Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 14, 1890, Image 1

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Believing that it is b9et to close
out each season's styles before the
ensuing season begins, even at
a great sacrifice, I have marked over
two-thirds of my entire stock of pa
per hangings, the largest and" best
•selected line in Butter,
The balance of the paper was mark
ad so low before that half price would
be giving them away. These you
will get below cost notwithstanding
their former cheapness. Just imagine
Browns st 8c a donble bolt, Whites
at 10 snd 12c, Gilts 15 and npward.
Bay now for yoar fall papering, yoa
will not get such bargains then.
My Wail Psper, Stationery and
Art Store is easy to Snd.
E. Jefferson St., next to Lowry
House, Batter, Pa.
Wir spree ben each Deutscb.
Dry Goods
We are new comers, bat bare come
to stay. We boy oar goods at lowest
cash prices and ss we sell for cash
oaly. We are enabled to sell goods
•t the smallest possible margins. We
coald quote prices on clean, new
good*, no trash, from all parts of oar
■tore, especially on the following
goods. Dress Ooods, White Goods,
Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Mus
lins, Lace Curtains and Curtain
Poles, Corsets and Corset Waists,
Ladies', Children's and Gents* Under
wear, Hosiery, Gloves and Mits, Kid
Gloves, Ribbons, Silk and Velvet,
Blsck and Colored Silks, Cloth Capes,
Bead Wraps, Jerseys and Jersey
Jackets, Table Liaens, Napkins,
Towels, Ac., he., bat aa new goods
are arriving all the time, we would
■ot likely have the goods now
quoted, bnt possibly have them at
■till lowerpricee as the season ad
vanoea. We an proud to say that
la this city and county our goods
and prices have met with approval
and commendation, although subject
ad to eloee scrutiny and comparison
with the goods offered by others.
We solicit yoar patronage, and will
do all la oar power to make our busi
ness transactions pleasant and profit*
D. X. JACKSON, Butler. Pa.
Next door to Heineman's.
C. & D.
Have the largest stock of
hats and outfittings for men,
boys and children in the
Are especially strong in un
derwear for Fall and Win
ter. Besides many stand
ard makes in all grades; we
are exclusive sellers in this
county of the celebrated
Htoneman handmade under;
Deal directly with the man
ufactures and our goods are
freth, strictly reliable and
prices the lowest as we f-ave
the consumer the middle
Mark all goods in plain fig
ures and have one price for
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa.
Full Again.
We mean our wall paper de
partment, iull and overflowing
with our immense and choice
stock of paper hangings. You
must help us out, we haven't
room for half our goods, until
you relieve us of some of them.
We have the choicest selec
tion of patterns in every grade
from Brown Blanks at 10 cts
to (Hits at from 20 cts to§ $1
per double bolt.
Examine our Stock.
J. H. Douglass,
Near* Postotfice,(|ButlerJ|Pa.
To sell our Nursery stock, saisry. expanses and
steady employment guaranteed.
Riochester, N. Y.
on filo in PITTSSV»<*M * 1h« Ad?«rt>*ipft Bur«»u of
No. 354, N. Main «..-Butler. Pa
Dr. A. A. Kelty,
Office at Rose Point, Lawrence county. Pa.
K. N. LEAKE. M. D. J. E. MANN, It D.
Specialties: Specialties:
Oynascotogy and Sor- Bye, Ear. Nose and
ftry Throat.
Butler, Pa.
rarsiciAX AND sraaxox,
Office at No. i.%. s. Main street, over Frank *
Go's Diuff Store. Butler. Fa,
Physician and Surgeon.
Wo. 22 Eaat Jefferson St., Butler, Pa.
S. W. Corner Main and North Bta., Butler. Pa.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth inserted cn the latest Im
proved plan. Gold Killing a specialty. Office—
over He haul's Clothing Store.
AU work pertaining to the profession: execot-
Ml in the nealeet manner.
Specialties Oold Filling*, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered.
OSIE* AA Jetrmom Street, out 4ft East af Lewry
Hosse, L> Stair*.
Office open dally, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mall receive
prompt attention J
Jf. H.—The only Dentist La Butler usfngjthe
best makes of teeth.
Architect, C. E. and Surveyor.
Contractor, Carpenter and Builder.
Maps, plan*, specifications and esti
mates; all kind* of architectural and en
fineering work. No charge for drawing if
contract the work. Consult your beet in
terests; plan before you build. Informa
tion cheerfully pven. A share of public
patronage is solicited.
V. O. Box 1007. Office S. W. of Court
House, Butler, Pa.
Office ou second floor of the Huselton block.
Diamond. Butler, Pa., Koorn No. 1.
Collect lon* a specialty. Office at No. 8. South
Diamond. Butler. Pa.
Office In Room No. l. second floor of liuaelton
Block, entrance on Diamond.
Office on second floor of New Anderson Block
Main St..—near Diamond.
Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, East Jeffer
son St.. Butler, Pa,
Attorney at Law and lies) Estate Agent. Of
Bcs roar of L. Z. Mitchell's office on nottli side
of Diamond, Batter, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Office on second floor of
Anderson building, near Court House, Batter,
Att'y at Law—Oflloe at 8. B. Cor. Main at, and
Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—office on Houtb side or Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
17 east jefferson st.
