ffhw CURE flit* EeededwezxlrrHere ill t*« truiblMtcl «i to a MNoai state of the M* M i KVi«»ss. Sum. Dro.nfc.e-v.. Distrow *"»r I eating. Pain m the Bfd», Ac. while rcmarkkU* lurocw hi- been ab. .vm Is auriag ; SICK I . ret CTRREB'* TOTII LITE* Pitts ■r* in Con«tifwitlo«. curing Mtd parent™* t»ii- «no jf while ik. r «hn ill diiorjm '4 tnr V;Bt<h, i •ttmUtet* the liver acJ regulate the b»wfU ! Jtmu If they only mred HEAD Ache tbcy woold I* almret prjCuicM to those who suffer from this distregriwr complaint: bat fbrtiimttely IWr poodnesr does sot end hare, aod those who or'* try Them will IM feese little pills valuable io m> mtrr ways i hat J»y will not ks» willing u do without them, dot altar all sick head ACHE is thobane of so many Ifw* thai h?rjr Is where we stake our jreat boast. Our pills cars tt wk;ls others do not. CJHTTH'S Lirr.* firm Pttts are Terr rata l e&d tery e*sy to take. One or two pills mate a d..5... T! 7 a»e «*r ; ..tly vejrwtAi • an.l do s«t ifripe or punf". but t»> their Kentl" actio* Slens* all tt'M» t"ae*n. Is vials at ~5 c nte; re tor » Sol ! etowrvrhere, or nt by uiall. CAE2B "»'" lfg * c., l-'nr Tst haIRH Ub baSftia rl took Cold, ' X too!? S*cl£, I j 1 i SCfif-FS I i EMULSION HE'UIT: 1 I taJrf Sty Meals, > I take My Rest, ! AND I AM VIBOROCS ENOUGH TO 1 AXE j ANYTHING I CAN LAY MY HANTtS ON ; 1 | ci itlii!: fnl 100, ios. Scott's I Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil ( and Hvpopnosphltusof Lime and > Soda Nor cuit.t) MY Tnrlp- I b'iit Conrnmpltou BUT buur ( ME UP, ANIi 1£ NOW PUTTINO \ FLESH ON MY BONES { [ AT THE *.». Nt OF A roam A DAY. i | j TAKi IT JUST AS EASILY ASIK) MILK." | j SUCH TESTIMONY IS NOTHING NEW. j j SCOTT'S EMULSION IS DOING BONDERS j j DAILY. TAKE NO OTHER. I" "i ■», ■ : wMi' Suttir. Uw-ys Show •» ohekmd wtte woitf sAQ|E ß|dckin s tihsßi with '■lnn w*tcr, ar.rf thfff wil! H baamtfaUF pntotoM. Ton vu\ wrn fom taMsUr riw/ fbin time! B/ the w*J. Prwtor, itrli yoorUvery fcttacia Mcnda 'W i: f« th« 2Zanf b.tsAng ta r^tnodu!! /br Pii-Rrm. WILISUM OL» « MM RUWITTUMT Vary.iMh KIU *?AI« Auca AND CwiMAWAMK a | f wia|twHT>«w*ii« fftne win STAI* TOUR OLO IMKCTT TIME* yum STAIM CA-»T « coach IN« £3IK-SaON X i:"s7 t r ii r m ;si\ V /r *. WCU i *• K.VNnOU-tr. Pcanl«:i>t!a. iwßoi Tf an fthonhite. po»!i.vo and f«r Sick BiMonurceflu, ('o«atlp«lio» llrbflllf* Iflgbta Wwn»f, IMnhrffi ai;i Cob • tnaplloß. It to the v«n r< ot of ill cftcuso'l U/ an ImjHiH) of l»«c r»kxx! FIvOR 4PLKHIOS \* & I.l*' > < n<«ntniUd and poT«»rful extract <M <h« nvont Yaloabl* and <»xp#nalr» brt>« known aeriptiou of • note * Enrllt • p< and rur«M wb«n all othw ramedlr fall. of tha LlicheM and *tronKe«tt#stiinonlalafrnm T u t!rati» ranbf F'town. Tne flr«t doae yr* u wlfh confl tence <lo tnvonr puTTV.MI A bottia, aud be cured-—Vail •tie book aent free to a'L A'ldrdMi, FRAXILM VIAKTs Wsrreu 01.. Nfw York. i 11 _ CT DOCTORS LAKE ftrjpi fi ntr. VXi; !)! TF>IAKT. COP, Pemx a. . A-.o FO JRTM Sr.. ■ pittsl- :HOH, PA. [ ' J ,*•./- Allu».li(-i i '■ and Com■ (MA{h i piioated rf<i>"iinf Co' 'sjk ""&& riuryrui. snd.viiyririo Mci- !c,ttkm arc treated st thin 1»>- i» .»ary with a eucoens rare!/ atta'i r 'd. Pr. S K. L*';'? Is a cuc.n'jer oi tbeßojai» oiUjgeOf Phy liriaus ,i;i'l Surgeon" ami 1a tur an'l xtkihl f vx-riouued Si-tc IJLLLDT in the cltr. social et ti'ition tiTeu to Nervous Debility from excofsire mental cxsrtlo'., lndt-TTtior. of yor i, etc., csni in«c j-byi'cal ar<t ini-rfal ilc"«y,lncik of energy, 1- jori'lnnoy, ev • .iUk, i anoers, OMSorca, Kits, Piles. l<!ieni«.-;t'«rr t , mid all lli'j fVIn, HU.od.Lunym UnDaryOn;anj,tie. Con*uiutt!ou true and strictly confidential. OB?'- hours, tt to I ntd I to 8 P. V.; flnndaye, 2 to * v. u. orilv Cttii at offlce or ad.ir~, PR3. 1.M.8, CXjft. PiVN AVt.AJiD 4Xli UT.. I'ITTBJJ L UtTlI, PA. vui&.-Juypi ***, J.'.«i.«*to» Li'» *»-■ .... --irrfl br— I'HILA!>CLi'HIA I'A rt .L »or<-,raU. i Ci I'Mfl; Hint 'iiO • « »l> t* IH' - Pcuxaoln by oi' to/a v* CUKE GUARANTEED. RJ «' '"vtl* rttiUJX. i£- : \ , i-n-'i i"' R«tvr J » P . **TB'£ GBSA7 rii«e 10 *■ -/e.:«CBTO«Ef< v«fr-' >1- OHJysurs ett-■ o» ... - / i.- \U*+sj, iff. 'fs * • " f ?ak«n a- . A't /-»/J -/• %rx. T rat. • f f ttltfmM yi •' /, .»-*«*rrc - O. r-fuiarr s. »' • •• •tt ivr.»• • Arf * >.... , vr.l/f r,*AI/OS. mWW First Wh«i I ut Ctb* I <l* «»* w««a jbcslt to f-°7tksafsr* ti® t--..xt bsve m. 1 A KAiiCJO- LUiW. iter*Wde tee-t RXSIEPLIXFOVSR WAUSF.G Sl€P°^rE3S, i wiitr-.AST my remedy to Cvwr ik* wmm Ms- Wersn" • otben Ua»e r.-rr l - recstnnsabora. " «~ti« iu,a » * NBSBOT rcw c *iJ'Jttf* 3l ''*S JEDT. o; j iricre;s you voti jig for a trial, acd It wU! due yo«. AdSr- .. H. C.ROOT, Ki.C., il3ftiCLlT,lnt itu PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HASDSOHIS, LVDES»TLJ ( TToiE. CLoapu/ tb;a ',fo tS£*!£?oV£? m lr'•* 1 fiSnT**>■<&»' r»<;irf». ?Ki.: I VVJV,' J - , nnoa 4 arw , »OJ, MS £ 305 AUrk«t St., ritt.bursh, T». ' THE crriZEisr. TnscEL' ANEors | A Pathetic Romance. An English paper records a pathetic ro mance which endeil happily at the Old Bai!<-j,in London, a shsrt time ago. "Win. Stork, a respectable laborer, was indictee! tor trying to murder hi« sweetheart. He tnd the haJ lorad each other for *even years. Poverty, however, kept them from icarryinp. Out ol hia earnings of $0 a week Stork had kept the girl, her aged and iu frrm father and mother and hii own mother from the workhoaee. The girl, fearful of being a further burden, left to st.iy with a brother. Tbo lovers, however, met one day, and the man pressed the woman to marry. She, still dreading their poverty, refused, whereupon Stork, wild with de spair, tried to cut her throat and his own. The judge and the jury both agreed ic sen tencing him to mere formal punishment, and the devoted couple met the reward of their long self denial by getting a gift of SSO from the sheriff"s fund to enable theai to marry and set up bo**e together. PITS.