YOU i y-:, .*• ft !' bcrt Water ! > !W' rit BUCK'S, his i?r*pe tcaic — A most I (C' Win o.d t» *'rt - Ir'rg drink 1 Trv hia milk ohr»V« made of i, - ofgua. .int <d trcdhness. ■ .. . of h' flavors an" v. ill £• ' the TI the best iu r i, own. Planing Mill ANO-rr 1 s trnber V ai'di RVI?. •>• PCKV >• r * u.Purvi'i&Co A « A*l' G.'i tI.BB IS ! Vi' I an-' ? , aaed Lumber! ,R7 --f • ?!•");(, j C itAUhES, LATBj SEW Ell PIPE. i'uLler, I'a. Wi. F, Miller. Manaiiiclurer of Stair Hnilg, Balusters] and NewGl-posts. < ■ ,i. ; jr»-t i " •.. «c ."l« «; » ... for m... • i , i,L'l - r,. ..1 . i* PJ - A » tt • !Tl<"0», ' store at No. to, N. Msln street. ; . .«, n, -. i tmrton stnet. PRNNA r I M- IfBWIT iq -3V»- YARD B ;•«• NICHOLI.S & CO., Oouier l 'n a.. Hntis of i.-fjii!. r.c Lumber. . • Rb, SA SH, BLINDS. SHINGLES, LATH ETC.. ✓ — Hard a>jd oof , C f' , a fit 'ATf' -'"'c l ' "f all Util* Ltur:- >:■, Oil Veil iU*. Ca 1 ' nrt get out p.icn ami .our stock • • f)r.lerj Promptly Aitended To. Offico ku- yard on MC-BOK ST., >«AH WKST PIU;* DEPOT, Burma, PA. 'RcbflS and blankets -s cold weather opproacLe? it.,, owners will snve money bj- i.i.yii-o their hji'fce blank er '. 1 iKe robe., now. \ g v.ann ' 'ar.ket on v i in eold wouf.her saves .t . r tl— ow ' n c than any th -. f .'he largest ; most com plel" line of robes,blankets,har no- j ,*v!jipH,trunk , v-iliacH, etc.. in the county,and at the lowest price -, will always be fjund at i KIvMPER'B, 121 N. Alain St., Butler, Pa. T - : iUin Street Livery. \V. a. BIEHL, Prop'r. Otic Of iitii.i tit-, ou >*•«{ t St-. AH ti. 'i, snfe m : -i..; r.u t f-ar.'oii't , L-iudace j i %7t-.lji: '« and fooertela. 0p«;: -,-4 ay nbdjxhii L Telephone No. 24. T-T.O. n. !>,titcuell, /,• • t'i l V<*t- :<>um and 1' . , . V- MS • ' ' i' 1 ' >rK f : i.'. -i .-|j ' *.i! ■ 'tl-"" »' .«r 3 . If you j i ■ . . "TJ »..-•■■ inc. U' -'j to ijivr I if ... V- .i > rt.r . j •!••" ■ • u>t oa ( '» . • • !•:I :r \ r u . | j. -. t p„ r . Meu. ed. • '• il in- ■•'•. IfV.U" \fb. A R. 3, Chase &Cc. :. C- AV ICK Bni,!i gsd VS&ik;ii lembei op ALL Ki:.i.a Doo'i, Sash, BltnCs, fViouldlngr Shtnglob »uo Laih Ai.. ys ia S'X :!t. Lt V.f : HAIR AND PLASTER. 09 : oo opposite P. J? W. Dep 't, BU, .T2lt. - - PA. > 1. FRANK k ro, tm'.r. DU'.'i", MFWCiWW I A»l. j j i/.ry Am. ittiicnw, f'O • BEtIWIW, s'""e ' vtr.UYl &v .i i'.li i oa • •UTiuUy o»»aJ ! p. t; ;j *•■ ai p?«. t Ilolice to Contractors. ;rtW rropoMla will b« r«c<4ved by the! h.M.' I .'*r.i lor the 1 hoi', PIT oi fix tciool hou- I. BU1» to lie op. j 01.* ft' - ifitii -jf Nerfr'ber. Plui, aurf to tv »«n the rebii)"iire oi i. n rwp.. ho'l.r I Co., Pi. n«' r S»s.dy Hi';. T b-uil , ftatr.V!. (be rii<bt to any «.r a" Wd», >AMf'KI A. LEfiLIK. Sti- y, j n»k»r.ti jd P. i isT.;vif' | <xW k Fi% Is * -* 1 - Tl- ( lint . ■eecaefiU K- n-<ly »••• ■ r ..- .or end. as it ;• c—'.-'a t» 1". - C' > cnJ d •.■. Lji | bllsu.l. Br id proof bel«vr: raocZLTS, race , Hay 3. JO. | DC. 1. CXKDAIA. C".' I Kir J :-!*»« Sun-r <*r i c_.\ j HCurhcr 1 myi"'>rso j ! Tlth T(.n-.-flrtT . ,1 l.'m ;»]' «' n a j.i euro Ju.l It 1 Tvfcj -•- -r Job If • it - Th.. - ioara emptj .x>«tlr« hphivcilli rHkoerft i jncccse, • CURL J? -Tery n IITIIMU <»U. My nfiKiil-.r ;ia-i . a■- • -,iji»Tri ti-'i Spa intaa*: i.Ljni-m-1. j ■'H. «*Jsod "n* •>w I » i*ur* If I ..Rilri ; I«h1 K ai ll'« C-rw. He cure-i lilt* avlu la lnat iu*e wa».!t«- Xjurs rjapoctfu" . , w _an W i .-riß. COLCMBT - "", Ohio, Apr:! I>X Ba. It J ZMXV.M.I. IX iT Si . l*-fh .- I 'i- Tli of EonaAllli F»..rla euro nnrt w uia <.'uutiui< i*-.>. rathan ' evertct.