Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 03, 1890, Image 2

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« i ncur - - - run"" -
■ MCHmoi name-roe rAaß r *' rA,D ■
i rj n-- -
„ . _ tkrCimn tome extra roptei
■ y.rtM 1 wWen are sent to
andthetr sub
m a taTor by bending us
neighbors.** nowlaSngta
couatj paper.
1B I ■iim'— *— intended for mblioaiior
- "• I, B i -*— accompanied by the real
JiiSli«*«, not tar publicationbat ae
*£afraoto=eama* be aocom
iSSftirm poMtbtename.
Kepbliean State Ticket
m eoTUJOi,
vaa LarnsAxr BOTEBSOB.
Repblku Canity Ticket.
m eoiMßs
nU 00B9KKB,
The CcDtest.
The Democratic Congressional conferee
met in Butler last Monday and nominated
E. P. Gflle*pie. E*o.. of Greenville, as their
candidate for Congress in thi# district. Mr.
Giile-pie is well spoken of, and it is said
tfeat be told the Democratic voto of
kit own county.
This nomination, we think, pats the con
test between Mews. Phillips and Gillespie,
with the chance* in favor of Mr. Phillips.
If Mr. Phillips takes bot half of the Re
publican vote of Lawrence county, ho will,
with the practically solid Republican vote
of Butler and Bearer counties, and what
gain? we feel a*, tired be will make in this
eo&aty, be elected without a single vote in
Mercer county.
But we know that he will get some votes
ia Mercer conotv. and we wHI not la. otir
prised if he carries Lawrence conntr two
to oae. We appe-d the District vote of
aDein. Pro. tcting.
mm 232 65
Butler, 53.4 4 4'S 181
laewacs, 4570 1927 43j ITS*
Mercer, ®43 4»>l 520 147
21130 144*1 1467 502
Townaead * piorah;/ over GnfS'h was
A Torn® tekjermph opcraur slept at hia
po«t near Ca&e#r^!!e t Obio, la. t Saturday
night. fraifht tram- collided and
eight M set violent deaths.
'T»t win of ras riorts is
BT IAUOTI, MOT >T uaißiiai."—T. If".
Letter of J*re t ,tm*er.
The Cracked McCrackeo.
The Xew Caatle Guardian, a paper for
which we hare heretofore bad the highest
respect, wa«eua«iially vulgar anu disrespect-
IU feat weak. Iu editor, Mr. MuCracken.
was a member of the Conference- Inverti -
gatibg ee«n»ittoe, which, as far as the
Merear and Lawrence county members
were waiiwil, refused ti> investigate. I
ptrveetad inreetigation. aud showed a de
terauaafeon to condone the bribery from
the beguuing of ita aeasions. The only
teasM Mr. MeCrackea gave for his extra
eriineiy www was that they (the politi
eaaae ef Lawrence oonnty) knew that
Tewnseal'asemination had itenu purchased
—that at the convention of two years ago,
Corert had receive! money for his vote.
They 'the politicians of Lawrence county)
knew that them, and, to their shame and
iahaaor. eoedoned the cflVnso against
themeelves and the law. and an* that the
peapfe ef the whole district know that Mc-
Dowell's nomination was purta»*ed they
expect them (the people) to show an equal
ly looee morality or feck vi principle as if
ah—lll one man in this cossrouiitty commit
nuzrde' aod escape pn<iiahmeni we all
rikoold give oar-alvca ap to the auie crime.
We do aot think they will, and the vote
caat en the 4th of November next will show
whether or no we are right.
Takfegit lor granted that Covert did re- I
e»»ve money for bis vote, be denied it.
m s»ile fe this caee It is acknowledged, and
ttu m the first opportunity the people
have had to show their condemnation of
MKh work.
If Mr M«Oartrsn i- not cracking bin
narrow pate against the solid wall of fcon
.eet politic*, we are greatly mi. tafcen.
"A uw ucn SHoru* hot at cho
rkMtf' Letter •/ Jeeeptmee.
Ma#or McDeweß is inuoccut «4 any know I-1
edge af the crime that was t .. rpc u ated to
eecare his ntc-in-"i»«n, why does he make
kwn c~tnpanior. - of Uie men chtrged
with fcaviag committed the crime?
UMjvt McDowell ia innocent of any knowl
elge ef the criase that was to
aecsze hi* noeiinaU.a, why .IM be jot <lo
asNUiMthe ariae wfc<« it va* Cm eiposed
and. hh an diaocenl us- 'are U toe
»wid that n Wugut u no uo«u
Ma|e? McDowell is inboceat of any knowl
eige eif lie crime that was perpetrated to
***** to a-minatwi,. whv Ui>! he c<Bie to
yew CV-'io a- 4 taka a t p„,t in th«
organisation of Ui>- law ovor Courty t'oui
saittce aad thereby lend hi. aid i n p rcT^nt
mg the kind of an investigation an in-
McDowell believed what lie said
•hea ha ( told the people iu White Hall
toat the gepelilii » | party it gi water than
kl '" T ®*n," why uid he not prevent, by
** *• detained nomination, a
diTjasen ia that great party, wb.eh has
f--*r * for one .rf iu cruer
ftmtrn, *w he foond that honest men I
woaii not endorse a i^Bit ;ia ti. „ made '
•ppocition to that principle of the party t— I
>e* Castle I
A Great Day for McKinley.
Lact Saturday var a proud Jay for Major
"William McKinley of the State of Uhio.
lie Mir the great measure which will be
associated with hi« name in the economic
history of the civilized world, adopted in
its final shape by the representative pop
alar branch of the nation's legislative gov
ernment, in the shape in which it is to
finally go upon the statute books. A iewed
entirely apart from politic?, from party
pledgee or from government revenues,
this bill ia sure to bear a tremendous part
in the industrial history and development
of the country, and in the annals of eco
nomic science.
Some months ago an estimate was made
from the imports for one year, of thirty
five classifications of dutiable article?,
amounting in value to $136,600,000, that if
manufactured in this country they could
have given employment to 248,600 persons.
They were less than one-third of our dutia
ble imports, and it is estimated that if all
of the latter were supplanted by'like ar
ticles made in this country, the industries
thus added to the country's busy equip
ment would employ over 800.000 people.
The McKinley bill will give to most if not
all of these industries an impetus that will
enable us to catch up with and to pas*
other nations in every considerable lino of
manufacture that can be carried on within
our climatic range.
In short, this great measure will place
America's manufacturing supremacy be
yond dispute, and sooner or later,, by the
tremendous significance of this inevitable
fact, it will convert the political economy
of the world to the recognition of the
beneficent wisdom, the scientific soundness
and the mathematical certainty of the pro
tective principle, administered in the spirit
of teachable willingness to admit new facts
and to study new conditions. — X. T. Pre9f.
AT 6 o'clock Wednesday evening, Con
gress adjourned and the Congressmen fled
from Washington for their unusually short
vacation. They must be back on the first
Monday of December. The President
signed the Tariff bill and it is now a law,
to take effect next Monday.
Passage of the TarlfF Bill.
On Tuesday night of this week the U. S.
Senate, by a vote of 33 to 27, adopted the
conference report on the McKinley Tariir
Hill, including Blaine'# reciprocity section.
The bill is an immense affair, covering sev
eral hundred pages of paper, and is a thing
that probably would not be read by one in
ten thousand, even if placed in their hands.
The list of articles upon which a tariff or
tax must 4>e paid at the custom houses of
this country when brought in from foreign
countries is divided in the bill by schedules
lettered from A to if, and there are 450
CLLMUS of articles upon which duties must
be paid as stated in each paragraph. The
'Tree List" is also very lengthy and con
tains 299 articles and classes of articles
that are to be admitted free of duty, and
quite a number of articles are put on the
free list that were dutiablo under the old
Section 3 of the bill provides lor recipro
cal trade with countries producing certain
articles; and on and after the first day <>f
January. fTO2. puts no mo discretionary
powers ic the hands ol the President re
garding suspending the provisions of the
act in relation to sugar, molasses, tea, cof
fee, hides, etc., and imposing certain duties
on them that he has not heretofore had.
