Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1890, Image 3

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BEPTEMBEE 36, 1890.
Seiixul Bros, <k Co.
Special Sale
2JC. 2JC. 20 C|
r>G Uozeri
Knee Pants.
25C. 25c.
vzet. 4 lo 13 >ear*.
bi Wiins ifi lijli I knliiig.
4, a ,of rnnuicp W* eeteasive
w veT ,. aii'wc to vicit the eaatern
'l£UKFik#*l> 'li JRVTIMU |
9S.V wrtfllai there »»r Mi were roibM to
tw»,. or» MW of the most eh-nee goode.
«n*fc KMuiltT MB bought nj> by Urge city
V.v ««rdtatty itivite mrmtf «roe interested
v. t-iMT" Y«.utb»\ Boy »'and Cbi'd
r ,. Ototbu# *» (ts** w> * till Bid take a
1 tjae*. vwn- of new and fa*biou*.
Schaul Bros. & Co.
iim fc pnpflattoa of alwxtt ta.iwa.
it I, *• masr acuft. m M)*t ooanty. wtth
* t'.ii-rtJ'wM*. twlarat fa*, urf unequalled
i* om - 'Mr tustioiMrtarx*-
"rww— «*nir«w: WKBIICT.
••ana a i-mnrinc and fiwiperoii* town.
%?•** 9*m* K * -I>aln* tear* But let for
. i - 'ii.-i- »• <:«*• *•* mmi 11:2" a. w. and 2£*
«mW «. : arrive a» a««l
mm «m T-J»r » Walt* rtow at aw* a. tn
r » »r* aim* at M*. l<M»a. »■ and
iS'ift «k.
■i t. tl ®. It R • Tnmw J«*W (rf Uiwn
vti* •' ..ran a. «r. cm pm Wall*
*■ mm* rm f la. ;*w«l pottrhe*
NOW a* t* aw> «t*a p.m.
T It -Vrmtm l»<* Mild tor All*
_>I.MI »t M «:*.• m»4 man a m and *» ami
;««. *. wtkriNXlA*) Wt.» a nt and
. „ a-nn rem. VK-flwa; at M" an it Ui.V
1 ~ i-p>a '•» a«o 7lt* p la. Wall* oK*» t>* ihr
MM, «w a> «•> a. m V** flllMmi*
.t« v •< «,V a m. r«r lin»h«rt and
t«» trtn'ia BUBt* Mid CalXry at
t m> pwr rllWlilt w*'»l p«M«i«
a() 4 at tsaa p. m. For «HI
* ll» I .>*«*•*» and flartow «i
n't ri i«» Mm'o awr <* i»l« ft<»m bxul
■Sm Ml N »:•. 'i a««4 (laIWJ al »•*> a. m .
Jm tar «Mn ai im« a. m ; la>w l*iii»l>tiri{
Htcmi piiwt» m«w« mwh' » and call rjf
* • -<* *«»= «-.<» a il» nor** al *» p w ; tnw<
<•' *••»• p w , fiNim l*li|»l ma and llir
» 1- it. i I.« in ITT fliiW 'III IIIIHIi
»« i. ....«*■ n in. an 4 STAH p W
4| k « Hail,* mail trow Ml. riii**ln»l
...... * t. r. „<T* al I* "I » 111
-s. I.i, «, n- ««•*• > and ..Him point*. Monday
V ,«iin..t4a s i '. i■. }~m«> »" «»t at lua jv m,
soci Hn?x"SJS»
Ij»* Ai. .%vvj wui.Y SV'S, Knitfhu «f I*
I iida* ntfihl ill iUp Oar
. , .., .» .1 i., ni>r> Hall. lluM lli'-r. Unk»l
*«• -a.-d 1.5 » M. li. Ouaill, H«C r>rr
* - ~
Nrw Adv*rtiMMiieois,
lit s'law* > ».iti r— of Juit. W
HiewdNm. «f» < a«»H;.
An t»». \ :-ralat# iif J.u-ob Uoiil
JBnti.'.- :» l>ivmror—W bit more fi. Whit
■mar ft Hlk vt W iUior.
ttwuii'% Utrbtiif*. it»nx«>, etc.
NIWV Ilarcam.
K :ti« A l:*l-;..»"a Latvat
* fya«> 11 iiiixvr
Ki-rwfcCiarl. H IJuUcr. Oct. 1113.
All adTmiaara intrudmf to mak<
rtWMM in thrir win. ahould uutify un nl
J i-<-rr ttil«n4iiif U> 4n «<>, n<d later than
Monday momm*.
!■ i Tkarwi «»f the Tarectum »a took
it: V.t«t)craß< ■..« aliow. «n ahow-Uav.
li &'..<«n, Kxj.. fwr New York
Mr. Lrvia C' ITliite, of D.
ulariy. sou it i* a wrjt nloaaaot oonnect
! : -1 hi® ami dear old Ilutler
and £»uc : 'r, of Pa r kcr Twp.,
ten- .« Kraoo CS.y.
Hm> 1). Ea»ar«r, of Fairriew Twp.. h«a
nwad i».« ii« war bonae on Fairview
jft'Wß.. 12lit 1(9 .
Tw» atiu fiwHjr, of fireat licit,
iw»T.- nwrrai la JJotler.
M" »'* K »rl VTi'He'm atad Karl Lipman,
* iirrmany. «<•< » upaniod bv aooie !adi<"-
" f hi IHe rijtbt* of Batlur
lIMB «-««•%.
i: !:••«. -i: Hooi oflJo.lr , and Mi**
<l*rw l «li at '~ii«o|tn Go . *>re mavrieo at
iMkW VrtififiCc., o« WeOiewlii.r of
J « «■•■■•' i>jr l>v. E. T. Jaf.«"«. of Oil
City. T.'P r » ■»•"« oldi^p. vin. to ttev.
13- Jrtl"'- hit -«r." : ii» u» word of thin
u.^r-...' ■ V. , trll Uie taan>"«* in
3; j.». 'i, fimi ,:>e ri M-Vet bere, hot do
»•« lewwr «»( ' i.>~e of Ilu.lor Co. people
ti>«" -aka • ..u .i "e of the pui'r. un
l*aw are haj'|MMi 1« as# .:>e BO*«eo in mi ex
eiiiuiff. •>- '•< wo ,1 U wit us.
tin. w. ajqir-ffart® Itrt! ttcvorend'a eon<ider
Famiiy Reunion.
Our l;v». ari- river*. plWojr free toward*
ti«a* aula? lnitneJ bortidlea* sea, known h«
ast.'"—r«t there are time* when life
it'«l,e (fi'itle influence* of
lore u'id Jri-ndi-liip and oar heart* are
Araarti «»»-b other.
- 4*'lj • ttiue i« a fiiiriily reunion, and we
•i>ii tan rel«:r to renuiou «>f the family
o' I: rf fi. 4itewart, dec d, wbieh took
!»•»««• a! l)»e hou<e of hi* «<n New ton I).
