fiAKTERSi ra[*l CURf tflea *±1 he irJr imillliv: , -b!i*»iO#< taabtlima *»•' t-f V • mr*' ** MK. *MM* Dt •:>•» I Mr—* *" '* «*. raiam«!w.v I- . Ac. WMatawf n»»« a*..»-*.rtra him sucvt s* :na..> «rnj«That B~~J y a nt ►» V .Hlac to it Wb'l* •**. „ • • T *" «T • to t:.* ' " ' r"~ . '■ 7i*r a ■ 'nrt.v il. and Ho r-' 7"W ;• «r ?*• hut '7 "* ' n nlwr .•! kVk> ua? tfc> ' L Ib vbl« at ts ;0 «if?O?HO»hiiTES; • f jji s of Lr*re and ! ? Sods 5 c\l »r*c4 ar. t pro«rr?bo3 fcy loading * i I : >.dtn» bccatJW t '! '. « /.»*■«* •>»< j fliyi/fctyHfiii »ro I • • , • - 5 :/« ! . ii-soiir«of (UpmtitnntiMk It It » a* liifc.'ti'ati* alii. ) : Scott's Uiuhipn Bmmtfinm. It j > •* a -i* u*.&* rfui PirMi J*rtr ht r. J< ta ; j m UMMriv t r *»?rsc*«:PTiow,» j Sc-c'uis.. SroneWt't. Waitißi* S:»- j S er»*j Cfhr-"=ic OinjL; Ooltn.) t»s ■ ..'.•maau »«.ra«.T« ( _««* . •w(n«(ua>».M»uH „ •lUf*'*- | ** gnnlii - - aiw it. I £'■ **■* ImtaiaitarMMN I WOIMW * KASiWLra, P*na«»iM. *r «txaolu«*>. wk* tir- uid f* -anfcrMart car** for hick ilUl'HUw#—, € iwu .#*; n: 1 ••u, ervoun r>««aftliT. tfricfet* li.tai.Con. ll pri M u* va-rv r-.trt «i( biNMN n t»fi 4rLCXIO!% • » Ms*'»r *«?*»»tr»»U" ■-. t» nf • n-r l.n.'Zit,*. r*o ■ 3*n. i»?» 5 c®rr* a,-, . —. -- - -* - - lOMbl - fim: «*•*» tnv* *r»« * - i-w iU. < »io «trtuar!«t. !•«•■-»!•*» • * 'm v, i:il b* rwc}.—Vftju •S*U wa ■ - atsrMto; A )%><>«*, rr %fc 4\ K % KT. M *rrrf« «t.. s>>w Vork. rv I WTORSJ^KE K c!- iiaetn jrr«ftl» I. .a! i uIV ot !'!•>• •.aadflanpaMia, U U»# ol*ic«i-n i i..* .1 ■jtfwA srMtuir !a t> « ?i>f-i-il at lc. ' T v «tHllt7 fnrjr r :c*' r< a. •«•!! < a»rUr>».UKija«T'"u'm >-* v •-*.«: c .ranp , «t uMStitai lw*v,l»<-V ~f en ir 1.- 1«» ..en-*. »ae.; rlao< ...w *. Oi«l -xw*. »• in, r lai iuwiim'iWi aou.ii «i. . ...ii' -'in 1.... ..Ij.u«.t"rti;iin '•Jg'" i-,C"-. Cw"»iiltctioij '• » .-■■ « i icDJ p,riM« 11 ,u Oft. .. bniir.,lll<» : -• . 7 t« a *. *.; Suu'U' », I to * r st. • ■ -Ve or wMpm I r«. 1.A 1 K, ■ L A • k. A>~£) i'lli i»T.. i'ITTSI.L lUjii, I* A. Iv¥fz w w& k iii «w> rfi ••uiu 't— FHIA.r*. Ut.* .uiTva'.l'l ■,r+e+* c"iLft W—' iJafc.rwaft. (.Mllir r :n»c*-i lu cwftHc*)} <«'» •» u.^i. Cm WAHANTtED. > - went a fM' im' n l-> ProL *- »irfst »v.*k. 5 m ■ . ...a* f«tar«rl 3 1 2*p.- KI ?*r. J CREAT •Jtsr ■ i.- ";/r.. t KTo«eR - fieilMvr -•" •- • / ••'.'.// • FKAOiJ*. ra -* -tki " *Et-* .ct gastwsa!r (....orli.c*. T"^—' * *aft3BSfißr t r? trlrrsoraaar. f"l. r it nta.>r. .*—to. « < r . g— -. mx. «r:iail.n tl.a !>atks of a riv»-r once xmhed to communi cute t'> bi« pupils an idea of faith. While I;o *t s trj'ing to explain the moaning ofj the word, a -mall covered boat hovo in -i ;ht. St up'*u the incident lor iilas trrttion. he esclaimed: "If I were to tell yt.u that tbere wa.< v. log of mutton in J'uat b< at. y u would boliere me, would you j not, without even *eeicjr it for yonrsel vet-:" ! fir. ** (Ka -Well, j that is faith." Mid the teacher. The nest | day, in order to tc»t their recollection of the lesion, he inquired: -'Wliat is faith?" I "A ie;r of mutton in a boat," was the ar. swur shouted from all parts of the school. —Good HotfH. — Dr. Fenner's Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Equally good for homes. Gives rsoergy and strength. Money refunded if salisfuction not given. UTS.