Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 31, 1890, Image 2
THE OITIZEJST. W.C.ntUT - - - PBOPEIETOB One fea>. VMM County One Tear, Outride County e 2 -® Payable in AdTanee. >:.ter*4 a* at B.tler « id mM " FRIDAY. OCTOEER 31. XS9O. m «ch lane of the Crrnr v some extra copto* W are aent to cttiiens of m« an<l their sub m a ,avor by Bcnd! £S tne mZrowolU»U neighbors, not now tating... county paper. All communications intended for publicat oi. in this paper muetbe accompanied by the r v P .m« of the writer, not for pobhcauon but a •ssr^ssfb'St,-^.. pamed by a responsible mine. Republican State Ticket FOB GYVEKSOB, GEORGE WALLACE DELAMATER. FOB LUTIMAST GOVEBSOB. LOUIS ARTHUR WAT BBS. FOB SECBITABT OF WTBBIAL AFFAILIS. THOMAS J. STEWART. Hepabiicai Ctonty Ticket, .FOB COSBBBM THOMAS W. PHILLIPS FOB A»(»K*MI.Y, JOSIAH M. THOMPSON. ANDREW G. WILLIAMS. FOB RBEBIFF. WM. M. BROWN. FOB PBOTHONOT4BY, JOHN G. BIPPUB. FOB BHINTN A>D KECOBPEB. DAVID E. DALE. F»B TBBASL'BEK, JAMES S. WILSON. FOB CIEBK OF TOL BTS, JOSEPH CRISWELL. FOB CORCTTT COBBIBSIO>EBH, SAMUEL T. MARSHALL. JOSIAH C. KISKADDON. FOB COCSTT ACDITOBK, ADAM M. DOUTHETT.; JACOB ALBERT. FOB OOROSEL, JOHN KENNEDY. Vote for Thomas W. Phillips. The Republican Convention of the 25th District of Pennsylvania, which met a; Harmony, Butler connty, on the 23d day of September, unauimonsly nominated Thomas W. Phillips of Lawrence county, a s the Republican candidate for Congrc in this District. He is the only regularly , and honestly nominated Republican can didate for Congress in the field, and to bis support we earnestly invite all good citizens. We are on the eve of one of the mos' important Congressional elections eve held in Pennsylvania; one in which much more than the usnal inter<-»t- are involved, one which is attracting the attention of every thoughtful citizen of the Common wealth a* involving decisions which are vita); one in which will be declared to the people of the State the deliberate judg ment of the honest and intelligent voters of this district upon the worth of the great safeguard of our political institutions honest elections and a pure ballot box. It is to be declared at this election whether we mean, as Republicans, v. I at we have always loudly professed, that at the very foundation of our political taitb, honeßl and fair elections must have the most sacred place. The Issue presented to the voters of this district in the coining Congre-«ionsl elec tion ia one of the gravest charaeter. It is nothing more or less thau wbetiier honesty in our nominations shall be approved and endorsed, or dishonesty condoned and re warded. The time ha# long since panned when the question vu an open one for discission — whether an alleged Republican nomination for Congress at New Castle a few months a h* wan a fair and honest oue. Tho lips of tie defender* of that nomination should be sealed by the sworn confession and openly published admissions of the bribed dele gates in that cony en lion, who, against their personal interests, testified that they had been bribed to vote for that nomina tion, which could not Bavo heen mode on tho nominating ballot without their rotes. Theso confessions and admissions have been under the public eye for month-- with out successful contradiction, and they have passed under the careful examination and revision of tbo highest judicial tribunal of t his district, leading to the deliberate de cision of that tribunal, after patient hear ing, that these bribed delegates should be held to answer therefor at the next session of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Law rence county. When brought to the bar Of justice it is expected these bribed delegates will, as criminals usually do, plead "not" guilty." Their advisers greatly underesti mate the intelligence of the honest and in corruptible voters of the 25th district if they suppose that the publication of this plea of "not guilty" in tho newspapers be fore they are placed on the docket for trial will weigh a particle in mitigation of their guilt. Criminals are not tried in Pennsyl vania in this way. Whilst the "not guilty," a* a newspaper plea before election, will a\ ail nothing tie fore a court of justice for the acquittal of the accused more than other new. paper assertions, the exhausting of the whole vo cabulary of Billingsgate and abuse upon the defenders of an honest and pure ballot box in this district will weigh as little. It is a matter of regret that gentlemen whom we have been accustomed to regard a.shon orable in all the relations of life, through misguided zeal and uncurbed temper " should fcavc been betrayed into a .public defense of a great wrong iu language so discreditable as to recoil with power on those who publish and eirculat e it. The honest voter who survey :t the whole field cannot but recognize tho met that there is now before the people but ono reg slarly, honestly and fairly nominated Ro publicau candidate forCongrc-s in this dis trict, and as sueb, that candidate, Thomas W. Phillips of Lawrence county, has a right to expect the support of the Repub lican* of this district, and we would invoke the aid of all good c itirens without regard to party to aid in his election. Our can didate u eminently worthy of the office for which be has been named. Mr Phillips is a man of high moral and Christian thara" ter, of brains and culture, »u i of wide business experience; tbo friend and helper of the toiler and the belpb ss, an earnest, thoughtful student of all the prresr question" of tLo day, one of the foremost represen tative men of the great industries of oar district, Industries which imperatively de mand representation on the Honrs of Cou grem. Wc hail the auspicious sign, of u« times as clearly indicating tho triumphant elec tion ol Mr. Phillips, a result in which we would hi glad to have every honest voter of the district have a share, making the ▼ictory so complete that bribery and cor ruption would never again be heard of in tho nominations and olcetions of this district. Yote the Whole County Ticket. Voters of Butler County Consider carefully the importance of the vote yon will cast for Congress next Tues day. Butler connty ha- great intere.-ts .it stako in this election. Within a few year.- the oil development in this county ha marvellously increased the wealth of t'le county. This development is increasin its domain and promises to include our territory a" its field. Thus, Butler county has within its limits the great lu te-rests of almost a State to be cared for :.i Congress. Oil production has leaped for ward to take its place a.- one of the load ing industries of the country; and no county in the United States is more com pletelv it - centre than Butler. This oil production promi-' s to larj.-' _ enrich the propc rty owner- in tl - c unty. and to give -trench and life to every otl: branch of businec?. Already onr faraer have chared largely ia its benefits. With ti'.er, !ed develop-ie-it. these bene- I fits will be increased. It is to the inter».