■M.-v. u> GlikSj l£an la< Tlinrnday. AU
the < .liiilrou—S. V» alker Stewart, of near
I'MiNC Vn s. Siewart. of Partetsrille;
Jan,.-' Slewa'l. of l'r<M»|ie<:. N'ewton, at
' •••;!<• * ; k", iiici. John It, Stewart, of
!•• !,f - «■- Mid tl'B Albert, of Mt. Cbest
• ii* h Wotiier in-law, with their familie*.
". a nutniier of seifEblxir*, uiakiiijr
j: a wu »n*iuWy i.| alxuit eijrhty peraonn
v ' " i>* •■ t Tii-;. ali brought their
t< and tiiev bad a bountiful dinner,
atu; Uj<« V. a3l;er waa eieeleu pre*ident of
• n.. ujrajid tUy Lad Home *j>eechef.
Ttoett the aged gathered in knot*
• T<> c«unt thi-ir youthful ncamper* o'er,
Tii m« u"irc 1.-nd* her light no more"
sad the Vf.uitg to indulge in game*, eon
•NeTWrtiot! and r -partee. They all bail a
r ,lc# d time aud lot* of fun.
T»i«i w»j Hie (ourlli meeting of the
• iraiity—the previous reunion* having been
i • •' a: tis« h< t»ns «f Walker. William and
Jabti and ti,. nnr *,n j, e held at James'
tMMW Intern I'rofjwc;
fa yuan Mii| suwt, Ogle.
—Pay your poll tax.
—New sanerrant appears.
—September ends next Tuesday.
—A new doll turns somersaults.
—■ The sear and yellow leaf."
—Next holiday: Thanksgiving.
—Harrert moon: September 28th.
Lawn mowers are still on the go.
.Able bodied 'dienees is a shame.
—The harvest moon fn"« Sept. 28.
—Oct. 4 is the la>t day to pay poll tax.
—One's huuie i» one's best winter resoit.
—Days and nights are now of equal
Look opt for bad twenty-dollar silver
| certificates.
| Etiquette ti' w demands that all ladies
I shall take off tbe ; r hats—wbent'ueygoto-
I bed.
—Tiie cold weather has started the eb''-
d-en ta'king about Christmas.
The oil-prodocers of Butler Co. wi'l
meet in Eeibe's Ha'l, this evening.
—Somebody says that the hornets are
buiidiug high and small, a sure sign of a
mild winter.
—One family in this town put up 180
quarui o' elde-berrics this season, and tbey
don't keep ho.el, either.
—The Bow. v Hou.->e is putting on style.
The proprieUn* put a $590 Cincinnati
range into iis ki ; chen. last week.
—A new town in the Huudred-fooi
■ erritory is'crediied with five houses and
sixteen bottomless mud-holes. Its name
is McGicty.
—Tho way ibc.se elephants and lions
gro« led about oit »treen» was a caution,
and they didn't become good-natured and
begin laughing til' Hitter got off a joke on
the turo-bumped camel.
—l'nless we have a month or six weeks
more of tine weather, and unless Con
tractor Os'iHii ne pus two or three hundred
men on that part of the street that be has
excavated, it w U iiotbe paved before Win
ter and then everybody w II be wanting to
hang the Town Council.
—The bonnes of Lonis Oriel) and Robert
TnniPi. who live on S. McKeon St. near
the school house, weie entered wbile they
were at the show Wedoemlay night, and
nibbed of watcbeK, Jewelry and money,
amounting in all to a value of about three
hundved dollars.
—.V girl-tbniightle»»lv told a friend that
tbe names of the donor* wouM not be din*
played with the pieMOit* at ber weiMlnjt.
Of course the new* got a'.iroad, ami when
tbe day came not even tlin piesent* were
displayed. Tney consisted of 3)1 plated
MI gar spoons and 10 *nlt sprinklers,
A school teacher I* au.hniity for tbe
assertion thai pupil* who him teee** to
newspa ier* nt home when e.impmctl with
those who Imve no, »<« lie; .or render*,
better speller*, better grstrm* l«u«, rice'
in pronunciation and rend more under
standingly, end oblnin a good knowledge
of geography In almost Nil' the lime it
rvqnlre* ollmi*.
—Nothing open* en wide a door to vice,
In prime, to evil habit* of every dUerlpilon
no the ab.euce of occupation, The down
waril course of many a promising youth,
the lalu of many a hopeful life, may he
distinctly traced to the void c»u*ed by
having nothing to,do, The fnet'lle* mu*t
beat work, end If not employed for good
they will be f..r evil.
—Cooper'* big "Ko'epaugh" *how that
wa* here Wedne*dav employ* four hun
dred and lli\y peonle, eauh one of whom
ha* hi* or be particular dutie* to attend
to. Managing it big show 1* "ke nianag
Ing an army; the manager most bo a man
of great eieenlivo abi'lty, end hi* liouten
ant* tmiat lie i-rusty and intelligent men.
The eipennoH of till* *how average over
fJOOO a day. It came hero iVotn Kitlau
nlng, held forth at Washington, Thur*-
day, i* at. Union town today, w'll be at
Cumberland to-morrow, aid will then
strike down through Wost Virginia. Ken
tucky and Tennessee and end the *ca»on at
Kichiuond, Va., on the lot of November.
This show bad good audieuce* here, and
everybody wa* pleased with it. We are
under obligation* jto Mr. W. K. Peck,
pre** agent, for favors.
—lt H now stated iu railroad circles that
tbe Baltimore and Ohio road has socured
control of the Allegheny end Shenaugo,
and, with the assistance of other lines, will
form a route to Buffalo shorter than tbe
Allegheny Valley by 30 iii'les. The Pit's
bnrg and Western will be used to I.otler,
the Allegheny and Shenango to Mercer,
from thence the road will be extended to
Fruukliu, where it will connect with the
Western New York and Pennsylvania,
making tbo route to Buffalo 239 miles long.
It is claimed that all tbo mysteiious dick
ering of late between the Baltimore A Ohio
and Pittsburg and Wostern is now made
clear. Tbe B. &, O. has been anxious to
get into Buffalo and the oil legions.
Through the Valley and the P. <t W. it bas
a good line to the lakes. The new com
bination will give Pit'glmrg another outlet
to the North, and will be of great assis
tance to local industries, puitienlarly the
coal trade.—Pittsburg I)i*j>aich.
—Thero are snnto tb'igs about tho qnaint
old town of Harmony that you do not
notice by merely (Hying through it. The
two wine cellars under tho old bi'ek houses
at the corners of tho square must be seen
to be appreciated. Tbey are both ebout
fifteen feet deeo. Tho ono under 'he build
ing now "occupied by I)r. Redmond, is
about, 40 feet long by 20 wide and tho ono
under the building now occupied by Mr.