—AII flts stopped free by Dr. _Klj»''» firrat >?rr« ll*st«r*r. S'o Jlt-i aXter first da> » u" MarveJouscSres. Tnstise and SS.OO trl:.: SotUe nSeto ™tcases. Hend ts Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St.. I'hll'a, Pa. —Dr. Fenner s Cough Honey will relieve an™ cough in one hour. Equally jood f"r hoiw?. (iives energy and strength. Money . refunded if satisfaction not given. A Murderer Out in Skirts. "Little Bill" Howard, a prisoner con fined in the county jail at Greenville, S. C., tor the murder of Ben How escaped re cently. He owes his liberty to his pluck} little wife and a snit ot woman'<• clothine. i It ha« been the custom of the jailor since Howard's confinement to allow his wife to irpend nights with her husbar.d occa sionally. Last night she came to the city from her home in the mountains, and was granted her accustomed privilege. She brought her infant along with her and slept it Howard'* cell. In the morning about C o'clock the jailor was called on to let the woman out. He unlocked the door atid the woman oatne down with the baby and a numbor of bundles on her arm. She was allowed to go. At breakfast time the war den, who went to carry Howard's breakfant. was surprised to see Mrs. Howsrd » face appoar underneath the blankets in the cell. Howard bad left in his wife's clothes and was beyond reach. —Salt rheum ofton causes the bands to crack open and bleed. Hood's Sarstpari.is enres salt rheum. —Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure is warranted to give satisfaction io every case or money returned. Fun for the Old Man. Miss Gusbington—"And s» you were born in the country, Mr. l'loughboy; how you must have enjoyed tLe game of hiding ja Cue barn wheH you were a boy." Mr. Ploughboy—""Well, no, I can't say I enjoyed it very much. Tou see, lather did the hiding, and all I could do van to, jump and yelL" One Thousand Dollars. I will forfeit the above amour.t if I t<iil t« prove that Floraplcxion is the best med icine in existence for Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Biliousness. It is a t ertain cure, and affords immediate relief, in cstes ol Kidney and Liver Complnint, Nervous De bility and (jonsamption. Foraplexinn buildtf up the weak system and euros wherw other remedies fail. Ask yonr druggiil for it and get well. Valuable bcok ' -Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle scut free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank lin Hart, 88 "Warren street, Sew York. —Chief Justice Passon, of Pennsylvania, dropped into a barber shop in Allentown the other day to ask the expert if he wouid hone his razors for him. Oh, certainly. But he stared when the Judge brought him tfcirty-seveu. The explanation of the uuiaber is tLat the Justice ic frequently visited by friends at his Bucks county home, which is some distance from a barber shop, and he therefore provides razors for all. Consumption Burely Cured. To Ttra EDITO*:--Pleafo inform your READER* thai I have a positive remedy for tho above-named dtoea'o. By Its timely UM tbsunnds oflmpelo's OMM have been pensinoiitly nired. leh .J1 oe pit" to Mid two bottle* of my romedy FRKK to any of your reader, who have eonrampti'.u if thoy will •end me Sirlr Lxprem and I'. o. addreu. liepp.' ■ ftUiy, T. A. BUtCVH, M. 0., 181 Pearl Bt. A. Y. —lt is evident that there is much ignor ance or carelessness ou the part of those who use the mails,for last year over 6,000,- 000 pitces of mail matter were eent to tho "Dead Letter Office because of incorrect or illegible addresses, lack of pohtago or inse cure inclosure. No doubt there was consider able "cussing" about Uncle Sam's mail service, but in all these casec (he people were to blame themselves. —There is general complaint in the larger cities on account of the over crowd ed condition of the public schools. Over 4,000 children have been barred ont of the Philadelphia schools because of lack of accommodations. Tt is still worse in New York city, and in Pittiburg tlereisacry for more room. To Consumptives, The nndei>itrued having be»u restored io he:>!fh by simple means, sfttr suffering for veral years with a severe lung affection, au<i tbst dresd disease (>.nsun.r>t:on, i< -ui.ou» lo mane kuowu u> hi. iellow suffer -rs tl.e rtiejipt i,f care. To tho«e who desire it, be will cheerfoll> send i iree of cberg") > oopv of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throa aud lung Maladies. He hopes all •ollerers will try bij Kemeilr, as it is invaluable T!I««M 'lesiriri; the prescription, which will oo»t then nothing, and may prove a blets ing will please address ftKV. RDWARD A. Wif.sow, VViiliamsburg, Kings County, New York. —Lord Wolseley believes that the Chinese are the coming race, and that they will overrun tlie world the moment a great general or lawgiver arises among them. Thomas Winnns, the millionaire, who had lived luxuriously, said on his death hod I - would give a million dollars to be nb!a to cut a piero of bread ai d butter. —A •• ,iy down deep in every human Ucart is something that uiai-.es one long at times to trample the cares of earth under ■h/l iiid pillow the head ou the clouds, hut au opportunity to make a dollar with apparent cate will bring tbo average man hack to earth with a suddenness that noth inir else in life can eclipse. When William kicked the dynamite, if" flew o'er dale and bill;' "J must, bis father sighed that night. "Collect a little Bill." —When a -nnn begins to tell a story >n; ' hi i heaters begin to walk away, it makes Uitn feel as though life von~, after ull, . dismal failure. —A wcl!