-i | of over}' enterprising citizen to lelp for w srd this wonderful development a-s a source of county wealth. lias it occurred to our people that this I oil trade is to become world-wide; that ' Butler countv oil ij to find a market in Ind : s, China and Japan, and that as this market is opened up the demand for onr Butler county production will be increases; that added value will be riven to our farms and land owners will reap a richer harvest from oil privileges and a general spur will be given to all kind= of bnsim'S-! This will be aided by Congress in bringing to the notice of foreign nation 3 the suppy we have in store for them; in providing methods for collecting and publishing statistics of the trade, and communicating these through our foreign ministers and consuls to foreign powers. Besides this great industry which has sprung Minervc like into existence may incur the jealousy of rival interests that will seek throng!: Congress to impose burdens upon it that it is unable to bear. Now, whom have we in the Senate or House to-day, who knows any thintr about the oil trade? We know of no Sena tor or Representative who is posted on th> subject. Other interests are ably repre sented in Congress. The iron interest, the wool interest, the sugar interest, the tobacco interest, and the liquor interest, are all ably represented on the floor of Con gress. The oil interest alone, of all the great interests of the country, has not a single Representative. Is it not high time it should have one.' Where can we find so experienced ai. 1 able a Representative to represent th:- great industry, as well as all the other ir dustries of this district, as Thorn is W Phillips? The other candidates lor Con gress in this district, Messrs. McDowell and Gillespie, reside entirely outride "1 the oil territory in a remote part of the dis trict, and of course neither of them art familiar with the claims of this great in dustry, or with its importance as aa element of National commerce, demanding the care of the Government. Voters of Butler county, think lieforo you vote, whether it w:nld be wiw to I°* this opportunity of placing in Congo • perhaps, the bent posted man in the I nited Htat' J in the details of your greatest in duslry and sufl'pr for want of hi* help in • CoElgrfMS. Vote for Thomas W. Phillip*! "A JJL a'luiit his many admirable quali ties and his fifnoßß for the po«ition."— Estrict from Thompson'h Effort "gain* Phillip# in last irck'* Record. PBIXCITT/K is with Phillips in this cam paign, and all citizens, without to party who wish to rebuke bribery will vote for hiui. Tnir if> a government "of the people, by the people and for the people; people uiake and unmuko partie-, and parties make hietory. The record of any party will be iafe in the hands of such men a Thos. W. Phillips. Bribery. He who lakes a bribe will strip the dead, Will rob the orphan of bis crust of bread; So lost to justice, equity and right, That man will steal the aged widow's mite, Pillage the palace of the King of kings, And clip the gilding from an Angel's wings. — Dryden. Are any number of onr citirens no de graded that they will vote for a man whose nomination was procured by bribery. Wo do not believe there are. The vote nert Tuesday will show that there are not. TUB Phillips army has reached the suin wit of the bill and is now swooping down upon the coterie of corruptionicts and put ting them to flight. Any Republican in this county wlu» casts bis vote for any other than Mr. Phillips for Congress throws bis vote away. THE best joke of the campaign is the statement that Mr. Phillips owes .John Smith of Cherry township, $27,000 and will not pay it. Why did not Thompson n.ake it *27,0u0,000.00 while he was at it? The Twenty-fifth Contest. II there has been any calculation that Thomas W. Phillips, the Harmony nomi nee for Congress in the Twenty-fifth dis trict, will be defeated on Tuesday next, so as to allow the Democratic candidate to win the seat, it is rather more likely than not to prove a serious error. Mr. Phillips iB an honest and popelar man. Hi- in tegrity and straightforwardness ure perfect ly well understood b} - the people; and he is nobody's servant in politics. That both bargaining and bribery were conspicuously Involved in the first Republican nomina tion no one pretends to dispute Mr. Phillips, the second nominee, represents the opposition to those agencies. There are many Democrats who on an issuo of this sort, and in support of »tt«d) a tatr man as Mr. Phillips, should be able to rise superior to party lines. At the time they are commending a numerous element in the Republican party for taking a stand in the Governorship contest outside of par ti.ian influence, it might be confi.itent and becoming to exhibit, tor their own part, something of ft like spirit in the Twenty filth district. At all events, until ?' ■; nn tional councils of the Democracy change their attitude of nn ; tho tariff, the best interests of Penn ylvaniu will di> tiuctly be subserved by sending Repub lican to Congress.—Pittsburg Jjixjmtiii TIIASKSOIVI.NO OAY will be our licit holiday, and how could you thank your Creator that you are an American citizen, alter countenancing bribery at the poilsf Till, PEOPLE of the United States are I'nue responsible for its government, and it Is their duty to act up to th ir respon sibility and vote for men that they know are honest and capable. That Thoma.- W. Phillips is such a man none dare dispute, sn i be in the candidate for Congress wlio should receive onr suffrages. TAKF collectively or separately, tho most wonderful unngs on th: planet uro tbe civilized nations thereof, and the civil ization of each and every nation depends upon the indus.ry, intelligence and integ rity of its individual members. Xo nation has a bettor government than it deserve--, but each should have fully a., good a one as it merits. Honest, capable, indmtri oils men make good officials. A man ol that stripe bat accepted our nomiuation for Congress, and it is our duty to vote lor him. His name is Thomas W. Phillip -. M«. PHILLIPS should win because he and those who are supporting him are right. Vote for Thos. W. Phillips BOODLE. The b'K>dler- boodle right along in district twenty-five, And affidavits pro and con the bribers d< contrive; Sam Miller —old sinner—agreements h<- writes. And Town-end. of Beaver, believes him and bites. Bos.- Miller, bo Haywood, be- Alex am. Put their names to the paper with con summate gall. And i to each other, "we have fooled tin whole pack. So now jet us tackle old flutler - Newt Black." They labored with Newton a v." ay on in the night, But. found he was honest, straightforward and right. Then the jolly tricksters to Greenville go down, laying, 'Black's a bad color, let's go for old Brown." il.it Honorable Brown, the Greenville man, He sang them a ■*<//» on the short metre pian . And >a:d, "go to Beaver, you cannot sign me, I believe ia election. I'm a solid I. I*. Then AI -aid, "comrade.-, how cm thi tbi thing be? I know you f*K»led Robert now can t you help met" Then ilea sa : i to Samuel, as ho wunked a had wtuk, "The Major, he doubts you—mi-trusts you. I think." Thru .-'a ii wrote a paper—agreement, yon know — And the bosses nil wrote their big urines in a row; So t! '. it wa- -ettled that agreement; and tin Should control the convention, and the people take in. Then <-ver to "Lawrence" the ■ Me -er" men go And toll Col. Jackson, "now, do so and so, And we'll buy little Beaver and heat But ler Lad. 