TFT 13 IL XZ EINT FEIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1890. Schaul Bros, 4. W O Stoughton vs Jas M Marshall, trus tee. This case was tried hut the jury could not agree. R S Nicholls vs J L Conlin. Nov. 17. verdict for the plaintiff for $274 02. Younkiri- Co vs Barnes , Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob Reiber, Jefferson St. —Velocipedes, rocking horses wagons and wheelbarrows at J. F. T. STEULE'S. AA t E LEAD, others follow. » V The rapid increase of business is the best evidence that our eflort to give to this community a first class Drug Store is appreciated. We make a specialty of the drug business proper and give it our entire time and personal at tention. We handle only the best ol everything in our liue and guarantee the purity of everything bearing the name of C. N. BOYD. We have no old stuck that has stood for years, but all goods are pure and fresh. Physician's Pre scriptions receive special at tention. If we do not have what you want we frankly tell you so and will be pleased to secure it for you on short no tice We ask a share of your patronage and feel sure you will be pleased with our meth ods of doing business, and we can save you money. Your interests are best served at our Store. Respectfully, C. N. liOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block, Butler, Pa. —Hush. —Guitars, violins and mouth organs at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —Tie up your horse with a 75c. hand made leather halter. Martin court & Co.. 216 W. Cunningham St., have them, 5-A Horse Blaukets cheap at MARTINCOLRT & Co's, 216 W. Cunningham St. A Lady's Perfect Companion. Every expectant mother should read our new book by Dr. Dye, one of New York's most celebrated physicians. A perfect guide, it tells how the fearful ordeal cau be made easy, free from danger, and almost entirely painless, thus saving months "of anxiety, dread and suffering. Full of valu able information to ladies, answering hun dreds of delicate questions. Send two-cent stamp for circulars, testimonials, and con fidential letter. Address, FRANK THOMAS it Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. Remember that we are head quarters for white goods, embroidery lace curtains, draperies, lace tidies and bed sets. L. STEIN & SON. —Girls tricycles at J. F. T STEHLE'S. House-cleaning time shows the necessity for new curtains, tidies, throws and bed sets. We can sup ply you with everything needed in that line. L. STEIN & SON. —Balls and bats at J. F. T. SLEHLE'S. —Full line of guitar strings, banjo strings and violin strings at J, F. T. STEHLE'S. —lce cream at last summer's prices at Morrison's City Bakery. —Try us on silks and black dress goods. We have some special bar gains. L. STEIN & SON. —The cheapest place in Butler to buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S, No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, l J a. —Buy the Lansing Wagon—it is the best. For sale by HENRY BIEHL, 122 N. Maiu St., Butler, Pa. —New mohairs, silks, henriettas, challies, and full liue of dress goods at L. STEIN & SON'S. MAKE BARGAINS And You Make Friends, is one r f the Standing Maxims of Our Business. We understand tho word bargains to mean not only cheap goods, but poods of high quality. Every time we use the word bargain we wan't you to associate with it the idea of quality and cheapness, which la the distinguished feature of the genuine bargains we offer. Every effort has been maue to include in our varied assortment only reliable goods; goods which shall be most valued when they have stood the thorough test of use and wear. Our effort in this direction has been thoroughly suc cessful. No better values or finer grades being within the purchasing power of money. This is true not only of our liner and more costly goods but our entire stock. One feature of our stock which will com mend itself to all classes of buyers is the price feature, we make 110 extravagant figures. We have marked our goods with such low prices as will commend them at a glance to all bargain lovers. We show a stock various enough to meet the require ments of any taste and purse in every respect representative of tho best goods in the market, if you incline to the view that strength and service are the chief desirable features in this line of goods. We can suit your taste exactly for we lay especial stress on these features iti all our goods. Good material, well seasoned, and well manufactured, is what we pride ourselves on, and in respect of quality and work, our goods will not disappoint the purchaser, in the matter of price we stand pre-eminent as lovers of low prices and buyers will find our figures as fair and low as any that can be