Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 21, 1890, Image 3

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Schaul Bros, <fc Co s
There's no immtdiate cause for fright,
With lots aiid lots of Clothing in sight;
Supply is here for winter season,
For tise just yet there is no reason,
T hey who'd force up price* like a rocket
profits huge they'd like U)
Within our stores there is no ad.
vunce, neither will there be while we
can buy as cheap as we are baying
CJj g Men's black cutaway, corkscrew g
1•) lilack all wool English worsted Suits, 1•)
1 cutaway, (rock and sack.
C\ Men s Blue Chinchilla Overcoat. Men s r.
" bound. Herjte lined Overcoat.
(1 Men's Whipcord Dress Overceat. Sold Q
° last year at sl2, now
1 \l I Hoys' t'nlon casslmere suits—! Kft
1. -JU klH . e p au ts, size -»to 12. * J
1 - (ißoys' Union casslmere Overcoats 1 FLO
1.-. U with caps, sizes 4to 10. x.fJ )
We only quote a few items ont of
our extensive stock. We have a
large assortment in all prevailing
sty I .e. Prices are as low and some
lower than lost year. We kindly
abk those interested in Men's and
Boys' Clothing to give our stock a
thorough examination. A cordial
welcome to everybody.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
lini.V.B has a population of about 10,uto.
it is the County seat ot Butler County, with
00, one. „ _
Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled
fa' - 11 it les fori manufactures.
Progress everywhere; new buildings, new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous town.
WIST Pi.su B. It.—Trains leave Butler for
All»vheny at 6SO. 836 and !l:ao a. m. and 235
and 15:03 p. in.; arrive at 5:35 and 1031) a. m. and
1:30. 6*o and 7;» p. ni. Malls close at s»5 a. m.
and 2:05 p. in. and arrive at SSO. 10:50 a. m. and
E:10 p. ni.
I'. S, & 1.. K. R. K.—Trains leave for Green
ville at 5:-W.inid lir-30 a. m. and 4:53 p.m. Malls
Ciose at tt:4o a.m. mid 730 p.m. closed pouches
for Hoyers. Bovard and Milliard at 430 p.m.
Malls uriive at 235 nnd C:4d p.m.
1". fi W. U. It.—Trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at c.aio, «M 5 aud 10:20 a. m. and 3:30 and
t£3o p. 11). For the north at 10:20 a. m and 5:45
p. m. Arrive from Allegheny at !K2u and 11:56
a. in. and r.:oo a%d Tno p. m. Malls close for the
South . n't Wow at S3O a. in. For Pittsburg
and the North at 9:55 a. m. For Pittsburg and
local points between Butler ud Callery at 3:20
p. m. For Pittsburg and local points between
Callery and Allegheny at «:u0 p. m. For Oil
Cltv. Barnhart's Mills. Foxbtrg and Clarion at
•Vju p. m. Mails arrive on tills road from local
point*-; between Butler and Callery at »rjo a. m.;
from the north at lOJOO a. m.; from Pittsburg
and local points between Allegheny and caliery
at uas a. m.; lrom the north at.t3S p. m.; froui
Pittsburg sit 5:00 p. in.; from Pittsburg and the
\\ est at 8:10 p. ns. 'rains wive trora the north
at Hew a. m. and 33s p. in
STAR BOCTES-Daily mail from Mt. Chestnut
arrives at inao a. m. and leaves at 10do a. 111.
North Mope, Hooker and other points, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, leave at 130 p. m.
New Advertisements.
New Furniture Store, Campbell <fc Tem
New Firm, Grieb A Vogeley.
lluselton's Bargains.
Bickel's Fall and Winter Footwear.
Arthur's Underwear.
Harper Bros. Publications.
Osborne's Christmas Goods.
XOTE— AII advertisers intendingto make
changes in their ads. should notily us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
Mrs. Eliza Grossman is Butler's first fe
male physician..
Mrs. A. L. Bowser is visiting friends in
Franklin, Pa.
Mr. 11. W. Koonce, late of Grove City,
has moved to Butler.
The family of Jacob Dambaugh has been
sorely afflicted and they have the sincere
sympathy of this community in their
great bereavement. Within the past two
weeks they have lost three children from a
fatal form of diphtheria.— Valley News.
Esq. John Thomas is yet confined to his
home by his sore limb, which may have to
be amputated.
Mrs. Jus. Colestock and her sister Miss
White are homo after an extended visit,
with friends.
Miss Clara Kauscher, of Pearl Street,
West, is home from a visit of several
months duration at points in New York
Mrs.Charloy Heineman is visitiug friends
ir. Cuba, 111.
Mrs John F. Lowry of W. Pearl St. will
entertain her lady friends this ovening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. McCleary of
New Castle, celebrated the 37th anniversa
ry of their wedding day, last Monday.
Mrs. McCleary's maiden name was Ann
Workmah and they were married in this
Henry Morrison, Ed Brown and M. Mc-
Coy of Uarrisvillo have moved their fauii -
lies to the oil country.
Mrs. Rev. Kerr of Ilarrisville is home
from Cleveland with her health much im
Major Lberhart has disposed of his in
terest ill Ihe Beaver Falls Tribune to Mr.
Telford. The Beaver Times says the Major
could not stomach a dual journalistic life
—-editorally for Phillips; locally for Mc-
Miss Ella Boyd of Leechburg is the
guest of Mrs. l)r. Moore.
John Keihing of Elkhoru,Xeb. is visiting
Iriends in Butler.
Dr. Ketler has decided to remain with
Grove City College.
Mrs. Painter of Warren formerly of
Muttontown and Mrs. Bricker of Monroe
Station are visiting friends in Butler and
Will Kennedy sold his interest in the
livery stable to Mr. Hartzell a lew daysago,
and celebrated the occasion by appearing
under the nobbiest high hat in Butler.
AN illiam Mortland. of lowa, is visiting
friends in tho north western part of the
county after »n absence of a quarter of a
Mr. and Mrs. D. Osborne are visiting
* rieuds in JCew Brighton.
