Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 03, 1890, Image 3

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    * r g VTZ q3Sr
Scliaiil Bros, & Co.
Special Sale
2 sc. 2 sc. 25 c
50 Dozen
Knee Pants.
' 25c. 25c.
Sizes 4 to 13 years.
Early Novefe in Fall Cloihing.
On account of running two extensive
stores, we were obliged to visit the eastern
markets earlier than in previous seasons.
» We profited thereby and were enabled to
procure some of the most choice goods,
which usually are bought up by large city
concerns before late buyers get to market.
We cordially invite every one interested
in choice Men's, Youths', Boys' and Child
ren's Clothing to give us a call and take a
birdseye viey of new styles and fashions.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
lirTLF.R Ims a population of about 10,000.
It is the county seat of Butler County, with
Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled
facilities for manufactures.
Progress everywhere; new buildings, new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous town.
WEST PENS R. K.— Trains leave Butler for
Allegheny at 6:<10. 535 and 11:20 a. m. and 235
and &05 p. m.; arrive at 8:35 and loao a. ra. and
1-30. 6300 and 730 p. m. Malls clone at S»S a. m.
and 2:05 p. in. and arrive at 8S0,10:50 a. m. and
5.-10 p: in.
r. 8. & L. E. R. R.—Trains leave for Green
ville at MO and 10:30 a. m. and 4:53 p.m. Malls
ci«seat 9:40 a.m. and 730 p.m. Closed pouches
for Boyers. Bovard and Milliard at 430 p.m.
Malls nrrlve at 235 and «mo p.m.
P. & W. R. It—Trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at (WW, fc*-5 and 10:20 a m. and 3:50 and
ii-30 p m. For the north at 10:20 a. m and 5:45
p. m. Arrive from Allegheny at ir. 2o and 11:55
a. in. and v.oo and 7:10 p. m. Malls close for the
South and West at sao a. in For Pittsburg
and the North at 9:55 a. m. For Pittsburg and
local points Oetween Butler Uld Gallery at 3:40
p. m. For Pittsburg and local points between
Catlery and Allegheny at 6:00 p. m. For Oil
C'ltv. fsarnhart s M.lls, Foxnurg and Clarion at
sao p. m. Mails arrive on this road from local
points between Butler and Gallery at 9:20 a. m.;
irorn the north at loflo a. m.; from Pittsburg
und local points between Allegheny andCali-ry
at 11 -M a. m.; from the north at 3:35 p. m.; from
Pittsburg at 5;oo p. in.; from Pittsburg and the
West at 8:10 p. m. "rains irrive from the north
ut lflsno a. in. and 335 p. m.
STAK It OUT KS— Daily mail from Mt. Chestnut
arrives at 9:30 a. m. and leaves at 10W0 a. m.
, North Hope, Hooker and other points, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, leave at 130 p. m,
LOCAL ASSEMBLY 8598. Knights of La
bor, meets every Friday night in the Car
penters and Joiners Hall, third floor, Husei
ton building, WM. M. GUCNN, Kec. Sec
Does Advertising Pay?
tell you that U does If you do It properly
and judiciously. The question Is not
when to advertise, for that should be always,
but bow. Those who have discovered the best
method of course get the largest returns.
Nearly every business has Irs "dull season."
during which a good advertisement will do
faithful work day and night, rain or shine, in
familiarizing consumers with the name,
** location ana specialties or advantages of the
advertiser, so that when the time to buy comes
he reaps the benefit of his se*d-sowlng.
New Advertisements.
Notice to Contractors.
Executors Notice, estate of John Webb.
Grieb A Lamb's l'ianos.
Kemper's Uobes and blankets.
Colbert & Hale's Underwear and Fum
ing Goods.
Scbneidemau's Overcoat department.
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Smith's Business College.
Buckwheat Wanted —Quick.
Marvin's pan cake flour.
NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make
changes in their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—Several new houses and store-rooms
are going up in Petersville.
—Two boys at Beaver Falls ate green
walnuts aud are sick unto death.
—Ad. Kliugeuamith's house in the East
End was robbed of S2OO Wednesday
—Atl'iit«bui j{, Wednesday, a jury found
frank Grade guilty of murder in the first
degree for killing his little step-daughter
—Mr. John La wall, will have a public
c.ile at his residence in Lcasureville, on
Wednesday, October 15, at X o'clock p.
in. Hee bills posted.
—A horse was stolen from the field of
James Stephenson iu Summit twp. east
Saturday night, and the Esq. otfers a
reward of #25, for his return.
—The murriagu license law was five
years old, Wednesday and up to that date
tbe clerks of Itutler couuty had granted
1771 licenses. Down in Allegheny Cc.
23.309 licenses were granted duing the
tuune time,
—Every borse should have its blanket.
owner the price of itself in feed. Frank
Kemper is making a specialty <ff horse
blankets at present. See his card in anoth
er place.
—Contractor Osborne begau laying brick
on the street opposite the Wick House,
Wednesday, but it will hurry him to. get
the part of tbe street completed that he
has begun, this fall, and the Diamond and
North End of Main St. need draining
—At the races at Hoinewood Park,
Pittsburg, Tuesday, all the money was up
on the "Ada" horse, which took the first two
heats, and then Billy Weigle of Butler
came in from the rear of the ten entries
with Andy Root's "Mac" and took the neit
three heat*, the last being ia 2.24| Bully
fo* - Billy,
—A Maine man says the golden rod is
responsible for many of the cases of in
fluenza so prevalent this month. A while
ago his little daughter gathered a large
bunch and pat it in a vase in the parlor,
''"wo sleeping apartments are on the same
and the uoor.-. frequently left open
night. Two days after the flowers had
been carried into the home several mem
bers of the family began to sneeze, com
plain of M>re throat and feel greatly de
pressed, bat not for several days did they
find out the c ause of their illness.
—"lt's a little comfort to a home-late man.
When his wife's remarks and cuts are at
him thundered.
To think of Solomon in a similar case
Explaining w'jero he was to seven hun
—No more picnics for this year.