made. Our largo stock oi Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys, Carts, Express, De livery, Drillers and Business wagons all bear the maker's name and we warrant them to be well made and of good material, and with fair usage for any breakage resulting from defective material or work manship we agree to make good either by furnishing a new part to replace the defec tive or allowing a reasonable prico for repairs. Come and see us. Wc are sell ing good goods at low prices considering the quality; we are here to stay, and we are here to give every purchaser the worth of his money. We want to build up a trade that will stay with us. In order to do so we will give every person value received. As winter is near we have decided to sell the above goods at reduced prices. We will not carry this stock over if we can realize first cost out of them. Now friends, if you want bargains come and see us. We are here to do business and we mean busi ness. It will pay you to buy this fall, you will save money by so doing. Come and see us whether you want to buy or not, it will do you good to see our largo stock of goods. We also sell the renowned Mitchell wagon; every wagon we sell we give a written guarantee. The firm of Mitchell, Lewis it Co. is one of the oldest wagon firms 011 record, established in 1834. Their works are in Kacine, Wis. Wisconsin is noted for good timber. This wagon material is cut in the proper season for cutting lumber and placed in open sheds and air dried for three years before using, making it perfectly dry belore put in wagons. One reason why they aro so par ticular in thoroughly drying their lumber is their trade is principally Southern trade, and we all know it requires better seasoned material for the hot southern states than it does for this country. Tho Mitchell wagon has the best material and the best seasoned material Jof any wagon ever introduced in this coun try. Come and see thein. You will fiud them in the RINK BUILDING, S. McKean St., liutler, Pa. We shall be glad to welcome all and any to our place and show goods and quote prices. Hoping to see you soon, wo remain truly, W. F. lI.VRTZELL A CO. Agents wanted .h." •"I'lj&ne «s*. *,; opportunity, (too. A. U-U Uro«4lwaj, M. Y. 1891 Harper's Magazine ILLUSTRATED The itni rMnt series of papers on South America !•> Theodore I'btlds will l* continued In Harpt-r r- M.ofu/lnt- iiurlb}* the grater pan of tlie >ear 1 -;«1. 11.e articles on rviuthern California, by ("barlea Hu.llev Warner will Also' t>e (Kutinued. Anion# oilier noteworthy at traction* will l»e a !"\» ! l\ < haries fcitbert ('ruddock . a collection of original ears back In neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of Is uu per volume, cloth case., for binding. 50 cents each by mall, post-paid. Index to Harper's Magazine. Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes l to To. inclusive, from June, ISSO, to June, isss, one volume, svo. Cloth. $4. Remittances should be made by I'ostoffiee Money Order or ]>ralt. to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the expnss order of HARPKB & BROTHERS. Address: HAKPEK & BROTHERS, New York. 1891 Harper s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has never failed to justlfj its title as a "Journal of Civilization.*' and It has done so with a constant regard to enlarged pos slbllittes of usefulness and a higher standard of artistic and literary excellence. It leaves un touched no important phase of the world's progress, and presents a record, equally trust worthy and interesting, of the notable event*, persons, and achievements ot our lime. Special Supplements will be continued in lsui. They Will be literary, scientific, artistic, his torical, critical, topographical, or descriptive, as the occasion may demand, and will continue to deserve the hearty commendation which has been beslowed on past Issues b\ the press and the public. As a family Journal Harpers Week ly will, as heretofore, be edited with a strict regard lor the qualities that make It a safe and welcome visitor to every home. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Vear : HARPER S WEEKLY $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in'Jhe United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscription's will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided tlie freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for IT oo per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind in;, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt ol #1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Postoflice Money Order, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express crier of lIAKI'KK & BROTHERS. . Address: HAKPEH & BROTHERS, New York. 1891 Harper's f Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar is a journal for the home. (>lvtng the latest Information with regard to the Fashions, its numerous illustrations, fashion-plates, and pattern-sheet supplements are Indispensable alike to tlie home dress-maker and the professional modiste. No expense Is spared In making Its artistic attractiveness of the highest order. Its clever short st orles. par lor plays, and thoughtful essays satisfy all tastes, and its last page is famous as a budget of wit aud humor. In Its weekly Issues every thing Is Included which Is of Interest to women. During 1891 Agnes B. Ormsbee will write a series of articles on "The House Comfortable." ■lullet Corson w ill treat of "Sanitary Living," and an Interesting succession of pa|>ers on ••Woman in Art and History," superbly illus trated, will be furnished by Theodore Child. The serial stories will be by Walter Besant and Thomas Hardy. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 0(1 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is nientioned.subscrlptlons will heglu with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Bazar for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will oe sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for IT n and attractive programme. In fiction there will IK- ••C'.mip mates: A story of the Plains," by Kirk Munroe; ■Men or Iron, a romunce.oy Howard Pyle.wltli Illustrations by the author; "Klyin* Hill Karm." by Sophie Swett; "The Moon Prince." by K. K. Munklttrtck ; and "Yellowtop," by Annie liron son King. Ki addition to the five serials, there will IK* Stories in two or three parts by Thomas Nelson Page, lljalmar HJortli Boyesen. Kdvin l.assetter llynner. Harriet ITeseott Spofford, Mary li. Wllfcins. Nora Perry, and others. Short stories, and articles on science, history, travel, adventure, games and sports, with liundrtds of Illustrations of the highest character, will ren der Harper's Young People for 1891 unrivalled as a miscellany of the K-st reading for boys aud girls. ••The best weekly publication for young people In existence. It is edited with scrupulous care and attention, and Instruction and enter tainment are mlnuled in It.s pages In Ju.-t the right proportions to captivate the minds of the young, aud at the same tlm« to develop their thinking power."—N. Y. Observer. TEBIS; Pontage Prepaid, $2 00 Per Year. Vol. XII began November!, lsyo. Volumes VIII.. X. and XI. of Harper's Y'oung People bound In cloth will be sent by mall, post age paid, on receipt of $3 50 each. The other volumes are out of print. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a tico-cent stamp. Single Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Postofflce Money tirder or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xctrspapers are not to copy this advertise ment wit/tuft the express order of UakPEK &■ BKOTII KRS. Address: HARPER & IIROTHKRS. New York. PA LESMEIIT J WANTED. IK Traveling and Local, to sell our choice nursery stock. Fast-sell in sp«*elaltle?i In hardy fruits, etc. Splendid outfit free. Steady employment ! guaranteed. Your pay weekly. Write for term*. i (iKRMAMA M'RSKRY CO.. Rochester, N. Y. SA W MILLS Patent Variable Friction and Belt Feed. Steam Engines, Hay Presses, Shingle Mills. Ac- Portable Grist Mills, Send lor lIIUS. Threnhlnit Machine* Ac. Catalogue. A. B. CO.. Vork, I'». Yy ASTED—Agents to solicit order* for ou choice and hardy Nursery Stock. Sternly Work For Energetic Temperate Men. Salary and expenses or commission If prefer ed. Write at once. State Age, Address. R. 6. Chase & —Advertise iu the CITIZEN. NEW FIRM! THE LATE FIRM OP BLACKMORE A GRIEB IS NOW GRIEB &VoGELEY, And, owing to the change, we are now closing out our entire Fall line of goods, regardless of cost. Anion o; the many bargains we are O t. o now offering we quote as follows: 30c. Men's Embroidered Slippers, 6 to 10 at 30 eta. $1.25. Men's solid, first quality, buft, seamless shoes, in Bals, or Congress at $1.25. We are making a sacriUce on a Ladies shoe with a patent leather tip, running from 3's to 6'g.for 00 ct . We make these oreat otters because o ot the change in the firm, and that we are needing the money at present more than the o*oods. O We also do repairing of all kinds on short notice; and handle Leather and Findings. Hoping that you will call see us the next time you are in town, Ave are J 7 Yours Respectfully, Grieb & Yogeley, 347 S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, PA. Opposite "Williard House. 1890. 