Sliver is a liitle sraa"er. They a-o neatly
floored with stone, anil their ceilings are
s tine arches that will probably stand as
long as this portion of tho Earth's surface
remains iutac'. They were built by tho
Hannou'tes at least eighty years ago, and
they aro to day es perfect as they WHO
when just completed. Of the old brick
bosses, around tho square, all are in a
good state of pre.ierva ion, excepting tbe
front of tbe one occupied by Mr. Stiver—
the bricks of wh'ch were too soft and aro
crumbling. The bouse, in tho rear of tbo
Beam House, now owned by Jacob StaofTer
is as good as tbe day it was built. The
Iteaui House was a'so originaly built by tho
Harmonites but it has been remodeled anil
rebuilt, and Sam. has kept on improving it
until it is now one of the' host appointed
hotel* iu tbe county. About a hundred
Republicans got a good dinner thero last
Tuesday, and they are not slow about say
j ing so either. Tbe old brick church, also
\ built by tbe Ilurmonites, with clock tower
I and old iVatu is also worth looking at.
! Stop off at Harmony soma day end look at
J these tliiugs.
Klmcr Scheuck had a leg broken at
:*Purvis'Planing Mill, last Thursday, by a
pile of doors falling upon him.
A «>u of Michael McLaughlin fell 110-
tweou iho wheels of Lcedom's wagon,
Tuesday, while it was in motion; and tho
wheel parsed over and fractured one of his
Sick People.
Mr. J. N. Cubbison, hi* son Lawrence,
and their help. Miss McKiasiek, of Harris
villi, aro down with typhoid fV or.
Oil Field Notes.
! The Enterprise Oil Co., composed of
Latcbaw, Strohecker and other men of
Harmony and Zelienople strek a hundred
bar'eler 011 the Frank Wilson farm which
adjoins the A Men to the West, Tuesday
The Ze'ienople Oil -Co's well oa the
We-t is reported dry.
R rise man A C > and Black A Co.'s well<
on the Hiram Graham are each rated at
100 bacrels. and a number of wells are go
ing down on the Thomas fyah&m.
! The well on the Chess farm, a mile north
lof developments is being worked for a
' mvs'e-.y. They have a Itule oil there and
plenty of go*
Forest O'l Co's 2 in the Stewart is in and
grod, and their No. 1, oa th« Sum in i<
rated at 30 bairels.
Abrams it Co. a on the Haziett is a 100
bs>t. eler.
The J. C. Brandon farm now produces
more oi' ».hau any other in this lield.
The we" on the A. Brenneinan is now
producing Cj a day.
Putviance A Haielett's 6 on the Hum
phrey is r ited at 100 barrels: Sutton it
Chiis;ieV 1 on the Winner at 70; Camp be I 1
& Go's 5 on the Marshall at. 125, Waldn.n
A Co. on the W. 8. Waldrou at 30; Co!
Bert Jr Co's 4 oa tho li-andoa at 225;
Smiek oa the Ma'bnrg"xat 50.
Stewa-.t A Go's well oa tho McKinny,
east i*t PetersviHe is in and good, a'so
Smith <1 Co. on same farm.
Johnston A Co. and Walter & Co. on the
I'eter Hader are each rated at 50 barrels.
The McKinny farm weJi is supposed to
open up a line to Kciboitl from the lSran
Ljldecker A Go. are laying a pipe line
from the Fl inner .to the easteju develop
menu. The average run at Bolton station
is 3000 bane',a a day.
Philips' well on the Sweeny, at G'eat
Belt, stiack a heavy flow of gas Mond.-y
anl was shut dire n.
A rig is up on the Wagner farm.
T. W. Phillips on the D. I'earce, west of
Butler is in the sand and showing g >od.
At Mi 1 erstowii Hunter A Gumming.) ou
(I e Pon.ious is rat'jd at 50 barrels.
A well has been starred on the C. H.
Book farm near Annanda'e.
Snee A Co. have al'oig gasser on the J no.
Motrin at Mtm'nville.
It begins to look as though ,b« oil pro
ducers meutit business nud would establish
a pipe line and re finely owned nnd operated
by themselves. Why they shotld do so is
apparent to all—all the pipe lines and te
(lneties at present ill operation are owned
by one eonee a, which regulates the price
of crude oil to st'St itself.
Mr. T. J. Vandergiilt in quoted on the
subject a* follow*:
"Producer* of oil am Justly nlnimed at
their evident dependence upon the one
buyer of their ci >ule product, .lie apparent
power ami seeotlti* purpose of the
monopoly to at'i|ot|e nb*olute control of
production and *o rvgu'a e price* a* to
*<|ttcete the I 1 e blood out ol the producing
li4a*ne**, No doubt some of the mom
favorably located pioducei < w|t| take steps
at an eti.ly dtiy to neCtire a legitimate \itlufc
for their' oil by piping and m.'.ning the
•'One of the tlist T|U«*HoM» a»k«d about a
new enterprl*e U'Uaily I*; "W'hete U the
maiketl' t'.tu you answer lhat i|in>*Uonf
"The market for rellned product* will he
found ttmonion? fitl.tioo (100 people at home
and the extorter* I think individual
ell'ort on the part of the p<e*et)l ottialde
there urn •*lmt!de" producer*'-I* better
than ion render ol the iiiaiiag»iiiool of that
business to an ttiitugoniiilio interest with
power to depress value* and eventually
gobble ter.itory and jiroduetiou at it* own
price, fooling arrangements can be made
between these individual enteipiise* t.i
facilitate their bu»iness and enable *mull
out*ide reiiuerie* to make and till contract)*
too large for their individual capacity
"Will the Standard t*y to ponuade pro
ducon out of thin idea?
"Ye*, the monopoly w>M proclaim these
effort* as an interference wi.h what they
term 'our business.' In former deys tbe
argument of the monopoly in dissuade »rod
uueifl frvln ongnging iu tbe busiaee* of
reiining oil was lhat it 'never produced a
hat eel of oil or cuuroached ou the pro
ducer's legitimate business.' Now Ibat
argument bus gone gliipmoii.ig like many
o.her of its saintly protesta.iou*.
"How is the present outside refiner
"The outside refiner's interests are
identical wiih those of the ntUside pro
ducer. lie must maintain the outside pro
ducer, go into the business [of producing
himself, or be at the mercy of tbe
monopoly for bin supply of crude. It is
not hard toseo where tli»t would land him.
Another thing, while the monopoly is tbe
only buyer and reaner of crude, the price
for refined can havo no effect on tho price
of crude, except at tho pleosiiro of this
single buyer."
Tho Slaudaid pipes the oil to Sew York
and Cleveland, and icfines it at those
points, uniting coal lor fuel—and it ban be
come one of tbe wealthiest corporations in
the world. Tho proper place to refine the
oil is in tbe oil oiul gas producirg country,
isiug gas for luel. Refined o'l is trans'
ported in ba-rels anil by rail, and as far a.;
we can see Butler would be just as advan
tageous a location for an oil refinery as
thero is in tbe oil and gas producing terri
Thc<neeting of the Itutlcr oil producers
at the Hotel Vogeley, Saturday evening,
was addrcsxcd by TV. A. Clark, C. G.
Christie, C. Walker and others who advo
cated building a refinery 011 the Ohio river,
near Pitfsbuig, and a committee of live,
consisting of TV. A. Clark, Cfcos. Hazlett,
C. D. Greenlee, Thos. Alexander and Fred
Lcidecker, was appointed to fix a time and
make arrangements for a general meeting
of tbe oil producers of the county.