Sections 4 to 24 impose penalties and re
late to certain articles and localities, and
the balance of the act from sections 26 to
00 make changes in the Internal Revenue
To study the bill is to study the business
of the world, and that is what very few
people have the time to do or the capacity
to comprehend.
| Tno bill v. as signed by the officers of both
' Ranches of Congress, and by the President,
and is now a law.
AT Woodstock, Ontario, last Monday,the
celebrated murder case of the Crown vs.
Bird-all, for the killing of a young En
gliahman named lienwell, was concluded
by a ve, diet of murder, and the jndge sen
tenced Birchail to bo banged November
Prospect News.
I Know:
That Bert McLure, of UcKeesport, was
Tinting friends here lately.
That Jacob Qeyl, of Beaver Falls, was
the gnest of his brother Martin recently.
That Barry llecklc, of Allegheny City,
was visiting here last week. Come oftener,
Harry; glad to see you.
That Willis Pyle has gone to Virginia to
seek his fortune. Good luck, Willis; don't
stay long.
That Ross Boyle, of Chicago, who has
been visiting Ed MoCleary for some time,
lias returned home.
That Millie Forrester is quite an artist.
She has painted some very line pictures,
which are worth seeing.
That Lafayette McGowan, who has been
in California and Oregon for two years, has
come home. Lafe is sick at present with
fever and agne.
That Alice Hillman, who has been sew
ing in Harmony for some weeks, is home
at present.
That Edwin Clark has gone to Philadel
phia to graduate at a dental college.
That Rc-v. T. If. Both, of Utlca, X. V.,
is here visiting his mother. Glad to see
you. Rev., anu hope you may stay in town
i(Uitu a while.
That Mrs. J. O. iJodds, and Misses Aggie
Kennedy, Bessie Shunor and Ada Jones
were delegate* u> the late W. C. T. U.
convention at Centreville. They report a
highly profitable time.
That John Sechler. of Princeton, Pa., is
working for his brother Philip of this place,
i They are in the marble business.
That Jas B. Caler, who is doing a large
trade in the marble business at Evans City,
was at home here last week.
Tt.at Sheriff Koxberry lately mistook his
leg tor a leg of beef. The wound is im
proving fa*t.
That Amos Cooper, of Whitestown, who
has been sick since last May, was visiting
"r. McDonnell, of this place, last week.
Glad to see you, Amos.
Ti at Win. W llenshaw, who has been
drilling in the Lima, U., field all summer,
is i.oui* again He is well enough pleased
with that field.
That J. C. Felly has been quite sick for a
few weeks with epigastric trouble, (ilad
to hear he is improving.
That III'MHam will soon move into
the V. m. Cable house, and Ham Kennedy
ha.*> inoveil into ihc Richardson house,
lately occupied by J. y. Sullivan.
Allegheny Twp. Items.
Our worthj friend and neighbor, James
is undergoing a burdensome and
piiiaf'i! ick -pelf. AH ho i < a useful man
IT the vicinity his speedy recovery is
anxiously awaited.
A tew days ago there was a very enjoy
able time at the residence of our friends,
Mr. and Mr*. John W. McCord. It was in
hon' rof their 2-"» th wedding anniversary,
and it was a very rainj day, but everybody
present was happy.
Tli* Parker l air was favored with line
weather this season, and we wero favored
with a very pleasant visitor, a young man
from Butler, who, with others, made our
lioino plcai-ant and cheerful during the
There were a few candidates at the Par
Lei I air. 'l'liey were all very pleasant, and
as friendly as usual. They all expect to be
elected this Fall.
We regret that our esteemed friend and
worthy eituen.J. 8 Dover,with his family,
is about to leave our township, and wo
understand their purpose in to locate in
rinalr/. O. Ihej have been a good and
use! il family in the neighborhood. Miss
fc. never in a succes. ful music
teacher and she will be very much missed
in tliib vicinity j T
Sept. 2a, lUtW.
1 At Franklin Pa. last Saturday Judge:
j Taylor granted an absolute divorce to
) Mrs. Rogers from Rev. E. B. R >gcr>. on
the srrouni's of cruel treatment,
The RUtaning Insurance Co. is in trouble
and Judge McPherson of Harrisbnrg bn 1
granted a rule on it to show cause why its
business should not be closed.
A wreck on the P. A W. R. R. near
Shippcnville. early Sunday morning, killed
fireman Silas Elder, and engineer I rank
Wood. Fourteen freight cars and the
engine went over a trestle.
At Pitt.-burg last Saturdav Jndgo White
sen! T. J. Sefton of the National Capital
Savings and B. and L. Assu to the pen.
for one year for fraudulent land dealing,
and Dnnn. Phillips, Harrison, Cannon and
Butler to the Workhouse for C. 3 and 2
At Lima O. a girl ate starch for her com"
plcxior. and died.
In Allegheny last Saturday one man
was killed and five badly injured by the
fall of a wall connected with Callery s
Rochester. Beaver Co. had a $7,000 fire
last week, and Rol/t Martin, Perry Brown,
and Aaron Wilson were the losers.
Beaver Co. silver ore is said to essay 19
ounces to the ton.
J. L. Long's plnninc mill in Freeport
was destroyed by fire a few days ago, also
the barn of Ilcnry Eiseman iu Armstrong
Co. about four miles from the town.
McKeesport has three-thousand Swedes,
and they want a consular appointment.
Wampum has a case of small-pox and
the people of the town arc fearful that the
disease will spread.
A Beaver Falls Co. is filling a big order
for wire-fence from China
The ridge between Moon and Montour
townships in Allegheny Co. is overran with
rats, that are eating the grain and killing
the young chickens.
Over in Scott twp. Lawrence Co. last
Friday, a little girl who was looking into
a pig sty lost her balance and fell in, and
was killed by two large pigs, before she
conld be rescued.
In ftttsburg last week there were rumors
of the embarrasinent of tbo Iron City
Bridge Works Co., one of the largest con
cerns in the town.
The season for gunning accidents is here.
The latest one is from Bedford county and
is as follows: La.-t Saturday afternoon
Johnson May and George Hii'egas were
oat on a hnut near West End, Bedford
county, and on their way home stopped to
talk before purling, taking "eat s on a fence.
Mr. May rested the butt of his gun on a
log below, the gun slipped, the hammer
struck t'ue log, and the weapon was dis
charged. The whole charge entered May's
breast, killing him almost instantly. He
was about eighteen years ol" age and was a
son of Simon May.
The town of HillviMe, Indiana Co. !'a.
has 100 inhabitants, one half of whom are
down with typh iid fever.
In tho Indiana Co. court last week a jury
last week, iu a civil case, brought in a
verdict for the plaintiff". Tbo court in
structed them that they nitut li?: the
amount in the verdict. They returned to
the jory room and in a short time came
into court with a verdict for the defendant
Thj court received the verdict aud thee
oet it aside. The case will have to bo tried
The wife of John lJeaui, of Mitchcllville,
aged 65 years, gave birth to twins on Mon
day evening. Her daughter, Mrs. Stratton,
who lives in a neighboring township, pre
seated hor husband with twins the same
eveniug. Mrs. Stratum's daughter Eva
was married a year ago, and lives in Brad
ford. The friends of Mrs. Stratton and her
mother wc. e not yet through congratulating
them over the interesting natal coincidence
in their families, when Mrs. Stratton re
•ceived a letter from her son-in-law 11:1-
nounoiug that her -daughter had given
birth to twins on Monday evening. The
three double births all occurred within 10
minutes of each other.