'Affidavit' the people if we find they are mad."' The Colonel was willing, like Bark us oj old; The rights of the people were bartered for gold. Cut "murder w ill out,''and the guilty men swore, That for boodle they did it, through Jt'a!- ■ lan once iiiore. Then the people rose up in their manhood and might. And swore in their anger that justice and right Should be done in the district—that r.n guilty man Should go to next Congress on that bocd! plan. Committees came together when the ebai. men did call, Aad they ordered elections and started the ball; Good men were elected and to liarmon\ went. And selected "Tom Phillips"without a dis sent. N'ow it's brains versus boodle, and all lion est tnen Will support Thomas W.. the wage-work ers' friend. . . His shoulder are broad, and bia miu<l is the same. And ,' honor aud truth will put trickstct. J to shame. He is fiuhtinir this battle in defense of the right, And we will support him, one aud all.with our might; The ~il m.m's be-l friend —Bravo Garfield's man— Besn irch him, blackguards, ye never can. Oct. 24, 18! W. J .NO. THOM AS W. PHILLIPS will be the next rep icsentative of this district at Washington, t'id none of his lr".» 'jds or supporters w.ll be in the penitentiary for taking bribes to nominate him. MK. PntLt.IPS i- winniii-'votes on hone t corrupt ion cannot and will no* be condoned by any self respecting citizen. TIIK Newcastle < •>urant, which has been opposing Mr. I'billips. said in it.-: last i. sue: "From th» first mention of Mr. Phillips' name in connection a nomination, the t.'ourant has said that personally he was all right. Against him as a inaa and a neighbor, not one word ha been said, ;.nd if anything has been aid which could pogfihly be construed as apaiust the per sonal character of Thos. W. Phillips, it was unintentional. A Place for a Thunderbolt. In the twenty-filth Congressional Dis trict of this State, composed of the coun ties of Beaver, Lawrence, Mercer and Hut lcr, there is an opportunity for the launch ing of a thunderbolt by the people. Tl.' re ha- been admitted fruUd on the part of . omebody in connection with the nomination of Mr. McDowell. Whether he was cognizant of that fraud or not, he benefited by it, and js at le mt in this case the receivi i of stolen goods. This Congressional district lies at the door of l'ittshiirg, and is iu many ways in timately bound up with it. It is a district which has highly important manufacturing and agricultural interests, and a !ir/c pro portion of its voters are familiir *ith the necessity of having a representative in Congrc. who can think, act and talk in a manner worthy of the constituency. Such a man is to bo found in the pe -on of Thomas W. Phillips, ol NewC'u lle, who has become the Republican caudidute. Hit career has been u remarkably brilliant and succe -ful one, and his experience has fitted him pre-eminently for the"office. His claims upon the sympathies of the work iiignicn arc such as few r• i< ;i iu the countr can lii".,*. 111 • action at the t:me oi the .-.but down of tho oil prodoc M, in having a uoition of the oil held by the p 1 -In en put aside for their employes who would be thrown out of work, is something the workingmen cannot over look or forget. Mr. Phillip*, in every phase of eharacter and intellect, a »trong, tigorouH man. The I.'epubheans <>f Pennsylvania have nut plan <1 a more Mailable candidate in tin field anywhere. It i tn p-rmit the column at ion of ptu'h fjuud us that whici. lu<l t <» lilt nomination of Mr. McDowell, HI 1 the peo pie of the d. Uict should rebuke it I)} - vot for Phillips fitt-tburij Clironi'l<■ /W- f'f I'U j'/l. "UK<JI LAB," iitoaui' "according to an established rule." It in uot the establi-hod rule of the Kepubliuaiii- of this district that tlir-ir nominee for cougrens should pit ure hi-! no lination liy bribery, .nil it will not be un!c Il.ij HO vote it next Tin' day. Do not do HO. Vote for tins right man. Veto for the mail wljo.se nominution wan not procured by bribery. Vote for Tho.s. W. Phillips " * "THE MILL OF TIIB PEOPLE IS EXPRESSED uv HA i, LOTH, NOT UV BRIBERY."'— T. IV. I'hilUpn' LtlKr of Jccejitaiw . THOMAS W. PHILLIPS has done n-, much if not more towards increasing the wealth and pro*p( nty, and relieving the v tit > of suffering humanity. giving libcra'ly to religions and charitable obj •: >, and aiding and assisting in pttblio improvements, than any other man residing in our pro • ni Congreh ,ional District. IK HI: h a man not worthy of your support;— Beaver Tunc . WHAT is political fnnartneHß compared with honesty. Thomas W. Phillip-, a guileless and capable man, will be elected next Tuesday and then we can repeat "Virtue sit" triumphing -till Upon the throne of glorious fame.'' UK AS honest wtiuu you vote us when you pray, and vote for an ln.net man lor Congre.". Vote for Thou. W. I'hillips. A : ADDRESS Issued to the Voters of the 25th D strict by the Republican Congre- onal Committee. To the Rep ■: ■ a to/The Tutentg-ffth Con or, 5,., i/• - ict of Pcnnsylrama: "Weaddres- :as voters. because with you rests. in p.»rt, the direction aud con trot of; jis g uieiit. Our appeal is t° your c<>u-ei and not to your preju dices. To who ara not Wand l>; faction or by a . ;e, to those who "csrrj their sovereignly under their own hats, we .-peak iu tin- full belief, that the subject cpon which ■ " address you, will rccehe v„ careful .• 1 deliberate consideration. In the mont". f July last, the Repub lican CoDgres-ii al Convention at New Castle, con-i- .g of sixty delegates, nomi nated Major A.esander McDowell for Con irrc > . giving Jv . ihirty-two votes. At th«u time, v e knew r»f no reason why the nom.- narion thouid ' - onsidered otherwise tlia. satisfactory. seqient developments however, have l'own, without doubt, thai three of the toirty-two votes given Mc- Doweil were ca-t by delegates who were purchased at a pee of each- These three delegate iliil not represent fheni ,vrlrr<: they we the representatives of a constituency - I J carer c<nnty, which had instructed ther to support Hon. Charles C. Town*end lor «.' u.gress. Without the e vaies. Major Jc Do well had but twenty nine votes, wlr ti were two votes short OL the number nece.- ary to nominate him. It Kill /«; obxeried that the extent of tin bribery tea* to i/wifce a nomination irhieh othirri.-t tro.ihi not hare been marie. Wo are aware there -nay be cases of bribery and corrupt poetical practices, which may not change the r ulr. simply because the extent and (-fleet of the corruption is less than the major.; >•; but the result is differ cnt where the < ■ nt of the bribery i to reduce the vote Iji low the number of votes necessary to el<ei. </< •» this w*c. ith the facts of e bribery confessed an'l , r,,, r ■ '■!»' McDowell is \ v). and not binding up.,11 the party cor. eience Are you will; :g now, to .-taud by. let the nominatioi* of M.ijor McDowell, ina<.o under such cir< instances? By voting for him, rou snrel endorse the methods \>y wl ich lis n<; .nation was secured. T< ; end.rse -atcb u. tods, is to say the tcil! of t'ie. people nia., tie thwarted, and that can didate- may ' nominated hereafter, not by hone.-I ball s, but by the corrupt use ofi:.o:;cr. 'j' -ake party nominations i:. tch t .erw .1 subvert and entirely de sir. ■ .he pi eiples upon which this g.