Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1890, Image 2

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    T M i-Li •
„ , QQX, ... rsoPßirroß
M-HKsrmoT urw-rcwTioi PBETAID:
Ow Tfi. OauMi Cwmt* *- > - n0
r«T*J le ta Advance.
SMC**4 St r—•' Tlmilrr -* rl»«« "alter
~rp««n 2" i«®-
_ . tw <■* ! .tlrnxf* •"">*■ 'Ttn
-2L.«Tww<-«> :o clUxena o( the
»rr ux nwriiw and tbetr sut>-
Vi r nn a Uvor br 'ending u*
iwir te-gthor*. not now taking a
ir, oeoomaicatioiMi intended for publication
is tin* pv 'i »!.««»•« aoconr-au.ed by the re.».
...i i or tbt wr'XfS. iKit fmr pabheattai bot «•
of food fw h.
Jfi Try aci dr--*ib wyoctn Eaa*t be aoconi -
jaißufl % r**p(*ipA>Ut nmi
gifiMkaii State Ticket.
Republican ("dflnty Ticket.
»4K msßirr.
FOB <«r»TT At niTOBS.
Our Next Duty. 1
Tbe action of -he Ucpublican convention
at . Tuesday, -vaa agr-*t compli
rrif-rr to Tkorc«- W. M>'iiip*, and would
hi-e l>«ec M aav firing man.
It «v tue unanimous and enthusiastic
endar-i&eirt «f lm" *•« their candidate for
Owipww «o a mora? fasn».
Vt, r»«" i -af.--a ws < ev»r lendcred any
man m«re cwCfidmtiy and m il* enthu;ias
tisally, amd none was accepted more
Mr. miiips' l»?ter of acceptanc".
a ai tL'n r'-flort that p ditical and per
fnend -of Aicxa .ler M Dowell voted
dwarii the abstract propoaition that bribery
• TiSsate* a noirinati'm. Oar next duty is to
•ee 'Mt ps r»ioeiVf -euoagh votes
to «ecur«- b i . - it o l ' th«- floor of tbe
fit-iMc ai Wa- Ii« elcc.ion wiM
be a f.uke tn pn nl corrapiionists, not
only !•. th •' - .2- <■- >u»l d'stiict, but in
tbe vh«wc • .:a-I in - him we
aauaiii hvu h. lis past record as a
mrtA ti (,v .. . r.*. " •hat wi'l be
otartod. CT that h>- « ■•ae a candi-
We !.'•••/ to :«.• i duty of every
faun*>r !.* -pun: .in ' ? ."t to sup
(MHl T Vi p, ' rf' i.i.rres*.
AT the Vr i-igfi-W":-rr»rn * f*jleronce,
Tuesday. i>- • • *-u1; -Tiated Stone
of Wa-r»-ii for C<mgr»--» uu aeooud bal
At Friday, President
Harri-oc rigued the Anii-lottery, and
Hirer axui Maviiur bills.
TBK Tu-' :-h iroii c 'td vessel
Ertogrwc! fatudrreb 'n Japanese waters
lat«-'y mvi five-btrndreid men went down
Wftb ber.
lihs u :<d a Pocket-book.
In 1-77 a . an na-B' I John 11. DiHey,
titer. " ig in M'- '( •- county. Pa.,
Icnv a . ; C'T '.a'aing a !a"ge sum
«i • ;>■ . •• •-•'•'g to a ::iau na'DeJ Rn ••
linrLfv®. 1. i". tha' DPey knew who
lb uiim'-v Iw'.tmg. *to bat refu«'-J to give
it np Br was re" ; tt!-d f r fraud larceny
and fled U< wa;* iirr t. r-.r a long time
he ww* a x-*a.lcrtr bat £ ji' - »"ttl»d in
Graf Lorain eonr'r. u A few weeks
»«.• hi* wb« -ealw*- r it- ~*CC. bv tbe
Pejsii*yl-.au*a ontirtrities at..l steps were
ta..«! to have bini e>.ir _d. 1. Th<- ni-ees
_ aary papers were pro"- 1 •ut Gore uor
€fc: .-i)ell. and «a <iay D : Hey was
naij;ijicd !i_v ibu vi<H4 T*»;»«ty SberifT C.
C. Ku«'mui. «: ! -««n coon./. In t'larfa of
I>- ,int; attend ,• ud TV. A Krcps.
the agt niof P«uTo«>'lrania. be aj kJ ba
<rm- Judr'' '"aUlain iii ibu Cirt nii Court
wni and wa- «i ly ' *i.n >: 'tod to the
Peuundvasia ofli.i-r. TVr !" r i imnur
flrnle';. tor <he -oeue <»f the alleged crime,
and thna af «r thirteen ?ta*» imnun.iy
from prv.i'ut.i-ut. ■ cai'»d to
•eeount for the offeaae aid to have been
•urns.. '•*. M< wirg ag >. — .'.-'finer-Argus.
Thst Auorney.
The Kev Ca-tle -V r# of last w e«k got
a® the f#Tlow»rg:
O. Dmtriu Atumey. so w i«- aud so sleek,
1 e®v- yon i,'* v .nr miu Jition.
If the f-naer* nf jnrt raca make you nnalm- j
isb or k «4c.
Then, Xi* God's sake, tbri w up your po«i
Was the grauu jury fadd'-d, or aby did
the? tail
T< h»U trn- r ;u- r [ r'.,iJ it?
We (i« D<>T U !ie»o it v.a« v (,Ul•. or nle.
am let*! iSMtKia was p.irter'nat did it.
Tux Kuprer - Court of 1-wa res i-ntly du
ahlet a eaxe wberL a little world was in
vol-«d. A m<;-or u. -lung seveniy
paai: • le'l oe a farm in 1"»*. 'i'l.e uian
arh'- rr "aed ttie tlia'* >• id i' l'a *l'unen.>ta
Eatvwsitv f-T Tb>- i of the
farn. I Ton ;r.i vnit to recover the money,
etermiofr tbat tl»e a.—oii'e )«diiuged to bim.
fcaoaaae n lu»<i In >-n ujx n ins land, aud
tbe Supreme Court so dw-: ?ed.
THt old uias a - b ■ t.i. jt» sl.oot his son
at tb< n.arrii.it aJtur iu .Ternay Cily, and
tbe old *"o»a» wbaaacoude.: l;w bat.bands
tragu efi.rrt by ; j, had not
•neA-elled sbe hav. „t the boy
herself, are snti. «jo.er t';at ouo
might almo.a Sii}«£-:n» they 5...4 : • Vijr been
ywnwr At ai: eteat, < ; h:iv ,.
for? ttifn t! at it : r f... u,e voang to 1
Biaie.. lore an 3 Tr.arrr.
. I
At- abetter ion < n i •• t -It of ibe ]
®sa- ;r * R- i*- ,a ' !*• tvi?ry caused '
the «»<•.* «f a jtt»»N.£.-r trt !i, U a -udden
daaUi of twesty-i wo hn-.aa "in r and the '
main:ii|rof noarly t*'..- • tu- iy man. 11
The o:. •iai as part or •■> .. i t -k ~f a ■
train nobody UaU o- u scut
in wa.a tlie yaspar gar train.
A s urrm of irteea, >■ -.di ~i t iucin-
WBi, iiMKTQi '.ii H ha .-.iJkerclilef
JmrtSK. day. He w.s an ioti oae aid per- i
<i oetlt reader of dii-.e novels. *< ..e boy
a-urK h> v.« Ken-" ur to kitvv. that i
ti« >«e-t da: a i'<'.&nae<d n »«de«' of thii (
p.. jt>n* I'lcritarc oactd ; nly do was ' <
V' p.- . t haag tumsel r i '
If ever an absolutely harmonious Con
gressional Convention assembled in tbe
United States, that one was held in the
town of Harmony, Butler county, Pa. . on
Tuesday, Sept. 23, 1890.
There was only one candidate in the
Kinds of the delegates; ho was nominated
with a whoop and a hurrah, twenty min
utes after the convention organized, a few
minntes were occupied in preparing and
adopting resolutions, and the balance of
Lite -'U-.vi;'U ir»> a rcritobfe love feast.
Tuesday Vka» » beautiful <lay anil the
liutler delegation bad a pleasant ride by
rail that morning to Harmony: the Beaver
county delegation came in buggies and
carriages, and the Lawrence county bj a
later train.
All assembled at the Beam Home,where
they enjoyed an hour of conversation till
noon, and alter diuner assembled in the
School Hall.
Judge llice, of Beaver, was elected
Chairman of the Convention, with Win.
.Watson, of Butler, S. P. Stine. of Beaver,
Dr. Pollock, of Lawrence, and L. L. Keck,
of Mercer, as secretaries.