At Mercer last Saturday the Farmers'
Alliance put in nomination thu following
ticket: Sheri/r, J. B. Maxwell, Pindley
tp; Prothonotary, \f. S. Madge, Shenango;
Clerk of Courts, K. K. White, Pine; Ke
oorder, S. P. Gordon, LacWawannock,
Treasurer, Win. Xicklin, Lake; Assembly,
Thomas Dickey, Wortli; David Robinson,
Hickory; T. A. Raskin, Greene; Comtnifl
siouuis, Alex. McCullong!|, G'oolspring;
James Huutor, Springfield; District At
torney, J T. Hlai'k, Mercer; Auditor,
James Maban.
Butler Presbytery.
The Presbytery of Butler met at Plain
Grove September 23. Rev. Watsuu J.
Young was received from the Presbytery
of Steubenville. ami Iter. Win. L. Oiler and
liev. Samuel Williams were appointed to
install him as pastor of Prospect and Mt.
Xebo churches ut their earliest conven
ience. Licentiate Wiilis S. McNws wa
ordained to the full work of the ministry.
Candidate J. P. Stoups was to
the Presbytery of Los Angeles, California,
in whose bounds lie is about to settle. lie v.
L. 10. Hcith was released from the pasto
ral charge of the churches of Buffilo aud
Westminster ut bis own request ••id with
the consent of the people. The following
commissioner- to the Synod, to meet in
Wheeling, October 16th, were appointed:—
Minister-, .1. If Coulter. .ia*. 11. Wright,
A. M. Reed, and L. K. Keith, and elder
Wm. Todd, Elliott Kobb, Alfred Wick and
J W. Anderson. A committee reported
having organized a church ut Gallery to be
called Crestview, Willi 111 members anil
three elders. The two oldest members of
Presbytery, Dr. Loyal Young and Re. E.
Ogden, were prevented tiv ill health from
attending the meeting. Uev. Kobert Me
Caslin, formerly, for eight years, pastor of
Plain Grove ciiurch, and now of \ r!.nn-'
City. Kansas. *vus a Very weloeiie ,-orres
poridiuu member of the Presliytery anil
guest <>f the people of thin oc. a-.ion.
A committee was appointed to organize
a church in Mercer county, about five mile
west of Amity, the church building to be
located about one mile west of Centertown.
Presbytery adjourned to meet in Butler
next April.
BRENNER -lit: Sept. 16th, 18£K», in 1.,»n
caster Twp., Margaret Elizabeth. daugh
ter of Jacob and Elizabeth Brenner, aged
1(1 years and 'i months.
DRITSIIILL—<»n Sept. 17th, IWW, in I.an
caster Twp., John Arthur, infant FI.II of
Conrad and Elizabeth Drushill, aged 1
year and 4 months.
MiKISrON—At the home of J. V. Culibi
sou in Harrisville. Sunday night,
28, I8!H), Miss Mary McKisson, aged
about 25 years.
Iler home was near Suubnry, and she
had lived with the Cubbisons for ten 3'. ar. .
GLLNN —At the home of her sou in law,
W. 11. McCandless,in Centre TWJI . Sept.
2it. 1890, Mrs. Rebecca Glenn, widow of
Wm. (rleiin, dee'd, aged about 81 years.
Her maiden name was Porter; she w;is
raised in Concord Twp., ami was buried in
Concord Church cemetery by the side of
her husband.
WIGTON—At the residence of his sou in
Saliuu, Venango Co., Sept. 26, 1800,
James Wijrton. formerly of Slipper) rock
Twp., in his 80th year."
The death of Mr Wigton recalls the
massacre of his iirst family on the W igtou
farm iu Slipperyrock Twp. by the Indian
Mohawk iu June, IM.'I
LOGAN —ln Allegheny City, Wednesday,!
Sept. 2-1. iH'jn, (>. Prank Lofr.lll, sou <>fi
)<evi Logan, of Jefferson Twp. aged 22
years ami II months.
liOLLMAN —At his home in Allegheny, I
Sept. I!), lh!H), Walter L. Holluiau, wm |
of Jacob Hollniau. and grandson of Levj |
l.oeao, of Jeflerson Twp., aged year !
aud 2 months.
MoSKR—At bis home in Wiuiield Twp., I
Sept. 24, IHtHI, George Moser, son oft
Wm. Moser, aged 0 years and li months.
A Differont Story.
J. T. Blair. FNq., manager of the P.. S.
.1- 1.. 12. It. It., was ia I'ittsburp la*t wet-V
and -while there told a different story, re
gariliDp the di'po -ition of that roaJ, from
what has been published. Hedenied most
emphatically the :atement that the Balti
; more «t Ohio had secured control of the
road, aud would make it part of a rhort
route from to Koffalo. The
road will be operated separately by the
company that tow owns it.
The facts ia 'he ease are these: Sixty
miles of the road havo been bu'lt. and this
much being operated between Itntler
and Osgood. The line will be extended to
Conneant. on t' o lake, where it wi'd eou
neet with the Nickel Plate. Running ar
rangements 1: already been made ith
the latter roa i. and in this way Ituti ilo
and Koc-hester v. ill be reached. Wtkliad
other freight' facilities for handing ore
have been purchased at Conneant, aud
Pittsburg iron men will find another road
to the lake.- in the field next spring com
petinr for their business.
The company is no* iignriug on a route
from Butler to" bis city with the view of
extending tbe line here. ilr. Blair's plan
is to bridge the Ohio river near Saw Mi'l
run. bny up the Little Saw lii'l Bun road,
which is for sal .', and by means of a tun
nel throigh the hill reach the South. Lie
mills It wouldn't be a difficult matter,
once this was dane, to use the Monor.ga
hela Connecting road, a private line, to get
on this > ; Je f 'he river. It would praeti
tally be a belt line, and vrould be inoch
appreuiate<l by Pittsburg shippers. There
is plenty of money back of the road, and
the company is determined to push its line
into this city.
li'Aito held her first State election
"Wednesday, and went Republican; Georgia
also voted the same day. and went Bern o
THE producers mean bn=incss in their
efforts to rt ue themselves from the
clutches of the Standard. It was stated
at the producers' meeting last Friday night
that Thos. "W. Phillips was ready to put
$200,000 into the new pipe line and
refinery, and Joe Craig a like amount.
Mu. DELAMATKK is to pa.~s through
Butler next Saturday, and Mr. Pattison
next Monday.
V*'. C. T. U. Convention.
The annual convention of the Butler
county W. C. T.l*, was held at Cenier
ville September '-'3 and 'J4. Delegates
were met at K< -ter and after a delightful
drive of four miles arrived at the 1 I*.
chnrch where a bountiful lunch was served.
Convention vas called to order by tho
president, Mrs. L. J. McKinney. devo
tional exercises were conducted by Mrs. .1.
II Sutton. Thirty-seven members re
spoiided to roll call during convention.
After the appointing of committees, the
president read l.er annual address, which
was filled with good suggestions and
earnest entreat , s to officers of Unions and
Snpts. of departments. Tbe report of Mr.-.
S. M. McKee, ' ••:. Sec., was ivad. She
repotted -5 v >ns with an ageregate
membership of 4t7.
Thro very interesting and probitable
sessions were helu.
The Klection of officers was by ballot.
Tc-Mers were appointed and the election
proceeded with the following result:
Pres.. Mrs. L.J. McKinney; V. Pres.,
Mrs. J. 11. Sutton: Cor. Sec., Mrs. M S.
Templetion: Ke. S>., Mrs. O. M. Pbillil's;
Trias.. Mr . A. M. Kice.