-verument i - vnded. Are you prepared for that r -'-.lt* The press of the country it large has 1 u unanimous in its con demnation of ' treasonable fraud upon the . acred ri.':'- of the honest voters of this district, a. the people of tho nation are looking at .to see if we will submit to this great v. 7, and by our acquit retire hrtt.g ir .ivi uto everlasting iulatny and disgrace. •T h-. I fori. r< l,:ing that a gricous and mu/h'tj wrong » been />erpe'riiteit upon <>■'. lift 31'ij'ir I e Dowel I ought not. Ned ran not In e'n 'to Congress, and that the on'g ponsbih■■frhethtg a Republican to fo',„:rr- fro- district watff th* put. '/■"/ for "'it i'' a <o '' cai'diilatc, tli< 'Ol r R,;,;,b!ir,icx oi it--•/1 let huee placed ~, i'i/ihiiiation Tin slt I'hillifi*, I-7 ■ "J Li I ■rrenci Be M " phdanthropMt. oidl iioi'ii b>i ito jiossess. in an cm tin nt deiirtc. a>l tin-'i allocations for the ojfke u'lrl, •eh htt> n nominated. II bttsi ; s ahi'i' ■•' "" ' itrpasxeel; lie i* a man of st..et iiitni.i t and unsullied prtrah eharaeli t . llf Humiliation eam< to htm ~i.i.-die tcil: nvd ' eleetion " ill not mil t t/t'X to inn- «••< • '.inghj abb rejirescnhi itio, but trill jn rhi tht no it ti try that lb, 2iitk Couijees-i:,.. ■' District is not tnlirehi lout to sham I a ' dishonor. Onr «aur!tniry has i-'i n invaded by the nioio-y changers, anil ]- 1 can powerfully assist m drvintj them mil as "tcillt u scourge. lie therefore asl: ,mr assistance ami co op ration, and h at you *'. ant your heittot ti, 'l tse -jo.-, . il:tfitcr for Thomas 11. Vhilhps for I'll, f'W. Jons W CLUVAN. Chairman; h. il. 11 sixT'i.v, Vice Chairman; JAMI> MOORK, JOLT.'I H UISCKB. ltntler County. L. 1,. K ». ICHAIIOi. 'ioillAVlS, A. M< r sSKY, Mercer County. A.l' M KSHALL. J OH* II TL'B'.KOX, BTKl'uk> 1' STONK, lleaver County. (I. S. M <J. E. II KB, » J. K. l'"l LOCK, Lawrence County. Labels Friend. Let every wor y man read these letter*. They tel! a ntor • of American manhood that has few up • m and no superiors. They show the unhfiir . f of an em ployer deinandii' as his uliimatum a fair distribution of V profits to th<- workiug aien. Mr. Phillips r ised to grow r • oil the enlorccd nil- ;ess of the laboring men without they V' a hare of the money. Through thi - -t a\ 1 as Pre-ident of the Pro ducers' Protect,. Association Mr. Phil lip-i .■ eeured r'J'> 00 to the laboring man. W» : kingmen, •ad these letters. They •peak to yo . IJ)i A • UKI), PA., Oct. 8, IK9O. .1. D'.ini •- /></., Sim tar;i Unller .1 nl.lj I', r A.: L)I:'. U K: \ ur favor of the 7th inst tol;N:<L. IN', LI if I will make an OFFI cial luteuiiiit I the position Ttiouia \V. Phillip t< ' on the lat'» qr.e-iion whe:l onr orga . . ion WHS abonl to >ro into tho «hat-di- I movement. I know that the contract a between the prolucers them SELVES wa- ng prepared in the first (iein-ral :n' , held September. IKH7, Air. Phillip- in >1 that tin- profits on oni million barrel- • he live millions, which H I were to re< <* from the Standard Oil <soti'pany, sb«IA! . a* t aside for tho PRF'LIT of tin lale-r el. 'IT of the v L.ole oil coun try, and that v, I .:ould require the Stan daid Oil ('omp.l lobe as liberal as wo ]iro|Kr-. dto BE -<1 to subscribe another million barrel-, iie profits to be di.-tri buted by our oi nidation to the labor ele meiit, the . aiix • the profit : would be on the million et >I eby TH" I*. P. A. 'i'hus, through the CTI ti of Mr. Phillips, a agaiii- 1 '.lie -enti I nt of a majority of the HOII'D, HI proli: IF two million barrels of oil. amounting t-. wo hundred and ninety thousand dollar- n round figures, was dis lrihulcd by out ,'anization to tho labor CLEIIICNT of th • . utry. Mr. Phillip" (?ave the above U- hi timatum, and that unless such clause VIA I rted in the contract, ho muni deeliri' . ■ go into the movement. The force oi V Phillips' position was such, HE being President of the o ciatioO, lhat LLIC • eucral A isembly agreed with him, and !. carried the day. The fact i.«, TL 2,000, "I barrels were -OLD fir-T I.INI therefore HI g'it a greater profit, viz., $2!K),000, while t' T,000,000 barrels sold for the benefit • the producers gave a profit oi " ily ; 7,000, IJUW ing that the labor oil yielded 1,000 in exee„s of what DONBIC the amou of oil held by the pro tiucers. I trust thi. 4.. ment will answer your question i atisfac' rily. Very t uly yours, (Signed.) I. It. GoLDSßrinoi-'fiil, Secretary P. P. A. Tin it, I'A.. Oct. 1«, IHIIO. Having been i >wi TL letter written by .1. It. Ooldsborou h, Secretary of the I'ro | ducern' Protecti\ Association, and bear :rig date ol Octot -r S, lb!Sl, in reply to A. | I'. D. iini: ton, SE etary of the liutler A«- -euihly of the P: lucers' Proteei ive A ~ o eiation, we, the ■ li -ers of the Well I»nl lers' Union of 1!. ler county, certify that it is correct, anJ mt we received and din tribute.! our pr ortionate share of the said 000 VI) further ATATE that tin Well Drillers' I A in before the cjoso of the '•shut-in moveiii' .T" had fixed the amount to he paid for di ling in the variou oil fields ut A cert a price per fi.ot, and that Mr. T. W Phil LI , believing the consider N:.on T' 1 O low in . liutler field, where he »A - and IINVI in perating, voluntarily ad vanced the price N all wells he was dril ling, by contract, .en cents per foot above the price we had sed. (.-i-ncd W. A. lIA.NI.ON, Prin, ;..t of II Butler Well Drillers' Union. P. P. HKII It, Secretary of lh Duller Well Drillers' Union. Our County Nominees. In our i—ne following the primaries ol May 24th last, we tad the following to say of our county nominees, and we have had no oceusi.-n for changing our opinion of aur of them. There is cot a weak man on onr county ticket— mentally or morally. For A.-sembiy, Josiah M. Thompson, of iJ-.dv township, and Andrew (i. T\" E'.,'of Cutler, ire our nominees. Mr. Tr.otupson is a farmer by occupation, and is probably as will acquainted wilh the int«r< t- of the is any man in the county. He ha- hid one term in the House, aud i- tlioreiore jrepared to work intel ligently. Mr. Williams i: an attorney of Butler wilh a gei'l pr; tee aud reputation, lie wis .i 01. f .mdis a member of the Uraiul Army and Veteran Legion. For .Sheriff, omfnominee "William M. Brown, <■( Forwa|d '."wnship. He is in the prime of life, a substantial farmer,is a clear headed man of ous'uu-ss, has a reputation I' r honesty and h-tcgrity second to none in 1 his neigbb' rheoi ai:d will make an excel lent Sheriff of Butler county For I'rotto -notary our nominee is Capt. John G. Bippns, of Oakland township. The Capt tin is .. man well up in years; he -ariied tis title in lie army, and it rebel bullet made a lougaad deep wound through I the top >f his scalp;he i.- yet active aud ! hearty, is a man of food mind and address, I and is in every way competent to fill the j responsijle cilice to: which he has been i nomin&ud. For Register and Recorder our notnin e ■ !>avid L Dale, ofßutler. He is a son , of Rev. A. Dale, deceased, formerly ol Fairview. and as ho is yet a young man he may bs -aid to represent tho young Re publicans on tbe t:<ket. He is well ac quainted with the dities of the office, hav ing been a clerk in ft for five years. Hi is a very o.urteous geitloman and will make an obliging aud faifhful officer. For Treasurer oir nominee is Jame- S. Wilson, of C'entoiville. a merchant, clerk and old soldier, wio will make as good a Treasnrer as Hut!