-r 1 0... i.»». : jiid to me, it »:.s the be»t Powder I#- -r iiept au i toe I' -t he ever u*ed- Riape'-ifully, OTTO I_ Homua. CnrrTESASJo, S. T.. Ka; 13, "1 Irn. B. J. Kicol »fl. Co.. Dear Sin I ta.e OP4 l>otlle«of j'lrtr ra'tiibU? dad htoojod mare that w*s<in]!« !»tr«- w.Lh .1 Bone Spavin. The marr Is no- -ritlreij free from lanu: •*-- ?n>l .-h. -\c. tut b' h fl* . -'. lieapectlully, F. 11. ill ." :r:si KcliSiLL'S mm CORE. M jTrc j, La., Xty S, "40. | Dfc. RJ. Co_ Oent* I ihl- '•: It tnr duty to render r.- n.y th* Vj'>jr y - far faTitv! Ki-n-ii I sgpav-i • ar.-. 1 Iha l a four j ir old Oily whi •!> I prii- i very ! MtfMy. the hr..i aererp .Ilr 1 . I»r!- : ahout tikct dirTerf-nt t incU of n odlcinei w nleh dl i no good. I a liottle ot your Kei-dall i Spa Tin CUM m -. m I'Ur*- 4 h rln four day°. I remain yours, SLAMOS DO^TCES. Price f p?r bottle, or Fir bcttlc3 for®"'. All drag i. or can g«t It for you, or it ll* t* sent M any ton. i)U. B. .1, KEMI»AI,I, ('(»., £:iu*bui .'h fall*, Vi rnioot ! v '^k^ o mere ! K ? fmrr* :r \ " A- ' : fc£2^ ; - r•' *■ r nr. T e«* wom T1- fortab ! y U.r , gr-.i rally i .i ? feet. "ICii "OTCHSSTER" iILULE ? CO n.-'-- ■1 <r .»•■>* wC'Ti tu.: > '•! ). ' wilii ru. r. Tt,U ' "In.1) t! a e.'io» luul tab- r'.omM psiD-: i' "11 "Cote* est-"' "AC'iiJSS, -i COUNTERS." H. Chi Ids <fe WLolesale Pittsbuig. PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. 1 UAXV& -JLE, C'IIULE. C: hai - Tlie »b-*c uttrior. 4 PlckH Wtu~< wiiii . < .ftt«i«iKHa Wiui. . can b« oo * so or Wood Po« UTiia wrii!n« f. r .« ,T * Qimiu:/, of Gate*, Donbl'* and Aicg> WkntwL W'- .j» ll»f *»rnir« H«*TJ Iron Vcnclor. Creating. StabiM - r ':na $, Ti— BhatU-f. tnd »IRK W9t Uocr». »s4 .:r«M«Ddlrwo OiilN, WiKK i.NI> WD>DO# SCBKEKA. wjd«'l kind® of Wliiii W^UiL TAYLOR & DEAN, *Ol, -03 A SOS ..Lirket St., PUtsburgfi, l'». I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ! On the frtaaU Uc* t J ears, hinda, --j _- ! <1 itroy-'l C,. ? tL« Rl« c trie >\4,lr J JR Opcr"loa 1/y ' hr IT. V*n Lyek. -\ \ ll.i-rtr. a, \ >V i vri Penn av»»iio ■, Fitf-bcrg) H'rth ' I En larked WJ;rf S+* of the !*o*e, ; :wplex. ... - w . * , j Liver Spoia h.j 1 ai 1 aid bl<MZ)inhes of tI»Q r.k!n, • uploxioa Ua 5 .r and «cal_p j , trfcat« d bjr ]>r. Van Dyck. The l)oci««r ha» | i had 20 year*' experience in tbo practice of I < him Hpecialty, an i nambm among h. » pa- | I tirat»j "cr rno«t j r>ioiuent fainilles. If 50a 1 , j are aflict ! with MJ of the above biemt )■> ■>, I ! avoid patent IIJ« an l consult Dr. Van j Dyckatoofs<. Special l',-rum toaii whoniake j e^i^a^emeat/.hiamonth Tso»»kfrec. Err ]| nmutc ran bn made by iiiail. Cation >r:"t>lr« H ! I>r J Van Djrrtr, 40 N. I!th ctr«el, Philadel j pliia, or -f'z T r.u avenne, Pittsburgh, Pa. ;. iawi 2 •; faaday '/ . I fe , - ,; r '• - , , •: ■ . :*.r --1 I aood Ut la to . nr.- ~r , . >. -• nib- •' ~f h > * ' •''»» it ' . • •a? Jt. ... if •- . AS r r aFF MIL J,. -• *«•«>' ,^ & lmll' f - "!' lOO.V' I.K*l.:r. A* ea•!*•**. *• ><*>*** • •"■" "•. • n: — 'Z .■ •" d "' " AYELn!.C«. w— r --,„ -f •• . ... I- ; >.« fx •.•«' U ' -'t. <•- Nkaiw Ti.fc V ul ( »•• U>- .!■»-- «• i. flac.-'to ens- It mf .t Ml kpLTt iuWft * r"»nrt doaMr Jae«»l* MM ~•(»•.>» . 1 " ' ' r., **.. :» r ;»»•.!!» 10 »U4.> n. - 1 PtMrw»Hoa«otir«.W«^»7al.r*pfM»» AMKM H HAt.'.FT - vU„WH» i*A*U,MAIMB SA r"i.B I? L • liJbfcA INCX>KV!.CTIo> ; Hotel Vogeley (•jtrictly Firxt Clusn.) HfNUi 1.. IJI;CK. PROH'B. J. H FA <B.-.L, Manager. Butler, Pa. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now rcaning a hoe of earriaifeb between tbn bote id unJ 1 (?epot c of t h .e town. Cii T, geß reaaoLable. Tekphnie No, 17, c: l ordeit, at Jiotel VogPlcy. {jV< ; I.ivery in iionuec 'oi« j ?MG*rs H(i!illF,l "■ *.