A roll of the delegates present was read.
eacli delegate answering to his name, and
it appeared that every district in But
ler, Reaver and Lawrence counties was
represented.as was also one district (Green
ville) of Mercer county.
On motion a committee on resolution-,
consisting of B. B. Douthett, Esq., of But
ler Co., A. T. Marshall, Esq., of Beaver
Co., E. W. Taylor, of Lawrence Co., and
L. L. Keck, of Mercer Co., was
appointed, but before they left the
room to prepare their resolutions
a motion to proceed wiLh tbe nomina
tion cariied, aud the committee remained
in the room. J. M. Galbreatb, Es»j.. had
been selected to nominate Mr. Ph'llips and
he did it as well as it cou'd have
been doue. He regretted the circumstances
that made the convention m-cessary, but
they are not of our making; we should
choose wisely and we'l; Butler coi'nty s
candidate had stood aside and made a plea
for harmony iu the party; when it became
evident that a new convention was neces
sary, Republicans asked who the man
should be. and all eyes turned iu the one
direction —towards a mau whose nomina
tion meant bis triumphant election; a man
whose character was known by years of
pnblic dealing; a man who had helped to
build up the wealth of Western Pennsj-l
vaniu; a man who had shared his wealth
with tbe laboring man, and who shared
bis means with them in the days of his
adversity; a man who had breasted the
storm of adversity and yet stood a mau
with his character untainted; a man of
abi'ity and integrity—Thomas "W. Ph^'ips.
Immense and unanimous applause fid
lowed the naming of Mr. I'bi'lips. Then
Mr. Marsha" said that he believed that he
expressed the wi' 1 of the Republicans of
Beaver coonty when he hearfly seconded
the nomination.
W. M. Brown, Esq., of New Castle,
made a good speech in seconding the nom
ination. Mr. Phillips and he are personal
friends. No man in Lawrence county
auiks highf-r than Mr. Phillips; he regTCt-
the circum-tances that made this con
vention necessary, but is was a question of
endorsing or not endorsing a nomination
made by fraud. We are in no way re
sponsible for past events and must make
a new nomination; the action of this con
vention was a compliment to any man: Mr.
Phi'lips wi'l carry the flag of Republicanism
pure and unspotted through the contest;
there wi'l. bo no stain on the robe of office
while worn by him. He is a man of per
sonal parity and integrity, and I second
bis nomination with a" my heart.
D. B. Douthett, Esq., moved that the
nomination be made unanimous and by ac
clamation, and that was about be'ag done
when Mr. Keck, of Greenville, arose when
of course there were shouts for Mercer
Mr. Keck complimented Mr. and
*aid he would give McDowe'l a close hus
tle in hi* owu county.
Judge Dice then put the motion to make
the nomination unanimous, and it was car
ried with a greater burst of enthusiasm
than we have over before witnessed in a
Though the ha'l was crowded, there was
not a d'ssenting voice.
It was moved and caiticd to notify Mr.
Phil'ips by committee, and Messrs. Gal
breatb, Marsh ill, Brown and Keck were
appointed on that committee.
It was moved aud carried that an Exec
utive Committee with Col. Sui'ivan as
Chairman aud one member f'om each
county, be appointed, aud Judge Hieo will
annonree the membership through the
The comuiittei "on resolutions then re
ported and thu resolutions as read were
utiai inrously adopted as follows:
Whereas, The nomination of Alexander
McDowell at Xew Castle, Jt»ly :j Inst, as
the Republican candidate for Congress in
tb« Twenty-fifth District of Pennsylvania,
wa- accomplished by bribery aud is there
fore void, aud
Whereas, There being now no recogniz
ed Republic;.u nominee forCongres in this
district, we the representatives of the Re
pnblicau party in this district have assem
bled in convention to day to honestly nom
inate a candidate for Congress, and in so
do'ug declare and resolve,
I'ir-t—That the recent attempt to de
feat the popular will of the people of the
district by the corrupt nse money meets
with our unqualified condemnation.
Second—That the effort connected with
this fraudulent attempt to shield the offen
der* from merited punishment by law il
lustrates the desperation to wdiich political
corruptiontsti* will resort to nccoinpli-h
their purposes, and the defeat of thesr ef
forts by an incorruptible judiciary is a re
snl' upon which tbo people of the district
should be congratulated.
Third—That the Republicans of this dis
trict are proud of the great victory achiev
ed in Maine un der the leadership of her
own statesmen, Blaine, Reed, Fry and
Hale, as it gives evidence that the Admin
istratitm *f President Harrison is endorsed
by the people, and deserves their confi
dence and continued support.
t'onrlh—That the administration of Gov.
Jame< A. Heaver fs honest, patriotic and
deserving of the approval it is securing
from the people.
Kiflh—The importance of maintaining
the supremacy of tho Republican parly in
tbe State and Nation demands thr? support
of the State ticket.
Sixth -That tbe American system, with
tbe principle of reciprocity nn ably present
ed by tint great statesman, .lames (!.
Blaine, is tho solution of the compound
question of protection and commercial ex
pansion, as it protects the varied mannfue
tnrircg industries ol the country and sccu p*
a foreign market for the products of tbe
farm and tho work shop, an.l especially
th it this policy nhould lm applied in our
intercourse with Latin America.
Scveuth—That in thu placing ef Mr.
Thomas W. Phi'tips in nomination for Con
grti - we give the people of this district an
oppporluiiily of beiug represented by a
n. in of industry, integrity and ability, n
man in e;ery way weJJ qualified to repre
sent this district, with its varied and im
portant intcre>te, a man worthy of a public
tru»t becauxe Mlf sacrificing as a private
citizen—A mau I the people, nominated
without his own Milicitntbni. We bespcek
tor bim tho fapp .rt of u ll those without
i!Ltiuotio.i of party vho uro oppo;«i d («»
oorrapt ui Hhnd» in pidilioa. as bii election
would oo a rebuke to bribery mid fraud.
Then there was a motion to adjourn. bat
the business of the convent'on ha.l been
done f-o qniekly that the people wanttd
some speeches anil Col. SulH.tlil was cad
eJ for and responded, lift saiJ he could
add no world that would intensify the
eloquent significant e of the action of the
convention. This was the dawning of a
brighter day for the Republicans of the i">th
district of Pennsylvania: polities is busi
ness; the same rules should govern in
politic; as in private affairs, and any de
parture meant disastrous consequences; we
had all been astounded at the btazen
audacity of the friends ol Major M ©Dowel 1:
we hiul begged and prayed for a fair nomi
nation; the people of the district will re
ward your action of to-day; the eyes of the
whole State are upon us; we have nouii
nated a man of unimpeachable personal
character, a man who had known adver
sity. a careful student who could ably
represent us on the lloor of Congress, end
be a credit to the district; and predicted
his election.
Then somebody called for three cheers
for Thos. W. Phillips, and they were given
with a will.
Dr. Irviuc was called for and compared
this case to that of Drutus and Ciesar. Tfce
Dr. is a personal friend of McDowell, but
will support Phil'ips—not that he loves
McDowell less, but that he loves the Re
publican party, ia its purity, more.
Mr. Waseon, of New Castle, said Mr.
Phillips was a noble citizen and that we
should a' 1 go homo with the fell deter
mination of electing hiui.
Mr. Robinson, of Butler, expressed sym
pathy for the movement and has faiih in
the outcome.
Dr. McConnell said that Beaver county
would give Ph»"ips J,i>oo majority.
Mr. Tidball, of >'ew Castle, wou'd go
home and wou'd help send
Phillips to Congress.
Mr. Stone moved a vote of thanks to the
newspapers that had advocated reform in
party politico, and it was carried unan
imously. The school directors of the town
were al-o thanked for tUe use of the build
ing, and the convention adjonmed.
The committee appointed to notify Thos.
W. Phillips cf his nonruation by the Har
mony Convention ca"ed at that gentle
man's residence at New Castle Tuesday
evening. James Galb r eatb, Esq., Chair
man of the committee, read the let.er of no
tification, after which Mr. Philips retired
and in au hour presented himse'f to the
convention and read the following:
XEW CASTLE, PA., Sept. °J.
Gentlemen of the Committee:
"I thank you for your letter, more com
plimentary than I deserve, and for your
personal consideration in commg .o my
home to notify me of the action of the con
vention at Harmony to-day. 1 indorse the
principles ot the .esolutionsadopted by the
convention, which yon have read iu my
bearing, and with fall appreciation of the
high honor which, as yon have stated,
came unsought, I grate'iii'y accent the
nomination for Congiess by this conven
tion. which represented a larfre majority of
the Republican voie of our d-.strict. Ire
gret that business aud other matters will
require most of "my time during the cau
vass, but certainly the effort of no one per
son is necessary to insure the triumph of
the principles that caused the popo'ar
demand for this convention.