-!;uown p< litician WIIH under disr*i«s;on at a club-house the other < ve ning. -Tie claims to bo an agnostic doesn't hef" asked one. "Only as to religion" replied another. "A. to every thing else, he knows it all.'' —There are souie very poor counterfeit two dolljr silver ceitificates ulloa!. They are ea !j- delected if they are I-bl up t»> the light, as it w ill be seen that there are no silk thread:, running tbo paper, which the geruihc bills have. Most of tbo counterfeits are uniulNtrw! B 773,061, I'll and the numbers ate placed very un evenly Tbo atMi have a very now :tp pcaxance. jgEPI A T E Itelief t'uaractted to stiffcrers froni RHEUMATISM MM.—in ■ i "'T ir OR NEURALGIA BY T'SING WASHBURN E.'S STLXCYTIC fC. ; *I.OO A COX. ALL DRUGGIST?, OR BY MAIL. IRVING DRI'G CO. 12 W.rreu Street. New York, j * Nothing On Earth Will »AK* 14 LIKE Shtridm't Geiditiea Paisdirl I wtcHT a (LSSTtSS gaafewW3& General Election Proclamaiion, WIIEUr.AS, in an 1 ''>* an Act of the eral Assembly of tie Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania entitled "Au Act relating the elections of the Commonwealth, passed the 2nd dav of July. A. IX, 1830, it is made the dutv ot the Sheriff of every county with in this ♦ ODDOn weu'tb to give puoltc notice of the General Elections snd in such aotiee to enumerate; 1. The officers to be elected. 2. Designate the places where the elec tion is to b« held. 3. What persons shall not act as ointers of the election, etc. r [ Now THEREFORE, I, OBlvfcK t- P.EDIC, Hieh Sheriff of the County of Bntler, "do hereby make known aad give this poblic notice to the ele :tore of the county of Butler on ih« Tnevday next following the firs; Monday of November, being the Day of Noven.-ber, 1890, A General election will be at t' e sev eral election districts estab! bed by Jaw in said county, ft whiofc time they will vote by ballot lor the sev»ral officers lierinafter rati.ed, as follows: OFFICERS TO BE VOTED FOR. ••STATE"' TICKCT. • One peraon for the o.T eof Governor of Un common wealth ef Pennsylvania. Ono pcr?un for th; ofilce of Lieutenant- Governor of t..f tnmao : ' caila of Pennsyl vania. One person fir th" ofF.ce of Secretar' ' av ternr.l Affair of the Commonwealth Of I'enn-. , sylvanlx •-COCNTY ' TICKET. One i-TSon to represent, the T*ef;iy-fiM> Congress I-wal District of the State of P vonla, compor.'-d of tl.c counties of H'ltler. li.-aver. and Mercer, In the IlJuse of Reprt v ntaUves of the Congress of the United States. Two p< rson-< to re, i* ■'it' the coiint'-" Ol I','iiier lathe liousr. ot Itoprescntatlvea of tienera Assembly of the Con.nionwealtD ol Peni.Ql vanla. One per«ou for tl;e office o! KherlT of tlie county of liutler, SUte of i'en'j a. One person for the olilce of ITothonoiary of the county o' Uutl r. ste c of i'enn a. One i>ers, i for the oniee of Itegl t .-r and Uee .rdcr of the <mty of Butler, State of Penn sylvania. One person for the ofUce ol Treasurer of t;.e county of Butler, State of Pean'a. One person for the office of Cleric of Courts of the eounty of Butler, state of Poen a. Two persons for the offloe of C 'inly c . ,nls sloner of tlwcr 'nty of Butler s:.tt3 of f' -nri'a. T*"'> persons far tb-.- .>JD • of (,'ounty Auditor olthe coiii.iv ef Butler. State ..f I'enn a. One person for t■» : office of Coroner ot ilio county of Butler. Sta'e of Penn'a. TLACE3 OF HOLDINO THE EI.KCI IONS Tho said eloctioim ill 1» lie; I tltronghont tbe coitl'ty as foiliiwo: The electors ol Ad tin North precinct, at tb : carpenter sl.op ol J J. mith at Myoma in north Adam* t< -- un'.lp. Tne elictorf of Adams,s jui,ti pro--inct,at tbe Bb' esboj) ol Tlio-J. 51 Marsh ii' at Mars suiiou. Tbo electors of Aiieghany township at tbe dwelniig ol Ephriam C. Tarlls in ntid town ship. The e'ectois of tho ilaid I'.idgo district at tho School House in Bald Ridge tu said dis trict. Tbe electors of Buffalo towus'tip at the house uf lU.bort (icuk,g, uow Georyu Tniby, now Robert Bartley. Tlie olectore of liutler totvi.s'up at tbe oliici of J<je. B. Breda., Esip, in tiro borough of Butler. The elociors of Brvlv township at the School bouse at W«t Liberty. Tho eleclo: i, of Clearfield tow.-is'iip at the house of John Green. The eloct r-i • ' Clinton lowimnip at the bouse of John C. Riddle, now John An lerson. Tho electors of Ooncol (I township, at the office of A. F. Ooebran, in Mlddietown The electors of Clay township at tiio Centre School l ouse in i,aid t >wns!iip. Tlie electom of Centre towtisliip at the Cei>- tre School House In said township. iho elettcrs of Cherry township, North precinct, at llie house of Wm. land- y. Tho electors of Ch« rry townaluri. South precinct, at t : ie Goniersol School House i nai'l township. Tie clo tors of '' uiiio<]iipncMsiiig .wnsliip, Northeni precinct at fichovl liouso No. 7. in WhiteetoH.i: ioutlieru precinct at the house of I'eter KiatT, in I'eternviUe. Tho electors of Cranberry tovruship at. tho house of FreUeriek Me.-,; t r The eioe-toru ~f Donegal township tt the houee of Aitani !