Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 10, 1890, Image 2

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n. c. sKstrt - pbopbwto*
Ofle ye.v. nuiae County
One Year, OntsJJ* »»••» ■■ -
in Ativanc«.
E>tar*4 «» Fo»to(0r« Batler ** <"'»»• • B ' l,ur
Of etch I9BUO
" ld ttoe,r
ns a favor by wndlnK us
' not now A a
county paper.
All coramnniettfions Intended for publication
in this paper rouatbe acootnijamed by the real
name oF tEe writer, not for v ublioaUon but **
& tmixmiitee of good faith.
and death notieee mast be aoootu -
by a responsible name.
fiepublican Stale Ticket.
fob i.nnmtmifT botfewob,
Republican Connty Ticket.
fob cocjrrr afditoks,
fob coboneb.
"The will p-;or'.« :s Expscr r sn
Phillipsf Let'c.- of Ac< 1
The New Castle p. pers U'.it nr« support
ing Mr. McDowell for Coug ess are becom
inguniair, untraibfcl and irea iiy personal
The Conxo xt of Taesdav. and which was
distributed on oi>r streets W nncsday, fi■ 'd~
fanlt wiih Mr. Phi'lip-- for selli'ig pa-t of
his oil interests to the Rtaudaid Oil Co.; a
thing that several largo 1 .odjeers of tb'-
county have done and whieh every o-.io of
them will do w'icn offered lii-v price; but
in doing this Mr. Phillips ha :, according to
the Couro.it, "betrayed tbe hn ß t imposed
in him by the producers." W !iat nnquali- ,
fied nonsense!
And again, at tho end of I.S article it
quotes this paper as toiling i s readers
that Mr. Phillips is overwlielm n?ly strong
in Lawrence Co., while tt-o peop.e here do
not oiaiui that be is in "nay great shape"
in this'connty.
That is not iruc. Wcsa'.d 'hat we feel
assured that he will pi t'n or tbe Repub
lican vote of this comity, and so ve do.
The Repubt'ca-js oi tV.s county re
pudiated tbe nomination of Mr. McDowell
becanso it was pnrcbased with money; and
as Mr. McDowell determined at the outset
to remain a candidate till the polii closed
in November, it is within tbe bounds of
reason to teke it tor granted that he was
privy to t'ne bargain and s-10.
On the other hanJ, we assis eU in the
nomination of Mr. Phillips aud it is now
our duty to support him to tlie best of our
ability. His private chaiae.ee is above
suspicion, bis political record is creditable,
and this nomination went to bioi gratu
itously and unanimously.
The Republics of Butle- Co. are sup
porting Mr. Phillips ia tbo interest of
poii L ical onriiy and party intemity; they
aro not governed in this matter by any
local prejudices; audihose Republicans ot
Mercer and Lawrence count'es who yet be
lieve it to be their duly to support Mr. Mc-
Dowell can not reasonably find w.th
ns for tho stand we take iu this matter.
We havo had ono disia -'teful nor''nation
forced upon ns this snmaier, and as we
can not bettor thatnoinination by nominat
ing another man with any hope of electing
him, it will have to »Uuid, but Mr. Phillips
can be and should bo elected, acd we be
lieve it to be tb? duty of e rery Republican
in tho district to support him.
Phillips' Letter of Jcccre
About Boilers.
The ifew Castle Gn .i! it tails Mr.
Phil'ips a "bolter." Whft about Mai. Mc-
Dowell's great bolt four yea- s ago—which
gave the sirotig Republican Bis* jet, com
posed of the conn: 'es of Bptlev. Mercer
and Crawford aDt ;,ior, «, <■ Co gressmanT
The same paper pa : d V . Phillips the
highest complimeut lost wee't that could
have been paid him.
It went back twenty-five years, a qua.
ter of a century, to tind iomei vojr in L> : s
record to lit;d fault witb. aud il'ei made
laughing stock of i.«elf. Perhaps it eooid
find something 5u his bo> "".J II .it was
not exactly straight, or in I s father's or
grandfather's record. Keep Crnckeu at
him. Mac.; you're doing li..
THE Xew York Press a siaunc!, Repnbli
can papor keeps Ul9 follow.ug at f lto head
of its editorial column: prostitn
tion of th.> jiu'j'io .u.V.ce is -aiioal
trtaohery to popular Gov- nm =.~r, '.ecuase
it private interest unfl not wie
public welfare the uiit.ve of political
action." '
BHbery at Elections.
"We publish the regular ele> *1 procb
maticn this eek, wliich cc a a synop
sis of tl»e election laws,'••. ui'-b not con
tain the tvo geotiond of j* v ucl» V ill of tho
F'ate Con«titnt ; on regarding '"ib«>-v a*,
elections, anu us this Co'jgrr* t dietrict
bar lately Ven OOJVULOJ witli revelatioys
of bribery at a nominatinff convmticn it
may be well to let the people know t';e law
regarding bribery nt an election.
Sko. 8. Any person who shall givo, or
promise or offer to give, to an elector, any
money, reward or other valuable consider
ation for his vote at an election. <>r Tor
withholding the same, or who suaJ give or
promise to givo such consideration to anv
other porsoß or party lor
vote or for the wi'hhulding
any elector who fhall Tcceive < )r njree to
receive, for biuiecif or f- r another, anv
money, reward or other va!ra'.»!o considof
euon for his vote at an ior. or lor
v homing the -ami, sha'l ibrmit
the right to yote at ro,-h 1' rion. TID EDT
elector whose ri{;ht to vo:e «hall ho ebal
for such cause before the election
olhcers, shall be required to swear or affirm
that the matter of the challenge is untrue
before his vote shall be received.
SEO. 9. Any person who shall, while a
candidate i'or office, be guilty of bribery,
fraud or wilful violation ot any election
law, shall be forever disqualified from hold
ing au ofhee of trust ur ;>rout in this Com
monwealth; and ar.y per »n 00.- ted of
wilful violatiuu of the election tan s shall,
in addition to any peuallies p.o». iod by
law. be deprived "of tho of sufl'rage
absolutely for a term 01 four yecr?.
The Next Governor's Visit to
The ne*t Governor of Pennsylvania was
in Batler this week, —there is no donbt ol
that in the ordinary course of events.
Hon. G. W. Delamater, the Republican
candidate for the office, was billed to be
here on Saturday last, at 2 p. m., but a
mishap on the railroad caused a delay, aud
his car did not arrive within the limits of
the town until after 5 o'clock, and he then
had to hurry through to meet his engage
ment at Kittanning for that evening.
However, some Butler men met bim at
the depot and rode down to Freepoit with
b'T5, and he promised them to come back
to Bailer, Tuesday evening, even though
that would necessitate his breaking en
gagements for a town or two in the South
western part of the State, and he kept bi
He arrived hero Tuesday evening, and
was met at the West Penn depot by a Isrge
number of people with carnages, horses,
torches aud fire-works, and was conducted
to the Opera House in good style.
The crowd filled the House to overflow
ing. Chair-ran Huselton called the meet
ing to order; Newton Black, Esq.,
e'ecied president, and quite a number oi
prominent Republicans of the town named
as V'ce-piesidonts.
Then Mr. Black in a neat little speech
introduced the guest of tho evening. Hon.