Original—William Badger of West
Liberty, Edward Monaghan of Rattigan.
Increase—J as. M. Pearce, and Henry
Geasey, of Parker's Landing; Jacob Milli
son, of Prospect; Wm. H. ir'taira, of Shira.
lfeuben Mc El vain of Butler.
Two Good Papers at a Bargain.
We have made arrangements by which
we can furnish The Ohio farmer, the lead
ing agricultural, live stock, and family
journal of this country, and the CITIZEN
both ouo year, postage paid,for only $2.40.
This is a bargain that every farmer should
—Early dusks.
—lndian summer.
—Frosty mornings.
—Eggs grow scarcer.
—Colder weather coming.
—There are black suspenders.
—Patent pill alniancs are ready.
—November meteors are meetin'.
—There's a call for canned goods.
—Hens seem to be taking a holiday.
—Hog killing has begun in the country
—The rain keeps on laying the dust.
—A few otogenarian flies are yet seen
—Glade Run and vicinity is annoyed by
—Shoe salesman are out with summer
—A red fox was lately shot and killed
near Greece City.
—Ton havn't heard much talk about a
street sprinkler for Butler lately.
—Christmas comes on Thursday, this
year, next Thursday four weeks.
—Everybody is in it —the mud—and the
teams about Butler are being ruined.
—Christmas dollars are already flying—
the sweet buy and buy time is here
—The ladies of the South Side Reform
ed Church will hold a festival in the church
building tomorrow evening.
—A horse belonging to a livery
barn in Butler was stolen from a stable in
the Glade Run district a few nights ago.
—Butler count} polled 9,300 votes this
Fall—a little Jess than the one-hundredth
part of all the votes polled in the State.
—The narrow guage rails between But
ler and Callery are being taken up. All
the transferring is now done in Butler.
—Time heals all wounds. Republicans
and Democrats are again speaking to each
other as they pass by.
—Breckenridge <fc Co. have determined
to open a stone quarry on the Shearon
property near Brancbton.
—The Government is sending troops to
Dakota in anticipation of an Indian out
—Four Pittsburg men are goiug to
Africa to traverse Stanley's route, just to
see whether or no he is telling the truth.
—lf Dr. Koch's discovery is a success,
we will hereafter be vaccinnated for con
sumption, the same as for small-pox.
—A tramp who was arrested at Scran
ton, I'a., last Saturday, says be helped rob
a store at Zelienople, some years ago.
—The Pennsylvania Medical College at
Philadelphia, has sent a man to Berlin to
attend Dr. Koch's lectnres on his cure for
—The store room of I. Rosenberg, the
merchant tailor, was entered by a rear
window aud robbed of five coats, two pair
of pants and an overcoat, last Sunday
—Report has it that a new and cheaper
method of refining oif has
that a Company with fifteen millions of
capital has been formed, and that one of
its refineries will be built in Butler.
—Messrs R. S. Xicholls and L. M. Hew
itt have desolved partnership, and Mr.
Xicholls has firmed another with H. W.
Young and Gen. ft'. Zieglcr, Jr. in same
—Every now and then an X appears on
the marrage license docket, for a man's
name, which makes one think that no man
should be allowed to marry who cannot
wriU his name, and no man should be al
lowed to vote who cannot read.
—At the meeting of Council Tuesday
evening the contract for the Centre avenue,
Springdale, sewer was awarded to the Ott
brothers of Pittsburg at $5367.90. The
next lowest bid was that of Hughes',
$5910.40, and the highest was $7638.40.
—Since Rev. Hell has taken charge of
the M. E. Church in Butler, sixty mem
bers have been added to the church roll.
The members of tho church will vote on
the question of admitting women to the
General Conference as lay delegates, next
Thursday evening—Thanksgiving.
—A portrait in oil that has been attract
ing much attention of late is in tho parlors
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Ilardman of X.
Main St. It is a life size painting of Mrs.
Hardinan and is tho work of Mr. Hiram C.
Wertz, of Greensburg, son-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs. Dardman. It is much admired
by those who are fortunate to get a view
of it.
—At the meeting of citizens of the South
Side last Thursday evening, L. P. I'errinc
was elected President, J. 11. Harper and
George Shaffner Vice Presidents, Fred
Klingler Secretary and L. C. Wick Treas
urer of their Improvement Co. A Consti
tution and code of By-laws were then
adopted and tho meeting adjourned till
this evening.
—Tho people of Butler with sons and
daughters possessing elocutionary or
oratorical talents are pleased that Miss
Mary Ayres has consented to give lessons
in Elocution. Her work is too well known,
here and elsewhere, to need the endorse
ment of that eminent authority Byron W.
King, of Pittsburg but his statement that
he will allow pupils of Miss Ayers a dis
count in time at his school will commend
itself to the coming speakers and elocu
tionists of this town.
—We publish, this week, the prospecti
of tho world famed publications of Harper
<fc Brothers of New York, aiyl we will club
them with the CITIZEN at the following
rates— CITIZEN and Harper's Magazine,one
year $4.50, CITIZEN and Harper's Weekly,
one year $4.70, CITIZEN and Harper's Ba
zar, one year $4.70, CITIZEN and Harper's
Young People one year $3, plus 10 cents
for postage and money order, and payable
in advance.
Sick People.
Mrs. n. S. ltider of Donegal twp., is re
covering from an attack of typhoid fever,
and a daughter is down with same disease.
Mrs. J. C. Coulter of Fairviow is on the
sick list.
Miss Sallie Davidson of Kenfrew is re
covering from a severe sick spell.
Jos. Buchele,a liuuer of Butler, fell from
the roof of a house in Allegheny, which he
was repairing, last Friday morning and
was seriously injured.
—The winter session of Grove
City College will open Dec. 3d.