-. Mclf KA)S IjL., liUTl.'",' 1.1 ' Lv. . Oj I 11. 11l ,ii ;: . ! J . jiw'iist .*> o ntn," 1 i.tior :s ctfjiw. ' <"< M , : ".cent*. | suuxm NIXON - - - pj'.ora - '*?■*+ ' ' ' .. • •" •' 1 • ' ■ ' LC Ifci & THOMAv!, 5 O.liii *='iii»Ti '.Mi .-.t US, **=~- "•s®* au Wt.-.w htMM. cwie<;ijo> j 'liyf SURE 4* lit.. trrwibli«iitel 6Sdne - * :<*•&. Distress after eating, l-.iia in t « l vC. V f. -irm *. i_. Oaoie u .-c.vs ii. i (>een sh a i.» cuiiag SSOIC fff-a/*- ' K T n * c - • - T.iTTT.n Tjvcr. r:tw • nr»* ♦♦•jiia iv v : n ('• r»>t!fation. curing andpMTfatit.' ti •> annovitiff <-»inr'aint, while t*v also ; r ; *iil 'i«- i■> of the stomach, vi :e tl-~ r - r* JL. • Uif I Even if * only c u i bcrw< nld be * HcetaaitD those fr-'.u t d•'-!« complaint: jot f'-riu t i>|y tli i rr,«»dut not end /H»ri* " w * "*e trr them vrill jj,, v.i, 1 : il- i. man? way# that ii, I • •., to Jo v.ttiicut them, liui. a. vr all sicl: h^ad I: . |t aaa of Ives that here is wtaf n. . -•• •" «>• • Cu. pi::. sre it f « • ' EH rim* are very small rj .*>• . r ( . «two rilN i iake a .*• • • It .* i. •• ai.'d BO • or pur -. 1 ' HI their c ntli act • n ;; ho » the 1 • viaH 1 : ir. ! > ..Uy. • ' • -j-.' ■■ -■ !• a'..--- 1 '? ? L:;>' r ' L --' : - ':. -! H-. ■-■ ■ ys fegt'V 'ii© j. i; .. y vir I 2 'j3 i 1 I j /- r <r"V Of Pure Cod 1 : / ?7;-t r . . .. , . ! | B*s < ©f OH fcinu ; i ■/ H(?OPHCS?HiVt3 j 1' i M , jMf cf time and! Sod lis 9Ti'l'r»el r • .-it ' by leaVrfr i Iph v- ,m ' Ot' Un. ><l i .i. . utm an th i • la ; J '■>- •<• : * * COfV.*..' t ' Jii» ' J * . . • a.i mJik. U:. i': -niiiVieft 1 'r. 1i i *f ,/ ' ] * . I f r r COItfSUrviPTK'N, j i Scrofula, nro..:hitis, Waslintr Dis- ) i eases, Chronic Coag'ha and Colds, j for Scott's Emu.-' .n and takocno'.bor.j ~.2t ft" >v ■p. BIACKING V \ DID OHCEAWEEK!\ X CtnorCßffc3sh' \ X cl- >.n with X i?OPGE Ar.ii WATER, \ Housewife LVF.PY Counting Roorri EVERY Carri jo Owner EvERY Thrifty Mechanic CVEfiY atlo to he'd a brush BH3ULD UL.S JE9IK-^aON /drwifi.'a>a \ rur Ir. WILL SraiM OLO a New rows ruac aW , < f t wiu «TAIN Gf TARIIJMN jfikL STAIN T- twAnc at tne WILL Stain *OU» O-O BABMT® • run WILL STAIN bA«vsC«ACN ttait* WOLFF A RANDOLPH. Philadelrh.s, wmmmßammmmmsamßmmmm la an nhaotote. Mittifl and rrrmanor.t rnr<* for Sick ll«»r-«ta<*he. Hit!rmnnew, ('< n<t!pa J. > rvomi blliiy, lir f 4?!< - l»i « i. m! ni" l*«n- Mimplidii. it- •*'* to tt vfr\ !■»"' >t a l UiaeaMfl cauat* 1 by au iiopure Htato of tti« bloc - : v land ii«nr<>rfiil extract of t'.<- IWM valiu 1 and -\|H-naive herl»M known to medical «ci<*nee, j r- t • • i from the pro * r1;• uof a 1 BtisrliV • » a» rurc. all other Tem«Hiiefl fa I ' eat and rtnmn -• tea ion a] from • • !'«• •'hown. T'.»* «lo««»» inai-ire* ' • : with •■■ •; ■: . —Go to your druuirlat, a bottl»*, nnd l>« ctin d.—Valu able IKK»k aent free to all AiJd Fit A.\KLI.\ II \HT. Warrcu St.. \ew York. DOCTORS I.A \ L .. ;7: y i'il: \ ATI*. Di>PKN Ait x. ji COR* PENM A . < ST.. »>' PiT .WnJKGH, PA. i - 1 AUformsol Delicti to aui Onv • - :♦ \v i„ . •nTqitiMti-'ros. HIiKSTIAL auilSt 1 K .*> TIJ ii'MH " ication are treated at thi : • - . •• «th a Hucccfrsi ntrclT Altai?.rii. i>r. S. icr of tbo R ' ' ' * *hv » 't >md Surgeons, and uie oldest ST <1 m<>sl rln the city. I et ial «t --•I. . • 1 <•;•»' o J-ci•;-.11. I >ol. ■1: * f«* me\ • tl< tl« n. indiscretion of youth, etc., eans an<i m ntol de< r of ei or.y. n etc.; OiUSore»s Ftti, 1 i-u tlsm, and all dbcnucs of the Skim 1.» I\' !.-,c •.'' •! *dt •: on c o !.• t»".»t ::vi« Offlc© hoUiD,U to I ' ortico or adtiri*s 1 s \i . VND l'ilibT.el'l. Xdi?t'ltCili,rA. S®> .'is-vJiSsH J, ' A ' i .L < . r ne« pt'Mtlc«n f% ' . r Ail Free. ' U.