—Wasp waists are no longer fashiona
—Now take un your matting and put
down carpets.
—Tha Almanac's summer ended last
Saturday, week.
—Every paper you pick up nowadays re
cords an attempt at train-wrecking.
—The buckwheat crop is good and there
are said to be plenty of chestnuts.
—Rents in Butler are nearly as high as
those in the clouds.
—The barn of Nicholas Hoover of Buffa
lo twp. was destroyed by fire last week.
—The newest Congress gaiter, especially
adapted for kicking, is called the Kilgore.
—West Sunbnry town is now West
Sunbnry, P. 0., and not Coultersville as
—Some of the township schools have al
ready opened and the rest will open next
—Tbe frost of last Saturday night ended
the beauty of most llower aud plant beds
and ripened the buckwheat.
—The proprietor of the Hosiery Mill at
Freoport wants fifty girls to loam the
—A Butler county horse thief was ar
rested at Parker, last week, by Constable
—What good news! It is announced
that the cranberry crop, from Cape Cod to
Cape May is the largest and best for years.
—The eighth reunion of the 78th Regi
ment Association will be held at Kittan
ning on Thursday Oct. 30.
—The papers are again talking of the
proposed Sew York and Chicago "Air
line'' railroad, and wo suppose it will be
built some day.
—Tbe Mutual Gas Co's new pipe to their
Winfield twp. well was completed last
week and is said to have cost the Company
—The Pittsburg papers report an unusual
quantity of counterfeit notes in circulation.
The two-dollar silver certificates seem to
be the most numrons.
—Gilmore Campbell, a sou of the widow
Campbell of Lincoln Way, Butler, died
suddenly in Pittsburg last Sunday, and
was brought to Butler, Monday.
—The CbiucKe feast of the moon occur
red on Saturday. As the moon itself re
fused to join in the festivities a year of
misfortune is the Ch'oese outlook.
—M>\ It. B. Taylor has sold his stock in
the Butler County National Bank, and
Hon. Jos. Hartman of Millerstown has
been elected President of the Institution.
—The Anti-Tobacco and Temperance
Society will hold its annual meeting at
Horace Glenn's, on Fridaj- evening, Octo
ber 10, 18!)0, at 8 o'clock. All are cor
dially invited. By the President.
—The School Board of Middlesex twp.
has struck a "pav-streak" and intends build
ing six new school-houses immediately.
See notice to contractors, in another
—A shoe dealer says that tLe inside of
the soles of shoes should be cleaned occa
sionally, with a solution of aqua-amir.onia,
applied by a sponge fixed on a wire—a
very good idea.
—The "slang-box" occupies a prominent
place in niauy homes, and into it a penny
or a nickel is dropped by the offender for
each slang expression used. It is a very
noticeable fact that the women contribute
the greater part of the slang money.
—The County Teachers' Institutes for
this section of country will be held as
follows: ■ "Butler, Dec. 15; New Castle,
Dec. 15; Mercer, Dec. 15; Beaver, Dec. 29;
Meadville. Dec. 29; Indiana, Dec. 22;
Franklin, Dec. 24; Greensburg, Dec. 15.
—The Pennsylvania Railroa.l Company
announces that after September 22i1, the
Cresson and Ebcnsburg special which per
formed the service between Pittsburg and
Ebensburg Saturdays only, leaving the
former at 2:55 p. m. and reaching Ebens
burg at 6:20 p. m., will be discontinued.
—While W. E. Stevenson and bis family,
of Centre township, were in town, show
day, their homo was entered and ran
sacked, aud robbed of small sums of money
laid away in three places. The honses of
Calvin Robb, Jas. McCullough and
Acre, in the same neighborhood, were en
tered the same day.
—A Mission under the direction of the
Passlonist Fathers, Timothy and William,
will commence in St. Paul's Catholic
Church of this place, on Sunday October
sth 1890, and will close on the following
Sunday evening. Services at 5, 7 and 8
a. ra. daily also at 7p. m. Every one is
cordially invited to attend.
—And now it is rumored a new organi
zation is in progress entitled tbo "Soi.a of
Rest." The principal rule of the order is
that anyone caught with perspiration upon
his brow shall be fined a 4 cent paper of
smoking tobacco and a clay pipo for use
of all its members. A continued repetition
of the offense results in expulsion.
—Mr. Abraham Martin, of Oakland Tp.,
has the largest colt ever known to bo raised
about here. It is but two years and five
months old and weighed last Saturday
1,000 pounds. Mr. Martin had it in his
team and its immense size attracted atten
tion. It worked like on old horse, was
shod all around, and is a half Percheron.
—Some strange stories were told at the
meeting ol oil producers, the other even
ing. It was asserted that the Standard is
paying some men as high as #50,000 a year
to stay out of the refining business, and
one producer told of a man up iii Warren
or Bradford couuty who tapped a large
tank belonging to the Standard and stole
thousand' of barrels of oil, and the Stand
ard dropped the prosecution of hiin in
Court rather than produce its books.
—Tho Natural Gus Co. has notified its
customers that on and after Nov. Ist. next
its charges will be as follows—Cook stoves
#2.75, discount 25, net #2.50; first beater
$2.47, 2d 2.20, 3d 1.9',', 4th J. 65 and the
rest 1.37, with discounts of 92, 20, 17, 15
and 12 cents— these rates to be for tho
months of Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb.,
March and April excepting cook stoves
which are to be tho same all tbe year
round, and Company promises lower rates
for the balance of the year.
—A Punxsutawiioy uiftn read in the papers
that the family table should always be the
scene of laughter and merriment, and that
no meal should bo passed in the moody si-«
lence that so often characterizes these oc
casions. The idea struck hira so favorably
that when the family was gathered around
the table that evening he said: "Now, this
sort o' thing of keepiu' au blamed at
ha< got tp stop. Y°u hew me?