Grove City College in tha place to
secure a thorough Classical, Musical
find Commercial education. The
Business department Commercial
branches, Stenography, Typewriting
aud Telegraphy—has become very
popular. Expenses exceedingly low-
Write for catalogue and full informa
tion. ISAAC C. KETLEB, Pres.
A Jail Delivery.
Somebody passing the jail early la«t
Friday morning saw a string of blanket
hanging from the roof of the jail to the
silewalk, and went into the Sheriffs house
and informed the family of the fact, anil
they, upon investigation, found that three
prisoners—Frank Keiber, Charles Elmer
and K. Groves—had escaped during the
Men and telegrams were immediately
sent out in all directions, and the County
Commissioners offered a reward of S2OO for
Reiber, but np to the time of our going to
press nothing has been heard of the three
It required considerable ingenuity a
well a.s physical force for them to make an
The jail-room and cells are lined with
iron, and the window, sky-light and doors
covered by iron bars, but in the iron wall,
just above the second-story ceil of the
female department on the south ride, there
is an iron door about two feet wide by
three feet long, for the purpose of affording
access to the roof when in need of repairs.
This door is of quarter-inch wronght-iron,
lined with half-in"h iron, and is well bolt
ed and secured.
There are no female prisoners in the jail
at present, and the men have been allowed
the use of that part.and they made a study
of that door. They managed to loosen the
pin of the lower of the three hinges, then
they sharpened an old and hard chair-rung
and found that it would do for an opening
wedge; then they removed or quietly got
ready for removal a piece of the oak floor
ing of the jail-rooin C feet 4 inches long
and 2 inches thick; and they hid enough
blankets in one of the cells of the female
department, which are very dark, to make
a rope.
Everything was ready Thursday night,
the three men hid in the dark cell of the
female department with their ptuff, and
when all was quiet they went to work.
Clinging to the iron bars of the cell they
made a beginning with the chair-rung, and
then used the piece of oak flooring to bend
out the lower part of the door, and they
■worked so quietly that they gave no alarm
whatever, though one of the Sheriffs
family was up nearly all night with an
aching tooth.
When the hole was big enough they
went through it. taking their blankets with
them, then they cut a hole through the
wood and tin roof with their pen-knives,
made a rope of their blankets, slid down
and were off.
Bad Wreck on the P. R. R.
For the first time in its history the block
system of managing trains on the Pennsyl
vania K. K. failed to protect a train follow
ed by another, earl}' last Friday morning,
and that was due to a dense fog.
The accident happened in the G'oueuiaugh
valley, near the station of New Florence,
about 65 miles east of Pittsburg. One
passenger train coming "»Vest and which
had been delayed at Johnstown by a
freight wreck, stopped at a water tank for
water; the train following should have
been stopped ut New Florence by a red light
at the block house, but was not, either on
account of a mistake made by the operator
or by the fog confusing the engineer, and
the train rushed on and crashed into the
one standing at the Water Tank. The
engine of the second train cut clear through
the last car. a sleeper, of the first train,
which contained twenty persons, two of
whom were killed outright, and all the
others injured.
The sleeper was converted into kindling
wood, and the survivors tell remarkable
stories of their escapes. Four newly
wedded people were ou the car, three of
whom were seriously injured.
A Strange Death.
J. T. McConnell, a tool dresser, formerly
of near Ilarrisville.but who has lately been
employed on the I'. W. i K. It. was dis
covered struggling in the creek just above
the "Freeport" bridge, late last Thursday
evening. His cries for help were answered
and he was helped out of the mud and
water, but he was chilled through and
bruised aud expired shortly after. He
had been drinking and it is probable that
he fell over the embankment, as one of his
shoulders was dislocated.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 75 for potatoes,
22 for butter, 24 for eggs, 30 to 35 for tur
nips, 40 cents a pair for chickens, 12 cents
a pound for dressed chicken and 12J cents
a pound for dressed turkey.
Country ha/ $lO to sl2. mixed liay $7 to
SB. mill feed $18.50 to $26, wheat 98c. to
$1.03. rye 70 to 78, oats 411 to 52, ear com
64 to 72, shelled corn 59 to 62; buckwheat
flour 21 and 3; clover seed $4 to $4.25, titn
ot*iy seed $1.50.
Country roll butter 15 to 22, beans $2.25,
eggs in cases 24 and 25, cold storage eggs
21 and 22. Potatoes on track SO to 90, job
bing 95c. to sl.
Dressed chickens, old and drawn, 9c.;
dressed spring chickens 11 and 12, dressed
duck llaud 12. dressed turkey 13 and 14.
Chestnuts $3 50 a lm., walnuts 50 to 75,
shell-barks $2 25.
Pheasantss4 50 a dozen, woodcock $3.50,
plover $1 50, gray squirrels $1 25, quail
$1.25, rabbits 25 centos a pair.
At Herr's Island. Monday, choice corn
fed beeves sold at 5 1 to 5.60, common to
prime at 3.1 to SJ-, bolls and dry rows Ito
3, bologna cows $7 to sl2 a head, fresh
cows' S2O to $45. Veal calves were in
light demand 5 to 6c.
Fair to prime sheep sold at 44 to 5, and
common at 31 to 4. McCreery & Sargcant
sold 70 head of good sheep and yearlings
at 5c., and lambs at 5 and 6.
Hogs were in excess of tho demand,
owing to the warm weather, and common
to good "countries" sold at 3} to 4, and
good to prime corn-fed at 4 20 to 4.40.
At East Liberty good feeders were in de
mand at 3 to 3j, and stock cattle at 2 to 2j.
Closed Monday at 71?, Tuesday at 69;,
Wednesday at 09 J.
That French Girl.
Mile. Sarah, the young French
lady who is now receiving callers ut
112 E Jefferson St., Butler, Pa,
came from Paris last June on the
steamship Etruria and as yet cannot
speak a word of English. Although
she is very small, standing little
more than three feet high, she is not
abashed by the many comments on
her extreme beauty.
W. A. Osborne takes great pride
in presenting his many customers
and visitors to Mile. Sarah.
