Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 31, 1890, Image 4
THE OIT'IZEISr. MISCELI.AN EOl'S Playing a Racket. Among the personal effects of a yonng man arrested for drunkenness the other day was a bank check for $3,000. It was plain enough to the officer that the paper was N". G., and when the young man so bered np ho was accused of being in a con fidence racket. •'Oh, come now," he replied, "I am straight and all righL That was a little racket oa my own a&ount." "Howl" •'Why, I'm going with a girl who lovee me for myself alone, but lier mother." "And you filled out this check to de ceive herf" "That's what I did. I showed her that I had $3,000 in the bank, but what did she do but post right down there to find out that I didn't have a hairpin on deposit." "And what." "Why, that's how I came to get drunk. She showed me the door and I iouud the gate myself. T knew from the way she whistled for the Jog that the syndicate was busted, aDd so I went to ruin at the nearest saloon." ThereV not a joy the earth can give. like the sudden surcease ot violent and I teniole pain, it is like the rest at the ' gates of Paradise, but how can it be found? I It is tl}e simplest matter in the world. Buy a bottle of Salvation Oil and rub it in. Stylish.—A seal skiu jacket is no doab;, very stylish, but it is a perfect trap for satching cold. "We would advise all ladie" I wear'ng the same to keep Dr. Bu.l 3 Cough j Syrnp handy. Price 25 cts. y and onts in I po!:*Xia. —For headaches, biliousness, constipa tion, diz*iness. sleeplessness, the blues, scrofula, the blood and nil skin eruptions Dr. F jeer's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic never fails. Warranted to ooutt'y or money refunded. —lie sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho pecnliax medicine. Do not be induced to take any other. FITS.—AII fits stopped free by Dr. Kllae's Great Uextorrr No fits after first day's u>e Miirveloi.s cures. Treatise and SB.OO trial bottle free to Kit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Phll'a, Pa. —When an iron mountain labors it brings forth pigs. —Dr. Fennels Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for horses. Gives energy aad strength. Money refunded if satisfaction not given. —A camel can't pass through the eye of a neodle, but a needle can pass through the eye of a camel. —Dr. Fennels Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. —The inventor of the slot machine is dead. He deserves a nickel monumeut. Ono Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amount if I tail to prove that Floraplexion is the best med icine in existence lor Dyspepsia, Indiges tion nr Biliousness. It is a certain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cases of Kidney and Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility "and Consnmption. Foraplexion bcilds up the weak system and cures where other remedies fail. Ask T°nr drnggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," also, Bample bottle sent free: all charges prepaid. Address Frank- I lin Hart, 88 Warren street, New York. i —The original package is responsible for ! oum" highly original judicial decisions. I - A par gTa"b going the tays I Judge Hilton scatters ha dla! of coins to ! rew&bc.. <■. Fi j iiiWy tho Stew art heirs think he eau ifford to indulee in this uiiiCjUe pat.lame. 1 —A Centre co nty n>an gars that while i in a i/Hi.ce io . pent 15 lours in heaven. ' iiii memory *s clouded, and Le cannot fully describe his journey. Consumption Surely Cured. Tc TB* Znixua PIMIO Inform your readero ib-. 1 uava • pciiuva remedy for the ibove-named dl*uc% By Ita umelynae tbomanda of hoptlcM CUM have been permanently cored. I ihall b« glad v« <iiud two bottle* of my remed; FKET? tj any of your readers who have consumption u they will ■enl ma their Exprcea an* P. O. addrraa. Beepect fti'Jy. T. A. aLOCUM, M. 0., 181 Pearl St., 5. Y. —The country is not going to the defi nition bow-wore, the free traders and the politicians to the contrary notwithstand ing. —?'.ra:.ger» .eceive more attention than f-ieuc'a and neighbors in civil aud religious circles. —The busebtJl crank" are still bawling. T ! » ,T arc debasing the game. —A great many womon wear out their brains llunkiiig übont something to wear. —liie wicked may get all the praise on earth, ''Ut they will miss all the pjaiso in neaven. To Consumptives. The undersigned having been restored to ! health by nimble means, after suffering for I Beveral year* with a nevere lung affection, sod that dread disease Consumption, is 1 anxious to taake »nown to his fellow suffer ers the means of cure. To those who desire ii, be will cbeerfnlly send (tree of charge) a ronr of the }>rescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consnmption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat sua lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. 