«L. vL ••• if- 4 c 1 i' ura Vto 3» " - f - -n QJFREE ' Tt. ;V :T; Kr:.torcd ... ;Gi.EA7 ■ nv ': -TCUT .1 •' : .. •*•'! /. • V t, a fur « 1 •• ir. : s>3 triM irre t'l v 'e* ' • uw. •. wh-« .1 -t eh " •Vj.'' • ' ' <,Wl>.. ■ Sd vf x f, B S ul a Vl-'»n 1 psv fnO! Ido no." : au r-.oralr ta B'f p th-ra i./f ' ' .uf.B-j't tJiPa brr» them ro- n- ' mraN A itAl'loAL CwiiU. I iiave uuiAe the dikcoae oX yiTS, EPHXPSV c.r FAff XITTG SlCKirafcS, j A llf.-linsr I WiHUKT r"TremtiVto I Cuius Ui' rcnt ''-ares. Ilrcause other, havo | fa; • lis 110 rqaabn for note, a rvoeinoa afire, beau M once ! >r a treatiko end a Kr.ia Botrijj •ji as i'-r* .'.■ .u: - CD*. O.VC Kxpr -a | »n«J PJ" ff'"-. It YOR; rothlt for a I Izir), ::. ' t ciire 70u W.c R r 'OT M.C., (MFumri .Ht ' sc & FJL : -sF*3i a -f JH •••Iga fit' ' OSr; r.jil' - •• .VA. -Oct ; v-v-r ,vK« 8 ?!ft 1 . ■. »ri • • ihoi nouV. i . • • < " " -ti. tn a «H». I IfCtf . *'i>i-v.»*!»•• i f !■*»€»'• »' lr>% ] MSW una WwOtc/x co., BUFF At.o. t!. y. TO v' HAK iH finG j u Tru I'.'<<• <•' -of youthful oiTors, f-arly a* ,„ v ;;.;•/■ .. ■ * i »!.h >00..• ■. ■ n.iiid a T.l'saUo II"f»" ■' ■ cnj.talniK full > Va'ti<-.,'.ir«f. r , cui» ?HZs° f C . L *■ Splendid OMMllcal wurk ; .honUTb. rtuMlby < ..ry iffco lis i rvou. and dctdll* :• i. Al. ee^, trvf, V. t. •- ' * I F", .HooUun, C«t% T H.E C'ln TZEIST MISCI L ANHQI S The \ ue of Exercise. ! la order to .<•. » » »njc life and a green J oltl age, aomeiKKiy has said, and no one ; will dispute. bodily vigor should he sua- , tained by reiru'-ir. systematic exercise, avoiding all endoen strain and prolonged! exertion a.-5 ir.uc! p< Me. Especially | th> «ru •«l ..nil!jr. iiitins. climbing. | etc. And lal.xn winie desirable in mod- j eiation, should n ver be prolonged till it j produces exhaustion. —l'rocur- it .J ! wo if you wish to sav doctor'.- bills. Lr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price cents. There's nothing half so sweet in life as ''love's yonng divam." Now about thi J . | there i-some diet rsi.y of opinion. Some j giving preferen- • to a good article of taif.'. I but there are U things and sweeter than j ease, alter a tat' uig and this is only j gotten bv u»iii' Salvation Oil. * - * —For her.daciH ... biliousness, constipa- | tion, dizziness. Meepicssness. the blues, j sc; iifula, the hi •(! and all skin crnjitions I<r. tenner's Lex l nnd Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic ver fails. Warranted to satisfy or moiit rctunded. t'iTS.—All ra. ItOWM free by I»r. Kline'* t.iral >4-r ,i- if. .No lib .-Iter !.r»t tl»> * u-r. . ure>. Treatise and tv.ou trla! botilo it. -to i . ases. Seu«l to Dr. Kline, 031 Ardi Si., i'AU'a. a. —Dr. Fenu(: - Congh lioney will relieve any cough in i .e hour. E'luaUy good for ho s. iiive- erf.:,, and strength. Money refnni; «•' -.t .action not given. "Jjoes vortisinu: i J -«y ? O J i I y If. '. Hoes it joil do it pn^eri }■.<• 'lae qu>-.-t!on is i.A win-is tt» advents .ir tUat ite . o«.: tiuv\. I;. -» ■ tiuve dlseoveretl the ..est UK-titoii ot • our- tlits largest r turns. .".early every t- c-s li.t.> Its "uult season.'' | during a -< ,kI advertlsiement will do I nilti.iui fcork ti... ar J night, rain or sbine. ia j lauiiiurtzlug < utters with the name.: IIK'.iU.iII ana j- t. is or advantaiies ot ttie i i>ti . -rt: at., u the Ulue ro uuy comes lie re.ii-- iue t-. i. ;otit is seed-son ing. 1 One Ti.ousand Dollars. 1 will forlci ■■ above amount if I tail to prove that t raplexion is the best med ic ine in o.\i.-:ei, .