Treasurer's ri ;>ort was read aud accept
ed. During the year $343.50 has been paid
into the treasu y and $U41.28 expendeil.
leaving a balaft e on band ol $102.31.
Tho election of delegates to State con
vention was no/1 in order. It was decided
to reduce the member of delegates to si-c
instead of ei.'hi. the number to which thy
CO'intv is eulP'.'il. Mrs. C. A. I'.iiley,
Miss kffie pear- "ii, Mrs. M. I>. llodds, Mrs.
A. .V. llice, •- A lie* \\ iek ami Miss
Maggie Moore ere chosen to rep . -■ lit
a' r • Stale couwiilion. Alter
nates, Mrs. A l ' .1 Wick, Mi s lnis .\ic-
Clymonds. Mis.- I.lliot, Mrs. DeWolle, Mr.-.
Ciiuway aiel M ' S. M. McKee.
A semi-annuu convention wa.- decided
on and time ai" place of meeting left to
the committee, ilrs. Bailey, Mrs.
and Miss Latsh^w.
Pure Blood
In abuclntcly nec -inry In order to have perfect
health. Hood's Surjaparilla la tho great blood
purifier, quickly • onqnertag scrofula, salt rheum,
and all other ln»Idlou» enemies which attack the
Mooil ami lio'lt'i ulue the health. It also hulMs
up the whole ie item, cures dyspepsia and sick
headache, and overcomes that tired feeling.
"Our daughter for 3 years suffered from scrof
ula In her ey<-3. After spending quite a sum of
money with no benefit, we tried Hood's Sarsapa
rllla. Two botti. s greatly relieved and S perma
nently cured her." C. K. FALLKH, Newton. 111.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all drutrfl .ts. gl;slxforg3. Treparedonly
fcy C. I. IIOOIi & 'JO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
ED Uc; A.TJON 1..
Giv«*H * thorough nr>" in coning:. Bank
ing. short liarut, I ftinwvu.Hhip,
Drawlinc, Krr. !IHI> •»*<-. F!vf» iarui*. «•!«*-
kraut lulls, outuii ...-any 10.001 Mi.lt . Ileal. .1
hv nniural ! lighted hy I'lfftncity. four
.»? ti,»- IMHIII'. in th»' V'.rM '„iit.iTtiM| with
tli«» cullPKt*. f«H w arc iUiaiHied in proiur
ii tr t'ooil pay it IK iM.-.iiionH. Students can com
ncMicp at anv tfn»« l-.xp»-n«*c«i h»»arly oi.«*-hull 1I»SM
than a? v n!ri-.iai hool. !:•»• !<* «• I ct«. in stamps
for th" 'MXppwcr and of |H fi
tuanahip .\U«h- <, A. W. SMITH, Mcadvllle. l'a
C. & D.
Havo tht; largest .stock of
huts and outfitting*! lor men,
boys an I children in the
Art; esj i- ially Ktrong in un
derwear !'• >r Fall and Win
ter. Bt .sides many stand- j
aid makes in all grades; we
are exclu ive sellers in this!
county t f tlie celebrated !
Stonemai: lmudmade under- j
Deal directly with the man- 1
ufacture.s and our goods are
f're. l -h, strictly reliable and j
prices th< lowest as we r-ave i
the con umer the middle I
W i']
Mark all goods in plain fig- i
ures and have one price l«>r
Colheut tV: DALE,
212 ti. Main street,
lJutler, l'».
C A L E 3 M E\ T
To sell our Nni: r KUx-k. KJlury. » and |
Ht«rady einployrnci »»iuir.nii' «*<i.
Krochi Hter, N. V.
inri'Tft* 1 ~' r linr ■|
I t !M J 4 - 1. IH. NIL- LPLLULL/. WMW.III
n 111 1* I 1 "X' or.- and »111 l>ay s.ilary ninl
MU* !■ IV!• - j 111-* tor 1.11. ■• l: i.l it.inn. KM' n
(ruin I, rl. A II" «>|>porl«nlly for am in an 1
ITMltllig a i M .-ii ;i i . 1.i .. al ti .I\.-IIII,' or Uen- I
eiul Agi-ni lor ,i i. lablo NurHt-ry lliut guarau
t''' N Itn 1.. AH II SI. in OlK'''
H. D. I uetchford & Co.
> nirrjinrs, Uo.-hester, S-V. |
McDtlou tlllH pa. or.
\\T tVI KII A _'i li « to .111-It or-h I , Oil "II
'* cll'llK <: UlKl ll- d>- Nlll.llj ; Oil..
Steady Work Kei I.Berifetlr Tmi|i<-rate M. ».
Kalary and expo i-fi or rommiiilOli I! profer
eii. \v>llt mt our Male Adiln- n.
R. G. Chase & 1
i m
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of ';crtar baking powder. High
est of ail in leavening -tren£th. — f". S.
I Govern incut ISSS.
WEtrr PKSM B. E.
On and after May 1-, I-.trains will
leave tbe West i'eiin depot as follows:
MARKET at ti.in.' A.M. transfer* passengers
at Tarentum to Apollo Accom. au<l arrives
in Allegheny at 8:40, also connects for Blairs
ville. arriving there 1 and with trains
east am' west on u'.aio lint
EXPK:>> at ivv'l, eonuecU «' Junction
with Day Eipre.o, arriving at Allegheny a:
10:32 A. 11.
ACCOMODATES at 11:.' ), arriving at Alle
• ghetiy at 2:.'55, an ! connects at Junction with
Apollo Aecom. going ea-t.
ACCOMODATE at 2:3"> P M. runs ihroueh
to Allegheny and arrives there at 4.-10 P. SI
connects with Express ea-t arriving at Biairs
ville at 6 P.M. and with trains east anil
west on main line.
EIPEEsS at 6:O.T>, arriving at Allegheny at
7:50 P.M. Xo stops between I'arentum and
I Trains leave Allegheny ;"•* Bull-r at d:2 0
6:55; 8:20 and il; f 'j A:M, and at -:-o, 3:15,
and 5:45 A.M.
Trains arrive at Butler at B:">5 and 10:30
A.M., and 1:30, 5:00 and T:'>o P.M.
No Sunday trains in Branch.
r. &. *v. k. u.
Correctcsl to iust time—Oie hour faster
thau schedule tiiu- .
Trains go.i. g south leave Batler at <i.CO,
5;55, 10:2n A.m., and 3:50 : ::d 6 P.M.
The 8:55. 10:20 and * ..0 tiaius rnn
ou Sunday. Tun -W5 uain connects
with the West oniy, the S:o0 runs
through to Allegheny, but a).-o ccnneits at
Callery with Chicago eipres-, and the 6:30
connects lor Allegheny ami also Jor a train
running to Zelieniple.
Train* goiug north leave at 1j:20
A.M. 'as tar nort:i as Kan- and at 5:45 P. M.
(as far north as Clarion .
Train* arrive in Butler l'rou Allegheny £
the v\ est at t»:20, aal 1L:*•". A M, and 5:00,
8:10 and 8:50 P.M.
Trains arrive at Ru.ler the North at
10 A.M. and 3:55 P.M.
Corrected to iU.it time.
Trains leave Butler lor Greenville at 5:40
and 10:30 a. in. a I 4:.* • p. m.
Trains leaviug toeP. Jt W. depot in Al
legheny a*. 7:5 ni. and the
West I'enn depot at a, in, and 3:15
p.m. connect at iiutic? \wih trains North
on this rotd
Travis arrive at llutler ti'om Greenville at
10:10 a.m. and 2:.!', ai.-t >::25 p.m.; all ol
'■vhich connect '.villi .lie P. & W. to A lleghe
ny and the 2:25 with the \ >st l'enu.