The party that has been crying "Au
honest ballot*' for years cautjot connive at
corruption in its own primaries, and when
the people rise to express their iuiiignal'on
at bribery both nppareut and confessed,
they rise above party to declare their prin
ciples, privileges and sovereign majesty.
The will of the people is expressed by bin
lot-. not by bribery, and the principles tl::it
are actuating this movement will live as
long as free government exists upon the
earth. A law-maker should not be cbo»en
by the violation of law. The previous
nomination, as the convention declared, is
void because fraudulent. It is a principle
of law that fraud vitiates any cqpti act. This
is true whether the party benefited is girhy
or innocent. A man has no more right to
retain n fraudulent nomination than stolen
goods. The law governing our primaries
is now tbe foundation of our electoral sys
tem. If votes in t!i» primaries ate i"egal,
can they be rectified by the ballots of the
final election ?
Again, expressing my thanks, I will
state that if elected I will endeavor to servo
tbe whole district by work'n* to promote
t!n' interests of the fa"m -r, the maun Cue
turer, tiie laborer, all classes of my fellow
citizens, not forgetting the soldiers, who
can never receive full honor and compen
sation for their services. With great re
spect, I am very t uly yours,
A Vei y Efjoyabie Wedding Cer- j
Among Cupid's tictims last week were
Miss Cora llaughton aid Mr. I*'. K Gilder
sleeve, t I' Pittsburgh." The ceremony was |
performed af the home of the bride's pa
rents, by the Rev. C E. Lock, of the Smith
field streel if. E. church. The happy
couple were tho recipients of lonuy hand
some presents, and the evening was a vert
ei joyablo one, rendered more so by a com
plete sill prise by tbe Iron City Brass Baud,
which furnished'music during the entire
evening, amid a shower i f rocket sent
up liy the neighbors. MU< Haughton i* a
very worthy lady, well known and much
respected in the ward in which si t- lives,
aud ILe gioom is he eoiigia'.uiatod ou
wincing so admirable a p:i*e liv aIT t om
panioii. Mr Gildersleeve is the paymas
ter at Armstrong Bros.' cork factory, and
popular among his associates, several of
whom were present at the wedding.
At th» dose of the festivities tbe d'dighted
con pi I drovu to their new home, at really
furnished, at No 1502 IVnn avenue.
They Sold Cold Tea.
Corii.cauft il'i; i a local i p: in : ,«•», and
parties who want a drink have to get it on
the sly. Taking advantage of thi- fact,
two voting fellow from aver in Ohio did a
thriving business at our last fair. On pro
vioas years, a good many original packages
have been sold on the grounds by parlies
who carried their stoik in their pocketg or
hid in a convenient ph: -i; from which a
bottle could be got iw wauled Tuese
young fellows laid iu a stock of pint b v.t les
tilled with u suspicious looking fluid, and
caa-i-d it to bo known that they could sup
ply "cold lea" at 00 cents a pint. They
found many cu turners mm baling an ex
tra buttle us a lescrve.
Wli 'u the thirsty purchaser, in |!i • m>-
elusion of a cattle shed or horse stall, sam
pled hi* bottle, lie found it to contain ju '
what he bad bought, au 1 uot what our
congressmen iuiMbe at \Va<')iugton «• |cr
the same name. There was no . .vindleiii
thp transaction, aud the young men engag
ed in it are eutitl.vl to credit for pla< ing
their beverage in tho bands of parties who
might otherwise hare spent tbetr money
for whiskey.—Conn nttt'villo ('imrirr.
BOVA KO—AI New I'astle. Pa , f-rpt |s.
IMti, llntehisiui llovard, formerly of
liiiiler county, aged 7Vje*. -.
STiiVi AKY W the home of Albert Dun
•. , li e;tioi.!, Monday, Sept. t.">, ts<si,
M I.MIVI Ste* i|l. widow of liolirrt
. dce. n I'd, ajted about *•". 11 ar
I! r niaideli name was kfc.\'oe»c.
"41 ( A 1.1. —At her bono- m ll irrisville.
Sept isii i. M■ SlcCail wife i Mr
Mi Call, the I: ick tlrivi r, age 1 about :t,"i
lit r uiuiitcn iiuuie w.i. Emery and she
was born iu Washington twp.
Oct. 15 and 16.
The Antmnn moetine of the State nnard
of Africaltnre will be helil in Bntler ed.
and TbP r -. Oct. lo and 16. in tho Cooit
llonsc. Gov. Iloavcr and other p.ominont
citizen* of tho state w"l be here, and tie
following programme will be i-trictly ad
hered to. -
WFI»Ni'St>AY M ; 'Nt?iii. 0 TO 12. OCTOBB&
ir>t'i), IS9O.
Roll-call ol Member?.
Appointnietit of Committee on Creden
Uci.-pt .-n i I'ro.U'iiliaU of Men:tior
clrrt anil T>e! /n'.e-.
lteport of (" iiiitniitec on Credentials.
Ad.'re?-- t»f veleome. liy Hon. John M.
Sp'livan, Bttllt". I'a.
'•l'arinerh' lostitntus." I'.y Calvin
tlpoper. mem' i-r from Lancaster. Bird in
lland, I'a.
lteport of tlte Annual Meetinp of the
American Forestry Association. By the
Uiscellaneon- bn> ; nesß.
WBtI.VK-' i.VV AJTER.VOO.V 2 TO .">.
' Et'ononiy on the Fatm." fly D. li.
Douthctt. Urowiisdale, I'a.
"Wa-ie a'i '. llepai ." By Hon. A. D.
Weir, Bailor, l'c.
"The O.}.': n : zation of Farmers." By
Kastborn li." tier, member fioni Buc-ks.
New Hope, I':'.
"Sjoo'd Ka Ters Orgeuizef' By W. G.
Beny, llou sonvf'e, I'a.
ynestionii and auiswers.
Aojovn rent
An Dlnstri! -ii Lectme. by Dr. Henry
lA-fftiian, M'c;.. eonist of the Board Phil
adelphia. Suiijeet: "Moulds and
Bligiais." All .TO invited '• attend Indies
specially inv .td. So ciutrpe f.ir cd
ui: - ion. Li i. :iu tu coiituiuncc at ii p. ui.
"Tho lurn i rcnient of Farms." By M. X.
Greer, Saver. I'a.
"Tae Auii ... an Fainicr." By lion.
Jo>'a'i ,\l. '1 n aipson, Sonora, I'a.
"A I'lea fir iietter Live Stock." By
Capt. M. \V c'iver, Conneautv ;, 'e, Craw
ford county, I'a.
"ffa.ci,man. '.ell us of the Night. By
J. A. Gundy, member from L'nion, Lewis
litfg. I'a.
if ii--.ions and answers.
"Fn r niers' Wives." By Simeon Nixon.
IJut'ei. I'a.
'•Wa.er Sin go o';ainst Drought." By
Dr. Jobn I'. Kti'te, Dowuingtown, Chester
county, Pa.
"Labor or i 'i Tax." By Sanmel It.
Dovt n'ug, let 11 jer tif tho Board. West
Chester. Che>: r county, I'a.
"Boad I'oir.. ■>." By the Secretary.
General Bi-e ts-'on of the Koad Qaestoin.
Quest ion si airti answers.
A Jiourntneni.
llov. CBAS. 11 1.i,-:u of Fraul.liu I'a. has
declined the .' ohi'iition nommat'on for
PAY your i;i .es before next Saturday—
if yon want :<> vine.
Wonia; 's Christian Temper
ance Aliin nco Organized.
A eonfeicnei''vas held in tho Presbyte
rian oliurc.i. Si .t. 8, lur tlie purpoae of or
gnnizing a \\'< y iri's Teinperauce
Alliance in B ..ler county. Tlie ladies
wo - e as.-isiei l i' l heir wink of organi;:a ion
by Mrs. PMnu-.-y, of Cleveland, Piesident
of tbo Nation ii W. C. T. A.; Mis. Wataou.
of Pitis.ri! G.i, < e-pond : ngSec-elary.find
Miss Beacont, Y. organ ; zer of the Stale.
Airs. Phinti'■* was railed to tho chair,
and «lt<-r devotional exercised urged npon
tlioso present t c necessity of organized
effort and the ii» of each to engage in
t ; ie teirporane • work. Mrs. Dr. Sbowal
ter, of M .tiers. «'!i. M> s. Dr. Dycis.of But
ler, and Mi>. i..*"jart, of Karus City, were
appointed .• c.anniit.ee on constitution.