1 Those desiring the prescription, which will c<jst teem nothing, and may prove a bless ing, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSOW, \Villiamsburg, Kings County, New York. Jury List for Nov. 17. List of Traverse Jurors drawn tnls 20th day of Scntombtr, A. D.. IH9O, to serve »s Traverse jurcrs at a special term of Court, commencing on ILc id Monday ol NovemLer, being the 17th day. AbramnG A, Butler, 4th ward, ageut. Borland Alex, '• 6th •• maker. B'.alr Aaron, Venango twp, farmer. Black j times Y. Cherry twp, •• Benson W J, Adams twp. Bell 8 S, MiUerstown Boro, gent. Beetle G N. Zellenopie Boro, gent, f'sinpbell J P. Bald Ridge, butcher. Cdmpliell J e, Clierry twp. larmer. Coyte James. Sr.Clearfltld twp. farmer, bsndler John, Miflalosei »wp, ■ John, '.Vashtneton twp " cr pf Paiitt, wiiJleM twp ~r'aiii'ir jeTenrn. rTospec- bej,,, t.crchar*. , j-rtD 'Ala; .lew 'wp, f rod Jeer 1 • jauelT. F»trrte«t*'v, larmer. I j/a>.n*y . Adams furrier, le riy . : Joliii. Worth twp, fanner. O'JV.. iienry, Butler twp ljuifcan WG, LaucaeUjrtwp •' I iWi W P, Par* r twp, panip-r 'iubreath Henry .v Wlnfleld twp, ii..tner. | ti ivs J ,V. «lic;heny twp r anner. I'-'-v -•» A.. » neriv -*P, tumor. Humpb.ey W M Cotmcj'g twp, farmer Itliuim-ut Jotn O. i cuhtftp, pun ner. . b .iy r A ivrker tw p, larrr.' r. .rm is-* '/ ve .Job.i 8, Cli'L -•! twp, larme.. J-oKb- fh, .left' 'on 'armor. ' adT "'i 'aiu. jiuaar cree.t twp, itumer. l*Laiac uO* t "u, KuJii;creek twp laborer. LenHLei U C, ba>unbuxg Doro, Justt-'C. Motrlson H li. M-rcor twp, tai-ier. MeMi'.lee 'amee. Mercer twp, laborer. Mc.'iitOiu j< rn, Jr, Mercer twp, farrrT. ■iclr.tyie Nil. li .llalo twp. farmer. Mcr livy John, BuUer twp, farmer MtHnier. Thomas, iiliddleeex twp, fanner. ilcDeritt jotu. OarOu'.d twp farmer, tci ray Bernard, Clearfield farmer. IsfoNauiara John B. Parker twp. faritor. f a'll O- tjle'o. Winced twp, i-.rmer. 1 K, Parker twp, f-j-iaer. ' • ,• er YalenUu . Clearfield twp, farmer. TJiuce, twp, producer. St&min D M, Harmony boro, merchant. Tumble Robert, Middlesex twp, farmer. Thompson W I), Washington twp, druggist. t.lompeon William. Cherry twp, 'armcr. Vandfvort Milton. Kotwara twp, farmer, v <nder'.:n Ell. Marlou twp. farmer. Wai: r: !>avid, twp. farmer. V 'niftrs John, iiutler, 4tu ward, producer. Aaron, twp, laiaiur. Dwelling for Sale. A nice frame dwelling of six room* ; I and i largo rtuble, 28x40 feat. Lot I ooilSu feet, located on *Va«hiD?tOQ I cu".:«>•., Boutbtaet of tbe Miller Hotel, Ev»as City Tcrmo to snit purAas cr T n« ouildingd Ving sl4 j rent i»er md'nib, Icqoire at the roei- j IMMEPI ATE Relief guaranteed to sufferers from RHEUMATIS M OR NEURALGIA BY USING WASHBURN E'S SALICYLIC A. SI.OO A BOX. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR BY MAIL. IRVING DRI'G Co> S2 Warren Street, New York. Nothing Oil Earth Will MAK* HENS, LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It In ab«olut«ly priPP. Hiphlr <*mo«ntrat*d.ln <ra*iitity IT I*MI than a trnih of a cent a DAY. Strictly a medicine. Prevents and cur* sail o *****'*■ flood tor von nor cluck a. "iv ortta more than piild SSS hen* Moult. "One lanre ran saved ine W, wnd utx for $5 to prevent roup," say* a cu»-tomer if ron cant ?et It send oi cent* for two pa# ks. flre $L A « 1-4 pound can $ 1 »o«t-n«M .jG caus s.>, express paid "1 HE REST POITtTOYPAte «un j)l»* oopy free. Poultry Haimncr Ouide free with ft prdcrs or more. X* S. JOHNSON A Co., BwJton. Mawu General Election Proclamation, WIIEHEAS, in and by an Act of ihe Gen eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An Act relating to the elections of the Commonwealth." j*?sed the 2nd day of July. A. D., IR3#, it if made the dutv of the Sheriff of every county with in this Common wealth to give j.ublic notice of the General Elections and in euch notice to enumerate: 1. The officers to be elected. 