Train* lea .ejilil' a; 7:25 a.in 12:30 p.
in. to 1 4:3'.) p.t . i in: ret 1 r Butler,and the ">
p.m. train fn-ra ftatler c jnnecta at Branch
on for ilillMrd*.
No huudt>y trains. Pe enters with tick
ets will IK- ■ rrr 'i the 11" al tr that
leaves the I' & W. Juno, at 1:15 p. m. but
not on tbe other ireigilt tr.mi-.
'J lie 4:0.i ». in. train J'roiu Butler • 's
at U.-pt....; v ii. fait.s ,•••»• 1.. 8. & M. S.,
arriving at i .eh- ni., CI icago
0:10 p. i i., . e 11..- a t.i l>i ..aio «:...» p.
m., ami at Mercer MI. . Y>. N. 1. & P.,
arriving at Ne;v Ca.-ii - i :■■■■■; a. jn
The UI:.W ». v.. tr.i. .Ii• -i liuti'i loni.ecr
at MiTt»r wi*!i t» I >•> -MI »'». N". \ . I'.,
arriving at '•*>. U'iin tn. .«■ 1 "ii
City at at . ' p. in .• i. t i" '!■« : n„:> wish
the .V. > . I'. o t>. lor • i visit-, .i;<n»e-lcau,
Buflalo, Olein II.MI ■'' v \ork; also at
0?go«l for Oil City
The 4:53 p. ni. truio mite'., a'. JU-rc r for
New t.'astle, and ..I S!n ;ian.' » for Ueadville
and Sharon.
/ 'g 'H-.riDr : £S |%
W~ ' nl
fc'il M J
T. - Dz-s : Zlemedy cv-.r discov
c. ■ ... it ! crt i : ; tsffOCt'. and tloes not
blister. licid prooflo./ :
Cr.o' .T!r, Cc::n. t MnjrS, 'JO.
bv. I T. : r, t :
»c i-i !n< Mi b my horse
vllh . 1; I a. 1 . hpuVinCUiO ai*d It
| v. ■: i. •• I«• • X liavo ri t'.uzvn
Jr, j «... ; , . .i: j 11* • .*ah i-rf. < r bii' c. *!i.
« .-« ry 't . i I. • I. My Tl« I'OHi
I h.ii •. . • .-I. •. i ihatm.'fleJ.lmi.troa,
| >:«• .. I . . • • i r« If. I r Lornmefnlod
ii'i. k . . arc. ».• ■ -ir-J the Spavin la
ji«j: tLrco a < ■ r
1 - iTH ffuHy.
v. ou t/rr WITTEB.
OKi\>, April 4, 'V.
1 . . - i. f Koi dftQ 1 !
P,«tv;n • • ' ' >nhd" i I' ■ i"Blhnn
hjwa»r I»: • i. j: ;th• i« *. a*ever
itc i v'cu'uliy*
arro L. Comuff.
■ JT. V., y -y 19, 00.
Da.l.. J. IT: m. < ».
; . , , .• 1 ; •• '.r yo-:r
Htuui&\) on -i
X- ; ; : . • ■ •- .1 », Inn..
v.-iih • .•• " . . U '-«" •• ' .itireif free
fr >m . • tln u ■'> • .fj'iint.
K. f. HOT *aiKa.
K£BfeL'B u-y mi
K ,IS3S, L"-, M-y 8,'90.
DR. AJ. r. •• ••. ' ,
:-I • . ... ' . :' V to n. I'f you ray
I ftWakr !?•!>•/ • ' ..•! •: . ».t ivin Cure.
• |-.it a four ■ <•! i is: .. I prlyod very
• . bl] i tri I
ttliort • ;«.■ . i . , .«•».* •ir"* \^hic!i<ti«i
• » k .i. » » . •••••• > Kiiitlali's
*>*. * inCureV. •' ' - ■ »«r ' ,!: -
i t'.aufuyonra.
;I -.u v I)o . :>crf.
l-rie.'(il m 1 1.. ■'. ■•('< i- All drug.
p!st hi. • I ." ••• la' *« «l
)I, a. y.Ur •• I ■ r ... - ••• -irop.-io
: ux-i. ii ' -■ hN -'■ « <>.»
I!no Vermont.
j Mouse Numbers
[ I Liberal oihr.
T<> any who did not get their house
I nuinl.i rod when our j,g. lit was in Butler
we will scud In mail, ir >• of />■ latjt , anj'
of the follow ;'ig ij l".~ upon receipt of pos-
I tal note eovi-ring amount:
Our.''-i In. II us.* No. Japan i.-'I ilgunsi !
•• •:% " " !*orei-lalu " Tar
•• ' •tranx " !«•«
Mail Boxev (hy opmL ebargea paid)sl
Knaineled "lio.inliitg," "Pi' inaKing"
or "Parniehed R<«ni .-ig»s 750.
Beaver l-'ulls, Pa.
Attorney-, t law nl s >]|i'ltor ol Peiihioiis and
l'at. Nt«, llox V. l>. fieri; Sen
ate Pension *'oinmli.ie« r->r last 7 \ ■ -nlt you
Ike I'ItOMITMKss write me. (Had to give
iti v- fi
ll. KDLLKRTOiN, Prop'r,
Blaulieis, i lamielH suitl Yarn
ItlHiitiiacliircd «ITnre Iltil-
It'i ( ontil) Uool.
We guaiantee our ijoods to l>e strictly all woo!
and noa: senlc or ui> oUi. r [M'I.VJIIOILS male-rial
llwil In dyt llig. We sell WilOli sale or reiall.
sainpl'-s and prt< s furnished tree to dealers on
application by mall.
CtOOil 11 tu • lot' o;ir lifV <'. i Nui ,t r> j
SI oc-k, on Hillary or corn in i ».< HI jvn'klv. |
r« rioan« n: 4'it»|»loyim*i.! • !. Outoi*
fr»'«*. rrovlotih < \p<Ticiii «• not f\*i|ulr<*il. W«*
ran tnako a aucccs ,fni snl -in.in 01 anyone who i
wtll wort and f• •»w «. ; in iruotloDß. Write i
for term* at once i u
.IONICS .s, KOI si', I.;ik« \ i«'v» Nnrs« rl««s. j :
Mt iiiioft tftl*» |»ajH*r. li<i« lieakr, N. i . 1
| Ailministratprs anil Executor- uf o.". - te
can -.'cure their ret i- : pt 1u...] jat the CITI
! ZKS olEce.
Executors' Notice.
I>TATK or JOHN WEBB, t>; t 'D .
; WIIKREA.-;, : etf < h .fammtarv- I l
j c -tate of *cbn \\'»l»h, late of Clay Twp., But
1-rOi., I'a., il. oM, !,*ve ". «r»ute-] to tlie
: ail | rson* indebted tn "-aid
e>tnte are tornak-- imme iiate j..»v
--! mrnt ami any having r' u-s or ileruan ls
tlie estate of-<iid deceiient will make
j i.iionr. the same without delay to
WM. M. WKBU, JOHN 11. \VEI.;J.
K:I. : '.L. l'a. BfUchlM, Pa.
| August 30, 1-:K).
Audi'or's Tiotice.
In tlie uoal a - oui.t i r A. 11. I'.i-hra, exectttor
Of Jacob lie!d.>r.. lit I.
O. C. No. 2. I>ee. T.. l-:o.
Having been appointed aituitf r in i :...- abovi
(-nutloil c:isi\ to make filsttibuUon < r tit.
balanet-'in liantis ol aciotinlant to and auioc
tboee leja'ly entitle I thereto, n.itice i
hereby given that I will attend to tlu- flutie
of -aid appointment at IOV ofti e No. u- K.
.Ti-i't r-i.n St.. Rutier. l'a., i a Tuesday. Ot t. 7, ai
lo A. M., at whleh pit - and ilir.' all parties In
terested are requested lo attend if thev bee
proper. IUA McJrMOS. Auditor.
