«* insrdr«-n you witli ' -rindprire —do to your drunl sr. purch*se a bottle, aud bo cured.—Valu able book sent free to all. Address, FRANKLIN HART, Warren St.. Xrw York. ■■■■——■ DOCTORS LAKE TO® W l ItIVATK OTSPKN'sAItV. tij, Jf) Cos. Pen" A/C. A"3 FOI;.ITH ST., PITTfeUURGH, PA. , S Aliformsof r>«lienUi and Cmn rilinatcd lifaa-aaesrc<|i iiuj<i'ON. »'IB**TIAL anUScii .-.•rim; Alfl fixation aro treat oil at tlus i >iy iMtr.ary with ft snccess rarely nttained. Tir. K. 1( f.nk <• l~amciniierof the ltoval College of I'liy s mil i an<l riurK't ona, ami Is the oMi- .i and fxperienccd ki-wialist in the city. Special at cntloii ivu'i ti> Nervous Debility irom excessive •ileal al i:xortlon, Indisoretion of yrmtli.eto., caim ,nß pliv>lcal ami mental decay,lack of energy, le.iK)n'lency, etc.; also Cancel*, Olil Sores, f its, I'ilen, Khi-Hiriatlnin. uml all dixeaiioaof the Skin, i! .. 1,1 11.1L'l-lnary Orcan-.etc. Con- iltatlon '.rrc ami fctrii ly confidential. Ofllce hours, Uto I : 17 to 8 i-. M.; Sundays 2tolr. M. onlv. ail at olßce or ; d.ltcsa PR3. I.AKE, COR. -r.vs avi..ANDUUST.,PITTS BUUIjII, I'A. - L. .i :■ ii jiernianently cnren y l'H ILaIMJI'IJIA. PA. i-ve at or •% no operation | f»r lues (' ilm< lioni bam i- < usee proiuiunre-i In- . < uraide!>y other* wa.ii . send f«.r Circular. CUHF. « U ARAN TEED. ■ rp r r^ sT °™ EE rA .2 'iK 'i».ano KettoreJ Kfi MPg Dr.ELIJfE3 OP-SAT 3 WNFRVERFCSTORER VI/ «"i'fMSl'MK.I!!.r>J. Cnlyim 4?" Fut \3m i *•*. oiai.K »I kcr h •. dir- >l. N» J'ttt m/ttr Bp fit ' 'ry't HJt. r— .MM: Snd £. trial t>oltle fr -n to W6( J..t; ' . / J*-.' ' :e*pr«'.lclurjf«'»tihox Wlms til -.-1,.|n.,!r .I'.O Ufi « eijfM. *dd«w o( KT • ■ l.tvi i Arrn St.,rh.;sdelotii.i.Fa. •. .- e ' /.!// A TlNti FRAUDS. Whim t (IT Ctnt* I d» not mean merel? to •top them for a time, aad then bare then ro* turn again. I MKSJT A RADICAX. CUJLL. 1 have wade the disoaa* of FITS, EPffi EPSY or SICKNESS, A life-lorn? »tn Jy. I WAatUNT my remedy to OOHii tou worst cases. Eccatue others h.ivo failed lii no reason lor not nowrecelvini? acure. bend atones for a treatise andai RE is liuTTLB of mv INFALLIBLE UeMßDif. Give Ezpress aad Post Office. It coets jon nothing for a trial, and it will cure yoo. Addr-ts H.C. ROOT, M.C., Wftm c o E*M MEM ■ UH? ?HSaPi W g > or lO2T c r FAILIHO MANEOOI rpJ VEKVom D£BI!,ITYi t-+iri4 T *'{4t m Body and Kind, llLil v.jJl* if of Brrorror Excesses in Old or Your.r. Hcimtt. h0'.,'.0 fttr+ntlfe*aWKAK,t Mlh»"KI I'ARTf»OP ItOl'T* AUo. itHv isfaitl»n no'IK i'MSATfIIM In a daje i.-rtJly from &O !•*»•. » nort F«r«lgaCwuttrl a. Writ** 1..k0u (lf--rr'utl*« f. i»lw itl«« and pre ,f» nall«-d :, fr#». Ul*us eft'E RIIUICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. Te 'V Buffcrkii/ from the' ffcct- of youthful early decay, wasting weak new. lostmatdiooil, clo., I will •ond a valuable treatise f a«aled)cotitainlng full nsrticulara t>">rhomo cure. FHEE"' cLsrge. A splendid medical work : ahouM u * read by t^ eT 7 p.ari who ia nervous aad debilitated. Adircei,, prof. r. t. FOWUtat- JI«; vUua, toua. THE Cl'l XZEIsT. MISCELLANEOUS- Ups and Downs with Pigs. Owing to tbe rapidity with which pie eau l>e increase;., the price of pork often varies greatly v itl:in a rear or two. It depends par Jy on the abundance or scarcity of gr n. especially of corn.— When the com - rnp is poor, as it is' in many places th s year, farmers easily get overstocked, 1 either kill or sell off their surplus. Tet Uis is usually the best to begin (rood shapely sows are always profitable stock to keep. If crossed with a thorongL jrid boar their pigs will luako as nine! pork as if they were thoroughbred. if bred this fall the pijr* wiil be dropped :;i the spring, and may be fattened on lit- year's grain, by which time the coani,. will probably grow an eitra large e< . a crop to make up the present ieiici : y. No other country in the world can nipete with this in corn and its prodn. A. short crop here is alwav- -are to followed by greatly in creased acreat and crop the following season. A Ho. se in a Bottle. Some ycar> . o a blind boy residing in Chicago consti . :cd a miniature house in side an ordi;: y four ounce medicine bottle. The b ,ding wis made up of forty pieces of wood. ill neatly fitted aud glued together. It v aid have puzzled a man with two good re.