— Ait fits stoppeil tree •>}' Dr. I.llae'« (ireat Nert. Be*tarer. No tits attor fir t days |nse. Marvelous cures. Treml.»e a«VEKT KEAL LIVE BrSISEBSMAN WltJ llj tell >ou that It does If you do it proper! ■ I *—* jixi.i Judl' tousiy. Tl;e question is not | »lien to advertise, tor ttat should tx- alwajr tut Those who have discovered Hie rwM metlioil of course get the largest returns. Kearly every business has iu "dull season. wlii'-Ii a go.»ft advertisement will do fittliful workday and night, rain or shin •. i» consumers with the name. I >t. :l«'ii and sjK.fjaltlts or advantaees of tn adv;-rilrter. *o thai when the tune to buy i.u re,-: s ifcc 1,- n.Tit ol hi* f<^d-6owlng. One Thousand Dollars. I will forft'ii the above amount if I tail to prove tbc.t J-'lorapleaioi. i* the best med i in.r in existence for Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or Bilioupness. It is a certain cure, and sfTords immediato rciief. in cases of! Kidney and Liver Complaint. XerTotts De bility and Contraption. Foraplexion buiids np the wt-.ik system and enres where other remedies fail. " Ask rour druggist for it and get well. Valuable book "Things Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle sent free; all charges prepaid. Address Frank lin Hart. 8S Warren street, New York. — The other day a couple of little girls came to a physician's office to be vaccin ated. One of thetn undertook to speak for the other, and explained: "Doctor, this is my sister. She is too young to know her left arm from her right, so mamma washed both of them. " Consumption Surely Cured. To Twa Koiaoc:—Pleaa* Inform your rra l.rt that 1 h... a poaltiTO r.uiedy fur the a>V'T« diaaaaa. By it* fcju.lj uao thoutalii. of hop.!'*, caaa* tar. been parmaaently eurwt. I aball b« glad W Mad of aiy noiuly FKU to any of yoar aaadtr. who hate o»,aat:mpti r n if they will ■end me Expren« an 4 I*. O. addrtaa. I>apert fally, T. A. BUICUM. M. C., 181 P«rl St., JJ. Y. —l»r. FennerN Goiden Heliel is w arrant ed tu toolL ii'lu-, heuibtei:!*, I.eutal 'V.i. oi it. of!,>rr j aiil in 2 t" 8 u.iiiutes. A's" iir::j- . jroioi.!-, wire cuts, awellift's. '.lite- burn*, summer complaints, colic, (alco in hoi-e.-j. diarrbiea, iljveutery and lu\. If .itio.'aeiioii out (iivt'ii uioiu-t retnrneii. — Thi* the time of year when the man who hit* something to sell tolls it to all the world thronirh the inediniii of printer's ink. That is, bo doe if ho is wise If he i* otherwise he doesn't advertise and the people don't know that he bits anything to sell, and he doesn't sell it, ami he darns his luck and say- be can't account for it. He -cos other people iu the same line of br.-i ncss .filing r'ght along and dninv in inc. on tl.c ground flour, and be «!• , -n't nail -, stand it. I' is ea.»i!