G. W. Delamater, who spoke for over an
hour. Be said he had passed five years of
his life in Butler Co.; had predicted its
fuiuro wealth and prosperity, and had met
many good men in this county. He thank
ed the people for bis enthusiastic welcome
as the represeJtai'Ve of tho Republican
parly of Pennsylvania; said that tho wealth
and piosnerily of ihe State was duo to
Republican wise government; that our
opponents weie brushing aside National
questions in this campaign, and resorting
to personal attacks, i>ut the Republicans
wonlu make on aggress've campaign: we
woald insist that National quesiious aro
perilneut now end woeld challengo all
is claiming a great deal,
and Emery's effoit. which had been waited
for by the Democrats, was nothing but an
X. Y. Z. affair and a pop-gun esp'osion;
Pattison was following his example in go
>u<s aiound to see t'ae people and didn't
ill afier the Etnery explosion, while
he l>au been at it for eight weeks; ho bad
ente-ed the lists as a candidate and is
afraid of no man in Penn'a; his distinguish
ed opponent spea';s of "Home rule, self
government and e'ean politics.'' the Re
publican pai iy was founded on tho first
iwo, which mean tho same thing, and as
for clean politics he refered the people to
the Democialic administrations of New
York City and Cincinnati; Chauncey Black
sivd he (Delamater) was not nominated
act "appointed," while no man had fought
so long and so ba d for a nomination as be
ha"., uud be does not assume to be any
b<v t er i hau bis party us Pattison does; the
Hepuli'icau paily stands on its record and
living issues; besides tho Siate ticket we
havo a legislature to elect this Fall, which
iu tn.n eler-.s a U. 8. Senator, and yon can
uot d I voice Stale and National questions;
tho ta; iff affects us all practically (and Mr.
D. teUed tariff for quite a while); as State
Senator he introduced and'had passed the
Tax Commission resolution, and the Com
mission has Iwo iarmers on it, and it has
evolved a b'll which will equalize taxation
and which be will be pleased to sign as
Governor, which he is sure to be; Emery's
oiiaigcs we.o tho most dastardly and
ma'icioFß lies ever perpetrated upon the
public (this remaYk was called out bj a
vo'ce in tbo hack part of the room) aud
Mr. Lewis Emery knew it from tho begin
ning; Pattison was ecouomical, be vetoed
the soldiers' burial bill and hospital bill,
and like Grover C'eveland was econoinica!
only iu small things; he would act with
discretion when he became Governor but
would give the soldier the benefit of the
douo': the Republican party of the State is
united; Lancaster Co. will give the Slato
ticket 10,000 majority. The welcome given
bim in Batler showed respect for hiin as a
man as woll as a Republican and ho thank
ed us for it.
Geo. S. Graham, Esq., District Attorney
Philadelphia Co., was the speaker.
George is a handsome,good-natured fellow,
and started off by telling bome funny
stories, and getting off a joke on our
streets. He caunot answer the Democratic
logic of this campaign as it is too twisted;
he spoke of Democratic economy aud refer
ed to Wav-Horse Samuel Miller's case;
Pbil'a will give her usual majority; he
ridiculed Emery's charges; spoke of the
significance of Reed's re-election, and of
the significance of the approaching elec
Mr. J. Levering Jones was then intro
duced as a member of the famous Com
mittee of One Hundred of Phil'a. and after
saying that the Democratic parly had no
b*s..oiy since 1860, and referiug to the mis
representations in this campaign made a
geneial speech on constitutional govern
ment. lie was the last speaker arid as
the time was now nearly 11 o'clock the
meeting adjourned.
Ex-Governor Robert E. Pattison anu the
rost of the Democratic State ticket arrived
in Butler last Monday morning, were met
at the depot by party fqends and escorted
to t'jo Opera House, which was comfort
ably filled. The gist of Mr. Patlison's
short speech is pretty well indicated in Mr.
Delamafe.'s reply to it next evening, as
printed above. Patlison thinks the cam
paign should be confiued to State issues,
"Home r.'le, self government and clean
poli.ics." lie spoke of the long delay in
passing Ihe free-pipe bill and tho con
sequent los i to the State; of (lie defect—
the la< k of tbe Spenker of tho Senate's
signature—to the Tax Equalization bill; !
the oppressions of corporations and
monopolies; etc.
Cbanncey Black was inclined to ridicule
tho Rc-publicau candidate for Governor, j
iud his remarks throughout were
?Jr. Barclay spoke to tho soldier* as a
member of the G. A. R. and called the
So'iii ■'&' Burial bill a Pauper's Burial bill.
A young man named Ryan spoke of
early history and success in
Pbilauelpbia, went for Quay, and then
started in to make a red-hot speech, but
\» as cnt short so that the party could make
the train for their next point.
Fruitless Conferences.
Several fruitless political conferences
Lave l'oen held in Western Pennsylvania
The conferees of the Republican candi
dates in thn 2Ut Congressional district,
composed at the counties of Armstrong,
Indiana, Westmorelond and Jcfi'oison. ad
journed at Apollo last week, alter a two
weeks' session, and virtually left the nam
ing of a candidate to State Chairman An
Tho conferees of tho Republican candi
-1 dates in the 46th Senatorial district, com
posed of the counties of Beaver and Wa»h
, iTigtoa, met at the Monougahela House,
Pittsburg, for the third time and couldn't
ajr'ec, and both candidates are t;i!!>'ng of
The conferees of the 20th Congressional
district adjourned Pa., Fri
day, with the dead-lock continuing; and
those of the 10th district at "Williamsport,
same day, under same circumstances.
There is only one remedy for these
•'dead-locks,'" aud one preventive of fraud -
' uicat and unfair nominations and that is
! tho Popular Vote.
' MR. DELAMATBK made A letter speech
; here. Tuesday night, than his political
i friends thought he could.
Judge Hice's Appointments-
Tho Hon. Ilenry llice of Reave: Connty
Chairman of the Harmony Republican coc
ventiou, that noaiiuaied Thomas W.
Phillips for Congress was an.bor : *ed by
that convention to np mmt a Coig.esrinal
Exccni'tVe Commitiee for the D : * ict, com
posed of a V'ce I'-esidci't pod I*o Sec
reirr'es • em each co.uty, iO aid in the
vole bav'n'r desi' afted Hon. John M. Snl-
Pvan as Clip - * nan of that Co® »r. ee.
In pursuance of this ant c iy Judge
Hico anaot»ures the follow pg pppo nL
Beaver County—Stephen P. S:ce of
Beaver, Vice-Cbainnao; John
of Beaver Falls, and A. W. McCoy of
Rochester, Secys.
Bailer County—S. H. Hu-ellonof Bjt'er
Vxe-Ctvunian, 8 'd J. N. Moore of Bailer
and John Died - iger of Ze'"e*>op]o Sees.
Law enceCoont.y-Geoi 3oS. McCaouless
of New Cas.le, vice-chairman; and Dr. J.
K. Pollock of Xew Castlo and Geo. S.
Hen - , Esq. of Enon Valley, Secy'j
Mercer county—L. L. ITeek, Esq. of
Cieenvillo, vice-chairman: aud I. Good
win, Esq. ofGreenv'lle and A. MoK nney,
Esq. of Cla.Uville. Secretaries.
THE Republican candidates for Senate
in tbe Veuango-Wa" en dis--ict conld not
ag.ee. and havo submitted the matter to
Hen. J. W. Lee, ot'Franklin, and J. W.
Duukle, of Wf rren.
Flimsy Pretext.
Insisting that Maj. McDowell is the reg
ular Republicpu nominee for Congiess, end
eotided to Reoublicati soppov;, i,-. Ibe <Wn
nest of p etc:t>. Fraud vis' a«c-3 c fe*y
.b?.t it tonebes. ilie world ove . A
■l'ounlent nomination never li?m been,
raver can be, regclir. It is "to
ijela -1 degree abominab'c and in< efeeii
hle, audtho*e aohc.ingtoit are either n>'s
■ ed. or w'uk at. or ne participants in je
,'iaud. Does pny tnau believe for pn in
stant, :f, when Mi. F - "aok Reed mede b s
motion at the New conven on for
ll.e unanimous nom'na'ion of M;ii. Mc
Dowel', the bribery confessed a few drvs
thereafter under oath had been kuowu st
the t'uie, that a single TJutler vote cou m
havo been hsd, or tbat a single del ear e
from Beaver, outside of himself and t 9
bought dole;iites. would bare been cast for
his motion?— Beaver Tim-:.".