•Scveial of i"ji' ! ties .hernselvcs
in regard t<» i prospi-cts of the new or
gan z"t'Oil. a;n (|U>ie an ent'iusiastic meet
ing was close . wi'h Ibe usual noontide
pi aver. Aiij'- 1 'icu to meet at 1 o clock p.
The f'rst ho of the i.P -ran >ll session
wa> spent in • tl iuterc.mr-.'. in order
tiiefc ail i;:'. ' . come ,tequa>n'cd. At 2
o'clcc't tbii'u e "ig v.as called to order
and .Mr.. S? y " ; ' r conducted the devo
t'■ :.al cvre'-- Ov.ii.g iotho ItMUlilitJ
of JJ.s. i'ii'i... to .10 present 'u tut*
eveti'ug, us v rutieipa.ou, she gave u
short ado . explaining clear'y and
concisely the [> -iiion of the non-pcri'ssn
workers and I aid anil support to be de
rived from a'l ,'fs t'.io i ndorsing of
none. Her a .'ess ws; most favorably
received and 1. neb regret was felt t'.iat she
ban to leave to meet nti engagement in
T. ts oport «•' 'ho co.ur.iiile on c>iit.l:tu
timi was ivloji .. as read Tjo ariiclo rel
u ivc h> tin : nc a.omcu con-u'.erah'e
iliseu on, rr.i' Woman's Cj'tM'- n Tem
perance A'Hi" ne was c ioseo, -u'.ijuct to
iliu (ii: 'on of i Statu Conre'nion. 'I ho
o!ei.vo:i of o I -crs rcsu'ie.". as fo"ow :
[ri'sidnit. \lf - Karhu-'t. <>•' Raitin <■•■**;
V ifo I' c . le'i. Mrs. 1) . Stiowal el', ol
Jli 1 . -. ,<v. n; i '.i. esponuing Score.». v,
Mi . NU-'io" . Butte; liecoroiox
rciii'v, M IIori!,."-i, 01' M ,|, ft
town; TrcHKiii Mi-.* Vounj.'. o| ISu.'cr
AI.IT ]•!" }■• r sinj;'if? ttie nivei.ig
fdjoui ue«.
In the ftvenin - Miss Beaconi addressed n
lar?" ii'i 1 r•int'v.' audience in >
Court lIOOM>. "'F> aljlv the
<|.>c*ti.'in <-f thi "parulion of tho non-pur
tisan el. 1 the W. C. T. I*.. and
wus warmly le<l for t!io ciPeient
•.n.l Cl'ristian ' .o manner in which 'i<■.
iliii it. l.Vv. "• I'. 1 homa-', of Alle
gheny, follow willi a few stirrinjr re
mark*, anil the .ndienee was diamU-uil.
True- Economy
It is true econor 7 to buy Hood's Briap.trill*,
for " 100 Doses Om Dollar" U original with and
true only of this popular medicine. If you wlah
to prove this, buy a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla
and measure Its contents. You will find it to hold
100 tcaspoonfuU* Now read the directions, and
| you will Cud that t»ie areraKO dose for persons of
' different apres Is ICM than a tealpooufnl. Hood's
| Bar*aparilla Is tho Oest and cheapest modiHne.
J " I took Hood's F.raaparilla for loss of appetite.
I dyspepsia, and Ren ral languor. It did m* a vast
| amonutof Rood." J. W. WILLEKOKD, Quinoy, 111.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold bjr all drurrfflst $I; «lx for ftt. Prepared ouly
1 by C. I. HOOD «|- CO., Apothecaries, Low«*!1, Mass.
100 Doses Ono Dollar
House Numbers
A Lihf.rol Offi; ■
To any who .•! not jri-t their house*
numbered when :ir KfT' iit. was in llutler
*i: will -..nil |j , ~ill, fin of poitiir/i, any
of the fol'owin ■ tyl.s upon receipt of pos
tal note coven; amount:
Our 2'; til. House .tHpiiuneil fl,;#■: «•
■■ • fureelain '• '•Re
" ■> •• 1 1 ._1
Mail I" i\es (Ii expres-", diaries )>nt >1 )♦ 1
Kurncled "|! irdoiff." "lircssnitikiiif;"
or "Knrnislieil I oin* Sijins, 75c.
I leaver Fall*, Pa.
» W ANTia). iN
To -.ell our Nut <<>K'l(,a ilxry. mrrawi an 1
M*ai|y i inpto . • i•» r mtmit,
(IH- tUIII IIKKs rilMl'll V.
RMK 111 Mer, N, Y.
rvr i :b>.
<; •: !iu*ii t<» it f«»r our fir : < la*- Nur-« ry
St . i . on-al.tr • «<»n»nitv»mn, » « l w^'klv,
IN imiti«*nt «mnit I. outfit
t: . Hi " !i • r.Hj "' \s •'
ran n»al« *u «• .1 aiil« «riia!i of utnnnt* whu
x\Hi w« i. .»! i< vv t»ni*
Tt»r term* nt OIK <• V«I
Jll\Ks ,v KtK K. Uks \!• "A
M» nih»ii UiH p; i i*. H<x'hoslt*r. N. V.
- * . ... I l*rr INL I *P- I»HO
Mft wiM i ••• * wt HIV p i>lli)T NV »• Willi
fi fP. a 11" . UV ami *IH J. »v S ftUrvumt
Ww ' •» I V!> * »<r i.il»»r.il »>m»?i. INHPIM
fI < »n -Tiiii \ |(PI Opptirlum!) i« i uh> in an
i m l>nvt litt r«n « - -i
mil AK« «•' l«»r i RTLILO Nur*<*r) ILIAT s»IUR.U»
torn !».** "•.« ; »■ , s-out'"
K. i i. 1. lOtctifortl A t'.u.
Ni iitymrs. > \ j
M« I, i«itl tii! .I• , r
\\' V« .» l» \ . . Of ov
** « hotc.i 4ivl li t » Nut* i K.
Klrsdy Uur\ K»i ►*♦!!« l«mprrate Men,
fUlnry un l < .\pi n«r isnmmiiNhnt If jnvf»r»
is|. Will ft a* on • Mulrt A AdUltftK.
R. 6. Chase &Co." 3 ; ul a i;.: i
Absolutely Pure.
A creaii! <if tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leaveuing -irengtb.— U. S.
fiorcrm.,l at Jlej nrt, Amj. 1".
Jury List for Monday, Sept. 29.
IJ.-t <1 Trav >rse Jurors drawn Uiis list dar of
August. A. I'., i-.sj to serve a- Traverse Jurors
Hi a specUl t« nn ol court, commencing ou the
■_ K .'t!i day ot s. ptetuber, A. I>.. »'■ being the
sth Monday. .
Rurkhart Joan. Butler twp. farmer.
: ISel£hley J C. t uauoqu aesslng tw p, farmer.
, ItclKtiley Als*. Hartnonv borw. teamster.
l'.isti ip Vvin. I.Miiis t ay, merchant.
: Itlack lie. Mercer twp
: I'.rlcker John c, Ituflalo twfr farm. r.
t itnphell J C, A lams twp,
Campbell .las I, Cot. • >rd twp.
t ..ml ... .! ILut.icr, is; war'. ..i"; ..ant.
conway Daniel ti.iktatid t *p. triuer.
Cooper st. \ n. Marimi tw p.
Hull I, Wit.! eld tv.;)
Davis l't'tier. Woiiii twp,
la is John. Butler. Mil ward 1 rpcntcr.
1 iilott l: 11. Butralolutx tar ii..-r.
Klsher Londay. Summit twp. farmer.
1 aiiert in J t>. Butter, l ' »>ar t. manu.'aet'irer.
(iraiit li S. iup, farmer.
(ieltuieti Jaeoti. Korw.,rl tw; 1 . "
tiilis..n >. >. .-s:-.:. : 1 'ir„'. cai, .-i.t-T.
t...lelaD'l WJ. Adams tv.p. tine n.asoti.
liilchrtst John K Marlon twp, farmer.
Hind man sS. CI ;rj) twp,
lit ckart 1,. .r_-.' 11. jaitirr, Mh ward, carpeotar.
Kelly Kichard, Vettangu tfp. farmer.
Korn Adam, suni ur> tmro, sltts inakcr.
Keck Lewis. Uuiler, .h ward, bluckstulUi.
Jackson Keuben, Oakland twp. lama r.
lafWis II ti, Washington iwy. sluieui-iKer.
I.owiy John. Dour'/al twp. farmer.
Leslie Samuel, Mucoyeri it twp. larmt r.
Miller A S, l'airvlew f.ni •, iai' er.