«r ever had. For Clerk of Coarts our nominee is Jos. *■ "i I.i ii i ii. ut Bu"fr t"» <hip. lit* is a far ) mer, old oldier, ind hale fellow .ve'l met 1 with everyi-ody. He i-> not a big man phy ' sically, but what Ic lacks in quantity he makes np in qualify. For County Commissioners our nominees are Samuel T. Mrs all. of Butler, and J. Kiskaililin, ol Allegheny township. Mr. Mar-hail has b«euengaged in the mer cantilc bu iness thegreaiei part of his life. | Ho was a clerk for the Connty Commis- I sionefs fi.r everal y«ars, and there i- prob ably no man in the u>auty better acquaiut i ed with its ijusiiieiis tLati he. Mr. Ki-kaAdon is a carpenter and lie builder, and a clear-headed man. 11 wei.t into thearmv wren a boy, and stayed | there till a rebel inill-t pierced his r:L'bt lung and lodged in h.s back, and as it is there yet it Rill hclj him hold down his i r. at in tbe CSDnimissiiners' office, i Oar comilees for County Audit->rs are ; A. 11. Dou&ett, of Fenn township, and Jacob Albeit, of Fnrklin township. Mr. 1 !)<• ihott i- l Min of David Douthett, Sr., j dee. ised, late of Brtwnsdale, a naino that j i . i .'ioned with rispect by everybody, lie , a bright j in * man. a chool te o ii- ! ' er by profi -tn.. a j».od penman and ae- I counUiiit. and will rake a good Auditor. I Air. Albert it a respected farmer, j j a man well upi.i year. , an excellent pen I man and and has been doing the auditing ol th:: accounts of bis town I j .-hip for many years. For Coroi.erimr man is John Kennedy, lof Butler, getcrally known as "Devil" •fohri Kennedy a l ian well up in years, i an old solder, and competent to lill tho ! office. I We have a g.od ticket, a worthy ticket, j I ami "lie thai, bould be elected froui top to | bottom. THOMAS W. IIIILLIPS is the regular nominee of ilu» county lor Congress. TATE. Shaffer and Downing aro out iu ; another setol .-tatcmeiits, and granting all j that they say to i»e true, neither of them , denies receiving ro>o for bis vote for Uc- I Dowell at the New Castle convention. •A LA.W-lUKKB SHOULII SOT BK CHO : HES 11V THE \3OLATTON OF LAW."—T. ll'. i Phillips' Letter of Acceptance. ARE you ia favor of "boodle" politics or "clean" politico? If you favor the latter you can i mei-te.-itly vote for Thomas W. Phillips l'or Congress. That Infamous Contract. "It is mutually agreed that McDow ! oil and his friends in Mercer county are to -upport the candidacy of C. C. Town end for Conpre - in the congressional con ference of 1300 by giving hint the roles of the Mi it er comity conferrees in said eon f rciic.c; and on the part of C. C. Town.-iend aud his friend; iu Beaver connty, he and they will give the support of the Beaver county eonforrees to A. McDowell in the conference 'or the congressional nomina 'ion in 181)2. And if necessary to carry .ut th' spirit IJ' this agree HI »t. Mi-Don ill .. In be'a candidate for ('niiijrisn in Mcr ■ir county in la9o, and Townsend in lityi vcr county in 1 !)2. And it ulso agreed the said partic.i and their friends are to aid to the extent of their ability in the other counties of the district. "It is also agreed that in case a new congressional apportionment is made prior to the November election in 18b:.', that lleaver and Mercer counties are to remain in the :.line i: strict. lie iver, Pa., Dec. —C, IbOO. A. MODOWKLI., CUAS. C. TOWSSKSII." I'pon the back of this agreement is written: "\\ c cndorsi ibis agreement. XI. S. A V, s. 11. MILLER, THOS. PKRBV, 15. J. UAYW IIIIII." WB ARE iu'orined that at the time Judge .■Jeliaid wa-. running lor Judge on the Democratic ticket of Mercer county, and ;amuel Miller for >atue on the Republican iek< ', K. I', (iillcspie, Ks«)., ol Greenville, the present Democratic candidate for I'on gre- in this district, was a hard and per si*te:it worker for the election of Sauiuel lilb-r. The n.ual Jtej>ublican majority of Mercer county N about fift(-en hundred, and yet Judge Meh; rd was elected, which liows what the people ol Mercer county think of Sam Miller aud his friends. The i.bov< inforiin.' ion cotui.i from a reliable Democratic source. No MAN should allow eleventh-hour canards to influence I vote, and there will be lots of them told and printed this week. __ Republican Meetings. The following night meetings have been irrni.Ked for by County < hairman lliunlton in tli" several localitie i indicated: Harmony, Oct Newton Ulack. f: (| . ilon. U. I. Hoggs and J. W. Hutchison, Kni. North Washington, Oct. 30; Hon. Geo. W. l'lcegi.r and A. M ' hri.-tley, l'. .|. C'cntreville, Oct. 30; Hon J. M. Orecr. Uruin, Oct. HI; J. M (odbrcath. Iv.<|. Hunbur.v, Oct. ill; N. Itlack, I. ~|. other localitie- wishing meetings will promptly coininunicato with S. 11. Uusel ton, lvtq., at once. IK VOI R publics are a part of your reli gion; if the record of your party is i-acred to you, vote for a clean man lor Congress. Vote for Tbo-> W. Phillips. Tiiie . W. PIIII.LII'S is an honest,straight forward, capable man. There is no guile on him. See that your county ticket con tains his name under the word "Con gress.'' WHIN you cant your ballot for Thos. W. Phillips next Tuesday, you will be votiug for the he*/ man named by either of the two old parties. IK THK people of Hutler county do not intend opening tho fountains'of their good will and Thos. \\ Phillips the hearth- i support for f'ongre - they ever gave any man, we are greatly mistaken. PHILLIPS was the friend of the working man in adver-ity as well as prosperity. Thro i>'h his i irorts $290,00<l was distribut o ] among the oil-well employees during the >'• ar's shut down. Volatile Whole County Ticket. Political Notes. At the late meeting of the Mercer Coun ty Committee the resignation of C. J. Law of Fymatuning twp.. who had ised money to secure his nomination was ac cepted by the Committee, and thea l:o was renominated by the Committee and re mains on the ticket. flic protracted "contest between the nom inees of \ eaango and Warren counties for the dii-triot nomination f.»r State Senate was -ettied in an unusual manner la.-: week. The matter was 'eft to the Sheriff of Armstrong, Butler and Lawrence coun ties, who met at a hotel in Oil City, heard the arguments on both -ide.-. and "then de eided in favor of Hon. "W. R Crawiord <>f Venango connty. Mr. Crav. ford live:- in Franklin and he is a cousin of Dr. A. V. I Crawford of Allegheny twp. Yo'.e for Thos. W. Phillips. Fim.Lii-s" boom will srrow till the polls j close nest Tuesday evening—a good cause : always grows in the esteem of the ] blic. | ME. PHILLIPS wiU not have to defem the manner and means of his nomination aud election against the attacks of a hun dred Southern Congressmen. Vote the Whole County Ticket. The End. This week finishes this political cam paign and there is nothing more to do but I put in the ballots and count them. Oar reaitcr-! in Duller, Lawrence and Mercer counties will, this week, find one of their county tickets in the last column of the third page ol this paper, which can be cut out aud voted. We have taken quits an interest in the cause of Mr. Phillips for the rca-on that in this matter he represents clean politics. He will, w<; think, receive the highest vote for Congress ever given by the people of Hut it r county to any candidate fj<r that ( like: his vote iu Lawrer.ee and Mercci conn tie- will, we believe, be a surprise to the tricksters, and he will, we believe, i lected. Prcsp?ct Brevities. "Wiil you read— That Mrs. W. K. Kiddle and son New ton were visiting friends in New Castle lately. Xewt is quite a hustler. T;.at our town can boa-it of a pipe line if it cannot of aii oil well. The line Iron the Muddy Creek wells to the Hundred foot field "runs through town. That the towns],ip echools will begin November 10 wi:i» the following teaihcrs: Laura Brunemer, Dick; K. L. English, Mi'e Hun; C. I*. Kraut/., llill: Flora Heyl. Hickory Corner; and William Stoops, Ridge. That J. C. Beighley, who live-, near town, has p>ne to visit his brother Henry at Georgetown, Col. s That W. G. Weigle and family have been vi-itiug relatives iu Beaver Falls for a couple of weeks. That the well on the Frederick farm, three miles northeast of town, is said to he quite a gasser. That Mi.