■*-I.reiber, Millersto'A'o. The electors of Fairview towiinhm at tho honsc of Mr>-. Duproy, in Kains City, bto precincts. 'lhee'.i—tors of Vonvard township at the he .) of Robert il. Blow. . Tho electors »)f 1 taukhti township at the tailor i >r ■ C. I . Johnston, In Pioopect boro. The eievtoid of Jaokson townsiiip, Woatoru precinct, ai tlie ntsin f Ja."ihH- r iy Eaetern pr. tnct, .. lolui N. Milii i in Evrjiabur - The electors ■ ' J. iTcrson township, at the bouse of Morris Reighter Tbe electors of Lancaster township at the Public School ho V'. i>. The electors of MnldlcsAX at tho hous j of Oeoiye C siper. Tho electors r,t Manon tov,r,Hhip at .Jsruoi BailevV I <, i-icclors of M"" i . -re : I■,-.: -hip a. CniOii liall in Port,er j Ul. . Tne electen of /'ore. . to .n nip at the O. A. R !! -U i:>. ti •• . -Hlgit of i<airwviil«. Tho ti- ;or», of O ■ ,la-. I tOwn-hi]> at houso of Wil.'iiru J. Ilut.-b; i.>u iu ■ 1 to.*u ship , The electors of IViLur ! . >;isn.,> at tiio ho , of Jehu Kelt - .- ia Martinnl iirg. 1 ho -jit ttli :ci of Penti towu»hip at tho house of l>. 11. Sutton. The electors of Summit township at tin house of Adain Frederick. The elect".s of t-llippeiyrock township at the carpenter eli.tp ot J. L. Waruic.tt-lle iu n.ii.l tonn .hip. 'ilio electors of V naneo tuwiialiip at tli-j honso of .l»n ee Mumn. Tho eic. l.t: - ot Wnitu ld town., up at -■-:«) . house Nt» 5 iu sai-l lowt:ship The. e e t .r» i f Wasliingtoti town. ' ip. North pn "it.' t. at the dwellir.g hi.a-, o: I'lulitp lil!- i»id L q. ol ►jid town-hip Tbo i lectors ' • Wasiiiii/i town .'tout precit t. at tlie Town !lal, iu North W'aabin. ton. The electors of Worth towns! in e tho Town Hail iu Mechani!-«burg m "aid township. Tiie <le tors o' the lioro igh of But! let war lat the llaed House ou Centro Aov, in said ward. 2nd w;:rd in Room N > 7of the hou«o of Alexandui Ixiw.y, north side ol K. Jefferson St in said ward. 3d '.van! at t'.o 'dlico of O i. Jno. .11. Tlioiiip sou No. J'-i i-o'Jtb M.l't »tl Di.i.inwtl. in I w..rd ttb wax! .< the l.oiinf ol -'V ' tl A nlcr b«.ii Ni*. N. Mclioan St In e.nd wa-d. : :!i ward . i the WijK 11. se, No - on N. Ma'ti Bt. 11l •»: war- The i • COM- of I lie borough of Celt jvitle shop <tf < ii .i>. Pi-.is t-r '.ii ...utl l>orou,b 'i he e . :t(ifs oT llin lsiro«,rh of I'roe:..-! t at th -il. i 'op ol C 1' Johnston m said oornuj-'i The e' eioi" ol the 1 arr.utjli of Sa'.onburg it the t...b00l LiiilrO i;i naid borougb- Tho electors of the borough of West Sun bury a t:<o p-.iblic school houso m Sunbury. n e tie" f ' .o U:iirr»t wti a: tiie bon.-o uf AU im Solireil'-r m «vil bor otifch. _ lli« olector' <■' t .0 of retro.ia *t tl <* Tofli Hail i . ruiJ l--rtvjeb. r. « elector- " ; lie Vwrmgh of Fvrx.w »t t! scbcol boi:~ nß* 1 boreugta. The eisctorMOf t'. a bomngh of Kirr-i Citr At ttie Town XXaii i »ail borough- Tlieelet: r> f ; e lorongli of fct 'iie pr.blic sd'ut . hunts® in s&td boronjjJi. Tie elector* of Harmony at the public • hool hoii?e in boroceb. The elector* of'.iio borough of Zelioci'V' o »t the new nriok. *-<_ on shop of Juuts W-il lcrc in Bud bon J<h. Aod I. the f>» J K.ianff, do further g.ve no tice to *ll election office;*. citizen-. md OUibit. of ihe rollowing proyiaiong of the ecn-titotioti «!I<l .»WH of this commonwealth. reiatii'K to ejections—viz : (')£ TiiE ALiiTia.o KLr.(JTOI»S. COXiTIT TICS OF PZNNSn.TiinA—ART. VIII. fECTioN 1. F J ranln citizen twenty-one ytar- of act*. 1 -ins t-ie loli"'«*'?ri2 nciior?, si. ill entitled to otc at .til elec tion* : First—He rh i iuvo been a citizen or thy United Stai - :tMft one mootb. b» ootid—li>; .;JI bave re-iued in the St it Ot.- y. r lor i. " In,' ; hern a qnali tlu J i lectfT oi i. .\c bom citizen oi tho . late he shall have • moved there and r-'iurned. then io* meet *) ( .it!niediat-*ly prvcedliii: tu ■ election. . , . Tuird— n« sb have resided in the elect'an district where be shall offer his vote a: le i* two- niontbs lw • :.edlaMy prec-.ding the elre tion. K-inrtli If t« tv-two years of age or up ward# Khali b. ve paid within two year* a state or COT..': ta, which fchali have Ji--n atm-scd at le>--t two months and paid at .east one month !te'. re the eleet:on. B*CT:oh 5. J !«.• lor- shall in mil ertse* ex cept treason, f. r.nv nr.d breach or surety ol j jWf | - toe, i)C - eucd from »rr. -t their attendance on eleetiona and in sroini; to *nd retnrcm? tt.eiefrom. BECTH >7. All laws regulating the holil- Intf of the elect 1 - ' by the citizens or for the registration ji - -e:r.r» shall be uniform thronifbout the "M •te, ''tit no elector tu *:• < deprived of the ; ot votim: by reaso-. Oi 'hib n*Bi<-D . beinc registered. SECTION 13. F..r tl.e purpose ot vou it; no i crsost i>*- - Iceoied to have gained a retidenrc by i« "ti of h!s presence or .(»l or by reason ot ' Is ab>cme, while emplo; < a the servic-.-, 1•; ei> :l or military, of . state or ol the Unit*- 1 Stat. -, r.or wn.ie i eaced in the o-.v o« the water* ot this State or of the United State*, c: on the .ii._;o seas ncr wh:' ft t indent in muy ins'.ituu ->i le.irnin.', nor v. ,ile kept in any poor house or Other »->luu at public expense, nor wu.le confined in a pr.tOic pri-ou. OF ELF.criON" OFFICEItS. COVSTITL*ri ; JN OF PWNSVLViSIi XKT. Vlil. Sr.c 14. D' 'rlct election boards »hall con mist of m judge ?,i'd two inspectors, who rti .11 be chosen ant air i>y the citizens. elet! it shall h c the right to vote for the jadcc auil one inspector, and eacli inspector sha.l appoint .no ;clerK. Election olhcers Bhall be privilej -1 from arrest upon dr.ys o( elet liou and while engaged in making pun on<! traasroittlig returns, except upon warrant of a e at of record or there of, for an elee ion Iriud, lor felony, or for wanton brcaco of the peace. 