—Confectionery and fruits at the
City Bakery.
—lce for sale atj the City Bakery.
—La rge assortment of lace tidies
pillow shams, bed sets, fine silk
throws, India silks, pongees. Madras
drapery, &c., at
—Martincourt & Co., 216 W. Cun
ningham St., has more robes and
horse blankets than you ever seen in
your life.
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN oflice.
—The A nti Busting Tinware
guaranteed against rust for three
years, at HENKY BIEIIL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler. Ta.
—Largest assortment of fiue dress
ginghams and challies in Butler at
lowest prices at
Oil Field Noles.
| The Rough Ran mystery will be a small
producer, and Steelsmilh <fc Co. are drilling
a wildcat 1? miles East of it.
I Phillip's well on the Fisher will be good
| for from 50 to 75 bbls. anil he has a well
on the Wagner that is showing up good.
I lie is building rig? on the Jdbn Byerley.
I Eichenlaub and Sweney farms.
McCreery k Co. are drilling on the
Logan, Fleeger Jt Co. are building a rig on
the Tillie Logan, and Hartman A Co. have
a rig up on the Bycrley heirs.
The Jefferson Center Oil Co's No. 2 on
the Kurnrumpf is in the sand, but is not
| yet producing.
The Lyon Oil Co's well on the Upper
man will be completed.
Forsythe A Co. are drilling a test well
on the Alex Welsh, and Haymaker it Co.
on the Kanfold.
Steel smith it Co. hare a rig up on the
Crawford, and Barnsdell & Co. on the
Dntill heirs.
Hartman it Sons on the Byerley are
nearing the sand.
Wahl, Bishop it Co's Dambaugh farm
well is rated at 50 bbls.
The Columbia Oil Co's well on the Leslie
Hazlett is rated at 100 bbls.
The well on the Dr. llcover farm, four
miles North of Greece City is showing
some oil.
Wright it Co. have a rig np on the Dr.
Rittenbangh farm in Allegeny County, and
will try to tind a connecting streak be
tween the Bntcheis and Wildwood pools.
The Sabbath Question.
Rev. Wilbur F. Crafts, of New York
city, author of "The Sabbath for Man,"
and founder of the American Sabbath
Union, will speak under the auspices of
the Western Pennsylvania Sabbath Asso
ciatiou on "The Sabbath from a Human
itarian Stand-point," iu the United Pres
bvterian church this (Friday) evening, at
Dr. Crafts has spoken twice on this sub
ject at bearings before the Labor Commit
tee of the I . S. Senate. He has also
spoken before the Central Labor Union and
and the Letter Carriers' Association of New
York, the International Convention of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the
General Assembly of the Knights of Labor,
and of the Southern and Cumberland Pres
byterian churches, and in the chief cities
of forty states and territories.
The movement has been endorsed not
only by the labor organizations and
churches mentioned above, but also by the
other three Presbyterian Assemblies, the
Methodist General Conference (Northern),
by the Northern and Southern Baptist C< n
ventions, the General Synod of the Luth
erans, the Synod of the Reformed (Dutch)
Church. National Council of the Congrega
tional Churches, and the Episcopal Council
of Virginia.
Dr. Crafts has made a thorough study of
this subject in all its bearings. He is a
pleasing, forceful, and eloquent speaker.
His addresses abound in solid argument,
interspersed with apt quotations and happy
stories. Wherever he .has been he has at
tracted large audiences, and produced
serious convictions.
Mrs. Crafts will give a short blackboard
address on "How to make the Sabbath a
delight to the children.
She will also speak to the school chil
dren in the afternoon in the Presbyterian
Curry School of Elocution and
Dramatic Culture.
I take pleasure in recommending
Mary Ayres as a student and teacher
of elocution. Miss Ayres' abilities are
of a very high order and she is thor
oughly competent to give instruction
in the art of Elocution. Her work
will be of great benefit to persons de
siring such instruction. Her pupils
will be allowed to complete the course
of study here with a discount in the
full number of lessons in our course.
1 make this statement as I have
full confidence in her abilities.
Respect'ully submitted,
310 N. McKeau St.,
llutler, Pa.
Prospect Academy.
The election is over and the nex*
important question is, Where is the
best place to send our children to
school? Before deciding send for
catalogue of Prospect Academy.
Winter term begins Dec. 2.
F. W. MAGEE, Prin.,
Prospect, Pa.
A Stray Calf
Came to the premises of the sub
scribed in Mt Chestnut, on or about
the middle of September, 1890, a red
heifer calf, (Spring; no marks.)
Teh owner is requested to* come
forward, prove property, pay charges
and take her away, otherwise she
will be disposed of according to law.
ML Chestnut, Butler Co., Pa.
—5-A Horse Blankets cheap at
210 W. Cunningham St.
The highest price paid for buck
wheat at Geo. Walter mill, Butler, Pa.
Buy the Eigbme patent shirt at
—Genuine Hand-made Harness for
$9 at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s,
216 W. Cunningham St.
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, one
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office.
—We are showing great values in
silks, henriettas, mohairs, challies.
fine dress ginghams and all kinds of
dress goods.
—Fine cakes at the City Bakery.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
To the Farmers.
If you want choice buckwheat flour
and a fuir turn out, have your buck
wheat ground at Geo. Walter mill,
which is running day and uight and
makes the best flour in the market.
GEO. WALTER, Butler, Pa.
—Wheeler A Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler. Pa.
Home-made bread at the City
—lce cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Anderson building.
—(jenuine Hand-made Harness for
$9 at MARTINCOURT & Co.'s,
21(1 W. Cunningham St.
Full line of hats, both stiff and
soft, for summer wear at
—Go to Martincourt & Co.'s and
buy two horse blankets for- what one
costs elsewhere.
Samuel W Badger vs .las L Badger and
Thos Badger Ex'r of A M Badger. Nov.
17, verdict for plaintiff for $72 .">4.
W O Stoughton vs Jas M Marshall, trus
tee. This case was tried hut the jury
could not agree.