\' understood. *11:« IHoplewhoare doiiiif business have loid tin ptibiic . hut ! bey have to sell, and < or li'.lly iflt.i'. I the public to ea ! and lon . See f To Consumptives. The uiidtir i:t,.-t Uvi g fx«.. < . n n-i htr*!Hr f'J -lu>| ie nji-.-us, ulicr nillerilitf for b«verai > eAr> with h wrvcre iunj< i.tlcctioo. and that dread ConMiinption, i» anxiou. to uiaVe knon-u to hit, ti-ilowr mi!Vr trs 'he rrier.nii of cure. To t!.o*e who tjcMi. it, he *ili cheetinll) send (trie of copy of the f,r'M-rift' iou un- i, whici> U.k will lintl a -:ry euro tor ( in-nuj|.M' i', j Ahthn.a, fVturrh, llronchitia and mi ail'.! lui.' h ' Mliliiiiirs. He ho|j4« uli .(.ufliiir- alll try Lii li-.-aniv, as it is inva ua'ili Thi»»« iletirins ti: e | rcscrit>:ioo, which wiii co«t item noibintr, ;nd m.iy |irn»e a hle««- ing, will |>)eai>« address fIKV. I'OWAKD A. Wfl.-'.X, \\ illuii nburg, knit;* < • u.'ity, Nev York. \ ..cli lie ii 'low ml foot in vt:#t parts ot the Stato for naming t'uo couutry loads aod numbering the farm bouses a- an; in the towns, putting up sign boards at the corners, and iu fai t making it very easy to find a given point the ruial districts. This is a long felt want in, this county mid supervisor of the different townships should see that this scheme is carried out to the letter. There are nitny fork toads in ibis country , where there i not the shadow ol a sign to i!ir< ct you to th.-. nearest, town, which is umloubtwdlj a serious error on the part of tins super visors. SfilOi! HilS Sill, ill) . a» x. fl MjLLKKTO.N, Prop'r, liliiiiltels, I'UutM'.U and Vain ui I'nre litu let Comsiy Uik>), . VVi /u.uann'c our , S"ls to br strictly :>ll wis.-l i.i.l nourwalc or any other poisonous material •iw J f Lum- Ikt, Oil "\V 021 Kif?s HUs. '' ill an.l t our prietM an.l ,-c; our -tuck. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. o!D( Stair Rails, Baluatsrsj and Nev/el-posts. A!' I.iii'l*. «»f turnlii ;i, Unw; to ont< r, ulho rW'for 't* #3, CAU. AND SKK HAMPLKB. Something new .UH! attractive. AlnO at ionefci. ••jmli price :, -tore »•. No. VI. N. Mali! street. I aclorv nt No. Hi, n. W.viUliißton street. HUTI.EK I'KNNA IMJIEPI A T E Xlelief ijuaraEtetd to sufferers from RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA BY I \SISG WASHBURN t'S gfa.I«IC YT*XCi*» •If A BOX. ALL DRI'GGISTS, OH BY MAIL. j IRVING DM 0 CO •J2 Warn-n etreer. >'«» York. j Nothing On Earth Will f|AK( HENS L LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! Km SSiU. tar*, ran .ated m. *«■ •end »ix f"r #6 t«» prer*nt n»«p." «•/* »y* ff' lf you can't "« ItVo.l iu>•» « w ,° Pf'.'Sl 1 A* 1 EUI'CATIONAL. MISS ISABELLA WHITE'S (tas Itii' Bry l>« weats. ror •!»!< . < .t»!on c >i» rill® ? ' rrp:u\»tory I i,k »: p!v to Prof. 'l. VJol|»h Srl.mttz, rrtn.; f.u ra or ollwr I s* l rjinittoii to I"*»■sident •Jon at "iMKIStf •«. ADVILLE, r A. : ;1, \i .r!-irliiH Si-ri. !•;. \eillltltlJl. Ali 111 reh-vKT? »-xpeflM s ni'i! <■"' I-f ro* ri hpfccinlly trcincii [or in* !'* depai imenia. Modems may b\ A COLL KG AITD MUaiOAL INSTITUTE, AT lIKAVKIi, r.