Voq girts, put in and tell stories, an' keep
an agreeable sort o' talk like; an' you boys,
laugh and l»e jolly, or I'll take you an' dust
your jackets with a grape vine 'till you
can't stand. Now begin." And the glare
ho sent around the table mado the family
as funny as a funeral.
The Producers' Declaration of
When, in the course of developments, it
becomes necessary to take the head off
that greatest of American hog—Mr. John
Rockafeller—we. the producers of Butler
county. Pa., having the wherewithal and
the opportunity so to do, resolve to do it.
We charge him with crashing all competi
tion in the business of transporting and re
fining crude petroleum, nnd thereby forcing
us to sell our production to him ut a frac
tion of its real value, and we charge him
with attempting to obtain control of the
producing territory with the intention of
forcing us out of the business of producing
oil, and therefore as a matter of self pro
tection, and to save for ourselves and our
families a means of obtaining livelihood,
we have resolved,
1. To build a pipe line t;> a shipping
poiut on the Ohio river, whence the
crude petroleum can be sent to Xew
Orleans by water, and thence to the mar
kets of the world for crude petroleum.
2. To build a refinery at Butler, or
gome other central point in the oil and ga
producing territory, having competing I ail -
road faci'ities, for the purpose of refining
oil with that cheapest of fuels—natural gas
—and lor the purpose of supplying the home
market with the best of refined oil at rea
sonable prices.
And to accomplish these ends we pledge
the necessary funds and our sacred obliga
tions of honor and good will to each other.
(Signed by all the oil producers of Butler
BTTLER, I'A., October 1, IS9O.
The meeting of oil producers in Reiber's
Hall last Friday evening was well at
tended. One hundred producers, or about
half those of the county were in atten
dance. The business of transporting and
refining oil was thoroughly ventilated aud
all agree that the profit in it is immense.
The scheme of building a pipe lino from
Butler county to the .Ohio river, for the
purpose of supplying the foreign market
for crude petroleum, was; also pretty well
agreed upon, as was also "that of buildiug
a refinery—but the producers seemed to
think that the refinery also should be lo
cated along the Ohio, whereas, with its
competing railroads Jand natural gas, the
town of Dutler would, we think, be the
most available loeat'on. The pipe line
will have to be bnilt by a corporation hav
ing the power of eminent domain, and it is
proposed to build the refinery under the
Limited Partnership Act, and by small
subscriptions. The shares were fixed at
$lO each, and no person is to be allowed to
own more than 200 shares, and it is to be
Messrs. W. A. Clark, A.*a .Say, Thos.
Alexander, Juo. Jennings and Charles
llaslett were appointed to solicit subscrip
tions, and Messrs. H. Z. "Winjr, C. I).
Greenlee and W. A. Clark were appointed
to ascertain the coat of pipe lines and re
The well on the Ross Clendenning, in
Bakerstown field, started off at 150 barrels
an hour, and was yet doing from 25 to 50
an hour Monday. It is on a direct line
from the old Gould field to Wildwood and
opens up new territory. "Wells are drilling
on the Bell, Mahan, Flick Jack, Monks,
Canning and Garrow fains. The well on
Clendenning is owned by a company of
Pittsburg butchers who hare had bad luck
till the sinking of this well and who have
IGOO acres leased.
A dry hole was finished last Saturday
on the Harper Ilazlett.
Goehring & McMulty's Irwin lot well at
Gallery came in Friday last, started off at
100 barrels and is good for 35. This well
has no salt water.
Johnston A Co. have a rig up on the Ben.
Douthett near Mars; Forst is drilling
on the Anderson, and Snce intends drilling
on the Belford.
At Zelienople, the McKinney Oil Co.
have a rig np on the Fanker farm, a mile
northwest of Harmony.
Strohecker A Co.'s well on 'the Wilson
is doing 75 barrels and the Harmony Oil
Co.'s, on the Allen, 30; the Centennial, on
the Ifeep, 15; the Knterprise 2, on the
Wilson, 25.
Brandon A Coles'ock's we'l on the J. W.
Brandon was shot last week and sttfrted off
at 50 an hour, and was doing 15 an hour
next day.
McJunkiu A Co.'s well on the Bruneiner
started off at 10 barrels an hour.
Bellis A Co.'s well on the Thos. Graham
is rated at 75 barrels.
At Glade Kun Klingensmith <t Co.'s well
on the Waldron is now rated at 75 barrels.
Temont Co.'s on the Allen was reported
Wednesday doing 200 barrels.
Pring A Co. 's well at Callery is rated at
15 barrels.
Lock wood Jt Patterson's well on. the
liaruhart is rated at 75 barrels. McJunkin
A Co. have abandoned their well on the
The well on the C. Gelbach, owned by
Stewart, Miller A Co. and drilled by W. J.
Miller, started off at 100 barrels and is do
ing 35.
Abrams, Wick A Co., ou the Herd, is
rated at 25 a day, and Mark bam A Co., on
the Kirkci, at 5.
Johnsc n <t I'usey have a rig up on the
Douthett, and Forst on the Anderson.
Babbitt A Co. are drilling a wildcat ou
the McMillan, three miles east of the 4th
sand pool, east of Millerstown.
Titley Jc Co.'s 2 ou the Kamerer made
400 barrels in the first 36 hours, and is do
ng 125 a day. The ir well on the Miller,
Sngar Creek district, was a duster.
Keep it Co. on the Reep is doing 125
Miles it Kamerer's 1, on 'lie Keep, is
rated at 50 barrels, and the Hunter it Cum
inings, on same farm, at 100.
Phillips' well on the Baumgartner, in
Jefferson township, is in and is doing 75
barrels. Bis well on the Sweeney is (fry.
McCafferty it Morrison's well on the Jus.
Hindman, near Fairview, is reported dry.
Murrin Bros, got a duster on the Murriu
farm near Murrinsville. The Ncsbitt well
on the Meßride heirs is rated at 20 barrels,
and McKiuney's 4 and 5 on the Vandcrliu
are small.
The Jas. Martin well on the Martin is re
ported light.
Brown Bros, have a rig up at Troutman.