THE great Dnpont Powder mi'ls. near
Wilmington, Delaware, were blown up
again last Tuesday, a dozen men were I li
ed, a great number injured, and a million
dollars worth of property destroyed.
M. E. Conference.
At the session of the M. E. Conference
in Pittsburg last Monday the investigai mg
committee in reference to Mr. ManseVs
cat-o returned a verdict of gi"lty ol ders
inatiou, and he was reprimanded before ibe
Rev. Riley, who is accused of he : <g ?oo
sociable with a Mr. Miuuick, of Bia'-uocK,
created a sensation by announcing tnat be
conld prove that Mrs. Miunick was a black
mailer and bad asked for hush money.
Bishop Mailalie u said Mr. Riley cou'd
not receive an appointment in tbe pre-ent
state of the caae, and it was refered to the
Presiding Elder of tho Washington dis
trict, who selected Messrs. Cox aud Taylor
to assist him.
RPV. I)r. Xesbi? was assigned to the
church at New Brighton in the Allegheny
district, ami Rev. S. M. 801 l to Butler.
Rev. J. L. Stiffy was assigued to
Rrowusdale, Rev. J. A. Sheets to Brush
Creek, Rev. i). L. Johnston to Freepurt.
Rev. P. Proaser to Harmouy, Rev. S.
Maekey to Prospect, and Rev. S. P. TTolf
to Denny Station.
President of Beaver College, R. T. Tay
lor; Professor iu llobeit College, Constan
tinople, Turkey, A. h. Long; Agent Book
Depoc'tory, Joseph Horner; Editor of
Chrisiiun Jdeocate, C. W. Smith; Pro
fessor in Curry University, E. il. "Wood;
Missionary to Bulgaria, iliudo G. Ynlcheff.
(Jharch at Salt Lake city, has issued a
manifesto forbidding plural marriages or
polygamy, and the Morm&n apostles, bisb
ops and elders have agreed to it.
Ml. ChestnuL Items.
Au oil well is bemg drilled about one
half mile soul hof town ou Ed. Shnster's
TTIB. "Watson's new barn will soon be
completed. The frame work was put up
l ist Tuesday under the direction of 1). C.
Saudeisou who is the architect.
J. 0. Dodds has sold his property to
Newt Weitzel. Dodds intends moving to
Butler in a few weeks.
Miss Teua Kennedy, of Portersville, who
has been staying at Watson's during tho
sminer has gone home for a short time.
Miss Xora Oesterling will begin her
second term at Mitchell school, Summit
twp, next Monday.
Communion services were held in the U.
P. Church last Sabbath, Rev. MeClester of
Grove City assisting.
Rev. Borland will exchange pulpits with
Rev. McCall of Kiltamtiug next Sabbath
The "Young Helpers" held their regular
monthly meeting last Tuesday evening.
The society has decided to paper the
church and help make other necessary re
A Fair Trial
Of Eood'i Sarsapartlla will convince any reason
able person that It doea possess great medicinal
merit. We do not claim that every bottle wilt
accomplish a miracle, bat we do know that nearly
every bottle, taken according to direction!, does
produco positive benefit. Ita peculiar curativa
power U shown by many remarkable cures. It
purifies tlio blood, cures scrofula, salt rheum, all
humors, dyspepsia, catarrh, and rheumatism.
" Hood's Samaparilla cured mo of blood poison,
gave ine a noble appetite, overcame headache and
dizziness." L. NASON, Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. *l;strforsS. Preparedonly
by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas.
100 Doses One Dollar
Gives a thorough course in Book-keepinsf, Harik-
Injc, Short hand, Type-writing, Ivaaiaiisnlp,
Drewinff, I '.rlisli Hraiirhos. « ■' I
.• kin halls, containing neariy lOjPflO sn. ft., heal'(l
.• n.Uti'al ga«, am! !!?bte«l by electricity.
of the hest penmen in the wor'd connected with
the college. Its graduates are assisted in procur
». i good paying positions. Students can com
mence »it any time. Expenses neariy oii»--<i:ili i. ss
liian any similar school. Enclose A cts. in stamps
for the ,r Reporter " and elegant. specimens'<( pen
manship. Address, A. W. SMITH. M»adville. I'a.
J. E. Kastor,
Practical Slate Roofer.
Ornamental and Plain Slating
Ot iill kinds done on short notice. 1 '
Office witli W. 11. Morris No.
7, N. Main St„ Kesidenee
North Elm street,
tin tier, Pa.
X\TANTED— Agents 10 solicit orders for on
" choice ui.a ImidJ Nurserj Stuck.
Steady Work For Energetic Temperate Mf».
Salary and exoenses or commission if prcfer
ed. Write at, ouee. State Ajfe, Address.
ft. G. Chase &Qo. lu Sr a !' o^
lIA?LETT.—At his iiotne iu Tarcntnm,
Sunday, October S, Capt. Janus
Bazlett, age 1 years.
Be was a loviner resident of Butler anu
was conductor of the market train ot the
West Pern, a position in which he was
succeeded bv his son William. His son
James is also a conductor on tlio same
oau. The announcement of his death was
conveyed to his children hero by a carrier
pigcoii which cariied a card containing the
news from Tarentum to Butler in one
McCAFFERT7. —At his homo in Butler
townsjip. Saturday, October 4. 1890. sud
denly, John UcCtfierty, aged about <i>
W IST KB. S. -i . 23, 1 -00. Annette, infant
daughter of John and Sad'e Winter, of
Lancaster township.
EMC IN. —At her home in Petrolia, Mon
day, Sept. 29, 1890, Mrs. Elizabeth Ea
kiti, aged 5C years.
lIA;'LETT.— On Sept. 21, 181 M), iu Wiu
lielu town-.,in, Myrtle May. youngest
daughter of Capt. S. D. and M. E. lJaz
HOFFMAN". —In Satonburg, on Friday.
Sept. 20. of consumption. Mrs.
Charles Hoffman, rjed about 00 years.
BLACK. —At the borne of her orottaer-iu
law. Dr. A. Crawford, at Kensington.
Butler county, Pa., Sept. 20. IS9O, llrs.
Josephine Black, aged 44 ye >•*.
DIVENEC. AT the home of her mothei,
in Jefferson township, Thursday, Octo
ber 2 1 890. Gertie, daughter of Mrs.
Anna Diveiier, aged 13 years and 9
STEWART. — At b's home iu Doneg.il
township, Thursday, October 2, 1890.
Samuel Stewart, aged 68 years. llin
dentil was caused by typhoid feve;.
SHOOK. —At .er home in Fauyiew town
ship. Friday, October 3, IS9O. Mis.
Shook, aged 0' years. Her death was
suuden and was caused by heart disease.
She was the mother of Andrew Shook, of
that township.
-DIETER. —At the home of his uncle,
Nicholas p.- uioos, Bei'na Vista. Tues
day. October 7, 181'0. Michael Dietc. son
of*ll Diete . of Millerstown, asreu Jt>
SCOT'i'. —At iier homo on Brown avenue,
Bti.lC', Tae.v uv, October 7, 1890, Nel'ie,
uaughier of J.'M. anu Lizzie Sco.t.
cur ßlE.—At his home in Clicirv town
ship, Tbn stlay, October 2, IS9O. Mr.
Waller Corrie, aged about 75 yiars.
ALBGPT. — At his homo in Franklin town
shin, Satnrdav. October-?, 1890, Mr. Geo.
Albeit, in his'Both }ear.
Mr. Albert v.as au old and lespecied eit
ueii of I- rani.iin township. Two sons.