-s Aggio Harvey is slowly im proving from a iong and severe attack of lover. Tiiut a Mr. Dean, of Grant City, is learn ing tlio blacksmith trade with Martin Ileyl. That Joseph Webber and sinter Marga ret are on a visit to their brother William, who lives in Illinois. That Miss Jane Wilson has ret imed from a visit to friends at Greenville, I'a. Jane is much delighted with her trip. That John Koth and Charley Bowers were hunting two miles west of town. They started homeward intending to go to tie Mile Hun woods, a mile north of town, bnt they got lost, and when they came to their wits they were in Whitestown, two miles soulh of town. John said they were -o seared that chipmonks looked as big as cows to thein. That Mrs. Samantha MeAlisler, of Her rington, Kan., is visiting her parents. Mr. rind Mrs. J. J. Shnnor, of Muddy Creek township. That the Nellie lily hat is the rage now in our town. Thjy are unique, odd, han -4jr ntid That Da\ id Dale, candidate for Register and iiecorder on the ICepublican ticket, made our town a friendly call last Satur day. Davie is a worker and no doubt will ••get there." . That this is the first campaign for many u year that Prospect hasn't had a "blow out" of some kind. Justus well; people generally vote for whom they please anyhow. Jo COMITY. Vote for Thos. W. Phillips. DEATHS IIAMII/I'ON. —.'it her home in Oakland township, th; county, Oct. 11. IMMi, Mrs. Mary Ann Hamilton, wile of Kobert Hamilton, Esq., a«ed 00 years and 7 luonthri. Mrs. Hamilton was greatly esteemed by all who knew her and her death is much n 'r -Ued. She had been a sufferer for over I'oiir years from heart disease, and dii d in he i ill belief lhat she was going to her n-st in Cod. To Air. Hamilton, her hus land, and his remaining I mily, the sym path}' of all friends is extended in their great bereavement. MACKI'i.—At the residence of her son. Win. Magee, in Clearfield towniihip. October 24, I*bo, Airs. Nancy Magee, aged 85 years. The Chief for tho grout IQCCCII f flood's har:-u|utrill& U found in tho fact that *I«-rit IVin m. llood't KaraaimrlUa is th* be t blood purifier and actually accomplishes all that 1i claimed fur It. l'rcpsr®d by C. I. Hood A Co., ApotbecaiioH, I.owel!, Mas*. Bold by dnigKUts. 'JMIE lUTI.KIt COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, ill' 1 1.1. K. I'A. (AI'ITAL Paid I'p, lOOOOO.UO. OFKK KltS : / in. Il&rtinan. I'rcH't. I>. Osborne, cusliler. V. IUII'I, Vice I'rtVt, <A. Unllej t's-lir 111 It K' TORS : . ~s. li irtmau, ('■ I' Collins, OM. I, ilcMM'i'i.i'i, (. 1> 'ifinU-r, .1. V. Kills, i i \'.i in.-. l.'-slle flflzlclt I <l. Smith. W. s. Waldro", I>. Osborne. ,» .ier.it tmnklt>x business transacted. In I r." l (inld on tliau d'-pouJU. Money loaned on puroved lei-urhjr. I'On ljfn exchange bought and sold. Now Livery Stable. New Stock, Now Rlg'i. —OPKN DAY AND NIGHT— j iloraes fed and boarded. PETER K RAMEK, Prop'r 39, W. Jcft'ersoD St., IJutler, Pa. Fall Opening j' )f Ladies, Children and (tents ' furnishing good.-*, »Niturd;xy, Oct. 4, Fine line of light veight, all wool underwear, hosiery, gloves, hoys and girls ! imtH and caps. everything i icept in a first class Furnishing 'Stoie at the lowest figures. 1 .1 School Hay Given. Ava>j With Every I'urchu.y. John M. Arthurs. . • yj SOI'TU MAIN .STREET. ./Xi POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. H i#h- ! est of all in leavening .--treugth.— f. S. ('•"i .rimcnt Report. Aug. 17, IS>?. LiG J L ADVERTISEEMNTS Administrators ami Executors of e-'ate,- , can secure their receipt books at the CITI- J ZK.V office. Auditor's Miotics. , In re. es.a'e of Mary Thompsou, O. C. No ' Septem! er term, IS'." . WbercM by order of rourt dated October j 4, 1-HJ, the ucde has been appointed . r limr to di>.triiiu'.e the funds of said c.sta:- remaining in U:e hsudd of A. M. Chrtitler. K admit i-tr*tor of sacif, nitice is here!'"" ivcn to wtit-m it may concern that the un nerrisw td will attend to the duties of ta d ujioiument at hi» '.flue on i. D-sium't str«et, Butler, on Satuiday, November I" i-'.'O, at 1(J o'eiock a. IU. J. P. WllSiiN, .Vuditor NOTICE IN CITATION. Iu re. |>ct!tion of Thos. F. Christie?, ad ministrator c. t. a. ot Michael Hamilton, d c es-icd, for leave to sell real c<tate. Orphsiis'Court, No. 72, September tirm In the Orphans' Court of Butler county, ! Pennsylvania, on No veinber lt>, 18 s , (hi •••ore entitled petition presented, t -i.in. ! forth tbat >aid decedent made his la«L wi 1 !■ .trine dat> the — da) i f February. A. 1' ; i -7f<, duly preliati : and recoct*! m i I HH)k page -•), Mi'i directed tint the bal ' mce ot hi> laid Ik sold when hi* you nee.- 'bild becomes of a.'e, and appointed .toh.- ■1 .rt n executor of hl> -j.d will; that John ' ■ irtiu accepted the trust, took out letter j nd sold tUe real i.tate except that describe.! M the heir-nee, but and fceli re the younget>', i l child reached full : and your petitioner ! aas on the Uth day oi September, 157H t ;uly appointed administrator cum t. • n. o: j- aid Michael Hamilton, deceased, ae.epteu 'Ue trust, iMve baud, took out letters ait bn j .tted such administrator; your petitioner ' mrther rt j iv«ent»ih-it the youngest child o ■ j -aid testui >r is of full aire and has been tin • onie tiiue; ll.'t said testator died seized in .is deuiesr.t- as of fee of, in and to • • ot. ' '.O acres of laud in Cherry township, Bu . r county, of which there has been *ol : relofotc about . uerc.-, leaving uiisiill ' •Oj acre- uiore or less, bounde<t and de * . libtd a- follow-, to-vit: North by Mc regor, east hv John Itlack aud Ktrr Nle andlesx, south by Allison aud others, ami v.eat by <jou>»henbeimer aud others; that al .icugh the said testator directed >aid lan 1 to , j told, he failed or neglected to authorize j . i> executor by name ur otherwise to sell the Muit ; your petitioner -ia:e« that the young- ! i child is of full age and ;hat the time ha" j •rrived when sa'd land wes directed by Mi- : • siator'to be sold ami conveye<l. and there re prays your liouor to ninke an order au- | your petitiou«r as administrator of ..id Michael Hamilton with the will au :exed, to sell the said land, altogether or iu j lificreut pat ■, not cxceoUili< three, and t', nake, execute and deliver deed, or >leed», a c ilie case may be, to the purchaser thereof, or the purchasers, if the same be divided it. fee simple upon complying with the terms .. sale, and be will ever pray. Verified by f uiE'lavit aud sisned "Thomas F. CkrirtlT." And now, November Ui, ls>l', petition pre. <:cte I to Court, rea'l, anil upon consid-ra iion citation awarded upon the heirs an ' lep itces interested in said land of said Mu baei llumilUin, decease!, to appear and -bow can e why the prayer of petitioner shooed ■>.tbe granted. Returnable t'. next ter'u BY TUE l < IT HT. And now, September 'J9, IS9O, on motion of rhompson & Sou, attorneys for petitioner, i.iaa ciution awarded to be served peraonal v on all within the eotinjv, aud by pu' lioa .ion iu two newspapers printed iu Bugler returnable to November 17. ISStO. and pnbli i ition ordered as petitioner moved for. BY TIIK CoruT. ■ t T1.1.i: Col MY, 8S: To Oliver C. HediC, High Sheriff of Built, county, I n.