\ (»■'! I --U mlli-8 !»•!•>« i*i mi.iirr. i.iiiii<-'Miii.. Kon v.>r.\<; i.\*'ii-.\ i , |„- i.i .. ..nil l.'i!! •!»■)•». In • k:i,i'|j i.I i I —:'«i il. I'liJ-i' ijl. !r.S" . flat. S'K". if ii. i Ml»:"l' |W '•'! A tj fVCi'iP''.! ' ti-acli. < In 'ii. >:-fv ir'iiKii'. Hn-t'ir m M -Hli i t'i:ti. • <>! :'i 11 Hit"- :• * ' 1 '.e. i.-.M- .... i:. i U'l .1. FRANK -V t —in— i>Ml t»c% . . . i \i.v A.N :> » i! i.M i* A! J* t'\&* toILI/i AllTii S-% SPONGK-S, I'h.iil I MLU> . Ac Z7r~l li> '»»h' J*r» r:pts*»us carctulty co*. F. s Mair. street. Huiler. P;«. Mo I. ice lo Paint orb. Til* I 'Miilr i»nol I-i.s |.| I'liitlir riiiinu will ;«> ri lvi- Mils fi*r file fuaintluir ''OiinlJ tulilm « iul wiimi r si-pii.niH ri'. i«w. Tin. ram uii Iron lirlil : • I i' m-ruped or l.i n-»'n •! nil. i:. ". i Hon »I.;\ < .■ rk. i 'iiiiiiii. . luiii'i'ii U'llfi,' Aima-.t in. ihl*i. House Numbers .1 /.,. .■ml Offer: To any wlin did not get tlu ir h«u;fi unmb'-ri.d when our agi.nt *:i* in Hutlur we will sund liy mail, jre<- of po*l 2'j " " llm'Ulu " i.V' •• 2 , •' " lirilHH " II ,'J'j Mail IJi.ncH (by i-xpn,-.v, <_•!• .rgi j>;i.ilJisl Miiun . luil ••Hiiardiug," '•Uii-s making" or " Kurui*lii*e s m ts i-< i J. L t'vi it I- < r« i- v 8,8. Purvis • ! K.\c;L !:ri.* a .?• !»• !> auu rikSini r sutmiis, LATIt & SEWEK I'IPE. Huikr, I';:. FOR SALE. Farm Inr ralo rhi-np. 1-0 iieti'f, 1 mile frmii (iret'livilli', nil gonil, liu« oicl-iriln, tiiip loc-atkin, Good btiildingo, two ni*ttH. SIOO TUT acre. Addref i, \VM. KING. Hut nilo. firi»«nvilln. I'.i vMIU '6 c o M m i * s 10 s \!l r, n if. \ cUbrn.irr i;f"i willuijriM'Hs i.»; I •3 ; i wurk U rtt.u 1 ; of>t t* Ui Kllnmi «J i u» .lollei.-jt*■ t.,i»pp. Lowry House I i*U r JM .Kit. \ 'A WANT. .11. ACI.M' Klli WEK.STKII" IN .•hritlv J hi<-fi.mary. i rrttory An itift iHiiious in.tii '- tn li.i »yr n inciit ttiul larr ' t'Hiploy:fi**i»f on iiiln t» i'. c*. Mcfc'rov t\ < •>.. No. htn l'iiu;bun(tk . fi. , V / .'• • •'' wv ki-NT A n >, . : '-.vays p;- % v i - ' •" • »• 1 ! ' . . t-C 'i'O : VHOMAW, «S U to 'i-o-loV. hlrtiH. CSIUJAti'-i Fall and Winter BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, Everv day adds new andbeautiful styles in Footwear to SBSIM'S Immense stock of Bt»ots and Shoes—all fresh goods. We have Boots for the boys to goj to school, Shoes for girls that, are high cut, made of the; best of calf, kip and grain all) warranted. We have Ladies' i Fine Shoes in all the grades and at all prices, all widths and shapes in hand-welts, Mc- Kay & Turns \Ve have them j in V.ip, calf uml grain, button and at very low prices. Hioes we show will give the be.-t of service; have tried their [wcaiiug qualities ll>r yas jiNoiK' better made V, e have .-hoes of ail de scriptions for old ladies in warm goods. and slippers. Spring ! Heel in misses',children's ! and ladies' a specialty. It is important for you to knovv all kinds of Boots and Shoe:- have advanced very much recently; still more im portant for you to know that we shall not advance our prices us long a.