Jacob and J< siah, and six daughters,
five of whom are marriet., survive Jim-
Tbe daughters names a'e Mrs. Samuel
Weiclc. ot IV.sped; Mrs. James Myeis,
of Franklin, P i.: Mrs. J. C. Beir.jley, ot
Whites owu: Mrs. Jacob Heck, oi Butler.
Airs. Frank B'iun, of Franklin townsjip,
and Miss Elizabeth Albert.
Administrators ami Executors of
can secure thei: receipt books at the CITI
ZEN office.
Ju re. petition of Thos. F. Christley, »<»-
ministrator c. t.... of Michae' Hamiltou, de
ceased, tor leave t.< sell real estate.
Oroh-us'Cou.:, No. 72, Se;»Uu.ber term,
'Tn the Orphans' Court of Butler <ounty,
Pennsylvania, >-n November lfi, _uie
above entitled petition waspresented
forth that said t -Cedent made his !a,t will
bearin ? date th. dny of Febuarv, A. O.
IS7B, duly probated aid recorded in VVill
biokC page 2o and direc.ed that the bal
ance of'his laud be sold wfien bis yoon«est
child become- o. «e, and a|.ponite,i John
Martin executor .1 h.s said will, that Johu
Alartin accepted the ti ust, took ou. lo
aud sold tl.e tea estate except that described
a« the balance, l i t and before tue
child jeaehed f< : 'i age, a-id jo.-r
was on the 57M ,ay of fce,.temhei, 1
aalv airooiuttd • du.iti >r cum *.no. o.
said Mu -.ael il,tu<H <i. deceased, acce, ten
tue tiUi-i rave nd, took out lette's and ba>
acted as'such si uiuMrat »r; your petition er
further represea s that the youngest ch'ld o.
«aid testator i, . all age and h»s bee., tor
some time: thnt iid testator d»<d s.e-.ed i t
hi, demesne a, of fee o , -o and to aU.
500 acres of lan ,nt uerrv Bni
ler con. tv, of ui-ii there has been so
heretofore" abo-i 3)0 acres leaving unsold
300 acres mo. or Us, bounded a-hi de
scribed as full, vs, to-w.t: Worth by Vlc-
Greeor.easi.bv ohn Black and Kerr Mc
t'audlfs- - so.itn >y AllisoJ and others, and
w.~t l>v liongbe heirner snd othe that ui
tfcoui'h tue MI.I 4«siau»r d : .ec.ed tan! laud it.
be sold, he fd'k or negie.fietl to author.**
j,; K , ..ecui >r by auie or otherwise to .tell lue
same- vonr peti >uer states tuat the youug
e-t c'.iid .* of n- l uge «"d that the time ha«
arrived when ta ! land wr« direc.ed bv said
testator to be so' i and con/e.-ed, aud tne.e
fort mays your jnuf to niaLe ati order au
tho; zing your , tt.oner r administrator ot
-a 1 Michael U uillon with tile will au
ne e< .to sell th Eaid land, altogetbe. or iu
different parts » 1 exceeding three and to
make execute a d delayer dee ' or deeds,
the ciso may b. t> tee purchaser lliereaf,
or I.e purchase- li tt.e same be d v de.l iu
fee sii.i. Ie upo complying wdh the terms
oi sale,'and lie \ II ever pray. Verified b.v
affidavit and sig -d '"l'liomas F. Chnstlv.
And io'. Nov mbe • 16, 186!), petition pre
sented to Court, ead. and i.pou cm-idera
tion citatiou AW'ded upon the heirs jud leg
atees interested i . »iid land o! said Michael
Hamilton, deceived, to appear and show
cause w'liy tl-e , aver of pet tiouer shou.d
not be granted, lletuinable to next te.m.
And uow, Sept mber 29, 1S90 : ou motion
ol Thompson it bJD. attorneys for petitioner,
alius citation aw -ded to be serpen persoual
ly ou all withiu tie county, and by publica
lion m two uew- uape r s piiated in Butler .
Returnable to Kcveuber 17. 1890, and publi
cation i niert d is petitioner moved for.
BUTI.EK Cot'N". , t-s:
to Oliver C. llci c, High fene iff of Butler
county, Pa., M' eting :
We com man o outhat you make known
lo the heirs am interested in said
land of Michael I amilt«»n, deceased, the cau
tents of the lurr. iing petition and orders ot
Court thereon, K. t rule and cite them to be
and appear at &L Orphans' Court to be held
at Mutler, Pa., o • llouday, the 17th day No
vember, A. D. IV-10, then acd there to short
cause, it any the;, may have, why the prayer
ol' the petitioner Uouhl not be granted, lo
beserved person. lv ou ail within the coun
ty and puulierttu i iu two newspapers pub
lished in Duller, a., and tnaue ietum there
of according to lu v aud rules .if Court.
Witness the It- i. Aaron L>. lia-eu. Presi
dent J o. ou said col'rt ut Butler, Pa.,
this 3oih day ot - iiteinber. 1890.
i. McKlvais, Cler* O. C.
Execc tors' Notice.
(Estate ot- John Wubb, dbc'd.)
WuhklaS. leers testamentary to the
estate oi John W late of Clay t'wp., But
ler Co , Pa., dec' have been tjraate-.l to the
subscribe >, all persons indebted to <aid
estate are request- .1 to make imuiediate pay
ment and any i iving dftims or demands
against the tslati- of said decedent will make
known the same .'ithout delay to
Wm. M. Wei b, John U. Webb.
Kuclid Pa. Bramhtou, Pa.
August 30, l*yi'
Executor's Notice.
(Estate oi-- Joh > W. Brandon, Dec'd.)
Letters testaim itary on the estate of John
W. Brandon, de la;e of Connoqucnessin?
Twp.. Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the :d, all persons knowini;
themselves iude te<l to said esLate w.lt
pleute make imu diate payment, and any
having claims ag<. nst jaid estate will present
them duly uuthc: icated for settleuieut.
.1.1- i ery Brandon, Ex'r,
W. D. Brandon, Conncqrsnessiug P. 0.,
att'y. Butler Couaty, Pa.
Kotic. in Divorce.
Margaret Wilder t her i In the Court oi CY m
next lrleud Sam»i- Mll-iinon Pleas of Butler
ler vs. Chas. W tier, f County, A I). So.
I Jtmtj T .. 18* >.
To (.'has. C. Wilit rand all whom It may con
Two subinCDas !i the above ease having been
returned N". E. I vou. the said Charles C.
Wilder, alKjve dcr idaut, are hereby renulred
to appear in the s: I Court of common Pleas,
t:> be held at ButU Ha., on Monday, Dee. Ist,
ISUO, being the lii- day of next term ot said
Court, to answer t: • said complaint and show
cause. It any you ave, whv a divorce should
not lie granted tl. aid Margaret Wilder.
Oi-ivek <Kfdic, SlierifT.
Notic< in Divorce.
Marv K. Whittnon .v ; In the Court of Coui-
IHT ne.\l friend S. H. ; mull l'leas o? Butler
Kameri'r .loin. C. 1 County. A. 1»., No. 43.
Whltmore. J June T., I*9o.
'i'o John C. \Vhit:nore and all whom it may
concern: , , .
Two subixvuas ii the above rase liavlns been
returned N. E. 1., j u, the said John C. \\ hit
mure, above defem int.are hereby reutilred to
appear 111 the said ourt of Common l'leas. to
be belli lit Butler. I a., on Monday, ttie Ist day
~r December, I* lug the Ist day ol next term
<d said court, lo uswer tie- said complaint
I and show cause, 11 ny \nu have, why a d.vorce
should not be grai. Ed the said Mary K. Whlt-
I more. Oliver C. ICkdic, SlierliT.
i 'at-.'sc-- i j.u*
in .>ii. ... u« f«'« -*> . : i; jKiudop
| U ".X . k ** • ®r .*1
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of nil in leavening strength.— V. S.