Mathey Fml fcvansCuy li«r>, farmer.
MechllOg O (i .letter. <a t a p.
Moutague Win.
Miller Adam liutie." Is! ward, producer.
McMurry John A, Marion twp. farmer.
MtMarllu Win. h ai.- City ii«ro. lalwrer.
.McKce J L. MU'erstown ts.ro, ui uggtst.
Mi K uney John, I'l.l \ twp. lariin r.
Mi .Malian Joiin. I'alkertwp, "
O'Neally Jan.. s u.,Kl.ti.d twp. pumper.
i'ainler s 1". Clu.v twp, ..irti.cr
I'rice K E. Bald K!dg.-. ma< hUil-'.
l'i rrlii" L Li. Butler, s' n u ard, producer.
ltuby Harrison. Frauklln tw>, larmer.
lliddle v* C. I'arker tw p. carpenter.
ltansell Win. Millcisiown boro. laborer.
sUryuck W If. 'ail-.er twp. ilrllier.
Stall tic rge. Lai.cu.-t r tv.p, farmer.
SBJ.II r Ai.raiu. M iriou tvo,
- tokey Jacob. Jacks,.a tw
'linker I'rlah. cherrv twp.
Titus J N K.irnst liy. pumper.
Wagner Martin. Butjer. _'d watd. photographer.
Wlcic .1 M, Ur.ioy twp, farmer.
W Ks'r mss r.. R.
On ant! after May ls'.n), tratns will
leave the W- Et Peru !.{Ot Pf> lbllow»:
MAIiKLT at o 10 A.M. transl'trs passengers
at Tareutum to Apoll . Aocom. and arrive
in Allegheny at IJ.aiso connects lor Blairs
ville. airiviiis tiitie at U:3O and with trains
east aud west oi main line.
Exi'KL sat .ofiiietts at Junction
with liny i..<pti -s, arriving at Allegheny at
10:12 A. M.
ACCOMOHAT'N at 1 arriving at Alle
gheny at 2.an i oorcects at Junction with
Apollo Aococi. going a t.
AccoMOl'A l' s" at B M. runs through
to Allegheny and arrives there at 4:1(1 P. M
corMifc.s wnh Ki pr. < east arr:vm; at Blairs
vills at <> I'. M, and with tiait s ta-t aud
west oa main lice.
fcx l'lslistj at C: j, at riving at Allegheny at
7:60 I'.M. No <-: ops bi tween Tureutum and
i'ruuis icive Ai!egh,?ii? >r Butler at o:_'0
6:*'. i, S:JO i . I 11 :oo ,v:M, aud at 2:-.~>, 3:15,
and o; I > .» 'o.
Traiu* ntriv -at I>u !er:.t ("> and 10:30
A.M.,ami 1 i|), s:ti.i aud »:">0 P.M.
NoSiindai trains ni Branch.
l'. iz \v. B. i .
(•.,tr f ..>i i. i... t'iK--Oi:e hour fa»t»r
tb to s -hedn :• ti .
I'-.iins i ■ ..... ~.1.1.1 ■ l!ut!tr ct i):C0,
bito, 10:2*1 A in., and 3:50 and tiki P.M.
The .v>.. n.'i l tiaina run
on Sunday. i 1.. ":o5 train connects
with the W.st ot, ly, the 3:50 inns
through to Alii v';auy, iiat ai»o connects at
I'aiicry v :iii i' ig i express, aud the C:3O
connect* lor Alitghouy a.;d alio for a train
running to Zeiienopl
Traina going north leave Butler at ln:'Jo
A.M. - lar ii irtli as Kane au lat 5:15 I*. M.
(as fur norlii ast'iarioa).
Trains arrive in U-ailerln i Allei.l euy A
the West a: i-aj ii: Vi \ 'J, and 5:Cd,
8:10 and S : ■ |>. \[,
Trains trrivc at 15.- e, .. >-. i the North ut
lo A.M. aud P. M
I'lTTSitrßti, SIIKNAXtJ.I l'i I.AKi: UlilKlt.lt
Corrected to la.-t liir.e.
trains loitvu Butler i-o Greeuvillo at 5:40
and 10:10 a. m. au ' I: >3 p. m.
I rains tin I', v. VV. i! -pel in Al-
UY at 7 :■'>') . la. «r,.l tbe
X\ HSL I't'o ll iivp.it ii[ >■: i) u, in. ami ":t*>
p.tu. Loiiin ,t at Batbr with trains Noitb
on t is ro td.
I rani -.rriva at oali?r trom Gree uville at
10: i:> a.in. ninl ■!:&> u. i tj:2s p.ui ; all ol
which e>in< • .i.i. Ho- P. Ji XV. to A
ny '1 li; • ,lll: e XVcut IVtill.
1 rttJ--ive'H i; <r i* at 7: '"> a.in 12:30
and l: i'J p.m. it l»r Hath r,and Hie 5
I iu. ti •! i i . D. • i'i <-'• ut liraoeh
•on fo> illlil•!it.
Ni'.Sumtaj I#e.IIS. I'*-- ; i with llok
els wiil i. ■ i . i ,ii that
iasves I in: I'. .V J ; »t 1., . p. HI. hut
not n i tin- utiler ft : i' irii '
tin i: a. 1.1. t:.ua •J • ii ll'-H ,-r eonueits
Ut ' noil V 'lll i: ~..s i.l ie 1,, .s. & .XI. .S.,
urr vmg al ' ' vfi.-'nt to. la a. i i , t I.ieago
!':I0 ji. ni., I.i li: ,s.i in , lliillam 2.15 p.
in., und ut Mercer with XX. N. V. iV i'.,
arriving at Ni *' t a.it!e at 'i: i ■ it. in
The I<>. > . t. 111. t.:«'u fr*.tu l» x.lcr coi.i.tcli
at Merer AI'II irt . -II W. N. Y. St !*.,
urriviiii/r nt » . «• k 1 at f« in. and Oil
City at HI ; , . ; I M iii with
the N. V.l'. .O. s i e-.t vi !♦-, .#. k » n town,
Ij.llfalo, < lii- IM .A ! .-»• '• •• "; SLSU :it
i )*gfH)d lor Oil Ct f v
The 4:.'>■< p. ui. Irftiu com.* v UT .Nl r<!« r lor
New L aa11« , ati'i ar ,i • uu » • t
and bharoti.
iul \ r KUY.
AM()b i lALii,pro.
At Bram hton STATION Billiard Junction
of ihcl'.S. A 1. 1,. K. it. — Only 8 mile*
to MUM -Mile, : rule- to I uhevillu.fi
mile* to llmri villi . UN.ilislo Cualtown
Meal at all L.otirs, LODGING* and liverv
JAM KS u;i;s, Frop'r.
New fui lie. I.'.i- till i (.a mid lirst
class aiH'Oin modal ions. I.ivery.
Xi'i 'li : - <; M i,n mil. llutler, I'll.
[iTEHiiiijii.il fIOIIL.
hh>. 88 »n<l LO, S. Main St.,
\« ar Ni vv ( ; ? ifi»« lortiif i •
fin'., ' •»• I icfM»mt»o l lor tr;ivcl« vs.
LIOTHL rmin -*F» I
I ITKNMI I l i lt a I l !l;OU>, lYiip'Wa
R.% N. MT KKANS R., T»" Vl.lilt. I'A.
»: ;..T EII IF I R*. open all night.
lireaklaal I 'EEATA.
IHuni i .
MIIP|T< r '."I ivnta.
I,'t'lj lnK :i.l eenla,
Willard Hotel
W. 11. RKIIIINC, Frop'r
I 41.1.1 >44 IN I'lIN Ml ll»>i.
—Ailycrtino in TH ' FH'IIIM.
Administrators and Executor* of estates
can fwivirp their rowijit book* at the CiTl-
ZKX office.
Executor's Notice.
, Ej-TATK oi JOHN W. Bwsik)*, Db> "D
I.et'ers teMan.eti'ary on ti-«* ettote of John
W. Braniou, (K' i. i»t«' ">f t\>:i aoquene-«i> /
T*p.. Batler Co., Pa., having been «r*niei'
t.» the nndtrtizri.d, (ill |>er-ot» kuo*ifir
theiUM-'lves indett"! I" Slid e-tate will
pious* make immediate | aymeut ami any
haviogcli!'H> »K» 't - 1 estate will P'e-snt
ihtm du!v utbrni'it: ! I»»r -etllcuei, t
\V. I>. Brandon, ' Coru'. i;ur P. O ,
att'y. 1 Butler County Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
In the Mtta're.xuut <f A. 11. l>Jim executor
of Jacob lit M. .sr., dee'tl.