1880. Fall and Winter Footwear. A Gentle Reminder to the Buyers OF BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBER GOODS. I wish to inform the buyers of boots and shoes of oar extra large Fall stock Our inventory shows an entirely too large a stock for this time of the year; it is ot no use to keep this matter a secret any longer so I will spread the news broadcast throughout the county, so all buyers of boots and shoes can now get cheap footwear. Among this stock will be found a large line of band made boots, box toe, double sole and tap, at $3.50 A genuine French kip boot at $3. Mens box toe shoes at $2 50. Mens oil grain Creedemors, warranted waterproof, at $2.25 to $3 Mens heavy kip shoes at $1.25, any style desired. And mady others which space will not permit me to speak about, but when you are in Butler call around and see me whether you wish to buy or not for we are always ready to Bhow goods. GENTLEMEN here is a bargain which I wish you all to read about. I have now on hand 30 dozen mens kip boots, plain toe, good heavy soles and good kip, which I am going to sell during the months of November and December, this line of boots was bought in addition to my regular stock and I wish to sell them soon and in order to accomplish mj purpose I have marked these goods so remarkably low that it will be an in ducement for you to buy, so call and examine these goods whether you wish to buy or not for no reasonable ofTer will be refused Close buyers and bar gain seekers should tcke advantage of this special sale. I have a large stock of ladies every day shoes which I am selling very cheap. A ladies good every day shoe at 75 c. sizes 3to 8, call early before the valuable sizes are taken, A large line of ladies, misses and childrens oil grain, glove calf and kip shoes in button and lace at a big reduction. Here is a bargain—A ladies good dongola shoe, C. S. or Opera toe, worked button holes, sizes 2£ to 8, any width desired at $1 25. This is a bargain of a lifetime. Call early and be among the first to receive a special bar £a' D - « j- Chidrens shoes ranging in price from 50 cto $2 A full stock of ladies fine shoes, hand welts, with extension sole, machine buttoned shoes, cloth top shoes, &c. &c. A larfje stock of mens fine dress shoes in Kangaroo, Cordavan, French Calf, "A" Calf and Alligator, machine sewed, goodger welts and hand sew ed shoes ranging in price $1 25 to $6. We can now show a better selection iu mens fine dress shoes than ever before, so gents if you wish a neftt and comfortable fit, one which will afford great durability to the foot then call at Bickel's. The boy's department is filled to the ceiling and offering a better selection than ever before and prices 'ower. Call and look them oyer and be convinced Large Stock of Rubber Goods. Boston, Candee, Woonsocket, Meyer, Bay State and Amazon rubber boots and shoes at very low prices I can show the best selection of rubber goods ever shown in Butler county, all kinds and any style desired. At all times a full stock of our own make box toe boots and shoes, Boots and shoes made to order on very short notice. Repairing neatly and promptly done either in leather or rubber goods At all times a full stock of leather and fmdings and shoemakers sup plies of all kinds. . Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. ••When in need of anything in my line give me a call." Yours truly, JOHN BIOKEL, New Number, 330 S. Main Street. BUTLER, - - PENN ' A jjgfThe premium seed corn and oats which I distributed tLroaghoutthe mmitrv was iudsred by three uninterested parties—Franklin Miller, Butler Pa. B I McGrew, Prospect, Pa. and James Find lay, Franklin twp.—and the following were the results— Gottleib Weisenstien of Butler twp. was Liven first premium and Henry Zimerman of Butler twp, was given second premium. The premiums (Ist premium $lO and the 2d premium $6) will 1)6 P and asking a contlnu ance of the same in the future I JOHN BICKEL. Rare Bargains, Extraordinary Bargains are offer ed bere in UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, GLOVES, H A N DKERCHIEFB. MUFFLERS, Everything in furDiabings for ladies, children nnd men. Compare our prices with what jou have been paying » nd if J 0 " can't save money by dealing with at*. John M. Arthurs. 333 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 333 UKESHIIRE MURSEIICS. ERIE, PA. All stock guaranteed to be in good con dition when delivered. We replaco all tree* that fail to grow. REFERENCES IN BUTLER: . J. F. Lowry, W. T. Mecbling, Jame Shanor, Jr., j. E. Foruvthe, Geo. Shaffner fe\ Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, E»q. and D L. Cleeland. G. F. KING, AGT. EITKNMILLER HOUSI, BUTLII, PI. «|> OTjCpDC '* oth,?f *. w *o with toe**nr->. All j £il I IvEbllw this papc ,01 obtain Mtimtt % on adverting whin in Chicago, will find it wWcit LORO&THOfIHS.