15. No person shall I* qualified to serv as :m el< ction oJiccr who sbail hold, or shall within two tnc- ih« bave held an oliiee, ap jiol'-'ment or employnient in or vitider the government of fue United States or of Stale, or of city or ooumty, or ol any municipal beat'., ■ "iiiniission or t'U-t in ao3 city k»V« onlr t tieea o! the peace and ftldc n-i-n, notaries ; nblic and persons i* militia service of tho ■ l M ; nor shall an/ election oIH-er be fliL-i'il- to any civil oillee to b filled by an ele- tion nt which h i shall serve. • reonlv to sue s jb'.rdlnatc or local offices as su ill lie designated by general law. VACANCIBe I s E • ' TT|f>S FOARD6— ACT OF JAS CA IV HO, i BVI. BBC ii is 6. ! n mil election districts where a vacanev exist 1 ' by reason of disijualifieattou of t[ oltiecr r oth/rwise iu an election board heretofor n'lixjir.tol, or where *;:} ..ev district si; ill f rincd, the ja or juilce-i of the court o: icniinon pleas of the proper coumy shall, ti l days before any general or special ele.'tini:, appoint competent persons to till «rtid vai .ncie* and to conduct the election in saia new districts; and in theap polntn »nt of ; -epector* in any e'ecti-m dis r let both ' "lall ""t be of tho - itnti J ■ iticu rai'e; ie- ;ucg« of election* »>1 •*' 11, ia all eVits, le • ie political r"irty having th-' majoiitv ol \ -I in Mid di»t.i t, as ne irly tl: slid ju . ;•• or j'i 1r -s emn ascertain the fact: atifl " c-.f-e of the disagreement cf tho ;idi to the selection of inspec t.< r*., th - - ; majority of the judge# si . -I'.. t Oiic of li inspectors, and the in 'i iiy judge or j .."s shall -elect theothei. VACANCIES ON KOHNISO OF EUXTir>*_A<7T Or Jci.r 2. 1839. in e.tse th. person who shall have received the se> m! highest number of votes for Itisp.' lor. hall not attend on the d*y of any elcctioi then the jierson who hi. huve received ■ f-.eord highest nurul«?r <1 votes for judg' at the next preceedinir elee tioa, shall aet -. :t inspector in i.ie place, i; din ctse tie person who shall have :e --f-eivt't ttie L; .est number of Vote.* foriu <;.i-eur ... . ,t attend, the pet son elected juf.i-e ill ap an inspector 1p his pi-.- - . and In c«-' tl j>er.-o;i eh v ted a judge si.jil not oue:. l, tl i t tho inspector who received the big!, st tii toiler ol votes Mi.dl appoint, a iu judge his | ; and if any vneanoV shall continue In ti- ho-ird for the space ol oue bonr after th- time fixed by law (or the opening of tl.« eleetlou, the i.eal,llea voters of the town'.'.nil or d':-t:;ct, for, which fiieta officer » ail hive been elected pie ent.it tin. elctt. •:>, shad elect one ol tl-eir nninlier to li'. cii vacancy. Till OATH -.crJASUAar 30,1874. fjr.c. 9. In addition to the oath now pre scribe : by law : i lie aud subscribed by e! 'ction ollicor.- il -y si all be severally sworu or atfirmed not o <ii elo-e how an> clcoi shall have vol' : unless rc>[uired to do so as v.itni 'c. iu a j .itial proee. <Siug. All Judges, inspectors, cler and overseers of any elec tion held unrti ■ t act. shall before enter iriir upon fiei- dutiis, be dnly sworn or ahlnoed in tin presence of each other. The juogea shall I•• worn by the minority in spector, and ii ease there by no minority Inspector, then iy a ju-iici ol the peace or aidcruiau, aud the inspectois, overi -en and clerks shall be sworn he the judge, c ir tiflcate of such swearing or allirming -h ill be d'lly made w I and signel by thu oflieers HO sworn, and .ctested by the officers who administer the oath. MOUE OK U - lUUU nsit ELEcnoss. Acr SUA 3(I, 1874. Skc 5. At all I <tcl«cuoDH hereattn held un der tb« laws ' tiiis CJom sain we all ti, ti.o polls tthall bo o| -ned at 7 o'clock, A. 11., aixl ckMcd at 7 o'cl k, p. >t. tf: v: UAI.EOTS. CoNSTiT.ITION / PEKKSTI.VASIA—ABV. VUI. SKr. 4. All • ot ii !-s by the . :ti/.shall be by ballot. Evei ballot \otod shall be UlllH bereil in tha • r.l in ivhi jh if » rec ved. Tel ih't numb. roei.i.lcl by tha i-le I' l cjJiieerii on the 1- - r vot.--. -..0p0 1 -sit, il.-.r-.. of lh< file I-I "• Ipnwuta tin l.a lot An. .■lu'-tor iiv ui> h- l. Jail upon '; i tickl t, ! i-r caii-i 1 he'js i: -.o bo mitten tinacon ana -,H" lull by a ' *ueu of the district. >ir.' stiAiiV 80, 1874. iac. 8. At tl.- opening of the polls at ibt election it shin IC tho duly ol the judices ol the eleell'.M lot eir rcspe.-ilve disti.i ts t desiifnuU: one o 'i inspectors, who - • dot it .r lie to in.vi nCUsiody the rcijistiv ol V'L-.rs and to n ku the entries therein requir ed oy law; and i si ill h<. the duty of the oi't 1 - aid inS'i or;-to r liv :m i ruml«*r toe ballots (re itcd a! said eleeiion. i>T-nt!i< or IT • r, oFncvM—act or 1h:;-,i. It shall bo tin duty of Hie respective cm stables of e»i i. v.ar i, il.s'i. it or township within tl ia Com onwoaitli, lo be pi- v-e:i n person or by d«*j itv. at tho plmvo <..' loldir.j; HOCIi elections i- said wmrd, district or town alup, for the i 'oho of preserving the pi ace, as ufor. aid. T i.-". TICKETS. a- . UAttcit 30, 18CS. • >u'j tiekei i embrace tiw :• »ni<H of : . Jot I.'."n vi.i d f.«r and I '•"!