Alleged Brutality.
The Pittsburg Times of Thursday con
tained tbe following: Dr. Henry M. Weth
crill, of Philadelphia, Secretary of the
State Committee on Lunacy, was at the
Seventh Avenno Hotel last night Ho
came on from Philadelphia yesterday
morning and visited tbe City Poor Ka'in
in company with Chief Klliott. Ho stated
laHt evening that he was on bis way to
Slipperyrock I'ark, Itutlcr county, to inves
tigate a case which hod been 'reported to
hint recently.
Tho victim is a girl named Annie TVads
worth, who, I)r. WctheriU's informant
alleges, is confined by her parents in an
outhouse on a fr.riti. Her screams and
piteous cries during the night hove attract
ed the attention of the neighbors on several
occasions, and they believe that she is be
ing cruelly and inhumanly treated. His
information in regard to the case was
vague, but if he found it as bad as in
timated he said he would go to Now
Castle, before returning to Pittsburg, and
procure tho necessary papers frotn Judgo
McMichaol for placing her in the TVarren
Insaue Asylum, or in Dixmont.
—The A nti-Uustiutc Tinware
j ijuuranteod against rust for three
years, at HENBY BIEIU.'H,
No. 122 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
—Largest assortment of fine dress
ginghams and chailies in Butler at
lowest prices at
Ch(U. Elmer is in jail on a charge of lar
j ccny.
ESBe Jane Chiistie was taken to Dix
inont. she having been adjudged insane <>n
; petition of J. 11. Itonaghy.
i 11. Finklestein. in jail on a charge lar
! ceny. was released on account ot tne com
mitment being defective, buuwas directed
to pay costs.
The new Assessor.' or Tax Books are a
preat improvement uoon the old. and will
bf a great help to the Assessors. There is
a 'dace for everything in them, and every
lh:ng should be iT its pla^-e
Tfj ni lof Jao W. lirandon, Esq., of
| Oonnoqnenessmj: township, was projalsd
and letters to J. Emery Erandon, also will
: of John McCandless, of Counoquenessing
; towns! Ip—no lexers.
Letters te 'amer.Ury were granted to J.
iA. Kennedy and Nancy M'"er on cstite
of Josrph Ui'ler, deceased.
Letters of adiniuUtraiion were granted
to Henry M. Wise on estate of Henry
Weckhecke;, of Harmony.
Sheriff lit die soid Thomas A. l'raiie's
inieiest 'i the Jed'erson Oil Co.. Thursday
moin'ng o V.. Pal e,son for S"JC7.
Geo. Grova in jail on cba'ges <f Surety
I'eace ana bri a'.T.g a lock was released on
ba : ', Wednesday.
Adam Cook h-s beea relutnuu t.i court
for Desertion and Assault aid Bakery.
Annie L. Lengbein aud Ada J.
of this county, died at Dixmo.it 1.-st mom j.
Chas. E. Fland'eau, executor, to J. W.
Riddle, W. 11. Sr'livau. 0. K. Flandieau.
Jr., and W. B. Ftanc'reaa. lots ia Diady.
H. L. Fisher to Usity Crookshanks, is
acreg in Viufte'd for $"5 O.
K. C. Ciawforu to M. 11. Allen, 3 acres
in APeguetjy tow,iship ,'or 13000.
L. P. Daujenspeck to Pe.e' Peters, 72
acres ia I'aiker for <saiXl.
Catuarme Zim-neimai, to An"ie Worces
tcr. lot in Butler ior siooo.
JCO. Bricker to Josephine Fau.z, 29
ac.es in Buffalo and Wintield for $1100,20.
I*. Goge ito Jno. Dal l . 30 acres in Done
ga' for SI7OO.
F. Z-liner to Jno. Fuhs, lot in JCelieitople
for SSOO.
A. Weitzel to Geo. Stroblc, lot in Hutler
for S7OO.
li. Dyke to G. Dyke 25 actes in Corno.
for SI2OO.
S. J. llsrkel to Wm. Dimmiek, 59 acres
iu Altejlieny for $177.
K. Syjer. A. B'iulti, lots in Millera
towu fo. *2'KI anci $1,500.
J. K. C'unj to E. 8. Beatty, lot in
Hairiivillo for SSOO.
J. (iarilner to Sarah
; u Wa>h'ngtja for 142.
Marrtage Licenses.
.fame* Penny Clear3cld twp
Klla l.ucan Cle»'fie'(l twp
A lot) no Ilen-ltaw Porursville
Ma I'pd ograpli Woil'i Iwp
John TV. O'Xeil Claiion Co
IHna Uibbi...... A'lsgneo/ twp
Alv'u S Shakely Cenire Iwp
Maggie Young. Centre twp
.l«me« H. Ilahti ClfHon Co
Kl's \litiilainl Clnilon Co
Samuel 11. Moore... MOlet* own
Mo|lie 1,'0hm................. MillerMuwn
Hnbt, A. (' rry ..........Wa*ninjiton twp
Marj- l>ntialiUnli Coneoiil twp
Nallmti K. Kmerj ..............Ce'e^KVllle
l.lllle II fearee............ Crait teity iwp
Hentl rrnueli I'etnrm 'He
I'loietie# Ptiuer. ~..CotttttMpieiiew>ifft iwp
I'alv'n 11. Ktio 1.1. »>>>.>> i..... H.'i •tmhj
llewln llnn.nl ................. )se* ! ntiojile
Jdiiti'« M llliikn.. «*ntiMm| iwp
Wnt II Ihtvo ..• >..>■>>>>• nlirtitgo t'o
,\tlnll> I, KPntiluMgnr-....... l''«lev|i'W Iwp
t he MwrkPli*.
Mt TI,HW M Ulhf t'»
Otlf u tu'i'i i am psv liitf ! H to iJ'J Wilt* ftif
Uu'inF, vo liif fii An" !uil« »i>«, #1 I'm
niilitli", Til tor i••mm mi An Inr iHI nip*, 11 in s
iof e«iilitt',n lin a lni»lii'l |iu KIIIIIH
-id a pair oir njniiug eliiekait*.
fITTHai'MU fltiinill'M
('minto Inn #l9 In #U, uilnnil hav tt tu Ti
pniik ug »ivv t So in N (HI, uii'l l\»mi 'U IHI In
(Ml, nil w mat $1 In ♦' OS, n n 117 lit TO,
IMI « *II -'A, k.mlli'ii en II 01**1.1. f ll' I 11111
0 \<UI, pli v»r ii't'ii 4-93 ' 30, l,nun In eeml
1 aS, in jii y oil nr Hv'Jtl, ftlK 1 MU-0,
K'.iing II ictnUDS U5 ill ilrenmiil npiliits
i-.iU'Ueit l'U5, jMnpiiie* lilt Iu I t'll, nali
,iuU .3, ya''ow llanviir on'oim !l 30, ulitiol
nui I o.tio a hu
At HIT. H ISI mil, Mouilay, btinVe* milil
ul I iii.V, yr tsn ruliln U In ll], 'ililln alnl
il y cuwa lj to Jj, bulouna unws I(8 tu #l'J
Umi.y Hunger mild iTmlnr Co. li-uiUn at
-!J .II ti; Juc.<iuiitiii Mild piiinu Hoi'lUtlowu
la.e m HO lo K4 puunda at to 7;
(\a, via w:li; alitiep at 4}, and good Ininbn
av**.e>> ng 70 llm. at Oj and 0 ; Uni'jiv A
Hon MIL.I OO IMDOU io lair Itn.ler On. Itiiulib
at 4 ( MI ii]; Ciuiks in ilk sold niienp at 4 to
5. Vecl i ftlve* MIIU at 5J to OJ.
11. l'ori'er Hold h«»(?n at :i.j In 4!; Gaivl'i
<' in -J : MoNo"se -?J: Keiber >t Son 4j. and
CiPikftUauk 4 7J. Kxtia corn-fad lings
istalled at 5 lo
Cloned Monday at 80, Tueaday ut 7!'j|.