Government lit tort, An>/. 17. ISSB.
Xotice is hereby given that the stock
holders of the Butler Savings Bank will meet
in the room# of said Bank. S. Main St.,
llutler Pa., on Saturday, Dec. 20, IS9O. at
10 o'clock a. HI., to vote for < r against the
proposition to renew and extend the char
ter corporate rights and franchises of said
Butler Savings Bank, By order of the
Board. .J. L. PURVIS, Pres.
W". A. STEIH, See.
AY". I). Brandon, ati'y.
Estate of Dawson Wadsworlh,
I.etter* test*mentpry on the estate of Daw
son Wadsworth, deoetstd, late ot Slippery
rock township, Butler county, Pa., having
been gmnted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to taid tsta'e
v. ill please make immediate payment, and
r.uy havit 4 claims spalnst said estate will
) resent them du! authenticated for settle i
Keister P. 0., Cutler ciunty, Pa.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is 1. rebv _/ir< i rbit the partnership
heretofore existing hetwee* A. L- Knox and (i.
W. Bartley, under the Qrai name of Hartley £
Knox, doiu'i business at l etroiia. Millerstown
and other places, was tiWsolved by mutual con
sent ou the loth oi April, lThe accounts of
the firm v. 11l be settled by «• W. Hartley at
Petrolia. A. 1- KNOX.
Estate of Simon Barnhart, Sr.,
Letters of administration having been
cranted to the uu<lersij;ncd on t.le estate of
Simon Barnhart, Sr., dee'd, Lite of Donegal
Twp., Butler Co., Pa., all perwiu* knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment, and any having
claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated lor settlement.
P. S. BARNHART, Adm'r,
i Barnhart's Mills P. 0.,
} Butler Co., Pa.
WASHINGTON*, I>. 0., Joly 19, 1890. )
WHKREAS, By satisfactory evidence pre
sented t» the undersigned, it has been
made to appear that "The Untler County-
National Bank of Butler," in the Borough
of But lor. ia the County of Butler and
State of Pennsylvania, has complied with
all the provisions of the statutes of the
United States, required to be complied
with before an association shall be author
ized to commence the business of banking;
Now, therefore 1, Edward S. Laeey.
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby
certify that "The Butler County National
Bank of Butler," in the Borough of Butler,
in the County of Butler and State of Penn
sylvania, is authorized to commence the
business of Banking as provided in Section
Fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the
Revised Statutes of the United States.
Iu testimony whereof witness my hand
and seal of oiiice this 19th day of July,
• Comptroller of the Currency.
No. 4.374.
The Sunset Carbon Company, heretofore
composed ot the undersigned, k. W. Martin
a tit! William Falconer, 'is dissolved. A.ll
persons indebted to said partnership are
notified to pav the same to W. C. Thomp
son. Ksq., Keceiver, Butler, Pa., and those
having claims against them will present
the same to him. L. MARTIN, JR.
General Election Proclamation,
WHEREAS, in and by au Act of the Gen
eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania entitled "An Act re! itiug to
the elections of the t'omm nwealth," passed
the 2nd day of July, A. D., 183!), it Is made
the duty ot the ShJ-rill' of every county wi'h
in this <'omiaonwealth to give public notice
of the G' eral Elections aud in such uotice
to enumerate:
1. The officers to be elected.
.. I), siy:, ate the places where the elec
tion is to be held.
3. What persons shall a:»t act as officers
of the election, etc.
REDIC, lliL'h Sheriff of the County
of Butler, .to hereby niako known
and give tin's public :iot>c - to the
electors of the e.iur.tv of Butler that on the
Tuesday next following thu ti* ' Monday of
November, ihs
4th Day of November, iB9O,
A General Ele-.-tion wui b ; 1 it t!ie sev
eral election .iistru-ts established l.y law iu
said county, at which time they will vote by
ballot for the several officers hei na.ter
named, as follows:
One person for tne olllce of Gove* nor of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
one person for the office ot Lieutenant-
Governor or the Commonwealth ot Pennsyl
One person f.r the oill;e of se ■ t.n.,* o. In
ternal Affairs of the c ,:uuionweaHh ot Penn
••COUNTY" TICK lit".
One person t«> repr va' 'he fiventy-lilth
Oonsressional District of the state of I'enw.'-
voni i, composed of the co'iui'ps of l.uiicr,
liearer, Laurence anrt Mercer, tn the House of
Representatives of tnc Congress ot the Cn.ted
Two persons to represent the county of ll.itler
iu tne House of Representatives of the General
Assembly of the Commonwea'th of Pennsyl
One person for th o.Tlce of SiieritT of the
county of Butler, state of Penn'a.
One person for the office of Prot : ionoiary of
the county of lluller. sta!' o. lvnn a.
one person for the oHlce of Register and
Recorder of the county of Butter, Si .te of Penn
One person for the otilco ol Treasurer oi the
county of State of PeDii a.
One person for the offiee of CICK of courts of
the county of Butter, state of Pen:, a.
Two persons for the offi 'e of Couo.y Commis
sion ;r of th county of BaUtr. S ate of Pemra.
Two persons for ttxe ofli *e of OotiQty Auditor
of the county of B itler, State of Penn'a.
One person for the 031 v. of Coroner ot the
county of Butler, state of Penn'a.
The said elections will bs held throughout
th- oonncy as follows:
The electors of Alum township, North
precinct, at the carpenter shop of J J. Smith
at Myoma in north Alnn> township.
The electors of Adams,sout i precinct, at the
shoeshop of l'hos. it MaohaP at Mars station.
Tlia electors of Allegheny township at the
dwelling ot Ephriani C. Tarks in said towu
The electors of the Bald Ridgo district at
the School Home in Bald Bulge in said diss
The electors of Buffalo township at the
hoin-e of Robert Gresrg, now Goorge Truby.
now Robert Bartley. .
The electors of Butler township at the
ottice of Joe. B. Brcdin, Es'i-. in tho borough
of Butler.
The electors of Brvly township at the
School house at West Liberty.
The electors of Clearfield township at the
house of John Groou.
The electors of Clinton townsnip at the
house of John C. Kiddle, now John Anderson.
The elec ors of Concoi d township, at the
office of A. F. Cochran, in Middletown.
The electors of C .y township at the Cenlro
Sell .1 house in sai l township.
The electors of Centre township at the Cen
tre . -hool House in id township.
The electors of Cherry township. North
precinct, at the house of Win. Lindsoy.
The electors of Cherry township, South
precinct, at tho Gomersol School House in
-a;il township.
The electors of Connoquenessing townsliip,
Northern precinct at School house No. 7, ia
Wliiteetown; Sonthern pr«cmct at the house
of l'eter Staff, in Potentville.
The electors of Cranberry town-hip at thr ;
house of Frederick Meeder.
Tho electors of I)otieg»l township at tbp
house of Adaxn Schreiber, in Hillantown.
The electors of Fairriew township at t'< I'-
house of Mr*. Duprey. in Kanui City, bto
The electors of Forward township at tli-<
house of Robert H. Brown.
The eloitors of Franklin townahip at tht
tailor shop of C. I*. Johnston, in 1 'ritepec: \
The electors of Jackaou township. Western ;
pre- MIC:. at the house of Ja- >!> Hod i:i Harmo
nv Eastern precinct, at the house of John N.
tiler in Evanaburg
Tho electors of Jefferson township, at the
house of Morris Roighter
The electors of Lancaster township at tho
Public School house No. 5.
The electors of Middlesex township at the
house of Ueorge Cooper.
The electors of Marion township at Jatnos
Tue electors of Muddyeree.k township at
Union Hall in Fortcrsville.