- to put the pieces in the bottle with t the task of puttingthem together. A v cderful as the above may seem it is only port of the remarkable achievements < this sightless lad. After com pi ug the house to his sati.- taction he set >ut fastening the cork in the bottle, but uw he accomplished the startling feat 1) ever remained a mystery. In.-ide the boti - below the neck a small wooden peg wa- .Itiven through the cork, which extended ,jr enough on each side of the stopper to prevent it being removed lrom the bottl,. The boy is unable to explain theaatu. -shing piece of ingenious noss.—St. Lo ii .'.'public. —The re«ipp' nance of la grippe in Europe should • »rn Americans to be in readiness, in eti • the epidemic returns to our shores. Catarrh, the forerunner of the disease can ca.- i! be cured by the use of Old .Saul's Catar ii Cure. If your baby sick, suffering and crying with pain of cm ug teeth, soothe it with Dr. Hull's Baby -yrup. It is safe. Price 25 cents. —Japanese pillows are said to be endow ed with beauty ] reserving qualities. The virtue is in the color-—black. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, dizziness, -Icepltssness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and all skin eruptions I>r. Fenner's B!<».d and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic i.,-."er fails. Warranted to satisfy or money refunded. —The collar:- and lies seen on the pictures of digL'i.ijd elderly gentleman of ■fifty years ago a being revived. —The utmost arc is used in preparing Hood's Sarsap&i 11a. It is pure, honest and reliable. —The small b-y will soon be looking np his skates. FITS.—AII flts topped free by Dr. Kline'* <<rf*t Serre Best- .r. No flts after first (lay's use. Marvelous'- res. Treatise and s2.ou trial bottle tree to Kit, • ..vs. send to Dr. Kline, 831 Arch St., PUU'a, f —Wire font - are the sportsman's abomination. —L>r. Fennel' Cough Honey wil] relieve any cough in ■ i hour. Equally good for homes. Gives c rgy aud strength. Money refunded*!)' sati it-tion not given. —liailroad ei.. .neers should be experts in keeping true.. of things. JL)ues Auvertisiog Pay ? T? VKKY 111: . IVK JJUBINESS MAN WILL |y leil yj'a ii. it does it jou do it properly au juu l . ly. the question is not, when to advtrlL loi that should De always, but lion. I lie • lime discovered tile Ueat Method ol !;our ' l the laigesl r< lurfts. >*.arl} mery L .n■ ■- . nas lis "uuil reason," during whi'u . , j«,,i aut ertisemenl will do lailhito work u.iJ ml rain or shluu, iu taiuliiaii/.lii;; ' iniiieis with Ihu name, location ami .'j .tiles or advantages ol the •luven i.itr, so u: v. hen me time lo ouj comes he re. i-> llie i,t ;of his seed-sowing. —lt is unrcn ,iablc to expect a man to be collected il ; bills are not. —A uiau inn ueoes: arly have a sharp eye iu order t.. I a piercing glance. One i L jusarnl Dollars. I will forleit i; above uniount if i lail to prove that Jt. raplexion is the best uied icme in exisieiu lor Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Uilnn.in s. It is a certain cure, ami ullords iinn. 'iinte relict, in cases ol Kiduey and l.i\ •• Complaint, -Nervous He bility and 1.1 imption. Foraplexiou builds up the we k system and cures where other remedies . :1. Ask yur druggist lor il and get w. ,i. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing ' also, sample bottle sent tree; ail charge prepaid. Address Frank lin Hart, 88 \\ .. en street, .New York. • —Parasol stic,. are a little longer this season, but sticn ■ for soda remain about the sanie. —The amate j, photographer never takes a re.it. It is the nly thing he doesu't take, however. Consump'ion Surely Cured. To Tin KDITOII: -Fleam) Inform your readi-ra that 1 hare a poult. c remedy for the above-named disease. By Its U. nly u» thousand* of hopolens cases have bono jx r .anently coml. I iihall bo glad to (end two bottl<-b of my remedy FItEK to any of your readers who "ivo consumption If they will seud me th-ir txpr -■ and P. O. address. lU-Rpeot fully, T. A. SLo UM, M. C., 181Petri St., N. Y. —l)r. Fenne- Kidney anil Backache Cure is warrant-- to give satisfaction in every case or in< ley returned. —"A good la! :riug is the first requisite of a good shave. "It is also the best thing for a bud aver." —lt takes inoi religion to hold a man level in a horse ado than it does to make him shout at eai. > meating. Of all sad won men write or say The saddest a: ■ these: "Please call and pay." —Boston pap ■ tell of a man who has made a fortune frog's legs. His cash is iu greenbacks, ( :sntnably. To Ct nsumptives. The undersigiit having been restored to health by simple iieann, after suffering for several year- wi a severe lung affection, and thai dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make IIOWII to his fellow suffer ers the meanti oi ire. To those who desire it, he will ch( . .!> ►•:iid dree of charge/ a copy of the pr<- iption used, which they will hnd i -in cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Urowhitis and sll throat and hiug Mai ■ i . He hopes all suffereis will try li. K icdy, PI- it is invaluable. Those di Mrii!,'! tf prescription, which will cost them notbm and may prove a bless ing, will pie* Id less KhV. KUWAKI' A. WILSON, Wiilr. burg, Kings County, New York. —Life is too iort for you to hate so emphatically o uany things. If yon are a woman, it wi affect your skin und make come n .out your mouth. If you are a man it wii, affect your digestion. A lump i- ii de which is said to have the virtue of tb roymg the lingering <lor of tobacco sinoki. GEO. D. MITCHELL, Attorney-at-Lau d Solleltor of IN'iislons and I'atents, Box z tshliiitton. !». I'h-rW Sen ate tvnslou < uu/i' itee fji l.wl 7 vears. II )' U ike TItoMITNL- write me. tilad to eive dvicu. nOIEDIATE Ktlief guaracteed to sufferers from RHEUMATISM OR NEURALGIA nv USING WASHBURN E'S SALICYLI C A.' SI.OO A BOX. j ALL DRUGGISTS, OR BY MAIL. IRVING DIU G COJ I 32 Warreu Street. New York. Nothing Oil Earth Will 'HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It ab«o!ately pax*. Illprhlr concentrated. In quantity it coeta less than « tenth of a cent a day. Btrictly a medicine. Prevents and cures all disease. Good for yoonjr chicks Worth more than gold when hens Moult, -one large can ?<aved me S4O, send six for $5 to prevent roup," saj s a customer. Jf ron car. t tret it semi us cents for two packs; five 81. A 2 1-1 pound .-an *1.211 imst-raid; «cans ss, express paid. "THE IIEST P<H LTItV i'AI'KR. s.im rflo copy frre. pouitrv Raising Guide free with tl Jprdera or more. 1. s. JOIISSO* & Co., Boston, Alasi Willard Hotel Iff. U. REIBING, Prop'r BUTLER, - I>A-. STABI.IXi IS COMMOTIO*. SABi'LK KOO3I for COHERt'IAL TBAVELKBK mmm ho [EL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLERJ - - Near New Court Hou>e— formerly Donaldson Howe—aood accommodations lor travelers. o'«oUstablin» connected. BITKN'MUI LKK <fc LEIBOLD. Prop'is. SAMPLE UOOM. LIVERY IN CONNECTION Hotel Vogeley ( Strictly First Class.) HENRY L. BECK. PRor'K. J. H. FAUBKL, Manager. Butler, Pa. NIXON'S HOME, 35 N. McKEAN ST., BUTLER. I'A. Meftls>t*iUl Lour?. Opeu'.nll night- Breakfast 25 cents. Dinner a cents. Supper 25 cents, I.cdtflriK 28 cents. SIMEON NIXON - - - PUOP'R. DIAMOND HOTEL, .JAMBS SELLERS, Prop'r. Now furniture, new littinga and first class accommodations. Livery. North side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Grejrg is now running a line of csirriatf' i between the hoteld and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. (iood Livery iu Connection New Livery >Stable. «/ New Stock, New Rigs. —OPEN DAY AND NIGHT— Horsea fed ai d hoarded PETER KRAMER, Prop'r 39, W. Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. Mifflin Street Livery. W. G. BIEHL, Prop : r. One square west of Main St., on Mifllin St. All good, safe horsea; new bnggiea and carriages. Landaus for weddings and fnnerala. Open day and night. Telephone No. 24. J. E. Kastor, Practical Slate Roofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating Oi all kinds done on short notice. Office with W. 11. Morris, Mo. 7, N. Main St„ Kesidence North Elin street, 11 u tier, Pa. Planing Mill -A.ND- Lnmber Y ai*d T. L. PIiKVIH. L. <). FLKVIB. S.GLPurvis&Co. HAKUFACTDBKBS ASU DKALEHS IN Rough and Planed Lumber <>K KV«tSV OErtOIUPTION. SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, I'a. L. C- WICK I)EALt!t^,IN Rough and Worked Lumber OK ALL KISIiM Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. I Ofllcis opposite P. it W. Dupot, BUTLER, - - PA. 7n«d'«rttliACt|» v/r,<jn v.i J r • \?> .% I i.LOiIU WHEN IN NEED OF CALL ON HENRY BIEHL 122 NORTH MAIN STREET, BTJTLEB - ZP.-EJMZtsT'A Where you can baye yotir choice ont of the largest assortment of cooking and beating stores in Puller county: alt-o dealer ;i) Hardware, Lansinp "Wajrons, "Wheeler «J- Wilson and Standard St-Ti iup Slachir.i s, Ranging and Stand Lamps. Manufacturer of Tinware; Tin Roofing and Spouting a Sp<- ialtr. WHERE A CHILD CAN BUY AS CHEAP AS A MAN We Have tlie Best Line ot Fine Dress Goods, Domeftic Dress Goods, Blankets and Flannels, House Furnish ing Goods of all kinds, Carpets and Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs, Druggets, Stair Rods and Fasteners, Portiere, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles and all the latest styles in Fixtures and Ornaments —and all at less prices than the same goods can be lound elsewhere. o A SPECIALTY. o WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of Ladies', Mioses' and Chil dren's Wraps, and also of Ladies',|Gentlemen's and Chil-j dren's Underwear. We carry the largest stock in these lines in Butler county, and sell at the same low prices which rule in all our departments. All we ask of you is to call in and verify these statements. It true,make your purchases; if untrue,.purchase elsewhere. Yours, &c. Ritter & Ralston. MIGHT ON N FIR! l J We were fishing on the sly si if ftQjS / Aud caught on the 11 j, « \ Just above the eye. o_y Catching a sucker is an easy thing. 0 ore not after that kind of game. g Tl « fact is we've got no bait for suckers 0 in our store. We are after whales. Our A ncr- j&rv JPH ij>,it is bargains; genuine bargainß, re i-'-- "r ni-mber; real bargains. We don't use t v\ artificial bait, Rot up just to catch <-us- TR. Asw toi l About one man in ten does not trade with us. We?re after that one. - •* About one in ten does not know that the other nine of bis fellow mortals have come to the conclusion that it ir alwavs safest to trade with Heck. We are after that man. About one man in ten does not know that his neighbors are saviDg money, becaaiie they, trade with Heck. We are after that man with a hi* stock, big bariums with low prices, with fair dealing, and we expect to (jet his trade Are you the tenth man? We are after you. We have got the strongest line of first class goods ever offered for sale in this market. It » this fact and our extra low prices that makes our present bargain offer the great event of tbe sea son. We want smart buyers, sensible people to drop in on us aud see ue, and see the stock we are handling, look at tbe goods and get our prices See what we offer and you will be convinced that our truth is stranger than fiction We depend on facts, not faket to win us custom and increase our ever growing business. As we said bt fore we have no bait for suckers. A bright penny will please a child, but you would not think of giving a ui&n a penny; the idea theu of offering a man or woman a penny bribe to draw their custom. Vet that is just what is offered where a reputed dollar article is marked at 99 cents or a SIO.OO article is marked 89 99. or still worße, a reputable 15-cent article marked out on v 19 cents or a 25-cent article mark ed only 29 cents, a 35 cent article mark id only 49 cents, f hese are colled baits and so they are, but only suek» r baits, and you will see Bucker« jump for miles