2. Designate the places where the elec tion is to be held. 3. What persons shall not act as officers of the election, etc. Now THEREFORE, I, OLI %LR C. REDIC, Hieh Sheriff of the County of Butler, do hereby make known and this public notice to the electors of the county of Butler that on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November, being the 4tb Day of November, 18D0, A General Election will be held at the sev eral election districts established by law lti said county, at which time they will vote by ballot tor th» several officers he.rinalter named, ns follows: OFFICEiISTO BE VOTED FOR. ••STATE" TICKET. j One person for the office of Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. one person for the office of I.leutenant- Goveruor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. One person f"r the office of Secretary of In ternal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Penn syb aula. "COUNTY ' TICKET. One person to represent the Twenty-fifth Congressional District of the State of Pennsyl vonla, composed of the counties of "Butler, Bfsver, Lawrence anl Mereer, in the House of R' | .-F< ntatives of the Congress ol the Untud Si ites. Two persor - '0 ropr ~ it the county of Butler In the Hou36 of rtepresf tatl'""s of fie General A r.ly ol .e Common wealth of I'ennsyl oue person for tlie office of Sheriff of the county of I 'lor. State ol Penn'a. One per.-oa lor the office ol i'rothonotary of the county < I Butler state <■- ronn'a. One pel son lor Ihe ofllce o' Itegist"'- ni.d Record- r of the county of Buiier, State ol Penu gylvat.a. 0" : person for the ofti J IF 7-easurer of the county <i Butler, State rf Penn'a. One uerson for the oflfiee uIC! uof <;o*irts of the county of hutler, State of I'"nn a. Two perso-s lor the of county Commis sion >r of the count." i. .iirler, State ff Penn'a. Two persons for the office of County Auditor ol the county of Butler. State i f I'enn'a. One person for the office of Coroner o! the county of Putier, State of I'enn'a. PLACES OF HOLDING THE ELECTIONS. The slid alectiona will be held throughout the county as IOIIOWS: The electors ot Adams township, North precinct, at the carpenter shoo of J J Smith at M>oina In north Adam* townstlp. T'ie ele— ire of Ad -ins.soutii precinct, HI the shoesbopolTl-■>«. M. Marshall a: Marr ec .tiou. The electors of Allegheny toweslup at the 1-velli.ig ol Eph> iatn C. Parka in -taid ~ The electors of tlit Ba) J liidge district at the School House in Bald Ridge, in said tiict. The electors of Buffalo township at the house of Robort Ureeg, now George fruby, now Bobert Bart! ay. The electors of Butler township at the office of JOB. B. Bredin, Esq., in tlie borough of Butler. The electors of Brady township at the School house at West l iberty. Tlie electors cf Clearfield township at the house of Joha Green. The electors of Clinton townsmp at tho housn of John C Biddle, now John Anderson. The electors of Concord township, at the office of A. F. Cochran, in Miotlletown. The electors of Clay township at tho Centre School house in said township. The electors of Ceniro township at tlie Cen tre School House In Paid township. The electors of Cherry township, North precinct, at the house of Wm. Liudsoy. The electors of Cherry township, South precinct, at the Gomereol School Ilou-a in said township. The electors of Connoquenessing town ship. Northern precinct at School house No. 7, in Whitoetown; Southern precinct at tho house of Peter Staff, in Petersville. The electors of Cranberry township at the house of Frederick Meeder. Tho electors of Donegal township at the house of Adam Schreiber, in Millerstown. The electors of Fairview township at the bouse of Mrs. Duprey, in Katns City, bte precincts. The electors of Forward township at the house of Robert H. Brown. Tho electors of Franklin township at the tailor shop of C. P. Johnston, in Prospect boro. The electors of township, Wos'eni precinct, at tho house of Jacob Holl in Ilarmo nv Eastern precinct, a' the honso of John N. stiller iu Fvansburs Th« electors of Jefferson township, at tho house oi Morris Reighter. The electors of Lancaster township at the Public Hchool house No. 5. The of Middles«x township at the . e r ' Oeot _ i Cooper. 'ine eiectors of Marion township at James TV." j's. T'io »-'eCiors of Muddycreek township at Oi.ion Hall i i I'ot torsviUo. The electors of 11.-rrer township &i the Q. A R Hall in the bjrough of Harrisville. , . of f )ikla:id township a f the house of Williuiii J. Hutchisoa iu said town- SIIIJ. The olec - u of Parker towialiip at the of r oL:. Keil. iu Martin i.ury The >rs of Pom hip at the house of 3>. H futto';, Tho electors of Summit tor. aahip at the house of -dai Freden^'t. The clec ors of Blipper>i ick township at the carpenter shop ol J. L. W-irrticast'e in said tow .