Fire and Life
Insurance Co.of North Araerica, incor
porated 179*, capita] 13,000,000 and other
strong compute* represented. New York
Life Insnrsnoe Co.. sssets $90,000,000. Office
New Haselton building near Court House.
All stock guaranteed to be in good con
dition when delivered.
We replace all trees that fail to grow.
J. F. Lowry, W. T. Mecbliug, Jnme
Sbanor, Jr., J. E. Forsythe, Geo. SbafTner
6. Walker, Esq., Ferd Reiber, Esq. and I)
L. Cleeland.
Eitknmillkr House, Bctlkr, Pa.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Bts.
H. C. IIKINEMAN, Siobitart.
0.0. Rotsslnc, 1 Henderson Oliver,
J. L Purvis, * James Stephenson,
A. Trout mar, H. G. Ilelneman,
Alfred Wick. iN. WettaeL
Dr. W. Irvln. I Dr. Rlckenbach,
J. W. Burkbart. jD. T. Norrts.
-BTJTXjaiR,, 3PA.
— Adrertiw in U» Citizxm.
i lippM*
. V [' —-
• '•" t F&j I 30 S MAIN ST. sjt
* ; : ~ w *sr &0T&BR-7*
/ ~,.. —r
- l_--• ? . -• r f■ ■=«? ■»• • -
_: _ TT. J£ tUWISDI =~ - -
■Where yon can haye your choice ont of the largest a.-sortment of cooking and
heating stove* iu Butler county; alto dealer in Hardware, Lansing Wagons, Wheeler
A "Wilson and Standard Sewing Mat-bines, Hanging and Stand Lamps. Manufacturer
of Tinware; Tin Hoofing and Spouting a Specialty.
Sole A*renij) foi Butler, Mercer and Clar
ion counties for Behr Bros. & Go's Magnificent
Pianos, Shouinger, and Newby & Evans
Pianos, Pacxard, Crown, Carpenter and
New England Organs. Dealers in Violins,
Strings, Bruno Guitars, and
All Kinds of Musical Instruments.
Pianos and Organs sold on ii stallments. Old Instruments
taken in exchange. Come and see us, as we
can save you money.
Tuning and Repairing oi all kinds of Musical Instruments
Promptly ittended to.
Satisfaction Guaranteed*
Sold by all Vs'y mnd Can.
nm— mm
B *o P l>JQt to «T3llt;
SS&fts: quickiy married
BAPOLIO is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake
is used an hour is saved. On floors, tables and painted work it acta like
a charm. For scouring pots, pans and metals it has no equal. If your
store-keeper does not keep it you should insist upon his doing so, as it
always gives satisfaction and its immenso sale all over the United States
makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Every
thing shines after its use, and even the children delight in using it in
their attempts to help around the house.
. The position I occupied at Morris lla!l
i was a unique one —professor of mathe
1 matics in a young ladies' seminary of the
I old school, at the age of twenty-two. It
was not unalloyed bliss, however. The
greatest drawback to the sitcation was my
1 fondness for the society of young ladies.
) The president of the institution was my
' maternal uncle and was fully aware of my
weakuess; therefore, with a view to both
my own aLd his fair pupils' welfare, he
kept me much under his eye. But there
were times when my proclivities were by
no means frowned down —when a new girl
with a wealthy papa missed her home gai
eties and hinted at leaving, or a sentiment
al miss pined at the breaking off of some
forbidi'en correspondence —on such occa
sions the healthy tonic of a little delicate
attention from the only eligible man in the
place was rather encouraged. Then, too,
even Uncle Joseph was not quite übiquit
ous, and the stairs and halls, the music
rooms, the verandahs and the many pretty
walks in the really lovely grounds afforded
innumerable innocent opportunities for
chats with the fifty more or less charming
girl? of the seminary. On the whole these |
were happy days. I had great chums in
every class and almost every set—the gay
girl who was used to plenty of admirers
at home, and so, naturally, appropriated
the only available candidate in that minia
ture world; the shj- girl who was not used '
to being noticed and was so grateful and !
ready to be pleased, or the bright girl who
helped and rested me in class. In such ;
daily intercourse very many and very dif- j
ferent reasons were found for friendship,
and I think I may say that I numbered
among my friends most of the girls at the (
"Ball," who were beyond the ordinary in
any respect—pretty, graceful, or bright— j
and that is why it has always seemed to j
me so strange that I never could discover j
"who she was." Bnt so it is; to-day lam |
as much puzzled as to her identity as I was j
the moment she slipped out of my arms.
It was Hallowe'en and I was invited to
a little party by a pretty village girl, who
was a graduate of the aemii.ary. Some I
mishap—Mi.>s Maggie's lover choked him
self po!<bing for apples, I think—threw a
damper on the party. It broke up rather
early aud I reached the seminary not long I
after midnight.
My uucle rather discouraged my accept- |
ing invitations iu the villiige, fearing. I pre
sume, that my accounts of these gaieties j
might render 'the girls, who were pro- i
bibited from visiting, discontented. So '
v hen I went out, and came in, too, for '
the matter of that, I generally made very
little fuss about it and frequently neglected
mentioning the fact to my uucle at all.