Several test wells will be drilled near Mid
dleton. Nichols >t I man havo rebuilt their
rig on the llolmau well. A rig is tip oil
the Widow Pisor farm, near Concord
Tho Standard Oil Co. is laying a pipe
line from the West Virginia oil fields to
New York City. Tho line will pass
through Adams, York and other counties
of this State.
ltoth, Jennings <t Co.'s No. 4 on the
Harbush at Wildwood came in Sunday and
started off at 1000 a day.
The Reiberwell on the McC'almont farm,
west of town, was completed last week
and is no good. They found but six feet
of sand.
Sheriff Rutin nuri others have leased
1000 acres in the Mecca oil district, west of
Warren, Ohio, and will drill a test well.
The Derrick's oil report for September
includes the West Virginia and Ohio fields
for the first time. The report says that
'•from one end of tire oil horizon to the
other, the producer isbusy with the same old
vigor. Two-barrpl or tfac
( el as tiers are the same to him, if he only
I has the opportunity to drill. There is a
J falling oIF of 59 drilling wells and 90 ripe.
I from the figures furnished in the August
j report, find this is the only decidedly bull
; ish feature that can be found in the details
J that follow. With 53 (ewer completed
wells iu September than in August, then
is ati increase in new production of 4,528
barrels. The increased output in the
Southwest district alone is 3..">i!7 barrels.
Butler and Armstrong and Eureka both in
crease, while Venango and Clarion are the
only sections that furnish any material de
cline. The Dew work at the close of Sep
tember consists of <332 drilling wells and
351 rigs us compared with 601 drilling wells
and 4-17 rigs at the close ol August. The
output of m w oil Lom all fields reaches the
enormous total of 32,524 barrels."
• Butler county is credited with 95 wells
completed, 10 of which were dry, and the
production of the others is put at 3181 bar
j rels per day; also with 93 wells drilling
and 57 rigs up.
Mrs. Carrie Lynam, of Wilmington, Del.,
is the guest of Mrs. W. C. Xegley.
Mr. Adam Ek>s has moved to Butler,
and is residing in Mrs. Swain'a house on
Lincoln Way.
Mrs. G. F. Schutte has returned from a
visit to Michigan.
Mr. William Scott and wife, of near
Freeport, celebrated their silver wedding
on the 15th ult. Quite a number of their
triendswere present, and Mr. John Brieker
presided at the after dinuer festivities.
Dr. Leighner will ajrain be one o." the
judges at the Greensburg Fair, nest week.
Lottie Sink is visiting friends in Pittsburg
this week.
Mrs. Wm. Arnold, of Bruin, is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Zuver.
Miss Lide Marshall leaves New York on
a steamer to-morrow, with a class of young
musicians who are going to Bremen, for
further instruction in music.
Mr. Emanuel Lutz, of this county, and
M iss Mary Tharber, of Beaver Co., were
married at Wurteinburg, Sept. 23d.
Miss Ella Donahue, of Millerstown. took
a dose of poisonous liniment by mistake
for cough syrup a few days ago and came
near going to the next world.
M. A. Campbell has moved to North
Washington, and A. J. Jack now carries
ihe mail between that place and butler.
Mrs. Dr. Hoover, of Butler, Mrs. Robert
Millliti, of North Hope, and Mrs. J. A.
Dreibelbis, of Emleuton, —three sisters, —
are visiting relatives near Oil City.
i r*. John Ziitell, of Warren, is the guest
of MWm. Braden, of Millerstown.
Thos. K. Cannon, of Parker Twp., has
some apples iu his orchard this year.
George Sbaffner will collect facts regard
ing the coal mines of Western Pennsyl
vania for the Census Bureau.
IV. li. Tellison and wife, of Petrolia, are
visiting friends at South Bernick, Maine.
Dr. J. L Axtell has moved to Millers
town from SUeakleyville, and will practice
Miss Ilattie Wathey, of Petrolia, shook a
rug wiih e pin in it, and the p'n struck and
penetrated one of her eyes.
Miss Minnie Walters, of Sarvers, is visit
ing in Tarentum.
Miss Ma>-y Black, of Washington. Pa., is
the guest of Miss Mollie Black, of Millers
Mr. J. S. llays is about again, after be
ing confined to his house for two weeks
by a broken foot. His horse tramped him.
Thos. MeCiymonds intends going to
Denver, Col., for the winter, week after
Mr. Henry Jamison, of Allegheny Twp.,
was among the citizens of the county in
• own this week. Mr. Jamison i- in his
70th year and is a remarkably well pre
served and healthy man.
Senator Lee, of Venango county, Judge
Bre.lin, ol Allegheny county, and Samuel
MiHer, Esq., ol Mercer county, were iu
town on business Monday.
Mr. Robt. Miller, of Centre township, is
building a barn seventy feet square.
The Salt-Water Case.
Last Saturday afteruoon the Union
Water Co. of Beaver Falls applied to Judge
Wickbam, of Beaver Co., for an injunction
restraining C. J. 1). Strohecker and others,
associated as the Enterprise Oil Co., and
Francis S. Wilson, the owue' of the farm,
from operating certain oil wells, for the
reason that salt-water, oil, etc., running
from said wells into the creek and thence
into the Beaver river, makes the water of
said river unfit for domestic use, and in
jures boilers, pipes, etc.
Judge Wiekhain set Monday of this week
for a hearing and at that time granted a
preliminary injunction.
The Water Co. probably selected the
Enterprise Co. for defendants on accouut
of their property being in Beaver Co. and
the furthest down the cre(k.
This will be a test case and the prop
osition of the Beaver county people is to
shut down all the oil wells from which
salt-water or oil runs into the streams that
drain into the Beaver, but this they will
fail to accomplish. If they will look into
Book 113 of the Peun'a State Reports, they
will that in the case of Sanderson vs.
the Penn'a Coal Co., a case taken up from
Lackawanna Co. some three or four years
ago, this question wus fully discussed, and
the Supreme Court decided that an injury
similar to this one was one without damage
or remedy. If, however, the wells have
been abandoned they can require them to
be plugged, or collect damages if not
A s we remarked some time ago the
people of Beaver Falls will have to look
around for another water supply.