Wednesday at*79J.
Chilly, oh, chilly aro growing (ho nights,
The hoaker.t aro southward flying in
The maiden her buau to the parlor in
For we've pased tho autumnal equiuox;
Soon the shivering robin will ceano bis
Aud swathe his throat in a flannel baud,
And the hung.y tramp be steering his way
From the north to tho sanny southern
A Wedding.
Nine o'clock of Sept. 10th wit least d the
fralheiing of a number of young people at
the residence of Joint Si ui'.ebuKer, near
Jacksville, llutler Co., l'a., who escorted
Mr. Sherman llumpi.iey und Miss Clara
Slndebaker to the lesideuce of Rev. Cotton,
ofHlipperyrock, wlio pronounced them as
husiianu and wife. Tue company reiurn
ed to the home of the bride where thi-y
enjoyeu tbe luxuries of life with otiiers
w.io were celebrating the birthday of Mr.
Afler partaking of an excellent (l'nner a
fine chair was presented to Mr. Sindebe.ker
and a number of gi-is to Mrs. S.udebakar,
also a number of lino presents were given
to Mr. and Mis. llumpbroy who early •ii
the afternoon departed for Pittsburg, 'i'bey
will return in u lew days and make their
home at the residence of Comm'r Hum
phrey. All departed feeling that at least
the beginning of married life is not a
—The cheapest place iu Butler to
buy stoves is HENRY BIEHL'S,
No. 122 N. Main St , Butler, Pa.
—llome-made bread at tho City
Keep your feet out of tho sand
and your books out of tho mud with
those free book covers and bags at
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini
ment, best in tbe world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J, C. KEDICK,
, 2-18-3 m, No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
I/irgo assortment of lace tidies,
pillow shams, bed sets, fine i-ilk
throws, India silks, pongees. Madras
drapery, &c., at
—Wheeler & Wilson aud Stan
dard Sewing Machines at
No. 122 N. Mait. St., Butler. Pa.
—ice crearu furnished in uny
•tuuatity, for partien, by the City
Jcc cream at last summer's
prices at Morrison's City Bakery.
—Take your children to Zuver'a
Gallery for I'icturoH that will suit
you. Andernon building
—lce /or ealo at the City Bakery.
At the meeting of the Allegheny Presby
tery at Miilvale, a few days ago. Rev. R.
B. Porter was suspended from the min
es! ry for lying, dishonesty and obtaining
goods under false preteittcs. lie is arativc
of Fayette Co. aud cha'ge was at
the Cross Roads church, near the P. ,( W.
R. R. about ten nr'es &bove Allegheny.
Constable Z. Montgomery of Armstrong
C>. shot an escaping prisoner named
Xorman Laugh tin last Friday.
Chas. Silverman was released from the
Kiltani'ipg ja : l last week. on bail, and his
case will go to the Snperme Court.
At Kittarning last week, Judge Rev
burn granted a new tral iu t'ie case of the
Com. vs. Cbeddick: The mo on for a new
t'ial was made on tbo groi ,T, d i h at the
ju'y". being unable to arrive at a verdict in
any other way, had tossed a penny to
determine the innocence or guilt of the
defendant. Although tjiH action of the
jory has been edveise'y commented on,
yet. under t'ue circumstance. it was all
they could do. The jary a'ood six for
conviction aud six for ecqiriitah After
remaining ont several hours they reported
to iba coiiri that they were uaulde ioag<-ee
and psked to be dismissed, but the coutt
won'u not d'smiss them and sent them back
with a reprimand and iDs.mciions to biing
in a ve.d ; ct. Thee remained out ail night
and in the morning, still beinp enable to
agree, resorted to this method of airiviug
at a verdict, knowing it wou'd be set aside
as soon as the fact came to ''ght.
The Frcdonia, X. Y. C"ii»or say* It is
a rare sight now to drive up the main road
through the Lake Shore 'owns. At some
points in Portland cOßt'onoos viucya us
ate seeu as lar as the eve can reach, a'i
loaded with the fiiuos: erop of yea-s.
The Emleution A»*f, tc'ls a fragrant
stoiy as follows: Geo. Somcison lius fur
some time been annoyed by skunks about
the premises, they becoming so bold as to
venture into his kitchen, lie made a trap
uud caught two of the "pesky things," aud
build'ng a lire around the trap, cremated
A bitter family qu»irel over the owner
ship of a fani'ly Bible has got into the
courts ui Xorristtfwn Pa. Edwa'd E.
Long, as auditor of tW es.ate of E''iabeth
Kolb, has filed a repo-t wuich deposes
ot the ntp,te , at le».-t for a t : me. Be ore
Mrs. Kolb died s'<e fiequenJy .old one of
her daugh,e<s, now Mrs. Rebecca K.ishong,
that a ter her deaih tbe lem'ly P.thle
should descend to her. she be'nn tbe oldest
daughter. N'o spec'itl bequest touching
the nia'te-, brwever appeals in M s. Kolb's
will, and four of the other he'' s want the
Bible. Auditor Long, In repot <ng on the
d'siribu.ion of the es.ete, finds Jiat the
gift, not being confitmei by any w 'nen
authority, was not va' d. but neve, .heless
lie d ; i >c.s that iuas tt»ch as Mrs. llukhottg
i* so Riixntus to re a<n it site a'ul ihe t'i ep
other be'f* who side wi.lt her shall eon
iMint eil ba''' a do'lar est-b, the stun loial
to lie ilisii Ihlipil Hitning the d'st-afislletl
belts, Coun el for the latter bus given
notice thlt lie w 111 tile exceptions to the
repot l of the milltiii.
A Lady's pprfaot Companion.