O. C. No 2, IXC. T.. 1 «>.
Having bees appealed awl'tor i i • ~i . ■
entitled case. to tua..e dtsutbitloa CI l' 1 .
bii 'am* Jn hunt'-of aroouir.aiit to ami ..uinnv
an\ exceptions t«>.it ..i&y t <• CVd t'lereio, lit it' •
ii fieroby given that I » It attend to t te <l'J »•>
or s.'nl appoldu.ient at «n\ ■ rtt-e Xo. 11; K.
Jef. arson m.. Eutler, Pa.. oa Tuesday, ucu i. at
to A. M.. i.t w : eii piii -o and time all p. riles in
terested -re r.Yi'!e:..e'i to attend it t.iey see
pn.pi r. lit A Mej LN . Audu'tr.
Notice in Divorce.
Margaret Wildtr t-y her j In tlic Court of t' -t»j
--ne.-.t Irteud Samuel .Mil- , a. u I'll -u* ol Itu.l-
Icr v.-,. t/liu-. t . W • -li t. ' i outi'v, A !>.. No.
' June T.. I^oo.
To (lias. C. Wilder and at I uliotu It may con
1 >vi> sabpt nas In t'ie above e.is- lia\ ii-;j Iwn
returtieit N. K. 1., you. the MI 1 t'Uar'e* •
Wilder, above de'eiuliiiit. are Uri I y rviiolr»".l
in apj ear in tne'-aid Court nt Couini n l lea*,
to te held at Butter. IV.. i M vi.... IV Is'
tx j. bctt«B the first day i t next 'i-rtu OT sai l
Court, to answer the said eoiup'utnl and suuw
cau.if. It any you have, why a tl'voa-e should
iiot be granted the sau Maigarot wilder.
Ot'V lit c. Itviitr, SiieritT.
Notice in Divorce.
Marv E. Whittnore by | In the Court of com
ln r ii. Xt ft lend S. II inou I'lea.t of l'.ui'er
l.aiin rr ■ . John C. ' aunty, A. I>.. No. :i.
Willi triore. Juue I. t-.'.a.
To J 'UnC. NVhilit'ore and ill whom Ii may
i ,vo suuin 1 las le Hi. aliove t a-e having been
r. luri.l.l N. h. I >. n. the aid .fo'iiu C \.ult
more. above dP/en«»ui, are hereby leoulit'd to
api>err in Ilie nalil < ourt of liuninoa f.ees. io
u- held at liui'er, I'a.. on Moudav, the tsi ■!*>
oi .tee' 'n*ier. Is'.o.tielni; the is! day ot next teii i
of said coert. to answer tin said complaiut
and show cause, if tiny jnu hive, v.hy a d.vort"
BkooU not be inntaa UM bald Mais K. \. ilt
mo re. (JUVKR c. iti.Dic, »:ii mi.
N < )TICE.
Xottce is hereby ptven that the stock
holders of the Eutler Lauk will uieet
in the rooms of said Bank, S. Main St.,
Butler I'a., on Saturday, Dec. 20, 1890, at
10 o'clock a. in., to vote for or against the
propositi n to renew and extend the char
ter coi porate rights and franchises of said
Eutler Saving.'; Bank. By onlcr of the
Board. J. L. PURVIS, Pies.
\V. V. STEIN, Sec.
W. 1). Brandon, att'y.
Libel in Divorce.
B.irt ara 11' Kay. liv her i In the Court, of com
next, irtend Casltner ; mon I'leu.s of Hutler
Wise vs. TUO*. McKay t 0., A. 1 >.. No. 14.
J March T., lS'jo.
Sept. l. l-se, on nmtion. Waller 1., tiraliam.
K- \t as apptdnted by the Court t:i tako fe!*tl- :
niouy In the ease. To all panics in Interest .
take ntdiee ; I will lak ' the testlmouy of ivlt
ic-ses under th>- a'oove appoinlimmt at my |
o!i; eon I'rldav. the t'.ith di. of September,ls: j i
on part of llbelan'. at 10 ot io< k a. ni.
W ALTi.tt 1.. (.ItAHAM. Co.MUl'r. ,
Sept. J. 1
Estato of Dawson Wadsworth,
Li it. i« ttsli tut utury on the tstale ol lUv.-
Bou Wadiworlh, deceased, late of slippery
rock townf-liip, Butler county, I'a., having
beeu Rrnntnl to the uuderaigued, all j.«r»vtts
knowing tlictiiselves indebted to said tslate
will please make imuiediate paymeut, and
any having claims B,:ninst stiil i state will
prt-t ut them duly aullienticated lor M ltic
iaeut. l)AW>K>s C. WAIISWOKI h, !
lIKSItIETTA WADsWORrII, | r - xr4 '
Keisl. r I'. 0., Butler o juu'y, I'a
Dissoiution Notice.
Notice '.a lu rcliy given thai the partnership
lien tofore cxisiln r net .v.-en A. 1.. Knox mal
W. Hartley, under the ll.hi nuue- of Iturtley a
KihiX. doing luHiners at I'i 'rolia, .Vlllei-s:own
ana other piaeiw, v. us lis-,'lved by mutual eon
sent On the luth of Anrl'. IKii. The aeeounts of
ilieilrmwlil be seitied bj O. W. Hartley a'
l'eirolia. A. 1.. KNOX.
ti. W. lUHJT.
Estate of Simon Barnhart, Sr.,
I,tilers <if adniini trntiou havitig born
granted to the I on the c-t tie el
Simon Batnhart, Sr., dee'd, late ol Donegal
T»p„ Butler Co., ell pertou- knovmgj
themselves indebted to «nid e ,late « ill please
make immediate pay meut, ai d any having
claims «KaiiiSt taid cH;tin will present the in
dui/ authenticated tor M tllement.
P. 8. BAKKHABI', Adm'r,
I l.'arnhnrt's '(ills I'. 0.,
i Butler t'o., I'a. I
TRK.VSfKV Dl.l'.VU I t K". T, )
XVAsntsiiTos, D. C., .1 iiiy M>, isyo. >
WIIKBK VS, Hy satisfactory evidence pre
sented to tiio undersigned, it has been
mode to appear that ''The Itutler County
National Dank of IJutler," in the llorougn
of Buricr. in the Com ty of Duller and
.state of l'eiiii vlvnuiii, litis complied with
nil the provisions of the statutes ol the
I,'nitcd States, required to he complied
with before nu aosociation shall be author
ized to cnmuience the busine.-s ol bunking;
! -Now, therefore I. Kdnard S I.aeey,
Oouinlroller <>i' the Ci.rreney, do heieliy
certify that ' The iiutler County National
Hank of Bntler," in the Borough of llutler,
in the County ol" Butler and State of l'enn
nylrnnia, is authorial d to comiuencn the
liutiiness of Banking as provided in Si i tion
Kifty-ono hundred ami sivty nine of the
ttcvired Statutes of tho I'nited States.
lu testimony win reof w inter my hand
and HO.:I of oil. e this l'Jih day - of July,
L«K.\L] 10. S. I,ACKV,
Couiptr ilier of the < urrcncr.
No 4,:j7».
Notlc c.
j The Sunset Carlion Companj, heretofore
I . oi;.po cil ol ih.' uadcrsijtned, I;. W. Martin
I ami William Falconer, is di-solveil. All
| ;lei sons indebted to mid partnership arc
noli tied to nay the same to \V. 0. Tlnnnp
. mi, KH<[., Keeeivcr, Butler, l'a., and those
having claims aguiust them will present
the same to him. 1.. MARTIN, .111.
Executors' Notice.
Wilr.ul \ ,1. ;ti i of aditiii.'.striileiu have
tit •11 (irauixl t.i she uudt-rMU'iitrd on the
cot-tie ot - S. W. Sbiimoti, ol' t r.iniclin r«r|>.,
Itoliir I <•., I'.i , #ll I'crs'iui knO'. tlivni
■ elvc* lodebteil t.i mi.l will please
ma'., c riiiin-iliate imyiiient, anil any It A via*'
• luiiui n.'ninsl tanl cstat.: will prcaent them
itnlT mitheiitieate I for «ettlenient.
t l'ro»|H*i t, l'a.
(.Jolts I". KM-SON,
I'tt i utom.
Kstato ol Georgo lirowii, acc'd,
I I.ATI 1: ill' Co.NOult'o I «•!»., 1.1 Tl 111 Co., I'A.
!<"tkra t«': tamrnlsry on the al«>ve estate I
haviu.* Is-cn gruuli I the uuihi all
lei iknow in ; themnelvca indehte Jto sai l
s: tie will | lease nnvke immediate |i»jtucnl,
aod any liavißjf elnim* *c*lnvt ftid
wi II prt M nt Uiem lor aettlcment.