When on this occasion I softly turned my
latch key uud opened a side door to find
everything in inky darkness, my state of
mind could only he expressed by an ex
pletive not proper for my seminary vocab
ulary. That stupid Becky when going her
round of the halls had, in a fit of absent
mindedness, extinguished the light in the
lower hall as well as the upper one. It
was no easy matter to lind one's way iu
that lower hall in the dark. There were
doors in every direction and three different
staircases. I stood still and mentally at
tempted to place them. There was the
great staircase and the staircase which led
to the store room. There was the vesti
bule door the door to the study and to
"stud}- hall," the door to the reception par
lor, the doors to the girh' parlor and play
room, the house-keeper's door, the corri
dor which led to the dining room, and it
seemed to my diseased imagination in that
moment that there were a score more en
trances and exits the names and positions
of which I could not remember. It wouid
be committing suicide to attempt to find
the proper staircase in the dark. I remem
bered, however, that the first door I should
be obliged to pass was that of the house
keeper, who proverbially slept with one
eye open listening for burglars or girls
making raids on the pantry. As I did not
want her to rouse the house aud Uncle
Joseph I crept along in the direction of the
staircase, determining to light my way
with matches as soon as I should be safely
past that door. Meanwhile I felt my case
and discovered, to my mingled dismay and
amusement, that it contained one solitary
With the determination to save this for
an emergency I continued to feel niy way
until at last I touched a staircase railing
—but was it the right onef Xow was the
time to sacrifice my match, and I confi
dently drew it forth; but, alas, as I re
placed the case in my pocket the match
slipped from my fingers to the floor. This
was most provoking, but not to lie baffled,
I chopped off an impatient exclamation
and stooping, set to work to find it by the
sense of touch. I ran my fingers lightly
over the first step without suece.-- and
raised uiy hand to the second to continue
my blind si-arch, when full on the bin k of
in}' hand was set, smooth, cool and sort, a
small baro foot.
All that followed of course occupied but
a very few minutes, but I have gone over
every one of those minutes and they re
ui iin in my memory clear and distinct. I
started up in amazement, if not fright, uud,
of course, the sudden movement on my
part threw the foot's owner backwards ami
into my arms. A dozen confused ideas
ruslied through my mind, foremost among
them the thought that this must lie a gen
nine case of somnambulism, which in
duced me to adil to the exclamation of sur
prise which I had already uttered a hasty
explanation us to my identity and the as
surance that there was no cause for alarm
To my surprise my well meant speech was
met with absolute silence, though the inys
terious creature now made a quick and
violent effort to escape from my grasp.
This proved to me that she was awake,
aud also that she did not have any idea of
betraying her identity. What could it
mean? Not an elopement; the bare foot
settled that, theory, and as I lightly ran
my hand over her shoulders, which were
on a level with my own, and down her
arm, 1 decided without difficulty, notwith
standing my absolute inexperience, that
the lady's costume was arranged for the
night. I have no wish to deny that the
touch of the round, fi.m arm and shoulders,
so palpable under their thin und fluffy cov
erings, filled me with u new and strange
sensation of pleasure, und even set uiy
heart to beating a trifle faster than usual.
In her effort to escape, her hair swept over
my face; such hair I had never even
dreamed of, u perfect mane of silky ten
drils, full of subtle perfume like nothing
else in all the world. I became suddenly
determined to know who she was. Hold
ing one wrist firmly I slipped my other
arm around her and held her so that the
perfumed mass of hair fell on my shoulders
and against my face.
Then 1 resumed my interrogatories. "Look
here, 'my pretty maid,' we'll compromise.
Vou tell me who you are and I'll ask no
question about this little episode, do you
Motionless quiet followed, and then a
movement which seemed to firmly rejoct
the idea, and another quick effort to regain
41} mind was lost ia conjecture as U
which of the girls had this capacity for
• keeping qniet. One or two of mj- frk-uds
among the older and graver girls I knew
I to have considerable self-possession, but
not one of them was capable of getting
1 herself into such a scrape;it was impossible
for me to connect any one of them for a
single moment with such an escapade. Of
j course it was some one of :he mad cap
crew with whom I had so many a jollv
romp in the play room or pavilion on
recreation days when Tccle Joseph was in
' town.
There was no doubt that she was young.
| the firm, cool flesh told that, and so did
! the wealth of her hair and the girlish slen- '
derness of ihe form which I now felt in my '
arm. I spoke again: "Tell me what is '
the matter and why you were going down I
stairs; can help you to what you
want." This with a thought of the pantry. '
No answer.
''l cannot let you"go unless you assure
me in some way that everything is all ;
right. I should, otherwise, feel myself>
guilty." A contemptuous shrug of the j
shoulders answered this argument. Every ,
one of the pretty girls of tbe school was i
flitting through my brain, but somehow
none of them would fit. That hair baffled i
me. I cautiously tightened my clasp of :
her waist, let go her wrist and took np a 1
handful of it. ft seemed alive. So soft I
and yet with so much spring, what color '
could it be? Not black, it seemed too soft '
for that—nor blonde, it was too firm and :
strong—the only color which seemed to me
to suit this wondrous thing was auburn,
rich, burning auburn. But no one had
auburn hair at Morris Hall, unless it was
little Sadie Jones, aud hers would have
been a moro brilliant hue had she not per
sistently used some sort of pomatum. I
laughed to myself at the idea of connecting
her with this tall, smooth creature with the
wavy mane.