The electors of Mercer township at the
O. A. R. Hall in the borough of Harrisville.
Tho electors of Oakland township at the
houso of William J. Hutchison iu ea; i town
Tho electors of Tarker township at tho
houto of John Kelly in Martinsbnrg.
The electors of Peun township at the house
of I). H. Sutton,
The electors of Summit township at thy
house of Adam Frederick.
Tho electors of Slipi>eryrock township at the
can'tutcr shop ol J. L. Warnicaatie in said
The electors of Venango township at the
house of James Miimn.
The electors of Winfield township at School
hcuso No. 5 iu said township.
The electors of Washington township, North
precinct, at the dwelling-house ot Phil'ip Uii
iai" Esq. ol said township.
The electors of Washington towuship, South
preciact, at the Town H.di in North Washing
The electors of Worth township at the
Town Ilall in Mechanicsburg in said township.
The electors of the borough of Butler. 1-t
ward at the Reed House on Centre Aev, m
said ward.
2nd ward in Room No 7of the house of
Alexander Lowry, north side ol E. Jctlerson
St in saiit ward.
3d w;'td a; the oflioe of Col. Jno. M. Thomp
son at No. 12 soutti side of Diamond, iu sa- i
4th w .td at the house of Maj C. E. A'lier
-8011 No. N. McKean St iu said wa r d.
sth ward at the Wick House, No on N.
Main St., in said war".
The electors of tho borough of Ceutreviile
at shop of Chas. Proaser in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Prospect at
the !a''or shop ol C. P Johnston in said
The electors of the borough of Saxonburg
at the school honse in said borough-
The electors of the borough of West Sun
bury a the public school houso in Sunbury.
The electors of the borough of Millerstown
at tho house of Adam Schreiber in said bor~
Ibo electors of tho borough of Petrolia at
the Town Hall in said borough.
Tho electors of the borough of Fairview at
the School house in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Karns City
at tho Town Hall in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Evansburg
at the public school house in said borough.
The electors of Ha-oiony at the public
school house in s.iid borough.
The electors ofthe borough of Zelienople
at the new brick wagon shop of James Wal
lace in said borough.
And 1, the said Sheiiff. do further give no
tice to all election officers, citizens, and
others, of the following provisions u f the
constitution and laws of tins commonwealth,
relating to elections—viz :
SECTION 1. Every male citizen tweniy-one
years ol ate, possessing the tollowing ' *lll iH
actions, shall l>e entitled to\otc at ah elec
tion? :
First—He shall have been a citizen of the
United Stated at least one uioni.li.
Second—He shall have resided in ihe State
one year (oril having prev'ousiy been a qoal'-
iied elector or native born citizen of tbe S.ale
he 'hall have removed there and relu't"-1,
then si\ months) immediately piecedlug tue
Third - He shall have resided iu theel.-i ion
district where he shall off r his vote at leist
two months immediately preceding the elec
Fourth—lf twenty-two years of age or up
wards shall have paid within two ye- S a
Slate or county tax, which shall have oecii
assessed at least two mouths and paid at least
one month before >Ue election.
SECTIONS. Electors shiil iu a' l eases cr
eep! tre.ison, felony aiu. breach cr surety ot
the peace, be privileged from arrest duiiatr
Iheir attendance ou elections and In gO;ug io
and returning therefrom.
SECTION 7. All laws regulating the hold
ing of the elections by the citizens or for the
registration of electors shall be un'torm
throughout the State, but no elector shall be
deprived of the privilege of voting by re ison
of his u imc not being registered.
SUCTION 13. For I tie pnrpose of voting
no person .shall be deemed to have gained a
residence by reason of his presence or lost
or bv reason of his absent e, while employed
in the service, either civil or military, o! this
Stats or of the United States, nor while en
gaged in the navigate ol the waters of this
Sta.eor of the United St .tes, or on the high
seas, nor while a student in any inst'tute ot
learning, nor while kept iu any poor house
or other asylum at pubiic expense, nor while
confined in a pnollc prison.
SKC. 14. District election boards shall con
sist ot a judge atul two inspectors, who shall
IK: chosen annually by the citizens. Ea li
elector shall have the right to vote for the
judge and one inspector, and ea. h inspector
shall appoint one clerK. Election officers
shall be privileged from arrest upon days of
election ajid while engaged in making pua
and transmitting returns, except upon
warrant of a cou.t of record or judge there
of, for au election lruiid, lor felony, or for
wanton breach of the peace.
15. No person shall be qualified to serve
as au election officer who shall hold, or shall
within two month*; have held au office, ap
pointment or employment in or under lue
government of the Uuited States or of this
State, or of auy city or county, or of auy
municipal board", eouimissiou or t.ust in any
city, save only justices ot the peace and aldei
men, uotaries public and persons iu militia
service of the State; nor shall any election
officer be eligible to any civil office, to be
filled by an election at which he snail serve,
save onlv to such subordinate municipal or
local offices as shall be designated by general
UAKY 30, iS74.
SECTION 6. In all election districts where
a vacancy exists by reason of disqualification
of the officer or otherwise in an election
board heretofore appointed, or where any new
district shall be formed, the judge or judges
ol the court ot common pleas ot the proper
county shall, ten days before any general or
special election, appoint competent persons
to fill said vacancies and to conduct the
election iu said new districts; aud iu the ap
pointment of iuspeetors in auy elecfion dis
trict botl^shall not be of the same politi"al
1 arty; and the judge of eleetious shall, iu
all • cases, he of the political party having the
inajoiity of votes iu sad district, as nearly
as 'the said judge or judges can ascertain
the fact: and iu case of the disagreement
ot ihr judges as to the selection of inspec
tors, the political majority of the judges shall
select one of such inspectors, and the m nor
ity judge or judges shall select theothe..
JCLY 2, 1889.
In case the person who shall have
received the second highest number of votes
lor inspector, shall not attend ou tlit day
of any election, then the person who shall
have received .he second highest number ot
votes for judge at the next proceeding elec
tion, shall act as an inspector in bis plat e,
aud in case the person who shall have re
ceived the highest numl.er of voles for in
spec tor shall uot attend, ihe person elected
judge shall appoint au inspector in bis place;
and iu case the person elected a judge sbill
not attend, then the inspector who received
the highest uurnhcr of voles shall appoint a
in judge his place; and if any vacancy shall
continue iu the board for the space of oue
hour alter the. time fixed by law for the
opening ol the election, the qualified voters
ofthe »ownship, ward or district, for, which
such officer shall have been elected pres
ent at the election, shall elect one of their
uumbtir to till such vacancy.
BEO. 9. In addition to the oath now pre
scribed by law to be taken and subscribed by
election officers, they shall be severally sworn
or affirmed not to disclose how any elector
shall have voted unless required to do so as
witnesses in a judicial proceeding. All judges,
■asp.-tors, clerks and overseers of any elec
tion held under this act. shall before enter
ing upon their duties, be duly sworn or
affirmed iu the presence of each other, fhe
judges shall be sworn by the minority in
sj>eetor, aud in ease there l.y no miuority
inspector, then by a justice ot the peace or
alderman, and the overseers
and clerks shall be sworu be the judge, cer
tificate of such swearing or affirming .hall
be duly made out aud signed by th« officers
so sworu, and attested by the officers who
admiuister the oath.
ACT JAXCAHY 30, 1874.
SEC. 5. At all the elections hereafU • held un
der the laws of this Commonwealth, ti.e
polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock, A. M., and
ciossd at 7 o'clock, P- "a.
SEC. 4. All elections by the citizens shall hi
l.y ballot. Every ballot voted shall be num
bered in the order in which it was received,
aud the number recorded by the election
mßegular Monthly V r isit
/ - rs. v ® OF
C-. -TjSf pßt.-
' DBS. SiLM S RUim
October 29 and 30,
I)R. J. J. McCLELLAN, Specialist
Wonderfully successful in all Chronic Diseases. Diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Xosc, Throat, Lungs and Xasal Catarrh.