Every I' tjir-i'iHUi milliter nhtmhl i-eiel out
lie* bunk In l'i l\\ P. etir> nl New York's
Mnial ci'ietnr leil lilljrsieiite* \ pel (eel
(tHille, II l#ll# h>tw 111!' I' fltiltl Oftll'ld I'HII I e
utntle IVI 0 iV'tm ikitfit't'i rtinl
ttnUde*s. ll(U« mtvilitf MMtll'l* "I
Miutoh , IlleSil suit iUllWlllg Mill "I Vellt
side litlWieftliuu iii Uille«, ttuswtiiiii lutii
|I|IH|D 111 ilfllrd'L' L|llPO||n||. P*lM|l| tWU Wilt
sUuip tiii *<ntnil*ii, inMimmiittU, mnl etui
tiilelillnl Inline Address, |''MVM> TIIOMA*
,t I'll , |'Mllli»llt>r«, llttlUllilire, Mil
-,-ltuy il» Lansing NVttuit«-—ii is
t lin best. For »ttle by
lild N. M«it« Hi, Butler, 4*»,
For Hale
On Saturday, Sept, 30, IUMO, one
stray sorrel horse, if owner fail* t*»
eniiit* uml (my nil charges ul fundi.ig,
keeping and advertising billet.
.1, H MATIIRHS, High Countable.
Bmler, Pa., Sejit. 17, 18510.
—Velocipedes, rocking horsee
wuguus umi wheelharrows ut
Full line of guitar strings, bunjo
strings and violin strings ut
—Confectionery und fruits ut the
City Bakery.
Buy the Kigbnie patent shirt ut
—Guitars, violinn and uiouth
organH at .1. F. T. STEULE'S.
—New mohairs, silks, henriettas,
cballies, and full line of dress goods
Halls und bats at
Full line of bats, both stiff and
soft, for summer wear at
Largest lino of fine baby
carriages ever brought to Butler at
The Hay Fever Season.
Sufferers from that troublesome
malady, bay fever, are always bene
fitted by a liberal dose of Marvin's
fatuous finger suaps. Yoor giocer
keeps them.
House cleaning time shows the
necessity for new curtains, tidies,
throws and bed t-ets. Wo cau sup
ply you with everything needed in
that line.
—Try us on silks and black dress
goods. We have eonie special har
Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C. KEDICK,
2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa.
—J. J. Reilwr, the drover, wants
ali farmers and stockraisers to know
that he still deals in stock of all kinds.
Any persons having anv to sell
should address him LOCK BOX 920,
Butler, Pa., or leave with Jacob
Reiber, Jefferson St.
—Lace curtains, curtaiu poles,
sash curtain materials, scrim and
curtain laces and drapery of all kinds
—We are snowing great values in
silks, henriettas, mohairs, challies.
lino dress ginghams and all kinds of
dress goods.
—Fine cukes at the City Bakery.
—Zuver's Pictures leave nothing
> ranting iu finish, tone or a correct
I fineness.
Cheapest Home
jln Butler couuly for sale. Four
roomed house, never failing spring,
j good fruil, one acre and sixty-six
! perches, located in Buffalo township,
! near Freeport. Inquire of Mrs. E. A.
| vVells, at Lane Station.
AA t E LKAD, others follow.
» » The rapid increase of
business is the best evidence
that our effort to give to this
! community a first class Drug
Store is appreciated. We
make a specialty of the drug
business proper and give it our
entire time and personal at
tention. We handle only the
best of everything in our line
and guarantee the purity of
everything fearing the name
of C. 2s. BOYD. Wo have no
old stock that has stood for
years, but all goods are pure
and fresh. Physician's Pro
scriptions receive special at
tention. If we do not have
what you want we frankly tell
\ou so and will be pleased to
secure it for you on short no
tice We ask a share of your
patronage and feel sure you
will l e pleased with our meth
ods of doing business, and we
can save you money. Your
interests are best served at
our store.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
Truth Crushed to the Eartli
May rise again, but lite ai icle in tirieb
A" Lamb was Lyon all ioiou'i i.
I have 5 dinlotuss g'a'iteu by toe Butler
Fair Ansoeia'ion for iiavi'ig .lie best niano,
the old Kiii.-.mao. Wtiicn u'e now iu my
> IOW window, niovng ibot t,'e Kariitnan
t!iu lake ibe Ii piemicm '•» ISS7, lhSs
anu ISSt', and I have .je p emiu'ti lor IHLK).
A"yooe WJO dot' )'.: tUat 1 bave t.iese
diplomi'.s can see t leu by looking in mv
tsint-ow. I have receireu o»e. >* diploma
for p ; auns ever g-anieu by .be Cutler Fair
Association. Tbe diplomas fjieak for
i"leiiiselves as .be s.unices, klud of proof.
T HS is not baby lalk »i'ch as bus appeal
ed liefoie, but is s.'-.nght busiuesi.
Home Seekers' Excursions.
On Sept. 23d and Oct. 14th, agents
of tbe Pittsburg & Western Railway
Co. will sell round trip tickets to
points in Kansas, Nebraska, Minne
sota, Northwestern lowa, Colorado
and Montana, good 30 dajs, at the
fare one way. Parties desiring to
take advantage of these rates are
recommended to make application to
tbe nearest agent for tickets and more
complete information.
C. W. BASSKTT, (1 P. A,
Allegheny, Pa.
Excursions lo Pittsburg.
Bound trip tickets are on sale at
(lie Pittsburg «V Western depot, But
ler, every day, good it data, (are $3,
ilicudli g admission to the Imposition,
t)n VVnlneFtlav# during the Rx
positloti, special found trip tickets,
same limit, Will lie sold for |l Sift, 111
eluding aditil*»inn
The PUmie a Failure.
One of the mist, popular little
Indies ul Dulles' Inst all tbe enjoy--
innnt ol the Stinday «eh«i>d pi on I e be
Pause slo' lor got io |ilit a ideiilifttl
supply of Marvin's iiuprovnj leittun
wnlnia aud eistta noila crackers in I he
luueh basket The chihlfen et'ied for
Ihe iu aud refnaeil to be comforted
until taken home and treated to their
favorite cakt'H
Wlitsu tin) Prince Come*.
II the Prinoo of Wales conns to
America io .\t winter one of his chiel
delights will lie it luncheon of Mar
vin's famous Stanley cukes. He will
likely lake several lio*oa of the
delicioue tlaiuty huiun to hU royal
mother, Queen Vic Marvin's Stau
ley cakes aro selling like wildliie, and
arc undoubtedly one of the Huest
tilings iu the inarkt t
Jusl the Thing,
Nothing makes u daintier lunch for
a hot day than Marvin's famous
Stanley cake. It i new, sweet and
W. C. Fiudley, Ksq., is prepared
to look after all pension claims under
the new or old laws. Office on north
side of Diamond, opposite the Court
—B< member tlmt we are head
quarters for wbitt goods, embroidery
lace curtains, draperies, lace tidies
and bed sets.
A Wholesome Lunch.
If you want a deliciously whole
some lunch during the hot weather,
get a pound or two of Marvin's new
coffee sponge cakes from your grocer.
—Girls tricycles at
High Gas Rates.
I The very high rates now charged
i I'or natural gas are compelling people
i to economize iu every way possible.
One of the moßt popular waya of
keeping down the gas bill is to do
awuy with the worry and bother and
heat Of baking and use Marvin's
famous breads and cakes, all of which
nrfc as pure and wholesome and
delicious as the most accomplished
housewife can make ut home. The
saviug ia gas almost pays the bread
Who Is W. M. Nickle?