■ lor Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Bilionsi ■ .s. It is a certain cure, and aflords inin • uiate relief, in cases of Kidney snd Li . r Complaint, Nervous De bility a ti C'i : - ;uiption. Foraplexion builtls up ti'--; system and cures where ciii.-r rn:tedies iml. " Ask To-tr druggist i '.or i ;il get v ... Valuable book "Things V\ uith Knowi>x, also, sample bottle sent Jr< all t 1 a«v pr-;>aid. Address Frank lin Hart. fcS \V :i;; en street, New York. —There are i w aches to which children | ar • iiaMe that n as jiaintiil ear ache. One of the be.- remedies is to take the heart of an onioa (a red one is the best) and it. ohm soft, so it can t>e handled withou. muohing, put it into the af!' Cted ear a- .m as can be borne. Un less *mc ecus ' is deeper seated thau ordinarily, t!;c ;-."'n v. iil soon cease and not! retarn. Consumr :ion Surely Cui*od. To THE Enrro--—Pleaso inform your readers tliftt 1 limvo apattO'ta re:ne'y fortlieahove-naitiod disease. By its t "].:ly ttso ttiocsauda of hopelene custi have b»»ti j« insnently cured. I ahull be tli-i to cent! two bctt! rf-nv remedy FREE to any of your reader* t>'.o have consumption it they will ■end ma their :s and P. O. addnn. Reapect fuUj-, T. A, M. C., ISI Pearl St, S. V. —Au eicha;n:e -ays that many lawyers entertain the ho*a -that what is termed "self-marriage, that is where two persons land up in the • irsence of witnesses and acknowledge tl-> n<selves man and wife, is nnoonstitution. l and in the foinre will result in grt'tt complication and much trouble. The --.'est war to gel married is by some pe ob nthorized to perform the ceremony. To f onsuniptives. The under.-. • I bavi g beeii restored ta ! B»t:!i by ttut I me ns, alter suffering for -ever il year-n . a severe long affeetiou, atitl tli»t tr« disease Consatnption, is auxir>ns to t/t.own to his fellow bufler ers tne menus t. ute 'to those who desire it, he .till ehe.- ully send tirte ot ebarge) « . copy of li-e jir- r ptiou used, whlth they ' will iiiid t _ e cure Cor (°on9uin|ition, Asthta, 1 tiirr Kror.i'iiit's and sll ibroai I mi.u Msi • - II hop- - all -ufltrers I v~l tn . aedy, «•. it i- iuvaiuubie. flu ■ -! .ine e| -■ iiiitlou, nliiob nil coot tt.ein U' tin and tuny prove a ble s iag, v.ili pie? iddress Rt v. KUWARB A. 5 V. i • . . -bur.-. Kings ('<• itftv, New - Ti o, . l Jury i .t for Nov. 17. • i. -I tit itliirots drawn tills Li !ti tlay of • -I'l'leiiib'T, » |s:s), to serve a- traverse i , icrni or t ouri, emninenetng - t, tin ii -I of November, being the 111 ft • .i. ' :th w.. .i.,'rut. | ! • ,«1 , " . :.lh sll'jflll;: ki ~ 1 111 tii ii • 1 • r.iruier. 11l . 1 ,'. ' -,tj I«J', '• lit'!,-" W A l ' IS 1 .vp, " Bell 86, MiUerhti vu iiojo, geor. tieiitli '. '/a . -ole Doro, gent, t , .n|. I- ,i .1 i', i • lll'lge, but.-her. ( i • j'N ;l ,i S. i 'rt twp. [jr: .er. ( ojle Hue. earlletd twp, farmer, (h'!- :!"' .li-litt, ' Idle.-. vtwp, ( l.irk Joh'i. W.i .rloii twp " t'tpher Chil!p, V itiei-l twp '* t i tchlov. .•• in- . l*roapect boro. meruhant. Dart DW, Fairvi ir twp producer. " L)i,dil Saimiol T itrvlt rt twp. farmer, tne u: ii, in mi., i, Adams tup farmer. tJon::. 'i t jot e t rtii twp, fanner. ' I)"' r He:r*y, Bur • twp I'm in i .l. . t .ter twp '■ ' (lit >.i Wi' I' n f i p, piiittp' r. ■ Cii ii Iletu;, tUi.iield twp, farmer. i ,i »!, Ali« ■ ■- tt.'p. latne .. 1 ! 1) ue it i l wp. tiirnier. ' lli.nij tir ti ii', |': s uvp. laimer. Htnulir.'u: .IwUli i- run Itvp, pumper. Ueuy TV . Pars' «p. farmer. • Ki Alplioc ; vVliifleld twp, no ( liant. l/iveJ"ini s, fiii in twp, laruier. t.oKiin I) 11, Jeff ii twp. farmer. t.Hiuleis Ijiv.iu- tuddycreek twp, farmer. Lt'bntan .! ' i'ii. uddyereek twp laborer. Lensuei ll' .s i ihuig li<iri>, Junti' e. M-.tISOII 1! H. v ; ivtp, tatiner. .Me.tiillen Jnnie. '• ri -rtwp, laliorer. UeititosU Jolin.. Merer twp, farmer. Mi I jio ,N m. i iiotw. . farmer. Mi "rac! • n tin-. Worth twp, tanner. Met-.liON ,'oiiii, i:t i' twp, farmer. Ale dllieti liu.n. . Ilild,eiM.x twp, termer. Mel iitt jobii .trthld twp. farmer. Met'ii!) Heruu'l .'