Decided on this point, I started on one
more investigation. I shut my eyes tight
in hopes of iutensying my other senses,and
put my hand to her face. At first she
moved her head restlessly, so as to prevent
my receiving any impression as to her
features, but as 1 persisted she drew her
self haughtily up an.! st .cd as stili as th>
carved from stone Her forehead wa
broad and well shaped the hang not too
heavy or long, rather conservative in cut
mid mentally decided. The eyes were
shut so tightly that 1 could not decide or. •
thc-ir size; the eyebrows were ruiher heavy: '
cheeks firm, smooth and well round;
apparently thin, hut probably tightly
closed; chin round and full; ears small and
ringle-s throat full, soft and long—but .
here my statee came to life again and
shrank away from me piteou-dy. 1 felt
some slight compunction, got. possession
of her bands and let her stand free.
"Now, don't be foolish," I whispered,
"the housekeeper or Dr. Traynor himself
may wake up and appear on the scene with
a light at any moment, and then what will
you dof"
"Ju.-t promise to tell uie if I'm right and
let me guess who you are!"
No answer.
"Well, promise to tell uie some time, in
broad daylight, when you have your pret
tiest frock on?''
Not a movement or a sound. I was seiz
ed by an inspiration and examined every
finger of the two little hunds I held. Their
symmetry was not marred by a s ; ngle ring,
so tnj quest was vain, but their velvet
smoothness so impressed me that 1 made a
mental note of it.
"I think I'll have to go at ouce to ull the
hall preceptresses and have the rooms
Absolute silence. It is inexpressibly
tantalizing to hold so much sweetness in
one's arms and not know whether or not
it would be safe to venture the smallest,
most self-restrained caress. That instant
my resolve was taken. Still holding her
hands iu mine, I began sternly: "Now, do
you mean over in auy way to disclose to
me your identity or am I to believe that
you intend this little episode to remain for
ever a mystery? If you are positively
resolved never by look, word or action to
give me the slightest clue by which I may
find you—press my hand, my left hand,
which holds your right."
Whew! What a vicious squeeze! My
seal ring made its mark, and I was con
vinced that the muscles of that velvety
hand were well developed!
"0 very good, mademoiselle, very good.
We understand each other now. You are
not sufficiently my friend t'» confide in uie,
that is evident, hut revenge is sweet. As
you have sworn never in any way to reveal
yourself you cannot of course resent any
thing which may occur, and therefore I
will make one more experiment ou my own
I wrapped tho helpless mischief tight in j
my arms. If she wa (lightened the gave j
no sign, save that her breath came in |
quick little gu.ip*, wh'ch I felt rather than
heard. I drew the daiuty head down to
my shoulder and -pre; d the tangled si!k- n
net of her hair all over me, then I bei t
down aud kissed bur full ou the lips. Wiia'
in all the world could compare with those
lips? Full, soft, quivering and half apart
—her breath went lik. wine to my bead—
I shivered and dropped my arm
What a brute I'd been—bow *be must
despise me! And she was o sweet, I could
not let her go thinking so ill of uie. But
she was already gone, with a little patter
of her bare feet on the bard wood stairs,
aud yet I whispered imploringly, "For
give me, it you can; I shall never forgive
Notwithstanding my contrition, I listen
ed painfully for the sound of her footstep
in hopes that I might at least discover
towards which wing she turned. Of course,
the heavy carpet iu the corridor baffled me
in this, and when she left the stuirs all
was still. I pulled myself together, and
all forgetful of my lost match, I groped my
way to my own room, where f spent tbe
rest of the night in going over my adveu
ture and making wild plans for discovering
its heroine.
Iu the morning it seemed to me, so
strong was my memory of tho mysterious
she, that I must recognize her immediate
ly. I searched each face, I studied every
figure, especially I watched for a tawny
mane. Alas, how different figures seeni
in tight-fitting basques or flannel blouses,
and what was there in a monotonous array
ol pig taiU and door knobs to recall the
subtle, sensuous sweep of that fragrant
flossy tangle?
1 felt like giving up, but girls are always
more interesting taken individually than
collectively, and as I received a smile from
one and another iu passing, I caught iny
selffitting her into my model. Days pass
ed. I cultivated every romp in school. I
took to shaking bands at all possible limes,
for I felt sure there could not bo another
hand of such a perfect texture. I went so
far as to make mild lovo to one or two of
the "giddy" net in order that I might make
the test moro complete, and—l must con
fess my perfidy—l oven kissed one little
flirt whom I discovered to have a particu
larly soft band. It was twilight on tho
back veranda. I shut my eyes and 1 was
I satisfied. It wus not she. Once or twice I
I was on tbe (mint of taking Mis* Coil
stance E . my particular frit-ad among
the seniors, into my confidence as to the
mail, facts of the cpis.«fe. in hopes that she
might help me to a notation of the problem.