Sick Peor le.
Miss Edith Moore, of Worth township,
is recovering from a severe attack of ty
phoid fever.
A daughter of Coulter MeCandless. of
Centre township is down with typhoid
Mrs. Win. McGill and Mrs. Dr. Seidel, of
Harrisville, are a'so down with typhoid fe
ver. It is thought that the fever there was
caused by the surface water running into
the wells after the late heavy rains. "
Mr. J. 11. llcndrickson, of S. Main St.,
is seriously ill of dropsy.
Original—Oliver Billiard, of llilliards;
Francis Lambert, of Harmony; Francis M.
Michael, of Baldwin.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 20 cents for but
ter and eggs, 75 for potatoes, $1 for onions,
3 to 7 for cabbage, 40 cents a pair for
spring chickens, 75 for tomatoes, 20 a doz
for quinces, 00 a bu. for parsnips, 50 for
Timothy hay from country wagons $lO
to sl3, mixed hay 0 to 7, packing hay K to
8.50. Rye 07 to 70, red wheat 98 to 1.03,
oats 42 to 45, shelled corn 52 to 55, ear
corn 50 to 03. Mill feed 15.50 to 23.00,
country clover seed 4.50, timothy seed 1.60.
Country roll butter 14 to 20, eggs 2) and
22. feathers 30 to 00, spring chickens 35 to
50, dressed spring chicken 14 and 15.
Potatoes on track 85 to 90, jobbing 90 to
1.00; cabbage 3 to 5, yellow onions 1.00;
chestnuts $5 a bu.
At llerr's Island, Monday, sales of beeves
were made at 3J to a}, bulls and dry cows
11 to 2i, grass heifers and steers 2 to 3.
Kcazey sold a lot of Butler Co. calves at 61.
Rciberit Sou sold good Butler Co. lambs
at 6j; McNeese sold lambs at 5 to O.J; Pisor
sold sheep at 4 to 5, and lambs at 5 to 0:
Cruikshanks sold lambs at 5.65.
Reiber A Son wholesaled Butler Co. hogs
at 41; McNeese at 4.40; McCreary at 41,
and Wright at 4,00.
! Closed Monday at HI, Tuesday *'•
'■ Wednesday at 7 ( .'
—lce cream at last summer's
prices at Morrisoa's City Bakery.
John T. Perdue, now lor use of M Shaw,
v-. B. L. Tavlor i Co., trespass. Oct. 1.
1£90: verdict for the plaintiff for Jl9,olii.
, This was a ca~e growing out of a trade of
oil certificates between Perdue an>l Taylor
it Co. in 1670. The trade was of three one
j thousand ham 1 certificates of one coin-
I pany tor those of another. and as oil was
$3 a barrel at that time, the value and
interest now amounts to over $19,000.
Williams A- Clark Co. vs. W. A. Goeh
ring A" Co.. assumpsit. Sept. 30; verdict
for plaintiff for *Sf> f>o.
Andrew T. Connelly vs. James Campbell
et il VerdJet for the plaintiff for tM 05
Hoch A Harnhart vs. Lockwood et al.
Plain: iffs take a voluntary nonsuit on
account of absence of defendants, who had
not been su'opreuaed.
SaraU McLaughlin et al. vs. John Me
Laughlin. Oct. 2: verdict taken in accord
ance with settlement.
The case* of Donnelly vs. Gardner et al.,
McJnnkin vs. I'. R. R. Co.. Martin vs.
Greer; Reeder vs. Steel et al.. Jarecki Co.
vs. Forquer, Flinner vs. Hupp, Ritzert vs.
Showalter et al.. Stoughton vs. Lusk, and
Read vs. Harris were continued.
The cases of Englehart vs. Christie et
al., Klert vs. Gorman, Sr., Wilson vs. (.Jib
son and Lenz, Morrison vs. Conrods, ami
Collins vs. Christie et al., were settled.
The case of Pryor vs. Russell was dis
Letters of administration were granted
to Mina Schroth on estate of Christian
Schroth, late of Jefferson Twp.; also to M.
S. McGarvey on estate of Pho.be McGar
vey, late of Washington Twp.
Stephen Cmnmings Esq., has made ap
plication for letters on th-j estate of Joseph
Hrittain, Jr., and a hearing was fixed lor
Wednesday, Oct. 8, at 1 p. in., in Register
and Recorder's office.
Rob't A. Edwards had summons in
equitable ejectment issued vs. Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Staaf.
Henry J. Mcßrido has applied for a
divorce from Ida Mcßride.
John Collin#, of Millerstown. Gotleib 11.
Waters, of Butler, Chas. A. Ollson, of Mil
lerstown, Walter Hniton, of Chewy town
ship, Christ, llohler. of Roller, and Adam
Daurn, of Butler, received their final
naturalization papers this week.
L. C. Wick to X. Viuroe, lot in Butler
for S4OO.
Caroline Milder to L. A. Helmbold, lot
in Saxon burg lor soon.
11. J. Berg, Jr., to Sarah Connor, lot In
Butler for $2,350.
M. W. Shannon to J. J- Titley, lot in
Butler for $1,650.
L. M. Hewitt to F. M. Hewitt, lot in
Butler for $1,(500.
W. H. Goehiing to F. J. Klingler, lot in
Butler for $3,000.
R. M. Iluselton to Jennie Miller, lot in
Butler for SI,OOO.
A. L. Bowser to Alex. Williams, lot in
Butier for S9OO.
Minnie Smith to Albert Smith, 48 acre
in Jefferson township for SIOOO.
Lena Smith to Albert Smith, 48 acres in
Jefferson township tor SSOO.
Quit claim—Jno. Kuutz to Chas. Sheetz.
43 acres in Jefferson for $l5O.
Marriage Licenses.