M." Kl A J. Bitowx, Kx'*,
Circi -e City, llutler t 0,, l'.i,
til o. W. I'M I i uu, Atl'y.
lixctutor's Nullco.
(IMAII ■ i J. P. LONM, n>< 'n, I.ATI t»i ;
I HA KM IS TWI'„ mil I lift)., I'A.
Uetters t. . su.i<ntary on the a hove named
oatalehaving licen Rri.tiled to the uinlentlfßed,
all p. rsoits kit •» inv; thtm ■ Ivea ii.delited lo It
will |l' toe i ake imtitetlinlu imyint it, end
any clalnia t>)*i«iu<t it will pr< '''til
litem I'ifr H'ttlemeßt.
lit HIT M« llltinr, l'.\ r.
MoCitltdl. ■« I*. <t.
\V. I>, ItiiAMX'N, Atl'y.
1 lotel \ T o<i;clcy
( Nlrtrlly I II > I Cfrt.«.y.)
II FN BV L. BUCK. Pm>r*.
J. U. F.vi nn., Manaj,i r. BuUm, Fa.
> amU
n. , i ..s ,»iw nt a pistt t a i
« . titnl. Hi Hit p|itelu;T !"•'» i
' s N< '• t npn'Ailvtiiti*in« tsmniß
f . . MAMfti
4» »• W CHIiACIQ» (
4*&S&&& «lh
% Regular Monthly Visit
. .viii. "* OF
■ ■ f]R\ <JIS!M % MTSPIU J
ilfii). MUlilll IX 111 bhiihbuJ
". - .. Yif;{ WILL UU OS
■ October 1 trnd 2,
DR. J. J. McCLLLLAN, Speciali,-!
Wonderfully successful in all Chronic Diseases. Diseases ?r
the Eye, Kau Nose, Throat, Lungs and Xa. : Catarrh.
All SYS OPERATIONS Ars SuccessfullyPPr:a r : v.' Cy Thenu
On acc« uht of laving In en A tendant l'hywcian at II.»t B;>rini(g, Df M 'l. ' ' .r failed to t- a
case of l'rivat« disease peculiar to c- UT sex, no matter rf « !.at Liature or of !, . i.
Major J. M. Davidson, ex-Prcs dcnt of the Lawrenco County v vtcSi^v
(irowers' Association, aud a ritiien \vell known ii the county, frt-elv ■v. *
the following te.stinnMiial to tLc tliil ;y of Drs S«lm & McClelfan. i
Major say?: "1 eras greatly frotn a Polypti* and with i i
Piles I bad tried local tn-atmcut t.nd much medtciuc with no t.v . : i
read the advertisement of Drs fcald McClniian and 1 concluded lo ■ * j ■ J jfi; -
tfcem a trial. At their last visit to tl.is city they declared tue cured and iiw A I
difecb urged me. 1 (eel now like » ,v man They did eM-rythiag 'i.\ I ; ''
agreed to and treated me court*-, a.-dy. Tliej il dme a world of guotl *ud •" U*" ." v
relieved me of all aufft-riajr." tf'f'S* ' v
N. iv II'A.. J.,1, 7. 1880.
I i nvc lii u . t r.eiiitg from ]riSiu::iiiv (Sltepl*? IH>S) ~nd piii nl r . .»■ ,£■■■■ ' d
nt rvcus prosmtvicn, d» |t inlt nt ij| i rp.u ;• kr • - 1
vierr-. 111 t'i u<tfv. # i;• k ;L-.t Ivt ■' i.i i.<>: t»E t-ti my fn tf T ,VI i • u;- n :» JJ
bpj » ii " Iwi :o Mr Si'.ni I|. - .;•:»! u* N-:w -V •• k iftjMjjfftm
1 ty, bat wiibout tlw 1 i -.it BJN If «ad«( • are D.-s. Mo y '
Clelian ti Saiip, wI •• vi-it Ni w ( asti.' evet; tour week.*, aud hiu tmv us, I jjjpftj)K.^ 'v, \^.
well as t-vcr. hole ai-d 1 tarty, minus t-li dehet<» ol bea'tb. . J
AJ At UI 1E S. OIUsON, Box 161. V 1" x-'"*
Tfcese are but two of the macy ( utca cfiV<rted by the doctors on their •.'J'"'"'*'
visits here. TLey Lave «»cvetal otLe: testimonials of wonderful cures which }V-':. J
wi" be published later. 7> . "£ rift S alm. Special,,l
M Af>E IHE LAMK WAI K WITIIOI Tl't.'t TCIIKS.-r.Fer rtoht mon'lis p,:st I haven't t*. ii afcl«:• ■.> ; i. .nlr r-l emt lie- Durlnir
flrst montli i ln?utmcnt Ml'it lira, .suim &. Met I. ll:in I liitM'bivn able to j'tit.limn »m; ai tlv • \t , ?. ~ ~ wvl-o it ii I rn
iiitaln I bat I'll lie entirely ruied .soea. Alilniujti uiidi-r treatmaat of bume diMJtura
it;- -J. It. KMERY. W iin> in, I'. .
nKAFMhs/ •'('ATAKI.iI. I I nxe tii :. itntler Irt ntn" M t«r I»rs. s.-i & Mtt It !Ii r, r m nv i.t'. ■ A ul ivurn. - u..l r.., i
mysptl greatly Improvt a».»tar. .Mi;-..t« «ctn. i:. Po" i, r»i-avtr cutinty •' '
\l'l .Nt: 1 Aj.-i > LM:S'II Alt-iritNl O en Mnv l. li rrp. S.I.'UI A ,I. ~1 ti> . ... ,]i „, v ;. v r , wtlluml 11 Or
lews or blood, and ill flay my e.M'.s area* N'ra'iri. ■» aay one a and 1 cau stv ,t t | vn i> i.;;, .•f,';; .' : u i'-t
Want to Know
That Butler county leads in at least (-■>!«•
of the enterprises, and what is still bitter
you like to hear that you have a baud ii
making it lead. We told you before thnt
we are the lurgi t whole - tie dealer* ii
wagons of all kinds, nurries, tarts, har
ness, blanket:*, robes, whips, do., i i t..e
State, but wo want you to listen 'ill w
tell you Komething of tiur retail tra'ii
we want ti thank you for your pat
ronage, and tell you Komothing vim l.t vt
heard 01. lHiring I'ie la- t week we !mv
h;i.l a large torce of men :it work ar.vl eu
larged our buildings, till now wo han
almost 'ten Ihoumtud - |tiare feet e
room all covered with vehicle-
every description. Ml you folk* u . •
I expressed so ranch surprise at tin l>r •
.-lock wo curried, conii' anil moo us uov..
i Wo promise to show you more and
! greater variety of work of all kind.- thai'
! you have ever A our life in one cs
i tahlishnient lor Ufa. Yon ten p&tran
; i>vd liberally in the p • V»
| sold you good work cheap, therefore yo.
j feel good towards us n ,tj wo feel poo 1
: towards you. We want to continue tin
I friendly littsincss rclali.-ui. and also i:i
crease our business still more Therefor
we don't want von to bring your neighbm
j and then have nothing to dhow him, 1"
i don't bo uneasy about this. Wo tell y.
• now that we have a greater variety ol ni
kinds of work than is kept by any ileal.
i between Maine and (.alilorni». Wc
;m. au this. If -on don't aihn.; it al'te.
seeing our stock. v.o will iiekiio. ieif,;
! that we do not know what we are ta!*ii:>
1 about. Did Jon a-!; if we hail r y special
1 new atlractiotisf Why, l.|. sy■ <i. it's w.
! that do keep up with the time .! Dverv
j day we are getting something new, lint
i probably the prettiest lliinr you have
ever Been is the new dahlia color paiuteii
surries It'* something entirely new. U't
hat'e some very line hurries junnted will
it. These are the lirst of the kind eve,
brought in. The painting is so line that
no painter but the inventor hiiu*elf car
match it or mix paint like it. t'ome imp
•II it. It's worth a trip of ."0 miles to Ihow
j who love the beautiful Oh, the price!
Don't you know our motto i.. "Never try li
| got rich oil one eoslnmer, and lover mi.