-> this present stock last-. We are now well stocked. Our house is full ol Boots and Shoes bought he fore the advance. Come early and -iet the advantage of old prices. Recollect we sell none but reliable fjotwear and at the siimt; price to all. vV,. ba\ 1 Ivip, Grain and Ituhher Boo's for men in iiigh leir. f-urso <*s, plain or box toe, high or It.v. in.-tep'- Shoes of sfiine hijfh cut. kip, fall and grain We have ctrei'uily considered the wants of the j f timer. mechanic ami laboring man and can (it you out at a .-mail co I making your feet comfortable in- all kinds of w anther. < '-.iiuo and see us. B. ('. 11l SELTON, j No.— .V. Main St, Butler, Pa. FEYE Bay-fever rly's cm:AM /;.i/.>/ is -- / u liquid sh tiff"or powdc". Apjtdrtl info nc.i!i iin tfti t' U!■/ uhscrbcd It c/canvea ih c //rrut AHoys at ion. Heals the sores: fU slon s l/it tens'n of tatte and smell. .«,♦ rnisat Drittfgi ls; l>y mall, registered. 6«<». saw*™* l I Mifflin StrGst Livery. W. (I. 151 Kit Ij, i'ropr. One t-quare west of Main St., <»n M'fll.u M. All good, sufe biT.-es; new mil earring en L'tuduu? l<»r O. (. r ( _ >ii;ii,le, Tfii ph" No. 17. I- uvo orders a' llult i V(ig« !• \ . (iood liivcry in Connection New Livery Stable. New Stocl;, Kew Rigs. —OPEN DAY AMD NIGHT— H'trwH fid aiiif lioarded. HF.TKF KRAMER, Prop'r '-i!'. VV. .(efl'» r Hon St . Butler, Pa. Fall Opening TLi ilii f'hildron and (rents fiiriiisliing Saturday, On. 1 1 itie lite of light yveighl. iill wool undeiuear, liosien, gloves, boys and girls hats and -aps. evert thing kejtt i:i a (iist class Furnishing Stole at tlr lowest figures. .! School Iter/ Giie'i Away fVilh i my I'lirc/iatw. John Ivl. Arthurs. xv.) ,-;c»irTll .MAIN STKEI;T. aas POSITION OFFERED. If you .lie m n," ,1 of a gtxid paying poaitiou acd think \oii l. ive the qualities of a good i r:ulcKiit.;ii, you v ill ilo well to write us at once. Wc will pay good eomuii. sioii nr »alary and • :<]e ir-cv to a good man. The ji uiition we offn is a |ieratunent one. Ad dress at once. Sl-XOVKtI ,t ATWOOD is ur-cry men, Geneva, N. Y Wxiriin! O! WurrnKS. 010 woma*. so h:gh* WITH Buck Dluconu KooriNu TO COV** TI:K SKY. Why go SO fak THi lasi> or v ol'k tixzui EECA"- IT AUULU>V CCVISS TH« E.4JITH. Send for illuitrated eircul*r to SL EHEET, JR., & Co., 4.23 Walnut ftroct. PHiLAOECPHIA. yfhm Ifi J CUKS Ito «•» maralr te llop the m tor a time, and tlicn them re fcar* fccam. i WASf A RADICAL CLKfL 1 2m»t« znao9 Uio di&csaA ol FITS, EBXLE&SY or FAIXINCt SICKNESS, A llfe-loog *tndr. I w-maucr my r«««dr to Cukb ih« worst cede*. Becaa»« other* ha.« failed ia no reason tor not now roeainmg a care, bcod at net for atreauie aodft 1 re* Bottle 9t MY IKTALLIPL£ KEMEDT. G»V« KzprOft® fnd post O«oc. !t co«ta fOJI mottdng for & fejU, and it wUI car© Audrasa K. G. ROOT. Rf1.0, ! O Pwi St., Nfj Vcs« SOLIO™ 3 " feTEEL FENCE! - MAD«OV EXPANDED METAL • ' Vi ??