Samuel B. Smith Clay twp
Mary Sanderson Slipperyrock twp
Wm. W. Wilson Evans Citj", Pa
Katie Beringer Forward twp
Jn-\ H. p;ider Evans City, Pa
Emma Beringer Forward twp
ll'my Hoffman Illinois
Lydia Davis Franklin twp
Winfield S. Dale Mercer Co
Angeline Coulter West Suubury
David M. Hendrickson Cranberry twp
Viola Davidson •' "
John Wagner Heaver Falls. Pa
Margaret Mart soil". Centre twp
John M. Kottraba Greenville, Pa
Lottie llerr Economy, Pa
Levi liiikel Butler, Pa
Mrs. Mary Maxwell
At Pittsburg —James It: Sln/vne, (if But
ler Co., and Anna IS. AleFcrren, of Alle
Buckwheat Wanted,--Quick!
For highest price t>»ke your Back
wheat grain, u-et or dry, o once to
Klingler's Elevator.
X. B. Later prices will be lower,
as the crop is large every where.
—Pupils' Monthly Reports, oue
cent each, for sale at CITIZEN office.
With Pancakes for Breakfast.
The average man is bappv. Yet
pancakes are an awful nuisance unless
made from Marvin's famous self
raising pancake flour, which saves
trouble, bother, worry and gives a
delicious cake in a marvelously short
time. Always ask your grocer for
Marvin's pelf-raising Hour.
—We are showing great values in
silks, benriettas, mohairs, challies.
fine dress ginghams and all kinds of
dress goods.
Fine cakes at the City Bakery.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in fiuish, tone or a correct
• Cheapest Home
In Butler county for sale. Four
roomed house, never failing spring
good fruit, one acre and sixty-six
perches, located in Buffalo township,
near Free port. Inquire of Mrs. E. A.
Weils, at Line Station.
This Cool Fall Weather.
Miskf-s pancakes one of the favorite
! features of a dainty breakfast. Ji'
' you want pancakes fit for a king, and
without the least bit of worry or
bother, get Marvin's eelf-raiaing pan
cake flour. If you use it once you
will never be bothered with any
other kind.
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 ceuts for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZEN office.
—The A nti-Busting Tinware—
guaranteed against rust for three
years, at HENRY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 X. Main St., Butler, Pa.
Largest assortment of fiue dress
ginghams and challies in Butler at.
lowest prices at
: —The cheapest place in Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, I*a.
Health and Happiness.
Bread is the staff of life, and good
bread is the delight of the soul. No
man who eats heavy, unwholesome
bread can be happy. The best way
is to order Marvin's Queen .Jubilee
or Bed-Seal Bread from your grocer,
and IK! sure you have the best in the
Home-made bread at the City
Keep your feet out of the sand
and your books out of the rnud with
those free book covers and bags at
—Large assortment of lace tidies,
pillow shams, bed sets, fine silk
throws, India silks, pongees, Madras
drapery, tfce., at
—Wheeler & Wilson and Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
Xo. 122 N. Main St., Butler. Pa
let> cream furnished in any
quantity, for parties, by the City
—Take your children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures that will suit
| you. Anderson building.
A particularly sad accident happened in
Huilalo twp. a few days ago. Two children
of Mr. John M. Plants, were playing .in a
little house in the yard that thi ir father
bad built for them: Mr. Plants was away
from home and Mrs. Plants was engaged
iu the house: au.l the children slipped into
the Summer kitchen, where tiler- \\.i< lire
and an oil can and poured oil into the (ire.
The can exploded, the burning oil was
thrown over the children and they were so
terribly burned that they died that eve
ning. Their names were James aged 0
years, and Fannie aged 3.
John Schermerhorn and 1"„1 Ward car
penters, fell 22 feet from a scaffolding at
Hewitt's new house, Tuesday, and were
both badly injured. Schermerhorn "s
shoulder was dislocated, and Ward's hand
was torn.
While Lawrence McCandless and old
Mr. John Shem who has lately been liviug
in Butler, were hauling a load of hay
from near Unionville to town, last Monday,
the load upset, and Mr. Shem was thrown
to the road, alighting on his head and
shoulders,and was seriously perhaps fatally
Truth Crushed to Earth Will
Rise Again.
In a former article under the above
heading, we made certain charges respect
ing the award of diplomas at the two la.-t
fairs and at the same time challenged
Mr. Williams to a contest before competent
j uil ges.
Mr. Williams, iu his very short article
published a few days ago, does not deny
the charge we make, that at the Fair of
1880 there were no judges appointed, but
claims he had a diploma granted by the
Association for the year 18JS0. and "adds,
"I have the premium for 1890 alter the
Association directors meet."
Before 1889 we were not iu the business
and cannot speak of the means employed
by Mr. Williams to gain diplomas, "but
we know how he obtained his diploma
in the year 1889, and how he tried to
obtain it in IS'JO. We again charge that
there were no judges appointed 011 pianos
and organs in 1889, that any diploma
granted Air. Williams for that year was
fraudulently obtained.
This year the same party who helped to
perpetrate the fraud last year again under
took to secure a diploma for Mr. Williams.
Siuce our last article was written the
directors of the Association have had a
meeting. The matter of granting a di
p'oma lor pianos and organs was fully in
\estigated, and we are authorized to say
that they ignore the action of the so-called
judges and refuse to grant Mr. William
a diploma. They find the appointment ol'
the judges was unauthorized and was male
without consulting the officers of the As
sociation; that they were not even appoint
ed by Mr. Trout man. who had charge of
that department of the fair, but by his as
sistant, Wm. Eusminger.
We refer any one doubting the above
statement to the directors of the Associa
tion. who so kindly permitted us to use
their names. In support of the charge wc
make, as to the maimer of obtaining the
diploma of 1889, he following affidavit will
speak for itself:
Before me, the subscriber, a Notary Pub
lic in and for said county, personally came
John li. Grieb and R. J. Lamb, of the firm
of Oriel) it Lamb, piano and organ dealers,
of 120 South Main street. Bui'.er. Pa., who
being duly sworn according to law, depose
and say:
That on Septembers, 1890, William Ens
niinger, iu a conversation with us, stated
that at ttie fair of )s'-9 he had charge of
Floral Hall; that there were no judges ap
pointed on pianos and organs; that he
(Ensuiinger) simply Lad given Mr. Wil
liams some red ribbon, which Williams
displayed on his instruments to make
believe he had been awarded the same,
all of which they state to the best of
their knowledge and belief.