She r.ad character w:th Mich ease and Sad
-o much influence on the best girl- of more
1 thau one >-et in the school. I felt sure that
I if she would she >.ould lind my witch fur
me. But she was so shrewd and in a quiet
way had so much influence over me that J
felt morally certain she m>uU get all tL>-
fads in the case oat <<f me in two minutes
and probably despise me afterward. This
I conviction checked me every time I was
tempted to approach the subject with her,
and later on, when I became enlaced to
her most intimate friend, I could not but
be thankful for my discretion. Girl lovers
at boarding school do not ofteu keep any
thing interesting from each other, and
somehow I would not have liked Le uUe to
know about that girl!
01 course as time went on I gave up the
idea of discovering her identity, but 1 am
sure I shall never forget her, nor cease to
ask myself who was she!
As I have always, since I can remember,
had a bosom friend. I am lather proud of
the fact that one episode in my life has re
mained untold. I scarcely know why I
have nevci spoken of it to any of the girls,
unless it was that I could not bear to have
them misunderstand or criticise him. He
always said I knew things without being
told and understood things beforehand.
However that may be. I never could judge
him harshly; that is certain, or bear to
hiar an}* one else do so; and Louise was
always so straight-laced.
Of course Louise was my beat and dear
est f'-end. and anything I had to tell she
usually heard. I had friends in other sets
however and that last year at school, when
we were put .o room in different wings. I
had a good deal of fun among the "giddy
girls" around me.without Louiseor any one
off our corridor knowing much about it. I
remember debating a loeg time whether or
not I should tell Louise about the frolic
planned in my end ofSonih Hall tor Hal
lowe'en. She could not join if she would
lor few girls had the temeritv to cross from
one wing to the other after lights w ere out. 1
If she knew of it and was not with us -.hi )
would have beet; worried almost to death
and there r.«s no knowing to what lengi as I
her cor.fci'-nce u: <rht not have -i.iven her. ;
She was th m>-t pirns little .tailing awl;
a- swett as she v. :- - go.-.l
So I decided rot to tell her >• iy of onr '
plans, which were a- follow-: Kir-t. to lav
in provisions for a feast, which * :ts to In
spread in my room; to have appl« s, eg.--. t
salt, l.Ht' 1 - of twine and all the other paia
phernelia for trying our fortunes ready t<- ]
hand, and to bribe Becky, the house nis 1. j
to put out the light ill the lower hail
which u-nallv burned all night. Ah • t->
borrow Mi-s Farron's alarm clock, to wake •
iny room-mate early for an extra hour ot 1
practice, and set it for twenty minutes to
twelve. Then our light-- went out a- u-r
a) at ten o'clock, and we all went to sleep
1 slept so soundly that the borrowed alarm j
was wasted on me. and ilie first thing I
knew my room mate was shaking me vig
orously. The lamps were lighted and lfie
door stealthily opened to admit a mothley
crowd of girls in bed room slippers, night
wrappers and shawls.
We set to work at once and the goodies
soon disappeared. Anrelia Lane had a
copy of Burns' poems, with notes, which
contained a full description of all the
Scotch Hallowe'en ceremonies, and we
followed these us closely as we could.
The three dishes, one with clean, one with
murky water and the third empty, were
consulted, and I remember well ho* 1
laughed to find I hail three times chosen
the empty dish which signified old maid
dood. It seemed so very funny, as I was
the only girl the crowd who was engaged.
The bull of yarn was thrown from the
window, where it was cuught either by in
visible hands or by the rosebush below; at
any rate it stuck.
Apples were pared in front of the mir
ror, salt cakes were baked and eaten and
leud was melted and poured into a pail of
water very successfully, as all the figures
looked remarkably alike and so could be
imagined whatever each girl chose—a sur
geon's lancet, a soldier's sword, a journal
ist's pen, etc. At last their remained only
one spell to try, and no one seemed very
anxious to try it. I finally volunteered,
thinking meanwhile how horrified Louise
would be if she could know. Amelia gate
me minute instructions. "Take the yolk
out of t his hard boiled egg and till it up
with suit, then you must go d• *u :»i.s
backwards, slowly, eating the egg as n u
go and thinking of the one you love best.
Then you mu.-t turn and come upstairs
backwards. After you get back to your
room you must not speak a word to any
iiody, but go straight to bed, when if tbe
■ne you love it to be your fate, jon will
dream of him helping you overa stream, or
filling your pitcher at a well, or rescuing
me from drowning, or some such thing."
"No wonder," 1 remarked, "after -•wa'.-
lowing all that, salt !" "But don't you
dread Ihe corridor and the long flight of
stairs?" asked my roommate.
'•No, if Becky kept her promise, it's a'l
dark, and I'm not afraid of the d. rk."
Ah. but Connie, take off' tint ruglan
and those slippers; it says 'in her bed
gown, bare feet and flowing hair,' " ejac
ulated Aurclia, as 1 took up my egg and
started for the door. 1 waft rather loalli
to do this, but did not like to spoil my
reputation for daring, so arrayed solely .n
my "Mother Hubbard," night wrapper and
my long hair, which 1 shook out around
me, I bade the girls a tragical adieu and
sallied forth. Becky had been good as
her word, everything was dark as Krebn-.