£■%■':,J™* 50»CTH!M3 HEW | r.rstCEMcra, C" l '"'" 1 ". CFM'Tmrp, F>bms C">;c"J6 Gt-tx vNiodow Qti.irdi, TklUm^«f n.tsn.i::va i.»th, i>cor *ik *<■. write fcr litn:.trate' ae■ mailed free j vEfiTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO _ US Water St., I'll t»t»nr»cl>. I*i«. I Sm It' ll it. Give asjae of tlii_> oa-jcr ! PATENT STEEL PICKET FENCE. HA.SDSO.UE, INDESTRUCTIBLE. Cheaper than Wood. Th« »liP»« cut>!«wi I»: k. t Fcnrc with g%f. (TLi» it not a i n«tuug.) r*n uio >r«. ar-i KslMnra Hruc and f ron WIKK POOS AXU • WIXOOWBCKE' >'S, aid tU klnAa of w IRH'OEK. T.iyrOK & dean, | 20 l f 203 & Market St., rittaliurgh, Pa. WWffttCC.dSCJijSSrw, , Onroftlif PjUCP miMOfIBFJTTeI kHf m |» MIUS jftky&'Arf* ** 1 n ■ Ofcifca -f. \. the trarld. Out firilitlMir« I un"ina'<-a. «n»e who wr<«o *3 IHrU< B2 i|oo«a( r»n«e « an iraka turc ol T < jlv TO* SI ch«nc« All TOU h*Tatodoix» * •mhhoaa aronnlyu. The b*. AyCynßPW^ ot |L,# * PIUIIi- •Gr tha »mall and of the ula i •»«■< ™»£s2«2Sg.& aasftir^tsr'ss I wrtt. ttoM W.p...ll«pf»~'h.nt»« i^ r „i i! i: allctt aco.. »o* imw. rogTiAJii», Maikb SUPERFLUOUS HAIR I On t!:o fciii-ilo fdr« t i ffT-W^li lihjt a tho '' j K!• -i rv. , d f-yjpT j h f-Kil , Li x* c Spots aud all d. '-.tM.n and bleralflhe* of tho ak!n, cr. Van hyek. Th« Doctor ha-* h'; ! \ r*' in tbo pfactlca of J Li« Kperiaity, and number* anions his ra j Uonts our iuo-.t j-roniftiaot faiulli«M. If yon ar« affile tad with any of the abova blenrishea, avol-t patent medicines and consult Dr. Van I I'yck «t oner special terms to all who make j «Mi;"n ornddreaa •r J. Van Dyck, w'N. 11th atreat, I'hiladol- ' | : 1.. •. or TJYL I'unn areuuo, I'lttsborfh, Pa. , to to 7; Sundays, 10 to 5. rO.OYQ k m Pu»)l»rr KhoM tmlcrai wortt nncomfortaljly tiKbt, lff*n«*raJiy alt;» vCt Via foeL TIIE "COI'CIIESTER " JIL'BBEU CO. makoall thrlr sboea lisMo r>r b'"l lineal with niMicr. Tlil•* f lip:-n Ut tluj UIVJ uu.t j-rovcula U»« ruhl/».T from ali|»2i!n?» oft. Ou'l f t tho "ColobMtrr" "ADHSHiVK COUNTERS." jH. C'hilds & Co., Wholesale Agents, Pittsburg. I Dwelling* for Sale. A nice frame dwelling of six room* , and a lurve Btal>le, 28x40 feet. Lot ! 36x180 f< et, located 011 Washington Mtrcct, of tbe Miller Hotel, Evans City. Termw to suit purchas er. The two buildings bring sl4 rent per month. Inquire at tbe reai- Uenee. mum - LADY,'; it In olu!e with an exclusively C*ah Hon* and receive tbe benefit of ('nab Prices. Moreover, we handle nothing el*; we deal exclusively in Floor und Window Coveriogs. Thua we are en abled to keep our immense stock in first-class condition and prove our price*, tbo Lowest Prices. Cars from P. K. K. and B. «& O 11. R depots pass our doors. Will cheerfully #ive a " information desired. GINNIFF & STEINERT, Limited. 305 AVOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. /yfl Pittsburgh, Pa. * This old aud reliable lnatltntlon has prcparu I thousands of younu mnn nud women for the :irilv« duties of life, T'J those In want of a useful. practical education, circulars will tie itenl on appiiu itton. i»rrr * soss». Spring Millinery In all the latest styles. New Hats, New Ribbons, New Trimmings. All the new things in flowers, laces, glove*., veils, caps, AT M. F. & M. Marks'. No 98. Main St # , lhitler, i'n. M. H. Gilkey, Artistic Dress Making. So. C 2 S. MAIS' ST.. GIIiKEY DITILDIXti - - '-M I'LOOK. ICF.CI IE ED FIIOtFHAIB GRAIN DRILLS A SPECIALTY. Threshing Machines- Engines- Hay Proises. Saw Mills. S-'tul for catalogue. * II »'AB«>t:U4U t 0., York. I'a. rtss '2IOTIOEQC C,U ' K " h <"<•••*"» fill jCll I lOtlld thit [i.