-, grevtinjj : We command you that you mr.ke knowi t i the ht irs and legatees tateresled in sain and of Michael lla'ailton,deceastd, the con uts of 'he foregoiug petition at;d orders o: .ourt thereon, and rule and cite them i be •nd appear at an Oipbaus f'ourt to be held at Butler, i'a., on Monday, the 17th day No vemlier, A. I>. 1890, then aud there to *lio« uu«e, if any they may have, why the p-syer of the petitioner should not be ;*ra»ite<l. To >: w-ved personally on all within the •••JUU .V aud publication in two ncwrpap'rs jiuh shed in Ifutler, l'a., and m:tke return tlierc according to law ami rules off 'iirt. itucss tl.e Flou. Aitron L. Jlazen. Presi lent Judge of our said court at Butler, I'a., I.is 30th dav of September, IBUO. " JT. MI KI.VAIM, Clerk 0. C, Public Sale of Real Estate. lly virtue ot itn order ami decree of toe -urt »f ('ominou Plea* tu nu;l for the county ot Hut r. l'.i.. flml to mo. as theco.uniltlee of M.trtyn .ov.Tj Wol'l), I'll! itle, airect-'i. I will ofler at ■ i lie sal" on the premise *, on VRI'IIHA v, N'OVI:MIII;I£ I.». T-IN, t t p. ta., the ft ! lowing ilcscrltieil real estate nl l lunatic, for I lie purpose of raising ai nicy p lils it. ,• I .. lo »H A certain • • • land situate u tin township ot < lay, in the ■ .titVof l'.ull jr, rn.,ti(iuiuli''l asf illo vc N nlh M' >i Stevenson, eat ' v .lium Wl, >ns' r.-,. -..utii I y .folin >. I 'I west by .fin i.i 'el anil S.iinuel Kimlle;. ' ...it! nlii' ■en res ami one hundred an i tuurti ' ti perclitM ot i nd, strict measure. No bulldlnx" , but t ccl ■nt timber on said land. TKKM.S. One-tblril of pur< li im- nionev > tic ui on continuation i sale by the I'otirt, atid ! ,r" i'lu to paid 111 on«an Itwo J ' at> rc.m 1 I en 1 rmat' iu with interest. cr lu i u h u for in - mi ere .f of .said luna'le. W m. M. I.i a, inmlfii c of .Martyu I »ry Webb, lun ale, , I tielld I*. 11., Kutler county, I'a. 0 tober I \ I 'm. Notice in Divorce. •rfaret Wild, rby I r i In the Court of t .m --\b frlentl Sunt!! MU- i mon I'h as ot littler vs. ( lias. ( . Wilder. [Oouiity. A. I»., No 39, ) June T., isno. 1 i fha.. C. Wilder aud 11 whom it may in- j « m: i wo sutipii'iiHM In tlJ** ulK)vo c • •• liavlnjj I M-n i I ti.r >-< IN. 1. I , \"it. the - tld I hath ( | • iliicr. ii n-e ilcfet.iliiuf, ure l.fretiy ni| red] i tp|.i .a the sdd ( ourl i f i oniinoii r l% , !.e held at Itiitler, I'a., on Monday. Dec. Ist. t 1 '.I. bein:.< ibe Hi: L «):•;. i>l i.ext term of aid t ' inrt, to ain.M-t ihn .vilfl coinjlalnt and » owl < use. II any you have, wliv a divorce sh i ild , i it b.-Kr.-.nl I the said M»r K arel Wilder. (MivKKt . Iteiitc,Shci.rr. MoUoo in Di\orce. ir. K. Whlltn irt by 1 In the t.'ourt o' ' tu , -i next II lend st. 11. 1 luon I 'leas til It i tier ! I tincrer vs, John I'. r ' ounty, A. I'.. No. 43, j .hltmore. I June T., Is'jo. roJfJtnC. Whit more and all whom It may | i incern: ... I Two subrxniiiia In tin- ulmve i asc having i i-n i turned N. li. 1.,y0u, the • dd John 0. Willi- i nre, ab i\e UeP-ndant, lire hereby I■ I'llr< , to , . leal !n me t our' of common Pleas to • lieldat Ilnller, I'll on Moii'tay. Hie itf day • jH-i-embei, isuo,:>elug tin Ist day of next .i*rm saldi ouri. to atisma- the il.l complaint i el -how cause, if an> \ou h.iv - . why a divorce ■ loUld nof be Kranli ! t'i sa'd Mary K. tllt ure nun Kit V. Rauic, sliertCf. Executors' Notice, il STATI. <if JoiiN WEBB, uzc'U.) WltKKl AS, letters tuttauientary to the j laie of 1it,1.11 Webb, late of Clay Two., Uul r Co., I'a., dee' I, have been granted M> the ibsciibiiM, all pcr'ons Indebted to aid ■ ate are rci|llonf |'| 1 to make immeiiiate [i»v ient and -my having ilnitns or demands •I.inol the e.-:ate of -.aid d. i dent will make uowi the same without delay to M'M. M. Wi mi, JOHN M. WEBB. Kuelid, i'a. Brauelifoo, I'a. August 30, IMIO, Executor's Notice. '.'.T.tTK 1.1 JllllN W Hl:\N'»r>'', Dri 'll.' I.ettei- fes*r nienlarr on tbe estate of Ji hn i Braudon, lee' I, late of t ouiH«|Uenet>.ins j •• p., Butler t'o.. Pa., having l*i-n granted i the undersigned, all person* knowing •in elves liuiebted to nai l c.tate Will t nme make immediate payment, and any j lug claim' against said extate will present t .t in duly authenticateil for nettli inent. J. LMMRY BttASIMiN, l.x'r, . I>. Brandon, I t'onuoqueuenaißg P. 0., , att'y. ( Butler County, Pa. Notice. The Sun t Carbon Couymnv, heretofore ■ nip"ml of fh tiinler-' "I. It. W. Martin I William Falconer, is dissolved. All i-nii* indebted to .ml partoership arc lificd to j itv the same to W. (1 Tin up i, lv-ij . ("eceiver, Butler, Pa., atnl tl. i-o . .ing claims again-t them will pre 'nit • Batue to lilUl. Ij- MAUTI.N, Ja. Our Overcoat I Is d«»w complete.l aad w* ■<» »1 i:• " '* at this p*p« -r» c- rai | invitation to call rod t Xuiuiov our «t.>.. > v - i -.id wiaU?r ore;, y , which we have iu v nri.tr, in MM, MELTON^ In »1! the i.t". eI 'dtfi of UREYS, TANS, BROWN'S, 13 L UP. 3 ANI) BLACK. I The you;i,r aini stvl'sh dres-s» -v, vpa.-t fife fabrics tnaue iu MEDIUM SHORT, SINGLE or DOL -}. IK L'RL.VSTED BOX COA • Kiaisb«d with lapped aai inserted . -W• olla 1 ', (wb'eh is the la ! this season) of which we have sever ii s «l->a iu light or dark roi r, t\ / j nobly, aud tun to to pita e the nn-st fa. tiJious. Iu addition u> tbe abovo we fitv overcoftU jf all sty'cs for i Alen, Youtiis, ]>(v\> all d Childi -r, AT KOGK BOTT- »M I RICES. H. Schneldema The Peoples Clothier. IQ4 S. IVI ain St. - Butler. NOTICE. Soticp is hereby given t'aat ttic stock holders of the Butler Savin:- will,-t in the rooms of aid Bark, S. St., Itutler, Ta., on Saturday, F'ec. 20. IKiO. at 10 o'clock a. in.. t>> vote fur <■ r afraiii : proposition to renew and extend tho char ter corporate righto and frir.chiso- <-t •.m Butler Savings Hank. By order of tbe Hoard. J- L. PCRYIS. Pres. W. V. STEIS, See. W. I). Brandon, att'v. Estate of Dawson Wadsworlh, Deceased. (I.ATE OF SLIPRR.KYH »I"T TOVTRSIIJI'.) Letters tesUmenierr on the estate ot D »w- { •sou Wails worth, <le.-.•used, lav of Slipoi.ry rock township, B a tier county, Pa., liu-m.; >een granted to the undersigned, all jwrv>ii« knowing themselves indebted to aid estate will please make immediate payment, aud any liarinc claims against said estate will present thein duly authenticated for ' ;e --•aeat. DAWSON t'. V UKVOH U, | lIENIUKTTA W Al'SWijuTH, i Render 1". 