All SYS OPZHATIONS A:3 Successfully Performed By Them.
On account of Laving been Attendant Physician at Hot Springs, Dr. McClellad has never failed to CU o a
case of I'rivate disease peculiar to either sex, no matter of what nature or of how long standing.
Major J. M. Davidson, ex-President of the Lawrence County Wool
Growers' Association, and a citizen iveli known in the county, freely / * 7K&
the following testimonial to the ability of Drs Salm & McClellan. Tbe f
Major savts: "I was suffering greatly from a Polypus and with Inward ...
Piles. 1 bad tried local treatment und much medicine with no avail I
read the advertisement of Drs Salm cfe McClellan and I concluded to givb /
them a trial. At their last vi.~it to this city they declared me cured and they L I in. - -
discharged me. I feel now like a na.v man. They did everything they
agreed to and treated me courteously. Tbey did me a world of good and
relieved me of all suffering."
NEW CASTLE, I'A., July 7, 1890.
I have been suffetiog from Insomnia (Sleeplessness) and general 's/.
nervous prostration, dependent upon the fcin er diseat-e for more tbati three
years. 1 became so week that 1 would not be ou my feet for au hour fit a W
time; appetite was miserable. I went to Mt. Sinai Hospital at New York
City, but without the least benefit. I put myself under care of Drs. Mc-
Clellan Saim, who \ isit New Castle every four weeks, and am tow as \
well as ever, hale aud hearty, minus all defects of hea'th
MAOOIE S. OiBiON, Box 161.
These are but two of the many cutes effected by the doctors on their '
visits here. TLey have several ctbtr testimonials of wonderful cures which
will be published'iater. Dr Special{d
MAI'K THE LAM 1) WAI.K \N ITli'H T( HI TCIIKS.—For elpht months past I haven't teen aMe to wallc without a pair of crutches. Dm n®
di.it month's treatment wtih i»rs. Salm & M< ( li llrui I have t-crn able to put one askh' uiid at the next visit came to tlieir OiTce without any. 1 a n
ct-rlaln that Ml he entirely cured soon. Although under treatment of home doctors U>j;!in to net worse and w-.rse,
JlltS. .1. B. EMEKY, Wampum, Pa.
BKAF:>ESS And CATAKFH.—I l.avetcfii under treaiment ot Drs. Salm & Met lellan for two montlis for Cat»Uh and IVato"SS and oasid >r
myse'.f greatly improved so tar. .MKs. J. (OCKIiAX. Kock l'otnt. Beaver county, Pa.
\Ol NG I.A 11\ SK\ K STl*. Altilll I.NKD —On Ma> t.illi l»rs. Salm & MK'lelh.n performed a <ro?s eye 011 my eves without na'n o'
lw» or blo.nl. and to-day my eyes are as stralgh' as any one's and I can see a K ool deal Ivtl.-r. M VltY 1-YE, K.ick foUit Beav"4 co , ra.
officers on the list of voters.opposite tli9 name
of tho elector who presents the ballot Any
elector may write his nsuid upon his ticket,
or cause the same to be written thareon aau
attested by a citizen of the district.
ACT JA.XtTi.RY 30, ISTi.
BBC. *. At the opening of the polls at th
elections it shall be the duty ol the judges o
the election for their respective districts to
desiijiiate one of Ihe iuspeetors, whose duly i
shall l»e to have in custody ihe registry oi
voters and i*» make Ihe entries tLeie'.u reqmi'
ed by law; and it shall be lue duty ol the
other said inspectors to lecelve and number
the ballots presented at sa'd elec.iou.
DunEs or rEAcG orFfuraa— ACT OF 1539.
It shall be the duty of the respective con
stables of each ward, district or township
within this Commonwealth, to be prosent in
person or by deputy, at tho place of holding
such elections in said ward, district or town
ship, for the purpose of preserving the peace,
as aforesaid.
ACT HiBCH 30, 186S
-0"e ticket shall fiuhrare the n»>nes of the
Judges of Goui ts, voted fur and be labeled
outside "Judiciary:" one ticket sh'U einbra.-e
the names of all State officers voted lor, and
ba la'ie'ed "Siate," ouc ticket shall embrace
the names ot all County office's voted for, '■
iacludiug office of Senator, member, and i
membeis ol Assembly, if vo.cd for, and mcm
beis of Conßiess, if voted for, and be labeled 1
'•Coiicly;" one ieket shall emb'-a.-e the nimes j
of all township officers voted far aid tie)
labeled "Township":oue ticket shall embrace .
the names of all borough ofliiete voted for
andbe labeled "liorou?h," and each class
shall be deposited in a separate ballot box.
SEC. 13, As soon as the isills shall close, the
officers of the election shall proceed to count
all the votes cast for each candidate voted
for, and make a fall return of the same in
triplicate, with a return sheet in audition, in
all of which the votes received by each can
didate shall be giveu after his name, first
in words then iu figures, and shall be sign
ed by all the said officers and by overseers, if
any, or if not so certified, the overseers and
anv officer refusing (o bigu or ceuify, of.
either of them, shall write upon ea.h ot
the returns his or their leaaon for not signing
or certifying them. The vote, soon as
counted." shall also bo publicly and fuJ'y de
clared from the window to the citizens pre
•ent, and a brief statement showing the votes
received bv each candidate shall be made
and signed by the election otters as soon
as the votes are counted; and the same shall
be immediately posted upon the door ol the j
election house ior Intormation of the public, i
The triplicate returns shall be enclosed in I
envelopes and i.e sealed iu tho presence ot j
ihe officers .and one envelope, with the unseal- j
cd return sheet glveu to the Judge, which .
shall contain one list of voters tally papers and I
oilh ol oftoers.and another of said euvelopes '
shall be ijiven to the minority Inspector. All j
ludjres living within twelve miles ol the ;
i'rothonotary's office, or within twenty-four :
miles, if their residence be in a town, city ;
or village upon tho tine ol a railroad leading
to the county seat, shall before l -vo o clock ,
past meridian of the day alter the election
aud ail other Judges shall, beforo twelve
o'clock meridian of the second day after the
election, deliver said return, together with
return sheet, to the prothonotary of the ;
court of common pleas of-the county, which
~aid return shall t>e tiled, :iud llie day and the
hour ot tihug marked thereou an I shall be
preserved by the prothonotary lor public
uspection. At twelve o'clock on the second
day toltowinir any election, the prothonotary
ol the court of common pleas shall present
the said returns to the said cou'l. In coun
ties where there is no resident president
judge, the associate judge shall pcrlorm the
lut ;cs Imposed upoj the court ol tommou
.ieas, which shall convene tor said purpose
he return presented by the prothonotary
hall be opened by s:.id court and computed
y such oi its officers aud such sworn assis
.ints as the court shall «[ point; iu the pres
i.cc ol the judge or judges of said cour', on
he return certified and cer
i iticates of election issued under
he seal of the court as is now required to
•e done by return judges; and the vote a« so
omputed aud certified shall be uiaJca matter
j{ record in said court. The sessions ot said
■ourt shal! be epened to the public, and in
•ase the returns of au election unmet shall be
uiseing when the returns are presented, or ill
my case of complaint of a qualified doctor
mder oath, charging palpable fraud or mia
ake. and particularly specifying the alleged
raud or mistake, or where fraud or mistake
s apparent 011 tho return, the court, shall ex
.mine the return and if, in the judgment of
he court, it shall lie net es.-ary to a just ro- ,
urn, said court shall issue summary process
.gainst the election officers aud overseers,
i! any of tho election districts complained of
o bring them forthwith into court, with aij
lection papers iu their possession; and if pal
able mistake or fraud shall be discovered, it
■nail, upon such hearing as may be deemed I
lecessary to enlighten tho court, bo cori.-cied
>v the court and so certified; but all allega
ions of palpable fraud or mistake shall be
lecided by tho said court within three days
ifter tho day the returns are brought into
•ourt for computation, and tho said fin'piiry
■hall be directed onlv to palpable fraud or mis
ake, and shall not be deemed a judicial adju
licatiou to conclude any contest now or liere
ifter to be provided by law. and the othjr of
aid triplicate returns shall be be placed in a
»ox aud scaled up with the oallots. If auy
>f the said judges shall himself be a candidate
or anv office of any election, ho shall not sit
»ith the court, or act iu counting the returns
>f such election, and in such cases the other
udges, if any, shall act.