-hip. The electors of Venango township at the house of fame A Murrin. The electors of Winheld township at School house No. 5 in said township. The electors of Washington township, North frecinct, a. the dwoliing-honec ol Phi/ip Hll ard Esq. of said towuship. The electors of Washington township, South precinct, at the Town Hall in North ton. ""be electors r ' Worth township at the Town Hall la Mechar. ■■ «burc \r said township. The electors of the borough '.>f butler, Ist ward at the Reed House on Centre Aev. in said ward. 2nd w»rd In »woc.n No 7of the boose of AleTiid'ji Lowry, north sl3" o' E. Jel.'c son bt In said ward. Ed ward at the office of Col. Jno. M. 1- op sou at No. 13 south side of Diamond, i i said ward. 4tli ward at liie hou»e ol MaJ C. E. An ler tea No. 6ii N. MCKMH Pi. lu eaid ward. sth ward at tu<- Wick House, No— "n N. Jlalc is'.., in baid w at . The ele«c:« o' tbe borough of CeatrcTille •! ciiop of Ohae. Proe*er in caid bur ug!v Xhu < ]octort uf the borough of r .n.'t at the iaii : hop ol O K Joh:.*tou m ha. 1 I trough The elc-ctcnj of »ho borouph oi faxouburg at tbe school house ui said borough 'JCTie «!<«:tor8 erf the borough of W«.ot Buo bury a tho PUBLIC school Uouno ID tiuiiOury. Tl.e electors of tb© of Millerctown at the lioutte of Adam Solireiber in uml bor» ongh. Tba electors o: tho borongh of Petrolia at the Town liaii 111 said borough. The electors of the borough of Fair view at the School hoo«« in said borough. The elector* of the borough of Kama City at the Town Hal": in said through The elector* of the borough of Evansburg at the public ecl.ool bourne in eaid borough. The elector* of Harmony at the public school house iu faid borough. The electors c.fthe borough of Zelienople at tho new brick wagon shop of James Wal lace In said borough. And 1, the »a. Sheriff, do farther give no tice to all election office™, citizens, and others, of the following provisions of the constitution and laws of this commonwealth, relating to elections—viz : OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS. CONSTITUTION OP PWNSTIVWIi —AKT. VIII. Section 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of po-messing tho following qmlili sctlous, shall be entitled to \ote at all elec tions : . . First—lie etull have been a citizen of the United States at 'east one month. Second—lll -Lail have resided in the State one year (or if having previously been a quali fied elector or c ive born eitlzeu of the State he shall have removed there and returned, then six iuoutii>) immediately preceding the election. . , . Third— He sha:i hive rnsided in the election district where he shall offer his vote at least two months immediately preceding the elec tion. Fourth—lf twenty-two years of age or up wards shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have beeu assessed ut lean ,w>> months and paid at least one month beio'e the election. Section 5. E'ectors shall in all cases ex cept treason, fc'.ouv and breach or snrety ot the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on elections and In going to aud returning ihtielrom. BECTICN 7. All aws regulating the hold ing of the elections by the citizens ir for the registration ol electors shall be uniform I Ihroughout the Sutlc, but no elector shall be j deprived of the privilege of voting by reason 0: his nimjnot being registered. Section 13. K-.r the purpose ol voting no p'-rson shall b- deemed to have gained a ! roeidCTH-o by res'-on ot his presence or iftst :or by re. ; -"not .« absence, while em; loi ed in the set .ice, • ■ •» cixiLur. this St M or t.t ti.e i !iiied State 9, nor while en gaged ia the navigation ot the waters of this State or of the United States, or on the high s>>a?, nor while asludeutin any insiitute of learning, nor w. !e kept in any poor house or oih< • isylui' : public expose, nor while confined in a pn 'ii prison. OF ELECTION OFFICEKS. CONBTITFTtON O:' PENNSYLVANIA. —ART. VITI. Sec. 14- Uis; et election Ijosrdo shall con sist ol a judge a. two inspectors, who shall be cbo.-i n anru ly by the citizens. Each elector »ba!l h.n the right to vote for the juilte and oac i pector, and each inspector shall appoint o. e clerK. Election officers shall be privileg' <1 from arrest upon days of election and while engaged in making pua and transniittin ' returns, except upon warrant of a con t of record or Judge there of, for au electi .n fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach o; the peace. 