R. ,1. LAMB.
Sworn and subscribed before me this Ist
day of October. A. I'. 1906.
Notary Public.
It is the duty ot the people in charge of
the several departments to return the
books to the Secretary of the Association,
and wo know ho ( Knsiiiinger) marked Mr.
Williams for a diploma and that the Sec
retary, believing eveiy thing straight,
granted the diploma.
Is it not time that the manner of obtain
ing these dinlotnas should be ciushed to
earth, NEVER to rise again?
Respectfully submitted,
(!R"-.I! & LAMB.
When Baby McKee Is Happy-
W ten Baby McKee gets one of
MarviD's Stanley cakes in one hand
and a cream-jumble in the other he is
the happies* youngster in the land.
Remember that we are head
quarters for white goods, embroidery
lace curtains, draperies, lace tidies
and bed sets.
—Girls tricycles at
Who is W. M. Nickle?
How many store.-* docs Le buy for?
1B there any advuntage in buying in
such large quantities? Come and see?
We have not space to give full price
list of the fi ve-tLocsaud items we
have. We quote a tew: clothes pins
1 cent a dozen; set plates, full size,
warranted Iron-stone cbina 25c;plates
full size, 2d quality 3e; <et cups and
saucers first quality 30c; 1 gal! buck
et 7 cte; one-Lai! gall bucket with
cover 6 cts; ladie: bose black and de
sirable colors 5 cis; 25 needles 1 ct;
pins 1 ct a paper; tumblers 2 cts; lull
liue of tinware 50 per cent less than
usual price, toll Inie no'.ions 'ill kicds.
Remember place. VV M. Nickle's 5
Cent Store, opp Herg and Savings
Hunks, 103 S. -Vl:.tn St. Butler, I'u.
House-cleaning time shows the
necessity for nc>v curtains, tidii-s,
throws and bed sets. We can sup
ply you with everything needed in
that line.
—Try us on silks and black dress
goods. We have some special bar
—J. J. lleiber, the drover, wants
all farmers and etockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having anv to sell
should address him LOCK BOX !)2F>,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St
—Lace curtains, curtain poles,
sa.sh curtain materials, scrim and
curtain laces and drapery ot all kinds
j —Guitars, violins and mouth
organs at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—New mohairs, silks, henriettas,
challies, and full line of dress goods
Balls aud bats at
Full liue of hats, both still" aud
soft, for summer wear at
—Largest line of fine baby
i carriages ever brought to Butler at
Velocipedes, rocking horses
wagons aud wheelbarrows at
—Full line of guitar strings, bunjo
strings and violin strings at '
—Confectionery aud fruits at the
] City Bakery.
i —Buy the Eigbme patent shirt at
\ \ RK U;AI>. Oth-rs follow.
V V The rapid ittor ,i.>c ol'
business is flu- Inl evidence
that our eHort to give Jo this
community a first <1 - Drug
Store is appreciated. We
make a specialty ol' lh<- drug
business ptwj t-r and -ive it our
entire time and personal at
tention. We hatidle only the
best ol everything in our line
and guarantee the purity of
everything bearing the name
of C'. N. BOYD. We have no
old stock that has stood for
years, but all goods are pure
and fresh. Physician's Pre
scriptions receive special at
tention. If we do not have
what you want we frankly tell
you so and will be pleased to
secure it for you on short no
tice We ask a share of your
patronage and feel sure 3 011
will be pleased with our meth
ods of doing business, and we
can save you money. Your
interests are best served at
our store.
C. N. BOY I), Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
will find the best Soda Water
in Butler at
Try his grape tonic—a most
delicious and refreshing drink
Try his milk-shake, made of
milk ol guaranteed freshness.
Try any of his flavors and
you will find them the best in
the town.
And You Make Friends, is one
c f the Standing Maxims o.
Our Business.
We understand the word bargains to
mean not only cheap goods, but goods of
high quality. Every time we use the word
bargain we wan't you to associate with it
the idea of quality and cheapness, which is
the distinguished feature of the genuine
bargains we offer. Every effort has been
made to include in our varied assortment
only reliable goods; goods which shall be
most valued when they have stood the
thorough test of use and wear. Our effort:
in this direction has been thoroughly suc
cessful. No better values or _tir.er grades
being within the purchasing power ol
money. This is true not only of our finer
and more costly goods but our entire <toek.
One feature of our stock which will com
mend itself to all classes of buyers is the
price feature, we make no extravagant
figures. We have marked our goods with
such low prices as will commend theui at
a glance to all bargain lovers. We show a
stock various enough to meet the require
ments of any taste and purse in every
respect representative of the best goods in
the market, if you incline to the view that
strength and service are the chief desirable
features in this line of goods. We can suit
your taste exactly for we lay especial
stress on these features in all our goods.
Good material, well seasoned, and well
manufactured, is what we pride ourselves
on, and in respect of quality aud work, our
goods will not disappoint the purchaser, in
the matter of price we stand pre-eminent
as lovers of low prices and buyers will find
our figures as fair and low as any that can
be made. Our large stock ot Huggies,
Phaetons, Surreys, Carts, Express, De
livery, Drillers and Husiness wagons all
bear tho maker's name and we warrant
them to be well made and ol good mat erial,
and with fair usage for any breakage
resulting from defecli\p material or work
manship we agree to make good either by
furnishing a new part to replace the detec
tive or allowing a reasonable price for
repairs. Come and see us. We are sell
ing good goods at low prices considering
the quality; we are hero to stay, and we
are here to give every purchaser the worth
of his money. We want to build up a trade
that will stay with us. In order to do so
we will give every person value received.