■■ ■' oa.tide "Jttdi-1. y;" oue ticket shall eaibra -c til's nitne. ol at; tit*- officers vote'i ' 'r, ■'ild b 1..1(e , i , d "Htat " otic I Ick ' sleili eiil.riee the names ol a Ca nity oillcer.i v.led lor. Ineludin;: olHe. I »• natoi, iiiemL'i'', iaid mpinli.rn ol A obly, if v H-'d loi :i.»ili. her.; of ' oner' If voted I »r. and I- labeled '•County;" oi ■ K' t ulialleiubric,! the . out < of u' town-lap odn -is vo.ed in- tit tl lie labeled "Towin- p";-me ticket shall emliruee the names id a! ho-ougti olliceis v it' ll lo andbe laisded • tor ha li." md et-li i«s shall i ■' -it. la a sepanOe ballot Imx. OF 'S'HII .1.1" HON BETUitrW.* ACT i .t i:\UT 20, 1-71. S:a:. 1, ".s s:>' i am tho I oils shall close, ill officers of ti<e . lion siia l prjcee-l to eotini all tlio voles r:-. ■ for each candidate voted for, and make a all return of the r>aiu:> in tripUrate, tiitli a oturu sheet in addition, in •ill of tvl i ii the otes recoil ' 1 by each can diilate shall hi .ivvn all >r 1j name, ills? in words tl.en i figures, and stall l>«i sign - | wl hy all the sae oflieers and by over-oors. if i anv, or if not s<, oi tilled, tho overseers and j aii .' officer reft ng to sign or eenify, ol either of the in shall write upon each of ; the returns liis c 1 heir leason for not signing ; or certifyin; teem. The vole, soon as counli'd. s! 1' a i bo publicly and fully lie clared from the >ir.do» to the citizens pri sent, and a biiei AMtfSMlllluvlag tho vol, t | ivetl by e.i candidate shall 1..- made ■ ml feigned by t election oil r in-, *i.on i as the vol's are •ountcd; mid (lie same sliull ! >e immediately | sled upon the door of the lion lioii-c I', lulm lualion of I!I ; nb.'lc , The triplicate r shall lit i nclosed in envelopes anil t esled iu the presence of j the officers .and • ic nvclope,Willi the unseal- > ed return sheet veil to the shall contain one iiil of voters ttlly papers and j ihoa ol offleers, and another ol Mid cuTtlopes slia'l be ,lvcn to the minority ins; -dor. All jclaejj living w'lh'.n tw-:re Biles «ft • I'rothonotary's ofll.-is, or wit. • i twenty-four tsilt«, if tl cir r•1- • - a town, Cit? ne vfußge ipos Um IMm i f tnfeMl hMtdins to the con: ly seat. « Mil I' -i f< t o'clock ,-am! ratridlae Of t.:-- d.av after t election ai.d all of r; Sn'.j— y ... S, :«for!» t»e v« oViock tnen u»n of thr »- d*y af • r t • " elect.on, deliver rt"-m. together wit, 1 retarn sheet, t" i:" ;• >i: inoiaty of tin i cuu-t of eoinn" I pi- .*•* t.f the ''jalv, which said return »tall b: ri. 1, md the day and the hour of ti lies; marked (her.-au an - shall be j preserved by ibe proi'.oe. :sry 1-ir public, inspection. At twelve o'clock on she »*v >nd j day lollowlt'u mty clecti >n, the prothoooterj • ol* the eonrt of common pleas shall present the moid r tarns t» the said court, tu coun- i ties where then ii no resident president jc the 'e j titl *, i perlorm tin diMM Ismuomed apoa ikt e«r. m common picas, wti.'i it snail c nvei.e tor Said purpose the return . resi clttd by the prot icotary -hall I" -oj • 1 -- i-' r* i*. 1 ii'-- 1 1 , by sceh of .-> officers .".nd ssil a -w m assis tauta as the court shad, appoint; in the prcs- j enc- of the ige or iudses of -aid ' • uri, on . the retarn t.-rtitied »eti cer- I tiliemtes of telection issutfd uuc r th i>eal ol the C'.nrt :,s .5 uow required to ! be done by return jodgfe: md the vote as so ; computed and cer.idi 1 sha 1 h? m idea matter t of record in said cour . Tht sctsi ais of .-ael j court shall be C[ i ce«! to the p :l i . ar 1 in ensethe returns cf an election distr; ■: -hail be misting wii«n the retnrr « sr« jwcsf -.1. c.r i.i a. y case of cocupiaint of a tju*h;iNl elector nu-icr eath, charging palpatio fraud or mis take. and particularly mpectfying tho alleged frond or mistakes, or where fraul f.r I aL is apparent on the return, the conrt. she.l ex amine the return and if, in the j'Mijn e,.; • f thecouit. it shall be necottsarr *. ■ a; ;.-i re ( jrr. sai l court shall iss a J sunimary proee-• uiu elecilon o:.i.:ers a - ', overs- r.- ai any of tl.o ei. etua >! .-ir:- i • :ut .i. .• ! of. to bring them forth-siith i-.to em::. wai!i election MMBI in iheir poMtMioo; aud if cab pmbie mistake or fr - id si.rdl I ' uwcovrrtd ii shall, upon sc h iiean: a • -•*>" be deemed necessary to e;..; hten t ' coa l, be eorr*vi i I y the conrt an 4»o ce-n.ned: b sil » -ega OHM of palpahl.t fracd or iriistale slia, be decided" by the siid co'irt witliia thre.d- - ' after the day the returns »re bronglit into court fur coa:putiri''»n, a;»«l said be direotcd oi ll fran i or .hb tike, and eh all nit t-i deitned a ju mail adj':- ( | [ ation to conclu Ie «i.y c atr-1 no x or he -.fi, r |,l. - .111." law- to 1 the ot! • i j naid triplicate return i. ri i.I I.k I epi a - , -, a Us a.: 1 seal i up situ .« "-a:! :s. If any of the said ju K-es shall hi name! f U * candidate foe any office of any c'ta. ii, t' ■ - a.' 1 : - a with the ceun, or a •: in c until a th' ;:--i;nis of sneli election, and ill such cares the other judjiea, if any, shall net. Given under me hand st my oflico at ilatit r, till? 10th day .f Oct.. Hi the yvr of otir Lord. IHIO, and in the Usth year cf the Inde pen.itnco of tire Cnitetl States of Konh America, OLIVVR C. PEIHC, bheriff c-f tutler County. Fall and Winter BOOTS, SHOES k RUBBERS. Every day adds new and beautiful styles •in Footwear to HUSELTON S Immense stock of Coots and Shoes—all fresh goods. We have Boots fur the hoys to «ro to school, Shoes for rr irls that arc hi.'h cut, ma le of the best oi calf. !:i[> and emir.