R S Nicholls vs J L Conlin. Nov. 17.
verdict for the plaintiff for $274 02.
Younkiri- Co vs Barnes <fc Co. Nov. Is
verdict for plaintiff for $892.56.
Gibson it Gabagan ys Barnes «£ Co. Nov.
IS. verdict for the plaintiff for $479.75.
Chas Decker ys James Tracy. Nov. 1!»;
verdict for the defendant for S2O.
John Flinner vs Fred, Kobert and Leah
Buff. Nov. 10: the jury find that the old
fence was the line, aud give the plaintiff
$134.25 damages.
The case of Bays Bros vs Meldren Bros
was settled; also Zimrnel vs Agger.
The cases of Karl Butzer vs Petrolia,
Guffy A Co vs 11 I' Boyd. Keeder vs Steele
and others, Knox vs Butler Co, Martin vs
Greer, Ex'r, were continued.
On Saturday last the Farmers and Breed
ers Live Stock Insurance Co. made an as
signment to E. S. Riddle. Esq for benefit
of creditor: l . The concern has been work
ing to a disadvantage ever since the Johns
town flood, by which it lost several thou
sand dollars, and they finally concluded to
wind up their business by making an as
signment. It was a mutual affair and the
stock-holders are not individually liable.
J. D. Bowers, a well known oil well con
tractor of near Bakerstown, was arrested
in Allegheny Thur-day night for disorder
ly conduct, "and confined iu the lockup,
where it became apparent that he was in
sane. He has lately lost several strings of
tools in holes, and has otherwise been un
fortunate, and his insanity was caused by
his loves. llis home is near Akron, 0.
On Monday last the Court refused the
prayer of Dr. Wetherel. Sec. of the State
Committee on Lunacy, in regard to Sarah
Jane Wadsworth. and discharged the rule
iu the case at the cost of the petitioner.
Geo N Frazine. Esq. of Warren, Pa. was
admitted to practice in our Court last Mon
day, and the disposition of the estate of
Michael Hamilton in which he was in
terested. and the citation for which was
made returnable by the order for that day,
was continued till the Ist Monday in De
cember. Different Courts have different
rules in regard to the disposition of such
cases, and it is well for an attorney away
from home to consult a resident attorney
as to them.
Daniel McElwee of Oakland twp. was
adjudged insane by the Committee and
was taken to Dixmont.
Messrs. L. S. McJunkin 'and John F.
Lowry were appointed appraisers of the
effects of the Live Stock Ins. Co.
Joseph C. Hovis applied for a com
mission in lunacy as to his wife Mary C.
Hovis, and Dr. Hoover, J. B. Mates, Esq.,
and G. W. Campbell were appointed.
W J Fredley to Jacob Frcdley 5 acres in
Middlesex for $350.
John Sasse et al to John Heller 17 acres
in Buffalo and Winfield for $887.50.
C C Miller to T 7. Caldwell lot in Butler
for $375.
Mary Baird to S Yeager, lot in Petrolia
for S2OO.
Bill of sale—Livingston A- Co. to Milliard
Coke and Coal Co., for $2,500.
Marriage Licenses.
George 11. Beale Alleghen}- Co
Clara Klingensmith "
Samuel A. McKee Grove City, Pa
Mary E. Johnston llarrisville
Wm. W. Albert Centre twp
Annie J. Albert .' "
George C. Dutter Mt. Chestnut
Maggie E. Miller Butler twp
Thos M. McLaughlin Marion twp
Charlotte llogue Butler
Andrew J. Alcom Renfrew
Lizzie Kennedy "
Solomon Andre Fairview
Lavina Sanderson Parker twp
George It. Christley Butler, Pa
Amelda Shields Franklin twp
Rob't Patterson Clay twp
Emma Thompson •'
An Opening Promised.
Wo have recently had the pleasure of
inspecting the new furniture store of
Messrs. Campbell £ Teuipleton, who, our
readers will remember, have refitted the
old Troutnian building and changed it into
a furniture house on a city style. On
entering, one is confronted with evidences
of the "oak craze" in the rows of oaken
chamber suits and sideboards, which al
most completely fill the ground floor.
There is any amount of chaste and elegant
carving among the more ornate work and
the 16th century style, which is much
affected now, is conspicuous. A chamber
set of three piece?, imported Knglish oak,
attracts much attention anil is certainly
handsome, beside being "so English, you
know." It is valued at something less
than two hundred dollars. A cabinet
shown in the front window, of cherry with
mahogany finish, and well supplied with
bric-a-brac of finest china, is equally ad
mired and is probably as fine a piece of
furniture as is in the county. A half-dozen
oak sideboards with carved tops, and a
general appearance of the freshest and
newest "old oak" you ever saw nest at
tracted our attention. We were afraid to
price them, but heard enough to convince
us that anyone wanting a fine sideboard
need not go a thousand miles from the
place to get it cheap. Genuine English
oak chamber sets come high but we *au do
with out them, but we need sideboards and
we are glad to see them so inexpensive. A
group of fine folding beds passed, we reach
ed the "parlor," which the proprietors
have fitted up to show what is not im
possible. We forgot to price anything,but
it looked to be about four times as long
and seven times as deep as our pocket
book. AVe went to the second floor where
are found the chairs, tables, tetes, sofas,
etc., aud it would be no use for us to try
to tell you anything about it, for you must
see it for yourself. Messrs. Campbell &
Templeton announce in our advertising
columns this week their opening, which
occurs on Friday and Saturday of next
week, and we are sure that they want
everybody to come aud look at things, no
matter whether they expect to buy furni
ture inside the next five years or not.
Who is W. M. Nickle?
How many stores does he buy for?
Is there any advantage in buying in
such large quantities? Come and see?