Executor's Kclice.
Letters-tefitaiiientary on the estate of Jolm
W. Brandon, ilec'd, late of Conno<iaenessine
Twp., Bn'.ler Co., Pa., hayinif been iuteu
; to the nmlersi^ticJ, all ):.'rsoas knowing
themselves in'lebt-il to sai.l e-late will
please make ituuietiiate payment, an 1 any
: haviflffelaitas against Mid eattte «:;i present
them duiv authe::ti(.:i'r l for -'ettieaieut.
W. D. Brandon, ( Co!iii'K|ueueasing P. 0.,
att'y. { Eutler County, Pa.
Notice in Divorce.
I Margai H Wiliitr by lie: lu tli* Court o l m
iiext friend Samu -I Ml:- )n..!i fleas ol Itntler
ler vs. t'has. c. Wilder, ' t'ouu A l>.. : o. 3a,
j j June T . lsao.
1 To C'lias. C. V\ iMer and all whom it u.av eoa
I Two ulipu as In the aU'vc case having been
r- turned X. li. I, v -J the -aid Chailt (.
Wilder, ab,.v.- del-. !aa{, are l.t ret y required
to appear it. the Mid i ourt of Comm. n Picas,
to be held at llutler, l'a.. on Monday. DM, lsi.
lsao, being the first day of next term of sain
Court, to answer the said complaint and show
caus". if any you iiaie. why a divorce should
not be granted the . a; 1 Wilder.
oitvraC. KEIHC, Sherill.
Isiotice in Divorce.
1 Mary i: VSMinor- I>> 111 tlie v j'.irt of <'out
lier "next friend S. li. i.ion Pleas ol llutler
Kumerer v-,. ,lo!ui t. f C-.uuty, A. D., No. 13,
1 Whltmore. June i.. ISW.
To John c. Wlii^r,ore at. 1 all whom li m *
: concern:
Two subpoenas In the above ,!<<• havlcg been
returned N. E. 1., you. the vaid John C. Whlt
more. above defendant, are hereby reoulred to
appear In the ttild Court of c -ti.tuon Pleas, to
1 be held at Butler, l'a., on 'liday, the l.t ilaj
of Dec inlier. Lsi o.heln;; t!.e 1'" day of next term
of said court. I answer ii;e s.dd complaint
and show cause. If any vr.-i have, v iij a d.voree
should not be granted tbe said Marv E. Whlt
more. OUVKR C. IiKOIC, Sllt'rtff.
Xotico is hereby given that the .-lock
holders of the llutler Savings Bank w ii! meet
in the rooms of said litu.k. S. Main St.;
Butler l'a., on Saturday, I»ec. 20, 1800, at
It) o'clock a. nt.. to vote for or atiainst th(
projiosition to renew aud extend the char
ter corporate rights aud franchises of said
Butler Savings Bank. By order of the
Board. J. L. PUB vis, Pres.
W. A. STEIN, Sec.
W. O. Brandon, alt"3-.
Estate of Dawson Wadsworth,
Li-tti?rf tfsfen:. nifty t-f» Ihe estate of I»aw-
SOIJ Wadsw.urth, late of tUippi-ry
reck towohii, Butler county, l'a., havius
bun L'lantid te the uutleraiguetl, all persons
knowing tlit uiseh I ~ indebted to Mii't e-fati
will please make iniiia'diaie payment, anil
try bavint; <■!.. 11 - :.. inst taiii .:pf■■ will
prt-i tt Ihtla o'ulj f'illieulii-.itcl for tie
tneut. I' wsos < . V»Ai>s\voH'i 'I, 1 .
Kei.j -r I'. <),, Butler ojuilty, I'a.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby r.•-11 that the partnersliip
heretofore ii. tween A. I_ Knox and ti.
vv. Hartley, uiid'.r the Ilrni name of I'artley A
Knox, dolnu bu a: • a' Pttrolia, Mlllerstown
anil other pla ■ <■ was dissolved by mutual con
sent on the loth of April. i*!W. Tlie acconuta of
iheiirm will b settled by (J. W. Hartle ' at
I'etrolia. A. i.. KNO ~
ti. W. Il.vnrc.nv.
Estate ot Simon Barnhart, Sr.,
l.eller- of ndtnif.-tration ha. iiiif liaen
granted to the uiid. r-isncil on tlie estate ol
Sirnou Barnaarl, Sr., dee'd, la'e of
rup,, liutlc-r Co., Pa, all pesou- knowing
ibeiiifcelves inilebtad to -aid c-la!e will j ! n-e
mi ke immediate payment, »cd any having
el..'ins against said estate will present them
did/ autbentieateil lor settlement.
P. S. BAKNHAKT, Adm'r,
I Barnhart's Xliil- P. 0.,
( Butler Co., Pa.
01-ni'l: OK COMPTROI.LLB <>F ('f ItRE.NTY,
W ASIIIHUTO.V, I). C., July Ll>, 1 !-b'0. S
WIIERKAS, By satisfactory evith nco pre
--.-illeil to the it has been
utaulo to aopear that "Tlie Butler County
.s'ut ional/iani: of Butler," in tin; Borough
of Butler, iu tbe County of Butler end
State of Pennsylvania, has complied with
all the provisions tl the -tatutcs of the
United States, required to lie complied
with bel'ofc- an a.-soeintiou slmii bo author
ized to commence tbe lmaine* of banking;
Nr.w. therefore I, lidward S. Laeey,
Comptroller ol' tho Currency, do hereby
certify that "Tbe Butler County National
Bank of Butler," iu the Borough of Butler,
in the County of Butler and State of Pcnn
sylvania, i. authorized to commence the
business of Banking as provided in Section
Fifty-one hundred anil sixty-nine of the
Revised Statutes of the I uited States.
In testimony whereof witness my hand
and peal .of oflico this I!Mh day of July,
ltttM). ,
[KE.u,] K. S. LACKY,
C'unptrtiller of tho Currency.
So. -i,:?71.
'1 lie Sunset 1' i: hon 1 'ompanv, heretofore
comjio ed ol the undersigned, ii. W. Jllartin
and William Falconer, is dis.olvcd. All
pei nils indebted to said partnership are
uotilied lo pay the same t<> W. C. 'l'liomp
am, K.'i , Receiver, Butler, l'a.. aud those
having claims against them will present
the same to him. L. MARTIN, JR.
Executors' N.otlce.
1 Wll l.i'.l.As, 1. iteis o! admin trai 0:1 li ve
been <1 auted to the undei -.cd on the
I estate 01 S. W. ill aiiuon, ol Fraukliu i wp.,
' Butler Co., Pa , all persons knowing tbeiu
.elves indebted 1 • said estate will please
make immediate | lymeiil, a 1 any ii. vi:i<
eiami" said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
■ . Prospect, l'a.
( JlrllN I'. It A l'si I ,
Estate of George Brown, oec'd,
L.v TI •>." CoNCOitii 'l'wp., Bt'Ti.un I 0., PA.
letters testamentary on the above estate
uiving been grained t« the undi rsii;ned, all
per -HIS knowin ; themselve indebted to suit!
• -t-te will plesse make immediate payment,
and any havin.' claim* against si.nl estate
will present thein tor »ettleme;it.
MAIUA J.-11110-HN, Lt'.t.
Greece City, Butler Co., l'a.
GKO. W. F1.1.1 I.ER, Att'y.
Executor's Notice.
(ESTATE Ol J. B. I.OMI, l)i:<;'l>, LATH OF
Belters testamentary ou the above named
estate bavin.' been granted to the undersi, tied,
all |h r-ous knowing themselves indebted lo il
.will phase make immediate payment, and
any having claims against it will pre.-ee
them for settlement.