—all WHIT ■-nto'.l. VVe have Ladies' Fine S- hoc - ill nil tho grades and itt. all ail widths and shnp- s in iiand-well?, .Uc- Kay & Turns. We h:;\ r e iheni in calf and grain, button and lace at very low prices. Shoes we show will give the best of service; have tried their wearing qualities for years. Non • butter made. j W c ii ive shoes of all ile scriptions ft r «iiil ladies in warm goods, ami .-lij-per.-. Spring ] [eel Slines in inisse.s'.children'h and ladies' a specialty. It is important lor yon to know tint nil kinds of Boots and tSlioes ii-ive advanced very uiiicli i'-nenUy; f<till more ini p'.rtaut for yon to know that we muili not :idv-ince our prict.*' as long a, this present .-stuck lasts. Vv'e are now well stocked. Oar house is full of Hoot- a 1 id Shoes bought be fjie tin- advance, t'ome early and y. e * ihe advant-.ge of old prices, i t collect we sell none hut i.-'i'tblc f-otvv; ar and at the same pike to all. VV r e have Ivip, Grain and Rubber Roots for men in high leir, f'mr soles, plain or box too, high or low instep*. Shoes of .same i tyli.-, bi.:h cut, kip, call and grain. We have carefully considered the wants <;t the [farmer, median:-* and laboring f man and <an fit t»u o.;t. n' a ji-inail co t, ?ii:tk i;iv y.iar i'*et co:iiliiVtable i.-: li ii i il: tii vveathi-i". Come aud s-- us. B. C III.'SELTON, * v o N. Main St., '>utt-r f IV*. A FULL LINE Oi J(ms( i v HI lirts I for Fall and Winter Vr car, Twenty-five per cent below v alue at the BACKET STORE, - 48 S. A! am 1.5 vi tier, Pa. A. J. FRANK k Id. OKA I. BK» IK riuuus, MKDICINES, AM. < 11l MK'ALS FANCY AM. TOILF.T AUTIfIKS, SI'ONOIvS, Illtl SIIKS, M'.KFIIiMI CV, it :<»Tl IKIII.IL. RRI-ACNRTIOIUI ■-. fully <-o«a pounfle'l. SS. Main Street, Butler, Pa. j —AdvertiHo in tho CITIZEN. WHL* YOU VISIT PITTSBURGF 1, 5; i it will bi? to year :tiviii'j|« i. • , c; ti*e lumfait *t»rl r f'IWWIL'C i PfßlMßll'f bllWlrr i dlrjliMl, IJMiTED. •Carpets, Cu "tains, Mattings, Cii CiothSj Lino!ei»:.i, Window ShauoS, tic. SOB WOOD S P .:?HI ;?T. Do ycu ptr- caeL? If so, ilcn *r -'.-j with t-u txc'-Urivclj C .-ii lljuso and receive the brcrflt of Or.fh Price-. Moreover, we Lauui > notliin el.- we deal (ic\ vt!y in Flcr rrd W'-r-u w Covr. in?*. Thc< we tec abled to keep our immense etc-c-k in fir-t-r :. «i-edition and |>rotf our prices, th" Lov -?t I'ricee. Csrs from : \ P. R. ai dB.A'O Rll Je. p our d. urs. Will cLeerfu !y give ail lnforruali . de^'red. GIXXIFF A: STEIXERT, Limited. :iOS WO(31 STKEET. PXW3BUHG 21* BAR(t AI fs 8. IN BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS JOHM BICKEL'S, I wish to inform the bujsis of Do'Jts and Shoes of our ?xira lar;e fr.!! »tock, whit-l Loji el! arrived anil is c(-ou ar.d rc-idy for jour inspection. Our full stock tui j rear i« lurrrt•ban ever lofore, and we ire oueriiij.- remarkat.le b.-.rgai. s. No doub'. all tt • r-adersi of this advertisement *.icvv ■>( tho advance in price of Uoot~, Bhot t and lli.W r Qoode, ; - "i nevt-rt' f-lef we ahall sell ail cur goods at the earn low ?>ri • So j-«r. ris wishing t receive tho Largain of a lifc-timt she fid % -;-i: J'ICKi-.L'S. Among Our Ladies Shoes Will be fonnd of the latest Btjband tunis in Itocto cud Frencl Kid. See our liDe of McKay IH "Mathine Sewed GO'xie. Thoy exec, them ail in pr c«. Ladies, I r.-ish to .■•»!! j- ur attei; ion o our Hue lin-» of Hand Weli Shoes. Somt thir.tr juat ' he" tbfbf for tr-ia seas on of tho year. In Every-day Shoes we hav* r. lave F'ock of Satin ad Mi : waakt--0 Oil Graion. C;'lf or Kio Sheer either in Button or Lace In th? M -n'a iiLd Boj-i' Depart w» can ;-in v h better election than ever before. .V pair trov,d French Calf Shoe;', ' ng. Btl. or at >2 00. A i •t'r good B'.x-too Shoes, D. and tap, at ">0 A pair co' d Box too Boot-, hat-'- iided oad hand pegged, at $3.75 tc $4.00. Three hundred pairs Men's Sample Bocte at $1.75 to SC.OO. Two hundred r-.n-i fifty.pairs Bo>••-' ample i'• .»;>t«« af 1 rj.> to $2,00 The perron first to call is tha per. i to receive tli - i-e«t .-election. A hi? stock of Misfets' sod Child; , n's Dr« -- and E very-day Shces. [lubber Goods of All Kinds 80-,.on, V oonrocket, Candoe an ? Bay State Ku'iber Boots and Shoes. A fall seek of Lsdie;' and Gents' Speciality Ku'J ers. Leather aiif! Findings. A full ilne of Ln.itber—Shdlield Sole L . .her, Calf Skins aad K pa i all kinds. Boots and Shoes mm to to order. Repairing Neatly and Promptly done either in leather or rubber goo ) . Ordo s I»t mail will receive same at'.entiou a& -f brougl.t in person. A :>ox of fim leather preserver free with each pure. aso. To those persona who received scrae of cur seed corn and oats, i wisl to say that the corn end cats will be tceived at the store from October Ist to 10th. It will also be judged during the same time by three uninlcr> -.ted farmers. Th:.-. i. Ed will uot ho judged hy the quai tity, but by the quality. So bring wb>u vou !i .ve, it maturs not how much, for the best qualities wiil nci ivc t!i • premiums. The person i eiviDg first premium will receive SIC: the person receiving the second premium will receive $5. So in your seid, but uot later than October 10th. Yours truly. Old ISTumbGr* '2*2 Eolith Main. Street. New Nlimber* lviß S. Main street, BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A SUPERFLUOUS HAIR i On the fM'.'tlft ff ", h.ilr cu u.O . - «ar«, tmaan, } j Lrm"»t, ."tjS ** J.'% \ « ch 'Kn JibjV® tho y*>. .V^^; Z '< 1 beard lino aud be- /«$> J 1 tw<^Dtb««*y«tr fi > ' -Htroy 1 for«ver 7 . « wKK j ly ike kI9L lr i 1 *%r* 7 Jm T 3 lie 0| »-4tl«»a / > by IT. V<TN Vyck, '*R * % Electro Su It \ I 802 Pena av« : fi* rittf hargb I irtb -f dfer'-S^' s \ '5 1? k- | n » Ik, Lt r -tu * et.