• trUeid twp, birm-r. Mi-Nam 'ra .loi . I'ark'ir twp, furin r. I ant (. i.titi b v, . id twp. farmer. Jt-"P t K, I'n ver vp. f,inner. Xigger V' te.uttekl twp, farmer, llush lir'.iee, Doi i -l t*p, proline.-r Stauim 1» M lla.i ii v ,, iiie t *cliant, "frtiiitile Kut'- rt, . iiiti< . twp, burner. Thi'iiipsoii ii. \■ t. 111 iij^to*l twp, druggist. Xlitiiii|i.v)ii Wtilia I aerrv twp, firmer Valid i. - rt Mliloii h rwntu inp. farmer. Valinerltn Hi Mn >u i«p, lunu'r. \\iiltei't, Dattd, V d|;x twp, tarniLT. Youkina.lohr, o er,-itli ward, producer. ' Zlc t ;ie. Aiiron i son tW|i, farmer. Dwelling for Sale. A nice f.-uu dwelling of aix roonn uctl a large si >le, 23x40 feet. Lot 1 >SO feet, i a ted on WaahiiiKton i atroet, souihe r, of the Miller Hotel, j Kvann f'ity. I'eruin to suit purchas er. The tw buildings bring sl4. rent jier mom. , Inquire at the resi dence. Willard Hotell |W. 11. 1; <1H!N(;, Prop'r |btjtlj:K, - SI VllLl - IN CONNKCTION. ISi ■■ i.K «(M)M f. COM.MI HCIAI. TBAVH.KBH - m mm ijoni, Nr. 88 a 90, S. Main St., B U r i J R> - - PA. N< v; < - i louw-forni'rly I)onal»N«»n . »I'. « OFI ..•NIHITUIIIIIOII.I I«»r TRAVELERS. U*MMI HLITBLJUK cot 'CLFD. | rill NM 1»» :tV LKIBOLL). I'rop'rs. ! SAW MILLS! 2 sitkiii Vuiiithl' L-'rirtlon *n<L llrlt Feed. Steam X ii : es, Hay Prestses, Shiz. e Eliils &c Poitab ; Grist Mills, ! Send fur lllus. fiirr>hln« M«tlil«™. Ar. i Catalogue. A. I I AUtJI IIAU CO., lork, Pa. I 1M W i:i>E A T E • «| Mfi—tT ¥ - Tli IIM TITT 11 IT II fltiief i-uaniDtecd to sufferers from RHEUMAT ISM NEURALGIA j BY I SING WASHBURN L'S FiJFrT icl I—Mil I I— «r-W—M—i : £I.OO A BOX. Al l. DRUGGISTS, OR BY MAIL. | IKYING DK G CO» i 'l2 Warrrn Street. New | Nothing On Earth Will HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It is •Jiv.hitelr r'UV. Highly concentrated. In \ qn.i: • itT it . I«*M than » t*»»»h of a rent a day. ; Strictly"• nod.c»i. I -..> ven- an i cures a. • GCKXI f-r Y >unff clilc Worth more tnan P.hi t *h« n ns" *M ic larjro • k.»V< tl mc sto, i f n*i six for#' to rr :t mop,*' »" %en«tomcr. j ]t - o* 'or two packs: J A' • si. j\ 1-4 i* -i I $i *J? r ,r,< * P"I'* 1 '* • f * i :,Tls *•'« "IKhn fIJULTKII AIKU." ~m^ J ■ .■ v fr- "X IN-itltrv Guide with |I (rdersor ion. L s. JoU>av»' * «x. Boston. km I i i j Fall and Winter I . 60QTS, SHOES & RUBBLRS. Everv day adds new ami beautiful styles; ' in Footweai* to BitLT Immense stock of Boots and Shoes —all fresh goods. Wo have Boot- fur the boys to go to school, Shoes for girls that i are high cut, made of the' hest of calf. kip and grain—all j warranted. We have Ladies" | Fine Shoes in all the grades j and at all prices. all widths and shapes in hand-welts, Mc- Kay & Turns. We have them in kip, calf and grain, button and lace at very low prices, shoes we show will give the best of servic-.