Roll'T MfBRIDK, Fx'r.
McCandlesa P. O.
W. I). BRANOON, Att'y.
sum ::~z
MI tliat 1. ri nulrisl u Kon!|ii| iiTrn
h.U-.ieler ..,.1 W!llt.u:ii. i U. I!! J K J iil
work. Wilie it .in -e ii. KII»»m Bj nIB I [I
ir A lliirrj. It «he ler N Y., IIHIIILU
llope Nurscrlea. lislatluhed lsW.
Pllfiit I>ir(i«iit un<l Ii»-11 JVf .1,
Steam Engines, Hay Preuaes,
Sh.iigL: Mills, &c-
Poitiible Grist Mills,
Si'nd i»r XIIUS. Thr«-»»li*»uc Mai hlni-x A«r.
« lA. 11. HiUliiiXkL CO.. iuik, tjL 1
' : Regular Monthly Visit
.H: ''
IJllkJ. MLffl & 1 biißLLJlll
•. * ..v. : . . <;. v
-October 29 a? .ti .'3O,
DR. J. J. .VC CLELLAN, Speciali.<'
W'ondertiilly successful in i\W Chronic Discast . Diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Lungs and Na--.ii Catarrh.
All SYE OPERATIONS Ars Succsssfully Performed By Then,.
Oil account of Laving been At endant Phjsidan ut 11->t S: .- . !>.- -I • i- .. . failed to cute a
cai« of Private disease peculiar to either sex, no natter of what : ' or L-T
Major J. M. Davidson, c-x President of tbe Lawrence <'< un?v TV . - ;
Growers' Association, and a citizen well known in tho county, I, ■!. ...
tbe follow ing testimonial to the ability of Drs. Sahu a licCU .: i. Ti
Major says: "1 was suffering greatly from n Polypus and 1- -
Pilea 1 bed tried local treatment aid iiui.d . . . •
read tbe advertisement of Drs Salm A McClellan and I i >ndu<li J to ffiv**
them a trial. At their last visit to tLia city they drckred mo cut- d sr.d ii.. - hi *%J&'
discharged me. I feel now like rn< .v man TIKI, i. j tv. ttlin.- ti ..j.
agreed to and treated me courteously. TI v d;:i tro world < .. i > • rl -a "" v
relieved me of all suffering." . - : I ; '\ "■■■A
£ ■•' :t~\* ■'' ii- \&V V
New CA-TI k, PA., July T I>.'o. -;. ■' 'K'
I Lave l-oen sullering from lofri-nsiila (ri; ..,,, .-,i
lervcus prostration, dependent ti] ort i!,t ■'r. c. ''
years. 1 becuii.e to weak tLut 1 would not It ou inv fc-et r . hi.n - • . ' V. '' 'tfwi'lty
time; appetite wes miferable. 1 to .Mt .- :. : i i .... , v
City, but without the least beuufit. I put mv.-wlf u:■ ler ci.ro ..f ; ).* ''* '' • / "i;,
Clellan k Saim, who vis-it New Castle cverv i. • r «•*-< k-, at i - , *■*-• : \ x
well as ever, hale and hearty, minus .11 defects uhe . : b ... ->• V " •;. >-*
MA(.t;iE S OiiiiON'. Bo* 1' ' f ; ' .Y
TLese are but two of the many cures effected by tl doe? : <. i .- _ "*V"'
visits be re. TLey have several other testimonials of w ndeau: cua uv-eh
will be published later.
- l>r. 3 for it z tvl.il, specialist.
M a :; i' I I;f i .W.K WAI.K witiwn'T4'i.nt Jii-s.- 1-. r. •: ~ ■ . ,
>•.' njoiitli s Iri-iam.'nt with Drs. Salm « Mc< iell; ii 1 !>;• \<■ I . : : |.t..j , .... ■ > :; trl: X
• rtutii tiiitt I'll be entlrelj cured souu. Althougb under trcutmeut oi 1.-n: ■ * 6 any. I ot»
; !•* e -myurr, r...
Ill"A I :»f>S Ai d TATAREH.—I l.i.ve tn ■. I I <J«r trt; troer.t f 1 r s ... i •
!.—seir nvntl- Iniprovert so far. " • • «H>-*
'- , - ( - 1 "• - ■ ■ i:v verc :r.(j- l'a.
Ydl Xl; LADY'S r.VE STI'AIGHU"M 1 On Mav !:,[!• l:rs. s .
l.jsa ol blooil.aud to d»j-my e.vt-3 are as su-ulg; • .;s any ones :i:id 1 can -<oo iiK-ivi "»I'>V. ' 1 "' 1 '""V. tla ft*
Want to Know
Tliat Butler county b-iu. in at lea-' some
if the enterprises, and what is .■-til! Letter
'ou like to hi ar that you have a hand
making it lead. We UilJ you belore that
we aro tlie largest wholesale dealers in
.vagnns of all kinds, surries, carts, har
ness, blankets, robes, whips, A-c., in the
Si ate, but we want you tn listen till we
••• 1 you something of .•! r retail trade.
First. we want t«; thank you for yonr pat
ronage, and teil yon somcthiug you never
*ieurd 01. During tile last week wo have
id a large force of men i»t work aud en
: trged our buildings, till now we Lav»
almost ten thousand square feet of
room all covered with vehicles ol
•very description. All you folks who
expressed so much surprise at the large
-tock jse carried, com ■ and see us now.
We promise to show you more and a
tfreater variety of work of all kinds than
y.iu have ever seen in your life in one es
tablishment tor sale. Von have patron
ized us liberally in llio past. We have
[ sold you good work cheap, therefore you
feel good towards us aad wo feel good j
! towards you. We want to continue these ;
friendly business relations, and also in ,
crease our business still more. Therefore
we don't want you to bring your neighbor
and then have nothing to show him, but 1
don't be uneasy about this. We tell you
now that we have a greater variety of all
kinds of work than is kept by any dealer
between Maine and California. We
meaft this. If you don't admit it after
•.•ting our stock, we will acknowledge
hat we do not know what we are talking
i buut. I>iil yon ask if we had any special,
new attractions? Why, bless you, it's we
that do keep up with the times! Kverj
day wo are getting something new, but |
probably the prettiest thing you have
ever seen i - the new dahlia-color painted
mtrrie • It's something eiitirelj new. We
iiivo some very line surries pai"t«*l with i
it. These are the tirst of the kied ever
brought in. The painting is so line that
i:o painter but the inventor himself can !
match it or mix paint like it. Como am!
ee it. It's worth a trip of f>o miles to thos«
who love the beautiful Oh, the price!
Don't you know our inotto is: "Never try to
(ret rich off one customer, and never mis
represent." Kemcmber this is Martin
court if Oo.'s motto. We are proud of it
It doubles our business each fear It
■ clps our customers to own two rigs where
otherwise they would own but one, and
every customer we gain brings hi friends
along the next time. We want every
body to come now utid sec lis. Don't
■ou know ust So trouble to get ac
;uainted if you want to know us as well
as we want to know you, therefore come
>ud see us. We treat everybody** well •
we can. Come, we say, spend an hour
looking through our establishment
whether you want to buy or not. We
can't tell half what re kcej>, nor name
prices. iiut remember, we keep every
thing in our line, both the finest and
cheapest, and tell you every time what
ou are getting. In addition to all kind
f vchiel' i nad harness, we keep huge*
- hips, collar pad-', hoisting jacks, baiters,
bung) wn-hei ■. whip sockets, top*, rush
ions, dashes, wheels, shafts, storm uproi ,
,a/y backs for all kinds of carts, axh
gren e, blankets aud robes (wo have ju-t
,:ot throo tons in), spring single trees, 11,
nets, and everything. Come aud see tis. U
ou are on Main street and want to come
ere, .-.tart down the right hand sida of
unuiughi.ai street, between Troutman's
BW building and Bellis it Graham's irro
.•ry, and follow Iho pavement straight
iown two squares to our place, -16 Went
Cunningham street, where we pay no rent
rid have $25,000 invested in the liy 1 way
aat eleven ) mrs i siierii nee could dictate.