VVe have not space to give full price
list of the five-thousand items we
have We quote a few: clothes pins
1 cent a dozen; set plates, full size,
warranted Iron-stone china 25c;platea
full size, 2d quality 3c; set cops and
saucers first quality 30c; 1 gall buck
et 7 cte; one-half gall bucket with
cover 6 cts; ladies hose black aud de
sirable colors 5 cts; 25 needles 1 ct;
pins 1 ct a paper; tumblers 2 cte; full
line of tinware 50 per cent less than
usual price, full line notions all kinds
Remember place. W. M. Nickle's 5
Cent Store, opp Berg aud Savings
Banks, 103 S. Main St. Butler, I'a.
—Largest line of fiue baby
carriages ever brought to Butler at
—Lace curtains, curtain poles,
sash curtain materials, scrim and
curtain laces and drapery of all kinds
—You never saw a good assort
ment of blankets, robes, harness,
buggies, carts and everything in their
line in your life unless you have been
to Martincourt ct Co., nor never will
see them till you go there.
—J. J. Beiber, the drover, wauts
all farmers and stockraisers to know
that be still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having any to sell
should address him LOCK BOX 92f>,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
—Velocipedes, rocking horses
wagons and wheelbarrows at
AA t E LEAD, others follow.
» V The rapid increase of
business is the best evidence
that our eflort to give to this
community a first class Drug
Store is appreciated. We
make a specialty of the drug
business proper and give it our
entire time and personal at
tention. We handle only the
best ol everything in our liue
and guarantee the purity of
everything bearing the name
of C. N. BOYD. We have no
old stuck that has stood for
years, but all goods are pure
and fresh. Physician's Pre
scriptions receive special at
tention. If we do not have
what you want we frankly tell
you so and will be pleased to
secure it for you on short no
tice We ask a share of your
patronage and feel sure you
will be pleased with our meth
ods of doing business, and we
can save you money. Your
interests are best served at
our Store.
C. N. liOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
—Guitars, violins and mouth
organs at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—Tie up your horse with a 75c.
hand made leather halter. Martin
court & Co.. 216 W. Cunningham
St., have them,
5-A Horse Blaukets cheap at
216 W. Cunningham St.
A Lady's Perfect Companion.
Every expectant mother should read our
new book by Dr. Dye, one of New York's
most celebrated physicians. A perfect
guide, it tells how the fearful ordeal cau be
made easy, free from danger, and almost
entirely painless, thus saving months "of
anxiety, dread and suffering. Full of valu
able information to ladies, answering hun
dreds of delicate questions. Send two-cent
stamp for circulars, testimonials, and con
fidential letter. Address, FRANK THOMAS
it Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md.
Remember that we are head
quarters for white goods, embroidery
lace curtains, draperies, lace tidies
and bed sets.
—Girls tricycles at
House-cleaning time shows the
necessity for new curtains, tidies,
throws and bed sets. We can sup
ply you with everything needed in
that line.
—Balls and bats at
—Full line of guitar strings, banjo
strings and violin strings at
—lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—Try us on silks and black dress
goods. We have some special bar
—The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, l J a.
—Buy the Lansing Wagon—it is
the best. For sale by
122 N. Maiu St., Butler, Pa.
—New mohairs, silks, henriettas,
challies, and full liue of dress goods
And You Make Friends, is one
r f the Standing Maxims of
Our Business.
We understand tho word bargains to
mean not only cheap goods, but poods of
high quality. Every time we use the word
bargain we wan't you to associate with it
the idea of quality and cheapness, which la
the distinguished feature of the genuine
bargains we offer. Every effort has been
maue to include in our varied assortment
only reliable goods; goods which shall be
most valued when they have stood the
thorough test of use and wear. Our effort
in this direction has been thoroughly suc
cessful. No better values or finer grades
being within the purchasing power of
money. This is true not only of our liner
and more costly goods but our entire stock.
One feature of our stock which will com
mend itself to all classes of buyers is the
price feature, we make 110 extravagant
figures. We have marked our goods with
such low prices as will commend them at
a glance to all bargain lovers. We show a
stock various enough to meet the require
ments of any taste and purse in every
respect representative of tho best goods in
the market, if you incline to the view that
strength and service are the chief desirable
features in this line of goods. We can suit
your taste exactly for we lay especial
stress on these features iti all our goods.
Good material, well seasoned, and well
manufactured, is what we pride ourselves
on, and in respect of quality and work, our
goods will not disappoint the purchaser, in
the matter of price we stand pre-eminent
as lovers of low prices and buyers will find
our figures as fair and low as any that can
be made. Our largo stock oi Buggies,
Phaetons, Surreys, Carts, Express, De
livery, Drillers and Business wagons all
bear the maker's name and we warrant
them to be well made and of good material,
and with fair usage for any breakage
resulting from defective material or work
manship we agree to make good either by
furnishing a new part to replace the defec
tive or allowing a reasonable prico for
repairs. Come and see us. Wc are sell
ing good goods at low prices considering
the quality; we are here to stay, and we
are here to give every purchaser the worth
of his money. We want to build up a trade
that will stay with us. In order to do so
we will give every person value received.
As winter is near we have decided to sell
the above goods at reduced prices. We
will not carry this stock over if we can
realize first cost out of them. Now friends,
if you want bargains come and see us. We
are here to do business and we mean busi
ness. It will pay you to buy this fall, you
will save money by so doing. Come and
see us whether you want to buy or not, it
will do you good to see our largo stock of
goods. We also sell the renowned Mitchell
wagon; every wagon we sell we give a
written guarantee. The firm of Mitchell,
Lewis it Co. is one of the oldest wagon
firms 011 record, established in 1834. Their
works are in Kacine, Wis. Wisconsin is
noted for good timber. This wagon
material is cut in the proper season for
cutting lumber and placed in open sheds
and air dried for three years before using,
making it perfectly dry belore put in
wagons. One reason why they aro so par
ticular in thoroughly drying their lumber
is their trade is principally Southern trade,
and we all know it requires better seasoned
material for the hot southern states than it
does for this country.