«i »1I dine*. and bltmlnbei of tiie nVic, eotijplfixlo i, 1 r a- BCnSp nurcoiiffjlly 1 tr*a(«*d bv i>r. V%U l»yck. The Dollor ) bad 20 y«urn' otperiourx In tho pmctict of Ms ,|»ecu. y, ; t.«l imt i .-r« UIH pa tieut-* 'ur no At 1 . ; er,t Tut "lie'. If you ro ! • ii ... Mi -fi M*»«, avolTpatent ci dirlr.' .nd c 11 l>r »":•?» { I»yrk !*t ourn. *», nclal terms to all vrhoTi.»ke we '*;t: II : . (re*'. 1. / i rnunt <-an ' 11 by mail. CHII on or address 1 J i !>• J. Van l)y .4J SI. JXtb etr -et. PWU lei ! I pbla, or 502 P- : avnnae, Utt«borgb, i*a. } I " rW * l< ' aa au ' to 'I more v /li- XV \\ v\ N ftiW \\ vi x '^ v vAN %i>3 *£ 1 Pubhrr Wmts mJ-'n wort uucomfortai-ly Ri-rwaJl/ slip ul2 t)»o t .-t. THE "corxrnrsxEi » itui.Brn co. j ma)r:> all v i .i lu io cf h.'rl Uru-1 v*Jth nil»r .r. ;'ula Hlniw 'hi. f;.o • -.r. l pfOvcUiJ |!>c rubUr ti>,u) i<. J»j . •; f.T Call for tha M CMefct*t*r" "ADHE3IVE COUNTERS." 11. Cliildn & f'o , Wholesale ; Agents, Pittsburg. • • J ■}KtHDALCS l |-? \ fsmVlNCUßEifc'i The SliMt Saeoew»f .1 lit njily «*fr dltoov ! erod, aa tt i« ccrutio in iti effects tad <!»>©• not bli-ttcr. 3»c:i'l pr« >of bclo*v: nrtouKLTK. Conn., Ha 7 C, Dn. T\. J. KicroALf. f*o.: f.ir<: -I>a tr imnicrl % n -I nCvr'tv.iw n, horpf tvltb \«>in 1 •-. I li 1 1.. 1 1 .■«na»LnCiu> "ul l waa th»' ?n*«t Job Io 1 v iionu. 1 have n J own lM>ttii a, burtng v. < tt v.*ih perfect naotioea. , cMjrlnjt evt ry thliiifltr.. |li i.- . 'iv noiifhb >r had a borm wito a very Spavin niai tniMl*} hir i !amp. tt-\ 1 rin h. ,v to i. ; a if I r- <»* mi | ken'* "JP» fcj>. u Care. He cured t!i ;• iu lu JlL&t, turco v. " \uurs rcaiAJCtX uily. \V\;:X'OTT Wn aA O'LTMBCB, O! fo, April I, tr '. l>e. R J. C«>.: IV*«r Mrs : I hat <• I- rn Rullliu ir»oroof Spavin Curo t - \ rii»it'« < ■«>!,<) jtfi«n Powders than ovcrbefor.- (5 »• m m :nM f-» n.i ,lfc was ft;- IpCjl J?owdvr 1 ever kct>t • ■ tho. -t bo ever Uic L Respectfully, OTTO L. HorsntUL CntmaAMOC, N. V , 3lay 1.. *>X Dn. R J. Kp«r*4Li. Co., l)/ ir ;dr»:~I have aevernl bottleaof yoar Ki iidnU's 1 • n Cut.- with jw reset mu< \,un ft valuable ar 1 Lb del mare that wasqulte fiuno xtllli ;i Boue Hpwvia. Tbu mar" Js now »v»tir» .froe from UUI«I>">D and ahowa no Oam h «»•* th. Jt J. l'.eapectfully fe i. IL Burn x*. KENDALL'S BPISWN CURE. XQHUOK, La., X9J KL i Dn. R J. ICUTDALL Co., Oeata:--l tl.lnk It iny duty t«' render v. .1 my thank* for jour fur fi»ni°<l Keti lall'a vfn .'ur« X l'.i'l ;; four yt-.tr old lil.y wn|i-li I i>rhsc< vory rU*out «!ght dlfTerent klnrta 01 usdMnM wh h did no ff«k>-1 . f ptt.-ohaaed nbo*l •o? your Krt iuiT» Upnvlu euro which ouwl Lrc In four days. I ri-.oaii yours. ilimox Dow. LX. Prtentl porlxvt'le. or nix boitlMlfor |5. A '"UZ flnta have it or can It yi»n. or If will h w>r r . to any addroas on receipt of 1 v 'i»"pr'prle ton*. PH. 11. J. KF.NtlAf.l. Ct\, it.uoMbarirh i ull«, Vrircunt Dwelling for Sale. A riiif frmiio dtvi-lliur of fix room.-1 and a luu'e rtubie, 28x10 fe< t. Lut i 16x1 d oa W wtlljlQa i street, ..uthi-ust ct ! e Miller Hold, ; KV&qb City. T in ato -ult jiureiiaH- ' r. Tho two building ' r oif sl4 ' ■iiit per month, lui r. t the iChi- Jence. H '-'-i)-' 1 -*■ - Vu.-.CIU j MILLINERY! Now ready and .showing ,;u k most com plete line or trimmed and untrimmed autumn Millinery. I lats, bonnets, toques, birds, ribbons, feathers, etc. We are the recognized leaders of Millinery in Butler, and have main imitators, but no equals, S. T, fAf 1, UNTo-18. S Main St ~ BUTLER, PA. J. R. GRIF'RI'OF. R. J. L.AMR. GMEii & LAMB'S MUSIC STORE. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN ST . ÜbTLSV. VA. Sole Agents ibi Batkr, Metour aad \ .lar ■l »'-n counties for iVlir * Slioi iiiu' and Newlry & Kvan* |j*r Piano.-, Packard, Cv«;v. n. Carpenter and Eugl&na (h*gaua . f.iiera in \ ;oliu.H, s_<" jStrings. i3ru;jo Guitars, and All Kinds of Musical Instum tts. SHEET MUSK A SPEC i A I.TV . Pianos unci Organs 8< Id en ii >tJi!!n:entv. Old instruments taken in exchange. (on e an«J MO us, its we can sa\t you money. ; Tuning and Repaint. ' <T aP> Kiitd< «>l* ;-.;usical iiitdruiue; is Promptly utended to. Established E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, No 19, North Main Sit., . A., 13 E A LEE I-N Diamonds, i W atchss, Clocks, Jewelry, Silv9rwar3, SpcctaclG3, &c M &c. Society Emblems of all Descriptions. I'cpairiii.:i .ill i'lancht." tkll •; • 1 1 v doi:-; and warranted. 188 0 : • AT ! J. li. GHiEB'S, ISTu. 1 (> South. Mo in St., - Butler» -Pa,. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended To. SIGN OF EIjK(-TKIC BELL. 510 to 514 arket Street ic-r l iberty Sta set. •s*s■ • K. . . WANT YODH TI^DK. If you U6i>irß Lu»v PjiiC i. <n> KOfit-Sl DEAI.INu. They Snow the greatest nssortr.*. >t Cloaks, Millinery, Gloves, \ losiivy, Under wen r, i.a. i. s a li rnistring r»ooi 8. BUYING end 1 1 1 " 1 OR •' V >ll ONLY,* «i-uldea $ n .tuKivoyo 1 •■ • I V. r -v. VVe quote a tew of ur JH icee: IM.i-u JACKETS. >iuia lit.•••<!, $7.15,5:'. <»«'. % I'r.l SII Hai'QCKK. (•'! ■ 1' ' iilH tl! > :-0. CI.OTU JA«-KKT.s. t«Hor-if.<.d«\ *». *5. i<» " 1 "P- Mi ,i.:. CLOAK*, f:J, ;4, $5 to £i ~ iNfANTS < I.OAKH. 1.0 j>i to s!<'• KKKV » Kti» tiLovKs, 50.% USr. 7, c i«». i-'INB <'««: ets 80<* Ut-ti •! FAST 111 A. k H. *k. 12r. 13c. 22c aud.2s-. UI.ACK 1>1AM0NI) Miun> SO.*, 75c litui 51. 1 200 tyU'r of V 1 i-HKLL.v . fine hmJ!. , -fl, $1.9 f., *1 to $1 75, und up OI U MOTTO.— Best CooJs A Lowest Prices.
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