By the sense of touch alone I made my
way down my I.all into the corridor ami to
the staircase. Grasping the banister-rail
with one hand I turned and began my de
scent. L'gh ! ihe bare hardwood sieps
were cold ! And surely 1 heard a noise in
the lower hall. "Nonsense," thought I,
"there is not a soul brave enough to ven
ture down here in the dark but myself, and
I am half afraid!"
So on I went slowly. I had made both
curves in safety and that horrible egg was
iilmont gone. I felt sure I was very near
the foot of the stairs, horror of horrors, my
foot came softly down upon—not the
smooth, hard step—but something alive.
The first maddening thought which took
possession of me was that it must be a
a mouse. This turned me to stone and
froze the cry on my lips. It was always
so with n.e. For a trifle I could scream
like any other woman, but when anything
really serious happened I was cold and
still. My worst fears were instantly dis
pelled, for the object of them was evident
ly attached to something masculine. A
moment later, having lost my balance, 1
came into violent contact with the said
something—in fact it was a man and I fell
into his arms. Tec, it was very dreadful,
but when ottv's fears havo so far overshot
the mark, one more easily becomes recon
eoncilod to the lesser evil. While wild
thoughts of burglars and kidnapers were
chasing through my brain a most familiar
voice murmured in my car: "Don't bo
frightened, pray. It is oulj Piof.>s,.i B
jroo rarely recognize my voice. Are Jt<
quite awake no* T"
Ah, then my heart stool -till. Profe*-
•w B—. who thought me such a model
eirl. ant) told me ail I,is hope* and a*pira
tions and confided to me all his incipient
j line affair*, a.-kii g my advice thereon !
I What would be the result of such a di
j covery on his part f Ti> find me guilty oi
, such a pie* e or giddiness, cay worse, reck
lessness, would he not lom- all confidence
;inme T I should probably lose his com
panionship. or worse, he wonld pat mo
down upon a level with the girls whom we
had so often analyzed together and per-
I haps even—perish the thought— try to tlirt
| with me!
Then came the determination that he
should never know my identity. 1 had
from sheer fright made no sound, and I
would continue to hold my peace. 1 was
rather surprised to find that my efforts to
free myself by force were unavailing. Pro
fessor B was so slight, and not over
tall, I could not have lielieved him so
strong, and my admiratiou for him. which,
up that time had all been bestowed upon
his brain, and—well perhaps bis eyes—be
gan to expand. It is curious bow women
worship strength. Then how determined
he was to find me ont, how he coaxed and
threatened and made promises! And at
last—how can I ever write it down f..r my
own satisfaction—Oh. dear nic! he
to investigate on hi« own account' I
scarcely broatbed. It seemed to me he
must recognire my Roman nose, if nouo ot
my other features were sufficiently sinking,
bet eoinehow be iid not, although he per
severed long enough in his eff.nL Aad
what a light touch he had; what a G.ir.,
soft baud! And 1 ne\er before Lad rca'
ized what pleasant t.nes bis voice
capable or Sivinetiiues T t,,,, i<-ro|>ted to
give up, partly V> \»iine-«-, ids auiszemeut
and partly because it w«* always bar.
work for me to ref use Professor B any
thing under a;ij circumstances, and wit!
the magic of his touch added to that of hi
voice it vas dould\ m> now. I w.is ovei
whelmed with shame when I realized tba
this was true, aud realized that his eiu
brace, which should have been a sickening
horror, tilled me with far other seus.itior.r'
With a hot flush of indignation al myself I
recognized the fact that Charley'* ;ael em
brace aud good-bye kisses had not thriifn)
me i's did the masterful ciu»p with whicl
this young <<uwp of a professor held mc
while he searched my fact and bauds to.
some sign by which to ideutiiy me.
Of course. 1 tried to shift tic blame to
other «hon!.sern than nit own. I'ihii— or
I" bad no business at tho "llall," a
« ;j.i in sheep's clothing, among ail us sns
ciptiblc giri-s Dr. Truynor had uo discre
tion to bricg such a boy to fiil such n po*i
tion. it wa> his miserliness, oi ee ;«.«»: he
doubtless gave his nephew neit to uo sal
ary. I worked myself up to a line pitch
and ju.-t ihcn Professor 1!— — asked uie in
the most aggravating manner vthelher I
was in earnt r t about lelusing to reveal
:ny identity, and whether nothing cul.'
change my determination, adding that it
this was my decision 1 should indicate it
'v a pleasure of' his left hand. Like a flash
1 remembered his huge seal ring, the bead
of Ajax, ana gave bis lingers a quick, sharp
squeeze. 1 was rewarded, for he winced
involuntarily—but his turn came next!
1 couid not attempt to excuse him to an\
one else, and I suppose it was dreadful,
scandalous, ungenerous, but I would not
have it undone, after all is said. It open
ed to my eyes volumes of revelation* about
myself and about, main things.
He held me close aud kissed me on my
Oh, such a kiss! Long and tender and
firm. I had not ever known what a kiss
could mean before. lie dropped his arms
aud I flew upstairs, every nerve tiugliug
with terror and delight.