S. It. lI.UiTIStOI'KT.
I*. S Remember we sell the Kramer
Uf t V I'l, 1 Jkf Salesmen to Sell Our
it ;i . Uu. Choices t Nursery S'oi
Vll good * gaar&utoed first-class. Good
alarii s and expenses, or a liberal coin
ission paid. No experience neci -ary.
>Vrito for terms, giving age and secure
our choice of Territory.
(i. 1.. KNICHT A CO
100 Park Avenue. Rochester, X. V.
'lobes and Blankets|
As cold weather approaches
iiorse owners will save money
>y buying their horse blank
■iits f knee robes, etc.. now.
A good warm blanket on ;i
ior.se in cold weather saves
nore for lite owner than auy
hing else. "
The largest and most com
ilete line of robes,blankets,har
iess f whipa.lrunks, yulise.-, etc..
n the county,and at the lowest
>rices, will always be lound at
Kr. KlvM I'Mirs.
i 24 N. Main St.,
Jiutlei, l'a.
rfSirS3 .... • ;
\\j&D : "vrnn
Satlsfactios? Cuarart' r; 3
COOKS Poukbp, l v: - CTS.
Sold by Can.
? a&snes ..<**»zsMsat.i r.iso. . . ~ ■fmsmmsß
Frr.-!i .-Hock of t 'as, <•• ik> •<, car-. . • . iitry product) and
ov.-n fit s■ _r u.-uu-iy !<>• ■;in ;; !ii • i . r vy, tobacco and
cii arc; ;i . . ir\ • ,). ■] t t\e a specialty
of il -ur find Jev I.
A Full Line of Fa ; l >ry Good 3 J;i ; deceived
Ooods Delivered IVreo t-.j ;i;iy • ;»r' oi'll^owii*
JL SET or THE , .
. - \7-icl "O. >r v. ' n Ti'onr'j Subscription
4- _ to this Paper no: "ora tli.ui
f .. v , . ;■!•'■ : . 'li m i f this
. 'v'' * r at.-;; <: «t.. • • . ■ I v.- inado
i .rai gpmcKtß nilh a ■ \ «!» )'iibli*liing bonao
■ ' .».< «1.-i üby v • f.re <. ' I.' l "f- r • I 'l'iitnj to our
. • .« I. »i«k
--"" ■ - ' ««. iu i •.«■!• ■ ; mill J'.jin <mo
y" ; , / ■ < VviMiirti wi:li it M UV' .iiibacrifUvti to thin
' i „"** j. l • i l«>r*li . i -ni l mil..
/• < ' •' »' ' m-1 • t ii >•. < r at :: r I Hui. r criben
V - «'•••'.;■' • •.«.••>. » luitlc-a
.U <* "v • • i-. 1.i.!. i■•> van tlii . i.-afi-ttt i.nv(.)u t wlm over
..i, * ; , •>. li.nl. >: • •:•! i'ft >: » ; hi« timoliuM
. , ■ «, \ v "Xi 1 < i . ' i 1 •:• vI ■il 1 won .i
»i • i •- yi'■ ii .luriri;;
ii*!- iii»»;. ' ■ ■ wit, humor,
,'' "A 7*j«£ t r • ' s ■ } , ' patli. », tin hi !'iy tl< Ist itii ii of oliaracU-r,
i " r' ' "• vivid A* rii i i <! |ilaoei and inckHsiis.
' * t . ' tti. ~i:11 :■ : . ... ' ' ; l\:u- .
i'' " ' ": t Vi'i!. •-ii. i' ..••••.■ . ii i" liomcui owlil
V"' - * t with " ■ .id n ii.i l -
' >, / '• ;1 .-■* v,..: i li ill 1" t.j I-.
1 ■* far beliiiul t! •• >» wl.i h «•< live.. TlH<
i-UAIU.'.-J !>in>i :<&. if t ..f Di ken* «•. :1 -.la .v c ofiVr an a
pM iiiiiilil -II . li! < i ).I iti.!,*: r ... ' M ''! . tiili.«-W i. , : ... V.i 1; liwv tjpo.
Tlitt.v. .v. . iluitiea o'xitntii flm MMng worl<l-f4tu«m» ururiu, va«li om of ulticla in pui>-
li-' • .!<
DOMti-. ; i /»rio >c:d, tk»: oi.o°ci ; . . r. op AND
bleak out-. '! •■ - .;N - IAL". . AVELEW,
LITTLE /OR'*<lT, • -ttl Oi . ■. J 'ii f - v., HAHD
PICKWICK PAPi£. r i£, I E -IN DRC : •
Tiie 'VC arc • : ;!■ .nl «]11< -'ku t. - n •' u i • - « vi- : " • ••»
qimrler <fa ci imirv t ; ■v I ■ '.- n ;-!nv: I - <i i . • . .viiizoil
wnrlit. 'i-t a..». . i. • • ■ J I • i A . . .!• • • <•*,
tin- iiHit.il Ugh ootl of ilio liooka mnniim tieopla in modurate Ml cuuiatanoM ir»-m enjoving
t'ais luxury. But uow,.nvii': !•> tho u*•ofin,:> ..i . , •! j ...i-. 1 1 I.' . I►' *.. - iiiiu;
m liini-i v, tin . siii. 1> 1 i ... . '• ! I •-
tra<U>, w arc t-uableil t.».:i .'i ourmi. «-rii. In. !,ii . i - «' t i'.jata
prici- which all oin 'l' .1 !•» jay. JJv- iv iw: "in I I) • euj'j-licd Hilii » 86t
of tbo citatauih t's v,> iki.
Tt> tUii ." of oii , W ii" ~ri' iiot til -i i-i ;.i :. , :: ■ <I in ono
yi-ar, utiii to nil im-V. - ,'i . nhi-r- j.ny.ivjr in i!v •. will .. . i!i >.>'■. . [>o i-
Age prepniii, for nu itildllioun! 70 ««• u!- Tl u liool « . ■w< , .■ !•■.:.ml in
paper. The Uvi-lvr books C'cuUl ho 1 -and, o • > t-i ma . . ».»• I iuuil"! i)(III
l>o a comoleti. Hi-t of llitkiiu.- lor your lilinu.-. at \, y mik, . ..i !\- i.i.jfi-tioii
that cult ho found with ihi-iu i - tin luiall pii'it, w> i! • n ' u.pl'-10. A
sutnplt! net rati bo n -ii at tlij-i otlii.i* - ( ED. Oi'l i N.
I Planing Mill
I timber Ymvi
I. 1.. I'U KV - <>. |'| j; v II".
Rcufrh a*:»i Planed lumber
■)f K-f i ■ tins . -•••COM,
fiuti.'r, i'.t
*?■ ' tClv . THOMA9« |
! ' * <1 u f ■ •>.. i-
A. J. KUAVa '• Cii.
—Dt»[KKrt IV
mi;dicin lit,
A. < < in.M :< \LS
S! • • i . liM ! i'il MICKY. Ac
I i .«t iti.-.' I'i > * .-.rij-i! i tiirer'.lly cc.u
poi .ii a.
5 & ftfetr Street, Butter, Pa.
Si'lllTTß ,V OlililEN
SaniUh v Plumbers
Aml C» is I" itlciiS,
Sewer IV
(tiis F iun.j
(i lobi' J »ii J
attinil Una Aj }>lluiicpf.
rsoit,Sl..< ;n>.*Lo\vry House