Given under my hand at my office ht Butler, j
1 his 10th dav of Oct.. in th« year of our
..ord. ls!K>, and in the lloih year of the Inde
endence of the United States of North
tilio'it? of Butler County j
\ttorney-at-Law and Solicitor of Pensions and :
,'atents. Box ikl. Washington. D. C. clerk - en
.le Pension Committee for l.ust 7 years- " you .
ke PROMPTNESS write me. t.iad to give l
dvice. i
.1. V'*'- AVER # SON. uur »
Satisfaction Guaranteed,,
COOKS POUNDS, Retail at 20 CTS.
Sold by a!' Grocers.. * j ound Can.
i—iw— Hl in #mn inmiiii iiiim ii im inn iwiii linl >I * IN in ■ »
HHI INtil Sill,
H FULLERTOft, Prop'r,
Blanket*, Flannels aiut Yarn
Maim! act ure<l ufPuro llul
lei County Wool.
We guarantee our cools to be strictly all wool
and noarsenlc or any otlier potsonous material
used In djvtnir. We'sell Wholesale or retail.
Samples and prices furnished free t" dealers on
appii- tloii by mall.
W \\T TIT 111 Salesman to Sell Our
?? /li.\ ILtU. choicest Nursery Stoo
All goods guaranteed first-class. Good
salaries and expenses, or a liberal com
mission paid. No experience necessary.
Write for terms, giving age and secure
your choice of Territory.
G. L. KNIGHT it CO..
100 Park Avenue. Rochester, N. Y.
lifPhyslclaus' Prescriptions carefully coui
5 S. Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Sanitary Plumbers
And Gas Fitters.
Sewer Pipe,
(Jas Fixtures,
Globes aud
Natural (ias Appliances.
Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry Iluuse
House Numbers
.1 Liberal Offer:
To any who did nut get their houses
numbered when our agent was iu Butler
we will send by mail, free of postage, any
of the following styles upon receipt of pos
tal note covering amount:
Our TA In. House No. .lapanneil figures 35c
.. ... .. •• Porcelain " ••"■c
.• ~n t •' " llras» " $1.25
Mail Boxes (by express, charges paid)*l
Enameled •■Boarding. - ; "Dressmaking"
>r "Furnished Rooms" Signs, 75c.
Beaver Falls, l'a.
\ll that Is required Is Koodigj > iiTr fv
haracter and willi,ijrness «>Wu|k|LEl
vork. Write at once to Kllnaii 15 Jl T f l i I II
,-fr A B»rrjr, Koehester. X. Y.. II Mtr I I. V
11 ope Nurseries. Established I*lo.
Patent Variable Friction am! Ik-It
Steam Engines, Hay Presses.
Shingle Mills. &c
Portable Grist Mills,
Send tor lIIUS. Th.e»h'n» Marhlno*. Ar
Catalogue. A « I" A HOI »UK (U.. lo;k, !*.».
a-s .& PERaisrcsr
■v- " ' always jir-vca
J: rr!\ ; .*;'»•» .i' . ■ m piac!nrraii7
- NV.»"t 1 •• r'ls f.r eoi.iuK
f, LC Ii) r FKOMAS,
€ liO 7 " i 4 ' ' 1
II to t» 1-i>WiKi birwi. CHICACft
Want to Know
I That Butler county leads in at least some
J of the enterprises, and what is still better
I you like to hear that you have a hand in
I making it lend. We told yon before that
| we are the largest wholesale dealers ill
i wagons of all kinds, gurries, .carts, bar
| ness, blankets, robes, whips, Ac., in the
i Stale, but we want you to listen till wo
| tell you something of our retail trade,
j First, we want to thank you for your pat
ronage. and tell you something you never
heard of. During the last woek we have
had a large loree of men at work and en
larged our buildings, till now we have
almost ten thousand square feet of
room all covered with vehicles of
every description. All you folks who
expressed s.> much surprise at the large
stoik we carried, come and see us now.
i We promise to show yon more and a
j greater variety of work of all kinds than
you have ever seen in your life iu one es
tablishment tor sale. You have patron
j ized us liberally in the past. We have
| sold you good work cheap, therefore you
feel good towards us a..d we fee! good
towards you. We want to continne these
friendly business relations, and also in
crease our business still more. Therefore
we don't want you to 1 ring your neighbor
and then have nothing to show him. but
don't be uneasy about this. We tell you
now that we have a greater variety of all
kinds of work than is kept by any dealer
between Maine and California. We
mean this. If you don't admit it after
seeing our stock, we will acknowledge
that we do not know what we are talking
about. Did you ask if wo had any special,
new attractions? Wbv, bless you, it's we
that do keep up with the times! Every
day we are getting something now. but
probably the prettiest thing you have
ever seen is the new dahlia-color paiute .
surries. It's something entirely new. We
have some veiy line .-urries painted with
it. These are the first of the kind ever
brought in. The painting is so fine t.' 1 it
no painter* but the inventor himself can
match it or mix paint like it. Come a d
see it. It's worth a trip of 50 miles to tho-e
who love the beautiful Oh, the prie !
Don't you know mir motto is: "Never tiy to
get rich oft' on" customer, and never mis
represent." Remember this is Martin
court A Co.'s motto. We are proud of :t.
it doubles our business each year !■•
helps our customers to own two rigs where
otherwise they would own but one, .. .
every customer we gain brings his fries.. a
along the next time. We want every
body to come now aud see u«. Don't,
you know us? No trouble to get ui
quainted if you want to know us as well
as we want to know you, therefore coins
and sec us. We treat everybody as well a;
we can. Couie. we say, spetid an hour
looking through our establishment
whether you wnut to buy or not. We
can't tell half what we "keep, nor name
pric-s. But remember, we keep every
thing in our line, both the finest and
cheapest, and tell you every time what
you are getting. In addition to all kinds
of vehicles and harness, we keep buggy
whips, collar pads, hoisting jacks, halters,
buggy washers, whip sockets, tops, cush
ions, dashes, wheels, shafts, storm aproi s.
laity backs for all kinds of carts, axiu
grease, blankets and robes (we have just
got three tons in), spring single trees, fly
neU. and everything. Come aud see us. ii
you are on Main street aud want to come
here, start down the right hand side of
Cunningham street, between Troutman's
new building and Belli s A' Graham gro
cery and follow the pavement
down two sijuari •> to our place. 21'1 W eti
Cunningham street, where we pay no rent
and have $'2.3,000 invested in the be-t way
that eleven vears experience could dictate.
J. M. 1/fEtiUKbh.
P. —Remember we sell tbe Kramer
Executors' Notice.
WKKKKAS, letttrs of administration he
been granted to the undesigned the
estate of 8. W. Shannon, of F: nklln
Butler Uo., Pa., *•' persons know : them
selves indebted to *aid estate will please
mak»* 4iuiueJi/itc pfl/iucoi, fctiu MI/ ...
claims against said estate will p=-.»eai • .
dulv authenticated t«»r settlement.
(A. W. IR I; ANN I' :
< t'ros; ect, i's.
( Joitx P. KAI N
Iv. •• .
—Advertise in tbe CITIZKN.