How many stores docs he buy for?
Is ihere any advantage in buying in
such large quantities? Come and see?
We have not space to give full price
list of the live-thousand items we
have. Wo quote a few: clothes pins
1 cent a dozen; set plates, full size,
warranted Iron-stone china 25c;plates
full size, 2d quality 3c; set cups and
saucers first quality 30c; 1 gall buck
et 7 cts; one-half gall bucket with
cover G cts; ladies hose b.'ack aud de
sirable colors 5 cts; 25 needles I et;
pins 1 et a paper; tumblers 2 cts; full
line of tinware 50 per ccut less than
usual price, full lino notions all kinds.
Ri member place. W. M. Nlckle's 5
Cent, Store, opp Berg and Savings
Bauks, 103 S Main St. Butler, I'u.
WTV" ciiiiva - UT llie nil«* ot onr
MUCH I o Home lirowu Nursery stock.
(nr<iualrd r.rllltlM One «>I the largest.
oldeftt-eslabllHhuU, ami host Nurseries lu
the country.
Aildri-KH W. .* T. SMI I'll. Hmm S»r»n,
KsUlillilifil In IS4O. (irni»«. >. I
~ _
I I'iitenl VarUlil* Friction an<l licit Kccil.
Uteam Engines Hay Presses,
Shingle f ills, &c.
Portable Gist Mills,
Senil lor IllU*. Thr«*!iln« .Marhlni-a. Ac.
Catalogue. A. U. t AUOI II Alt to . Vork. I'm.
Advortibe it> *.he CITIZEN,
will find the best Soda Water
in Hutler at
Try hi s grape tonic—a most
delicious d refranesdiing drink
Try his milk-shake, made of
milk of guaranteed freshness.
Try any of his flavors and
you will find them the best in
the town.
And You Make Friends. Is one
i f Ihe Standing Maxims of
Our Bus ; ness.
We DDui' s.j.rid ilie word bargains to
mean not only '-bean g.ods. but goods o
hiuii qpftti-y. Every I'roe we nse the wo <1
bo.wu we w»ii't jot' to assiicicie w* 't it
iu* iuea of qaab'v and cheapness, w'> : eo is
..ie disii'ig' islied feeiere i f the sceuioe
ba'.iaius offer. KVe • v «*">.. ha> beci
iDM.c'e to ine'rrp in our varied *•»«« . u>i->it
only reliable goods; goods v.-biea shall b<-
most valued when tnev have s,t M ,d ,;i,,
thorough test ot nse auo weer. our tdoii
in this direction has been thoroughly sae
i r «. >l. No bi tcr ve'ncs 01 fir.erg/ad -s
being \vi• bin thf power t:i
money. This is true not onlv ol our finer
!• nl uiore costly gnods hut our entire »nx.-k ,
Ono feature of our stock wliich will com
in end itself to aU classes o» buyers is sh>-
price feature, we make no esltivs-a't
ligarcs. We have marked our good* with
fcnch low prices as will commend them a;
a glance to all baigain loveis. We show a
Stock various enoujjh '« meet the require
ments of any tas.e ami parse in every
respect repre-entP'ive of the best goods '.■!
the market, if you incline to foe view ih»;
s.reugtii and service are ihe eitipi desire
features in litis l<ne of goods. We can suit
your taste exactlv for we lay especial
s ress on these features in all our goods.
Good material, well seasonc-, and well
manufactured, is what we pride on:selves
on. and in respect of quality ami vrmk. our
(roods will not disappoint the purchaser, in
ihe matter of price we (tend pre-eminent
lis lovers of low prices and onyeis wilt tinu
our figures as fan and low as any that can
be made. Our large siock oi liujrr.es.
P,meton«, Htmeys. t'aits. Kinross, l>,»
livery, Drillers and Business wagons all
bear the maker's name and we Wan-ant
them to be well made and of good iiiaierii"'.
end with fair usage for any breakage
ii'Milt'itg from defeelive material or wink
tneituhtp we agree to make good either by
fiiinishtng a new pert to replace the ttefee
t've or allotting a reasonable ptfee f>r
repiiis Come and see nv We are sell
lift good goods at low pr'ces considering
f»te quality; We are here to 'ley, and we
an' heir l to give every purvha«»r the wntilt
of his money. We want to build up a trade
that will stay tfcUh tt» In older to do no
We will give even person value fwcivpt!
As w titer is tieiti e y have deebled lo atdl
tie ahove gootla at lednced pvje.es. We
ttt'l ttol cany this «,tu b over if we eatt
rea'f l flint <t is I I nit of litem N'nW- file litis,
|( , •>., mi ImMMIIIIMiIHi HI n« We
ale liefe to do btl*ilie>« and tie mean bt»»i
Be*a It will pm voit lo htl.v lit!* fall, toe
will save itonu'i li.t so do|it : i t'ottte and
•to tt« wlii'lhei Mitt waliHn tun ft litdi it
\i dl do tmi good lo nee ttttf lauo' aitiek of
jiittnl' We also sell tlte tettowiii'd -V|i eltell
wat;on, e\et,v wagmi We sell we jtlte a
will tnt iniafrtHleti 'flte liott id M|t«|tHll
l e'vio tSi i> one iif ttie ttltlest wanott
titips ouletnfil, eo.aliljiiietl in l»;li 'I neif
unit, • tui in iiai iiiH, i,- isenium t»
tinted lilt Mnn I tiltlhel 'fills Wttjii'tt
Btgietiai is ii|t ill tliu |l|'l||l|||' seas Hi III)
eioliita lumber and pl*e<>d HI tiptnt nimis
it. it, it t tilled tin thfee yiaM belin-e itiinjl.
ttiaking II |imi'tinlv dry Itelttre |ittt n
Wiijjniia One ten unit why Ihe.t Hie »u pai
tit>uiitf iu lltiti'itii;u Uly tilting fheic Imniiur
in their ttaile is jt.inci|mll.v HutOhuiu itutle.
and We all kliniv it lequires better fe* soli ml
Ititiitu iai lor the lint sotithnru stale • than it
does for lids tuitlfitn -
Ilie Mitchell vt.igoii ha< the Ii I
lllUil-ll.il 11111 l litu liii.il neuMiliod IliAlerial a td
itui wagon nvi-t iutiiidiund iu tins rtntsi
try. t'li'ue iiml m n them You will find
them ill Ihu
H. MiKumi Hi., duller, IV
Wu .ilutll l»u (ihiil 'u welcome nil Mud any j
lu uiir place inn! xliow goods ana quote :
prinn. Hoping to see yuu soou, wo
vuniuia truly,
W. V. <fc CO.
NHV VUttK cm.
k %*.. M
■v j. -
•' Ait. •
t-* .< -V'.--
rs r v «*•< y •■' ■ '<■/>'Y
■ ■■ ... C<" : ' % X''
'• ■ >Z'-:
la th» Treatment of I lironlr Pimm.
confine* tits practice to suc'i eases only as are
so clearly awl fa'rly developed as to nialre a
complete and positive diagnosis witlioia i|i'rv
ttonlng or allowing patients to make a state
ment of llielr con ltlon. On tills Iwotls of posl
tlve diagnosis for treatment. !»'. Claik's expeil
ence lias become strictly unlimited by a thirty
years' practice which In extent, variety and
successful results is equalled by few and ex
celled by none. Patients, male and female, not,
cured by ordinary treatment or In doubj. ai to
nature of their diseases especially lnwled.