Hut bis noble heart *umte hiiu for the
pain he doubtless thought he had inflicted,
and he called in that wistful voiee, "For
give me il you can." I turned th« coruer
and lost the rest. I was very thankful
that the suell required iu« to keep silunce
when I reached my room. Sleep was out
of the 'lueatioij. and I did aome hard think
ing between that and morning, aud lose at
dawn to write a letter to Charley. All
that, of course, ba-s nothing to do with this
adventure. l>ut t will just nay that 1 broke
our engagement then and there, u. 'l never
regretted it. We met «o the In ~t of fr.eud
when home tor theCbiiciuias holiday*, .ii«n
be cmirtdeu to nm bin fonuneis for "the
t, I Ust girl in Princeton.'
l!iit ho* 1 (lrca'.iil meeting Professor
I;—! It seemed toil "• '♦• at he must ;eeog
b./ nip, !'.r 1 am very sure that buil oiii
portions bccu reverted I should b;i\c
known biiii instantly. II ho ever guessed
be gave no Mgr.. The only thing which
scorned to Die suspicious w» ilmt ho never
told me oftiie episode. Before and alter
thai !.<■ me niuny things of more
important* —hU hope of pushing tin 1 "'.\-
am. atiiMis for the X - scholarship and hi*
love fur I iii-e. hut. never . w->rd of that.
A Jew lIH iitha afterward b" and lunula* be
came engaged. ami I tin;, to lie .-urc, I v.as
glad that 1 had never yielded to the temp
tation to tell her all aboot it, for, you soe,
liaise wa- always >tru;g].t laced.
It i.- probabie that this new and serioin
Jove affair drove all thought of thai poor
little episode "in of hi* head. and yet I
cannot ever .i e Prolessor I!—, or evi r
think of him. without asking myself, "Did
be ever gin--" ?" (' KLI,I:X Umist.
Upsetting a Train.
The force of the wind storm* that are a
const ant menace to some oi the Western
States is well illustmted by a late disaster
at Fargo, North I'akota. Tbe niont extra
ordinary feature of the storm was the over
turning of au entire r .ilroad train. con»ist
ng of three baggage ears and nine heavy
sleeping coaches. The locomotive and
tender alone remained on the track. The
through panaeuger train arrived at the town
ot Fargo ut the same time as the tornado
As the rools of the railroad machine shop
and freight house were carried away, the
engineer thought it safer to move out ot
the station, but was compelled to stop at
the crossing of the Chicago, Milwaukee A
St. Paul It. K. He found great difficulty
in getting started again, and was moving
along very slowly, wl.en suddenly the
whole train was turned over. The rate at
jvhich they were proceeding WM *" slow
that r.t'DP el the passengeis was sei.oi; ,y
injured, although the fright and t':e mor
ons and physical shock was very great.
Had the train bcea running at an or
dinary rate of i-petd the r«in»e<juenew
would have horn frightful. The train was
very crowded, containing a nuraLer of la
dies and childicn. one of the < ars *u* a
special, and contained a number of official*
of the Chicago A Northwestern Railroad
Company. *1 he accident occurred about .1
o'clock in the morning. N ery little dam
age was done to the cars, as may tie seen
by scanning the truck*, none of which
were wrenched form their positions.
The y« Ih'W stain made by tbe nil used
mi iti; nun hill"' can he ren.oVed if. be
fore w»»t»iji* in iits.lii« »|K-' i. ;ul>b*d
I carefully with a bit of cloth wot with
I ammonia.
NO 2-
Baruelofs Death.
limn il. Stanley, the African explorer.
.Hid hi- wife, arrived at New York on the
■teainer T. tonic last Thursday and sub
letted to an interview as to u»e much di«-
I , 'del i .k.i of the death of Lieut Bartte
lot. who had charee of tho rear guard of
•he lexpedition through Africa. The
part of the interview referring to the kill
; ing is a- follows:
"What did you hear about Barttelot's
death V
I have heard that be had been shot on
July 11*. He was simply shot; not cat or
mutilated. I did not see bim, a.i I did not
arrive at the camp until Augnst 17th, 23
da> s afterward."
hat was the cause or causes of his
being killed f"
' The causes were his violent temper and
constant inclination to qnarrel. He had
been away from the camp of the rearguard
lor sometime. At tbe time of the Wiling
he had just returned from Stanley camp
and his presence seemed to destroy the
harmony that had prevailed during his
"On the lftth of July Barttelot beat one
of the Zannihari chiefs and disturbed the
■ amp generally. Bonny went to him and
said he would manage the camp as long
as he had been in charee of it.
"On the morning of July 19th, just at
Barttelot was disturbed from hia
sleep by the b-atuig of a drum and by
some one Ringing. He sent a Souuaneso
to find out what tbe noise was
atiu to stop it. TLe sergeant returned and
repo.ted tha : Le could not find ont what it
was. Barttelot 'lieu sent his little black
N.'J to see WW was disturbing him. The
boy re'iiT'.ed and said : 'lt is a woman
singing uud some men drumming an ac
companiment ' thio being the way the na
tivc* celebrate the breaking of day in some
. arts of tbe dark continent. Barttelot
thereof on jumps up and says be will stop
noise ai d shoot the first one who does
; ot obey him.