0., liuUer e ranty. .1. I Estate oi Simon Barnhart, Sr., dee'd, 'LATE OK DOXBGAI. TWP.) of admits . stratum having 1 ■ranted to the uader v'ii i on tlie est I Barnhart, Sr., dee'd, Ifo .' of O- :; X"' 1 w|>,, Butler Co., l'a., all person* knowing i :':iemselvua indebted to taid csNite will pl axn . . make immediate payment, i. 1 any l.av n>r I i rsTTint- against said estate will present t ! .'iu dul/ hutaer.tjeated Mr settieui »ut. P. 8. BARNHAKT, Adiu'r, fßarn ban's Mills P. 0., I Butler Co., Pa. Dissolution Notice. j Notice is hereby given tear tbe partner ! chip heretofore •sxistni£» between \V. W. Hl.ickmore at'd Lt.uii M.Grieb, unri r.tltc | lirtn name of Blaeki. >re &. Orieb, m" 'lit • dyed by mutual consent mi Monday, Kept. .2, 1390. The l«ufdn«ss »il! I*; continue •ui ' lie sHiue by 1.. M. tirieli & Co., Wiio J will settle the business of tho old Sr.m. W. W. Bt.AtIKMOUK, J,. M. (iKIKB. Dissolution Notice. I Noticv is hun'oy (flvon that 'lie partii-'whip Ueretofor-'Hxibtlus between A. L. Knox : u<l 1 . Hartley, under the firm i.. i'> of n»rtie v , :vr«»x. doing lm-:U« - . I.t Petroua, Miller*!. *n , ■id other ill. s. WILS dissolve ioy mutual < u »-nt on trie lull of April, livtj. ! iie u-eon.'ds tie tin i will be settled by •: W. I'artlev ;.t i Cetrolia. A. KNOX. U. W. UAHTUBT. i B. ai. ' 1 ' See Samples OF THESE Special Black Goods Values j lefore you buy A 1>! i-'k dr.'B=. ainplea cout you nothing and will i avc you dollars. # 41>-ii)c 11 (note tin: width) Ml YV i>! ilttL-k Ofihliinorefl, (i 0 cents r«?ffular- I aluo, 75e. • 42-inch All-Won! Bla 1 !; <?h* v. »!• . )e. —worth 75e. 46-iuch A 11-Wu- I Blnck Serge, 50 ■iitH, very remarkable value. i 50-inch Black French Serge, 75c. . . ! 4 G-iuch IJlnck Silk Wn»p •' .cres, tit SI.OO, sl.lO, 51 2:> - 'ce -enent market price » i thur-io qualiti' 1 $1.25, $1.50, $1 75, rt - icctivfly. Higher prices cro talk" !of out ■ I iiey. We will !»<• a hliio peculiar, ' ad adhere to old prices. "B. «fc B." prices,—always tho | west, iu these st ire. Catalogues and Samples free. Superior mail order fai ilfties. Try us. Stttiefactinn guarauleed.also lowest | rices. |soo-<»s &Btlhl,l ALLEGHENY, PA. i nqi THE CULTIVAT«»k jQj I AND Jountrv (ieiitleniitii J THBBEST Of' THE I>BVOTEI' TO arm Crops and Processes, Horticulture and Frait-GrowinQ, Live. Stock «r,'J D«ir>ri{ji rule it also lie liulca all minor dep f iru'ivi:|rt oi 1 nal tnleient. nach »s I lie 1 'ill. j ol'.,'V. Hi e Keeplltf, < !'"enhoii-" anil < irnj I'.v, ! i terlnui v pli*l'ium i^u' ,fc .'U«I I I,*»er-. fireside IV.i I! f. Dolie-M. ►••• .;«. I a HI:UIII;II vof liie N'«-\ '•> •' ! irKii Report an- unu->o:ili «»'' • I neb attention Is paid to tlx: It >i tlx p as tur.v«liu UKbt upon m.<- "I jae i «t iiairtact o( all nV'-siiona Wh««a to i. i una lien to Sell II I l|l"T:iIl| lliustrulea. .ml KECKN'I KNI.AH<> f'M K NT. e.,nt»!ll» looiv i Ktin: miitt'-r tlum ever lie! i". In - s;jo riptlon Pi I m »•-• 'o i"'r Je.ir, but < .-r j IU I At, llhlDl't I'lnN Iu "iir CLI I: II AT i s i ii. 1:-,'J1! *o hubucrlptian*. In oi;o remlitance ft on .< xiilnw rlpli-.i.t, tlo. 1 1 »»• ' velvosub-elii'llOlis.do. li ' «*» fftt »B Xvw SttbaerU»ers for • now, w- will ••!»<! tli" j». ,r W'l'. * • in »ur of lit*- fcauUii!!' •- t-> f > > 1 • •!, WITH >VT CM AU«I«. * Coi'i; j*Kfc* A'ldrww I UTIIIiK TtiCKEIS ">O.V, Albany, A. Y. 1 I.DUOATIONA . j r BUSIK » COLLEGE,I * .v. i t)r> uuU < In Book-kf*rpilijr. » >bort t \ ui. Tvm-wrtUttf, Venn .. , etc. V:-.c iy. . i lia. s, CJ.H ;- tj«. nearly : '».CA.- tt., I ' ■ aral .s, v. by *Jcctnc}f> V b st i- • n tho world "onnwti 1 v r 4 f'< < TVuiu:u« .• no a - .i-d IT* '»<• inc tjoofl }: -tu<; nn <*»:•.» c Ilm • ' pet v "s IN .1 B .:iv . • . ; I K'». ' . K*'i " uiid ?«?><■ • • !»-) | 1.1.121.- ■:tp. AUdv* s. A. W. >sfiTii. Al « iui» 1. i uiii in at tli 1 Death. L J I- Goods Sq Through Under the t. ! Tarill Wild Excitement '\v "iu i. —lmporters ... 1 -ok. •, liiiporlune tho »" >i , ! tor to Keep the Cll hn . 3u;_ Oi n Till Midnigh - r hc Bequest of the Crowd ; | C cantjcl at.d the New Ditii- ; Postf'Oned* (1 i siOn-i'ile tv iteiueiii waa caused * | Caj ia ih- 1 uslom House in New York i..\ 1 pe ' aa<l btol rs, who wllUb' Inifortu. i t<l.' :or I' 'lai e Co allow llicrn i J pel j.- 11- :• 1 the o!«l lav. as late as midiilglit. Tt»« r , »|i ' <vax mtcrt. .■ir'WojiK.Oi-i 4 ■ The most latenie C.M !.i" : i rev.xli «l In oad aliout tUe Cusl'...i !!. I ; lay. v liojo ..re->ps oi ImporK'iM :tmi I kv-' eoßilcg •' t... •■ '■. a- As :: o'eluoic aj:. eil tic nuialN't • Increased until tlj rn »:Ja o'the.t;,ist'-ai Uonse ■as tU'Cu :M ni v s ci liuinao'ity, waieh pcr#p!iv I. i.e", T"t"l -nun.l >v:le'l A:| cfcmc'i 1 si.W' oj pmaey. Th—• on ' • i„h u, ;ond.s liiut. veie 1 xpi. •r-l a *o I! (.a Tlli>V w-iSlil-.i , ir enlrli . if. i;:. Jer the old law. r. ' rc»i.. I" t.oke t. "tr entries lie laOU.-"' e.i .e. arr.ved a* i'!r i Islam' 11 the 1r > tli" C'asfoffl Rouse ivuj) 1 j » ei«.. 'i "it 1 • -.rrsA. »i 30'eloek this ::c _ % All i<ooiis si riTim. ,'iier that hour we' . ■ -3 in 1.1 "i 1 ilie n- « ls\. and duty i»- < • j.- ..1 a..i.-3lif,i>. ♦JIIEAI EXeiTI'Ml-M'. 1 1 "In in "s of Ufiyoiters niiu for < :j.-I • iloase » -.1 s : ;• o . Cr'l • , f.;l lit' 1 . Wed it llctliWSHDic : 1 ai : it. ho- r. li.- Hiicoimced c.ui. • «vwii.l be I until 1 o'clock. I liv uftt' :: •>. .-ek Use excileiaeii ill', 'er. ill»e In tue rotunda aj ,vu' I i' er , They liout' d. Veiled a'M 1 1 rtitii- t-floiiv 'o j,.ov.' aliout. Tlie;.eenc '. unlike tlmf or the stock Ewhaxiae. i ■ den. in :tie \drlous unlsloi,- i j :■« ;.."ed v illi liu.kn'ss. Not tor j'i 3 i siirii 1 been iu'eii in tlHie'ustO' i fi.i 1 Kv few iau.':ti!> whole ucl»: ,'ilons ' f | .-iii; .nil bi" 'i.s livade.l .i. ■ <•. • ■ •. nud iie'-' ivti. .1 IUIII to k* :■ t in' 111 ll' • i'peii Iliiul " Ivlllljfllt. I liei olle i ! "<■ It .u.iiwlary. jil> offtee ivus jsn i.ics .1. . In . <.rs. • ho «RvrJ i-olls ot I'llu 1 . i and .-an" . J to htm not to ci e • j t iteiom Huu::e. lllU.il OI'K.N Til.li MIDMUHT. ' . 4 »rt'■ t!i'» v'OUtA-t*if b • .111) • - r « {limit: «it 111 ' ;-t im A-•!. iff it • Uir . « to iriury Wi itioui j»» f ? <i»u ■: (\ tut 'O wiiut tbe Collector m .Jor Ui. <•?; ut: tan % « a Hupcirt^rsc i"« loa th« v^- «l»s to an i ! -lo i.. In 1 MiJe tiiuf r; ro ca ir; • :.n- T Iro a Wi u x • ; . ; :u j t-.f ii; . jsury, and titfoi !»!<• ' i | * tor tout ho use hu own Uiw i> ( • ju th matn r. \ , 1 r.» . |<t of Secretary Wtiiil io s t«-i« 1 Uu'. iori-;i si . . t Ills >,• v«»ri tl-• • ai * . »<;ld< Ito k< ;• tUe i j « optsa u.i i . oVIoeK to-ijigut. 11 -. ;j. r -t iv ivd. fttottfiisHips !*e^ii.ti».- 4 ' . it'l *'lf-j « i < o.iuni i - m | ! ;•: irom . i\ .in n1 a of tobu j ex; cdtOarriK iti4 tiveuiu#. • Ltir Air. ; . Liet was in | York and bought an lrat : •/ s:k ci iJot 1?, just bafor - "f !ie McKiniey | .Vi are pre] ned tosaveSl ... j 011 \ ced prices. li tc • & ilaistor. S:,ve Mobj-* z. I*3' retting .uur Kali itiid Wi •cr nillMH'j underwour nn.i S it iry from I J ii'i. .1 . tv M. Marks hev vvii' ivliow you tin J in •iv: tini ; m selected f-to-k i ljuf i' l- r.l i ' • lowest priet-. \Ve iikvi. i- larger etock • 'rii'ime ! -ro' ds than em i>- 'M ! " lc * ?v?"uniiu.tr -tU'tis a Special. • J tmrw k o'imiKii Saaihirv Plumbci r \ And ' J I.S Fitter.- - . 1 A I.KKN.IN Sewt r Tipe (Jits fixtures, (jlo'ien and ;;' iral ( J us Appliances. Jut reonSt.,opp. Ltivvr}' Hou?^ ISTJ I JaMH, PA- 1 Li.... 1 : c. w i;. -i ..o . li QO'kIIUCV Ijr WUVtflliaiti A 4 tiiwu.l ;-,3