As winter is near we have decided to sell
I the above goods at reduced prices. We
j will not carry this stock over if wo can
! realize first cost out of them. Xow friends,
| ifyou want bargains come and see us. We
! are here to do business and we mean busi
i nes-. It will pay you to buy this fall, \o"
will save money tie so doing. Come and
i see us whether you want to buy or not. it
•vill do you good to see our largo stock ot
roods. We also sell the renowned Mitchell
. wagon; every wagon We sell we give
written guarantee. The firm of Mitchell,
j L"%\ is A Co. is one of the oldest wngo:
lirms on record, established in 1834. Their
works are in Kaoir.e. Wis. Wisconsin i.-
noted for goou timber. This wagon
material is cut in the proper ..eas.in i..r
catting lumber and placed in open shi-d
--and air dried for three years before ifing
making it perfectly dry belore put ii.
, wagons. One reason why they are so par
j ticular in thoroughly drying their lumber
; is their trade is principally Southern trade,
and we all know it requires better seasoned
material for the hot southern states thau :t
does for rbis country.
The Mitchell wagon has the best
material and the best seasoned material 'of
anv wagon ever introduced in this coun
try. Come and see them. You will find
them in the
BIXK Bl II,I)1.\"U,
S. ileKean St., Butler, Pa.
We shall be glad to welcome all and any
to our place and show goods and quote
prices. Hoping to see you soon, we
remain trulv,
\V. F. IIA ItT/iKLIj it CO.
lce lor sale at the City Bakery.
A Lady's Perfect Companion.
Every expectant mother should read our
new book by Dr. Bye, one of New York's
most celebrated physicians. A perfect
guide, it tells how the fearful ordeal can be
made easy, free from danger, and almost
entirely painless, thus saving months of
anxiety, dread and suffering. Full of valu
able information to ladies, answering hun
dreds of delicate questions. Send two cent
stamp for circulars, testimonials, and con
fidential letter. Address, FH.VNK THOMAS
•V Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md.
—Buy tLo Lansing Wagon—it is
the best. For sale by
122 N. Main St., Butler, I'a.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
Middlesex township n hool Imur I for the
building of six school-houses. Hid* to be
open until the 10th of November. Claris
und specifications to be steu at the residence
of the Secretary in Middlesex Twp., Butler
Co., Pa., near Sandy Hill. The bourd
reserves the riijht to reject any or all bids.
S.\MRF.I. A. LESLIE, Sec'y.
• Bakerstown P. 0.,
I Allegheny Co., Pa.
Salesmen Wanted
To cauyaßß for the sale of imrserj stock. Sit
nations iiermaucut. salary ami expenses from
the start. l£utCK selltntc specialties. No exper
lenee necessary. Outnt free. Write for terms
Slating aire.
11. E. Hook I.U CO.. >ur»iTjinpn
Itorb*- er, \. V.
I —Advertise in tbo CITIZEN.
Our Overcoat
Is DOW completed and we extend to all th» readers of this piper • cordial
invitation to call and examine our stock of new fall and winter oyercoats
which we have in great variety, in
In all the new shades of
The young and stylish dresser will want his fabrics made in
Finished with lapped seams an! inserted velvet collar, (which is the latest
this season) of which we have several styles in light or dark color, very
nobby, and sure to please the most fastidious.
Iu addition to the above we have overcoats of all styles for
Men, Youths, Boys and Children,
H. Schneideman
The Peoples Clothier.
104 S. Main St. - - - Butler, -Pa.
I wit-h to inform the buyers of Bo.>ts and Shoes of our extra large fall
stock, which has all arrived and is open and readv for vouc inspection.
Our fall stock this vear is larger than ever before, and we are offering
remarkable bargains No doubt all the readers of this advertisement know
of the advance in price of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods, but nevertheless
we t-hall sell all our goods at the same low urice So persons wishing to
receive the bargain of a lifetime should visit BICKEL'S.
Among Our Ladies' Shoes
Will be found some of the latest style hand turns in Rocko and French
Kid. See cur line of McKay and Machine Sewed Goods. They excel
them all in price. f
Ladies, I wish to call your attention to our fine line of Hand Welt
Shoes. Something just the thing for this season of the year. In Every-day
Shoes we have a large stock of Satin and Milwaukee Oil Grains. Calf or
Kip Shoes either in Button or Lace
In the Men's and Boys' Department we can show a better selection than
ever before.
A pair good French Calf Shoes, Eng. Bal. or Congress, at $2 00.
A pair good Box-toe Shoes, D S. and tap, at $2.50
A pair good Box-toe Boots, hand sided and band pegged, at $3.75 to
Three hundred pairs Men's Sample Boots at $1 75 to $3.00.
Two hundred and fifty pairs Boys' Sample Boots at $1.25 to $2,00.
The persou first to call is the person to receive the best selection.
A big stock of Misses' and Children's Dress and E very-day Shoes.
Rubber Goods of All Kinds
Boston, Woonßocket, Candee and Bay State Rubber Boots and Shoes.
A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' Speciality Rubbers.
Leather and Findings.
A full line of Leather—Sheffield Sole Leather, Calf Skins and Kips of
all kinds. Boots and Shoes made to order.
Neatly and Promptly done either in leather or rubber goods. Orders by
| mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. A box of fine
leather preserver free with each purchase.
To those persons who received some of our seed corn and oats, I wish
to say that the corn and oats will be r ceived at the store from October Ist
to 10th. It will also be judged dnrinsr the same time by three uninterested
farmers. This seed will not bo judged by the quantity, but by the quality.
So bring what you have, it matters not how much, for the best qualities will
receive the premiums. The person receiving first premium will receive $10;
the person receiving the eecond premium will receive $5. So bring in yonr
seed, but not later than October 10th
Yoars truly,
Old Number* £2 South Main Street.
New Number* 128 S. Main Street.
BUTLER, - -- -- -- -- PENN'A
: , ( ssatimmaammmmm
Dry Goods,
Furnishing goods,
Fancy Goods.
lii the latest styles and at the Lowest
prices go to