"With a revolver in one hand and a
..ointcd stout wood staff in the other, he
arted toward tbe woman who was sing
■g. lie commanded her to stop. She
.epton drumming, only looking up at hitn
ir. n defiant manner, knowing that every
ody in the camp dislikes him. Again
: .iitellot telle her to stop aud gives ber a
prod with hi snsrp stick. Then be begins
to punch he-rand kick her While this is
••g on. t> woman s husband is in t 8
hat. only five or six yards away, cleaning
iii- gun. lie hears his vif'o scream, and
'•viking out of the loophole in the hilt he
e.s Barttelot with his pistol in one hand
.ud stick in the other bea'ing 'he woman.
!le is a chief of the tribe and thinks as
loach of his as we do of ours. In an
• iistant he thrusts his irun through the
1 >ophole of th< hut and jhooU Barttelot
dead. i . •
"The whole t'nug -.vjs done in a spirit of
anger. Th<-r. vas no premeditation. He
o u jusL a* as you or I would have done
under the circnm-tances. I did not rely
on the written statement of Mr. Bonny for
ml this. I heard the same from the Arabs,
t'ie Zanzibari.-. and otuer men—over 500 of
ilu-iii altogether—ami tbey certaiuly had
no .1-j.it in telling the story different
from what it. was after tiioir enemy was
i-ditorial Difference of Opinion
on an Important Subject.
What if the force that oasts disease; and
which is the most convenient apparatas for
applying itf How far i* the regular physi
cal useful to us because we believe in
'aiui, and bow tar nrehis pills and powders
and tonic only the material representatives
of hie personnl influence on our hoalthf
'Hie regular doctors eure; the homoeopa
thic doctors cure; the Tlahnemannites cure;
aud m-> do the faith cures and the mind
.•nres, and the so-called Christian scientists,
uii<i the four-dollar and-a half advertising
it?nerunts, and tire patent medicine men.
They all hit, and they all miss, and the
Hi eat difference—one great difference—in
the result i~" that when the regular doctors
!"»e a pati"'it no one grumbles, and when
.the irregular doctors lose one the com
munity stands on end and howls. — Koch
e*tcr Union ami Advctiser.
Nature enr" , but natnre can bo aided,
hindeiee <>r defeated in the curative pro-
And the (Commercial's contention is
:t is the part of rational beings to seek
tr: t the advice of men of good
character who have studied the human
-'.•stem aud learned, as far as modern
-• ienee ligrts tlic way. how tar they can
lit nature and bow the} can best avoid
obstructing her. — Buffalo Commercial.
It is not our purpo-'e to considor the
e.ils that result from employing the un
c crapulous, the ignorant, charlatans and
•I lai-k to prescribe for the maladies that
i.dliet the human family. We simply de
riare that the pby«>cian who ltno*s some
thing is better thau the physician who
knows nothing,or very little indeed about
the strueltiie and the couditfors of the
I.iiinun system O' course "he does not
know it all."— RocheMtr Morning Herald.
I have n-cd Warner's Safe Cure and but
tor it- timely Use would have bten.l veri'ly
believe, in my grave from what tbe doctors
i-rated Wight's Disease.—D. V. fihriner,
ij,.r IJditor Stioto (la.rite, Chi 1 licotho,
Onio, in a letter dated June 30, 1890.
The Bairi-'ucadoa Lover.
\v fiy so • i.'.:.y bald-beaded men are
In. helors is iuu- explained by a recent
water: ■•There is a good deud of capil
laiy a'traction in love. Girls adore a
l;..ndsome suit of glossy hair, it is lovely.
And when a lover comes to woo her with
; • • top of hi- head shining like a greased
pumpkin be is at u disadvantage. Just as
t'ie words tl'at glow and thoughts that
Iti.ii begin to awalen in her bosom a
sympathetic thrill, she may happen to
notice iwo or three flies promenading over
in- phrenological organs and all is over,
tin Is ere so frivolous. She immediately
becomes more interested In those flies
thau in all his lovely language. While he
is pouring out his love and passion she is
wondering how the flies manage to bold on
to such a slippery surface.
An article shown np as a fraud must
|o<"s favor with the public. Salvation Oil
been shown io be » genuine and good
ji» juration. 25 cenu.
To;ii iif. -ir earg< r when yon allow a
«.\ et Citugh er cold to go unchecked. Dr.
I; !!'- cough Syrup is a cheap, harmless
aut! reliable remedy.
—Clue oil applied witb cottou or canton
dajiiel rag and afterwards rubbod with dry
is a good <l. tor a piano case.
! ir e hare re,,ii that one part olive oil and
j vii parts vinegar is also good.
| —l<r. F. user's Golden Keiiet is warrant
i id to relieve loottaclto, headache, neural
j gia. or any oilier pe.in in - to 8 minutes.
1 \I so bruises, wounds, wire cuts, swellings,
I ones burns, summer eomplamU, Colic.
'a!*, in horses), diarrha-a, dysentery aud
: la*. If satisfaction not given money
J -(•inrned.
. u n r . tr;" a ...S plsmol
I a* ay along the walls and about rocks in
i the fields.