Tho Mitchell wagon has the best
material and the best seasoned material Jof
any wagon ever introduced in this coun
try. Come and see thein. You will fiud
them in the
S. McKean St., liutler, Pa.
We shall be glad to welcome all and any
to our place and show goods and quote
prices. Hoping to see you soon, wo
remain truly,
Agents wanted .h." •"I'lj&ne «s*. *,;
opportunity, (too. A. U-U Uro«4lwaj, M. Y.
Harper's Magazine
The itni rMnt series of papers on South
America !•> Theodore I'btlds will l* continued
In Harpt-r r- M.ofu/lnt- iiurlb}* the grater pan
of tlie >ear 1 -;«1. 11.e articles on rviuthern
California, by ("barlea Hu.llev Warner will Also'
t>e (Kutinued. Anion# oilier noteworthy at
traction* will l»e a !"\» ! l\ < haries fcitbert
('ruddock . a collection of original <lr.i»iiics bv
W M. Ihackery. now puHathed for the ntst
time . i novel written and Illustrated by
de Manner; a novelette by YMltlain Deau
llowelis: .-aid a series of papers on London bv
Walter Itesant.
In tin- number and variety of Illustrated
pa|« rs and other articles on subjects of tlmeh
interest, as well as In the (initialled character
of lis short stories. poems, etc.. Harper's Maga
zine will continue to maintain thai standard of
excellence for which It ha; been no lons dis
Per Vear:
Postage Free to all subscribers in the
Vmtcd States, Canada, ami Mexico.
The Volumes of the Magazine begin with the
Mumbers for June ami IHwniber ol each year.
When no time is specltled.subscrlptlons will be-
Cln with the Number current at the time of re
ceipt of order.
Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for
three >ears back In neat cloth binding will be
sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of Is uu per
volume, cloth case., for binding. 50 cents each
by mall, post-paid.
Index to Harper's Magazine. Alphabetical.
Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes l to To.
inclusive, from June, ISSO, to June, isss, one
volume, svo. Cloth. $4.
Remittances should be made by I'ostoffiee
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Newspapers are not to copy this advertise
ment without the expnss order of HARPKB &
Address: HAKPEK & BROTHERS, New York.
Harper s Weekly.
Harper's Weekly has never failed to justlfj its
title as a "Journal of Civilization.*' and It has
done so with a constant regard to enlarged pos
slbllittes of usefulness and a higher standard of
artistic and literary excellence. It leaves un
touched no important phase of the world's
progress, and presents a record, equally trust
worthy and interesting, of the notable event*,
persons, and achievements ot our lime.
Special Supplements will be continued in lsui.
They Will be literary, scientific, artistic, his
torical, critical, topographical, or descriptive,
as the occasion may demand, and will continue
to deserve the hearty commendation which has
been beslowed on past Issues b\ the press and
the public. As a family Journal Harpers Week
ly will, as heretofore, be edited with a strict
regard lor the qualities that make It a safe and
welcome visitor to every home.
Per Vear :
Postage Free to all subscribers in'Jhe United
States, Canada, and Mexico.
The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the
first Number for January of each year. When
no time is mentioned, subscription's will begin
with the Number current at the time of receipt
of order.
Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three
years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent
by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex
pense (provided tlie freight does not exceed one
dollar per volume), for IT oo per volume.
Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind
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ol #1 00 each.
Remittances should be made by Postoflice
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Newspapers are not to copy this advertise
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Address: HAKPEH & BROTHERS, New York.
Harper's f Bazar.
Harper's Bazar is a journal for the home.
(>lvtng the latest Information with regard to
the Fashions, its numerous illustrations,
fashion-plates, and pattern-sheet supplements
are Indispensable alike to tlie home dress-maker
and the professional modiste. No expense Is
spared In making Its artistic attractiveness of
the highest order. Its clever short st orles. par
lor plays, and thoughtful essays satisfy all
tastes, and its last page is famous as a budget
of wit aud humor. In Its weekly Issues every
thing Is Included which Is of Interest to women.
During 1891 Agnes B. Ormsbee will write a
series of articles on "The House Comfortable."
■lullet Corson w ill treat of "Sanitary Living,"
and an Interesting succession of pa|>ers on
••Woman in Art and History," superbly illus
trated, will be furnished by Theodore Child.
The serial stories will be by Walter Besant and
Thomas Hardy.
Per Year:
Postage Free to all subscribers in the United
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The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first
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Hound Volumes of Harper's Bazar for three
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Harper's Young People
An Illustrated Weekly
The Twelfth Volume of Harper's Young
People began on November 4. Isw. This best
and most comprehensive weekly In the world
for youiiK readers presents a rl> n and attractive
programme. In fiction there will IK- ••C'.mip
mates: A story of the Plains," by Kirk Munroe;
■Men or Iron, a romunce.oy Howard Pyle.wltli
Illustrations by the author; "Klyin* Hill Karm."
by Sophie Swett; "The Moon Prince." by K. K.
Munklttrtck ; and "Yellowtop," by Annie liron
son King. Ki addition to the five serials, there
will IK* Stories in two or three parts by Thomas
Nelson Page, lljalmar HJortli Boyesen. Kdvin
l.assetter llynner. Harriet ITeseott Spofford,
Mary li. Wllfcins. Nora Perry, and others. Short
stories, and articles on science, history, travel,
adventure, games and sports, with liundrtds of
Illustrations of the highest character, will ren
der Harper's Young People for 1891 unrivalled
as a miscellany of the K-st reading for boys aud
••The best weekly publication for young
people In existence. It is edited with scrupulous
care and attention, and Instruction and enter
tainment are mlnuled in It.s pages In Ju.-t the
right proportions to captivate the minds of the
young, aud at the same tlm« to develop their
thinking power."—N. Y. Observer.
TEBIS; Pontage Prepaid, $2 00 Per Year.
Vol. XII began November!, lsyo.
Volumes VIII.. X. and XI. of Harper's Y'oung
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Single Numbers, Five Cents each.