-; have tried their wealing qualities for years. None better made. We have shoes of all de scriptions for old ladies in warm goods, and slippers. Spring i Ileel hhoes in misses',children's and ladies a specialty. It is important for you to know th .tall kinds of Boots and Shoes have advanced very much recently; still more im portant lor you to know that we sit all not advance our prices as long as this present stock lasts. We are now well stocked. Our house is full ot Moots and Shoes bought be ! fore the advance. Come early land get the advanta/e of old i priees. Kecollect we sell none hit! leliable fotw ar and at the same price to all. i WV liavo Kip, Grain and Rubber Boots for men i* high leg, tour soles, plain or box toe, ! high or low insteps. Shoes of J same style, high cut, kip, calt i and grain. We have can fully considered the wants of the farmer, raeehauie and laboring I man and can fit you out at a Ismail cost, making your feet j comfortable in all kinds of ! weather. Come and see us. B. C. HI SELTON, : No.— N. Main St., Butler, !*«. A FULL LINE I !of Jersey Sliirts for Fall and Winter Wear, Tvventv-Hve ]HT cent below I value at the RACKET STORE, 1 *4B H. Main Ht., Kutler, fa. J. E. Kits tor, Practical Slate Hoofer. Qmamenlal any fiain Slating Ot all Kinds done on ahort notice Jtfce tvii'i W. 11. Morris, JSo. 7, N. Main St„ Kesidence North Kim street, Butler, l J a. I DIAMOND' HOTEL, JAMES SELLERS, I'rop'r. N< w furniture, new fittings an<l first 1 C;IJ»S accommodation.*. Livery. Xvrtk niilv of Diamond, Butler, J'a. I THE FOUR | ft I BIG COMBINATION S ; AT The Casli Shoe Store.) I They Are All Stunners!: •/ How is This For No. 1 A ladies fine Dongola button shoe, pat. leather tip, "21 to 7 for SI • How is This For No. 2 A cents trood solid A Call", bal. or Congress, tip or plain toe. G to 11 tor sl. How is This For No. 3 A ladies fine opera toe slipper, leather lined, hand turned for 50 cts a pair, these slippers are being sold at ft great bar gain tor they are cheap at sl. How is This For No. 4 Our little hummer, a childs dongola or grain button shoe izes sto 8 for 48 cts. only a few c tses left, and if you want ny you will have to get a nio\c on or they will be all gone DON'T BE A CHUMP But take advantage of our closing out sale of summer shoes and slippers which we are closing out at about half price. Boots 'and Shoes Made to Order. LEATHER AKD FINDINGS. L. M. Grieb & Co. j S. MAIN STREET, - BUTLER, TA. ? BARGAINS. .. BOOTS. SHOES & ! SLIPPERS JOHJV B i I wish to inform the buyers of and Shoes of our extra large fall stock, which has all arrived and is op' i and ready for your inspection. Our fall stock this year is larger than ever before, and we are off' ring" remarkable bargains. No doubt all ti 3 readers of this advertisement know of the advance in price of Boots, Sho- i and Rubber (iood J , but neVertheles. we shall sol! all our goods at the sarci low price. So persons wishing tt receive the bargain of a lifetime f-houi 1 visit BICKEL'S. Anion"' Onr Ladies' Shoes Will be found some of the latest sty' • hand turns iu lloeko and French ' Kid. See our Hdh of McKay and Machine Sewed Goods. They exce' them all iu pruie. Ladies, 1 wish to call your atten ion to our fine line of Hand Welt Shoes. Something just the thim' for this season of the voar. In Every day ' Shoes we have a large stock of Sutin nd Milwaukee Oil Grains. Calf or Kip Shoes either in Button or Lace In the Men's and Boys' Department we can show a better selection than i ever before. A pair good French Calf Shoes, I ng. Bal or Conpres9. at $2 00. A pair good Box-toe Shoes, 1). S. nd tap, at $'2.50 A pair good Box-tee Boots, hand ided and hand pegged, at $3.7 > to ! $4.00. Three hundred pairs Men's Samj>. Boots a' $1.75 to $3.00. Two hundred and fifty pairs Boy*' Sample Boots at $1.25 to $'2,00. The person lirst to cail is the perso t to receive the tieat B»:lectlt>o. A big stock of and Childr- n's Dress and Every-day Shoes. I Rubber Goods of All Kinds Boston, Woousocket, Candei and lay State Rubber Boots and Shoes. A (nil stock of Ladies' and Geuts' Spe' ality