15. No perse shall be qualified to serve as an election ofii .er who shall hold, or shall within two morn' s have held au ofllce, ap pointment or ei ployment in or under the government of c United States or of this State, or of any city or county, or ol any municipal boar commission or trust in any city, save only j' tiees ot the peace and alder it, en, notaries ' .blic arid persona in militia service of the te; nor shali any election officer be cllgil >• to any civil office to be filled by an elect:,.a at which he shall serve, save only to am i subordinate municipal or local offices as si- U be designated by general law. . VACANCIES IS EI. CTION BOARDS—ACT OF JAN I 'BY :!0, 1874. Section 6. In all election districts where a vacancy exists *>y reason of disqualification of the officer «" otherwise in an election board heretofore ppointed, or where any new district sliaii be : ;rined, the judge or judges ol the court ot • oramon pleas of the proper count> shall, ten nays before any general or special election, appoint competent persous to fill said vacancies and to conduct the election in said new districts; and in the ap pointment ol inspectors in any election dis trict both shall ii"t bo of tho same political p irty; aud the iudge of elections shall, in all cases, be ol t' e political party having the majority of vote- in said district, as nearly as the said jud, e or judges can aseeruin the fact; aiid in cue ol the disagreement •f the judge.-. to the selection of inspec tors, the political J ijonty of the Judges shal' select one of sue inspectors, and the minor ity adge oi jtte -s snail select theothti. VACANCIES ON M • ININO OF ELECTION—ACT of •U i-T X 1839. In cac the person who shall have received the secc-J highest number of vol s for inspector, 't ill not artend on the day fany election • :eu the persos who shall have received iir second highest number cl votes for judge . • tbe next preceeding elec tion, shall act inspector in his pint; and in case 'he " erson who shall have re ceived the hig- i number of votes lor in spector shall not attend, the person elected judge sua 11 appoi-o. au inspector in his place; and in case th( , ersou elected a judge shall uot attend, thet. :ne inspector who received the highest nua; er of votes shall appoint a in his pk and if any vacancy shall continue iu the :-o.ird lor the space of ou': hour itter the Mree fixed by law for the opening ol the pleciion, the (.palilled voters : of the town-hip, '-ardor district, for, wuieh stich officer sli- 1 have beeu elected pres | ent at the elect'O , shftll elect one of their number to till smh vacancy. THE OATH—.'.T JANUARY 30, 1874. Szc. 9. in ad-ition to the oath now pte tcriVJ by law to >e taken and subscribed by election officers, :'iey shal! be severally sworn or affir, not i aUclose how auv elector shall have voted u> -a required to do so its witue.it inajiu .ia! prweeil Uj,. All judges, inspectors, clerk, nd overseers of auy elec tion liel.l unde. .is act, shall before enter ing upon their 'uiics, be duly sworn or affirmed in the of each other. The judges shall be r 'orn by the minority in sector, and in .se there by 110 minority inspector, then !■ a justice ol the peace or aide, man, and he overse«r9 and clerks shall sworn be the judge, cer tille He of such ev aring or affirming shall be duly mad ■ ou! ind signed by tlw officers bo sworn, aud ;.tt ated by the others who administer the o . J. MODE OF CO: >UCTING ELECTIONS. act ja uaby 30, 1874. Snc 5. Atallth elections hereafter held un der the laws o this Commonwealth, ti.e poll* shaii be opi at 7 o'clock, a. m., and closed at 7 o'clo- ,p. m. TH BALLOTS. CONSTITUTION fll SSYLVAN IA—ART. VIII. Sf.c. 4. All e! ions by the citizens shall bo by ballot. Every allot voted shall be utim ber-.ti >n tho ord. u which it was received, and the numb* r ocord«d by the election oflie-ers on the f voters.opposite the namo of the elector wh< resents the ballot. Any elector may write us name upon his ticket, or cause tho sa : to be written thereon and attested by a cit. -u of the district. ACT JA UAKY 30, 1874. Sec. H. At the . iening oi the polls at the elections it shall b the duty ol tho judges ol the election for t lr respective districts to designate one of t s inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have i custody the registry yt voters, and to ma e the entries tLerein requir ed by law; and it -hall be the duty of the other said inspect' re to receive and number the ballots presen cd at said election, liimF-S OF PEAC! OFFtCFUS —ACT of 1839. It shall be tho < ity of the respective con stables of each > ..rd, district or township within this Conim lwoalth, to bo present in pwrson or by depn at the place of holding such elections in id ward, district or town ship. for the ptlrf -.e of preserving the peace, a* aforeef.id. TH! TICKETS. ACT > .RCH 30, 18G6. One ticket shall mbricc the names of tho Judges Of Courts voted for aud be labeled outside "Jndiciar 'one ticket shnl embrace tho names of all a tie officers voted lor, an d lube'ed "State, one ticket shall embrace | the muies of al' tuntv officers voted for, ioclnding <i*He»- Senator, member, aud member* ol Asstn ily, ii v ited tor, aud mem bers of Congress, f voted for, aud tie labeled "County," one tic ,-t shall embrace the names of all township " licers voted for and be labeled "Townsh, ";one ticket shall embrace the names of all I irough officers voted for andbo labeled "f rough,'' and each class shal 1 be deposited u a feparate ballot box. OF THE i' .ECTION RETURNS. ACT TAJ 'AIIY 30, 1874. officers of tho «!ec on shall procee<i to coiuit all the votes cast or each candidate voted tor, and a f; I return of the same in iiplioato, with a r : urn sheet in addition, iu all 'if which the \ tes received by each can didate shall he u /en sfter his nvne. first iu words thin , figures, and shall b" sign ed i>y all the said >ticors and oy oven-eera, if anv or if joi fo i tifiid.the ovei-seors and any ofhc"' refa» g to sign or certify, of either of them, hail write upon each of tho r'turr ; his or leir reason for not signing or certifying t!r ra. I'he vote, soou as counted sh-.1l aU be publicly and fully de elarcd frou the iidon to the citizens pre- | sent, and a bliet s atement shone x the votes ! re' civud I'v raeli .-audiduie shall be made , unti sigr' 1 ! by th: election ofiero u t .on t as the votes are < Minted; and the same shall j 'JC immediately Pv i I upon thi door of tL election (jobs 'llormatiou of the pubiie. ; T i;>> <.• ~ -i (hull be eucloced in envelope* a.»d b«- 'tiled in lie presence of the officers .and ■ envelope,wi'l. rhe unseal ed returns eet j *ea to the Judge, wbi'-li sb..'l contain oneii - of voters tally papers and thoa o! officers,and another ol said envelopes shall be given to the minority Inspector. All judges living within twelve miles of the Prothonotary's office, or within twenty-lour Hiiles, if their residence be in a town, city or village upon the line of a railroad leading to the county seat, shall be to re two o'clock past meridian ol the dav alter the election and all other Judges shall, before twelve o'clock meridian of the second day after the electioa. deliver said return, together with return sheet, W the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of the county, which ~aid retnni shall tie tiled, »nd the day and the hour of filing marked ihereou aul shall be preserved by the prothonotary for pnblic Inspection. At twelve o'clock on the second dav following jny eleelion, the prothonotarv of * the court of common pleas shall present the said returns to the said court. In coun ties where there is no resident president judge, the associate judge shall perform the dm lea imposed upon tUe court ol common pleas, which ehall convene tor said purpose the return preset.ted by the prothonotary shall he opened by said court and eoniputod by such of its officers and such sworn assis ts ts a= the courtshall appoint; in the pres ence of the judge or judges of said court, on the return certified and cer tificates of election issued under the seal of the court as is now required to lie done by return judge*; and the vote as so computed and certified ehail be made a matter of record in said court. The sessions of said conrt shall he opened to the public, aud iu case the returns of an eloction district shall 1« uassing when the returns we presented, or in any case of complaint of a qualified elector under oath, charging palpable fr.vid or mis take, and particularly specifying the alleged frand or mistake, or where fraud or nustake is apparent on the return, the court, shall ex amine the retnm and if. in the judgment of tho court, it dial! be neeessaiy to a just re turn, sai l court shall issue summary process against the election o&cers and overseers in any of the election districts complained of' to bring them forthwith into court, with alj election papers in their possession; and if pal 1 p&ble mistake or lrand shall be discovered, it shall, upon such hearing as may be deemed necessary to enlighten the court, be corrected by the court and so certified; but ail allega tions of