Remittances should be made by Postofflce
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Xctrspapers are not to copy this advertise
ment wit/tuft the express order of UakPEK &■
Address: HARPER & IIROTHKRS. New York.
Traveling and Local, to sell our choice nursery
stock. Fast-sell in sp«*elaltle?i In hardy fruits,
etc. Splendid outfit free. Steady employment !
guaranteed. Your pay weekly. Write for term*. i
Rochester, N. Y.
Patent Variable Friction and Belt Feed.
Steam Engines, Hay Presses,
Shingle Mills. Ac-
Portable Grist Mills,
Send lor lIIUS. Threnhlnit Machine* Ac.
Catalogue. A. B. CO.. Vork, I'».
Yy ASTED—Agents to solicit order* for ou
choice and hardy Nursery Stock.
Sternly Work For Energetic Temperate Men.
Salary and expenses or commission If prefer
ed. Write at once. State Age, Address.
R. 6. Chase &
—Advertise iu the CITIZEN.
And, owing to the change, we are now
closing out our entire Fall line of goods,
regardless of cost.
Anion o; the many bargains we are
O t. o
now offering we quote as follows:
30c. Men's Embroidered Slippers, 6 to 10 at 30 eta.
$1.25. Men's solid, first quality, buft, seamless shoes, in
Bals, or Congress at $1.25.
We are making a sacriUce on a Ladies shoe with a patent
leather tip, running from 3's to 6'g.for 00 ct .
We make these oreat otters because
ot the change in the firm, and that we
are needing the money at present more
than the o*oods.
We also do repairing of all kinds on
short notice; and handle Leather and
Hoping that you will call see us the
next time you are in town, Ave are
J 7
Yours Respectfully,
Grieb & Yogeley,
Opposite "Williard House.
1890. 1880.
Fall and Winter Footwear.
A Gentle Reminder to the Buyers
I wish to inform the buyers of boots and shoes of oar extra large Fall
stock Our inventory shows an entirely too large a stock for this time of the
year; it is ot no use to keep this matter a secret any longer so I will spread
the news broadcast throughout the county, so all buyers of boots and shoes
can now get cheap footwear. Among this stock will be found a large line
of band made boots, box toe, double sole and tap, at $3.50 A genuine French
kip boot at $3. Mens box toe shoes at $2 50. Mens oil grain Creedemors,
warranted waterproof, at $2.25 to $3 Mens heavy kip shoes at $1.25, any
style desired. And mady others which space will not permit me to speak
about, but when you are in Butler call around and see me whether you
wish to buy or not for we are always ready to Bhow goods.
GENTLEMEN here is a bargain which I wish you all
to read about. I have now on hand 30 dozen mens kip boots, plain toe,
good heavy soles and good kip, which I am going to sell during the months
of November and December, this line of boots was bought in addition to my
regular stock and I wish to sell them soon and in order to accomplish mj
purpose I have marked these goods so remarkably low that it will be an in
ducement for you to buy, so call and examine these goods whether you wish
to buy or not for no reasonable ofTer will be refused Close buyers and bar
gain seekers should tcke advantage of this special sale.
I have a large stock of ladies every day shoes which I am selling very
cheap. A ladies good every day shoe at 75 c. sizes 3to 8, call early before
the valuable sizes are taken, A large line of ladies, misses and childrens
oil grain, glove calf and kip shoes in button and lace at a big reduction.
Here is a bargain—A ladies good dongola shoe, C. S. or Opera toe, worked
button holes, sizes 2£ to 8, any width desired at $1 25. This is a bargain
of a lifetime. Call early and be among the first to receive a special bar
£a' D - « j-
Chidrens shoes ranging in price from 50 cto $2 A full stock of ladies
fine shoes, hand welts, with extension sole, machine buttoned shoes, cloth
top shoes, &c. &c.
A larfje stock of mens fine dress shoes in Kangaroo, Cordavan, French
Calf, "A" Calf and Alligator, machine sewed, goodger welts and hand sew
ed shoes ranging in price $1 25 to $6. We can now show a better selection
iu mens fine dress shoes than ever before, so gents if you wish a neftt and
comfortable fit, one which will afford great durability to the foot then call at
Bickel's. The boy's department is filled to the ceiling and offering a better
selection than ever before and prices 'ower. Call and look them oyer and
be convinced
Large Stock of Rubber Goods.
Boston, Candee, Woonsocket, Meyer, Bay State and Amazon rubber boots
and shoes at very low prices I can show the best selection of rubber goods
ever shown in Butler county, all kinds and any style desired.
At all times a full stock of our own make box toe boots and shoes,
Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice.
Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods
At all times a full stock of leather and fmdings and shoemakers sup
plies of all kinds. .
Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person.
••When in need of anything in my line give me a call."
Yours truly,
New Number, 330 S. Main Street.
jjgfThe premium seed corn and oats which I distributed tLroaghoutthe
mmitrv was iudsred by three uninterested parties—Franklin Miller, Butler
Pa. B I McGrew, Prospect, Pa. and James Find lay, Franklin twp.—and
the following were the results— Gottleib Weisenstien of Butler twp. was
Liven first premium and Henry Zimerman of Butler twp, was given second
premium. The premiums (Ist premium $lO and the 2d premium $6) will
1)6 P and asking a contlnu
ance of the same in the future I
Rare Bargains,
Extraordinary Bargains are offer
ed bere in
Everything in furDiabings for ladies,
children nnd men.
Compare our prices with what jou
have been paying » nd if J 0 "
can't save money by dealing with
John M. Arthurs.
All stock guaranteed to be in good con
dition when delivered.
We replaco all tree* that fail to grow.
J. F. Lowry, W. T. Mecbling, Jame
Shanor, Jr., j. E. Foruvthe, Geo. Shaffner
fe\ Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, E»q. and D
L. Cleeland.
«|> OTjCpDC '* oth,?f *. w *o with toe**nr->.
All j £il I IvEbllw this papc ,01 obtain Mtimtt %
on adverting whin in Chicago, will find it wWcit