Dr Clark's as.slst.ant. Mrs. Kinney, will give
especial attention to tlieexamination and app'l
caUon of all necessary appliances lu tlie treat
ment ot women.
Hr. ( lark leaches and praei ecu positive diag
nosis, and l»j conllulng ins practice to fully
developed clironlc diseases ot men and women
has attained unusual success lu the treatment
of many so-i ailed Incurable maladies, and
can be consulted free of charge at
NKVV YORK < ITY, at ' The Uyron," No. !'>•. W.
Nlnety-ei ;htii St., Au«. ti> Sept. I; S«pu a*
to oei. r>; (tel. m lo jr.: Nov. )G to :"3; In c. 7 to
11. Ihjo; Feb. 15 to £>; March s lo 13, JStfl.
1)1:. ilOMKit 1.. CI.AUK irom Jan. i> to Feb. 1,
r'TISBUUO and I.AIPiItATOItY, I'A . special
eti'cairemcut* June jl to July u and at 7th
A.'e. Hotel. Monday, (XI. t;. Hl*).
11KAVKU FALLS, l'A., Central Hotel, Tuesday.
Oil. i. IS' >.
NKW t'ASTLK, l'A., I/site House, Wednesday.
Oct. s. ineo.
MKlaKlt, FA.. Whistler House, Thursday. Oct.
'j. isw.
(iUOVti CITY. Filer House. Friday. Oct. 10, lsi.o.
HUTLKIt. FA.. I.owry House, Saturday and
Monday. Oct. II and 13, I sy I.
FffFliPOllT. FA.. Central House. Tut s lay, Oct.
i». IS' ».
(Establishid Ihio >
ALOGUE tor 1M1H) will lit) mailed on appli
cation. Every Farmer, Hardener, Amateur
or owner ol a lot should liuvo one.
Orders for flower* and Moral emblems
have immediate attention. Telephone -•»!>.
John R. & A. Murdoch,
508 kimilhl'nlil St.,
pjTT.siiuna//, l'A.
vJ ll flpay this to our salesmen. OCTHT
\ I 1111(•-it 1-: I-: c.iii start you at once. Send
U I UUfor terms to
J. JtI'NTIM MIAW. Smueryw. tto«l.r<t>r. Vt
to mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm*
t "ii hi I'lTT^nt*h- n «»t il>«* I urea '
: ; • : ,,,EEMINGmBHOS.
*ii'> «iil c.i'Uiaa fur MTSrtUinx »t luwiat i.ui.
Spring and Summer
1/ .vou have not bought vour summer Miit YOU cau do
NOW and at n
Greatly Reduced Price.
Having already bought inv fall stock, it becomes necessa
ry for me to MAKE ROOM tor new goods, and in order to do
so I have reduced the PRICK so LOW that you cannot help
buying, once you «?e thigoods and hear the figures they can
be had for.
Also a fine line of staple suitings for
Men, Souths, Boys and Children,
We carry a large stock of >.ats, gents furnishing goods,
trunks, valises, etc.
GRATIS:—A summer coat and vest given free with
every purchase of fiv<i dollars or more
H. Schneideraan
The Pioneer of Low Prices.
104 S. Main St. - - - Butler. Pa.
\ #i«h to inform thp httypM llontß nmt flhtfp* of ouf pttm law toll
stork, which hno all nrrltpri mitt i* o|H»n »tt«t I»PII<1» for f«Uf inuppptloti.
cpmntli«hli» imrtfrtiim No doubt ttli thp molpt-* of »hi* ndtprMpettHMit know
of iho ml turn* In |»HPP of Moot#, Hhow «»ol Huhhpr (loot!#, hut (ipvgrtlntopt
WP dh«ll HPII ftil OMf tfuort* *t thP *FTMP low »»HPP Hit MWOHR wMilo# to
PPPPIVP »hp t»t « Itftoiiup nhnuitt vi»u ttlt'K Kt/ff:
Among Our Lndios' Shoes
Will lit* of tta l«»t>s» m*l* Imttil twfi* in Mm'fco *wl
Kill H»'«> our lino «f Mt'K«y hh»( Mnphin# N«*»»d Ueodi They »»sw»l
ilifiH hII in |»ri*>**
ItHillPri, I Wioll (i» cull VftHf *U»Mllitt»l (it mmp Wh*» Ijltd of M»mil Wult
Mimiio Hni|it>tititl|f jW*t III* I tMhtf I Ilia btntmtll uf llm I wtf lit l^nt'tf iU.V
wt> have a l<ug« Mtix'k u( Hatiw Mid Milwnwl»«e Oil tlwmn ftlf *ir
Ktp Wlnum niilmi in HtiHun nr Lai'**
lit ih»* Men's unit U>iyn' hn|mriinuni w*» i>a» uliuw i» bem>v than
»v»ic I inform
-V pair tfUutl I'rtmoh (3*|f Hlnma, N itf Hal- uf OongrßM, at ,
A pair if "nit Ibu-toe Shims, 1> -S ami lup, Ml S"J »0
A pair gnnd ling tot* Hmitti, hand aiiitiil and haud pegged, At lit 1f» lu
'l'lirtte hundred paira Men's Sample Hunt a at #1 Id l>> lii.Oti.
Two hundred aud lift V pairs Hoyt>' Sample lluota hi si.'4& l" Si,QO
Tito person first lu call is the person to receive tlio bwl selection.
\ big stock of Misses' and Children's Dress aud K*eryd*| Shoes.
Rubber Goods of All Kinds
Huston, Woonsoi'ke», Candee and Hay Slate Rubber Hoots and Shoes.
A full atoi-k of Ladies' and Geuta' Speciality Rubber*.
Leather and Findings.
A full line of Leather—Sheffield Solo Leather, Calf Skins and Kips of
nil kinds. Hoots and Shoes made to order.
Neatly aud Promptly done either in leather or rubber goods. Orders by
mail will receive same attention as if brought in person. A box of fine
leather preserver free with each purchase.
To those persons who received some of our seed corn and oats, I wish
to say that tho corn and oats will be received at the Btore from October Ist
to 10th. It will also be judged during the same time by three uninterested
farmers. This seed will not be judged by the quantity, but by the quality.
So bring what you have, it matters not how much, for the best qualities will
receive the premiums. The person receiving first premium will receive $10;
the person receiving the second p.eunium will receive $5. So bring in your
seed, but not later than October 10th.
Yours truly,
Old Number, 22 South Main Street.
New Number, 128 S. Main Street.
BUTLER, - - - **"""*. PENN ' A
Dry Goods,
Furnishing goods,
Fancy Goods.
[ll the latest styles and at the Lowest
prices go to