palpable fraud or mistake shall bo decided by the said court within three days after tho day the returns are brought into court for computation, aud the said 'inquiry shall be directed onlv to palpable fraud or mis take, and shall not be deemed a judicial adju dication to conclude auy contest now or here after fo bo provided by hw and the other of said triplicate ret*h»ll be l>e placed in a box and sealed up with tho nallots. If any of the said judges shall hioself be a candidate for any office of any electiui. ha shall not sit with the court, or act in counting the returus of snch election, and in sich cases the other judges, if any, shall act. Given under my hand at liy ofliee r.t liutler, this 10th day of Oct., iu the year of our Lord, IMK), and in the llntli year of tho Inde pendence of the United States of North America. OLIV2R C. REDIC, Sheriff of liutler County. Fall and Winter BOOTS, SHOES 4 RUBBERS, Every day adds new and beautiful styles! in Footwear to HELTON'S Immense stock of Boots ant] Shoes—all fresh goods. We have Boots for the boys to go to school, Shoes for girls that are high cut, made of the best of calf, kip and grain all warranted. We have Ladies Fine Shoes in all the grades and at all prices, all widths and shapes in hand-welts, Mc- Kay & Turns. We have them in kip, calf and grain, button and lace at very low prices. Shoes we show will give the best of service; have tried their wearing qualities for years. None better made. We have shoes of all de scriptions for old ladies in warm goods, and slippers. Spring Heel Shoes in misses',children's and ladies' a specialty. It is important ibr you to know that all kinds of Boots and Shoes have advanced very ! much recently; still more im (portant for you to know that we shall not advance our prices as long as this piesent stock lasts. We are now well stocked. Our house is full of and Shoes bought be fore the advance. Come early and get the advantage of old prices. Recollect we sell none but reliable footwear and at the same price to all. We have Kip, Grain and Rubber Boots for men in high leg. four soles, plain or box toe, 1 high or low insteps. Shoes of same style, high cut, kip, calf and grain. We have carefully considered the wants of the fanner, mechanic and laboring man and can fit you out at a small co-1, making your feet comfortable in all kinds of weather. Come and see us. B. C. HL'SELTON, No.—N. Main St., Butler, Pa. A FULL LINE of Jersey Shirts for Fall and Winter Wear, Twenty-five per cent below value at the RACKET STORE, 148 S. Main St., J3utler, ir'a. J. E Kastor, Practical Slate Koofer. Ornamental and Plain Slating 1 Of all kinds done on short notice. J.lira arith W. H. No. 7, N. Main St„ Residence North Enn fctreet. Butler, Pa. THE FOUR BIG COMBINATIONS AT | Tlie Cash Shoe Store. They Are All Stunners! %) ■■ ■■ How is This For Xo. 1 A ladies fine Dongola button shoe, pat. leather tip, to 7 for Si- How is This For Xo. A gents good f-olid A Calf, bal. or Congress, tip or plain toe, G to 11 for sl. How is This For Xo. 3 A ladies fine opera toe slipper, leather lined, hand turned for 50 cts a pair, these slippers are being sold at a great bar gain for they are cheap at sl, How is This For Xo. 4 Our little hummer, acl ild- dongoln or grain button shoe izes oto 8 for 48 cts. only a lev cases left, and if you want ny you will have to get a move on or they will be all gone DON'T BE A CHUMP But take advantage of our closing out sale of summer shoes and slippers which we are closing out at about half price. Boots >and Shoes Made to Order. i LEATHER FINDINGS. L. M. Grieb & Co. S- MAIN STREET, - BUTLEK, PA. BARGAINS. IX BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS AT ./OIL V BICKEL'S, I wish to inform the havers cf Boots aDd Shoes of our extra large fall stock, which has all arrived and is oper and ready for yonr inspection. Oar fall stock this year i» larger than ever before, and we are offrriDp r9raarkable bargains. No doubt all tfce readers of this advertisement know of the advance in price of Hoots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, but nevertheless sve shall sell nil our foods at tbe hrdiu low price. So persous wishing to receive the bargain of a lifetime should visit BICKEL'S. Among Our Ladies' Shoes Will be found some of the latest styh band turns in Rocko and French Kid. See our line of McKay and lachine Sewed Goods. Tbey excel them all in price. Ladies, I wish to call yonr atten ion to our fine lin<* of Hand Welt Sboea. Something just the tbinir for . is wsa.soa of tbe year. Ia Every day Shoes we have a larg« stock of Satin t.d Milwaukee Oil Grains. Calf or Kip Shoes either in Button or Lace In the Meu's and Boys' Departmet. we can show a better selection than ever be f ore. A pair good French Calf Shoes, Eg. Bal. or Congress, at $2 00. A pair good Box-toe Shoes, D. S nd tup, at $2.50 A pair good Box-toe Boots, hanc ided and band pegged, at $3.75 to $4.00. Three hundred pairs Men's Sampl- Boots at $1.75 to $3.00. Two hundred and fifty pairs Boys Sample Boots at $1.25 !o $2,00. The person first to call is the perso. to receive the beet selection. A big stock of Misses' and Childr; i's Dress and E very-day Shoes. Rubber Goods of All Kinds Boston, Woonsocket, Candee and ay Stale Rubber Boots and Shoes. A full stock of Ladies' and Geuts' Spe< ility Rubbers. Leather ain Findings. A fall liae of Leat her—Sbeffijld S !e Leather, Calf Skins and Kips of all kinds. Boots and Shoes made to or er. • Repairing I Neatly and Promptly done either in le theror rubber goods. Orders by mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. A box of fine leather preserver free with each purchß e. To those persous who received sot e of our seed corn and oats, I wish 'o say that the corn and oats will be re* eived at the store from October Ist j *o 10th. It will also be judged during the same time by three uninterested j 'armers. This seed will not be judged by the quantity, but by the quality. So bring what you have, it matters no' how much, for the best qualities will -eceive the premiums. The person rec iving lirst premium will receive $10; 'he person receiving the second premiu l will receive $5. So bring in your weed, but not later than October 10th. Yours tri ly, JOHN BICKEL, Old Number* 22 South Main Street. New IS"limber? 12 i S. Main Street. SUTLER, - PENN'A PITTSBURGH NURSERIES. (Est alilishdl I*4o ; OrK ELEGANT ILLUSTRATED CAT vLOtirr, for I*9o will be mailed on ampli ation. Every Farmer, Gardener, Aum'cur • r owner of a lot htiould havo one. Orders tor flowers uud floral emblems have immediate attention. Telephone SM. John R. k A. Murdoch, 508 Smith field St., PITTSHV!((;}!, r.t. ■■ ,jv * - - " »• '"* "tifc**' A 1 '' ' ' " t' rt 'L *U- <-■»• -t foio ptuctod ay • New* -apwr Ailvortian.g < ot ult LC ID & THO.VIA >; AI»T7I»TihISG AGKNTS, 41 ta ftf Vaiu'pli Blrwt* CHIOAUQr MIOH nun KILL, BITLF.it, PA. i. FULLERTOS, Prop'iy >litiikeiK, Flannels and Yarn of Pure H«H- Ici Count} Wool. Ve puM;tntee our to l>e sulotly all wool 1 nojrtm'c „r anj other mat ain <l3 .UiT. \Ve«;U WHOU-ale or n 'all. jpplc-. ..an prlc< » fri nlst-'il trw to 1 ">n r plies turn by mail. fs™r«nia A3ENTSS OU MILLINERY Now ready and showing the most com - plete line of trimmed and untrimmed autumn Millinery. 11 ats, bonnets, toques, birds, ribbons, feathers, etc. We ar 1 I the recognized leaders of Millinery Butler, and have many imitators, but r > ! equals. D. T. FAP E , •N"o-18. 8. Main St., BUTLER, PJ . 1800 -E]stablißhed 1 E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North Main St., BUTLER, PA., DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverwars, Spectacles, &c., &c Society Emblems of ail Descriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warranted. 1850 ESTfiBLISESO IS GREAT REDUCTION AT J. R. GrRIEB'S, ISTo. 16 Soutli Main. St., - Butler, \ J <- In Watches, % Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacle* Repairing Promptly Attended Tc SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. MOVED! WHO WHERE TO? WHY. A. TROUTMAN & SON Into their New Store, 200 and z- South Main Street, Where they have received and have now on .sale one ol t most complete and largest stocks ol Dry Goods, rriuimin,- Notions, Fancy Goods, Underwe .r, Cloaks, \i raps. Carpets Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Curtains, Lace and Porterre, Curta. Poles and Window-Blinds that have ever been displayed my store in Butler. Thanking the people lor their literal patronage at the ol' tand and asking thein and alKothers to call upon us at tit lew store, WE ARE RESPKCTFULLY YOURS, A. TROUTMAN & SON We are Leaders in our Line We are now prepared to show you the finest line <>f FURNITURE Ever shown in Butler county. Do you want CHEAP GOODS' Come v and see us. )o you want ItfEDiUM PRICED GOODS-' Come iu. )o you want FINE GOODS- ''We are in it. V new line of RATTAN GOODS lor Gents, Ladies and ti Little Ones just received. Whether }ou want to buy or not come and see us. E. S. D R E W L2B -fcC. Jefferson - - - Butler, PJ