I lepresent." Ketnetnber tins is Martin
| court A Co.'s motto. Wo are proud of it
It doubles our business each \ ear It
helps our customers to urn two rig where
otherwise they would own bat one, ami
t very customer we gain brings his friends
along the next time. He want every
body to come now and seo us Dun't
you know us! No trim III" to get ae
qua in ted if you want to know ti« as well
us we want to know you, therefcro come
iiuil see us. Wo tri'at eveiybody as w II us
we can. Come, we say, spend an houi
looking through our estalilisbmMit
whether you want to buy or not. XX c
can't tell half what we keep, nor name
prices. ititt remember, we keep every
thing in our line, both the tinest and
cheapest, and tell yo i every time what
yon are getting. In addition to till i; i !
of vehicles lltlll l.Ulliess, we keep b.lggv
vhips, collar pads, hoisting jacks, hal'ers,
bnggy v\ i. hers, whip micke's, lops, cu'b
inns, (lathes, wheels, shaft*, MOIIII Hpi' i »,
lazy backs for all kind- of carts. u\!e
I'l ase, blankets aid r<dies (wo have j'l• t
.rot three tons in), spring single tiees, I.
nets, and everything Come und M''i its. II
ou are on Main street cud want to t.oiue
i "e, s'art down tbe right Inn I sde ol
Cunningham street, between Tiotttliriti ■
new buiJitiug and ileitis .t tiraiieui's im
eery, ui.il fullow the pavement sti ■ glu
own two «i|itnren to our pltt. e. 21(1 West
i uunlngbatn street, where wo pay no rent
nnd h»v a 923,000 iuve-teil in the tuvt wuy
.hat eleven years experience could dictate.
8. It M XHTISCOt KT to,
S. It. MAUi'tN'Cofiir,
P. S. Remember we n I the Kramer
V \ V Itfhl Sali'fcittM t'» ><-11 Our
,l.> I lil'l choicest Nursery i> n
All goods guaranteed lirst ela-s. Cued
olarlcs an.l expen ••'«, or a liberal com
uUsion paid. No experience luces try
Write for tonus, giving age and «•> nre
our choice «>i Tori lion
et 1,. KNUiIIT A CO .
100 I'ark Avenue. Kochester, N V
. —— / ' " 1 I
Sulesmoii W;t lit t'< I
.> laHVt -s (or Iho Mile 1.1 I i.i «I > ft
'inllon* per. i oh ut, Mlar> an*. . \,-en%s nfoin
%t«rt «JI»:- i> Itiint •;«•«! •' f " " e> i
ii .■ lie, i-. Outllt ><• . W»'<- r tern <
Ittttns " W
11. K. IK'IIHI It lit \»i«. IIMI 1
! ml.* it, N. t
Ql- O. t). Mi l» 141.1 L.,
v'tt. im\» lit I .»» »• a - • O. r ..I I ,e ten H I
Hux .VKK W liU-.t 'M. I>. >i k til
, 11* iVimltMi iVli lulUtf Ih 't i \ ttlM, If >« il
;»«» liwiMrtNl v * writ* n I; 1 %«1 »»»
. M\A\
hOK SALi:.
I'arm for nale clunp, 1.0 in n" < mile
piwii tireetivUle. "It j • •-t. line oiclu-id ,
ine 1 neat lon, lined tanl'" two » its
<IW) per acre, Addrei
\v M. UONUi
HOI oikt, (Iti'i ivlili V*
Lv ; LOito&iHoaas.
Now lvadv and slrouino-1 ]u> most com
])lote line oi trimmed ;unl untrimnied
autumn Milliner v. I lat«, bonnet lo<ii ws,
birds, ribbons, feathoi's, etit. We r >
t]i< A reeoo-jiized leaders oY Millineii i?i
1 littler, and hav( k man\ imitators, bu
D. T. I J ii fI,
No.ltS.B Mi'iiu St. 'IT.KI?, I.
Ite for liiys ml (iiik
In I'nn.nry, Jnti'i'uii'tliaiv and Coli<>'i:itP
-linliori, will bi'jtiii wink Oil. I. Tirum
per quHrter of ton wi»ekn, jinjnlilu Ktrictly
in advance,
''BIM.VIIY - - ? 8
Colm< \Tit - - 15
Saturday rln.Mi In Literature and Art !<>r
Yonnj: l.iuli. -; S"i lor the noa on.
A* nuinlwr* are limited, t arty -
lion Hhiml.t lie mudu t->
m ! ;s \rnivK.
Washington iV JiflVoon (N»Hegc,
Tic !*«u *«>ar Imulll* !» I't. IT. fin.- > :tl.
M-lfiitil 1 "' iiii-I l'ri>p,iriil>jry l>, inr'ui i' I >i
Infer i .iH'm <• >n>'nt'iv • f «!»>'} n
iiirji' Kppl) l» I'rot. .1. A'l nl I'll Scltini./ I i
i->r < at.U>".'r I'- 'H" oilier lllf'rm.iM » |« l*.-« n"
i\mm caiuiii.
7.»ili yftir I- ■;in** Ht-pt. Nt, 91.' ,rr«dun s
i: In I""!. S liiftVli' iln i.liliiiil n<i l ii. I
vll 111 >.l DOl. l'\ n.
. \r l'u uliy runiiii ..-I II
l ruilit'.l fi.r 1111-lr rt t 'i' |i 111 ruts. Mil,! . I!
i iniM'li i'.' I'Mvnrniim "iili Vil'Hi •
11. II II 111 I 1.1 It. 11. !> .I i u! t.
a i r.v tn "i. «!x » :
riilKUlirii» on IOU N'HINO
I »-• iti«>i% «%li*l HiiMiig . ruj».'t In
fiiliilu of I r nl.!«♦»»!, .*). »
mid Mnrat I'dwn «? :v> i
»t :n lin> In «'v« r\ • ' 4 t
Muiilc i tfra «■ »' 11 i I rlii • i »
tm for a nr\\ It i'. I V\ U*.
A. J. KKANK V to.
M i.nlt'i Nkjt,
* i< t in UH'Al.s
I \ M N AM» TOII ' T MITIi :
,• • ,I • . . I : .. i. ■
»*•!•, >1 I*ll h» I I'M •it >' '!>fHi'i; <'■
5 S. Mull) Strt'i, Put!«>r, l'u,
Notlco it) Palniet".
l It li tf> «'l «*" «M I Utl» ' \i J :« j
p|\«' IM «i«»r »h*• r Miitin- » . u■«'«• ! ;
tit ItiM.li * f !<» |dM tl ■ I
i ii«lw» ■* U1 li l *< < n
t- M« hnv , r
«VMM 'Milourf'* Vnn'i i
SI'III'VTR « tl'ltlllKN
Snnilitrv 1 'liiiiilhm's
\tttl { Jim I \lU't ,
ntiMHtn I*
•ti'tn r I*i 'v>»
<in« Kixlttlt'w,
(llotn'"« lltlil
\nltiritl <iu* A|)|>liitnoo ,
lolVo! unit Si, ,ti|i|K I«t» w »\\ 11 oUf'O j
i*UTI,KK. I'A.
f Mifflin Street Lively
\V U UUCIIIi, Prop'r.
Oi.e jimrp »•, 1 of M/•'0 i-f 11
AII ».*< nd, »«»fo I i!
Hi '' IMI a C'lrriiii * (« Him t
!<>r tvt ridings and funcr&la. Open
dav rid )' i. 'IVIipIjOQO No 2!.
Hotels and Depots,
W. a. (Jri •i« now runniufr i ■ >
t i t.rrii j ■ ' ?»• 'h.ii the butt > d
fopou oj • < in? ii,
tJuaiv » ieitrtnuahltt. Tulf, t
; N'.V 17 • . .U< VtdifTi* »t I '
! V. it 'lt v.
: (jo«d liivrri in ('oiinrv.i/ i
New L.vory Stiilm*.
;„«w stiuu,
New hi). '.
J—OPfcN 1 V AND NIGH i -
!ii M»* !,(!.; iM-ird.Ml.
PK . • KRAMKR, I'l
iv n st, i?' fci, i
Fall Opening
|v ! i Lutiu *, ChiUlron and GettM
I'll if i; ,11; ..1., ."rat 111(1 ) ,
! O I ' ii-r lii r of Ii lit
u lit , ui I uihU'i ar,
lio-i*?ry, jslovtv, l»oy* nml ,iili
; lift!?* titu) <*»»j .** rwivtliiog
! I»t i i a. (iic!h(»h Kurni lot ?
Stnio »( ill I .* lowest HgUIX'A.
.1 % /i<. • ~(? c till i *ittvy li. h
i, f< r;/ I'urv/iofii'
John i\i. Arthurs
t»;n »MI VAIN ifHl i,u
5 lam tig
; ii uli >i ( iii'< >
I. ii, v ' rvjstfcOt
M i vcVU •>** AN It l>l>A!,|.|i» I t
\ h " OUUC\I !<\l I Vl'
V 1' > U .
iS. 111\ i < Iv\ i,A 'i,
vV >SK\\ KH I Hi.
Hlltlcr, I i.