Rubbers. Leather and Findings. A ful! line of Leather—Shi ffield i jle Leather, Calf Skins aod Kips of .ii! kinds. Hoots and Shoes made to or ler. Repairing Neatly oud Promptly done oither in I. ither or rubber goods. Orders by : mail will receive same attention as i brought in person. A box of tine j leather preserver free with each purchr To those persons who received sot le of our seed corn and oats, I wish to say that the corn and oats will be n jeived at the Htore from October le' to 10th. It will also be judged durint the same time by three uninterested farmers. This seed will not be judge by the quantity, but by the quality So bring what you have, it matters no how much, for the best qualities will receive the premiums. Th« person rt' eiving first premium will receive .?10, tho person receiving the second p r eniii n will receive $5. So bring in your seed, but not later than October 10th. Yours tr ilv, JOHN BICKEL, Old TsTtimber* '2'2 H Main Street. New Number, 12 3 S. Main Street. BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A PITTSBURGH NUHSEBIES. (EittaMlKhrd 1H40.J Ot U ELEGANT ILLUSTIiATBU < AT- ■ Vt.OUI'K for tsuo will be mailed <Ol api'li- j at ion. Every Farmer, tiardener, Amateur j •ir owner of a lot should have one. Order- for flowers and lloral emblems | • iavu immediate attention. Telephone t John E. k A. Murd::h, r»08 Smith field .St., PJTTSBL'BOU, PA. tU b i£RT&EKS, .p" '=-v •' ZZ r. ady i !i»ir »• <>k)i i'i C v,r 1 lit en * -X 1M lilßUli Kill. IIITLIM. PI. ; I. FULLEHTON, Prop'r, itlankcl*, riaiuielM aiul Yarn !ei .Coiiiif)' Wool. \V. , ,m' ; our goodn to be h(rl ii.v all wool .1 ii".tr eulu or any other jii.R"ti.'iu n... •.« .•a tn iHwltirf. We tell Wlloletale or r lull, iii.nti's mill jirle.# !! fitrnl.Mietl trrr to ueal' .a on _oli..::tlou by mall. Tittr.VTVTI'oAScIiTS MILLINERY! Xow readv and sho, (lie most con jplcte line of trimmed and untrimmc •autumn Millinery. Hats, bonnets, toqiu • • ; birds, ribbons, feathers, etc. We . i the recognized leaders of Millinery Butler, and have many iiiiituors, but l equals. D. T. PA P Mo. 18. S. Main St., \:l TLKR, T . «il_* I itali c E. G RIE B,' THE JEWELEI No. 19, North F;,, 'MI : .PA DEAL 1-: R I N | Diamonds, Watches, . \ Clocks, i Jewelry, • Silverware, Spectacles, &c., } Society Emblems cr nil "L'cscri •! ions. ! Repairing in all branches skJlinlly uoi and warrants 1850 GREAT mm AT ■ J. It. <3l> HUB'S, No. 10 South Main Si., - Butler. '• In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectnc- Repairing Prompth Attended SIGN OF ELECTRIC L" LL. MOVED! WH WHERE TOi I W I-I> . A. TROUTMAN & SO Into their New Htojo, -0 ) and Z •- ! South Main Street, Where they have "received and hat • in... ■:» sale orfe of to most complete and largest stocks <: 1 >ry < .oods, Liinri Notions', Fancy.Goods, Underwear.« loak«. ' • raps. Carpet Cloths, Mattings, Huge, Curt air.-;, • «ce au : Portene, Gu; Poles and Window Blinds that have ever boon displayed any store in Isutier. Thanking the people lor their liberal p: tronage at tli < stand and asking them and ail»others to ca.l upon us a new store, VVR Ane K jjjipj, T! r 'T I.V YUDRS, A. TROUTMAN & SO a We arc Leaders in our Liu We are nov prepared to u< you ti'° finest line ol FURNITURE Ever shown in > ;.'!er co»i ! ty. Do you want CKEA° GQCCS? • •>« ' » s . Do you want MEDIUM PRICED GPODS. <'< ne in. Do you want FINE tiOODS ' V r- in it." A new line ot RATTAN GOODS lor Genu, Ladies .md i. Little Ones just r. ceived Whether yon want to bu <>r no! c > and see us. .EC. B. ! > II JE V L'2B I£. J'efleraon
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