|k .or ot'* .i- (f it * Oft ■d*.rti*.ng .p. - when m wifcgo, **tii l.nd it on li'. 1 1 s LORD & THOMAS. A FULL LINE of' Jersey Shirts for Fall and Winter Wear, Twenty-five per cent below value at the RACKET STORE, *4:B S. Mam St., Butler, fa. la. C. WICK |>KA LRU 15 Rough and Worked Lumber Of ALL fct*M Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Ofllco opposite P. & W. Depot, BUTLER, - - PA | SPECIAL |j Mourning Bonnets & Hats| | Silk Nuns Veiling, *' |jj Mourning Flowers, Mourning Ornaments, Mourning Silks, * Mourning Euchina*, c iv. ■ ; • Mourning Ribbons, Crapes, Ete.g! D. T. P A P E,|l ■ .■No' 18. S. Main Ht.» BUTLER- ' I|pM— —M ill.jl I J. R. &RIEB. PHOF. R. J. LAViL'. GRIBR & LAMB'S MUSIC fciTOHi'. NO. 16 SOUTH MAIN T'J'. > UTI J-,; . VA. BSole Agents lor Butler, Mercer and « ion counties lor Behr Bros. k Go's Ma-nil'i I Piano«, Shouingcr, and New by .t I .; Fianos, Packard, Crown, Carp-liter ,n I New Englayn Organs I valers iu Y . , Strings, Guitars, mi l All Kinds of Musical Instume: t-. SHEET MUMC A SPECI ALTY Pianos and Organs sold on it stallmentf. Old instrun e ■ taken in exchange. I ome and fee us, as \v»- can have you money. Tuning and Repairing of nil uindf of Musical In-trui:u nU Promptly Attended to. Establi»he( 1 185G E. GRIEB, THE JEWELEiI, / No 19, North Main St., ED'JIIB, PA.. DEALER IN Diamonds, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver wi? * ; Spectacles, &c., &c Society Emblems of all Inscriptions. Repairing in all branches skillfully done and warrant* 1850 ESTABLISH »Q W:i- MAT BEDICTII AT J. R. GHRI JEGB'S, No. 16 South Moiix St., - Butler, Fu. In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, And Spectacles. Repairing Promptly Attended SIGN OF KLKCTBIC BKT.L. 510 to 514 Market Street, Cor Liberty street, PITTSBURG WANT YOUR TKADE. If you desire LOW PRICES and HO it EST DEALING. They Show the greatest assortment of Cloaks, Millinery, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwent, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods. BUYING and selliutf la lartfo quantities, "FOR CASH ONLY," enJ 'e OS to Kivo you the bent values for yoor money. We quote u (<•»■; o our prices: PLUBU JACKETS, caiin lined, $7.45, $9, $lO, Ac. PLUSH SACQUIS. fine qualities, sls, $10.50, $lB to $25. CLOTH JACKETS, tailor-made, $4. $5. FFL «UD np. Missis CLOAKS, $3, $4, $O to sl2 INFANTS CLOAKS, f-0 t-tylea, $2 to $lO. FRENCH KID GLOVES, 50e, GSC, 75C, $lO. FINK CORSETS, 50, 75c, 80c und sl. FAST BLACK HOSK. 12C, 13C. 28>- »nd :>S C. BLACK DIAMOND SHIRTS, 50c, 75e and sl. I*oo stylrt of UMRUILLAM, fine bandies, sl, $1.25, $!.50, $1 •<-» FC- 1 OUR MOTTO:— Best Goods at Lowest Prices.