and swallow them whol.. We consider such bait too Bina.l to go fishing for custom with, too small for a large firm and qnite too for us. Our principle is SI.OO worth frr SI.OO, and we live np to it. We give a premium in the quality of our g >ods. That is worth more than a <*Dt'ri worth of chewing gum. It is mw 18 years since we shied our ca ß tor iuto the clothing arena, and in that tim) we have captured the held or cloth ing buyers far and near. Of course, or -e in a while a concern °P , that was going to exterminate and obliterate us from tbe face of clothing-j dom. Where are they now! They ha ;e gone to join pterodactyl, lcthyoi saurus, megasauraus and the rest of the family, and we are here now root- , ing not like a hog, but like a tree that gives back in the air what it takes from tbe soil. Yeß, here we are with t stock that can't be surpassed, and challenge all competition on the fcore t f goods and prices. We re no dodos but we do do all wo say every time, j Mease give is a chance and waen you , call ask for a card, and should you desi-e one sooner just drop us a posta card with vour name and addreHH, and ve will Bend it by mail. Very respectfully, D. A.. H EC K, ! Champion Olotliior> llatter and Furnisher. J 121 North Main St. - Duffy's Block, Butler, Pa. j ~T,\ TE'E ( BAKING R\V\O)POWDER ; Satisfaction Ouaranteed. EACH CAN OF THE COOKS BAK NG POWDER IS GUARANTEED FULL STRENGTH, FULL WEICHT, AND IS SOLD ON ITS F/ENITS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. QQOKS QUARTER! .RETAIL AT 5 CTE. I COOKS HALVES, RETAIL AT 10 CTB. | COOKS PouNoa, RETAIL AT 20 era. Sold by a 6! Crocerf?- Can. ! MILLINERY! Now readv and show hi o* the most com ])lete line of trimmed and untrimmcd autumn JMillinerv. Hats, bonnets, toques birds, ribbons, feathers, etc-. We are the recognized leaders of Millinery ii Butler, and have mnnv imitators, but n< equals. D. T. fAP E. * No. 18. B. Main St., KUTLEK, 1 J A . 1850 E. GRIEB, THE JEI7ELER No. 19, North Main St., BTiTLEB, PA., DE .A LEE IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver wara, Spectacles, &c., &c. j Society Emblems of all Descriptions. Repamng in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTABLISHED 185;, HEAT BEDEW AT J. R. GREEK'S, 3STo. 16 Soutli Main St., - Butler* V' . In Watches, Clocks, J ewelrv, And Spectacles Repairing Promptly Attended To SIGN OF ELEC TRIO BELL. MOVED! WHO WHERE TO? W FX Y. A. TROUTMAN & SON,. i Into their New Store, -Oil and South Main Street, Where they have received t and have now on sale one of tin most complete and largest stocks of E»ry Goods, Trimmings : Notions, FancyjGoods, Underwear, Cloaks, \\ raps, Carpets. < • ! Clothe, Mattings, Rugs, Curtains, Lace and Porterre, Curtaj Poles and Window Blinds that have ever been displayed J any store in Butler. o—o Thanking the people for their liberal patronage at the ou. stand and asking them and alljjothere to call upon us a>, th new store, WK ARE RESPECTFULLY YOURS, A. TROUTMAN & SON. WEST END GROCERY F. W, LIMBRfiG, PROP, Fresh stock of teas, collees, canned -oods, country produce ai. everything usually kept in a fir-t cla-s grocery, tobacco ai: cigars; also dry goods, notions, etc. We make a t-.pei. : «l of Hour and teed. A Full Line of Fail Dry - cods Jus! Received- Goods Delivered Free to an.v part oi'Towr. IHIOH MM Kill, RVTLIIit, i'A. I. FULLKRTON, Prop'r. llnnketH, I'IHIIIU'IK mid Y«rn Manufactured ofPurc llnl lri County Wool. \V« ffuamnteo our gocubt to In- strictly a.l wool ,1,1 nuat '('file cr uny oUip r polsnnou* mut'-riai ■»'< lln dywlnif. We Kelt WlioltMulu or ri tRU. tinpli's nod prlc«-s rurntalieU frtr to dealers on by mall. PiTTSBURIiH NURSERIES. IH4O 1 Ol it KLKGANT lIiLOSTKATEI) CA'i ALOiiITK for I .»> will l>« mailed 011 ipj.:; ciith a. livi-ry J".mn«r, (iardemr, j\nmt< or u n«r ol ,11" ! Ihwd htn <i, ~r s l»r flower# ami floral einulei has iiniiu'clißt'! attention. Telephone John R. & A. Murdoch .">OB .Smithfield St., PITTSBURGH, i'A. ,1C- aid#! il? '.he CITIXKK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers